JJltllllSfS. j f sTjITRSS PREMISES TO T?K t,TIT (C .viMnue,!> 8rmrr.S PREM!¡:;1 T¡'\ 1,'r,TtC"'1I'i1lIH',II. 1_ 'III, t II, U'1I\ :'h-,>), ='n <:l', :tth Willi,ul\ 't, p rar.titV.-Awly ('¡ihlll H«u«e. Porth,'a" InoO i» V\!>HVU Ai:c'M»K. Shui. to Let. Imnu'.iut" J ,I,'I\I') S. "I"' stree* I'.ir.lilf [imJ i>|Ti-K IHVKS.—Sli»i> ai.d l*rt mixes. suitable f'-r hi;' ') ctu«>U*r; u-u; A'fj; Immediate o«. sawn.l.-nUm* C arki'IIHU \¡:. ('¡uuhu. du.:ulr1 ardi.I rn.i I ••• a Slu t> only. No. 31' Caroline stieet. V"ilT:~ y at Next Poor. lo.'3.i°0_ raWO Ml- >r» t.., ill Vii«cil»al I'JTt of rarlWo ► tn-et 1> W. Hatching. » ,r;lt I:r.t 1\ <:■■> ti <'»r«Urt. K05"1 I )' Sllol'To f.>t. All.Ion Hume. Skeweu.near ,th.Iy to K. Dyuewr place. Neath A' ')', ,¡:h, d 115111, 'l'() i t or for S;«!e. i»' liuiliiint known as Knuii ii.iul (Vrgr^auonil1 i*«wt.-U«e».I pier pt- >r.e .-trt 1'ariliiV. lUnol « i:ri:AV,»X. IVrt T.»lK>i -T.. l'o:.f,vli .m'.x aed A Other*. robe L" on !• >*e or ,wn\ t-e. wiili piw s:1:' (Ill 1-it :rilt'l1lht'r. tin* 1)wl,:lIill4L,.ut", shop. atd 1'.rl1¡i'f. altu-.u- in liI.h :-tr,l't, .\ht'I':lH'l1. until f t: v an' f >' fl>' I Ht 111 dw oempmo-.i i f the .111'. W,IIIII Wlntelaw, Confectioner.— Ior further 1',lr,I,'u:rs apply tll Mcssis. Tcuiuut and a\. :1. -=-1O-= BUSINESS PREMISES TI) Bi-: SOLD 7,fYf, v. 11 VAl.r llOAP.l'o N> Sola or Let. Shop • s'U" >• tVr :< y l»v$fc l'O^iU0U.~AI'l'-V^ U> Cnmili'i 11 r=«. IV > i a n .v OFKICKS TO 1.1-:1' Urvv' fl'-|X ontli.' Gr.uutu Fknr to Ut at 7C Hive *treet. API y l.vwU Hop:>in-. 1". l>»»oeii street. e\hhft., w ~C d vWlT\L \l¡lk< in St. Maty ótrcd, our liauk.— Apply W ami s. Ihrll, Cardhh 72l',ln3'! ;'J'¡. s-'licltorit. In-ur.'ii ■<? Arji'iits. Architect#. A\—V«ll- "I,lii:\t,l,IiItt. a:«l <>.»u I'llicts to 1ft; ctntral | ".i' ti D. 7. I>ukt"»tm-t. far-litt. X t.! :t; ,'a;:tt't¡Î.y"tí-t;t:I:ï¡\ t4:¡'I\ j) ini i. ,rt;v >'• .1.¡". r livcnietit iuul wc.l vviitiutfl. }; Facpio. f bui lint. Uesiileiit c;ii\talc-1. '1 -I.lio:;c 011 premisi".—.U-nsaiK, 1, "t::=,: \}iMt ~i)ousicsf anl1 Jrl'UU9l'9 POBl.U' HODSES WANTED AX'fKlT:: Frve ,I!'llbh¡kt's',l rnUlic-lioiise. where a 1 .I .\ll'UlIlItl'l'. is I'.onc.—F .luist particulars to B H' t, -'I,"i, r.cuitK Il ,!I" AM'Kl>. i» Ii-uulry i'uMic ho ise near Car.llil. with L \Id priferrc.l.—AJiUe-s A li..Wdi! 'rtiw. -1:1\I'! « J • A VI Kl>, PvUtl-l:ceiHe.l ll .'He in (':nditf, N\ wp > t "I' Nt:k-Ui.ourUooa.-r!case state full ,artku¡nl' (!. H„ 7, IVn ..i>ti s'.ieet. Cahtou. C'ar.urt. liOOul ■AN l'r.P. goo.l P. uli'c-iic« used l'unlio-house in i\ •■'ie tln rougiitare. "h-rp a 5<>wl c. mittt t v'eii done Car :itf. Swans'' •. or iiei^hbouviiood.—Apply U C. 1J., Windsor terr. ee, l'enavth. ■»| ANTF.P, a Small I)ouW'" or Single LiceiKe I Hou?e in W Swan-eH. t'av.nif, or eiåCh'h)Urh'Jo\ inl\in dc- r,l't' ,-tate full pArtitn'av^ to M. Laxkiu, Moovend H -iiV\ l'bH:t,i'5.It,IhUl.-=-=-c=O'=- PI'BMC HOrSE^ FOU IMSP09AIJ. L'KFITV 1 lie Vivian Anns, Full liceti^e 1 House, to C* i t: from'nuas. lS.!0.-Fov particulars apply (' M.. U'-v^-h l .t. f Swaust-a. |S \AN5kA — i'o be Sl id, the Swansea l'ath-. it firs -clas* fr,, ,louIÚ.1ÍC'tlli'Ù comer hou-e extensive i.reutise-; I': i iuge ;iade ,'li';(ldol'¥ reasons for d.ipos il; a large i i r of ti e par.ha'c money can 00 arranged.—Apply Mr. Kkl ar t t. Hu.;lll', Auctioneer, .Swansea. K0ow4 -SNUO. Compact Hc^rhouse in Workinschiss '-)' IJbaict. with StabliiiK and BaKvliouse &'a ins 1 « vs .t:C UI"IFldy; fplendM cnan.-e for lvorkiu^ inju.— "1) ,r IIV., h. C'are stfeet._Bri3toi._ ,4 V. v-si'i.l.NPIU Uo.utii te luu t pood pull-up jtyUt takings J610 to XU Rei.kly.-Uay and Co., 10, C.«e ';¡et, Brlv.ol. 13.W. »|v"—HANI)>oMK Spirit Vaiilu: healthy suburb; iveiling traue off main :A:Jl" 10. Clare >tie-t. Bri<-ol. i" k IH. AKi illATKLY-FITTKI) Pining rooms and ct ^iUU* Private Temperaiic- Hotel, occupying ci m- 11, Ii i:u' 1"'Hi,,u f icing two ieadiug thoruuhf'HI:' takings ah ,¡ i.j weekly.-tiayana Cu, 1(, Clare street. 1;1¡8tul.¡\, BATlf—il75.—Snug Spirit Vaults; taiiings week y, 11.(; reut sub-let.—Hay and Co" 10, Clare stie;! 1-oOw. F1ŒE Country bu, Few liIe Out, Doing Threo Barrels WeeUly, P iking Sack of Fiour Weekly. Thirteen Acres of P,l..tart uudti.iriien Land. Incoming includes s*. ok on I it! Lay. two IIIi-kill>: cow*. £ O fowls, horse, cart, lmme^s. fur Iture li d l.rewlng plant. Price fOf CVCT)"ldw.. £;,j'J, i.C.ciu r'iJ..il1 it hev particulars of 'JVhb. ;,t I Co., J, Oi" Market street. Bristol. 13 i;V I • (jTI. 1, (pre-), i oiv doing'.luaraiiteeil Trade of over £ i^ J' ",r week, for ]I"I"'S¡¡ at ntvansea: jngo'ii,: to iuclude «':ole of ïumitu¡c: 1'! years' ■•■ase, i. ■. A'l.tVO; to suitable ¡"$\jU ui( iie^sy l-l in? can be Hn'UJI. iUHII{',He pos- (risi -u.—A; ply UicluuJ, 1I"td V.t!u:r, lldwlI Ktiiy. OU- iiui 1.11. 17VII9 H'7ri1:tõi) :i;Üt'¡-t;¡;O;;r-é31 í:'¡t'k f;. ut '.e.r and spir ts only (may be greatly lucre .scdj; /1 years' leage; ;t;I,3;I.-RicIiIUJ, Hotel Valuer. Britou 1- ri y. 121T u'^ /(J)i »< i "iiANlI Ilc'I\111 will secme Fiue Poubie license iN- House, near '1\r¡¡.¡,aU, Swansea central pvsi- ci..n t'r Pvcks; su t engineer vr captain admirably K'i'd coutiV-r trade and gocxl bedroom aecoininodatio:i; f^urte u y.a.s' lease.—Jatue*and .lame-. Swansea. l.wl Hcrt-I. Register for "nu"t, n. w ready.—Apply at OIlCo foi Ltdst iijfurm.uiuii,gratis, pose fn, G'l. ::hl,L'. l l O'. 'iiiii !«• rtot, BI;LJI. u_- -_u 11;j'lJ J.. V -PltK'lTY' Country Inn. Ton :\Iils Out; orchard, c( 1,'1' garden, paddock, stable.—Uage, Nicholas • :tt., I:d toi. "ai" w -1 ul XVKY Koadsi to Uotd, near Kailwai Siution ii acres ;Ütlu, large sta» !«•»;•> d ,ie.-t'.iu- Niehoia-s'.reltri^t 1. IKUnSt (PAKT Advance1!. — pkiidid Spirit H me. iv i •) bili ard table IKurrou.thes aud Waits); proof, -I: 5 w e ..y. -i.iagc. Nicln 'as :r(:et, 1IIiwt. llvtnol V, "-VllKITV Svine nd Spirit Vaults. Hotw.Tl 18 trade about £ 1-1 weekly; recently i'. ',f te1. ("Ja-e :\Il'!11.I.];jn;): I.OJlUUU VCASlf irofl abie 1,j¡Ü Vaults. I cr. dMlt ;t;l weekly; net rent £: bargain.— I, XiclH'lc.s street, Bristol. J I»i4ti3* .1 — 11i.MM 1AL Hutd. near Pi cks ill \1"'1., <.),- >e>nnt; fplerdid inventory; tinh":I", L r: ).:•• s'ai..mi.— fi.ige. Xi b)J;¡ street. Bristol. fn3 ¡;'>U'J-ïï:\¡iK,l' HIJd an.t Posting lioli.-e. l.aige .J elubs nela litre. Stubliug for 4'J hor^e<.—Oage, Ni. 1.1 as s'reet, ijiistol. llCCuHl ">l'll.l>IXG ktiowu as th'- Cad xton Hotel t<> be Lo'; 1J inr.i.ediate possession.—Apply Mr. L. Y. Owen. IVdox t'ia I ar.y. IlfJtjll1 uifii.-l'r<:ttyau,1 snug 1 uily licensed Corner Pul.iic 10 D this deliglrful town for imine liatj Disposal, through iilrCS3 (,1 wife; close tn theatre cosy bar. bar ¡,rlpur, t.p- room, sitting and three bed-rooms; furnished throughout trace about JC15 weekly; rent IIlIly .£O. To JIll iimiie liate .C:"J will pur. liasa the business 115 it L'II,h, Ai ply tit tlCe t) I'tblJ, 8,j, lIhl ;\larket street, liristol. (.1;1, TI) J. Cress Keys Hotel (Opposite M rkct), Market 5tlt"t. t'il)"lt, Mon.: 1,1' premises; beiis and itdbics 1'1 rent; hou.-e fu ly furnished lixtnres an 1 1111 ¡¡"IJ¡: to tl!ant smail tuc iu hand at vain • foil price. JEIO-J; tenant retires \111'0\11111 iIl'ht:,d\h,-III1I\líro on Pit- U.1;Cd. 9|4n2y rro Let, Extt'V InnT I'i'I, Newport. Apply "¡lIiam X Hancock au,j Co. (Limited), Anchor Brewery. 'P 1"\ >. NVlVt Aï>D!il:l.lohl; Itowniug, t l' Nelson street, UI'it(J:, Hotel and PuMic 'U'K V:da-v, l.ktU5'\ AiKtion. er. l-'elloW lllstitut., l'cs- Fie; Laig-st, Vli¡¡iual. only llt-lnlile List. 111111,he.1. lidlU;Ut" 1.luiIy,\I. C:4dit.1't Market Ho'e!1 Hifl: Vaults, country 1111; Ueei houses. Brewt-rie- Pis tileries. Tthiyerunce Hotds. UI"E:ry. Piapery, Uaktus. St itioneis', Urtt:u.rucry, Ptiiry, IJutelier. Businesses i.very lJsCIil'tlOl:,£1O to t'atI Advanced. CoiisuP-.tious l-'ree. I3;-3wZ (il^a —WILTsHIHK.—Valuable Village Inn; thie.- MoUl ,1 les Splendid pasture, Harden, st iblii g. P II; ,G.J; I ovulation 4.0-;0. Near J¡u-.e It;\C 1> v. Ai-.i'tioneer. liii-:tol. l*31wl M|i 1l1' 1 ASll—Famous Oid-est lb is'ned lSeerliousc, near < Casaoiks and P ;ks. Kent i.'j. l'i''1II1I );'('\11'1'<£\ 0 ptr annum. Large 1Iroiit"])(J\I'¡JÎ"g', Nelson #•. « t 11 i-. P.'iiCR-l !'•>« |. i I'PNlsllhP. Fust-class Spiii; House wonderful bu"illu,g 1.osition near Pocks. S't-.ei '1 n Bridge; rei.t £::0: fullest proofs; splendi-i tra inc. 1I"t"¡ Valuer. Br-sto!. )()IIO 11i:I" I U I. I'.II;¡I -1- Wholesale Wine an I Spirit .Mer- dl ii,:s. with 'l'wo splendid ¡.ttaL Bars; grind centra i c i: n <e-; entirely free; last three years' net pr-fits :r;¡:11, .C1.752; fi.tings cost neaily JKI.1 O'J: iii.-oming ill, v -Joan Powning, Kelson ..11t:H, Hri,tol. 9 -OiiVJ SW!Ú:-I.A,Ca11 \:2'0 v ill Secure Firs'-rata Full-lie use i ll'OisiApply, further particular*, W'il iam Hair.-o k audi o. lUiisltedl, I'm P.k .reivery, Cardiff. 917W SWANsr.A.-XliC Cash wil Secure goo.I Pouble-lii-eiisied Hou-e.—Full particulars apiily Win. Hancock and Co. (Liui.te.i;. liute P .ck lircwery, Cardiff. 'I,I KUS1NF.SSEH FOR DISPOSAL. .i.'I.. {) — PRI.TTY Orocery Busin-ss and .Off-Liconce, ,:) (ioing :lId:1 business low rent.-Oay ami Co., 1'1 h v.-, rimol. 13i'.iw2 }¡j"t.3'H:J.t:OIl.'tablbh' ,1 ('¿,7¡-'äïï:íI:li!¡:irlT- -For full particulars apply, by letter, to A ¿, 1: Caijid. l'^bwl L't'lt Sde, Le.tsvhoKt Fouii.liy In busy (.'oilier; Pi.stih t, 'j¡CI' with P ant and Ooo iwill; splendid opeuing f'' 11 '-Ik* ie man; jrice, £:CO,-AII,ly F. J. H.. liox &7, y « -■ •• r. f n- l.o 3 »- l ¡"t.&r,i::ï)hõje" ,IsiutH.i 1 :I;" X-i in "h"w f -r Sale. Established three years. Capable of laige incaase by;¡ small outlay, Uoo.1 orders no*- 011 bll"k. KII"IVd;( 01 tra,le uo necessary, M practical lea ,.i'. r would remain. Mactiiiifry, worklllg plant. búcl; an,I UIL"t<. JL'SO").—Full 1"nitul,r- of Frank Smith unit Vilson^Valims, .i". I anuon street, Birmingh nn. (UyiuM) TL^OU s.lle, Cuilte Ta\trii, situate in the largest thorough- foe 111 Caidilt satisfactory reasons fur le vinj;,— AHy A IS, 1\ Mail. Cardiff. 120iwl IB' 'NAIONCSKlt. 1'lumber, BrlLz¡eI\l¡ljh,¡:erG'N\t.:Pr, Wholesde and U-tail Tin ai.u lion Worker.—l'he above -'U'¡'I' xtuie- an Ooo twill are for Pisporal o£ùo Trade I £i:5 Wtekiy with pood profits. With double-fronted »h frontage. lu 1Jrillcipal thoroughfare ill a (oo-t II; két town. Trade can I, greatly increased uy an "LI and 1I1'"ck.1 loan, satisfactory reasons given fur giving up.—Apply, by letter only, A 1, ll>j(fra Mad 081 e. i ard:If. 1237nM S"ARLES. tc. TO HE LET. T-tl¡ï)-a.t Couch-bouse tu Let.-Api lv l'an- Hoa.sf, Conyb averoad|jCajutoii^ardi!^ I :38" Z lan u. AGRICULTURAl. LAND. IiWK.M.-ro L.-f, iitii' Neath, at Michnelnias next, n Pa-ture milt Arable Farm, with sheep walk and good l-itildinps.—tor InrlicuJars Apply 1', P. Lewis, Singl* ton, bwAUScH, 1169w4 f p ACK.—Oood (Srazing and Wnt*r; cows. 4s.: horses, B: i per week.—An ly J. Mcitie. KinUil, Laudalt Yard. 13H0WJ 'I'O Let, a Cohiery under 100 acres of land, within nvo X miles of Prtntney. Cum nthen.shire.-Apply .Mor/aii ni. 1 It.chardson, ar l gun. 119 <w3 'Ol: Sale, )',ut of Freeii' ld Pastiiro Lanii, well adapted for v:lia residence.—Apply to A II, Wnttm ,Vail Olbce, (or i:t. 10;lu3O rro t, Light Acres of Gar-!eiiITrTtuid, n7ljoini 11 g Cow- bridge ro "I, near F:y. in aCood State of Cultivntl 'ii.- A. Hy to M' f.-rs. t:, Pavid, Williams, and I Q\jd. Ll««- »j*tt. l'wl Jfarm anb \5arbrn ftequ&ttr& cn t; \í ;,í-'}, -V;IÓ;e;- i;J¡-;J:;t Little Haven B.S.O. i'einbroke=liiie. 1109»31 l\i ()\ I.I; "Z$:lG);ïï;:r;;l"h"J;riii. ■»*J Chinns, (h(,8e Pre;s«3. Vats, Dairy UII,il3. Lawn hiow. rs, Boilers, Ganieu e.<t" I 'at ts, W a^'ons. ('ani ges f,c"Hibbert and '1., The Arjc;lauml House. 10 and ^L &gllgJitr^et. Cmli/L 9i.&03_ iWisirellannms. MISGELLANr.OlJS WANTS, 'V ATED'\ Set of Swings. Punch and Judy, and Other Amusements for Hank Holiday.—Address, Bhtlng Puce. Publisher, AY.« u'j Exprtss, Cardlrt. \:5213 (AST-OFF Clothes UOIIht by Sir-. Cavt. r. 41, llroa iway J ltoatb, Cardiff, who tan give satisfao ory prices for f^ lies' Oent'enien's, anil Children's clothe,, Lillu Oloxo, "op ts, and Miscellaneous Articles; terms cash; Po,'oJII(! oner per return f ir pi'reels all goods kept till pri c I'te.l business strictly private. & I L'WRNITUKK Kep .iie.1, K.-upholstered, and llo po ishsd (' ,Equ.1 to ew. outh Wales l'lirnishlug Company, 31 :t:e,.t (oup- cite the Castle), CarJIII. lO.inl'O j }-I'"r,t .,¡;: Ü i'i.;¡Ü;¡;¡5Ir -;i, 1 tlllll I)' str.-et, Newtown. Cardilt. 1'i.rehasers of Ijidics'anil Witleinen's Wearing Apparel, 1< All order* punctiuii'. ..cUuetl tc in WW" '»r coun'.iy. 1ood prices iteu. SOili illtoi'dlanfous. MISCELl.ANE003 WANTS (Continued'. >"Tl-,>Tl.HMI'.N'S 1".1t oil i.'lotniu.; B.iugil. in 'I';I:¡: '1 l\ tin'ly. 1 »rue:s I'.rompth' t.tteti led to by Mi's. S. (:"(")\1, J >uiu 11 ies llou-e.: S. Carol int. stre-t. Cardiil. t!);.II:ll J > 1,XTI.I .»1 I.S and l.« nes Ciothing liontii .i \?U?'n..t'c"t'y.?'.).r<U;t)y.Kt'?")'t"y M t. S. Ht-er. Hi'. Ciirolin. rrt' t ':ndli t':r lOlislied 1S-14. S. MISC! 11,1.ANHO!IS SA I.: \tA?)!t'A\?r.):.)["Tt.f?nh. <tt?'n h).s0«ut.oo?< ?A..U)<K'?'?' Piices, vu.;— Series. Fancies. CaJiouerei. Heiites. MeltoiiK. Mantle Cloths. Patterns sent tre.» on applh-athm. Save all intermediate profits. St'?fttt?t?f)")'«?')t"?f.!?)xhm<f<t<?.ppfy!«'?. AJun?:?A?LtA(H);):t:.H"t:S)?ia'H. E"I: I i:i.PS. .cfo ZToiTAKI-Tl'Tano, made iu lu rmany best materials ,'qil;) ?n?M:t.?.t'm'tt?!)c: b.a.mi.A)?')y 5.h:'sn"'?t'. Cardiff. l?h:)) I 'I IT IX:\ t, I '1\1:"t):'L'u'I;1-'¡-I'I\uÚõ"-S,rill,'il,IIŸ oak and iu small t"?'s. ?.<?"? Car- .H)t. 1410nHl 'IMtl.'HOKP riu?'.t))/.?A<'t<?. Pane' Front. I'prinht ? t)\.n?).n').U::ts..r?'r.n?;wnh .1*0:<() Hhy.-tSt'.)<i?n\r..K).<m!it). _?_?' 'ltd mMOKKI.S.-Iry My Noted Cigur: .-laniptes post tf[?t\,n.stUtus. -Ueo. Seyfrled, l i?..rni?.mt<t)t.?. l',r\, la,II ion, p. J.?? J. ¡ I: J. WE i:" "II<I 'e"i;t: r:-¡;J;í:ú::i 13 Casks constantly oti Saie. Ft' L h"rh"1('. Coope.-and 'r;<s U?.'?'"? 1, i?"J'?'? lane, Ihiat-id. L'-i/wl ;L- '0 \¡I,-l:-U¡I-l:-(;l:i;î't 1 l.aoyl Ponds. OtVe » W aTv l.-Aptly No. W». at L?).t.AJ\c)')sh?Utt).?. X?Wt""t..??'. l:I'l !jt),At!U:t:C.t'.?Ynbn).?' .H'"et<rraec.?i'L- B Itl,):l'¡O,lt:I};I't t'I,c:6 \)"I ?'t?d..CL.t.<rJ m.?yJcw??ct's 8h?.. Approval. b"_ BL.MPdltiU., 2. Bate terrace. Car.llff.- ï l., \;¡'lis cl: II¡:;I e '1I"t /)' t¡'s ¡:r its cost. App, oval or money letuine.t. 1)OST FltilK, oid.-To Tiad, suieli and Others. Book- keel itu' by 1 holms M. Lang. Accountant, 190. Cat hays terrace, Ciudtff. llSUn.d^ UKKSS Materials, llaif-price, from 3.1. Yard. Pattern* ? nee,— Penton. (1 oucester. U'?-? VlAK'H' l'.>.S, Circular Tents, and Fi .gs tor Hire or Ma e to Order.—Apply Jonathan Jones, 1, Pia spei t plsce, S?.m?!). _?-.?__?-.?- ?'"? l",u b • Soidi Cheap. Window Kuclo.->iire. w -tii Ki'.iuigs; suit L J?.e!ttr'i\)'tc?Hi?t:?i.)t't7)'i'?t;ht4)t..UfOh lHin., containing llIillur. standard liars, b ac;'e, and i;la s helves.—Apply P. '?_ )'?..)'? T Ci> J?)'?"j?'J"? t??STsn?n. ?m rr'?'f n'n?)'ct)t.- ?"?t?td?i i. Furnishing Compiiuy, 31, Castlo sticvt (next to Anges Ho'elt, (. ard tt. _?-??.—-? -?? )?t?H ("tuur?ew t'tivttc U?.-??t?n.-Sunth \?-. L 1 aroishing Company. 31, Castle stieet, Carditl. No Sccuiity lie ptiied. I'^L'BXISII .)!). nt' New i'riv.?c tiii?Systtin.—S.'mbW.?'? i- t'tn<him t'on?.n)). jt. C.tsUo street, CiH\Uf. No Objectionable Miring Agre.-ments. Ij-'UBNISII <,n our New Private Hire Sys em.—South Wales L Furnishiug Company, lil, <MUu et?ft. Cardilt. ?K PuUtcity, 1" 4H'KMSH on our New JVivate Hire System.—South Wales  1*urnisbing Company. 31, Castle street. Cardilt. No 11tm Cl aiye.s. ^CKNISU on ourKew i'f?.n Hne'-y?e?.—? I. l'lirnisiung Company, 31. Castle stieet, Caialllt. Cash Prices Charged. _??—-—-—— L/C UNISll ou our New Private Hire System.—South Wales IT Fituiishiug Company, 31, Castle street, Cardiff. Free Deli 1,)'. VFLKMSH on ourKew Private Hire System.-South Wales L Furnishing Company, 31. Custle stieet (next to Angel Hotel), Cardiff. Kverytlnng Private. !'l' 1:l;'Ú'!I>\u' New I'.i\te H ire System.—South Wales L Furnishing Company. 31, Castle streut, Cardiff, ii in- payments. /t: 1: ISH 011 (,nr :oièw 1'1 ¡,at" "ireSyatfin.—?outh Wales .1: FurnisUiug Coui|>uuy, 1, Castla street. Cardiff. No Hill of Sale. )_7I;?MStt ou our ?t M i'r?.tt? Hitf .Sysn tu.-S?nth Wales i' i1 uruishiug Company, Xt.Cub?BBtteet.. Cardiff. Eleven showrooms. I/C RNISH on our N\w Private Hire System.—South Wales 1; Furnishing (. ompauy, 31, Castle street luext U> Ango llo'ell. Caruilf  __?_ lO.yiijU }.)1:1 1\'n;:l''O,l'¡;t;;r;: ",u¡'¡è¡'¡-a-¡-¡:mMg'-= Purct ase joui l'aints. Colours. Varnishes, &1 from lie Munui'actuicis, Miicdougidl Bros,, Kiug'a ¡'O,I Car- djff. 349,1 s" ;:ïÏtii;ïi:/¡c,¡::Ht:U¡:M, l.:u;:M. ?<ht-8<.?t?. &c.t.')' .tHi'r.n?"U.ttt:eH..f??'" (Liuiiteii), Welsh Pack, Lristol. 18Jd 1 A 000 /I'V¡:JLI,S..j['s'-C:I' 'ÜO Puzzle Cauls iU?UU B.In a ii. Mm.?r.u??u.?. <?; Publicans, I.aud Cheapest.—liogers' i'rtutiu? Works, Arcade, Ud 4t" 5.1 i PISTOILL'S Works, Complete: cohmred plates; A genuine edition 30 stamps. Paris by Niijlit, ti..y iu Puis illusiratu 50 stainpt;. — L. Ba ins au 1 Cimectionei.t.- t». s. Tunks -1111,1 Co. 1. (Limited), Patent oven lluiiders. Supply all Kilitis i f Ijukevsj" ICo'jirsiic .-Mill l <»r uff. V* 157J KABK (lUus- ti\ ted). Is. (id. Aris otle's Works, coletircI plates, viW pages, its. 411.; Bi ccacio's famous "l>caiueion, two vo>s., "Oluv:cte, ?.?t.-?h?t?'"?'*? T?"?'.i?u.); CatalOjiues, two stamps; Six Lusc ons Photos, Is.—ISosentlial, Park 1U,lings, Hum?y. Lu?tuu. L'11 d^ ABI-UPLKN Or..iiit j .Mo .utii-nts fi oinXa, c uring free A i?sct?ti?iL<ac<:urt't;ju? beaiitliul.—P ans and prices ir !U Legge, Seuiptor. Abenieei'. ?7h) A l?\LY? ?."tn )' uu?.en UrMS (H )""l;llvris. 61.; A ??t.?rns Pint tri.e.—M'mut?ctmer. Horsfortli, ncu ).?s. ?'" i??\?7? L'.SLrU'Ln?mdbi)?. S<. C. l.tOU C.'t-?. JLU?U?7 .t.?nunm.n s. t{nmc?).?. mtc ). 'is. Uouic l.ui.e.s, biso value.—Fish' and Co., ilro-duiead, Uri, l„l. !H1C3 I'Ll-J'liT— Complete Set. One Uuinea; Single Tootn. s. On l ive )ears' warranty. Dr. Ain'.rew Wil.>on, it.N., says Tliey conduce greatly to liealili and comfort.' lie-models, repairs. &e. PainlessPe ntistry, (<as. sc.—Uoo.liuan and Co.. uigtou-Pei,tist8. van, High street, MarUet-lane, Newport, tw\ 6. "1'TU • treet l' Cockneib'owii!. < 'i"'oiit. ??\?CT.t:S.'TeHtti7'l??.C'<Uhtt'.s.??. for Hire; aIA ill tuice no object. —Apply Thomas 1'iigsley and Co., ? e? It, Mo'l^  O_,l 1Jonltn!, Viscous, &r. IiOULl'itY. Fi?eou. Bird, Uor?.. ai. 1 C?tHo F?ods.- }:)O \'} f,;r :;ilf):! a':1 ir'[,I If:II:)tr mil Seed Merchant, C.mth). ?.?__ ??"'L BMAKWoOli, Whitlaiid. South Wales, i-.m now Otter • Twenty Young Cincssof various Breeds, with Heated Beater, for iCis. hpec al Lireee.s pri es on application. Feu- s,.f'nt)htWh?oi?.'humC??ke.cti..A"rtthttt?h.3<.6'.e.n.ft. Terms, Ciimi with Order. 8;w H i,ABS"N'S 100 Lgg Iucuhatnr; has been worUeit most Hleees,fully; cust lJrice: £ I"s.; will accept i4.—L. S., ,11,11', j>207j Carnages, iLIllC tl)r1\ rpo be Sold, cheap, good Poii-cart, suitable for horse 15.3 'ro :11; ,C:I; \\(!o¡al':n*i'1 °idIXs¡L: ) .ve' y St.tbk?. Pi>mouth 'UIJet, L'HUU, 1'??"? kit ? i'UU-AK'i? ?"" K.??tc <J?n'. -un. t)uuk'!i )t?d cob!). ?? al-o Market and Tip Carts; bea¡),-AvrY'd, Pock itreet, Newport, .'ALK, No Further X'se, Bay Cob, 14.2,7 years; quiet ride 0 or oiive; lree from vice; £ Vi— 36, Bedford street, li jath, CmJiI, I SKCOND HAND Pony Trap (two wheel), suitable for a A Pony up to I. U ? Ai?r")tUt..L )? and <-?.. <:?achbuit?t)!i. Coinge t? place, Bristol. Telegianis, Cairosier," Biistol, Te:«- ) hone. No. 47, K..t th)i.-ht?t 't.iy (tM?ry.?M' Iïüt Jt.IJ.ïTL(lTTïl:vi;1 L gh-. iirni ti. V„ns; Several Pleasure and nnilJts Tiaps Ne oly New biClewlI; Two Ciauk axle Caits—cl)eap, tu clear: Scanned. Hakeis' Peel and Trough Maker. Kosemaiy street, Bris- tol. iXiWi jiAIlOAlx.—For Salu. Ciicular Front Plough mi. witn ii LIIIIIS, Cughioll. Pole, and Bar.—Apply 2, Market street, Aherdare. 1 MC>v4 LLVrit BiTli IiTlTTind COMPANY, Carriage IT caiiiiit. — Oentleiiian's Private Omuibus; also astyiisl* 1/' ULLMll B1BTILL ?? (?'?H'A?Y. C.un.?'e Uni?'er.s. Cardiff.—Hansi-ui goods'yie ud in cxceilent condition, —Telegv 'ins Ciiiri ,gt Caidilf. )<)7n? <?'L).t:t:mtUI'.L:-udC'?irA?Y.'C?'n.!t:e "Builders, L C ivddt.—Stanhope Wai;ouc'ac "Isu a Cob'Mxe l'hactou. —Tilegiams ('ilni" C.:jrdlff. l*l. £ w4 ~iT'iJ.i:Tt~BUTTJLL and COMPANY, Carriage Úïii Cardilt. Light and t-iyiidi D(?-(.?rt: also a While- cnai?t:) Telegianis; Cail'i.ig s, ?'tntit). 141. ? U I:Ul'l. HA:.¡ ÎOI' I\Je, ¡'C¡";)'l:ê'I. ëh-;CoL.w -ë,ür;it doco.r oi piivate gctiUemaii; ab'igain.—A. Hunt, 78, LUIOII tua 1, (Jaotiff. 13 7vr2 CVJi¡, l;okjU¡:¡¡;;Y Uel,,¡;;¡¡:J4.'il¡Ÿ¿J, Wllr J lante t vouu I, ipuet every way, no vn-e; suit any work or anybody. A's" handsome new spring Vallli,he,1 Tip-tatt and H. suong iiusiuess SpiiuK Tr«p, uoili Ct)h.Üze. S;tÚdlc.:1 only used few times, suitable hunting or riding, complete, anil II superior Set ul iJmwn U¡,jj¡¡,mdulltetl Pony Harness.- 0, Uiutiel street (bottom Tudor road), Cardiff. 127oik30 Il,ÜW,Ù.I;lilêk Cart Hotsc. Iti. w rtanKt f!nun ¡ worker in ,h"trs or chains; price JC12.—23, System ,st;ect, KoiUh, Cardiff. liiOwl i:íjï;iD-liol's, 10 hands, 7 years old; w limited -r qai?tturtdeotdrtve; .?t<4S,.Syf:e?is?<'ct, t:o:?h, C'.?i't. je»6nS0 I{oït Sale, a gool, use ml Spring Wagon. Also Cart.— JL t'?M'i? pjiigland. ?t.t Dock, C.t?iK. $518 lfvsKFUL Pony, Trap, and II\IIt: suit business: 80M U to.dhN m sepaiately; trial avowed.—A??ty ?t. Tot?z street, lioalh, Cauliil. 940n29 SALE, stione'. Mcthe Horse. L\ six ft's o)d: warr?otod ? e?uJ fn?t ?[U!et; week's tual ttUowed.—M. TupM street, Boath. Cardiff. 947u9 1/OH Sale, Light Spring Wagon; splendid condition: suit- I.; able fur aeratell w,.L..r manufacturer or any other bUdi- ness. Als, ne Irly new Set of HanleM: bargain.—Apply 2, W.iii.t.iton te'race, Cav-iri. 921I9 8ALK, Cob, H hands, good 'rktr. with >pnnn Trap and a H irnts;; suit any business; '£1 the 1,3, Cliftou iitr?t. l:a, C?tai ?_ 9'7n:9 I' .XlIt Sale, strong Pony and Tra|i, suitable for g¡.ëëiõr J? greK?t.'tt'cer. che?p.—Acpiy Dock Stores, X2, UnH?ey stieet, Docks. C?htt. ?"?_ \c-'A:\ n;o: V 1:Y-iju..III.Pu'y foa:t:fail<la'c II -AJI1I¡7 G. J VT Keetiestone, Sudbrook, near Chepstow. 95019 DyOU Sale, Pedigree Jersey Cows and Heifers, in fuH p)Uht J Yearling Heifers and Bulls.—M.S. James Urogden. Portlicawl. 12,\ 'TA uUiTJaKDU'F A" sol;Til WAd?-.h .MAN cut, CO. (LIMl'l PIP), Att)6c)a) Mauuro Makers.—Live and Dead Uor¡¡ca, Cat' Ie, &c.. l'ureha"e,1 aucl Removed at the Shortest Notice.—Gibl.s, W lit chincI^Canlitt. 9'o'J-o i.ost aim JfounD. lOST, between Pier-head and ( lare-street a Gold Brooch. J Finder wil'. re- eive .£1 reward on returning it to 24, Claro-stieet. Cardiff. I021131 LOST, from Penyland Farm (East). Hereford, Steer nine JLj mouths old find r rewarded.—Information to Sergeant l'any, lYiitienach. lerll,yr. 145Jn!il IOST, F.'Xliound Bitch rottu l brand ou body teen week J ago at Livernuek. Iteturner rewarded detainer prose- cuted.—Jones, lliilnelstreet. Car iilf. 1^74wl '4'" :U:S i" Bull BiteU; wt'- out b.ack ear it uot 'čia'Ule\l 1/ within three days will bo sold.—Commercial Iun. Aber- dare, ll.-CTi.30 iBonep. MOKEY WANTED i\TV TaNTED-at-once, i'500 on Mortgaue household security incehtrcot Swansea ? per ceut.—Apply Mort(!?". X'?'T ?< Swansea. !4f;S?31 W. ANTED ou Mort?it!:e."?lM.'tio.,?e wcuttty, £ CW \V ?4Kerc.jnt.-AM'!y.stJ?t.<!e?r.N<. 2.9J3. at Loc!:?A"vert)?''< J?f.?"-?t?'t. ?< ?t MOl.'EY TO LEND riI So ?Mpec?Me'Ho'tBehnt?eM. Fanufrs. hu? (ítbl'l'If Tyou?eiu Want of a 'i?n.porMy A-iv?'M from J?O aud )?wa?)p free frun fes and without publicity, please con- ?, tthe M??r. 3, Bute terrace. U?rdi.t. AH communis- Hons ie""ed to by ?mn?o?poe?  TI 77\1V l.eiit W ithout WIl of Mute.-AI'rivatcGem? ?L ,.?n ?.)M'ToM('t"?' in): Advances upon I'MndMory '<? ?o ? at ? per cent, intere?. to male or fem?e. without '.?iM ?d ?rietty )'n?te. for any term not exceeding ten ..„r* —Apply for prospectus it,id Ie of re-payments,to (U, Si n»e Ksii.. ¡, .loli"-si.ree:. Adeipiii. London. W.C. L<&90 -M-—icsui's W. t"'t ?. iH?K. )'.fn.tte?x) t'iu?xc?) A?enn tt M m' Mary-stieot, OardilT, MepTepMpttto A?M«c< ?'Mi to '?tO'"?'J ou good ?'-ehotd or J?s.M;t?o"ert,. ?borC.? ?"?.r .t.? ?. f m .tv.—————————. VAl ffONEY I'e'tt from £ 5 to £ 500, at a few hours' notice, to l?n? ot),? ou Alone ? .? the ?rro'Ter- s Own Name; di??o object: tjoch?ee? of ?.y.?cr) ? bu?uese ? transacted anyone rtq'urine ? <tr'eHy H?teteun?ry 'oan without the usual (.uMtettv and ?. office ri utiua ?un ?'ytoPi.?r t'.?? r. Beuttel 'u?.r?ntyt"'? iWonep. MONEY TO LEND (Continued). H J oNi;Y l ent up >n Note of Hand Alone.—A Oentleman is Pesii-ous of ?.iuhA'?'u)r? 5 upwards, at b per Ceut. interest, tit Male or I'IUHU., iu Town or Country, v. iihoiii 1:,11,,1' s.,lc nr Sureties, and strictly Private, for any 1 eilo.l not ex -eediint ten yeais. — Andy to— 1 1 T". York-road. Waterloo llrnlire, I.ondon, S.M. IMPOBTANT NOTICE. tt'yu)(Waut.????'y?!?dbta)np for Prospectus li fore borrowing elsewhere 11 Mr. Pike, 4\.S.diKh)ny[o.n).C.u'))!t;ortn'.?'dJ:fVt.'n?Klt)n)t)? in; ?sreo. ?vpot. Mon. No fee. Established, li.; 8. 1)3189 MONI:V. -I'I;OM ?5' TRO 'JEt.UO? IMMEDIATELY A PVAXCED. IX TOWN Oil COUNTRY. ON SIMPLE NOTE OF HAND, WITHOUT SURETIES, At Mo n rate Interest an I K ity lio-pnyineiits. No Fees, all Ford, IPO, St. Maiy-sticet, Cardif f(Opposite Church strentl. 93875 ?))?tHDUt)?'TOt:-iOPl.S.t.'H:h!)?G'A?UCO. J. (i.IMITl'P) Advan.'e Daily Sums from A'TO.C).?. Metimd of Business: FA! II I M'EI!EST. F.ASV i:il-PAY.MI'lNTS. ABSOLUTE PElVACk. No Pill.W. No .sl KKl'lES. T'.IAUE BILLS DISCOUNTED. Prosprclnses and Particulars Free. Apply to Sooretiry IP, Cnavp s street. Carditl. '.WW.) j- tU'1' ill; ¡'¡",ut :\louI'Y. l'fll J.¡ü' all,! 1J¡'OIll;1 ()))i?'. —Cash Imuii diately Lent, from til) to any amount, at l.owor Interest than Charged by Others, to Male or Female Borrowers-Farmers, Ourdeners. Oariicrs, COM- keep, rs. Dairymen, Tradesmen, Slu pkeepeis. Viet k,I, Schoolmasters. Clergymen, Doctor. and all other professional (lentleiiien, Lodfing-hoii-i! Keepers, Piivate 1I0II"II(\kr, and Others, 011 their own Security (W.t:IOIII lloiiilsiiien), and Note of H ind alone, Repayable by very F'.l>y luslann-nts, t" ,IIi:, ill every ease, Boriowers' vwn con- venience. All communications, by letter or otherwise, Kept ins'nct coiiu ience. Appl cants waited «pon at tbetr own bonus, bv appointment, with the cash leipiired. All information free. J?i?t.n?-?oo'.je't. ?!.<?huim appiieati, u ever refused. It yon cannot borrow money from us you cannot, do so elsewhere. -Apply to MANAGER. f\ ROTUNDA PUILDINGS, FIRST FLOOR, ST. MARY-STREET, CARDIFF (Close to U.W.R. Station). 4C4?ll ri'KR"CENT.—Small mid Large Amounts on go"d i M A N C H EST 11 It C A P I T A LIST; /V MI'.MIilllt of a well-known ami WEALTHY FIRM, pit-pared to ADVANCE THE SAME in bUMS of NOT LESS than A'20 to All.t'OJ 10 persons of u ,.I,)\Ilot.1 respectability, OX THEIR OWN PROMISSORY NOTE. WITHOUT ASKING for SURETIES or SECURITY, LOW aud REASON A IU: RATE of INTEREST, ior short or long periods. As this advertisement, is not connected with any I.oan Society, it is requested that habitual Porrowei swill not apply. For full particulars apply personally or by letter direct to ??"A'tt'Turit \V Y\;PH AM HAnpox. ESQ., M. CORPORATION-STREET. ?M M ANOH ESTER V31 iuNEV'TENT ON NOTE oV MASbALUNMiN ?1 SUMS FROM ?'0 TO £ 4,000. THE NATIONAL MERCANTILE nAYK, li ALDW IN -ST It E ET, PR IS Vol,. The Directors of this well-known, old-established Bank are prep ired to orter exceptional advantages to nil resp-ctable and tiustwoi thy persons who are iu need of temporary assis- tance.. Cash Is advanced at a Day's Notice, in any part of town or country, without sureties, re payable by easy Instalments, or iu UUO RUIn, and OU THE BORROWER'S WRITTEN PROMISE TO RE-PAY. Among the advantages offered by the Bank, the following deserve attention — THE DKSPATCU ?tTU? wmcH LOANS ARE COMPLETED. THE LOW HATE OF INTEREST CHARGED.' THE WRITTEN GUARANTEE OP STRICTEST PUI. THE'VYSTF.M OF SMALL NINPAYMENTS EXTEND- ING OVER A PERIOD OF TIME CONVENIENT TO THE BORROWER. THE ABSENCE OF ALL LAW COSTS AND FES. N.B.—No Rills nf alp are taken, and the transactions are not l'IIUlishc,1 iu any newspaper or gazette. MORTGAGE DEPARTMENT. Advances also made 011 nioitgaye (lr deposit of deeds of uroneity. shares, scrip, policies, and reversions at 5 PER CENT. INTEREST, For Father Particulars apply, stating amount require <. to &?0i ?'T_ '?J'ili'J"??- Ot'ceMt Manager. "'1 ONl::Ÿ-LE-;l"onNO'1'Eo{ïÜN», at Short Notice, by ?-' J t a rm.ttu Oo'Hmutu. from £ 10 to £ l,0u0 at 5 per cent. Why apply to Profession il Money Lenders, so-called Companies vr llanks wllell any responsible applicant can obtain an advance Privately without Sureties and the usual formalities ot a Loan Oilice? For ihi benellt of Borrowers, 111111 prepared to grant advances from one to ten years in any part of Eugland or Wales, to male or female ( list tuce no object), and if desired the interest can be 1,aill i|tiai(trly, or halt-yearly, or as may be arranged, there- tore the applicant gets the filII oollcnt of ca8h n.hlIcc,1 — Apply iu confidence tv tù" actual lell<ler, H. HUNTER, lIJ, Westminster Bridge-road. London. L7&22 ^AR.VlEUS, Market Garoeuers, Houseliolileia, and Others .L Desirous of obtaluing II Temporary Advance cau do øo by applying by letter to Mr. William Andrews, 44, Lower Moni; stree- Abergavenny, who has a large amount of C pitalto Invest in Sale or any publicity whatever. No fees reuuired previous to arranging transactions. 92775 \tt??mKT i'KtVATt.tA AT A FEW HUUUs i?l NOTICE,—A Gentleman having a )arxo amount of capital is willing to grant advances upon note of hand alone, for any term not exceeding 15 years, ftom £ 15 to £ 1,000, ut a per wnt.. to Clergymen, Farmers, M?tet Proprietors, Lodgiug-hou-e Keepers. TradesmdTi, or to any responsible peisou. M.'? <? Female, iu Town or Country. Witho.? loan ot)iretonu.?it'e8 or Bill of Sale. Distance no object, and *v Ipll1 rn thr jnUrest is paid tilt CIl1 remain. No Ktuuiuu application n'fuP\1. All communications lire treated Htdetly puvate. ?'? the ??d' Leu.?t'. H.HAtUnsOX. F.-q.. 87, York road,'I, r.I, Loudon. L/f,21 iLl | OU.SijUut.LKtM GENERALLY AND EVKR_Y ti Dt?UlUPTIoN OF TjHAUES?EN f;«i)iilring an Immediate Advance of Cash, from £5 TO £ .100. Without Delay, and in Strict Confidence,Without Loan Oftiee Routine or Preliminary Fees, also Without Bill of Sale, but txttt'tycutht!? Owu Nawe.aud SeeMtty of PromisMry Note, or Upon Duco?it of any VatuabtpArttcte?. ;;hOI\lol:eo:loI: IAI¡j Psolf: .Ii'i. to- Mr. B, B. LESTER, 15, Bridge street, Newport, Mon. 15.—This is not a Companr. Secrccy lIuilrllUtelllu writing if required. 9137i) TATi ON I'.Y.—it son want an Advance of Cash, lrom £U-t.; I ?l?'?2.UO(?a??)'y"t? ?he "I'Ml'M'!?AL DEPOSIT BANK, IS. Adam-street, Strand, J,OUÙUII, fvr 1\ Prospectus, which will show you at a glance the exact amount you will have to i c-pay, The transaction I, STRICTLY PRIVATE, The only Seiiuily require 1 by the Bank being the UORltOWKR'S OWN NOTE OF HAND. Advances arc mailt throughout the Ullltetl Kingdom to all (" "asses, and distance t no objection. L7764 ?!tsses. ?)( '?"'? A?'?uR' ?HpGWIUK. MaM?er. A PRIVATE £500, toF.irinern, Market Gardeners, Householders, and Public Generally, iu strict confidence and without publicity. No preliminary fees asked for.—Apply to Wil 1 iam Thornley, Lmiily House, Caerphilly. £ io>rle$, Cncpcles, See* UNIVERSAL Rover Safety, by Starley and Co.: new month ago cost £ 10 10s,; lowest £ 9 5. all accessories. 1445w4 T>ARR1 aud WILLIAMS, Cycle Manufacturers. Cardilt i- Cycle Works. Westgate i treet, Sole District Agents for the following Makes:—Geuuine "Rovers," Premiers," Swifts," Keferees," X.L cycles," and other favourite mounts. Hmr-dnving Safeties from 703.; Bicycles fuuu 19A, Hn.aha. Painting, and Plating. Fiist-classMicfhines on Hire. Showrooms. Opposite the Circus, Westgate street, Car- diff. 46t7 I">REMIERSafety; ofariyMw: has been very littleusel; Fi. tyres scarcely M'hed; with aH accessories, £ 7.-13, 1'eal crescent, C.'rd? ?i9w2 CCVSH (,j. Exchange.—Several Tricycles for DlHPO>ol; 8111t £4; 1O.; St. 10,; Sociable, £ o 10s. Sent ill thorough onler on receipt ot P.O.O.-Moriis Bros., Cycle W, rks, Pontypridd. 95146 i. OK sale, yu idrunt Road.-ter Tricycle, )n perfect condl- V tion, as new; price £ 17.-11. D„ Bridge street, Usk. MOil. 1115031 t ?IAMOXJ[)-FRAME Safety for Sale baUa throughout; t? (oat ?t ).'st September, sell for ?10 )0s. cash.- Johns, 75, Tnif street, Pontypriitd. 965n29 SAFETY BICYCLE (" Premier ''), by Hillman, Herbert, n and Cooper: good condition; price £7; nspectiou i!lte<lltlR Mail, CarJUt. Matrons # Collieri) iUQUiSitesi PIPES.—Wanted, about 200 Yards of 2in. Gas or Steam J. Piping, Second-hand. — Apply to YnlscI Colliery, Ys'ftlyfera. Hr,2w. U ANTED, a Dozen End-Tip Three-Yard Eartii Wagons, 4ft. 8jin. G.uge.— S eud piico aud particulars B 1, 1394wt I/'OE, Sale. Twenty Wagons, with falling sides, in good ■ i ondition, and suitable for main line traSic.—Andrews aud Baby, Cardiff.. 1433w4 1/OR SK)?. Contrac'ors'Tip WaKona C. J. puHeya Uin. i- Md 2in. Sheave Blocks new Slel Points and Crossings. —Apnly Grillitlv, Moiint Plensaut House. Swansea. [1133n31 ri'HE UUTE ?OttKS SUPPLY COMPANY -L KjB. BUTE DOCKS CARDIFF, FOH SALE, RAILS of aU kinds, f%N¡oit;t.'OOlb. per yM.?. 50 Tous perfect 221b. Bridge Pattern. ilO Tons eelt:cte<1 eGlh. Flange I'llttero. 05 Tons selected 501b. Flauge Pattern. 120 Tons selected 701b. Flange Pattern. V0. Toils selected 761b. Flange Pattern. 8LEEPI-:HS,- 5.000 clean Rectaligulars, 9ft. by 41ln. 5,010 dean Rectangulars, 10ft. by 510. ?OOU creoMted Rectangulars, 10ft. by Sin. TURNTABLE.—J3ft. diameter, crossroads, usual gang*. PUMI\—Pearn's direct-acting; stroke, 24In.: ram, llin. second-hand Tank Loco*. WAGONs.- 60 8-tonners, end and side doors; naw beln, oyer* hauled. 2510-tonners, low skies: now in traffic. O 10.tonners. side doors; now In tra me. t 8-toniiern, sHe doors: now Iu traffic. 50 8-tollners. side and flaor doors, and liop- pered. 191150 MIULAN]) RAILWAY UAKHiAUh 1 AND WAGON COMPANY (HMtTED). MIDLAND WOnKS, BIRMINGHAM. Maonfacture): of Railway Wagons (for Cash or Deferred Payment), Carriages, Tram Curs, Colliery Pit Tuba VYIiuuls and Axles, Axle Boxes, CasMnga, and Wrought lnm Work uf every kind. WAGONS REPAIRED by Contract or Otherwise in every district. Sccond-hand Coal, Cuke, Ironstone, and Bnllfttl Wagons for SALE or HlUE. E. JACKSON, Secretary. Chief OPRCR3—Midland Works, Birmingham. Branch Works—Ahbev Works.Shrewsbury. 72990 PUŒlX VARIUAH li AND WAGON j. WORKS COMPANY, BTOKE-ON-TRENT, Manufacturers of Railway Carriages and Wagons of livery Description for Cash, or on Deferred Payments of Three, Five, and Seven Years. A8KNT:— BENItY LAWRENCE, Wagon Repairer, PROVIDENCE IRON AND BRA8S FOUNDRY, NEWPORT, MON. Telegraphic Address Phoenix, Newport," or Stoke- on-Trent. 4106d FOR LOCOMOTIVE AND RAILWAY Jt. WAGON ELM AND POPLAR BRAKE BLOCKS Inquire from POHSFORD BROS., TIMBER MERCHANTS, 87892 NEWPORT. MON. RAILWAY WAGON AND LOCO [? WHEELS RK TYRHD AD TURNED. PATENT MACHINE-MOULDED tiPUn BEVEL AND HELICAL TEETH WHEELS. RICHARDS and HOPKINS BRITANNIA IRON WOUKS, NEWPORT. MoN. 93092 iWarOtner)), Eoolsf, &c. MAOl1INERY. TOOLS, .0.. Foa BALL MACHINERY. TOOLS. >0.. FOR SALE. CRAB WINCH. Onmk-Mte OMt. "s." T?)tey,31Ut. fn. ? diameter Wire Rppe.—0<Mpw Pear WttMMf tMd. ? jMMtto?u. ('Mdt&. MMw4 iBarl)ineip, Cooitf, MACHINERY TOOLS, &c.. FOR SALE ^Continued) Ij^OR Sale, Ten Cast iron Gilders, JOft. long, Gin. deep at cuds. (JJin.deep at iciitre.— Amirews tind Baby. Car- ?1- ? — — !4««w« I;UYt -¡:¡I(;:h'd/.cl;S¡ï ¡.7¡ 1."11 :ïm; w-I-i¡;äm-i" gl ÎÎc I.: Kight horse power. ( o.upiete, For particulars apply to William Roberts, Fnfc'iilei" A)?rn.?t'n'y. ?JM?t ))?UHSnif. "<'iytt'u"?'i't.))'Ti4hh)S'L'?r.?hi))t{M''chute; a.: end delivery revolving a J isiable -creen, patent ele- vators strong modem built. —Apply Charles, Bis salleg. "?' 1f)'53n:<? IAW_ K M'owi-IRS. L:n?)' M?vc?.—A?tf) t?r HlJa;; J New Patent Lawn .Mowers, from fas. to i'32 also Machines of nil Makers Repaired, mi l Knives Re-Ground Py Patent Automatic Grinder. Lemon's New Pa'ent Chaff Cutlets tlU complicated parts quarter tho 1!t:¡.tiH.1 twice Ih" stren :tii. and impossible tll lioke sold ut tI, fatne prices aM oltl cuuiplicatcd machines. A Large wck uf Setoud Innd Clmlieutters. I'm table and Vertical Engines. Mortar Mills, and Every Machliv In the Market.—T. Lemon Bud Sons. Eiuimering Works, The Hayes, Cardiff. (j¡1;9\! -;ilOlt'l'AJt ,\lillp,- ,111 'ÓÚ, ri, Út" '.1' j'lt, '¡'I, IIII,: !»1 complete, witli Porttiiile Mnc.lue and Driving Belt, for lllreov for Sale for Cash, aud on Pinchai<-liiro terms; also with Saw Benches, if required.—Apply Charles 1). Phillip. Newport, '\??. 87dll Ij^ORSaie. I'o taiiie and Vertical iliqtines, Mortar Mills. r and HIIW P. nches.—Foi1 loweso price 1411.1 b 8 terms; Geort.e Kytl: alld Co., 111 lane Ironworks, Cnriliff. K.H.-Koh) Agents for South Wales and Monmouthshire 9:¡ill¿. J1L »IT BROW AND .'CllllCN' ROOKS. &C, ('OnRU i. GAi'tD IRON ROOFS AND BUILDINGS, llnva bcv-n out- spooled iiituiufiiccuro for 30 years, ha*in" trectod several luiudredr. for ColPeiies. Steel, It on, an i Till- plate W oiks. Rftllwuy Companies, ai d others, M?'').< and Kreetnrs of COLLI ICR V Hl.'V nC.MARS op STEICL OR IRON, GIRDERS, BRUGES, and Contruciional Irouwork G cucrally. Designs IluIl j-t.illllt"5 011 1¡1'1h-tI(}n. ]) y I'; S T E E L and CO., TREDEGAR WORKS, NEWPORT. MON.93 O w N lj Rlt(lt!ltUNa NKW A II I N I'l 0 ILEliS OF TMTt HIGHKST CI.ASS AND POWKR, Apply for Prices and Designs to G. K. 8TOTHERT A Co.. 1021 ENGINEERH.. BRISTOL hotels, wmlng i,OOU\$. rRNAirni. ANblioWN Kl'KIVATK IlUTl-.L AND JLj BOARDING RESIDENCE. Extensive Channel View: Superior Accoinmodatioti; Moderate Charges. Special Terms to Permanent Residents. 673d LLANIWIT-MAJOR. L LAN T W I T 1\1 A J 0 H YyHITE J^ION JJOTEL AND JgREWJiltY. The MOlt Extensive and Best Accommodation in th* Town for Pic nics, Special faciliti s fur lai^o partlos, and convenience for all kinds of gumes. Tho Principal Brewer of the Celebrated Llnntwit- Major Fresh Ah-s. When in town den't forget to call and try a glass. Wines and Spirits of the Finest Quality. 94961 ALBAN WATTS, Proprietor. M U M BLKS. ANGLAND BAY HOTEL, NEAll 8W ANS}o;A, THE MEN TONE OF WALES. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. The sheltered position of Langland Bay, with II; southern aspect and balmy air, which entitle it lo be called the Mentone of Wales, renders it. a most desiraVdi Winter Residence. Strongly recommended by Members of the MedicAl Profession. For Tariff, Carriage*, Ac., address E. M. P. DUFFIELD, Manageress. POHTHCA WL. ESPLANADE IIOTI'L, rORTIICAWL. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. UPWARDS OF 100 RomIB, LARGE COFFEE ROOM. SALOON BAR, SMOKING, HILLIAKD. AND REAPING ROOMS, LIGHTED BY ELECTRIC LIGHT PUM1LINE AND ELECTRIC BATHS AND MASSAGE ON THE CONTINENTAL SYSTEM, For th Treatment of Nervous Diseases, Gout. Rheu- matism, &c., ullder tile Supervision of (lit Resident Physician. Dr. Alexander, who may be Consulted Daily at t tie lint lis at Eleven a.m. First-class Water Supply, Softened and Filtered. Excepiiona'ly Invigora ing and Health-restoring Climate, Dry, Sandy Soil, Extensive and Sands, and Safe Bathing. Tennis Grounds. Apply MANAGER. 94886 jyjAKlNir HOTEL, POliTHCAWL. FACING THE SEA. SPECIAL ARRANGEMENTS FOR FAMILIES. In connection with the Marine Holel is a Terrace of Furnished Houses, where Apartments may be obtained, with Good Attendance. Apply Manageress, Marine Hotel. 95887 ST. IVES. r?RKGENNA CA'lLE HOTKL, St. I Ives, Cornwall, 'lnuds iu its own grounds of nearly 100 acres, overlooking the Bay, and is surrounded by jiardeus and plantations. Magnificent sen views from every part, of the grounds. Air delightfully pure and bracing. Billiards, Coquet. Lawn Tenuis, Archery Cricket, &c. Private road to beach for bathing.—Ad.iress Manager. L8i39 LLANDKINDOD WELLS. lANDllINDOD WELLS.— Boarding Establishment, Park House, 3, Norton-terrace, near (he llue, Sulphur, and Chalybeate Springs and Baths.—'Tariff 011 application to Mr. Viiliers. Good cook, libemllable. 647\Y Ptbitrattons* 1800-01, NOW READS JJANIKL OWEN AND (W RIG H T'S) QARDIFF j^IRECTOUY, U¡CLUV¡NO PKNARTH AND LLANDAFF. WITH TOWNS AND VILLAGES ADJACENT TO CARDIFF, And COPPER-PLATE MAP prepared expressly for thia work, PRICE, 6s. 6n,; POSTAGE, 6D. EXTRA. Subscribers who have not yet [received their copies will oblige by communic tting with the Publisher, DANIEL OWEN AND CO. (LIMITED), ST. MARY-STKEET, CARDIFF. r93338 Now Publishing, In 6<1. Parts. "Q ES Y MERTHYRI. A DETHOLION 0 HANE3 YR EGLWY8," Gan Y Paroh J. D. JENKINS. D.D., Vicar of Aberdare. CARDIFF. 94188 New Edition. Now Ready, "Y FERCH 0 GEFN YDFA." Gan CRAIGFRYN. Price 11. By Post It. 2d. DANIEL OWEN and CO. (LIMITED). CARDIFF. 94127 RUPTURN.—J. A. Sherman, the distin- JL? guished Speciati?t. famous 31 the Author o( the Amedcall Method (or its relief, is still at his London Office, where the afflicted from all parts of the country are flocking to receive the beneflt of iris Rid and remedll." tcforl! he relllrns to America, determined to be relieved from the dmiger of strangulation and the use of trusses. lSultlltlonlJffice-61, Chancery-lane. L7624 EATT^raiO LAW OF POPULA- JL? TION," by An$IE BMANT —A Work dMisncd to induce married people to limit their family within the means of subsistence.-8eut post free by W. H. Rey- nolds, Publisher, New Cross. London. 8,B., on receipt of eight penny etampt. J?6C8d OAKEY'S" Welhngtun"KNIFEPOLISH. jl The Original Preparation For poii:htn? Cutlry. For UM with Boards or Machines. I Wellington" KNIFE POLISH. For Cleaning Knives Kqual to New Cutler v. Preserves the Knives. OAKEY'S "Wellington" KNIFE POLISH. I Used without trouble. Polishes instantly. Refuse worthless imitations. OAKEY'S «■Wellington"KNIFE POLISH. ?? Ironmongers. Groœre, and Oilmen Mtl it at Id.. 2d., 3d., 6u„ Is.,2s. 6d„ and 4. OAKICY'S" Wellington"KNIFE POLISH. \? JOHN OAKEY and SONS, ManufactureM of BMBMY. BLACK LEAD, EMERY LOTH GLASA [L7803 WESTMINSTER BRIDGE-ROAD. LONDON, ILB. t N J E U T 1 ON DAY. An INFALLIBLE REMEDY and certain cure for al Discharges of the Urinary Orgnni In either sex, whether acquired or constitutional, recent or ehrouio cures in a few day. without medicines. Bold In bottles 2s. 6d. eaoli (by post 2s. 9<1.). by all ehemlsts. London ageuts, F. Newbury and Son*, li Xing Edward-street BJJ. A{r»>it for 4 Mundar, t, High kfcrwj: 1t731i6 &luifatio!ial aimmiucemeiic £ CARDIFF. UNIVEIT^TY COLL?n.? OF SOUTH tU WALES AND MONMOUlhSHIRE, CAKDU?. The EIGll I'll SKSslON WILr, COMMENCE on OCtOBEitCTH Tliu College Prospectus, together with Particulars of the Suliolarsliipii and Exhib.i ions offered for competi- tion in September Next, may be obtained on application to IVOR JAMES. Registrar. Cardiff, July 21,18J0. 95034 LLANDAFF. II OWKLL'S SCHOOL, LLANDAFF. A HOSTEL for the RECI-.l'llON of BOARDF.IlS lias been OPENEU by the Governors in connection with this Public School for Gills, resilience at which COll- fers election 10 the school. A separate cullide fur each girl. Tennis and large garilen. For Terms and 1111 Particulars Address, yr.218 Miss STAINKS, Llan.lafL RRLSTOL. BRIGHTON HOUSE SCHOOL, JLP RKDLAND PARK". CLIFTON, BRISTOL (NEAR THE DOWNS). Established lb73. Terms moderate and inclusive. Two Entrance Scholarships in September (ovtr lit), Particulars ou application. A FOURTH LlnGE HOUSE having been added to the Premises, H,I.Ptloiml Pupils can b" received 0" Sept.-mber lVtli. Excellent table, every home comfort; good stall" of t mors nil subjects taught,. Large play- ^iound, uyninasitiin, fives conits, workshop, sain- lorinin. & 1 here Is 1\ Preparatory 8dlll"l. also clasj fir all Public School entrance and scholarship exami- nations. Sixty Boarders. Villi number of pupils (luring the liit ten ycari. Successful preparation for 1111 Fvxaiiiinatlous. Prospectus, successes, references on Hpplication. ?p?d ?ster Mr. CHARLES HIGG. Recent Successes London Matriculation, Cambridge Senior and intermediate, Cambridge Junior Honours, College of Preceptors, Preliminary Medical, Preliminary LIIW. Royal Academy ot Music Honours, Banks. Ac. (Including upwards of twenty subjects). 95052 LONG A?HTON 'SCHOOL,K7?AH .tj BRISTOL. This School ?R-OPEKS MONDAY, July 21st, For Prosnectus and Notice of School Scholarships apply to ?eR;!2JE.M p;, MA 44I5d BATH. BATH, — UHOSVKNOU COLLEGE FOR GIRLS. THOROUGH EDUCATION AND HOME. English. Foreign Resident GoverneSle,. Masters. Tenuis, reparation for Examin.iiious. VACANCY for GOVERNESS POPIL (Premium). Apply for Pr. spectu). Principal. 94643 BAtH. 1 O Mr. 8. F. ELLABY, M. A.. Receives the Sons of Gentlemen as Boarders only, to Prepare for the Public Schools and Royal Navy.—Prospectus and References on application. 95136 CLEVEDON. H?KLGRAVK"HOUSE, CLEVEDON.- _J OH-cs?btisheJ HOME SCHOOL for the b.'u};ht?9 of Gentlemen. K?tdent English, French, and German GovernM-o, and Visiting Profe9M)s. livery home comfort and careful training. Fees mode- rate. Prospectus and full information from Prin- cipal. 764d CHEPSTO -v. /CHEPSTOW GRAMMAR SCHOOL, J -— INQUIRE. [94651 (OWCHlDlm.  HEAT HOUSE UIlOOl, FOR GI!H?. X PK[KCtPAM-?HtS. ANU THK MISSKS CULVER- p WELL. 91397 NEATH. NEATH RUONAIA'AUY SCHOOL,— L?! Centre of Cambridge Locals. MatricutationOtM. -Apply to Archdeacon of Llatidafl or tho Headmaster 78751 DAVID GHEPHERD, ACCOUNTANT, AUDITOR, AUCTIONEER, VALUER, HOUSE AND INSURANCE AGENT, CARDIFF. ill business personally superintended. ae entire management of house pro. perty undertaken, with monthly or quarterly settlements. crci ants',companies', and other accounts adjusted aud audited. Gales of nil kinds of property by public auction or private treaty. Private loans and mortgages on property effected (at low interest) in connection with life assurance or otherwise. Insurances of all kinds in best offices. AGENT FOTl- THE PIKENIX FlUE OFFI, ESTABLISHED 1782, STAR LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY. NATIONAL PROVINCIAL PLATE-GLASS INSURANCE COMPANY, Ac., &0. DAVID SHEPHERD, 1, FREDERICK-STREET, CARDIFF. 95217 FOR THE WARM WEATHER USE THE pATENT GAS QOOKEK. NO WASTE HEAT, PERFECT BAKING, STEAMING, AND COOKING. NOW ON VIEW AT G. S. TUNK AND C0,'s (LIMITED), MILL-LANE, CARDIFF. 95130 Telegrams Carrossler, Bristol.* Telephono No. 247. THJt: fJIELEPHONE AND gOUTH .W AL ES. Messrs. EDWARD ROGERS and CO., CARRIAGE BUILDERS, BRISTOL. Beg to Inform their Customers and the Public in the Principality that, their Works being in connection with the Telephone (Bristol, No. 247). they are in Direct Communication with the Trunk Line Public Call-rooms at Cardiff. Swansea. Newpoit. Pontypridd. Aberdare, Merthyr. TredeAar, Pot.lypool, Hriton Ferry, Neath.Landore, Morriston, att) Llanelly. JQDWARD J^OGIIRS AND CO" CARRIAGE BUILDERS (Home or Export), COLLEGE-PLACE, BRISTOL ¡ (One Minuted Walk from Cathedral). [93355 THE BEST TEA IN SOUTH WALES, ANCHOR TEA. II THE LONDON BROKEN LEAF St. per lb. the LONDON WHOLE LEAF h. 10d per lb THE LONDOH tiEMI LEAK 2s. 4d. per lb. < NOHOR IJI E A IS UNRIVALLED FOB 1T3 GREAT STRENGTH AND FINE QUALITY. r AGENTS APPOINTED WHERE NOT REPRESENTED ANCHOR TEA CO., 41, GREAr TOWER. STREET, LONDON. L8037 ymftD BatfertngtromNefvoM DeMtttv.DeeMne Exhausted Vitality. Brain and Kidney  Troubles, Ac. rtAin Cure by the tm? ? T??— E?N ? proved French Method [L7965 1\ L HOWTOACr.—ADVICE FREE. i?_L Sealed Boo" Sent for Three ti tamps. wmN PUICR, 78, Obanoery-Iane. London N W P 0 J. T MON (Established 11170.1 J. D. REUS, BILL POSTHR AMD ADVERTISING ABBNT. KENTS aU the PRINCIPAL POSTING STATIONS In Town aud Neighbouring. Two good Bill Poster* and Horse and kept. «ddrwe-130. COftaiBUClAl»BOAA» I :tiU5UltSS SIDiireddfd* I MPORTANT N OTICE! i-i OWELL AND COMPANY AKE NOW BF.LUG "HE WHOLE OF THHR I DUAh.UY AND FANCY 6TOCK AT CLEARING DRA PRICKS. jQ 11 KSS j^KPATTTMENT^ DUESS DI<:PAnTIENT. The Dross Room will lie found full of valuable and faslii uiabie Stock, including Ileal Kilmarnock Cheviot Tweeds, Bradford Tiveeils, Habit Cloths, Estamine Serges, Flakes, Plaids, and Plain Goods, Black and Coloured Cashmeres, B ack aud Coloured Silks, Velvets, and PI isbes, B oche, Alpacas, &c.< &c., every line of which will be red iic, I in price for this Hale. VTA NILE, TACKET, AND QOSTUME ]) I.:P A!!NT. A JOB LINE OF DUST CLf IAKS, At about One-half the Cost of Production. (This Line will be found most useful when the dust comes.) ggQ LIGHT CLOTH LADIES' JACKETS, Fully One-third off liegularprlces. A MANUFACTURER'S STOCK OF SILK AND PLUSH MANTLES, Cleared at 40 per cent. off. The above are New, Stylish, and Perfectly Fresh, direct from the Manufacturers. 1A A COLOURED COSTUMES XTC U AT SALE PmCES. Two or Three extra good Lines in UMBRELLAS nnd the whole of the SUNSHADES to be Cleared Regardless ot Cost. MILLINERY, MADE-UP BONNETS, AND HATS ON AN AVERAGE AT HALF-PRICE. jyj"ANCHE*TEU D EPAITTMENT. In this Department most of the Plain Drapery Is kept, and Ladies cn be supplied with almost any article at, say, 15 to 25 per cent, tinder the usual prices, including Unbleached and Waste Twiil Sheetings, Sheets, and Counterpanes, Prints, Flannels, Blankets, Woollen Cloths, Oxford Sliirtiiig,4, Real South Wales Shirting I-laiiiiels, Not-tli Walf-S and Eiiglisli Flaiiiiels. every hne of which will be Reduced tor tnis special Sae, A JOB LIN] IN STRIPED I LANNIiLS, Suitable for LAWN TENNIS SUITS, at Clearing Prices. 450 PIECES of FANCY PRINTS, Commencing 40V at 2id. per Yard, G ENTLEMEN'S MERUEUY JJEPARTMENT. In this little, but very important. Department Gentle- men will riiid the best quality Goods nt ery nominal prices, especially when compared with the same class bought at other Establishments. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN'S GLOVES AT SALE PRICES. RIBBONS AND lHUnON VELVETS UNDER THE SAME MANAGEMENF. TCI U R NIS HI N G JJRAPERY JJEPARTMENT. Ti,ls Department During the Re-building of New Premises Carried on ill WH ARTON-STKBKT. MANUFACTURER S STOCK OF UNEY SHEIVHNG3 TABLE NAPKINS. ANU TABLE CLOTHS At Special Sale Prices. PAIRS COLOURED CA1WAS LACE 4-?<?CU tiTAl?. TO CLEAR. QARPETS, L INOLEUAIS, AND JjUOORCLOTIiS AT VERY SPECIAL PRICES. TAPESTRY, commencing from IOid.: REAL BRUSSELS, from Is. lljd.; KIDDERMINSTER (Unfon), from Is. 3(1. per yard. LINOLEUM AND CORTICINE AT SALE PKICICS. 49 PIECES BEST FLOORCLOTH, Regular Pi ice 2s. 7}d.. Sale Price Is. 11 jd. per yard. The LOW PAINTED BACK FLOORCLOTH, usually sold at Is. Z}<1. and Is. 3jd., nowatlljd. per running yard of 70 liielies wide. This Cloth cannot be bought from any other House at tlio iii-ice. 60 PIECES BRUSSELS CARPET, COM MHNONG AT Is. lljfd. PER YARD. 50 PIECIS BEST (NOT SECOND) QUALITY TAPESTRY CARPET, COMMENCING AT Is. 6}d. PER YARD. Competition defied and smothered. Comp aints to Manufacturers as to our selling under List Prices are useless. JJOYVELL AND QOMPANi, THE CARDIFF DRAPERS, CARDIFF. Doors Open at 10 a.m. 95058 THE NEW OCTAVE QOUPLEU p IANO. BY ROYAL Ll,I'TERS pATENT SECURED IN ENGLAND. FRANCE, GERMANY, SWITZERLAND, BELGIUM, AND AMERICA. MARVELLOUS EFFECTS I SPLENDID TONE MANUFACTURED ONLY FOB THE SOLE PATENTEES, fJIHOMPSON AND gHACKELL L INIITED, CARDIFF, SWANSEA, NEWPORT, MERTHYR GLOUCESTER, PONTYPRIDD, PENARTH, BRISTOL, AND CHELTENHAM. This Marvellous Invention bids fair to revolutionise the Pianoforte Trade, as the most Astonlshin Effect can be Produced by the use of the Additional Pedal which Renders the Performance of the Most Difficult Passages Easy, even to A Moderate Performer. rjlHE (IE A TEST JMPROVEMENT OF Tflr" A GIL Buyers are earnestly requested not to accept any Piano without the NEW QCTAVE COUPLER. p IANOS I T>IANOS I t pIANOSI FROM 10s. MONTHLY, ON NEW HIRE SYSTEM. OltGANSI 0 IIGA NS 11 QltGANS! FROM 5a. MONTHLY. PrUe Lists Free, Old Pianos Exchanged. HPHOMPSON AND gHACKELL UMITEI). TS2272-2 PRINCE OF YKASTS.—" EN AVANTf JL -Sewftteen Priw Medals Md Won of Honour (Grand Prlle, Paris. 1889). Wholesale and Retall.-W. HARRIS. Dowlals1 44ti THE GREAT BIAX)D PURIFIER.— i. THOMPSON'S BURDOCK PILLS puilfv the foulest blood, and relieve every Disease of Stomach. Liver, and Kidneys. Pure Blood gives Ifealtli. 1 hou- san:i» h?e been cured by thete wonderful PUIa ?'?'* I ?itMne could "ot be reached by &U7 other soodici <?d by all chemists, in boM<. h. 1?-t. and ?. M. eo:t i 4en& bv mil 1. My )K'dreM. S? TV \t D, 'IDRWVTN S Coronwnti on Welab I IjLV Ueu and Matters in ths,, X*WI Cf nr* W«*.

| We cannot publish any letter uniess the writer sends his tUUL srAMK and ADUHBSS, not necessarily for publi- At ion, but as a guarantee of good faith. The Editor cannot undertake to return rejected com- munications unaer any circumstances. All correspondents must write on ovi SIDE of the caper only, or their letters will be rejected. N. B.- He do act antwer correspondents through th* Ftltt

SIR J. T. D. LLEWELYN AT NEATH. TO THE EDITOR OF THE "WKSTKBN MAIL." Sltl,-How far easier it is to give oneself a title tlmti to prove oneself worthy of it. "A Church- mall" is not ashamed to proclaim himself a mem- ber of a Church, and in the same breath prove himself totally ignorant of the first principle of die Christian faith. The Squire of Penllergare is too well known amongst his people to heed the gross attack of A Churchman or to need my feeble defence. Yet, such letters should not, in common fairness, be allowed to pass unnoticed, since, ( tike it, that, if worthy of publication, they are bo worthy of notice. Men of the stamp of "A Churchman have in the past ruled the Church and made her what she is to-day in Wales-tbe Cliurch of the few and select, an alien Church— and it is men of the stamp of Sir J. T. D. Llewelyn and Archdeacon Griffiths that tr-day keep her from being swept as nn Establishment out of the Principality. "A Churchman" ;lsltS," Does Sir John think that the Gospel is spreali by such means?" There are many kinds of gospels proclaimed in these days. I do not know what particular gospel A Church- man had in his mind when penning tbia question, but I venture to say that if he meant the Gospel of :he Christ, no surer means can be adopted than that at which Sir John, by his purse and, still more, by his presence, assisted last week at Neath. To hint, ns A Churchman does, that Sir John by such act of goodness only desires to gain political popularity is to prove how utterly unable 11 A Churchman is to gauge a true Christian character. —I am, &c., D. B. E. Pontypool. [" Cave at Emptor," A Catholic Churchman and Disgusted Churchman are informed that we exclude observations treating cf theological subjects, and insist upon the proper name of the writer being attached to letters containing per- sonal attacks of the kind made in one or two of the letters. The correspondence must now end.-a ED. W. M.I

Detailed Lists, Results and Guides
TRADE REPORTS. TRADE OF CARDIFF. EXCHANO R, Monday. The attendance on 'Change to-day was about the average, but business all round was quieter. Steam coal prices were firm, but, owing to the prOle pective struggle between capital and labour, mer- chants were, as a rule, disinclined to take on fresh business, nnd from the same cl\ue orders in the outward freight market were very scarce, and, as a consequence, only a couple of fixtures were repotted. Outward rates for the upper Mediter- ranean and Egyptian ports remained weak, and thera was no change in Gibraltar, Spanish, or West Indian quotations. Eastern rates ruled dull. and rates for the French Bay ports remained moderately steady. Homeward rates from the Danube and the Black Sea were steady, and there was a fair demand for tonnage to load at Bilbao, Decido, and Povcna at last rates. BARRY DOCK SHIPMENTS FOR LAST WEEK. The shipments of coal and coke at Harry Dock f-u the week ended Saturday last were as foi- COAL. COKE. Day; Tons. Cwt. Tons. Cwt. Monday 9,558 2. Tuesday 8,995 7 293 14 Wednesday ft,847 3 359 6 Thursday 9,671 6 476 17 Ftiday 12,274 16. Saturday. 4,6i2 16 Coal. Coke 1,1.9 17 62,093 7 This was shipped on board 26 steamers and 22 sailing vessels. The Imporl s during the week con- sisted of 114 tons of bricks. The number of vessels in doc: on Monday morning was 47-19 steamers and 28 sailing vessels. BARROW, Monday.—The outlook in the hematite iron trade is more encouraging, prospects being brighter all round. Hematite warrants have advanced to 53-1 6d per ton for cash, and makers are quoting the same figure. Restriction in the u'put continues, and stocks have been further reduced. Steel is more active, and makers are tairly busy. Heavy sections of rails are quoted at tiom 45 to Z5 Ss per ton net f.o.b. Shipbuilders are kept very brsily employed, but no new orders are reported. Present contracts are, however, heavy. Iron ore ia "gain in quiet demand at unchanged values, ordinary qualities ranging from 9s to 10s 6d r.t mines. Coal and coke are steady at late rates. Shipping is fairly busy.

NORTH GOWER MOWING MATCH. i On Saturday the third annual mowing match foi North Gower took place at the Poundfald Farm Three Crosses. The weather was all that could be desired, and the ground in favour of the mowers The conditions were three swaths, 30ft. wide am 100 yards long. the first two swaths not to be lest than lOlt. each in width. Four hours were allowec to complete the task. A large number "f specta tors attended, and great interest was taken in tin competition. The judges were Messrs Nlifet, (iylecoch), Griffiths (Cwmmawr), and Thomas (Rhean-fawr). In delivering the adjudication, Mr. Griffiths stated that, they had great difficulty in deciding in several cases, as the mowing was of the highest order. The successful competitors were as follow :-All Comer's Class: 1st, T. Griffith 2nd, D. Hopkins. First Clasq 1st. T. Morgan 2nd, J. Jenkins 3rd, F. Fisher. Boys' Class (under 18 years of IIge): 1st, D. Davies; 2nd, K. Morgans. Great praise is due to the secretary for the manner in which the arrange luents were carried out,

A BRUTAL SON AT YSTRAD. At Ystrad Police-court on Monday (before the Stipendiary) Thomas Lewis was charged with wounding his mother, an old woman, who had to sit during the hearing of the case.—Complainant said her son lodged with her for three weeks. Last Thursday night he cirne to her house between elevell anll twelve o'clock and threatened to knock in the door. She was in bed, but got up nid let, him ir.. He asked for supper, which she gave him. After he had eaten his supper he charged hi r with having told someone about his sending his linen to her to wash. He then, while she wns lying in bed, beat her with his boot about her heal, making it bleed badly. He se:led her arm with his teeth and bit it, and then went to his room. In a few minutes he returned and said he would stab her with a table knife. and then beat her again. At last Police-constable Weeks and her younger son came in.-It appeared that the younger son, on going to the house, saw liis brother beating his mother, and at once went off and gave information to the police.-Upon being afked by the Stipendiary if he had anything to a«k his mother, defendant replied: I ought to have beaten her a great deal more than I did that night." (Murmurs in court.)—Defendant was committed for trial.

Detailed Lists, Results and Guides
CORN AVERAGES. The following return, compiled by Mr. R. Giffen. of ths Commercial Department of the Board ot Trade, Ithowlt the quantities sold and average mice of British cot n, measure, as received frc-m ti,e inbppcto's nn.) officers of ExcHe.mtheweek ended July 26, 1890, conformably to the Act of the 45th and 46th Victoria, car. 37 :— Quantities goli. Average Price. Qr. bUI. t. d. ™n. i 27.855 0 35 0 lIarle, 180 7 25 2 o:?'.rr.=_ 2,385 ?— ?_ Thefotto?i: 's ? compaMtive statement for the cor.efpondi'? ?eek in e&c?? of the years from 1886 to 1889:— QnMtMet "d. ( A verses Price. Wheat, j Batrer. Oats. WhMt. B?ey. 0*? t 77..? lQrs. BM. Q?BM.  H s'i SS:&S «'*>» j 32 0 2510 10 1 ;!S?:t? &?S !p:H ?  ?    1889..| 46,7*6 71 1,086 1 lj69 1 _5 3<JS > g ft. { 0 g19,1S9 1889 ",7t¡ 7 1,Ot6 1_30_0 25 0 19 I!

CADM?COCOA.? LIGHT. and digestible bereMte-t'?tn?y P? C40" Of the highest qualit'r.Xodket Ann". 1890. L2, ?RMtFASTM t<MDT'-r'Me& *i' w" wattee. Reduced M<M- 'M. 29. b M, and b lCd ? lb. TKK bMt Welsh KnittiD Yarm an made from ?w<M o? br P? .? 1-. 'Ø18 WMtMn M?ade <MonR.A)twho<aaMh,.M?Bl.MT? DOI&kr. t.6?t Vour. !MMHM«dVKMK)j. K"" L%W&IM U. ATM<m*t *'p'?? '?"S'?'TSS? ",r- 1? tMtt 060"Aian. *0 o-Opod?An am SSSi Mtdtcta?. will be pwin eiwelwjsjIoAW •gj &MIIP16-"W UASMS ''RJ?Mt'D?T ?0??. 'MJtSt. ?'?3'?B?3' torn- Lmdon. TnJM? Mmum TwnM. t??

I liECKLESS COLLIERS AT FJiRNDALE. At Ystrad Police-court on Monday (before the Stipenditu-y) John Howellswas charged with being found asleep on the 19th of July in No. 5 Pit, Feindale.-Evaii Evans, fireman, said defendant was engaged in clearing an airway. He found him lying asleep in 9n idle stall with his lamp by his side.There were 80 men working in the die. rrict. Accused was fine(I 20.fhrJma!J Spriggs, haulier, was cliai-ged with eleeping in the same pit on the 15\11 of July. Defendant, had put his lamp iow n and placed a stone on each side to shelter the light from his eyes. Ho was fined 40s. or a Monti).