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PLAIN WORDS FOE PLAIN JCEN- [BY A WORKINOMIN.J CARNARVONSHIRE GUARDIANS "SELL- ING" THE RATEPAYERS. To the ratepayers of the parishes, of Bangor, LUn degai, Llinliechid, Aber, and IJanfairfechao, I wish to point out the abuse of power indulged i* by the Anglesey Guardians who represent twenty parishes in that county as against five in Carnar- vonshire at tbe first meeting of the "new guardians" held on Friday last, the 4th inst., at the Workhouse, Bangor. But first I will point out that after certain formalitiea the late chairman, an Anglesey man, was proposed and seconded to fill tha office of chairman to the Board. Colonel Savage objected to "life appointments and proposed that Colonel Sackville Weat should be elected chairman. Thia was seoonded by the Mayor of Bangor (Dr. R, Langtord Jones), who thought it was desirable that, a new chairman should be eleoted. This was put by the chairman to the vote, when the numbers in favour of Colonel West totalled seventeen (17). The member: o! the Board then voted for Mr Hugh Tb iioa .11. late chairman, and he WM duly etscr-ed | ee: civiug twenty-three votes (23/, vidfl Wales Ciironicit. It 4 betx-necessary to mention that at such, else" tfom tUt-te are certain rules of courtesy which ace invariably adhered to. 1 mean betweoa the two oaldidates, !or the otfice. Instead of ibeir voting f a4 themselves, it jR usual ;or "ach candidate to vott) J.i-f the orlier. This (Jo.'onel Wetr, did. He voted for Mr Hugh Xbomas, as of oourse might only bave been expected, but, I soy, bat, that gen- tie manly feeling and actum was wo rtipQClji8J" by Mr 11 igl. Thmtuxi. Mr Thomas in. returu aid not vote fot Coionei Sackville West. I want ;jy wcrkingrnuu friends to undtiataud this, land to bvc iL 11, '0'; u:1. T {, d lac ago to the fact that on the very first ocoaeion possible, the Anglesey gang would turn up in loroe, and by sheer foroe of voting power would keep their men to the tront, with the only object of electing a man- who would nOL buitate one moment in hwpositioll. 1I0Il chairman, to use all means at his disposal to defer action being taken for the separation of the. Anglesey and Carnarvonshire parisu^s at-tlie uion. It iaab come to pass. WE SHALL HAVJI: SEPABAIIOS AM, TIiII. SAMS. But whether we in Carnarvonshire are outvoted or not the sepasation will take place, and the Con-, servative element on the Board belonging to tbe latter county should leave no stone unturned to bring abont that most desired of all objects in the present time. A RADICAL JOB. Now for the election of the vice-chairman zf the New Board. Dr. Roberts, of Menai Bridge, led off by proposing an outsider, a rank outsider, to fill tbe post. He proposed Mr John Evan Roberts, of Ban- gor,wbofouad all easy seconder in. Mr W. ISuwards, of Glasinfryn. Mr E. A. YOIlDg. very oonsiderately and very properly proposed Mr Robert Roberts. It ocourred to that gentleman that Mr Robert Roberts,as vioe-ohairman of the old Board, as one of the oldest Guardians, and as one who had taken such a deep interest in the welfare of. the Board for so many years, was decidedly a fit person to be eleoted vice-chairman of the present Board. Colonel Sackville West seconded Mr Young's proposition, aud on tile voting Mr Robert Roberts was deleated by two votas oast in favour of Mr John Evan Roberts. I sincerely wish Mr J. E.. Roberts joy over his new appointment. The ways of Radicalism are many and various. It is not many years since that this gentleman (Mr John Etna Roberts, of Bangor), enueavoured at all election In one of the wards in Bangor to repreient directly the electors of that ward .on the County Council, But the eleotors rejected him. The tleo- tors would have none of him. They preferred the services of a known and proved man in the person of Dr. H. Grey Edwards. Mr John Evan RobeitS was beaten at the poll, rcjtated by the people., But note his reward, l'be Radical waipjiv of thA County Council elected him an aldtrmau of thai. body. Now, sir, everybody knows .tbat Mr Jabu Evan. Roberts tned to repitsent the ratepayers of the, City of Baugor on the £ Ww Beard of Guardianø., This time he was not confined in his tndeavourj to, the limits of one ward in the city. No, be tad the whole town to draw opoo, and one would really; have thought that so popular a man would have been returned by the votes of the ratepayers.. But no, the electors of the w&oie ol Bangor rejected Jhim«- Again the electors would have noue ot. him,. and again I ask yoar readers to note his reward. I PBINCIPLPjj Nor PARSONS. LEt it be clearly understood that I do not egeak- in any eeose personally of Mr JohnE,anRo.be.r18" but 1 s^jeaa ot Mr John Evan Roberts as v public, man as a man who has more than once tried to get a seat 011 public bodies as a representative at,tha people, I speak of him as one whp has more, than once been rejected by the ratepayers at tha. ballot boxes, I speak of him as a mau who has more tbaa once reaped bis reward against tOtl wishes olthosahe boped to represent by being loistedinto tvana higher position than the one he endeavoured to attain, and I say that this, last leap from the spring board of the Anglesey majority into the yioe chair ot the new iloard ol Guardians sgaiLnst.tbe wrabe&olthe people of Ba,,gor, in < jit not likely to hafor- gotten. Mr J. Evan Roberta' position therefore is noi one to be envied, firstly be WM rejecied* by tha rate- payers for the County Counqil, and. tor snjfering I defeat was made au alderman. Secondly, he suffered defeat tpr a seat onihe Roardot GmAidians, and was brought in out ot tbe oold, and. made vice- chairman. TaB H0U8^„0? P0RC3-. The subsidised Radioal Member eiPaxliaaaent is constantly .telling us that the day is gone when the coontry ie 100 be governed by aug, others, than tbe y, other& than the direct represent an ves of. tbe peoj^le,. the wioeof the people, i.e., the House of. CpwraGLa. That that is their great principle,, tbe principle, if we are to believe all they eay, [an £ wen according to the political wtsthec^oockiaoi- 01: Lord Roôebery], upon -4ich they stskg. thfic political existenoe, Workingmen, tbe next tijae. jou bear this bigh-, sounding rhetoric, ask if. they know Bangor, and., refer them to Mr J. Evan Roberts, twice rejeoted oi. the people, and he will be able, to tell tbem how the. vaice of the people, is respected in Bangor aad Carnarvonshire. The House of Lords, working-, men, which is.strotigor to-day than ever, contains men who baveserveo in the House of Commons, Oiiots of State.. Artsy, S»T> Militia, Yeomanry., Volunteers, Judges ang eminent Lawyers, Colonial Governors in the Piplowatic EWrvies, Civil Ss^vioe^ &o., &c, Yet we were, told only short time agQo that the Route, of Lord, was to be abolished, ended. Ob what pbigh,oll tine the young Radicals we» to bave whea the upper bouse was abolishtd.. à. leading member of ttia pr6sent Governmantt says that its members ace sons of their fatbau." and that that is the only claim they bave to. sit 'aii legislate.te.. POSIES FOR TH. DOWNBBS. Mav I.Mk some kind Radical—Mr L&$d George if he will-to remove the perpli-Jit.iea" and solve tbe problem in the followini- fact. The number of peers sitting in tha.*oua» of Losds in 1893 was 575 How eomes it that they are merely Softs of their Fathers" when since 1830 the nnxnhar of new peers made up to date is 336 Of this 336,why did the Tory; 5-arty only make 119 Whilst the" Down with the torda* Party made 21? Why did Mr Gladstone wh».commenced this struggle make more peers tUaa any other minister during the past boiulred years or so- namely, at least 63, Why did Mr Gladstone ffber his speeoh in March,1894, immediately, add to the number of peer sone of whom is fagier-ia-law to his sou, and that only for private purposes 2 How is it that in this, doomed chamber the namber of peen holding office under Mr OW. atone was 21 How is it that they have a peer now aa Prima Minister, and the namjtor in the Government increased to (I think) 2-5 Do the Raclioals know that only..41 voted for the Home Rule Bill. Do tbey ow tbat the number, v ia ;— 43 who voted against it were created by the G.0.1C. Do they know that the Bill was defeated in the House of Lords by a majority ot. 2 without a single Tory vote.
