Advertisement Tariff. 1 Small Prepaid Advertisements. 20 Words SIXPENCE. Three Times NINEPENCE. Six Times ONE SHILLING. vvoi;PS- mcE- TIMM? TIMES. s. d. s. d. s. d. 20 Words 0 6 0 9 1 0 30 Words 0 9 1 0 1 6 40 Words -11 0 1 6 2 3 50 Words 1 3 2 6 1 3 9 60 Words -11 6 30 46 These charges apply only to the classes of advertise- ment specified heluw, and are strictly confined t( those ivii are ordered ior COKSMCUDVH insertion an dl'All) *OR l'REVious TO insertion if either of tlJese COil- ditions is not, complied with, the advertisement will be tharged by the business :scale Aj>AKTMF.iVrs Wanted. APAKxsjt.N'j.s TO List. ARTICLES LOST. ARTICLES tOUKU- BfcSlMiS&KS JCON. DISPOSAl. Businesses Wanted. Houses to LET. iio uses Wanted. Houses to be Sold Money Wanted. Money to Lend. -Al isci.i.i.aneous WANTS. I Miscellaneous Sales. Partnerships Wanted. Situations Wantew. ."situations Vacant. Advertisements of the above class inserted in the ^outh WALES Daily NEWS," the Cakihit Times, fcod South Wales Echo" at the following rate :— Sixtimesin Six times I)zi.ily News Sut times ;u Once in 1,1 Daily XfttN Cardiff Times WORDS. South Wales !m(l illld Daily JNew-s- Cardiff Times Six tm,es ln South Wales JCcho. «• <1. S.T S. d BO Words 10 16 2 0 30 Words 1 6 2 3 3 0 40 Words 2 3 3 4 4 6 50 Words 3 9 5 8 7 6 60 Words 4 6 6 9 9 0 General Advertising Tariff. RATE per link for A Series. CLASS OF it,),4 01, blt(, I Zto 26 Advertisements. 3 b 11 2u upd insi insr insr insr insr ) Educational ./4 -/4 ./3 ./2 -/U "ublishers ) jj^ligious Services 1 „ Knt.wtainiuents j /<s ■ li Miction Announcements — -/6 -/4 -/3 -/3 'J5 i^Kal and Public Notices "j Municipal and School Board ( Renders and Contracts Ublic A),IIjilitlnelits prospectuses -/9 -/9 -/9 -/9 -/9 Jiaiiieniaiy JSlecfciona I ^arliaui on tary Notices j 1/- 1/- 1/- J/- 1/- ^Overnmeiit Announcements.. ) Notices of Births, Marriages, and Deaths are charged 1 each, if not exceeding 20 words, and 6d for each Wditioual 10 words. These Notices must be autheii 1(!ated l>y the Signature and Address of the sender. ^aiiaorapii Advertisements are charged J to b Insertions, 6*1 per line 6 to 11 insertions, 4d per line *2 insertions and upwards, 3d per line Advertisers, -when sending advertisements in manu- script, in.,y calculate eight words to a line, and 12 *lftes to an inch. In charging advertisements the lines not counted, but the advertisement, including S^e lines, dashes, and ivliite spaces, is measured, and J/ie space occupied is charged at the rate of Twelve foles o an inch. Samtslic £ cfrfranis. CIOOKERY.—Marshall's School of Cookery, 30 J Mortimer-street, London, W.,—Send for pro- 'Pectuc, 928 flOOKS (good) wanted immediately. Good, small -i fiiiiilies. Town and cipuiitry. Excellent wages, i^erais and Housemaids, London.—Mrs Furnivall's *^?ist y, Cardiff. 729 4 1 EN ERAL SERVANT (respectable girl) wanted at xX oniv in a small family. Must be kind to chil- ;Jen.—Goitre, Cowbridge-road, Cardiff. 770 EN EHAL SERVANT wanted.—Apply Rose X Villa, Gordon-road, Cardiff. 765 4 ENE'KAL SERVANT (experienced) wanted; must VX be honest and industrious.—Apply 5, Richmond- J-escent, Koatb. 755 rfiENERAL SERVANT (good) wanted for family of AX two, able to wash well.—Apply Mrs Jones, 28, v°Wmerci 1-street, Ebbw Vale. 724 tf^ENERAL SERVANTS wanted for towns and A- country. Apply personally, or stamped envelope ,r reply.—Miss Morgan, Registry, 101, Ered^rick- Street, Cardiff. _566_ ENERAL. SERVANT (good) w.nted at once.— AX Apply, with references, Magistrates' Clerk's Pontypridd. 76590 ENl.ltAl, SERVANT (good) wanted able to do AJT plain cooking; one from the country preferred. JNvirse kepc.-Apply Mrs Vorath, Canton. bib Ilil, (strong) agt! ai)0iU 16 t« 20 sleep yr at home. —Apply Mrs JLeach, 33, Wood-street, Wdiff. 763 (strong) wanted to assist jn house work who {"»d <>f children. One fl0m tll0 country pre- iliff —iIrs Jones, 8, (jlos -op-tenace, Jttoath, Car- „ 716 « -J- V; Respectable strong) wanted, with reference. AfT about 16, from the country, for bou-ework two te,iriy'by s i SERVANTS IN ANY C.APACrn:-='olïreqUire a good fctifcuation, write to the rsaMonw and ''iversai Registration Agency. 105a, Market-street, „ ^Qcliester. ^ituatiotis Vacant. ABSTAINERS get greater advantages I- from the n Scottish Temperance Life and Accident Assnr- r'lCe Company than from any other office.—Apply for • fospecius to W. C. Thomas, Balmoral Villa, P&rk- ^Httare, Newport, Mon. 651 BAKERS.—Wanted, a Young Man as good Bread Baker, to board and lodge in the house.—Mr f^tcheior, Knighton, Radnorshire. 766 AKKR and CONFECTIONER (competent) wanted, —Auply at Mr David, Baker, &c., Elm-stre6t, °tth, Cardiif. 618 liOY wanted, about 14, to mark billiards and make jJ|3 himself generally useful.—Apply Ellesmere Club, 'Nf- -Mary-street. 708 BOOK-KEEPING taught by experienced Accoun- .p taut; practical instruction preparing balance efteets • terms moderate.—Address Oxon, Daily News" Office. 759 BUICHErs.—Wanted, strong, active Youth, of gooa character, to assist at slaughtering, and take Vfargfc of two horses.—Apply, with particulars, to T. "avid, Old Park, Margam. Taibach. 670 "avid, Old Park, Margam. Taibach. 670 CUK.ATE wanted. Bilingual.—Apply St. lahmael's y Vicarage, Ferryside. 687 I EMPLOYMENT at your own home. Wanted, 1i Ladies and Young Men to work for us, full or £ Pare time. N° canvassing—Full particulars free JTP'n Novelty Company, bO, Leicester-square, London, ^•C. 76161 MPLOYMENT FOR to lbs weekly JLj can be earned by the Patent Automatic Knitting J*achin3.—Send addressed envelope for particulars to •W, Company, 417, Oxford-street. ondon, W. 410 AD (strong) wanted at once that can mould and make dough deliver with horse and trap live Illdoors.-A. F., 6, Thomas-street, Grangetown, Caxdiff. 711 \TACANCIES IN CIVIL SERVICE Age~16— 2b T Commencing salaries range to £100. Rapid pre- paration by correspondence.—Intelligent young men Jj'rite to Secretary, Civil Service Examination Agency, ■^unhead, London. 459 rptif, DIRECTORS of a London J oiilt Stock Co. J. require a District Manager for Cardiff. Salary ?120 per annum and commission.—Address, in first '•'stance, Chairman," 2 and 3, Salisbury-court, Fleet- litreet. 1.ondol1. B.C. 573 OlJTH (sharp) wanted. About 14 or 15. Fair gM wi iter, for office.—Apply 94, St, Mary-street trow Utyl, 70b Agencies, ^rab^tkrs, &c. AGENTS wanted for an old-established Plate-glass and Accident Assurance Co. Good terms.— Apply Lothian House, Richmond-road, Cardiff. 731 IIIGHLY.SUCCFSSFUL INSTITu,rioN is prepared to appoint a few respectable men as Agents. -Apply Manager. 104, Richmond-road, Cardiff. 732 CANVASSERS (few) wanted, for Industrial Insur- ance. Males or females, ten times down.—Lowe's Advertising Office, 8. Meteor-street, Roath, Cardiff. 730 ituatians Manttb. BOOK-KEEPER, disengaged in the evening, wishes 13 to write up and balance tradesmen's books; terms moderate.—Address A. B. C.. "Daily News" Office. 7b8 ffrutses Wet LUB to Let in busiest part of -Splotlands 80 bona- C tide Members; no public near.—Apply, Secretary, Daily News" Office, Cardiff. 685 NEWPORT-ROAD 'S), Roat.h," to Let, from 29th September.—Apply Mr Webber, 94, St. Mary- street. three doors from General Post-ofiice. 526 Jfor a I t *onses, &x. HOU^E (good) for Sale in Miskin-street.—Particu- lars of Mr Webber, 94, St. Mary-street, opposite Church-street. 4q8 Eninjittgs, Apartiittuts. &r. APARTMENTS (comfortable), furnished, for two young gentlemen, at 3, Llandough-street, Cathays, Cardiff 530 Hlisatlat«0us. BARRELS (10 000) wanted of all descriptions. Good prices given.—Apply Alfred Cockle, St. Jude's Cooperage, Bristol. 87 BOTANIC BEER made immediately with Mason's ) Extract or Essence of Herbs, composed of Yarrow, Dandelion, Comfrey, and Horehound; seiitt 9 stamps for sample bottle, enough to make four galloii-, to Newbali and Mason, Chemists, Nottingham. Agents wanted. 413e FURNISH 011 the Hire System, £ 5 worih, 2s 6d weekly £ 10 worth, 4s weekly £ 15 worth, 5s Nveekly E20 worth, 6 weekly, and so on in propon tion.—The South Wales Furnishing Company, 23, Custom House-street, Cardiff. '115 T7WRN1SH on the Hire System. No security re- JD quired.—South Wales Furnishing Company, 23] Custom House-street, Cardiff. 715 FURNISH on the Hire System. Cash prices charged. South Wales Furnishing Company, 23, Custom House-street, Cardiff. 715 FURNISH 011 the Hire System. Small weekly or monthly payments.—South Wales Furnishing Company, 23, Custom House-street, Cardiff. 715 FURNISH on the Hire System. Houses or apart- ments furnished throughout. — South Wale3 lut niching Company, 23, Custom House-street, Car- diff. 715 FURNISH on the Hire System. Compare prices j' with other houses.—South Wales Furnishing Company, 23, Custom House-street, Cardiff. 715 FURNISH on the Hire System. Immense stock to select from.—South Wales Furnishing Company, 2.:1, Custon House-street, Cardiff. 715 URNISFI on the flit-e System, town or country.— South Wales Furnishing Company, 23, Custom House-street, Cardiff. 715 FURNISH on the Hire System. No extra charges made.—South Wales Furnishing Company, 23, Custom House-street, Cardiff. lib FURNISH on the Hire System. Every article requisite for the household. — South Wales Furnishing Company, 23, Custom House-street, Cardiff 715 ISH on the Hire System. Inspection hi- 1 vited.—South W ",Ie:; Furnishing Company, 23, Custom House-street, Cardiff. "vlo 1M PORTANT- to small Capitalists wishing to com- mence as Tobacconists for illustrated fnide (110 payes) send 3 stamps to H. Myers and Co., 109, Euston- road, London. 96ge -()N SOCIAL PURITY AND THE IN'FYRMITII,,S of H MAN. Addressed specially to youfig men, with advice on health, and containing recipes that wlil re- store the nervous and debilitated to the full power of manhood. Free for the benefit of all who desire a safe and speedy cure without the id of Quacks. Send ne stamp to prepay postage. Address Secretary, Institute of Anatomy, Birmingham, 274 PHYSIOGNOMY. — Your character faithfully written from photograph children's heads ex- amined 2.000 testimonials. Herr White (London expert), Park-street, Cardiff. 709 RENTS collected 10 years' experience. References and security giveu.—C. W. Hutchings, 27, Car- lisle-street, Cardiff. 407 f|MRADESMKN.—WindoVv tickets, show cards, pin B tickets, Christmas draw cards, and all kinds of printing.—Pearson and Co., Railway Arch, Bute-street, Cardiff. 771 THO,%IPSON MATHER, Auctioneer, Ilotise, W THOMPSON MATHER, Auctioneer. House, Estate, and Insurance Agent. Moderate commission. Prompt settlements. Trial solicited.- 7, Swiss Chambers, Croekherbtown, Cardiff. 631 WH EATEN MEAL.—The best value in Feed for Cattle. Pigs, and Poultry. £ 3 10s per ton on rai or .steamer, Liverpool.—Apply to M. J. lleathcote ana Co., 10, Diury-lane, Liverpool. 76654 J flit ItrtT, 3igeans, &C. PLYMOUTH ROCK C ckerel, Aoril hatched price I 5s. Also a last year's bird, 7s 6d.- 60, Inver- ness-place, top of Castle-road. 743 ifctoncii. CASH D V A N C E S ADE FKOM £ 10 TO 2500. At a few hours' notice, to FARMERS, MARK KrGARDrN ERS,TRADESMEN, CAB PROPRIETORS, and HOUSEHOLDERS, On their own security, without removal. No enquiry fees. 'I he usual loan office formalities dispensed with. All communications treatell in the strictest confi- dence. Address— CARDIFF AND COUNTY ADVANCE BANK, 9, CAROLINE-STREET, CARDIFF. b20 "ON E Y L K^T^WiriloUT i>l'LAV by the CHAR IN G-OROSS BANK (Rep!.). No, 28, Bedtor.1-street, strand, London. Established 1870. Capital 9150,000. Reserve Fund, £ 50,000. ADVANCES IMMEDIATELY MADE Upon Approved Promissory Notes as follows, without ,lefiu .;tiOIlS, Advance £ 25—12 monthly lepaymellts of 22 5 10 50 „ 4 11 8 100 „ „ 9 3 4 Larger amounts the same in proportion. noticeT'CfS 10 £ 2,000 granted at a few hours' of f 11 r 11 i't ii re"°10'1"11 • male or female on mortgage without r^'o a!1'1 farm. stock> »jlant' CW *c > Also on (loeds Jn; to ass's6 l,er8.on8 for one month' ft1"8' and 'Versions at 5 percent, '014 years. Distance 110 object. Easy 'Ctly Call or write. rei)aNTilielits. st ,),-ivato. Call or write. flying elsewhere, ask any solicitor, i.UC t- and'vou Will af>K Utl aml Wales knowing this bank, an > psUbH^01!*16 tiiul oufc y°u are treating a)n £ e ~D«iif870)' safe- antl Bank. Ha 6 n'~nonsibl'< ^,e business cheaper than others. wit, graders, Farmers, and others can have rnonej without bill of sale. No good loan ever refused. Current accounts opened according to the usual practice of other ban^'v „cha' for keeping accounts or clearing country cheques, interest at the rate of 4 per cent, allowed 011 tue nnniimim monthly balauces. Deposits of £10 and upwards received at 4 per cent. per annum payable on demand. Subject to three months' notice of withdrawal 6 per cenf.. Subject to six months' notice of withdrawal, g pei. cent. Subject to twelve months' notice of withdrawal, 10 per cent. Interest paid monthly, quarterly or as agreed. 179 A WILLIAMS, Manager. jyjONEY 1- j^j-ONKV 11 ONEY > I Cash Advances made at a few hours' notice, from S5 to £500, to Farmers, Market Gardeners, Cowkeepers, Tradesmen, and others, on their own security. No sureties required, No inquiry fees. Money lent on deposits, also tradesmen's bills discounted. Apply, personally or by letter, to Mr A. Jordan, Manager, Private Loan Office, Dock-street (corner of Skinner- street), Newport, Mon. 519 ks WANSEA.-SOUTI-I WALES ECHO. The FIRST EDITION of the SOUTH WALES ECHO is published at the Office, 9, College-street, Swansea, every AFTERNOON, AT FIVE 0 CLOCK. Sold by newsagents at Swansea, Hafod, Plasiuarl, Mumbles, <fcc and by the l>o>s of the "Self lleio BrigiUli', The :PECIAL EDITION, which contains all the Latest News, Telegrams, Stock Exchange Closing Prices, Markets, Sporting and Local Intelligence of the day ispublished in Swansea at 8.30 p.m. Sold by K. MOGFORD, News Agent, Great Western Buildings High-street, Swansea, and by news boys The IPECIAL EDITION, which contains all the Latest News, Telegrams, Stock Exchange Closing Prices, Markets, Sporting and Local Intelligence of the day ispublished in Swansea at 8.30 p.m. Sold by K. MOGFORD, News Agent, Great Western Buildings High-street, Swansea, and by news boys Amusements. rpHEATllE ROYAL, CARDIFF. Lessee & IIANAGFR.MR. EDWARD FLETCHER. Acting Manager MR. JOHN SHERIDAN. Last Night of England's Greatest Burlesque Actress and Comedienne. Actress and Comedienne. MISS NELLIE FARREN, and her Powerful London Companv. TO NIGHT (SATURDAY), OCTOBER 10th, The Musical Farce, A MERE BLIND. At 8 o'clock, Reece's Popular Burlesque, ALADDIN. Aladdin (a street Arab) Miss Nellie Farren. Splendid Chorus, New and Beautiful Costumes. MONDAY' NEXT, October 12th, Mr Frank Harvey's Celebrated Madame Beatrice Company ill THE WAGES OF SIN. Doors open at 7; Commence 7.30; Half-price 9. Stage Door and St. Mary-street Entrance open 6.30, Sixpence extra. Box Plan at Messrs Thompson and Shackell's, Crockherbtown. 53237 -+- VICTORIA ROOMS, ST. MARY- T STREET. CARDIFF. MON. D'ARC'S GnANn WAXWORK EXHIBITION. THREE ENTERTAINMENTS COMBINED IN ONE. Great Success of PROFESSOR RICARDO and his wonderful PER- FORMING DOGS. Roars of laughter and unbounded applause of Mons. TRILLO and his Ventiiloquial Figures. Every FORMING DOGS. Roars of laughter 8011,1 unbounded applause of Mons. TRILLO and his Ventiiloquial Figures. Every evening at 7.15 and 8.30. Saturdays half an hour earlier. Day performance Wednesdays and Saturdays at 3. The exhibition is open from 10 in the morning tilllu at night. Admission 3d, children 2d. Reserved seats during the performance, 3d extra. 777 F. J. SMITH, Manager. -n- g C ONO MY I N FUEL, II ALL'S PATENT FEED WATER HEATER. NN TILI,TAMS'.t ArrENT BLOWER AND SMOKE CONSUMER, FOR S T 15 A M BOILERS J'OHN "yyiLLIAMS AND s ON, SOLE LICENSEES & MAKERS, QU Ji EN-STUE ET, CARDIFF. 107e BEFOR BUYING A WATCH ANYWHERE Write for the "Illustrated Pamphlet,' sent free on application, by the LARGEST WATCH MANUFACTURER. WATCH REPAIRS—Prompt and Perfect. Estimates given and Cost of Carriage taken. 18 CARAT GOLD ALBERTS (Hall marked on every Link), 80s per oz.—Workman- ship Included. Largest Gold Chain Stock in England. MR. T. R- n USSELL (Maker to her Mnjesty the Queen), CATHEDRAL WORKS, 18. CHUUCH-Si'BBET, LIVERPOOL. 12191 NO AGENTS IN WALES. 393e Q 0 AND SEE THE BOOTS AND SHOES at GLAD WELL'S, 27, DUKli-STKKET. The best value in the Principality, y EAT]I AND (.).NL 12, CltOCKHEltBTOWN, CARDIFF. Have now 011 view the largest Stock of High-class DIANOFORTES, JL 0RGANS, AND ti ARAIONIUAIS, IN SOUTH WALES, Which they are offering at a LARGE DISCOUNT FOR CAS H i and on the three years' sy.fcein, from 10s 6d per month, Pianos, from lb guineas. Illustrated Cat.dO;tU6,; Post Free 259e IJ'liLTON, jj U.N LOP, AND ()O. CAI."I)li,t" AND :S\VANS14,A, Aiio u: WINDSOR-ROAD, PEN ARTU BASS AND CO., ALL S 0 P P A N 1) SONS, And other¡; of 'the DUç". BURTON ALES. | PUICKS Per Kilderkin. 18s, 21s. 24s. Per Firkin. | I 9 s. I 10s. 6d. I 12a And upwards. 155 40, liRIIXJl^rREET, CARDIFF. FOLLlOiv, PA W N BR OK E 8. —Most Money ientongold and silver valuables. Over £ 2 at the rate of 4d in the pound, exceeding Elo at a lesser n interest- Large assortment oi gold and silver wa dies and diamond rings very cheap. Special lots of gold wedding rings and keepers. bOOt—76;o3 (^'LiFJrS b 1. AKOH. STIFF'S STARCH. gTIFF'S STARCH. j^TIFF'S STARCH. gTIFJb' S STARCH. gTIFFS STARCH. gTIFFS STARCH. yjTIFF'S STARCH lO ^TIFF'S STARCH STARCH. TIFF'S STARCH. O 5t9 J 12296 7C492 A "C' -i j It having coma to the knowledge of Messrs Stiff and Co. t hat some reti'.iler.j often attempt to induce the i pnblic to p irchase low 1 priced and fllferior starches by representing them to be j the manufacture (Jf Messrs Stiff <fc Co., it is necessary to put (he puulk on its guard agaiiisi such uupriu- èiplell uro.ctices,rwo i tostate that every box or packet of Stiffs Starch bears the registered I'mdo Mark QUKEX BESS. Stiff's Starcii is Sold in 5ik) Packets and lib Faucy ;Je obtained of any Grocer. DmggUt, or Oilman; or of the Manu- facturevs,' STIFF l CO., Established 1818. POSITIVE Consult the Book of Positive Remedies for the Cure of all Diseases. GRATIS.—Sent by Post to all parts ot the World on receipt of Two Stamps to prepay postage. A POSITIVE CURE FOIt DEUILLTIES AND DERANGEMENTS OF THE GENERA- TIVE AND NERVOUS SYSTEM, NERVOUS DE- BILITY AND EXHAUSTION, THE RESULT OF OVER-TAXED ENERGIES IS GIVEN IN THE 1300K OF "POSITIVE REMEDIES. This Book gives a POSITIVE REMEDY for all DISEASES. The Names of ail Medicines are giveu in isli. Cases and Testimonials, with means used in elteil case. IT IS A GUIDE TO T11E SELF-TltEATMEN I' of ALL DISEASES, and should be Consulted by all who require medical treatment. NOTICE.—THE TIVK MEDICINES GIVEN IN THE BOOK OF 'POSITIVE REMEDIES ARE THE MEDIJJAl USED BY Dlt. SMITH FOR OVElt TlhRi'V JKARS. By the aiil of this Hook Invalids may form a correct knowledge of their malady, and nllll a Remedy for the Cure. The names are puo- r(M?e« 'n English, to enable Invalids to select the y a,id Cure Themselves without consulting a J^ 111 an, making a written statement of case or fP-fJ^'ltation lees. Send Two Stamps for tlu 9da^V POSITIVE REMEDIES, which contains „ ;uu' gives a cure for all diseases. Post free 011 receipt ot Two Stamps direct from pnsmr" lfc H" 'S*NUT11 & 130 IX K REMEDY LABORATORY, AM PTON-ROW. LONDON. W. DA YT^AITINF A I.LTRLE _fl_ RlvlED'i and certain cure for all Discharges from the Urinary Organs in either sex, whether acquired or constitutional, recenc or chronic cures in a few days without mec lcines. Sold in bottles, 2s 6d each, by all chemists. London agents, F. Newbui v and Sons, 1, King Edward-street, B.C. Agents for Cardiff J Mttnday, Chemist, l Higl.>-sUee(;: and ali Chemists Pl% I business ^Dresses. JOTHAM AND SON S, 26 & 27, ST- Mary-strebi- CARDIFF. UMBRELLAS IMMENSE VARIETY. 1,500 TO CHOOSE FROM. PARAGON FRAME. DURABLE SILK. NATURAL STICKS. OUR KNOCKABOUT LEVANTINE SILKS. GOOD OFFICE UMBRELLA. OUR LEADING LINE. FOX'S PARAGON FRAMK. SILVER MOUNTED.! NATURAL STICKS. DURABLE SILK.1 SPECIAL. 5S lID (is lID 1_ 8 lID 10. 6D Large Variety in BUCKHORN and FANCY HANDLES, From 12s 6d to 30s. LADIES' UMBRELLAS IN LARGE VARIETY. 2s lid, 3s lid, 4s lid, 5s lid, to 20s. VERY SPECIAL. 201 JOTHAM AND g 0 N S. PIANOS.-WHY BE WITHOUT ONE JL When you call become the owner of a nice in strument for the small payment of 10s 6d PER MONTH ON ftUHOMPSON AND gHACKELLS JL ks HIRR SYSTEM? No security required, and the instrument delivered to purchaser on payment of first monthly instalment. Every instrument nuarauteed, and exchanged if not approved. ORGANS AND HARMONIUMS ON SIMILAR TERMS. Catalogues free on application. THOMPSON AND SHACK ELL, PIANOFORTE AND MUSIC WAREHOUSE, QUEEN'S BUILDINGS, CARDIFF Also at SWANSEA, NEWPORT, MEliTHYR and GLOUCESTER. Y,4t)¡¡ SHOOTING SEASON, 1885. O We bag to call the atLention of sportsmen III eneral to our Stock of Breech-loading fiuus of various qualities. We have in stosk the following DOUBLE BARREL BREECH LOADING GUNS: „ „. t £ «. d. No. 1 Ejector, Hanimmless Gun 36 0 0 2 Cons lijiic, Wood Bar Gun 25 10 0 3 Consentric, Treble Grip Glin 25 10 0 4 Semi, H tmm 'ricss Gun .14 0 0 5 G. and P. Patent, Hammerless (iun 11 0 0 6 Treble Grip, Hammer Gun n 0 Ü 7 Steel Barrel, Bar Lock 01111 8 8 0 8 Steel Barrel, Back Lock Gun 7 0 0 9 Damascus Birrel, Back Lock Guu 5 15 J 10 Fine Twist Barrel, Back Lock Gun 4 7 6 11 Good Twist Barrel, Back Lock Gun 3 15 0 All above guns are choke left barrel. 12 Twist Barrel, Back L^cks Gun 3 0 0 13 Twist Barrel, Bask Locks Gun 2 17 6 14 Fine Twist, Single Barrel, Back Loc.c Guu 3 2 6 Any GENTLEMAN ¡'U!:CIfASlG e:thr of the Guns CAN tlAVE FAIR TRIAL, »«•! if they ai\; ;iot what thsv are lepiesented to be, alli no: approved of, mou, y will be returned. CARTRIDGES OF ALL l)i SCm.iTtojS liEPl IN STOCli. c n 0 s 8 llHOS., 3 AND 4, ST. MAiU-STltKliT, 47 WAiiUli!'l! 76329 Q LAD WELL'S FOR GLOVES OiLAbWELL'S FOR HOSIERY. GLADWELL'S Ft »R LACnS. 27, j "V[ EPv\ OL'-aiN ESS, r.OSS of ENERGY mil VITAi. POWER.—A geiitiemaii haling tried in vain every i.uveri ;seii remedy, h:ts uK.n,v-»re«l a snnpif. means of self-cure, lie ill be happy to for- Wiird the particulars tü any sufferer 01. receipt of a led Address J X .-Soweli, ytS JpEARS p EARS, p p JpEARS' EARS JpEARS' JpEARS' JpEARS' p EARS' JpEARS' JpEARS* JpEARS' p EARS' pEAHS' j_>EARS' JpEARS' JpEARS' JpEARS' JpEARS' pEARS' pEARS' pEAl^S' pi'Ai;s' P EARS' SOAP ^OAP OAP SOAP gOAP :) gOAP gOAP (^OAP gOAP gOAP gOAP gOAP SOAP SOAP SOAP gOAP gOAP gOAP SOAP gOAP gOAP gOAP SOAP gOAP SOAP PURE 1 FRAGRANT I REFRESHING For TOILET & NURSERY, EXHIBITION HONOURS, Fifteen International Awards for absolute Purity and absence of Artificial" Colouring. Fair white hands. Bright clear co.aplexion. Soft healthful skin. PEARS' SOAP | Is s ectaiiy prepared fovthB > delicate skin of ladies and children and others sensi- tive to the weather, winter !Dd I!I\Ulmn. ne" Presents Redness, Rough- i ness, and Chappin | ADELINAPA'ITlwr.tes: | i have found PEARS' SO A I' matchless for the Hands and Complexion." (Signed) ADKI.ixa Patti. -IlliLve inuch ple:t, Ilre i statins I Liav,, used PEARS' SOAP for some time, and prefer it to any other." (Signed) J-II.LIE I-ANutrY. EAI.,S, oOAP is 1 ecom uien.led by ERASMUS q'late Presi,lelit (,f th( College of Surgeons oi Eng. land. PURE! FRAGRANT! REFRESHING For T< >ILET &N UR8 ERY. ICvhibition Honours. Fifteen International Awards f, absolute Purity and absence of Artificial Colouring. Fiiir White Hands, Bright Clear Complexion, Soft healthful Skin. PEARS' SO A P—Tablets Is, Is Oil, and 2s 6d. The 2s fed Tabiet is perfumed with Otto o: ltoses. A siiiaiIerT.>b!etvun>ceiit»d)is tU;d;.tfM<,httti!).c;ton having Penis', as vilely-in- jni'ious imitations nre often sub>tituied for extra gam. 3l9e jw-istitkers by Special Royal Appointment to H.R. H, Ice Ptinee of WalM. business ^.iiJresses. GRAND EXHIBITION OF J^ADIES1 ANTLES AT F. Cox's 23, ST. MARY STREET, c A R D I F F. MANTLES AT WHOLESALE PRICES. MANTLES AT WHOLESALE PRICES. MANTLES AT WHOLESALE PRICES. MANTLES AT WHOLESALE PRICES. MANTLES AT WHOLESALE PRICES. MANTLES AT WHOLESALE PRICES. MANTLES AT WHOLESALE PRICES. MANTLES AT WHOLESALE PRICES. MANTLES AT WHOLESALE PRICES. F. COX, 23, IS T. MARy STRKBT- CARDIFF. JACKETS AT WHOLESALE PRICES. JACKETS AT WHOLESALE PRICES. JACKETS AT WHOLESALE PRICES. JACKETS AT WHOLESALE PRICES. JACKETS AT WHOLESALE PRICES. JACKETS AT WHOLESALE PRICES. JACKETS AT WHOLESALE PRICES. JACKETS AT WHOLESALE PRICES. JACKETS AT WHOLESALE PRICES. F. COx, 23, ST. iARY STREET, CAR D IFF. ULSTERS AT WHOLESALE PRICES. ULSTERS AT WHOLESALE PRICES. ULSTERS AT WHOLESALE PRICES. ULSTERS AT WHOLESALE PRICES. I ULSTERS AT WHOLESALE PRICES. ULSTERS AT WHOLESALE PRICES. ULSTERS AT WHOLESALE PRICES. ULSTERS AT WHOLESALE PRICES. ULSTERS AT WHOLESALE PRICES. F. COX, 23, ST. MARY ks TREET, c ARDIFF. MACKINTOSHES AT WHOLESALE PRICES MACKINTOSHES AT WHOLESALE PRICES MACKINTOSHES AT WHOLESALE PRICES MACKINTOSHES AT WHOLESALE PRICES MACKINTOSHES AT WHOLESALE PRICES MACKINTOSHES AT WHOLESALE PRICES MACKINTOSHEHAT WHOLESALE PRICES MACKINTOSHES AT WHOLESALE PRICliS MACKINTOSHES AT WHOLESALE PRICES F. Cox- •23, Sx- MARY S?REBT- c -IRDIFF. FUR CLOAKS AT WHOLESALE PRICES. FUR CLOAKS AT WHOLESALE PRICES. FUR CLOAKS AT WHOLESALE PRICES. FUR CLOAKS AT WHOLESALE PRICES. FUR CLOAKS AT WHOLESALE PRICES. FUR CLOAKS AT WHOLESALE PRICES. FUK CLOAKS AT WHOLESALE PRICES. FUR CLOAKS T WHOLESALE PRICES. FUR CLOAKS AT WHOLESALE PRICES. F. Cox- •23, ST. MARY STREET, CARDIFF. FUR CAPES AT WHOLES VT/E PRICES. Fill CAPEb AT WHOLi-.SALK PRIC.vS. FUR CAPES AT WHOLESALE PRICES. FUR CAPES AT WHOLESALE PRICES, i FUR CAPES AT WHOLESALE PRICES. FUR CAL'ES AT WHOLES-V.LE PRP'ICS. FUR CAPES AT WHOLESALE P'JCES. FUR CAPES T WHOLESALE RICKS. FUR CAPES AT WHOLESALE PJUCE<>. F. -COx, J^ONDON ;^ANTLE AREHOUSE, 23, ST. MAUY STithhT, I CARDIFF. I FACTORIES; L ONDON, c A RD I F F, AND; \V OLVERiiAMPTON. » 76351 LL GOODS .-OLD AT LONDON obRViCE PRiOiiiS AT DUiiE- S I RE ET, CARL) IFF. ri^HE MIDLAJS D^COUNriES WATCH JL COMPAN VVSE-STREE t, BIR.MiNGHASi Let every reader of this send fur our beautiful new illustrated Catalogue, containing 1,000 unsolicited tes- timonials and over 1,000 tine Copper-plate Engravings of W ate lies, Jewellery, and Electro Plate, sent gratis and post free on application, to any part of the world. R. Amborse, Esq., Cloy ne Terrace, Quf;oiisk- n,February 11th, 1885: It gives me much p easure to testify as to the excel- lent time keeping qualities of the Watch 1 received from you. I have tested it with a Run tired here every day by electricity at one o'clock, Green- wich time, ftuil have never found it ary even one minute. I have great continence in recommending your Company." GENTLEMEN'S FINE Silver, fl it cry.>t,al glass, 2bs. Ladies' fink mlver, flat crystal glass, highly finished movement. 263. Youths Fine Silver, flat crystal gla^s, 25s. Ladies' Gold Levers, in exquisitely chased cases, 70s. s. d. Gents' do. engine-turned 0 Gents' Silver Keyless English Hall marked Levers 60 0 Gents' Silver Keyleos Hunting Cases, English Hal -marked 67 6 Gents' Fine Gold Keyless Lever, strong, heavy c ises 100 0 Gents' Fine Gold Keyless I in hunting cases.140 0 Ladies' very heavy Key- less, in 18-ct. Gold cases 100 0 Cheques or Post-office Orders must be made payable to the Company's Manager, Mr A. PERCY, on receipt of which any Watch will be registered post free to any part of the United Kingdom, and for 6d per watch to any part of the poHai worio. 5oie jyEWPORT^-SOUTK WALES ECHO. The SOUTH WALES ECHO is published at the NEWPORT OFFICE, 11,Tredegar-place follows FIRST EDITION 3.15 P.M. ._I) Ei)lr 1(),N SECOND EDITION 4.X) P.M. SPECIAL EDITION 6. 50 r.M The SPECIAL EDITION contains all the Newsof the Day up to Six o'clock .-incltidiiig the latest Y 0 C OC Stock Exchange and Sporting TelevMuas. Sold by all Newsagents and Newsboys ^ii&ri'ssss. W.p EDLER'S UMBRELLAS, w ALKING STICKS, AND LEATHER JgAGS, ARE THE BEST. ESTABLISHED 1867. 34, ROYAL-ARCADE, CARDIFF' BRANCH: 98, GLEBE-STREET, PENARTH. BEST HOUSE IN CARDIFF FOR WALKING STICKS. A new and choice Stock of Walking Sticks from the best London Makers. RICHLY MOUNTED STICKS FOR PRESENTS MOUNTED MALACCA CANES. Ivory and Buck Hooks, Silver and Nickel Collars, and Knobs, always in Stock. Sticks and Canes Dressed, Mounted, Polished, and Ferruled. UMBRELLAS AT ALL PRICES TO SUIT ALL CLASSES. GENTS' UMBRELLAS. Silk, at 7s 6d, 8s 6d, 10s 6d, 12s 6d, 15s 6d, and 18s 6d. RusseU Silk, at 10s 6d Silver Mounted, 14s bd. Repp, at 7s W,98, 10s 6d, and 12s 6d. Alpaca, 5s 6d, os 6d, and 7s 6d, LADIES' UMBRELLAS. Silk, 7s 6d, 8s 6d, 10s 6d, 12s 6d, 15<, and 21s. Repp, 4s 6d, as 6d, 6s 6d, and 83 6d. Russell Silk, 8s 6d, 9s 6d, and 10s 6d. RE-COVERING DEPARTMENT. Umbrellas Re-covered at a saving of 25 per cent. Best Materials only used. SILK. GENTS' 25in. UMBRELLAS. 1st quality, 1 is; 2nd ditto, Lis 3rd ditto, 103 6d 4th ditt}, 8s 6<L 22lN. UMBRELLAS. 1st quality, 12s 6d; 2nd ditto, 13s 6d; 3rd ditto, 8s 6d; 4th ditto, 6s 6d. RUSSELL SILK (Guaranteed not to Split). GENTS' 25in, UMBRELLAS, at 9s. 6<L; LADIES' 22in. do., at 7s. 6d. REPP. GENTS' 25in. UMBRELLAS—1st quality, 7s. 6d 2nd ditto. 6s 6d. LADIES' 22in. UMBRELLAS—1st quality, 6s. 6d. 2nd ditto, Gs 6d. Re-covering and Repairiiig promptly executed on the Premises. LL, ATHEII BAGS. Leather Portmanteaus, Brief and other Hand Bags, Hat Cases, <&c. GLADSTONE BAGS. ASSORIMENT OF LEATHER RUG STRAPS. AV p E D L E.L. jJMBRELLA AN U t ACTOR Y, 34, ROYAL ARCADE, i^ARDlF*. 297e And 98, GLEBE STREET, PENARTH. |> E PP E R' S T A L\ :> i N T ii kl O A i" R- \Al{\(L. Gargle shouid be within the itmcb of ad ill 1 lie least <iegree subject to throa. :.lttectlU1I8, 1% MitJammatory, rej¡xc¡\, ulc rated. hoar»eues-, swollen Ninsiis, enlarged uvuia, weakeiteu voice, Those constantly »p-akiug, "i\¡dl: or l'e,.diu, by using the Gaig-e t e i-ushine^s. tiryn<»as, ami irritation so írCqllClHL.y 8.¡,¡,n,iü,l1t <Ill over-exortina also of pro- 'iuciuii unusu.iiiy u^c ineo powers witiiout lijury to ihe mucous sunacca u1 me dr- 'lannui is a gr»at puriuei, ai-tiso uefu; its a mouth "IbU ill cases tit disagreeable breath, a'iMng 11010 tie- I cajeil teeth, iisoideiei stomach, mouth uicei'iitious, alio other causes. As a cure for ordinary sure th,. a;, itl¡ its usual lainful and soii.ciniies c-uo^eiuu.- -yi^ftoiiis, the 11 Idiuiiu Gargle is far better Luau an^.unig. Botties, 1.. 6d. Sold everywhere. OEPPER'S WHITE COUGH MiX- JL 'll'RK-'j be lliost leuabie, speedy, and agree- able cure for coughs, colds, ustuiua, broiiciiitis, CUll. samptiou, ur.l all diseases of uie iuiv uud air- passages. It is soothing, cjiusorting, and traiinuil- iizing in its action, qUite diiie.-IIL iroiu ordinary cougu remedies. Affords reliet aiter doae j Uottlt:, Is iAd and 2s 9d each. Sold by ail Chemists. | iRACROFT'S ARECA-NUT TOOTH Vy PA>TE.—Jtegulaiiy used every ;g the ieeth are kep. ill beautiful order. All decaying and estr uctive tartar is removed from the euainel, which assumes its ivory. i¡;o,J appeiii-ance, A (RACROFT S PASTE removes all causes cf decay, and will preserve the teetn intact for uiany years. Branded Pots, Is each. Sold everywhere. I IRACROFT'S ARECA TOOTH PASTE~ V> By using this delicious Aromatic Dentifrice the uamel of the teeth becomes white, sound, and polished :ike ivory, it is exceedingly fragrant, and specialty useful. Get Cracrofi's, DEAFNESS, NOISES IN THE EARS, &C. | | ELL Alt'S ESSENCE FOR DEAF- .J.J N E:ss> tthoi.ld always be tried, as iu numbers of •ses. seemingly incurable, it has doila wonders. Slight -eauiess, posti-uctions iu the ears, and the incessant summing ounds so nc^uenv with affected hearing, are removed. Sold everywhere. v URNS 1 COJWS J J CORNS HI BUNIONS AND ENLARGED TOE JOINTS 111 CURED IN A FEW DAYS. DELLAR'S CORN AND BuNiON PLANTERS are the only real remedy. They differ from all plasters, shields, or compositions. By instantly softening the callous surrounding the pain goes at once, the Corn soon following. Bunions and enlarged toe joints require more time but the action and relief is certain. Boxes, Is lid. Sold everywhere. Q l LPHULINE SOAP (a soap contain- o ing suipholine), is a delicately renned, chemi- cally pure Soap, intended for general use, but specially by those endowed with sensitive skins. Common Un- perfectly prepared soaps, scented with injurious acrid uils, frequently cause skin diseases. For washing at all times, and bringing the skin to a soft, pliable, healthy condition, Suipholine Soap holds the tirst place. Its odour is very pleasant, and the Soap not expensive. Tablets, 6d each. LIVER COMPLAINTS, BILIOUSNESS," INDIGESTION, CURED BY STOMACH DERANGEMENTS, D R. RING'S DANDELION & QUININE LIVER PILLS (Without mercury), Act effectively on the liver, and, whilst mildly aperient, are all that can be desired. Dr. King's famous Pills purify and clear the entire system by freeing the liver from slul1;gislmc>lS, causing the stomach to properly per- form its functions, quickly and entirely removing all feeling of headache, dizziness, oppressions at chest and back, disagreeable taste, nausea, indigestion, spasm, sensation of heaviness, and irritating depression attend ing bilious attacks and liver derangemeuts. ø HE SURE TO HAVE DR. ICING'S PILLS. 247 SOLD Everywhere. 11945 A WORD to the WISE Cause & cure of debility, want of energy, and premature decay. In- structions to regain health and vigor. Sent on reeeiptof 4 stamps by Publishers, FUnlm-swiMfe 36usittess 3,bbrtssts. INTER gOOTfli THE DEMAND FOR OUR JpATENT DAMP pROOF JJOOTS CONSTANTLY INCREASES. Our NEW AUTUMN and WINTER STYLES are now in Stock; amongst them are several Novelties. Price 6s Ud, 8s 6d, 10s 6d, 138 6d, 16s 6d. Our PATENT DAMP-PROOF BOOTS are now thoroughly appreciated by the public, and the great favour with which they are regarded induces a certaia class of manufacturers to offer worthies* imitations. This we consider a great compliment to ourselves, imitation being the siucerest form of flattery. JgOYLE AND £ JO„ gOOT m ERCKLANTS, 19, CHURCH-STREET, 10, CHURCH-STREET, 2, HIGH STREET, 8, BUTE-STREET, c A R D I F F, fiSta GO AND SEE some of the most EXTRAORDINARY LINES m BOOTS and SHOES ever offered to the Cardiff Public at GLAD WELL S, in DUKE-STRKJKX, CARDIFF. THE FOUNDATION PRINCIPLE OF W. pRICE & SONS, Business is that CUSTOM IS Drawn BY THE Magnet OF Varieiy and Value.' They are now showing considerable accessions of New, Fresh, and Attractive Stock in GENTLEMEN'S AND JUVENILES' READY-MADE CLOTHING, HATS, CAPS. SHIRTS, AND HOSIERY, At Prices that have never been iower from Mswetse turers' Hauds Address THE CARDIFF HOUSE, 50 & 51, ST. MARY-STREET, A 46 A 47, CAROLINB 23 STREET CARDIFF. 111 u A Y'S "Y IRIDIC E," (Trade Mark). No. 36996. 0ORNS ^JORNS I c ORNS! c ORNS! ^<ORNS <ORNS j COR,NS 1 10RNS io-K-Ns UORNS 1 (JURNS C'IRNS c ORNLS! ^JORNS! ORNS ^JORNS OR-NS ^JORNS! ^JORNS! c ORNS i ('IOR.NS I i ^JORNS CORNS I QORNS c ORNS! CORNS CORNS I CORNS! 0ORNS CORNS 1 c ORNS! CORNS 1 CORNS! CORNS 1 CORNS! QORNS CORNS! ^JORNS £ JORNS A CERTAIN CURE FOR CORNS, Painless and llarmieas. This infallable remedy introduced by J. MUNDAV lias oblgiiiedaworil-wicie reputation. The eihcacy of Vltll- DJNE" may be judged by its having Cured Corns of ot«r oO years' stairiinr;, \t.,(. ¡;;j alt oilif r:a16d';Ar<. il s11. w:"a: aj l'1el' ;¡d Ca-lMics ha*-e !u:k.J IN f.'EMC«\'iNC- HARD or soft coi;ns an i.» warts. T': -Tiy,.o • I v Fr,.m ,"r W. (' V>! PKELL, Pier '-■•l, tii'ncoiaue. Mr Mi- ■■■■}. Ilt,- 1 i»t.1 1 oft-r svi (,W"l1: nient to you f.-r \&;I.Jl4U;: ui«- -ith von' V oiulerfu: 1. uffered l greft al of pain froiu ;»vs-ry olJtinat6 cor:, but simte applying ;:our reuieu.. it is en irely gons. i ina> d that your VltiiDtNE' min-ved thrct: :'rol'¡'¡\lIl1t! c nm fr iui inemoai-. of my family. From Mr HOPKIN HOPKINS, l; near > wau-ien. Dear -ir,—I Heartily consiuiuKue yuu for your treatment for orn l a* bottle of "Viridine" you out me some time ago has proved almost miraculous to the corns I had on w," feet. It is exactly the remedy what you recommend it to be, and I hope it will bec >me more Itnown in the prin- cipality, for 'here are. no doubt, hundreds of persons that would be glM to know of itb eiiects. From Md11e. lArUE MULLEE, Amsterdam, Hclt ud. Mr Munday. DEAR Sin, I bought & bottle of your qe?&ui" V ri une" some six moutWlllolro m Paris, which cured ue. and as I am a principal dancer you know my feet are my living. The bottle I bought did the service you recom- mended it, but I bought another one afterwards which was forged and no good. As I want a bottle of genuine for a friend of mine, who is nearly mad with pain, wili you please send me one direct. Mdlle. MARIK MUIALS& From Mr D. ANTHONY, Swansea. Dear Sir,—I myself have suffered with corns, and tried several of the certain cures which people boast the* have, but they all failed in my case. I then got a bottle of your Vindine." and by applying some nighly to the corn I was surprised to find that I could draw it clean up. I now enoiose stamps for another bottle for a friend of mine. CAUTION.—As there are several im- itations of this preparation, the public are reqaested to ASK FOR M UND A Y'S "V I P. I D I N Z," And SEE THAT my SIGNATURE is on the end of each package. By ordering" Corn Cnre you may receive one of the many so-called remedies" which only give relief, or some worthless imitation of Vin- dine." In Bottles, price It. by post Is 2d. PBEPABKD ONLY BY J. M U N D A Y. CHEMIST, 1, HIGH-STREET, CARDIFF. Agents; London—WILCOX A Co., Chemists, 239, Oxford-street, W. F. NEWBERRY < £ SONS, SANGER, SUTTON, HOVENDEN, etc. Liwrpo d— SYMES & Co., 58, Bold-street. Dublin—HAY i s Co., 1;), Grafton-street. Paris- PH \RMACIE BERAL, 14, Rue de laPaix. Amsterdam—i'ERRY & CO., 97, Kalverstraat. And all Chemists and Patent Medicine Yeodoca.