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S ?"? ARE OVERCOATS oSSKE BEXA Tf|i\lr THE FINEST "?? OVERMAIS I THE CELEBRATED IN THE TAILORS, PROVINCES, LONDON ROAD & QA 80/ CHURCH ST., 30/- to 80/- Liverpool. To Measure Same Price, I OVE THAT L I OVERCOATS PLEASr ? LLUm WM. GRIFFITHS, SONS I 29 South John St., Liverpool, AND 349 Stanley Road, Bootle, MAKERS OF SMART CLOTHES FOR Civilians, Officers and Ladies. Raincoats ready to wear and to order, inter- lined oilsilk to waist or throughout, making the garment thoroughly rainproof, in Greys and Fawns of all shades. Prices from SS/- lapwards. State Breast measure and length 1 required when ordering. A yw'ch Llygaid yn eich blino ? Yw pethau'n troi'n niwlog ac anal wig ? Dyna arwydd a rhybudd llethdod y llygad, a dylech ga el eu hedrych rhag blaen; eu gwaethygu wna'u hasgeulao. Gailwn ni, fyda'n hoffer gwyddonol, ddweyd wrthych 08 oes arnoch angen gwydrau ac B8 Mly, eich cyflenwi a'r rkai a barai fwyaf o lea i chwi. Galwch heddyw- Archer SONS F-Yoolght Specialists. 73 LORD STREBTi Sefydl wyd 1848. LIVERPOOL- | MORRIS EVANS9 Household Oil IS STILL titesd of all other remedies FOR Hheumatism, Sciatica, Lumbago, and WouildSg of all kinds. In bottles 1/3 2/9 Grocers tt Chemists, or direct for above prices from MORRIS EVANS & Co., THH MANUFACTORY, V,USTINIOG, Ni WALES, M LIVERPOOL, The SHAFTESBURY," MOUNT PLEASANT, ibstif d miss. walk f, raind at. a 0. i lfirst-<jl»ss Xenperanoe Hotel. Moderate ih Pots. I fttikfUibary Hotel, L'peel." Plume I ASK FOR IDRIS Table Waters In Syphons and Bottles, 410DA WATER. POTASH iWATERt SELTZER WATEa LEMONADE, DRY QINQER ALE, Etc., etc. IDRIS & Co., Ltd., Northumberland 1St.. LIVERPOOL D. GRIFFITHS D SON HI BrecK 8.4,. and 9 Moss St., L'pool.l' Pianos & .Organ. by all the leading makers, i From 81-per month. fmnoiM—tttx Aafield 3771 ROYALi KEEP SMILING We have a few Motor Cycles left, and as we do no know when we shall get any more we advise you to purchase now. Samples of what we have in stock are MOTO RxvE, 4 h.p. Twin £ 37^10 0 RUDGE-MULTI, 3i h.p. £ 42 10 0 R YDEK, z-stroke, z-speed J22 19 6 RUDGE MULTI, 1917 pattern. £58 15 o MOTOSACOCHE, 4-stroke £10 o o And many others all at pre-war price. "RUDGES," BOLD STREET, LIVERPOOL ROBERTS a EDWARDS, ESTATE AGENTS, 64 KirKdale Rd., Liverpool Telephones [2193 Reyal.

frem l-Mr. Ed. Lloyd, Y.H.I

Trem II—Dwyrain a Gorllewin.

Trem lll-Berw'r Werddon
