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TO GROCERS, PROVISION MERCHANTS, AND OTHERS. The "Welshman" Newspaper and Steam Printing Company, Limited, HAS OPENED st.. *Hr'T\r JA HL *?vTv 7* TJELT?Jr??<?? .J?T.ir -jL'jEEirj'!c?:s ) JA ?JTLr j J*EBrU !c? srJrL i JA ? rTJF- JTL T?<? ? JTLrsN rr JTEiirj 'TJCE? ? ?JsL 7? JTL? ?JTS? ? JT? ?A ?J1r?? ? 'TT?jTL\?//ir ..J2L?JL?< '?JTLr? -L y IN CONNECTION WITH THEIR PRESENT PRINTING AND BOQKBINDINGr BTJSINESS. This Department comprises Paper Bags of every description, Tea Paper, Sugar and Fruit Papers, Brown Papers, Vegetable Parchment Paper, Grease-proof Paper, Twines, &c., &c. Full particulars as to Prices, &c., may be obtained on application to the MANAGER, 123, Lammas Street, Carmarthen. THE CARMARTHEN BILLPOSTING I COMPANY, 16, BRIbGR STREET, CARMARTIZAN. BILIPOSTING and ADVERTISING, in all itt o Branches, throughout the Conntiea of Carmarthen Pembroke, and Cardigan. B. M. JAMES, Manager. I IMPORTANT NOTICE. STEPHEN WILLIAMS, MONUMENTAL WORKER, SPRING GARDENS, WHITLAND. A LARGE SELECTION OF MONUMENTS, ESAD STONES, CROSSES AND TABLETS, In all kinds of GRiNrT;:tj & B W, i f WtIfTE MARBLE ALWAYS 1:-1 STOCK, And may be seea in Showroom. 2909 A WONDERFUL MED!C!ME. HEECHAM? &re P?:PiLLS?? for I ???????? !:mcb as wind and Pain ID ?Btomach. sick headache. ?id?MM. fulness '? ? iM a?r meals, dizziness and drowsiness, cold chills, n?nsh-' S? S ?eat.los. of appetite, .hortu? of breath, coa S??rvey and blotches on the skin ?? ? MKhtfui dreams, and all nervous and ?embhnf? Bensa SSB.&c. The nrst dose wiU ?e relief in twenty mnte? ThiB is no action, for they have done it in countless cases. ?v? Xer ia earnestly invited to try one bo. of theae Pilla, and they will be acknowledged to be WORTH A GUINEA A BOX. VORTH A GUINEA A BOX. WORTH A GUINEA A BOX. F?femalesofall?t?e ?l? No female should be without them. There is not a medicine to be f?oond ?uS ft?m for Te?n. any obstruction or ??? ? ?tem If taken according to the ??? ?n ? each box, they will soon restore J?M &? sound and rob?t health. This haj ? ?edb?housands who have tried them, and found tS ltJSnta which are ensured by their use. t;EECHAM'8 PILLS. BEECHAMS PILL'S. BEECHAM'8 PILLS. For a weak stomach, impaired diction, and alldisordere .of the liver, they act like magic, and a few doses will S ? Sfoondto work wonders on the most important organs of S ? hnman machine. They strengthen Ac whole mus. ,ul" Xm, restore the long-lost complexion, bring "?iX t? keen edge of appetite, and arouse into action ?? rSSi? h?h the whole physical energy of Eehn?ra?. These are FACTS testi6edoontinuaUy ?meS?cf all classes of society; and one ?ebe .naranteea to the nervous and debilitated is BEECHAM ?B ?SSuK? L<?i S.? o/ ?v P?tMt Me<hcw m fAs WorU. BEECHAM'S COUGH PILLS. BEECHAM'8 COUGH PILLS. BEECHAM'S COUGH PILLS. As remedy for coughs in general, astha, bronchial ?????S:?????????????? tightness and remou of the ebest, &c., theBe Pills stand unrivalled. 71 y are the best ever effered to th public, and will #ve?dry remove that sense of oppressIon ad difficulty ?????c??????? zmt. Let any PM*SOU give BEECHAM'S COUGH PILL8 a ?. ? Ee ?rTiolent cough wiU in a .horttimebe femoved. Prepared only by the Proprietor, THOMAS BEECHAM St. Hekuls, Lancashire, and sold by all Oruggiata an d Patent Medicine Dealers everywhere. IN BOXES, la lid, AND 2a 9d FA -M. PMH JXreeMoTM <M'e gill/m totth each BM THE MOST NUTRITIOUS. EPPS'S GRATEFUL-COMFORTtNG. COCOA BPEAKFAST AND SUPPER. The very Choicest Flour made in South Wales: comes from the above Mills. All the prinotpal Flnur Dealers etoea it. Ask fw Weaver .& 'Co.'s Celebrated EXTRAS and REDTIE, and see that you get them. T ARONWY. Gwneir y FRwr goreu yn Neheudu* Cymra j yn y Felin uchod, a chedwir ef mewn stoc gan j yr boll brif siopwyr. Gofynwch am EXTRAS a ) REDTIE o wneuthuriad Weaver & Cr. Ld.&) gofalwch eich bod yn ei cael. ? -o j Os am FNwr i wneyj teiaenaa, Weaver's Extraa yw y goreu; Ac am dorth o 5aa godidog, Weaver'3 Redtie sydd yn enwog Tra am fara rhad, iachuaol, M&e Weaver's Finea yn anghydnmrol. 770] ???<H??-?j<??t?m????Ja? ? t ?° F?????-? ??P??k:?B?5 '? ? === Q ? jo ? ? A. Choice Stock of Monuments, Headstones, Crosses, &c., in Red, Grey, Blue, Black, and Green Granites, beautifully polished. CHEAPEST SOUSE 11 THR TRADE FOR BEIIT MATERIAL & GOOD WORKMANSHIP RENOWNED REMEDIES HOLLOWAY'S PILLS AND OINTMENT. THE PILLS Parity the Blood, correct all Diaordera e the LIVER, STOMACH, KIDNEYS, AND BOWELS They invigorate and reatore to health Dehilitated Conatitntiona, and are inTatoaNe in all Complaint* tocidenM to Females of all agea. For Children and the aged they are prioelem. THE OINTMENT Is an infallible remedy for Bad Lega, Bad Breaata, Old Wonnda, Sorea and Ulcera. It it famooe for Goat Md Bhoamatiam. FOR DISORDERS OF THE CHEST IT HAS NO EQUAL. For BE THROATS, BRONCHITIS, COUGHS, COLDS, GLANDULAR SWELLINGS, and all SKIN DISEASES it has no rival; and for contracted and atiff jointa it aota like a charm. Manufactured only at FHOMAS HoM.owAT'a Eatabliahment, 78, NEW OXFORD STREET (late 533, OXFORD STREET), LONDON and Me sold at la lid, 2a 9d, 4a 6d, lla, 22a, and 33a each Box or Pot, and may be had of all Medicine throughout the World. N.B.—Advice Gratis at the above addreaa, daily, between the honM of 11 and 4. or by letter. ) The Physicialn's Cure for Gout, nheumatic Gout and Gravel; the safest and most gentle If{E Medicine for Infants, Children Delicate Fe- The Universal Remedy for Acidity of the Stomach, Children, Delicate Fe- Headache, Heartburn, Indigestion, Sour Eructations, nessof Pregnancy Bilious Affections. ness 0 regnancy. a.. DINNEFORDS Sold Throughout the World. N.B.-ASK FOR DINNEFORD'S MAGNESIA. [S343 I HARRY JAMES, I HAIRDRESSER AND TOBACCONIST, IV.JOHN STREET (OPPOSITE MERLIN BREWERY). COMPETENT HANDS E:EPT. I PRIVATE HAIRCUTTING AND SHAVING ROOM. FAMILIES WAITED ON AT THEIR RESIDENCES. RAZORS GROUND AND SET. FRED. ROWE, Manager. 5032 DAY, SON, & HEWITT'S NEVER-TAILING LAMBING AND CALVING REMEDIES. THE CHEMtCAL EXTRACT. For Anointing after Calving and Lambing. For Straining and Preventing Gangrene. For all Sores, Wounds, and Swollen Udders. For Sor" ThroatSt Strains, atd Rheum" ti sm. Price 2/6, 3/6, and 7/- per bottle. THE RED DRENCH. For Cleansing after Lambing and For Hide Bonnd, Red Water, und y.¡¡ .wa. For Chills, Fevers, Loss of Cud, and Quirter III Purinea the Blood, and Prevents Milk t''ever. 3/6 per doz. (Ewes); 13/- per dúz. (Cows). THE GASEOUS FLUID. I For Prostration and Debility in Cows and Ewe9. I For Low Condition, und Hoven or Blown. For dcour and Diarrhoea, and Co!ic or Gripes. For Cjnj;os. Colds. T.nd Loss of Aouet'ta. I Pr£ce 1/9 pffr bottle, 20/- per dozen. THE GASEODYNE. For DE D!<JIN\J Pain. Used as Laudanum. Por straining and Heaving in Ewes. For SeveM Diarrhoea and Influenza. For Paining in Bad Caving and Lambing. Pr£ce 3/6 per bottle. Any Article supptied separatety, and despatched by Parcel Post same day.  W 7ten ordering Full and easy in- When ordering strucUom for use sent, plerlse say if required also special .PamjJ Met .1M' EWES only, COWS on Rearing of Calre8 only, Qr for both. The and Lambing and success of these CMsts Oalving Di-sorders. lat year iva8 unpre- -Prices Complete, Carriage Paid, JE1 10s., £3 3s, and JE55s \PJ:¡shed Chests Gratis). < W,Royal Animal Medicine Manufactory .m ?? 22, DORSET 81'REE1', LOND(), W. h:aŸe8n Imitations. 32, DORSET STREET, LONDON, W. r???- "? ? THE NEW CARDIFF MILLING CO. (LIMITED), C A H ID I F F. FLOURS — "RED STAR BRAND. FINES, LEATHERS, RED TIE, AND EXTRAS, OF SUPERIOR STRENGTH, PURITY, AND FLAVOUR, PRODUCING BREAD OF EXCELLENT QUALITY AND SWEETNESS. RED STAR BRAND I SUPPLIED BY ALL FIRST-CLASS GROCERS. FINES, LEATHERS, RED TiE, AC EXTRAS. 0 gryfder uchelaidd, puredd, a blasus, yn cynnyrchu Bara o rinwedd ragorol a mel us. RED STAR BRAND. Yn cael ei ddivanu gan holl GROCERS blaenaf. r3809 THE (i WELSHMAN" I STEAM PRINTING & BOOK- BINDING WORKS, 23, LAMMAS-STREET, CARAFARTHBIV EVERT DESCRIPTION OF PRINTING, BOOKBINDING, DiE STAMPING, AND MACHINE RULING by skilkdworkmm at <A< akvo Worti .114 prompttws and Jt<pa<eA. PRINTING— Drapers and other cheap Hand- bills. PRINTING— Mourning Cards (a large selec- tion), Visiting and AddreM Cards, Menus, Ball Programmer &c. PRINTING- Pamphlets, Cathlogues, Particu- lars and Conditions of Sale, &e PRINTING- Plain and Artistic. PRINTING- Noteheadings, MemorandumB, Billheads, &c. PRINTING- Auction, Concert, Eisteddfod, and other Posters. PRINTING— Pamphlets, Catalogues, Particu- lars and Condisions of Sale, &e. PRINTING- Mourning Cards (a large selec- tion), Visiting and Addreea Cards, Menus, Ball ProgrammM, &c. MACHINE RULING- Rental Books and Sheets doB< in best style. MACHINE RULING- Account Books, &c., ruled an4 printed to any pattern. MACHINE RULING- Minute and other Books doze for Public Bodies at reasonable prices. MACHINE RULING- Executed upon Hand m&da Azure-Laid, and other papers. BOOKBINDING— Periodicals and Magazines bound in Publishers' CMM. Ratimatea and full particulars may be obtained on MaM cation to THE MANAGER, 1M, LAMMA8.8TREET. CABMAKTJBLEK.