A WONDERFUL MEDI C I NEI IB BECHAN'B PILLS. B BECHAM'S PILLS, I B BECHAII'S PILLS, Are universally admitt?d to be worth a Guinea a Box for Billions and Nervous 1 unorders, such as Wind and pain in the stonwh, Sick Headache, Giddiness, Fulness and Swelling atiti- Meals, Dizziness and Drowsiness, Cold Chilli, b'inahings of Heal, Loss of Appetite, bhoitness* of Ihenth, Costiveness, £ >curvy and Notches on the Skin, Disturbed Sleep, FrightfuJ Dreams, and aU Nervou* suid Trembling Sensations etc. The tirst. dose will pive relief iu twe nunuted. This is no fiction, for they have doue ^onntless cases. FN,e sufferer is earnestly invited to try one ox these rilla.aiid they will be acknowledged to be WORTH A GUINEA A BOX. yyORTH A GUINEA A BO "rORTH A GUiNEA. A BOX For males of all ages they are iu valuable. No female hould be without them. Theta is Dot a medicine to be found equal to them for removing any obstruction or irregularity of the Kystem. If taken according to the directions given with each box, they will soon restore females of all ages to sound and robust health This has been proved by thousands who have tried them, and found the benefits which are ensured by their use. B EECHAM'S PILLS. BEECIIAMIB PILLS. B EECHAM'S PILLS. 11")1 a Weak Stoimch, Impaired Digestion, and the Disorders of the Liver, they act like MAGIC," and a few doses will be found to work wonders on 'he most important orgnns in the human machine. They strengthen the wholo muscular system, restore the ong-lwt complexion, bring back the keen edge of appetite, and arouse into action, with the ROSE BUD of health, the whole physical energy of the human frame. These are FACTS" testified continually by Members of all classes of society and one of the best guarantees to the Nervous and Debilitated is, f(,?A.Ni'S PILLS haw <? ?ry? Sale of any Paten Medicine in the ,,rtd. B EFCHAM'S MAGIC COUGH PILLS. B ERCHAM'S MAGIC COUGH PILLS. B EECHAMS MAGIC CeUCR PILLS I As a remedy for Coughs in general. Asthma. Bronchia Affections, Hoarseness, Shortness of Breath, Tightness and Oppression of the Chest, &c., these Pills stand un, rivalled. They are the best ever offered to the public and will fpeedily removo that, sense of oppression and difficulty of breathing which nightly deprive the patient of rest. Let any person give BEECH AM'S COUGH PILLS a trial, and the most violent cough will ina short time be remov8Ù, Prepared o.] aud Sold Wholesale and Retail, by ne Profr ?;à¿;;s 8I:iI,ntI;' ¿:;nc shire, and by a 1 Druggists and Patent Medicine Dealers everywhere. ) IN Box Is lid and 2s 9d EACH FULL DlHRCTIONS ARB GlVgN WITH BACH BOX J CURE FITS! When I say cure I do not mean merely to stop them for a time and then have them return again. I mean a radical cure. I have made the disease of FITS, EPILEPSY or FALLING SICKNESS a life-long study. Becauw others have failed is no reason for not now receiving a cure. Send at one for a treatiM aud a Free ttl. of my infa)Iib)e remedy. Give Address in full. It costs you nothing for a trial, and it will cure. Address-Dr. H. G. ROOT, 5, Plum Tree Court, Farringdon Street, London. 1187a PHffiNIX OIL MILL CO. LIMITED, 4XVSBVOOX., Manufacturers of Feeding Stuffil extensively used by the leading Pedigree Stock Owners. /iatp I PHOENIX rU< iAl.JT LJt' ) PURE aiV/elMEALl Delivered at any Station. tt?MHMmmmtM LINsl^KEICmWflKE LINSEED CAKE COTTON CAKE EPPS'S (BBEAKPAST) COCOA. GRATEFUL AND COMFORTING. I MADE SIMPLY WITH j IBOILING WATER OB MILK -? i Buttermakers' Friends. TOMLINSON & co.'s BUTTER POWDER TOMLINSON & CO.'S Corrects all bad taste*, ?i.; c.B",tter in a few TOMLINSON & CO.'S minute* at all somons, TO-LINSON &: improves the quality, TOMLINSON & CO. 'S In u8e 35 years. Boxes TOMLINSON & CO.'S and 7B.6d. TOMLINSON & CO ,'S ALSO TOMLINSON & co.'s TOMLINSON A CO.'S TOMLINSON & co.'s BUTTER CuLOUR. TOMLINSON & CO.'S A pore oily vegetable TOMLINSON & CO.'S  harmless, in Bottles, 6d., TOMLINSON & CO.'S Is., 2s. 6d., and ý, 6d. OF CHEMISTS AND GROCERS Sample Box or Bottle Is., post free, for amount in Stamps. TOMLINSON & CO., Mint Lane, Lincoln. "FOR THE BLOOD IS THE UFE-, ft R By |jl |i JKV WORLD-FAMED THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER AND RESTORER For cleansing and clearinR the blood from all imparl tie* it cannot be too highly recommended. For Sorofula, Scurvy, Skin and Blood Diseases* Eczema, and Sores of all kinds, it is a never-failing and permanent cure. It Cures Old Sores. -M t Cures Ulcerated Sores on the Neck. Cures Ulcerated Sore Legs. Cum., Wackhoftds, or Piuiples on the Faoe. Cures Scurvy Sores. Cures Cancerous Ulcers. Cures Blod and Skin Diseases. Cures Glandul"r Swellin8. Clears the Wood from 11 impure .all- From whatever mu? arising. It is the only real sl)eci for i «nd Uhnnmatic tin. It removes the cuvte from the blood anti honafc As this mixture is pleasant to the taste, and war-antefl free from anything injurious to the most delicate con- stitution of either sex, the Proprietor# solicit Batterers to cive it a trial to test its TAIUO. THOUSANDS OF TESTIMONIALS. Sold in Bottles 2s. Oil., and in cases, containing eiJr: times the quantity, lis. each—sufficient to elect a per. munent euro in the pre (it majority of lOIl standing cases, BY ALL CHEMISTS and PATENT MKDIUINK VENDORS thmughout the world, or Bent for .S3 or 131 stamps by Tai LI.ICOT.F >»D MIDHKD Columns DSNS 00MP15T Lincoln. (Trade Mark-u BLOOD MIXTOBE. ) Ask for CLARKE'S BLOOD MI.T. and do not be persuaded to take an imitation. KEATING'S COMH KEATIN'S COUGH LO^NJ I F R- K???" '-°??  KEATtNB'S-?OUGH LU?Q?? ?? KEATING'S COUGH LOZÆtRemedY. ?AT.NB.5-CCD?rrL?????? .Dr.. Oldel\t.t Beat R.. KEAT.Ne'?OUQ!T-Le?, Remedy, K-EATîNG'SëOOGHOZENGES: _I ?ATt?'S-COUGH LO??? ?? 0 l.L4t & Hest Remedy. ?EAT)N6:?<?? ?Z!?E?. ??  K A- D. wrtL TILL 'ou" there 11 no better Cough M?ioiBe than KEATING'S LOZENGES. ODe V.8 ,hef; 11 you suffer from oougb try tbem but once s they will em -d thy ?. = n j U' your b"Ith they contain only the pur.. d- skilfully com- biek-WA 0 rywh- 1. 13id. UM REGISTERED -fr- T AMERICAN LINSEED CAKE. This choice brand is uniform in shape, in quality, and in weight of package. Each bag contains 280 lbs. nett., so that eight bags weigh exactly 20 cwt. HENRY COX & CO., 3, Rumford Street, ¡ LIVERPOOL, Sole Importing Agents. DINNEFORD'S MAGNESIA. The best remedy for Acidity of the Stomaoh, Heartburn, Head. ache, Gout and Indigestion and safest aperient for delicate Consti tutions, Ladies, Children, and Infants. 180, BOND STREET, LONDON, AND ALL CHEMISTS^ O.J. UTION.-Bu that II DINNBlIORD II CO." it on every Bottle and Label. 59 [ TO SECURE I "RECKITT'Sg L U E GENUINE Always see the Name on the Wrapper. 12 t DR J. COLLLS BROWNE'S CHLORODYNE t? /"lOCOHB. ?J r?ot r-  O01 A STHMA 9 A JgBONCHITIS. VITJ \t a. J- COLLI8 BROWNE'S CHLORODYNE—Dr J C rBROWKR 'Ute Ann. Medical "tAl'll ,1 i>lJ*COVFRKI> a KPMRDY to denote "blch bo coined the word CHLOKO- A i DYNE. D, 1,rowne is the 801,t IN- fí) VENTOR and," tl,. composlllon of Chi "-dy"? 't p?.ib!y be di. 1 .d by A..Iyil (or.n¡o snb^tan^e^ w defyIng .limlna,joo), and doce Wiefor- | b p,bll,lld,ill,i- ■ deut any statemeit to the r that a -.p..nd 18 Ideotlral ?itL D, ? Bfewut'? ('hloroyne mustbe/aI." TIll", Coullon 11 nec. as mary persons deceive purchasers by fals. repreaeDtatloD8. TV» J- COLL1S BROWNB'S DKctl'OI?()vcgb: Sir W. PAGE WOOD t.ted publicly inC'?th?nrJ.C('LHSBR"WNE WMPNDOPXTKDLYt'.etNVENTOR Of CHLORODYNE. that the whole I aw,y of th? d.fondanl Freeman was deliberately untrue, and he r<fretted oav U had I-n sworn to,-See 74, Times, JulyJSth, 18W. DK. J COLUS BROWSES DR¡. t GIPEI'õ 0 sOLERA, BRY. DIVRRHIEA, DYSENTERY.;  ¡ L\jO,R1 :J.\BL: 1.?ndon, REPORT th%t It ACT, a CFARW, one d,,?. en.rdly lutlld. D, GIBRO Army .lc.1 StaA'. C.1- (?ilta, 8tAtP3'. "2' F LY CPKRD D?9 DIAKRa?-?" 1,Y CITHF?D 'dE of DIkitRU(Sik Cbemi8t«, Himla, Jan. 1880 To J. T. DATRNP^RT. London. Dear 8ir,—We cooKfatnlate you upou the wide spread reputation thu joM?- ..t,.med modHu. b,?.r..d for itself all over the Ea^t. A. a remod, of general utility, we much question '.I be tl':? .d whether a better io imported, aod we shtli b. glad to hear of Its finding* j place In every Anglo-Indian home. The other brands, we are bappr to lIay, are now relegated tn the natlv. bisaars; and, judging from their salo, we fancy their tfojnuni there will be but evanes- renl We could multlpb Inst. ad infinitum of t'18 extraordinary efBoaoy ? !)"r L 11 18 "BK'OWNE'8 CHLORODYNE in Diarrhoea and Dysentery, Spasm*,Crimps,Newralflia, the Vomiting cf Preo.ncy. and u a geoeia! aoda'ive, that have occurred under onr pers^al observation riming many years. In Chn!er"lc Diarrhea*, fcndeven i" the more tarrthle for., of Cuolera I self, we htv. witnessed its surprisiogly controlling power. W. have never nsed any other form of Ih-; medlcl.. th,n Collls Browne's, from firm conviction hot !t i? decidedly the best, and ,110 from ene of duty we o,. to the rf., "d 'I?, P"b]7. .r,, ,Y,Pt.t?. that t..H: tion "f any other than 0.11i. Brown^ is a deliberate breach of faith nn he part of the chemist to prescrlber end pai," aUke -We 1Ihf.lly Y" 8YME CO.. .M<"M4t.Mc/*? J'harm. ?;ociet ? of Great Itritain His Excell?y tAe ?cerq!l's CMnmil. 5TJL c?Hn B R 0 w i i DR'ci.Dci'J:.l: IRt8Wi PALLIATIVE in XTEURALGIA. GOUR. CANCER, I> TOOTHAORE. RI'P:U\UTISI. |\R. J. COLLI8 BKOANE'S i J CHLORODYNE ij a liquid medicine which .nav." PAIN of EVERY KIND, affarda a calm,refresh- ing aleen WITROUT HEADACHE, and INVIGORATED the nervous sys- te", when exha"Ste<1. I vK. J COL'-jIS MHOANb'S I CHLO&ODYNK rapidly cuts short all attaekn of E*PILEP3Y. SPASMS. COUC. Ptcpir kTiO N HYST8RU JMPORTANT CAUTION.-The rMI; s\ffr;iME HAFT ffiven TIHR to many UNSCRUPU- LOUS IMITATIONS. Be careful t observe Trade Mark. Of all Cbembls,0 IsUd., 2J 9d., and 4s 6d. SoLE MANUFACTURER—J. T. DAVENPORT, 33, Great Rzmll-stmst, W.C. HOLLOWAY'S PILLS & OINTMENT. THE BEST MEDICINES FOR FAMILY USE. THE PILLS nUBIFY THE BLOOD, CORRECT ALL DISORDERS OF THE INTERNAL ORGANS, and are invaluable in all complaints incidental to Females. THE OINTMENT iRtbe most ret?M. remedy for Che? and Throat Affectio^ Gont, Rheumatism. S? Joints, Old WS nnnda Sores U cers, and all Skin Diseases.   OXFORD 8STREET. LO.DO.. SULPHOLINE LOTION THE CURE FOR SKIN DISEASES. IN A FEW DAYS ERUPTIONS, PIMPLES, BLOTCHES, ENTIRELY FADE AWAY. Beautifully Fragrant. Perfectly Harmless. Removes avery kind of Eruption, Spot, or Blemish, and renders the Skin clear, smooth, supple and healthy. SKIN AFFECTIONS THAT QUICKLY YIELD TO SULPHOLINE. ERUPTIONS BLOTCHES DISCOLORATIONS ECZEMA ROSKA SCURVY PIMPLES BLEMISHES &I. &c. ACNE SRUTA PSORIASIS TETTER | ULCERATIONS SULPHOLINE LOTION. There is scarcely any eruption but wiU yield to SDL- PHOLINB in a fw days, and commence to fade awav, Ordinary Pimples, Hedness. Biotchea. &urf, Roughness vanish as if by m??ic; whIlst old, enduring Skin Disorders, however deeply rooted, SULPHOLINE success- fully attacks. It destroys the animalcule which mostly cause these unsightly, irritable, painful affec- tions, and produce a clear, smooth, supple, healthy Skin. Bottles sold everywhere. A FAIR BEAUTIFUL SKIN!I SULPHOLINE 6d SOAP 6d Gives the Natural Tint and Peach-like Bloom of a Perfect Complexion. DELIGHTFUL TO WASH WITH. FRAGRANT AND CLEANSING. A SAFEGUARD AGAINST SKIN DISEASES. By using SULPHOLINE SOAP the Skin soon becomes healthy, soft, comfortable, and beautiful. Tablets, 6d. Boxes holding Three Tablets, Is. 6d. SOLD EVERYWHERE. PEPPER 8 2.. 3d. QUININE AND IRON 2s.6d. BoKtM GREAT BODILY STREHGTH m f\ \T T/^j GREAT NERVE STRENGTH! I t I t\ t GREAT MENTAL STRENGTH TOINIC GREAT DIGESTIVE STRENGTH! Promotes Appetite, Cures Dyspepsia, Hysteria, Nervous Complaints, General Debility. PEPPER'S QUININE AND IRON PEPPER'S TONIC. Insist on havinglTl/~V VTT C\ it. Bottles, 16 doses, 2 6d; next size, 32 doses, 4s 6d. Sold everywhere. Improves the Appetite, promotes digestion, greatly strengthens the nerves, increases strength of pulse, gives firmness to the muscles, alters pale counten- ance, supplies deficient heat to weak circulations, overcomes bodily weariness and weakness, cures many painful complaints-neuralgia, sciatica, &c., is a remedy for dyspepsia, stomach affections, &c., and thoroughly recruits the health. PEPPER'S TARAXACUM AND PODOPHYLLIN. A FLUID LIVER MEDICINE WITHOUT MERCURY Is now regularly prescribed by many Physicians instead of blue pill and calomel for the cure of dyspepsia, biliousness, and all symptoms of conges- tion of the liver, generally pain beneath the shoulders, headache, drowqiness, no appetite, furred tongue, disagreeable tasten the morning, giddiness, disturbance of the stomach, feeling of general depression. Bottles, everywhere. RESPLENDENT IVORY-LIKE TEETH. TO MAKE SURE OF THESE, USE CRACROFT'S ARECA NUT TOOTH PASTE. It dislodges tartar, thoroughly polishes the enamel, perfeotly cleanses the teeth, hardens the §ums, is astringent, aromatic, and delicious in avour. CBACReFT's PASTR ensures a fine set of teeth. Sold everywhere. Pots, Is each. LOCKYER'S SULPHUR 18 6d SOLO EVERYWHERE. HAIR RESTORER The Beat. The Safest. The Cheapest. LOCKYER'S Is. 6d. SULPHUR HAIR RESTORER. RESTORES THE COLOUR TO GRAY HAIR. EFFECTIVELY PREVENTS HAIR FROM FADING. REMOVES SCURF, AND EMBELLISHES, CAUSING HAIR TO GROW WHEREVER THIN OR PATCHY. STOPS FALLING OFF. GIVES LUXURIANCE, GLOSS, BEAUTY, AN UNEQUALLED HAIR DRESSING. I I I LIVER COMPLAINTS, BILIOUSNESS. INDIGESTION, STOMACH DERANGEMENTS, CURED BY DR. KING'S DANDELION AND QUININE LIVER PILLS. (WITHOUT MERCURY.) THE OLDEST, MILDEST, SAFEST FAMILY PILL. Boxes, Is lid and 9d. Sold everywhere. BEFORE BUYING A WATCH ANYWHERE I write for The Illustrated Pamphlet," sent free on Application by the LARGEST WATOH MANUFACTURER." FIBM FODNDBII 1745. WATCHES, PI TO £100. Send your WATCH and JEWELLEr.7 RE PAIRS by Post, Registered, which will be given only to Skilful Workmen. Estimates sent before doing the work, nd I take Risk and Cost of Carriage back. T. R. RUSSELL (MAKKB TO THill Quxjci4j, CATHEDRAL WORKS, 18, CHURCH-STREET, LIVERPOOL. 51 PIANO TUNING AND REGULATING. MESSRS POHLMANN & Co. IRON PIANOFORTE MANUFACTURERS, 40, DAWSON-STREET, DUBLIN, BEG to announce that they intend sending one of their BEST TUNERS REGULARLY TO THIS DISTRICT. Those wishing to have their Pianos kept in Thorough Order will kindly forward their orders to Dublin as early as possible. 1179H WILLIAM BUCKINGHAM, BILL-POSTER A TOWN CRIER PORTMADOO. BEGS to inform that he Rents all the prinoipa D Posting Stations in Pcrtmadoo and district viz., about 6 Miles around. SPECIAL TERMS TO CONSTANT PATRONS The Farmer and Chamber of Agriculture Journal EVERY MONDAY.—ONE PENNY. THIS JOURNAL, in its 42nd year, is now pub- J. lished at ONE PENNY weekly, and is the largest, oheapest, and best Agricultural Paper. JLZ oontains all the Agricultural News of the Week, the Latest Markets, and numerous original and inte resting articles on Farming subjects by the leading Agricultural Writers of the day. SHOULD BE IN THE HANDS OF EVERT FARMER. May be ordered through any Newsagent, at the Railway Bookstalls, or will be supplied direct from thaOFFICE, 291, STRAND, LONDON, W.C. Subscription, post free 6s 6d per annum To Gardeners and Florists. IF you want a first-class weekly gardening papa which contains only sound, practical, and asefal information on all subjects connected with the garden and its management, and all current horticultural news, read THE GARDENING WORLD, which is published every Friday morning. PRICE ld. POST FREE lid. SOLD BY ALL NEWSAGENTS. 17, CATHERINE-STREET, COVENT GARDEN, W.C 44 IMPORTANT TO ALL IN TRADE. X ESTABLISHED 1836. X STUBBS' MERCANTILE OFFICES, Trade Auxiliary Company (Limiteo), 42, GRESHAM STREET, LONDON, E.C. BUBSCRIBIRS, BY OBTAINING TIMELY INTORHATION, MAY AVOID MAKING BAD DEBTS, AND HAT, THROUGH THIS AOSNOT, RECOVER DEBTS DUE WITH PBOWTPTITUDB. EVJlRY TRADER SHOULD READ STUBBS' WEEKLY GAZETTE. Supplies Information Indispensable to Trailers. 13* The Registers of Stubbs and Co. contain more than Six Million entries. BRANCHES at 71, Lord-street, Liverpool; 14 1) Brown-street, Manchester; Belfast, Birming- ham, Bradford, Brighton, Bristol, Dublin, Dundee, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Leeds, Newoastle, Norwich, Portsmouth, Sheffield, and 53, Conduit Street, Loudon. SOB omen.-14, Queen Street, Cardiff; 42, Castle Street, Swansea; Cambridge, Cork, Derby, Exeter, Gloucester, Grimsby, Hanley, Hoddersfleld, Hull, Ipswich, Leioester, Maidstone, Middleeb.,ro', Newport, Mon., Northampton, Nottingham, Ox- ford, Plymouth, Preston, Reading, Southampton, Stookton-on Tees, Wolverhampton, Woroester, York. TXRMS-91 18, t2 2s, 93 3a, 95 5a, according to requirements. PBOSPKOTOB forwarded on application to any of the above Offices. 7 PRICE ONE SHILLING. "HAULED BACK: BY HIS WIFE, U-GO GONE-AWAY HUG-AWAY. A PACHA OF MANY TALES. A MOST ATTRACTIVELY WRITTEN BOOR COMMANDING A LARGE SALE. PUBLISHED AT NORTH WALES CHRONICLE OFFICE, BANGOR. I IPS" pLAIN AND PS- COLOURED 1:97 PRINTING or ALL DXSCRIPTTONS NEATLY AND PROMPTLY EXECUTED, ON REASONABLE rEBMS, AT THE NORTH WALES CHRONICLE STEAM PRINTING ESTABLISHMENT, HIGH STREET, BANGOR LITHOGRAPHIC, COPPERPLATE, AND LETTERPRESS PRINTING AUCTIONEERS' CATALOGURS. PARTICULARS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE SOCIETIES' BALANCE SHEETS AND RULES PROSPEOTUSES AND REPORTS. LEGAL AND OTHER FORMS. PAMPHLETS AND SERMONS. MOURNING AND MEMORIAL CARDS. BILLHEADS AND INVOICES. PROGRAMMES ANU TIUJUARA. MENU CARDS AND TOAST LISTS. POSTING BILLS AND PLACARDS. HANDBILLS AND SHOW CARDS. MEMORANDUM AND ORDER FORMS t3- SPECIAL FACILITIES FOR PRINTING VERi LARGE POSTERS, PLAIN AND COLOURED. A LARGE STAFF AND AN EXTENSIVE PRINTING PLANT. ALL ORDERS SPEEDILY ATTENDED TO BRANCH PRINTING OFFICE: I Caxton House, LLANDUDNO NO STABLE 18 COMPLETE WITHOUT E LLIM&N'B "ROYAL" EMBROCATION. F; LLIMAN'S « ROYAL" EMBROCATION, E LLIMAN'S "ROYAL" E MBROCATION. E LLIMAN'S J "ROYAL" E MBROCATION. For SPRAINS and CURBS, I SPLINTS when forming, SPRUNG SINEWS, CAPPED HOCKS, OVER REACH BRUISES and CUTS, BROKEN KNEES, SORE SHOULDERS, SORE THROATS, SORE BACKS, &e. REMARKS. "I consider it indlSpe nsa bl in any stable, out especially in tho stable of a Master of Hounds HADDINGTON, Master of Berwickshire Hounds. "I have had o,er twenty.five years' experience as jobmaster iu this city- of opporw, Portugal and can safely declare I nev., during myexeprience used such a perfect remedy, and shall re- commend it to every one I know it would be useful to. GEORGE HENRY COHKEK 24, Rue da Liberdade, Oppor March 5, 1888. Sold by Chemists and Saddlers, Price, 2s, 2s 6d, 3s 6d, Prepared only by ELLIMAN, SONS, and Co., Slough, England. I tUNIV-FRSAL EMBROCATION UNIVERSAL EMBROCATION. R HEUMATISM, LUMBAGO, SPRAINS. RHEUMATISM, LUMBAGO, SPRAINS. SORE THROAT FROM COLD, CHEST COLDS. From Victorina," The Strong- est Lady in the World." Loudon. April 27th, 1888. Gentlemen,-When I arrived here I was attacked by a severe strain during the performance of my busine-s,my aims and knees being swollen to a great extent, and I was afraid tnat, I should have to rest a week or so. I tried your Embrocation, aud am pleased to say that the next evening I went through my usual performance before the public as though nothing had been the matter. Since that time I have always kept it near me,and have advised my professional colleagues of the wonderful power of it, and the advisability of keeping it always in the house handy in case of any accident. Athletes from thi) Athletic Clubs have written me asking how it is that after my perform- ance I do not exhibit the signs of fatigue that they usually do and I can only answer. Dou't you keep Elliman'* Embroca- tion If not,I should advis- yon to do so, as it not only relieves pain, but it strengthens your nerves and muscles.' VICTORINA." ELLIMAN'S UNIVERSAL EMBROCATION. la. lkd. o ONE BOX OF CLARKE'S B41 PILLS is warranted to cure all discharges from the Urinary organs,-in either sex (acquired or consti- tutional Gravel, and Pains in the Back Guarantee free from Mercury. Sold in Boxe 4s 6d eaoh, by all Chemists and Patent Medicine Vendors throughout the World; or sent to any address for sixty stamps by the Maier, THE LINCOLN AND MIDLAND COUNTIES DBBOS COMPANY LLNCOIJT. THE GREAT LONDON LIBERAL NEWSPAPER. ONE PENNY WEEKLY. The WEEKLY DISPATCH, ESTABLISHED 1801. SENT POST FREE. Three Months, Is 81; Six Months, 3s 3d Twelve Months, 6s 6d. SINGLE COPIKS (POST FREE) liD. Published at 20. Wine Office Court, Fleet-street, London, and to be had of all Newsagents, c. Save your Lives by taking OWBRIDGE'S LUNG TONIC. The Mighty Healer HAVE YOU A COUCH ? A DOSE WILL RELIEVE IT. HAVE YOU A COLD ? A DOSE AT BEDTIME WILL REMOVE IT. Prepared by W. T. OWBRIDGE, Chemist, Hall. So'd Everywhere. Is lid, 2s 9d, 4s (id, lis per bottle. AS GOOD AS GOLD A2JE BRANURETH'S PILLS (SUGAR-COATED), ATI, AND BETTBB TOO. Branlreth's PilTs are invaluable as a family remedy; they should be usefl in all HEAD, LIVER, and STOMACH TROUBLES. As a blood purifier they are unequalled one taken daily at dinner has been known to cure the worst oases of DYSPEPSIA, and one taken evnry night is an almost certain remedy for CONSTIPATION. Be sure and Ask for- "BRANDRETH'S SUGAR COATED PILLS," 40 in each box, price Is. AGENCY22, HAMILTON SQCABB, BIBKKNHEAD. SEEDS VEGETABLE I FLOWER SEEDS, SEED POTATOES, BARDEN TOOLS t SONORIES. All of finest quality. Trices Strictly Moderate. Delivered free by Bailor Parcel Post. Illustrated Descriptive Priced Catalogue, No. 353, POST FBBE ON APPLICATION. DICKSONS (Limited) The Royal Nurseries t Seed Establishments. Chester. LETTERS & TKLEOBAMS: } Msons, Chester. | A HO suffer from NERVOUS W, DEBILITY, LOST VIOOUR, Ex- priQ V HAOATFD VITALITY, KIDNKY DISEASES, &0. A Treatise explaining the renowned m? MARSTON treatment by local <!&<o?'iMtt, TO the only positive cure without Stomach „ r Medicines, will be sent in plain envelope MEN :di;oe:'t:; etamps—TM MABSTON REmaDy Co.,249J,High Holborn, London. 1382L QOOD COMPLEXION GOOD COMPLEXION G OOD COMPLEXION GOOD COMPLEXION GOOD COMPLEXION GOOD COMPLEXION GOOD COMPLEXION GOOD COMPLEXION QOOD COMPLEXION GOOD COMPLEXION QOOD QOMPLEXION QOOD COMPLEXION QOOD COMPLEXION QOOD COMPLEXION QOOD COMPLEXION GOOD COMPLEXION QOOD COMPLEXION QOOD COMPLEXION QOOD QOMPLEXION QOOD COMPLEXION MRS. LANGTRY writes" 8ince using PEARS SOAP for the hands and complexion. I have discarded all others." (Signed) LILLIB LANGTRY. FAIR WHITE HANDS. BRIGHT CLEAR COMPLEXION. SOFT HEALTHFUL SKIN. PEARS'SOAP PURE 1 FRAGRANT 1 REFRESHING For Toilet and Nursery PEARS' SOAP specially prepared for the delicate skin of ladies and children & others sentitive to the weather, wintar and summer. Roughness Redness, Pesrvenesey and Chapping. PEARS' SOAP is recommended by Sir EKABMDS WILSON, late Presidentof the College ofSurgeonsofEngland tar Sold Everywhere la.arge Soented Tablets 6d. Smaller (Uusented).

Churches and Churchmen. I Mrs Mary C. Patten, though 93 years old, nas a Sunday school class at Taunton, Mass. Mr Spurgeoi. has so far recovered that he is able to take carriage exercise daily. The Rev. John Stock, vicar of St. George's Church, Cborley, died on Friday in his 71st year. There are about two hnndred thousand coloured Roman Catholics in America, and but one ooloured priest, the Rev. Augustine Tolton, of Quinoey, Ill. The consecration of Dr. F J. Jayne, vicar of Leeds, as Bishop of Chester, has been definitely fixed to ttke place on St. Matthias's Day, February 24th. in York Minster. In the city of Rome there are 30 cardinals, 35 bishops, 1469 priests, 2832 monks, and 2215 nans, and yet,with ail this teaching power, 190,000 of the inhabitants can neither read nor write. The Salvation Army has more tribulation in Switzerland. In the Canton of Bale public meet- ings and the use of musical instruments are en- tirely forbidden. Archdeacon Philpot, of Mina Lodge, Oak Hill. Surbiton, is the oldest living clergyman in the Church of England,having entered on his 100th year on the 9th inst. He graduated as far back as 1812, To meet the requirements of the Church in West Africa, and as much as possible to relieve the Bishop of Sierra Leone, the Archbishop of Canter- bury has consented to oonsecrate a clergyman as Bisnop for work in the Yoruba country, West ..A.frioa. The remarkable play entitled 14 The Conversion of England," representing by a series of tableaux the leading incidents in the career of St. Augustine so far as they bore upon the establishment of Christianity in this country, was performed in the Public Hall, Croydon, on Saturday, the actors being some forty ordained clergymen and lay communi- cants interested in Church work. A sensation was caused in a Cincinnati church by the detection of a thief while in the act of rifling a woman's portemonnaie. Services were suspended, and nearly all the members of the con- gregation ross to their feet. After a struggle in the pew with the owner of the bag the thief broke away and ran for the door. There a policeman awaited him. The Church Missionary Society will lose the ser. vices of their lay seoretary (Major-General Hatchin- son) very shortly. He has held the post for eight years, and, as a matter of fact, sent in his resigna- tiou through ili-health bnt was induced to remain, at the urgent reqaest of his (fo-workers. During his tenure of office some modifications of administra- tion were introduced; the Mission House has been enlarged, and the Limpsfield Orphanage bn-'lt. The appointmeat of a successor will be placed in the hands of a sub-committee. A clergyman was recently accused of having fetched his wife away from some meeting, and obliged her to return home With him. He let the story run along for some time, as stories will, and then replied to the charge by saying: In the first place, I have never attempted to influence my wife in ber views, nor m ner cnoice oi a uioeiiu*. Secondly,my wife has never attended any meetings. ) In the third place, I have not myself been to any meetings for any purpose. To conclude, neither my wife nor myself have any inclination to go to meetings. Finally, I never had a wife. Dr. Stubbs is one of the hardest workers in the three kingdoms. He has read a greater number of ancient English "documents" thau any English- man of his time—than Fronde and Freeman rolled into one. At,the age of 64 he is as active as he was at 40. In 1884 be was made Bishop of ichester, His most important works are the c, Select Charters and other illustrations of English Con- stitutional History, from the earliest period to the Reign of Edward the First," and 41 The Constitu- tionai History of England, in its Origin and Development." At some recent epeoial services at a certain Glasgow church, the words of the hymns, anthems, etc., were printed on leaflets, and distributed to the congregation. The managers of the kirk saw here an opportunity of turning the nimble bawbee; so they decorated the leaflets with advertisements of grocers, boot-makers, soap-boilers, and other tradesmen, which were paid for at special rates t Thus the typical Scotchman has proved that the Bible is wrong, and that it is an easy thine for an enterprising man to serve at the same time God and Mammon. The Bisbop of Liverpool on Sunday preached at St. Matthew's Church, Scotland-road, where a special offertory was made on behalf of the Sunday Softools. In appealing to the congregation for their support his lordship said the schools were pretty- well known throughout Liverpool, close npon 600 children belonging to them. He considered that Sunday sohool teachers demanded a great amount of sympathy. It was no small thing in a busy town like Liverpool, with all the competition in trade, and after the hurry and bustle of a week's work, for a man to sit down in a room on Sundays and look after a elites of children. He always com- mended and encouraged as much as he could, as bishop, those Sunday school teachers who gallantly and ac great self-denial did suoh good work Sunday after Sunday. A correspondent writes: -Slanflor and backbiting are not at all out of the way of the unctious Lib-ration Society. A circular letter has been sent from headquarters to supporters of the society's above-board tactics. It appeals to them to collect as many authenticated instances of sectarian bitterness" on the part of pristlv Churchmen as possible, and assures that all such communica- tions will be regarded as strictly confidential. So if Nonconformists will only rake up scandals agamst their Church neilfhbour, they will be shielded by the non-disclosure of names and places. Under such honourable circumstances how is re- futation possible ? What would all high-minded men say if the Primate asked the clergy to find out cases of Dissenting bigotry and intolerance, so that he might "ive publicity to such, and draw down the wrath of public opinion, whilst he would not dis- close any nameb ? Would there not be a howl of indignation ? Is it. tben, less manly and honour- able for the Liberation Society to engage in similar tactics and practices to organise a huge system of scandal-mongering ? The cause must be a bad one, and in a bad way which has to resort to such dis- reputable weapons. I THE CHURCH AND NONCONFORMISTS. The Executive Committee of the Liberation Society have issued a circular referring to the changed attitude of the parochial clergy towards Dissenters, resulting from the growth of sacer- dotalism in the Establishment. Referring to a recent statement of Dr. Condor of Leeds, that "Nonconformity is boycotted in the conntr i districts to a degree, and not seldom with a cruelty of which those who dwell in our great towns have little idea "—a statement confirmed by the expe- rience of the committee-it nrces the importance of more systematic efforts to mako the facts of the case kbown. The oironlar states that "in regard to elementary education, to the bnrial of the dead, to the distribution of parochial charities, to appointments to public offices, to the treatment of Dissenting tenants aud shopkeepers by landlords and onatomera, and to the refnsal to aell eitea for Dissenting abilpels or schools, acts of persecution in the rural parts of England and Wales seeii to indicate that, while many legal disabilities for religious opinions have been removed, there is in some quartere a dttermmation to substitute for repressive legislation insidious, and sometimes illegal, proceedings having in view the same object." As one means of counteracting these influences, the frieuda of religious equality are advised to watch the proceedings of public bodies, of official persons and of individuals with a view to making known to the societv, the newspaper press, and Parliament, all local incidents of tbeoharaoter described. "Snch efforts," it is added, are especially needed in connection with the appointment of teachers, the religions teaching, and the general management of denominational schools, and of School Board sohools in rural parishes and small towns; in which, either in letter or spirit, the law 8r the regulations of the Eduoation Department are otten evaded."

MrH Clarissa Cox, of Wakefield, Conn., is going through her ifrst illneBS, though she is said to be in her 103rd vear. DR. IIN J email's LIOHT-BSOWN COD LIVRR OIL -ITS UfEQUAH.BDKFFtCACTtKDtSKASMOFTHxTHBnAT.— Sir G. Duncan U'bb, Bu t., M.D LL.D ,Physician to the Westminster Hospital, authnr of "On Diseases of the Thro<t and Larynx," writes:ritoexperienc.)t)f many years has abundantl '.??(i the truth of ever y ?rd dn t::ofdDt2;. S;s Light-Brown Cod Liv6r Oil by many of our first Physicians and Chemists thus stamping him as a high authority and an abl., Chemist, whose investigations have remained unques- tioned Irs value, th refore, as a therapeutic agent in a number of disease-, elliefly of an exhaustive character, has beuu admitted by the world of medicine but, in "ddition,I have found it a remedy of great power in th treatment of many Affections of the Throat and Larynx especially in Consumption of the latter, where it will sustain life when everything- else fails. Dr. do Jongh's Li'ht-lirown Cod Liver Oil has an agreeable flavour, is very palatable, and liked by children henc4 its valu:- in the third stage of Hoopiug-Cough, when acts as a restorative aud tonic." lh. de Jonghs Light-Brown Cod Liver Oil is s>ld oniy in capsuled imperial lull- pints 2s Od piuts v4s 9d quarts, 9s by all chemists, Sole Consignees, Ansar Harford and Co., 210, High Holborn.London, CAUTION. -Never be induced to pur- chase other Cod Liver Oils, under the delusive pretence that the, are as good a. Dr, de Jongh's. th LINU m C&THARTICUM PILLS, agreeably aperient 7d Is ljjd, 2»9d. Ofal Chemists.

A gHEPHEBD FOR FORTY YEARS. From The C)ielnoford New. While on the subject we may mention tne case or Mre Mary Ann Ha-lio,of Wardley, Uppigb-whooe husband has been a resident of Rutland County for over forty years. His calling is that of a shepherd, anl it is safe to say that no one is better known in all the country about Wardley than John Halls. In reoiting the particulars of the oase, we oan do no better than nse Mr Halls' own statement made to onr reporter. He says For over eighteen years my wife was an intense sufferer from rheumatism. Much of the time her hands, elbows, knees, and feet were swollen to two or tnree times their natural size, so that she was nnable to walk or dress herself. She was, in fact, absolutely helpless. Her joints became so stiff at times that she could not move them. Daring these periods she suffered the most intense agony, and In all these long years she waa never entirely free from pain, either day or night. Different remedies were recommended to her, all of which she used, but got no relief. Oar family debtor said that her case was incurable. We had given up all hope. She had suffered so long that she had become thoroughly disheartened. Just balore last Christmas we rea, I in a newspaper an article copied from the London Magazine of Chemistry and Medicine, whioh gave particulars of the wonderiul cure, by St. Jacobs Oil,of Edward Evans, whose case was similar to my wife's. We concluded to try this remedy. The Oil was first applied to her hands, which had for many years been so fearfully deformed as to be almost without shape. Before she had used the contents of one bottle, to our amazement ana joy the swelling disappeared, and her crippled hands once more assumed their natural shape. She then applied the remedy to the joints of her limbs and feet, and, marvellous as it may seem, the swelling and pain, which had withstood all treatmeut,began to disappear, and before the oonteuts of this one bottle had been used,the swelling, stiffness,and pain with which sho bad been afflicted for nearly twenty years, vanished as if by magio. She recovered the full use of her limbs, hands, aud feet. She can walk as well as ever she could in ner life, attends to her household duties and sleeps soundly at night; while for years she had not know what it was to have a good night's rest. She is free from pain and com- pletely cured, and all this was brought about by a single battle of St. Jacobs Oil. I tell you frankly that I believe this remedy bas no equal in tbe worIT It has brought comfort and happiness to my home, and I advise everyone sulfeling from pain to try it. The 2s 6d I spent for a bottle was the beat invest- ment I ever made in my life." Mra Halls personally confirmed everything that her husband had said, and could scarcely say enough in praise of this remarkable agency which had rescued her from her sufferings.

Detailed Lists, Results and Guides
Agricultural Jottings. The Live Sbck Journal says There seemll to be some talk on the other side of the Atlantic abaut breeding hunters for the English market. We do not doubt for a moment but what they could be bred and reared, bai when it comes to the schooling of them, that is quite a different thing. In America there are few boundary fences resembling the obstacles encountered every few minutes in a run through an average 7.9tiah oountry, and certainly no water jumps. All such horses would have to be brought over here nnder four years old, and be educated afterwards. Freight and insurance would then have to be deducted, so a good deal of the gilt would have to be taken off the gingerbreaa ere they reached the covert side. BBEEDINO Sows.-Never breed from a sow that shows evidence of a weak constitution, but rather, when choosing a young sow, out of a litter, to be kept as a brood sow, he snre to select one that shows plenty of depth and width in the chest, and that is not at all inclined to be slab-sided, but has the ribs well sprung with a good back and loins and, last but not least, remember that it is very important that a brood sow should have a mild, gentle disposition. I would strongly recommend that a brood sow should always he chosen, if possible, from a large litter, and almost invariably from a spring litter, as in that case we are better able to give her plenty of exercise, which combined with an ample supply of nourishing food, such as will be spoken of further on, will enable her to make rapid and vigorous growth during the first six months after weaning time. I do not believe any cow can make milk out of nothing; the old saying still holds good-its by the mouth tbe cow milks." But tbeD, some cows have a capacity and a power to convert food and water into milk, which others have not. This is what dairymen ought to (see to. Breed only from cows who have the greatest capacity and power to convert food and water into milk. THE BRITISH DAIRY lNSTITUTE.- This new insti- tution, founded by the British Dairy Farmerjs Association, was opened lately. It is a modern bu lding, surrounded by its own grounds, and loom- manding an extensive view of tbe Vale of (Ayles> bury, with the long line of the Chiltern Hills m the distance. The dairy, which is separated front tbe house by an open yard, consists of five parts-the milk-setting and separating room, the butter dairy, the cheese dairy, the cheese-curing and storing rooms, and offices for cleaning tbe utensils. The rooms are fitted with complete apparatus for making butter and cheese by every method which allows of successful results, in order that students may learn how to make the beat use of ordinary appliances, as well as of new ones which are not to be fouud in ordinary farm dairies. The course of iustruotion will embrace elementary chemistry in its relation to dairy produce, food, mauures, and soils; botany, in relation to frassee and forage plants of a dairy farm; elementary physiology and veterinary science in connection with the treatment and feeding of cattle in health and disease; and praotical dairy farming in aU its branches. Both male and female students will board in the build- ing, and females only will lodge in it. The fees are 92 a month or L5 a quarterfor either butter-making or obeeae-maicug, and £3 a month or Eg a Quarter for both subjects. Board is 10s a week- extra, which iaoludes lodlng for the female students. The factory system is being extended in the coantry, both for cheese and butter. Wheat-growing is risky, even in America. The cost of growing an acre of winter wheat in Ontario is returned as follows in the report of the Ontario Department of Agriculture for 1887, only recently:issued:- Dols. c. Ploughing 2 Cultivating, fcc 1 jn Barn-yard manure (part charged). 3 15 Manure applied previously 1 92 Seed.) 49 Sowing or drilling 0 42 Cutting and putting in barn I 1<9 After" fittiug or cultivation. 0 39 Thrashing 1 7 Marketing. 0 1<5 Wear of implements 0 S8 Rates, taxes, and insurance.3 76 Total cost per acr* ..19 43 The average receipts in itHSC, according to the car- respondents of the department, were 14 dols 13c for grain, aud 2 dols 95e for straw, or altogether 17 dols 80. This amount shows a loss of consider- ably over two dollate-in fac", a loss of about 10s an acre. In a similar estimate for spring wheat, the loss is a little under two dollars per acre. Another table shows that the return per acre of winter wheat in 1887 was one-third below the aver- age for the six years 1882 87. No wooder that the area of the wheat crop io Ontario has been reduced from 1.775,337 acres in 1882 to 1194,387 acres in 1888. Bad reports come also from the United j 8tates. According to recent tnail advices, numbers of Norwegian settlers in Dakota are starving through the failurn of the crops.

BEER V. WATER. Nemesis has dolec: oat a p&infnl fate to Sir W. Lawgon. He has been defeated f r the County Council at WcrkioRton-by a brewer.

F Annur.Y's COCOA is easy to digest, delicious in Savour and full nf health m artin? properties. It is absolutely pure Cocoa, untampered with. THROAT AFPItCTIONS AND HOABHBNKHS.—AII suffer tnll( from irritation of ihe throat and hoarseness will lie xrreeahly soiprised at the almost immediate relief afforded by the use of Bie»n'a Rron chial TWhos. The.- famous loz0ltIif6S" ate now sold by most resect- able chemists in thh eollnrry a Is lid per hox. Tuple troubled with a bucking congh." 1& slight eold,'1 or broncbi«l atteetions. cannot try them ton soon, as similar tronblem, if allowed toprcgreps, reonlt serious Pnmonary and A*)mathic affections. See that th worjn brown's Bronchial Troches" are on the OoA»ms»ent Stomp around each box.—Prepared by .TOBN I. BHOWN 8C SONS Boston. U.S. European Deiot, 33, FWingdon-roud* London. 8.j VALUABLB DISCOVERY FOR THE HAIB.—If your hair is tnrnine grey or white, or falling off, nl8 "THE MEXICA HAIR RNWER" for it ° wdl ?oo,(,? 1. 11 1 Y C 1, c G??i n White ?!r to its original colour, without leaving the disagieeaWe smell of most "Restorers." Is makes the hair charmingly beautiful, as well as promoting the growth of the hair r.-n bald spott where the glands are not decayed. Price, 3@ Gd.-For an Oil to make the Hair soft, zlay, and luxuriant, uk for CARTER'S COLOGNE OIL." P?i?,. 1,. f a 1 S?? Wholesale Depot, 83, Farrinidon-rosd'on COAGULINS.-Cemmt for RrokeD Artic'es, "d and postage, d. Sold everywhere, home and aIro ,41, ip