public NotfttSf. ublic N otild. ANGLESEY EASTER QUARTER SESSIONS, 1876. NOTICE IS HER LBV GIVEN, that the 1-^ next General Quarter Sessions of the peace, for this County, will be holden in the County Hall, at Beaumaris, in and for the stud County, on Tuesday, the 4th day of April, 1876, when the court will open at ten o'olock in the morning precisely. The charge to the grand jury will there be delivered by the chairman, "nd &< court will thereupon proceed to the considerate of the business relating to the assessment, application of the coi-.nty stock, or rate, and all other county business i. open court, pursuant to the Act 15 and 16 Vic., cap. 81, and also any business connected with the Constabulary Police Acta. The oourt will,as soon as the county and police L busi•ness ahflll h-ve been transacted, proceed with the criminal and sivil The cierks to the justices of the several divisions are requested to transit to me, to my office at Beaumaris, ueven days before the sessions, all depositions, returns of fines, convictions, and recognizances, which shall have been there taken, together with instructions for i. dict- mate. M ^ind -JI P?-ons having any demand. upon the county stock, are requested to forward the particuhra thereof in writing, to my oiffce at Beauuiaris, on or before Wedne.. writI 2 -lih day of March inst. day, JOHN LLOYD GRIFFITH, Clerk of the Peace. Beaumaris, 14th day of March, 1876. N.B.—The members of the finance committed are re- quested to attend at the Grand Jury Room, on Saturday, the 1st day of April, 1870, 8.548 CARNARVONSHIRE EASTER QUAliTER SESSIONS, 1876. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the NGeceral Quarter SeMions of the Peace for the County of Carnarvon, will be held at the County Hall in Carnaivon, in and for the said County, on Thursday, the Sixth day of April, 1576, at the hour of Eleven o'clock in the Forenoon, when the Court will receive the report of the Auditing Committee, and wilt proceed to transact the General Business relating to the Assess- meut, Management, and Application of the County and Police Rates, and the Business relating to the Police Force, and such other Business of the said County as the Justices of the Peace are authorised to do, and transact at the Geueral Quarter Sessions of the Peace. The Court will then proceed with the trial of such Appeals as may have been entered. AND NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that all Appellants '\nd Respondents and their Witnesses, and all Persons bound by Recog- nizances in any Civil proceeding, are to appear and be in attendance at Twelve o'clock at Noon, on Thursday, the Sixth day of April, aforesaid. The Court will then be adjourned, to be held at the Couuty Hall in Carnarvon aforesaid, on Friday, the Seventh day of April, 1876, at the hour of Eleveu o'clock in the Forenoon for the despatch of the Criminal Business, at which last-mentioned time and place all Grand and Petty Jurors and all Persons bound by Recognizance to prosecute and give evidence, or surren- der in discharge of their bail are to appear. Dated this 13th day of March, 1876. WILLIAM THEARSBY POOLE, Clerk of the Peace. N.B.—Magistrates' Clerks are requested to forward dep/lsiti"t:18 and Reco¡:nizalJCe8 to the Clerk of the Peace, on or before the Saturday preceding the Sessions. 8543 MERIONET H SHIRE QUARTER SESSIONS. NOTICE IS HEKEKT GIVEN, that the next General Quarter Sessions of the Peace for the County of Merioneth, will be holden on Tuesday, the fourth day of April, 1876, iu the County Hall, Do'gelley, at Eleven o'clock in the forenoon, when the Court wi!l audit all such Uillsand Accounts against the County as t-hall then be delivered, and will transact the business relating to the assessment application and management of the County Stock or Rate, and of the Police Rate, and the General County Business; after which the Court will be adjourned to the following day, to be held at the same place, at Eleven o'clock in the forcuoon, when the Grand and Petty Jurora will be called over, and the Court will proceed to hear and determine all matters brought before tbeto in the follow- ing order:—]. In the trial of prisoners; 2. In the bearing of appeals; 3. In hearing motions, and in the transaction of puch other business as may be brought before the Court. Tbe Clerks to the Justice. of the several Divisions are requested to tranBwit to me, seven days before the sessioua, 011 depositions, convictions, and recognizances which shall have been then taken,with any instructions for indictments which they may be able to give. Dated the 18th day of March, 1876. EDWARD BftEESE, 8584 Clerk of the Peace. THE BANKRUPTCY ACT, 1869. IN THE COUNTY COURT OF CARNARVONSHIRE, HOLDEN AT BANGOR. IN THE MATTER OF PROCEEDINGS for liquidation by anangement or composition with tre(litnis instituted by John Hu^hos, of No. 21, High Street, Rcthcsdii, in the county; of C«rti«uTOD, Joiner and Builder. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN", that a filllt genernl meeting of tho creditor of the above-named person has been snmmolJcd to be held at the Albion Koteh Bangor, in the county of Carnarvon, on the seventh day of April next, at two o'clork in the afternoon precisely. Dated this 23rd day of March, IBW. WM. JONES, of Mella; Bridge, Anglesey, 8622 Solicitor for the debtor. THE BANKRUPTCY ACT, 1869. IN THE COUNTY COITRT OF CARNARVONSHIRE, HOLDEN AT BANGOR. Ix THE MATTER OF A SPECIAL _L RESOLUTION for Liquidation by arrangement of the affairs of (trace Lloyd Jones, of Bettw^yeoed, in the county ot Carnarvon, Chemist and Druggist. The Creditors of the above-named Grace Lloyd Jones, who have iilre.idy proved their debts, are required on I befoi o the ti?t*v of April, 187(t, to seud their names and addresses, and the particulars of thir Debt or Claims to Mes ieurs Koose and I'rie. of 6, North J"h u Slreet, Liverpool, ACCOU..tRut., orin default thereof they will be excluded from the benefit of the Dividend pro posed to be declared. Dated this jth day of March, 116. 8623 JOHN PRICE, Trustee. AT OTJCE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the 1 1 partner,hip heretofore xi.tin between uh, the undone 1, LEWIS LEWIS aud .JOHN GRIFFITH THOMAS, as draper, at London House, Bangor, in the county of Carnarvon, uuder the style or firm of Lewis au I Thoma-, wne ou the first day of February, 1 SVG, dissolved by mutual consent, aud the blls;ne. at Lon- don House, Bangor, aforenaid, from that dat* will he carried 011 by the said JOHlIí GRIFFITH THOMAts alone. (ij/IIBd) I.RWIS LEWIS. (Signed; JOHN G. THOMAS. Witness, Geo. Thomas, of Carnarvon, solicitor. 8633 MALLTRAETH AND CORSDDAUGAU MARSH. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the i Annual Meeting of the Commissioners will be held *ttli« Bull's Head Hotel, Llangefni, on Tuesday, the 11th day of April next, at 12 (/clock, noon. J. RICE ROBFRTS, Clerk to the Commissiners. Beaumuw, 28th March, 1876. 8634 LIEBIG COMPANY'S EXTRACT OF MEAT. Finest Meat-flavouring Stock for Soupa Made Diahes, and Sauce". cautin.-Oeniiiue ONLY with facnioiilie of Baron Liebie's signature across Label. 8S»» IJubUc N otiCd. OWEN JOHN AUGUSTUS FULLER MEYRICK, KSQUIKE, DECEASED. PURSUANT to an Act of Parliament of the 22nd and 23rd Victoria, cap. 35, iutituied "An Act to further amend the Law ot Property, and to re- lieve Trustees," Notice is Hereby Given that all per- sons having any claims or demands upon or against the Estate of Owen John Augustus Fuller Meyrick, late of Bodorgan, in the County of Anglesey, and of Iti, Clif- ford-street", New Bond-street, in the County of Middle- sex, Esquire, deceased (who died on the 12th day of February, 1876, and whose Will was proved by SIr George Elliott Meyrick Tappa Gervis, of Hiut;>u Ad- miral, near Chriatchurch, in the County of Hants, Baronet, the aole Executor therein named, on the 9th day of March, 1876, in the Principal fuJgitry of the Probate Division of Her Majesty's High Court of Jus- tice, are hereby required to aeud iu the particulars of their claims or deruauds to the said Executor at the office of the undersigned, his Solicitors, on or before the 24th day of June, 1876 and Notice is Hereby also Given that after that day the said Executor will pro- ceed to distri oute the aesetsof the said deceased amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to. the claims of which he shall then have had notice, and that he will not be liable for the assets or any part thereof I so distributed to any person of whose debt or claiw he :ho all not then have had notice. Dated this 14th day of March, 1876. G. A. CRAWLEY & ARNOLD, 20, Whitehall Place, Westminster, 8562 Solicitors for the said Executor. PURSUANT to an Order of the Charcory JL Division of the High Court of Justice, made in a cause Chandler and others against Howell, 1875, C. 300. The creditors of ANN PUGHK. late of Craigyden. near Abcrdovey, in the County ot Merioneth, Widow, who died in or about the month of January, 1874, are on or before the 10th day of May, 1876, to send by post pre- paid to Messrs Bolton, Robins, and Husk, of No 1, New Square, Lincoln's Inn, LOIMIOD, the solicitors of the defendant, David Howell, the executor of the said deceased, their christian and surnames, addresses and descriptions; the full particulars of their Claims; a statement of their Accounts and the nature of the Securities (if any) held by them or in default thereof they will be peremptorily excluded from the benefit of the said order. Every Cieditor holding any security is to produce the same before the vice-chancellor, Sir Charles Hall, at his Chambers, situate No. 14, Chancery Lane, Middlesex, on Monday, the 22nd day of May, 1876, at Twelve o'clock at noon, being the time appointed for adjudicating on the Claims. Dated this 24th day of March, 1876. WILLIAM BINNS SMITH, Chief Clerk. BARTON & PEARMAN, 59, Kennington Road, RE, Pla,.tiff'. 86)9 IN THE HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE. CHANCERY DIVISlON- Vice.Chancellor Bacon. IN the Matter of the Settled Estates Act, and of the Act. amending and extending the same, aud of a Freehold Farm and Lands situate at Ty Mawr, in the parish of Pistill, in the County of Carnanon, in the occupation of Mary Thomas, and devised in trust by the Will of Herbert Thomas, late of Ty Mawr aforesaid, Farmer and Shipowner, deceased. NOTICE IS HKKEBY GIVEN, that a Petition in the above-mentioned matters wis on the 21st day of March, 1876, presented to Her Majesty's High Court of Justice to be heard before His Lordship, the Yice- Chancellor Bacon, by Mary Thomas, of Ty Mawr, afore- said, widow, praying that a lease of the stone rock and granite within aud under the above-mentioned land might be ¡;ranted un such terms as the Court might thiuk fit. Anu Notice is also Hereby Given, that the Petitioner may be served with ^iny order of the Court or notice relating to the subject uf the said Petition, at the Office of her Solicitors, Messrs Jones, Blaxlaud, and Son, situate at No. 32, Lincoln's Inn Fields, iu the County of Middlesex. Dated this 28th day of March, 1876. JONES, BL AX LAND, & SON, 32, Lincoln's Inn Fields, Middlesex, 8620 Solicitors to the Petitioner. TOLLS TO BE LET. SHREWSBURY AND HOLYHEAD TURNPIKE I ROAD. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the NToll:i arising at the undermentioned Turnpike Gates and Weighing Machines erected on the said road will be LET BY AUCTION to the highest bidder or bidders, at the respective times and places under- meutioned, viz., oil Tuesday, the 25th day of April next, at twelve o'clock at noon, at the Castle Howl, Bangor, in the County of Carnarvon, will be let by Auction, the tolls of the following gates, which tolls produced, on an average of the last three years, the different sums annexed te each, over and above the expenoe of collecting the same, vi7.. Stanley Gate aud Cae Ceiliog Gate ) 055 0 0 Gwalchmai Gate S £ Naut Gate Ol 0 0 Llan'air Gate Also 011 Wednesday, the 26th day of April next, at twelve o'clock at noon, at Capel Curig Inn, in the County of Carnarvon, WILL BE LET BY AUCTION, the Tolls of the following gates, which Tolls produced, un an average of the last three years, the different sums IIlIuexed to each, over and above the expense of collect- illg the same, viz. Louisa (fate and weighing Machine ) £;;13 II 0 1,. 11.tllr Gate ) Tyn'ylou Gate 105 0 0 Bettws Gate and Hendre Isa Gate 268 0 0 Cernioge Gate ••• ■ • 47 0 0 Druid Gate •• ■■ 1 Corwen Gate, and Ty It-a. Gate and Weigh- > 240 0 0 ing Machine ) Also, on Thursday, the 27th day of April next, at one o'clock, at the Wynnstay Arms Inn, in the towu of Oswestry, in the Couuty of Salop, will be LET BY AUCTION, the Tolls of the following Gates, which To is produced, ou an average of the last Miree years, the different suins annexed to each, over and arove the "xpen,c uf e,)llecting the same, i. Llangollen Gate £ 84 0 0 Whitehurst Gate and Belmont Gate lli3 0 0 Lhvyii Gate 395 ;) 0 Queen's Head Gate and Gallows Tree Bank I-Gate Wo!MicadGate ••• 30900 Shelton Gate and Montford Bridge Gate 1 Anti will be put up b' auction, to be let for one YU\r from the 1.?t day of June next, under such covenants and conditions as shall be then declared. Each intend- ing bidder will be required to send in the names and addrcwcs of his two sureties to Mr Haywood fourteen days before the day of letting which, if not satisfactory, his, her, or their bidding will not be taken, and whoever happens to be the highest bidder or bidders must, with their approved sureties, covenant for the due payment of the rent by monthly in-talments, aud also for the perfontiHUce of such covenants aud conditions as shall be declared at the time of Auction. on: -Intending bidders for theBe Tolls must, at tlw commencement of cach letting, place in the hands of Mr Haywood the sum of tifty pounds each as a guar- autee of good faith and security for the due perform- ance of all the conditions of the letting, to be returned to each uot beiug the highest bidder. But the said sum of fifty pUllnd8 so deposited by the highest bidder shall 1* reatined by the said Mr Haywood until after the completion of the leases. And in the event of any takcr or takers failing to complete Ruch lease or leases, the said sum or sum. of fifty pounds to be .bsolutely forfeited to the Commissioners. JOSEPH HAYWOOD, Clerk to the COlUmi8ioerH. Upper Bangor, March 14th, 1876. A PUBLIC DEMONSTATION will be held at Harlech, in Easter week, in honour of 1/ord Harlech, 00 the occasion of his firit visit to Gljru Hull, Since bia elevation to the Peerage. Farther particulars will shortly appear. Subocriptinns towards the rejoicings, Ac., are respectfully molicited,atid may be psid to L. H. THOMAS, Esq., Caerffynoo, Talsarnau. NATIONAL & PROVINCIAL BANK, Portmadoc. NOUTH & SOUTH WALES BANK, Fortodoc. 8522 DubUc Noticto. TOLLS TO BE LET. POETMADOC AND BRAVER POOL BRIDGE TURNPIKE ROADS. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Tolls arising at the under-mentioned Gates, on the said Roads, will be LET BY AUCTION, at the Elen's Castle Hotel, Dolwyddelan, in the county of Carnarvon, on Friday, the 28th day of April, 1876, between the hours of One and Two in the Afternoon, in the manner directed by the Act passed in the third and fourth years of the reign of his late Majesty King George the Fourth, For Regulating Turnpike Roads," which Tolls produced last year the different sums an- nexed to each, viz. Beaver Pool Bridge Gate X570 Tyddyn Gwyn Gate £125 Over and above the expense of collecting the same, and will be let for one year, from the 1st day of May next. Each person at his first biddinga-ill be required to deliver in writing the names of bis securities., and if the same are not satisfactory his bidding will not. be taken, and whoever happens to be highest bidder will be re- quired to give security with sufficient sureties for the due payment of the rent by monthly instalments, and also for the performance of such conditions as Bhall be declared at the time of the auction. JOHN R. GRIFFITH, Clerk to the Trustees. Llanrwst, 21st March, 1876. 8594 TOLLS TO BE LET. PENMACHNO TURNPIKE ROAD. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the NTolls arising at the undermentioned Gate, on the said road, will be LET BY AUCTION, at the Ellen's Castle Hotel, Dolwyddelan, in the county of Carnarvon, on Friday, the 28th day of April, 1876, between the hours of One and Two in the Afternoon, in the manner directed by the Act passed in the third and fourth years of the reign of his late Majesty King George the Fourth, "For Regulating Turnpike Roads," which Tolls pro- duced on an average for the last three years the sums annexed thereto, viz :— Penmachno Gate £130 Over and above the expense of collecting the same, and will be let for one year, from the 13th of May next. Each person at his first bidding will be required to deliver in writing the names of his sureties, and if the same are not satisfactory his bidding will not be taken; and whoever happens to be highest bidder will be re- quired to give security with sufficient sureties for the due payment of the rent by monthly instalments, and also for the performance of such conditions as shall be declared at the time of the auction. JOHN R. GRIFFITH, Clerk to the Trustees. Llanrwst, 21st March, 1876. 8595 FESTINIOG RAILWAY. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the NFestini(?g Rai!w?ty Company propose the following Bye-law. for approval by the Board of Trade :— BYE-LAWS AS TO GUNPOWDER AND OTHER EXPLOSIVES. 1. No Gunpowder or other Explosives will be received at the Company's stations, wharves, or sidings, or any part of their premises without three clear days' notice from the Consignor. 2. No Guupowder. nitro-glycerine, dynamite, gun- cotton, gun-cotton charges for blasting, and all kinds of fuses, cartridges, and other explosives, will be received by the Company at their stations, wluirves, or sidings, or on auy part of their premises, unless such gunpowder is properly stowed in barrels, and loaded in fireproof truck., and locked; and other explosive properly packed in boxes 01' enses, which shall have brands jr labels attached describing the nature of the contents of such fireproof trucks, barrels, packages, or cases. 3. No gunpowder will be conveyed by the Company, excepting in fireproof carriages properly constructed for the purpose, and in gOOlI repair and order. 4. No truck or carriage for gunpowder will be received for conveyance by the Company from the Consignor packed with any other explosive articles or Rubstances beides gunpowder; and no gunpowder will be conveyed or transmitted by the Company excepting at the furthest end from the engine of a mineral train. 5. No gunpowder or other explosives will be received by the Company for conveyance excepting hctween the hours of 7 and 12 a.m., and no gunpowder or other ex- plosives will be received by the Company for conveyance up their line to quarry inclines, excepting at the station of Portmadoc and Tunnel Junction, or for conveyance down the railway except at the Tunnel Junction (ex- plosives other than guupowder may, however, bereceive,1 at the Minfonl and Peurhyn Stations), and no greater quantity of gunpowder than two tons will be conveyed in any one truck or c,?rii?ge by the Company, and no nnl"die :c:n'k¡;,g:f bn;hegu' ont¡} explosives will be permitted upon the Company's line, or any part of the Cumpany's premises. 6. No gunpowuer or other explosives conveyed by the Company i?ball be permitted to remain on the premises of the Company beyond two hours after a note or letter shall have been given, as notice to the Consignee of the arrival of same. 7. Copies of the authenticated bye-hws shall be pub- lished and printed ou boards at every station on the Company's line. S. That the Company's agents or servants, and all other pel-sons 011 the railway of the Company, must dHly enforce and observe these bye-laws of the said Company, which are intended for the protection of the servauts of tbe said railway, and of all persons using the railway or premises under the control of the Company. 9. The penalties for any breach of these hre-laws shall be graduated in such manner as shall be deemed just according to the gravity of the offence, and according ss it may be,—a first., second, or subsequent otfnce,-not eTceeding Twenty Pounds for each offence, and Ten Pounù. for each day during which tbe offence continues, and forfeiture of all or any part of the gunpowder Or other explosives in respect of which the breach of the byelaw has taken placo. i lhc above bye-laws are subject to revision by the Board of Trade. Given under fhp Common Sea! of the Festiniog Hailway Company, the 9Lh day of November, 1875. 8 I n"ring one o,,1end,, month from the ,hte of Ulis noti-e auyobjectio?s to the pn>jK"e,! Bye-laws may be forwonJcd to the A..i-taut Se"retary (Railway Department), Boad of 'ri?<:e" Whitehall-gardeus, S.W: GEO. A. HUDDART, Diiector of the Festiniog Railway Company. C. E. SPOON Elt, Secretary to the Festininfc Railway Company. Witness to the signatures of George Augustus Huddart and Charles Easton Spooner, DAVID PRICHARD, Clerk to Mr Spooner. I, DAVID PRICHARD, of Hrithywernydd, in the parish of Llaufihangelytraethau, iu the county of Merioneth, Engineer's Cle'k, make oath and say as follows 1. I am a clerk in the selvice ofCh.rles E.ston Spooner of PortmaJoc, i u the county of I'aitin 1 von, civil engineer, aud seurttiuy of the FcstiniogRailw.y Company. 2. I wa, prcseut on the 4th day "f Fel. uilry, 1870, and did see George Augustus Hudd irt, one of the directors of the said Festiniog Railway Company, and the said Charles Easton Spooner, respectively «ign the Copy of the Hye laws of the said Railway Company, hereto mmexad, and the signatures "Geo. A. Hd¡Jart ..d C. & 81-.e,, res p ectively wiitteo at the fmt of l: i' b';e i:ICh:C;:Ir 'i:t:'lii;I fh f?id George Augustus Hudd?t )md Charles E?ton Spooner, icspcctivolvt .pooner.teepe DAVID PRICHARD. Sworn atPnvtmndoo, in the county of Carnarvon, this 4th day of Fcbruury, 1876, before me, THO. JONES, A Commissioner to administer oaths in the 8582 Supreme Court of Judicature. A FORTUNE FOR A TRIFLE, £ 20,000 FOR £1. DULL PARTICULARS of this most ad. vantageous money speculation, guaranteed by Government, will be sent Free on application, eneloBiDIt » temped directed envelope, to John Foster, E*qM 8 Craig's Court. Charing Crow, London, S. W. 8473 I ønúUc Nottut. -+- BANGOR AND NORTH WALES BENEFIT BUILDING SOCIETY. ESTABLISHED, 1872; INCORPORATED, 1874. President: DB. RICHARD3, Bangor. Managing Director: JOHN LLOYD. JUNK, Old Bank, Bangor. Subscribed Capital £ 30.300 Nuiubvof Shares issued 3832 Number of Members enlolled 655 "'WI declared i. Mb, ¥ £ M SH1LUKOS per Share. ah<<'wBMMuh, TM)M up by mm3thly oe='?s'h Two ShiUing* Bud Sixpence (with accumuh,tive intere't) ic Six years. JVLVA TEMBEltS holding Shares for Three Y fars and upwards, are eutitled to participate in the Bonus, which is declared every third year. ADVANCES. Members may obtain advances without delay ou Free- hold or Leasehold Property, for any period not exceeding 20 years, upon most advantageous terns, repayable by monthly. quarterly, or half yearly instalments. Scale of Monthly Repayments for every 2100 advanced 4 years 8 years 12 years. 15 years. < II. d. £ s. d. £ d. £ s. d. 2 7 0 1 5 10 0 18 10 0 16 1 As compared with the scale of a well known London Society: 9 9 2 11 8 2 X I 5 0 18 11 The Mortgages may be redeemed at any time. The usual charges for advances have, in this Society, been considerably reduced. t, 1- t t Further particulars may he obtained on application to the Managing Director, The Monthly Meetings for the payment of Sube(jiip tions, ite., are held on the Second Monday in each month at tho Bangor National Schoo 1. Offices .Plaillwyt". Terrace, Bangor. 8088-411 A LIST OF DONATIONS TOWARDS FRIARS SCHOOL LIBRARY FUND. Mrs Bashall, Plas Led wig 5 0 0 One of the Friars boys 2 ? 0 The Rev. P. C. Ellis, Llaafairfechan 1 1 0 The Rev. R. P. Jamea, Upper Bangor 1 1 0 The Veil. Archdeacon Evana ••• 1 0 0 The Rev. E. T- Watts, H.M. 10 0 E. Roberts, Esq., H.M.I. 10 I) The Rev. Canon FIli. 0-10 0 Sirs Roberts, Caelleppa 0 5 0 83 LLEYN AC EIFIONYDD FARMING SOCIETY. THE SHOW of Eutire HORSES in con- nection with the above society will be held at Pwllheli, on the 1st of May next, when premiums will be offered as follows, viz. For allowing the best Agricultural Stallion, B12 Second best £6 Ditto suitable for saddle or harness, C7 Second best £3 T" Priw Stallion& will be required to travel the diatt't'. daring the MHMu, from Tremadoc to S*™ i:r:: th:t:ile f:nu;[e::oCllt owlit'eÏi on the 7th September next. ep e<n r nex OWEN JONES, Secretary. Hall Plaoe, Pwllheli. 17th March, 1876. ANGLESEY AND CARNARVONBRIIIE AGRICULTURAL SJCIETY. A PRIZE of £ 10 for the bM.; STALLION calculated for husbandry will be awarded at the Llangfni Fair, on the 8th day of May next. Also a PRIZE of JEtO for the best STALLION calculated to produce Roadsters, Hunters or Carriage Horses. The Prize HorseR will lie required to serve every alternate week on Market Days, at Llangefui for Anglesey, and -Bungor or Carnarvon for Carnarvonshire. Entries to be made on or before 28th April next, to the Secretary, JOHN LLOYD, JUNR., 8103-427 Bangor. CONTRACTS FOR MILITIA FORCES. BREAD AND MEAT. rpENDERS will be received at the under- JL mentioned Officc, until Twelve o'clock nomr, on Fridny, the 7th day of April, 1876, for the supply of BREAD and MEAT to the following Militia Regiment: Anglesey, at Beaumaris, during the period of training, commencing on or about the 17th April, 1876. fortes of Tender and Conditions of Contract, and all further information, can be obtained oil application in person, or by letter, between the hours of ten and four. Oommisst Office, Manchester, 24th March, 1S76. 8630 EBENEZER CHAPEL, BANGOlt. NEW LECTURE ROOM, VESTRY ROO.'f, AND ROOM FOR HEATING APPARATUS. TENDERS are inviit d ior the above. Plans Iiild specification may be seen at 39, Victoria Stet, Upper Fangor. Tenders to be sent to the Rfv. D. Stephen Pavies, 4. Brvnteg Terrace, Bangor, not later than 4 V. on the 18th ef April, 1876. DAVID WILLIAMS, 8615 Architect. TENDERS are required for the erection of a R-c'ory at Trofortb, Abergele, North Wales. Plais and S¡,ecifie3tinns may be seen at the National School House. Trwfarth, on, and after ton(ay, 3rd April. Bills of quantities may be had fr -m the uruhi- t: Mr John Hill, 30. Old J".ry, Londen, E.C. 86.37 8637 SALE AT HARLECH. ON ACCOUNT OF WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. ON Monday 3rd April at nonn BY AUC- TION. OIL CAKE about 3,000 BAGS, All Faults. ex-Turkestan ftom New York. For further particulars apply to Giptaia Stark, ITar- lech or to N. Rundell, junr., Salvage Association, 19a, Kxohauge, Livflrp<>ol. 8610 PERMANENT PASTURES, &c. JAMES DICKSON ad SONS can, with every confidence, recommend their Mix tures oi Grasses and Clovers for Permanent Pastures, R tation, Cropping, &e., composed of the best soeds, and made up with the greatest poanible c'lre "to suit all soils and situations," and very auiple seedings per acre given. Prioeil descriptive catalogue, post free. 108, Eastgate-street, Chester. SELECT TURNIP AND MANGEL SEEDS. IAME3 DICKSON and SONS can, with every confidence, recommend their Mangel and Turnip Seeds aa being of very superior quality, and will be bappy to ..d their descripti vc priced catalogne of .and of all other Farm Seeds, l?4 free on appli- n. name, C h ester- 8 6 ) 2 308, Eastgnte-street, Chester- 8612 STEAM COMMUNICATION BKTWKEN LIVERPOOL AND THE MENAI STRAITS. rpHE Steamer Bee will load Goods Jk for I'angor and the Menai Bridge once a week at 11." west side of Trafalgar-dock Lock Liverp jol. For fl1ttbr p..r' iculars aud rates of freight" apply to Messrs It. Evans ItLd Sons, Menai Bridge; or to Messrs R. and D. Jones, 28 Bnuswiek-street, Liverpool 8803-4H Jfttbltr Notify WOMEN'S SUFFRAGE. 1 PUBLIC MEETING to discuss the /i question of extending the Parlia.?.t.,yF..?hi,;e and Women Householders, will be held at the PENRHYN HALL, BANGOR, ON TUESDAY, APRIL 4TH, 1876. Aqdresses by MISS STURGE AND MISS BEEDY, of the National Society for Women's Suffrage; and by local Gentlemen. The Chair will le taken at Eight p.m., by CAPTAIN VERNEY, R.N., Supported by the Venerable Archdeacon Evans; Canon Ellis; Canon Walters; Culouel Vincent Williams; ReM. Daniel Evans, John Pryce, Daniel Rowland", J. Bedolfe, D. S, Davies, Hugh Roberta, Ishmael Evans, H Lynch, Lewis Lloyd, R. J, James, Charles Davies, Wm. Jones, John Williams; Dr. Ellis Messrs John Price, Wm. Pugh, J. H. A. Ha,lJ, W. C. Davies, John Davics, Thos. Lewis, George James, and others. Admission Free Reserved Seats. Is. Tickets to be had at the door and at the Chronicle Office. 8609 gcftolagttc. FRIARS SCHOOL, BANGOR. Chairman of the Governing Body THE LORD BISHOP OF BANGOR. Head Master REV. LEWIS LLOYD, M.A., Jesus College, Oxford Assistant Masters MR W. H. POOLE, B.A., Exhibitioner of Magdalen College, Oxford, (lIt Class in Natural Science). MR J. IDDON, B.A., Scholar of Sidney College, Cambridge, (12th Wrangler.) MR ALFRED F. WINTER., B A., Scholar of Pem- broke College Oxford, (1st class in Classical Moder- ations.) HERR GSCHWIND, (German and French). MR FLOWERDAY (Wiiting and Drawing.) MR. W. MARTIN, London University (Eoglish). THE School is conducted on the principle of Tthe large Public Schools. The Course of Education includes Greek and Latin, Mathematics, Natural Science, English, Book-keeping, Modern Lan- guages, Drawing, Painting, and Vocal Music. Boys are prepared for the Universities, the Civil Service, the Law anu Medical, and the Oxford and Cambridge Local Examinations. A Modem Side will soon be established, in which Mathematics, English, Book-keeping, and Modern Lan- guages will be the main subjects of instruction. TERMS:— Boys in the Senior Department, £10 a year. „ „ Junior Do. £ 8 No extra charge is made for either Drawing, or German, or French. The above fees include payment for every Bubject taught in the School. The School is situated outside the town, and is sur- rounded by Cricket and Football Grounds, with a Tennis Court. Four large Class Rooma and two Lavatories have been added to the old bnildiugs. Boarders are received in the Head Master's House. Applkationlfor admission and for further particulars to be addressed to the Head Muter, Friars School House, Bangor. 5847 THE PREPARATORY SCHOOL TO FRIARS, 2 FRIARS TERRACE, HIGH STREET, BANGOR. PRINCIPAL—MB J. E. FLOWERDAY (Late one of the Assistant-Masters at Friars.) rTIHIS School aims at providing for a limited I number of Young Gentlemen a high-clua Edaca- tion upon the Public School Principle on such terms dS are moderate, 80 far as is consistent with thorough effi- ciency, the leading feature being special preparation for Friars, or any similar school, which by virtue of a thorough method of teaching, is equivalent in all re- spects to private tuition. Rafereuce may bit made to the Rev. D. Lewis Lloyd, M.A., Head Master of Friars Grammar Schooi, Bangor. For term., inC., apply to the Principal. 11002 THORNCLIFFE HOUSE, CHESTER. RESULT OF THE CHRISTMAS EXAMINATIONS FOR 1875:- COLLEGE OF PRVCFITORS: Six pupils were successful, aud two obtained Special Certificates for Music and Geography. CAMBHIDOE LOCAL Three passed the Seuior Examinations, one in Honours. Principal—Mrs R. L. DEW. Two Vacancies at Faster-number limited to 20. 8525 F ERN BANK SCHOOL, CONWAY, FOR YOUNG LADIKS. L?dy Principal, Mm 1, ElIeray da\1. aMisteJ by Kesident Governesses and Tutoti-??4iom St. Oswald's College Rtatf. Torms indu.on-e!and moderate. MISS SMI Ill's SCHOOL (temporarily at), 302, Hwh-street, Bangor. The eusuing quartr will begiu April 5th. 7558 RUTHIN GRAMMAR SCHOOL. HEAD MASTER THE REV. W. H. MILLS, M.A., Late Scholar of Pembroke College, Cambridge. rrII \HIS School possesses six Exhibitions, of t the average annual value of X25, tenable for Two entmnce Howe-Scholarships, XI 0, open three Collgo at the to boyr under fourteen. Kext term begiW! May 10th. 8597 _n_)ftOkl'. BANGOR, NORTH WALES. THF, PENRHYN ARMS HOTEL. C. BIOXNELL, PBOPBIETOB.. An 18 TROUT FISHING and SEA BATT-IING THE BEST IN NORTH WALES. Apply to the Proprietor, Maelog Lake liotel. Ty-aom Anglesey.. 1876. YOUNG TOXOPHLLITE ANt> CARADOG Will Serve Mares this Season AT PEHRHYN CASTLE STABLES. YOUNG TOXOPHnATE, by Toxophilite, out of the Drakes, (litu by Phirrhllll the first, out of Miss Whip, by the Provost. Young Toiojihilite, u dark brown Bone, with great bone and good action, and his stock are very promising. Thoronuh-bred Mar", 10 guineas Half-bred, X3, Farmers' Mares, X2; tenants, £ 1. CARADOG, by Oaractanus, (Winner of the Derby,) out of Clara Webster, by Gaineboy. Caracticus by Kingston out of Defenceless, by Defence; Clara We bater vat of Bami?haw, own sister to ^Cloth- worker, and the dn In of Ben Webster and looline: winners of Cheater and Goodwood CUIII. Csiadog stauds 14 bads 3 inches high, with superior action, and hia stock are good loeklng abd have sold at high prices. I Will serve ponies not exceeding 14 hand* high, at £1 each; farmers'pooies, 1 Os. All applications to be made to Mr Fickardl Stud Grow, romhyn castlo. 423-8591 33ugtncgg 1mOunctm(ntø. THE COMMERCIAL PLATE GLASS COMPANY, 78 and 79. FLEET STREET, LONDON, E.C., LOOKING GLASS MANUFACTURERS, CARVERS, GILDERS, PICTURE FRAME MAKERS, DECORATORS, &c., ESTABLISUED UPWARDS OF 100 YEARS, EXHIBITORS OF THE IMMENSE PLATES AT THE EXHIBITION OF 1851, FOR WØlcø A PRIHK MBDAL WAS AWABBKD, INVITEthe inspection of eir new and varied -L Stock of Chimney Glasses, Cornices, Pier and CoDsole Tables, Girandoles, Whatnots, Fancy Tables, Toilet Glasses, &0. A constant succession of the newest designs at prices unequalled by any house in the trade! FRAMES MADE TO ANY DESIGN In any kind of Wood, Gilt or otherwise. CARKFDL AND PROMPT ATTENTION TO ALL ORDERS. REGILDING, RESILYERING, by Patent Process. OIL PAINTINGS SOLD ON COMMISSION. A HANDSOMELY ORNAMENTKB RICHLY GILT OR EBONIZED AND GOLD FRAME. Rebate Size. • OuUide Measurement. Price £ a. d. 50 by 40 61 by 52 4 15 0 55 44 67 „ 58 6 15 0 60 ,? 48 72 „ 64 8 8 0 60, GILT CORNICES, from 34 per foot. A FEW SECOND HAND GLASSES IN STOCK AT GRKATLY REDCCKD PBICKS. Estimates and Illustrated Catalogues forwarded upon application. Country Purchasers are informed the Insurance of their Goods can be effected (against all risks) at the rate of 6d for X25, Is for J:50, and 2s for XIOO in value. 8527 SPRING NOVELTIES.  BECKETT & 00., Eastgate Row, J Ch??t??, beg to announce that they are noJ showing the latest PARISIAN NOVEL- TIES i. MILLINERY, MANTLES, JACKETS, COSTUMES, POLONAISES, ic. Also, a large and varied assortment of NEW GOODS iu every department, comprising many f'peeilÙitie8 in DRESS & COSTUME FABRICS, WASHING MATERIALS, ic. Spccial attention is invited to their stock of BLACK LYONS SILKS, At the lowest prices ever known, PATTERNS POST FREE. SPRING FASHIONS. In Millinery, Mantles, and Coitanies. BROWN, HOLMES, & co. JL) respectfully announce they will make their first display of faahions for th< Spring season on Wednesday, the 1st of March. and following da A variety of New Dress Fabrics have been made for them, among which the following are highly reconmicuded MVSuRE CHAPE, JEDDO DAMASSE. CEYLON BEGE, BEOE PAKISIENNE, CBtPE DAMASSE, UMBALLA TWEED. and a large assortment of New Washing Mate- rials, printed Foulardincs aud Cambrics. SILK DEPARTMENT. Their Stock of Black and Coloured Silks (of guaranteed make) is the largest they have ever shown, beiug well assorted with every Novelty in design and shade, at much lower rates than for mauy years put. Patterns and estimates sent by post. SILK MERCERS TO THE QUELE, AND H R.H. THE PRINCESS OF WALES. CHicaTEit, March, 1876, 23, IRONMONGER LANE, LONDON. (THE OLD HOUSe.) JOHNSTON'S COHtf FLOUR IS Tllb BEST. "QUITE FREE FROM ADUMBRATION."—Lancet. ¡ "IS DECIDEDLY SUPERIOR."—LANUL. I have examined Johnston's Corn Flour and find it perfectly pure an d most excellent ill quality. When boiled with milk it affords complete nourishment for Children and Persons of weak digestion." CHARLES A. OAMEBOS, M.D., F.R.C.S.I., Professor of Chemistry. Royal College of Surgeons, Dublin. ♦ —————————— STAUNTON'S MINERAL WATERS, HOLY HEAD. E H- J. STAUNTON begs to inform the • Public generally that he has established a Mineral Water Manufactory iu this Town. He supplies ALL KINDS OF BEVERAGES usual in the trade, of a quality hiUlerto ?surp?ime(L The very b"t and plU est tnedb\kIÍ;: the water is excellent in liky, being btaiel fr.. the celebrated spiinj; called FFYN- NON Y WRACH, at the foot of Holyhea<! mountain. The patronage obtained during the last twelve mouths speaks volumes for the excellence and purity of his pro- ductions. Tte corkure all branded "Staunton's, Haly- head," and tue labels bear the trade mark. None other are genuine. While learning Ms sincere thanks for favours already received, Mr f>tauntonsoli ,iti a ooutinuanofe of the same, and shall be happy to give the promptest atteutiou to all orders. MANURE AGENCY. mHOMAS FARMER AND COMPANY, (Established 1778.) DPNSTKR HOUSE; MARK LANE. LONDON, E.C. Manufacturers of BONE MANURES, SUPERPHOSPHATES, AND CHEMICAL GUANOS, civite applications from Merchant Firms for Wholesale Agoncies in unrepresented districts. A GUARANTEE OF ANALYSIS is given with these Mannres and their EFFICIENT FERTILIZING POWER has been abundantly proved by the PRIZE CROPS which have resulted from their use. 8348 ROBERT LEWIS, BILL POSTER AND DISTRIBUTOR, MARKET HALL, AND PUBLIC BOOMS DOLGELLEY. Member of the United Kingdom Bill Postui a' Association 891 EMPLOYMENT everywhere. 13 weekly: EWe MW wish to eupp M MtiTe energetic man in every town to canvass for our ex- traordinary novelties, adapted to .11 elaesen Immense •jcoeet. Rare opportunity. No risk,—Address, W. N. Smni and Cp., 127, Strand, LnieFk JiJusineø nnøunCtnttntJ. MR. EDWARD W. KEATINGE, •SURGEON DENTIST. CYNVAL VILLAS, KINWIEL STREET, RHYL. ATTZNDANCE AT 11, HIGH STREET, DENBIGH, EVEIIY WEDNESDAY. ATTENDANCE AT RUTHIN, EVERY THUD TUESDAY M THE HOOTB (FAIR DAY), AT LONDON HOUSE, ST. PETER'S SQOAUE. Teeth extracted under the influence of Nitross Oxide Rai. 7226 RICHARD CONWAY, PLUMBER, &c., CHURCH WALKS, LLANDUDNO, PUMPS, BATHS,, HOT WATER APPARATUS, RANGES, CLOSETS, &c., FITTED AND REPAIRED. NOTICE. CARNARVON DXE WORKS. SHOP AT TY'NYCEI, CASTLE WALLS. ilk. Cotton, and Woollen Fabrics, Cleaned and Dyed Cheaper than any other Dye House. CHINTZ Cleaned and Glazed, Damask and v Woollen cleaned or dyed any colour; Gentlemen » Cloths oleaued or dyed, and pressed equal to new. Dresses dyed and cleaned without taking to pieces; Feathers, Gloves, Kid Boots, and Animuls' Skins cleaned or dyed. All work returned within a week Feathers cleaned or dyed. If brought on Tuesdays, within four days. Attendance at Bangor, Beaumaris, and Menai Bridge, every Monday. 454 A. J. ALEXANDER, Manager. PURE AERATED WATERS ELLIS'S RUTHIN WATERS. CRYSTAL SPRINGS. Soda, Potass, Seltzer. Lemonade Lithia, and for GOUT, Lithia and Potau. CORKS BRANDED R. ELLIS & SON, RUTHIN," and every label bears their trade mark. Sold everywhere, and Wholesale of R. ELLIS AND SON, Ruthin, North Wales. 2370 CAUTIUN.-Sorite of our Customers having I informed us that Messrs Ebimaon Brothers, who until recently were in our employ, have made statement* to them to the effect that there nas been a dissolution of our Firm, that their mother had been interested in eur properties aoroad. and that they were in part carrying on our business, we beg to caution all our Customers ag.uMt these statements, which we hereby dec'?re to be loWly untrue, Messrs Ehrmann have never been interested in car business, except as our mtvaritzi; and their mother ban never been connected therewith, nor had any interest therein. NASSAUER BROTHERS. Wine Merchants, &c., of Meyence, and 1, Gresham Buildings, E.C. Insurautr Jlolicrl. ONE MILLION STERLING Has been Paid as Compensation for DEATH AND INJURIES Caused by ACCIDENTS OF ALL KINDS by the RAILWAY PASSENGERS' ASSURANCE COMPANY, RON. A. KINNAIRD, M.P., Chairman. PAID UP CAPITAL & RESERVE FUND, £ 180,000. ANNUAL INCOME, £ 200,000. BOI, US ALLOWED TO INSURKKS OF FIVE TKABS' STAUDMO. Apply to the Clerks at the Railway Stations, the Local Agent*, or <54, CORNHILLAND 10, REGENT STILEET, LOXDUH WILUAM J. VIAN, Seer eta J. AOEMT FOR BANGOR MR. T. JACKSON. RAILWAY STATION. 8293 GULT FIRE OFFICE, LONDON. ESTABLISHED 1710. HEXBY F. SHAW LEFKVRK, Esq., Chairman & Treasurer. FRAHCIS B, RKLTOS, Epq, Secretary. Total sum insured in 1874, E243,766,591 Claims paid during the last ten years. upwards of Two MILLIONS STKHLING- All information respecting Fire Insurances may be obtained from any of the uudei mentioned Agents of the S? AGENTS. Aberystwyth ?-'?.n Hughes & Son A??Mr T W Stcaley Altri6chmn-:Messrs, J. and H. Dean Bangor—Mr Henry Harri- son Barmouth-Mr D W Scott Beaumaris-Mr E. R. Tho- mas. Birkenhead — Mr Richard Ackerley Brvntirion (near Ba!)-Mr jorwerth Jones Carnarvon—-Mr H. Morris Conway—Mr Wm. Hughes Ohe.ter-)Iessl". Bowers Brothers Crewe-Mr Wilmot Eard- Denbigh—Mr J. H. Jones Dolgefiy—Mr T. P. Jones Parry FUntr- Mr Hugh Parry Frodsham—Mr Peter Ilar- rop Holyhead—Mr Rd. Parry Holywell—Mr Rbt. Thomas Knutsford—Miss M. Dakin Llanrwst — Mr Hugh !Robett Tbonl(<8 Lhngefni—Mr W. Tbo.. Llaufyllin—MrW. A. I'ugh Llall!:oUen-Ir T. Jonc. Llanidloes—Mr B .Rowland Macclesfield—MrG. E. Lai lemand Malpa8-[r Josh. Cooke Mold — Messrs. Kelly, Keene, and Roper Middlewich—Mr John H. Cooke Nantwieh-r Th. Bower, junior Newtown-MrW .F. Thomas Northwicli—Mr Thos. Cal- iper Rb.yA-er-Mr T. P. Hum- phreys Rbyl-31, W. E. Smalley Runcorn (Cheshire) Mr J. W. Lightburn it Mi J. Newcombe San <1 bach—Mr John, Stringer St. Aaaph-lli J. Joiifs Tregaron—Mr John Lev, is Treinadoc—Mr R. I. Joueg Welshpool-Mr D. Wall Whitchurch—Mr R. Pinr- Wrexham—Mr John Lev/is, solicitor Wellverhaln-Z,[rJ. S. D.,le Winsford-Mr Jehn Co"ke tkiJ4 THE ROYAL EXCHANGE ASSURANCE CORPORATION. For Fire, Life, an d Marine Assurance, And for Annnities. Fog'li:' rÖ.¡.1t\¡:efi; :i; First, and conSrmed by Special Act,? of Parliameut. Offl. in the Royal Exchange, London, Branch, 29, Pall Mnll. PERSONS assured with this Corporation incur no liabilitins of partnership. ayment of their claims is secured by a larse invested Capital SUx-k. They enjoy the advantages of modern practice, with the stability of an office which has been tested by the ex perience of nearly a Century and a half. Table. d the premiums an,1 of the Bonus in the I.ire Bepartment, may be obtained at the offices of the C.HO poratien, or from its Agents in the principal towuu of the United Kingdom. 3 JOHN A. HIGHAM, Actuary and Secretary. ATLAS ASSURANCE CompAN1, v CBEAPSIDE, LONDON. ESTABLISHED 1808. FIRE AND LIFE. Capital One Million Two Hundred Thousand Pounds, Agent/or Bangor: MR. WILLIAM PUGE, National Provincial Bank, Of wheai Tables of Rates, For.. of Proposal, and anr information needful to effect Life and Fire Assurance way be obtained. )}wB.Mlio. of the Government Duty.—From and after Midsummer, 1869, all Fire Assuraacea are eeØl" from the pftynent of Government Duty. 6 <