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HEADS OF COLLEGES. TO SCHOOLMASTERS, &c. FREDERICK BENTLEY, of 4, WiND-STREET, ? 8wA?sEA, s??p'tcs Uu.teg?a and Specie on the mo.t 'fib'r'Lt terms. Tweeter Cent. for cash on Books. Copybooks, and a)l „ Ocho.? ?quMitea.-AB Otder? tor warded are punetaaity '?''cutpd. TO COLLIERY PROPRIETORS, WORKS, &c.. C'TATIONERY and ACCOUNT BOOKS of all ts and szes kept conat<mtty in Stock, and autd at the to*f9t market rate by FREDERICK BENTLEY, 4, Wind- Btreet, S%ansea. ORDER BENTLEY'S GUINEA LEDGER." All OrdetS of J65 aad upwardii sent Cdrriage Free. T)HOTOGRAPHIC ALBUMS m every variety iro'm la 6d to JB5 5,1., and enry deecnption of Faocy I' 'boles aent post free at the lowe,.t eurreutrate, by *&hnERtCK BENTt-Bv, 4, W)nd-Str<'et. Swansea. 'PIANOFORTES and HAKMONLUMS by tl? ?- ?eat Makers at WHOLESALE fRIC?. for-ardeO 'n.?e free to any p?rt ot Wa'pa on rf'eip' of caab. or "erfhce to Banttf. Harmoniums from j66. FREDtiRicx "KTLBY. 4. Wind-Strfpt. S?anaea. ?HE FREXCH MAHOGANY Foreign Model ?. ?lANNiO ttrieeJ621. is the t?st tnaLrument of ito iitit. id ?1 Produced ?"n CarriaftP Free to any part of Wales by FREDHBtCK ??EY. 4. Wtnd.Str?et. Swansea. ?E?TLEY'S SOUTH WALES LIBRARY con? t'lin8 ?? th? ?st Nfw Wurt? in e*t-ry departmen? M ?i ,t''?t'e. For the Ist CI"6a.f"mity aubMrip'ion. th e, earriligo to "'< nearf-at mtway et?tion M paid both waye, for the 21 Id Claaa one way. 1 S TERMS: *Set One Guinea *Sett O'e Guinea &&-half ? S<'tB (FamitySub?cnpti?D) Three Guineaa ? '? (D)tt") Fi'f GmneM ?F!?!.DEmcK BENTLEY. 4. Wind Street, S?a'tapa. THOMAS V. PUG.l, eit"l ngmeer, Architect, Stei-veyor, Vahte," OScea—28, Picton Ten ace, Carmarthen. B:GE, Classic, Gothic, and other Drawings ?j d ?'?' Luptieatc Ur.ftntt8t.nd Tr-cin?. .Lt? *°''?' e'ttbankmentamade, V..lutttiona of Estates. ?i)? "? H'tapiddtions. ?So!.J-e?.'?" ?°? Eatimatea prepared, and S_ upen. nt,en. ? ot t? o,?? Sold, in South of England and ???oL?tandtobe Sold, in South of Enghnd and O? '?? ?r a Term of Years, for D-aioin? and Lf? ?TI?pro?emettt of Estates, and on Freenotd and "Behold Property Fine b'uiah Kr.y Buitdinz Stone, to be bad at the <?an-y, C??? S'?'?. Con?it. or at any of the Station, ot tbt'l od tuatt blID .nd Cardigan Rattway, or else-here.  SUITABLE ASSURANCE OFFICE 1 ESTABLISHED t762. N'PBSTED CAPITAL upwardg of J65.000.000. President—The Right Hon Lord Tredegar. 'tINDER a recent Bye-Law the Directors of the a -Eq,jitable Ltte As-ur..nce Society arf eippowered to "*ure the lives of persons residi' at a dihfnce from Lon- oiBl1 without requiring their personal attendance at the <!S c< Assurances may thus be eBfcted without expense by street corr<'epfnd<nce <*ith tho office in London The entire Front" are divic-itle amonKat its members. no Ortion being diverted ettt-cr for Dividends on Sh"rM as in ?''o?riftary OtHces" or for CommisBion" to Agents. For proapectuseB apply to !i ARTHUR MORGAN, Actuaiy. "ew Bridge.streft. BIackfrta'B, London. (?OSTLING'S CONDITION ?ALLS (or Pow- x D?M) 2. 6d .i. -'t" ?OM) .o p.epared aaneTer to ?t haro).or2.9d..ix po?d<-r.. Sold by aU Dru?i.t.. ? ???ton?a? ????"-THOMAS STBVE?. ?G'o<,<?.j,(,.??,? ?s?a?o?FOO?? N??'or <oaM? ??eM?." JoHNto?RT. See a'eon.merou? other ?""oniat. in favour o-fo'h Cough and C..ndn.nB?8 ? BoRSEs and "C'A?LE from other em'n?tT_r.m? ??uhu.? &e Louuon A?ent.: BARCLAY &SoN, 95 *'?ogt.in ?tr?t 'POR l[(?SES.GOSTLING'S COUGH BALLS. ? The ?traordMary ctncacy of Gostting's Cough Baita (or Po?fre) i?chnowiedged by almost all who ba?e us? them. Tber 'peedity cure CoM?. ??. -??MM. and ??M:and wonderfully reheve Tmc& and BROKEN 'W'ND they are morpoTer a meet 8ucc<M<ut remedy f"r ?CKQ?SBASB in CATTLE. See Pamphlet, to be bad f'ee ot 21. ?'?"?. ?M Norfolk. Sold by ail DruttgiBte, l? 6J M'? ?" t"). "r Is 9J. six powdera. I. P. GOST. Zk ??. Norfotk. Proprietor. CltN8 ?? BUNIONS.-A Gentleman, many '?'"<'ntedwith Corm. will be happy to atforo oth,'? "'formation by which he obtained their complete te?, '° ?'T '?t Period, without pain or any ineon ?nie veni, ence porward a?reaa on a stamped envelope, to W, GOOI)ti ALL, Esq., Epaom. Surrey. !S?OPING HABITS, Round Shoulders, and ???'? CURKU byCHAJ?ULEK'S CHHST EX- tecolhb¡ R. It "trpngthena the 'oiee and 'ungs. and ? ?co?'"°. 'a to chittren for assisting growth, p'omotint! bpat? "'°asymtmtrioaInzure.-63, Berners-etreet, W. IHu?,t-ons forwarded. -? ?TIONAL PROVINCIAL BANK OF ENGLAND. ""II LONDON, 23rd AUGUST, 1864. ? j? H'E DIRECTORS of the NATIONAL PRO- VINCIAL BAN! OF ENGLAND gi'e ?ottoe. that a ]All ANCii If ?eir H.ta'.tishtnent "t be op.n'-d in CAK- MA.6'"T?[?E,N. in the Premie No. 69, KtNG-STREEf. to. ae <ome necessary alterations ba'e been compteted. By Order of the Board of Directory ALEXANDER KOBERTSON, ) Joint Gf-neral E. ATKINSON, J Managers. ? J ATIO-NAL PROVINCIAL BANK OF ENGLAND. I **BAD OFFtCB—H2. BiSHOPSGATE STREET, LONDOtf, ESTABLISHED IN THE YEAR 1833. Igubecribel Capital 42,100,000 Capita! p*id up 960000 ReserteFund 209,462 Number of Sharphotdfrs, 1593. DIRECTORS. The Rifrht Honourabte Lord Earnest Aogastns Chartes BradenfU Bruce, M.F., 7. St Ge"rge's.ptace, Hyde.park UMntr. Londlon. Cbarlee Heaton Ellis, Esq., 49, Hartey.etreet, Cavendish square, London. John Oliver Haneon. E"q., Great Wincbeeter-street, and 4, Dofaft.squaf, London. John Kinlffobn, Esq., 6. Crosby-square, London. *M. Launf. E'q MaxwHton'houae, Dumfriea ahire, and < St. Gcorce's-ptace. Hytf-j a'k C"rner. London. ?ary M'Chtery. Efq 16, Leadfohati-at?et. London. ? J ?. MMx"e)l. Esq RichmnnJ. Surrey. 'y Pa.tM. Esq., M.P., 33. Devoaohite-p!aoe, Fortland- S' quar", Lnndon. lílu Sibbatd David Scott, Bart., 33. Leinstpr.gardent, London. phard btaney Wade. Eeq, M. Upper Seymour street, -rt,Rn-equ-tre. London. It R"n..urablp Eliot Thorns Yorke, M.P., 124, Park- reet. Groevecor square. London. }}an' HONORARY DIRECTOR. ? T? Robertton, Esq 24. Cotton.hiti, St. John'a Wood, ?"'<'D. (late General Mana?r). aba?' ? the Th!rty Er?t Annual Report and Lifta of vsh"bOlder. ?° ? °? on ap?iicatton at the Carmartht-n ?''krefei*paMnney on Deport, at ratpa varying 'rhe reeeires Money on Depoit, at raIl'S varying tror,to time, ac,-etding to the '8lue of money. C? ?* ?counta Crpditor. and 0'ftdrawn arc conduc- t,d ork ? U6ua) termx and great facUitiea arp anordfd to t!a'i? ?""d Individuate ?bok?ep a<'co"nts with the Bank iYa the ttanerniaglion of monpTa 'hrough its Branohea, without tay ?? ???'' for ConnDiMion. Tht,ra of the Bank are controlled exdu<iTe!y by a Lo?j Ultid01, Board of Director*, and perfpct apcrecy ia therefore a, br,d in ?becr'nduet.'fatlaccoutita. E'fry peraon con- bected *I. tb The Bank enters intn a d'-ctaration of 'ecrecy <'<toth ?''°Mnta at the pBtabl?hmpnt In? '"?''t" in Govprnment S'ooke. RaHwav Sbarea. and <'th? ??'t'fa are made through the Bank, on the ueua) ?r? Circular Notes for the Cuntinect can also be pro- ?ttd' '<"?'' Notea for the Cuntinent can atso be pro- Bv Order of the Board of Directors. ?XANDERROBERTSON, ) Joint General ZIDVVARD AfKINSON, ) MM?r'. l  '"?B, An?uet, 1864. DENIAL SURGERY. I H/TR. A. F. BAYNTUN, Surgeon Dentist, at- j??. tends at 53, KtNC.STREET. CARMARTHEN (oppt'fite I the A-sembty Roonts), the last Friday and Saturday in I' .nry Month. t)atn of ext visit-Friday and Saturday, October the 28th and 29,h. 11, Dynetor Ptace, Swansea. CARDIGANSHIRE COUNTY ROADS BOARD. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That in pursuance Ii of an Order of the County Roads Board for the County of Cardigan, made at a GenfDil Mfftinx <'f the said Board, the Tolls arising and made pavabte at the several undermentioned Gates, will be Let to Farm, nt the County Halt, in the Town of Abarayron, on WEDNESDAY, the 19tb da, of OcT"BEH. 1864. at the ho'tr of Tw-tve at no"n. for such term (to commence on the lot of JANUARY, 1865) ae ithall be declared at the time of Letting:— The Aberystwyth Nortti Sate The Abet yrte yth South Ga'e The Bar.kyUan Gate 11ate Gatreg Gate) The Ponterwyd Gate The Ty'nrbyd or D.-vil's Bridge Gate I The Spytty C,nlyn G4te Tt)<* Aberayron North Gate The Abfrayron Wc6t Gt8 Thf Aberayron East Gite The tami,eter N.'r'h Gate The L'tmpet.-r W-t Gate The N' I"n Gnte The Cardigan North G''te T"e Cirdig-n E<a' Ga'e The Newetistle-Emlyn WestorAbercairie Gate The HewcMHe-Edatyn East Gate. The ToUs arising at the ano-e-mentioned Gates will be Ltt either sepdratfty, or in two Districta. or in au h Lut!\ as the Boatd then present shaH dire't. Whoever happens to the beM b'ddf)', tnust be prepared to give two aufBcient Sure'ies ('o be appro'ed by the b'"<r()) for pavment nf the Rent ncn't'thty, or at a'teh other pfriods a* the County Roads Board then and there alIembled may determine u, on. Ttie names and of SU. h Suteties, with a pNmis" to nesuch in their nttn bandwr't'nc.tobegi'entotbeCterk at the time of bidding. No person in arre&rt will be allowed to bid. By Order. F. R. ROBERTS. Citirk to the said Board. Aberystwyth, Sept. 9th, 1864. REVISION OF THE LIST OF VOTERS FOR THE COUNTY OF CARMARTHEN.—1864. NOTICE is hereby given, that THOMAS ALLEN and H.JLNDINGE STANLEY QlFFAKD K-quir,s, Har- rtatef-at Law. duty appointed to a"yise the List of Voteft iotheetccttonof Knif{h« of the Shire for tha County of Carmarthen, or one of them, wHt make a C'routt of the snid C.iuntv, and hotd Courts for the purpoae of Revising the IBid Liots, at the se'erat ptaces and times following that is to sa, At LLANT)OVERY, at the TowN HALL, on Tuesday, the II ttt day OI.ber nftt. at 12 o.ct.'ck at no"n. for Re'is'ng the Li"ta of Votfrs in the several par'shcs of Cityotfn, Ltan- 'iing't. L'andd.tuaant. Lianfiir ar y-Bryn, Hangadoek, L!an <<adwrn. Hanwrdx, and Mothvey. At LLANSAWHL. at the BLACK LioN INN, on Wed. nesday, the t2 h day of October next. at 12 o'clock at noon, f 'r Re')*in<! the Lt"ta of Vo'era in the several panahea of Coowil-Cayo, Llantihan¡rel-Rbollycorn. LllAo8awel, H"n- Ilwnv, Llan\lv!hf'r. Ll,n,crwvo. Pencarrpg. and TaUey. At LLANDILO FAWR, at the TowN HALL. on Thursd-.y, th'* 13th day "f Oc'ober next. at 12 o'clock at noon, for Revising the List of Voterf in the several parisbeeot Bpttws, Brcchfa. Hanarthney. Ltlind,,bie, Ll.ndef,isant, Liatidilo. fatr. L'anfgwad, Lla(Jtihanel-Aberbythiob, Hanfynydd, LLUltihangel-C¡'fareo, aud Llangatben At LLANELLY, at the Towjt HALL. on Friday, the 14tb day of October next, at 12 o'clock at noon, for Revising ttte Li'<ts of Voters in the eeverai panshef of Ltanedy, Lianelly, and At NEWCASTLE EMLYN. at the SALUTATION INN, on Saturday, the lbtb day of October next, at 12o'c)oe!< at nooo, for Re%i,-ing the List of Votfra tn the seferal parishes ofCcnartb.Ciirhcdtn, HanShangel-ar'Arth, Ltan- geler, and Pfnboyr. ?tA?rt CARMARTHEN.at the SmRE HALL. on Monday, the 17th day of Oct 'her next. at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, for Revieing 'he Lia'" of Votera in the several parishes of Dan- .AL- .s"V.G" VUIJ"ll 01" Q.. ,r. Carmarthen, L!anf[ain. Llangannock, L anttawddot!, Llan- pumpsaint, Hanatcphan, Mertbyr, Newchureb, and Trelech ar Bettwa. At 8AINT CLEARS, at the SWAN INN, on Friday, the 21st daY of 0«tober n<*tt. at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, for Revising'he Lie'* of Vn'er« in thf ae'cfat t)ariahes o( Eglwy. cummin. Eglwys-Fair.a-Che,i,¡;, Egremont, Henttan Amdoed, KiSg, Kiiymaeiallwyd, Hanbnidy, Ha"d.twke, Llandilo- Aberc'xnn, Handowror, L'"ndia'-itif, Ltangan. Llanginning, Ltangtydwfn. HannHangei-Abercowin, Ltansadwrnen, Lt"n faHtfg. LI, nwinio. Laugharne. Laugbarne Townahip, Marroa, Mydnm. Pendine, and St. Cteara. At LLANGENDEIRNE, at the FARMERS' ARMS. in the 'Utage of Hangendeirxe. on Friday, the 2t"t day of October next, at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, 'or Re'iaing the List of Votfra in the aevera) parishes of Saint lahmae), Kidwptly, N-unt Mary in the boroMgh of KidweUy, Llanddarog, LIan. deteilog, and Llangendeirne. And the Lia'a of Votera for any Parish. Township, or Ptace, not hprein-before mentioned (if any) will be Revised Mt th<' nearest Court to the aame. N.B—The O'eraeera ofeach Parish, Townahtp, and Place, muat attend, aa rpquired by the Act. at the opening of the Court, at which th<- Li-b of their re<p.c i'e Pa.iahpa, &o., are hereby appointed to be re'iafd, and bring "'ttt them copies of their Litta.and att Notices of Claim* and 0&jec- tio"a, and other P<pf-ra wlcb they ha'e recpt'ed conoprmng the R< f:)atratton of Voters for 'he County of Carmarthen. CHARLES BISHOP. Clerk of toe Peace. September 27th, 186t. REVISION OF THE LISTS OF VOTERS FOR THE COUNTY OF CARDIGAN ,-1864. '\rOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN, that JOHN i.? PERCY SEVERN, and WtLLiAM MILLS, E?quirea. the Barriatpr' at Law duty appointed to REVtSE the LtSTS of VOTERS in the Election of a Knight of me Shire for the County of Cardigan, will make a Cirouit of the said County, and hotd Courta for the parpoa<' of Rcviting the said Liata at the oe'erat piafes and titneafoUowing. that is to «ay.— At the DEVIL'S XKIDGE. at the HAVOD ARMS INN. on Weduesdav, th" 5th day of 0-tohpr npxt.at Tnree o'oiock in theaf'prnoon. to Hfvise thj Lista of the aevera) Part hea, Townahipa, and Parceta of Cwmrheidol, Gwnn<*a ucha Gwnnws-issa. Danavan. Lianba-farnerovildin-uoha. Han- 8hanf:p)croyddi )-ucha, Ltannhangeteroyddin iasa, Yaputty Ystwyth At TREGARON, at the TALBOT INX, on Tburaday, the 6th day "t October next, at Twelve o'clock at noon, to Rt-tiae the Liatt of thp t;everil Parishes. Tuwnships, and Parcels cf Arg"ed and Ybtrad, Bhenayron, BIaencaron, Btaenpenat. Crofa and Berlin. Doithie ani Camdwr, D"itbif Pyaf;o't"r, G-irt and Ystrad. GurtheH. Gogoyan G r"ydd. GwynSt. Danbadarn odyn, L!anio, Ltanvfithn, L)<'drod-u< ha, Lie-drod-isea, Nant''<'n))< Frisk and Carfan. Treayn. Trpk"fpl. Uwchclawdd. Yotradmeirig. At LAMPErEK, at the BLACK Liot. on Friday, the 7tb, day of October next at Ten o'clock iu the forenoon, to Revise the Liata of the SeTerat Parishea, Towahipa, and Paicela of Bettwe-Bledrwe, Bettwa-Heiky, Ketlan, L*mp'*ter.L!anftir-Ctydoge, H<n6han(;el- Y6trad, Dangyby, Lian-enoR, Hanwnen, L'angenydd SiHan. Tre,igoed. AtADPAH.atthe D OVERS ARMSlNN. on Saturday, the 8th day of October next, at Ten o'clock in the forenoon, to Revise the Lists of the feveral Parishes, Townships, and Parcets of Bangor, Bettws Evan, BronKwyn, Henhan, Ltan- defriog. Liandu4wydd, Hangranoi:, LIandyMi[-u"chcerdyn, Ltandyawi)-iscet<tyn. HangunUo, Hanfair-orUwyo, Hanfair. twedimen, Pfnbr)n,Troedyraur. At CARDIGAN. at the SmRE HALL, on Monday, the 10th day of Oct"ber next, at Ft-a o'clock in the forenoon, to Revise the Lisis of the se'erat Parishes, Townabipa. and Parcets, of Aberporth, Blaenporth, Llaugoedwort' L'echryd, Mount, St. Mitry, in Cardigan, Tremain, V.,rwig. &<ABER&YR3N.atthe COUNTY SEesioNS HousB, on Tues-lay, ttio lIthdayofOctobfrnext, at Ten o'clock in the forfnnon, <o Re'ise the Litta of the Beverat Pftnshfs, Town'hipa. and Parcfis of Cydptvydd and Uanina. D'bewid, Henffniw. Kille-Ayron, KHhennin. L}anaMh. Llanercbayron, Llan badllrn- Trt'feglw'8, Lland'88i lio-cogo, Llanddewi-Abnarth, LlanllwobBiarn, Llanrh,stid Haminiog, Uanrby'id He.eni''d. UaBsaint6frapd. TrfStau. AtAhERYSTWY'i'H,attheToWNHAl,L,on Wednea. day )he 12th day of October next, at T'-n o'clock in thp fo/ noon to R<M the L'sts of the several PansheB. Town- thips. and Parceht of Aberyst-yth. Bronoaat?tan, Cen)an anLd Ma?.?< C?ach. Cyfoe.hybrenm. Cynn.tl?awr. St< ??.h 'XHf.n" t!?v? LdiedaJ Yn.drp.I?.yn-V'unor. Uanc'nfehn. Llanbadhrn-y tTO ddin ?.a. Ltanddinot, Lt.n?Mehndwr, d n ?dd.n. L!aniiar-ucha. Ha.ntar-.89a. Hanychatan. Mehndwr, Pa?Ca?.Rhos.ie. S.ybo,y.oed,Trenrig, T_ yrymynach, ? Ucha' yn-y- Vaii.or. And' ? ?' :f ?'? "? -7 ? To.n?n Farce), or Place, not hereinbefore mentioned, ()f any.) w)iJ bere*iaedattheneareatCuort. N.B. Thd O'erseera of each Parih, Townsh. p pra.,rc..e.i). or Ptace. mmt at end (as required by the Act) at the own- ing of the Court at which the Lists of their respective Parishea. &c are hereby appointed to be Re<u'ed, <.ndbnnt! with them copips of thir Lists, and all Notices of Claims and objectioDf, and other papers in their poesfssion, custody or power, concerning the Reftiftration of Votera for the County of Cardigan, or they "iH be tiabte to the penalties imposed by Lxw for their neglect so to do. F. B. ROBERTS. Clelk ot tbe rl\l"" September 19th, 18M. N 0 T_j[ C: E. TO BREWERS, INNK EEPEH., AND PUBLICANS. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL MALT ST( ES, OPPOSITE THE ENTRANCE TO THE MARKETS, JOHN.STREET, (JA.R3i.J.RTHEN. DAVID EVANt' LEWIS TS at present selling the remaining part of his choice rta f SEASON-MADE MALT, which is fully JL cleaned and scroened, AT 7s 6d. PER BUS ).f!C ASH. AUTUMN & WINTER FASHIONS, 1864. D. AND W. DAVIES T)EG to announce that their 6rst SHOW of NOVELTIES will take place on THURSDAY, the 6th ?) FRIDAY, the 7th, SATURDAY, the 8th OCTOBER, and ioUowing days, at the)r W?ruhouaos, l'OS. 1 AND 2, GUiLD!I\LL-SQUYRH, CARMAKTMEN, Consisting of MtLLINERY. PLAIN and FANCY STRAW BONXRTS, PLA.£N and FANCY STR HV, HATS, MANfLES. SHAWLS. DlE";E. StLKS. R(BiH)_ Fut,hV 6l{. FJli"" Ladtea ana G'1ntlemen's WA r8RPR)OF J.A,RIl f.3, REAL WELSH CLOTHS and FLANNELS, UMBRELLAS, HATS, SCARES, TIES, bHiRi& COLLARS, &c., &c. Wanted immediately, Two Assistants for the Grocery and One for the Drapery Department. Carmarthen, 30th September, 1864. ALLSOPP'S EAST INDIA PALE AND BURTON ALES. THE MARCH & OCTOBER BHE\VINGS of CEL'BRATED ALES FOR SALE IN BOTTLtS & CASKS TO SUii PitLVATE J<AMILIbb. FAMILIES SUPPLIED SAME PRICE AS AT THE BREWERY. AGENT: THOMAS SMYTH, Wine, SPirit, and General Jlerchant, NARBERTH. HOWARDS STEAM CULTIVATING AND PLOUGHING APPARATUS, AT WORK DAILY, WITHIN A MILE OF BEDFORD STATION. J. & F. HOWARD have now manufactured and sold upwards of 300 Rets of Steam Cultivating Apparatus' Particulars with Reports from Purchasers in most of the counties of England may he had of their Agents at CA&?A.mnm ar? r.?oT. r.??na ?n thia district, or will b ?n!la,a(l may be bad of their Agents at JAMES AND FREDERICK HOWARD, BRITANNIA IRON WORKS, BEDFORD. LONDON OFFICE:—4, CHEAPS1DE, THREE DOORS FROM ST. PAUL't. LIVERPOOL OFFICE:—19, SWEETING STREET. PORT.A.NT 3L%TOW1403E:. I MTAB*)8H. liOO.OOOSanmle Packets I E R A s 0 V PATENT CHOCOLATE ?OWDET? CMoC?pR?p??OER BjM ?M 9YTME)RPAT[NTP))MEM i! ti'M ???'M ? ? ? tn??? (Each snfEcient tu make a cup) of this CHOCOLATE POWDER Were given away at the International Exhibition of 1862. And thousands are now using it, pronouncing it to be unequalled in qUlility and e, It is Beccoraniended by the .FacMMy Dailg. One Cup or Twenty made in One Minute. SOLD BY ALL GROCERS ONE SHtLLLNG PER POUND. THADE MARK —————— By .Roya: Letters Patent. COMMERCIAL STEAM MILLS, LONDON. ESTABLMHED 181Z. ?.RATIS.-EI?HTE?N PORTRAITS, p?hM <L< portr.iits o' t-;)j:h'efn Eminent Pcrsom ado n f'e t."ra.vf p! whtch repr ont tlic'ashion:ill,?,t. ,l e nfetothtn? ") the new tnu.trMcd honk cub- U.hed bv M. srs. AMHKL nROTHRHS. the honk co..t!ttn. .1,. ti.tof Fnc< and New n., (.a for M. and hv whtch 'nv per on ntM ??re forr ct Ntt n?. The jfr .ttp?t amount o' T?ue fhr reatr mo?y i c'?n. cut ?,? f tl,,? h;h. t t'll-t mod,'1 the ,.rment., and tboy are con tr.eted upon the far-fimed pttn<-)ptM. Bnr'! Sa)t:. 5. M. to Sr. -uits. S6.<. tn )(M TK<a.«-r.. 128. M. to ').; ButineM oat.s, iOf. lid to 33a Over Coato, !M<. to M,. The Book xad Pittternt are sent ire* 00 applicathn to. SAMUEL BROTHERS, M, Ludgate HU1, London. A K I I .E 7XM Tea is tMyMr<e<f with the leaf not coloured, is k(fJ,klg recommended by medical and scienti fie m€M, and coM&tHe< purity <M<A /&? gavour and lastm,q sàld by Chemists, Stationers, and Canfectwners, tM aMFO!r4 ofge kingdom. AGENTS: NEATH—HABRtS. Green Street. HAVERr'OKUWt'.ST—OwLD & Co., High Street. MILFOKD—BALL. Chariff Street. PEM B ROK B-BOCK LAEN, 1, MeTriek Street CAtfIGAN WILLIAMS, Hifth Strpft AbERYSTWH-H-HuGHES, Market Street. NEW WORK BY THE AUTHOR OF MANHOOD Ju.t out. 18mo. Pocket Edition. Post Free, 12 Stamps Sealed E,.ds, 16. DR. CURTIS'S MEDICAL GUIDE TO MAR 1? KIAGE: a Pracueat Tre.tise on ,ts P? ?i.? P?on.l Obhg.tions. With induction, to the ?.rri? and Un?rn.d, for re.no.ing .he sp.ciai di.q?t.Seat.on. and tmpe'hmpnt8 wbich destroy thf hnD[)int?. a ??f -?<? iife-ByDK. J. L. CURTIS, l?Ai.B.? 6TIlLET, PIC- CADILY, LONDON. W. Ttns Work, the resutt nf Thirty t pr.ettce. ccnt.in. p'.in ?rectio./ J?.? Y? ?""r'???" privileg;s can be stored, and eM"?e?oti'a?l 7?.n? cr ttunsatre?th. eaed and preserved. ??' ??' ?? "? ?? R-?? E?'?" of M????c?.??? ESSAY on the C"uses and Cure of Pr,?,inature ?'? '"M? '? Treatment of Nervous D(?bility, SptJmatorrbœa. Ilopotencl', abuse., aduttexc??. tropic ??'h? ? '?' ?'" ?'?' abuse-, adult X('f88I'S. tropical clim'\tes, and ??': ?' ?ith In.tracnons for .he cu e ?T??' ?" ??"' ?'' cury, and its PREVENTION b? th. Autbor's Pre,cription (hi. infaU.bte Lotion ) B? ? ?D? ??°'' Pre.cr?tion ALBEM?RLE STEET, PiCCADI Lo?O? W REV JEWS OF THE WORK. h This is a truly .aluable wOTk, and should ??? ?'??? ?L?'????? Marob. 1868. "We feel no beøitation in sayin that then' is no roember ?????????? tbe book will not be found urfu'- .hether such person hold the relation of a parent, precep- !I ?.r. or cI??an.?/?eX K,? P??' ?"?' ??? has ?''? ??? ??? P???? tthhts "S"')e e work, in whirb is dpscribed the source ofth?e deceases «h?b produce decHne in ?youXth 'M or ?mhor? e fr?.?'y premfiturp old aste.Dailil ?. Mafrh h.1856 Pubh.hedbyJ. A?I'.en. 20, ?arwirh L.ne. PHter?ter ?? ? ?' 39, ??' London S.nt Po.t?e by the Author or Publishers for 12 pn.taM 6t.n)p"; o?? !??? 20 '??' Co..u?tS. fr.m '10 t. 3 ,ad 6 to S. JF' OURTH GRATUITOUS EDITION of ROBERT COCKS anc Co.'s THEMATIC CATALOGUE of recently publisher VOIAL MUSIC, giving tb, arst four barB,A:c. with the words ot each 6<ng. Atso a copions Lt't o) Part Songs, <t-c. Hamitton's Pa)X Tuto 432d edition, 4s.; all AtusicseUert). itolieltr COCK'' and Co.'s Cat jogueaot Educational and'tber Work- s ould be in the hands of all profesauM and te chers of music :,ul'plieå gratis and post free. Ad. ress, 6, Burlmg. t.()n-street, Londvil, W. XEREz.pure Pate SHERRY, 259. per doz. Y, (this wine has been advertised n) error at Ms. per duz.) Railw Clrriage t'ai') Recommended with cotifl lence, HE;Y 1J1.fT and Co. Importer, Holborn Bar,, K.C..Md tu n. t Stieet, S.W., L"ndon. Prices Cur ottt on itppl cation. ??ir-? 'AU-DE'VIK."—Thi9 Ce?brated BRANDY, '? ? P?e or Nrowu), tSs. ?et g?Hoa, a6s. ()er dozen, is very Mpenor tYo rpceBt importations ot Cognac. Ralway Carrm?e U .rlOr ?. To be obtained only ot HHXRy BUKrr .< t'o? ?1 F"°?ars Ui?tiMery, Holborn Bara. E.C, and 30, Regent 8tTMt 8 W., L<?' D PP x,, <1')1 RJ.T!I ?4?? IVORCESTERSfilRE SALCE. mHE GREAT SUCCESS of this 1 DELICIOUS CONDIMENT has been the signal for the appearance of many SP U- RIOUS IMITATIONS tptalty different in FLAVOR and destitute of the DIGESTIVE PROPBKTIES of this SAUCE. purchasers are earnestly requested to ASK FOR LEA & PERRINS' SAUCE, Prepared only by x ? LEA & PERRINS, Worcester. ?/ M"???S3??? Sold Wholesadt. acd for Hxport, by A 'CBOSSE & Bt.ACKWELL. London.! ? ? ? ) ? ? ? ? t.?? and all Merchants and Oilmen. ?'MS FIRST MANUFACTURED 1742 OR MORE THAN ONÈ HUNDRED &. TWF-NTY YEARS. We g arantee the perfect purity Of ? ? ? this Mustard. ? i ? SoldY5? .? ?\?'??? '?„ ??.?? '??? The attention of the public and of the medical pro- fession Is called to this facsimile of a label placed on the top of all canisters of KEEN'S GENUINE MUSTARD, which can be purchased of most Family Grocers. MEM, MBtNSON, BELLVILLE, & Co.,LQMOON. CENTRAL WALES EXTENSION RAILWAY. LOAJ.YS OS DBBEYTURES. THE Directors of the Central Wales Extension K.in)<t.i; ttr, i r,paf e,i to a,ept I'EN Dt,,It- <ur Loi, 6 in Ulli\l of t<ot 1t'8 III/HI £10111, tor PPIIO III ot Ttirt-e, Ft.f, or Sevc-n v<'ars. o" the security of th' ir D"t)fttture b"nds. -ariag mtcre'-tatJU per efLt. per ttUhma, pa)uuit3 h<tif- )<-ar'V. A).p)ic .nnns' t') be madf to 'he Secretary, at 'hf Otti'e of Die (J"ntp)my, H, M<mche&ttr BsAiiditiKe, WesHtitubter, London, S. W. By Order, JOSHUA DEAN, Secretary. U, Manchestør Builùil's. Wfht'Bu.stM'; Ju'.e20t.h, tb64. A.D. U20. ROYAL.EXCHANGE ASSURANCE CORPORATION, (Eatablisbed by Charter of his Majesty George the First,) For Sea, Fire, Life, and Annuities OFFICES, ROYAL KXCHANGK, LONDON. OCTAVIUS WIfjRA:\f. Esq Gove,,nor. SIR JOdN ilF,.Viiy PHLLV. R-ut, JA.VtKS STEVVAitr HOi)G-;ON. E<q., Deputy- Governor. DJRECTORS. ftenryRainbridge.Esq. t Ho"prt b!tr. !av. I,ihtt (Ttrraty C''<(fy. Esq Clu-p. "4. EI "ard J a 'nes Daniel, Esq. William I't¡ornll- D''nt. E-q. Al"xDdf'f Drucf'. Esq. Eq C. Hfrnoann &) o e t, E-q W Grt-ntpt!. Esq. it,t,ert A,iia,leus Ll,-ath, E,q Wn.TftlowHibh.'rt. Esq. W))o"tHo!)n[)d.Esq G FIHr>ps :\{'¡OI'UlllÍlI. E-q. Ch,t,le- J, ;\I"n!n.t, Eaq. Hcnr' Net«'n. E-q Hn. J W Pt-rey. Chdtrte< H."b'n"n. EsH S,i,n,,Pl Leo Schu<tfr. E'q. Mr!c C <rr:"g'on S<ni).h. E-.q.' Jo""pb SOraI'll, Eaq.M.P. Wtt)ittfnWst[,t(-f. E"q. Chartt-s Barinb( Y..un¡(, Esq. Medical Reteree, SAMUEL SuLLY, Esq 1<.R S. NOTICE.—The usual nt'teen days allowed for i ?? p?-meht "f FIKH PRE.MiUM? faHi..g due at .\llCH \EL\L\S will "xp r.' 011 IHh O,HO.,er. FIRE and LIFE ASSUR KNCES <ay be effected with thx Corporation "n advant,p"u, t<rms. FARMIXG-S)OCK:N.ex-ra charge is made for the use of a Steam Thrss'jing-Machine. The Re..ersi""ar\ B"nu- on British LIFE POLICIES has 2 per cent, per annum (\n the tHIID Equi'al. nt reductions htive b.n made in the Premiums payablp by who that form rif Bonus. The divisions of Profit take place evely F!M year8. Any sum uot exceeding jE15,000 may be insured on one Life. This Corporation affords to the Assured — Liberal participation in Profits,—Mith exemption from the LiabiH'ies of Partnprship. A rate of Bonus equal to the average returns of Mutual Sii, iet'es,-with the guarantee of a large invested Capit.l Stock. The advantages of modern practice,—with the security of an otHce, whose resourcfK havf bfpn tfted by the experience of nearly a CENTURY AND A. HALF.. AGENTS. CARMARTHEN. MR. DAVID EVAXS LEWIS 8wat)t.ea Ttto'nas A. Marten Cardiff „ Wi'l'am Brd At,ery.-i With „ C M.Thomson Bridg,,nd William Williams Brecon il Henry Maybery CrickhoWt'II. G. A A. D !Vlell \-tilford. II Thomas \Vllliaml L'and')o R.,v. B, D, Thomas LtaneDy. Messrs Tat*'and Johnaon Aberga'Gnny Mr. W. Price Newport. Messrs.Prothero & TowgoOd Prospectuses and all information maybe obtained on ap a plicatiun to an; of theACwizedn -tynsos, or at the ROYAL ExCHAKGE.LoNDOK, RUHERi P. iSl'EELE. Secretary. LUCRATIVE AGENCY. ?pHE Secretary of an established Life, Sick, JL Buriai, and Endowment Soofty, i!- open to reoo'e applications for AGENCIES in D)''tricts not represented. Special terms and advantages are given to suitable Agent*. Life Policies issued fr('m j6.5 to j6200. and Sick P liciet Iluaranteeiug from 58 to 30ti Per wPrk, and attend- ance during ilitiess. forwardd "n receipt of a ttnmpedpn'e!opeandareffrfnce. W. R. JoHKSON,Esq., 6. Parker Street, Liverpool. Qt;BMf8LAND GOVBRWMENT BMt&HATtUN OrDCE. L"XUON. ASSISTED EMIGRATION TO QUEENSLAND. Assieted Passages are not granted to persons of the fot- (owing occupationa, at jf and £8 pur adult. Ptougbmen, r-ad-makers, quarrymen, gardeners, miners, carpentert. masons, brickttyere, bJacksmitbs. wheelwtigh shipwrights, Ac.; atso female dome<tic aerrants of good character. Mr. R. LLOTD JOKES, Agent, Journal Omce, Carmar- then. HENRY JORDAN. STARCH MANUFACTURERS TO H.R.H. THE PRINCESS OF WALES. GLENIIELD PATENT STARCH. USED IN THE ROYAL LAUNDRY, AND AWARDED THE PRIZE MEDAL. Being a confirmation by some of the most eminent scientific men of the age of the SUPERIOR QUALITIES OF THIS WORLD RENOWNED STARCH. SoUinPaketaat Ad., Id. 2d. 4d.. an-1 8.). each, by all rfspfctiibte Grocers, Chandlers, O'tmen. &< WOTHERSPOON & CO., GLASGOW x LONDON. ? IVEN AWA*Y, the new MEDICAL WORK Gentitted DMBILITY. 11'S CAUSE AND CURE. or A Warning Voice t" You, 9 Men. on the Cur" o! Ner'Ui< Uebi))ty,Loa- or Me'Tory Dimti, ss, "f Sight. L<itude, IlIdige..tion, Dislike t" Sociftt. Local We-.ktie-s. Musfttar Rpinxation. t)ppres>l"n. Ac which if oegtected. rf8')tt in CC)I;umption, Ir'sanit; and pret<,a ture death. I'Iiis work is i)Iu<'ratcd with biii,ire(is (,f cas<" testimoniKls form patients, 8howing dearly the treat. fnentby-wbichthcy werecure.i; with pi indifections for perfect restoration to hea)th iind vigour. Sent post frfe to any address, on of a dirpcted etivelope, PDrlosing two postage stamps Address, Meosfs. SMITH, 8, Burton crescent, Tavistock-square, London, W.C. THE NEW FRENCH REMEDY Ts an infallible cure for NERVOUS, MENTAL -L and PHYSICAL DEBILITY; is the discovery of an eminent French Physician, and has been used on the Continent for the lallt five ,ears wilh success, being cbemicaUy prepared in the form of a lozerge. may be takèn without the leut fear of detection. and restores tone and manty vigour to the m"st impaired consti- tu'ion. Sent through the Post to any address, prepaid, on receipt of lls or stamps Each pocket contains all the medical advice required in tlree ca'-es. S"le agent in this country, Monsieur A. DlIa), Patent Medicine Aget.t, Bir- -ningham.. HEALTH and MANLY VIGOUR. A Medical Man of 20 wears'experience in the Treatment of NERVOUS DE- HILHY. Sf'erma'orrhoea,and other socia)'!ut'fS. haspub- Jishpd a book gi'ing the full benefit of his iong fxperience. 'ratis, with plain directions for the recover) ot H''a)th and Strength A "ingte copy eent to any address on receipt of .)ne stamp. Address to the Secretary, Institute of Anatomy, Birmingham ) STEAM COMMUNICATION BETWEEN DRISTOL AND LLANELLY .D and thence, per Dane?y and Vatf of Towy Rutwaya to CROSS INN, GARNAXT. LLANDILO. LLA ';GA- ))OCK. LLANDOVERY. PONTARUAWE, YSTALY. FERA, and all places adjacent. OCTOBER, 1364. The Fast New Iron Srew teamer LEOPARD. WiLHAM TucMAS (late of the Emity") Com'tiandcr, Is mtcndfd to Sail as follows (with goods only). Loading Days at Bristo). Saiiiugs from Llanelly. Tufa. <& Wed., Oct. 4 5 Monday, October 3 t it M"n. 8 10 Fri.'ay. 1. 7 FridaT & Sat., M 1? ihursday, ??o Wt-d. & rhur?., 19 2" Tufeday. 18 Mun. & Tues., 24 ?5 SKturday. oo Sat. & Mon. 29 31 Friday. ? ?8 Sheep contpyfd at lp Pigs Is 6d. All Goods to be IIlllDllside the Patket before the f'ttock r.m. Fpr fur-hpr particutare pleasp appty to Mr.W D Phi!)irp' RMtt"ayand Deck Company, Ll)tneHy; MeMH.ThoaiMA Sun, BMk, Bttttot. SWANSEA & ILFRACOMBE. OCTOBER, 186t. ???. PRINCE OF WALES and HENRY 1i1-119w? SOUfSAN Steamera Swauasittulifrdoombe. Lfracombe to Swansea. Monday 3..8 30 morn Wednetday 5..830mor M,mday 10 2 15 tacr- Wedae'.d!tyl2..3 Omor. Wednesday 26.. 3 Omn'r' Monday 3.. 2 30 after Tharaday 6 4 45 after Monday 10.. 9 45 mom Thursday 13..1045 morn Thursday 27 10 30 mom REDUCED FARES —Bpa[ C"bm G<, to and iro 8- Fore Ca')H)4a, dit'o 6a. Ct')tdr.'uMDdfr12yetr8,ha(tfare. HO,g'8 10, F' C,ttl£' 6-, Stllrf' onto .58, lJ..w alld Cdit 78 ?ls Is, Gig, 129, Priations 6J. Cilv,,s Is 6d. Dogs 18 6d. P)i:s la, Gig- 128. Pntmona 15«. Cdrriaizes 2M. iNo itewara'c, fee. IW The ulld.r-na¡ned btrarxier-i will moke [heir Tnpe from 6-anseti t" Brjat' next nton'h.in 0 e Tide.paMage about 1)1 houra. beif,g tnp Sh rt.fft.ao't Cheaper Koute.— Fare- ;-Be-, Ctbin.4f 6').; F"rp C"t)i', 2'' 6.' STEAM COMMUNICATION BETWEEN s NVANSEA AND B ILISTO L. OCTO HER. t864 ?????f?&?? '*???? THE HENRY SOUTHAN A.V D PRINCE OF WALES. Of some ,tti, r suitable Steamer, will From Swansea t" Bristol.. FrnmRristcttoSwarmpa. (Fr 'm NVltb Dock.) (Fro'n Cu'ubftland Baatn.) 1, Saturday.. 830 milrn 1, Sa'ur'iay.. 6 30 morn 4, Tuesday tU O tu'r!t 4, Tu<-ft)My 8 Omorn 7, Frid ty 12 0 noon 6. I'tijroiuv 9 Om"rn 8, S.tut'ay ..12 3" after 8. Saturday..11 Omorn H. 'i'Ufsday 24<5 morn H, 'tumdt<y 2 Om<-ra 14, Friday 7 Omorn 13, Thursday.. 4 Omorn 17, Monday 9 30 mornlo. Saturday.. 6 45 morn :to rbur8day 1130'u"rnl9.Wed!)eday..845morn 22 Saturday ..12 0 lJígbt¡2i, F'lday 10 30 after 27 Thursddy 60 atteri2', Tuesday 20 morn 31 Monday 8 30 murn:29, Sitturday 50 morn Pa-isengers from Swansea landed at Clevedon if lequired. FAUES.—Mfst ??bin 4-, Fore Cabtn 2,. 6), Chitdren under 12 yarti of age hMtfptX-e. Hoteea 7'<. Fat Cattte 78, StOte ditto 6<, C"w and C<if 8s. CaWet Is 6d. Dogs 2s 6d. Pigs 9d, G'g" 9s, Phaetons 126. Cartages 17a 6d. Steward'* fee, 6d. DADSTOW, WADHBRIDGE, BKISTOL. OCTOBER 1864. HKNRY SOUTHAN, JOHN LONG. Comm<nder. THE PRINCE OF WALES, W. PocKETT, Comm&nder. From Brietot to Padetow and Wadebhdge, catting at Swanoe* and Itfrxcombe (weather permittilll). P. ToesdaY, 4 8 morn P. Tuesday. 11 2 'norn' P. Tuesday, 25 2 mor.) I From Padstow & Wadebridge toBrit.tcl,caIlh.gatI)fra. oombeand Swansea From Wadebridge, calling at Padfo". P. Thuradn, 6 7 30 morn P.Tbu'lIday.l;l Omorn P. Tlturaday, 27 ..2 Omorn Gooda forwarded with the dispatch to and from Wadobridgp, Ptidatow, B"dmin, Cantetford, St. Au6K'l, Lo6t"nhift, St. (J-'tu'nb. Port laaac. Boactn't.lp, Npwquay, Liskeard, St. all d places adj cent. FARES (:)!t'ward'8 < included). To or from Bri8'o¡, or Wade bridge, beat cabin, 8* fora cabin, os. To or from Itirac"mbe and Paltow and Wiidebridge, beet cabin, 6s; fore cabin. 48, Return ti<t«'t6, awaiiali,e for 18 days. by this Vfsael :-To and fton Bristo), Padtow, and Wadebridge, best csbin. 12c; fore cabin, 7a 6d. CtutdrMn utider 12 years of age, haif price. Carnages. 30: Phaetons. 20&; Uige, 15s; Hor-es, 12s; Uot<8. 2s 6d Cxttte. 7" 6d Pigs, la 3d Calvee, 2a 6d. SWANSEA, PADSTUW, and WADEBRIDGE. OCTOBER. 1864. From Swannes toWadfbndge and (Cal)ing at Hftacombe). P. Wed.. 6. 80mnrn P.Wfd.. t2.. 3 morn P. Wed, 26 3mor). Froml'edftow& Wtdebndge to Swamee* (Catling at Itftacombe). P., Thureday, 6 7tworn P., Thur«da', 13.. 2 morn P., Thur,,iday, 27 2 morn FARES—Best cabin. 8s; fore ditto. 5s. Return-Best, Us; f"fe, 7.. 63. al.ti]abJp for 28 dIlY, Cattle, &c., tJ. samp 88 from Bristol 20s; Gin". 15a; Horses, l?s; Dog., 2s 6.J; Cat'h 7s 6d i'i){8. Ie 3d Calves, 26 6d. FAKES (Steward's fee included). -To or from Lfraoombe, Padatow and Wadebridge, best cabin, 6e fore cabin, 4s. An Omnibus leaves Padatow daily at Oneo'Ctoc)r the Aftfrnoon for Bodmin Road Station, and from Bodmio Road for Padstow morning. Gnods rfceived and forwarded by the above Steamers, at usuti, fnr Newport. Cardiff, CoKbridce. Port Tatbot, Neatb, hr' h}r. A bl'rdare. Llandilo. Llandofery, Carmarthen, Swansea V-'tt'-y. and places xdjacent. For further particulars apply to theroHowinzattBte:— 8-.nee-J. W. Ponkett,) Propriptor, Pad)ey'8 Quay Brtsto'-E. T. Turner, 12, Qiay strop' Pad-tow Robprt England Wadebridgp—WCatitt Btdetord& Barnstttpte— W. HaMken, Steam Packet Office LintoB -G. Frr Ilfracombe John Davy, Lantprn Hill South Moulton-J. Warrem Churchyard Tenby J. Stone, Albion Inn, Pier BURNHAM TIDAL HARBOUR COMPANY AND SOMERSET & DORSET RAILWAY COMPANY. Direct Through Communication between South lf"ales, and the Sout/t East, South and IVest of England. I\!PROVRD STEAM COMMUNICATION BETWERN CAR DIF F AND B U R N H A M,& NE %V PORT AND BURN H A M I The Fine Fast Sailing Clyde Built Steam.e)-s DEFIANCE E. L tiAKKUN, Commander HEATHER BELL %V, IIFNSliAM, Commander Will 6a!t during the mo..th ot SEPTEMBER as under: Fr 'm Burnham to ToCAuniry. ToNEWpoRT ((iloucesttr Whdrt.) iThur.530af..330a< 2Fri. 530af..430at 3 Sat. 530.'f..530<.f 5Alon. 6 30 af 6 30 oLf 6Tu. 530af 7Wed.60af70m60af SThurllOm 9F.i. 11 30 rn lOS.t. t230af..930m 12 lon. 3 30 iif 12 30 t 13 Tu. 4 30..f.. 12 3) "f 14 Wed. 6 30 af 12 30 afl 1.5Tbur.o30a.f..330af 16Fri. 5 30 af 3 30 at 17 Sat. 530af 19 Mon. 9 30m..5 30 af 201'u. 1030m 21 Wed. 110'n;.930m :t2 Thur. 1I 30 m 23i-ri. 12 30 f 9 30 m 24SHt. lOaf 26Moa.4:15a<1230!tf 27 fu. 4 loaf.. 10 a) 28Wed.53'a<30af :¿9 Thurs. 530«f..330<< 30 Fri. 530at..3b0af To Bu'r)hnrt)from CARD!FF. FROM NEWPORT. (Gtouceatff Wharf I ,1' IThur 70m.. 70m 2Fr 730m.. 80m 3S.'t. 8 Om.. 8 30m 6 Men. 80m..9 Om 6)u. 7 Om..920m 7 Wed. 10 15m..10 30m. 8')hur.730m 9Fri. 80nr..)130m 10 Sat. 9 0 'n.. t230ttf t2Mon.I230af..330af 13 Tu<.B. 13"af ..4 Oaf !t4Wed. 3 Oaf 4 Oaf ISThur 6 Om I C) Fri. 70n- 70m 17 Sat. 8 Om..445af 19 Alon. 830m 2"Tues.80m ..90m 21 Wed. 80m !2? Thur.I01.5m.. 9 On* 23Fri. 90m ? Sat. 10 15m..l30af ?!6Mon.l!5af. 4 Oaf ?7Tue?ll5af..4 Oaf ?8 Wed. 2 30 af 119 (hurt. 3 Oaf..6 Om SOFrt. 7 Om.. 7 Om i avengers. Parcels, and Goods can ,,ow be booked through ?"? ?'??? ?"? ?d a)t SMiou. on tb. S.?.r.tt and Vorl'et Line, ?? LOXDOX. PoRTSMCTTH. GuSPOUT, ?boUt?H?? proN, GLERXhEY, JERSEY, LYMiNGTO?. and ?)1 ?pru?ip?t s?tui.,8 en the Luhdonaod S"uth Western line. For further particiilars sep rmall bills. TralDsleave Eurnh<.m for Paotp, Southampton, Portsmouth, &c.. at 8 5. a.m., 10. 30 a.m., 1. 20 p.m., 6 25  )t Southampton for Burnhiitn (?iaWimborBc ) at ? 60 it m. 'L ) t J'nto ditto (viaSa)i6?ury ) ,&t 8.50a.m., 12.45 a.m., 4.5D. p.m., 7.16.p.m Porten'outb f'<r bumh<m (*)a Saht.bury), 8.0 a n).. 11 40 a.n. 4.t6 p tu., 6 30 p.m. Pf'ote tor at b 10 am lU.lo a.m. 1.5 p.m..and 5 30 p.rn,5 pm. AU informatiou as to hfight, &c., n)J) be ob'ainfd on ppli(-atit)n 10 A)r. Swan, the butf-hath Ttdal Ht.rb:ur L(,m- pa)t)'s Supe't).ttt)dtHt &t buMtbam. or 5 Stuart Strtrt Bute D.ck.. C..rd.S tb. TrdIic At-nagtr cr Dc.k Super- intend..nt d thf M,ii m(,utV, -hire 1{lIilwdl. ano Mr, Jr,hn Ni'biiGburch, Iiigh-strett, Nt,%pfrt, Air Juhu S!I>1th, York H\lul!t', Blidgvvatti, or Mr A. Ptitt. 16, lligh-rtreet, Bristol. By Order. ? ROBERT A. BEAT) Omce., Glattonbuty. Secretary and G.n<Ml Maxagir