Detailed Lists, Results and Guides
PLAIN WORDS FOE PLAIN JCEN- [BY A WORKINOMIN.J CARNARVONSHIRE GUARDIANS "SELL- ING" THE RATEPAYERS. To the ratepayers of the parishes, of Bangor, LUn degai, Llinliechid, Aber, and IJanfairfechao, I wish to point out the abuse of power indulged i* by the Anglesey Guardians who represent twenty parishes in that county as against five in Carnar- vonshire at tbe first meeting of the "new guardians" held on Friday last, the 4th inst., at the Workhouse, Bangor. But first I will point out that after certain formalitiea the late chairman, an Anglesey man, was proposed and seconded to fill tha office of chairman to the Board. Colonel Savage objected to "life appointments and proposed that Colonel Sackville Weat should be elected chairman. Thia was seoonded by the Mayor of Bangor (Dr. R, Langtord Jones), who thought it was desirable that, a new chairman should be eleoted. This was put by the chairman to the vote, when the numbers in favour of Colonel West totalled seventeen (17). The member: o! the Board then voted for Mr Hugh Tb iioa .11. late chairman, and he WM duly etscr-ed | ee: civiug twenty-three votes (23/, vidfl Wales Ciironicit. It 4 betx-necessary to mention that at such, else" tfom tUt-te are certain rules of courtesy which ace invariably adhered to. 1 mean betweoa the two oaldidates, !or the otfice. Instead of ibeir voting f a4 themselves, it jR usual ;or "ach candidate to vott) J.i-f the orlier. This (Jo.'onel Wetr, did. He voted for Mr Hugh Xbomas, as of oourse might only bave been expected, but, I soy, bat, that gen- tie manly feeling and actum was wo rtipQClji8J" by Mr 11 igl. Thmtuxi. Mr Thomas in. returu aid not vote fot Coionei Sackville West. I want ;jy wcrkingrnuu friends to undtiataud this, land to bvc iL 11, '0'; u:1. T {, d lac ago to the fact that on the very first ocoaeion possible, the Anglesey gang would turn up in loroe, and by sheer foroe of voting power would keep their men to the tront, with the only object of electing a man- who would nOL buitate one moment in hwpositioll. 1I0Il chairman, to use all means at his disposal to defer action being taken for the separation of the. Anglesey and Carnarvonshire parisu^s at-tlie uion. It iaab come to pass. WE SHALL HAVJI: SEPABAIIOS AM, TIiII. SAMS. But whether we in Carnarvonshire are outvoted or not the sepasation will take place, and the Con-, servative element on the Board belonging to tbe latter county should leave no stone unturned to bring abont that most desired of all objects in the present time. A RADICAL JOB. Now for the election of the vice-chairman zf the New Board. Dr. Roberts, of Menai Bridge, led off by proposing an outsider, a rank outsider, to fill tbe post. He proposed Mr John Evan Roberts, of Ban- gor,wbofouad all easy seconder in. Mr W. ISuwards, of Glasinfryn. Mr E. A. YOIlDg. very oonsiderately and very properly proposed Mr Robert Roberts. It ocourred to that gentleman that Mr Robert Roberts,as vioe-ohairman of the old Board, as one of the oldest Guardians, and as one who had taken such a deep interest in the welfare of. the Board for so many years, was decidedly a fit person to be eleoted vice-chairman of the present Board. Colonel Sackville West seconded Mr Young's proposition, aud on tile voting Mr Robert Roberts was deleated by two votas oast in favour of Mr John Evan Roberts. I sincerely wish Mr J. E.. Roberts joy over his new appointment. The ways of Radicalism are many and various. It is not many years since that this gentleman (Mr John Etna Roberts, of Bangor), enueavoured at all election In one of the wards in Bangor to repreient directly the electors of that ward .on the County Council, But the eleotors rejected him. The tleo- tors would have none of him. They preferred the services of a known and proved man in the person of Dr. H. Grey Edwards. Mr John Evan RobeitS was beaten at the poll, rcjtated by the people., But note his reward, l'be Radical waipjiv of thA County Council elected him an aldtrmau of thai. body. Now, sir, everybody knows .tbat Mr Jabu Evan. Roberts tned to repitsent the ratepayers of the, City of Baugor on the £ Ww Beard of Guardianø., This time he was not confined in his tndeavourj to, the limits of one ward in the city. No, be tad the whole town to draw opoo, and one would really; have thought that so popular a man would have been returned by the votes of the ratepayers.. But no, the electors of the w&oie ol Bangor rejected Jhim«- Again the electors would have noue ot. him,. and again I ask yoar readers to note his reward. I PBINCIPLPjj Nor PARSONS. LEt it be clearly understood that I do not egeak- in any eeose personally of Mr JohnE," but 1 s^jeaa ot Mr John Evan Roberts as v public, man as a man who has more than once tried to get a seat 011 public bodies as a representative at,tha people, I speak of him as one whp has more, than once been rejected by the ratepayers at tha. ballot boxes, I speak of him as a mau who has more tbaa once reaped bis reward against tOtl wishes olthosahe boped to represent by being loistedinto tvana higher position than the one he endeavoured to attain, and I say that this, last leap from the spring board of the Anglesey majority into the yioe chair ot the new iloard ol Guardians sgaiLnst.tbe wrabe&olthe people of Ba,,gor, in < jit not likely to hafor- gotten. Mr J. Evan Roberta' position therefore is noi one to be envied, firstly be WM rejecied* by tha rate- payers for the County Counqil, and. tor snjfering I defeat was made au alderman. Secondly, he suffered defeat tpr a seat onihe Roardot GmAidians, and was brought in out ot tbe oold, and. made vice- chairman. TaB H0U8^„0? P0RC3-. The subsidised Radioal Member eiPaxliaaaent is constantly .telling us that the day is gone when the coontry ie 100 be governed by aug, others, than tbe y, other& than the direct represent an ves of. tbe peoj^le,. the wioeof the people, i.e., the House of. CpwraGLa. That that is their great principle,, tbe principle, if we are to believe all they eay, [an £ wen according to the political wtsthec^oockiaoi- 01: Lord Roôebery], upon -4ich they stskg. thfic political existenoe, Workingmen, tbe next tijae. jou bear this bigh-, sounding rhetoric, ask if. they know Bangor, and., refer them to Mr J. Evan Roberts, twice rejeoted oi. the people, and he will be able, to tell tbem how the. vaice of the people, is respected in Bangor aad Carnarvonshire. The House of Lords, working-, men, which is.strotigor to-day than ever, contains men who baveserveo in the House of Commons, Oiiots of State.. Artsy, S»T> Militia, Yeomanry., Volunteers, Judges ang eminent Lawyers, Colonial Governors in the Piplowatic EWrvies, Civil Ss^vioe^ &o., &c, Yet we were, told only short time agQo that the Route, of Lord, was to be abolished, ended. Ob what pbigh,oll tine the young Radicals we» to bave whea the upper bouse was abolishtd.. à. leading member of ttia pr6sent Governmantt says that its members ace sons of their fatbau." and that that is the only claim they bave to. sit 'aii legislate.te.. POSIES FOR TH. DOWNBBS. Mav I.Mk some kind Radical—Mr L&$d George if he will-to remove the perpli-Jit.iea" and solve tbe problem in the followini- fact. The number of peers sitting in tha.*oua» of Losds in 1893 was 575 How eomes it that they are merely Softs of their Fathers" when since 1830 the nnxnhar of new peers made up to date is 336 Of this 336,why did the Tory; 5-arty only make 119 Whilst the" Down with the torda* Party made 21? Why did Mr Gladstone wh».commenced this struggle make more peers tUaa any other minister during the past boiulred years or so- namely, at least 63, Why did Mr Gladstone ffber his speeoh in March,1894, immediately, add to the number of peer sone of whom is fagier-ia-law to his sou, and that only for private purposes 2 How is it that in this, doomed chamber the namber of peen holding office under Mr OW. atone was 21 How is it that they have a peer now aa Prima Minister, and the namjtor in the Government increased to (I think) 2-5 Do the Raclioals know that only..41 voted for the Home Rule Bill. Do tbey ow tbat the number, v ia ;— 43 who voted against it were created by the G.0.1C. Do they know that the Bill was defeated in the House of Lords by a majority ot. 2 without a single Tory vote.

Salesby Messrs W.Dew & Son saeL!!D¡ Sal of Freehold Property. MEll?SR; W PEW & BON will OF?ER FOR BALK BY PUBLIC AUCTION (by order oft the? Kt?c?or ?t t?< late Mrs ANN WtH.?MS), at the CiMWN HOUL, rwtMKU. on WKDNKHDAi,, FSBBDAMV tittJ, at TWO oolock, those FKKliUOLl) PREMISES, baing No. 41, HIGU-EITREET, Prllheii, lately used as a Draper's Ship Fuil trticuisyf. in t at ate lavnrtiseuitinte, or any further information my be obtained 01 Messrs Pitawk-N, Bos'. »:id CANDLKS, -jolioitors, 26, Bsuvene-nvrti^t. Kleei-s'wel, London, E.C. or of the AUCTIONKIBS, Weiltead, Bangor. UJlEj MESSRS W. DEW & SON beg to state ttat duridg the early part of this beason they had several applications for Shootings, they invite those who have SHOOTINGS TO LET. to forward parti- oulars of same in good time eo that they can be placed before any enqoig«». 11319L Sales by Mr Geo. F. Felton. CBAIGXDON, LLANDUDNO. An increasingly favourite Looality within easy dis- tance ot tbe Railway Station, and near to the Viotona Palaoe and Gardens (Riviere's concerts). MR GEORGE F. FELTON WILL SELL BY J)1 AUCTION at the MARINE HOTEL. LL\N- DUDNO, on FRIDAY, JANUARY 25th, 1895, at 7.30 in the Evening, the following Valuable Freehold and Leasehold Properties LOT I.-No. 1, OCEAN VIEW TERRACE, ,gpo.,te tbe Clarence Memorial Churoh. Freehold. .d..i.. t45 &I rent. A-o.dtion: Entrance Hall, 3 Sitting-rooms, 7 Bedrooms, Batb; W. C., Kitchen, and domestio offices. LOT 2.-No. 12, CRAIGYDON PARADE, faoing the Esplanade and Llandudno Bay. Accommodation: Entrance Hall, 3 Sitting-rooms, 9 Bedrooms, House- keeper's Room, Kitchen, and range of officee. The Site con, inti 630 square yards, with ample spaoa for another Residenoe or Stabling to front to Victoria street. Tenure Leasehold for 75 years renewable, commencing 1867. Ground Rent, £ 615s. Vacant possession, or the option of taking to Superior Furniture at valuation. Apply to Messrs CBAKBIBLAIN and JOHNSON, Solicitors, or GKOHOK F. FELTON, Anctioneer and Surveyor, Llandudno. 11343fwb2l9 Sales by Mr F. A. Dew. PRELIMINARY ANNOUNCEMENT. RHOS-ON-THE-SEA. Important announcement of the Sale of the Valu- '*b)e *° BUILDING ESTATE adjoining the approaches to the new Rhos Pier, consisting of upwards of 40 ACRES of Freehold Building Land, ripe for development vvitha long sea frontage of half-a-miie. MR F. A. DE W haa received instructions from JM. the Direotors of Rhos-ou-tbe-Sea Pier and Land Company to SELL the above by AUCTION in FEBRUARY NEXT (without in tbo meantime an acceptable offer is made by private treaty) in lots to suit Builders and Speculators. Farther information may be obtained from, and offers made, to the Seoretary to the Company, FOANCIS NUNN, Esq., Solicitor, Colwyn Bay or to Mr F. A. DIIW, Llewelyn Chambers, Colwyn Bay, Auctioneer and Land Agent, at whose offices a plan of the estate may be inspected. Dated Llewelyn Chambers, Colwyn Bay, 12th December, 1894. 1125ir Sales by Messrs Lucas & Co LUCAS'S EIGHTH NORTH WALES PRIZE Jj HORSE SALE (i30 in oash prizes), at their Bepoaitory, Wrexham, commencing THURSDAY, February 21tt., at 11.30. Note 29 6d only charged if unsold. Kntry forms,prize lists,and ali particulars from Lucas & Co., Repository, Hotham-street, Liverpool. 11303L A. E. BICKNELL Begs to announce that he has taken out an Auctioneer's Licence, AND is prepared personally to conduot SALES A BY AUCTION (or Privately), of every description of Property to LET and COLLECT RENTS ot Houses and Land, &c., and hopes, by Striot Attention, Moderate Charges, and Quick Settlements to merit a share of publio patronage. Any commands, therefore, that may he entrusted to him shall have his utmost oaie and attention. 1, Plasllwyd-terraoe, Bangor, January 4th, 1895. 11324r GRIFFITH DAVIES, BILLPOSTER AND DISTRIBUTOR, 23, Union Street, BANGOR. THE BEST, LARGEST, AND THE MOST Prominent Posting Stations IN the City and Distriot. Can guarantee satis- J. faction. All work entraeted to him is oarefuily and promptly exeeuted. Reasonable charges Please aotethe name and a ddress. 15696r JOHN JULIAS AND no, BILLPOSTERS, 16, GAOL-STREET, PWLLHELI. TMTtMOtitAL YROM E. H. BOBTOCK'S OlUND HENiQIBII. To Mr J. miss. July, 1893. This is to certify that upon my recent visit to Pwllheli, my Posters were thoroughly and well displayed ce Mr Elias' stations, which I cam state he gave eur respective firms the greatest satisfao- oioa, and also can recommend him to be the Irost energetic hand at the brnsh either North or South Wates. E. GARNER, 10053a Bostock's Agent. ])A Y SON HE WITT'S "ORIGINAL" AND CELEBRATED Lambing and Calving Remedies. The Chemical Extract. For Anointing after Calving and Lambing. For Heaving aud Straining and Preventing urangrene. For all Sores, Wou, s, and SwoUen Udders. For 8,.1 sins, and Rheumatism. Price 2s 6i, 3s fid, and 7s per Bottle. The Gaseous Fluid. Cures Paining in Bad Calving and Lambing. Cures Low Condition, lability, and Hoven. Cures Colic, Scour, Spasms, aud Diarrhoea. Cures Cough., Cold", and Loss of Appetite. Trice Is 9d per Bottle 208 per doz. Box. The Bed Drench. For Clearaing after Lambicg and Calving. For Hide Bound, lied Wattr, and Yellows. For Chills, Fevers, ond Loss of Cud. For Preventing Milk Fever, Quarter-ill, &c. Triee 3s 6djoer dozen (Eu,eA), 13sper dozen (Cows). Gaseodyne. For Severe Diarrhoea, Dysentery, and Influenza. For severe Paius in Cow. and Ewe. during Parturition. For Inflammatory Colic and Lung Disorders. For lulling Pain, to be used as Laudanum. Price 3s 6d per Bottle. Special LAMBING and CALVING CHESTS for every disorder, £3 Sa and Ll 10s. Carriage paid. Treatise on Bearing of Calves and "Lambing and Calving Disor- der," gratis and post free. ROY AL ANIMAL MEDICINE MANUFACTORY, 22, Dorset Street, London, W. ESTABLISHED OVEB 60 YEARS. 1138JI Sales by Mr John Pritchard LLANJfAIR P.G. SMITHFIELD. IMPORTANT TO BUTCHERS, DEALERS. AND OTHERS. MR JOHN PRITCHARD begs to anuounoe that iVi he will hold his first SALE of FAT STOCK at the abive Burnt HSIJ< (in a field adjoining the j Batchers' Arms Ind), on MONDAY, jAWAiit 14tb, 1895, commenciug nt 12.30 p.m. prompt, aud will oomprise 24 GRAND PRIME FAT 3 YEARS OLD BULLOCKS, Heifers and Cows, Three Fat Bulls, also several bnad 01 Shropshire Shearling Yi'etUars and Wether Lambs. Bodhyfryd, Bangor. 11295s CONWAY. Under a Distraint for Rent, and by the instructions of Mr C. H. LEWIS, the Proprietor. IMPORTANT TO GROCERS, PRIVATE FAMILIES, AND OTHERS. 1\0 JOHN PRITCHARD has peremptory M instructions to BELL BY PUBLIC AUCTION, on the PBSBISBS, HIQH-SIBEET, CONWAY, on TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 15th and 16th, 1895, at ELEVEN a.m. prompt each day, the whole ot the CHOICE TOCK OF A GROCER AND ITALIAN WAREHOUSEMAN. The Stock-in-trade of superior Wines and Spirits, Lime Joioe, and Liebig's Beef Wine, Utensils in Trade, Shop Fixtures and Counters, Show Cases, Platform Weighing Maohine, a FOtlr-yphon Bottl- ing Machine, Bottle Washing Mfechine, Corking Machine, about Forty Gross Pl%n Ale and Porter Bottles, Two-wheel Float equal to new, Blaee I Cistern, together with the whole of the excellent and useful HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. The Stock-in-Trade will he Bold on TUESDAY. I Terms:-Caah at fall of the hammer; Bodhyfryd, Bangor. 11347F5225 NIXON & JARVIS EXECUTE WORK IN ALL THE FOLLOWING Letterpress Printing Copperplate Printing Lithographic Printing Relief Stamping Illuminating Account Book Manufacturing Picture Framing -:AT:- BANK PLACE, BANGOR, Where a very Heavy Stock of Well-seleoted PAPERS is always kept, 10446jw Cymru Lân /|\ Gwtaa y Gan. THE NORTH WALES 1 USIC COK.P ANY, I J.MIT.IDD. CASTLE HILL, BANGOR;; 9, BRIDGE STREET, CARNARVON THE LARGEST MUSIC AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS ESTABLISHMENT IN NORTH WALES PIANOS BY BROADWOOD AND SON'S, OOLI,ARD AND OOLLARD IBACH A SON, JUSTIN BROWN RALPH ALLISON BORD, &0., 4c. ORGANS BY MASON & HAMLIN, BELL & CO. ESTEY ORGAN CO. HARMONIUMS BY ALEXANDRE. DEBAIN G. L. BAUER, Ao., Ac. Instruments by the above and several other makers offered at the Lowest Possible Prioes for Cash, or on the Hire Purohase System. PIANOS FBOM 10s PER MONTH. ORGANS Psom 6a PER MONTH. HARMONIUMS TBOM 58 PER MONTH ORGANS and HARMONIUMS for CHURCHES, CHAPELS, and SCHOOLS SUPPLIED at TRADE PRICES. THE NORTH WALES MUSIC Co., LTD., is the Only Establishment in North Wales that Keeps Thorough Practical, Trustworthy, and Reliable Toners and Repairers. Contracts for Timings in all Parts ot tbe Country, also a Chnroh Pipe Organ Tuner kept. Violins, Guitars, Ihnjos, and all kinds of Small Instruments always in Stock. Sheet Music, English and Welsh, in great Variety. Colleges and Private Schools supplied with Paroels. HE NORTH WALES MUSIC COMPANY, LIMITED, BANGOR AND CARNARVON. 821m E. D. WILLIAMS. R.A.M., Manager. RORSES, CATTLE, DOGS. N0 STABLE is COMPLETE WITHOUT JjlLLIMAN'S "BOTAL" E MBROCATION E LLIMAN'S E LLIMAN'S E LLIMAN'S E LLIMA N'S E LLIMAN'S E LLIBIAN'S E LLIMANIS E LLIMAN'S E LLIMAN'S E LLIMAN'S E LLIMAN'S E LLIMAN'S E LLIMAN'S E LLIMAN'B E LLIMAN'S E LLIMAN'S E LLIMAN'S E LLIMAN'S E LLIMAN'S E LLIMAN'S E LLIMAN'S JjjtLLIMAN'S E LLIMAN'S E LLIMAN'S "BOYAI." gMBROCATlON FOR SPRAINS and CURBS, SPLINTS when FORMING, SPRUNG SINEWS, CAPPED HOCKS, OVERREACHES, BRUISES and CUTS, BROKEN KNEES, SORE SHOULDERR, SORE THROATS. SORE BACKS, &c. SPRAINS, CUTS, BRUISES in DOGS, CRAMP IN BIRDS. REMARKS. I think. it very useful. RUTLAND, lisswr of Beivoir Hounds." I consider h indispet??ble in any stable, but especially ,n the ::gt:'Ofb:f:I'{¡eJe 11 HADDINUTON, Master of ?.rwickBhireHound&" EUiman's Royal Embrocation is used in my tbl?., and I find it tlröklass, whether for horse or hounds. Ea. E. BARCLAY, Master of Mr Edward Barclays Beaglos." From WM, J. BUCKLEY, Esq., Master of Carmarthenshire Fox- hounds. I have much pleasure in recom- mending your Royal Embro- :rolgllaokp in my Btablcs and konnols. My farm bailiff has also found it of much value among my herd. Wx, J. BUCKLKY," Tandem Stables, Evanston, •• U.S.A., April 6th, 1890. It Is with great pleasure I cer- tify to the quality of your Embro. cation. I have used it with success when other romedies failed, and I am never without It. R. J. STEPHENSON," Schwedt a/O., Germany. 14ih, 1890. I beg to inform you that the Rayal Embrocation has boon very efficacious by using it for the horses of my regiment, and I beg you to send again twenty-five mttleo. •'LIKUT.-COL. V. BLUMKNTHAL. 2nd Dragoon Regiment." Sold by Chemists and Saddlers, Price Is, Is, 2s 6d, 3s 6d. Prepared only by ELLIMA SONS, and Co., SLOUGH, ENGLAND. R I LOST.-January 3rd, in High-street, SET OF U PEARL ROSEARY BEADS. Five shillings Reward.-Apply F. "North Wales Chroniclet Office, Bangor. E11341 HALF-HOLIDAY I MOVEMENT IN BANGOR. THE SHOPS OF BANGOR ARE CLOSED EFKRT WEDNESDAY ? 3 P.M. ?o THE PUBMC "re respeetfuUyreqnMt?) to t?iet }j themoremeut by making their purebwas before that hour, 11309L ANGLESEY WINTER ASSIZES, 1895, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the ASSIZES and GENERAL GAOL DE j LIVERY for the said County of Anglesey wili be opened at BRJCMAM.I on SATURDAY the 10[h day Of JA??A-t? 1895, All Justices of the Peace, Mayors, Coroners, Ew.b«ator». Gbd Coastablea. Stewards, Pailitfi* of Libeities, Jurors, Pors>ous boauu by recoguisanoes, Proseoutors, Witnesses, and others having business at the said Assizes are hereby required to attend at the COUNTY HALL, BKADMARIS, aforesaid on MONDAY the 21st day of JANUARY, 189S, at TEN o'clock in the forenoon preoisely, GEORGE ROBB COX, Esquire, High-Sheriff. Undersheriff's uffioe, Unders h e r Bc^amaris, 5th January, 1895. 1132Sjtj BOUNTY OF CARNARVON TO WIT. T?rOTICE IS HEREB f IVEN that the 4.> OTAIBCSEIZE ndHGE&R?qEEBRfAL GO AOL DELIVERY r the COUNTY OF CARNARVON will be opened at f?tMAMOtt on WEDNESDAY tb 16tll day of ANUtR! 1895 All Jnitioei of the Peace Mayors Cororflrs Bailiffs of Liberties Jurors Persons bound by Rec. jnizanoes Prosecutors Witnesses Chief-constables ar", others having business at the said Assizes are\hereby required to attend at the COUNTY HALL (JAB 'ARVON aforesaid on THURSDAY the 17th day of JA.VOABY 1895 at TEN o'olock in the forenoon precisely HONORABLE F. G. WYNN Sheriff RICHARD ROBERTS Pwllheli Under-sheriff LLOYD CARTER & VINCENT 4 Church-street Carnarvon Acting Under-sheriffs 1312L CAUTION. THE INCANDESCENT GAS LIGHT COM- J. PANY, Limited, having appointed Messrs W. FBANCIS WUTIIAHS & Co., of 224, High-street, Bangor, Sole Agents for that to ten and distriot for the gale of their Patent Goods, and it having come to their knowledge that other persons are supplying these goodB in Bangor, they now bejf to inform the publie that they do not authorise any other tirm or person in Bangor than the above-mentioned firm to sell or â– apply their goods in the aforesaid district. The pablio are therefore hereby cautioaed against purchasing Burners, ec., which are repre- sented to be of the Company's mannfaoture from any firm or person (, except Messrs W. FRANCIS WILLIAMS & Co., and should tbe source become known to The Incandescent Gas Light Com- pany whenoe their goods are introduced into Messrs WILLIAMS' distriot, they will take immediate and stringent steps to stop the supply of the firm from whom these goods are obtained. (Signed), THE INCANDESCENT GAS LIGHT COMPANY LTD. 14, Palmer Street, 11213f Westminster, S.W. TO BUILDERS. PERSONS desirous of tendering for the Erection JL of a Baptist Chapel at Gtanadda, Bangor, may inspect tbe Drawings and Specifications, at the Architect's Office. Tenders, sealed and endorsed "Tender for Chapel," must be delivered to the undersigned not later than 6 p.m., on Saturday, February 2nd, 1895. The Committee do BOt bind themselves to accept the lowest or any tender. R. GLYNNE DAVIES, Architect. 220, High-street, Bangor. 11344o BEAUMARIS COUNTY SCHOOL. TO CONTRACTORS. THE Governors of the above School invite T TENDERS for oarrying out the additions and alterations to the existing Sohool Premises at Beaumaris according to the Specifications and Plans, which may be seen of Mr Evan Thomas, Borough Surveyor, Beaumaris, en and after the 16tb inst. Sealed Tenders to be sent to the undersigned on or before the 29th inst. The Governors do not bind themselves to accept the lowest or any Tender. WILLIAM GRIFFITH, Clerk to the Governors. Besomaris, 9th January, 1895. 11335c TO CONCERT CATERERS. MR DENBIGH COOPER, the eminent Baritone and Buffo Voealitt, having arranged to spend the winter in North Wales, is prepared to accept ENGAGEMENTS for Concerts of all kinds, Banquets, At Homes, Ac. For Terms apply, Mr DENBIGH COOPER, Direc- tory Office, Llandudno. Ulil48i DR. J ONES, D.D.S. (AM.), &C. SURGEON DENTIST. Opposite the Market, Bangor. DR, JON E B visits LILANAXRNT every THURSDAY, at Lledwigan-road. LLANIBCHYMXDD from 10 to 1, and AMLWCH from 2 to 5, with Mr HUOBKS, Stationer, 8, Market-street, TUESDAYS, January lBt, 29th, February 26th. March 26tb, and April 23rd. EBKNIZIB AND LLAKBBBIB First TUESDAY after Pay-day. BETHBSDA First TUESDAY after Pay-day. BANGOa every day except Tuesdays and Thurs- days. 10 R. B. WATSON, HAIRDRESSER, PERFUMER AND TOBACCONIST. FANCY GOODS REPOSITORY (Opposite Cathedral), BANGOR. Football and Cricket Requisites. The Finest Gentlemen's Saloon In North Wales. Private -*• Room for Ladies and Children. Combings and all kinds of Hair Work made up on the Premises. lOQISfw A. RICHARDSON, Agent for Steiiaway,Beckstein, &c. AND SOLE AGENT FOR Bluthum and Waldernar —: PIANOFORTES,: — ALL KEPT IN STOCK, LISTS SENT FREE. ALSO PBOPBIKTOR Of TRJ: FAMOUS "CHESTEB MODEL" IRON PIANOS. Best Value for Money. Wear Best, keep in Tun. Longest. 21 GUINEAS CASH. INSTALMENTS 24 GUINEAS. WRITE FOR PHOTOGRAPHS None genuine without A. Richardson, Chester and Wrexham, cast on the Frames. 43, BRIDGE STREET-ROW, CHESTER, AND CENTRAL ARCADE, WREXHAM. 11127r FRENCH & GERMAN gy MONSIEUR L. H. JUNOD. FOR TERMS, ETC., APFLY TO MILLER'S COTTAGE, ABERGELE. RAPHAEL'S ALMAMAC FOR 1895. CONTAINS Hicta to Farmers and Gardenere ?J Birthday Information for every day of nl' year the Fate of any Child born during 1895. When to Buy, Sell, Court, Marry, Set Fowls, Seek Employment, Sign Contracts, Ask Favours, Hire Servants, Deal with Others, Speculate, Travel, Remove,Ac., Ilc. Weather & general Predictions Farming & other Tables, &O.o &a. 116 pages, Price 6d. Post Free, 7d. Foultham & Co., 4,Pilgrim St. Ladgate Hill,E.C. Davies, Bangor, and all Stationers. 10820olS41 Celebration of the Marriage I of THOMAS PRICHARD, Esq., f LLWXIUAKTH ESGOB, LLANERCHYMEDD, and Miss MAUD JONES. LLANDYiTRYDOG BECTORY. AT large and )?iueouaitaeehnK< ?frieudeand we!!wlher8, held ;t Manareh?tnedt: Hurt Llangefni on tbe, 2nd a-id 3rd January, 1895, it w"e unsmmousiy resolved :— "That a SUBSCRIPTION LIST be opened forthwith, and closed on the ?3rd inst., with a view to oelobrate the abovo auspioious event :n a beoom- ing manner, the Subscriptions to be limited to a maximum of Two Gu,,)CIl. Mr H. OWEN, Treddolphin, Chairman of the Llangefni Committee. Mr D. WILLIAMS, Trefri, Vioe-chairman of Llangefni Committee. Dr. H. PARRY JONES, Caemawr, Chair- man of the Llanerchymedd Committee. Mr EDMUND ROBERTS,Gwredog, Vioe-ohair- Mali of Llanerchymedd Committee. Dr. WILLIAM EVANS, Llanerchymedd, Treasurer. Mr THOMAS HUGHES, Llanerchymedd F11336 and Menai Bridge, Secretary. LADIES DESIROUS OF OBTAINING HANDSOME DRESSES SHOULD GO TO 1\1 ADAME LAZZARUS, SUMMER HILL HOUSE, PRINCES ROAD UPPER BANGOR, Whose Style aDd Fit is Guaranteed. She makes it her speoiai oare to adopt the style beat smtted to the figure. She also supplies Morning and Evening Dtesscs from 43 Sd. Ladies' own material made up. 9318a ATLAS ASSURANCE CO. FIRE. [Established 1808.1 LIFE. Head Office92, Cheapside, London. Liverpool Brancb :-1, Tithebarn Street. CMM Snb80ribed Total Assets nearly £ 1,200,000. ?2,000,000 The Company has Paid in Claims upwards of Xll,000,000 STERLING. AGENTS AT Bangor Mr W. PUGHE, National Provincial Bank of England Beaumaris .Mr J. G. DAVIES do. Bethesda Mr W. R. LLOYD do. Conway .Mr H. OWEN do. Llandudno ..••Mr J. ADEY WELLS do. Meuai Bridge..Mr J. JONES do. Hoi head Sir J. E. WILLIAMS do. Amlwch Mr O.L. HUGHES, Cemaes 20 ROYAL EXCHANGE ASSURANCE CORPORATION (EatabUahed by Royal Charter, A.D. 1720). chief Office: Royal Exchange, London. Branch: 4, Rwnford Street, Exchange, Lioetpoo. TM AOODMULATBD FUNDS NIARLY 24,000,000 FIRE. Policies issued free of expense. Losses occasioned by Lightning will be paid whether the property be set on fire or not. LIFE. The Corporation affords security of the highest order, and declares Bonuses exceeding the average dist-ri)-,ition of Assurance companies. The Cooditions of Assurance have been lately revised. A Prospeotns, Table of Bonus, and Balance Sheet will be forwarded on application to Amlwch-Mr S. H. SMITH, Old Bank, Bangor-Mr JAMES SMITH, Carnarvon-Mr G. R. REES, Agtntt. Sr~\ Ti TT TVT INSURANCE OFFICE (FIRE). UNFOUNDED 1710. Sum Insured in 1893 •» £ 395,854,440 For all partioulare apply to the following Agents: Bangor .Mr James Smith. Bala Mr Iorwerth Jones, Bryntirion1 Beaumaris Mr Fredk. Geary. Beaum.ri.MMr r Wm. Hugh Owen. Colwyn Bay .Mr J. J. Aves. Cooway Mr Cbas. Drover, Deganwy, Llandudno. Dolgelley .Me Thos. P. Jones-Parry. Holyhead Mr Owen Hughes. Llangefni Mr William Thomas. Portmadoe.Mr John 'iobiM.S.Marine-ter. 11314 Situations Vacant AGENTS WANTED to push first-claaa Machinery A Oils. Liberal Commissioia.-Box 31, Post Office, Liverpool. 113291 WANTED a Good Plain COOK. Baking and share YY of Washing. Small Faily.-Apply W." "North Wales Chronicle Office, Bangor. 11342fw WANTED IMMEDIATELY, for a small Country (National) Sobool, a CERT. or PROV. CERT. MASTER or U LSTRE 88. -.Apply to the Rector, l'rawsfjnydd, Morions, 11270L WANTED, in North Wales, a CLERK accus- tomed to the Routine of a Solicitor's Office, and able to write Shorthand. Knowledge of Welsh and ability to keep acoounts desirable, but not essential.—Apply, gividg referencesI and stating salary required, to L. M. "North Wales Chronicle Office, Bangor. zll334 Wants GARDENER (HEAD), Working, wishing to be ENGAGED. Practical knowledge in every branoh of the profession. Can be well recommended. -0. Williams, 19, Caelleppa, Bangor. zll341 To be Let LLANDUDNO. — TO BE LET on Lease, GOULDING'S PRIVATE HOTEL, aocom- modates 90 guests. Furniture and Effeots by Valuation.—Apply to Chamberlain A Johnson, Solicitors, Llandudno. 11323j5213 TO LET, the FERRY FARM LANDS, at Llan. J. dudno Junotion, comprising about 30 acres.— Apply to Chamberlain and Johnson, solicitors,, Llandudno. 11304L5212 (I lO BE LET, from 1st of May DMt, The LON' JL DON HOUSE, MMket sqnMe, Corwen. Com- modious Shop, House, and Business premises-— Apply, to A. W. Jones, Bryn Corach, den way 11234wh TO BE LET, with immediate p08s8ssion, Com- i modioM Modern DWELLING BOOS AND SHOP in the best Business Position in Amlwch splendid double frontage in main thoroughfare. SpeoiaUy suitable for a Chemiet.-Apply Mrs David Edwards (Chemist), Amlwch. zll338 TO LET, GRAZING LAND near Menai Bridga —Apply, Mr Ha»lam, Menai Bridge. 11206tr For Sale CARTRIDGES. CARTRIDGES. CARTRIDGES. GUARANTEED BEST QUALITY ONLY. IOSIAli HUGHES Il CO., IRONMONGERS, BANGOR. 9889w TO GROCERS,BAKER:&o.-To be DISPOSED OF, (is a going concern, the Goodwill, Fixtures and Utensils of tbe Shop and Bakehouse known as "The BOSTON STORES," Colwyn Bay. The Shop has a Wine and Spirit Licenoe attached, and is well fitted up and in a good thoroughfare. Stock to be taken at a valuation.-For further particulars apply toT. W. Stead, Esq., The Temple, Dale-street, or to Benjamin Howorth, Esq., 26, North John-stmt, Liverpool. 11 till BIRKETT'S CAm PRICE LIST 1 FO!, CASH PAYMENTS, J nm?T>H/rC! CASH WITH ORDER UN- ijL?l?M? LESH there is a CREDIT BALAME on DEPOSIT. AD",TAl\.T;rA('ES PERSONAL ADVANTAGES. SrS EACH order. Inspection of I goods B E FORE PUR- CHASE. Gro- ceries in CON- VENIENT QUANTITIES and AS RE- QUIRED. NO fee for membership o r annual SUBSCRIP- TION. nr)TrtT?a CAREFUL COMPARISOsf p?ICE-S. of the PRICES on THIS HN with those charged by the FOREMOST LONDON STORES PROVES that the Iricea CHARGED at Bir- kett's are LOWER for the same ARTICLE than the prices in LONDON. LIST POST FREE. BIRKETT'S STORES, BANGOR. ESTABLISHED 1S28. 8933o' We hold the largest Stock of Stationery in Bangor. JARVIS & FOSTER, LORNE HOUSE. 9893B Great Attractions IT OWEN OWEN & CO;S. THE OLD MILL. AND MILLER OF THE. DEE. ANNUAL SHOW OF USEFUL ARTICLES OR CHRISTMAS PRESENTS — AND — NEW,- YEAR GlFTS. OWEN OWEN & CO., GENEBAL DBABEBS, BANGOR. 11276* W IN.T, E R SALE. K E N. D A L,. MILNE, & CO. BEG TO ANNOUNCE THAT FROM MONDAY,, 7th JANUARY,.TO SATURDAY, 19th JANUARY, THEY WILL OFFER; THE REMAINING PORTION OF THEIR D R A PE R Y STOCK AT PRICES WHICH SHOULD ENSURE. A SPEEDY SALE. CATALOGUES MAY BE HAD, ON APPLICATION. B N D A L, MILNE, A a (j)., DEANSGATE, POLICE-Sx., and Su AtiNIS. STREET, MANCHESTER. L ETTER ORDERS.-KENDAL, MILNE, & M reapootfully announce that Letter Orden during the ealt will have most earful and immediate attention. Pamela over- 20a carriage paid to any railway station in the United Kingdom. DURING THE SALE GOODS CANNOM BE SENT ON APPROBATION. jjj1528 <

THE POLITICAL SITUATION. As the Session of Parliament draws nigh the political atmosphere naturally becomes more an d more agitated with rumours of all kinds. The tendency to expect startling developments is accentuated by the undoubted fact, which a keen and candid friend of the Government has noted for the delectation of his associates, that the RosxnEBY Administration is already the victim of 11 dry rot." With the Labour Party threat. ening an independent attitude, with the,, Parnellitea properly opposed to the continua. tiou of the legislative farce known AS filling She cop"to the postpiworaout of the Irish qjoitioti with the. out spoken criticisms of Radical M.. P. III like; Mr MACEWAN and Dr. WAIXACK, it is scaroely semarkable that rumour should attribute des- j pyrate reaolres to siieb Ministers liB aro! notoriously waiters upou opportunity. Sej far, however, there is no authority, for the reports which have been circulated as to the intention of this- or ¡ or that Minister to resign. Si'- \Vnuur HAKCOCBP may feel very diooontented with his role of Horatio to the "second-rate nobleman's" Hamlet, he may be sulking ijti his tent or be maliciously pleased with the failures of his Chief-up to the present he is a member of the Government and, according to the Ministerialorgons, he will cling yet awhile to the old ship. But the difficulties of the situation are only slightly lessened by the determiuation-if that is the word-of the CHANCELLOR OF THE, EXCHEQUER to share the sweets of office" with his discredited colleagues. Once again the Ministry finds itself face to face with that Newcastle Programme which, according to the PRIME MINISTER, contains enough material for a dozen sessions,, but wbich must nevertheless be stated, at length in the Queen's Speeches a proof of the sincerity of the party which has always traded upon promises. It, ia. unfortunate for,- Lord ROSEBERY that the faddists who severally and collectively espouse the various items, which go to make up. the Newcastle Bro. gramme are not so easily satisfied as he himself is. The PRIME .MINISTBR appar- ently thinks that the Separatist Administra^ tion has done its duty when it has given a. pledge of its sincerity by bringing in oertain measures and getting them once read in tho House of Commons. FOB our own part we have no objection to Lord ROSEBERÙ plan. So long as the unpatriotic and mischievous desigusi of, his followers are care I u Uy..xe*Lt leted to academic discussions uo p.rAtt.e. ,h:trin c.,u ensue,, but unfortunately Lord ROBEBERT has not the. trength and power to keep his followers in leash. Up to the, present time the party managers have been"sow.ewhat successful in playing off one set: of faddists against the other,but will that game be always success fal ? The "revolt." of certain Welsh M.P:'a in the last session of, Parliament should, be a warning to the Government that even the most patient, hacks will jib at last. And yet it requires even a more versatile political acrobat than Lord, RosEBERf to perform the impossible trioks. which, he has prepared for himself when Parliament meets. The "oup" of the Lords' iniquity, must be filled of course but bow can even Lord ROSEBERJ put Welsh Disestablishment, the Irish. Land Question, Registration, and the famous resolution against the House of Lords— all first ? Welsh Disestablishment must be the first pl^nifi. aft the next session say the Welsh memlero,who. swear that they will again revolt and turn tha- Government oub if their pet measure isnot rushed through, the House of Commons. The Welsh members- may not be serious; thsir bajtk. has always been ridicu- lously out, oft proportion to their bite, but at the present,,time their ultimrtunto the Govern- ment ia unmigtakable. Then tho Irish members are equally determined that nothing less than a big Land. Bill re-opening the whole "final settlement" of 1881 will satisfy them for the postponement of the Home Rule Bill. Lord ROSEBEBY has promised thet Welsh memberis, that the Disestablishment and Duendowmsfllc of the Church shall be seriously tackled when Parliament settles down to, work, but then what can Ministers, do if the Irish members --with eighty votgs say that Ireland must, ugaim hold the field ? And against all this Mr LABOCCHERES declares that it is &, farce to go on passing Bills In the Commons whilst the Honse of Lords stands in the way. "-Why not dissolve and go to the con hisy on your 'resolution against the House of Lords" says the editor of Truth, who is also tha critic of the dry rot." After all, it may be that Lord ROSXSSRT and his colleagues will be merci- fully spared the ordeal of having to please all partiee. Competent observers say that the Government may be defeated on the "Address," and that we shall so see the end of the present miserable and mischievous apology for a Government. ID any event it behoves the Unionist leaders throughout th* country to be prepared. We, in North Wales, have been peculiarly for. nate in the choice of excellent candidates, vvho are entering upon their electioneering work.with spirit and eitems. It may be that the fight will come sooner than most people expect, and in view of any contingency it is the plain, duty of the Parky to be ready.