ALLIANCE ASSURANCE COMPANY. ESTABLISHED 1824. CAPITAL 25,000,000. HiAD-oFricKBARTHOLOMEW LANE, LONDON The Right Honble. LORD ROTHSCHILD, Chairman. ROBERT LEWIS, Chief Secretary. LIVERPOOL BRANCH: 30, EXCHANGE STREKT, EAST. WREXHAM BRANCH: HIGH STREET. WM. ROBERTS, District Secretary. Prospectuses, Proposal Forms, and other papers may be had on application. 332t ROYAL EXCHANGE ASSURANCE JH) CORPORATION (Established by Royal Charter, A.D. 1720). Chief Office: Royal Exchange, London. Branch: 4, Rumford Street, Exchange, Liveiyool. Tffi AOCOMULATBD FUNDS NEABLT £ 4,000,000- FIRE. Volicies issued free of expense. Losses occasioned by Lightning will be paid whether the property be set on Are or not. LIFE.. The Corporation affords security of the highest order, and declares Bonuses exceeding the average distribution of Assura ice companies. The Conditions of Assurance have been lately revised. A Prospectus, Table of Bonus, and Balance Sheet will be forwarded on application to Amlwch-Mr N. O. JONES, Old Bank, Bangor-Mr JAMES SMITH, Carnarvon—Mr G. R. REES. I GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY.-Inerease your \J income 92 to £ 10 per week. See TRADE FINANCE, and RECREATION," of all News. vendors or Railway Bookstalls, or post free 21.- 35, Mark-lane, London. 1180t PENMON PARK QUARRIES, PENMON^NEAR BEAUMARI. ANGLESEY. N. W. THESE QUARRIES are now opened on a large J. eoale. MARBLE BLOCKS and LIME STONES Sawn, Worked, and Polished by Machinery. Manager: W. THOMAS, Bryn Garth, Bangor London Offices: 5, BISHOPSEATK-STRKUT, WITHIN E.C. 25 HUNDREDS OF TESTIMONIALS HAVE BEES RECEIVED FROM MEDICAL MEN. COLEMAN'S LIEBIG'S EXTRACT OF MEAT & MALT WINE IS a Delicious Beverage and Tonic made from Port Wine, Liebig's Extract. of Meat and Extract of Malt Nutritious, Strengthening, Stimulating, Flesh-forming, dnd Health-restoring; suitable for the Robust in Health as well liS the Invalid. STRONGLY RECOMMENDED BY THE MEDICAL FACULTY. Important unsolicited Testimon- ial from E. HOPKINS, Esq., L.R.C P., L.F.P.S. OVER ONE THOUSAND Have been received from Medical Men, 54, ASTON ROAD, N., BIRMINGHAM. December 17th. 1888. DEAR SIRS,—I BEE to acknowledge receipt of sample of lour" Extract of Meat and Malt WinA," also one vou sent » short time back. I have now QUITE TWENTY PATIENTS TAKING IT; and as a flesh-forming and strength-producing agent I consider it. SECOND TO NONE, being equally useful in all forms of Debility. Yours faithfully, EDWARD HOPKINS, Messrs. Coleman & Co. L.R. P., L.F.P.S. Bold by all Druggists, Wine Merchants, and pa- tent Medicine Vendors in the United Kingdom, in Bottles 2s 9d and Ite 61 each. Ask for COLE- MAN S LIEBIG'S EX 111 ACT OF MEAT AND MALT WINE, and sve that you get it." If there is any difficulty in getting the Wine, write direct to the manufacturers, who will forward Sample Pint Bottlo fiee by Post on receipt of 33 stamps. Sample Dozen Bottles free by Rail on re- ceipt of 30s. can be obtained at all Messrs SPIERS AND POND'S Hotels, Refreshment Buffets, and Bars, in flasks, Is each in bottles, 2s 9d each and 4s 6d each. Sole Manufacturers, COLEMAN & Co.. Limited, St. George's, Norwich, and 3, New London Street, London, E.C. 614 ALLAN LINE- ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS TO CANADA AND UNITED STATES. SALOON, 10 TO 18 GUINNAB INTEKMKDIATI, JBS 6s; STEERAQ E, .£4, CHEAPEST AND MOST EXPEDITIOUS ROUTE to all parts of Canada, Manitoba, the North Weat Territory and British Columbia, also to the Western States of America. Special Emi- grant and Tourist rates. Through daily trains from oceat) to Ocean," aDd Emigrant Bleeping Cars without extra charge. A liberal allowance of baggage free. Western bound Emigrants accom- panied by a special conductor. Prof. Fre&m's new roport,and all the latest maps and pamphlets, free on application to 1458A ALLAN BROTHERS and Co, Liverpool. AMERICAN LINE. UNITED STATES MAIL STEAMERS. LIVERPOOL TO PHILADELPHIA EVERY WEDNESDAY. T71 IRST-CLASS. FULL A. FPOWERED IRON STEAM ??B?&M?. SHIPS. Aocommodation for Passengers equal to any European Line. Passengers and woods landed at Philadelphia on the Wharf of the Pennsylvania Railroad. Thia is the Shortest and Beat Ronte to the West.  Ap?y to RICHARDSON, SPENCE, & Co., 19 and 22, WATEB-STREKT, LIVERPOOL, or RICHARD ROBERTS, BETHESDA. H. J. WILLIAMS, 70, P*NTBBIS, BETHESDA. 4 INMAN LINE. aOYAL MAIL STKAHIR0 TO NEW TOBK. INMAN AND INTERNATIONAL STEAMSHIP t COMPANY, LIMITED. FBoII LIVERPOOL EVERY WEDNESDAY. Calling at Qneenstown every Thursday. Moderate Saloon and Second Cabin Fare. Steerage Fare as low as by any other 1 irst Class ?'' ^Through Booking to any part of the STATES or CANADA. including laDltoba aud North and South Weet T,?,-to'Y. ??"?°"- SP-?and Co.. 22 Water- ? Li?rpoot-. or to Edward Jones, 1.0, High- R.ntror- Huh Hughes. 7, Market-row. Am- ? S'Robert.. Old Post-offlce, Bethe.da; ?hn 'Jo?ne? l Book?ter. do Robert Fany. Douglas ?ce do Hy. J. Williams. 66, Bryngwenvth, CMU''yn([nd?- z6O Seholxstic. FRENCH, LATIN, AND GREKB.. MONS. JACQUET, B.A. (Paris). Ex-Professor ifi. of the University of France, prepares Private Pupils in the above Languages for the Public Ex- aminations, such as-London Matriculation, Dublin University, College of Preceptors, Oxford and Cam- bridge Local, Preliminary Law, Medical and Phar- maceutical Examinations, Scholarships of the Uni- versity Colleges of Wales, etc. Schools attended. Terms and References on application; o Mons. E. JACSDBT, 4, Graigfryn, Garth-road, Bangor. z43 DEGANWAY SCHOOL (Llandndno Junction). TERMS, 1889 :-January 7tb, April let, July J. 15th, October 7th. For prospectus, etc., address, Rev. R. O. THOMAS, St. Jamee'a School, Deganway, Llandudno: t LLANDTTDNO. LANSDOWNiS tiOUSE SCHOOL. PWNCIPALS MISSES MATTHEWS AND STANDRING. THIS SCHOOL offers a thorough Education, with goed Home Training for Girls, Oil moderate terms. Pupils prepared for the Local Examina- tions. Large House in a healthy situation. zl8—718 MANCHESTER GRAMMAR SCHOOL. THIS TERM began JANUARY 15TH. Pros- pectuses, &c., on application at the SCHOOL BOARDING-HOUSE, now open under the sanction of the Governors. OWEN W. COX, 1243-504 Clerk and Receiver. COTES HALL COLLEGE, NEAR STONE, STAFFORDSHIRE. PRINCIPALS DR. WHISTON, M.R.G.S., etc., W. A. WHISTON, F.S.So., (LOND.), assisted by Resident Specialists and Visiting Professors. Twenty-one Certificates gained at various Public Examinations' during the last year. Preparation for Commercial Life, the Cambridge Local and University Entrance Examinations. Science and Art. Classes in connection with Booth Kensington. N.B.—The number of Boarders has INCREASED Each Term for the last Two Years. Fees from 24 Guineas. References to Parents in Bangor, Brynkir, Car- narvon, Chwilog, Clynnog, Criccieth, Gam, Holy- head, Llandudno, Pwllheli, &c., &a. 1116-4730 RHYL. SYWLL HOUSE. MR. HAYWARD BROWNE, M.A. OXON., pre- pares boys for the Public Schools. Home Comforts; Good Bathing; Fine Air; Highest references. Prospectus on application. 1253R HIGH SCHOOL FOR WELSH GIRLS, ASHFORD, MIDDLESEX. SPECIAL TERMS offered to children of Welsh and Monmmthshire parentage. £ 32 per annum no extras. For form of application, Diet Table, and Reaalt of Examinations, apply to the Secretary of the School, 127, St. George's-road, Loudon, S. W. 1475A. ST. WINIFRED'S BOARDING SCHOOL, BANGOR. FOR THE DAUGHTERS OF CLERGY. GENTRY OF SMALL MEANS, AND OTHERS VISITOR LORD BISHOP OF BANGOR. PBOVOBT REV. CANON LOWE, D.D. HON. CHAPLAIN, PRO TIIM: VERY REV. THE DEAN OF BANGOR. THIS School is conducted by Ladies of ex- perience, and offers an eduoation preparatory to University Certificate's, with definite Church teaching. Terms, £30 per annum. For prospectus apply to Miss LOWE, St. Winifred's, Bangor. 1396dj MOUNT HOUSE SCHOOL. UPPER BANGOR, NORTH WALES. A HIGH CLASS SCHOOL for GltlLS, combining all Modern Educational Advan- tages, with the comforts of home life. There are three Resident Governesses and Professors attend for Literature, Mathematics, Music, Piano ana Violin, Singing, Dancing and Calisthenics. There is a Preparatory Class belonging to the School oondacted on the Kindergarten System, which has proved most successful since its establish- ment, 1887. Fees moderate and inclusive. The next Term will begin ou TUESDAY, JANUARY 22ud. Prospectuses on Application to the Lady Prinoipal —Miss ANDREWKS. 1464o GRAMMAR SCHOOL, LLANRWBT. SIX Scholarships of SIC each, tenable at the above-named School, are offered by the Governors of the Hospital and School Foundation of Sir John Wynne, of Gwydyr, for open competi- tion to boys not exceeding 15 years of age, and who have been educated for not less than three years at, and who have come direct from. one of the Public Elementary Schools in tbe Counties of Denbigh and Varnanon. These Scholarships will be granted tor the year 1889, upon election, but may be continued for another two years. The Examination will take place at the SCHOOL on MONDAY, TUESDAY, and WEDNESDAY, the 4th, 5th, and 6th FEBRUARY, 1889, between the hours of 9.30 a.m. and FIVE p.m. For further particulars application may be made to Mr MCINTYBE, Gwydvr Ucha, Llanrwat. 1471o A V I D jp^AVIES BILL POSTER AND DISTRIBUTOR No. 4, UNION-STBRUT, BANGOR, E. D. JONES, Bill Poster and Town Crier 43 THOMAS-STRSET, HOLYHEAD OTE.-All Orders punctually attended to, and Ndoue on the most remouable terms, etc., etc. LADIES DESIROUS OF OBTAINING HANDSOME DRESSES SHOULD GO TO Madame LAZZARUS. No 1, PRINCESS TERRA Cle, BANGOR TVTV 7HOSE Style and Fit is guaranteed. She makes it her special care to adopt, the style best suited to the figure. She also supplies Morning and Evening Dresses from .£3 Ss. Ladies' own material made up. 21 LIVERPOOL INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION GOLD MEDAL. HIGHEST POSSIBLE AWARD. CONTRACTORS TO THE ADMIRALTY. JOHN MATHEWS AND CO VARNISH, PAINT, COLOUR, SOFT SOAP, AND GREASE MANUFACTURERS. )il and Manganese Merchants, and Drysalter HATTON-GARDEN WORKE6 LIVERPOOL. Price Lists and Samples upon applicatior 39 "ROYAL and COMMERCIAL HOTEL," PORTMADOC. FIRST-CLASS HEARSE for one or two horses kept at the Hotel fer Hire. 68 DIRECT FROM THE MILL. THE GREENOCK KNITTING YARN8 and KNITTED HOSIERY are the Best Quality and Value in the Market, alld can only be had in Bangor from M. and E. Davies, 102, High-street. GEORGE EVANS, PRINCIPAL BILL-POSTER AND TOWN CRIER, CARNARVON. MILLIONS (many) of Hardilv-grown FOREST, M COVERT, and other TRflES and PLANTS. Write for SPECIAL Prices. Inspection earn- estlv invited. DICKSONS (LIMITED), The Nurseries, CHESTER. 1479jl THE MOST SENSIBLE MAN in rnis district WILL CLEAR HIS NEXT WEEK'd EXPENSES, PUT £5 BANK OF ENGLAND NOTE IN HIS POCKET, and assist any charitable object which may be at the moment appealing to his generous instincts. See WEDNES- DAY'S "TRADE FINANCE and RECREATION," a weekly Newspaper for Everybody.—All Newsagents and Railway Bookstalls Id, or post free,lid. —35, Mark Lane London.E.C. 1439-532JT i DR. JONES, LD.D.S., &e., SURGEON DENTIST, Opposite the Market, Bangor. Dit. JONES visits LLANGEFNI every jU THURSDAY, at Lledwigan-road. AMLWCH with Mr HUGHES, Stationer, TUESDAYS. January 15th February 12th, March 12th. and April 9th. BETHESDA ind EBRNzzzi3, TUES- DAY after Pay-day. 10 WATCHES! WATCHES 11 WATCHES 111 GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, CHAINS, GALBERTS, JEWELLERY, &c., supplied on the easv weekly or monthly payment system: 2 in the pound down, and 2s monthly afterwards, every Watch Warranted far Five years. TRAVELLERS SENT WITH SAMPLES TO ANY PART OF ENOLAND AND WALES. ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. AGENTS WANTED. Catalogues and Price Lists Poet Free. LEON FISHER, 13, TEMPLE-STREET, BIRMINGHAM. Established 1852. 5 per cent. discount for Cash zl293 TOWYN TILERY AND PIPE WORKS FORYD, NIWI ABERGELE. LAND DRAINING PIPES from li inches to 6 inches always in STOCK, which are made of the BEST SBLKCTSD CLAY, free from Lime- stone. Larger Bizaa made on the Shortest Notice. THE Works have a Siding adjoining the Chester and Holyhead Railway are near Foryd Pier, Rbyl, where vessels can be loaded. The above WORKS are NEARIR to Anglesey and Carnarvonshire by many miles than any other works in the district. For prices and particulars apply to the Owners, J. WILLIAMS A Co., 8671t TOWYN TILERY, ABERGELE. rrCHIMNEY SWEEPING. W-CHIMNE-Y SWEEPING. WILLIAM PARRY, BUILDER AND CONTRACTOR, 64, CAE LLEPP A, BANGOR. WP. is prepared to undertake the SWEEP- W. ING and Perfect CLEANING of any kind of FLUE, and respectfully solicits your esteemed commands. Grates and Ranges re-set, Ac. Pay- ments Quarterly or Half-yearly, if desired. Ye?r? Contracts undertaken. Eetimates supplied. All Orders punctually attended to. A QUANTITY OF GOOD SOOT FOR SALE i TOYS-TOYS-TOYS. I FOR THE COMING SEASON. J. CLARK AND Co. (LTD.), TOY MERCHANTS, HABERDASHERS, STATIONERS, AND IMPORTERS OF FANCY GOODS. ESTABLISHED 1861. PRICE LISTS FREE. TTTE have an enormous Stock of BATTLEDORES W and SHUTTLECOCKS. WHIP and PEG TOPS of all kinds, from Is 3d Gross. We Sell Cheap for Ready Money. VALENTINES. VALENTINES. Great Variety. New Designs in Sentimental and Comic. Special lines in id and Id. Fanoy Envelopes inolnded, 3s 9d, 7a 6d Uross; Comic, from 2s 6d Gross. 86 AND 84, CALEDONIAN-ROAD, KING'S CROSS, LONDON, N. 1457L OWLANDS' ODONTO. X\ Best Tooth Powder for LadieB. Best Tooth Powder for Children. Best Tooth Powder for Gentlemen. Best Tooth Powder for Everyone. ROWLANDS' ODONTO. Best Tooth Powder for T adies. Best Tooth Powder for Children. Best Tooth Powder for Gentlemen. Best Tooth Powder for Everyone. ? TrtOWLANDS'?)DONTO." Xli Prevents and ar-osts uecay. Prevents Gums becoming Sora. Prevents Teeth becoming Black. Prevents Offensive Breath. R OWLANDS'ODONTO. Imparts Whiteness to the Teeth. Imparts Health to the Gl. 18. Imparts Fragrance to the » reath. Impart. satisfaction to all. OWLANDS' ODONTO. Contains no Gritty Substances. Coiitaius no Injurious Acidi. Does not Scratch the Enamel. Preserves the Teeth for Years. RO WLANDS'ODONTO. Sold by Chemists at 2s 9d. Sold by Perfumers, at ?s 9d. Sold by A. ROWLANDS and SONS. Sold at 20, Battoti-garden, London. NORTH AND SOUTH WALES BANK (LIMITED). BALANCE SHEET, AT 31ST DECEMBER, 1888. LIABILITIES. Deposits, Current Acoount Bal- ances, Ac £ 6,140,336 10 5 Notes in Circulation 42,155 0 0 Drafts, not exceeding 21 days' date 16,650 13 2 Acceptances, and Credits under iesue 138,375 2 1 Other Items 68,147 17 7 Total Liabilities to Qbllc 96,405,665 3 3 CAPITAL Total Subegibed, 12,CM,000 00 Of which in Reserve Liability 1,500,000 0 0 Paid np 500i000 0 0 RESERVE FUND *250.000 0 0 UNDIVIDED PBOFITS 9,255 8 11 759,255 8 11 £ 7,164,920 12 2 ASSETS. Cash in band, at oall or three days' notice £ 1,401,669 12 11 L888,152 8s lOd New Consols, at ro3t 852,536 1 0 India Stock, and Preference Stocks of first-class Railways, at coti 316,283 17 9 Bills of Exchange 2,287,068 19 5 Advances to Customers, temporary Loans on Railway and other sbam, km 1,861,071 4 11 Acceptances, and Credits unac- cepted per contra. 138.375 2 1 Bank Building.-Head Offioe and twenty-two Branches 138,927 0 8 Sums in transitu with Branohes and Agents, and other items 168,988 13 5 £ 7,164,920 12 2 We certify that the above Balance Sheet, in our opinion, is a fall and fair Balance Sheet, properly drawn aP so as to exhibit a trae and correct view of the state of the Company's affairs, as shewn by the Books of the Company, and that the Profits, as stated in the Profit and Loss Acoount, have been fully and fairly earned. HABMOOD BANNER & SON, CHAMMBDAcoOWHMttTS. Liverpool, 17th January, 1889. CILIJITBUD Acaow47NoTs. TWENTY-EIGHT DAYS' GREAT CLEARANCE SALE OF SURPLUS STOCK AT A GREAT REDUCTION. MRS. J 7KNIB B S BEGS respectfully to inform the Nobility, Gentry, Clergy, and General Public, that she will have a -D CLEARANCE SALE of her First-class Sto^ of Glass, China, and Earthenware, &c., &0., <to., comprising Minton and Coalport China, Dinner, Dessert, Breakfast, andTe.. Services, Toilet Services' Ac., etc. MAJOLICA WARE ORNAMENTS, Ac., &a., &o. Note the Address J. KNIBBS, Glass and China Warehouse, PENRHYN BUILDINGS, 280, HIGH STREET, BANGOR. 1454f THOUSANDS OF THINKING PEOPLE HAVE ADOPTED PR. JAEGER'S (COOL IN SUMMER ALL WOOL (WARM IN WINTER) CLOTHING AND BEDDING, Which Allow the Skin to Breathe Freely and PROTECT from CHILL. B" T THE JAEGER PRICE LIST (SENT RANG) IS FULL op IKTUINSRINA MATTIB. DR. JAIOEB'S "HEALTH CULTURE (Waterlow), Cloth 319 p,, Is, sold through all Booksellers. The '.orning Post says,, It is much to be desired that its theories and precepts will soon become familiar in every family circle." SOLfl GENT FOR BANGOR AND DISTRICT DOLALD CAMERON, ¡ ERCHANT TAILOR. 01392 ø- items and Price Lis's Post Free on Application. ALTERATION OF PREMISES. OWEN OWEN & CO., General Drapers, Bangor, are now SELLING the WHOLE of their STOCK at REDUCED PRICES. SALU to CONTINUE until the Completion of the Alterations. GREAT BARGAINS IN THE FOLLOWING DEPARTMENTS DRESS MATERIALS MILLINERY & MANTLES HOSIERY & GLOVES LACE CURTAINS CALICOES & HOLLANDS I WOOL UNION & OXFORD SHIRTINGS I BLANKETS & FLANNELS QUILTS, SHEETS & LINENS MEN'S & BOYS' OVERCOATS MEN'S & BOYS' SUITS MEN'S & BOYS' HATS & CAPS BOOTS, SHOES. AND SLIPPERS SILK SCARFS, TIES, & COLLARS WOOL UNION & OXFORD SHIRTS CARDIGAN JACKETS UMBRELLAS, MACINTOSHES, &c., &c. OWEN OWEN & Co., CASTLE HILL, BANGOR. BY SPECIAL APPOINTMENT TO HER MAJESTY AND H.R.H. THE PRINCESS OF WALES. IMPORTANT NOTICE. MESSRS BROWN, HOLMES, & CO., beg to Mnoance that from MONDAY NEXT, the 14th inst. m until the END of JANC?Y, they CwOil.l :ilea RED UCTION of 38 IN THE X on all their Winter-Sipck of made-up Millinery, Mantles, Costumes, Dressing Gowns, Jerseys, Sealskins, Fur CapeA snd Furs. The same cdEceasion will also be made on about FIFTY UNMADE CONBINATION ROBES. These Robes are new, and arranged from Cashmeres, Silks, Striped Velvets, and Plushes. This Large Reduction is made in order to Redoes their STOCK previous to Stock-taking, which takes place on the 31st instant. TROUSSEAUX AND OUTFITS. SPECIAL ATTENTION IS GIVEN 10 TROUSSEAUX AND OUTFITS. Funerals Economically Arranged. Chester, January 12th, 1889. 1463G THE "NOBTH WALES CHRONICLE" STEAM PRINTING ESTABLISHMENT. THE NORTH WAEES CHRONICLE" COMPANY, LIMITED EXECUTE, ON REASONABLE TERMS, ITHOGRAPHIC, COP PERPLATE, LETTERPRESS PRINTING, AND BOOKBINDING AT THEIR SPACIOUS ESTABLISHMENTS, t Caitbn House, High Street, Bangor, AND Caxton House, Mostyn Street, Llandudno. PRINTING OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS For Bankers. Brokers, Inaaranoe Companies,Pnblio Companies, Solioitors,. Auctioneers, etc., execute I I = tuees, ArtMea of AjMOCMtion, Catalogues, with pomptitnde. Ilfcvenories, I Circulars, I Businm & Address CMdB. I Placards I Invoioes, Bill heads A Checks. I CLEARANCE SALE. IMPORTANT TO THE PUBLIC. BOOTS AND SHOES AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. MRS M. A. CROOKS BEGS to inform the pnblio generally that her CLEARANCE SALE will oommeno* on JAHUARY 22nd, and will continne until FEBBUABi 2nd. THE LARGEST STOCK IN NORTH WALES. FIRST CLASS BOOTS AND SHOES. PINET'S BOOTS AND LADIES' DRESS SHOES OF ALL SORTS. THE K WATERPROOF, BOSTOCK'S SHOOTING AND WALKING BOOTS. REDACTION OF TWENTY PER CENT. On all goods during the Sale, and a great portion of Stock will be offered below cost price. SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY TO BUYERS. FIRST CLASS GOODS AT REMARKABLY LOW PRICES. Gentlemen's Dress Boots and Slioes. Great variety of Hand-sewn Button, Lace, and Elastio Gentlemen's Walking Boots and Shoes. Men's aud Women's Boots very cheap. A NUMBER OF LAWN TENNIS RACQUETS WILL BE SOLD CHEAP. NOTB ADDRESS :— HIGH STREET (OPPOSITE THE MARKET HALL), BANGOR. MR OWEN JONES, TAILOR, OF UNIVERSITY HOUSE, UPPER BANGOR, BEGS to inform his Customers and Patrons that he has REMOVED from the UNIVERSITY J) HOUSE, and now resides at 9, HOLYHEAD ROAD, UPPER BANGOR (Entrance first door on the right in Snowdon View), Where he will be pleased to RECEIVE and EXECUTE WITH ALL POSSIBLE DESPATCH any ORDERS entrusted ij him. MR OWEN JONES avails himself of this opportunity of Thanking his Customers and Patrons for Past Favours, and now RESPECTFULLY SOLICITS A CONTINUANCE THEREOF, which shall always receive his earnest and prompt attention. ADDRESS OWEN JONES TAILOIC & DRAPER, 9, HOLYHEAD ROAD, UPPER BANGOR (Side Entrance in Snowdon View). SUITS MADE TO ORDER FROM TROUSERS TO ORDER FROM 35/- TO I*)/- j 9/9 ro 25/. CLERICAL AND DRESS SUITS FROM 55/- Gentlemen's own Material made up-Style and Fit guaranteed. 1096T LADIES' JACKETS MADE TO ORDER. MENAI IRON WORKS, BANGOR. WILLIAM OWEN (Late O>ÇEN AND WILLIAMS), ENGINEER, IRON AND BRASS FOUNDER. SHIP SMITH, &c., &c., BEGS to announce that he has purchased the above Works, and that in future the Business will be carried on under hit own supervision, and begs to inform Engineers, Quarry and Mine Proprietors, Slate Manufacturers, Millers, Ship Owners, Ac., that all orders entrusted to him will receive prompt attention. MACHINERY OF EVERY DESCRIPTION Made and Repaired on the Shortest Notice by Experienced Workmen. 1524jt WILLIAM EVANS AND SONS, Cabinet Makers, Upholsterers, and French Polishers, 155, HIGH-STREET, BANGOR. WE. & S. BEG to inform the PUBLIC that they are Manufacturing FURNITURE of every W. DESCRIPTION on the PREMISES at the most REASONABLE PnicM. DINING ROOM SUITES. DRAWING ROOM SUITES, AND BEDROOM SUITES, FEATHER BED HAIR, WOOL, AND FLOCK MATTRESSES, all Purified, Clean, and Sweet Materials. OLD HAIR, WOOL AND FLOCK MATTRESSES RB-DRESSEL (by PATENT MACHINBB*) AND RE-MADE EQUAL TO NEW. OLD FURNITURE REPAIRED AND RECOVERED. Every Description of Window Blinds, Cornices, &c., &c., made to ORDER. Brass and Iron Bedsteads, Spring Mattresses, &c., always in STOCK. ALL ORDERS SHALL HAVE PROMPT ATTENTION. G. GRIFFITH AND Co., BANGOR CARNARVON (OPPOSITE THE MUSEUM. 9, BRIDGE. STREET ORDERS FOR TUNING AND REPAIRING ft PROMPTLY EXECUTED. CHURCH ORGANS REPAIRED AND TUNED BY CONTRACT OR OTHERWISE g INSTRUMENTS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION II ON" THE HIRE SYSTEM. LARGEST STOCK OF MUSIO IN NORTH WALES. { PIANOS, &c., MAY BE HIRED FOR CONCERTS OR OTHER mrgrinai. f "CYMRY AM BYTH. \'| "CYMRY AM BYTH.  R. to c. 1p1Î;1h.PM'f2 hn _Id Find it n esoary to Caution the Public against imitations of their Manufactures. Paroha?era should see that Corks are branded R. ELLIS & SON, Ruthin," and that every Label beara Name On Registered Trade Mark (GOAT on SHIELD). SODA WATER. AROMATIC OINGER ALE V POTASS WATER. PURE CRATED WATER j SELTZER WATER. For GOUT LEMONADE. LITHIA WATER, and GINGER BEER. LITHIA & POTASS WATER. SOLE ADDRESS: I R. ELLIS AND SON, RUTHIN, NORTH WALES. I LONDON AonTs:-W. BKST & SONS, Henrietta-street, Cavendish-square. II ) PMohMera should see that the Label on evwy Bottle e< the or4?nal f LEA AND PERKINS' SAUCE Purohaaars shonld see that the Label on ever)- Bottle ot the Original WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE BearB their Signature, thus '• d-: Sold WholetaU by the Prvprietors, Worcester; Crout and Blackioell, London; ari Eafon Ottawa generally. Retail Everywhere. ASK FOR LEA AND PERRIN8* SAUCE. 83