Family Notices
to'wsof Pinks, Me rriw, Ad «|« 1™*? )t Xht SSAWd sack Zif Xiwm> cTz-1 <6.'»o 3# ioord$\ Is. for ,esw**). ¡:;t,:[ t¡.<6,t ô:f¡., 5: nutK'ntir.atfc> t>v i*r t-n-mi if aMmrof ">' 'Z«0'rr BIRTHS, M?I?B3? AND DEATHS. birth. IEWIS. wl'e of \IIr..11. at sti, Charlea-'treet, Briton t',r--f, of z. 8U. nBVTtfK FrRT'-VAN(iL):R, MUlu* a n/ve of the Ortotl DuchY ,in, 'j, At. hwrwid-ace, 26 Edward s-terraoe, Ca- {) -,9. t't'?rn? Mr. Kicb'wl. ,.f '.<«"'nsTiat. alteram*. t. illJHI, tsen SI ya.rv.miK'.h rc-pected, July

BUSINESS AODBESSES. HOWELL AMD QOMPARY'S aaSAi cusvRiNoa SALE OF J>IŒY, (A3 PK: Vi-. lOR ro «•>{•> V\L TO PORTION OF Hii/V S"»ES5ISES. Open })¡illy at 9.3) a.m.' Close at 8 p.m. C4KPKTS, LIKOLKUM1, & FLOORCLOTHS S. I'JtCrTO à. IMS 'OUNT oplo PER CJlNT. rUKirt'J THIS SALK. ,{mV¡LL AND COMPANY, HiB CiiJiiiFJf DRAPERS, a 10 34, 3?. MAKY STBKKT, OAKDIJFF. 11172 J?UBLI0 ,1 JSSTAlitOHBD IS 1869). file Oimson of tots Society ate 30W vrt%Mec » vnd »t';tc»iOW'J?ti5a?WiH;^Gt«> Wi.isS v.lwotK »(!• tie Kates ol f' ..«p*.ya\#«V which»»Vm** *m*» r^-s; Societies 1. The ell-It of oarv«3. I. The tNt of A,! It. »ge !>♦# j, Ike Geviii-uiurt Hiaxuji L ThE> IDMNA Priiainia ALL PAID a v -Xi.s »OOIST'>. PMsoectnues iicii \¡ùo=li"n u.i»y b. on till, ei r OKKlGSS, 11. JOKN-»vKt,iSTt BKiSiOl, {)r at Keifs. T. J. Pri{e (k., and Vaugbau-stree% 1.1" 926 1'. •■v<-X.>'tKs "1'1, f'kHJ fcAVJ>G» batch. ■3 TRUSTEES rF BENKflT 4Ni> fcOCIiiXlfcS, AND OT.iiiiS. •Jhe BBlDOEND F8«M&NBNT BtIW.01"" "no tY i. pvepaied to Kecsive ^CMS OF rJO.VI.V 0:1 !>t.J O^IT bot t iva vet Cut. Iuterast. For t uitber paniruUis. pi,ly to the Secretary, Mr. W. M. Rlcba1ds. 17, Prospect place, Bridgen 11213 ■? O&TYF&IW WithR WO&Ki OaM- 'V FANY. lecorporated by Aet of Parlbmnt. t. P. n,) Capita), £6,OW. Additional Capital, €:n,000, M. :Hl< Shares of £10elcb. £ 1 fler 8b»re p,}y:.r1>;) CD ■, v.ic\ti»n. £1 pet fcnare on Aiiotmoat. Dirkctoss: M7 3>4V(I>DAVI?, Maemynou, 0'1'1 Proprietor, C Ii.t. })AI."f'iJ!l'l, Pon.v.¡nàd, tfauk ), 4j luE GRIFFIkLe. W¡nw,ur-ploce, Cwiiitt, (; &1 )Jt1pli.OI. is'. rjnVAHu >ljro*, PonfcyprUd, Timbjr &Ie:cJt>:1 .H. J'wNi S Abtl{m:iu. .•; REP ail A. BAiSbSlT, C.K., C-rdiff. IIAN KElLS wY.-r OJl 31;0'10) JJ INK, Pontypridd hPCRKTAHY. Mr. :& C. SPIClu"rr. 'O\l' Uouse, Pontypritlvl. "te rew worfta for st\pj»tying the hhendda Valloyi fiutf tbe town fith wter ale rapidly ¡'"¡<')(\1\d:!I1g completiou, nd Direciors hopa iu ,w 1IcrkH" coiuplwtetbe 1.)i\)1!. 01 the .hç\oo! tiN ir- and supply the urgent liseds of tfie d'.sWic5 dor- il* iliv. ,"It,<&lt. «umz>2ex. X. Imectors ara shtis2ed that owiiis to tbe eso^ tuuisi'y lonr pricaof iron plroeo, fchty will be &t» s tj c«'i'ilie works at a CVdt macti telow tao \fll.ual tbtiw!e.. y.VsU more than flO L'to of the new wita.1 h" ¡'.i)" t"ubn'it;tJ, i>ut ha 'iiafc onai is not fiaificóent to c-)Œplc tbo (!ij¡:i) thtt rireaoTS a1e preparad liu ;"0Cttive b1ctl0E9 i*t ph»ie9. H." Con;paiiy has pod for some years a divi:1n¡] :■( "/■ reT (..r.t ).\erADDUm on tl¡d oritfiuat capt.1 of £1,1)1)0 u ÍoY tlbe very lliuicd a;ea of aecvic^ a..<i iiii-ttfiicifcUo suprly (of wt(\r. by .ea". 01 the ne", W",k. thty "m obl.ln an u^> JiiuUut si pply of excelUut rva;c? at Ma2rcy» aooat i.wo i Mb,\ *tcvo JferntaH .1: 66,to tha wtiole cf i:.)" viJIngta in ibe Uboadrin-f^cb vaUey fro'ii 1<lI,t.le, as well as fto Rh..Id. Favrr Vabey from ):)'1"0. to Po&typ:id'l» 10 dï.hcø "I H i iv:rUU;3. by :1.0 Company's ict, 1875, tborevenna of the C..m, p; u> i-1' te app>ied in tbe iolJuwing in^nuer: — Jbt. Ia'br»yiui<adi#i<lttPclof fr'.vdpouQd j parcsat pr t, 11 on the ori^inul t:.p.ta\ ol £ s,CuO. See.. n v«;isg »divideod of live poauda per ceut f.v.c 1.!11UltI on the Dew ':1pi: 1 31'1i. }; .miug n. dividend vi Two pouads per e. p-or aoiaupi 00 the olo un ntw capital. tth. Ir, piyiDRa furtbeidmtfeai of Ibree pouadi pur CtmUIO per wDiiuin to tl.18 eld cJlp¡¡,I. 'fo'fl1S cf ap; iic-tiou for Sl1al'<1 w,, '>8 had r.! t\n f'nt:tl;l1 at tbe Coiiipoty'ti Uillc9, The Court H-vuso, Jr. C/HjpiidU. A]V).;5 lt.l 5 Oissrfc.R PIC: ro AT CAERPHILLY, .i. AUGUtT 7tb, 1876. POY. *t>D FOOT RACINS, AND D 1NCISO. TV.'O BRASS BV.VDi I If ATI 2ND AN CK. O..lil i'HIES, Esq., Ontdiff, Judge of the Horse !<ta,t.r aDd Clerk of til" Coarse, S. Lenis. <Ju!&;cf tbe SC £ .!ss. (i. Washlugto- isij 12Jw fpiK YOEATH TESHMONIAL. The shove Testlinoniil v be PRESSNTEO by D. i i l J ni kaq,, on 'IHIiRSJ)áY. Au"u" 3a1, at Mr. \M J. n J( aa's, Muikbt t.lùtJl. Caiitoa, at t..): I'd cxpm, 150w3 Y>\g!MKNTAL. ()tmKk by J.touc.-(M. f.J r:L. CommwidiicK &d GLinwr^aa ,Ar¡lllcq VoluDteei,i. i he èdaehment for Kbcebnrjncss will p> In fr,1I rü's cn Cti ay, 7 fi.1D eliirp, forguai J m jout- loi and i-s; ectjoa. 2 fchifti on Monday anrt Thursday, at 7 31 p,m, (im fl-oct'ce on Tnestity and Wedr,e1tiav, at Q J'Jp.m }.It>ùirlg tbefinp 37dví:b iroffi Newport. 8. Oun and csrbine drtl every evening at 7 30 pm SaUrday, 6.30. hecrait cLilltvery evtalng, atthaatme time. I EATICKY. T'tXARTH. 4. Gen Mid company drill on Monday, Wedaesiay, acd Inlay at 7 p 5. For duty daHny, the tI'lI1Ilng weekCaptaSn Burst, Liestenant Btnuu, i^u-geon Oraager, Serso.1 at, h«;mbo, Oo>p»ral Had, B?.I.,di?,, .9twke,, Tram ¡>eM bt,lJm" Pttt,l bt*.11M-? order, (Signed) Adjttant. W. FITMAN, CapLua aud Adjutant. Cardiff, 2Gfb July, 1H6. rpHlfi BAKKBUPICY ACT, lStiiT. In the Connty Court of 6hm"rnallhlre, boldea at Mertbyr Tydfil. ID (he MATTER of :PCIAL RPSOLUTION for L'(/CJl)AI10N by AKRA>GKMRNT of tbe AFFAIHS t-l tVAW WILWA^S, of UPPER BOLGDED, in the P,.?h f Uanipyddid, in the county fF.I. p \ènOb:rh.!t'!hrr:sr:: i. the i??uuty of Gl*m('rll .?, H??b B<ùhff, b. be- p. Kitted trustee of property of the debtor. AU per:on3 having In their posseaJafl any of the elfects of tee d?bto, mlD>t dou???, thom to the T?.k., -1 .11 e",t- due to the del?t.? ..t be pid to tho 'f,,kt-. itre"t have ':t r;:oE>lb J,u¡:t: *wd th?i, proofs tf dtbt to tb r"tate8. D»ted this Hb cay c f Juoe, lbr6 11469 J. W. tiCSSELL, Registrar. 'oT!CË-ïs HBREBY GIVEN th:tth LP,-RTNER?ult, be-vtofore) -rid bt-,i. b', th untorsigiied JO-HPH WILLIAM »NHIU"f Hi1, *I0H 4 i! D DOS ALDIVKY, In the trade or oasioe a f f tipbicter., at fio 6,l'ro.pect-plaœ. S.A..a. Iu tU, wimtv of GljmnrR,,n under t?e nima or fo.m ?, f tonlGHT aï: bas E>b: tayora¡:'¡J1 •Cd tbnt such bnainew *ill in fuuro be c rrio i at ?» 6. r/cspect-ptace. r>fc« il, «y the said ';Al;1rjoeH;r"¡IY pe Jf!n:i'a ietelye all moneys 0:1 account cf he said itUd ttia 17th day of JLIY? '8'6 (si^ne ), l:>Íf:I1. '), J, W j;j(?ioaT. R. D. IVEY. (Wltne..). J. HARTLEY 30H", r, I, to". 8,,.t, 11448 nfiOlaVKKTORS. l>eu«r»l e ,v«: s Odioe, EstaMuhed 18J0. i- *'T • r } lfRE_\U I'd tt' 4, i-Mith-stfet. i' ■■ ■■ y. ]. 'j (:!O at ;lItO¡rrB£;¡Sr:c¡b:C1; trench I fUent, i7 Belgian, JU>. Ciicalei giatts, 106" OAL-SB BY AdOTlON CvUerYvcbt. at Pwn^Aei. Aug. 9 M-. A1.KXANDKK BKOrTBXlta. Stock of limber, ut Abeidart AugueU lIb, B OONOTON. Borast, Caniagea, tAg. 26 M>4 T. J, BOSK. lemehold Premloe,, at Swanee» August 10 Mesirs. bAKSAKD. THOMAS, and 00. PwtDtea BarboorBond. at Swaøsea ""I. '1 Futebold Propw ty at Swansea -August £^ Me. BSYNON HDOHBS. ""nel, Carrijwes? Ac. at Swansea- — — 1 Horses, Carte, Ac., at S*aniea *ng » Aug.2 BC!4IseboJd Fam!turefi.lf:. ..August 1 Bonsehold Furniture .t C-diff .jryL Metwe. C. BVaKS ANU liON. Cots and Hinksat Newport Angnw* mh-isus. William GRAHAM. Agd 10 Fl£ebold )(SWlte,.t }!alan Dwelling :Å\1:,d:ug. 2 Ptock in Trade, Knroiture, &0, A Cardiff Ang. 4, BiibII ess Prei»l»«s. i't cardiff Aug, 11 le eeQtld h.mi. t O-W Aug. 11 fc K. X M J&MB:3. Bo\)'eh1d Fumi;i :;a8' Jllly 81 Mesftjf. M*DDOX.& ^KMBnY. Leaaehold Ptop«t,. at Cdiff — AQ«'15 .< ,OuN H. LIM)NI6. L?.,obold Pmi, -6 8-m- -August Houseboid ¥ nnoiturc. at Swijmj. -Aug. 8 MB16?tl* T. J. PRICS & OO. ftock-iu-trade, at Swansea. -••••- leasehold Pumieesard Land, tAug. 8 House and P'<>1DlBee, at Swansea Aug. 8 Leasehold Dweliiug-bo.ises, at Swansea Aug. 8 Ua t-hold Dwell)iiy.*h'Uhe. at Swansea u.Aug 8 Dweiliuchouse Alld <rdeD, at Swansea ..Augast 8 Me-nt. E, HOliiSRTS & SON. Dwelling-heme, at rwansea Aug. 4 Mr. V, SXEPHItNSON. Macbiceiy and Plant, ut Llar.twit A?gn!li6 8 8t(ck in-lrade, P,atit. & at Card fl,An?. 10 una 11 bubireas premises, at Cardiff.. — • Ang. 4 Messrs. yTRAKBR & LAKK. Houuebold Furnll¡¡re, ut Crlc)howeU_ 18 M:tiR: TiaB" CbARKE.ANl) CO. Bonsehold FurtiSoie. at Khymnev Ant 2 Mr. JOHN 1 HOMA8.I Wheat, Barley, .t. at Ystradowen August 9 Oxford Cba'1;o: O-sford-street, Swansea MK. J. J),:i. LKJSDBR will SELL by ATICIIt'N. »t >he above chambers, on THURS. DAY, August 3rd. 187C, a large and varied aewonment of UO\ialtHOLl> FtUiNITUHE, and olhar KIFECTj, comprising walnut drjwmg-room suite in green rep, viz, two easy chairs, fix ofcbers aud couch, walaut and mshcir.ny loo tables, S-riiliant pier glasses, Brusa618, tapestry, »nd other carpets, beavthrugs. fenders, lire- it, us, ca*y, cane-scrtcd, and other chairs, couches 111 American l.ather, 'nabogMl)' sideboard, timepieces comer cupboard, u\ .hogutiy washstauds (marble^op)i dieesujg tables, toSJot gbsses, towel ha. r ware, spricg EQat'rkSse?, paliiasses, hAlfœster aod .,he, bedsteads, mabog&uy chests of drawers, &c., tbe usual kitchen and cuiincry uteosilp, &c. Sale to ccmmeaco t 11 o cWck in the foreuoou. Goods on view morning tf wile. 118JJ Sale postponed from 27th J Wy I.Iy ptr? f August. S&Jg::raep;û:1; J8e:.a frl G.ptff;: Livery btaoJe Proprietors, iiuildeis, aud Others.—A ttioat Defirablo Jnv(:BmeDt l^.i R. JOH5S M. LKKDBE hM been in- lfi. "t?uded to EEV- by PUBLIC AUCHON, (io eDb or roo", loss,»nd FQ^ject to conditions which will be ,coù at the tiina of sale), at tbe Cutle Hotel, Cutle- pquaie, S^waiifcei^- uU fbat LEA.SEHOliiJ PKEMlSliS, known as JionbtkLpion Mews (at the back ofrtorth* anipton-place). Sv?auieat formerly tn IBe occupation of Mr. W. Haroing and Mr. William Stock, containing a frontDge of 99è 10M, and In tbe .ear 140 feet. i,?.t.g. i "r .d.. Is.% d.?.d The whole of the Property ia held nuder a lease dated Ite 25th "y of Fab? ue Y. 1861, lr term of 11 -r, !rem the 19th da* f6.', 186U, .t 1,ne ye"ly ground rent of £25. Tho plopetly is situate In lobe centre of the town, wo(I daily becoming more valuable for the particular business now carried on the-, Sale to commence at Three o' clock. 'o, lurther particnSats "iy to David, Bsq., Soli- citor, tsw&nws Cb arle Henry Olascodine, Eq L.. ?to r, Swansea; rdi?e BTOWO and Collins, ftoli* d' BWU$e&; .?oftheAuctiO-6e',Ozfo Cbambera, Swansea. 11422 Sale of Valuable Leasehold Property, in st Mary-street, Cardiff. MESSRS. MADDOX and EMERY have recevved Í11B¡,rllction. to SELC, by P(J8LloJ AUCTION, at the Koyal HotJ, Cardiff, on XUKSDAY, loth Atieosl, lfe7t», ^t Tvree p.m. precisely, all thit SHOP and tffcl £ UI3ES, No. 8, ST. MARY-STiJttJbi', Cardiff, cow in thy eveup^itioa of Messrs. Çro8 Bros, Ironmongers, lor t!J" residua of a 1;er¡n of 21 years, which will expire in M:y»U58. he plemises .r" lifcld puuer a lease lrom Loifd Trcdegnr for the re>i"" of 1\ term of 9) ye^rs, from the £ 9th of SepteiLher, 18/4, at a ground rant of £H 6* ?4d per annnm, and Urt; Mtrate oppodte ttie Town hall aJ¡.1 Pvst-t filce, and no"r the icrarkec and priucip»2 banks, in the most ccmmandiLu poEitiofc in t.e t. wn of ^aiddi. A large d1-1 ftiuny j earn neen et.1 011 tUeie. For f"rt1!r partiruints apply to te Auctioneers, at tt:eir Chrmbeu, IS tUgt"øtlfet, Cati1ih, o. u a, Waldron, Keq., kolicitcr, Church-street, Cardiii. Tte Powell's Llantv.kt ColHeries Company, Limited iropntfntSaleoi '\1'1'ln p.I\. bl tuo ly-1 aud iistradbaiwick 1f1 K W. P. SIKPHBNSON h&* boeu iostroctcd to SLLL by AUCTION, at? Ibe Tjviaut aiid \s?Tadbj,twick Collieries, nBar the Ufliitwit JStotion of th, Liantrlsant aud Tiff VV..e Jvntoiou KMlw-y. on THUKSi'A-V, the 3cd day of Aogi^t, ILIO, the vaiuhule furplm JJU.CHII£RY "till P/AM c' 6ntcted vi;h tbe abovo collicries, and con- ti" ting "t Lca ermine, 25 int^h now cyhndtir, fit. iltok*; e;,g-er.d hOl with all fittings complete. Sift I, ng, 6\ '1111"ter; citto, (httQ. 31ft. long, 6ft. d atuo- ler i tiiltc oitto. 80f«. long, 6ft. Gln diaxeiev; Go tfard's two kt6 (If tuu. cotUw:let8, each ö20£t long, 1(ijd. diimete% witb liii*. wotkirg barrels; cranks, connecting«r( ds, 1 cradles, I1nl1 vario«ii otber pnD1(;iD ♦.ear, wincing Û1U1US, pui.ley.he&la. fly, C)A, u:.ù ¡ i;awn wheels, vruu^ht ..Iui caafc iron ptt ISM1\iDg fans, and C0*l-8Cfeena, powerful crab- o;oinche. 111 d chaiD., iwn and steel wire ropas, colliery p^rtiags4 wings, ana crossings; cool tramp, welghiug. ir achine, witu tumtabie; a quantity of rail*, 201ba par jau), various len^th^; railway obi?s, bartow sleepe"d fcrnitiiV to< Is. iron, ttLdcU^dries. f6h; o cost>mf3?cf; at f 't lo'cloc precisely. ^alxlop\»ps may be hid on applicitija t? the Aud,oe.r. I, Qu.eoôhe t, C.diLi. 113". KdwArd3 Mid DR" s. CÚlH:hLui;lm'8t St. M^ry-fltreet and We>- gA"'Sllt, Ca"JiU. Dissolution cf Partnership. 11/1 It P. STitPHBliHSON will teKLL jj/&. by AUCTION, on the premises m above, orv THt'RlHY rd e?,iD4.Yl the 10 h and lltb d??y, of AuguKt, 11-76, the whd" of the Pxtbx!»iv9 &;4 vtiuabl* SlU¡;K-ir PLANT, >IAuHiN«KYf TJOL^ MATtRULS IN STOr.«5?. 'J be btcck-in-Trarie iDdudes Drw and s9cond h;nd Istlùars. broughams, liùgc¿rt9. phaetoSJ and other car* rianes of vattous (1ectiJltions; others in course of C1}I. atnciioD, seme lemf^ tv-arly completei and re'ardy fov trinuriEg, wool ano i .;o'3 rubber mats, rugs, 4fcc. 1he Plant, Machinery, and tools are modwn, *nd rom¡;rise one verUc>l eo^ne and boUer, &inch cylinder (Parhtt and Jenkins), with suitable getriog, clMlar sawing n,achiu, "all table complete, band s&w¡o machirc, morticing, diillmg, HndBp6ke-turningm\ch^ne, large giindvtone', carriae tWiDg cranes, 8atclifl.' púent carding mrduee, Bartlett'a weighing macdue and w)ghh,. benowS', anvil?, portable forge, vic^ Bn itbs' and victmen'u rods, 1be MaieriMs aud stores incJnde a Irge stock of .I.cted and welLse sored Ti", <fec, viz,, mshoganv, bi:ch, t Itn, syc&mo* ash, and pine io plank .nd boards of vm*ou3 tizes -Li thick" hubs, sleeks, f«Uo<i« spoken, ad BL13fts' b,b?, ønd other S;niC¡¡8, patent axle. mail d:t»o, long 'I", £ tjn tu-.ld's patent door hluges, fitting, àt':n:, :J,11:' nd ;:8b:ii:: colour. var&ishe«, &c bar yLd ."Ap ozdez-,I sundries. Sale to commence each day at Eleven o'clock pre- Catalogues are be;.f., prepared, and may be Iud 01\ application to the ruictioneet, il, Quecn-^reat, Cardiff, or to MI. W. Sanders, Auctioneer, 28. St. Alary-street, Cardiff. 11109 in ctanceiy.—By order of the Becolver.- Re Bdwards ".g D.?ie., CoacbbuUdets. MR. W. P. STEPHENSON will SELL by AUCTION, at 'I" R?7al Hotel, Cardl9, on 1'All? ?.?- I. day of August, 3S7C, at Three for Four o'clocU ple?utly, '?bjE?3t to conditions of sale t? be ,tea produCtd, all those Ðewly,erced and com- masolig KOSINKSS PREMISES, including b'p' car.b f.?t.,y, show-rooms, ad ?.b?uw, situate in Bt. Maty-street, Cardiff, "ear the (i 1,?, t Wed,, RMI- way station, being tbe best and moss lDtlhl poshion In he town. Th? piemises were dwigned Mid are ex- p?-17dt,. for cnying on the coach-building busi- ness cn an extensive scale, but from the admirable .ltnaUoD and great extent are well suited lor any otber iinpoitant undertakine; requiring large area combined abundant lacUiiiws f, "i.pi.y. Ibe premiats ore lield under lesse gm,?t,?l by I.ard Ircccgu for the term cf W years, from Db Marca, 1876, at tbo oncuol "'UDO Knt ot 0&180 >uitber psrtlculais may be had on application to the Auctioneer, 21, Cjuceu-stroet, Cardiff; to Mr, Vim i iu era, uctu;ntlb, 25, St. Mary-street, Cardiff; 01" o 1:1 Heard, Esq, Solicitor, Cardiff. 11299 43, Emerald-street, Cliftan-strest. R ,alb; c;"õ;ff, Mh. 6. CORP 111m SKLL by AUOTI,O.N on the abov p(Cuasdaiy), Âlló!uot 1, at iwo o'ctw-fc, without reseive, tLe wnolii a the HOUSEHOLD F0KMTDKB. lu5!j No.6, Bridge-street, Cardiff. m IR. G. OORP has been lnotrnctoa tel ..l SELL by 'UCTION. on the above pvcnii-od, TO-DAY (MdM>AY), July 31st, at 'Ihr 'chct nirrp under "ti. from the 0 tY Court -.d 'he ti,u sheriir ot Glamorgan, the whole of the BTOCK-tu.. TRADE unit HO' 1SKUOLD FURNITURE of E. Ihoni and Fons, ii ,1'D;t"r dinel-1. two bpl."d!d walnut cottage plsnofottes, and a geuoral assortment 01 hcustboid fuinllnre of every description. Wlthollc reatrve. ll45 BALBS BY AUOTION. The Bankruptcy Act. 18611.-ln Liquidation.—Re the Estate of Elisha Edick, in Liquidation.-Steambaw Milia, Aberdue.—To timber Merchants and the Trade "MESSRS. ALEXANDER BROTHBRS lrl. el..t,.ot-dk)ylbeTruaWatoSz(,LbrAUO- TIOI without reserve, at tbe a"* pl?mie.WICD- nM AY Ag.4 Otb 1876, th twi ,I of We STOCK :l'rtlÈ:à&a=:gO= cempriiing pitch .d red pi.1., M?MOL Bw.044 .ad 1. b,u?k, ii..Ig b-rd., deb, q-n.ri-w headings, match mouldings, tamed table IW, Mr cn pWaT., .I.d.?, door ùamu and "ibeek pan glaied; valt-ut .,?d %bog& y Van of miliputt flock, q.-tity of ironmongery, carpenters' benohes, mwpv, mortis ¿it'u:i; ::ø:c= I eant hooks, bars, tlmbeff carriage and trolly. «c., tog* :r:b:,ml:=uaIr:1 fe';¡ stools, letter copying press and .bood, sbelvlBg, Inula m>hogan3ttable,obwn, Ac, <fcc. At the time will be Sold tbe BOU8KHOLI) FcKMTUKK, appert4iing to tbe eowto of 6. J. FABOL Bale 10 =III P.Dot..Ily atf-neocloc^ a-. Full p&rticulars m^y be obtained oi the Aeara, 0, St C.,y 't ?at, Caidifl,um Jnly 261187& I io Members of Building Societies and Others, MHfcfeKS. T. J. JPRIUM and OO. aw ¡, Inabuded by $be Pr?pritor 0 SELL by PtBLIC AUCTION, at tne Cameron Arms Hotel Hlfih-ttieet, bwansfea, on TUASDAY, Sth day of a nan st, 1876, subject 10 wch conditions of sale mithau tbtn aLd the, bb lead, aU that LKAS&HOLO DWEIr LJiiG-BCUSS 8Dd PREMISES, known 118 No. 9, ^rirymcr-tenace, o? in the (;.P-U- -i Mr. M- fidd, .t b. of m Tbe dra?h?g-ro.M, dintg- room, J¡b:n,P::t: dt:a'.f.:n d!1 back ihiee bediooma, two clo'et on uOing, and two bedrocuu in garret, one latge cell*r, wd a goad (oal do. lb. Auctioneers would invite attention to tbe b.,?, very commodious and cODveuient Prer:riBe3, M beisg situate in one of the pleftjantesfc and mtiSt imp roving paitscf the town d marnea, within 20 mmuiea wala <f¡tbe banks snd markd, and in close proximity, wuh- out ?,mg t xpo?d, to the sea. S?;1" to t Th, e?tk ta th," For f,?r,lr particulars, p,?ly to th? Auciionten, ft their Offices, College Chambers, 2, OoUege-aweet. ¡;tIn. sea. lifrJ iTo Oapi*ali>ts amd Others. MESSRS. T. J. PRICE and 00. have 1V1 been favoured with iJlatructloWl from Mr. S. J. Klips, to MiLL by PUBLIC AuCl'iOiN, on TOEV DAY, 8th day of August! 1670, at the Cimeroa Arms Hotel, High-street, Swansea (subj ect tosuch cundit'ons of sale as bhail there and thon '>0 sead), on that well. built and coicmodious ColiNEK OU. B and PR!i.. IoIE, being No. 1, Beathfleld-place, SWoll3sa, cn- t?d.i.g front ..d b.,k pttriouiff, kilcoyn "nd scflUery, ?i. good beommt, china pat?try, tw w c, a; also a largo ornamental fl)wer g^rde^, contaiDwg sumuier house, fountain, bud rockwork The piemiaes aro 2D feet in ,t and SO feet at th, back, witb a depth of 110 feet. and are hell fo' a term of 99 years from 8eptWlber, 1803, t the remarkably low ground rent of £4 per annum The Auctioneers reg to call the fItntion of traatja- men tU d ca.:1tal ib to this V.e! y ciiitral and cjnventant primisas, wtich are situate "itU'u tea minutss' walk 01 tbe banks, poit-offloo, rail \1Y statious, aud m'tket, and cnmmandiDg I' view of Swansea Bay and tlw English coast. ir.ale to commence &t, Toree eclok in the, A.ft?.ruoon. For lurthe: paiticulais apply to the Austiouear' Col- lege Chambers, College street, 8W"UB<18. 11310 Alteration of day of sale to Tuesday, August 8tb,-To Brewers, Uotelkeepors, and Others. M BEIIS. T. J. PRWB and 00. have been instructed by the trustee to the estate of M*& Jane Morris, to SBLL by PUBLIC AUCTION, at the Cameron Arms Hotel, High-street, Swansea, on TUJl&J>Ay. the 81b day 01 August, 1876, subject tusucb conditions sb aball be produced there and then, all that Jlol!ble.licen£ed 1.E"SEHOLD PRfcMISBS and adjoining c.lltd a^.d known as the Railway Hotel, Tte above piemlke? v? held under a lewe of 99 years from June, 1671, pt i a vi?iy low gro?d ran* of 47 per annual, ?"I bit-t" close to the -in. f the Ure.t WfeBtem fcalU ty, 1>111 facing the very esfccmalve docks now in course ot construction. Sale to commence at Three o'clock in the Afternoon. For further particuUra apply at tbe offices, College Chambers, Collee street, Swauae. whtre photos, c f tbe premises may be seen, Dd to tbe h08tee, 1)0 vid ZOUr.Ubi¡¡s, fuq. 23, Charka-street, Mil. ford Httf en, or to the ploprietr"a., oa the premises. vn £ 10996 Two Leasehold DweViup,-houses for Sole. MlKilsRS. T' J. PRI08S and 00. have M H'cdv. i.?t?uti. from he Owner, to BELL by PUBLIC AUC'liON, at the. auieroa Arm, Hotel, Biyb-fctieet, Swarres, on TUti8J>\Y, the 8'h day of • UgUbt, 1876, subject to such conditions of sate a* ab.U theiee^d tneu k?. read. All those TWO I)\V«LHNG-HOU3BS kMwn a? No. 21 1d :»rD'mor-ttn8c:t. wn8e9. held ,z, an uc- txpirtd termoi le?,se of 9* years, from Cbi,ll, 1875- at tba low ground rest of £ 3 8- each, with frontageoi afcout IV feet, and dej th of 02 ieit each, now in tho oc- <nplion (.f Mr. An<trowa and another, at a rental of ahuuli £47 per annum. 'ibis Property is sitnate on the western sido of Swau. Fe), and within an esq distance of tho parks, banks, w" c" et, a,l:1,1 centre of thobusincsy parfi of the tovrn, Khich w tli render it veiy eligible m III residence for per. sona connecter with business in this town. S$le to commence at Three o'clock to the afternoon. For farther particulars apply to D. F q, søfto;rt &11tOtl:r.I:t :heo¿>:e:Ùó Ctambe'a, College-street, Swansea. Il3y7 Pie lmlnuy .ot c.-20a, Hign-street, SwaMe". JTjlJ| L KS8BS. T. J. PJftiOa «ud OO. have 1,?en lnstra?ti!d by Mr. L, J. ^tor^aQ, who i? retiring frtm bnainua^to bKLL by PUBLIC AUCTION, at early date, the whole or his larue and valuable STC'CK-IN-IKADR, co;ifdatir.g of Cabinet and Uphol- ftoiy Goodo of e,??y ikscript'on. Ancuoiicfrs' Q!!ice" Coliege-chimbera, Swansea, and Vaug^an-t&eet, Llt,lIoily, th Jane, ICOio L<I> hol<\ P/operty for Sale, TVirE^SBS. 'i\ J. PiUOK and 00. have Jxa. r?cived ilAntctioua f,om %I. J Brown to 69LL by PUBLIC AUSTiCN, at the CArm, Hotel, High-street, Swansea, on TUESDAY, 8th day of August, 187 tjtlit .onditi.i of .4? as sh1I then and there kt..11 tl?A DWRLMNU-HOUSK and extensive OAKDti^, k-??n .a No 3, Mackworth VWa., St. ThoQ3B, Swansea, having a frontage of 2l f"t by a depth of 175 it, b,,?ig ?.-O .-d b.k parlour with folding doors, two kitchens, four good bed- IOVUP. w c., œc.U within its own walls, now in the occupation of Mr. W. Heesat thereinarkablylow lent 0 421 yc-.U. i 1, "a piopsrty is cal dun er a Ie?%ie cf 99 years, from at tUo gronnd rent of £ 8 10s per annum. V bin property Is sUuato close to the proposed new Docks in Fabian s Bay, on the side of the hill oer. lookitifi tbe S<ff&ns«& B.^y, Mumbles, -d Eualiah coast Fale to IOM-nc? a Three o'clock iu tL. afternoon. For fv,tber particulars .ply to .he &uctione;s at theu ,1,C,Iieg,-Atr. ,w.e. 11311 Sw"rr¡oea.-A Bare Opportunity. FOR immediate DISPOSAL, that Old. establlohed Free DOUBLE-LICNNSSD PUBLIC- HOUSE called we" Cwdor Arms Hol>el," High-etroiit, Swansea, neatly opposite the Terminal Station of tiie Great Western ttailway. Immediate ttossesaiou uity be had, owing to the present tenant's ill-health. For f.,I'h,r particulars, and to troa, please Ppl ,t the OLU.8 cf Messrs. 1. J. Price and C. Collage Cn ,m- bora, College street, Swansea. 1 tSJS MONKY,—From £ 50 to £ 50,000 to be M. OtO: J)ieol L?.eh?id. O'n?: J ended Property, or good personal .-tty, at Z& per ? ,t. P.Nty ??ygblVbpy easy instalments, &ud -?itb other itPo=t acJV¡ptsges,- For prespectus and fnrther information apply to Messrs. =Z.d??l Auctioneers, Valvei,,?7&ty zco=,I?mbe College- street, Bwa?.e., ad Vaugban-street, Llaaelly. <mt S^fCTXER YAOHT ?^ SALE. To U{JT:D 1:CI? ttie o;. s?'U.6s, on WBDNBSDAky?, i a Sth day ot August, 1870, (ù. W:>:Ydilho"yt = nt:I);l:a:e;;J: 'Tk:o:f 11 tons yacht mew men w. b It by owe., f Swansea, and is fl a order; saila by Lapthorn, which, together ith b. standing aad rig¡lug. we very g6 it in four races last _on, and won t as fint p,i??.. Is sow fitted out at Swansea, and can b.ndtlod?.de? can by Pplyig to her w. Mr. W. H. Bssery, Gloucester-plaoe, SWn. Sale tMo r ?"W MiH.O?mt Tt "o0 l?eul = 4P 7UL 171lkl BY PRIVATE CONTRACT. Furnishing Warehouse, 14, High-street, Swaisea. H/O. OBOitGB HUTOHINS, of 20, ijJL Bridge-street, Bristel, begs! to inform tbdrlnbnb. itants of Swansea and neighbourhood, that be is gil-9 np tbe F,-i- at 14, F,*b.t-t. -,I, therefore, iniecda bSLLlNG bia valuable STOCK of CABINET FtKMTUKM. dsc., at a Coat .d.M-, the whole of which ..t be aee?. The present; cata affords ah unusual opportunity to PMU? f= idlidg, Md others. The f^tock comprises afl descriptions of furniture for supvlytng the MUE??OU,tD the rMWVgigtiOg of gilt cm"e) and pier glasses—a large and haodsome asgurt- nient; mahogany dining-room .uites, ,er,?d in re1 leather, horsehair seating, best leather, cloth, dtc lr-ebopany extruding dicing t6bles, with patent screwa B' ahogany t-i^ eboar«\p, with plate-gla'r-s and carved backs, chiflonHere, bo"kc"8, walnut drawing-room suites, covered in allk, Utrecht velvet, rep, terry, damask, &;c fancy tables, gh.i,, and davenports; walnut ?,,l c.ntr taMes, beautifnlly ttgured wotd, on carved pillar and e:¡ :e"kg¡ffo'fKgabi Il',I, ,d d.??; ,b,.i,? d -,i walnut top,, t,, ormnm mounting and Pi,, ¡laaOM to match • ?mlut card tables; Moroom suites, compri- sing wardrobes, chests of ,!rower., washstauds, and toilet tables, swing glasses, commodes, &c., 'a ma- tcgany, pitch pine, enamelled ornamental plno, maple, &t,t:at"n;a;da:f::tta an d k."?h b?g,?t,.dl, ,.Mber ?nd millpuff bed« and mt. tre,soo. beUlnmitnre, dining, dtawing, and bed, carpets, BjusaeK and tepestry, windew curtains, poles and *inc», bear«bmgs, pianos, ,Jiœ furniture, iron fire- proof Mfe!, fenders and Irons, toilet ware, hat and um- d"Sb,tgully t'a.?3,, clocks and timepieces of all dwc,4ptioLs, brou?. Wlhu. de. 103SJW# SALKS Y AUCTION. | To Tnvee and others. MESfcBS. BAK <AHD, THOMAS, and .at CO bave I. .d in.tnctlo", to 8BIX by (riloN. at If,t e Hotel, Swansea, 00 Wlto. ME8DAY, Aujinst the 2 d, 1S78. a BOND for L300 ia the Swaawa Barbpnr 1/uat, dated 1871, and bearing I.t_t at tbe rate ot b.?t W? anbum. Pale &0 commence at lhree o'clock. ■ Further particular, at tbe Auctioneers; Messrs. lpytheiz,L ..d or 0' Mesus. ?t,i,k ",I, B.Iiigilm, 8.11clt^ Bw-.?. S"naea, July 22nd, 1876. 11231 In Liquldlotlon-To 1ronmongers and Others. TIYI ESSK8. BARHAHD, THOMAS, and JJvX CO. a*e instructed by the TrWl- to BELl, by PRIVATE CONTRACT the HVA{ni^S lately eurled (In by W. T. Dog b. )ronm"nj{er, Moniiton. lbe stock oD,' fixtures, amounting to ..bont £ 1,170, would hoVe to be t >ben at a val nation, The ^orcua»er ca1Q .1. h.e the book deb l»SMdiate -I- -l? ?&d. and pafmeM would Janw? it. Xi:T*mti and balance by appmad bius at one and two month*. The stv ck U unnsually well assarted and compara- tively ""1f, and to an energetic person the pre"nt offers a coed rt..ity to tn in b.d..?o ?. 0-Y &arms ttbffpattients's of Meurs. Browa and C,lbn.. Sollcitws, and, of h. Brokers, 10, Topl.t.?t, fiwanse*. Dtfeil July 9th, 4t7Ø. 114to jCarditf. —'io Contractors and Owen. "he CrdLt Western Railway Pasoenger Station, Cardiff. MISSUS. BARNARD, THOMAS, 'KF, Id CO., bl? iofl.ructed to SKbL *y PKiVtTHi Ti>KA'X\, tbe WAIN HOOF ..d OFFiC&6 COM,ected ith thv Particulars: he ruin roof is 122 feet 1a length by 60 feeS span, acd js mode of the best galvanised iron and lead, with Ii,atdHlo&rd, hntngs underneath. The skylight? aro ice 'et by 12 ft1 9 iuchea. The eflices are u»ideT » operate roof, and mclnae l?t, Station vI.At, ?,o i.p,.u.,Iy fitted p with windows, doors, fire-grato, ad p- titig, .?a- sures 16 ft ltng 03 11 fe?t wide by 13 feet high ,B"k;.R-h.j 1M 44 lee lung by 10 wide -d 13 feet híb. ith for entrances, .d 1. ?obl? floored insioe Booking-office is 18 feetloDg by 9 feet wide, with counter, &c. wissim. is 16 feet squve. with Witer closet, a c wW four doois, windows, gm 1Iing., aød fiie-prate. ti=mevt-m first class, Is 25!oøg by 14 feet wide, fitted with cuunier, gae-iittiugs, ifre-grate, &c. Ittf»Bhment-room, "d class, Is 14 feet long by 10 ?.t 6 koh.1d?,,?ith counter, fittings, fire-grate, &c. 6 I:'&clh l::í: Ü¡:;mët:'wlde. with counter, g,-fit\ÍD¡¡S, fire-grate, to. k,-I feet long by 11 tet 6 iIIaes wile,, with il complete. =? .d.o. Application for further particulars may be mvJo not Ister (tan Tuesdiy, August 1st, to the Auctioneers, at J)att? at 4, Cro(?bhezbtown, CardiS, Jane 19th, 187^ lIU8 St. Maiyhiil Fair, Bridgend.—Sale of Horses. Cairiages, and Harne», &C- ME. BODINGTON, ..H.O.V.S., an- J..1"" nOu" that by the apecIaJ request of ..mar us fiifciids he b". Ananell to conduct a SALS of HutWKS, CAnlilAOES, ardHAKNStbS, at Bridgecd, OD Frtl- 1M Y, the 2Mb of AUfcUai, 18/e, being the day previous to St. Xarl hill fair. The A nction^^r confidently sohcits tbe 811pport of gentlemen Laving hordes, carnages, harness, to dis- P £ Fttriee should be made as early as possible, either to Mr. Thome, YOlk Holtl, Bridgeud, or cot tie AU1tloaeer. Cardiff, frcm wbum full particulars may be obtained, in order that they may appear in future advertisements and catalogues. A nciioneer's Residence and Offi^ ces, 4, PanUme't.erraee, C.ntro, CaTdifi. 1^908 Cardiff.—Business Premises, em!,dGt>"hed V,b Rsl. d(;t.,X.d Policies of LH Assurance. 1"1%5J/il KSSBS. JOHN JKNKtKS aud 00. .U:.L hive received iostmctiuns to bELL by AUC, TION, uider a power of sale contained in fs mort- gage deed (.ubjoc& to ..ditio.?), at the Q'lOeD's otel, Cardiff, on FmDA Y, the 11th of,b, 176, at Mur I r Five o'clock In the afternoon, l.ttot.1]6wi. or such b?r lota ",dt,, .1.,d on, the Ol:[':f 3hetJ8"SËlbD:'r":ci VILLAS, and other PKEMISSS, aud also the several POLK lis ?f LIFE AiSUKANCE be,el.afWr described, namely, In Canton- Let 1. All that Shop and Dwelling-house, with the bakehonae thereuuto belonging, having a froot^Ra to tt e-f 92 feet. and now in the occupa- tion of Mr. 'ihomhs White. .t, I.. the adjoining Cottage, being 83, Cinbridge-road, pow occupied by Mr. B. fowtjll, Ar-d also the D"e1Eng. touee idjoinirg, being 81, Cowbridge-road, or 1, Crow street now eccapied by Mr, G. Brown. The whole of this Lot is 1st to Mr. Whi!e at £.5 per 8nELm. aiso a Policy in the Standard Life Assurance Gi ra- pliny. L<>n(]on, riated th 15th lùVtllibert 1803, a •a ? Dmbtted 2iúo9 for tbe sum of £100, at the annua' premium 01 £2 10s 7d. Also a Policy in the Economic Life Assurance S Jciety, j ordon, dated the ôtb November, 1889, and Nuusbevei 16917, for the sum of £3ÚO, at the Amail Premiani 0 At 16?. "h. bone" addition 1. tUis Policy is .14 both of the -b-?" PdiclùB are alitcted upon the hI<' of Mr. Frederick Jobn, DOW aged 37 j esrn. Lot 2..All tooso four Cottages atid Promises, beiag .umbera 2, 3, 4, and 6, 0AfOreli3iJ, with a f..t.g,, to -b 9172 feet, and now oupiel1 ?y Ile. homa., Hopkins, Treecott, aud 8*11, as "dekty .t at an aggregate seariy rentsl of 415 10 I teI: :lt;îo: {::t:£;.ow fu the ??upAlion .1 Mr. P. Heansssy, at the w.vlly rut.¡ of 78. "ùe A Polio? Iv the Sta-d.,d Life, Cim- pa3\ Lor don, daiea the Mth Januiry, 130s), and nUffi ?:?,.d 2,20 for he sum f i;5?, and the aDDu.l premium of ZI ós 4(1. Al?o Policy in the L." U. Life A.suruC9 Cm' pf y, Londor, dattd tbe 3rd February, 1371, IIÙ num- bered 4467, for -ihe sum of £250, at the aunu»l premium d £717s. lid snd mother policy In tho last-miatiowu düco, daled the 17ih February, 1871, and uumbjioil 4480, for the coai 01 .£100. at be anDual premium 0; £33s. 2d. -The 'i'aree p"t:ciallnclude in this lot are upon thi same life is lb.z in lot 1. lots 1 and 2the pclic.'cs) will be sold, »s to a moiety thereof, in fee and &b to :t ¡iYf Îtï:F::be¡JuFotl John. In UPler George-strtet, Cat&ays— tot a..&ll thai Semi-aetached Villa, with the Out- buildings ard Garden belonging thereto, llitaste on the west tice of Upper George-street, now in the occapntion of tbe said Fiederiik John. Lot 4. All that feoml-detathed Villa, adjiiaing lot 3, with the OUlbuildiDgs and Garden belonging thereto, &.a n?)? in the occupation of Mr. Jm. B.Et. Lota 3 ad 4l?.eh? ,"Id, for a term of 91 years wl.:ch commenced ou the 2.d Fearuaiy, 1875, and are sui ject to an annual ground rent of £. whicb will be appol tioned equally. For fllIber particular" apply to the Auctioneers, 20 High-street, Cardiff or to Mr. wm. Brice, Solictor, Bridgwater, at either of whose olfieos the condi'oua of Salo may lie lnrpected seven days previous to tie auction. Bridgwater, 22ud July, 1878, 11471 The 13aukr-pt?y Act, 1869.—258, B.te-.t,e.t, C.,dif! o Grocers, Private Families, and Obers. -MESSRS. JOflN JEKKIKS & CO., JSJL have beta ?..t,ucted by the trustees of the lisiale of J. Levis and Co., to BXLL by AUCriOlf (ii'UAY IIEXI; lle Ilh ly 11 August, 117?, without ,", the LI. (?f the .?"C., U"?i, LS FURNI. TL RE. and LOOK DABT$, b.t..King to the itte. vf?? mDtnl"g of ble, until 11 a.m" ?hen she Sle will comer ence punctually. For lutthcr particulars and to examine sebedale of bnok oebts. apply to James Cellina, jun., Esq., Acco. ut. Biistol, or to the Auctioneer*, at their i«floes. Lated, 20, High-street, Cardiff, 29th July, 1878. 11435 Ç¡":e:reeiüzz:J', .Jr:Jt1:.¡ Kupem-atreet, Bu?..rd t?.80, M, and Jj a .tree*, Pnatb._ sale of Le?wbid P,.mUes. MESSRS. JOHN JENKINS AND 00. have received instructions to SELL by AUCTION, at the Queen's Hotel, Ca.W, on FRIDAY, the llth day of August, 1870 aoFoarforF .,01..k in he afternoon, and su?g'eo c 9 to the condtti?v i cC:h\8:Me:t;eue:o,: HOLD PROVERTY,- Lot 1. AU those T?. Semi-Detched VILLAS, it.. &to on the cut side of Upper Gecrge-atmet, Cardiff, held under a lease grputeUd p by the trustees of the wlU oBbe late C. C iw%ma, .sq ,for a term of 99 lears, from February 2ad, 1675, at ttie yearly ground mat of 'f4eb:'l,)Jt o! :rr':II\:I1:: F,b,.ary 2ad is77 Lot 2. Z wcse Two Unitoked DWELLING HOuSMS and piemises, situate in &be 8,d;.Y, hoatk and at its ?tern end 00 the north side of Ber- t.m-.t..t. 'he propeity is held for 99 years f. March 25tb, 16". t the annual gr.?.d rbb of s £ 7 7., r:,Íi5iliIt ;mi' which iif: become due until March tb, 1877, The Premises are spacious ud we, we ubstutt%Uy built The cod 01 completion 1. estimated tet5o. lot 3. &11,ho.' and bewg Nob. 0, 7, ad 8, B-po-g-t Cdiff held under 1.?,e for t.? of 99 yesrs from February 2a )847, t the apporlicned yearly ground nut of £ 6, and I :Ió ar:I'e:1;t of 41 3., tbe tte. hetng pd by t e tout, The PtcmL-?:ire situate m the ?nte a the to?, ad bava b.. o?up ied by t?v o ?f she pact toomt. lor 22 ..d 10 )e?rti.l*ctive?ly. Lota. All those Three DWELLING H0USK3. .1t.ste .;¿0;'D:M;.f.8;3 :2tUI:,th: under luse ioi a 't?rm of 99 years, from Umb 2?)th, 18C5, at the anuual ground rent of, £9. and let to re- sooctaMo tenants at the aggregate weekly rant of £ 15v, the rates (except the water rate) being paid by tbe tenants, Lot 5 AU thct DWELLING HOUSB, SHOP, and BiKEHOUSS, known as Cornwall Bonae. aod situate in John-ttre^f, Penartb, oear Cardiff, and now occupied by Mr, H. P Bailey, grocer, d t The premises are conveniecn.t, and .In a good position for business, and aro substantially built. they are beld for a tel m of 99 years from May lit, 180S, at the low an- nual ground rent of a2 6s. Barly occupation can be A lare portion of tbe purchase money on any of the lots can ? ..i. mortgage. For further P-ti?.?.?. apply to Messrs D.U. F.' f.'th.' Cc t-.p,?p6 ly?Prdiff or to the Auc- "oDeers, at tbelr Ofllœø, 2v. Highstreei. Dated CaidLfi, 2UIb Jnll. 1870, 11172 SALKS BY AUCTION. I f^uT valuable D"eJliog-bo, 1 Str&Üleru-pl-. ke j. the occupation 01 Mr. kl-,t JWL l^ n sSKa KI»WAKD Ru.B*BUTi3 an d M } 've bPn i-tl-d to SAU by PUBLIC AucnON, at the Cameron Arms Hotel, High-street, Swsnnea, m FH1IMV, Arijnst 4tb, 1876, tlmt df:' OÐJv¡i:t.¡}sJ:!b, =: St.atbern Hi)use, tonta'niog W rooma, Fnle to commence al Tbroe o'c:loek. For utther ps?ic,?ulta. apply to the Auctioneers, 40, Oxford-street, Swansea. 11814 40. pTeTiirlraryAnnonncemeBt —Llambeder Houw, twa lilies fll m <;nckbo»ell, and si* ™f A6;?; ".nny -1"'Jtol\nt Sale "t Ho",ebold lInruiture. 14 -0 STRAKER aud LAKB have iy# btenlj.'ouied with Instructions f:om.the .ith lrtl- nI Itb: Pi.mUCT, «.n WEDNESDAY, tba 1Mb day ci '876,lh. "'hol..« fbHrnodcrnanawell-preseyveciHOoait- ■ 87e",t,.f and other KFFACCtS Including an excellent brou^hnKi, capital dog cart, new ailver- moartttn dout-Te barneys,&c, &c, Ac. 1JJ'i:t1:r::d:.ileDts, Catal^gaM to te C1btD.iuu of tb. AucLione«-rs at tbd! oflices, Tiveitv to place, Abergavenny, and Market Ch.wl)or., Br^rmtwr. 11360 Trare, Mbnmouih.hlre, MESSR',?. W1LLUM GRAHAM and ..L'- "(IN will PELL by AUCTION, at tbe Doin?ort Arms Hotel. }logla. In tl10 connty of Monmjuth. on THUP.6P.iY, the 10th day of August, le70, at Two o'elock in th. Afternoon puactnally, subject 1. suca c':r-dIUo"a.. wlil bo tben read, all tnat valuable &011:1 wtll-woodfd FH*KHOLD ESTATE, callel Th» Bailea ctbeiwitc The Upper Ball.a," situate In IJe parish of T!<g.rc, campr!ain¡z; subitautial and c,)moo. di. F. Siooeb, wi,I "y om.. and b!m uiJd¡ngs. ""d lb..ev..s1 closes cf arable, me&dow. p"8ture, woed, and coppice lend thereuirto adjoining and belonging, acd containing together 134a, or. 27" aorp or less, 8n1 in tho occapatioa of Mr. flnoch Heath. t"n.nt tb6r"<Jf. The above vtJy desirable estate Is bounded by pro- ve tieb cf the }juke cf Be'utort, the Yar^uis of Aber- ,,v Ih J{.v UIDen P-ke, 8. Amberiejr, E«q, Mr. Whins, Mra Jones, and olhers, is situ..w ?itb easy 'e"cb cfihe capital .I,,t to.. of Monmouth and Abe:gavcnny, Ad lour mUtS t?'. the 'Iage of RMr! i'!noth Etatt, tbe tenant, will kindly dlrec a bi,. E,.tt, it. t,t, ?ill kindly di?e?' a p,, pI ais, *nd cODdmon 01 sale ?*y be b- tained <n appitc-ticn to tise Allttoneers- victor*a- chambery, Newport, M(1nrooutb'iu8; fJr tj Mr. N. Penrsp, 8oHcitor, Wlv&\i c)robJ Som«weS»tihire. p.t? AMt ?, 5',h ju,y 187t$2 Newport Cattle Market. "m/TESSRS. oOJ:us SMUS EVANS & SON Ari will 8FLL by AUCTION, on WEDNESDAY NFXT t 11 .'?lock e., y Ith..t reserve, fOPB;I;oÎ lB; Jrc'o:{tkfi::g: ¡ gOGO and quiet ;n ,J 1,, d h. a?l v6ry fMI, ihe auctioneers beg to call tbe especial atoention of tto tht. sale, as th.lotB are aU of the bett stamp, and will be Bold altuosi with- '"3f 6' May 00 viewed on application at the A.uctin ad Estate Offices, 16, High-a-met, Newport, 114J Ynyscynoo, Ab.rùare -D..lrable Investmest. "'Ii 11. WM. JOK^S has received limtruo- M' to ,SYYT. by AUCTION, at the Royal Oak inr" C""lb.d" ,ùare, THURSI)",Y. A.t 3,d, 1876 (iiutject to such conditions as shall be tbete pro- ducta), all those vlGHT MKSSUAGS8 or UWECU.SG HjUtEi situate alid being Ynysc¡non.\eruce. al YciEcjnou, aforeslld,1IQW In tbe occupation ot IJavld fcfmuel and others. The above premirrs are held for a term of 93 yeus, from it. htd&y d July,188,l1nderl_efromtbe Key. SL George hewen subject .the payment of We annual ?.d rent 01 £ 4 lus Od, T1 e piemiats are sab-leased for the term of 21 year*, from the Jst <f Aptii 1874, to Messra. H?.tb, EV»ds, and $?o., ,ubj.ct to the payment of the annual nut of £67 128 04. A coition of the purchase monay may remalu on mcrlgaje cf the pioperty, should the purchaser de- ?ir? il. b',?i e P,op.,ty is ,it.,t,d "Ithin an eas" di?t..e of Bevetnlls.rge collieries, and will always command good terasts. Bale to nommence at eveu eclock. For further particulars apply to the Auctioneer, WblteBart Ion. Aberdaro; or to Mr. W. D. Witliims, S01icít"r. Aberda1e. L1397 Vivian Alms. Sketty, near Swansea.—Unerseived Sale of Household Furniture, Ac. 1\¡f R. T. M. JAMKS has been inatraoted 13*.i. by Mrs William, (who is leaving the neighbour- hod) to SELL by PUBLIC ALCr'OX ?.0 tb. = premUes, 10-DA> (MOZiDtfV), July81, tbewhole of the Wtsi!}?:A VN'?:"Ir2:niï;e :r: Ai'E, ?.?d Lttcj; trY&CT8, comprWn¡¡: siveral iron beditearft, mattiesets, palliasses, feather bed., oak, mabo¡;ar,, ??d d,??j cbe,te of dr.??r!L large wardrobe, .aboi?ar,? ?,.e,, marble top wsehst,nds and ware, three r:if.rn:;I,W:¡'d: t motio, clotbes hBkcts, "c., &c., &Ix b.L-s CJvõred in Jeother, two .?y cbairs, music stool, oe?.i-I able wiu £"rt,\ top, ?>yk table,t?ve c%;e .tttd- mab, cMf1oDlJiele, pair f i!upxior china !lower p?,K witdow ccli.s and, four clocks, pi.-turus, car- p<sts,biiaitb>u(sa, oii CiOLhst cinnei service, vy hand- B Wit "lid antique service, &8veral. volume, of useful bi.ks, bird aid ,p iron safe (ac-arly new), m¡t: drt U'I.a;;e:¡: Jt,:J: Jul artide" tjo m-ineroca j. jaantion. G^od.ion view 11 "luicg oi o!c. Sale to c,IlIlLIcnce..t Eleven (J'cbck la tbe Forenoon prompt. Auctioneer's OtEce, Post-ofhce-bni!dlngv, Slvaswv "uc y fj.xiiliia j.ugo. ljlirerve\1 Sale of Gi'owitg Crop. "I 01 Acrs of Cora. »/S[K. THOMAS will »«IiL by ).RÅu,ifg; 0I!!r,Sf,{1e¡S9h'Y b ? ul.?!t, i?,7d, at, b. Wuite Lion 11m, N?tr.d,?? :?Y, at Four ü'do"k in the afternoon, sutject to snoh cood\tioos a?* t-ta» tben aud tfcere tie produced, trie following lots I of GROWING Chc?S of WlffckT, BAKLEY, aud °Lcth b,. t 7o 1 wh^t, near WAtcry L sae, on the Gernonde Fata- Lot A b?,u? 9 C.R of oats, near Pwll-y-darran, ',3 B oats, near Pwil-y-darran. 4. 3 bailey, nBSr Heol y Marcil, c5; ] 3 fcatley, near Welsh H. DatiatU. 13 barley, ne«r Getmonds Bara, 7. JS is „ barley, adjoining Lot 6, 8 > >t ba-icy. oe&r 'M' ";¡!la 1'¡;'rrd;Y;d, WelRu St. D, will abo clie different lots. Th-ee months' c?ed»t will be given on tbe usual condi- ic?D14, 1 -a a deposit of 10 par cmt. on the amount pa std 1HSI t&ivao e Leur-eliold Cottages at Penirechwjth. X'fc$/i hi!SSBS. Biil'KOiS' and fltJGHKS are .r'f.1t inotrucled to SKLL hy AUCiTOX, at the Hotel, Oxfordutreet, Swansea, on WKi/NKSDAY, August 23d, 1878, at Thrse o'clock, pm (subject to cocduioiis to be then teal) all that valuable hllCE of LAND, 3S perchcs or toareib iuts In extent, eitu^te at Pentrèchwvb, in the p,i-I ?? of Llaussmlct, 'dj"i"' 'b' White Kock Caapec fora-'. rrtmises, together with ELEV8N DWELLING* PH", ?,BS uecled thereon, Hdd f'? ?w .?? :I,ie,)d t.,m of 15 ye. at the hw ye.1y ..t of £ G Ss 6d. The C.t?.ge.g a net There is a reservation 01 n-iocs and Minerals subject to ye.,ly incrme of about £65 the a fair compensation in casj of damage done w the honses m working tlm same. For further particulars apply to Messrs. Beor and Kttnaid-Bill, Solicitors, Swansea; or to the Auc. tlooeer., Victoria Chamber, "\Vaneea 11485 Cc,-tl-c?tOi?- 60il[Wy ZPOIPtet-, and Ohers. MESSRS. bbywon and HUGHES ..L1'.J: have betn Instructed by Mr. Tbol. Jonea, con- tractor, to blIL11 by AUCTION, at hia Yard. WlUiams- torrace, near tho Swacsek Gaol, on SATURDAY, Aug. 6tb, 1876, the following useful and valuable HOESEs, CAATB, HAKNI!,¡;. &c„ viz.:—Nine valuable C1f horses, 15 good cuto, three road scrapers, three tumbler carts, several tets of cart harness, dee. Kale to commence at Two p.m. For lurther particulars see bills and future advertise- melits Auctioneers' Offices, Victoriwebambers, Siranwa. Established 1872. H/TESSRS. BKYNON and HUGHES S IVi .-t MOMHIY SALE of-HORSBS, CAR- KIAGES, &c., will take lIw:e at the Jeffreys Am,, Borse ReposItory, Oxford-street, 8wauea, on fUas. DAY, Auguafrlss, 1876, huies to be made on or before Tuesday, July 25til, to comtaence at Two o'clock. Victoria Caambsrs, Oxford-street, Swansea. 11124 HJiTESSFS. BHNON & HUGHES 1YX will SELL by PUBLIC AUCTION (uale.s pre; viously disposed of by Private Contract), at the Jeffreys Arms HotEl, !Wan. on WKDNBSDAY, the 2nd day of ÀU mt, 1876, at Three o'clock in the afserno?, In the f0"oU^MHlore .,It FREEHOLD COTTAO»S or Lot 1. All tbope :ng!!t FRBBHOLD CDTTAG1IS or ,A-t, now "itIi: I:er;<r::=r. and others. Tbii property has a frontage to Back-street "f.,?,.id f 20 feet, or thereabouts, and a dpth of 83 f??t. tb,-b"" fe LV lt AU hüs" Tbree FKEEHOLD CDTTAGMS or Tenements, situuto anrs being Nos. 39, 36.1., aud 87, Qt?.d, Bw'ea, and now in the II<!ver occpo- 'i., 01 Mr. C Mr. May, and M-. ra.= weeklyt.nants tfcei er f. Thi* property bos a frout..geto Queeu street, afoio aid, ot 38 feet, or thereabouts, and a depth d ? 7 f?t, or thereabouts. or To.e. L?t 3. All that FREEHOLD WORKSHOP or Tens. ment, and Y.,d, ej.t.i.g Lot 2, .d altuat. ia Qaeon- drce!, afore.ald, now i. tbe .up.,ftT""a Tbtma., as lena"t t.heffof TLi, property h,, a troat- age < f 28 feet, or tb> rcaboots, to Q.?e.-street aforesaid, "depth -t 47 f.c or th..boucø. The atove thrte lots pr.duce an aggregate rental of LIEB Is 8d. Lot 4 All that LEASEHOLD DWELLING-HOT—78B situate and beinx No. 3, Pleasant-street, in the said town of iH the occupation of John and is bõld lor tbe residue IJf a term of 93 years cm). mencing from lady-aay, 1863, at an anaual ground rent of £1 7s. For further particulars apply to Mess. Boor and. Kennard Bill, Solicitors, 17, tork-place, Swan&ea; or Messrs. Davies and Hartland, Sulleitors, 6, RabQd- sheet, ¡;wan!a; or ac the Auct'oneers', Oatord &tre.t, Swan. tn, lH30 riALLtf BY AUOXIOS. ValuaUeS. u io. PlelI,la.. to Let in W»1 cr't-road, Swansea. MKSSKS. HAKVfiY and HIOLISON, Auctioneer?, 3 Lower Goat street, h* wive*, have lioi fav< u^cd w>iti to KlS^OiS UI", by P«1V r'fK CoNTii A' T, for a term of >«ara, thoa* v_ vaiuhbk-f.; u f-*i6UBWc P^KMlSaH In tho oocupv h'D rf 1\11 t!1i!ue¡ MJ.lee, punter and h(m delator. Tbe stock usy 11 taVoaupon very favoured term*,and at. invoice pru-oa J r.Utndta.c8 poMtteioa. .!or patl;C1:I. l'Uvply:. above. 11420 In -It, J. Divies, Bruaswidc Ins, Doka- t: bwan es.—To Brewers, Hotel Ket9p^ «rsn. M4 MB. TUOMfS J. BUSE 18 batraoted to l., ¡,jJt¡.], ly ki,* YJLIC AUOVION, AL Me 0- AIm., nigh-.t",t, W. øa THUIWOaY, tba 10th day 01 AO. II". igro, at low o'elock in the after- noon, ntltftc tn «:fMudy disposed of by Private O,n- tiact, the LfcAKiC, GoODWiLL, &t.. of all thai lIobl4t- Licenced LEA -KsoLl) PfiKMlSES, ac Dake. street, Swansea, known M the Brunswick 1r n. The above- p tm^cs are bold onder a I-ae of 540 years from ltt^uJy, It £ 9, at the va" la- rental of £14 par atnum, atitt biv nttaate in atbrWiug and increasiaa pare of ths lown The fVRNITU,11, STOCK, FIX- lURES, Ac, wili be iu lh. porcha^, the Butinoas bticg told a* a going concern. For faither p"r¡"uhrs epply to the Truitea, 7,"t.I, hvtju M. Davies ted Hartland, Solicitors; w¡z"r. ,of of tbe Auctbaeer. Auctkvne«'a<.iii^t3, 7, Temple-fctreet, Swansea, «7th July, 1S70. 11447 j"d..c1ly. TO BB LilT, with p'jssoflsfon, .JL in September, that reas and cornpct fAMILk RE8Il>EN<;ii, celled Moreland Cottle, now in the occupation of W. J. fug&hley, atq. It ""o..¡. dialog, Graving, snd kitccen, aell bacx dr^o, cuach- hotffee, fctables, a.d aU Iba nsma odic^^s. Tu, gardeif are hrgp, and well stocked with choice fruit; a paddock, of twoacies isCpf/osife, hetwe.n "ù¡"h nr.the house mesa stietm oi pure water, It is situate Qn :\i» Ferrj- 8hle road, tfn walk fr.œ tbe ot.ucNh, pos> ofSce, ana railway "11.)1>, K^dwftlly. P-\Mn too lawa yonottaina punvr^o; c view of tne Krixc .1 haonel, i with the Wcrm'w }I.ucfl Caldv bÜlno, jai the DeV\10. sbire coast In '6,'hlDC" It is en opportunity offered but once in u I¡f.t:m.. To those tt;. i fom tho cares of baeiness this beted voaid be a re*«. P;ljK,C1<\O! do Hot flenriiih in this Jî(1jburhoOO. The of furni- ture nnd bay will td, place en tbe 8*4i f ur farther enlightenment, pleate correspond wih r. I Morris, Estate Apent. l<(1(\ PUBLIO NOTIOES. W .iiWÍLLIAMâA;í)"OO: PUBLIC AITD PI.1TATE ACC0n:r.\Nr3, ACDIXOES, AUOriOiTEERS, VALUZP3, AND GKKEKAL AGEÛr,, ALBLKI CHAHEEH3, HFGH-iT^SJtT, OA.RDmF. ;1m. O B. DYER, Kesident ;lhnzer. BEAD Crt'icrs :-TRB EXCHANGE, oKlSTOL. lined JL^XGUJiislOfl 10 BAftilY ISLAND. For Bnuy Island 1èxcnr.iúD8 see future advertise- ments. 10011 J-j* A 1\ K If 0 L 1 D A Y. 1XCUESION TO WKSTON i<ND ILFRACOMBB UN MONDAY, 7th AUGUST, 1816. The fine btettm Yachs the LADY MakY (R. t. B&rxon, Camm..suderj weather aad cfecumstanoi» pe> itittiugfwul leave afff t 8 a.m., r&iuinjl«g 1,= migtwg, at & ?O pl., .4ng at WoMon at 7 SO pm lifneemb? 0^ TUFSOAY, 8tb AUGUST, Cardiff at 8 a.m., tetummg at 5 p,m, calling at Wentou at 7.t' p.tu. Fares (10 ana fro) • to Weston, Fere C¡,b:n, Is 6d.; Saloon, 2a. hilt. to lli.'&coxbo, Fore Cibra, 4s 6d;8alooD" 51 6d. 11889 J^XUUKttiOix TO WISSTON. To-Morrow (TrsSOAY), ug. 1. the 11:13 !ea!ll Yacht tho h\D\ ttiAht vul iyive CAKJiFF 1>& a p.UI., re- turning al G lb p 0" IV, DXESDAY, 2nd August, leave. CAttDiFl r.r: a 15 p.w, retanâo¡¡; 110m Weston at 7.16 pm laic* to and f-o: Fore Cabin, iBOd; Salon. Ss; CLUdien undti li, b. IUSS J^HYMJSKY RAILWAY COMPANY. iLt) LOAK.S 0.4 DRUNINTU"S. Tbe JUroctcw i tbo Khymnev Hail«■,»>■ Ccmo^ny are l'rtparea to ttCi.Vb ir.I;t OD jDebemures at Four per Cent, lnteie*t f>'r -ei? Years, or any Lner p-dod. AppLcaiicns tl,l It made to iho mdtr.igu&d. JHN B. SHANO, Secretary. Ü6rdff, J'lly, 1870. 10908 \\7EST GUOUCfiSTSft f 7 CLUB. Tbe 16th ANNUAL EXHIBITION of STOCK wUl behdd on Wr.D^Y, august 2nd, 1;6, by the Liad peraivion oi bdto Yere Hare Esq In his da- lightful {TNond", KKOLE PAKK, aLMoNTJSBCJKY (boon. one mi1ë ik-cuv l'tchwi station, oa the couth Wales Union Kai.way) TheJuu p ng -t ba 9-e- for the Silver Caps aad ,tb'r F?i.? wiil .ke 1;œ at Two .'?l. pieciieiy. The kilt (iiTc^t-rsiire Aiiiiizay BAND, by the poinmsion ef Coiœel di..t. wi11l'æ- form during it. day. The Dinner, which Francis Tagart, Esq., has kineiy consensu to prfesido, will take place in a teas acjoining the fcb'iw Yzrd, at Half-past Taree o'clock. Tickets 83 6d eAcIJ, which can only be obtained in the how Yard. The Kut dies used in the show yard are for sale, apply at the te* r. AdmissionFtout 10 to 12, 2s; from 111 to S. le; aiterwards, 6d. Kaitwiy -gill! :t ts, viz ,-Converauces will meet ite Hiietol ti8:t, utio at J)Atchwy station as 10.LV, 10 tb 1 6, and 3.b, ^nd al80 the bouth Wales Train, 6!ue at Patchway, 10.65,11 42, and 2.43, .)();ffS gkskish, (Of the fiim 01 layter a'. <i (leni.b, Auctioneers), 116,3 secretary, 8, 310ad-slreot, JSriB¡o1. QLAMORGANSHIRE QSJSfiSRAL AGt.iCUliTCKAL SOCIETY, he Socíetj's ANNUAL MEEIING for the KXHI. E1110« 01 HOKstus, CalllE. brifli-, plozi, nt- ra"PINTS, POUf.TsY, DAIRY PIODUCE, 4c„ n il be blldlt CnWBHlDQE,on VSEDSKSDAY and i'FCKSDAY, the 3rd of August neat, when ■?.ts to the arnouat of £<60 aud upwards will DO oflertd for ct mpetilion, The Great We, totO Railway Company will make the following arrangements for the conveyance of passen* gers to and from tiie show On both days ot tbe show lit, 2nd, on 13rd-clas« Be- turn Ttckets lit pic-nic lares will be Issued 9. Llantri- aant (for (;owbri. ge) as Wlder. From Newport tnd intermediate rtatlons by the btJø leaving Newport at 9.23 a m, and Cardiff at 10 a in. From N".Ih .te,.eii?te station, by the tram leaving Neath at 19 10 8,m" xd Bridgend at 116 a.ip. A Beturn bpe.iil i,.m iu Ia. Llantiisant for ,.diff on 1,-th dujs at sib p.m., calling at lœOIl48d1ale On WFDNESDAY, Aue ust 2nd, a SPECIAL TRAIN, at Picnic Fares, will leave Bridgend at 10 p.m. and Pencoed at 1.10 p.m, for Llautrisant, returning the tame day at 8 6 pm. The Return 1lc]¡et8, at Picnic Fares, on beth days wiil be available for return by any Train, ^including the epccial Trains specified above. The Taff Vale tiaiiway Company will Run the follow- Ina Trains on both days of the Show To Cowbiw Gli-From Pontypridd, 8 44 and 11.42 a m. and 12i>'7.4 pm. From Llutrisant, at 9.24 and 11.10 o in, and 12 2i, 2 10, 2.30, 6.25, and 815 p.OI. FROM cowbmdojs.—For Merthyr, Aberdare, and Tra herbut, at 7 .o, uud 10 IS a.m., and 6.0 and 6.50 pm. For Pontypridd, at 7.50, 10 15, and 11 S6 a.m., and 6.0, 6 50, and 7 30 p,111,. Fcr Llantrisant, at 7.30,10 15, 10.30, and 11.36 a m and 1.35, 6 0,5 50, and 7.30 P.M. Stopping at all intermediate Stations. On Wednesday the Single Journey or Return T. okew will be available for the Ordinary or Special Trains 011 oay of Issue onlj. i n Tunis: ay, To and Fro Tickets at Single Far. f. r the Double Journey will be issued, and will be available for eith'r the Ordinary or Special Trains on that day where the single fare amouati to One Shilling; rv/L.n the single tare il under, to and fro Tickets may only bo issued at One Shilling. By the kind pe\1IIiS;( Col. J. S, Ballard, Of the Royal Glamorgan Artillery Militt. will ba In attenrffiuco both days of the Show. The usual Pab.ile ))iono, will take placo at the Bear Hotel, Cowbrldgc, at five pm., on the tI.4 day of t&a Sbow. IV V. HUSTLEY, Secretary. Welsh 31. Dont t CovvbrMge. 1>337 July:" L, 1.76, 1\397 V F, It TC A. L 13 0 1 L N it S 'V For ntuisln* the Waste H,w; of ANO BALLIKG FUJ1.I?ACES. DE DERGF; AND 00, (lilMITRD), WAUNTKSOB V WORKS, NEAR CARDIFF, Be& to c*.Il ,f rop,jt,?..d Managen i ion "d 'Oo Wr.tai to tb great saving of ° rJfS-eSS. ite Lb?, W. te ?t of PudMing sn.l ether Furaacec "Flfty,of th" B< ,¡It¡' I- De Bergoeand Co. .?y b? see?, .1., )Iil iiS 1,? j)owlalB In Works, .d supplied made by tha fcj3 .ad,, by the most iln;;t[J;J: 'iÍ On "lUçaoa. ^9^

St. Mary Street Bud Working Sir—CsatMfl ] ??WfMmMt Fi-, Register titttM??? V Hitcten It?ngee, Baths, Met?   -'? p j? Water AppM&tuB, ??3«' I  S. '? ??'3? E JLIIEG S | § >, JR I *&3 «!:#K • I ;■ S 11A YA 11!SA s ? ?M? ?'?"'?-   ? ? » tt ?<?? ?!tM9 ChMdeMer? ?? ??TtUhKit't, P,,rry I .d Prtoe's^s^^ ?. Fim rrof l?we. Working Ste^et and St Marv Street. Onrdia
