Wants. WANTED, beginning of the year, a sharp intel- tt ligent YOUTH as office boy. Mast be good writer. Apply by letter only to R," North Walet Ckromcle Office, Bangor. eo W ANTED, FREEHOLD LAND SECURITIES tY for LIODO and £1700, interest at 94 per cent*. —Mr Richard James, Solicitor, Llanrwst. 1397t A GENTS Wanted to tirst-class Machinery Oils Liberal (;CHr"nl"8iOll,-Box 31, Post Office, Liverpool. 1415dj ENGAGEMENT deair?? as Daily or Resident EGOVERNESS by ? Younc L?y.—Addreaa. Box 96," ?or<A ?a?M Chronicle Office, Bangor. 1425R FRIARS SCHOOL.—Wanted, immediately, a NON-RESIDENT MASTER. English Sub- jects. Higher Arithmetic and Book-keeping essential. Short Hand a recommendation.— Apply to the Head-master any morning before 12 30 1472L WANTED, MASTER for LLANELLTYD 1H NATIONAL SCHOOL at the end of Maroh. Barmonium.-Apply to the Vicar. 1478A WANTED, for a first-olass Season Hotel in W North Wales, a Young Lady as BARMAID, who has not been similarly employed before,- Apply, H. W. office of this paper.- 1473L YALE OF CLWYD.-WiLnted tolease,m SMALL t PROPERTY with good House in the neigh. bourhood of Denbigh, at. Asaph, or Rbyl,-Apply with full particulars to W. and F. Brown and Co., Eastgate Row, Chester. 1484L WANTED, a good plain COOK; Churchwoman. W Good character indispensable. Wages, £ 18. Apply, Mrs T. Z. Chadwick, Ashfield House, Dewsbury. 1476l WANTED, in Bangor, a HOUSE with parlour, VT four bedrooms and a good-sized kitchen, etc with garden preferred.-Address, K. Office of this Paper. 1465t WANTED, a young man as CLERK. Muat be tif good book keeper, and experienced in the advertisement department of a newspaper office.- Apply by letter, with testimonials, state qualifica- tions and salary required, to 11 Journalist," North Walet Chronicle Office, Bangor. WANTED, a small HOUSE in Bangor; Rent about IC15 a year.-Fuil particulars to B., North Walet Chronicle Office, Bangor. zl490 W ANTED, HOUSEKEEPER. A respectable Woman. The familv consists of father and Aaaghter. -Apply to A.B.,1496, NorthWalei Chronicle OfSoa. Bangor. 0 W ANTED, APARTMENTS UNFURNISHED (rhres or Four Pocme), iris respectable neigh- bourhood.-Fall particulars to H. North Wale* VhronicU Office, Bsnitor. zl491 SHORTHAND thoroughly TAUGHT by a Mem- 0 her of the Phonetic Society, including Learnsrs, Corresponding and Reporting Styles. For terms apply to T. H. Clayton, 19, Park-fail, Bangor. 1198$ SERVANTS' AGENCY, Market-place, Bangor. Mrs Paul, Proprietress.-Great care is taken in the selection of SERVANTS. Good characters indispensable Stamped envelope for reply. z LEFT-OFF CLOTHING. Wanted, LLdies' ij Gentlemen's, and Children's in large or small quantities. Highest price given. Letters and parcels will receive prompt attention.- Address, Manageress, 44, Dean-street. Bangor, N.W. 38J To be Let. RESIDENCES IN NORTH WALES. SEND FOR Hf 0 N T"HL ?" LIST ? iwued by W. & F. BROWN & Co., EASTGATE ROW, CHESTER. 497t TO BK LET. ABERDOVEV HALL, ABER- DOVEY, North Wal,Apply as above. 3lo ftlO?BE LET, 4, ELDON-TERRACE, UPPER TBANOOR. ExceUent BttcttMn.—Appty to Mr G. J. Allen, at above address. To LET, GRAIGYDON COTTAGE, TT, per + Bangor, from May 12th next.—i»pi.v to Mr -ip.kt, above address. ■ to LET, No. 1. BRYNTEG TERRACE, UP. J. PER BANGOR, from 12th May next.-Apply to Mr R. B. Watson, Hairdresser, Bangor. 1364eo T0 BE LET.-PLAS TIRION, Upper Bangor Twith immediate PoaseaMon. Apply to W Francis Williams, Bangor. 41t O BE LET. in the Main Street of a good TW&t,oriug Place in North Wales, a Rocmy HOUSE and SHOP. Capital opening for a Chemist.-Apply, » A. B. C. North Wale, VhronxcU Offici. 1486l J BE LET, a good HOUSE end SHOP JL situated in a thickly populated district in Bangor, well adapted for Grocery and Provision, Tailor aDd Draper, Boot and Shoe Maker, or any other businesa.-Apply to Mrs Roberts, Port Penrhyn House, Bangor. c ARNARVON.-TO BE LET, with immediate possession, Furnished or Unfornisbea, the most desirable Residence of the late Dr. Morris Davies, coctainine Two Entertaining Rooms, Con- sulting Room, Snrgery (with Stock, Fittings, Library, and Instruments), Kitchen, Back Kitchen, Pantries, Two Cellars, Seven Bedrooms, &c., Three- stalled Stable, Coach-house. Outbuildings, &c., and Front and Back Garden.—Apply to Mr Chas. H. Rees. solicitor. Carnarvon. 1497L Sales- ON BALE, a large quantity of MANGOLD 0 WURZELS aid Capital HAY. 1887 and 1888 harvest&-Apply, B. dargraves, The Abbey, Llanrwst- 1448jl HARMONIUM FOR SALE.-Haudeorce 35 JLl Guinea Instrument in Walnnt Case; excel- lent condition: sweet tone; 13 stops; three com. pie. rows of reeds; two knee-swells; suitable for Charch (or Drawing-room). Price, 918.-Apply to Organist of S. Seiriol's Church, Penmaeumawr. 1493L Just published, for Two Stamps. By J. A. Barnes, M.D 'U.S.) a Trestle, entitled "HOW TO ENS RE HEALTH:" A most Valuable &, for Young Men, ON the Laws Governing Life, aad the Causes, Symp- tome, and Treatment of all diseases depending on Nervous Debility, Mental and Physical Depression. Palpitation of the Heart, Noises in the Head and Ears. Impaired Sight and Memory. Indigesiieu. Prostration Lassitude, &c. Sent post free on receipt of Two Stomp" Address— J. A. BAKNES, M.D (U.8 ), 48. Lonsdal e-square, Thornhill-road, London, N. BANGOR AND NORTH WALES BENEFIT BUILDING SOCIETY. Established 187 2. Incorporated 1874. President and Chairman of Directors: Dr. RICHARDS, Bangor. SHARES, L10 EACH. SUBSCRIPTION, 2/6 PER SHARE PER MONTH. ASTANCCS. MONEY advanced on Freehold or Leasehold JM Property for 5, 10, 15, and 20 years, to be repaid by Monthly Instalments. For further particulars apply to JOHN LLOTI>, Accountant, Masonic Hall, Bangor, Managing Director. A A TLA 8 ASSURANCE COMPANY, CHEAPSIDE, LONDON. ESTABLISHED 1808. FIRE AND LIFE. Zopital, Million Two Hundred MThousand Pounds. ?o<n( Jor ?"?er. MR. WILLIAM P7GHE, National Provincial bnk. Tbe Company bas been in esistence -ore than 79  Years. n it. Fends are invested in Great Britain. Ample Reserves &part from apl'al, FIRE, RESERVE, and other FUNDS ID Hand (inclndiuR Paid-up Capital and Freehold OMM) exceed E370,000 LIFE FUNDS in hand uoeed £1 371 000 (all II-pphoable to Polioy.Holderl), Total iuv"$ed Fand. camea one œimOD aDd three Sales by Messrs. W. Dew & Son. MADRYN HOME FARM, ABER NEAR BANGOR. SALES OF FAT STOCK. MEsSRS W. DEW AND SON beg to announce that the two next FAT STOCK SALES will take place on MONDAY, FFBBUABY 25th, and APRIL 3rd next, respectively. Further particulars in due course.-Welifield House, Bangor, January 3rd, 1889. 1404 LLANFAIRFECHAN. CASTLE HOTEL. Sale of modern and useful Household Furuiture, Billiard-roam and Bar Furniture and Fittil,go, small quantity of China, Glass, Silver Plata, and Linen, a useful Horse, Vog Cart, Float, &,c. MESSRS W. DEW A SON are infracted to M SELL BY PUBLIC AUCTION, on THURS- DAY and FRIDAY, FKBROAKY 7th and 8th, 1889, on the premises as above, the whole of the oseful HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE briefly comprised in contents of Coffee-room, Com- mercial-room, and Smoke-room, in Mahog.iny Dining Tables, verv bandiiome Cheffoniers and Sme- boards, Mahogany land other Single and Easy Chairs, Pier Glasses, Dinner Waggon, Carpets, &e. Two Drawing-rooms, in Walnut-framed Suites, upholstered in Stamped Velvet, occasional and other Cbairs and Tables, TRICHORD PIANO- FORTE by A. Bord, Paris; Carpets, Rags, Over Mantles, &c., < £ c. Ten Bedrooms, in Brass and Iron French Bed- steads, Spring, Hair, and Wool Mattresses. Feather Beds, Chests of Drawers, Toilet Tables and Glasses, Withstands, Ware, Ac. A FULL-SIZE BILLIARD TABLE, by Burroughs and Watts, with Caee. Reats, Rackst Markers, Balls. &o., complete. The contents of Bar, iDoloding five China spirit Kegs, Beer and Spirit Measures, four Pull Beer Engine, Lto. The whole of the Kitchen Furniture and Culinary Utensils, a small quantity of Linen, China, Glass, and Plated Goods; together with a few OUT DOOR EFFECTS including a useful BAY HORSE, capital DOG CART, by Jones Bros., Bangor; set of Single Harness, Float, Chaff Cutter, &o. SALE TO COMMENCE ECH DAY AT 11.30 O'CLOCK IN THE FORENOON. Catalogues may be obtained at any of the HOTELS in the neighbourhood; at the CASTLB HOTEL or of the AUCTIONKEBS, WellAfcld House, Bangor. 1482B Sales by Mr John Pritchard. BRYNAETHWY, MENAl BRIDGE. PRELIMINARY ANNOUNCEMENT. MR JOHN PRITCHAÏm is instructed by iiLL Mrs HOME KELLY, Executrix of the late G. C. M. MUBDOCH, Esq., to SELL BY PUBLIC AUCTION, on TUESDAY, FEBBOABV 12th, 1888, at ELEVEN a.m. prompt, the exoeUent and ae?ioeab)e HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE AnJ EFFECTS, particulars of which will, shortly appear. B?ngor. ?52H _Bodhyfryd, anor, 1452a BANGOR. FREEHOLD PROPERTY FOR SALE by J' PRIV ATE TREATY: Nos.4 and 5. Mountin Square; No. 3, Berllan Bach, Nos. 4 and 5, Infant Lane.-Apply to Mr John Pritchard, Auctioneer, Bangor. 146St Sales by Mr R. P. Evans. MR R. F. EVANS will hold his SALE OF M. FURNITURE, Lto., &a., at the MARKET bALL, BANOOB, on TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 5tb, 1889, and not TUESDAY, JANUARY 29th. as previously announced. Consignments of Household EffaotB may be sent in up to morning of day of Sale. 1501L Sales by Alr Geo. F. Felton. FELTONS'S AUCTION ROOMS, LLANDUDNO. NEXT SALE OF FURNITURE, FEBRUARY 7th, 1889. Consignments of all descriptions re- ceived. 145i-535, TAL-Y-SIRN, LLANDUDNO JUNCTION. THIS FREEHOLD LAND, 5514 Square Yards, i was not sold at the Auction, but may be treated for privatelv. GEO. F. FLTON, 1450—534A. Auctioneer, Llandadno. Sales by Messrs Lucas and Co. ? ,?avsby Messrs Luc_d Co, HORSE SALES. LUCAS'S, HOTHAM STREET, LIVERPOOL. WEDNESDAYS throughout the Year for CART, YV VAN, and HARNESS HORSES; CARTS, GEARS, (fee. SATURDAYS throughout the Year for HACKS, HARNESS HORSES. CUBS, PONIES, CARRI. AGES, HARNESS, and SADDLERY. Horses for these Sales to be sent the Day Prior. Seleot Sales for Valuable Horses every alternate THURSDAY. Next Sale, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 7th. 1443f HALF-YEARLY BALE OF MILLINERY, FANCY ARTICLES, LADIES' UNDERCLOTHING, BABY LINEN, &c., AT REGENT HOUSE. 254, HIGH-STREET, BANGOR MRS R. P. EVANS begs to inform that on and iU. after WEDNESDAY, the 16th day of JANUABY inst., to the End of the Month, she will be prepared to Sell the Stock of FANCY ARTICLES, TRIMMED BONNETS AND HATS, FEATHERS, FLOWERS, DRESS CAPS, Large stock of trimmed and untrimmed Hats, Children's Costumes, Ladies' Underclothing, Baby Linen, Berlin and other Wools, Corsets, Lacea, Umbrellas, &c., at such prices as to effect a clear- ance to prepare for the Spring Season. 1430P IMPORTANT TO BORROWERS. MONEY LENT PRIVATELY, PROJIPTLYI and on PERSONAL SECURITY, without fees, publicity, or other surety. Respeotable persons (male or female) may obttLa advances of flOO to £1000, on their own Note of Hand alone from Twelve Months to Ten Years, at 96 per cent, per annum, repaying by yearly instalments or in one lump sum. Forward psrticulars of kum wanted, for what term. and how to be repaid, and stamped directed envelope for reply, to MR W. RANSOME. 1, Columbia-road, London, N.E. 1498jl NOTICE. J. W, ROGERS, F.I.A.S., AUCTIONEER & VALUER (27 years' practical ex. perience), Llandudno. Certificated BAILIFF under the Law of Distress Amendment Act, 1888. SALES and VALUATIONS of every description 0 conducted on the beat terms with immediate cash settlements. Valuations for probate and transfer carefully carried out. References National and Provincial Bank, Llandudno. Sale Rooms. Mosfyn-stieet. Residence, Hampton House, Llandudno. 400- &SSG J. A. ENRIGHT & CO., MINERAL WATER MANUFACTURES BANGOR, AND LLANERCHYMEDD. EVERY Ooeratioc under the supervision of a JH I Practical Chemist, who has been specially and highly recommended at the Healthenes and the Royal Windsor Show. ORDERS PUNCTUALLY ATTENDED TO. 267T THE CORS-Y-GEDOL AND MARINE HOTELS, AND FREEHOLD LAND COMPANY LIMITED. Barmouth, North Wales. INCORPORATED UNDEB THE COMPANIES' ACTS, LIMITISO THE LIABILITY OF SHAREHOLDERS TO THE AMOUNT OF THEIR SHARES. CAPITAL £ 60,000, In 12,000 Shares of E5 each, payable as follows :— £ 1 on Application, ?2 on Allotme.t, and the Balance after 12 months, if and as required. Directors. SIR PRYCE PRYCE-JONES, Dolerw, Newtown, North Wales, Chairman. BENJAMIN JOHN ALLSOP, Marine Hotel, Barmouth. THOMAS DAVIES, M.R.C.S.. fenrallt. Machyn- lIetb. WILLIAM ROBERT DAVIES, Queen's Square, Dol Iley. EDWARD FRANCIS GRAY, Arthog, Dolgelley. JAMES BUTTERWORTH SANDBACH, 24, St. Ann's Street. Manchester. Bankers. NORTH & SOUTH WALES BANK LD., Liver- poo!, Barmouth, and Branches. Solicitors. BARMOUTH :-W. R. DAVIES, Masonic Chambers. LONDON —HARRIS & CHETHAM, 46, Finshury Circus, E.C. Auditors. THOMAS, WADE, GUTHRIE & CO., 71, King Street, Manchester 10, Tokenhonse Yard, London, E.C. and New York. Brokers. HODSON & COPPOCK, Manchester. Secretary pro tem. H. SIMMONS, 71, King Street, Manchester. Offices. ST, ANN'S, BARMOUTH, NORTH WALKS. ABRIDGED PROSPECTUS. THE object of the Company is to acquire the old- established C O R S Y G E D O L and MARINE HOTELS, Barmouth, North Wales, and W (1) 8T. Ann's," Barmouth, containing eighteen bedrooms, four large sitting rooms, kitchen, and laundry, with the valuable furniture therein. (2) A Shop and Dwelling-house. (3) A Shop and Dwelling-house. (4) Large Publio Assembly Rooms,, with ante- rooms and offices used by the Local Board. (5) A Bath-house on the Quay, and a Cottage near tbe Cors-y-gedol Hotel.. (6) Valuable Building Land in the best parts of Barmouth. (7) The furniture, licences, stock, horses, Clrri- ages, bathing machines, etc,, of the Cors-y- Gedol." Both Hotels are weU furnished and stocked, and the stables, coach houses, horses, vehicles, and plant, are equal to the carrying on of an extensive posting business. The contract price for the purchase of the Cors-y- gedol Hotel, and the properties Nos. 1 to 7 is 930,000. The Vendors are trustees. The will under which they sell preoludes their taking shares in the Company, but they leave half the purchase money on mortgage at four per cent. The con- tractprice for the purchase of the leasehold and freehold of the Marine Hotel and goodwill is RSOOO, and the Furniture and Stock will be taken at a valuation. The success with which hotels are being worked by companies is a matter of repute, and where old established connections have been acquired most satisfactory results have followed. The Cors-y- gedol and the Marine are well known; they are near together, and under one management may be conducted with exceptionally good profits. Mr ALUIJP has agreed to act as Managing Director. It is believed that a payment of 93 per share only will be necessary. The Books and & ccounts of both Hotels have been subjected to the examination of Memr8 TaomAs, WADK, GOTHRUC 4 Co. In their report they indi- :b::n &Wlh p:fith:r than t:ret for a dividend of Ten per cent, may be anticipated. The Hotels, Building and Land, have, on bebalf of the Company, been valued by Messrs R. GILLABT & BOKS, Machynlleth, and Mr OWEN MoaRIe ROBERTS, of Portmadoc. The former firm give the value of the Cors-y-gedol buildings and land at £ 40,590 and the letter at £ 43,200, irrespective of the Furniture, Stock, and Effects included in the purchase. The same gentlemen give the value of the Marin3 Hotel, lease and freehold, at RW75 and 98250 respectively The rsmnneratnn of the Directors will be voted by the Shareholders. Applications for Shares must be made not later than the 24th January, 1889. Applicant* whose names are on the Hotel Books will have the retererce on Allotment. A large locaf subscription has been promised. In case of non-allotment of Shares the deposits will be returned in full. Fuil Prospectuses, with plans and forms of appli- cation and particulars of contracts entered into, may be obtained from ,the BANKBRB, SOLICITORS, AUDITORS, and BROKERS and at the Offices of the Company, where all agreements, reports, and valua- tions, and the memorandum and articles of associa- tion may be seen. 1453T NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a separate Building named CARMEL, situate at Cae- llwyngrydd, in the Parish of Llanllechid, in the County of Carnarvon, in the District of Bangor, being a Building Certified according to Law, as a place of Religious Worship, was on the Twenty- second day of January, 1889, duly Registered for Solemnising Marriages therein, pursuant to the Act of 6th and 7th Wm. IV., c 85. Witness my hand this 23rd day of January, 1889. JOHN LLOYD, 1474a Superintendent Ragistrar. LAMBING AND CALVING. DAY, SON & HEWITT'S "BED DRENCH" IS of universal fame for its quick and marvellous effects in preventing fever and inflammation in Ewes and Cows, if dosed a day or two before and just after parturition. The cteaosiug of the Ewe and the Cow will be perfect, and the milk rendered pure, copious, and wholesome for their offspring. 3s 6d per dozen for Ewes; 139 per dozen box for Cows. Should paining or heaving threaten violently, dose with the pain-killing GASEODYNE at once, and stop it. Price 38 6d per bottle. DAY, SON & HEWITT'S "BROWN EXTRACT," Said to be worth a guinea a bottle IU a pain antidote for anointing the womb in drawing away a Lamb or Calf. It draws all inflamed poisons out upon the surface, prevents gangrene; aud is matohless for all wounds, sores, swollen and broken udders in Cows and Ewes, and sore papa. Price 2s 6d, 311 6d, and 7e per bottles. DAY, SON & HEWITT'S » GASEOUS FLUID" Deadens pain in an almost magic manner in Cows and Ewes where there is uneasiness, nhaustion, and danger after parturition, for it imparts great ease, and is always given after the Red Drench to calm the nerves and give strength. Matohlesn for Diar- rhoea. Price Is 9d per bottle, 201 per dozen, CAUTION. Beware of colourable imitations, and please note carefully name and addresb- DAY, SON & HEWITT, ROYAL ANIMAL MEDICINE MANUFACTORY, 22, DORSET STREET, LONDO. W. N.B.-Gratuitous advice given by Mr T. G. HEWITT, M.R.C.V.8., London. zl440 A. W. TORKINGTON, METAL MERCHANT. BUYER of WROUGHT AND CAST IRON, Brass, Copper, Lead, and DISUSED COLLIERY AND MINING PLANT, & &c. Enquiries from all parts of the Country Solicited. YARD, Crescent-road, 720L Bhyl. THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT, 1888. ELECTION OF COUNTY COUNCILLORB FOR THE COUNTY OF ANGLESEY ON THE 22ND DAY OF JANUARY, 1889. TAKE NOTICE that all persons having any claim against JOHN GRIFFITH, Esquire, the Returning Officer, or against me, the nndersigned, as Depnty Returning Officer, for any expenses incurred on account of or in respect of the conduct or management of the above election, are hereby required to deliver detailed particulars of such claims to me at my offloe, situate as below, not later than WEDNESDAY, the 6th day of FEBRUARY proximo, and that every claim uot so sent in will be barred and cannot be paid unless by leave of Her Majesty's High Court of Justioe. Dated this 23rd day of January, 1889. JOHN STEWART LAURIE, 24, Church-street, 1492B Llangefni. IN THE COUNTY COURT OF CARNARVON- SHIRE HOLDEN AT CARNARVON. IN THE MATTER OF THE COMPANIES ACTS, 1862 AND 1867. AND IN THE MATTER OF THE DINA8 DINLLE HOTEL COMPANY LIMITED. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN that his HONOUR JUM9 HOBATIO LLOYD has fixed TUESDAY, the FIFTH day ofFMBCAM, 1889, at TEN o'clock in tha forenoon, at the COUNTY HALL, CABNABVON, as the time and plsoe for the appointment of an Offioial Liquidator of the above-named Company. Dated this 21st day of JANUABY, 1889. CHAS. A. JONES, Registrar of the above Con rt. JNO. THOS. ROBERTS, of BAsaon-MMM. CAR- NARVON, Solicitor for the Petitioners. 1480A GEORGE LOWTHIAN HALL, ESQ., DECEASED. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all Creditors and oiher Persopa having any Claims or Demands upon or against the Estate of Gioaaa LOWTHIAN HALL, late of Y CRAW, KENAI BBIDOI, in the Island of ANGLESEY, Esq., Deceased (who died intestate at Menai Bridge aforesaid, on the 23rd day of JULY, 1888, and letters of administration to whose personal estate and effects were on the 16th day of ,ANu&Ry, 1889, granted by the Probate Division of the High Court of Justice Principal Registry, to GODFREY BEDFORD HALL, of No. 14, LSIOHTON GROVI, BHKCKNOCK-BOAD, in the county of bilIDDLESICI, Gentle- man, the natural and lawful son and one of the next-of-kin of the said intestate), are hereby required to send in Writing the Particulars of their Claims or Demands to the undersigned, the Soiicitors for the said GODFREY BBDFOBD BALL, on or before the 6th day of MABCH, 1889. Dated this 22nd day of JANUARY, 1889. COLLYER-BRISTOW, WITHERS, RUSSELL, AND HILL, 4, Bedford Row, London, W.C., Solicitors for the said Godfrey Bedford Hall. 1487jt TO the Mayor. Aldermen, and Burgesses of the Borongh of Bangor, being the Urban Sanitary Authority for the said Borough. TO the Inhabitants of the said Boiough. AND to all others whom it may concern. WHEREAS the Mayor, Aldermen, and Bur- W gesses of the Borough of Bangor, being the Urban Sanitary Authority for the said Borough, have apolied to the Local Government Board to issue a Provisional Order to partially repeal, alter, or amend the Bangor Water and Gas Act, 1854, and the Bangor Local Board Act, 1878, or one of such Acte. so as either to reduce the maximum price authorised to be charged tor gas supplied by the said Mayor, Aldermen, and Burgesses, or to remove the prohibition contained in section 71 of the Local Act of 1878, which at present prevents the said Mayor, Aldermen, and Burgesses from defraying any insufficiency in their gas revenue out of the General District rates in any year in which they charge less than the maximum price for gas to any ordinary consumers wiihiu the limits of that Act. AND WHEREAS it is proposed that a Pro- visional Order should be issued in compliance with the said application, and should make such altera- tions in the said Local Acts, and in any other Local Act or Act confirmi any Provisional Order made "I pu?auan ce of nr?, a?ne y Provisional Order made in pursuance of any qtlhe Sanitary Acts, or of the Public tItlalth Act, 1875, in force in the said Borough as may be necessary, or desirable in con- nection with the objects of the said application. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Colonel Walter Mardon Ducat, R.E., one of the Inspectors of the said Board, will attend at the Town Hall, Bangor, oil THURSDAY, the seventh day of FEBBUABY, 1889, at. ELEVEN o'clock in the Fore- noon, to hold a Local Inquiry into the subject matter of the said application and the other matters afdresaid. AND NOTICE IS HEREBY FURTHER GIVEN that any person interested may attend at such inquiry and be heard with reference to the said application, and the other matters aforesaid. AB WITNESS my hand this twenty-third day of January, 1889, at the office of the Local Govern- ment Board, Whitehall, London. HUGH OWEN, 1493i Secretary. BIENNIAL CONTRACTS. WAR DEPARTMENT CONTRACTS. NOTICE TO BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS. LIVERPOOL ROYAL ENGINEER SUB- DISTRICJT. SEPARATE TENDERS are invited for the several Contracts enumerated below, for the performance of such Works and Repairs, and the supply of Building Materials as may be ordered for War Department Buildings and Property in the Liverpool Sub-District, for a period of Two Years from the 1st APRII*. 1889, to the 31at MARCH, 1891. CONTRACTS:— No. I.-A all ton- under-Lyne. No. 2.-Beaumaris. No.3-Burnley, No. 4.-Bary. No. 5.—Carnarvon. No. 6.-Chester. No. 7.—Fleetwood (including Hot Encampment, Hospital and Rille Ranges). No. 8.-lsle of Man (Castletown). No, 9.-Lancaster (including Moreambe Battery). No. 10.-Liverpool (including late Recruiting Establishment and Militia Buildings, Everton, Seaforth Barracks, Altcar, Perch Rock, Liscard and Seaforth Batteries. No. II.—Manchester and Salford. No) 12.- Macclesfield. No 13.-Pretton. No. 14.-Bonthport. No 15.—Warrington. No. lS;-Wrexha.m (including Mold Militia Bar. racks and Rifle Ranges). J ADDlications for Forms cf Tender, with conditions of Contract and Schedules bf Prices, should reach this OFFICE on or before the 21st day of FEBBDAHY, 1889, after which date no application will be con- sidered. II ? Ac? further information can be obtained at the COMMANDING ROYAL ENOMMB'a OMtCK. RUPERT LANE BARRACKS, on any Week Day (Saturday excepted), between the hours of TEN and FOUR o'clock, up to the 21st FEBRUARY, 1889. A pavment of 16s for the Schedules of Prices will be required of each candidate. Thwjura will NOT be returned. Ilie printed Schedules, with conditions of Con. tracr, may be seen (without payment) at the Royal SWineer's Office, Brookfield House, Cornbroak Park-road, Manchester at R. E. Office, Fulwood Barracks. Preston; at B. E. Office, Rupert Lane Barracks. Liverpool; at H. E. Office. Militia Barracks, Chester, between the hours of TEN a.m. and FOUR p.m.. up to 21st FEBBUABY, 1889. Candidates tendering are requested to send testi- monials of competency with their applications for TENDERS are to be delWer,d at W?B OFFICE. P?M???. 8.W.. by TWELVE n?n?ONDAY. the 4th MABCH, 1889, .^WELVE I DIRECTOR OF ARMY CONTRACTS, and should be marked on the envelope TMDM roR ABTIIIICEBS' WOEK." Ttfe s/cBETARY OF F" himself to accept the LOWEST or ANY TENDER. A. C. WARD, Lient.-Colonel R.E., Commanding ltoyal Engineers, R E. Office, Liverpool Sub-District. Rupert Lane Barracks, Liverpool, 10th day January, 1889. 14460 CARNARVONSHIRE. COUNTY COUNCIL ELECTION. To THE ELECTORS OF THE LLINDEOAI DISTRICT. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN,—I beg to acknowledge ij the honour which you have done me by elect- ing me without opposition to be your representa- tive in the County Council of Carnarvonshire. I have the honour to be, Ladies and Gentlemen. Your obedient servant, PENRHYN. Penrhyn Castle. Bangor. 1496i CARNARVONSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL. To THE ELECTORS OF THE PABISB OF BANGOR OUT. SIDII THE MUNICIPAL BOBOUOH. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN,—I beg to thank you very sincerely for placing me at the head of the Poll for this Division yesterday by so large a majority. I trust that I may be enabled to prove, by atten- tion to the business of the Council, that your con- fidence has not been misplaced. I have the honour to be, Ladies and Gentlemen, Your Obedient Servant, WILLIAM E. SACKVILLE-WEST. Lime Grove, Bangor, 25th January, 1889. 1494a COUNTY COUNCIL ELECTIONS. BOROUGH OF BANGOR. WEST WARD. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN,—I beg to express my jj wsrmest thanks to all those Electors of this Ward who so kindly helped to return me as their Representative on the County Council. I need hardly &ay that it shall always be my endeavour to serve you faithfully and to the best of my ability in your interests. I have the honour to be, Ladies and Gentlemen, Your Obedient Servant, JOHN WILLIAMS. Wylfa, Upper Bangor, January 25th, 1889. 1502i A MASONIC CHARITf BALL IN AID OF THE FUND TO PURCHASE A LIFE PRESENTATION TO THE ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR GIRLS, FOR THE PROVINCE OF NORTH WALES, will be held at the GEORGE HOTEL, BANGOR, ON JANUARY 30th, 1889, Under the Patronage of the Right Worshipful P.G.M. Lord HABLECH Major HCNTEB, the P.P.G.M. Aberdeenshire East, P.P.G.S.W. North Wales; and Repres from Greece W. Soot. the D.P.G.M. Col. PLATT, P.G.D. of England the Hon. W. E. SACK. VILLE-WBBT, P.G.W. of England and the Officers of the P.G.L. of North Wales. Masonic Dress for Fresmasons Compulsory. Officers of the Army, Navy, and Reserves, in Uniform. TICKETS: GENTLEMEN, 10s 6d each; LADIES, 7s 6d each. Ladies and Gentlemen desirous of attending the BALL may obtain TICKETS through a FABZMASON. Early application for Tickets to be made to R. LANGFORD JONES, )H g°E*c"a' W. THORNTON JONES, } H. BROS. 1438z Masonic Chambers, Bangor. THE DENBIGH CENTRAL ART AND INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION, TO BE ØELD IN DENBIGH IN THE AUTUMN OF 1890. SPECIAL PRIZES OFFERED FOR ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS AND FOR PUPILS OF THE HOME ARTS AND INDUSTRIES CLASSES. The Schedules of Prizes and Rules may be had on application (enolosing stamp) to 1351D ELLIS WILLIAMS, Denbi b UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF NORTH WALES, BANGOR. A CLASS IN MODERN WELSH will be formed A early next week. 'i hose who wish to join this Class are requested to send in their names not later than 11 a.m. on SATURDAY morning, JASUAHY 26tb. And all who intend to join Classes in either Old or Modern Welsh are requested to attend an opening Lecture at that boor in the Englist, Lecture Room. Fzic for either Class for the Term, 91 Is (included in the Composition Fee), Registration Fee, 5s. J. MORRIS JONES, B.A., 1488TD Lecturer in Welsh. BANGOR BRANCH OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY FOB THE PREVENTION OF CRUELTY TO ANIMALS. IMPORTANT TO THE HEAD TEACHERS OF ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS IN CARNAR- VONSHIRE AND ANGLESEY. IN order to Enoourags Children to be Kind to Animals tbe Committee of the above Branch will give Seven Prizes Oue of 42. Two of JSI each, and Four ef lOs each, for the best Essay on the following subject, "Why should we be Kind to Animals." Open to chiidreo attending Mny Public Elementary School iu Carnarvonshire and Anglesey. All Eauays to be sent in on or before next EASTEn MONDAY to the. Hon. Sec., Miss RATHBONS, Glan-y.Menai, Bangor. 1435t TO FISHERMEN. FISHMONGERS DEALERS IN FISH, AND OTHERS. THE FISHMONGERS COMPANY of LON- DON, HEREBY GIVE NOTICE that al Consigners of U N SEA SON A B L E and UNCLEAN SALMON, and MIGRATORY FISH 01 the GENUS SALMON inolading SEA TROUT, &o.t to the London and Provincial Markets, and all Consignees and Receivers of such Fillh, WILL BE PROSECUTED with the utmost rigour of tbe Law. By order, W. B. TOWSE, Clerk of the Worshipful Company of Fishmongers, Loudon. Firhmongers' Hall, London Bridge. October, 1888. 1184g VAYNOL ESTATE. RENT AUDIT. THESE RENTS will be received as follows At LLANBERIS. on SATURDAY, the 2nd FEBRUARY next (for Llanberis and Dinorwio dis. trict). At PWLLHELI, on MONDAY, the 4th FEBRU- At CARNARVON, on WEDNESDAY, the 6th FEBRuAity next. AcOARNARVON, on THURSDAY, the 7th FKBBCARY next (for Llanddeiniolen), At BANGOR, on FRIDAY, the 8th Imvm next, °? CARNARVON, on SATURDAY, the 9th FEBBUABY next. TEN PER CENT. allowed on Rents and Titbao to alllfarni tenants paying their own rates. Llanddein- iolen tenants are particularly requested to come on their proper day. N. P. STEWART. Bryn Tirion, N, P. STEWA.RT. 16th JMSMY. IM. 1?? WINE AND SPIRIT DEPARTMENT. MEMORANDUM or SPECIAL PARCELS AND SUNDRY REMNANTS TO CLEAR. CLARET. Per Bot. P. D. 290 Half Bottles good Dinner Claret 81 470 Bottles „ 1,1 10 250 „ Medoo District. 1 3 190 Bordeaux 1 6 SHERRY. 240 Bottles, Is Duty 1 0 230 „ Ccsen's Sherry 2 3 90 „ Cooking Sherry 1 8 PORT. 430 Bottles Genuine Spanish Port 1 4 540 „ Martinez Gassiot's Port 2 6 170 „ Kopkes Old Port 3 6 SUNDRIES. 79 Bottles De Kuyper's Hollaude 2 5 65 „ Huring's Cherry Brandy 1 11 54 „ Siegert's Angostma Bitters.. 2 8 69 „ Champagne Speoial Curvie (1880) 3 3 170 Liquor Cognac (1&58) 6 0 280 „ Pale Cognac (1878) 4 6 BOTTLES AND CA SES FREE. SAMPLES FRO* :— BIRKETT'S STORES, BANGOR.

THE DEATH OF THE BISHOP OF ST. ASAPH. LAST Monday afternoon, at the little town of Crieff, which stands at the base of the Gram- pian mountains, is u favourite resort in summer in consequence of the purity of its air, its fine drives and walks, nod the beautiful scenery of its neighbourhood, Bishop JOSHUA HUGHES, D.D., breathed his last, having attained the patriarchal age of 82 years. Although the city of St. Asaph is the smallest city in the three king- doms, it yet enjoys the unique distinction of being the laet Welsh see which remained independent of "he See of Canterbury, and the first bishopric that possessed a genuine Welsh bishop-that bishop being the late Dr. JOSHUA HUGHES, whose death it is to-day our painful duty to record. We do not pretend to say that the deceased Bishop' was an ideal pre- late, that all his;actions were beyond criticism, or that he altogether fulfilled the most sanguine anticipations of his friends; yet he passes from amongst us who live in Wales as a mode rate, prudent and conscientious Father of the Diocese over which he presided for not far short of twenty years. He was not a brilliantly clever man; he never posed as such but he was a bishop whom to know was to admire; he was a man whose integrity of character and simplicity of life was enough to arouse even the admiration of those who differed from him ia creed and doctrine. As a preacherjhe made a fair impres- sion both in the English and Welsh languages, while in the Houaejof Lords he figured as one of the most unjjretentious of prelates but when he spoke he was brief and to the point, his pet subject being Church Defence. Again, as to public affairs, the deceased bishop held almost entirely aioof from public affairs, though con- cerning tlieDisestablishment movement he enter- tained pronounced views. As Prime Minister, Mr GLADSTONE never, perhaps, exercised his pro- found knowledge of Churches and Churchmen to better advantage than when he recommended Her Majesty the QUEEN to appoint the late Bishop HUGHES and in this, for once, we wish the present PRIME MINISTER to be a humble imitator of his great political rival. We want Lord SADISBURV, who, bv-the-bye, is himself a Welshman by descent, to appoint a Welshman to the vacant See of St. Asaph; not a Welshman who is a Welshman in name only, but a Welshman who can read and speak the Welsh language in such a way as to arouse the enthusiastic admiration of the high, low, rich and poor in his diocese. Tn is is the kind of man whom we wish to see succeed the late excellent Bishop, who would, no doubt, hate done much more for the Welsh Church had his vitality been greater. The late Dr. HUGHES spent his life in Wales, and no man could have wished for the greater success of "Hen Eglwys" than be. Yet, contract- ing the time of his appointment with that of the present, we find political, social and religious affairs changed. Bishop HUGHES floated his barque on smooth waters but the waters of Wales have since then become turbu- lent. The Church in Wales is to-day in danger of disestablishment, and it will remain with those who are constant and true to fay whether the blow shall be struck now or averted altogether by a wise administration of affairs. For the guidance of Lord SALISBURY, upon whom, as Prime Minister, is imposed the great responsibility of recommending to Her Majesty tIlO QCEE.V a successor to the late Dr. JOSHUA HUOHES, we wish to point out that it is absolutely necessary that an able, amiable, energetic, and competent Welsh soliolar should be selected. It is iio use mincing matters now. The feeling of the nation is too loud to be despised. Bold. igDorant, and self-seeking miii-t be the man who presents himself as a candidate for the vacant Bishopric of St. Asaph unless be can speak, read, and write the Welsh language in a way which wlll eommxud the sympathy of all sorts and conditions of people in the swill yet important Diocese of St. Asapli, -base history is associated with some oftheareatett events in Welsh history. The very announce- ment of the vacancy at St. Asaph has caused quite a flutter in ecclesiastical circles in Wales, where certainly there are to he found more blanks than prizes. The query in almo-rt every mouth is Who'd get St. Asaph ?" Rumour is at present busy with four names Canon HOWELL, the Rev. ALFRED EDWARDS, vicar or Carmarthen (and brother of the late DEAN of BANGOR). Canon WATKIN of Durham, and Arch- deacon PRYCE, of Bangor. The appointment of Canon HOWELL would certainly be a popular one, although this eloquent divine ia well stricken in years, though younger than the late bishop when he received his appointment. Mr EDWARDS is brimful of energy, but he again laboare under the disadvantage of youth.tbough we know there is no precedent to prevent a clergyman being appointed after he has attained thirty years. Of Canon WATKINS, Welsh Churchmen know- absolutely nothing. He has spent his energies on an English diocese, and we tee no reason why he should step in and take preferment from those who have laboured long and zealously in the uphill battle of the Church in Wales. Archdeacon PaYCE is a scholar, a good organizer, if eloquence is not his distinguishing characteristic, ard he has done great deal for the diocese with which he has been so long and intimately connected. With the long illness of the late bishop, the known needs of timely and able succour in the Diocese of St. Asaph, no time ought to be lost in appointing both a new bishop and a new dean of this Welsh See. _—————

I NOTES OF THE WEEK. Carnarvonshire is much more Conservative than our Radical friends anticipated. The results of the elections on Thursday show that the merit of men is after all recognised before party, and that the excellent services of magis- trates in the past are not to be overlooked.

Bangor Radicals anticipated that they would carry the four seats. In this they have been disappointed. The Conservatives, it must be admitted, did not look upon the Rev. T. Lewis Jones as their nominee, and they, therefore, did not work for him in that thorough manner that they would have done under other circumstances hence the large majority of Mr T. C. Lewis, who has hitherto figured so badly in municipal contests. In the South Ward Dr. Grey Edwards defeated the ex President of the Reform Club; whilst Mr John Williams taught Mr Samuel Evans a lesson which we hope he will not readily forget-a lesson of the folly of putting too much confidence in his own popularity, and Liberty and jus. tice." Much surprise is felt at the defeat of Mr Evan Williams in the East Ward; but it must be admitted that he didn't work as he ought to have worked. The ward is a Con. servative ward, and out of 412 voters more than 330 ought to have been brought to (the poll. Still, if we look at the results of the elections of the borough of Bangor from a party point of view, we have no reason to grumble. Although the magistrates have been marked out for oppressive opposition in the County Council elections in Wales, we are pleased to find that the following Chairmen of Quarter Sessions have been elected Anglesey, Denbigh. shire, Merionethshire, and Montgomeryshire. The Chairman of the Carnarvonshire Bench was not a candidate; but we re- gret the defeat of his colleague, the Lord-lieutenant. Captain Verney will have his hands full. He is a County Councillor for a London division, for the Holyhead division, chairman of Quarter Sessions, and Radical candidate for Bucks. Truly he has many irons in the fire, but he is probably most satisfied when he has his hands full. We are, however, glad that he has been elected for Anglesey. A poorer lot of Radical representatives than those who have been returned could not be found. They are figure-heads and nothing more; and, instead of decreasing county expenditure, they will raise !t. The result of the elections in Anglesey do not redound to the credit of the county Unless we are much mistaken, three years hence a totally different result will be registered. So far there has been no very great excitement on the question of the County Council elections. III fact, throughout the country generally, they have been regarded "ith a certain amount of indifference, and in some districts with positive apathy. This is shown by the comparatively small number of votes polled in many places wherej contests have taken place. In some divisions, where considerable personal interest is felt in the candidates, there has been some little stir and excitement; but speaking gener- ally, the election proceedings have been orderly, not to say tame. It is thought that three years hence. when the elections will again take place, the result will be something different. The people may expect So much from these County Councils that they may be disappointed if they do no find that all at once they have perfect roads, improved dwellings for the poor, complete sanitary arrangements, allotments for next to nothing, &c., and in their disappointment they may turn out their old representatives and elect fresh ones. This is, of course, mere conjecturei but it is just possible that the people are being led to expect too much from the operation of tte new system of county government, which afuc all is limited in its scope, and, moreover, wil not be able to effect mauy reforms without add. ing to the burden of the rates.

The Carnarvonshire County Council Election, which took place on Thursday last, is chiefly remarkable for the number of seats which have been gained by the Conservatives in the stretch of country from Bangor to Llandudno, and that in other parts of the county Conservatives of position and experience have been elected. We do not, of course, look upon any of these returns as Conservative victories, because the Conserva- tive Association altogether discouraged the adoption of party influences, and the resources at the command of the Association were not used. Still it is a remarkible fact and a hopeful sign that larize numbers of the electors persisted In voting for the best men, and did not allow politics to interfere with their voting. It was a graceful and fitting com- pliment to Lord Petirfiy-! that he was returued unopposed for the Llandegai division, and men of all parties will, we think, agree that him lordship was entitled to it, not only on personal groundf, but on account of his position and wideinfluence. We hope that a still further compliment will be paid to him, and that he will he elected as the first chairman of the first County Council of Carnarvonshire For the Binzor parish- outside the borough, Colonel Sackviile-West, the agent 01 the Penrhyn Estate, was elected by a large majority. His personal qualifications are such that it is acknowledged on all hands that his rejection at the poll would have been a great loss. He was supported by men of both parties who recognise his merits as an administrator. The fight io the four wards Of the borough of Bangor was carried on with much good-humoured spirit. Mr Samuel Evans, who hAs hitherto been able to boast rhit he h ts been at the head of the poll in IUlluicip,,1 e'ection contests, had his colours lowered most decisively hy Mr John Williams, coal merchant, who, we are glad to find, is u popular as ever. This rebuff cannot to pleasing to Mr Evans, especially aftci the publication by him of his list of nominators, including at least cne professing Cot servative, and the tender patroDage ai d support which was extended to him in this week's Gualia-the Welsh Conservative organ. Notwithstanding all