JSi/fCBS MARKET. ØADk Discount, 2 per mt.-fiied April 20. CITY. SATUBDA* Bviwina. Tie ([ o!. tuSo which ha. so loag characterised the :ODey t w. very apparent to-day, the de. !lid f." 3hcornt accommodation boing confined rlthto the nossrowest IImih. TOd ratea In Lorn- u d ..ired wcro unchanged, at 1 caat. for good ige tBontW paper, and, rif cant, for short tM against the geourityof Coas-ls. The btlllnen (the fci.oci Exchange on the concluding day of the nek is generally restricted, and t) day It was more iu GluaU, so, many of the prlnolpal members winglett toirn last night af:er the conclusion of lsietll:u;i. The markets wore qulst through- it the d=i, and the tone, owing to tbe pauclt, of Iar dfa1\g, nndeclded. l'ns Funds were not lite 10 s'.ioug, and Consols reo?d3d J for money ad tbe account, and a decline of a similar amount ni mirk d in the New and Kojuoed Three par eotl. 1" Foreign Bonds an ud viince was recorded i Auitilaa, Egyptian, F.-eucti 3 per Cent, [ante*, one or two of the Kanlan lisaes, and [rajuij a-il Venezuela, the rise lii the former being a per cent end the latter 2. As r gards American SKorltlei, there was an almost absolute stagnation It bnalntl" and the only alteration was a fall of 1b Kite Kail way Shares. H me Railway Shares ere Inactive, and the varlitlon (n prices was y caused by speculative prations and the atprlcts ihowed that Lancnalra and Yorkshire id IdYat c'd 1) Ohatham Ordinary and Preference aJ Metropolitan, i Metropolian, i j and North jiteiu, while Great Bwtorn had receded .GtMH ii orthem A, ane? North British 1 ortb W..ttm and S;dn l11d.I;hJ Ii lutern A," 1. B*nk jaares were .teady, lilt pilcts; and In Telegraphs the only changes jre a ftit of t In Anglo American B" Stock, iiln Eraztllan Snbmailne dll:o. lie Manchester and Liverpool D'airlat Banking mpany hare declared a dividend and bonus of 20i rihaie for the past half year. an.. ual report of the Liffson Baed and uury Company reoommndl a dividend of six CØIIt. a annual meeting of the B igla Insurance Oom. iylico..v;Eed for the 165h August, to receive direct., lePOlt6 te traffic receipts of the Anglo-Amenoan (graph Company yesterday amounted to £1,300. iieral noiotade pervaded the Mlnolng-lane pro- e snarkutl throughout the week, and Values ) with some Irregularity. There were few uactlous reported In tea by private oontraot, public IIle. were held dally, at which the for common black leaf oongou slightly receded, lbs 0< .'0' class of montngs realised last quota- I, more espsctally the finer dflsnrfptinn*. Tao d fcr soented and green teas was very Ilmlled.. ut was In steady request, bat only a moderate less W9 done, mainly owing to the unwilling- of the trade to pay the advance which Is marked olddllcg brown descriptions. Farther Bales were, ver, made for America, and a fair amount ng took place In floating cargoes for home k Large sales of refined piece. were made, at prloes, but during the last day or two the de. became easier, and the quotation* slightly ltd. Coffee remain* unchanged. The demand od qualities, sooh 1\1 calory plantation Oeylon Eut Indian, continues, and prloel were fairly lamed, but for medium and eommon gradSl t WM no disposition to patctm, (although evinced willingness to accept reduced prloes. continued dull for spot parcell, and only three (M were sold. The spice market-whs inactive, i pepper sold ilowly, and white pepper and er favoured buyers. bete wht a rather weaker tendency In the itet for the English Fands, and Consols I being quoted at the olose I h 9C,: for money and the IIC- il New and Reduced Three per Oents., | 10 t7 i Exchequer Bill*, 208 to 25s pram,; Bit Five per Oent, Stock, 10ti.i to 10Sf; ditto b pet C.nt, 104 to 104J j Bank Stock, 219 1251) Corporation of London Bond*, 100 IN). and Metropolitan Board of Works, 1031 li, .u lie Coioilal Government oeoarlslos were lid, et the subjoined quotations -JAusda I pet Ci5iit». ef 1(477, at 102 to 106 j jtCt at Good Hope Voar-and a-Half per jitt, 103 to 104 Oeylon Six per Cents, [8,102 to 104 j Uanrltlus Six per Cents., 8, 102 to 104) Natal Five per Cents,, 102 1101; New Brunswick, 109 to 111; New South hI.. Five per Cents,, 1888, 109 to 110; New %W Consolidated, 103 to 104 J ditto Five. Met, K; to 961 Tlotoria Six per OeDtI. 1891, Ii to 119 aid ditto Five per Oents., 1891,109 b e F?ipi Market AMtrhn P?perRenta' P2 ditto Paper ditto, 1; U a- 2t Venezuela, 2; E,ptlan Bonds, to j. Oker description., on the other crc rather easier. Austrian Sliver H< c,oled at 55 to 57 1 ditto Its dUtio, 54 to 551 Argentint Six Data, 1863,40 to 411 ditto, 1871, 36? to37il tMM. ,7J to 18?! B-illan Five per I 186b, 92 93 ;ditt?, 1871, 10 92 1 001. Rica Six per Oep"" to 14; S?ttM, 1868, 40 to 41; ''?3. ? to 39?t Ebdia. 38? to 391 '? Three per Oenf? 69? to 70 ditto Five Oe&ts.. 106 to 106 j I Honduras Ten per ,1870, 2 to 4 s Hungarian Five per It, 1873, 57 to 60 J ditto Six per Oent*. 3, 80 to Ii J Italian, 70S to 70f j 8i to 821 Paraguay. 8 to 101 Peru- • Six per Oesit&, 1St to 1511 ditto per Oentt.. 13i to 132; PortoioaM, 63 to Bnuiiuo Five per Oentt., 1870, 944 to ?. 1871, 89? to 90?! ditto 1872, 89 to *tlt-h Three per Oeat*, 14$to 1 I ? low LULCIN 59 to 611 t?Mth Mre Mt 1869, 12 to l2i7; ? trto mto 20 1 ditto, 1873, U? tetl2? ditto, X per Oentt.. B. and C., 206 to 21i) 4Hy Six per OeDtI..18& to 1911 and Vene- Six per oent* 13 to 15, 0111, iUterftdea la the American Securities Putment was a deollne of h in Brie Railway "H Quotations —United State* Vive-Twenty t of 1886 itood at 1061 to ? ditto IW, 1091 to 109? Ten. t Bonds, 10M to 108? ditto Five !d8.I.! !<?; 11}:O ;101"ÅU:: Wul Wettem Fbo M.Apg% 24 to 25; ? Bwmdl 9 to 10 1 gti% t" 4 4l Mob Om*d 100 dou&r shue4 86 to 81, '? 121 to 121 { am.. Seven per oent ftdOT- IN 19 to 20 1 ditto, Om"rdble Gold Boad4 32} .?' ?a dl&. ,_wi omWaOAd KutM% 10 331, ?tt'M WM very reshiew In the Home B?t- I" llarkei, but prices were firmly maintained. IiIdOIIIan closed at 124i to 124i Slat London, 30 ) Great Bute.?, 44 to 441 j Borthem, 131 to 133; ditto A. t to 137 1 Great Weotem. 110? ''t LtMMMte and Yorkshire, 134 to 1361 g" 120 to 1204 ex div. ditto ",n I* M?) Ohathaa. 23 to 2? ditto Pre- 71f 10 72, We?Mn, 146? to M7! \V eI*n, 131 to 133; ShemeM. ?ll 7K) Udcopufma, 100i to 104! 1 ditto *?' 491 to 4911 Mdl&ndt 1309 to M.nn MtMt. 974 to 98 1 Korth ?1571 to M South Outem 128 to W diva, A." 115 to 116, S"? 'S!' Forews wway Smuido ware ['?" underBombay MId BMedt, 114 to 'Mtttn Beng<J, U4 to 115 Bast Indian, '?US; Grand Tmok et O&n*dt4 .J'  I ditto PUd IPder. 40 to 41 j 3L'??* PrefoHnoa, 26 to 28 ditto Third -?- 14? to 16?t Great lindion ten- Nu, I15 to HB t Sf?t wem of ? to ? j B? f.' d S m Kfftcolsoo, 19i to lpt Boenos Ayres Great Southern, 11 to 11J I Dutch Khenlsh, 263 to 27i; Ban Paulo, 28 to 281; and Lombudo- Vtnettan, 6J to oh. Joint Stock Bauiss Share. are entirely unaltered, Agra at 8 to 8^ I Austrian, 6 to 6i I Anulo-Egyptian, 124 to 134 Bmk of Alexandria, 6J to 7j I Bank of Egypt, 28 to ?0 I Bank of Boumanla, 34 to 4 j City, 124 to 134; Imperial Ottoman. 3| to 4 London and County, 61 to 631 Lon- don Joint Stock, 45 to 46 ex div. London and Westminster. 61 to 63 ex dix, Union of Austra- lie, 52 to 64; and Union of London, 39 to 40 Amongst Telegraph Secnrltle* Anglo American "B'* Stock deolined 4, aid BrazHlan Submarine «, Price. itood as annexed: Antlo-Amerioan Stock. 59 to 59i) Brazilian, 6k to 61; Oaba, 8 to 81 fS. dlv. 1 Dlreot United Statu, 71 to 8h Eastern, 64 to 63 l Eastern Extension, 64 to 6i I Globe, 4 to 5i; ditto Six per Oent. Preference, 92 to I OW West India and Panama, l to IS) Western and Brazilian, 5l to 6 I Igooper's Works, t to It I India Buhbert, 22 to 23; and Telegraph CctitttcetteM. 234 to M!. Miscellaneous description* at the final olose were quoted as followKbbw Vale Steel, Iron and Oo.tù, 19 to 17 dla. I Oredlt Fonoler ot BDI- land, 1 to ii Eley Brotbert, 22 to 231 Fore street Warehouse, 11 to 12 prem. ex div.; General Oredlt and Discount, 66 to (i2 ex div. I Lleblg'i Extract of Meat, 18 to 186 ex di, Milner's Safe, 11 to 12 j National Discount, 8i to 81 ex div. Hudsonii Bay, 165 to 17ft i Peninsular and Oriental Steam. 34 to 36 j Royal Mail Sksm, 55 to 58; London Tramways, 61 to 631 North Metropolitan ditto, 14 to 144 1 Crystal Palace, 12 to 14 j ditto Prefetenoe, 75 to 85 London General Omnibus, 138 to 143; Native Guano, 3 to 3i I and Phojphate Sewage, 3 to Ii. The market for Mining Shartlllwas quiet to day, and prloea eloied as annexed, In molt 10"06 nominal Cam Brea. 35 to 374 I DOIO-tb,, 33 to 351 East Van,; 74 to 8 Glin. 3 fi to 3i Great LaseJ, 176 So 186:; Great West Van, 15s to 20.; Marke Valley, lg to Iii; p&ry,x Motiutdn, 13. to 15s Pennerley, U to ii Pon- •truthal, 15. to 17s, Prtnoe of Wale*, fis Od to 7* Od Roman Gravels, 133 iIø lH: R, 0 ""0 14m to 16'1 South Oondnnro?. 4 to 4t; TankerviUe, 10 t.lM; T?oM. 174tol8?T?h CcMob. 5. '0 61; VAv, 36 to 38 Van OoBMh. 13 to 12, OM?t? 164 to 1711 ??t TMkerftUe, Ohlworton, W hetl Creb-r, 24 to 3; Wheal GreaVILLO, lra to 20s, Foreign ulnw Ebarhardt ond Aurora, 86 to 8ii; Frontlno and Bolivia. 2g to 2R l Javall, 6* to 7s Richmond. 83 to 911 San Pedro. 11 to 1ft; and Santa Barbara, IS to Iii,

Detailed Lists, Results and Guides
THACKERAY AND BATOS, I -(TOOK AND SHAKE 8 0 ERB, 33. WEST BUTS-STRKM. OARDM. DAILY STOCK AND IUlAD LIST. I RAILWAYS. Paid. Prloe* Sotck BrlBtol aad Kxeter £100 160 161 „ GreM Zodem ..?. 100 «| MS a"" Weatern~*o —— •> 100 •* 110 11"4 „ ?So?S?S?'?? i: I It London, -= Cbattsm W?;? IM 147 I?t Monmontfastiiro -IDO 145 !?? Sh?———— IM ?? IS' Khmmey 100 •• 70 71 M Severn and Wye R<!iw? M? N M Stock SomenOt ad D.$ J00 •• BonthDevon JM «S 69 x D Afflvwa — 11010-192 19§39xn PRKFKKINTIAL Stock Bristol Zxetet 41 c- £100 88 ltO x 4 Ditto, ditto, per cent- 100 108 1 8 atWe?Con.ottp. MO-11741Mt Mo-o.thdd. 6 p ..nL 100 116 117 12 Ditto New, convertible 091 '4 stoa Rhymoy 6 p cent 4o&l 100 132 113 Ditto 6 per cent. 1861 « 100 «• 126 128 Ditto 6 per cent, 1801 100 106 108 Ditto 5 per cent. IN& n 100 n 1031 1041 Ditto 8 per cent. ISM- 100 120 122 Ditto 5 per cent. IW7 100 96 97 M ?emMdWyet)?.- 20 n 18 19 M Ditto ditto 6 per cent 10 II So?tb Devon b Per c?t- 100 110 118 Stock Tft Vale No. 1Jt«19| 193 ?' mSottpei ce-L. 100 ? 10 107 ? Ditto 6 per cent — 100 113 M 10 Ditto Ditto New 10- HI U< GUA5AJST1KD AND LBJaSID ? Aberdare H, per mt 60 U6t tHt Zk  p a 2?: ?  ,x.k Due V 7. eely b 100 lk4. 115 ? E?Net ")! .?' ? IM l 113 11? ? r: pe' c) i: i1 IB stock Hereford, Hay, <6 Brecon 100 86J S«i Ditto, dilt;, P-f-M -100 — 86 87 UMtft?ttL?Vt'et 100 116 116 tSMUyBy.&Dk.Otdy. 100.? 130 It, A P.L — 190-IN 13? Ditto B6 per cent. 100 — 186 W0 LbnvlllDd Ogmore 8 I C 100 187 189 Ditto 1st p«L6 P cent 100 1164 1161 11 Id a „ too ?'l 1M Sn??bour 1>ock; =: n M IwaDEa Vale 8 0 cent.. 86 '91 604 UKKSirron* .XOOW!. 9t.ct arl"ol and i% P ? ??10; IM Ditto ditto 'I pr cent. IM n 1M 108 ■; Gtft Wertem 6 ditto 100 126 128 Uioland 4 per cent. 100 10311041 Monmouthshire ii ditto 100 110 112 Uynvl 6 ditto 100 120 122 rhd Devon 6 ditto 100 in 111 Somerset* Dorset 6 ditto No. 1_00" 100 109 111 100-101 13 BANKS. 100 Glamorganshire Basking IM Company 100 190 200 10 ?— 10 19 20 10 London ft Provincial Llm 6101 111 x d M National and Provincial 11 81 S3 to National and Provincial IS 48 48 so Ditto, new, 1874 821 H pm ow 78, 9, x d to W<<tetKn)?nd-— 15 ? !6!xd 1\1ISCISLLANROUS. 10 AIIerdare (hø 10 Ui 161 i0 Bristol and South Wale* Wagon Co., Lim, 7! tI Bristol Waterworks iii 58 69 Stock Bristol United Gas,.— 100 SOS IOf Cardltf Gall, A- 100 203 806 Ditto do7 H 100 168 16J fa Ditto do. shaves, 7pet 25.. 84 86 Stock Ditto Waterworks 100 206 209 Ditto Ditto, 1860 100 162 161 to Ditto Ditto new.. 2 61 61 26 Ditto Ro?t Hotel86 — 145 M DittoWOlkmen'sCo*p M 2? B 10 CMdia Mtd S?amsM Col* 8 H S| l S:reo3>.l: 6 H l 62 8bbw Vvle 29 10r SO Great Western Colliery- 18 n st ';0 Llynvi Tondu. & Ogmore Coal and I?;.n 10 It 23 1.0 Llynvi Valley Gas 10 141 M a Mwyndy Iron Ore, Llm. S}.. itI trio Hantyglo and Blnina Iron Worb, Pref. _n 100 26 30 10 no?port Ab.??3;, ? Hery IA.Ited — 9 !} '1 M liewport Gaa, A 85 8S 86 !? Ditto B 85 46 '7 M Ditto C 5-1 5 Ditto Tmmw?< B S I34, :0 Ditto Water Work* 10 16 17 10 Ditto do. New 7-10 11 10 PortisheadGas 10 10 11 16 Provincial Tramways- IQ- M Bhondda-Merthyr Col. Uery.HmKed— M- 18 U 56 Ditto, ditte. B -20Ao 60 11 yn, Limited 60 K !3 g g:: q71 !6 Swansea Gas — M- M) 87 10 Ditto SWpping Company 8- 3} 4j; %16 0 Dt"O wNeo contery 194.. 7 e?' 60 TKdeKMimndcCott.A. so 17 18 M Ditto ditto B. 26 282 10 Ttad CM ad Water. 10 18 19 10 Difto. dtho. now -i(i 114 W aw '2n:¡:iincef11i SHE ABOVE LIST. CARDIn DAILY LIST. July 23, 1810. THAOKKBAY AND SAYOE.

Detailed Lists, Results and Guides
SAYCE AND RAKE. BWANBB&. I SWANSEA STOCK AND SHARE LIST. I sbw.& PPM BAlLWAYSa Prioea. Btodt &Mt Bristol and Kxeter „ 148} 149; 100 Gram W.40's  109} HO oo Hereford, HaJ. Bn008 24t 8!} Xioo -——<— JE25 126 100 UyB?<tCdO)!BMM—- 188 140 100 London ANorth-WMtem 147 1471 100 London ft South-Weatein 132 133 II 100 Kidland 1804 131 II 100 Menmoutbahire 145 146 l'- 100 Bbymney ——?—— 6St 091 10 M BetMnrndWyt .?. M M M 86 8w, m'a vt; w? an gi 2640 Bt*a M JMVtto————— M? U? PRZFRNWCR% BIodI I«> Hereford. Hay, ft Breool 854 Mt Me Lbwftv, spa OML 1M 1!6 100 uaoku7 B 6 Per ce". 1M 122 MO L1aMIIlB8per_ 1864 tM? tS S?Md<?MMep6. 114 116 IGO 9Liy=nvi =W.. 0. ww 8 MM 10 MP<mbMh) TfTMbyepct ? 8 s? M M, ??wepM.?.isMtM m M Vue 5 pw 0016 B M IS u Swansea Valat p« cent, 18J SM 10 10 MVtIttpfettA.'f Ui m DDDTUU 8'1'OOKIt M<«* M Broom & K~ 6 pt aL n M MC CuOnim 5 ML — JU 112 1f:. 6.l:.JkeÕc8 W 112 Hx oanL- IK tn 100 I;a:" m m ? end Rtwo 0 p d es 92 BAHHI 100 I. Wanwnantidn Banking 190 195 OcmpMy???,??? MO 19S 10 M Dë;==::= W 1: 10 t ?OBdon*Pt<Mtnd)dBM? 119 1 m i d 20 MN'ttMU?PmthnMBMt 46 48 M T Swansea Bank, Umltod- 8 9 d J "=': M? !6?d GAS: 10 M AbttdMtGMCompMF. Uf M 10 1 Breooc Ga* Co, 7 peroeat. 8} 9 10 10B lawwd Wdu ih I9li M 26 OMmMthMtOM *f t8 20 M UtneMyO** M Ki 2'0 X 10 !?iV*!teyOM — U! H{ io ItO o Lln=10 1* Md. M; M 25 Ditto <Uttc.?pteent- S6? fI th Dii&o ditgc, ii pi am_ $61 VE 10 10 BUWB & Cmmp 00WeII 0 [ ?? o CMdMr&S-MtMetOMjCa. H -t f Qo)?fM<MM'C<mpa' &4 100 100 Landore Hlemeus' Steele — — 100 100 Do. 8perct. debentures- M 1 M6 100 U'ne!? HMhcm Bond* M M & 6 Llaneliy Iron Shipping i) 5 M 111 -a. M U 10 ?b MtMon!Docb 4 6 (I 6 Neath District tramway* 81 81 10 10 SoMb Water Cmpi?nX 1N M 1 0 ==:&åi 1} !} &0 10 Bbymney ron Co. 29 18 100 100 8. =u, T,d Bond., 41 per w.t- 97 93 100 100 Do. do. 6 per cent. 100 101 60 M owuum Merchant tiitttp? ow"W Company 84 87 10 ( BwMne*ShtppM)!<?. ? 8; 4 10 10 Swansea Wagon Company 6 6} 10 10 Do. 10 pu ct preference- 18 14 LATEST PBICBS for CURRENT ACCOUNT. Aug, 16 Owioss7, FISHEB 8TEEEP, SWANSEA.


Detailed Lists, Results and Guides
MARKETS. CORN CARDIFF 00itti MARKET, Satnroay, Small at'en- anceat our market to-day, an1 little business trans- acted. Xnglish and fami,?M wheat remain quiet. All otbe grain 1. small demand, a.d ith..t any .Iteration .the, CARLISLE CORN MARKET, Saturday.—Wheat la bdter .upply; demand m::deute, at about hat wealt's better vp,,ialty,?j,for eats, 'mtho ut &ItZI t?on In value. IP.?STON CORN MARKET, Satuiday.— Attandanco again small, apd supply aliort. Wheat was firm, at full p,;ces. Flour was a abade dearer. OU. and oatmeal were quiet, and rather In buyers' favour. No change in ;er at. 18. 9ill 2"I d Npr,gd. l.I.: ?er 'ti? i es to 85., ro 25. P. led. or, 80s 6d to S5s. per pack; 8s lOd to 4% 6d per I,u,h?l ;30?, to E5a per load. READING .'ORN MARKET, SaturdayTo-Ay, the supply of wheat was fair, but iha a Teandanm was limited, and prices were the tern in favour of buyers; t, :Jo duU. But little doing in beaw and pea., or barley. Oats a moderate trade, a" previous quotations. KorriNGHiM IORN XS.t?,rd,y.-Iber. baVrl,e,?y, ,NGnA.c oi T f fsM ,?  wheat, and a rattier was a sma'l supply of farm, wheat, and a rather better demand was experienced, at a decline of Is per quarter. 0.'t..d b?an? .at tth slow We at Ile piices of last week. NEV CASTLE CORN MARKET Sat?y.-The ram having interfered with the bay harvest farmers brought wheat to market aifmt0.0 palm I moderate amount of ba?inesi done. CANIKHHURY CORN MARKET, Satnrd,v-A droop- ing market for wheat; 1..11 otber =Psiom prices rMiiain stationary. Dull trade generHy station ;??iKET, Saturday.-Old A)l?ck at,, 8m 6d to Vs tawny oats, 7s 6d to as 6d. NORWICH CORN MARKET, Saturday. The whflat inde inlea dull here to-day, and to effect miei a reduc- t1,, of 11 par bd to be cancaded. Scarcely ay. thing doing I. OXFORD CORN MARKET, Saturday. — K slight„ly b.t, ut,d- bt vry little bus ctel, the little done being at late quotations. LEICESTER CORN MARKET, Saturday. A fair average attendance for the time of year. There wa, =.]I show of farmarie whea, which re ll,,d week's mtes, B.I?,y,?me very sparingly to band. and was firm in price Oats and beans were firm, at Is per quarter edvance, with a fair demand. Peas oil. Flour sold at 6d per bag reduction, the average quotations being-fine, 36s; second., 33s; thirds, 81s pnr sack. DONCJSTER CORN MARKET, Saturday.-Good supply of English wheat, but slow trade. Foreign the turn dearer. Maize ed per quarter dearer. No alteration in other cereals. MEAT. MONMOU7H DEAD MEAT MARKET, Saturday.-Beef, 3d to 10d per lb mutton, Sd to 19i lauib, 81 to 10d veal, 8d to 9d pork, 8d to a. BRISTOL MEAT MARKET, Saturday,-Beef, 85s to 771 BL?IST Siturde?y.  'I Pa per Cwl; mutton, 8d ? ?ldrt. 81 t 9d p01 lb; veal, 6d to 7id per lb; porkers, 138 perscore. LOND??'.8,ty-Tli,e was short mpply of meat cn order, T?? V was ? 7r,Dd price, were as filow:- Beef, 3s to 6s 93 mutton, 88 &d to 68 8d lamb, 6s 8d to 7. 4d pork, 43 to 5? 8d; veal, 5, to 5. 3d for the carcass. PROVISIONS, CARDIFF PROVISION MARKET, Saturday. From Johnston, Miles, and Coo's Circular.) —BeefThere has been a fair demand, and a slight advance obtain- able Pork contlnnes in good demand, and the advance is fully maintained. Bacon continues ateadv, with a fair business doing. Ch-? in ..tiv. demand, at the reduction. Arrivals are be.vy, but thoimp,?,sion to piices have touched the bottom. MONMOOTH I PROVISION MARKET, Saturday.— The market to-day was an average one. Prices were as follow :-Beat fr?h butter, 1. 8d, some Is 7d per lb; eggs, 10 for Is, some 12; dressed poultry: ducks from 6? to "for ,r =, b07t I,d ?r lb.?fowl., from 4? 6d to 6, 6d per conple; chickens, from 49 to 6s per couple; live poultry: fowls, from 4, 6d to 696d per coup'e; ducks, from 48 to 6s per couple. PRODUCE. LONDON PRODUCE MABKET. Saturday.—Sugar mar. M quiet bnfe sjf.p.u i y ftt l.i. »t«. CoSoo Lltble doing. Price. are withou change. Rice inactive. Cotton market very steady. Jute quiet and unaltered. Tallow, new, about 40s spot. GAME AND POULTRY. LONDON GAME AND POULTRY MARKET, Saturday.— Geese, 6s to 61 od; ditto Irish, 4s to 53 gosUn?s, 4s 10d to 79 6d; ducks, Is 9d to 29 9d; ducklings, 2. 34 to 4s 3d; Surrey fowls, 3s Od tolls Od Sussex ditto, 3s Od to 6- 6d; Essex ditto, 2s 6d to 4s Od; Boston ditto, 2s tditto, Is d ,a 8. 0 j P=td. to, 2s 6s 6d each hen egg",10. to 11, 6d; ditto, second quality, Sa 6d to DJ par 120, FISH. BILLINGSGATE FISH MARKET, Saturda,Sal- mon. 10d to IS; crimped ditto, 1. 6d to 19 8a kipper ditto, 'O"d,gLl. 9',Itd trout, 6d to 8d ditto, lOd to Is ?d balllbut, lOd to Is 4a s?ng(?n, 11 to 18 8d per lb mackerel, Is to Is 9d; mullet, 2. 6d t04s lobsters, 8? Ed to 86s 6d crabs, 69 Od to 27s 6d per dczaD; native oysters, 412 1;?bus6h. eL?ci to 273 Ud CARMARTHEN BUTTER MARKET, Saturday.—There 19118 a good supply of butter to-day, which sold firmly at last market fricts, 1. 1 d to Is lid per lb. uoaik fcims* LRhTSa?uramy OrdiLul First., 128a; second.. 118s; k?irds,1103; i"UrMk 99, la(s;t U.?L IS8. ?Lete t ?  0", Mild, first .1334,; tecade, 122s; fifths, 72s; s1:.ths, 011. MUd, firsts, 133a; acconds, 12118; thirds, 113s. firkin* in market, 3,030. SUGAR. GLASGOW CLYDE CRUSHED SUGAR rdARENT, Saturday.— Market closes with a good demand. As cOlLparad with last Saturday, prices show no change. FRUIT AND VEGETABLES. MONMOUTH FRUIT AND VEGETABLE MARKET, SStu d.H.th4..??. grape'. 8s 0d per lb; Morrello cherrIes, Is per lb; apricots, from 4s to 6. per dozBo; greengages, Is per d,,?.; pl..?. 1. per quarter; apples, 6d to 8d per quarter. Vegetables: Kidney beans and sca,ht runners, 801 per qu..t; marrows, 3d to 6d each; peas, Is per gallon; potatoes, 6d to 8:1 per gallon caobagea, frt m Id to I d each; cucumbers, from 3d to Is each. COVENT-GARDEN, Saturday. The supplies of fruit and vegetables continue large; the former is cheap, but the dry weather canoes full value to be nude of the latter. Prices are as followsStrawberries, 4d to IOd; ,.pbe.i.?, 4d to Ed plums, 18 to Is 8 and green- g,ge?, 2. to 2, 6d per basket; cherries, Sd to fld; cur- ,is, red, 4d; black, 6d; and white, 6d te 8d rlb.; dessert apples, 28 6? per doz.n; cimmon at?, 2, to 3s per .e?? peaches, 12,? to 2 1. ?, n3 to 103; and apricots 2. to 3s per d..??; h?t-house gape% 3s6d to 6s; common ditto, Is to 2s 6d per lb pine apples, 2, 6d W 6s each; oranges and lemons, lsto IsOdperdozan. to w?il?.Pb,c.Ii 4d to 6d; cabbage*, ?d to 4d; .t?..e, ,d 61 auA c"C'?mb" 6d to Is 9d mch French b ?,, 6d to 8d; scarlet runners, 4d; and broad beang, 8d per lb green peas, Is 6d to 2s per h.1l.d pint; "a..I.t for pickling, to 2s 6d per 100; turnips, 4d to 7d ,or 6d and onion., 4 i per bunch. Flowers are in great perfection. Cbolceexotics and greenhouse plants, ?nf.lfbi..o.6? to 10s 6d common ditto, Is to 2, 6d per pot; cut so.?,, 1..?d f,?y bouquets, 7s to 168 each. Lavender, 1. per market bundle. HOPS. WORCESTER HOP MARKET, Saturday.—(From Piercy. Faram's Beport.) -The plantations in this district where there is good bIDe llpv made pro- gress and look well ? b uttb 0'. are a gret many places where the Mne has not Gs?" the t"' of the poles, and 10 all such itwees there 1* no improvement, but rather the reverie, d o quantity of hops can be grown O:h:-= te n:cO¡J:'fc:' Dt: =on the. 7! k% t wbole, the average crop must be email. Nothing doing in thIs market; but, .,gz to stoCD being sa light, piices remain onchaDled. DONCASTERWOOL 1, WOOL. In y i Lo bave quite DONCASTKRWOOL MARKET, Saturday.—We have quite holiday m?lket, id ,.a, of next Saturday being the fair day. We have only 50 sbeets pitched, which are sold as previous rate8. COTTON. LIVERPOOL 0-101, MARKET, Sal-day, — There has been a very active market, and a large business has teen done. American and S..t are 1.?ed dearer, and otber kinds have a hardening tendency Futurea are I-led dearer. Sales, 15,000 bales; speculation and ex. port, 8,000 bales. BIDB AND SKIN. BRISTOL BIDS AND SKIN MIRK Saturday.— lSbp t?hBid,?I '?id lbl lVp;* 7,idoto5dyi; lb ?'o 921bs, 4Jd to Od per lb; be 821b*, 8}d par lb; 681b* to 72lbs,'dlo lb 59be to 621b*, Ib.Ab. d d. 'jd; oo-, U"d b 'a-d o tlrv? li? wlb; light, 2idPÜ alb; bulls, "d lb heavy cuts, o per lb*, ht ptd Ib :'f)' III c;: Ib cJ:' øII: b,d'w'do'Oli., 8Jd; 91b* to 171b:id per lb; onder ?.b, I, -k and Irreplar 2Jd; bom hide*, 8* 81 to 9a 6a; 1st kips, 2}d; 2nd kips, l}d: fat mutton, 4d; beef, 8}d; rough, 1 Jd; p £ ts, B, &id; A', la 10}d; lamba, B, 2s 4d; A, 3s 6dTX, 4s 6d. Bor- ward price* to 'ihursdayj: Pelt*. B, 1*; A, lgUOd: lamb*, B 2s 4d; A, 3a 4d; Y? 4s 6d; fat, Aid. 8}d, '0 8jd. LIVERPOOL HIDE AND SKIN MABKfto 8m",Way.- During the past week tbe bnnlnm* done in salted Biyra Plate hide* ha* been amall, and tbe market I. unaltered. Thep= for dry Rl"r PI&M and dry malted Clera hides remain tbe tame. For horse hide* a alight decline from recent quotation* ha* been accepted. There Is no ??uinO=t hbu b=Xgrza t$M- I ,I butts -it bedo are held more nty.M been a ..dy demand for hemlock 8ale lembeA at recent quotations. Tbe foUowing are tbe at recent quo"onl ThefoUOWIY toa 8id bn11ø, 2td to 2H; cut, heavy. 3|d to 8|d; cut, = '2 Td u"t" ,3id 6. BE, U¡zbt, Od to 2id; ÐlIt, bull8, !a; "Or. bide8, Od; %b'=tbX ?6V' ki., 91bs to ,'?6 It. ak"" .der lb I'L Spuilsh: 9g b* and .P= .d IoZ; 8Mb. to DAbs6 6_?d p?b 9E:I:zba; OSlbTandupwaSs, 8} to 6jd; 831b* to 82 lbs., 6|dto6Jd: Wb fto S l 4 4W ^4|d; 681b* t, 721b*. ol to |i; 641b* to OM-, 8!d to SJO bibs and -=.3?14 to 3id; Usht cow*, Bd Bid. HAT AND 8TBAW. WmTECHAPEL BAY AND STRAW MARKET, S&tQr? day.-lheiewas a large Bnpply of hay D I a. sale g:t: W:i :tJftep':e un- d i M cbaoged. New clover, 1103 to 180s; prime old, 100s to ? inferior, 85. to 96s; prime meadow baY, 90s to 101; at" 'o. to 5S* P., ad. METAL'J. L??IMPOOL IRON BtficET, gat?rd&y.-T?. war. m & i I, b!e" a Utl i.to4t, during the ?e?the Hie.. b.iqg iwfol'Oareahe^. No l, t49' 6d; No 8,67' M; C?tneM.' f o- '.?'; No. :,6M6d: ??;!M. N..1,61. ,M. 8, 66s 64; JLangtoaia. No. 1, 67. No.)) M<t; MenttiMd No 67" M ;No 8, 65'. BgUnton. No. 1, 67. 6 1; N,. ?-?. '? ??: :nh1å:¡:; :Ote in the =p.rt,h ,1, 8b- 2. 55v; for mtcnttc?rea iron, wUeh emttanM Ntt. "'? pries .re M !.lo?:-B<?. ? 58 to ? M..MUtedt. ? 7* 6d to ? ]?: hoops, ? to C8 10- -h"eK R9 10* 7. 6d to L7 1 fil to ?M. Manufactured copper is somewbt in 'MtMt demand; prices, however, remain u.?h..Ige4., d,?ma.d; pricao.,7 g ?8.; oheet. Ml to £S6 botoms, 'Ai to "'T Tin tiu, dull. ?.git.b i. b." i. n.w :t; 't?M.&? 71 to 18ø ?t.?? 74@ -nc-pttte. very quiet. CoM 10, 19* 3d to 20. 6?; obanom 10, SM 6d to M<. —

Detailed Lists, Results and Guides
SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. I LOCAL SZLIPPING MOVEMENTS. I (from Saturday', Shipping and Mercantile I Gazette.") ARRIVALS OUT. Monte Video, June 28. -D Nlkn, fmiu Penuth MMattni).Jntyt6.—?tye,fMmBr)dg)Mter from CarJduiflfy 26.-Va4mtine, from Cardiff; A ngee Fecamp, Caen, July27 — Elise Albert, from Cardiff; L??ia B, frBicLaia Cberbourg, Jnly 10.—Mines de S?u-h, from Bw&wa 18.—C<t?K<M fM<ow, from SwtMe*  Pblladelpbia, July 16.—J. W.HaUt Jun., from MOW- port Nantes, July W.—Jeune Pauline, from Swansea V.A., from Cardifi La Rochelle, July 25.—H P Saupin, from Swansea St. Malo, July 24.-Marie Ange, from Cardiff Lisbon, July 22,-Annette Catherine, from Cardiff. 28.- Astrea, from Cardiff; Rare Plant; Cmrddf Cadiz, July S6.—Amelia, n, from Cardiff Oran, July 16-Aid, fromSwansea. 18-.Ifune%8ter.88, from awanam Genoa, July.26 -Zio Zorcnzo, from Cordill Naples, July 24.-Cm1\modore, from Cardiff Sperzla, ,Tul, 25.-EschoZl, IS. from Cirdltt 1IIe. York, July 18 —Agostim Repetto, from Swansea Baltimore, Jnly 18.—Idun, from Cardiff HOMEWARD BOUND. Gefle, July 20.-Atlantic, for Bristol Obent, July 26.-Amy, for Bristol Kotila, July 19.-AlIlio1l, for Brbtol bechefott July 28.-Eitore, for Cardiff; VaZeri? and Victoire: for CMdN Caen, July 27.-Cronopolis, m, for Swansea; English Girl, for Swansea MlIII8lnis, July 27.— Wary Nixon, 89, f. or Cardill lIIantes, July PtT.-Aglae. for swansea St. Nszaire, July 26 .—Agnes, for Cardiff; Zenaide, si, for Cardiff St. Maio, July 24.-Camel, for Cardiff; Gauntlct, for Bordeaux, July 26,- Vonder Beydi. for Cardiff Cartbagena, July 21 —Clicchino, f T Cardiff Orao, JulyI6.-Bntella. for Cardiff SHIPS SPOKEN. Electra, of St. John's, N.B., from RloMbucto for CkuSr.July ?. ht. J'N.,H)nf!. 49 W. LIM b?ig, of Swamea, Suly 25, lat. 62 N„ long. 7 w. I Stratton Aiidley, steering south, June 19, lat. 9 N., long. 27 W., from Cardiff. OARDOT.-AMVArA-July 28 and 29, I PENARTH ROADS.—Lurline, 188, AnniD; ¡ie/orm. 93 Kidd Osmi Doirivacfn, 698 Z???ind., 69, Wadmore, Al?-i?, W. W??on 740, Wimou M P. Harringtlm, 304, Lucas; C?l-bO, B06, Parblno; Mila F, BO, G.I; Manitoba, ,728, James; Pere Michel, 128, Ertand; Zenaiae, SS, 633, y;A,? 690. Stpb.n; Fete i>ieu, 1M, Grantel; Jersey Tar, 118, Donovan; Carl pure, 760, Miliny Linie, 340; Sfazarick, 160; Pel Figaro,b98 Jawey Lass, 88, Bertram; Druid. 188 Fer Annette, 199 Charles and Ann, 73, Boucher; Louisa, ss 681, Work; hrnest A-g.ti-, 94, Daniel; Ag,? ,7, SS, 462, Barrett; E S Jobson, 718, Lauth; Al?az. a. 295, Law" Vi?id, 82, Glen/ell; Osprey, IŒ, ^Koath BASIN.—Wm. c 1,230, Croxon, Aitwerp, Bui,?ok?.?n  A "'Itwerp, ,,V ht; Hoath, ss, 189, Raymond, Bilb&o, iron ore; Ze. naid, rs, 632, Jerar, St. Nazaire, li?ht, Brttwtte,m, 'd 532 Dieppe, ball»st; Manitobar, 728, James 481 ki'?d b'?Di? ?banttobar, 728, J..O.. na6burg, wt  darl Pehl, 7r?o, Welini, Wrdeiux, HAST BUTE VocK.—itercutor, 317, Meinardi, Ant. werp,ballast; Agnes Jack, U, 468, Burrell, Rochester, upht; Miila. 274, Gragha, Waterford, ballast; Ahnngtm, 818, Harding, Bristol, ballast; N. E, V A" 146, Lloyd, Enter. ballast; Louisa, 681, Work, Antwerp, light; M. B. Earrington, 314, Clineas, Bridgwater,light; Colombo, 806, Kstenl, Antwerp, ballut; A. W. Weston, 740, Winsor, Bristol, ballast; Osmer Dubrovachi, 698, Marinovich, Ragusa, wheat; Alcazar, ss, 296, Lewis, ot. Ð.,ire, llht. WEST BUTE DocK.-Lucid., 69, Wad..?, St. Malo, ballast; Lurline, 1" g"i-to]' 1-gi?t; Fete Dieu, 136, Gronel, bl,.?ptw?d Au, 630, Maneo, Bordeaux, piiwood Ocean Swell, 186, Bander, Fowey, ballast; j?." 66, S_,ff, B.'? b.U.,t Fcyle, SB, 19, Thomas, boathompto, Maht; Dan and Foyle, 84, 'W.tef.?d, pit..?d. Reform, 93, Bertnm, j, l'Abbe, pota?e.; Vim ? 32, G renf.314 Bayle, 1,1 -1 Umpire, 11 SUns, Rocoff, potatoes. i EN.RTH,— Capricorn, 389, symom, Smoses, part l^en; Perscverance. 25, Rowles, Gloucester, light; D,h, 50, Jono, Bridgwt. light Dart, ss, 99, Gil- bert, Bristol, light; Sedgenumr, w, 101, ?oiies, Bridg- water, light; William, 87, Warren, Bridgwater, light: Brothers, 62, C di light; Ili,t?hd,, Hayle, b?ll,,t Clara, 81, Grear,field, p., bll.,t; Gaily, 49, bmiih, Cardiff, light; William and Martha. W, Grossman, .;id?,bl. SAIMNŒJnl, III. ROATH BASIN. Northumbrian Taylor, Smyrna; ot??,,?ga, S8, Hwmn, Rouen Swift, ss, Allen, Britol; Muria, Linedor, Y?ST BUTE DOCK.—Benoni, 8S. SmIth, Cronshdt; Kothesay, as, Nance, Passage. Copia. ss, uoUlngs. Nes. "na Model, Bllery, F.wey C. Richmond, BIIlH¡;hurst, Shoreham; Ferdinand, Lerry, Nantes; Snowdrop, Ciark, ttcuen; J?e £ ene,Sims, BiistoL WIST BUTE "Oc?7G,t, Davis, Kilrush; Dependence, Eeale, Caen; Deux Conine, Bernard, Marennes; Emil, J amen, St. Catherines; Sydney JaM, p?t.b.d, Corenhagen; Ellen, Cnrran, Waterford; Adele Marie, Stolt, St. bervan New Lydney Trader, Marshall, Exeter; Mary Barrett, Cu. so, Plymouth; Active, Venz, Nantes; Pigeon, Lyncb, Youghal. ENTERED OUTWARDS.-July 29. Courier, B, 320, Ozanne, Pernambuco, Barnes, Gnthrie' hiiil CO. Charles Godard, B, 6:0, Straker, St. Nazaire, E. »regeon F,?,I0 199, Thomas, Bouen, Burley and C,?. Capricorn. B, "9' 8ymon., Caldera, E. C Downing Ceno, ss, B, 693, Thomas, Messina, G. S, Stowe Lurline.B, 18, Annlng, Madeira, J. H. AnDing 'Sh". r ,41) J. H .i.g ,,dtjaelo, J. B3vay Al" i,?yt-I B, ?13, Liardmg,i .d C 8, 449, Sinclair, St. Nazaire, L. Gueret Z,id,, as, F, 632, Leray, St. I=, p?: Gerl Bon Pasteur, F, 43, Or.?q, Port Bail, Morel .d Co. (;1!8tave, F, 66, Henry, St. Malo. Morel and Co, tiirene. Ger, 316, = Monte Video, M Kneger La9ueitio, ss, Spn, 618, Anduiza, Valencia, Zubma ..d Co. Eugenio, Spn,l £ 5,VaUlo,*iBarcelona, Jones, „ Heard, and il.^rnJO E. A. Eaizley, U.S., 372, Townsend, Martinique, Jones, Beard, and Ingram CLEA-RBD.-Jul, 29. Companil. >», B, 720 coal, Gibraliar, B, Thomas and "0 Village Belle, B, 230 coal, Cadiz, Burnyeat, Brown, and Co. Charles Godard, ss, B, 1.2QD coal, St. Na2&i'.e, C. Godard DiMS, 88, B, 858 coal, St. Nazaire, A. Boc*ndi Fovle, S8. B, 400 coal, Bouen, Lewis and Nance Emily Wurbrick, B, 280 coal, Tarrsgonn, Eof?,ldt and Co. Hind, B. 186 coal, Palermo, Collin and Co. Undertimes, B, 823 coal, Genoa, Burnyeat, Brown, and Co, Euclid, B. 660 coal, Marseilles. Niton and Co. C, B, ,C200 l. M'i. F.Wd. DuHryn J?h,? Str?k, B, 1,600 cuL Gibraltar, D. DAvi3 and Sons Armorique, .9, F, Bordeaux, 456 coal, Cory ?m.. -a, d, 6"' 'o"4 F'? u and Sons Zenaide. is. F, S.. Nazaire. 1,000 coal, C God.rd i.6 F, Ini.or?, 1,230 coal, D. Davis ard Sons Bon Pasteur, F. Port Ball, 72 coal. Morel and Co. E. A. Baizley, U.S., Martinique, 600 coal, ocean Steam Coal Co. Laqueitio, Spn, Valentla, 810 coal, Barges7, Sbddick, end Co. Sirens, Ger, Monte Video, 460 coal, Ocesu Steam Coal Co. Tmtitsa. ltj, Genoa, 700 coal, G1amornn Coal Co. Francesco Pa Ity, Villa Franca, $77 C)&l, Barnyeat, BrowD. and Co.. Tomole And 8-n Domenico, lty, Naples, 600 coal, IDaole and 80n Anna, Nwy, Cronsta(U, 260 patent fael, Crown PM' served Coal C.. Condor, Swn, Galle, 410 a% Rbymney IroD Co. NEWPORT.-ARBIVALS, July 28 and 29. -1 I 4LEXANDRA DocK.-Rowem.Bn, M8, Btacey, uionces- ker; SMKOtTMtM, 1. 241, ii;lagQi-, Bilbao, iron Ole. NEWPORT DOCK. Volant, 52, Horrell, Roscoff, potatoes and onions; Flavio Graga, 8i0, QutatavaUe, Ubon» Iron ore; AntonÏ6tta Bonow, 413, MonteRo, Dunkirk, light. "??"?e?. t38. LMtey, Falmontb, U!;M Petrel, 142, Morgan, Cork, pitwood; Trevauww, 1% Jone, St. Apes. UgM; A?nM, 36, Tamr. 13m=MuIe: Uabt Sir T. D. ?dMem!. 40, SIogett, Bade, Ught; Gratitude 88,K lhi, Chepatow, UgM; ?etMze). 17, B,o-n, Bideloidllz; Ann, S, Lewis, ,Pwofo. 'i(4t- GiMoer, M. Tndw, Pad*o?, light A.. 77, MLes;? Bli-tot UShi; B?e, 49, Joll, Bade, Ugat; John and Mary, M, Cone,y, ])Iwgmou, light; Ant, U, Stapleton, Bade, Ucht; ?mM(!. 41. M?Mtd.Bnde, U<ht; ?ottt Bedley, 69, CowlinM Fowe?. iron ore; ?f<M?M<SM<to)t, 197 Aevaold Cm*, nones; ?etory. 21, DowM, BrMot. MEM ;T!a)t?, M, c.1 ww.. Ught; Moms- ton, 8!. Cope, plI w, Hftht; Moderator, M, 66, via-, Bristol, ge.O=L ;az?0&-July 28 and 99. ALEXANDBA DOCK.—HENRY AUen, ss, OUver, Cork Cft?taM tocknoBcwv%Dubau; 17 M.'cmiie?, Bilbao. KtwrORT DOCK — Wanatta, 8DmbóUfDe. rhedb4; C P. K' Jonea, But London BXVER.-Xa..thm. Monvz4 St.SebMthn.NMpe?. Rob@,* B,htol B?epMna. Martell, Bldeford Par- ana. Mannel, Plymouth; HumiUity. Pow, BMMtmte; ana, ManneL !="my, Cork; Jonn and Mary, Con- nery. Dmwmua Comucopid, Adam., gra7mouth ?:MX? ° S?,' New Boss; Sarah Ann, TMkerJ F.Imo?ti WiUia. Ca.y.g.; 8te81, Mk Vi- Good, Bristol; Edgar, WtOhmt, B =. 1? Bd,a. Jones, DaMin; ?LM)M? BM?Md, Brest. XNTERID OUTWABDS.—July S9. I Gienadille, F, 81, CaUett, Vaane., Budaana w- lbix, B, 84, Le Cared, Bayonne, B. W. Stonehouse and Co. C esarine, øø, F, 68, Lecorg, Granville, B. W. Stonehouse I $ad  '°?B, 6&3, Stace" Dodos*, L Getbm, im- ?!. CmRBD.-MT'!S._ CManM, F, Granville, 100 coal, JomM.Hetrd., Md .C?e. ?M., B. Taranto, 186 coal, 132 1.. Ebb- Vale Co. G. L Waters. B; iibon, ia coal. L: A. Elo.Ph-7 Voije., 15o coal powwl and 01 M. P. CluimpVn, P.6 Sh.?W, MO iron, Ebbw YM Syracuse., ?. B. a?mit, J.S70 coal, eo?OU ?''?' Lvmley Castle, M, B, breMbKtt. 1,950 coal, Treuega COB ICO IMPORTS. POW I Koiant, Bosccff, 80 buabel* onions and 840 owis. pota- toes, MeMabon T.xiUidnt, < ancale, 860 ewts potatoes, order fA Mqri* Francois, tit. Nat aire, 60 load* pitprop*. order Pere Lancelot, Auray. 96 loads pitprop*, order SWANSEA—ASBTVALS,—July 28,29 and 30. ?. I »»'» M'm.B. —jim U" 91, Creek, ),<Mea. Deepen; Ba?ie ?ed. 98. Kichmh, Cork, UtM; Pose? verant 57 Delacom RoMotf. onioM; CaWr?a u 63 thomM, t?n?_U?ht. EMM, 74, Hod<et. Wa;Ao;K pitwood W. H T, 306, Mul&4 z.U Wv.. aupsr- phosphate: S?Ph- 3f?mM<, 82, Morse, Huobl mineral Mary Anna, 126, J effreya, B bt N,t-" 60, L?Mgy, Bidef.rd. IIRht; R..4 ?l's, 1, 10111111' London, er Gre; h 'r. 59.'6iU<m. -Allen potatoes eoqt. HSk Do Kum-. NM)M Pec?<. 41, ne. Be C-Te. c?tw .,G; =;,c:.tjoa, fk:'C:e:,o: jie,ta Cow, copper ON TUœni<Z, 208, hithaWN, Betts Cove, c?pper or?; Cherry, 82, Dingle, M uro burnt ore; Ham Hugenw, 48, Hennequin, no?. coff, i?ttoe.; 163auoK BrkAd. blende; L??pa,, 41, King, Highbrldge, general; Irororiolis, M, 160. Henderson, Caen, light; Pem- ?oJK, 60, Rich, Runcorn, (Ditch; Havod, 76, Ma.Mdy. Liverpool, pitch; ?n?M. 131, Guihord, Bilbao, iron ore; Janie, 87, Pengelly, Love, copper 0. 2 66 1. bimmoode, Amtworp, I o¿lIIba=.'T:W: ? Mm*. G)Mgow,Benem!;?nr!63, Bradfoa WicMew.cop- par?re Pri? of Wales, u, 80, Jackson, C. gene* nt; ?Ktt(:fo. M. 9?. k':ttBf¡=n,be, a- 1 HF, MUMBLFS.-Qwen of the $em, M)Honey_ from 'SWa?sea; St. Ceor?, from Neath; 2')'?T/, fMmNMM. SAILOUS July 28, 29, &W M. NORTH fr:'8ša,29Å1at.rüoa FaM Da,?ker. Eandcock, BarnMople ?mH!-m, PadRo. rA<?ey, Trunks, BridwtAer Blanche, RouUot? Grm VJUertJfaBn' Morgans, Bundelsfoot; RoyaM'e Masurim. L?t; ?.?l,, LIMSAY 44 Th,,??% .L,-eUi; Thomas, Iffsre. u SOUTH DOCK.-CaMet u Bh%w Babla d'Olonw; Henry &m<7M!m. M, R?? Bgdol; i;ri?88 jHe?t?rht? :ti:m¡frl:íl sJ::k, K$Uy, D?bU? T?h. P-I,,y. Walter., Looe; Bridget, Maloney, Ounvuvsn; Isabella, Ball, DnndaJk; Java, Marray, Caen; Hondekip, BitMle, C&peTown; Prinm of Wales, M. Jackon, Com*, Slerdor, Eloner, Havre. BFTEBKD OUTWARDS.-Jnly 29. Anna, Hol, 108, M In tea, lOt. Petersburg, Isdahl, Mohr. butter and Co. CLE A BUD, Jnty )9. T,I,ki Ans, FOO co& 4 B.Iou. ,?j. Slri?k ,d 8'. Uuasco B, 100 ca.' C?ide?., na Cardiff, T. Dvles AlId Co. Stentor. ii., B, 260 coal, Dynevor and United Co. J 150 general, Burge?a, ifbaddlck, and Co. Sensitive, F, 140 coal, Pott Andemer, DavilNicol Mathilde, F, 360 patent Incl, Oran, GraigoU Merthyr Co. Omer, B, 256 patent fuel, Mattinique, Graigola Merthyr Co. Jam, B, 340 coil, Caeo, Jules Mason NEATH.—AKKIV ALS,—Jnly 29 Jane, Carnarvon, slates, George and Hopkins Mercury, Duddon. iron ore, Dowlais Iron Co. Margaret Alice, St. Bride's, iron ore, Townshend, Wood, "d Co. CLEARED.-July 29. Jane, Camaltvon, coal, George and Hopkins Lincolnshire, Bighbridge, iron, Townshend, Wood, and Co. Mercury, Canpbelltown, iron rails, Townshend, Wood, and Co. Margaret Alice, Porthcawl Lark, FremiDgton, culm, Neath Abbey Coal Co. Pioneer, S8, Dublin, coal, Dyvor Coal Co. Pimieer, as, R2!?t, ,(?od, Dynevor Coal Co. VESSELS CALLED OR SIGNALLED. _I QUEENSTOWN, July .O,-Anived: Margwrite, from Boston; Nelly Cromby, from Charleston; Ella, from New York Maria Wakefield, fO" lm Montreal; Hi.d. stan, 'rom Montreal; Arcadian. from New Yok Clara J Adaim, from %Itimaye; Othere, from Baltimore; A braham, from Philadelphia; GuidingdSW, from Porto :Wco; Scythea, 8S, from New York, and proceeded for Liverpool; Laine, from Pensacola; ?.p,dl for fr<m Philadelphia; Albisola P., from Philadelphia; f,, PbU;??lPhi. A'?"'4 om Phildolob" tain, ?.M .J?4. Bla,k from St. 0'. 'a Ber. g/wt, ';R?bbe" from Montreal; Ba?, from Philadelphia Susan and Campbell, from Phila- delpbla; Edith Harion, from New York; Hannibal, from Portland,[Oregon Lady, from Boston Padliana, from New York; Ferrard Ferzo, Lorn New York 1 A,a from Baldone. Sailed: Sa.ti?. A..L from j !E,a,?,Ifor Yarmouth; Romano C.. for Gal- w??Ma?M? ?<?o! for Hu; Susan P. Thnrlma, for Dublin N. for Gloucester; Bremiga, for Pilloth;Device,for Liverpool; Emanuele A??zww, for Liverpool; Lufra, for Glatgow. FAL?IOLTTH, JUI _y 80.a: from New York: Fiiippe, from Cyprus Comet, from t?nMihe; e?pf, 'ro. Montreal; Ben4altore, from KmMMch: Grace Gibson, from PiMgmt: St?urMn, M, from TM«n- rog ?cKiM?Kn, from S*N; ? D cate?.hom Smyrna; Valonia, from Sterano; Padre, from Alex- ,,dr Paul, from Cheribons. 11, ed Ela,, for andria 'C:tt<t'r!fKt?, for Ha?'e; SH<M'<ot Kooger- Bull; Glad Sn M polder; 1mulane, for Biiatol; United Service, sa, for West Hartlepool; ff. M, llunton, a. 'for Loudon. CASUALTIES, The German steamer Phoenix, Capt. Lanen. from Sun- derland to Cronstadt, with coal, has been t >we4 into Copenhagen from Helsinor, having broken her main- shaft. Th. Contmt, from Liverpool, to Cronstadt, has Put EUinore l?.ky. ',he n. been ,v ,,d .d reom' mended to discharge her cugo ttU the leak is above water. The Anna Paulowna, 8S. of Amsterdam, has passed Fredelwbaven for Copenhagen, damaged by collision. OVERSEA MAILS. PLYMOUTH, July 29.—The Colonial Mail steamev PL?MOUTH, Jamuly ved7 ith NCY m M &Ul I., Windsor Castle amved, with Cape maDs, in 21 dtyaehm. Tbe Boyal Mail steamer NUe, from tbe hi.I arrIved at 10.15 this morning. 8pee1e, 896,926 dol.. B"INDISI. July N—The C?!wt'th indtM'.CNM, and Australian maUs, anived: Mailm leave at nine this morning for London,

?O?MMSR?Ai, ?LttS. "^oh .N A"O PROVISIO  MFKOHaNT, W?I BUTO: DOCK, C&R- VlFF being about to .oV to bt, ??? stores W,IUID Me.SfS f"'es ",I Company's Timber ) .rd, b.B the following for dløpollal at lowest .ixVteamer RichMd Tr.vttMot:, expected on ¡¡A¡¡LJ,t stesmer Rlcha,d 'l'(.vlthick. expected On .K<?" exJobMBtKi?Ba -ived. ?tTt. "ATS ex xmm. A:tM. ?-Mved. A)Ii??i"u M'd OacnMan. øJt::):J:¿o:j. Fl'2?ob.If b-?- ??)C.. '< CH!CX8?. 6W, all phcea. ??\L,5t"mItbh. ??B?T?''RS. ftwt quality. ?Mt;:i.hWtJte.ndC.etj. haricot. -¡;ý P[BLW ACC?OK, i' tM Sale-room, at G. I;y YA%NU ilme F. K. tvarnes .i Son8), Tuuber Yard, Canons' -«h, Bristol, on W*D- ?'?Y"Ta? 2..1, ;¡¡;, "t One 0 clock It' M-il?os AT HALFPASr UVS! ft O'CLOCK. tOK ACCOUNT OF 1MI' iKlKttS. Ex Klizibetb, flom uotheaburg. fLOO'il^' BOARDS 42,000 Re > and Whitewood Pre- pawl- Kr (leoTC Peabody, fr"m PlIACola. OAK, \(1;: g, Pensacoto Hewn DIALS ?n >1HTTBS3, M.OM MM-ottei 5pt.te. 5?, t?O Quebec Pb.? ntALS' ",d ENS, b,ooo 8.odi?.h 13 edood ,MLS "n? BAT!N??, 6 MM 8t, P?OMbarK White- W.m ent! li?E?R, !M Logs (Fresh) Hewn Pitch. "rag, 200 f!" (Fresh) Sawn Pitch. Irip., SW L?' D..ti. R-dw-I  KS 400 ) ?,g, S..d-U Fdw-ld, DEALS, S? P't? P?e. MST', 70 <'briet!anJa UCKEW, 210 I bristtanla. WDtS POO Carbti*!? Boa.hook, ?TTBf.s. 6S7 Chri?tiMi* Padw.l. (,tb",G »or Catalogues, applyW 0. BAKNKSj 1111,36 (LMe F. K. Bar.. ??i Sonat Broker.

BUSINESS ADDRESSES. £ RY I I CT The »oK telieuw Relish of ft? TRY I" x,. old&¡;1. ICItofl, S«at<, Pm, C?«« Bite, — PUBS WHOLJ IT! oliiiMgRXic WROXX IJ. OSE'8 GLNGAPORL c RUTNER" Introduced In England tn MM (by an ex-mMdentL prepared x="to oit the pcdMt and p?tt of John BulL BTONZJtM .???.——?-?.. I' GLASS BOTTLES The cheape*t Chntnee in UI8 Knglisb Markel. R OSB' JNDIAN 0HUTWEE sAUCH. It Is nnusnaUy agreeable with aB Und* of Flab ;"foi lL lfj an s a:p btok. it Is U.,ivuod; -4 b a good dr888lD& for Salad. PINT BOTTLES II, HALF-PINTS 6d, The Hot and Cheapest Sauce In the World From. Dr. MEDICAL CBRTIHCATB ¡for tile From Dr. Dvica, Medical Inspector of Health for tbe  City of Bri?t.L  1, Queen-square, Brlxto% October 8,1872. "I .? iL a o?ple of Slo&pore Chntnee for- 1t'et m' 110 c:fthnf&a:=:bf. relish and an excellent appetiser, and that U 18 free from ny d.l.t.,i.u? substance. (aig.ed) DAVID DAVIES, M.H.Q&. &,0.- AGENTS CARDIFF, 25, Castle-road, -B. ommttx. „ Church-street——Mr. Hooit. e Hayes.. Cordey & Co )H. H. BDDOKTT •« Co BRISTOL. ?T?? ?jAttESjONMACO. ——SWANSEA AOBNIS, )j?ZtJOMZS*CO.?LLA!'Em ANUVACTURXWS R"UBSZ14TATrVB- LL.&.NIILLt MS N. MMPSON. KB B. SJHCOTB-STREti, CABDIU grooom BNp ChtuuMtn, and ethet* mppHed on UbenI rm.. EDUCATIONAL. LLANDILO. WHIIKOLIFF1 HOUSE, LLANDILO, MISS HARRIS AND BOSS HUGHES Oft?zemn to Mw, CteffK). Becem young Ludia to to=emnd *ucme. The em ricalum Includes a impedoe coum of BqlIøb aducHlon, 1-1,pmu .A accompliahmenti. DUTIBS will be RESUMED July 8tH. Duitogtbe vacation commnnlcatlons to be idanood-D-Ifteld Honse. new Peterafleld, Banta. 1(1683 OAKMARTHBW. ^AUMARTHKN ENDOWED SOHOOLS. BoYS FKEPABEfD FOR THE MnTBttNTIES, THEARMYrHK LAW, AND MNDMAL EXAMINATIONS. A Special CI"* will be formed in Aumi for MM Lon- "'SiSS?M?? the ?h? ?-AU boys in the Mbooh)SSBp to the <MMd KKMt Bxtml.MMoM. -d =::J::our: IIId c=ø:=tI for the ongmw,ig profw I don and CODO ptiranltø. "MySM?'? b.7. to thoroughly at- tende?S-M other Mhoot in Sonth W??M "M ?. My ?B?b.Mthe same eppottunitiM for Nwiog M We E&owed SchoOlL The School* Re-Open August 15. ??X'pHticS?, ? M'th. Heftd M? CABMARTHBR ENDOWED SCHOOLS. A SPECIAL CLAB8 will be FORMED In Aand to prepare for the Locdon UniMnMy N on o 1877. Xoctictntt should h*v« a tab knowledge of CtMttM MA =puro M pto Ule Bad MMtet. 'Mn Y AUGHA&NE GRAMMAR BOHOIO-L, JU ST. CLEARS, CARMARTHENSHIRE Head Master-T. J. MORGAN. Pupils receive an Education adapted to the Learned proteadoom or Commercial l-ursulta. Langbame l8 d td Memo in one of tbe most be&Uby pIwA Ir Sooth Wales, and U pecwiiy adapted to daboto ?'??e<t?tt6tS FA&I tA onfArWy Knglisb Terms my mod=* PIC. EDUCATIONAL. OABDIII iliwfL lBS HMBWB SCHOOL for YOCa? HI. LANES. 4, Cmoe*CARDer. MTtte LeoMM 4.. 2W? dbo K*M?"te. IIA=, DLBABURB PARTIES, FETI8 t. BXCPBStOMbywttetpre?dedwithtMMNO or BRASS BAND" the lhorteÅ noti- CMOMh ?te.K)ed. Dancing TA-06, VloHn, &e. aw. io IL T. Robs?t4 4. r.= OP= M 0 N S. SIB V B R DIN. PaopzssEuR DB LANGUB3, Has RESUMED DUTIES. Ilementuy, Conversational, and Classic*! Reunion*. Address—S2, WINDSOB-PLACS, CARDIFF; And 21, BRIDGE-SIBEET, NEWPORT. For further particulars see CI cnlar*. 11421 6 WINDSOR PLACE, OAOOKHIIAB- a.) TOWN. MRS. MARTIN'S SCHOOL for a limited number ef YOUNG LADIES. Tbe term will commence on Thursday, Aagnat 8td. 1876. 10006 OOWiiKIDQE, THE BRIDGE, OOWBRIDGB. BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL. The MlfiSSS LLEWELLYN will RBSUMI tnalr fCBOOL DTTISS on MONDAY, the 81st inst. IIUS ADIES' MOROOL, GREAT HOUSB, COWBKIDQE. Principals: MRS. and the MISSBS CULVEBWILfc. School duties will be resumed (D. V.) on THURSDAY. Angu.t aul, 1878. Pupils prepared for Oxford, Cambridge, and other local examinations. SWANSEA. rX T^HISTLEBOOH HOUSE SCHOOL, OYSTEBMOUTH, BWANSEA. Head-Ma>t«r-Rev. R. C. CHRISTIAN, A.B., Witb Resident Assistant*. The advantages wMch this long-established Institution offer are- 1. High-class Education, combining thorough pra* paraticn for the Universities, Competitive bo aminations, and Commercial pursuits, with instmctton in French, German, Music, and Drawing. Special Classes are provided for Special Examinations, while extra tuition in any branch can be arranged for. 2. Careful Moral, R<Ugio)M Training, and the menlot- tion of gentlemanly babi;m and manners, 8, T,,oetn ort .d attention of home in every depart* ment. All domestic arrangement* me personal], sunerlntended. The pofdtion of Thistleboon House, sitnated in do** p,imity to the pitudid mge of ;le M-bLe- HU14 affording muml opportunities for invigorating exer- cise, en?e. the health of the pupil& ?, d-nen and ownbrity of theelimte and neigbbourh08d are cele- brated throughout England. There 1* excellent es bathing, thus offering pmWW advantage* to deucus er rapidl growing boys. Vacation will terminate (D.V.) on 2.1 Augutt. The school roU will be c&Ued punctu- ally on 3rd Auiut, at ten o'clock. Tbe 1ead-Mader will fomard, on application, a full prospcctus, containing teims, school regulations, reier- ecces, Ae. 1 H M ,6t, &lime ARNOLD COLLEGE, WALTERII. ROAD, SWANSEA. PRINCIPAL EDGAR WILLIAMS, MA, B.D. A.sisted by ieal iMii;A;. ;mB.D. The Next Quarter commences on WEDNESDAY; Jnly 26th. F< r Terms, &c., apply as above. 10804 NEWPORT. TJL RAINING SCHOOL, HOLFORD TRUUSF?, STOW HILL, NEWPORT, MON. ESTABLISHED 1864. PRINCIPAL-MR. J. WARE. A thorough preparation guaranteed for business and professional life, and for the various middle-dapi An experienced Resident Master wanted. DATE OF BI(o()PBN1NGTUBBDAY, 26TH JULY. 198i4 GAERAU P"K COLLEGIATZ C. SCHOOL, NEWPORT, MON. HEAD MASTERS: REV. T. MORTIMER GRBBN, MR FDWIN w AN B.A. (Exhibitioner of ?:Cortl:f, ad amdot? in Honours). A SSISTAKT MASTEB I MR. T. P. TRJSTHEWIY (Lond. Univ). Special Clauses conducted by Efficient non-reaideat Masters. Pupill are prepared for Commercial pursuits, the University Local and Matriculation Examinations, and tbe Medical and Law Preliminary Examinations. The Residences of the Head Masters are, from their position and accooa, emWenW ada""d for Boarders. Quarter commences Tuesday, 1st August, 1876. For Prospect?, &c apply to 10629kly THB HEAP MASTREL OHEPSTOW. /GRAMMAR SOHOOL, OHEPMW. VJ A =&U and Select Private School; generous home, thorough edncation: n and French Masters Ueaid"t. PrincipAl- GBa(CADZWDNBY B A. 4762d PRESTON. (Reprinted from The Preston Guardian, July 22nd. 1876. LBTON COLLEGE, NEAR PRESTON. UNITEBSITI INTELLIGENCE. DURHAM -The Class Liat of the EzamlnatioDs helll at this University has been published. Mr Junes Crook, late ofalaton College, near Preston, took the first [lace at tbe Matriculation Examination. The Examiners have also awarded Mr. Crook the Unlve'slty Dlvinitv Inhibition of Scholarship, which was opei ta competition fur all Undergraduates in their first year. I LIST OF SUCCESSFUL STUDENTS AT ALSTON COLLEGE. Mr. J. Foeerson (Matriculation), London University (First Division), June, 1876 Mr. A. Haigb, London University (first Division); A F. |Gatliff,Army Exami- nation; W. Mcintosh, Army Examination; B. Hughes, Army IIzawination Mr. Rawdon Macnamara (Matriea- lation). Trinity College, Dublin; Mr. Charles Mac- mara (Matriculation), Trinity College, Dublin; Mr. Charles Oliver Badlier (Matriculation). Trinity College, DuHin Mr. Percy Davies (Gaw Examination), Loud=; Dul-linjt a, Edward Smith (LW 8u.minalion), grant" a first class certificate, London; Mr. T. Goodwin (Apothecaries' Hall), Londm; Mr. T. Bennett l Apothecaries' Eta), L..d. Mr. James fv;e4:dica)' GI,:on hnl,ity l Edgar Edward (Medical), Glasgow University; Mr. George Smith and Mr. Thomas Hitchen, Oxford; Mr. J.b,aMr. w By nr. w Lord, and Mr. A, GatliSe, Cambridge; Mr. J. Davies, Mr. B. Watson, Mr. F. Worsley Benison, Mr. Balcombe, and Mr. I. Da"soD, C.tif,?.t?. granted, South Handngton Science Vxamination; Mr. G. Clifford Brad, (Matriculation), Queen's College, Belfast: Mr. M.A. in Clamics, GWgow University; John H. Mo6 0 (MaMcnttMon), Trinity College, DabUn; Mr. J. ø: (1lo:¡' bonow, granted by the MMcheeterSchootefMedicine;Mr.A.C.B.8mym (Medical), Trinity CoUege, Dublin; Mr. T. Fbher, Boyal College o 11 So rns. London; Mr. Aiamt,"? (Law Examination), T Tity To-; Mr. J. Gardner, Mr. J A. <Uiott, Mr. W. H. WUMnMB, and Mr. 1. B. RichMdi), PreUmiMty Examination Incorporated Law Scdety; Mr. E. R. Mr. J J. Dunne, Cambridge Local Examination; Mr F. Wilson, Royal College of Surgeons, London; Mr. T 'laber, Exhibition and CerHHctte of Honour, Royal College of SD8, at SL Th.mW- BMptM; Mr. Sherrie? Jesus College, Oxford; Mr. J". F.M?UM (Law S)Lo: C. E. ic:Ot ia: nation, lDbl1fJb F. Ketchen, L*w ExMntn?tton, tdmbargh; A. ?Byth.Medict), London; .McSøúlk. COMPE?T?E ?AMINATtONS (KIDMUM14 .The yearly Competitive Examination for Exhibition#, Medoh, Ptizts, *c, inconnedionwith AMon OoHege, Preston, took place a (ew day* ago, and tas awards Im" since been made to the mece?xt ltu. dents. The Hon. F. A. Stanley, M.P., would have dii. tributed the poizes had his engagement* in London PER. mitted him; and in tdo apology he referred to the plea- tare he should, under other crrcumitanoes, bave felt la awarding them Lord bkelmer§We would alio have be= pro-ent had not bi- pressing parliamentary dutim prevented him. In their absence, the prises were dis- g'?buted by Um B. T. 0. Lid..y l*u7, D. C L. (Ozo.? Thegroceediap were of a very Interesting and -Sa*r. B?BITMNtSTS AND '"DAMST*. The foUowitllr axe the successful Candidates who ob- tained Exhibition* and MecIal8 HIGH SCHOOL.—A. F. Gstllfi, Mathematical Exhibi- tion of BM; J. W. A. Marshall, Classical Exhibition of £ 80; W. H. Mackintosh, Mathematical Medalist; A. r. GatllB, Classical Medalist MIDDLE ICHOOL-W. H. Wilkhmm, MatbonnUed ]M!iMUon ot BtO; A. B. DM, Chmiett Exhibition* ?10; F. W n UsthematDi :Z, eldea E. T. WUHB. on. (i= ikeMi.6 J A. M'ConaWl: Modalt-L LOWER SCHOOL.—T. k&ceerc? th.M.Ai-9 K?M* bMcn of 95, T. H. Homby, llWIIblt1oa ofM; P!IEuoQi, MathemtMctt MWWW; F. MmM). 6i.cel Mea&g; G. Tmvi& Moddi-t HIGH SCHOOL-A. F. OdUff CIO-"ZxblbtUO241 1:2GJ :L.Mat"b.-== :tr. OttUtf. Gold Medal for MathmMicL MIDDLE SCHOOL.?. J. 1??'Ch?od "ZhlbWM of BM B. B. Fi-ber. iiagmoc&l Exhibition of eK: J. A. M&Conm% silver Medal for OhMtM; W. JrMft. Bihar Model formalmems" PREPARATORY 800?_w. CIOL Classical Exhibi- tf??T?'?'them't'c?MMtM. of :«: E? P?'SUver M &I for Cl?.d" A. Bush, SUw Med.1 for MM-th 6A- W. Wwringw% 8? M.d.1 far   Go.dM.Mf.-O?.: HIOH 8<SOOL-A? H Smith, Id Me".for auøic8; A T WM?B. Getd Medt) tor Mathematics. COffXcML 8cnoot.T. BrMMt. Sitw Mtdf fM tmSitb- T. Bogewon, SUver MMtlfor Mathomatica  pSp?A'OBYMBOOt—A. G. Sm!th. SUfer Mtd? f.rBMM'! A. M CllnII SUver Medal for IgtUs attmB?t? tMM'? ???'