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AN EXPLANATORY CATECHISM. 1. What is e??y? Bvans' Quinine Bitters ? An excellent vegetab1e Remedy, prepared in the most !>lr-Hful and scientific m-Anner, and conhiniog the most skilful and scieciti « generally acknowledged i ta he the beat remedial agents, a.nd to p08<ess the most bealing and curative properties, It is now extensively used in many countrIes, and everywhere acknowledged S??tT?B.oBM?yt'w.. ? What does it contain ? Ó80'J;iiiê and ths active prindples o^ the  ?eU-?own herb.: Sarsaparilla, Sal trot,, Gentian Vwender. Bur4o'k, and Dandelion, scientifically jssr and in Buob happy rr ^M to form I ???Bi%tteM ?poei?tively ?uneq? ualled.? ? 3. What is !t??t<Mt ? It aseists and promotes Digestion, strengthens the Ncr?? s and Muscles, purifies the Blood, enlivens the S? pi?. "15 terso?^ Ympunt?es in t?Human Body. o?g8 ives tone to the whole sys-  in the Human Blody. I'd fortifies those parts which tern. It ?°?? ?DiaoMe, and are consequently bavebeen ^Sthful inaaeucea. It has more habie Recommendations as the Best Family Medidne and a remedy for every kind of Weakness. 4. What Diseases is it specially recommended for ? Infl1 uenza» oann^ d the after.eSeotaof an attack of Innaenza, and the after.effeots of an tta.ck ofl Influerza> Indigestion, Chest Affections and Diseases of Inilu<?..? their various forms, Neuralgia and all S'? Dlorders Depression of Spirits. General  ofAppet?.SIeepl?ne. 5.Muzt patients confine Jtemselves mthin doors tchen? tHing it 7 No tbe. working man need not abstain from his N° ^otheffrorherhousetoW^uU s   ?o?hoolw?eu??t. 6. Is there any difficulty in procuring it There- nee1 v b0°~nr>a ? ?nd:?or? b:' f? Chemists and /„Patfent t MMe^ dicine Vendor8, or will be for- warded direct by the torg rcasr.age on warded direct by .? Lold in bottles 2'. 9d. and 4s 6d reCSPt Be ware of' Imitations. See the name Gwilym I Evans" on Label, Stamp, and Bottle. SOLE PROPRIETORS QCINISP. BltTEES I MAN-CFiCTOEIfS COMPANY, LIMITED. LLANELLY. SOUTH WALES. STRONG TESTIMONY. THIS IS CARMARTHEN TESTIMONY, AND WILL STAND INVESTIGATION. If you doubt this and wish to investigate it, j you haven't to go to some other town in England to do so. It's not a long story about a resident of Maidstone or Glasgow; it's about a resident of Carmarthen. Mrs. Jane Morgan, 01 6, Little Water Street, Carmarthen, says I am 53,-years of age, and for a long time past I have suffered from bad backaches and sharp shooting pains across my loins, caused by my kidneys being deranged. I have tried a good many remedies for this, but failed to find any relief. Seeing Doan's i Backache Kidney Pills advertised in the Car- marthen paper, I went to Williams' Drug Stores in Guildhall Square and obtained a box, and since taking them the pains have entirely gone, and my kidneys are acting quite naturally and freely. "I feel better in every way, and the distress- ing symptoms of kidney complaint have quite left me. I cannot speak too highly of the pills, as they have done so much for me." Signed, (Mrs.) Jane Morgan. Doan's Backache Kidney Pills are sold by all chemists and drug stores at 2s. 9d. per box (six boxes, 13s. 9d.), or sent direct, post free, on receipt of price from the Proprietors, Foster- McClellan & Co., 57, Shoe Lane, London. If you have symptoms of any kidney trouble write us about it fully. We will be glad to reply. As these pills are not purgative you can take them without interfering with your work. Be sure you ask for the same pills that Mrs. Morgan used. I [3885 1 i 1899-1900. DAVIES & SONS, JEWELLERS, WATCHMAKERS, AND SILVERSMITHS, 5, GUILDHALL SQUARE, CARMARTHEN, I INVITE THE ATTENTION OF THEIR NUMEROUS PATRONS TO THEIR tCHOICE SELECTION OF CHRISTMAS & NEW YEAR'S GIFTS. SOLID SILVER, ELECTRO PLATE, LEATHER, AND FINE CIFIINA. Their STOCK this SEASON is UNRIVALLED in the THREE COUNTIES. PRICES, FROM 3/6. THE GREAT REMEDY FOR COUGHS, COLDS, ASTHMA, I T v OL* CK C U R Ili ? I I FOR BRONCHITIS, SPITTING OF BLOOD, AND ALL AFFECRIJNS OF TfIg THR)AT AND LUNG3. Bottles Is. lid and 2s. 9d. I PBEPA.;EDND SOLD BY ? -T-% ??.?<j? AW -w '.A 1-1 lw & 9  7, Guildhall Square, Carmarthen. l- THE NEW CARDIFF MILLING CO. (LIMITED), CARDIFF. FLOURS "RED STAR" BRAND. FINES, LEATHERS, RED TIE, AND EXTRAS, OF SUPERIOR STRENGTH, PURITY, AND FLAVOUR, PRODUCING BREA.D OF EXCELLENT QUALITY AND SWEETNESS. RED STAR BRAND SUPPLIED BY ALL FIRST-CLASS GROCERS. FINES, LEATHERS, RED TIE, AC EXTRAS. 0 gryfder uchelaidd, puredd, a blasus, yn cynnyrchu Bara 0 rmwe ragorol a melus. RED STAR BRAND. Yn cael ei ddiwallu gan holl GROCERS blaenaf. 13808 —— BOOKBINDING! BOOKBINDING!! THE 1" "Welshman" Steam Printing AND Bookbinding Works. EVERY DESCRI-PTION OF BOOKBINDING EXECUTED WITH NEATNESS AND DISPATCH. BOOKBINDING-In all its Branches. BOOKBINDING-Fancy and Commercial. I BOOKBINDING-In best Russia and other Leathers. 1 BOOKBINDING-Bibles, Albums, Music, &c., bound in any style. razines boi-iii d in Publi-,heri' Cas' I BOOKBINDING-PeriodicalsanOIagaZines bound in Publisher, C as. 1 FOR prices, APPLY to f The Manager, 123, Lammas Street, Carmarthen i






