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DENTAL SURGERY. W. J. ITVANS, DENTIST, TREVANE HOUSE, NEAR TENBY TTAVtNG made arrangements to visit CARMAR- JjL THEJf on the Srst WEDNESDAY and tbit-d SATURDAY in every month:—bees to inform the inhabitants of the Town and it* 'icioity, that he may be consulted at Miss EvANa, Confectioner. Lammas-ttreet. Trevane House, Jan. 14th, 1863. ADDRESS. MR R. LLOYD JONES TLTAS the honour to announce that ha will carry on .LJL the buaineaa of hia late Father, aa AUCTIONEER FOR THB SALE OF ESTATES, FURNITURE. STOCK. &c., When he hppea by strict attention to all matters com- mitted to his truat to merit a continuance of the support which his predecessor received. BOOKS, PICTURES. WINES, MUSICAL INSTRU- MENTS, and EFFECTS of every kind Valued. 4W Settlements of Sales prompt. Journal OSj!ce. Carmarthen, August 13th, 1862. THE INEW BUTTER MACHINE. HANCOCK'S PATENT PRIZE MEDAL MACHINE. For Purifying Butter from all traces of Milk and Aeid.and f'<r Cooling and mak'ng it Firm in H"t W<*ather. without touching it with the hand*, as u-<ed in HER MAJESTY'S DAIRY aad that of the EMPEROR OF THE FRENCH. Tfstunepiala from the Bight Hon. Lord Portosan, the Right Hon. Lord Berners. and Capt. Jordan, Pigeonsford :— Bamttone, B<andford, Aag. 26, 1862. My dairy managers highly approve of your Butter Machine. They eocsMer it the moat emcienf and asefu) a<!<!it!on to the atensits in the dairy that I h've ever pro- eaMd for th<at. (Signed) PoRTMAM." Gentlemen,—We have used your Butter Machine over two months. and much approve of it. It makes the buttfr Srtter. and it keep* better, and there is no dimoulty in working the Machine. (Signed) BERNERs." Pigeonsford. Newca<t!<Emtyn, Deo. 10. 1863 Gentletoea.—I ffe) it ineu'nbfnt upon me to inform you that the Butter Machine haa <ti'en me the utmost <atiafao- tion. I con*ider the teneSt derived from the u<a of it to oe M great that no dairy (for butto), thould be without one. (Signed) G. B. J. JORDAN." Fat DAtRT Ust, from One Cow to Four, E2 2a from One Cow to Forty. d62 12<6d. For FAMILY U8E. HOTELS, and SCHOOLS, for taking all theSattuutofTftbBatttrand leaving it qjite Frfeb, at qaite 2d per pound better, and at'o for Preeeing Juice out of Fruit, t0< 6d each. Sold by a.1 respectable tronmon<!ere, and wiU be exhibited on the Messrs. HANCOCK'S STANO. at the ROYAL AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY'S SHOW, NEWCASTLE. Whoteeale agent for Cardiganshire, and part* of Carmar- thenthire and Pembrokeshire, Mr. LBVI JAMES, Ironmon- ger, Cardigan. All letten to be addressed to HAtfcocK BROTHERS, Plough Works, Dudtey.port, Tipton. COUNTY OF THE BOROUGH OF CARMARTHEN. IbJ'OTICE is Hereby Given, that the next General -L? QUARTER SESSIONS of the Peace for the said County Borough, will be holden and kept at the GciLD HALL. in the said County Borough, on WEDNESDAY, the 19th day ofOcroBER inst., at half-past Eleven of the Ctock in the Foremen, when and where all persons con- cerned are required to attend. ? Dated this 4th Day of October, 1864. JOHN HOYES BARKER, Clerk of the Peace. V. M!i R. CARMARTHENSHIRE. MICHAELMAS QUARTER SESSIONS. 1864. 'VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the next ?.? Gen'*rat Quarter Sessions of the Peace for the County of Carmarthen will be held at the Shire Hall. in the Town of Carmarthen, in the said County of Carmarthen. on Thursday, the 20th day of Oct'ber next, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, at which time and place aH County business will commence and be proceeded with, tnd that at Twel'p o'clock on that day the Court will pro- ceed to the adoption of such of the provisions of the several Acts of Parliament relating to the Rural Police of the said County as thall be necessary, and to the assess- ment. application, and management of the County Rate; and will pass all bills examined and approved of by the Finance Committee. And Notice ia hereby also given, that the Court wiU be moved that a deputation of MiFristrat,a to accompany the Cuaty Members be appointed towaitomthePoftmaster- Gpneral. for the purpose of bringing to bis notice the expfoieney of an atteration in the present arran<remfnt for'he dfli'ery of tetters in the central and upper parts of tbee.'unty. And notice is hereby atso given that the Court will be tao'ed that application be made for the ad*a"ee of the regaining portion of the sum of .612.00). ordered to be borrowed for the purposes of the Joiat Lunatic Asytum. And Notice is hereby also given, that alt appeals and traverses to be tried at these Sessions must be entered at the Clerk of the Peace's Omce at or before 10 o'clock in the morning of Friday, the 2t*tdayof0ct'her next, (the second day of the said Sessions), and that on the said 21st day of Oc,ober, at the hour last mentioned, all Grand and Petit Jurors, Bailiffs of Hundreds, and persons bound by Recognizance. must attend and answer to their names and the several Magistrates of the said County are requested to cause all depositions taken before them relating to Felonies and Misdemeanours to be prosecuted at the said Session", to be transmitted to the Clerk of the Peace on or before the 10'h day of Oc'obfr next..and in all cases arising subsequently, immediately after being taken. And Notice is hereby also given, that the Court will proceed with business on the said 21st day of October, in the following order: Firstly, Trials of Prisoners secondty, Trials of Traverses; and, Thirdly, hearing appeals and common motions. And Noticels hereby alsogiven, that all persons having claims against the County, must send in their accounts to the Clerk of the Peace's Omce, at Llandovery, on or before the t2tb day of O'tober next (excepting for works to County Bridges, which are to be sent in on the 8th day of O-tober next), and must attend before the Finance Committee of Magistrates, on Thursday, the 13 h day of O.'to'ter next, at the Grand Jury Room, at Carmarthen, at 12 o'clock at noon. for the purpose of having such claim* au'tited if required, otherwise they will not be paid. Dated this 27th day of S. pt..m"pr. 1864. CHARLES BISHOP, Clerk of the Peace. V. R. CARDIGANSHIRE. MICHAELMAS QUARrHR SESSIONS, 1864. j. OTICE IS HBRPB ir GIVEN, thatthe next N General Quarter Sessions of the Peace will be held and kept at the County Sessions House, in the Town of Aberayron, in and for the said County, on Tuesday, the t8th ddy of October, 1864, at the hour of eleven in the forenoon, when all persons summoned to attend as Jurors, and bound over to prosecute and give evidence at the said Sessions, are required to attend. The Magistrates of the said County are requested to return all depositions taken before them, in cases to be tried at the Quarter Sessions, to the Clerk of the Peace, at least one week previous to the Sessions, and in all cases which may be heard within one week, the depositions to be returned forthwith. The ltecognizance4 ofpr08ecutors and must be filed at the opening of the Court on the first day of the Sessions. The Magistrates' Clerks, and the Attornies practising in the said Court, are requested in all cases of appeal to be heard at the said Sessions, to transmit to the Clerk of the Peace, for the information and guidance of the Chairman, copies of the examinations upon which the removal is grounded, and the grounds of appeal, seven days previous to the Sessions. The Court will proceed with the trial of prisoners be- .ore the hearing of appeals. COUNTY AND POLICE RATES. The Finance Committee of Magistrates will sit in the Magistrates' Room, in the County Sessions House, at Aberayr'm, immediately after the opening of the Court on tho ,irst day of the said Sessions, to examine and investigate the bills and demands upon the County, and to regulate the C.'unty e<pe"diture. All persons who have any demands upon the County, must transmit their bi!!s to the Clerk of the Peace on or before the Uth of 0 t"r next. The Court will proceed with the business relating to the assessment, application, and management of the County Rates, and to pass all bills and deman d s that shall have been examined and approved of by the Finance Committee of Magistrates, at the hour of one o'clock in the afternoon on the iirat day of the said Sessions and also to assess and tax the said County with a Police Rate, for the purpose of de- fraying thf expenses of the Constabulary Force, according to the provisions of the Acts 2nd and 3rd Victoria, cap. 93, and 3 and 4 Victoria, cap. 88. The 'r'ctu'n u< a (iuDpo%%aer MORozine for the purp BfB of the County M'lti<. and in afcofdancp "'th a pidu laid before the Court a< the latt st'8i"n8. will be considered. T''e Ct urt <ml be mo'fd f"r a sum not m'ffd'Dt .EIO for faroi*h)ng the County SeMioot Hou&e,atAberay)on, ,wi, h a <-) 'k. U-ted thie 27th day of Septe-t.b'r, 11164. F. ROW. ROBERTS, rk,d t4e RESTORATION OF ST. DAVID'S CATHEDRAL. SUBSCRIPTIONS ALREADY PROMISED. Rev.J M.Traherne (a oequeat). 920000 The Dean and Chapter of St. David's 1"00 0 The Bishop of St. David'a (in t-o instatments) 1000 0 The Lord Dvn<'vor (in two payments) oOO 0 The E.r!o'Cawd"r (a first donation). 1/'0 0 Ret. Sir Erasmus Henry Grimes WtiHamt. Bart.. 300 0 S:rJames Bamitton. Bart.. and L.dy Hamitton.. 100 0 G.LottPhitIips. Eaq..M.P 100 0 J. H. ScourSeH. E.;q., M P. (in four inatalmeut.).. 100 0 D. Pugh, Esq-. M P. 100 0 Rev J. R. A. Phitippf (in four instalments) '"00 C. Allen, E'q. (in two years) 10U 0 John L. G. P. Lfi". Eltq. (in nve years) 60 0 R. Goring Thomas. Esq. (in five years). 60 0 John and R. H Har'ey.Esqrs 21o Re'. R. Lewis (in five instalments) 50 0 R P.Davies. Eaq (inSveyear<) 50 0 Rev. Owen Jones (in Hve year") 25 0 Fredenck Lloyd PhUipps. Esq. (in four years). 20 0 Rev. D A. Williams, Ctianceil,,r of St. David's (m nve years). 25 0 Row. J. Grimths. Viecir of Uandilo (in four years) 25 u TheArchdeacunofCtr'Bartben 21) 0 The Ar, bdeacon of C.rdigan 25 0 Rev. J4mes Allen, Vic.Lr of Castlemattin (in three loo o years) 100 0 Rev. J. GrifBth, V*car of Dangunnor (in n'e years) 10 0 Re* E'an Jamea, Vicar of Abargwili (m five yetra). 15 0 Re* J Sinnftt, Rector of Banker Tei6 (in two ypare) 10 0 Geo. Gilbert Scott, Eq. 50 0 H P Good.?. E-q. (in three years) 15 0 C. W. Bowen, Eoq 10 0 Mro H,well, of C,,mrose 0 0 The Principal and Fettowe of Jeeut College, Otford 100 0 The Principal of Jesus College, Oxford M 0 The Dean of Uanda?,lS64 and 1865. 20 0 MfaBayne 60 0 rhe Arohdeaeon of Brecon (in four inatatmentB).. 100 0 MraPinrhin 10 0 MreWatdron 5 0 Rev T. Richardson (iniMtatmentB) 20 0 Rev. Prof.-aBor Winiame (in inatatmen's) 25 0 Rev F. Maria, Rfctorof South 8ou'etcotea (in instalment.,) 10 0 Rev J.bu Lut,y, Rector of Hampton Lucy, Wat. wickehire. 100 0 Jotiet-h Gnmshife, Esq., Albion Road. London 15 0 ArehdpaconAtten o 0 Miss PiUnan.Steynt'.n Vicarage. 200 heHonnurabteMiM'sRice 10 0 Vatt-ntine Da.is, Esq Rt-siatrar cf the Dtoceae of of St- flavid's 100 0 G<-nfra)M..rgan. C B. o 0 Ho'tG"yn,E.q 2.) 0 Rf E 0 Piii Ilips, Vicar of Aberystwtth J M Archdeacon'Jtark 3o 0 J. Johnee.E.q (in f,,ur in-,taimentii) 60 0 Ke'E.L. BaTnweH()D two year).) 10 0„ Rev W. Basil Jones (in6teyear<'). 60 0 G.T.Ctark.Eeq 25 0 rhf-Bi.hopofHat.da<f (intbreeyearf) 7? 0 MrBTrabfrne (h)'woinetaiment<t). 100 0 The Eart of Li..burnp. 5 0 The Lady Catherine Aiten 10 0 G W. Parry, Eoq 5 0 James B. Bowen, Esq., LlwJngwair (a Sret dona. tion) 20 0 Re' D. Joneo, vicar of Liandewi Vetfry (in two years) 10 0 Messrw PoweU, Matthias and Ewans (in nTe )ears) 50 0 Rev G WiMiams, Vicar of Brecon (in 6ve years) 100 0 Edward Jones, Esq., Vetindre (in two years) 10 0 W. T. Bayne. Esq., Lincotn's Inn. 25 0 Mrs. George Holgate Footter (a firsidonation). SO 0 Mr. R. Mason, Tenby and Pembroke-Dock Observer 3 0 Rev. G. W. Birkett.St.Ftorence o U Joshua JuU'anAUen. U, -q 52 10 The Countf-ss Dowattcr of Cawdor 60 U The C?w?MttNewspaper. 0 0 Re?.G.WadeG?en.Cou'tBenry 10 0 Mr. Anthony. Proprietor of the .Here/b? T_?M.. 2 2 MiMRobaon.PenaUv. ? ? ? Rev. H J. Vincent, Vicar of St. Dogmen'* 6 0 li,ev. John Phelps, Vioar of Carew 10 Re'. Samuel Dtt'iee. O)Stermoath. 0 u Captain LloydPhiHpps.Penty Park. 10 0 HenryG. Allen, Esq. Lincoln'" Inn. 200 W. O. Brig.t ock e, E.q.. GeU; Dotell. 10 0 ,rbomas Alien, Esq (anra'donation) 5 0 Mrs. TnomasAHen (a nrst donation) 5 0 Ge.'rgf Baligh Allen, Esq., T"mpte. 10 0 Rev. T.Widiitnts.Ltowfs. Radnorshire. 6 0 Nichotas R"eb, Esq. PaekestoB 10 0 Mrs Roch,P..akeston 10 0 N. Adam-on Roch, Esq., Paskeston 10 0 J. S. Hart rd, Esq., BtMi<eC"stte 50 0 The LorJ Ken'.in<<tjn (a first donat'on). 100 0 Capttin the Hon. WUham E<t<'afd<-s 60 0 Re'. John Hugh"s, Pt'nally 5 0 Rev R. J. H Thomas, Hodxeston (a nrstdonath'n) 3 0 Rev. GritSth Thomas. Cardigan 6 0 Thomas Meyrick, Esq. 10 0 Rev. Wm. Ah<.n, Bosheston (in two years) 1" 10 H. Russy Vivian, Esq.,M.P.. (in five years) 50 0 Rev. Thomas Horn, Ha'erfordwest 2 0 Rev. Thorna" Stacey. Preoentur, LtacdaS. 6 0 Rev. DO James. Hantta-er. 10 0 FR. evL. 'Betrange Clark, Esq (anftdonauon) 00 Rev. L (!lint, Pre.,tign (in two years) 1010 Mri. Lewi", L)anay<'n. 10 0 Rev. H. P. Thomas. Nash (inn voyeara a 0 A Lady at Tenhy. 5 Rf* gimtiel W. Saunders, St.I_ah.maels 20 0 H. M,-ybery. Esq. Brtcon. o 0 MisxAnne L..tham.Crickhowd, o U \tr. Jjhn Tudor. 1 0 Mrs Hereford. 4 0 It-,v. L. Evans.Y"t'adMeurig. 100 Mrll. Brigitto kf. Bia-,np-nt 10 0 Rev. Evan Ml.rg-iii, LlandIIlIil. 10 0 ltav. D..vi.j Grlffithll, R. Tre.iIao. 20 0 Miss J-ne Acki-nd. Bath. 6 0 Rev. Thomas E.ans. rector of Llanvatteg. 10 0 Ttio Rarl of lichreter 10 0 Rev. William Mevtfr. rec'or of St. Lawrence 60 JampsSumft..rs.Ksq..Haverfordwest 10 0 The Bereford Jou)-nal o Rev WiHiam bowtinK, Co hasten. .0 Rev. J. HuKbfS, vicar ot Penbryo o 0 Oetavius Morgan. E.q..MP 200 Rev J D P-Irliour, Cre-sely 6 0 Kev. JiAm-s Thomas. Pr,-b. St. David's 10 0 HenrvAWfdgwuod. Esq., WoodSdd. 10 0 The Bi.hop..f St. Asal,b 100 0 Rev. P D. Richardoon, I;t. D-,g".elle a 0 La<ty. a trine towards the Rtstf'ratiom Fund o 0 John Kvan TbnmHS.Eeq, London 5 0 G White. Esq 'I'enbv 5 U John Perkins, E<q ,H.)bartTo"n. 10 0 Thf Eart ot Powit. 00 0 Rev. (jnH!thMvan-<icar'fLtandy<riog. o 0 Rcv. T. B. Levy. rector of Kiiight's, Eoham 1 0 W.G))bfrts"n,Esq.P<'n'ardawe -r. 10 0 B. D. C per C. Alleti, Esq 3 d Ur Dys'er. Tf-nby SO 0 Rev. John C'.n'.op. Bradneld HaU. 26 0 J. H.ttafries. EMj. Trl'v('oon 20 0 Rf. Arthur H. Kicha'daon, L'anwrda. 10 0 Rev. James P. WUHama.'ubdeanSt. David's 20 0 Rev. O.C. Ltng, rect,,r of Pwllcrohan a o The 8..h..t. of Eiy. 100 0 RMV. H Prichard. Dinam 0 10 Ke. Chas P. J .nf-a. Minor Canon, St. David's 20 0 I)o, tor J,)npo. Lantech 10 0 Mr- UoydUavtes.Ab?rcerry 5 0 F.Wt.hnart.Esq.,MUford 3 3 Mrs Rich!<rdPf't'er 100 Jail Ro,,erts, E<-q Vicar Cbnrat. St. David's 20 0 Arthur Jame.. E.q C E.. Pa,ldingt,,n oS 0 Mf9. Morgan, and the M'saes J-tm?. St. Davtd s.. ? ?0 E Ree8. Esq., Trem*nny 5 0 Mia? HoweU Cwmwdig. 1 0 I J?a. Morgan. Kaq Tnnewydd (lat donation) 15 _Cr1h:_L. J! 1\ K" w. i. rrarnpion, U1 \.J1J1C;Ut'IH¡- u" U TfiOm"s.Esq.,Crimea I 0 A friend titSt U-tUd' 1 0 C.I,t. Hewitt, Ve in-'re (Itit donation) 1 0 D. Pc'hin<, E'-q., Pwllcair'g 0 C. C Eab nt:t<.n, Eq. 60 R(" W. H'ti{h('-<. Ltandd<'wi-Abfr.'rth. 2'}, P. M G. Wtt)i.<ms, Esq., Treyarchid 1 0 Jnhn Colby, Eeq-. k'f,,n,,ne 50 0 M.tuncpRfpo.E-q.Uvthir I 0 Mr J.,bn Tudor, H.-lie Vile. St. Dawid' a MrJ.<bnOwen.St.Da'id't 2 0 Mr George 0<en. St. Da*id'8(l<t donation) 1 0 Mr Withamt, Comatetoiat Hotel, St l)a.id' (1st don"tio<.) 2 0 Mio- Propert, Crnttufty 1 0 Mr Williams. post,na-ter. St. Da<id' 1 0 Mies HMfri<'a.tb<' Cfottt. St. Disvid-. c, o Ma< Web'), !)t. D.t'td'a. 1 0 T. Rees, E!q. C<'D'<ch"n 1 0 Mr J. Ua-ifO.dfapt'r.St. Da'id'a 1" Mr Dti'it6, Pro!'p<t H"u<p. St. Da-id'l 010 RfT.GWtH'ams. St D-,vid's 1 Samuel Williams, £.q" Gro.s a"ule, St Da,id'. 50 II Williams, Eeq., Penlan, St. Varid'ø o0, Mr Phit'ips. Carfin W. Itees, E..q.,Carswd)f! 6 Mr Grinnis. Porthmawr. 2 MrWiUiamB.Peotrthur. 010 Mr ReM, Emtych. 2 0 H. Hickes, Beq., St. David's 2 2 R?v, T Jones, 8t. David'N 0 10 IIlr. Hickca.St- DaTid's. 10 Mr P. Brown, St, Ða-id'ø. 010 -Owen,Esq,LI"DYirsn. 22 D.Gr'atbB.E8q..Ttele<tydJ 1 0 t Jfttkyo", Eq., CSl'rurcbell 1 0 Mr Moftimer, ir<<"ett«ch 10 E JWllr,j Robinson. Eq., Solve 1 0 Mr. J.-hn. Solva 0 10 Mr Rees, Lidadradi.-n 0 10 T. Brown. E-'q Hardwick Hou)f, Chepatow 10 J A.GWuhau.f. E-q. Ffyf'one. 1 0 Moses Griditno, E,q I%Ianorowen 50 Mr J. U.?8, ?,a..on. 1 0 Mr J R.e,Ko-t)t)n. 010 blr %Valte,e, rre.ytb,, i 0 Mr" 't'regirinis 1 0 i. LtrwtU)n. E<tq,Trt-fmnM. 60 0 M' J"bn, Rh'8nbt.t. 010 .Ifc Ilicko. p.r hili-try 60 C''pt''tttRt!ef,M)uyddDu 1 0 Subscriptions and Uonations vill be thankfutly reoeKed by the Rev. Canon THoMAS, tSteJnton, Miitord Ha'en, and CgARLE ALLEK. E<q., o< Teoby, Honorary Secretanps; by Mcesre. Monsis end SON, Baukere, Carmarthen; aad ,A-lr.?re HaDh?!'P. Bre'-PD. TAILORS, CLOTHIERS, DRAPERS, & OTHERS THE Smartest, Cheapest, and best-ntting Cloth- JL inll. at Wb 'tesaie, ts supptied to the trade by ROBERTS and Co., of Shoreditoh, London. Cuta of Wooftena atso supntied at mete n')fnin"t proSts. The styles of B 'ys* C)"thing i< 'a'ied and Tory handsome. Knicker- bocker Suits vry t.«t<-fal[y made and 'ery cbea'. Send for s<top)es to commence an account, and yoa wi)I not fail to be pro6tahly ..an-.tied with ROBERTS attd Co., j Whotes'<!e Ctothif-rs. WooUcn and Manchester Warehouse. men, 6?. Shoreditch. London. Buainest of any hind transacted in London for Welsh I Houses, Cotnmission 2& per cent. ?HE ART-JOURNAL for October (price 2s. 6d.) A contains three L'ne Engr?'in?s riz. Lf Bour«puri Gentilhomme." by C W, Sbarpe, after C. R. LfsHe, R.A., C'.i'de Huold',¡ Pdrima"e." by J. T. WiHfEore. aftet) J M.W Turner; and" A Spanish Lady." by A Leroux; after Veta'qu'z. The literary cnntrK<utio"8 t"ciude:— Wedgvwoo-I and Etruria." by Liewei-ynn Jewilt. illus- trated; Art Le(tia'td"n Art <t So 'th K..nsin.rt'1n;" William John Mull,r," with exmplai of his works, by Jam'-s Uatfnrne; -I Al,nanse of t'-e Month." illustr(ited; "Hie'ory of Cari'-xt-'re." by T. Wrig'.t. illu-vtr,,Eted "Ancient Etyptian Deeor.&tion," with draloq by Howard Hoptev Mae'i«''a i) ath of Nt'ls,.o 0 i" Gold. Smith." illusli-ated; "S..cul..r Clergy of the Mtddte Age< b) R-w. H. L. Cutt". B.A., ilastrated; R'-fnr'n in School of Art Management;" WaH-ptinmigs fur the Palace at Wettmiacter;" &o &o. London JAMES S. VIRTUE. 21), I'y Lane. THESSRS.JAY would reapeetfutty announce that Itt great ecottutuy is efr.'cted by purchasing MuUK?KU at their ta hhme)Jt, 247 a"d 249 KEHE,l' :;THEK I LUNvuN. W. their stuck of EAUILY .UuU,t.'IINU being </« iargest tM Europe. Thou. h Messrs. JAY pluleSsedly keep the lor Muurning and Half Mu't they Bu ply a complete suit ot Dumestlc .\luurning for 2. Uuined8. MUUR I l,\U COS'rU.Mi*, Of every descriptiun is kept reittly-made, aDd call be forwarded, Town <jr <uuntry, at a mument'a notice. t'HE LUNlJlIN GEXEXAL MUU,D IXG WAU-HUUsH—JAY'S, -a. A J. GXLBERT IlIvltes the attenLion of the to his SIlO IV nOOMS for BOOKS, MAPS, ATLASES, EDUCATIONAL WORKS, Bibles, Prayers and Church Servicea, All ananred in the moet convenient way for purehaaers to from, and at the liberal prtcn. graLi. and post tree. 18. Gracechurch Street, London. B.C. ST.dTIOJ.'ij:.RY ? Or EVRY DESC.B.IP1'ION. Invitation Note Return Thank. Sote ( I t edged anoi bhclr. burde 00), Faney Pap n, DI., Forein Blae- Laid Note Pap i-s, lJanco Plioto. graphic Album" and Carta de Vlsite, of t-mineJlt Good. In great "a lety, eOlnpri..nr Books, Mem., C:I&88, rourisL" (1ase.. Itc.. In morooco and It'lsllan leather. All of and executed in the style, and at prices. Crests, Monograms, or Addrese& in steei for nr 1(OL. Paper and III pIa n or wlour. loppe P-ates and ca a ptin Specim.n. and Prim Lion po.t free. Pla.dng 84. ?Od. h., h.  64., 1& 9' ?, 2." 2,. 3d., and 2,. 6d. p,r pack, fmarded po. fr" on ?ipt f.tmp.. ? J. CHIL-BEt?T, CITY ENGRAVING OFFICE, 19, Gracechurch Street, London, B.C. REMARKABLE CURES. Trial befote Purchase. T?ERSHAWS VOLTAIC FLEXIBLE BELT ia Kpre-eminently successful in the cure of Rheumatism, Neural. gia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Epilepsy, Paraty is, ludigestion, Sprains. Inactive Liver, 13ack Weakiess, Bronchidl alld Atfections, Kervou:} Uebilit Throat Disease, Rheumatic Uuut, kxliatastion, &e. To the Kershaw Belt belongs the exclusive merit of being comfortable in wear, causing no abrasion to the slrJn, acting by the aid of the skill only, caiiil., adjusted Lo any part uf body or limbs, and 9ry durable. The liiglie6t medical testimony is in favour of its particulat- mode of 0, A new belt can ùe had on for a month free vi charge for the great of ailmeiits, or for others for a lono H priod, at a small cost. To be purchased ollly alter proved eificiency. Testi- iuonial8 sent free. Price 55 to 15s.; extra pv wer jur extreme cases, ;f0s to bl)a. each. Mr. BEA iii), Soie licensee, i67, Kegcat St.; City Depot, U, crojked L<tue, King WHIiam St., Lundou T)ILES and PROLAPSUS ANI.-A veiy light JL APPLIANCE hae bfen constructed to cure these dia. orders by Mr. CHANDLER. Anatomical Mechanician. 66 Bernera-atreet, W. Price .63 3<. For"arded by poet on receipt of pOttt-oBre order, and size round waist, Is extra. Sure to nt.—Circutara forwarded. ASTHMA.—CIGARS DE JOY ? IVE RELIEF in the worst cases of Asthma \JT and aU spaa'nodic an'?ctionf of the Respiratory Orxanf. These paper Cigar de J"y gi'e instantaneous retiff from the fteting of suff,cati(in. and cauce the brexth'ng to 8S8Umtt its Ollual frl'8 8rtÏ<>n, Tbl" be-n used in for maD, with success. The twnefl, derived therefore hss been of a permanent character, and by their ofcationa) u''e the inconvenience resulting from attacks of that des''ription may he pre'ented. Price 3" per box, or by po'.t 3<. 4d on recfipt of stamps. London Repot. WiLcox qntf Co Eneiieh and French and German Chemists. 336. Oxford S reet. W. I\NU 8 ? —— /f tLUJSFRATEO CATALC E ? CentMi? Daai?a* &nd Prioe< of 150 diferm ? tt article of Bsd-rooni Furniture, at welt ae ti ? tf 100 B<d<te*dt, an 1 Price* oi everv deocuptioB )f ? cf Bedding. ? ? SENT FREE BY POST. ? ? HEA?L AND SO?. .t. BEO?TE<0. PFPOtMG ?'? \??? *!? MO 8E'<tO? Ft'pMTUPF ?,? ?? ?S? M?'JFacT't"P? .? ?- ? ??WM??? THE INFALLIBLE REMEDY. HOLLO WAY'S OINTMENT. CONTRACTED OR STIFF JOINTS. All the Medicines in the London di4pensaries wOl,ld bare!v beneSt, much less cure. any chronic OiSes of oOlltrac- t'-dora"(fjotnt8; whpre<eif this in..I'Hltle Oint,nent be f'tfedually ru''hfd into su.-h p<r'e twice a d -If. t-le effects wlll bp imm"sE. Pafatytic patifnts even can derive adiallt&4es (rom thi. tioe rem-dy when otber mpans fail. SCORBUTIC HUMOURS-SCALD HEADS AND SKtN DISEASES. Soorbutic h-imouri ari-e from an impure fttte of the Mnod, and in mo<t oaap< the ti"er -'nt org4ni at fttUU.- T.. I P)t)s <))' epefdUy rest 'ra thcee to a heM)t 'y action while thf Oi')tmef)t. it wpil rub'd in at I"a!lt txi'-e a day, will to"n ''urf anv c"«' of "kin di!«'a«< Sotdifra. f"")or9. and mine's, use thi8 flmous Ointment in all part. of the wortd. DISORDERS :OF THR KIDNEYS, STONE AND GHAVEL. In any of the abn*o complaintii mire henf&t may be deu'ed in t%venty-fiur h'"ir'< by adopting the fo'to'ni: Laitnple meant than i< fr qu'-ntty t'r"mhL about s'x 'B0t)tb9byanvotr!ert[<tmt'nt Inba.)ca8faitthe0_t."t- œl'nt be rubbt'd in '0 'hI' 8 IIR \I of the back o'er the rfX'on of the kidneys, it will qui,- kly Jlenttr"t. and, in mO!it m- IIhnces, aioe iœm'0di4te relict. six or ei¡;ht of the Pitta ahoutd be tahen nightly aMord)ng to circumetancea. DIPTHER1A. SORE THROATS. &c. These maladies are of so sprioua and dang-rour a nature that thf 0<nt nent woul i n"t be rpcom'nfndHd unles the Proprietor was f)u''e"f )tat-n.-c*. It wi,l cure. whrn e'ery other mean* have failed, if applied im'Bediately. a"d not dftayfduntit the patient is beyond recovery. It is a s re- rei);n'e'nedy<"rsorethrott' Settled coughs or hefz:ng will be promptly rfnoved by rut)bii)g )a !his u");nt. M'tthersshoulJ rut it int" the cheat of their infant. when- ever thtre i* any hoarseness, tightness, or other affection of breathing, BAD LEGS, BAD BREASTS-OLD WOUNDS, SORES, AND ULCERS. Iti''urpriain<howqti'kty!t")r' utoer or wound, de ptiTHatnebodyf'fa'rfngth.andunStsit for the duties of life but it i< "o ie-s won 'frfit to w-tteh the fnect of Hol- toway'a Healinn Oint'ne"t. <hfn it is us.-d a'-cording to the t'rinted direottoua, and <tet)!-< ed by appropriate doa<s of t''f l PiHa. ihe p*iat inti,,mmittion. and xther morbid mfifesta- tion", eo"n <<i<app'r from the hn''cted part an i h''tlth and .treniltti return This treat<afnt cfeatea sound ndah, aod therefjre makfw <ta eur<!a comptete. GOUT AND RHEUMATISM Will be cured with the gradtpat certainty if !ar<:e quanti- ties of the Oiatment be wett worked into the cumptain'nit parta. This treatnient m't"t be pprseverinrly fotkwed for Mme time and duly aviated by powerful doaes of Hotto- way's Pilis. The eaaence of theae diaeaaca lies in th<: blood, which baa Sotting through each <eMel tho pain.giving poiaon which vitiates and inflimes everv tiaauo it cornea in contact with, and praducea the hot, awoUen, clitic enlarge. ment about the joints ao chaT$Gteristic of gouty and rheu- matic mtladiet. Both the Ointment and Pilla should be used IN the followl.¡g casu: —' Bad LeM Chiego-foot Fistulas Sore Throats Bad breasts ChUb)*ias Gout Skito.dl&eas"'¡ Burns Chappet hands Glan,lul-ir Swellings se-ITVV Bunions Corna Soft) Lumbago Sore Heads BitQ of Mos- Cancer P''e< Tumours chetoes Md Contracted and Rheumattsm Utce'-s Sand-Diea StUTJointt Se,ld Wounda coco.bay EteuhaatULsia Sore Nipplea Yaft Sold at the E-'tabUahment of P'ofessor HOLLOW&Y, 244. Strand (atar Tempte bar). Lnnd"n alB:1 by all respect-ble IJruggi-tl alld Dedlerzi in Medicinea through 'ut the (JiwiiiZf WorJ¡1, at the followlDg prires: -la. Hd., 28 9J., 4s. 6d, 11' 22".< aad 33s. each Pot. u- i here ia a considerable saving by taking the larger sizM Directiuna for the guidance of patifnta in every disorder .are <t<Bxed to each Pot. N. B,-Holloway's Pills and Ointment can be had of all "xc-p


[No title]