Advertisement Tariff. 0 8mall Prepaid Advertisements. 20 Words SIXPENCE. Three Times NINEPENCE. Six Times ONE SHILLING. WORDS. 0NCE, THREE tiS.X^ s. d. s. d. s. d. 20 Words -06 09 1 0 30 Words 0 9 1 0 1 6 40 Words 1 0 1 6 2 3 50 Words 1 3 2 6 3 9 60 Words 1 6 3 0 461 These charges apply only to the classes of advertise- ment specified below, and are strictly confined tc those ^hieh are ordered tor CONSICCUTIVE inssertion an d FA ID i'OE PREVIOUS TO INSERTION il either of these con- ditions is not complied with, the advertisement will be charged by the Business scale :— AI-AKIMENTS WANTED. ■APARTMENTS TO LEX. ARTICLES LOST. ARTICLES FOUND. ■BUSINESSES VOR DISPOSAL COSINESSES WANTED. HOUSES TO LET. MOUSES WANTED. COSINESSES WANTED. HOUSES TO LET. 1, USE TO l,rT. OUSES NYANTED. HOUSES TO BE SOLD MONEY WANTED. MONEY TO LEND. MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. MISCELLANEOUS HALES. MISCELLANEOUS HALES. PARTNERSHIPS WANTED, SITUATIONS WANTED. SITUATIONS VACANT. SITUATIONS VACANT. Advertisements of the above class inserted in the SOUTH WALES DAILY NEWS," the "CARMtT TIMES, and SOUTH WALES ECHO" at the following rate :— Six times in Six times Daily News Six times in Once in in I)ailv N«w« Cardiff Times WORDS «uih .mi Z v ,,™I. Echo. 8* d. s. d. s d. 20 Words 10 16 2 0 30 Words 1 6 2 3 3 0 40 Words 2 3 3 4 4 6 50 Words 3 9 5 8 7 6 60 Words 4 6 6 9 9 0 rsL General Advertising Tariff. RATE PER LINE FOR A SERIES. CLASS ok l to 4 or 6 to l2to 26 ADVERTISEMENTS. 3 b 11 25 upd insr insr insr insr insr Rainess .mM\ gu«mtio«;i'r.j ./<» ./i -p ./2 -m Iteligious Services -14 + :2 nt.ertalnments Auction Announcements -16 -/4 ./3 -1,3 U3 i*Kal and Public Notices A '< Municipal and School Board f and Contracts j Public Appointments. ) rospectuses -/9 -/9 ./9 -/9 ^riiamoitarjr Electionn I ij^rliamontary Notices > 1/- 1/- 1/- 1/- 1/- .^gvemment Announcements — ) Notices of Births, Marriages, and Deaths are charged 8 each, if not exceeding 20 words, and 6d for each ?.^ditional 10 words. These Notices must be anthea **cated by the Signature and Address of the sender. PARAGRAPH ADVERTISEMENTS are charged 1 to 5 insertions, 64 per line 6 to 11 insertions, Id p<rc line 2 insertions and upwards, 3d per line ADVERTISERS, when sending advertisements inmanu- ?.c*ipt, may calculate eight words to a line, and 12 *!6es to an inch. In charging advertisements the lines ?*e not counted, but the advertisement, including ■^■ge lines, dashes, and white spaces, is measured, ana »space occupied is charged at the rate of Twelve Datiusitc J^rfoants. COOKERY.—Marshall's School of Cookery, 30 Mortimer-street, London, W.,—Send for pro- RPectus. 928 COOKS (good) wanted immediately. Good, small families. Town and country. Excellent wages, generals and Housemaids, London.—Mrs Furnivall's Jtegist y, Cardiff. 729 ENERAL SERVANT (respectable girl) wanted at once in a small family. Must be kind to chil- oitrè, Cowbridge-road, Cardiff. 770 J-l F,,XJIUAL SERVANT wanted.-Apoly Rose NK N-illa, Gordon-road, Cardiff. 765 ENERAL SERVANT (-experienced) wanted; must VJT be honest and industrious.—Apply 5, Richmond- ascent, Roath..755 ENERAL SERVANT (good) wanted for family of two, able to wash well.—Apply Mrs Jones, 28, commercial-street, Ebbw Vale. 724 G ENERAL- SERVANTS wanted for towns and Apply personally, or stamped envelope SWSSIG." ""»■■■ "»• nnlv' (K°°d) wanted at once.— J^ce, Pontypridd refe«nces, Magistrates' Cterk's rf^ENERAL SERVANT (good) wanted able to do ? ? Ar.nlvM™evrom the country preferred, f^rse kept. Apply Mrs Yorath. Canton. 576 IKL (strong) aSe about 16 to 20 sleep AX. at home.—Apply Mrs teach, 33, Wood-street, 753 IRL (strong) wanted to assls i h work who jOT is fond o! children. One from the country pre- ferred.-Mrs Jones, 8, Glossop-terrace, Roath. Car- IRL (respectable strong). wanted7witlTr^{Brencei .1?" ab°Ut 16, from the country, for v two b* letter> Ml'S C'' LCITY.- uire C< ERVANTS IN~ANY CAPACITy.-§ a good situation, write to the Natlonal and lIlversal Restration Agency, 105 A, Market-s ^t, Soa -=: Jlihtaiums iHacani. ABSTAINERS get greater advantages from the Scottish Temperance Life and Accident Assur- »"Ce Company than from any other office.—Apply for Prospectus to W. C. Thomas, Balmoral Villa, Park- Ittare, Newport, Mon. 661 BAKERS.—Wanted, a Young Man as good Bread Baker, to board and lodge in the house.—Mr or, Knighton, Radnorshire. 766 T>AKER and CONFECTIONER (competent) wanted, —Apply at Mr David, Baker, <fcc.. Elm-street. °ath, Cardiff. 618_ I) OY wanted, about 14, to mark billiards and make A3 himself generally useful.—Apply Ellesmere Club, 56, St. Mary-street. 708 OOK-KEF-PING taught by experienced Accoun- _aut; • Practical instruction preparing' balance ews'Omo^erate-—^Address Oxou, Daily ID U'I'C 1-1 ERg, Wanted, strong, active Youth, of <>ooa cnaracter, to assist at slaughtering, and take u„° i —Apply, with particulars, to T. ^ay.d, Old Park, Margam Taibach. ^670 CUliA'lE 'wanted, Biliuiruai_—Apply St. Ishmael's icarage, Ferryside. 587 I EMPLOYMENT at your own home. Wanted, Your own home. Wanted, J Ladies and Young Men to work for us, full or "Pare time. No canvassing—Full particulars free iii Xovelty Company, bO, Leicestei-square, London, n 76161 MPLOYMET FOJt LADIES.-IOS to-lbs weekiy 5#^ can be earned by the Patent Automatic Knituu- v- —Send uddresst'd envelope for particulars to Company, 417, ondon, W. 410 I AD (strong) wanted at once that can mould and make doiudi deliver with horse and trap live ,Iauors.-A. F., 6, Thomas-street, Grangetown, Cardiff. — 711 VJrACANCIES IN CIVIL y Commencing salaries range to;EIOO. Rapid pre- ^ration by correspondence.—Intelligent young men u« to Secretary, Civil Service Examination Agency, "iihead, London. i^Uli DiRECTCRis of a London Joint Stock Co. require a District Manager for Cardiff. {Salary •j1 •JO per annum and commission.—Address, in first •stance, Chairman," 2 and 3, Salisbury-court, Fleet- ""j.ondoi!, K.C. 573 V i II (siiarp) wanted. About 14 o7 lo7 Fair "'vuier.for office,—Apply 94, St. Mary-street troia ii to 1. yoa J\.gendesp abralttllersp &r. AGENTS wanted for an old-established Plate-glass and Accident Assurance Co. Good terms.— Apply Lothian House, Richmond-road, Cardiff. 731 HIGHLY-SUCCESSFU L INSTITUTION is prepared to appoint a few respectable men as Agents.—Apply Manager, 104. Richmond-road, Cardiff. 732 ANVASSERS (few) wanted, for Industrial Insur- C ance. Males or females, ten times down.—Lowe's Advertising Office, 8. Meteor-street, Roath, Cardiff. 730 ífltatíons tmlanieb. BOOK-KEEPER, disengaged in the evening, wishes to write up and balance tradesmen's books terms moderate.—Address A. B. C., "Daily News Office. 7b8 Irrruass ijf;o ICft I-ILUB to Let in busiest part of Splotlands 80 bona- k_j fide Members no public near.—Apply, Secretary, Daily News" Office, Cardiff. 685 EWPORT~ROAI) (85)~Roath, to Let, from 29th September.—Apply Mr Webber, 94, St. Mary- street. three doors from General Post-office. 526 Jor *;ale *ousts, &t. HOUSE (good) for Sale in Miskin-street.—Particu- lars of Mr Webber, 94, St. Mary-street, opposite Church-street. 448 Hoggings, J.partm £ uts, vVt. APARTMENTS (comfortable), furnished, for two young gentlemen, at 3, Llandough-street, Cathays, Cardiff 330 tftssceilattoms. BARRELS (10 000) wanted of all descriptions. Good prices given.—Apply Alfred Cockle, St. Jude's Cooperage, Bristol. 87 BOTAPH IC BEER made immediately with Mason's Extract or Essence of Herbs, composed of Yarrow, Dandelion, Comfrey, and Horeliound; send 9 stamps for sample bottle, enough to make four gallon:, to Newball and Mason, Chemists, Nottingham. Agents wanted. 413e FURNISH on the Hire System. £ 5 worth, 2s 6d weekly £ 10 worth, 4s weekly £ 15 worth, 5s weekly 220 worth, 6s weekly, and so on in propor. tion.—The South Wales Furnishing Company, 23, Custom House-street, Cardiff. 715 FURNISH on the Hire System. No security re- quired.—South Wales Furnishing Company, 23, Custom House-street, Cardiff. 715 FURNISH on the Hire System. Cash prices charged. South Wales Furnishing Company, 23, Custom House-street, Cardiff. 715 FURNISH on the Hire System. Small weekly or monthly payments.—South Wales Furnishing Company, 23, Custom House-street, Cardiff. 715 FURNISH on the Hire System. Houses or apart- ments furnished throughout. — South Wales Furnishing Company, 23, Custom House-street, Car- diff. 715 FURNISH on the Hire Svstem. Compare prices with other houres.—South Wales Furnishing Company, 23, Custom House-street, Cardiff. 715 VURN-ISH on the Hire Syste Immense stock to JD select from.—South Wales Furnishing Company, 25, Custon House-street, Cardiff. 7l5_ FURNISH on the Hire Syatem, town or country.— South Wales Furnishing Company, 23, Custom House-street, Cardiff. 715 FURNISH on the Hire System. No extra charges made.—South Wales Furnishing Company, 23, Custom House-street, Cardiff. 715 F- URNISifonthë- Hire System. Every article j* requisite for the household. South Wales Furnishing Company, 23, Custom House-street, Cardiff 715 FURNISH on the Hire System. Inspection in- vited.—South Wales Furnishing Company, 23, Custom House-street, Cardiff. 715 IMPORTANT to small Capitalists wishing to com- mence as Tobacconists for illustrated guide (110 pares) send 3 stamps to H. Myers and Co., 109, Euston- road, London. 969e N SOCIAL PURITY AND THE INFIRMITIES ot MAN. Addressed specially to young men, with advice on health, and containing recipes that will re- store the nervous and debilitated to the full power of manhood. Free for the benefit of all who desire a safe and speedy cure without the aid of Quacks. Send < ne stamp to prepay postage. Address Secretary. Institute of Anatomy, Birmingham. 274e PHYSIOGNOMY. — Your character faithfully PHYSIOGNOMY. — Your character faithfully written from photograph children's heads ex- amined daily 2,000 testimonials. — Herr White (London expert), Park-street, Cardiff. 709 RENTS collected 10 years' experience. References and security given.—C. W. Hutchings, 27, Car- lisle-street, Cardiff. 407 TRADKSMEN.Wiudow tickets, show cards, pin tickets, Christmas draw cards, and all kinds of printing..—Peaa-son-and Co., Railway Arch, Bute.street, •Cardiff. 771 THOMPSON MATHER. Auctioneer, House, Estate, and Insurance Agent. Moderate commission. Prompt settlements. Trial solicited.- 7, Swiss Chambers, Crockherbtown, Cardiff. 631 HEATEN MEAL.—The~best value in Feedlor Cattle, Pigs, and Poultry. £ 3 10s per ton on raii or steamer, Liverpool.—Apply to M. J. Heathcote and Co., 10, Drury-lano, Liverpool. 76554 poultry, 19í9t-onsp &x. PLYMOUTH ROCK Cockerel. April batched price 5s. Also a last year's bird, 7s 6<L— 50, Inver- ness-place, top of Castle-road. 749 ffilgiteiJ. C'ASH ADVANCES mA 1) E FROM JSIO TO JS500. At a few hours' notice, to FARMERS, MARK ET GARDEN ERS, TRADESMEN, CAB PROPRIETORS, and HOUSEHOLDERS, On their own security, without removal. No enquiry fees. The usual loan office formalities dispensed with. All communications treated in the strictest confi- dence. ADDRESS— CARDIFF AND COUNTY ADVANCE BANK, 9, CAROLINE-STREET, CARDIFF. 520 ONEY LENT WITHOUT DELAY by the CHAKING-CROSS BANK (Regd.). No, 28, Bedford-street, Strand, London. Established 1870. Capital £ 150,000. Reserve Fund, £ 50,000. ADVANCES IMMEDIATELY MADE Upon Approved Promissory Notes as follows, without dedustions. Advance £ 25—12 monthly repayments of 92 5 10 60 4 11 8 100 „ „ 9 3 4 amounts the same in proportion. s of £ 25 to £ 2,000 granted at a few hours' nf f,imitn^rr'Ior country, male or female, on mortgage without rem r^de and farm stock, plant, crops, <fcc., Also on depH« assist persons into business. i,month' ?'°V,cies. and reversions at 5 percent. avinents stri M years!- Distance 110 object. Easy repayments^n«Uy private. Call or write. Notict. -^Plying elsewhere, ask any solicitor, auctioneer, ^c. m England and Wales knowing this Bank, and yo once find out you are treating with nTOl nTltJ™ i?870)' and bona-tide Bank. Having iarge -ap^al, we do business cheaper than oth«rs. Responsible Traders, Farmers, and others can have money without bill Df sale. No good loan ever refused. Current accounts opened according to the usual practice of other banns. «o charge for keeping accounts or clearing country cheques. Interest at the rate of 4 per cent, allowed on the minimum monthly balances. Deposits of £ 10 and upwards received at 4 per cent, per annum payable on demand. Subject to three months' notice of withdrawal, 6 per cent.. Subject to six months' notice of withdrawal, 8 Per ceiit. Subject to twelve months' notice of withdrawal, 10 per cent. Interest paid monthly, quarterly, or as agreed. 179 A WILLIAMS. Manager. jy/JONEY I- At ON gf 1 r MONEY 11 j Cash Advances made at a few hours' notice, from S5 to £ 500, to Farmers, Market Gardeners, Cowkeepers, Tradesmen, and others, on their own security. No sureties required, No inquiry fees. Money lent on deposits, also tradesmen's bills discounted. Apply> personally or by letter, to Mr A. Jordan, Manager, Private Loan Office, Dock-street (corner of Skinner- street), Newport, Mon. 519 s WANSEA.SOUTI-I WALES ECHO. The FIRST EDITION of the SOUTH WALES ECHO is published at the Office, 9, College-street, Swansea, every AFTERNOON, AT FIVE O CLOCK. Sold by newsagents at Swansea, Hafod, Plasmarl, Mumbles, &c and by the boys (,f the Self Helll Brigade, 'Hie SPECIAL EDITION, which contains all the Latest News, Telegrams, !stock Exchange Closing Prices, Markets, Sporting and Local Intelligence of tlu day ispublished in Swansea at 8.30 p.m. Sold by K. MOGFORD, News Agent, Great Western Buildings. High-street, Swansea, and by news boys Àmnsements. rjlHEATRE ROYAL, CARDIFF. LESSEE & MANAGER.MR. EDWARD FLETCHER. ACTlriG MANAGER MR. JOHN SHERIDAN. Last Night of England's Greatest Burlesque Actress and Comedienne, MISS NELLIE FARREN, and her Powerful London Company. TO NIGHT (SATURDAY), OCTOBER 10th, The Musical Farce, A MERE BLIND. At 8 o'clock, Reece's Popular Burlesque, ALADDIN. ALADDIN (a street Arab) Miss Nellie Farren. Splendid Chorus, New and Beautiful Costumes. MONDAY NEXT, October 12th, Mr Frank Harvey's Celebrated Madame Beatrice Company in THE WAGES OF SIN. Doors open at 7; Commence 7.30; Half-price 9. Stage Door and St. Alary-street Entrance open 6.30, Sixpence extra. Box Plan at Messrs Thompson and Shackell's, Crockherbtown. 53237 "TTICTORIA ROOMS, ST. MARY- V I STREET. CARDIFF. MON. D'ARCS GRAND WAXWORK EXHIBITION. THREE ENTERTAINMENTS COMBINED IN ONE. Great Success of PROFESSOR RICARDO and his wonderful PER- FORMING DOGS. Roars of laughter and unbounded applause of Mons. TRILLO and his Ventriloquial Figures. Every evening at 7.15 and 8.30. Saturdays half an hour earlier. Day performance VVednefdays and Saturdays at 3. The exhibition is open from 10 in the morning till 10 at night. Admission 3d, children 2d. Reserved seats during the performance, 3d extra. 777 F. J. SMITH, Manager. jgjCONOMY IN FUEL, ]IAMB PATENT FEED WATER IEI E AT E It. yyILLIAMS' Jt ATENT BLOWER AND SMOKE CONSUMER FOR STEAM BOILERS JOHN yyrlLLIAMS AND s ON, SOLE LICENSEES & MAKERS, QUEEN-STRE ET, CARDIFF.. 107e EFORE BUYING A JD WATCH ANYWHERE Write for the 11 Illustrated Pamphlet,' sent free on application, by the LARGEST WATCH MANUFACTURER. WATCH REPAIRS-Prompt and Perfect. Estimates given and Cost of Carriage taken. 18-CARAT GOLD ALBERTS (Hall marked on every Link), 80s per oz.—Workman- ship Included. Largest Gold Chain Stock in England. MR. T. R R U SSE L L (Maker to her Majesty the Queen) CATHEDRAL WORKS, 18. CHURCH-STREET, LIVERPOOL. 12191 NO AGENTS IN WALES. 393e -1 GO AND SEE THE BOOTS AND SHOES at ÔLADW.I£LL'S, 27, DUKE-STREET. The beat value in tile Principality, R. J. HEAIH AND SONS" 12, CROCKHERBTOWN, CARDIFF, Have now on view the largest Stock of High-class pIANOFORTES, ORGANS, AND H ARMONIUS) IN SOUTH WALES. Which they are offering at a LARGE DISCOUNT FOR CASH and on the three years' system, from 10s ód per month. Pianos, from 10 guineas. Illustrated Catalogues Post Free 259e I JJTULTON, J^UNLOP, AND () U. CARDIFF AND SWANSEA, AW AT WINDSOR-ROAD, PENARTU BASS AND CO.. ALLSOPP AND SONS, And others of the finest BURTON ALES. PRICES Per Kilderkin. 18* 21s. 24s. Per Firkin. I | 10s! 6d. 12s And upwards. 155 i 40, BRIDGE-STREET, CARDIFF. CFOLLICK, PAWNBROKER.—Most • Money lentongoldand silver valuables. Over £ 2 at the rate of 4d in tho pound, exceeding £ 10 at a lesser interest. Large assortment of gold and silver watches and diamond rings very cheap. Special lots of gold wedding rings and keepers. bOOo-76603 jgTlFF'S S'l ARCH, j ks TIFF'S STARCH. STIFF'S STARCH. I ^TIFF'S STARCH. ks TIFF'S STARCH. gTIFF'S STARCH. gTIFF'S STARCH. STIFF'S STARCH STIFF'S STARCH. s TIFF'S STARCH. QTIFFS STARCH. o 609e 12296 76492 "6 STARCH It having come to the knowledge of Messrs Stiff and Co. that some retailer.) often attempt to induce the public to purchase low priced and inferior starches by representing them to be the manufacture of Messrs Stiff & Co., it is necessary to put the public on its guard against such unprin- cipled practices,and tostate that every box or packet of Stiff's Starch bears the registered Trade Mark QUEEN BESS. Stiff's Starch is Sold in 51b Packets and lib Fancy Boxes, gutl inzty be obtained of any Grocer, Druggist, or Oilman; or of the Manu- facturers. STIFF & CO., IREDCLIFF-ST., BRISTOL ESTABLISHED 181& • POSITIVE REMEDIES. Consult the Book of Positive Remedies for the Cure of all Diseases. GlitATIS.-Sent by Post to all parts ot the World on receipt of Two Stamps to prepay postage. A POSITIVE CURE FOR DEBILITIES AND DERANGEMENTS OF THE GENERA- TIVE AND NERVOUS SYSTEM, NERVOUS DE- BILITY AND EXHAUSTION, THE RESULT 01' OVER-TAXED ENERGIES IS GIVEN IN THE BOOK OF "POSITIVE REMEDIES. This Book gives a POSITIVE REMEDY for all DISEASES. The Names of all Medicines are given in English. Cases and Testimonials, with means used in eacli case. IT IS A GUIDE TO THE SELF-TREATMENT OF ALL DISEASES, and should be Consulted by all who require medical treatment. NOTICE.—THE POSI- 1IVE MEDICINES GIVEN IN THE BOOK OF 'POSITIVE REMEDIES" ARE THE MEDIOINli USED BY DR. SMITH FOR OVER THIRTY EARS. By the aid of this Book Invalids may form a correct knowledge of their malady, &»d lind a positive Remedy for the Cure. The names are pub- w?™ j ln English, to enable Invalids to select the i an'' Cure Themselves without consulting a meaical man, making a written statement of case or f?"sultation feeSI Send Two Stamps for the JBOOK OF "POSITIVE REMEDIES, winch contains pages, and gives a cure for all diseases. Post free on I-eceipt of Two Stamps direct from 7 UAOT.H- & H- SMITH rfc CO. 130 o P,?^,1VK REMEDY LABORATORY, 2o. SOUIHAM P'J'ON-UOW. LONDON. W. XNJECTION DAY.-An INFALLIBLE _1_ REMEDY and certain cure for all Discbarges from the Urinary Organs in either sex, whether acquired or constitutional, recent or chronic; cures in a few days without medicines. Sold in bottles, 2s 6d each, by all chemists. London agents, F. Newbury and Sons, 1, King Edward-street, E.C. Agents for Cardiff, J. Mwndtly, Cbmist, 1 High-street; and all Chemists ?70E 36usintss Mbtesses. JOT HAM A-ND gONS, 26 & 27. ST. Mary'street- A R D I F F ■JJ MB R E LLAS; IMMENSE VARIETY. 1,500 TO CHOOSE FROM. PARAGON FRAME. DURABLE SILK. NATURAL STICKS. OUR KNOCKABOUTj LEVANTINE SILKS. | I GOOD OFFICE UMBRELLA. OUR LEADING LINE. FOX'S PARAGON FRAME. SILVER MOUNTED. NATURAL STICKS. DURABLE SILK.1 SPECIAL. 5s lID 6s lID 8s lID 10s 6D I Large Variety in BUCKHORN and FANCY HANDLES, From 12s 6d to 30s. LADIES' UMBRELLAS IN LARGE VARIETY. 2s lid, 3s lid, 4s lid, 5s lid, to 20s. VERY SPECIAL, 204 JOTHAM AND g O N S. w PIANOS.—WHY BE WITHOUT ONE JL When you can become the owner of a nice in strument for the smallpaYlllellt of 10s 6d PER MONTH ON THOMPSON AND gHACKELLS JL 0 HIRE SYSTEM? No security required, and the instrument delivered to purchaser on payment of first monthly instalment. Every instrument guaranteed, and exchanged if not approved. ORGANS AND HARMONIUMS ON SIMILAR TERMS. Catalogues free on application. THOMPSON AND SHACKELL, PIANOFORTE AND MUSIC WAREHOUSE, QUEEN'S BUILDINGS, CARDIFF Also at SWANSEA, NEWPORT, MKKTUYR and GLOUCESTER. 24oe IIOOTING SEASON, 1885. gHOOTING SEASON, 1885. We beg to call the attention of sportsmen in general to oar Stock e1 Breech-loallfug Gfuns of various qualities. We have in stosk the following DOUBLE BARREL BREECH LOADING GUNS: £ s. d. No.l Ejector, Hammerless Gun 36 0 0 2 Consentric, Wood Bar Gun 25 10 0 3 Consentric, Treble Grip Gun 25 10 0 4 Semi, Hammorless Gun 14 0 0 6 G. and P. Patent, Hammerless Gun n o 0 6 Treble GHp, Hammer Gun H 0 0 7 Steel Barrel, Bar Lock Gun 880 8 Steel Barrel, Back Lock Gun. 700 9 Damascus Barrel, Back Lock Gun 5 15 d 10 Fine Twist Barrel, Back Lock Gun 4 1 6 11 Good Twist Barrel, Back Lock Gun. 3 10 0 All above guiis are choke lef t barrel. 12 Twist Barrel, Back Locks Gun 3 0 q 13 Twist Barrel, Back Locks Gun 2 17 6 14 Fine Twist, Single Barrel, BackLockGun 3 2 6 Any GENTLEMAN PURCHASING either of these Guns CAN HAVE FAIR TRIAL, and if they are not what they are represented to be, and not approved of, money will be returned. CARTRIDGES OF ALL DESCRIPTION KEPl IN STOCK. CROSS H O S 3 AND 4, MAIi¥ = STHEET, 49776329 I ex LADWELL'S FOR GLOVES 1 GLAD WELL'S FOR HOSIERY. GLADWELL'S FOR LACES. 27, DUKE STREET, EP.VOU,SNESS. LOSS Of ENERGY j and VITAL POWER.—A gentleman having tried in vain every advertised remedy, has discovered a simple means of self-cure. He will be happy to for- ward the particulars to any sufferer ou receipt of a stamped and directed envelope Address J T Sewell, Eso.. Cb'swick. Middlesex PEARS CJOAP PURE 1 FRAGRANT 1 REFRESHING I -r-VFARS' f^r»AT> For TOILET A NURSERY. T>EARb CJOAP EXHIBITION HONOURS, JL KJ Fifteen International PEARS' SOAP Awards for absolute Purity JL and absence of Artificial pKARS' CWAP m^KSLu pBARS' goAP PEARS' QOAP PEARS' SOAP Is specially prepared for the PEARS' CJOAP delicate skin ot ladies and -children ana others fe&st- "DEARS' OOAP tiTe t0and!'ummer.Wint,r J- Presents Redness, Rough- PEARS' CJOAP ness, and Chapping. M ADELINAPAT'i'I writes: PWARS' CNOAP "I bave f3Und PEARS* SUAF SOAP matchless {or tbe Pwa-dC kAr» Hands and Complexion." EARS SJOAP (Signed) ADEHNAPATTI. MHS LANG TRY writes • PEARS' CjOAP I have much pleasure in iO stating Ibave used PEARS' ARS' HOA SOAP for some time, and JUiArto I prefer it to any other." fSiened) LILLIE LANOTRV PEARS' QOAP peaks' SOAP is ™cJm. mended by ERASMUS WIL- "DEARS' ClOAP SON, late President of tht I 1I3 College of Surgeons of Eng. PEARS' ^OAP lai,d" PURE! FRAGRANT' PEARS' QOAP REFRESHING! O For TOILET & N URS ERY. PEARS' CJ OAP Exhibition Honours. iS Fifteen International T,c. Awards f<>- absolute Purity EARS SJOAP and absence of Artiflcial kj Colouring. PEARS' CJOAP Fair White Hands, Kj Bright Clear Complexion, PEAKS' COAP PS^SOAPITS, Is, Is 6d, and 2s 6d. The pEABS' gOAP smallerTablet (unscented) is PEARS' SOAP old at 6d, but insist on J. o having Pears', as vilely-in- „ jurious imitations are often JpLARS ^OAP substituted for extra |ain< P-jji a T> o» r» A T> £ S*Makers by Special Royal •CiAxvb w! OAP Appointment to W H.R-H.lne Princeof Wales, aPrinceof Wales, 36usintss Abbressts. Q.RAND XHIBITIONj OF A D I E S lyj A N T L E S AT F. eox's 23, ST. MARY STREET, CARDIFF. MANTLES AT WHOLESALE PRICES. MANTLES AT WHOLESALE PRICES. MANTLES AT WHOLESALE PRICES. MANTLES AT WHOLESALE PRICES. MANTLES AT WHOLESALE PRICES. MANTLES AT WHOLESALE PRICES. MANTLES AT WHOLESALE PRICES. MANTLES AT WHOLESALE PRICES. MANTLES AT WHOLESALE PRICES. F. C 0 X, 23, ST- MARY S™ c A R D I F F. JACKETS AT WHOLESALE PRICES. JACKETS AT WHOLESALE PRICES. JACKETS AT WHOLESALE PRICES. JACKETS AT WHOLESALE PRICES. JACKETS AT WHOLESALE PRICES. JACKETS AT WHOLESALE PRICES. JACKETS AT WHOLESALE PRICES. JACKETS AT WHOLESALE PRICES. JACKETS AT WHOLESALE PRICES. F. COX, 23, St/Maky STREET, c A RDIFF.. ULSTERS AT WHOLESALE PRICES. ULSTERS AT WHOLESALE PRICES. ULSTERS AT WHOLESALE PRICES. ULSTERS AT WHOLESALE PRICES. ULSTERS AT WHOLESALE PRICES. ULSTERS AT WHOLESALE PRICES. ULSTERS AT WHOLESALE PRICES. ULSTERS AT WHOLESALE PRICES. ULSTERS AT WHOLESALE PRICES. F. COX, 23, kS T. MARY STREET, c ARDIFF. MACKINTOSHES AT WHOLESALE PRICES MACKINTOSHES AT WHOLESALE PRICES MACKINTOSHES AT WHOLESALE PRICES MACKINTOSHES AT WHOLESALE PRICES MACK INTOSHES AT WHOLESALE PRICES MACKINTOSHES AT WHOLESALE PRICES MACKINTOSHES AT WHOLESALE PRICES MACKINTOSHES AT WHOLESALE PRICKS MACKINTOSHES AT WHOLESALE PRICES F. COX, 23, S'f. M-AR V STREET, c ARDIFF. FUR CLOAKS AT WHOLESALE PRICES. FUR CLOAKS AT WHOLESALE PRICES. FUR CLOAKS AT WHOLESALE PRICES. FUR CLOAKS AT WHOLKSALE PRICES. FUR CLOAKS AT WHOLESALE PRICES. FUR CLOAKS AT WHOLESALE PRICES. FUR CLOAKS AT WHOLESALE PRICES. FUR CLOAKS T WHOLESALE PRICES. FUR CLOAKS AT WHOLESALE PRICES. y 23, ST. MARY STREET, CARDIFF. FUR CAPES AT WHOLESALE PRICES. FUR CAPES AT WHOLESALE PRICES. FUR CAPES AT WHOLESALE PRICES. FUR CAPES AT WHOLESALE PRICES. FUR CAPES AT WHOLESALE PRICES. FUR CAPES AT WHOLESALE PRICES. FUR CAPES AT WHOLESALE PRICES. FUR CAPES AT WHOLESALE PRICES. FUR CAPES AT WHOLESALE PRICES. -lox, F. cox, J^ONDON MANTLE 7AREHOUSE, 23, ks T. MARY STREET, QARDIFF- FACTORIES; Tr ONDON, CARDIFF, AND \\70LYE^HAMPTQN, H 76351 ALL GOODS SOLD AT LONDON CIVIL SERVICE PRICES AT GLAD WELL'S, the new shop, DUKE. STREET, CARDIFF. HE MIDLAND COUNTIES WATCH COMPANY.OF VYSE-STREET, BIRMINGHAM Let every reader of this send for our beautiful new illustrated Catalogue, containing 1,000 unsolicited tes- timonials and over 1,000 fine Copper-plate Engravings of Watches, JftVtellery, and Electro Plate, sent gratis and post free un application, to any part of the world. GENTLEMEN'S FINE SILVER, flat crystal glass, 2b-. LADIES' FINE SILVER, flat p A HNNVCF FVR, crystal glass, highly finished R. AMBORSE, Esq., movement, 253. CIOVlie Terrac^, YOUTHS' FINE SILVER, flat It^cives cr?stal 25s. Htb, 1885.— it gives LADIES' GOLD LEVERS, in me uch pleasure t,o e8tluisitely chased c 70s. 11 testify as to the exce". ases. q^Talities'of^he'watch engine-turned szr&sn A a gun tired here every marked Q clay by electricity at ii' •: ■ • • oni o'clock, Green- Ge^8Keyie^ wich time, and have Cases, English never found it \ary Hali-marked 67 6 even o»e minute. I GeTnt„s Gold Keyless have great confidence J* » 8 0Dg' vy1/v» n in recommending your V" Company." Gents'Fine Gold Keyless y in hunting cases 140 0 Ladies' very heavy Key- less, in 18-ct. Gold cases 100 0 Cheques or Post-office Orders must be made payable to the Company's Manager, Mr A. PERCY, on receipt of which any Watch will be registered post free to any part of the United Kingdom, and for 2s 6d per watch to any part of the postal world. 6086 J^EWPORT!—SOUTH WALES ECHO. The SOUTH WAI-FS ECHO is published at the NEWPORT OFFICE, 11, Tredegar-place .as follows:- FIRST EDITION 3.15 P.M. SECOND EDITION 4.S0 P.M. SPECIAL EDITION .6.30 P.M The SPECIAL EDITION contains aU the News of the Day up to Six o'clock p.m.—including the latest Stock Exchange and Sporting Televwas. Sold by *11 Newsagents and Newsboys EBusiness Àbbressts. W. PEDLER'S "U MBRELLAS, WALKING STICKS, AND LEATHER B AGS, ARE THE BEST. ESTABLISHED 1867. 34 ROYAL-ARCADE, CARDIFF BRANCH: 98, GLEBE-STREET, PENARTH. BEST HOUSE IN CARDIFF FOR WALKING STICKS. A new and choice Stock of Walking Sticks from the best London Makers. RICHLY MOUNTED STICKS FOR PRESENTS MOUNTED MALACCA CANES. Ivory and Buck Hooks, Silver and Nickel Collars, and Knobs, always in Stock. Sticks and Canes Dressed, Mounted, Polished, and Ferruled. UMBRELLAS AT ALL PRICES TO SUIT ALL CLASSES. GENTS' UMBRELLAS. Silk, at 7s 6d, 8s 6d, 10s 6d, 12s 6d. 15s bd, and 18s 6d. Russell Silk, at 10s bd Silver Mounted, 14s 6d. Repp, at 7s 6d, 9s. 10s 6d, and 12s 6d. Alpaca, 5s od, os W, and 7s 6d, LADIES' UMBRELLAS. Silk, 7s 6d, 8s 6d, 10s 6d, 12s 6d, 15s, and 21a. Repp, 4s bd, 5s bd, 6s bd, and 83 6d. ltullbdl Silk, bs 6d, 9s btl, and 10s Oct. RE-COVERING DEPARTMENT. Umbrellas Re-covered at a saving of 25 per cent. Best Materials only used. SILK. GENTS' 25JN. UMBRELLAS. 1st quality, 1 js; 2nd ditto, 1.5s 3rd ditto, 103 6d 4th ditts, 8s 6d. I ADIKS' 2'2IN. UMBRELLAS. 1st quality, 12s 6d 2nd ditto, 13s 6d; 3rd ditto, 6s 6a; 4th ditto, 6s 6d. RUSSELL SILK (Guaranteed not to Split). GENTS' 25in, UMBRELLAS, at 9s. 6d.; LADIES" 22in. do., at 7s. 6d. REPP. GENTS' 25in. UMBRELLAS—1st quality, 7s. 6d 2nd ditto, 6s 6d. LADIES' 22in. UMBRELLAS-lat quality, 6s. 6d. 2nd ditto, 5s 6d. Re-covering and Repairing promptly executed on the Premises. I EATHEI" BAGS. Leather Portmanteaus, Brief and other Hand Bags, Hat Cases, &c. GLADSTONE BAGS. ASSORTMENT OF LEATHER RUG STRAPS. W P E D L E.L., JJMBRELLA 1\1 ANUFACTORY, 4, ROYAL ARCADE, CARD1FJ. AND 98, GLEBE STREET, PENARTH. PEPPER'S TANNIN THROAT JL UARGLE. Tamiin Gargle should be within the reach of all in the least degree subject to throat affections, whether inflammatory, relaxed, ulcerated, hoarseness, swollen tonsils, enlarged uvula, weakenad voice, &c. Those constantly speaking, singing, or reading, by using the Gargie prevent the huskiuess, dryness, and irritation so frequantlyattendant on over-exertion also of pro- ducing unusually sustained powers without injury to the mucous surfaces of the throat Tannin is a great purifier, and so useful as a mouth wash in cases of disagreeable breath, arising from de- cayed teeth, disordered stomach, mouth ulcerations, ana other causes. As a cure for ordinary sore throat, with its usual painful and sometimes dangerous t-yiuptoms, the Tannin Gargle is far better than anything. Bottles, Is 6d. Sold everywhere. EPPEJEVS WHITE COUGH MIX- JL TURE.—The most reliable, speedy, and agree- able cure for coughs, colds, asthma, bronchitis, con- sumption, and aU diseases of the lungs and air- pfcssages. It is soothing, comforting, and tranquil- lizing in its action, quite different from ordinary congn remedies. Affords relief after second dose Bottles, Is lid and 2s 9d each. Sold by all Chemists. CRACROFT'S ARECA-NUT TOOTH PASTE.—Regularly used every morning the teeth are kept in beautiful order. All decaying and cleslr uctive tartar is removed from the enamel, which assumes its ivory, ike appearance. IRACROFT'S PASTE removes all causes V cf decay, and will preserve the teeth intact for many years. Branded Pots, Is each. Sold everywhere. CIRACROFT'S ARECA TOOTH PASTE. J By using this delicious Aromatic Dentifrice the enamel of the teeth becomes white,sound, and polished like ivory. It is exceedingly fragrant, and specially usefuL Get Cracroft's. DEAFNESS, NOISES IN THE EARS, &C. DELLAR'S ESSENCE FOR DEAF- NESS should always be tried, as in numbers of cases, seemingly incurable, it has done wonders. Slight deafness, obstructions in the ears, and the incessant humming ounds so frequent witii affected hearing, are removed. Sold everywhere. CORNS I CORNS! I CORNS III BUNIONS AND ENLARGED TOE JOINTS 111 CURED IN A FEW DAYS. DELLAR'S CORN AND BUNION PLASTERS are the only real remedy. They differ from all plasters, shields, or compositions. By instantly softening the callous surrounding the pain goes at once, the Corn soon following. Bunions and enlarged toe joints require more time but the action and relief is certain. Boxes, Is ljd. Sold everywhere. SILPHOLINE SOAP (a soap contain- k3 ing sulpholine), is a delicately retined, chemi- cally pure Soap, intended for general use, but specially by those endowed with sensitive skins. Common im- perfectiy prepared soaps, scented with injurious acrid oils, frequently cause skin diseases. For washing at all times, and bringing the skin to a soft, pliable, healthy condition, Sulpholine Soap holds the first place. Its odour is very pleasant, and the Soap not expensive. Tablets, 6d each. LIVER COMPLAINTS, BMOUSNESSII INDIGESTION, CURÈD BY STOMACH DERANGEMENTS, D R. KING'S DANDELION & QUININE LIVER PILLS (Witbout mercury), Act effectively on the liver, and, whilst mildly aperient, are all that can be desired. Dr. King's famous Piiis purify and clear the entire system by freeing the liver from sluggishness, causing the stomach to properly per- form its functions, quickly and entirely removing all feeling of headache, dizziness, oppressions at chest and back, disagreeable taste, nausea, indigestion, spasm, sensation of heaviness, and irritating depression attend ing bilious attacks and liver derangemeuis. BE SURE TO HAVE DR. KING'S PILLS. 247 SOLD EVERYWHERE. 11945 A WORD to the WISE Cause & cure of debility, want of energy, nnd premature cecay. In- structions to regain health and vigor. Sent on receiptor 4 stamps by Publishers, Fitealan-square, SUe&eld.U63. business bbrtsSts. WINTER g o O T s, THE DEMAND FOR OUR JpATENT DAMP pROOF BOOT, CONSTANTLY INCREASES. Our NEW AUTUMN and WINTER STYLES are now in Stock; amongst then; are several Novelties. Price 6s lid, 8s 6d, 10s 6d, 13s 6d, 16s 6d. Our PATENT DAMP-PROOF BOOTS are now thoroughly appreciated by the public, and the great favour with which they are regarded induces a certain class of manufa-cturers to offer worthless imitations. This we consider a great compliment to ourselves, imitation being the sincerest form of flattery. BOYLE AND CO., BOO T I H C H ANT S, 19, CHURCH STREET, 10, CHURCH-STREET, 2, HIGH STREET, 8, BUTE-STREET, 0 A R D I F F GO AND SEE some of the most KX 1 RAOPJUXA iY LINES in BOOTS anti HUE; evur o.'jertil to tl,l!' Cardiff Public at iu V CKE-SXREET, CARDIFE. THE FOUNDATION PRINCIPLE OF W pIt ICE & SONS, Busine s is that CUSTOM IS DRAWN BY THE MAGNET OF VARIEIT AND VALUE.' They are now showing considerable accessions of New, Fresh, and Attractive Stock in GENTLE,Nik;-Nls AN1) JUVENILES' READY-MADE CLOTHING, HATS, CAPS. SHIRTS, AND HOSIERY. At Prices that have never been lower tiom fiiauatao turers' Ht»nds ADDRESS THE CARDIFF HOUSE, 50 & 51, ST. MARY-STREET, 4 46 dt 47, CAROLINE CARDIFF. m jY/r U N D A Y'S k,V I R I "D II-N B (Trade Mark), No. 36996. (IORNS! A CERTAIN J CURE POR CORNS, i iORNS 1 Vy Painless and Harmless. CC;RNS This infallable remedy introduced by t MUNDAY has obtained a world-wide d lOxwN reputation. J'lie efficacy of V IRI- \_y DINE" may be jadged by its having CORNS Gured Corns of OTer oO years' standiug, which had resisted all other remedies. which had resisted all other remedies. CfY»"V« 1 J-1 succeeds where al Plasters and U-tW* o Caustics have failed /~10RNS IN REMOVING BOTH HARD OR SOFT CORNS AND WARTS. CORNS TESTIMONIALS. CApvc | From Mr A. W. CAMPBELL, Pier ORJSb Hotel, Ilfracombe. Mr Munday. (-IORNS SIR,— I feel I owe an acknowledge j ment to you for supplying me with your CORNS t wonderful VIR1DINF.. For yean I suffered a great deal of pain from a very C,.d1iTC obstinate com, but since applying your UEJA O remedy it is entirely gone. I may add that your VIRfDINE' lias removed CORNS | three troublesome corns from members of my family. CORNS AT>V1C, From Mr HOPKIN HOPKINS, d 1 UxviN o Gorseiaon, near Swansea. Dear f?ir,—I heartily congratulate CORNS y°u for your treatment for corns. The bottle JIT Viridine" you sent DM ^tfrtPlCQ t some tWe ago has proven almost | miraculous to the corns I bad on my feet. It is exactly the remedy what CORNS you recommend it to be, and I hope it will become more known in the prin- COR.NS 1 eipality, for there are, no doubt, hundreds of persons that would b« glad (JORNS IORNS CORNS IFroze Mdlle. MARIE MULLKR, >^rkt>vrc 1 Amsterdam, Holland. /^ORNS 1 Mr Munday. Dear SIR, — I bought a bottle of /^ORNS your qenuine Virictnie" some six \_y months ago in Paris, which cured me, COPxre f and as I am a principal d:mc?r yoa know my feet are my living. The bottle >-Njr\r»xro 1 bought did the service you reconi- lORNo 2 mended it, but I bought another on* afterwards which was forged and no (^ORNS As T want a bottle of genuine for a friend of miue, who is nearly >kr»xrci 1 mad with pain, wil; yon please send mo redirect. Md'ie. MARKS MUiJjER. /^ORNS From Mr D. ANTHONT, I Swansea. Dear Sir,—I myself have suffered C with corns, and tried several of the ORNS certain cures which people boast thejr have, but they all failed in any case. I C^ORNS 1 then got a bottle of your Viridine," and by applying some nighly to the t and by applying some nighly to the corn I was surpnsed to find that I could CORNS Idraw it clean up. I now enciese sumpt lUlviN O draw it clean up. 1 now enclose stamp# J for another bottle for a friend of mine. ^JORNS I AJABMC | CAUTION.—As there are several im- I jv-,xw- • itations of this preparation, the public /"IORNS J Me re1uested AsiK l^'OR ^OENsi MDNDAY-S rioRNS! V I R I D I K B,' Vy And SEE THAT MY SIGNATURE is 00 th« CORNS! end of each package. \_y By ordering Corn Cure" you amy /nnwa 1 receive one of the many ao-caUsd I • "remedies" which only give relief, or some worthless imitation of Viri- COMS dine." Vy In Bottles, price la. by post Is 2d. PREFABEO ONLT BY J. M U N D A Y, CHEMIST, 1, HIGH-STREET, CARDIFF. Agents; London—WILCOX A Co., Chemists, 239. Oxford-street, W. F. NEWBERRY <fc SONS. SANGEli, SUTTON, HOVENDEN, Ac. Liv?rpo<;l— Yllms <& Co., fc8, Bold-street. Dttbliii-IiA I- & Co., 12, -;iftvu-street. Paris- J'H vRMAClK RERAL, 14, JlUOII de laPaix. Am«terdaui—PEURY & Co., S7, Kalvevstvaat. And all Chemists aud latent Medicine Veadora.