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gtoaII$istratS* I A writer in the "Windsor Magazine" say a that North Wales, with, say, tfettws-y-coed as a oentre, firms an ideal touring ground for a cyclist. Frof»ES5r Morris Jones, iii. A., has been elected to the newly founded Welsh chair at the University Collags of North Wales. Hitherto there has been only a lectures up attaobed to the subjeot. Six members rcpri santiDg Carnarvon Chess Club noluding Mr Bryn Koberts, M.P., journeyed to the Harlech on Monday to take part in a match with representatives of the local clnb. THE WIsua Aasiztss IN NORTH WALta.-His Honour Judge Chalmers, County Ofart Judge of Birmingham, has b ,en appointed Cdjitmissionar of the North Wales Circuit in pl80ce cJ¡ Mr Justice Kennedy, who remains in town. From the days of Howell Harris1, its founder, there has been (saoys the "Western Mail") a strong bond of unity between Trevecoa College and tbe Cihuroh of England. During the past twenty years or BO no less than 24 of the alumni of that venerable institution have found their way to the ministry of the Church. Most of them are atill alive and doing very good work. BRTSOWFAN CHiBiTKs.—LaBt week, through the usual generosity of Colonel Piatt,Mr G. E. Koberts, LianReftii, Sir 0. Meyrick, Bart., and Sir Edmund Vem^y, Bart, .flannel wasdistribllted among the poor of tbe parishes of Lleebylohed and Ceirchiog. In all. SO received material for a skirt, and 28 members of the Bry"ngwran Clotbiig Club reoeived three shillings each added as bonns to their weekly con- tributions during the year 1894. The poor of the above pariaheo are very grateful to the above gentle- man for their timely sympathy and aseistanoe. SUING FOR A DKCKASED HUSBAND'S DEBT.—At the Menai Bridge County Court, on Tuesday, btfore his Hanonr Fir Horatio Lloyd, W. Mcstyn and Co tobaoco merchants, Amiwch, sued Jane Pritcbard, Holyhead, for £ 38, being balance of a debt owing by the defendant's late busband, 8 J. Griffith. It was argued for the defence that aD the debt was con- traoted by the deceased the defendant was not liable, what eutate there was having been already administered. It being pointed out that the defen- dant bad paid 2s on aocount, it was explained that tbat money was in respect of a debt inourred by the woman herself after the death of her husband.—Hit Honour gave judgment for the plaintiff, without costs. Boc v WASHKD ASHORE AT LLA.NQOKD.—A body was washed ashore at Peu-y-Chwarel, Llangoed, on Friday afternoon. It proved to be the body of a sailor. There was nothing on him but a pair of boots and grey hos). From appearance the body had been in he water only a few days, and the deceae.d ia very likely one of the many who perished in the recent galea. Toe body is that of a man about 5 feet 7 inches, with hair cut abort, turning grey, and light moustsobe, and his age would be 35. There are marks on the right arm representing "Christ on the Cross." An inquest Wis held on Mondav by Mr R. Jones Roberts, the coroner for Arg'esey, when a verdict of "found drowned" was returned. DEATH OF A WII,-H CLERGYMAN.—An old and highly esteemed Welsh clergyman, in the pers)n of the Rev. Thomas Williams, B.A died last week at tbe residence of his late brother, Rowlaudwil iams, of 244, We fit mi ii!;ter-road, Liverpool. The de. ceased, who had reached his aeventy-fifth year, was ordained do,ood in 1851, and that same year be was appointed to the curacy of Pentraetb, where be re- maiDed until 1856, when be left to exchange his curacy for anotber one in Llauddeusaut. Iu 1869 he became reotor of Lleoboytifarwydd, Anglesey and from that year up to the time of his death he endeared himself to many who came in contact with him. As he had been infailng health for some time back. he came to Liverpool, in the hope of restoring his vigour; but. instead of improving, be gradually got worse, and died on Wednesday The interment took plaoe at Aber, near Bangor, the birthplace of the deceased gentleman. ALL THBOBOK A KISS —On Monday, at the Wrexham County Police Court, Samuel Powell, the son of a colliery manager, was fined £2 178 6d, and bound over to keen he peaoe for maliciously dam- aging the windows of the City Arms public-house, Vron. kept by his mother-in-law. The defendant's w fa has been living with her mother snoe Marob h8t, and on Christmas Eve, while saveral of the members of the family were seated round the fire talking and enjoying themselvea, the defendant knocked at the door, and asked to be admitted. His request was refused, and he then picked up a piece of clay and threw it through the window, smashing the framework to pieces. Defendant's excuse was that be saw a. young roan kissing his wife, and that so aggravated him that be did not know what be was doing. RAILWAY TEMPERANCE HALL, BANOOR.-The friends of temperance, wbo do so muoh good work amongst railway men more particularly, led by the Misees Lee, Penrallt-villoa, Upper Bangor, who never tire in this couoeotion, enjoyed an excellent entertain- ment in the above hall, on Wednesday evening. Mr C. D. Humphreys was a most efficient chairman. The hymn "Rescue the perishing" having been ■aog the following programme was given Piano. forte s-lo, Miss Ciesie l'bompeon; song. Mr W. R. B:>bnrts; clarionet solo, Inspector Hampshire; emg," Gwialen fedw fy mam," Mr Ferguson Jones; so, t, %lies Jones, Oxford House; recitt-ioa. "Mother Hnbbard," the chairman: song, M." Hoberts, Ca-tle Hill; duet, Gwya i'r Gad," Messrs Ferguson Jones and T. Stanley song, Ora pro noils," Miss Cissie Thompson; address, Misr, M. Lee; song, Merch y Cadben," Mr T. Stanley oonio song, "Are yon there, Moriarity," Mr Morray Welsh dialogue (in costnme), Mr DavIP. and party. The proceedings olosed with the National Anthem. FABHIOSBLE MARBIAOI AT RosSETT. -On Tuesday, at Cbii»t Church, Rossett, was solemnised the mar risge of Captain A. F. Cooper, Royal Welsh Fusi- ieM, and Miss Maud Elizabeth Barker, yonnafst dan?bter of ?Mr P. H. Barher. UyDdir. Denbighshire, i Several evergreen arches were erected on the route to the church, and there was largo fashionable company to witness the oeremony. Tbe officiating olergy were thei Hev. F. Barker, rector of Wimborne St. Gil^s, Dorset, unole of bride, assisted by the Rev. F. Jame.. vicar of the parish. The bride looked charming in a dress of ivory white satin trimmed with lace a pearl embroidery. She wore a tulle veil, and oarried a bouquet of choice white flowers. The bridesmaids were Miss Mabel Barker, sister of tbe bride; Miss Mabel Cooper, sister of the bridegroom; aud Mit-s Sybil Barker, cousin of the bride. They wore gold and pearl bangles, gifts of the bridegroom. Tbe beet man was Captain Everitt, R. W. F., and several non-oommieaioned offloers of ths regiment attended in uniform. A reception waa afterwards held at Llyndir, and later in the day I Captain and Mrs Oooper left for their honeymoon. FOR superior quality at moderate prices, oash buyers cannot do better than boy their groceries, Swiiions, and floor, of W. G. Evans, Old London onse, Bangor. Enormous stock to choose from. 12009tw W. 0. WiLLiAmal twenty-seoond Olearanoe Sale will commenoe next Thursday, January 10th. All the stock is very much rednoed, All are invited to partake of the Bargains offered. Doors open at ten. 348, 350, 350a, High-street, Bangor. 11316t SUDD." DEATH AT BANQOB.—On Thursday after- noon, John Richard Hughes, aged 25 years, son of Mr Richard Hughes, foreman stoker at the Bangor Gasworks, and of the Woite Lion Inn, High-ctret, died in an alarmingly sudden manner, the causa of dealt, bsing heart disease. A SUBSCRIPTION BALL AT THE GROME HOTEL.—A. private ball was beld in the large ballroom of the George Hotel, Bangor, on Tuesday night, and was attended by a large number of gentry in and around Bangor. It was initiated and carried through with great sucoess by Mr Harold Jones, l'las Gwyn, The catering of Me and Mrs Baxter was excellent. BANGOR CATHEDBAL.—Saturday, 5 p.m., servioe Turle in D: anthem, Aris,31 Shine" (Elvey). Sunday, 11.30, servioe Garrett in F; anthem, When Jesua Our Lorci (Mendelssohn); preacher, Ven. Archdeacon Pryce; 4 p.m., service Garrett in E flat; anthem, "Litt up thine eyes" (Goss); preacher, Ven. Archdeacon i'ryoe.—.I. WEBTLAKK- MOKOAN, Cathedral organist and master of the choristers. On Monday night considerable interest was mani- fested in a billiard matoh for £ 5, which oame eff at the Castle Hotel, Bangor, between Mr Newman, of Manchester, and Mr Tom Leete, billiard marker at the hotel. The game was one of 500 up, and the players started even. Play also remained pretty even for the best part of the game, but finally Leete won by 23 points; a result which was warmly cheered by the large company who witnessed the match. SHROPSHIRE RADICALS SKKKIXQ A WELSH CANDI- CATB.—Captain Owen Thomas, J. P., and ex-High- sheriff for Anglesey, has been asked to come for- ward in the Liberal interest, to contest. the seat for the Oswestry division at the next general election. The Captain has refused three saoh invitations iu the Principality, and he will doubtless carefully oonsider this before deciding. For an agricultural district no better man could be found, as he has thoroughly studied the question of agriculture, and is the only Welshman on the Royal Commission for Agricultural Depression. CABNABVONSHIKE AND ANGLESEY INFIRMARY.— Weekly report, January 9th, 1895. In-patients, 15 admitted during past week, 3 discharged dur- ing past week, 2 visitors for the ensuing week, Hon. Alice D. Pennant and Mrs Hugh Vincent; hon. physician for ensuing week, Dr. H. Grey Edwards; hon. surgeon for ensuing week, Dr. Riohard Jones.—GEORGE W. FARLEY, M.B., house surgeon,—The Seotetary (Mr James Smith, Old Bauk) informs us tbat Mr G. R. Cox, Minvgarth, has sent a donation of tlo 10s towardB the funds of the Institution,and has also beoome an annual sub- scriber. Mr R. Jones-Roberts, solicitor, Bangor, also qualifies as a life governor by payment of £10 to the treasurers, Messrs Williams and Co., Old Bank, Bangor. THE VrHT OF T.R.H. THE PRINCE AND PRINCIS3 OF WALES.—The accounts of the decorating and illuminating work done in connection with tbe visit of T.R H. the Prince and Princess of Wales, and the Princesses Victoria and Maud of Wales, to Bangor in Joly last have just been issued. The items, briefly are :-Payments Decoration Com- mittee. £25110, 6d evergreens, a 0s 3d Bftata Committee. £10 6. lOil: Bonfire Committee, £18 15a lid Clio decoration, &0., £19 lag lid; Scperintending Committee, ill lis 3d Finance Committee, £12 Is 10d incidental expenses, £W 7s 9d total, £35] 13s 3d. Receipts Sub- scriptions received in Bangor and neighbourhood, &c., E219 148 9d subscription from oounty fund, £100; sundries, £2 19s further subscriptions, £122. further contribution by Lord Penrhyn to muke np deficiency, £16 davi to secretary (Mr W. Price Smith), 17s 6d total, £35113. 3j. GLANADDA BORD (INFANT) SCHOOL, BANGOR.—On Friday, the 4th inst., H,e children attending the above school had their annual New Year's treat, which consisted of mince pies, oranges, sweets, nuts, &o. The following ladies and gentlemen were present :-Miss H. Williams, Miss C. E. Jones, Vripat J. Prioe (Normal College), Dr. Richard Jones, Mr J. A. Green (University College), and Mr W. C. Jones (attendance-officer). The children gave several reoitations in their usual excellent style, and several songs were nicely rendered by them. Mnsical drill was afterwurds performed, and the grace and precision of each movemeufc greatly delighted all present. Principal Price and Mr Green addreased the soholars in most kindly terms, remarking on their neat appearance and good behaviour, as well as the marked regularity with which tbey attend, and which reflects great I cre lit upon Miss Williams and her st &ff of teachers. -Miss Williams proposed a vote of thanks to all present, as well as to all others wbo bad kindly contributed towards the treat, to which the scholars lustily responded. Tha number of children < present was 220. MARRIAGE or MR W. A. ROBKBTS.—Tbe marriage of Mr W Arthur Roberts, sub-editor of the "North Wales Chronicle," to Miss E. E. Edwards, fifth dauahter of Mrs Edwards, Rase Cottage, Flint, was solemuised at St. Marv's Church of that town, on Wednesday morning. The service was conducted by the rector (the Rev. W. LI. Nicholas), assisted by the Re7. Owen Davies, ourate. The bridesmaid was Miss Chrissie Edwards (sister of the bride), tne best man being Mr Bell. R Roberts (the bridegroom's brother). The bride was given away by heroousiu, Mr Job Edwards, Mold. At the oonolusion of the service, the organist (Mr E. J. H. Williams) played the Wedding Marcb." The bride wore a tailor- madeloostume of cinammonbrown oloth.withalarge felt hat to mtcb, the bridesmaid being attired in a dress of sapphire blue, with black picture bat to matob. The bridegroom's gift to the bride was a diamond and ruby ring, and to the bridesmaid a gold curb bracelet. They (the bride and her sister) oarried shower bouquets, also the gift of the bride- groom.Tbe wedding.breakfast was partaken of at the bride's bome, where a large company assembled to congratulate the happy pair. Mr aad Mrs Roberta left with the 12.42 p.m. express for London, wbere the bodoymoon is to be spent. The wedding presents were numarous and substantial. LLANrUS AND NKIQHBC<CBHOOD.— The services at Llaufaes Church on Christmas Day and the Sunday following attracted large congregations. Appro- priate anthems were beautifully reudered by the English ohoir. There was a large attendance at the oelebration of the Holy Communion on Christ- mas moruiug. The churoh was beautifully decorated with evergreens and flowers by the head gardeners of Baron Hill and Haulfre. The Welsh services were as usual very muoh appreciated, and the carols were numerous and reverently rendered.—Penmon Churoh was decorated by the gardeners of Trecaqtle and other friends. The testimony of most was that the anoient priory was not often adorned with u.)b good tste. The English and Welsh services wsre well attended, and tbe carols were exceptionally good and well rendered this year. On the Thursday after Christmas Lady Magdalen Bulkeley invit-dall the day school ohildrec of Penmon, Llangoei, Llanfaes, and Beaumaris to a eumptuona tea at the Bulkeley Arms Hotel, Beaumaris. Before tbe toa her ladyship bad arranged thao the children should be entertained with the magic lantern, and hal secured the valuable services of Mr Mills, Bangor. The children (in all about 700) were highly delighted, and were even boisterous in their expression of gratitude. Another tea party was given at the Penmon National Soliools on Thursday week, by tbe ladies of the neighbourhood, and arranged by Mrs Kyffin, Llanfaes Vicarage. The ohildren were those members of the Sunday sobools of Llangoed, Penmon, and Llanfaes, who were over schcol age, and so not invited to Lady Balkeley's tea. About 150 children and adults enjoyed the repast. In the evening a free ooncert was given by the Llanfaes Male Choir, conducted by Mr Evan Parry. The ohair was occupied by the Rev, J. Arthur Evans. A varied and enjoyable programme wes gone throu-b, and highly appreciated by a large and orderly audience. THE WELSH SERVICE AT ST. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL.— The Rev. Morris Roberts, London, writing to Sir John H. Puleston, chairman of the committeo which has the management of the great Welsh Metropolitan service on St David's Eve next, says: The formation of a permanent committee of the annual Welsh festival at St. Paul's Cathedral is progressing very satisfactorily. Indeed, the enthusiasm and interest taken by persons of all elassos both in London and the Principality far exceeds my expectations Among the most recent names added to the list, which now amounts to 80, are Lords Powis, Penrhyn, Dynevor, and Harlech. It is worthy of note t h%t there is one of a very unique character 4?o. operating with us in the person of Mr Griffith Parry, re'VftfordiIl ;rriilifw is rf?s Ôd year. He was born in Whitford Parish, Flintshire, on 81st March, 1793." IMFOBTANT TO LADIES.—Madame Worth's cele- brated Guinea Corsets (blaok 25s) may be obtained from her sole agent for Bangor, Mrs Evans, Regent House, 254, High street. »



Conservative Meeting at Llanfairfechan.…







Welsh Markets.