

Family Notices
fcvtlio, iiiai uascs, and E>ratl)S t. \?-r?'? ''f"M'')M? "'?"- ?'< .en art cuariteu af a r-tte o'" i.«. for 20 u-or,i*. a>.<! inxft .v P'«T"»d II »W« an extra cwrtvt'/ r.d. *V' So *»t '•«•* <»/■ tli* d-scrii-ti<» will be '??' '?/.?r,?.-???-<'?''?''?''?'?' .r.?r „ ??'t"' ancientvr eomtjMH- it- f > sfKux Mail. lUKTHS. ArNVTT.-On Ju'y "0. at House. Aberdate. the ]II \TH, ru tK< -On Jtliy nf Levi* Arm*. rerrY.wter, Tbomas i. 'IV of iJeliVfron Faun To-jref il. h antral will leate ). ?'? Avius at Il..k> on Tiiu:<day I'ext for Llanwono f. in —— ivlrmonani. '??'?nCE-?. ?'<?-'?"?"'?? l. ?'' ::0 ¡I. te,y rffl IC'Jr. (,¡'tl'f.. a.'«(W. /'ri/ tt'i icor.< utru.

a. sTOSK & < O., j ??< ?? w ??0.. I mnkkal n KNISUKUS. 1-,VKft Y JII I>1D • I Ol* ri'NV-KAliS Ol Aldi C).\SS)'S. Proprietor* or Can. Hea»<»«. ShrlllMers, mirer'. Fk-Uiisil llovA'5, INmcIus, an-* etery iff t iv\" f i-)(.?i".t?sAt'cM;ot 10. II. at«-• IV, UOliKlNU-STRKKP.73261 CAUDU'T. 73M IJubitr Company, &r. IV 'SU/BSCMI'TION LISTS will CLOSE on or before I ill"I\P.\ Nl.XT, theSist. nI pHE KD1-U>: PHONOGRAPHIC TOY ) AND AI'TOUA'.O.N COMPANY iLl.MlTKD). Incorporated under the Companies Acts, 1S62 to 1889, IN 3X).Ot.O SHAKES OF £1 EACH. 'twere.n'<no ?ondtt?'!)h<u\'a. p??;e-OnAi.i?e?ti.).?.6. on Allotment, s. 6,1.; to, It after Allotivient it,, jiUiic '5 requited. DlHKi .'Tons. M*! r General Sir JOHN W. C ^MPBELT, Bart C.B.. Kensington, Cliaiininn. H t.. HFMMKliDK, Ksq.. Director L.weneio K;tilwa\ A- I (.Limited u T. HAKK^ON LAMBEK1'. tsq., DutC-or of Humbcr ai;d (.(J.imiieiD Cj Oi.el A. U. t'AMI'BEr.L, 9. ro!che9t"r-?r1pu9. W. Lul'lS sWaBV, tsq., OaakA House, Chuivlilieid-ryad. ii inj;. W. Bankkrs. Lmi)n.Uitrs. BRO" JA:S:'O:S-. aud CO.. Alcliurch- ¡I¡, i,e. SollCITv^M- Messrs. COLLETTE and COLLETTE, 2. Victorin )iUOKh.KS. Lvtiwi.-J. YF.LLOLY WATdOX. Esq., 5. Coptliall tiuiniiiias, E.C., anil Stock Kxeh.wiKe. M- a?r». p, EKNESl POW KKandCLEGG, s Ann-street, and block txclnn^e. T.aiiIC. Ha .kins Hey. ,%Soc k Exi lunge. bns.i'Mesjrs. BK1TON SAYCE, TAL-GHAN.d CO.. 10, Claie-Sircet, biistol. J. and M. T. STEEL, 4, West Iiile- street. and stock Exe!ian;io. AVD110R9. M'isrs. BOYCE and RAMSAY. Chartered Accountant?. 2, Metal txchanjie-Vmildings. E.C. Skckhtakv Ipro tem.), A.K. RAMSAY. Esq.. A C.A. OFFICES. L:'ADENH.M.L BUILDINGS, GRACECHURCH- t'TUlU, L.C. ABRIDGED PKOSPECITS. This Company l et-n toniKd to iuqoire the exclu- sive trel- tiom K .y^!t.v,f'TGie,it Biitain, Ireland, ;.n i lii- whole of Continental Europe, n Edison s viliuWe l'lioiiojji'iipliio Patents, at Hpp'ied to Toys. Do;is. atul Av.toinatie Figures of evciv dfSciipnon, to*-titer with similar exclusive rights in Jacques awl ii. :» l ;<1 iCt.\ll"l!: Li1;.t:! }..te(:fuld J?;J;c;r¡ l. r.'ionoTapliic Apparatus I, capable sf skei-PAt raiitly i/f iiions to Toys generally, and to Spe-ak- ing Av\tv>m,\ta V't use in Bar Kotints, Kcstauiants, Cigfi- Sh ii'S, an 1 S;iow K<omsolail kinds to call the att<i- lioii of customers to particular articles, As ai plied to talking b jig, iui immense and lucrative tield exists, an i the Dir. etors are convinced fr,.in t(ii^ s..nrp»- die e,mines of the Company will provide for an excep- tionally :Ie dividend. The "lWJ tor advertising by means of Automatic- Ti kiny Figures is praciically limit leas. '1!if- idea t of uti ising the Pliono^raph—probably Eil, on's m >st marvellous achievement—in the produc- tion of Talking Dolls naturally suggested iiself to his mind, and a co: nora: ion for the!r manufactiir'was t urned it: 1839 in the United States, known as The Edi;. ii Phonograph Tov .Vanufacturin;: Company. l'his tompany, alth'-u^ii j raetical woiking was only com- menced durmi; tlii-c urse of last yi-ar, the Directors ate infjrnn-.i. pr >v.-d most sncc sstul, tliechiel dilfi- c-ulty experienced being an inability to meet the rapidly gi\.wi!i(j home demand. During 181:1>,1, and the present year the Ameiijm Company bas received a very larjje as to Agencies, pices i«r lii-h:?, Patents, I his Company has r-ceived offers from Germany, Holl»n Helghim, Denmark, Austria, It sly. Swiiz-r- to place vei 'v 14rge orders, from lo0,000 per annum iljwiiw ir Is. thew iole of which will receive the con- siileration of the Directors. A Contract has alieady been entered into for Franci- with a r-fpciisible A^c ut, who undertakes to pun-hni). ensuing \-ar>, at a minimum royalty of 4s. per Doll, the l):iielit 01 which Contract will be transferred to this C)iii;.anv. The portion of the Edison Talking Doll containing the plio:i graphic apjiaratus is made of tin, and the phono- yiiphc cylinder is contained withiu the body. On !iig w.),.iil,, tip %%it It a key, t lie I)oll r,:p(-Ftts a Nureet'l- Itliwne.iT soni" other W'fl known saying; in short, th" t'ut s cm be made to recite, silig, whistle, or pro- duce anv sound, depending upon that < rginally sup- piie I to the Phonograph. Tiie articulation is remark- lib y dis'.inet. It is obvious that the application of this invent ion to wax figures, Jc?., will form a ^reat additional attraction t, W.uwork Exliibitions and Museums. The sale of the "Mamtna and Papa" Doll, hitherto the nearest approach to pet'ch in a mechanical figure of tins kind, ha been extraordinary, Rlld it is reasonable toauticipate for the Edison Talking Doll. not only a pvt-lm-iic-H over the Mamma and Pupa" D ili, bu over -er tti(,, I, Ni?,niiii:t. for which the demand dem?All'i A* a low estimate, the manufacture and sale of Dolls in Europe, ot all sizes, exceeds iso.OOO.lOO per milium. Oi these, th" Doll known as < f Standard siz-, h-ini; th IIH»l ,uIlal>!e tur Ihe applitatioll of the Phonograph A;>;ur.itu-<, proi.»oly represents a' least 6,0.0,000. Juine iu. oi Paris, alone makes 2,0(,0 Dolls a day, nearly ail <■( S!au.irJ size, and there are many oilier European houses making 141ge numbers. last yea> 1rII\: eXl",I'I(,. 1',> to the value of 79,000, oO r"IICS, l) repirseni ing I greater porliou ,,t this sum. also nomui.ic! uies and expori s mimeose num- bers of L>.■!la. anil Spain, Austria, and }(us;ia arc a l i Sive Dull-buying coonliies. lh- Company does not at present contemplate enter hij: into competition with Doll and Automatic To" Makeis, 1 merely to supply them with the ti ('JItl\il1ill I hl Phonograph Mechanism, at n t-ric>wiiicli, while leaving tlti Company a handsome ii jI wjii, nevertheless, enable the who t sale manufac- turers t > supply the complete Talking Doll to the retail >r..> .it a remunerative ligure f »r sale to the public. T ■ iking D Us of t he i riiinarv type arc ajtually selling t?.:h?).b)ichtAn!Hk'.H?)n7?oij.tot!d"!9.(.t;19i'.2d. t.. J;l 13" 61.), III Emope, the same D?Hc?utdbc offered fur Li 5s. t,¡ 1 he public, Rid leave an ample laignot profit 10 tho manufacturer, to the letail dealer, and to this Company, on the of a supply cost oi pixntue ion to the Company being about 7s. each. 1'rorn the inf .rmation iu their possession, the i>irec'Pi3 are of opinion that u Speaking Doll, of a superior description, would readily sell for £3 to cq. It is confidently expected that not lass thau l.OOO.COC la.king Dolls will, when the Company is in a i osltion to supply, be disposed of in the course of a year but, a*s'iiiing the 1/lIfl\clllre and sale of only one-lialf, or t. ,o. tills would represent, at a net rrout of no m re '•wi 4s. each, a yearly frotit, of t," nver 30 per cent, on the Capital of the Company, with nit regard t > any rec-ipts that may be derived ti in I he Sale of foreign lights, or from the appl:ca' ion. on royalty or otherwise, of the Phonograph tu other descriptions of Toys, Automatic Figures, &c. As it is an'icipate l that the business t ransactions of the Company will develop to an enormous extent, it is I'e ievvd that it will be advisable, if not absolutely >j'cessury, t form subsidiary Companies for the pur- ine oi uisposing of certain portions of the Compall) 's liffht-. The prce to be paid by the Company for the property o lie acquired, ie,the Edison and Jacques' Phono- rights and privileges for the whole of Europe, as ';t!li Iii'loys, I)o Is, all(i other figures, as already set f'.O ',C0t) in e-ish. as to £ 170,000 in Cash or shares, as the Direetors may oetermin-. Tho Company will thus have which is considered I'mp'.e, ns th" Company does not at present propose to tnanuf ic'ure. a:id no idlotment will tnk place that does 1:1,' provide fir ueh amount. 1 lie following contracts have been entered into — A Contract, dated the 9th day of July. 1890, between the Edison Phonographic Toy Manufacturing Oompanv, ct P <'<>••, Missacfiuseltj, in tue United States of America, by their Agent, of tlie one part; and Ha-ry Pirmin'er, of G7, Clement s-lane, Lombard-street, in the City of London, of the other part. a Contract, dat d the ?3rd day of July, 1890, and tia-iv between the said Hairy Parminter of the one p«rt and A. It. Ramsay (as Trustee on behalf of the Ciiinp oiv) of the other part. The Vendors pay all expenses of and Incidental to the jOrmation of the Company up to allotment; and they ji iv entered into Contracts with various parties relating "th" acquisition of thy property, the payment jd preliminary expenses, ami the subscription of file Capital, to none of which is the Company a P'ity, and under which it incurs no liability. Appli- cants lor ,iliares must, therefore, be deemed to have had notice of any such Contracts, and to have Waived all f'Shts (ifany) to particulars thereof, whether n ider Act, 18S7, or otherwise. It a Iss amount be allotted than is applied for, the ""plus paid on application will be credited to the an>■ 'Ut:t due on allotment. If iu any case no allotment made, the deposit will be returned in full. Prospectuses and Form. ol Application can be 'otaliied at the Offices of the Company, and from the Bankers. Brokers. Auditors, and Solicitors to the Com- ¡¡ali. and copies of the two Contracts above mentioned, as also the Memorandum and Articles of Aiso.,ittioll, l'an be seen at the Offices of the Solicitors to the Com- pany. Early application will be made fora Stock Exchance quotation. Applications for Shares to he made oil the form accom- il tije prospectus, and sent, with the deposit, to the Secretary or Baukers of the Compar T-GL-A }jublir ^lotirrs.    OliD .15. \YELSll URUMKNT. CARDIFF DETACHMENT. The Detachment w ill Parailo at the Drill-hall at Three To day (Tuesday^ for the lure: ui-nt of I lie lli'tu tins ■ A the late Bandsman Le k. Fil l Dress. Band to (itt.)?t.C?:t'netC'?thh?!'c<'hut every member of the U-fiment will make an effort to pav this iuark of respect to their late comrade, who met his death while ,i,,iiig,lttlv %%I'll l?ig ?Sig.??d) J. HASKELL, Lieutenant colonel. Com ma:.itiiii! Cardiff Detachment. CArairf. 29th Ju)y. 1?-\ 9^ nI piIK C ?\ I iA.N 1) CUL?TJ):S I13ANK E-'tahH?hedI??. Sub?rfbed Ca-?'m. e. 7S,O-O Paid-up C.??t?. '?'.0? )?erve ru!!d. C?'.J TTead Office-39. Tlavadnee llo-sttvet, London. Me'ropohtan Brauches— OJ, King streei, Coveilt Garden cO, Upper-street, Islington; 0. Lu Igate- liill; 47 and 49. ,\i» i n ;■ I on-l>«,t t s li-'o, Oxtoid-stnet 19r, KUgwaie-roinl 3o, Piccadilly. Fl i.'l Y-iX,' i A.N NI AI, KKPOUT, presented to th > -harcho dera at the ANNUAL he iu at he Head OlliiH' of the Hank, at 39, Threailneeiile- streel, Loudon, 0n Wednesday, the i)3rd day of July, ic90, at Twelve o'clock Noon. ihe Gross Profit for the Twelve Months, ititri, inakiiit, provision for bad and doubtful tii-lns, paying Income-tax, anil deduct lug liebate at o per cent, on Bil.scurrt lit, amounts to £ 285,835 19 3 From which )its fee,, tte,iticl-l tile Gener.d Expeudituio of the Company, including Director-' allowances and annuities to reliie,i otti -er,. i,.iiiotii,t- ill to, 124,616 3 2 Leaving a tie* proift of £ 161,<119 lo 1 To whh h lusio be atld. d the balance of piofit la-lied loiwaul al 30lh June, .I. 10,041 8 11 Together £ 171 ,.61 5 C Tozetlier  From which there ha already been deducted the dividend declared ill January last at the rate of 18 pei cent, per annum, free of Income- tax £ 63,030 0 0 The DircCtois now declare a further dividend for the past six months at lo per cent. per annum, inclusiveof £ 0,750 upon ihe increased capital, also free of Income-tax 69,750 0 9 Ali,i al)l,iopritte us toi- ¡"1U i'o Keserve Fund (raising it to £ 600.00-) K5:4 0 0 l o redue: io.-i of the Cost of Premises 5,000 0 0 To Widow.s'and Orphans' Fund (subject 10 con- firmation bv the Share- hoid rs) 2.5C0 0 0 fogether. 158.834 0 0 Leaving to be carried for- ward to next account. 12,427 5 0 171,961 5 0 BALANCE-SHEFT. June 30, lt90 Li A ILLIfIt S. To capital paid-up, viz — £ 10 ptr share on 77,:00 shares £ 770,00J 0 0 R Fu:bi 600,OoO 0 0 Amount due oil deposit and other accounts 9,789,178 15 11 90,074 3 9 Net profits £ i71,'<:61 5 0 January divi- dend 63,000 0 0 Reserve Fund 18,;&4 0 0 Keduction of the C 1St (,f premises 5.000 0 0 Widows' and O r p h a n s' .?. 2.500 0 0 £ 9,034 0 0 5 0 tr11,'J;'IW B ASSETS. Cash fn hanrl nnd at Bank of England 6 3 Money at call short  ?2.99?7910 l'otice .2,111,891 3 4 I notice 2,111,891 3 4 2,993,737 9 10 lNVF.ST.MKNTS — •New 2; per Ceiit. Cutisols and other Britisit Government Securi;ies 1,152,123 0 ♦ Indian Government Stocks, Metropolian and other Corporation Stocks, Railway Deben- ture ami Preference S t 0 c k 8, Co I I) II i II I Government Bond*, and other Investments 1,396,445 19 5 ————— 2,518,51, 19 9 5,512,306 9 7 Bills discounted. loans, and other aecollllt b,4¡¡,260 18 7 Liability of Customers for acceptances, as per co, it i,; .I. 90,074 3 9 hanking premises iu Loudon and couutiy 215,78$12 9 £ 11,336.430 4 8 E. n. MERRIM AN,) GAD. GULDNEY Directors. JAMI-S A. STDEL, ) A. YOUNG, General Manager. J. J. MACDONALD, Chief Accountant. We have satisfied ourselves of the correctness of the Cash Balances, and have examined "lie Securities held against the Money at Call ami Short XIII ice. and repre- senting the Investments of the Bank, and in accor- dance with the provisions of the Companies Act, ib/9, we have examined the foregoing Bali.iiCe Biieet and Profit and Account wiih the Hooks of the Com- pany, and beg to r port that, in our opinion, such Accounts are properly drawn up, so as to exhibit a true and correct view of the state of the Company's affairs as shown by the Hooka of the Company. TUKQUAND, YOUNGS, WEISE, BISHOP, and CLARKE, Auditors. 17th July. 1C90. 95?10 13 HONDDA AND SWANSKA BAY RAILWAY. NOTICE IS HEJmnV GIVEN that this Company's TWAINS will, on ami alter MONDAY, the 14th inst.. KUN INTO and START FKOM the TAFI' VALE COM- PANY'SSI'A'fl,,N at TiiEHKKBERT. Five Trains will run between Aberavon and Treherlert each way daily, as follows UP TXAINS. 6a t. only. A.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. I'.M AI<eravon Departure.h. 5. :1.3,,; ItdltllJert Arrival ,'i7. 0. 8.12 <i7. DOWN TRAINS. Sat., only. A M. A.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. Treheibert Departure 8.lii. 9.31). t). 9.45 Aheravon Anival .8.5i.l0. S ,.lil.t3.3.20.6 41.10.25 For Full Particulars sec the Time Bills exhibited at Ihe various Stations. Notice is Hereby Furth.r Given that this Service wil! shortly be Altered, notice of which will he given. By Order, H. S. LUDLOW, Secretary. Swansea, July 12th, 18S0. 94694 AHEHYSTWYTil.-WEST COAST OF AIIIALES. Bracing Air, Grand Scenery, excellent Sea Bathing, good Fishing and Hunting (Foxhounds and Harriers), perfect Sanitary Arrangements, with abundant Supply of pure Water from Ply nlimon Lake. "A fortnight's residence at Aberystwyth in some cases is t quivalent to a month's residence lEt most other watering places."—Sir James Clark, Physician to the Queen. You cannot- have a healthier watering place In England or Wales than ABF.RYtiTWYTti.Bir W. Gull. Bart, Through Carriages are running dally from Cardiff (Queen-street) 10 28a,11I., Newport (li.and M.) 115a.m" Meithyr (B. and M,) 12 10 p.m. Rhyinitey Company's tiains from Cardiff at. 1: 30 a.m. connects with Newport through carriage at Pengam. T, m ists Tickets are issued at all principal Stations in South Wales. 951141 t3 0 R 0 U (TH OF NEATH. JULY FAIR. NOTICE IS HEREtiY GIVEN, that the next FATR will be held iu NEATH 0" THURSDAY, 31st JULY instant (the last Thursday In Julv). All applications respe ting the Pair should be made tc Mr. Thomas Kingdon, Collector of Tolls, Neath. By Order, EDWl C. CURTIS. Town-clerk. Neath. 16th July. 1890. 94970 QJIKAT W KSTEliN 11AILWAY. NEW AND IMPROVED SERVICE TO TUB CHANNEL ISLANDS, VIA WEYMOUTH. QUICKEST AND BEST ItOUTE AND SHORTEST SEA PASSAGE. WEYMOUTH to GUERNSEY in about 4? hour*. j GUEItNSEY to JEIJSEY in about 1J hours. VOWERFUL FAST STEAMERS, specially constructed for the Great Western Company for this Service, uod J FITTED WITH ELECTRIC LIGHT AND ALL LATEST IMPROVEMENTS, will (weather and circumstances; permitting). run DAILY from WEIMOUTH j to GUERNSEY and JERSEY (Monday Mornings; excepted), and from JERSEY and GUERNSEY to WEYMOUTH (Sundays excepted), iu connection wtili 1 FAST TRAINS from and to all parts of tbe Great Western System. I Passengers leaving New Milford at 5 0 p.m.j Swans"a 7 25, Cardiff 920, and Weymouth at 2 20 a.m. r.ach Guernsey about 6 45 a.m. and Jersey about 9 C, a m and leaving Jersey at 8 30a.m. Guernsey i63j.roaehWeyuiouth about 245p.m.,Cardiff 926, Swan sea 11 45 p.m.. and New Milford at 1 45 Passengers pasi direct, between the train r.nd steamer at Weymouth. L7866 HY. LAUBERT. neml MRnager.  YDNEY ATHLETIC SPORTS AND ] J FLOWER SHOW. 4TH AUGUST. 1890. 290 IN PHIZES. For Particulars and Eiibry Forms apply to DAVIES and GARLAND, Hon. Sees.. Lytlney. 1052 CI AKDr?E US—amateur and professiona (Xl -Famler,. Anglers, Siwtsiiieu, and all in- terested in Rural Matters will find Mr. J. Mull". Rural Notks" ill the WJMKLV Mail both ill eraatlDK aud valuaWfc public Kotlas. C r> 111 A N 11 A I L W AYS. ABERYSTWlTir, TOWYN, n' R:ltOfTTH, Ic., VIA THE WVE VALLEY ROUTE. IMPORTANT ACCELERATIONS have been made in ilie TitAlN SERVlCli from 1st JULY, and Through Carriages are now Running Daily from Cardiff (T.V.) at a.m., Newport (li. and M.)at 11.5 a.m.,and Mer- t h r (U. and The Rhynncy Company's I'rain from Cardiff at 11.30 a.m. Connects with Ncupoit Through Carriugo at Bai goed. Fortnightly and Two-monthly Tourist. Tickets are Issued at all the St ations iu (south Wales. J. CONACHER, Secretary and General Manager. Oswestry, July, 1889. 94653 CENT. DEPOSITS' LONDON AND SAN FHANCISCO BANK (LIMITED). Capital paid up. £ -fiO.1 00 Reserve Fu' tl. £ 69,000.. Hf.d Ortiei—7.4. hOMBAlfi) Sl'KKKT. LONDON, E C. npwaids received for one year, 4 per cent.; for two years, 4} per oeiit. and for three yeais, t> percent. Interest payable half-yearly. 73. LOMBARD-STREET. LONDON. E.C. L7997 sTANGOlt HOYlL NAIIONAL EISTI.DDFOD. SEPTEMBER 2, 3. 4, AND 5, 1890. R800 IN PRIZES. GRAUD CHORAL AND ORCHESTRAL COMPETI- TIONS DAILYI BAND CONTESTS!! Chairing and Crowning of Suecessfiil BArde I Classic and Miscellaneous Concerts Every Evening!: SIGN Oil FOLI AND OTHER EMINENT ARTISTES ENGAGED. Full Ftnticutars of Maitw?y AtMogements in future Advertisements. Programmes now in the Press. _)ICH_A 'S- (' laRlaw"). SecreÚlr SPECIAL NOTICE. c ARDIFF HORTICULTURAL gOCllSTY. ENTRIES FOR CHORAL COMPETITION CLOSE » TUESDAY, JULY 29rH. For FLOWERS, &c.. FRIDAY. AUGUST 8TH. Grand Illumination of (jardens and Display of Fire- works by Pain (London), with Promenade Concert, in Evening. Cheap Excursion Trains will be Run by G.W.R.. T.V.R., and Rhyinncy Railway, with Late Evening Tiains. MILITARY BANDS IN ATTENDANCE. Further Particulars — HON. SECRETARIES. 95150 66, Woodvllle-road. c -kit'DIFF AND SOUTH WALKS DOG SHOW, TUESDAT AND WEDNESDAY, 9TH AND lOT. SEPTEMBER, WILL BE HELD IN THE DRILL-HALL. CLASS KS FOR MOST BREEDS. NUMEROUS SPECIALS. E.o.d-I_- R__dy 1_ A.So.:ICSO" JS.øo- U.M. BERKELEY, Secretary. 94998 5, Park-lane, Cardiff. IJE NARTH REGATTA, 18 90. TO BE HELD AT l'ENARTH ON THE 13TH AUUUST, 1890. Events Comprise :-First, Second, and Third Class Yacht Races Pilot <Jntt''ra' Knee, Hobble rs' Race, Open Sailing boat Race, Rowing and Sculling Races for Amateurs and Others, Duck Bunt and Greasy Pole Competitions. Entries to be sent In not later than Noon on the lltb AUGUST, 1890. Hon. See.: H. MORGAN HEES. 41, Plymouth-road, Penarth. For Further Particulars see Posters, or same may be obtained from the Hon. Bee. 95138 ENART11 HORTICULTURAL, DOG, AND PIGEON SHOW. tregident Right Hon. Lord WINDSOR. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 20TH, 1890. SCHEDULES of the HORTICULTURAL SECTION may be obtained of the Hon. Sees., Mr. J. F. PICKFORD Chronicle Office, Mr. W. BUCKLEY, Ludlow-streot; and the DOG and PIGEON SECTIONS from Mr. W. L. MORRIS, Compton House. Slanwcll-road. 94654 ■yiCTOltlA J>ARK, gWANSEA. ?7'ICIORIA DARK, SWANSEA. Corporation, the s WANSEA. IIORSE SHOW Will be held in the above Park ON WEDNESDAY AND TflURSDAI., AUGU6T 27TH AND 2STH, 1890. L,600 WILL BE GIVEN IN PltlZFS. Special Piizes for Jumping, Tandem, Trotting, Ac. Entries Close August 13th. Double Fees August Eflth. For Schedules of Prizes and Bntry Forms apply to Secretary, H. C. HIGMAN, Auctioneer and Estate Agent, 13, Uniou-treet, Swansea. 95119 AM ORG A N S III It E GENERAL ??' AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. THE ANNUAL EXHIBITION Of HORSES, CATI'LE, SHEEP, PIGS, IMPLEMENTS, POULTRY. DAIRY PRODUCE, Ac., Will be held AT ABERAVON On WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY, the 30th and 31st July, 1890, When Prizes amounting to nearly f.1,000 will be Offered for Competition. Jumping Prizes wille be competed for on Both Days. The Colliery Competition will take place on Thursday, the Slat of July, at One p.m. PRESIDENT THE RIGHT HONOURABLE THE EARL OF JERSEY. The Usual BrBLlO DINNER will be held at the Public-hall adjoining the Walnut Tree Hotel on Wed- nesday. the 30th July, at Sim p.m.. at which the President will preside. Tickets, 3s. 6d. each, to be had at the Walnut Tree Hotel, or at the Secretary's Office in the Show Yard. The Show Yard will be Open to the Public on Wednesday, at Niue o'clock a.m., on payment of 2s. I elich, "lid 18, on the Second Day from Nine o'clock a.m. to Six p.m. RETURN TICK I, TS at a Fare and a Quarter for the Double Journey will be Issued by the Great Western, the Rhondda and Swansea Bay. the Iraff Vatic. and other Railways on both days of the Show. A SPECIAL TRAIN will leave PORT TALBOT for CARDIFF at 915 p.m. on W"R*NESDAY, July 30th, and at 815 p.m. on THURSDAY, July Jlot, callliig at fill litterinedlitte Stations. On Thursday the tlpecial will be extended to Newport, calling at Mvshfteld. The Cheap Return Tickets will be available by this Train. An EXCURSION TRAIN willleaveCARMARTHEN itt 8 40 on TH URSDAY, the 31st of July, culliug at Carmarthen Junction, Ferryside. Kidwelly, Pembrey, Llatielly, Ixmghor, Gowerton, Cockett, Swansea, and Laudore, Returning from Port Talbot at 8 15 p.m. the 6ztiiie Day. Several other CHRAP EXCURSION TRAINS will be Run by the different hailway Companies on both Days of the Show, For Particulars see the Company's Pub- lished Bills. W. V. HUNTLEY, Secretary. Welsh St. Donatt's, Cowhridge, July 16,1890, 95149 I 'l'Hl CASTLE ARCADE COMPANY (LIMITED). SHOPS AND OFFICES TO LET. Apply to the Secretary, Mr. IVOR 9. BOBlaJGW. lalisbnrv-chamber8. ttmjj Cardiff. public #Hotfce& THE 13 AN ICll U PTCY~ A CTT 1883. IN BANKRUPTCY.-CARDIFF, No. 18 of J890. NOTICE I* HEREBY GIVgN, that, on a Petition dated the 2nd day of June, 1B90, a RKCMVING ORDER against WILLIAM GEORGE GOTTWALTZ, of Frauklyn House, Severn-road, and 65, St.. Mary-street, Cardiff, Solicitor, was made by the County-court of Glamorganshire holdenat Cardiff on the 9lh of July. 1390. Notice is Also Hereby Given, that the First Meetin, of Creditors will be held at the Official Receiver's Office, lt9. Queen-street, Cardiff. on the lotli of AUGUST, 1690, at Twelve o'clock Noon. Notice is Also Hereby Given, that the Public Exami- nationof the Debtor is lo be held on the 28th day of AUGUST, 1890, at Eleven o'clock in the Forenoon, at the Town-hall, Cardiff. ALL PURsONS having any CLAIMS against the above-named Debtor should send PARTICULARS thereof to me at once, and all Persons Indebted or having Possession Of any Property of the Debtor must pav and hand the same to me forthwith. T. n, STEPHLI.'S, Official Receiver. 29. Quecn-slreet, Cardiff. Dated this tifiih July. 1891. 95212 rjpilE liANKUUPTCY ACT, 1883. IN BANKRUPTCY. HE WILLIAM HANFORD, of Tai Level, Skewen, near Neath, in the County of Glamorgan, Collier. NEATH. No. 13 of 1890. Receiving Order made 21st July, 1890. Date of Order for Summary Administration, 2bt July, 1890. Date of Adjudication, Bllt July. 1890. Date and Place of First Meeting, 19th August, 1890, at Eleven a.m., at the Castle Hotel, Neath. Date of Public Examination, lotli August, 1890, at 11.30 a.m.. at the Town-hall. Neath. THOS. THOMAS, Official Receiver. Address 97. Oxford-street, Swansea. Dated July 2bth, 1890. 95216 T IIE, BANKRUPTCY ACT, 18¿i IN BANKRUPTCY. BE HUGH DAVIKS, Tower-hill, Fishguard, Pem- brokeshii-e. ufficer of Customs. PKMBUOKB DOCK. No. 12 of 1890. Receiving Order made July 19th, 1890. Dale of Urdtr lor Sutiiinary Administration, July 26th, 1890. Date of Adjudication, July 19th, 1890. Date and Place of First Meeting, August 6th, 1890, at. Eieven a.m., at the Castle Hotel, Haverfordwest. Delh, of Public Examination, September 3rd, 1890, at 11.30a.m at the Teiuperancc-hall, Pembroke Dock. THOS. THOMAS, Official Receiver. Address :J11, Quay-street, Carmarthen. Dated July Zbth, 1890. 95206 fJublfc Appointments. -# nuuin oF MON,)IOUTH. ELEOIION OF CORONERS. The COUNTY COUNCIL of MON OUTHSHIBE GIVE NOTICE that iu consequence of the Resignation of Mr. E, V. Batt, one of the Coroners for Mon- mouthshire, TWO VACANCIES have arisen in the Office of COBONKR for the County, which will be filled up hy the APPOINTMENT Of a CORONKlt for the ABERGAVENNY DISTRICT at a Salary of jEZMper annum, and of a CO HON I IR for the MONMOUTH DISTRICT at a Salary of iC50 per annum. The following are the Conditions upon which the Appointments will be made and held:- 1. Tuey will be subject in every respect to any revision or "iteration 01 tho Districts and Boundaries thllt tlll Counly Council may from time to time resolve to make, and without payment, of any compensat ion. 2, No person of less than 30 years of age or more than 50 years of age shall he eligible as a candidate. 3. Ihe requirements of the Acts of Parliament as to qualification and residence must be strictly complied with. 4. No superannuation or pension will attach to the ofiiie. Canvassing of the members of the County Council by calldldAtes or their friends, whether penonailyor by letter, is prohibited. Applications, stating age, accompanied by certificate of birth. qualification, and testimonials, are invited, and are to be sent to me. the undersigned, on or before the 4th das1 f ALTG US'P NE r. Deuiy^ierkafthe County Oouneil. EenSn'S anu Contracts f?iroUNTAIN?A? 6EWBHA&M WORKS. The Mountain Ash Looal Board Is Prepnred to RE- CEIVE TENDERS from Competent Persons for the CONSTRUCTION of ABOUT <000 YARDS of OUT- FALL SKWERS (15in,—IZIn. and 9ill). BUTTLING TANKS, and DBAINTftS- ABUOff FOUR ACBKS of GROUND. The Drawings and 8;.edification may be seen. and Forms of Tender and Bills of Quantities may be obtained, on application b ing made to the Surveyor of the Board, at his Onice in the Town-hall, Mountain Ash. on deposit of a postal order for £1 Is., which will he returned to paities sending in a bona fide Tender, with bill of quantities fullv priced out. Sealed Tenders, preuaid. and endorsed Tender for Sewerage Works," to bf! SPlit to me before One o'clock on MONDAY, the 18th August next. The Local Board do not bind themselves to accept the lowest or any Tender. H. P. LINTON, Clerk. Town-hall, Mountain Ash, July 21st. 1890, [95177 nn o D u I 1, D E It s TUNDEBS are REQUIRED for BUILDING THREE VILLAS on General Lee's Kstate, Dynas Powis. The Plain and Specification may be Seen at the Office of the Undersigned, from whom HIli, of Quantities may be Obtained on Deposit of One Guinea, which will be returned on receipt of a bonafidt Tender, Tenders tet be sent under endorsed cover to me not later than AUGUST lltli. The lowest or any Tender will not necessarily be accepted. accep e W. B. DASaWOOD CAPLB. Architect. 8, Queen-street, Cardiff. Land on the Dynas Powls, Cadoxton, Merthyr- Duvan, Barry, and other Estates to Let for Building Purpo' es. 95148 yaTRADYFODWG LOCAL BOARD. TO LIMESTONE MERCHANTS AND OTHERS. The above-named Board invite lENDERS for Supply- 1111( about 5,660 TONS of LIMESTONE METALLING for Roads, also about 200 TONS of LIMKBTONh GRAVEL for Causeways. Specification mav be Been and Form of Tender Obtained at the Surveyor's Office, Local Board Offices, Peiitre, Rhondda, to the 6th of August (prox.). All Tenders to be delivered under seal, addressed to the Chairman, Local Board, on or before the 7th of AUGUST (prox.), endorsed "Tender for Limestone Metalling, Ac." The Board do not bind itself to accept the lowest or Any Tender. By Older, J. W. JONES, Surveyor. 23rd July, 1890. 95204 /Tklligaer highway BOAltD. TO CONTRACTORS AND OTHERS. TENDERS are REQUIRED for the ERECTION of a GIRDER BBIDGE over the RIVEit RHYMNEY at GEORGE INN, fit the Paiish of Gelligaer. Plans and Specification can be seen at the Office of Surveyor, Mr. WILLIAM BEVAN, Deri, via Car- diff. who will meet intending Contractors ou the ground on the 315t inst., at One p.m. Tenders to be sent to me, sealed, and endorsed "Tender for George Inn Bridge," oil or befoie the 6th day of AUGUST, lfc90. (By Order) A. P. JAMES, Clerk. 134, High-street, Merthyr Tydfil, 26th July, 1890. 95203 T 0 B U. I L D B R 8 lEND BBS are Invited for ERECTING ADDITIONS to the GBORGE INN. BRlTH OlH. Plans and Specifications may be seen at the Oflloe of the Bhvmney Brewery Company, Khymney. The lowest or any Tender not necessarily accented. 95167 ilropertL),, &t., to iet. ABERGAVENNY, MONMOUTHSHIRB. rro be LliT or SOLD, Furnished or Ua- X furnished, on a Yearly Tenancy or for a Term of Years, und with immediate possession, the excellent I FAMILY RSMDENCE known as "THE BILL," approached by a Carriage Drive, and situate in a finely- timbered park within half a mile of the Town of Aber- gavenny, in the picturesque Vale of the Usk. The I, ( House contains—In the basement large beer ana wine cellars; on the ground floor, large portico, entrant hail 15ft. square, 24ft. X 18ft., drawing- 100m 31ft. x 18ft.. morning-room 17ft. x 16ft., library 15ft. x 13ft., with strong room, servants' hall, pantry, kitchen, scullery, larder, dairy, and other domestic offices on the first floor, approached by two staircases, are five best bedrooms of large dimensions, two smaller bedrooms, bathroom, large storeroom, and w.c.; on tll, second floor four litrite bedrooms, linen-room, and a Urge attic over this floor. The Outbuildings comprise three-stalled stable, harness-room, haylofts, two coach- houses, coachman's-rooms, cowhouses, piggeries, poultry-yard, dog kennels, and other useful buildings. The Grounds include extensive lawns, shrubbery, rookery, most productive kitchen garden (walled in and stocked with choice fruit trees), greenhouse, hothous-, and potting-house, orchard, and rich meadow laud, the whole covering an area of about 17 acres, but the entire property, which is for Sale, comprises an area of about 76 ncres, and forms a very compact and singularly beau- tiful residential estnte. Three packs of foxhounds and • psck of harriers hunt the district, and the River Usk, celebrated for its salmon and trout fishing, is within a short distance of the house. Abergavenny is an excel- lent Market Town, baviug stations on the Great Western and London and North Western Railways, and the scenery in its neighbourhood cannot be atirp"sed.- Apply to Messrs. Btraker and Son, Auctioneers and tale Agenti. Abergavennv. 94776 THE Glamorganshire GENERAL JL AGRICULTURAL SHOW. A BE B AVON MEETING, JULY 30TH tttB 318T, 1890. DAVID WILLIAMS, Saddler and Harness Manufac- turer. Treherbert, Rhondda Valley, will have a LARGE COLLECTION of his well-made HARNESS and SADDLES. LEATHER BELTING, and LADIES' and GENTLEMEN'S WATERPROOF GARMENTS, ac., Ac. Stand No. 4. A Vi-dt wW abuft M«.,M«« Mr. DAVID THOMAS ALEXANDER. Freehold Farm, &e., at Swansea Aug. — Messrs. W.C.CLARK aud DOVEY. Canton Cross Brewery, Cardiff July 29 thi;duivic-.sritDi:r auction andstokauknousih i.f. (I. MADDOX ami CO.. Auettoiieersi. Freehold Premises, at Cardiff July 29 Furniture,at July 29 and 31 Furniture, at, 36, Miskin-street, Cardiff Aug. 1 Messrs. HUT I'WA LTZ aiel KmVlUNC Fire-proof Safes at Rooms .July 31 Long Leasehold Property, at Rooms Aug. 7 Hunters, &c.. at Exchange Aug. 9 Horses, Carriageo, Ac., at Exchange Aug. 9 Mr. J. II. lW, Ilusinnss Premhes, :11, Cardiff Aug. 7 Leasehold Cottages, at Cardiff Aug, 7 Messrs. KRNNAKD and Co. Pianos, Organs, Ac., at Cardiff .July 31 Mr. LATTT. Leasehold Properties, at I loyal Hotel, Cardiff .July Horses, Ac., at Repository .Au¡(, 2 Mr. T. MOORE. Furniture, at Cardiff .Jnlv 28,29, and 31 Mr. MORGAN MORGAN. Shop and Premises, at Cardiff .July 31 licaseholtl Property, at Cardiff .Ang, 12 Public-houses, Lund. to., at Cardiff AuK. Mr. G. W. MOICISCO. Horses, Harness, &c., at N ewp.-c July 30 Mr T. R. OWEN. Freehold Farms, Ac., at Haverfordwest.Aug. 2 Mr. W, J. REES. Freehold Farms, Ac., at Neath July 29 Freehold Farm, at Neath July 29 Freehold and Copvhold Instates, at Neath July 29 Messrs. 3TKPHHNSON und ALKXAN OliiU. Freehold Shop and Premises, at Cardiff July 29 Leasehold Residence, at Cardiff .July 29 Ceasehold Premises, at Cardiff July 29 Freehold Properties, Ac., at Caerphilly .An¡.7 Plant, Ac., of iron and Tin Works, at Maesteg.Srpt. Plant, Ac., at Caerleon Tin-plate YVorks Sept. Messrs. WM. SANDERS and SONS. Leasehold Properties, at Cat-diff Aug. 9 Messrs. STRAKliK and SON. Freehold Estates, Ac., at Crickhowell Aug. 7 Mr. D. THOMAS. Freehold Property, at Fishguard July 31 Freehold Estate, at Liandilo Aug. 2 Sales Auction bUR THIS DAY. MOUNT RTUAKT-SQUARIC, CARDIFF. SALE OF VALUABLE LKASKHoLD PRKMISE8. MESSRS. 'f.E P H g N S 0 and ?t ALEXANDER are instructed to SELL by AUCTION, at the Park Hotel, Cardiff, on TUMDAY, the 29th July, 1890. at Three o'clock in the Afternoon, all that VALUABLE LEASEHOLD PREMISES, Known as No. 8, Mount Stuart-square. Cardiff, now in the occupation of Messrs. J. Heron Wilson and Co. and others as merchant's offices. The premises liitva a frontage of 20ft. to Mount Stuart- square and a depth of about 58ft., and abut on the North side the New Dowiais Arcade. They are almost facing the main entrance to the Merchantsj Exchange and ill the best business centre at the Docks. The property is held under a lease troml858 for 99 years at it ground rent of iCl 10a.. and is let at rentals pro- ducing iu the aggregate 1:12,1 per annum. Further Particulars may bo had of Messrs. Randall and Wilson, Solicitors, Dilte Docks, Cardiff; or of the auctioneers, 5, High-street, Cardiff. July. 1830. 94728 SHE THIS DÄI, 2 8 NEWPORT-ROAD, CAkDIFF. SAM OF DESIRABH. LEASEHOLD RESIDENCE MESSRS. stephenson and ALEXANDER are inatruc?ed to BELL bv A1U?.U1l. 'ION.ittthM Faik Hokl, Cardiff, on TUESDAY, the 29th July, 1890, at Three o'clock in the Afternoon, 1\11 that COMMODIOUS AND DESIRABLE LKASKHOLD RESIDENCE, Known as T1WARNAL. being No. 38, NEWPORT- ROAD, CARDIFF, And lately in the occupation of J. A. B. Williams, Esq., M.I.C.E. The House contains three reception rooms, seven bed- rooms, two dressing-rooins, linen closets, bath-room, w.c.,ati,l Rttic, I)esldes excellent kitchen accommoda- I i. n, hot and cold water, and the usual offices. There Is also excellent ceHa. alte. The gardens contain two vineries in bearing, lawn, fruit trees, and shed, and the house has a side and back entrance. The Property is held under a lease from the Trustees f 1.. -f D- f.? A tnmo f 99 war, 09plcwvl?# rJ1.J:têft iua,tWt. org2'F: tuiuum, Further Particulars may be obtained upon application to Messrs. Cory and White, Solicitors, Cardiff, or to the Auctioneers. 5, High-street, Cardiff. July, 1890. 94729 —————— SALE"THIS DAY. QUEEN-STREET, CAKDIFF. SALB OF VALUABLE FREEHOLD PROPERTY. MESSRS. STEPHENSON and 1'- ALEXANDER are instructed to SELL by AUCTION, at the Park Hotel, Cardiff. on TUESDAY, the 29th July, 1890, lit Three o'clock in the Afternoon, subject to Conditions to be then produced, all that Com- mo-lious "FREEHOLD SHOP AND PREMISES, Being No. 90. QUEEN-STREET, CARDIFF, now In the =toil of Messrs. Cooper Coutts and Co. as a music shop and ware,houe, and containing On the ground Loor shop and showroom, tur?c kitchen, back kitchen, fcnd the usual offices; on the first floor, drawing, dining, and sitting rooms, bath-room and pantry; on the second floor, tour bedrooms, dressing-room, and w.o. and a servants' bedroom and attic on the top floor. The Premises are Freehold, and have a frontage t. Queen-street of 21ft. 6in. and a depth of over 200ft.. with a back entrance by an occupation road to Charles- Further Particulars of the Auctioneers, or of Messrs.. ln"Iedew, Ince, and Vacbell, Solicitors, Cardiff.  -.ty. 18d0. 94730 CAI,;IlPkil],LY. GLAMORGANSHIRE. SALE OF FREEHOLD PliOPERTIES AND REVERSIONS. MESSRS. STEPHENSON and L ALEXAN DER are Instructed by the Trustees of the Will of William Goodrich. Esq., Deceased, to SELL bv AUCTION, at the Castle Hotel, Caerphilly, on THURSDAY. THB 7th OF AUGUST, 1890. At Three o'clock iu the Afternoon punctually (subject to conditions to be then produced), the following Lots of FREEHOLD PROPERTIES, GROUND RltNTS, AND REVERSIONS:— Lot 1. A Piece of Freehold Land, at the rear of the Cardiff-road, Caerphilly, adjoinlntt the Castle wall, and containing about 1.200 square yards, and occupied by Mr. D. Parry at a rental of 10s. per annum. Lot 2. A Freehold Garden with stable and outbuild- ings thereon, adjoining Lot 1, and let to tire. hi.Griffitlis at a rent-at of iCl Der annum also a Freehold Double- licensed Inn and Premises, known as the Globe Inn, adjoining the last mentioned premises, also in the occupation of Mrs. M. Griffiths, subject to a lease for u term expiring 1st January, 1904, during which a ground rent ofjCl 7s. per anuum is receivable. Lot 3. Two Freehold Dwelling-houses, with gardens, adjoining Lot 2, fronting Cardiff-road, and let to Mr. Jackson at a rental ot £ 8 13s. 6d. per annum. Lot 4. Three Freehold Dwelling-houses adjoining Lot 7, vith gardens in the rear, now in the occupation of the ",ei trustees and Messrs. J. Davles and H. Stock, at .»iiii'jregate rental of iCl8 per annum. Mr. Thomas Reynolds is, under a covenant In his lease, bound to erect a wall against the northern boundary of Lot 4. Lot 5. Four Freehold Cottages adjoining the White Lion Inn. with the stable and gardens at me rear, and in the occupation of Messrs. S. England, W. Rowlands, and Mrs. J. Wilkius's representatives, at all aggregate rental oft24 10s. per annum. The small piece of garden adjoining the south-east corner of this Lot. now occupied by Mr. Solomon Lewis and staked off, is not sold. Lot 6. Three Freehold Dwelling-houses opposite the White Lion Inn, with gardens, and all in the occupation of Mr. W. Jones, Baker, atarental of 212 109. perannum. Lot 7. Four Freehold Cottages, near the Board Schools, with gardens and stables, in the several occupations of Messrs. J. Gatehouse, J. Hughes. James Thomas, and Henry Holland, at an aggregate rental or 922 per anuum. Lots 1 to 7 (except the Globe Inn) are let on yearly tenancies at rack rents, GROUNU RENTS AND FREEHOLD REVERSIONS. Lot 8. Two Freehold Cottages adjoining Lot 6, with gardens thereto attached, in the occupation of Messrs. John Evans and Richard Lloyd. Lease subject to a term expiring 1st May, 1893, during which a ground rent of £5 5s. per annum is receivable. Lot 9, Two Freehold Cottages, with wash-house. stable, and other conveniences adjoining, in the occupa- tion of Mr. G. Tilly and Mr. T. Tilly, and the stuble in the occupation of Mr. George Waye, subject to a lease for a term expiring the 2nd February, 1892. (See note to Lot la.) Lot 10. A commodious Freehold Shop and Eight- roomed Dwelling-house, together with the Eight- roomed Dwelling-house and Wool Factory to the rear thereof, in the several occupations of Mr. G. Waye and Mrs. Samuel, subject to a lease for -t term expiring 2nd February, 1892. (See note to Lot 12.) Lot 11. Four Freehold Cottages, adjoining Lot 10, in the occupation of Messrs. Ed. Lewis, a. Hill, A. Powell, and A. Davies, subject to a lease for a term expiring 2nd February. 1891. during which a ground rent ot £ i 13s. per annum Is receivable. Lot 12. A Freehold Shop and Dwelling-house, In the occupation of Mr. W. Davies, Saddler, subject to a lease, for a term expiring 211d February, 1892. li.B.-Tile ground rent receivable from Lots 10 and 12 and part of Lot 9 is iCi 12s. per annum, under one lease, and from the remaining part of Lot 9 15s. per annum, under an agreement. Lot 13. A Freehold Dwelling-house, with coach-house and stable in the rear, in the occupation of Mr. B. Williams and Dr. Llewellyn, subject to a leasefor a term expiring 1st May, 1908, during which a ground rent of 21 10s. perannum id receivable. All Mines and Minerals under all the lots are reserved. All the foregoing properties are in the centre of tbe towu of Caerphilly and of a large mining district, and may be seen upon application to Mr. Joseph Evans. Bank House. Caerphilly. Further Particulars of Messrs. Whitcombe and Gar- dout. Solicitors. Gloucester; Mr. Joseph Evans, Caer- philly or of the Auctioneers, 5. High-street, Cardiff, at which latter place a Plan of the Properties can be seen. 95103 THELLWYDABTH IRON AND TIN-PLATE WORK8, MABSTEG. GLAMORGANSHIRE. PRELIMINARY ANNOUNCEMENT. MESSRS. STEPHENSON and ALEXANDER are instructed by the Liquidator to Prepare and Catalogue for SALS by AUCTION in SEPTEMBER NEXT the VALUABLE MOVABLE PLANT, MACHINERY, STORES, AND OTHER EFFECTS Used in connection with these extensive Works. Catalogues are now In course of preparation, and will shortly be ready. In the meantime, information may be obtained from the Auctioneers, at Cardlll. [95208 UNES BROTH KKS,-PRINCIPAL BILL. POSTERS AND DELIVERERS, HIGH-BTREKT. NEATH, AND BRITON FBRRY. Circulars Addressed and Delivered. Biit-potttra to the Gnat Western and Nesth and Brecon Railways, and the PdnelprA AMUOUG rs. Lessees of the.Pirncipal Posting 9*m a?°" £ >ale £ bp Auction. THK^CAOL^N^lN^PLATir^WORKS,AERLEON, MONMOUTHSHIRS. PliELIMINARY ANNOUNCEMENT. MESSRS. StEPHENSON And i?t. ALEXANDER are instructed by the Liqntdator to Prepare and Ca'atogue for SALE by AUCTION in SEPTEMBER NEXT the VALUABLE MOVABLE PLANT, MACHINERY, AND OTHER EFFECTS At these Works. Fun her Particulars will appear In future advertise- ments. In the meantime, information may be had upon application to the Auctioneers, at Cardiff. July, 1890. 95209 SALE THIS DAY. IN THE HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE. CHANCERY DIVISION. MR. JUSTICE NORTH. PRICE V. BEOR. SALE OF FREEHOLD AND COPYHOLD ESTATES. 1IR, WILHAM JOHN REUS (the ,a person appointed by the said ?udge) WI\: OFFER for SALE by AUCTION, at the Castle Hotel. Neath, 011 TUESDAY, the 29th Julv, 1890, at Two o'clock in the Afternoon precisely (. ut-ject to Conditions of Sale to be then and there produced), the under- mentioned PROPERTIES, In the following or such other lots as may be deter- mined on at the time of sale Lot 1. All that Copyhold Farm and Lands, known as Cwmamman Farm, containing 72 acres or thereabouts, held of the Manor of Caegurwen, situate fit the Parish of Liaiiguicke, adjoining the Stations of the Great Western and Midland Railway Companies at Bryn- umit in, including the reversion in the large and exten- sive Ironworks known as the Amman Ironworks, which are erected on this farm. One undivided third part of this Farm and Ironworks, including the Minerals, is let on lease for 79 years, from 25th March, 1846, at the yearly rent of JE70. Two other undivided third parts of the Farm and Ironworks, including the Minerals, are let 011 lease for the term of 87 years from 25th March, 1838, at the rents of t33 6s. 8d. and t33 6s. 8d. per annum. These Rents ( £ 136 13s. 4d.) are fully secured bv the large and extensive Ironworks before re erred to; also a Double-licensed Public-house and several Dwelling-houses. All the Minerals underlytne this Farm will be included in this Lot, subject to the terms of the existing leases. The Timber on this Farm to be taken by the Pur- chaser at the price named bv the Auctioneer at ths Sale, All that Compact Freehold Farm and Lands, Lot 2. An that CompMt Frfehoid Farm and Lands, known as Glynybedd, situate in the Cryuant Valley, distant four miles from Neath, containing 373 acres or thereabouts, of good arable, meadow, and pasture land, which includes a good sheep walk on part of the March- Howell Mountain. The 'J'imber and Plantations on the Farm to be taken by the purchaser at a price to be named by the Auctioneer. The Minerals willllot be sold with this lot. Li t 3. All and Singular the Coal, Culm, Ironstone. It-on Ore, and other Mines and Minerau, Iyiug alld being under the Farm and Lands comprised in Lot 2. The IUOst important seams of coal believed to underlie the properly are the Wenallt, the Rcsolveu or Peny- graig, and Abert;arwed Seams. Lot 4. A freehold Ground Rent of t8 per annum, arising from and secured on the Congregational Chapel, Wind-street, Neath, let for a term of 99 years from the 10th November, 1848. Lot 5. A Freehold Ground Rent of L60 per annum. arising out of and fully secured by that old and well- established Woollen Factory, known as the Victoria Works, with two good dwelling-houses, Nos. 17 and 18, Wind-street, with stables, coach-house, and other con- veniences also the dwelling-house No. 19. Wind-street, and two cottages, Nos. 2 and 3, in Rees'-conrt. These Premises are held by the lessee for a term of 99 years from the 9Lh September, 1875, Lot 6. All that Freehold Ground Rent of 215 per annum, arising out of and fully secured by two good houses erected on the east side of London-road, and four houses on the west ideof Eastland-ioad. in the Borough of Neath, let on lease for the term of 99 years from the 25th March, 1874. Lot 7. All that Freehold Ground Rent of B5 16s. per annum, arising out of and well secured by two good dwelling-houses on the eastern side. and being in London-road, and adjoining Lot 6, let on lease for the term of 99 years from I he 25th March. 1877. Lot 8. A Freehold Ground Rent ot t5 16s. per annum, arising out of and fully secured by two dwelling-houses adjoining the last lot, and being in London-ioad, Neath, let on lease for the term of 99 years from the 25th March. 1877. Lot 9. A. IVeelioM around Pent of £ 1 Sm. 4J. per nnnuni) iirisili j j o»t> of and fwuy secured two aweiunK- hou&C9 at.lJ<>ini"6 Lot-10, ill Rasth.nd-.oa.d. Neath. let. 011 lease for a term of 99 years fro u the 25th March. 1877, Lot 10. A Freehold Building Plot, adjoining Lot 6, having a width or frontage to Eastland-roid of 38$ft., containing an nrea of about 320 square yards. Lot 11. A very eligible and valuable Freehold Plot of Land, being part of Eastland Field, bounded on one ,ide by a frontage of 327tft, to the London-road, and 410ft. to the Kastland-road, and containing a superficial area of 5,255 square yards. If this lot be not sold it will be put up In 25 smaller building plots having frontages to London-road of 20ft., and frontages to Eastland-road of 17ft. respectively. Plans, Particulars, and Conditions of Sale may be had ou application to Messrs. R. P. Morcran and David, Solicitors, Ne*th, "tsirs. Bar, Fry, and Plant, Solicitors. Swansea; Messrs. Stricks and Belllngliam. Solicitors, Swansea; and in I ondon of Messrs. Helder and Roberts, Solicitors, 2, Verulam-buiidings, Gray'f Inn, W.C.; O. E. Dawson, E»q.. Solicitor, 10. Hart- street, Bloom abur V-squire, Messrs. Tamplin, Taylor, and Joseph, Solicitors. 159, Fenchurch-street, E.C., and at the Place of Sale; and of Mr. Wm.Johu Rees, Auctioneer and Land and Estate Agent, Swan- sea. 9*921 —————————— SALE THIS DAY. BRKCONSHIRE. PARISHES OF YSTRADGYNLAIS AND LLYWEL. MH, W, J. REES will OFFER for SALE by AUCTION, at the Castle Hotel, Neath, on TUESDAY, the i9th July, 1890, at Three for Four o'clock p.m., thefollowing FREEHOLD FARMS AND LANDS, VIL:- Lot 1. All those Three Freehold Fields, part of Cors- llwynddti Farm, containing 12a. 2r. 37p., or thereabouts, now let with Lot 2 to Evan Williams as yearly tenant. Lot 2. Freehold Farm called Corsllwynddu, situate in the Parish of Ystradgynlais, containing 83a. Or. 37p.. or thereabouts, now In the occupation of the said Evan Williams as vearly tennant. This Farm has a right of common over the well-known Drim Mountain. Lot 3. All that Farm called Glantawefechan, situate in the Glautawe Valley, near Craig-y-Nos Castle, In the Parish of Lly wel. containing 36a. 2r. 4p in the occupa- tion of Mr. W. Watkins as yearly tenant. This land is undulating and shelteied, has an exten- sive frontage to the Tawe and Tawefechan Rivers, both affording extremely good trout fishing. This Farm lias a right of Common over the extensive and well-known Black Mountain. The several Lots may be viewed on applying to th. respective Tenants. Plans, Pttticulars, and Conditions of Sale, or other informallun, can be had Oil application to Messrs. Phelps and Woodforde. 14. Red Lion-square, London; T. W. James, itsq., Solicitor, Swansea; or of W. J. Rees, Auctioneer. Land and Estate Agent and Valuer, Swan- sea, 94922 CARMARTHKNSHIRKi. Al R. WILLIAM JOHN RICES has been If.L instructed to OFFER for SALE by PUBLIC AUCTION, attliecastle Hotel, Neath, on TUESDAY, the 29tli day of July, 1890. at Four o'clock p.m. (subject to conditions to be then and there produced), all that ".esirable small ':eelI'Rble FREEHOLD FARM Known as Dogsbrook or Nantyci, otherwise Tynewydd. situate In the Parish of Llaudebie, containing about 131 acres, or the, eaboiitg, or good pasture and meadow land, now in th", occupation of Mr. John Davies as yearly tenant. The buildings consist of a food dwelling-housu covered with Carnarvon slates, with cow-house and other small buildings. The premises are fronting the road leading from Llan- debie to Tvrydall Station, on the London and North Western alld Great Western Railways, and is situate about It mile from Pantyffynon and Tyrydail Stations, and about t from Llanlleble Railway Station. For Particulars and Conditions of Sale and any further information apply to Messrs. Stricks and Bell- lnglism, Solicitors, Swansea, or of Mr. W. J. Bees, Auctioneer, Land and Estate Agent. Surveyor, and Valuer, Swansea. 94962 ——————— coUWtr OF PEMBROKE. PARISHES OF FISHGUARD, LLANWNDA, JORDAN- STONIC. AND 6T. MARTIN'S. HAVERFORDWEST. HIGHLY IMPORTANT SALB OF FREEHOLD PARlfS HOUSES. AND ACCOMMODATION LAND. tuate in the above Parishes, comprising several rich PMture Fields and Houses, near the Towns of Fish- guard and Haverfordwest, tue well-known Farms and Small Holdings, called Castle-fai tin, Llanfartln, Stop and Call, Penyrallt, Ffynnon-clyn. Blaenrbos, Kille, Llanwnda, Tresinwen, and Clegyr, Including exten- sive rights of Common in the Parish of Llanwnda. Most of the Lot. are within a short distance of the Town of Fishguard, while several are in close proximity to the growing and fashionable wateriug- place of Goodwick. MR. DAVID THOMAS is favoured with Instructions to OFFER for SALE by PUBLIC AUCTION, at the Commercial Hotei, Fishguard, at Two » 'clock slurp, on THURSDAY, the 31st day of July. in Lots, the ab ve-mentioned LoVtsA, LUABLE ATTRACTIVE FREEHOLD PROPERTY. Particulars, with Plans and Conditions of Rale, may W, had of Mr. David Thomas, Land Agent and Surveyor, Oarmitrtlieii or of Messrs. EATON-EVANS and WILLIAMS, 95000. Solicitors, Haverfordwest. COUNTY OF "CARMARTHEN. PARISH OF LLANSAWKL. 14LB of the highly-attractive and Valuable IRED- HOLD PROPERTY called THE MAESLLAN ESTATE. MR. DAVID THOMAS is favoured with instructions to OFFER for SALE by PUBLIC AUCTION, at the Cawdor Arms Hotel, Liandilo, at 2.JO o'clock punctually, on 3ATUBDAY, the 2nd day of August, 1890, in Five or such other Lot or Lots as may bo determined on at the Sale, the above-mentioned FREEHOLD ESTAfE, Comprising an area of about 160 acres. This exceptionally valuable pioperty is approached and intersected by the main road. and contains a large number of the richest and most fertile grating meadows in the district, all in a high state of cultivation. Tho residence is of moderate sixe, and in thorough repair. The commodious and well-arranged farm-bolldlnts were recently erected at a considerable outlay. There is a good supply of water, both for domestic use and for working the machinery. The estate is pleasantly and advantageously situated in a snorting neighbourhood, adjoining several farm preserves, and the River Marlais. which falls Into the Cathy and which abounds in fisb. forma its southern boundary, thus affording all unusually advantageous investment. Particulars, Plan, and Conditions or Bal. may be obtained of Messrs. Barker, MrATis. and Barker. Solici- tors, 2. Nott-square, Carmarthen, and of Mr. David Thomas, Land Agent. Surveyor, and Auctioneer, e. qg!!y.ozat, CormarLben. 96mi PERSONS who deaire to aend a newspaper to their friends abroad cannot do better thao "tftba vmoimWin.* £ >ales bp auction* ON THURSDAY NEXT. ENRE8ERVMD SALE OF VBRY SUPERIOR FIRM AND THIEF PROOF SAFES, Direct from the Manufacturers, which have arrived too late for shipment. T?/TESSnS. GOTT?A'1'?Z and BOW RING i?iL will SELL by AUCTION, at 11, High-street, Cardiff, ou THUKaDAY, 31st Jn)y, 1890, TWENTY FIUST-CLASS WROUGHT IRON FIRE AND BURGLAR PROOF SAFES, Both single and double doors, from 20 to 50 inches high. including a large Double-door Office Safe, 36in. high; itiso a strong Single-door Banded Safe, 4ft. high; a ditto 42in. high. SMALL SAFES, SUITAKi E FOR PRIVATE HOUSES AND SMALL TRADESMEN, And fitted with alii be latest improvements to resist tbe attacks of the most skilled burglar, and to preserve the contents from the fiercest flames. These safes are made and iiiiislie-I in first-class manner, nd can be implicitly relied upon, since the body plates are firmly rivetted together with angle iron, and dove-tailed. The loclc c-ises are fitted with J. Cart wri^ht anil Sons six and eight lever invincible powder proof locks and duplicate keys. The whole of the above Safes were intended for ahipmellt,I\1 especially well made by the manufac- turers, J. Cartwright and Hons, Phoenix Sate and Loclc Works, Roebuck-street, West Bromwicli, near Bir- iniugham. Also about 50 LOTS of OFFICE FURNITURE, includ. ing RKRISTHK PEDESTAL TABLES. CHAIRS. COr-YING PRESSUS and STANDS, and SEVERAL MISCELLANEOUS IT;M8. On view day prior to sale. Sale to commence at 2.30 p.m, punctually. 95016 ESTATE OF THE LATE MR. JOHN WILLIAMS. DECEASED. ESTATE OF THE LAT; MR. SAMUEL 8TOKB8. DECEASED. SALi. OF VALUABLE AND LONG LEASEHOLD PROPERTY. MESSRS. GOTTWALTZ and BO WRING f are instructed to SELL by AUCTION, at the Salerooms, 11, High-street, Cardiff, on THURSDAY, the 7th day of August, 1890, at S.ven o'clocniu the Evening the following VALUABLE PROPERTIES, In the following or such other lots as may (heii be determined on:— Lotl. The convenient Villa Residence, No. 7, COLD- STRBAM-TERBACE, Cardiff, overlooking the River Taff, held under lease for 87 years from 25th December. 1884, at the ye-tiv ground rent of i4 10s. Lot 2. No. 8, COLDSTHEAM-TERRACE, held for. similar term and rent. Lot 3. Numbers 18 and 19, MARY ANN-STREET. Cardiff, let at 8s. a week each. Lot 4. Numbers 20 and 21, MARY ANN-STREET- let at 8s. a week each. Lots 3 and 4 are held under Iease for 900 years from 25th March, 1837, at the annual ground rent of £ a4s„ which will be equally apportioned between the two lots. Lot 5. All that compact property, being Numbers 9and 10, CANAL-STKBliT, Carlift, with the Yard and Four Cottages behind, called Williams'-court," held under lease lor 195 years from 20t.h December, 1840, at the annual ground rent ofiC4 St.. and let at from 4s. to 4s. 9d. a week each, Lot 6. The Dwelling-house No. 22, OXFORD-STREET, Roath, let at 9s. a week, together with the Stables, Workshops, and Yard in the rear, with entrances from Vere-street and the Back-lane, of the estimated value of 8s. a week. These premises are well adapted for a cab- man, haulier, or builder. Lot 7. A Dwelling house Number 23, OXFORD- STREET, let at 9s. a week. Lot 8. A Corner Shop and Dwelling-house No. 24. OXFORD-STREET, let at lis. a week. Lot 9. Numbers 17 and 18, VERE-STREET, Roath, let at 6s. 6d. a week each. Lots 6, 7, 8, and 9 are held under one lease for 99 yea: s from 23th September, 1866, at. the ground rent of J69 a year, and if sold separately, the ground rent will be apportioned as follows;- 2 176. on Lot 6, 92 on Lot 7, f;2 17s. on Lot 8, and jel 6s. on Lot 9. Lot 10. A Siiop and Dwelling-house at the corner of Constellation-street and SYSTEM-STREET, let to Mr. Albert Groves, Butcher, atl3s. a week, the tenant paying rates, together w ith a Bakehouse iiisysttin-street, let at 63. a week. Lots 11, 12, and 13, being Numbers 59, 61, and 63. CONSTELLATION-STREET, let a'u 8s. 6d. and 9s. a week. Lots 10, 11, 12, and 13 are held under lease for 99 years from 26th March, 1856, at the ground reut of.CIO, which will be equally apportioned between (bo fuur Iota. ..QtiiJt; rt»»a toeing JSu",b;rs 27 an-d S3, FI-ANET- STREET, noath, let at 9a. a week tacli, and Liela undfttf lease for S3 years from 1st sfuue, 2560, at the ground rent of JC5, which will be equally apportioned Lots 16 and 17, being Numbers 29 and 30, PLANET- S1'IŒE1. l«:t at 9s. a week each, and held under lease for 99 years from 25th March. 1868, at the ground rent ot £ 5, which will be equally apportioned. Lot 18 and 19. being Numbers 18 and 19, CROFTS. STREET, Roath, let at 8s. 6d. a week each, and he 4 under lease for 99 years from 2nd February, 1871, at tha ground reiitof iet lue.. which will beequally apportioned. Lot 20. A Shop and Dwelling-house. No. 77, BROAD- WAY, Roath (at the corner oi Richards-terrace), with stable and coach-house in the rear, let to Mr. George Pearce at 14s. a week, the tenant paying rales, &c. H..I,t \llId"r leie,g for 99 years from 5th March, 1873. at the apportioned ground rent of 23 per anuum. For Further Particulars apply to the Auctioneers, or to Mr. H. HEARD, SOLICITOR, 95017 24, TRINITY-STREET, (IARDIFF. ON SATURDAY. 9th AUCUM. SALE of HUNTERS and HARNESS IIORS i- S, CARRIAGES, HARNESS, STABLE, AND OUT-DOOR EFFECTS, Removed from COMPTON CASTLE, Near Bath, By trdtr of the Representative of the late DOMINICK WA'ISON, i:sq. MES8RS. GOTTWALIZ and BO WRING '_l have received instructions to Include in their AUGUST STUD SALE on SATURDAY. ?th August, ]890, at Twe:ve o'clock, at the Horse Exchange, Cardiff, the following HORSES Lancelot," CHESNUT GELDING, good hunter, well known in the Blackmore Vale Country (was purchased out of the Ledbury Stud from. Mr. Know let, the Master, far 200 CMMeM). H L' G 'EY GELDING ) been regularly ?.r. '-G.EY GELDING.)? ??;t? has been hunted. 'Lre ?,;?), in 8ingle C<!m& ?. BAY GELDING J >are qui^t in single harness and fine mOVH8, CARRIAGES A NRARLY NEW GENTLEMAN 8 BREAK, to carry ten tiPt sons for a pair or four horStS, by Goodfellow. A WAGONKlTfiCONVEHilliLK INTOSi'ANHOPB, by k'itzget-aid. ?A I?A'??: BROUGHAM, recently done up. bv Good- fellow. A FOUR-WHEEL DOGCART, by W. and F. Thorn. A TWC-WMHEL DOGCART, by Goodfellow. A FARM TIP CART. HARNESS:— SET OF FOUR IN-HAND BROWN HiltNESS. SET OF DOUBLE BRASS-MOUNTFD, SET OF TANDEM. BETS OF SINGLE GIG HARNESS, Set of Cart Harness, aLarge Quantity of Horse Clothing. SIX HUNTING SADDLES. EIGHT SINGLE AND DOUBLE-REIN BHIDLES, KneeCaps. Girth Stretcher, Fetlock Pads and Boots, Martingale, Muzzle, Collars. Pole Chains, Straps, Ac. OUTSIDE EFFECTS. Manure distributor and filler, two A mericanlawn mow- ing machines, horse mowing-machine by Gren. 2410, iron garuen roller, nine tiu garden flower boxes. Reade • patent garden engine and hose, chaff cutter, turnip pul per, o,t crusher by Richmond and Chandler, carnage J,ck" quantity ot game 'oxes. tennis marker, two wheelbarrows, excellent oak garden furniture, and a gaiden tellt. ON VIEW DAY PRIOR TO SALE. Catalogues may be had of the Auctioneers one weel5 prior to Bale. 95214 CHURCH-STREET SALE ROOMS, CARDIFF. TO PURCHASBB8 OF PIANOS, ORGANS, AM HARMONIUMS. MESSRS. KENNAI.D and Co. will JM condnct? SALHof MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS ?.THURSDAY NEXT. the 3,st July, when they will OFFKR by AUCTION about 20 ITANOI-OKTES, New and Second-hand, aud several American Organs and Harmoniums. The Auctioneer begs to call especial attention to this sale of Instruments, and requests an inspection any d before or on dav of Sale, which will take place <H 2?) ou THURSDAY, the 3lst. 1245n31  SALE THIS DAY. DUKB-STBEET AUCTION ROOMS, CARDIFF. On TUESDAY aud THURSDAY, July 29th and 31st, 1890. commencing Each Eay at Two o'clock precisely. O ALE of EXCELLENT HOUSEHOLD mj APPOINTMENTS, comprising Suites in various Wood., suitable for Drawing and Diniug-rooms, with Tables, Sideboards, and Cabinets to match Walnut and Rosewood Overmantels, Fenders and Brasses, Iron and Brass Bedsteads, with liedding compete; Bedroom Suites in Ash and Walnut, Duchesse Washstands and Dressing Tables, with Wardrobes en suite; Chests of Drawers, Towel Rails. Ac., together with a quantity or Effects Hold by order of the High Bailifi. Goods on View Morning of Each Day s All Entries for these Sales cau be made up to Dsij Prior to the Auction. 95129 J. G. XADDOX And CO" Auctlcmeerl. ————————— SALtif TO-MORROW. WEWPORT CATTLE MAHKET TO COLLIERY PROPBIKTORS, TRADESMEN, ANP OTHERS. MR G. W. IOIUSaO has been in- ?ncttd 'o SKLL by AUCTION, In the above Sarketo. WEDNESDAY NEXT. Ju? 30th. IEW.26 excellent To?< Cobs andPonie*. Five Sets of Harness. Two Saddles and IIridie, One Trap. &I., Ac. Bale will comment at Kkven o'clock a.m. sharp, fto Reserve. A??.n?r'?Omc?R?athJ?rd'C. K12n30 -il?Ki itft ,B I ItE. FARiSH OF HASGUARD. MR. T. RULE OWEN bas been in- JM .tructed to OFFER for SALE by PUBHO AUCTION, at the Wtis Hotel. Hanrfordwtst, on SATURDAY, the 2nd A-.gMt. 1?. M Thre< o«tloc< precisely, the very Valuable FARM OF WINSELL, Otherwise WINSLEt comprising a Subst&Ltist Farm, bouae. with Stable. Outbuildings, and 1-7 acres or thereabouts of excellent Pasture and Arable Land, now !u the occupation of Mr. W. J. Bosser, as yearly tenant, at the low yearly rent of 9170. The Property is accessible by good roads, Is situate in one of the inoet fertile districts of Pembrokeshire, and lies within ten miles of the Market Town of Haverford- west and four miles of the Market Town and Harbour of Milford Haven. twiees st and Htve;i;;i?n at the OF  CSI Of the Aactioneer. of Plall. can be seen at the of the Auctioneer, oc the Vendors' Solicitors; and Further Particulars oo» tained on application to Mr. John James, Estate Agentf Mr. T. Rule Owen, Estate Agent and Valuer or Messrs. BATON-EVANS and WILLIAMS, Vendon'Solicitors all 01 Haverfordwest, Haverfordwest, July IOLB. 1. N