Aj?ED CHURCH TO THE POOR WORSE THAN NO CHURCH AT ALL.-Much has h., "Ifu'4 about the operation of the Pew System how have you Oulld that operate ? Answer: Several of the Churches ??Pend '"? nP°Q Pew rents have very little accommodation '"deed tor the poor, and the consequence is that the poor ?o tOn" t ?tend. I have often remarked that reaUy it is woree ae te attend. I ban often remarked that really it is worse 44 l"gmrds ?? poor only, that there is a Churoh, beoauM !t ?te? "'? any further exertion being made to build a Church I do not mean to say that it does no good. »o„e Of these Churches are wel l attended, but as to the poor th e?4'eivee I it is really practicaHy worse than if there was 110 r°k at a)t. Why do you think it worse for the poor th if there was no Churoh ? .?MM?.' While there is a fc«jj|reh in the District there is no likelihood of another 149 raised specially for the poor: the existing Church oes ?ot answer any good purpose for the poor, it might as ,*el eat the Land's End.—?ft?MM by CHARLES GROVES, ?o? °f Liverpool, ??/br6 the Commiltee of the FoMM of JWT? Spiritual 2)?<t<M<!OM. 't, é 'fJcte on the ?'?' of the Pew System, apply to Mr. ?. ^n rlmley, 6, Dale Street, Liverpool. ^«h-LrL,Y RAILWAY AND DOCK COMPANY. (Swan sea Lines TJndertakina.) J??CE IS HEREBY GIVE,' That an 1,?XTRAORDINARY GENERAL MEETING of the 8h, re Ciders m The Swansea Linea Undertaking" of the P llPany« will be held at the Offices of the Company, $0 34 nf0a* Westminster, on THURSDAY, ? 27th day of OCTOBER instant, at One o'Clock precisely, for tije of considering and, if approved, of passing a Nutirrp08e oon9idering and, if approved, of passing a regal lltloill authorising the Directors of the Company to money, in respect of the Swansea 144 O? ljtldertaking, as the Company are authorised to bor- *<>», jn ? that Undertaking, under the Hanelty ? Dn»ei?'>eo^ 'hat Undertaking, under the Llanelly fot» 1863," and The Llanelly Railway and °ck cp .°er Powers) Act, 186?." and which the Di- !?reh ?'? °°? ???" already authorised to borrow by an Y?r 0* General Meeting of the Shareholders in the ?*eu-"? dertaking ttie Shareholders in the « October 1864 BY ORDER. th October, 1864. ttELLY RAILWAY AND DOCK COMPANY ?C??a?Ae? Line C??e?'???.? IN^SLIS HERIBY GIVEN, That an abarebR9RDINARY GENERAL MEETING of the K areholdpA"• ln "?? Carmarthen Line Undertaking" of r 'hove otnPany, will be held at the Offices of the •f0t0Paoy N' 3, Grea t George-street, Westmin iter, on ?SDAY?"? ?th day of OCTOBER instant, at One o'Clook h'?ely't' ? the purpose of considering and, if approved, it Pike O"Dg a resolution, authorising the Directors of the time to time, to borrow such sum or sums Of ?onpf?' In respect of the Carmarthen Line Undertaking, ?he -0'Bpany are authorised to borrow, in respect of that lJ4d,'t'lkiog Ut)? i"'?°" g, under the LlaneDy Railway (New Lines) Act .?ol, the "Hanelly Railway and Dock Act, 1862," ?d' ?ae Hanelly Railway and Dock Act, 1863." Ti BY ORDER. ?T?) I!y, 6th October 1864 BY ORDER. J O H N DAVIES, t, J?z?r??, #c., 'py,?? YCWM, NEAR LLANSAWEL ??GS to return his most sincere thanks to his O"Btoraeri and friends, for the kind patronage he has from them since be has commenced business, and tio? to inform them that he has taken the veg large and tatu %"dious Malthouses, &c., of T. Williams, Esq., Bridge- ,Kr eet, Liall 10 (who is retiring from business), and intends Ml* chaelmas next to carry on business at that place as -t,r, rewer, Hop, Seed, and Porter Merchant, and ?Us(, ? endenouring to produce genuine articles, he ?ree e'' ve a share of public patronage. J Carmarthen MARKETS, SLAUGHTER HOUSES, AND QUAY DUES, &c. M MORRIS EVANS, Auctioneer, will Let .l' v ?TTCTTr. ATTPTTnN .t the fxIIILDHAXT,. CAR- ?H? on WEDNESDAY, the 26th day OI OCTOBER met., ?th???te!y after the Letting of the Tolls of the Carmar. the?''? Turnpike Roads, advertized to take place at 12 6'eto?°?°)'?r one year, commencing on the let at'441Y next LCJT I-All '?? Rents, Tolls, and StaHage arising from the Provision Markets, comprising upwards of 70 But S?"PS & Stalls, a Fish Market, covered Stand- ?'fo?'? sale of manufactured goods, and ample StaUs, "?? d??. ? for the Sale of Corn, Poultry. Vegetables, Fruits, %lid Otherprod no e, together with the tolls of the Woolroom. ?? Dues aridng from the extensive Cattle ?ket and Slaughter-houses erected near the Provision U'ket ^e8e Tolls, &c., are payable under Act of Par- ""aent ? ?"'°X ample power to enforee the reoovery thereof "? to?'ent the sale of marketable produce elsewhere ?Tan"'th)n the Market .Lot 2 <?y and Landing Does, and those of the ra»e Wei8bing Machine, near the Custom House. Theo ?'?°?s of Letting will be read on the day of Sale, ? 'Ta?-[ be ?en, with the Table of ToUa and the Rules and 1, YAe L4 'It the Town Clerk's Office. BiJder for Lot 1, may as a security or oo faith. be "quired w requi,r- ed by ? Town Clerk, previous to his bidding bfing ?Pted deP°8it with him the sum of £2, which w.H be ?ted't the Corporation in case such bidder shaH not *<'tttp?"'° '? the Conditions of Letting. TheRenter ? Lot 1 will be required to pay the Rent The R. advance throughout the year, the first payment ? ? m"? ? on the first day of January next, and also to ??ad pa.y0?P?ed Surety or Sureties in the sum of £ 300 "Yraeut of the Rent and compliance with the Rules of the ?ketR. ? Conditions of Letting. ..The "?? of Lot 2 will be required to find a surety for 'h< ptS"'? °^e-^ent quarterly. urt er ar tioulare may be had on application to MR. N ?a 0 As, Town Clerk, Carmarthen. 0 ri I er a ONce, Carmarthen, ■ 6etober, 1864. SIGNAL PROVINCIAL BANK OF ENGLAND. LONDON, 23rd AUGUST, 1864. A E DIRECTORS of the NATIONAL PRO- ?ANr? ??? OF ENGLAND give Notice, that a ?liANnoIAl' their Establishment will be opened m CAR- lO  ??. ? the Premises No. 59, KING-STREET, •o 800n as some necessary alterations have been completed. By Order of the Board of Directors, ALEXANDER ROBERTSON, 1 Joint General E. ATKINSON, ) Managers. RATIONAL PROVINCIAL BANK! OF ENGLAND. OFFICE—112, BISHOPSGATE-STBEET, LONDON, ESTABLISHED IN THE YEAR 1833. Subscribed Capital. £ 2,100,000 Capital paid up 960,000 Reserve Fund • 209,452 Number of Shareholders, 1593. DIRECTORS. The Right Honourable Lord Earnest Augustus Charles Brudenell Bruce, M.P., 7, St. George's-place, Hyde-park Corner, London. Charles Heaton Ellis, Esq., 49, Harley-Btreet, Cavendish -?'quare, London. Ohn OHver Hanson, Esq., Great Winchester-street, and 4, Jo ??set-squatp, London. j Kingston, Esq., 6, Crosby-square, London. j 'l\ Laurie, Esq., Maxwilton-house, Dumfnes-Bhire, and 114, St. George's-place, Hyde-park Corner, London. Sj«hry M'Chlery, Esq., 16, LeadenhaU.Btreet, London. t?.Jas.Maxwetl, Esq" Richmond, Surrey. letiry p?u, Esq., M.P., 33, Devonshire-place, Portland- .'?are. London Bir'Sibbald D?"? Scott, Bart., 33, Leinater-gardens, a d 58, Upper Seymour-street, ?ch.rd' Blaney° ?e, Esq" 58, Upper Seymour-atreet,  ??-?aare. ld I Honour^le Eliot Thomas Yorke, M.P., 124, Park- ?et, Gronenor.square, London.  aniel R b HONORARY DIRECTOR. y?Robertson Esq 24, Carlton-hill, St. John's Wood' '?oo, (t?e General Manager). Copies f S&j?' ? the Thirty.nrst Annual Report and Lists of llhl,reholders can be had on application at the Carmarthen ^r&nch k fr?Bank receives Money on Deposit, at rates varying f. n time to time, accNding to the ?atue of money. t.?? Accounta. Creditor, and Overdrawn are conduc- Won tbe '"?' terms and great facilities are afforded to ?h? ? ""? Individuals who keep accounts with ?the Bank ?? t?mission of moneys through its Branches, without *ny e charge for Commission. Tk of the Bank are controlled exclusively by a lift ?dJ on Board of DiVectors and perfect secrecy is therefore «e,Hdinthe°°?VeTPeT°; 5l*ltb the Bank enters into a declaration of Lse,crrePcey &a to ?v, accounts at the establishment. in Government Stocks, R?? Shares, and, <'ther??"?? are made through the Bank, on ? usual ?S' ?'"?M Notes for the Continent can also, be pro- ?re By Order of the Board of Directors. ALEXANDER ROBERTSON, Joint General EDWARD ATKINSON, ) Managers. L?<? don, ?guat. 1864. HEADS OF COLLEGES. TO SCHOOLMASTERS, &c. FREDERICK BENTLEY, of 4, WIND-STREET, J' SWANSEA, supplies Colleges and Schools on the most liberal terms. Twenty per Cent. for cash off Books, Copybooks, and all School requisites.-All Orders forwarded are punctually executed. COLLIERY PROPRIETORS, WORKS, &c. TO COLLIERY PROPRIETORS, WORKS, &c. STATIONERY and ACCOUNT BOOKS of all sorts and sizes kept constantly in Stock, and sold at the lowest market rate by FREDERICK BENTLEY, 4, Wind- Street, Swansea. ORDER BENTLEY'S GUINEA LEDGER." All Orders of Y,5 and upwards sent Carriage Free. PHOTOGRAPHIC ALBUMS in every variety J[ from Is 6d to JE5 5s., and every description of Fanejr Articles sent post free at the lowest current rate, by I FKEDBKICK BENTLEY, 4, Wind-Street, Swansea. PIANOFORTES and HARMONIUMS by the JL Best Makers at WHOLESALE PRICES, forwarded carriage free to any part of Wales on receipt of cash, or reference to Banker. Harmoniums from X6. FREDERICK BENTLEY, 4, Wind-Street, Swansea. THE FRENCH MAHOGANY Foreign Model TPIANNIO, price £ 21, is the best instrument of its kind yet produced. Sent Carriage Free to any part of Wales by FREDERICK BENTLEY, 4, Wind-Street. Swansea. BENTLEY'S SOUTH WALES LIBRARY con- Btains all the best New Works in every departmen of Literature. For the 1st Class, family subscription, the carriage to the nearest railway station is paid both ways, for the 2nd Class one way. TERMS: 1 Set One Guinea 2 Sets. One Guinea & a-half 4 Sets (Family Subscription) Three Guineas 6 Sets (Ditto) Five Guineas FREDERICK BENTLEY, 4, Wind-Street, Swansea. THOMAS V. PUGH, Civil Engineer, Architect, Surveyor, 8f Valuer Offices 28, Picton Terrace, Carmarthen. BRIDGE, Classic, Gothic, and other Drawings Bdesigned. Duplicate Drawings and Tracings. Lands drained, embankments made, Valuations of Estates, Railways and Dilapidations. bpecincations and Estimates prepared, and Superinten- dence of Works. Farms to Let and to be Sold, in South of England and Wales. Money lent for a Term of Years, for Draining and General Improvement of Estates, and on Freehold and Leasehold Property. Fine bluish grey Building Stone, to be had at the Quarry, Railway Siding, Conwil, or at any of the Stations of the Carmarthen and Cardigan Railway, or elsewhere. DENTAL SURGERY. W. J. EVANS, DENTIST, TREVANE HOUSE, N 1: ART E N B Y HAYING made arrangements to visit CARMAR- JLJL THEN on the first WEDNESDAY and third SATURDAY in every monthbegs to inform the inhabitants of the T- -n d its EylNs76cjnW^S^'be consulted at Miaa EYANS, Confecuoner, '?.??- -?..  Trevane House, Jan. 14th, 1863. CARDIGANSHIRE COUNTY ROADS BOARD. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That in pursuance Nof an Order of the County Roads Board for the County of Cardigan, made at a General Meeting of the said Board, the Tolls arising and made payable at the several undermentioned Gates, will be Let to Farm, at the County Hall, in the Town of Aberayron, on WEDNESDAY, the 19th day of OCTOBER, 1864, at the hour of Twelve at noon, for such term (to commence on the let of JANUARY, 1865) as shall be declared at the time of Letting:- The Aberystwyth North Gate The Aberystwyth South Gate The Bankyllan Gate (late Garreg Gate) The Ponterwyd Gate The Ty'nrhyd or Devil's Bridge Gate The Spytty Cynfyn Gate The Aberayron North Gate The Aberayron West Gate The Aberayron East Gate The Lampeter North Gate The Lampeter West Gate The New Inn Gate The Cardigan North Gate The Cardigan East Gate The Newcastle-Emlyn West or Aberoairie Gate The Newcastle-Emlyn East Gate. The Tolls arising at the above-mentioned Gates will be Let either separately, or in two Districts, or in such Lots as the Boa.d then present shall direct. Whoever happens to the best bidder, must be prepared to give two sufficient Sureties (to be approved by the Board) for payment of the Rent monthly, or at such other periods as the County Roads Board then and there assembled may determine upon. The names and residences of such Sureties, with a promise to be such in their own handwriting, to be given to the Clerk at the time of bidding. No person in arrears will be allowed to bid. By Order. F. R. ROBERTS, Clerk to the said Board. Aberystwyth, Sept. 9tb, 1864. REVISION OF THE LIST OF VOTERS FOR THE COUNTY OF CARMARTHEN.-1864. NOTICE is hereby given, that THOMAS ALLEN Nand HABDINGE STANLEY GIFFARD, Esquires, Bar- risters-at-Law, duly appointod to Revise the List of Voters in the election of Knights of the Shire for the County of Carmarthen, or one of them, will make a Circuit of the said County, and hold Courts for the purpose of Revising the said Lists, at the several places and times following that is to say l° At LLANDOVERY, at the TOWN HALL, on Tuesday, the 11th day of October next, at 12 o,clock at noon, for Revising the Lists of Voters in the several parishes of Cilyowm, Llan- dingat, Llanddausant, Llanfair ar-y-Bryn, Llangadock, Llan- eadwrn, Llanwrda, and Mothvey. At LLANSAWEL, at the BLACK LION INN, on Wed- nesday, the 12th day of October next, at 12 o'olock at noon, for Revising the Lists of Voters in the several parishes of Conwil-Cayo, Llanfihangel-Rhosycorn, Llansawel, Llan- llwny, Llanylvther, Llanycrwya, Pencarreg, and Talley. At LLANDILO-FAWR, at the TOWN HALL, on Thursday, the 13th day of October next, at 12 o'clock at noon, for Revising the List of Voters in the several parishes of Bettws, Brechfa, Llanarthney, Llandebie, Llandefeisant, Llandilo- fawr, Llanegwad, Llanfihangel-Aberbythiob, Llanfynydd, Llanfihangel-Cilfargen, and Llangathen. At LLANELLY, at the TOWN HALL, on Friday, the 14th day of October next, at 12 o'clock at noon, for Revising the Lists of Voters in the several parishes of Llanedy, Llanelly. Llangennech, Llannon, and Pembrey. At NEWCASTLE-EMLYN, at the SALUTATION INN, on Saturday, the 16th day of October next, at 12 o'clock at noon, for Revising the List of Voters in the several parishes of Cenarth, Cilrhedin, Llanfibangel-ar-Arth, Llan- geler, and Penboyr. At CARMARTHEN, at the SHIRE-HALL, on Monday, the 17th day of October next, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, for Revising the Lists of Voters in the several parishes of Llan- gunnor, Abergwilly, Abernant, Conwil Elvet, St. Peter in Carmarthen, Llangain, Llangunnock, Lianliawddog, Llan- pumpsaint, Llanstephan, Merthyr, Newchurch, and Trelech- ár BettwB. ? S?NT CLEARS, at the SWAN INN, on Friday, the lUt d£ ay of October next, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, for Rt> ev;is« ing <>■ tthhe e Lists of Voters in the several parishes of Eglwys cummin. air.a.Cherig, Egremont, HenUan Amgoed, Sm? K^nSnliSja, Llanboidy, Llandawke, Llandilo- Abereoviin, Llandowror, Llandissilio,Liangan Llanginning, Lianglydwen, Lianfihangel-Abereowin, Llausa?wrnen, Llan- S??S?'yL."?.?"?" Mydri?, Pendine, and St.   ARMS, in the .illage of Llangendeirne, on Friday, the 21st day of October next, at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, for Re.ising the List of Voters in the several parishes of Saint Ishmael, KidwellYI Kid.rily, 5?.?. LJ- defeHog, and Llangendeirne. A»d*lb"'Lhff'Sf ?.r any  Place, not herein-before mentioned (if any) will be Revised at the nearest Court to the same. N.B—The Overseers ofeach Parish, Towniship' J Place' must attend, as required byth??.at Court, at which the li? of their respeeti.we Parishes « o^ are hereby appointed to be revised, and bring   copies of their Lists, and all Notices of Claims and Ob^ tions, and other Papers wich they have received 8 the Registration of Voter. for the County of Carmarthen. CHARLES BISHOP, Clerk of the Peace. Septembe 27th, 1864. EMPORIUM, KING-STREET, CARMARTI-REN, AUTUMN ANI) WliNTER GOODS. EDWARDS AND JONES JTAVE just received a large and well-selected STOCK of NEW AUTUMN and WINTER GOODS, (L prising a large 4ncl varied assortment, in PLAIN and FANCY DRESS-MATERIALS, SHAWLS, MANTLES, HATS, BONNETS, FEATHERS, and FLOWERS. GENTLEMEN'S FANCY COATINGS § TROUSERENOS, HATS CAPS, § TIES. GROCERY IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. AN EARLY CALL WILL OBLIGE. AUTUMN & WINTER FASHIONS, 1864. D. AND W. DAVIES BEG to announce that their first SHOW of NOVELTIES will take place on THURSDAY, the 6th JD FRIDAY, the 7th, SATURDAY, the 8th OCTOBER, and following days, at their Warehouses, Nos. 1 AND 2, GUILDHALL-SQUARE, CARMARTHEN, Consisting of MILLINERY, PLAIN and FANCY STRAW BONNETS, PLAIN and FANCY STRAW HATS, MANTLES, SHAWLS, DRESSES, SILKS, RIBBONS, FLOWERS, FEATHERS, FURS, Ladies and Gentlemen's WATERPROOF GARMENTS, COATINGS TROWSERINGS, VESTINGS, REAL WELSH CLOTHS and FLANNELS, UMBRELLAS, HATS, SCARFS, TIES, SHIRTS COLLARS, &c., &c. Wanted immediately, Two Assistants for the Grocery and One for the Drapery Department. Carmarthen, 30th September, 1864. ALLSOPP'S EAST INDIA PALE AND BURTON ALES. THE MARCH & OCTOBER BREWINGS OF THESE CELEBRATED ALES FOR SALE IN BOTTLES & CASKS TO SUIT PRIVATE FAMILIES. FAMILIES SUPPLIED SAME PRICE AS AT THE BREWERY. AGENT: THOMAS SMYTH, Wine, Spirit, and General Merchant, NARBERTH. TEETH. MR. EDWARD KING, Surgeon Dentist, at- .i.TJL tends CARMARTHEN the second Wednesday and two following days in every month, at MR. LLOYD'S, Queen Street. Periodical attendance for the last thirty years. Besidence-St. David',g, Brecoit. DENTAL SURGERY. MR. A. F. BAYNTUN, Surgeon Dentist, at- tends at 63, KING-STREET, CARMARTHEN (opposite the Assembly Rooms), the last Friday and Saturday in every Month. Dates of J'ext visit-Friday and Saturday, October the 28th and 29th. 11, Dynevor Place, Swansea. CENTRAL WALES EXTENSION RAILWAY. 1> H1 PHE Directors of the Central Wales Extension TRailway are prepared to accept i'E?D?RS for i?UA?s in sums of not less than £ 100, for periods of Three, Fue, or Seven years, on the security of their Debenture Bonds, bearing interest at j65 per cent. per annum, payable half- yearly. Applications to be made to the Secretary, at the Office of the Company, 11, Manchester Buildings, Westminster, London, S.W. By Order, O JOSHUA DEAN, Secretary. 11, Manchester Buildings, Westminster, June 20th, 1864. EQUITABLE ASSURANCE OFFICE ESTABLISHED 1762. INVESTED CAPITAL upwards of £ 5,000,000. President—The Right Hon. Lord Tredegar. UNDER a recent Bye-Law the Directors of the Equitable Life Assurance Society are empowered to assure the lives of persons residing at a distance from Lon- don without requiring their personal attendance at the office. Assurances may thus be effected without expense by direct correspondence with the office in London. The entire Profits are divisible amongst its members, no portion being diverted either for Dividends on Shares. as in Proprietary Offices" or for Commission" to Agents. For prospectuses apply to ARTHUR MORGAN, Actuary. New Bridge-street, Blackfriars, London. STOOPING HABITS, Round Shoulders, and Deformities CURED by CHANDLER'S CHEST EX- PANDER. It strengthens the voice and lungs, and is recommended to children for assisting growth, promoting health, and a symmetrical figure.-63, Berners-street, W. Illustrations forwarded. TEN CARTES DE VISITE for 2s 6d.; 24 for T5s. Send your Carte de Visite with 30 postage stamps to the Metropolitan Portrait Company, 140, Great College Street, London, N. W., and you will receive 10 perfect copies mounted. 100 bijou portraits gems of art for 6s. Specimens of either sort sent for two stamps. Agents wanted. GREAT DISCOVERY. — Rheumatism, Rheu- matio Gout, Neuralgia, and Stiff Joints, instantly relieved and permanently cured in three days by usmg DANRELLE'S Celebrated EMBROCATION. Tb? art?e positively effects a cure in the worst cases-Depot, 27, Adam Street East, Portman Square, London. A bottle will be forwarded to any address on receipt of 27 or 42 stamps. d Y.E .). -<m'T:lØ' "i:: > R.s ft¡" (. :)': ,>¿ L J.,j ,¡ !t í TRU E'U N CO LOUR OT E A This Tea is i-p-*d with <? kaf not co?oMred, is Aty?/ recommended 6y MM<Kca? n? ?(teM<t?c men, and coM&MMt purity with fine flavour and &M<tMy strength. So d &y C?MM«, Statiomrs, (Md CoM/ec?oKet-$, M a?B?a q/'?Ae?n??om. n pa s AGENTS: NEATH—HARRIS, Green Street. HAVERFORDWEST-OWLD & Co., High Street. MILFORD-BALL. Charles Street. g Street. PEMBROKE-DOCK-LAEN, 1. Meyrick Street CARDIGAN-WILLIAMS, High Street. ree ABERYSTWITH-HUGHES, Market Street HOWARDS' ZIGZAG HARROWS. Gained at the Royal Show, Npweaatlc. ALL THE PRIZES for HARROWS in all the classes. Thirty Thousand sets are now in use. Full particulate may be had of their Agents at CARMAR- THEN, and other places in this district or will be sent free on application to JAMES AND FREDERICK HOWARD, BRITANNIA IRON WORKS, BEDFORD. LNDON OFFICE 4, CHEAPSIDE THREE DOORS FROM ST PAUL'S.—LIVERPOOL OFFICE 19, SWEETING STREET. I FARMS.—All Parties desirous of Renting a FFARNI will do well to communicate or call upon Messrs. PRESCOTT and Co., who have now some of the best in the country, and well worthy immediate attention. 1, Manchester Buildings, Parliament Street, London. BEFORE YOU FURNISH be good enough to _D visit W. CLARK and Co.'s inimitable stock of Fur- nishing Ironmongery, Table Cutlery, Electro-Silver Plate, Lamps, Chandeliers, &a., carriage free. A costly Book of Engravings, with prices, gratis and post free.—95 and 96, London Wall, London. IMPORTANT NOTICE. ESTAIVIS12. 500,000 Sample Packets r?.? ?? -J (Each sufficient to make a cup) E R & SO/V of this ?ol? CHOCOLATE POWDER ??owDE'c.? Were given away at ?° International Exhibition ,?.? .??-?.? ,??? tn quality and excellence. ???EPA??? ?? ?? ??BMcoMmeK?&y<&<?MMKy BYT141IRPAT'ENIPPOC?? 1 Daily. THE finest > or Twenty made in ^FROTM RmiDAD^ b; |i| I | One Cup or Twenty made m ?> ?'?? ? ?i? *0ne Minute. S?? S?SOLD BY ALL GROCERS i???-?y ONE SHILLING PER POUND. TRADE MARK ————— TRADF. MARK By Royal Letters Patent. WCOMMMWIEXJRJV CIAL STEAM MILLS, LONDON. ESTABLISHED 1812. PUOF 'I -no* .Bm?s ?.? '9 'ojppv -aoinsod pun spwS ps"d^ nm ?o sjaqDBS? pna sjoss?o-td t? JO spMq 3în °! <1 F s g^ j?opu?no!)?npa}o?o?0 ?.03 pu« ?0 g ?.T)T?nM? -sja?asoianM i? st 'UOmp3 p?S? 'o)nl °" -?'s3uos?<HOtsn snoidoo e osiy -S? J0 spJ0 aq1 q)i? -o? 's?q ano; SJY eq? 3mA;3 'OISHM ^„83.l,. mnotTnTlri ?neoaj JO 3noo?VJ.Ya 0IXVW3HX S"OD pa ^L„ maaosjo NOijLMa sno?m?vso H?flo??. vr->rnowmY. oxiY^ncm' ?v?xao 'a3'ous.)u3m?mn?.<A.unno;)jnu?o.T.  M "? P"? 'ap''a.[ td9!) f!? un?du3sap AASAa 10 Sir AT COO ONl.?Hnnw 'sr?nn? ? J0J Smu.inoK?s?n: 10 iinV ?3?03 e ?1? ? ??t '?mu :hOK j?n P™ ?!oN L ran„,t tS? ?P '!M? Apossojojd ?Yr -M?an; q^noqx ''?M-??? M! lS96m ? ?"? ONI??mOK A?IKV? JO ?ots .nam ?m Ta?HJ.3 .T??O?H 6? pa x,IlitTvq -9'H ??'"?nnm 3cts?ipjnd Xq POPSJJA SjXnjonoaa?a.tS TIT ???oa?Xnnjtoedsaj pino? &Vfa ,}lD P:e 'CATPTRFLL"   ?" ? ? ?Tt?BB?T? .l) to flORdiSTKIiSHIKE SAUCE. THE GREAT SUCCESS of this DELICIOUS CONDIMENT has been the signal for the appearance of many SPU- RlOUS IMITATIONS totally different in FLAVOR and destitute of the DIGESTIVE PROPERTIES of this SAUGE. purchasers are earnestly requested to ASK FOR LEA & PERRIN SAUCE, Prepared only by AJ L LEA & PERRINS, Worcester. M SS???? Sold K 'CROSSE & BLACKWBLL, London, ?S?? ???? and all Merchants and Oilmen. <???? FIRST MANUFACTURED 1742 OR MORE THAN ONE HUNDRED & TWENTY YEARS. G ir if We guarantee the perfect purity of A I this Mustard. Vi ;0 ,6 Sold in CV c a The attention of the public and of the medical pro- fession is called to this facsimile of a label placed on the top of all canisters of KEEN'S GENUINE MUSTARD, which can be purchased of most Family Grocers. KEEN, ROBINSON, BELLVILLE, & Co., LONDON. TAILORS, CLOTHIERS, DRAPERS, & OTHERS THE Smartest, Cheapest, and best-fitting Cloth- JL ing, at Wholesale, is supplied to the Trade by ROBERTS and Co., of Shoreditch, London. Cuts of Woollens also supplied at mere nominal profits. The styles of Boys' Clothing is varied and very handsome. Knicker- bocker Suits very tastefully made and very chea-. Send for e dtnples to commence an account, and you will not fail to be profitably satisfied with ROBERTS and Co., Wholesale Clothiers, tVoollen and Manohester Warehouse- men, 65, Shoreditch, London. Business of any kinii transacted in London for Welsh Houses, Cotumissi 0 n 21 per cent. SPECIAL NOTICE. THE STANDARD LIFE ASSURANCE COM- -L PANY. CONSTITUTED BY SPECIAL ACTS OF PARLIAMENT. ESTABLISHED 1825. Governor,- His Grace the Duke of Buccleugh and Queensberry. Deputy- Governor, The Right Honourable the Earl of Rosslyn, APPROACHING DIVISION OF PROFITS. THE SEVENTH DIVISION of the Company's Profits is appointed to be made at 15th November, 1865, and all Policies now fffeuted will Participate. THE FUND TO BE DIVIDED will be the Profits which have arisen since 15th November, 1860. A POLICY EFFECTED BEFORE 15th NOVEMBER 1864, will not only Participate in the Approaching Division of Profits, but will secure One Year's Additional Bonus, at all future Divisions, over Policies of a later date. THE STANDARD LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY is one of the Largest and most successful of the Life Assurance Institutions ot Great Britain. Its INCOME exceeds FOUR HUNDRED THOITSAND POUNDS PER ANNUM, and its AccumulISd aL In- A HALF"STliRLlSG upwards of ?? MILLIONS AND A HALF STERLING. WILL. THOS. THOMSON, Manager. H. JONES WILLIAMS, Resident Secretary.: LONDON-82, King William Street, E.C. EDINBURGH—3, George Street, (Head Office). Further information can be obtained by application at the Company's Offices, or to any of the Agents in the prin- cipal towns of Scotland, England, or Ireland. AGENTS:- CARMARTHEN. JOHN ADAMS, Malster. Abtrdare David Evans, Lletty Rhys. Aberavon W. D. Jones, Auctioneer. Valuer, and General Commission agent, Walnut Tree Hotel. Cardigan David Davies, Pharmaceutical Chemist 1. High Street. Haverfordwest T. Williams, Hill Lane. Dandilo Rev. B. U.Thomae. Towy Terrace. Lampeter. David Lloyd, Solicitor. Milford k Haven, } J. Quarterman, 8, Lewis-street, Pem- Pembroke, and broke dock. Pembroke-Dock ) broke dock. Newcastle-Emlyn.. Thomas Jones, Draper and Grocer. St. David's. Wm. Williams, Postmaster, Cross-sq. Swansea. P. F. Poingdestre, Somerset Place. ARMY CONTRACTS. TENDERS will be received at this Office until .°.0A0.n til?. 284t^o(.from persons for the use of Her Majesty's Land Forces jstitioned in the following places, from 1st December, 1864, to 31st May, 1865. 1865. SOUTH WALES DISTRICT. 1. Pembroke Dook 2. Penally. j Separate Tendere for Bread and for Meat, must be made for each of the above mentioned Stations as separately num- bered. Forms of Tender, and Conditions of Contract, may be obtained on application at this Office, by Letter addressed to the Senior Commissariat Officer, or in Person, between the hours of 10 and 4 o'Clock. Tenders on the printed forms must be properly filled up and signed, and no Tender will be noticed unless delivered at the under-mentioned Office, under closed eimlope (mar- ked on the outside. Tender for Commissariat Supplies,") before 12 o'clock Noon on the 28th October. Commissariat Office. Pembroke Dock, 6th October, 1864. LUCRATIVE AGENCY. THE Secretary of an established Life, Sick, j. Burial, and Endowment Society, is open to receive applications for AGENCIES in Districts not represented. Special terms and advantage- are given to suitable Agents. Life Policies issued from jE.5 to £ 200, and Sick Policies guaranteeing frr m 5s to 30s per week, and medical attend- ance during illn -ss. Particulars forwarded on receipt of a stamped envelope and a reference. W. R. JOHNSON, Esq., 6. Parker-Street, Liverpool. i QUEBNSLAND GOVBEKMBNT EMIGRATION OFFICE. LONDON. ASSISTED EMIGRATION TO j QUEENSLAND. Assisted Passages are now granted to persons of the fol- lowing occupations, at S4 and £8 per adult. Ploughmen, road-makers, quarrymen, professed gardeners, miners, carpenters, masons, bricklayers, blacksmiths, wheelwrigh shipwrights, Ac.; also female domestic servants of good character. Mr. R. LLOYD JONES, Agent, Journal Office, Carmar- then. HENRY JORDAN. STARCH MANUFACTURERS TO H.R.H. THE PRINCESS OF WALES. GLENFIELD PATENT STARCH. USED IN THE ROYAL LAUNDRY, AND AWARDED THE PRIZE MEDAL. Being a confirmation by some of the most eminent scientific men of the age of the SUPERIOR QUALITIES OF THIS WORLD RENOWNED STARCH. Sold in Packets at id., Id., 2d., 4d., and 8d. each, by all respectable Grocers, Chandlers, Oilmen, &c. WOTHERSPOON & CO., GLASGOW & LONDON. GIVEN AWAY, the new MEDICAL WORK Gentitled DEBILITY, ITS CAUSE AND CURE, or A Warning Voice to Young Men, on the Cure ol Nervous Debility, Loss of Memory. Dimness, of Sight, Lassitude, Indigestion, Dislike to Society, Local Weakness, Muscular Relaxation, Langour, Listlessness, Depression, &c., which if neglected, result in Consumption, Insanity, and prema ture death. This work is illustrated with hundreds of cases and testimonials form patients, showing clearly the treat- ment by which they were cured; with phin directions for perfect restoration to health and vigour. Sent post-free to any address, on receipt of a directed envelope, enclosing two postage stamps. Address, Messrs. SMITH, 8, Burton- crescent, Tavistock-square, London, W.C. STEAM COMMUNICATION BETWEEN j BRISTOL AND LLANELLY JL) and thence, per Llanelly and Vale of Towy Railways to CROSS INN, GARNANT, LLANDILO, LLANGA- DOCK, LLANDOVERY, PONTARDAWE, YSTALY. FERA, and all places adj acent. OCTOBER, 1864. The Fast New Iron Screw Steamer t???? LEOPARD, <?????? WILLIAM THOMAS (late of the Emily") || d" Commander, Is intended to Sail as follows (with goods only). Loading Days at Bristol. Sailings from Llanelly. Tues. & Wed., Oct. 4 5 ) Monday, October 3 Sat. & Mon.. 8 10 Friday, 7 Friday & Sat., 14 15 'J hundav, 13 Wed. & Thun., 19 20 Tuesday, 18 Mon. & Tues., 24 25 Saturday, 22 Sat. & Mon., 29 31 Friday, 28 Sheep conveyed at Is, Pigs Is 6d. iglT All Goods to be alongside the Packet before five o'clock p.m. For further particulars please apply to Mr.W.D.Phillipps, Railway and Dock Company, Llanelly: Messrs. Thomas & Son, Back, Bristol, gWANSEA & ILFRACOMBE. OCTOBER, 186t.  PRINCE OF WALES and HENRY SOUTHAN Steamers Swansea to Ilfraeombe. Ilfracombe to Swansea. Monday 3 8 30 morn Wednesday 5 8 30 morn Monday 10 2 15 morn Wednesday 12 3 0 morn Wednesday 26 3 0 mora Monday 3.. 2 30 after Thursday 6.. 4 45 after Monday 10.. 9 45 morn Thursday 13 10 45 morn Thursday 27 10 30 morn REDUCED FArFs.-Best Cabin 6s, to and fro Ss, Fore Cabin 4s, ditto 6s. Children under 12 years, half-fare. Horses 108, Fat Cattle 6s, Store ditto 5s, Cow and Calf 7s 6d, Calves Is 6d, Dogs 2s 6d, Pigs Is, Gigs 12s, Phaetons 15s, Carriages 25s. No Steward's fee. The under-named Steamers will make their Trips from Swansea to Bristol, next month, in One Tide passage about 51 hours, being the Shortest and Cheapest Route.— Fares :-Best Cabin, 4s 6d. Fore Cabin, 2s. 6d. STEAM COMMUNICATION BETWEEN Swansea AND BRISTOL. OCTOBER, 1864.  THE HENRY SOUTHAN AND ??t f F;n) PRINCE OF WALES,  O?some other suitable Steamer, will sail as follows:- From Swansea to Bristol. From Bristol to Swansea. (From North Dock.) (From Cumberland Basin.) 1, Saturday.. 8 30 morn 1, Saturday 6 30 morn 4, Tuesday 100 morn 4, Tuesday 8 0 morn 7, Friday 120 noon 6, Thursday.. 9 0 morn 8, Satui-day 12 30 after 8, Saturday.. 11 0 morn 11, Tuesday.. 2 45 morn 11, Tuesday 2 0 morn 14, Friday.. 7 0 morn 13, Thursday.. 4 0 morn 17, Monday 9 30 morn 15, Saturday 6 45 morn 20 Thursday 11 30 morn 19, Wedn.sday.. 8 45 morn 22 Saturday.. 12 0 night 21, Friday 10 30 after 27 Thursday.. 6 0 after 25, Tuesday 2 0 morn 31 Monday 8 30 mornj29, Saturday 5 0 morn Passengers from Swansea landed at Clevedon if required. FARES.-Best Cabin 4s, Fore Cabin 2s 6d, Children under 12 years of age half-price. Horses 7s, Fat Cattle 7s, Store ditto 6s, Cow and Calf 8s, Calves Is 6d, Dogs 2s 6d, Pigs 9d, Gigs 9s, Phaetons 12s, Carriages 17s 6d. Steward's fee, 6d. p ADSTOW, WADEBRIDGE, BRISTOL. OCTOBER, 1864.  HENRY SOUTHAN, JOHN LONG, Commander. ???S!B*rLS???S? — ??? PRINCE OF WALES, W. POCKETT, Commander. From Bristol to Padstow and From Padstow & Wadebridge Wadebndge, calling at to Bristol, calling at Ilfra- Swansea and Ilfracombe combe and Swansea. (weather permitting). From Wadebridge, calling at Padstow. P. Tuesday, 4 8 morn P. Thursday, 6 7 30 morn P.Tuesday, 11.. 2 morniP. Thursday, 13 ..2 0 morn P. Tuesday, 25 2 morn P. Thursday, 27 ..2 0 morn Goods forwarded with the greatest dispatch to and from Wadebridge, Padstow, Bodmin, Camelford, St. Austel, Loetwitbiel, St. Golumb, Port Isaac. Boscastle, Newquay, Liskeard, Roaoh, St. Blazey and places adjacent. FARES (Steward's fee included). To or from Bristol, Padstow, or Wadebridge, best cabin, 8s fore cabin, 5s. To or from Ilfracombe and Padstow and Wadebridge, best cabin, 6s; fore cabin, 4s. Return tickets, available for 28 days, by this Vessel:—To and from Bristol, Padstow, and Wadebridge, best cabin, 12s; fore cabin, 7s [hiIcjwp '.c: od. s WANSEA, PADSTOW, and WADEBRIDGE. OCTOBER, 1864. From Swansea to Wadebridge From Padstow & Wadebridge and Padstow to Swansea (Calling at Ilfracombe). (Calling at Ilfracombe). P. Wed., 5 84morn P., Thursday, 6.. 74morn P. Wed., 12 3 morn P., Thursday, 13 2 morn P. Wed, 26 3 morn P., Thursday, 27.. 2 morn FARES.—Best cabin, 8s; fore ditto, 5a. Retarn-Best. 12s fore, 78 6d, available for 28 days. Cattle, &c., th,- same as from Bristol to Padstow. Carriages, 30-; Phaetons, 20s; Gigs, 15s; Horses, 12s Dogs, 2s 6d Cattle, 78 6d l'igs, Is 3d Calves, 28 6d. FARES (Steward's fee included).—To or from Ilfracombe, Padstow and Wadebridge, best cabin, 6e fore cabin, 48. An Omnibus leaves Padstow daily at One o'Cloclrthe Afternoon for Bodmin Road Station, and from Bodmin Road for Padstow every morning. Goods received and forwarded by the above Steamers, as usual, for Newport, Cardiff, Cowbridge, Port Talbot, Neatb, Mertbyr, Aberdare, Llandilo, Llandovery, Carmarthen, Swansea Valley, and places adjacent. For further particulars apply to the following agents:- Swansea—J. W. Pockett,, Linton -G. Fry Proprietor, Padley's Quay Ilfracombe John Davy, Bristol-E, T. Turner, 12, i Lantern Hill Quay-street South Moulton-J. Warren Padstow-Robert England Churchyard Wadebridge-W. Catiti Tenby J. Stone, Albion Bidetord & Barnstaple- W. Inn, Pier Hawken, Steam Packet Office BURNHAM TIDAL HARBOUR COMPANY AND SOMERSET & DORSET RAILWAY COMPANY. Direct Through Communication between South Wales, and the South East, South and West of England. IMPROVED STEAM COMMUNICATION BETWEEN CARDIFF AND BURNHAM,& NEWPORT AND BURNHAM. The Fine Fast Sailing Clyde Built Steamers DEFIANCE HEATHER BELL E. L BARRON, W, DENSHAM, Commander Commander Will sail during the month of SEPTEMBER as under: From Burnham to To Burnham from To CARDIFF. To NEWPORT. CARDIFF. FROM NEWPORT. (Gloucester Wharf.) (Gloucester Wharf 1 Thur. 5 30 af 3 30 af 1 Thur. 70m.. 7 0 m 2 Fri. 5 30 af 4 30 af 2 Fr 7 30 m 80m 3 Sat. 5 30 af 5 30 af 3 Sat. 8 0 m 8 30 m 5 Mon. 5 30 a f 5 30 af 6 Mon. 8 0m 9 0 m 6 Tu. 5 30 af 6 Tu. 7 0 m 9 30 m 7 Wed. 6 0 af 7 0m 6 0 a 7 Wed. 10 15 m 10 30 m 8 Thur 11 0 m 8 Thur. 7 30 m 9 Fri. 11 30 m 9 Fri. 8 0 rr 11 30 m 10 S-t. 12 30 af 9 30 m 10 Sat. 9 0 r: 12 30 af 12 Mon. 3 30 af 12 30 af 12 Mon. 12 30 af 3 30 af 13 Tu. 4 30 af 12 30 af 13 Tues. 1 30 af 4 0 af 14 Wed. 5 30 af 12 30 af 14 Wed. 3 0 af 4 (I af 15 Thur. 5 30 af 3 30 af 15 Tbur 60m 16 Fri. 5 30 af 3 30 af 16 Fri. 7 0n, 70m 17 Sat. 530af 17 Sat. 8 0 m 445af 19 Mon. 9 30 m 5 3C af 19 Mon. 8 30 m 20 Tu. 10 30 m 20 Tues. 8 0 m 9 0 m 21 Wed. 11 0 m 9 30 m 21 Wed. 80m 22 Thur. 1130 m 22 Thur. 10 15 m.. 9 0m 23 Fri. 12 30 af 9 30 m 23 Fri. 9 0m 24 Sat. 1 0 af 24 Sat. 10 15m 1 30 af 26 Mon. 4 15 af 12 30 af26 Mon. 1 15 af 4 0 af 27 Tu. 4 15 af 1 0 af27 Tues. 1 15 af 4 0 af 28 Wed. 5 30 af 3 0 af28 Wed. 2 30 af 29 Thurs. 5 30 af 3 30 fif 29 t hurs. 3 0af 6 0 m 30 Fri. 5 30 af 3 30 af 30 Fri. 7 0 in 7 Om Passengers, Parcels, and Goods can now be booked through between Cardiff and Poole and all Stations on the Somerset and Dorset Line, and LONDON, PORTSMOUTH, GOSPOUT, SOUTHAMPTON, GUERNSEY, JERSEY, LYMINGTON, and all the principal stations on the London and South Western line. For further particulars see small bills. Trains teave Burnham tor Poole, Southampton, Portsmouth, &c., at 8 5. a.m., 10. 30 a.m., 1.20 p.m., 6 25 p,m. Southampton for Burnham (via Wimborne), at 6.0 a.m. "Ditto ditto (via Salisbury), at 8.50 a.m., 12.45 a.m., 4.50. p.m., 7.15.p.m Portsmouth for Burnham (via Salisbury), 8.0 a.m., 11.40 a.m., 4.1.5 p m., 6.30 p.m. Iloole for Burnham, at 8.10 am., 10.15 a.m. 1.5 p.m., and 5 30 p.m., 8.35 p.m. All information as to freight, &c., may be obtained on application to Mr, Swan, the Buri.hhiu Tidall-hrblur Com- pany's Superintendent at Burnham, or 5, Stuart Street, Bute Docks, Cardiff the Traffic Manager or Dock Super- Intendent pf the Monmouthshire Railway, and Mr. John Whitchurch, High-street, Newport, Mr. John Smith, "lork House, Bridgwater, or Mr A. Patey, 16, High-street' Bristol. By Order, ROBERT A. READ. Offices, Glastonbury, Secretary and General Manager