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TO GROCERS, PROVISION MERCHANTS, AND OTHERS. Th e We I s h man Newspaper and Steam Printing Company, Limited, HAS OPENED -A. WHOLESALE STATIONERY DEPARTMENT IN CONNECTION WITH THEIR PRESENT PRINTING AND BOOKBINDING BUSINESS. This Department will comprise Paper Bags of every description, Tea Paper, Sugar and Fruit Papers, Brown Papers, Vegetable Parchment Paper, Grease-proof Paper, Twines, &c., &c. < Full particulars as to Prices, &c., may be obtained on application to the MANAGER, 123, Lammas Street, Carmarthen. THB CARMARTHEN BILLPOSTING COMPANY, 16, BRIDGE STREBT, CARMARTHEN. BILLPOSTING and ADVERTISING, in all its J.W Branches, throughout the Counties of Carmarthen Pembroke, and Cardigan. R. M. JAMES, Manager. IMPORTANT NOTICE. STEPHENWILLIAMS, A LARGE SELECTION OF }{OUKETS, HEA.D STONES, CROSSES AND TABLETS, I 11 kinds of GR1Nrr & BE3f WEIHE MARBLE n Q, ALWAYS STOCK, 909 And may be seen in Showroom. L2909 A wONDERFU?M&DtC!NE.  P?U,.S ^m f 1 Aje univerwaly admitteato be ,? /TL.r?&B??Ot( billious and nervoUS disorders, such M an,l pain In .the iato.?h, sick headache, idaineBs, fu1UOBS and ilwe11- ing after meals, dizziness anddrow8ine! oold chills, flush, ings of heat, 10"3 Of aPPetit e shoi? of breath, cog  ana blotches on the skin. disturbea sieep) 'frightro dreams, ana all nervous ,a trembling Reuss' tions, &e. The first aose win give relief in twenty =:Mut- Thi, is no fiction) for they have a»M it in counti-a  earnestly invited to try one bos of S^tless oMes. ef rnestl ? invited to try one box.of? aSSnTSK ">at°"ledS6d to WOMH A. GUINEA A BOX. WORTH A GUINEA A BOX. WORTH A. GUINEA A BOX. 'For females of all ages tbey are invaluable. No female shouia n witbout tbem. Tbere is ot a meaicine to be any obstruction or S!uSty of th system. If taken acording to the aireetious given WIth each box, tbey will soon restore females of _I age9 to sound and robnat bealth. This hal SSS% SlS«9 *'jSiio bSSw them, and found Bssaassi. B]0!CB?'8 BILLS. BBECHAMS PILL s* BEE CHAM'8 PILLS. For a weak stomach *6'^f^^dMe^^ll of the 'dver, tbey "? like m ,,(, ana a few doses will o £ the liver, they w ^deB on the most important orgMiB -ihe found to work Tbey tt- vhol- M- li lS the human machin • Thev strengthen the whole m system, restore the jloonng g-lost complexion, bri_ng^ with the of the keen edge'o)E a,P!P«* ^hole physical energy of by membe" Of .11 classes of society ana one of the best  PILLS Mve, the LONgest Sak of patent m?u6n, ?TFofM. BBECHAM'S MAGIC COUGH PILLS. BBSCHA1C8 MAGIC COUGH PILLS. BBECHAM'8 MMHC cuu? r??. As a ?y' coughs in general, asthma, bronchial affections, hoarseness, shortness of breath, tightness and ?tiM.. ''°X"  Pills stand unnvallad. w ,ey W, the best ever offeredto the public and wili  remove that sense of Oppression anT difficulty breathing Wil ich nightly deprive the patient of ?,)St. Ut any person give BEECHAM'S COUGH PILLS a trial, -a the most violent cough will in short time be "Movea. — "?"0 °^ mi re1saareds«sJwT»sga-wtiar. anA p &tent i;h'W.o Delers everywhoro. IN BOXX I 9id, 1e lia, AND 2s 9d EAcnI.  Boo THE MOST NUTRITIOUS. EPPS'S GRATEFUL-COMFORTING. COCOA BREAKFAST AND SUPPER. GET A BOTTLE OF ILLOYD'S COUGH TONIC! I You will be surprised at the result, for it will positively STOP THAT COUGH I By your taking a single dose. It has never been known to fail, but will give relief to all sufferers from each distressing complaints as Coughs, Colds, Consumption, Bronchitis, Asthma, and all other affeotioci of the Throat, Chest, and Lungs, AT ONCE. A single bottle will prove its wonderful curative powers, and the above dangerous complaints will be quickly alleviated by its use. Sold in large Bottles at 1/1-1 and 2/6 each. TO BE HAD OF THE PROPRIETOR, A- E T E H LLOYD, CHEMIST & DRUGGIST, I 12, Lammas Street, and Mansel Street, Carmarthen. t' I ? The very Choicest Flour made in South ?coles from the above Mills. AH the principal ?lour Dealers stock it. Ask or| ?r & Co.'s Celebrated EXTRAS and I REDTIE, and see that you get them. TABONWY. Gwneir Y Ffiwr goreu yn Neheudir Cymrn I yn y Felin uchod a cbedwir ef mewn rtoc gaB yr boll brif siopwyr. Gofynwcb am EXTRAS a feavor Co., Ld., a goMweh eich bod yn ei cael. os am Vfiwr i -eya teiseulu, | <i Weaver's Extras yw y g >  •* sydryo enwog Tra. am f ars rhaa, iachusol, S.-W????S———'?" 7701 RENOWNED REMEDIES 1 HOLLOW A Y'S PILLS AND OINTMENT. J THE PILLS I purity the Biooa, correct all DIBOTDEI. O the LIVKB L STOMACH, KIDNBYS, AND BO?I-? ? .?t. ana restore to h -lth Dehilitat?  — in ? Comvwnts 1oI1e The, u."eo»t. « »»a d .to,. all &gee. F- Childxm and the "#>* tM» *™ yri"4" ^10 THE OINTMENT Ia M iof?Me remedy for Bad ? ? Breasts,^ Old jounds, ? m^oM 1? ? '——— for Goat.. Rieumatism- FOB DISORDERS OF THE    BE THROATS, BRONCHITIS, COUGHS, COLl>S, GLANDULAR SWELLINGS, ""a 011 SKIN DiSEASES ii boB no rifti; ""a for con" .na -tiff join" ii -to like ebar- I MmulMtoredonlj't tHOMW HOLMWAT'S EsotMiehment, 78, NEW OXFORD STREET (late 633, OXFOED mEET a.a are ,old all. lid, 2a gas 40 6a, 11.. 221. ana 339 each Bos or Po\a may b, hod of aU JlocI" „ „ -?A?? ?", Advio. Gratis allhuho.. adelr. claily. bel".an thA hoon of 11 ana 4. o. by 1.lto. i The ^ty^ Cure for Gout, Rbeumatic Gout and Gravel; the safest and most gentle Medicine for Infants, Children Delicate Fe- The UnIversal RemedY for ACIdIty of the 3tomach, 1 d th 8i r.  ?'"??? rT 3aeadaelle, Heartburn Indigestion, sour Er-actations, ness 0 regnancy. r Affections-  NAGNSIA I ??ttt??M??———Sold Throughout the World. ■, H.B.-ASK FOR DINNEFORD'S MAGNESIA. ? i 1 HENRY THOMAS'S I GREAT "WINTER — SALE — I NOW PROCEEDING, FOR TWO WEEKS ONLY, COMMENCING SATURDAY, JANUARY 6TH, 1900. IMMENSE REDUCTIONS IN ALL DEPARTMENTS. i-I MANTLES and FURS to be Cleared regardless of Cost. GUILDHALL I I CARMARTHEN. BUYERS & CONSUMERS OF FLOUR ÅBJI ATJTIONED AGAINST ACCEPTING ANY OTHEE MARK OF SO-CALLED 66 REDTIE THAN THAT LABELLED IN BED P APER- & BAKERS, LillJ. ¿,"V"\y lted, llEDTIE ^^OLIFF BAOK. Ticketed SPILLERS & BAKERS, LTD. REDTIE. BRISTOL. rms favourite Flour was S introduced WTTTTAM J!un & SONS, Bristol, and is still BA9,t theL Bristol Mills, and is kept in stock by &U. the leading Grocers and Flour Dealers in the district. See that your Flour has on the La-bel or Ticket the words SPILLERS & BAKERS, L TD, BRISTOL, AS WELL AS REDTIE) AND REFUSE TO ACCEPT ANY OTHER. a Sl B AlChoice Stock of Monuments, Headstones, Crosses, &c., in Red, Grey, Blue, Black, and Green Granites, beautifully polished. CREA.PEBT ROUSE IN THE TRA-DE FOR BEST )[A.TERUL & GOOD WORKMANSHIP 1!o THE DEFIANCE GUN. ?c 50S. m, Q?? TRY IT, AND COMPARE WrrR tI S- GUNS SOLD ELSEWHERE AT 80s. 12-Bore, Central Fire, Double-Barrel Breechloader, Left Choke, Top or Doable Grip Action, with Lever under Gvanl6 Twist Barrels, Horn Heel Plate, Walnut Stock, DouMfr Bolt, Rebounding Locks, Patent Fore End, &c Sound and well made. Warranted to shoot and handle well. Prioe 50s.; worth 80s. Carriage paid. Satisfaction guaranteed or cash returned. Do not buy Guns at a Shop. Deal dirac? with the actual manufacturers, and save all retail profits. Beautifully Illustrated Catalogue, full of interesting useful information concerning Guns, Watches, &c., Poet Free. B. & H. DAVIS, FAR-KILLING GUN MANUFACTURERS, 31, Newton Road, Birmingham. [3427 J. B. ARTHUR, WHOLESALE GROCER, CORN, FLOUR, AND SERD, MERCHANT, PRIORY STREET, AND THE QUAY STOBBe CARMARTHEN. BARLEY, ROUND AND FLAT CORN, FLOUB INDIAN MEAL, BARLEY MEAL, MIDDLINGS, BRAN, fto-, AT LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. I THOMAS' PHOSPHATE! THOMAS. PHOSPHATE A large consignment just arrived. PRICES VERY MODERATE. Sole Agent for the DUBLIN & WICKLOW celebrated MANURES. i And returned to yon poet free from lB. per 0. by 1. HODGES, ER BAZAAR TENBr I PRACTICAL HAIR WORKER, BAZAAR, TENBY The Cheapest Home in Wales tor al Hair work. The new deep ^Tlaoiirr-WWaav^ing Pi ress.indispensable for style, 28 3d post free.  fringe Net, 3s. per d«fc Our own mak, e of application. Price Lists, &c,, free on application. DENTAL NOTICE. MR. J. MACPHAIL, SURGEON DENTIST, 10, KING STREET, CARMARTHEN, (Opposite Lloyd's Bank), m /r AY be consulted daily in all branches of the Trotm M swn, from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. American Dentistry a Speciality. Established over 20 years in Carmarthen, after long exper ience with the Principal Dentists in London and Edinburgh. Llanelly-Every Thursday. Carclliran-First Monday in the Month. 11 rOWY WORKS SPECIA.L DEPARTMENT. SANITARY SURVEY AND TESTING OF DRAINS. 1 NEW DEPARTURE IN THE IXTERESTS OF PUBLIC HEALTH. I S? r^"°^°s/MtI p,,pz?ea to test the Drains rd Pa?5 of Private Houses Hotels0 » lic InBtitut,on», Dairies, ^d Oow She^ w>t the view of suppre??W PREVi-NrLBLE Diseases, T lh £ theria, Tuberculosis, Soviet Fever, Measleg SON theria, Tu^erc 1°6\' my desire, in these Sarvej^ Throats, &c. jIt t i to inform those wbo e°8-Sa(;e me to point cut Ute exact position of ^e*isainng airs in ord^r to aYoi4 risks from oattata iQU8 Di8ea8ee> 'LtA ?the ? g? reat wXch?y f.l?.. ? the greaot f the t ?ptaila of SM't&ry woft. The Surveyswi embrace sueh importaat qaefo tions S?M ? Dr&m.?g? ? ?' Lgc?e6u. eh importa? q? tions as Drainage, 'V otilatiotlj Water Supply, Plumbing?OTkInoanyi? '? these out the mtew^ of my Clients will be kept in T.ew and no alteratI^o» of my CUenta ???  ?h.t con?dered ? solutely neary, t_e ensuring the requisite IMO«rt tssa Personal B1]perviion 9 iven to the T-ting of Drslo? Sanitary APParatus, Be4ting, Ventilating, We- Wøø, Range Setting, and High-class Plumbing by JAMES DATIE8 ■ Member Int¡tituteSanitaTy Enineer8, MembeI'I.. ('. ]aeating and Ventilating Engineers, C er?-?'fied owe Bc"it■iKnl; Eitfrss^ VDip,on!l (London) b y Exa.m., First-Class DiplOmIL for Plumbing Work), B.US COKSCLTDfO Towy Works, C?-niarthe? P.a ?f J{edicøl I   FERRU- OOOOA EIIRICHES tub .?? »«J fa TlF£ xLrCOrjoAce«g«" £ avaieoau txa* ?r.M .?".M     ?A;?'?'????''? tlig _rl tD t4 Ftrtu-Oac ja ?Mt, ?ft -?t? ft¡. ('(', ".WETT, TIn ',1' T/)noN..C ;i:i'- 1 ✓