Advertisement Taritl. I —; o- — Small Prepaid Advertisements. 20 Words SIXPENCE. Three Times NINEPENCE. Six Times ONE SHILLING. W0RDS' ONCE, ragg Tsg& S. d. d. s. d. 20 Words 0 6 0 9 1 0 30 Words 0 9 1 0 1 6 40 Words 1 0 1 6 2 3 Ls 1 3 2 6 3 9. re 50 Words 1 3 2 6 3 9. 60 Words 1 6 3 0 4 6 These charges apply only to the classes of advertise- ment >),ecitied below, ami Hre strictly confined t( those ,vhieh are ordered ior CONSUCUTIVIS insertion an (I PAlf) )oOR J'llEVIOU,; TO JNSKRTION if either of t-liese coik- onions is not complied with, the advertisement will be I.v the Business scale :— AFAKTM KSTS \A NTKD. APAKTM E.N'i S TO ARXICLKS LOST. AETIC1.1SS FOUND- ARXICLKS LOST. AETIC1.1SS FOUND- )iL,S11,4 I-Is I)ISPOSAI, 'I, usI %VAN'XLD. MOUSKS TO LET. HOUSKS WANTED. HOUSES TO BE SOLD WONKY AVAN LKD. MISCEIXANUOUS WANTS. MONEY TO LEND. 1\IISC¡';¡,LANIWLJS WANTS. MISCELLANEOUS SAI.liS. PARTNERSHIPS WANTED. SITUATIONS WANTED. SITUATIONS VACANT. Advertisements of the above class inserted in the • SOUTH WAI.ES DAILY NEWS," the CAUDIEI- 'J'IMKS, and •' SOUTH WAI.ES ICCHO" at the following rate Six times in o> "nzjr Daily Mews. Cardiff 'xirnes Six times in Wll R South Wales Echo. „ s. d. s. (1. s. d. 20 Words 10 16 2 0 30 Words 1 6 2 3 3 0 40 Words 2 3 3 4 4 6 50 Words 3 9 5 8 7 6 60 Words 4 6 6 9 9 0 General Advertising Tariff. KATE PKU TANE FOR A SERIES. Cuss ûlo 1 to 4 or 6 to liito iib ADVERTISEMENTS. 3 b 11 25 jupd insi insr insr insrjinsr Business ) Educational > -/I -/4 -/3 */2 -/li Publishers ) Religious Services 1 m ,m .« m Entertainments > Auction Anziout,cenients -/6 -/4 .(3 ./3 f/3 I-egal ,d Ptiblic Not,ic"" Municipal and School Board f „ „ „ Tenders and Contracts Public Appointments Prospectuses -/9 ./9 -/9 -19 -19 Parliamentary Elections 1 Parliamentary Notices )- 1/- 1/- J/- V" 1/- Qovernment Announcements.. Notices of Births, Marriages, and Deaths are charged Is each, if not exceeding 20 words, and 6d for eacix additional 10 words. These Notices must be autlien ticated by the Signature and Address of the sender. PARAGRAPH ADVERTISEMENTS are charged J to b Insertions, fad per line 6 to U insertions, Id per line 12 insertions and upwards, 5d per line ADVERTISERS, when sendincadvertisements inniann- script, may calculate eight words to a line, and 12 live, t,, all inch. In charging advertisements the lines are not counted, but the advertisement, including large lines, dailies, and white spaces, is measured, and the space occupied is charged at tllli rate of Twelve lines o an inch. Domestic bants. OOKKllY.—Marshall's School of Cookery, 30 c Mortimer-street, London, IV.,O-fSejid for pro- spectus. 928 (SOOKS (good) wanted immediately. Good, small J families. Town and country. Excellent wages. Generals and Housemaids, Londoii.Ilrs Furnivall's Regist y, Cardiff. 729 A KN liRAL SKRVANT (respectable girl) wanted at VJT once in a small family. Must be kind to <hil- then.—Goitre, Cowbrulge-road, Cardiff. 770 E.N'KKAL SERVANT wanted.—Apply Rose jf Villa, Gordon-road, Cardiff. 765 d^ E> ERAL SERVANT (experienced) wanted must VJT be honest and industrious.—Apply 5, Richmond- crescent, Uoath. 756 GENERAL SERVANT (good) wanted for family of two, able to wash well.—Apply Mrs Jones, 28, Coinmercii'l-street, Ebbw Vale. 724 GENERAL SERVANTS wanted for towns and N,X country. Apply personally, or stamped envelope for reply.—Miss Morgan, Registry, 101, Frederick- street, Cardiff. 566 d^i KNKRAL SERVANT (good) w.,nted at once.— VT Apply, with references, Magistrates' Clerk's Office, Pontypridd. 76590 GLX KRAI. SERVANT (good) wanted able to do plain cooking one from the country preferred. lr"e."eyt:ply Mrs Yorath,_Cl1nt,on.. 57b IKL (strong) Wanted, »g,- about 16 to 20 sleep \}T n" c<,n'e' -4PPly Mrs Leach, 33, Wood-street, Caul iff. 753 A 1IRL (strong) wanted to assist in house work who \J( is fcind of clnldren. One from the country pre- ferred.—Mrs Jones, o, Glossop-terrace, Roath, Car- diff. 716 GIRL (respectable strong) wanted, with reference, about 16, from tiie country, for fcou-ework two ihilciren.-Apply, by letter, Mrs Chave, 249. Bute- street, Cardiff. ERVANTS IN ANY CAPACI'l'Y.-Jfy.ou-require a good situation, write to the ^lonal and Universal Registration Agency, 10DA, iarKet-street, Manchester. 508 Situations Vacant ABSTAINERS get gi'eater ad vantages from the Scottish Temperance Life and Accident Assur- ance Company than from any other tffice.-Apply for prospectus to W. C. Thomas, Balmoral Villa, Park- square, Newport, Mori. 661 BAKERS.—Wanted, a Young Man as good Bread Baker, to board and lodge in the house.—Mr Batchelor, Knighton, Radnorshire. 766 AK El!. and CONFECTIONER (competent) wanted, Jt3 -Apply at Mr David, Baker, &c., Elm-street, Koath, Cardiff. 618 V>OY wauted, about 14, to mark billiards and make J3 himself generally useful.—Apply Ellesmere Club, 65, .Mary-street. 708 BOOK-KEEPING taught by experienced Accoun. BOOK-KEEPING taught by experienced Accoun. tant; practical instruction preparing balance sheets terms moderate.—Address Oxon, Daily News Office. 759 BUTCHERS.—Wanted, strong, active Youth, of good character, to assist at slaughtering, and take charge of two horses.—Apply, with particulars, to T. f7 Park, Margam, Taibach. 670 CUKArE wanted. Bilingual.—Apply St. Ishmael's icaiage, Ferryaide. 687 YMENT at youi" home. Wanted, Ladies and Young Men to work for us, full or spare lme, 11 particulars free from Novelty Company, 50, Leicester-square, London, "W.C. 7bl6l -■.EMPLOYMENT FOR LADIES —10s to 15s weekly l \i can be earned by the Patent Automatic Knitting Machine.— Send addressed envelope for particulars to S.W. Company, 417, Oxford-street, i ondoii, W. 410 LAD (strong) wanted at once that can mould and make dough dehver with horse and trap live incioors.-A. F., 6, Thomas-street, Grangetown, Cardiff. 711 VACANCIES IN CIVIL SERVICE.-Age 16-25 V Commencing salaries range to;eloo. Rapid pre- paration by correspondence.—Intelligent young men write to Secretary, Civil Service Examination Agency, Nunhead, London. 459 THE DIRECTORS of a London Joint Stock Co. require a District Manager for Cardiff. Salary £ i20 per annum and commission. -Address, in first instance, Chairman," 2 and 3, Salisbury-court, Fleet- street, London, E.C. 573 ~\7 OUTH (sharp) wanted. Abnit 14 or 15. Fair ¥ wricer. ior office.—Apply 94. St. Mary-street ^%trpiaUtol. ;¡\gtndt5 vVr. I AGENTS wanted for an old-established Plate-glass and Accident Assurance Co. Good terms.— Apply Lothian House, Richmond-road, Cardiff. 731 iQaHLY^SUCCESSFUL-IN STI lUTION is prepared to appoint a few respectable men as Agents.—Apply Manager. 104, Richmond-road, Cardiff. 732 CANVASSERS (few) wanted, for Industrial Insur- ance. Males or females, ten times down.—Lowe's Advertising Office, 8, Meteor-street, Roaih, Cardiff. 730 Situations M- anteb. BOOK-KEEPER, disengaged in the evening, wishes t) to write up and balance tradesmen's books terms moderate.—Address A. B. C., "Daily News" Office. 758 Houses$0 Ifctt CLUB to Let in busiest part of Splotlands 80 bona- fide Members; no public near.—Apply, Secretary, Daily News" Office, Cardiff.- 685 NENVPORTrROAl) (85)," lloath, to Let, from 29th Septeniber.-Apply Mr Webber, 94, St. Mary- street three doors from General Post-office. 526 Jfor .^aie—Houses, &r. HOLTS!E (good) for Sale in Miskin-street.—Particu- lars of Mr Webber, 94, St. Mary-street, opposite Church-street. 448 3CO&0TNG5, ^PARTNMTTS, «r. APARTMENTS (comfortable), furnished, for two young gentleman, at 3, Llandough-street, Cathays, Cardiff 330 Ulisallatmms. BARRELS (10 000) wanted of all descriptions. Good prices given.—Apply Alfred Cockle, St. Jnde's Cooperage, Bristol. 87 I ) O'l'ANIC BEKR made immediately with Mason's J[ > Extract or Essence of Herbs, composed of Yarrow, Dandelion, Coinfrey, and Horehound; send 9 stamps for sample bottle, enough to make four gallon to Newball and Mason, Chemists, Nottingham. Agents wanted. 413e 17U7RNISH on the Hire System. £ 5 worih, 2s 6d weekly £ 10 worth, 4s weekly £ 15 worth, 5s weekly E20 worth, 6s weekly, and so on in propor- tion.—The South Wales Furnishing Company, 23, Custom House-street, Cardiff. 715 FURNISH on the Hire System. No security re- quired.—South Wales Furnishing Company, 23, Custom House-street, .Cardiff. 715 IT^URNJSH on the Hire System. Cash prices charged. South Wales Furnishing Company, 23, Custom House-street, Cardiff. 715 FURNISH on the Hire System. Small weekly^ or monthly payments.—South Wales Furnishing I Company, 23, Custom House-street, Cardiff. 715 FURNISH on the Hire System. Houses or apart- ments furnished throughout. — South Wales burnishing Company, 23, Custom House-street, Car- I diff. 715 FURNISH on the Hire System. Compare prices with other houses.—South Wales Furnishing Company, 23, Custom House-street, Cardiff. 715 TJ^URNISH on the Hire System. Immense stock to I' select from.—South Wales Furnishing Company, 25, Custon House-street, Cardiff. 715 FURNISH on the Hire System, town or;country.- South Wales Furnishing Company, 23, Custom House.street, Cardiff. 715 ITIURNISH on the Hire System. No extra charges made.—South Wales Furnishing Company, 23, Custom House-street, Cardiff. 715 FURNISH Oil the Hire System. Every article requisite for the household. — Soutll Wales Furnishing Company, 23, Custom House-street, Cardiff 715 1 URNISH" on the Hire Systetii. Inspection in- ,-1 vited.—South Wales Furnishing Company, 23, Custom House-street. Cardiff..15 IMPORTANT to small Capitalists wishing to com- mence as Tobacconists for illustrated guide (110 pa?es) send 3 stamps to H. Myers and Co., 109, Eustou- road, London. 96ge N SOCIAL PURIT^AND THE INFIRMITIES ot MAN. Addressed specially to young men, with advice on health, and containing recipes that wiil re- store the nervous and debilitated to the full power of manhood. Free for the benefit of all who desire a safe and speedy cure without the :iid of (juacks. Send ne stamp to prepay postage. Address Secretary, Institute of Anatomy, Birmingham, 274e PHYSIOGNOMY. — Your character faithfully written from photograph children's heads ex- amined daily 2,000 testimonials. Herr White (London expert), Park-street, Cardiff. 709 RENTS collected 10 years' experience. References JDL and security giveii.C. W. Hutching, 27, Car- lisle-street, Cardiff. 407 '141 N. TRADESMKN.—Window tickets, show cards, pin JL tickets, Christmas draw cards, and all kinds of printing.—Pearson and Co., Railway Arch, Bute-street, Cardiff. 771 W THOMPSON MATOERr^ction^7~Uouse, Estate, and Insurance Agent. Moderate commission. Prompt settlements. Trial solicited.- 7, Swiss Chamber". Crockherbtown, Cardiff. 631 HEATEN MEAL.—The best value in Feed for Cattle. Pigz, and Poultry. £ 3 10s per ton on rai: or steamer, Liverpool.—Apply to 1\1. J. lleathcote and Co., 10, Drury-lane, Liverpool. 76554 rponltrij, ígtons, &z. PLYMOUTH ROCK C ckerel, April hatched price 5s. Also a last year's bird, 7s 6d.-50, Inver- ess-place, top of Castle-road. 749 ilToitnt. QA8B DVANCB S ADE FiiOM £10 TO j6500. At a few hours' notice, to FARMERS, MARKETGARDEN K US,TRADESMEN, CAB PROPRIETORS, and HOUSEHOLDERS, On their own security, without removal. Tso enquiry fees. The usual loan office formalities dispensed with. An communications treated in the strictest conti- dence. ADDRESS— CARDIFF AND COUNTY ADVANCE BANK, 9, CAROLINE-STREET, CARDIFF. 520 ^)N E Y ~I, E N T WIT II OUT DELAY by the CHARING-CROSS BANK (Regd.). No, 28, Bedford-street, Strand, London. Established 1870. Capital £ 150,000. Reserve Fund, £ 50,000. ADVANCES IMMKDIATKLY MADE Upon Approved Promissory Notes as follows, without deductions. Advance £ 25—12 monthly repayments of JE2 5 10 „ hO „ 4 11 8 100 „ „ 9 3 4 Larger amounts the same in proportion. Advances of B25 to £ 2,000 granted at a few hours' notice in town or country, male or female, on mortgage 'iniitnre, trade and farm stock, plant, crops, ifcc ituout removal, and to assist persons into business. 0U tlee('s> policies, "and reversions at 5 per cent. Z™?™ >nonth to 14 years. Distance no object. Ensy ij fStrict,y private. Call or write. -before applying elsewhere, ask any solicitor, auct.o &c.; in England and Wales knowing this Bank, and you will at once find out you are treating ™ UoJw'i "8'led (1870), safe, and bona-flde Bank. Having large capioyl, we do business cheaper than others. Responsible Traders, Farmers, and others can have money without bill of sale. No good loan ever refused. tt Current accounts opened according to the usual practice of other banks. No charge for keeping accounts or clearing country cheques. Interest at the rate of 4 per cent, allowed ou tue minimum monthly balances. Deposits of £ 10 and upwams received at 4 per cent. per annum payable on demand. Subject to three months notice of withdrawal, 6 per cent.. • Subject to six months' notice of withdrawal, 8 per cent. Subject to twelve months notice of withdrawal, 10 per cent. » Interest paid monthly, quarterly, or as agreed. 179 A WILLIAMS, Manager. JJJONKY i jyj[ONEV: 11 j^JONEY 11 j Cash Advances made at a few hours' notice, from g5 to £500, to Farmers, Market Gardeners, Cowkeepers, Tradesmen, and others, on their own security. No sureties required, No inquiry fees. Money lent on deposits, also tradesmen's bills discounted. Apply, personally or by letter, to Mr A. Jordan, Manager, Private Loan Office, Dock-street (corner of Skinner- street), Newport, Mon. 519 s WANSEA.-SOUTH WALES ECHO. The FIRST EDITION of the SOUTH WALES ECHO is published at the Office, 9, College-street, Swansea, every AFTERNOON, AX FIVE O Cl.OCK. Sold by newsagents at Swansea, Hafod, Plasmarl, Mumbles, &c and bv the boj's of the Self llein Brigade, 'I he IPECIAI, EDITION, which contains all the I-atest News, Telegrams, Stock Exchange Closing Prices, Markets, Sporting and Local Intelligence of the day is published in Swansea at 8.30 p.m. Sold by K. MOGFOltD, News Agent, Great Western Buildings High-street, Swansea, and by news boys Amusements. FJIHEATBITKOTAL, CARDIFF. LESSEE I MANAGER.MR. EDWARD FLETCHER. ACTING MANAGER MR. JOHN SHERIDAN. Last Night of England's Greatest Burlesque Actress and Comedienne, MISS NELLIE FARREN, and her Powerful London Company. TONIGHT (SATURDAY), OCTOBER 10th, The Musical Faroe, A M K R K BLIND. At 8 o'clock, Reece's Popular Burlesque, ALADDIN. ALADDIN (a street Arab) Miss Nellie Farren. Splendid Chorus, New and Beautiful Costumes. MONDAY NEXT, October 12th, Mr Frank Harvey's Celebrated Madame Beatrice Company in THE WAGES OF SIN. Doors open at 7; Commence 7.30; Half-price 9. Stage Door and St. Mary-street Entrance open 6.30, Sixpence extra. Box Plan at Messrs Thompson and Shackell's, Crockherbtown. o3237 VICTORIA ROOMS, ST. MARY- T STREET. CAltDIFF. MON. D'ARC'S GRAND WAXWORK EXHIBITION. THREE ENTERTAINMENTS COMBINED IN ONE. Great Success of PROFESSOR RICARDO and his wonderful PER. FORMING DOGS. Roars of laughter and 'unbounded applause of Mons. TRILLO and his Ventriioquial i'is,ures. Every evening at 7.15 and 8,30. Saturllays half an hour earlier. Day performance Wednesdays and Saturdays at 3. The exhibition is open from 10 in the morning till 10 at niht. Admission 3d, children 2d. Reserved seats during the performance, 3d extra. 777 F. J. SMITH, Manager. JG 0 O N O M Y IN FUEL, HALL'S PATENT FEED WATER HEATER. yy 1LLIAMS' it ATENT U LOW Ell AND SMOKE CONSUMEB. FOR STEAM li O I L 15 R S JOHN yyrJLLIAMS AND SON, SOLE LICENSEES & MAKERS, Q U l] N S TR E Nl T, I CARDIFF. 107e E F O R E B U Y I N~G A WATCH ANYWHERE Write for the "Illustrated Pamphlet,' sent free on application, by the LARGEST WATCH MANUFACTURER. WATCH REPAIRS—Prompt and Perfect. Estimates given aud Cost of Carriage taken. 18 CARAT GOLD ALBERTS (Hall marked on every Link), 80s per oz.-NVorkuaan. ship Included. Largest Gold Chain Stock in Eugland. MR T. R RUSSELL (Maker to her M.ijesty the Queen), CATHEDRAL WoUKS, 18, CUUUCH-SXRIOET, LIVERPOOL. 12191 NO AGENTS IN WALES. 393e ..1 Q 0 AND SEE THE BOOTS AND SHOES at GLAD WELL'S, 27, DUKE-STLlEliT, The best Vidua iu tha Principality. { # E J ^|TiATH~AND goNS, 12, CROCKHERBTOWN, CARDIFF, Have now on view the largest Stock of High-class p I A N O F O R T E S QRGANS, AND IIARMONIUIVIS, IN SOUTH AVALES, Which they are offering at a LARGE DISCOUNT FOR CASH and on the three years' system, from 10" 6d per month. Pianos, from Ib guineas. Illustrated Ciit.,cloties Post Free 2590 JP U LTON, jj U N LOF, AND I CARDIFF AND SWANSEA, AUO AT WINDSOR-ROAD, PENARTU BASS AND CO., A T. J, 0 P PAN 1) SONS, And others of the finest 13 U li T O N ALES. PRICKS Per Kilderkin. 18.% 21s. 24s. Per Firkin. I 9. ] 10s. 6d. 12s And upwards. 155 W.Tu^Gl^vfREET, CAKDlW. CFOLL'IOK, PAWN BROKE S.~ Most • Money lenton gold and silver valuables. Over £ 2 at the rate of 4d in tha pound, exceeding £ 10 at a lesser interest. Large assortment of gold and silver wau hes and diamond rings very cheap. Special lots of gold wedding rings and keepers. bOOe-íbü3 ^TIFF'S Isi A 11 (JH; gTIFF'S STARCH. ^TIFF'S STARCH. WTIFF'S STARCH. IO s TIF.F'S STARCH. STIFF'S STARCH. s TIFF'S STARCH. SJTIFF'S STARCH k? gTIFF'S STARCH, gTIFF'S STARCH. STIFF'S STARCH O 5(..9 12296 it492 It having come to the knowledge of Messrs .Stiif and Co. that some often attempt to induce the public to purchase low pricedandiuierior starches y representing them to be the manufacture of Messrs Stiff & Co., it is necessary to put the public on its guard against such unprin- cipled d tostate tha.t every box or packet of Stiffs Starch bears the registered Trade Mark QUEEN BESS. Stiff's Starch is Sold in 51 Packets and lib Fancy lioxe>,andimv be obtained of any Grocer, Druggist, or Oilman; or of the Manu- facturer*. STIFF & CO., ItBDCLIFF-ST., BRISTOL ESTABLISHED 1818. POSITIVE REMEDIES. Consult the Book of Positive Remedies for the Cure of all Diseases. GRATIS.—Sent by Post to all parts of the World on receipt of Two Stamps to prepay postage. A POSITIVE CURE FOR DEBILITIES AND DERANGEMENTS OF THE GENERA- TIVE ANH NERVOUS SYSTEM, NKRVOUS DE. BILITY AN)) EXHAUSTION, THli RESULT Ol< OVER-TAXED ENERGIES IS GIVIN IN THIS BOOK OF "POSITIVE 11BMED1ES. 'this Boole gives a POSITIVE REMEDY ior all DtS .ASE. The Naiiies of all Medicines are given in Eii'dish. Cases and Testimonials, with means used in eaca case. IT IS A GUIDE TO THE SELF-TREATMENT o|. ALL DISEASES, and should be Consulted by all who require medical treatment. NOTICE.—THij TIVE MEDICINES GIVEN IN THE BOOK OF "POSITIVE REMEDIES" ARE THE MEDI UNi USED BY Dlt. SMITH FOR UVEn. THiRxY YEARS. By the aid of this Hook Invalids may form a correct knowledge of their malady, and lind a Positive Remedy for the Cure. The names are pub- lished in English, to enable Invalids to select the remedy and Cure Themselves without consulting a medical man, making l written statement of case or Paying consultation fees. Semi Two Stamps for the BOOK OF POSITIVE REMEDIES, which contains 244 pages, and gives a cure for all diseases. Pose ire on receipt of Two Stamns direct from no II. it II. SMITH & CO. 130 POSITIVE REMEDV LABORATORY, "• SOUTH AMITOX-HOW. LONDON. \V. I^NJJSCTtON DAY.^An iNFALLTBLE -<- REMEDY and certain cure for all Discharges from the Urinary Organs in either sex, whether acquired or constitutional, recent or chronic cures in a few days without medicines. Sold in bottles, 2s 6d each, by all 1 chemists. London agents, F. Newbury and Sons, 1 King Kdward-streait, B.C. AgenW for Cardiff, J. j Monday, Chemise, 1 H%h-street i »m» All Chemists | business ^tiiiresses. JOTHAM AND SON s, J 26 & 27. ST. MARY-STREET. c A R D I F F. i 4- 1JMBRELLAS IMMENSE VARIETY. 1,500 TO CHOOSE FROM. PARAGON FRAME. SPECIAL. DURABLE SILK. 5s X1D NATURAL STICKS. OUR KNOCKABOUT # LEVANTINE SILKS. (>S 11D GOOD OFFICE o |i UMBRELLA. OUR LEADING LINE. FOX'S PARAGON FRAME. I-Os 6D SILVER MOUNTED. 10'3 6D NATURAL STICKS. if DURABLE SILK. Large Variety in BUCKHORN and FANCY HANDLES, From 12s 6d to 30s. LADIES' UMBRELLAS IN LARGE VARIETY. 2s lid, 3, lid, 4s lid, 5s lid, to 20s. VERY SPECIAL, 204 JOTHAM AND (Jj 0 K S. I>IAN S.-NVI-IY BE WITHOUT ONE JL When you can become the owner of a nice in strument for the small payment of 108 6d PER MONTH ON rjlHOMPSON AND S HACKELL S HIRl SYSTEM 1 No security required, and the instrument delivered to purchaser on payinetitdf first monthly instalment. Every instrument guaranteed, and exchanged if not approved. ORGANS AND HARMONIUMS ON SIMILAR TERMS. Catalogues free on aoplicatioii. THOMPSON AND SHACKELL, PIANOFORTE AND MUSIC WAREHOUSE, QUEEN'S BUILDINGS, CARDIFF Also at SWANSEA, NEWPORT, MERTHYR and GLOUCESTER gHOOTING SEASON, 1885. We beg to call the attention of sportsmen in general to our Stock of Breech-loatfiiig Gung of various qualities. We have in stok the following DOUBLE BARREL BREECH LOADING GUNS: £ s. d. NO- I Ejector, Hammerless Gun 36 0 0 2 Consentric, Wood Bar Gun 25 10 0 3 Consentric, Treble Grip Gun 25 10 0 4 Semi, Hammorless Gun 14 0 0 6 G. and P. Patent, Hammerless uun II 0 0 6 Treble Grip, HawmerGuII n 0 0 7 Steel Barrel, Bar Lock Gun 8 8 0 8 Steel Barrel, Back Lock Gun 7 0 0 9 Damascus Barrel, Back Lock Guu 5 15 0 10 Fine Twist Barrel, Back Lock Gun 4 7 6 11 Good Twist Barrel, Back Lock Gun. 3 15 0 All above guns are choke left barrel. 12 Twist Barrel. Back Locks Gun 3 0 0 13 Twist Barrel, Back Locks Gu" 2 17 6 14 Fine Twiit, siligle Barrel, BtLek Gun 3 2 6 Any GENTLEMAN PURCHASING either of these Guns CAN HAVE FAIR THIAl" and if they are not what th v are leprssentad to be, and no approved of, money will be rectiraell. CARTRIDGES OF ALL DKSCRlpl'ION KEPT IN STOCK, CROS JJ uos., 3 AND 4, ST.. AtAft Y-HTPEFT, 497 UAJiDlFF. 763c9 GLADWl!;IL'S FOR GLOVES GLAD WELL'S FOR HOSIERY. GLA DW .LLL' FOR L AC I-, S. 27, DUKE-STREET. ""RjTER \\) v ;>ix ESS, LOSS of ENERGY J. and VITAL POWER.—A gentleman having tried in vain every advertised remedy, has nis'-overed a !-impl» means of self-cure. He will be happy to for- ward the particulars to any sulierer on receipt of a t tamped and directed envelope Address J T Sewe! Kso.. Ch-swir, Middloi'n* .YJ,; pEARS SOAP pEARS' SOAP pEARS' SOAP p FARS' SOAP jpEARS' OAP JL io JPEARS' gOAP p EARS' gOAP pEARS' SOAP jpEARS' gOAP PF]AR' SOAP pEARS' SOAP pEARS' SOAP pEARS' gOAP jpEARS' SOAP pEARS* SOAP P EAIIS' SOAP pEARS' SOAP pEARS' gOAP pEARS' gOAP pEARS' SOAP pEARS' SOAP pEARS' gOAP p EAI-,S' SOAP pE AltS' gOAP F, A P, S' SOAP PU.IP I FRAGRANT! RhFUls^HING Fc,r']'OILP,r 'k NURSERY. EXHIBITION HONOURS, tifteen Internatio'ial Awards for absolute Purity and absence of Artitici&l Colduring. hands. Bright cleir coinl,lexion. Soft healthful skin. PEAKS' SOAP Is s eciaily prtspared for the delicat :skin ot ladies and children and others sensi- tive to the weather, winter and summer. Presents Redness, Rough- ,anc' Cliappintr. ADi'LlX APA'IIT wrtes: "L h:ve found PEARS' SO AI matchless for the Hands and Complexion." (Signed) AUELINAPATTI. V J'ANuTRY writes: "I nave much pleasure in lave used PEARS' SOAP for some time, loud prefer .t to any other." (Signed) JJILLIE I ANGTRY. OAP is leconi- melhied by ERASMOS W J L- SON, late President of tht OolleRe of Surgeons oi i'.nIn- land. b PUltE FRAGRANT'. KEFRESHING For TOILET & N URS KRY. Exhibition Hom.urs. fifteen International Awards f, .i- abfolure Purity and absence of Artiticial Colouring. Fair VViiite Hands, Bright Clear Complexion, Soft healthful Skin. PEARS' SOAP—Tablets Is, Is 6d, and 2s 6d. The 2-s 6d Tablet is perfumed with Otto of Roses. A sitial; z b! tit (ii i j.- ceri te(l) is sU:11 lot 6<1, but insist on bavins I,eKi", as vilelv-in- jtirious iiiiitatioiisire often substituted for extra gam. Jx9e <4rMaker.s by Special Royal Appointment to U.K. H.rRe PRITW ol W»l«. business ]\,Sfrri5se5. GRAND E X R I B I T 1 0 N OF J^ADIES' ANTLES AT .r t, 6. -t.. F. c o X 23, ST. MAKY STREET, A R D I F F. MAN f LES AT WHOLESALE PRICES. MANTLES AT WHOLESALE PRICKS. MANTLKS AT WHOLESALE PRICES. MANTLES AT WHOLESALE PRLOES. MANTLES AT WHOLESALE PRICKS. MANTLES AT WHOLESALE PRICES. r MANTLES AT WHOLESALE PRICES. MANTLES AT WHOLESALE PRICES. MANTLES AT WHOLESALE PRICES. F. Cox, 23, s T. MARY s TREET, CARDIFF. JACKETS AT WHOLESALE PRICES. JACKETS AT WHOLESALE PRICES. JACKETS AT WHOLESALE PRICES. JACKETS AT WHOLESALE PRICES. JACKETS AT WHOLESALE PRICES. JACKETS AT WHOLESALE PRICES. JACKETS AT WHOLESALE PRICES. JACKETS AT WHOLESALE PRICES. JACKETS AT WHOLESALE PRICES. F. COx, 23, St/Mary STRBET' A R D I F F. ULSTERS AT WHOLESALE PRICES. ULSTERS AT WHOLESALE PRICES. ULSTERS AT WHOLESALE PRICES. ULSTERS AT WHOLESALE PRICES. ULSTERS AT WHOLESALE PRICES. ULSTERS AT WHOLESALE PRICES. TJLSTEILS AT WHOLESALE PRICES. ULSTERS AT WHOLESALE PRICES. ULSTEKS AT WHOLESALE PRICES. F. COX, 23, ST- MARY STREET' c ARDIFF. MACKINTOSHES AT WHOLESALE PRICES MACKINTOSHES AT WHOLESALE PRICES MACKINTOSHES AT WHOLESALE PRICES MACKINTOSHES AT WHOLESALE PRICES MACKINTOSHES AT WHOLESALE PRICES MACKINTOSHES AT WHOLESALE PRICES MACKINTOSHES AT WHOLESALE PRICES MACKINTOSHES AT WHOLESALE PRICES MACKINTOSHES AT WHOLESALE PRICES F. COX, 23, is T. MARy STREET, c FUR CLOAKS AT WHOLESALE PRICKS. FUR CLOAKS AT WHOLESALE PRICES. FUR CLOAKS AT WHOLESALE PRICES. FUR CLOAKS AT WHOLESALE PRICES. FUR CLOAKS AT WHOLESALE PRICES. FUR CLOAKS AT WHOLESALE PRICES. FUR CLOAKS AT WHOLESALE PRICES. I FUR CLOAKS T WHOLESALE PRICES. FUR CLOAKS AT WHOLESALE PRICES. F. Cox- 23, ST. MARY STREET, CARDIFF. FUR CAPES AT WHOLESALE PRICES. FUR CAPES AT WHOLESALE PRICES. FUR CAPES AT WHOLESALE PRICES. FUR CAPES AT WHOLESALE PRICES. FUR CAPES AT WHOLESALE PRICES. FUR CAPES AT WHOLESALE PRICES. FUR CAPES AT WHOLESALE PRICES. FUR CAPES AT WHOLESALE PRICES. FUR CAPES AT WHOLESALE PRICES. Fo Coy- J^ONDON ^yjANTLE ARE HOUSE, 23, S T. IARY STREET, j ^JAUDIFF. | FACTORIES; I L ON DON, 0 -lUJ 1 F F, AND <JLY^HH4MPT0N. 76351 ALL GOODS SULD AT LONDON CIVIL SERVICE PRICES AT GLAL>\VELL'd, the new shot), DUKE- STKEET, CARDIFF, rr\HE~MIDLAND "^UlTrlES WATCH X COMPAN jr. OF VYSE-STBEK T, BIRMINGHAM Let every reader of this send for our beautiful new illustrated Catalogue, containing tes- timonials aud over 1,000 fine Copper-plate Engravings of u atches, Jewellery, and Electro Plate, sent gratis and post free un application, to any part of the world. R. AMBORSE, Esq., Cloyne Terrace, Qutenstcwn,February llth, 1885" It gives me much p easure to testify as to the excel- lent time keeping qualit'es(,f the %Vatch 1 received from you. I liive tested it with a Run tired here every day by electricity at one o'clock, Green- wich tiine, und have never found it \ary even oi:e minute. I have great confidence in recommending your Comi,a,-y." GENTLEMEN'S FINE SILVER, fl it crystal glass, 2bs. LADIES' FINE ILVER, flat crystal glass, highly finished movement, 25s. YOUTHS' FINE SILVER, flat crystal KlasS, 25s. LADIES' GOLD LEVERS, in exquisitely chased cases, 70s. s. d. Gents' do. engine-turned cases 60 0 Gents' Silver Keyless English Hall marked Levers 60 0 Gents' Silver Keyless Hunting Cases, English Hal-marked 67 6 Gents' Fine Gold Keyless Lever, strong, heavy cises 100 0 in hunting cases 140 0 Gents' Fine Gold Keyless I Ladies' very heavy Key- less, iu 18-ct. Gold cases 100 0 Cheques or Post-office Orders must be made payable to the Company's Manag r, Mr A. PERCY, o;t receipt of which any Watch will be registered post free to any part of the United Kingdom, and for !is 6d per watch to any part of the ponal worbi. 502.e SOUfli WALES ECHO. I 1 He SOUTH WALEn KCUO is published at the NEWPOR'V OFFICE, 11, Tredegar-place follows :— FIRST EDITION 3.15 SECOND EDITION 4.?0 r.u. SPECIAL EDITION 6.30 P.m The .SPECIAL EDITION contains all the News of the Day up to .Sis o'clock p.m.—including the latest Stock Exchange and Sporting Televtauw. Sold by all The .SPECIAL EDITION contains all the News of the Day up to .Sis o'clock p.m.—including the latest Stock Exchange and Sporting Televtauw. Sold by all Newsagent# and Newsboys Smsuiuas Ài)ùr\S5e5. W. P EDLER'S v AFBRELLAS, WALKING STICKS, AND L EATHER B AGS, ARE THE BEST. f ESTABLISHED 1867. 34e) J^OYAL-ARCADE, CARDIFF, BRANCH: 98, GLEBE-STREET, PENARTH. BEST HOUSE IN CARDIFF FOR WALKING STICKS. A new and choice Stock of Walking Sticks from the best London Makers. RICHLY MOUNTED STICKS FOR PRESENTS MOUNTED MALACCA CANES. Ivory and Buck Hooks, Silver and Nickel Collars, and Knobs, always in Stock. Sticks and Canes Dressed, Mounted, Polished, and Ferruled. UMBRELLAS AT ALL PRICES TO SUIT ALL CLASSES. GENTS' UMBRELLAS. Silk, at 7s 6d, 8s 6d, lOt; 6d, 12s 6d, 15s 6d, and 18s 6d. Russell Silk, at 10s bd; Silver Mounted, 14s 6d. Repp, at 7s bd, 9s, lus 6d, and 12s 6d. Alpaca, 5s 6d, os 6d, and 7s 6d. LADIES' UMBRELLAS. Silk, 7s 6d, 8s 6d, 10s 6d, 12s 6d, 15s and 21s. Repp, 4s bd, as 6d. 6s 6d, and 8 6d. Russell Silk, 8s 6d, 9s 6d. and 10s otL RE-COVERING DEPARTMENT. Umbrellas Es-covered at a saving of 25 per cent. Best Materials only used. SILK. GETS' 25IN. UMBRELLAS. 1st quality, 1 JS 2nd ditto, 13s 3rd ditto, 10s bd 4th Jitt), as 6d. I 22IN. UMBRELLAS. hit quality, 12s 6d 2nd ditto, Us 6d; 3rd ditto, 8s 6d; 4th ditto, 6s 6d. RUSSELL SILK (Guaranteed not to Split). GENTS' 25iu. UMBRELLAS, at 9s. 6d.; LADIES' 22in. do., at 7s. 6d. R E P P. GENTS' 25in. UMBRELLAS-lst quality, 7s. 6d 2nd ditto, ós 6d. LADIES' 22in. U-NIB)tELLAS-lst quality, 6s. 6d. 2nd ditto, 5s 6d. Re-covering and Repairing promptly executed on the Premises. L EATHER BAGS. Leather Portmanteaus, Brief and other Hand Bags, Hat Cases, &c. GLADSTONE BAGS. ASSORTMENT OF LEATHER RUG STRAPS. "W P E D L E Xs JJMBKi;LLA jyJT AN UFACTORY, .I-TJL 34, ROYAL ARCADE, /CARDIF*. 297e KJ AND 98, GLEBE STREET, PENARTH. PEPPER'S TANNIN THROAT JL I GARGLE. Tannin Gargle should be within the reach of all in the least degree subject to throat affections, whether inflammatory, relaxed, ulcerated, hoarseness, swollen tonsils, enlarged uvula, weakened voice, &c. Those constantly speaking, singing, or reading, by using the Gargle prevent the huskiuess, dryness, and irritation so frequently attendant on over-exerlioii also of pro- ducing unusually sustained power;, without injury to the mucous surfaces of the throat Tannin is a great purifier, and so useful as a mouth wash in cases of disagreeable breath, arising from de- cayed teeth, disordered stomach, tnouth ulcerations, and other causes. As a cure for ordinary sore throat, with its usual painful and sometimes dangerous symptoms, the rannin Garcle is far better than anything. Bottles, Is 6d. Sold everywhere. u_- PEPPER'S WHITE COUGH MIX- TURE.—The most reliable, speedy, ana agree- able cure for coughs, colds, asthma, bronchitis, con- sumption, and all diseases of the lung* and air- passages. It is soothing, comforting, and tranquil- lizing in its action, quite different from ordinary cough remedies. Affords relief after second dose Bottles, Is lid and 2s 9d each., Sold by all Chemists. CRACROFT'S ARECA-NUT TOOTH PASTE.—Regularly used every morning the teeth are kept in beautiful order. All decaying and destr uctive tartar is removed from the enamel, which assumes its ivory, ike appeara ice. CRACROFT'S PASTE removes all causes V cf decay, and will preserve the teeth intact for many years. Brauded Puts, Is each. Sold everywhere. TTRACROFT'S ARECA TOOTH PASTE. By using this delicious Aromatic Dentifrice the enamel of the teeth becomes white, sound, and polished like ivory. It is exceedingly fragrant, and specially useful. Get Cracroft's. DEAFNESS, NOISES IN THE EARS, Ac. T\ELLAR'S ESSENCE FOR DEAF- XJ N ESS should always be tried, as in numbers of cases, seemingly incurable, it has done wonders. Slight deafness, obstructions in the ears, and the incessant humming -ounds so fic^uent with affected hearing, are removed. Sold everywhere. CORNSI CORNS U CORNS 111 BUNIONS AND ENLARGED TOE JOINTS III CURED IN A FEW DAYS. DELLAR'S CORN AND BUNION PLASTKRS are the only real remedy. They differ from all plasters, shields, or compositions. By instantly softening the callous surrounding the pain goes at once, the Corn soon following. Bunions and enlarged toe joints require more time but the action and relief is certain. Boxes, Is ld"old everywhere. SLLPHOLINE SOAP (a soap contain- ks ing sulpholine), is a delicately refined, chemi. cally pure Soap, intended for general use, but specially by those endowed with sensitive skins. Common im. perfectly prepared soaps, scented with injurious acrid oils, frequently cause skin diseases. For washing at all times, and bringing the skin to a soft, pliable, healthy condition, Sulpholine Soap holds the nrst place. Its odour is very pleasant, and the Soap not expensive. Tablets, 6d each. LIVER COMPLAINTS, BILIOUSNESS," INDIGESTION. CURiiDBT STOMACH DERANGEMENTS, D R. 1-( 1KG'S DANDELION & QUININE LIVER PILLS (Without mercury), Act effectively on the liver, and, whilst mildly aperient, are all that can be desired. Dr. King's famous PiJls purify and clear the entire system by freeing the liver from "sluggishness, causing the stomach to properly per- fonn its tunctious, quickly and entirely removing all feeling of headache, dizziness, oppressions at chest and back, disagreeable taste, nausea, indigestion, spasm, sensation of heaviness, and irritating depression attend ing bilious attacks aud liver derangeuieuts. BE SlTRb: TO HAVE DR. KING s PILLS. 247 SOLD EVERYWHBKK. 11945 A WORD to the WISE Cause & cure of debility, want of energy, and premature decay. In- structions to regain health and vigor. Sent on rectiotof 4 stamps by Publishers, fltMlaa-3^UM«t Sheffield. 1163, Uusiiuss bbrt55tJ. WINTER BOOTS, -i' THE DEMAND FOR OUR j pATENT D A-MP pROOF gOOTS J CONSTANTLY INCREASES. f1 Our NEW AUTUMN and WINTER STYLES are now in Stock; amongst their are several Novelties. Pries 6s lid, 8s 6d, 10s 6d, 138 6d, 16s bd. Our PATENT DAMP-PROOF BOOTS are now thoroughly appreciated by the public, and the great favour with which they are regarded induces a certaia class of manufacturers to offer worthless imitations. This we consider a great compliment to ourselves, imitation being the sincerest form of flattery, BOYLE AND c 0.1 gOOT jyj" ERCHANTS, 19, CHURCH STREET, 10, CHURCH-STREET, 2, HIGH-STREET, 8, BUTE-STREET, c A R D I F » We —————.——————————————_ GO AND SEE some of the most KX l RAORDINAft Y LINES in BOOTS and SHOKS ever offered to the Cardiff Public at G.LADWU.'i:i, in DUKE-STREET, CARDIFF. THE FOUNDATION PRINCIPLE OF AV p RICF, & SONS, Business is tbat CUSTOM IS DRAWN THE MAGNET OF VARIBIT AND VALUE.' They are now showing considerable accessions of New( Fresh, and Attractive Stock in GENTLEMEN'S AND JUVENILES" READY-MADE CLOTHING, HATS. CAPS, SHlIlTS, AND HOSIERY, At Prices that have never been I.ower from fUnnnfM turers' Hands ADDRESS :— THE CARDIFF HOUSE. 50 A 51. ST. MARY-STREET, & 46 & 47, CAROLIN8 23 SIRKKT CARDIFF. m MUNDAY'S "VI RID IN B." 0ORNS UORNS 1 £ JORNS c ORNS 1 c ORNS c ORNS! 0ORNS QORNS QORNS CORNS! QORNS 0ORNS 0ORNS 0ORNS c ORNS! CORNS 1 c ORNS! CORNS QORNS CORNS 1 CORNS I CORNS I CORNS! QORNS 0ORNS QORNS c ORNS! CORNS! CORNS! c ORNS! CORNS 1 0ORNS CORNS I CORNS CORNS! CORNS I c ORNS CORNS! £ <ORNS ^JORNS! (Trade Mark), No. 36996. A C-ERTAIN CURE FOR CORNS, Painless and Harmleaa. This infallable remedy introduced by J. MUNDAY has obtained a world-wide reputation. The efficacy of VIM. DINE" may be judged by its having Cured Corns of over AO years' standing, which had resisted all other remedies. It succeeds where al Plasters and Caustics have failed IN REMOVING BOTH HARD OR SOFT CORNS AND WARTS. TESTIMONIALS. From Mr A. W. CAMPBELL, Pier Hotel, Ilfracombe. Mr Munday. SJR,- I feel I owe an acknowledg- ment to you for supplying me with your wonderful VIRIDINE." For years I suffered a great deal of pain from a very obstinate com, but since applying your remedy it is entirely gone. I nay "ad't that your "VIRLDFNE' has removed three troublesome corns from members of my family. From Mr HOPKIN HOPKINS, Gorseinon, near Swansea. Dear Sir,—I heartily concratulate you for your treatment for corn*. The bottle of It Viridine" you sent me some time ago has proved almost miraculous to the corns I had on my feet. It is exactly the remedy what you recommend it to be, and I hope it will become more known in the prin. cipality, for there are, no doabt, hundreds of persons that would be glM to know of its effects. From Mdlle. MARIK KMTJM Amsterdam, Holland. Mr Munday. DEAR ISm, I bought a bottle of your genuine "Viridine" some ax months ago in Paris, which cured me, and as I am a principal dancer yes know my feet are my living. The bottle I bought did the service you recom- mended it, but I bought another one afterwards which was forged and no good. As T want a bottle of genuine For a friend of mine, who is nearly mad with pain, will you please send me one direct. MdUe. MARIE MULLK&. From Mr D. ANTHONY, Swansea. Dear Sir,—I myself have suffered with corns, and tried several of the certain cures which people bout they have, but they all failed in my ease. I then got a bottle of your -Vizidim,' and by applying some nighly to the corn I was surprised to aDd that I could draw it clean up. I now enclose stamps for another bottle for a friend 01 mine. CAUTION.-As there we several tm. itations of this preparation, the public are requested to ASK FOR M U N D A Y'S "VIRIDINE," And SEE THAT MY SIGNATURE is on the end of each package. By ordering Corn Cure" yon any receive one of the many so-called remedies" which only give relief, or some worthless imitation of Viri- dine." In Bottles, price Is. by post Is 2d. PREpARKD ONLY BY J. M U N D A Y, CHEMIST, 1, HIGH-STREET, CARDIFF. Agents; London—WILCOX Co., Chemists, 239, Oxford-street, W. F. NEWBERRY & SONS, SANG k, P, SUTTON, HOVENDEN, 4c. Liv-rpo 1— SYMES & Co., 58, Bold-street. Dublin- If AY <fc Co., 12, Grafton-street. Paris- I'll vliMAClE BERAL, 14, line tie laPaix. AmsU-uiani—PERRY lot 0. Kaiversiraat. And all Chemists and Patent Medicine Vendors.