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*flipping, Aetices. OARbiFF TO NEW YORK. rsi TAIRECT S?AM COM ????. ? M?-'ICATiU? K':fWt;?? Yffi P>? s, >> T H n ? k ?' r '\? C ? '< N i" I ■Kcmka r; L NirED STATES OF L-??I?A ?KD CANADA. "HE SCUTII STEAM- SIDP COMPANY 3 > llRST-CtASS F U L L P O >♦ 1 Z,t.Q TeM t PKIUKOKE' i,ftwlon» UK'S* i.iCOToisi S-vh-p. r!1 t.tr.Of) < AKD»!rV VO -wK. FK.-r-.v-M "-v'^r.uK); -i« -UL4: XHOAS~ iiay ] Xhip* .v f }ht "L¡)t'¡'¡ '(.»''he AUf" >v M. tJii KtObT*«e! A*vc<ur.ioi\toa Ufcsa-pas»jd. rk1t' j-ebM OMn, « and V2 ChrTneiw, sccorttef icy!,v>- tf i■ KviTrn h, Ctui.3c<'&a. s,' ml (.. UJ, N i ;■ STi^AUbtAGIS) Bllv A ior tha teniae em;s nf Steerage ;>-s.»u?«ra IUV provl lid vltb rattreaso* five Pa -f i gt .s are reccinwonde^ to obtain their U jkctv tfcm h, 1 oral agents be!ore leaving bOT-s. rlliCr 'A bv; Clin ar.j AKUK :r at ihe Ccicipv S >>ft:'6'\ i DCCJ: Cii'A.'I- r Ki>- CM:DH T.  4 LLAN LINE.—Shortest <<f?  ?r O, è.n PIV;() ?o C, a an?,, the ruit' ? Stat; The '-?me.'? ■■HHMSBMU Of tb;" "ine leave I?VMpO)'! everl H'KhDAY ix>l «HUitsi)AV for Quebec, Mon;reo2, Mid Portland, and<very alternate JTE3DAY for HaJi- Nor.'< i. and B;Jtiui< r«. ^Twardin# pasrengMU tj Philadelphia, Boston, ,nil -New York, Kates aa low u t.y any other first-da** Lino including a plentiful s-up- plv of <• oktd PiovNons, served np by the Company htt»arilN. Stwrafie Stewardesses are carried by this Lin* to attend to tbo wanto ?f I emalo V.vsscn^M and Children. An "\peneneed 8wgeon ia att¡loCh tü each SU'iiiLer. J'oHsmgirH bookeu Through to all Towns in Canada and the Vnited states, l'itmphlets on Canada «ii)t)l)t d gratis by our AeentH. For particulars apply in Liverpool to ALLAN BlMJlBliHS A ( o., Alexandra Uuilituigf, .lajnoes street or to (T, liinl, "40, Bute- street ('axtliff; S. Jones, Postmaster,Brittn Ferry; H. S. Davie }'ont-(>ffice ( liambers, Pontypridd W. H. Mose- Jey, Wind-stieet, Neath W. Allan, 10, Quay-parade, SWADa T, J. btl-ie, 29, Page-street, and 3, Oxford- stiett Swangea K. Daniel, fit. Mary-street, Cardi Kan T. Botrhett, Ship-street, Brecon J. Price, Prince vt Wales, Beaufort; K Evaiim, Stationer, Ac., Rhym- ney W. Oliver, Isca Inn, Newport tfcftld ,^T" SHORTEST, QUICKEST, Q AND SAFEST ROUTE AMERICA. GUION LINE. I'NiTED STATES MAIL STEAMERS. One of the following or other tirst-class full-powered Steamships will be despatched from Liverpool tJ New "Voik everv Wtdnesdav WYOMING..J:imes Guanl ¡ WISCONSIN..T. W. Free- I man. IDAHO J. G Moore NEVADA W. Forsyth ?HNNES?TA.C.JBeddoe :'olIN ES,'OTA' c.JBeddoe1 JUDo MONTANA..J. Price, sen. DAKOTA.(BmMiN?.; Cfclling ftt Quefcivstowu the day following to cm oar t Pa*sen^ere booked through to San Francisco and all Inland towns at low rates, RATES OF PASSAGE FROM LIVERPOOL TO NEW YORK Cabin 12, 15,17, and 20 Guineas. Intermediate 8 Guineas. Steerage Passage to New York, Boston, Portland, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Quebec, I) Guinea', including a plentiful supply of provisions, cook- tid and served up by the Companj s stewards. These Steamers tvirry Surgeon and Stewardesses free. Passengers are recommended to obtain their Tickets from our Agents before leaving home. For freight or passage apply to Guion and Co., 25, Water-street. Liverpool, cr to E. C Hurley A Co.,9, Bute- Crescent, Docks, Cardiff Thus. S. Huntley. 1S7, Bute- road, Cardiff: W. M. Locke. 10 and, 11, Upper Dock- street,Newport: Jno.Morgan,Post-oflfice.Pontypool; Jno. Copeland, I'JI, Hiuh-stveet, Merthyr John T. Morgan, 39, GlebelanO-street, Merthyr; H. A Price, Caer- street. Swansea; David Bowen, 17, Thomas-street, Uanelly. 6602tts THK BEST AND CHEAPEST ROUTE FOX PASSKN- GERS FROM THE WEST OF ENGLAND TO ? THE UNITED STATES IS BY THE -ki tii^REAT WESTERN U STEAISHIP LINE," ?t?tS\?> BRISTOL AND NEW YORK. rdHBaSHSM The FINE F?RST-CLASS SCREW STEAM-SHirts of this Line are intended to sail as lollow To SaU AKRAGON UfO tons Tuesday, April 28th. (,HEAT W 1<:8\ ERN 2,000 tons Thursday, May llth. CORNWALL 2,000 tons Tuesday, Juno 2nd. ARRAC,ON 1,600 tons Saturday, June 13. GREAT WESTERN 2,000 tons.. Saturday, June 27. Cahin Fahi: to NEW YORK, 13 Guineas; Return Ticket (available for Twelve Months), 20 Guineas. > IJU,S to NEW YORK, BOSTON, or PHILADEL- PHIA, fr(,Nn auy Railway Station m the West of Englard, lnteimediate, sj Guineas; Steerage, ti Ccineas. Steerage passengers provided with Mattresses. The Vessels of this Line do not call at auv Irish port, bit proceed direct from Bristol to New York. Passengers may be booked through to all parts of the United States and Canada on very moderate terms. To secure berths, to., apply to MARK WHITWILL tad SON, Grovo Queen-square, Bristol; to G. F. VirEBB an(I CO., Bonded Store Merchants, Cardiff; Bam: and Brown. Dock-street, Newport, Mon.; Joseph Mortan, Postmaster, Pontypool: A. Morgan, 19, Olebtland-street. Merthyr Tydfil: M. Jones and Brothel, Ship Brokers, Swaniea; George F. Price, Chvr< h-st'eet, Pontypridd: Samuel Williams, 2, Wind>or-terrace, Neath; J. Corbet, 148, Vale-terrace, Tredeiur: John R. Taylor, Poit-office, Pontymister; or k1 John J Chalinder, Llanelly House. llanelly. N.B. Pusseyigei-O. are recominendad to obtain their Tickets from our Ageiita before leavin? home. 0017 tths ~k i OTEAM C< ">MMU NI CAT f ON .c???? ? Bm?HHN SWANSEA AND -.TEAl\IC())IM_rNlcATro ???K???IJ'ALY', SWANSEA AND HAVRE. One of the stiinitrs of the ANCHOR LINE will be despatched at regular monthly intervals from SWANSEA to GENOA, LEGHORN, NAPLES, MES- tHA, and PALERMO. Gooils are received (unless previously full) until the second day before sailing. Next departure—A Steamer at an early date. The Screw Steamer HAVRE, or other tirnt-classboat, will be regularly despatched, at intervals of eight day, trom Swansea to Havre, taking goods at through rates to Paris. For all particulars apply to BCRGESS, SHADD1CK, and Co., Swansea, and 16, South Castle-street, Liverpool. iOSltath i ^TEAM TO HOLLAND. ??6n??'?' T.c F?t Screw-Steamer PIONEER, Captain Ht?n, will be despatched M??)?f?tttt?httv from the West Bute Dock, Cardiff, to Rotter<hm. taking (lood at through ?tes for other Dutch* ports, Bel/nun, rllll Germany. First For freight and particular?, apply to Ricd. R. Todd, Consulale Chambers, Cuixlitt. 7147uiy3 ^"lARDIFF TO WESTON. '????? ThtJ fast-sailiug Steamer, l' L 0 l? A. Will leave DAILY, i.urin- the Sumawr, wk-:i tide answers. St-e small time-bills. tARLS. THEJa: AM» IIACK-.— Fore Cabin 1*- After Cabin, Is. 6,t Refreshments on hoard, 7I0-4il  ^lARDLFF AND BRISTOL     ?.'Lt{)Y MARY, DKVID, 0:. wn APRIL, 1874, Vrom But., Docb, Frinn Bstbarrt Bads. Cardiff. Bristol. ?!4 Frilay m,,rn I a, iizg 27 Mcnday )0 &??er 21 Tuesday. — after 29 Wednesday. 30 after 30Thur-<d:t\ ??ft.-r 24 Friday 1.0 after 25 Saturday 2.45 after | 27 Monday 6.0 after 2A Tuesday 5 45 after ) Wedu8!;daJ. (i 15 Jtfter 30 Thursday -6.30 after FARBS —After Cabin, 2s lid Fore Cabin, lJJ. Bd. io- and-fro same day or aert (provided a t»and-fro ticket be f?en): After CINn. 8a. *1 FoM Cabin, To-Md. ;rott eta ?iU t?') be LMaed on .?toj??y, .ibble for ttteMtarntrtpM'MMcLMr (:Ittle, Shoop &0.,Slmd Rates for (?n?M, &r888, (:ttle, Shep .,a1ld Freights f3r ? a? line be obtain;;i of Mr. J(? TH03i" Steam Packet WhMt. Bate Docks Cardiff. 6002(1 1tip, ctc., for :iale, VOR SALE, a SCHOONER, JD H P), Return," Classed A 1 2 in ai KHHKlAmerican Lloyd's for 4 years, has just undergone extensive repairs: new decks, beams, couio- ingft, several Btauchioiw, covering boards, rails, and new boat, skylight, companion, cabin, new w:? running ceM, pumps (new), caused all over, new bdM Jo?, Mverut cew HWII;f1I(:-rsOd: Carries 120 tons on 10 feet water. Dim en??ions, wft. 8in. by ]Mt. 9in. by Mt. Mn. Only miuires 20 tons bal fcr any v?ya?e. Now at Newpotu. Price, LM. For particulars, apply to ???'?-"?K H.Gnj. 186. Comuiwcial-roa-J, Newport, 1108. 5290 d I) J, I' Y D D L N 820 U T. ANCHOR EUEWERY, r,UBI.IN. Ji kinc'H of in purit e and r iito jii a dr T.J.1t of lo. i-b tance tiian is fo'- .tdia :;y t n, Jf W -.?. -Dr. CAMKRON, Analyst Ci;/ jf lJ -• • rri "TOTD CASTLE POINT DE PARiS "Z AIL ANT> SHOR UTVRT WORK". NEWPORT, MON. 5H V mma 44ttØØtØ. TO WATCHMAKERS & JEWELLERS. H PAYNE h CO.. VHOLKjALK JKWELLKfcU, .,n.. bvJd *teL.c—:r» of W ATCHES, Aroirican, ?.n?h. and Otnr?n ?IX?'KH, A?bfMt"r .?n d ?Mt<? T'tMt'p??t'f', VI ;nm Re){uUt<?M, ?lu?tc?l Bm?.BroB:.?,<'?. A largo Stock ofCMou'-?d ard Bright Geld ?*?iM, Alberts, NecM?s, Eroccce •, lockoTs, E-trr:njj», Ac., Ac. I dfcrlca a;s<irtment of Klectro-platod Tea ikra CofTee Services, DrinKing ( ui s, Goblets, Cruet Frun.es, Spirit Sta^iU, lSLcu BOXOJ, AC &c. •••», Hcvso ;a ti9 Tiaoe for '.Vatch GJu«wc* and MATERIALS. U & ? cA?T?S-nH.E7. BRISTOL, r?TC?cco?r?- !<? &:phta H. f J. um & C?. ? h t? LMi';ST and P?T-SELECTKU OCK 01 ^EEJvSCKACM, SfeilAK, end other PIPES, C'iOAS HCLDFKS, POUCHES, CIGAR (ASKS, TOBACCO CIGARS, and f»Il fc>ls 01 PDEAO .ONISX-S' SUNDRIES la the West of Ei.'lftai. Vi DIRECT FROM 7EM M..um. FACrUKEKS. A n, BIUSTOL. TO GLASS AND CHINA DE^VLERS IL PAYNE & CO., IMP ORTERS, direct from tte MaarJacturere; of CUT WINES, TUMBLERS, GhOBLBTS, DECANTERS, CHINA OIwvi.MjKNTf?, BOHEMIAN VASKS, LUSTF.ES, &C. LITMXXFCB S.TOCK-SKCCM> TO NONB 13* ENGLAND. n A cAsns uiuzex, BRISTOL. TO TEE FAKCY TRADE H. PAYNE 4i. CO., IMPORTERS, direct from the Manufactnrera, of PURSES, BAGS, COMPANIONS, FANCY JAWELLKRY, CABINET GOODS, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, TOYS, and FANCY ARTICLES of every description. CHEAPEST HOUSE IN THB TRAJDB. SPECIAL TERMS TO LARGE CASH BUYERS, B. PAYNE & CO., LONDON, BIRMINGHAM, AND SHEFFIELD WAREHOUSEMEN, 11 & 75, CASTLE STREET, BRISTOL. ESTABLISHED 1830. 6257mtwt THE BUTE" MODEL HARMONIUM As supplied to the MarquiB of Bute, in handsome Rose- wood Case, three acting Stops. The best possible tone and workmanship. PRICE, TWELVE GUINEAS. THOMPSON AND SHACKELL, 4, QUEEN-STREET, CARDIFF. AND AT CARMARTHEN AND SWANSEA.) THE ROYAL ORCHESTRAL PIANOFORTE, Admitted by all musical authorities to be THE GREATEST IMPROVEMENT OF THE DAY. Mr. Thompson, of the firm of Thompson and ShackeU, of his towa, (has recently patented an improvement he has effected in cottage pianos. The invention has evoked the warmest expressions of approval from no less a master than Mr. Brinley Richards"—TV Car. nut/then Weekly Reporter, Oct. 13,1806. 6480mth \\T ILLCOX AND GIBBS SILENT SEWING MACHINES, From bi Guineas. The best and easiest to learn; only to be had of the Agents, THOMPSON AND SHACKELL, 101, OXFORD-STREET, SWANSØIA, AND GUILDHALL-SQUARE, CARMARTHEN. Price lists free, and instructions gratis. 5647d JpHILIP J. SMITH AND SONS, PIANOFORTE MAKERS DEALERS IN HIGH CLASS INSTRUMENTS OF LONDON MANUFACTURE. AND GENERAL MUSIC SELLERS, 1. ROYAL PROMENADE, QUEEN'S-ROAB, And (Factories) PARK HOW. BRISTOL. PATENTEES OF THE IKON STRI) D PIANOFORTES. 5221 d RIGIRTON AND COMPANY, (Late J. H. RIGHT01fli J4, CROCKHERBTOWN, CARDIFF. Dealen la Pianofortes, Harmonium, AmericM Organs, and Mnsical Instrument*. PIANOFORTES g Kirimahs. Ccllard and Collard, Broodwood. NW esteemed makers. HARMONIUMS Ot Foreign and English manofacUn. AMERICAN ORGANS By Mason and Hamlin, MUSIC Hall-price, and post-free. TUNING CAREFULLY ATTENDED TO. AGENTS FOR P. J. SMITH & SONS' PATENT "IKON STRUTTED PIANOFORTES. THB "THREB YEARS' SYSTEM" ADOPTBD. INSTRUMENTS LENT ON HIRE. 6189 d B R A D B R Go (P?rom Meson. KruXa, LoDdDC TUNER, REGULATOR. AND REPAIRER 0< PIANOFORTES, HARMONIUMS, AND AMERICAN ORGANS, 9, WIND-STREET, SWANSEA. 6089 d ARTHUR ALLISON, 110, Wardour. street, W., Sole London Agent for Ramsden's (Daw's at'ut) MELODY and PEDAL SUBSTITUTE ORGANS, as supplied to her Majesty and H.R.H. the Princess Louise, at Balmoral and Windsor Castles, ARTHUR ALLISON'S Harmoniums, from 5 gs. to 140 gs. ARTHUR ALLISON'S Broad Reed Organ, from 8 gs. to 10 gs. ARTHUR ALLISON'S Cottage Harmonium, from 7 gs. to 9 gs. ARTHUR ALLISON'S School Harmonium, with three stops, from 10 gs. to 12 gs. ARTHUR ALLISON'S Seven-stop Harmonium, 16 gs. tJ1' 20 gs ARrS?R ALLISON'S Boudoir Harmonium, 40 gsto 62 gs. ARTHUR AI.LlS:o;ó; ChuicbHarmonium, 16 99. to 75 gs. ARTHUR ALLISON'S Concert Harmonium, 120 ga. to 140 gs. ARTHt:R AI,LISO:'i'S PedallHarmonium, with one and two Manuals, from 30 gs. ARTHUR ALLISON, Harmonium Manufacturer, 110, Wardour-street, W. The trade supplied. Wholesale Agents wanted for Wales.-AgenU for Cardiff, Messrs. RIGHTON, 74, Crocklierbtown. 6909d THE LARGEST PRINTING WORKS t IN WALES. "WESTERN MAIL" STEAM PRINTING WORKS, ST. MARY-STREET, CARDIFF. PRINTING, IN WELSH AND ENGLISH. BOOKS, PAMPHLETS, MAGAZINES. AUCTIONEERS' POSTERS AND CATAL GUES TRADESMEN'S HANDBILLS, CIRCULARS, AND INVOICES. LITHOGRAPHIC PRINTING. PLANS, CIRCULARS, INVOICES, AND CARDS, Plain or In Colours. COPPER-PLATE PRINTING. BOOKBINDING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. ACCOUNT BOOKS of all klndl Ruled, Printed, and Bound to Order. The Manager of the above Works Is prepared to submit Estimates for all kinds of Lithographic, Copper- plate Printing, and general Printing and Stationery Biaditg upon application. II WESTERN MAIL" STEAM PRINTING WORKS, y:. K £ KY- CARDIFF. luøl1øØ' BREECH-LOADERS from £ 0 e?. on the  from £(J C. on the Bdoublegripor M):.p l1tiJD principle, t Breech- !<MMtcM ma?o on every a,'p?''?? M" paentad priucipl& footing guaranteed A). OOUBLE-B.ARIUi:LI.ED EXPRS and other RIFLES', from 16 (ruir.eas. :p'jf:l. for elejihant, tiger, and other dangerous gauie, with low trajectory, tiring thells, solid or explosive buU( ts. Diagrams accompany all rifle of 20 pjuir'.ojt.s and upwards mu ZZLE-LOAI)kdiS con"rted to breech-loaders, from 6 guineas. Air (;JJP.8 with Rifle and Shot EarreDi, 60L each. MUZZLE-LOADING Cape GUNS and RIFLES, one- barrel rifled, the other for shot, frOM06L As Iret ch-loadtrfi, from 8 guineas.. DOUBLE-BARRELLED FHCOT GUNS, fooremigmnt3' or farmers' use, from CO& BREECH-LOADING REVOLVERS from 26s. LEWIS. G. B. LEWIS, GUN & RIFLg MAKER, S2 k 3-% LOWKR LOVEDAY -ST., BIRMINGHAM, )i.s',abU&hed .l&M. P.S. Credit on London Banker or remittance shov.M arcorapany foreign orders. Wend six fitainpa nnd postage for catalogne of guDII, rlfies, and revolvers cn aalo. It la the most complete list published by any maker. 6216 mths FII-EL.-Twc;ity WT cont. saved by using the PBOPHlLACflC COMPOUND for eradicat- Ju" •'nil preventing incn!vtati'>n in steam boilers, &c. Collet a'i'l T.iy'or, Hockoy, Birmingham, England. from Messrs. John Black and Co. Milngavie, Scotland, Aug. C, 1873. iGentlemen,—- We have been using yonr Propbylactic Compou-idfo.'erailicating and preventing incrustation vteam bolle-q for about two years, and have found it t,) ;¡..(:))llphh an you guarantee. and can rocommend its L .e to nil parties who use water that readily forms incru'-ta.ion on their boilers —Signed for John Black and Co., David Macgregor. 7022mths  jg A x lt s AN D STEAD, Manufacturers of all kinds ol BLACK a:] I BRIGHT BOLTS ard NUTS: STUDS for Locomotive Engines SEWING MACHINES; oi all laak vS, with taps per return. ALBERT SCREW WORKS, LEEDS. 1418myl9 ECONOMY OF FUEL.-The GALLOWAY JE? CONICAL TUBES m now be!MMteMhe!y in trodnced into Misting bouw% Md &Red of from 16 to 26 per cent. For pricea Mdjp<utic<t!M', tppty to W. and 1. GAL- LOWAY and SONS, EngineeM MM BOUW M&kw% Knot MiU Ironwork% Mo?o&esWr. Upwards of 180 000 of tbeae _bel we now law& They strengthen the fine* and improve the water dm ation. MOOd A IB COMPRESSING ENGINES, References wM be give*. on appHoMon, of Ro msb. factory working for many yean of numbers of these to. riimnmifaw of cyunder, in stock, or in prognaa of com- plOAoiL pleGtuioibna.l'a VenW&Ung FNM, and *5 MBdtefM*? Machinery. J. SCARISBRICK WALKER AND BROTHER, GLOBE FOUNDRY, WIGAN. 6140 d GRIFFITH B.-Then b but one \3r GRIFFITHS SEOOND-HANDGFYlIRY,: Un DEALER in the world, who has always the most extensive MM)ft- ments of Safes by CHATWOOD, MILNKR, and other eminent makers, at about half the price of new. A GUARANTEE with each. Illustrated Price Lists Post Free. GRIFFITHS, the SAFE MAN, 43 and 46, CauOD- street, London, B.C. 6271 d MACHINERY, MACHINERY, MACHINERY. BLOOMER'S MONTHLY MACHINERY REGISTER January NO. POA free on application. B. G. BLOOMER. WALSALL B. G. B. has always on band inquiries for Locomotive, Portable, and Stationery Engines, BoUers,Lathes,<kc. ,<fcc. 6206 d MANCHESTER EXHIBITION OF APPLIANCES FOR THE ECONOMICAL CONSUMPTION OF FUEL, PEEL-PARK. SALFORD, Commencing 80th ianuu. 187'- NEWBOLD'S PATENT IMPROVED FURNACE BARS, for thorough combustion of fuel, and equal dia- Mbutiontof oxygen to all parts of fmmwe. Clinkers cannot adhere to the b&M M the bars are always cool, and hence the greater durability. lviy burn the a-liest slael Will save 10 per cent. in fuel, and, tested against a thick bar, have and are now samg 14 a,d M? per cent. retively. (^t mf more than ordinary bMs, in some dLAdou not so much. These bars are especially adapted for land and marine boilam For particulars, testimonials, Ac, addren 9 DWAlti3 texumoni" &c., address EDWARD NEWBOLD, SHERWOOD RISE, NOTTINGHAM. Sole Agent for Cardiff, Newport, Ac., THOS. H. WOOD, CARDIFF. 5326 d COAL SA VER FOR THE MILLION. GREEKS PATENT CLIMAX COAL SAVER, UT11F. CHALLENGE," Approved and acknowledged to be the only one in g. istence by Nhich you can burn Slack or Small Coais better than large. WILLIAM GREEN, PATENTEE AND SoLK MANUFACTURER. Sole Wholesale Depot— 89, SNOW-HILL, BIRMINGHAM. CAUTION.—Any Infringement upon my Patent (No. 2560, AugiLt2btfi,lb72)wWbometby immediate pro- ceedings in Cbancerv. 6877d UNSUCCESSFUL ATTEMPT AT BUR GLARY IN BIRMINGHAM. Tenby-street, Birmingham, JanuM 1, 1874. TO MESSRS. i. COTTERILL AND CO., LIVERY-STREET, BIRMINGHAM. DEAR Sms,-We have pleasure in bearing testi- mony to the security of one of our Safes, Wloh of the ordinary quality, fitu with your PATENT C¡CM: LOCK. Last Í1t n:nr Warehouse was broken open, and entered by burglars, who drilled the door of the Safe, but failed in drilling the steel plate at the back. The burglars left behind them several drills, also other tools used by them. The contents of the safe were found intact, and the lock was afterwards opened by the key, although evidently aU the ap- =c,es WiIW to burglars had been used to open it t'.ithfuu yours, MMjB4 KNIGHT?AND DURA?T. y IKKH A z x B 1 8 1 T 10 in HIGHEST MEDAL AWARDED TO MESSRS. A. B. FLEMING 00., MANUVACnnUBS Of THI VEGETABLE MACHINERY OIL, la. td. pei Oalloa. KBFINSRIES NEAR EDINBURGH, Contractors to H.M. Government. But and Went India Docks, and the principal Sbipbllllden aad Engineers in the Kingdom. Agent for WalM t- MR. W H. CLARK, USK TMOXL 6108 d INEXPENSIVE HAIR RESTORER,— i LOCKYER'S SULPHUR HAIR BBSTORBR 18 guaranteed to restore Grey Hair to its original colour in Ten days. Precisely = to more costly prepara- tions. Large Bottles, Is. 6d. each, of the Agents, Wg. liams, 1 Bnte?treet, CardiB;. Yo1Ull, "N: =..y, Chepstow; and all Chemuts. 6046 tthf FAT.TR, STFMGTH, AND BNUGY.- PEPPER'S QUININE and IRON TONIO strengthens the nerves, increases the quantity of the blood, promotes appetite, improves digestion, and thoroughly recruits the health. BotUes (32 doxea), 4s. 6d.; next size. lis. Sold by all Chemists; WttUams. 11, tthf DEAFNw NOISES IN THE MM AM HF.AD-bELLARES ESSENCE for DoMma is M Ej?traoTdinary Remedy It always relieves, @ad generally cures quite harmless. BoWeø, Is. IJ& and 2s 9d. each, of aU ChemiøtB, and Williams, Bute?ftMet, Cardiff. Post free 18 stamps, of J. Wpper, Lmdon. 6045 tthi THE UNAKE OF mB TEETH.—By win| T CR-S?OTTS ARECA NUT TOOTH PA? thi< Delicate Coating becomes Sound, White, and Polished as the tlned vory. Sold in Potl. I& and 2L 6d. each, by aU Chem1lt8, and Wilhamt.ll.Bu?tt.H'?M? cwm Young, Newport; Lanele" chopow- 6M5ttM CORNS. BUNIONS, AND ENLARGED TOE-JOINTS.-The Pain In Instantly ''eheved.and complete cure eCected by *'?'?<?' of DZL. LAliS PLAISTERS. Sold by aU C^niiste, ud Williams, 11 Bate-street cat 18. li&A. per Boz, byPo? Jl4<?ps',?J. PEPPER, 337. Tottenham Mro). London; YOUL Newpon; Langtoy^ Cbep stow. 6041) Ubf JOHN GOSNELL AND OO'S "CHERRY TOOTH PA?-peatly.? aU .ther reparatims for the To". Price 18. ed. per pØ AG ?,A AMARUJA restores tao human r6ri 0 P.-4 Pristine bueo matter at What lie in bottw at SL ?-.?ET?D ?URSERY?WDER??.S: fully perfumed da-nteed P-. ■twssssnSSSSifffJSEfei-» %a you?ve none other than their ,rtiølel. Sold b all rele  MdPe?MM Wh ?e.A?F?.? V"   I & ndOD pr- r,4 tthø I w HISKERS, MOUSTACHES, &c. Everr voung man can have particulars (free) of a preparation guaranteed to produce tbd above Inxun- ?!yin a ..th.-Add. Mr. A. Dub0,5uPj?Se* road Eut, Dalston, London. 7007my2g BILIOUS and Liver Complaints, Indigestion, Sick Headache, Low of Appetite, Drowstness, Giddiness, Spasms, and all Disorders oftbe Stomach and Bowels aretplekW removed by'that well-known Giddiness, are ? *o,-i'9 PILL OF WXTH. remedy, FRAMPfON'S PILL OF HEALTH. They unite the recommendation of a mild operation with the most successful effect; and where an aperient is required nothing can be better adapted. Hold by all Medicine Vendors, at is. 1td and 2!1. 94 J p»-r b?s, cr obtained tluoogh Any Chemist. ]6t i THE LARGEST PRINTING WORKS IN WALES, THE "WESTERN MAIL' STEAM PRINTING WORKS, ST. MARY-STREET, CARDIFF, Tho Proprietors of the above works beg to intimate tha they have jumt addel A VERY LARGE STOCK OF PLAIN AND FANCY JOBBING TYPE, And that they are prepared to execute GENERAL PRINTING, PlAIN OR COLOURED, IN ALL ITS BRANCHES, II POWERFUL MAOH|NEB V, AT THB SHORTEST NOTICE, AKD VTON TRZ MOST REASONABLE ZIBMSI WESTERN MAIL STEAM PRINTING WOBD. 108 BOOKS) WESTERN MAIL STEAM HUNTING WORKS nil CATALOGUES, WESTERN MAIL STEAM PRINTING WORKS JOB INVOICES, WESTERN MAIL STEAM PRINTING WORKS MB cmcuLAKai WESTERN MAIL STEAM PRINTING WORKS roB ACCOUNT BOOKS' WESTERN MAIL STEAM PRINTING WORKS. nil PAMPHLETS, WESTERN MAIL STEAM PRINTING WORKS roa TIME BOOBS. WESTERN MAIL STEAM PRINTING WORKS FOB COLLIERY PAY SHEETS. WESTERN MAIL STEAM PRINTING WORKS IOB BANKRUPTCY FORMS, WESTERN MAIL STEAM PRINTING WORKS PON ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION WESTERN MAIL STEAM PRINTING WORKS IPOS BUILDING SOCIETY RULES WESTERN MAIL STEAM PRINTING WORKS won BILLS OF LADmG WESTERN MAIL STEAM PRINTING WORKS FOR FORMS OF LEASES, WESTERN MAIL STEAM PRINTING WORKS. na INSURANCE FORMS. WESTERN MAIL STEAM PRINTING WORKS PO. CHEQUE BOOKS. WESTERN MAIL STEAM PRINTING WORKS Pon TIME SHMT3 WESTERN MAIL STEAM PRINTING WORKS ra CONDITIONS OF SALE. WESTERN MAIL STEAM PRINTING WORKS roll HAND BILLS. WESTERN MAIL STEAM PRINTING WORKS roB POSTERS (ALL SIDS¡' WESTERN MAIL STEAM PRINTING WORKS FOR AU. KINDS OF LITHOGRAPHIC PRINTING; ESTIMATES GIVEN UPON APPLICATION TO MANAGER o. TRIB wEsTMN MAIL" STEAM PRINTING WORKS, I ST. MARY-STREET, CARDIFF, SttJttttff SMttttt*. .VVV"¡. STIFFS STARCH." « STIFF'S STARCH." t0 TRADE MARK, QJJIEN BESS. C}TIFF'S STARCH." jo One trial of this beautiful Starch will prcve its superiority. — « STIFF'S STARCH." Sold by firocers, Druggists, and Oilmen, and Wholeals at 2LI. Redcliff-street, Bristol. (Hlbd Dtptom 0111- Tftolm IXE. GOODALL'S BAKING POWDKEL oZBBT PBNN'T .ACDT In MM WOmB< M.m deUdou BREAD WITHOUT YEAST; PUDDINGS, PAffE wilheut E9G8, B1JI1'T&R, or u.BÐ. mIde wMt a* Powder h much.wav to œgea.. m=b man whoteMCMthMth?odMd wM Yead. ad Mmet?MBtityttMtMdtMm ?< == wwot M ro, ODe 1riI1 COMIDœ e mod !C8P' NW of I" n*, over othem Sold b» Groms, Cbo6*k aiid Ogow% I& wake&,  and 18. Uu. ?&b, y ??M'B??USW. & CO., TA&M Diploma of Merit, Vienaa, 11ft, YORKSHIRE RELISH. The most DBMCIOUH MUOB In »« WORLD to ?OM, WNAW, 1?.?. BcM by &U Groœn and oumen, <& Bow.. 6d., Is., and 2s. eaoti. TtrAq Muk, WUlow-Psttows Plato. ProPidOU-GWDALL. BACKHOUBM A(M.,?M<t' Diploma of Merit. Vienna. 18TI. r( OODALI/S QUINIini wm V The bed \.a  ddoeb"m&y, sad loan et II a a 0 0 WH a um, "ASOU  n Wantwom L 8MS?3?&'<?&?'t.& *.b" A&i.,AMWtW tnL ;TtL PMWWbi Us& a 00.. L"dL A ? ?y?' DOG BISCUITS. BEST- aTBONGBST- /CHEAPEST FOOD FOB VJ DOGS. I UI84" MM tWMMM SP* -d U. -%b ?y ft.a. l wo Pilo* A14 per Too on rail#, of &6 ioll '?E? MANUFACTCMRS, B, HARBMON AND HARBRIDGE, NAVY AND DOG BISCUIT FAMVM% T M, II.R8BYT, UVmPOOL THE WONDERFUL BMOD PURIFIER. J.ONES A N D C O 9 J,OUlf"N SAL PUfaNYWO MKTURB TIA& bgk-'#Pndwm-mb*nm- Imparities of the Mood, Cnuoo, ad "=A- T60,11lly amid %;ktM his woodedd Pug9 SSure. Ttismoet catitdy the bed pi.=2 S?SC* WOdd for all omptiou of MM dd* *be8. spop?ple.Nackhe? bdK carbuncles, ring, worms, tore heads, am 9M aydpola4 lkk' aSSSt.tM?y.?daiJ t?? oancerous soros, bed" so-dmt i= o:r'tk1a-: easesTand is highly recommended to all paroesnnna SS?S? SSSasat, betng agMeaMe,natataNe,m3 safe. Sold In boWmAt 2L OL awb, and b  to 4ced6  am In Jo.dIu cmel t0 tM ?"0IHIWIOT Made Mark-. "I Or Z"IF Man's Friend.—The Best appUcatio« taow» for every kind of nr*L Bad LDga OT 9.08 five yam 'standb* h?ve be= aired by  T? weeD. For lOre i1p pgwred brow infiamed eyes?ingwonn, ulccM. Bums, scalds, both. pbDpIeI, = 1.hrfo:,??g??p?o:t 4 b pirmooplamk- Sendedwith?MeMeby the l*»Pjkto* who feel confident that one bw will conTimMthe mwd Meptie? S?nJM. ID, U. Hd.. aL M.. Mf 4g. od, each. COUGHS I COUGHS I JONNSI BALUM OF HOMHOUND, TOLU, A LINMM Tt.mo?t<MM? .4 W.mkm for an-u-mm" and ooMc?ttTe cen)d? hMMhit? Wiaaouo% diffl. calt ?M??oMut. hMmeMM.toM?wice. aDd 0D8 of ::t'aDd I OM boUle" and of &abed ad ,an&ft. 0&1 4L 66 per bottle. ioxxol PATENT VMMABM Pn<M FOR WCm j? ?thtdbT?S.<mS?d-?'S!tw!mM ht)rbttddi<MMw. wind and pMa in the "tomach, Uweo«nrfaiatal^<Uc«. sick headaSeb pains in^che^lpssrf^Ute, <Mt I.OJ,  *in "@us, )&&" p81. X0..Mtbe 23 IId ,a. pàID. Mad D MM bead, å "a.M & bOa8 M 18. ad*" 84. uob sSpo??<MMMM.?P? MAMU*Lmk W IOQ8 8Dd ft, chowi" MT, GMtt SMmft<? Llyerpoøt Sold InCarM by Mr. WUU?.. Bute-stMet. Joy, and Coleman; Newport, Mr. ThmnMandMr. YMBg, Pontypool, Stephens; Bridgend, Mr. Price; Neath, Hayman; Swansea, MrTwilliams, 4, (?- Neatb, %Ir. Hayman; Swum Hughes Cardigan, Ox {ord-S?et; I:SneUy. MrRux?.CMdigM.Mr. Jones; Merthjr. Mr. GnNthz; C&M&ABON 8 mi,? and Co.; owlais. Mr. EvaM AbefdNy, Mr. Thomas; UMeUy, Mr. Brown; Pon kJ. D&Aoo, Mon- mouth, Dawe and 8?; 3=,L.,Dudgeon; and all mo"t?'t and dealersiny4Wut medicmes. MOamtwM ECKETT'S FRUIT SYRUPS.- JLP Fupbml GingM, Lmon, Black Carnmt, Ac., make most d %idou- be"ngel They Me general favourites ALL THE _Y_ EAR „ROCND, as they CM be used with either warm or cold water. For Weddings, Pages, BMMm,&c.TheyMeMghly the Rev ChMiea G = AIderisab James Barlow, 'AZ' & r. P. A. laosk Dr. ?Junroo, and all who have tcid w piou 12.. Piz" is. D& TCnKTCTT'S SYRUP OF ORANGE BAND QUININE fonM an excellent Tome md Stoma?Mc Beverage by the addition of water. It motes the appetite and amiste di?stion, _d at the same time improves the condition of the inwcdu and system. Medical men we MOommendiM it in plm of Wnine Wine, Mttr Beer, and ogm li6holi- eadal result& See testimonials from Edm Dr. Munroe. Dr. MMa. Dr. Bm- mont, Dr: F. A. Lees, &c., &c. Pints, 38:; WO-pbt4s. U. Od. A?ntsinmostt?_ewn?? Agents wanted wbwe none are apinted. Orden of mffrroooPm m nlzt, ita, wan of the 8 YME Hopwo l ?1, for any of the Sympe, sent carriage Mid by the  l for x y n aznafacturer. W. Hosnv09d. MåDèhester. Wh oieala eDt for South Wei '? West of Eng- ,d, J. W. Willis, Insurance-buildings, Ashley-road, stol.  BAMAM oF HORMOUND, SS%D. CM4.,0 nmmpti  CoüØø, us Dim% BMathing, Spitting Of4lioopug Cough, Hoarse- ■tAna laA Of Yolo&a &C. ° ?!? instan?eoutMltef,and idJ.y dedi' can MHA?AMOST PLEASANT tASTE. TeM, ni-Lu aM wmeco$-Y., as ibm is "&MIT a famill ia Soåb W&W wbi* ban not proved its efficacy. Kt THE NURSERY it is invauble, as childMn are fond of it, and take it eagerly. Immediately it it taken coughing ceasw. rest- lewness is gone, aad refreshing sleep ensues. No lady who has once tried it would ever afterwards be with- out Prepared only by A. Hayman, chemist, Neato, aad IIOld by all chemists. Price Is. lid. and 2s. 9d. per bottle. 9006 ttn NE BOX OF CLARKE'S B 41 PILLS M wananted to mm aU dbcbwgw from dw sitbot sox, acqahvd or obuMnUout. ONvel.andPahM ia We Back. OW in b"408.4L 6& each, by all amnim Patent Modidne Vendm or 8eDttolD1addØ8for80 damps by the Maker, F. J. C???E!??S*High?tr? 'Sc<"?- Wholesale A?ente?BM-day and Sons. London, and AU the Wholesale Houses. Sold ID Cardil by Joy, Cole- man, and Trehwoo. 65fi4 BY ROYAL LETTERS PATENT. MEM nui t'ID II R8 tM9m HESTORB YOCB MGHT. "adwo nadwa aw less. AU diseases of the eyes cujjdternsjng DR. J. BALL AND ,.I 3 CAPS. OanhenaJe. deSec?wt.t??tM.tD.e? M. '0I81tam .ope for tollr. J.1Wcber. ,?[cJ=oad Vi Po&eld.CMchsater. s..a. Over ?MOpeMonsTa? beenaNMtnSy?red -Dr. trsatmeat. &in (i ILHAMS'S ?"f?L?o'" LO=b? a= an u^wOlf the 0DlJ .wa ,'§lortilm2m bm om#bme :ld I,= Poo and as naunw*d by ova of ow godbg =fewwAm Odd bg mOlt  s'???'- '&  of texdmosbu$. 0& on d USE ONLY F OTHERGILL'S TOBACCO, SOU) EVERYWHERE. Wholesale at 4, STUART-HALL, CARDIFF. 5814d ALWAYS ADVERTISE A GOOD THING. The NOTED SHAH CIGAR,* for One Shilling. To be obtained only fMm W. H. SAuaacM, Tobacco and be obtojaw quIL:m 11, Rorg A-d% c.rdil. M3S and Pi" Dwtl 9 "M d CIGARS at WHOLESALE PRICES. ? Mne Nwran and Mmil* t? 6d., 14s. M., Uk 6& per 100; ebow cU, dIäo, ISL ad., Nt 6&, 25L 6& loo. AN other UndstMpt in stock. Car. to any address. Terms; Remittance with order. Five per oent. discount allowed if ifve boxes are taHkeUn.DSON AHUTTON, St Enoch-square, Glugow^ Ø11D8ON "BUTl'ON. B&. BDocIHqure. GIMKoW. 6IWd  NOBBN Md SONS, BILL POMM i.. ?'S? and Oomdro NmdbWs and Circulars delivered with quick Isepsllft Address ? 14, Orchaydiitreet. Bwaasse bwl ( BSTABLISIM M. Y> a L E A O H slu fit and ADO 001.4T"CTOM 17, WOOD-STREET, CARDIFF, Rl ts f' too Principal and nost Prutalae^* Pne«rai f■ tÆ tB ardifl, Canton, Mtd Rosth. ■-W d 7120wo yutetm Tr??SGoSENPII? OF HEALTH, LIVER AND STOMACH PILLS, Are admitted by theasaads to be worth their weight in sold for MUees and aervous disaniers, such as w; mt an 1 pain in the stomach, sick headache, giddinttm, fulnosi and swelling after meals, dizziness and drowsiness, cold chills, flushings of heat, low of appetite, shortnesM of breath, costivsness. scurvy and blotches of the skin, disturbed deep, frightful dreams, and all nervoup, and tremoling sensations, Ac., &c., and the proprietor challenges the whole world to produce a medicine to equal them for removing the above named com- plaints, and restoring the patient to sound and lasting Every nufferer is earnestly invited to try one box of these Pills, and they will be acbowledge to be w?rth their weight in field.. For Females of all ages these Pilla are invaluable, M a few dosts of them curry olf all £ ios» humoura. No femalo shouid he without them. There is no medicine to be found to equal Dean's Pilli for removing oiwtnic- tion or irregularity of the system. If taken according to the directions giveu with each box, they will cioon 1,34tore females ef ill p.c<; to "oUlld and robust health. TESTIMONIALS. "14, Mellnn-strset^ Novrpcrt, Feb. Cth, 1872.-Sir,~I i: i;akl cannot do ltss than acknowledge publicly the value of yeur Pills. I have been a snfforer for many years with pains in the head and stomach, with loss of a, I)p.tite my head was so bad at tiuio i that I cannot Ik..crihe it. I was also very low spirited. J tried lie me (!wtoM, but aU to no ?rviee. I got a box of your 3lili3 ihe &it dose relieved me In a few minutes, and two boxes completely curtd mo. I am as wdl now R t'eri wasinmyMfe. AnyoMe who wHt wrltQt()mu(eDdv inn stamp for rep!y), thathaf My dcnM about j] shall ing,itilmp for reply? em.(Signi )W.JTA141IS(iRrFVITIIII. iwLjal)pytoeiiswer (Signed) JAMES GRtFFiTHS." Nou-m'der I.th, Will yon be so kind na to send ma a box of your P" I had three boxca of them twehe months ago, and they did me more good than all the doctors' medidne in Aberdare. I used to take them for aD appetite and bUe, and my face and body wereMTCMd)!H owwithpimpte<; after t?Mng the three boxes my face and body were quite clear. I have tried Parr's 0* Bmbam'm pWi, HOUOWSY's ills but nODe of 1bem are equal to youm-Addmio? ?HO?AS HUILLEY Brecowroad, Hirwstn. Abordam" I Mm Ann J4;;?- 27. I<o<uaM)tMet, Bute Town CMdMf, cured of Úldig8llt.iI:r.:mtl pain Ana wind in the .tomach, O*st IR"nm in the Dead. and could not get her food to remain on the stomach; suf- fered twenty years, cured ID three weeks. Prepared only by M. B. D?N. Operative and Con- Mating CbemW, 208, Bute-road (comer of Sophia- street), Cardiff. St8$i'inBoxes,Is.ljd. Md ? <M.<? Md may be "?Sd' M?e< themroptieter per post. by andoduf 14 had diK<t fMm 18 ftmps for t a I&  TOOTRACir? U7"PL •gfflgaasa  Sold by au Obomide and M8cUcine VeDdon. 93739W "FOR THE BLOOD IS THE LIFE."—See Dent. CLARKE'S WORLD-FAMED BLOOD MIXTURE. THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER AND RESTORER1 B?t cleansing and clearing the blood from all impari- tiek cannot be too bi,bly roco=,eudo& For ele-n obe too big ?likisk I)iemwe?6 and Sores of an Tor Scrofula, Scurvy. Skin Diseases, and Sore..f au Mnde, it ia a no Ts-r=- and permanent care. It Cam Old Sores, Caree UtcMated SOM on the Neck, Cures Ulcerated Sore Legs, Cures Blackheads, or Pimples on the face. Cuus Scurvy Sores. Cures Cancerous Ulceis, Cam Blood and Skin Diseases, Cures Glandular Swellings, Clears the blood from all Impure Matter, From whatever cause arising. As this Mixture is pleasant to the taste, and warranted free from anything injurious to the most delicate con- stitution of either sex, the Proprietor solicitors suffer- ers to give it a trial to test its value. Thousands of testimonials from all partl 8oM in bottles 28. 3d. each, and incMea, oontaiwng six times the quantity, Ua. each-aumcientto effect a permanent cure in he great maiorit1 of 10ng-etandiIll caaes-BY ALI? CHE ISTS AfiD PATEN $atandi CINE VENDORS throughout the United Kingdom Md the world, or sent to any address on receipt of 27 or M2 st&m r', Jb, yCLAIIKIC Chemist, High-street. Lincoln, Wholesale: All Patent Medicine Houses. Cardiff-Sold by JOY. COLEMAN J. D. TREHARNE, Bute Docks Newport „ E M. THOMAS. „ G PRICE. Ebbw Vale. L. P. JONES- Maesteg B. D. MORGAN. Bridgend A. J. PRICE. Merthyr W. J. WHITE, 128, 6019 ttf Hight-st II TIDINGS OF GOOD CHEER A HOPE /CROSS'S VEGETABLE BALSAM. Å 8ft, IIIIIIIQ,L aDd øertaID Care for CoqbI, bIDa, BroútiWI. 'h08l'll8lUlll, ShortDell of BreM!I. 8D4 all affections of Chest, Throat, and This ZzbsoWbmy Remedy I= b- po-d and acknowledged by innumerable saffwm who be" be= &Mctod %itli the  to be &be ssaaffiSwwmo XXTANT. 2tonmy commea"om noond ftm wbo have benefited by this Wonderful Medicine, yd their ?eet  IOUdtaUou to nM? ?e V?9d" Maam wideytmown to feUow '?'?.?y? =- 11:=-=-r ""it 'tile ID doinl so, be feel8 cCø* III8J'o venous c.n?TepMpet&.wiN be =mW ?MMt M all wbo gi" It a UUL ?eM?S'brWiMMmCM-, Obsm&K Oolm of HI&4twt and Snko?Met.oRM. S.MmBott..a. Ie. li&. 2L 8d., aDd a 1,^loieMle^f ^Barciayaad Sons, 96, Farrlngdoa- meet, London; aad N8Wburr and Sou, New"" atKet. LoadolL CROSSES COD LIVER OIL. To be had at William Cross. Chemist, Corner of High treet and Duke-street, Cardiff. 6139 ith EATING'S PERSIAN INSECT i\. DESTROYING POWDER, As supplied to H.M. Government Clothing Deoot. This Powder ia quite harmless to animal i ifs. but is unrivalled in destroying FLEAS, BUGS, BEETLES, MOTHS in Furs, and every other species of Insect. May be obtained from all Chemists, in Packets, is. and on A/i each, or free by post, 14 and S3 Stamps, from THOMAS KEATING, SL PAULS CHURCHYARD, LONDON. K EATING'S WORM TABLETS, j? A PURELY "EGUABLE SWEETMBAT, both' rmace and taste, fumiahing a moat agrM- able erod.f dini-W?i-9 the only certain remedy for Intestinal or Thread WOMa. It is a perfe ,y pA70 and mild p5rSeparation, and is as y adapted for KSfi. ?ofdbyal! DruMiah? mt??l?,.r  post, 16 gat t by from THUS. Ti G, St. Paurs Churchyard, London. 69uttb THE GREAT AMERICAN REMEDY.— HAMMOND'S PAIN PAINT atope hM<"dM, tootnMhe.tic?oloMM, in A" minutes; and t". wr- tan em zor rimiumadm, wysipehaJ™ cataMh, inSnanM, broDcbitil; tib=..4 he wont ulcers, pUee. moetmaMgnant canon% bwns, old sw?o6 swenininflammation, and all othea dbeam of the skin an all other iDtemû pains, by a tho-mb Outward umdon of Pain Paint. Sao sm&U bilk Win not :vour or staw Harmlm u water. lasm so munt. ft^ la?d., 2L 9&. #L 7d., 21&, Sa.. MdMa. a ??MARVELLOUS CURE OF RHEUMATISM. 88 BW-et.eet, 0 dh- July 14th. ISM For five years < haTe aucMed with rbsumtim in MY hand. Hammond's PWR P&M ''M'<'?'??? hmainndu. tea. TIC DOLOREUXJOHN R4RTLiCT. minl1k1, ?ZN H4&TMT. Part Crou-street, Leeds, Aug. 16th, 1m. lhavea?red for six weeks with tic the face and berAL Hammon&& Pain Paint cured me in one ipnute. SARAH ANN BRAY. J A WM. HAMMOND, Sole Pwpriot-. 4, Upper Mill Hill, Boer Lane, Leeds. CardiffSold by JOY SwanseaSold by J. HUGHES, Chemist; and by all Chemists. 6213 tts LOOK AND LIVE.—The use of MARS- JLa TON'S OINTMENT is invariably attended with the most astouidiing results. Cases which had resisted every ether remedy, and long bad been Riven lip incur" have been cured with three pots of ren up. as ment None need despair, for the most hopeless cases yield to the powerful cleansing and healing properties of this specitic. Prepared by Robert Marston, Syston, Leicettershire. May be had of all Chemists, and direcc from the Maker, on receipt of It stamps. 1V2A KERNICKS VEGETABLE PILLS for HEADACHES. BILIOUS COMPLAINTS. IN- DIGESTION, COSTlVENESS, RHEUMATISM, or TICDOLOREUX. They are easy to swallbw, being very small, require no confinement indoors, strengthen the system, and have been tried by thousands, who pro- nounce them to be the best medicine in the world. Testimonials from J. Balbirnle, Esq., M.A., M.D., Lecturer on Physiology," allllborof A Treatise on the Turkish Rath," &e. I have examined the pills known as I Kernick's Vegetable Pills.' I certify their composi- tion to be purely vegetable; I have also tried their effect ana consider them one of the best aperient pilla for constipated habits that I know of.—(Signed)—JOHN BALBIRNIK, M.A., M.D." Mr. Cranwell, Apothecary, Monte Video, writing to a master of a vessel, -11- "Bringme a supply of 'Kernick's Vegetable Pills/ I have found them very efficacious; they cured me after many other medicinea had failed, and I have since given them to my patienta with equal sucem.Pte- paled only by 8. P. KERMICK, Manufacturing rkied oi Cardiff. Sold in boxes, at Is. 1M. and 71&. by tbe appointed &put* aad.-l8IIptOPbfe Cbemilta and Dru¡¡1ItI. 6032 mth ORSES for ALL PURPOSES for the JUL Aristocracy, Ac.—The lamentable scarcity of high or medium cuos horses now supervening has ren- dered the difficulties in the way of procuration upoa reasonable terms more enormous than heretofore. The well-known facilities from widely-extended opportuni- ties afforded through my long-okablimbed and highly- patronised agency must render its operations more per- tinent than ever to the interests of noblemen, gentlemen, and foreign agents in search of any kind of bones raised in these kingdoms. Terms and tto#s%Oxf&b free.-Captain DE VERB HUNT Bo-bal HO"% Reg-t's Park, London. I(.& "-bi meany wenty YOM 60M A—SPLENDID F GARDE14 A FOR ? 6D -On receipt of poa-offlce order or NSTTSFI SSWS §EBLY 12 be&UWW varieties of FLOWER SEEDS, ladadln¡  ader, toliolls, &-c..   together Wi-.h a COP1 ,f lb.3 Iu.tmw Guide for Amateur Gardeners," riJbly 1Iitl?- maøi- ecently col;)"retl ill'str3tiOnq of "b3 wbfte "ly-0 fo;t3t-m'¡'ll.)t, I,om,3 MargeU Neil, j L ohn Hopper. IDII convùl,.ùul ?i?or, and magm.lv COlOtlNd &roup of sur;ca3, l1, pDlox', ire,? wiulv=; abo colitihlz.l 96 Psileg, UI8l1 illudta,,d with butiful wo^^iK^W'S •?crmaJioa f0I SS'sriw1#1«ar flowerZ&Men, an(I a øeJect Jiat of all of øee<III,-DANIELB BPor«EBS, the Royal kinds of owds.-DANIELS BT?OTRZM, theXyO N.,folk B-d pmoiwo WORTH A SOVEREIGN A BOTTLE. THE GREATEST REMEDY IN THE WORLD For Curing Consumption, Cheat, and Lung Diseases, is by taking PERRIN'SCONCENTRATEDESSENCH JL OF HORKHOI ND AND COLTSFOOT. CO 000 BAD CASES OF CONSUMPTION CURED And restored to perfect besltb, by taking this great in valuable remedy, which has been admitted by ail who L-.ve tried it to be WORTH A SOVEREIGN A BOTTLP. Agett People I If yon suffer from Conghs, Asthma, Rhert. (,f Bre.%th, BroncJutis, pitnlll of Phlegm, Weak- Hil", Lung Diseases, &c., TRY PERRIN'8 ESHI-^CE OF HOREHOUND AND COLTSFOOT. Voting People I If you suffer from Coughs, Colds, Spft. tiug of Blood, Iniluecia, Hoarseness, Quinsey, Pains « tae MUt-s, Consumption of the Chest, Throat, and Lunfs, THY l'ERRIN'S ESSENCE OF HOREHOUND AND COLTSFOOT. Mothers! If your children suffer from Croup, Chin t'ou/L h, Wlioopii n Ccu h. Fulness at the Chest or Lung., Tee'.binp, Uroathing, &:c" T?Y fERRIN'S ESSENCE OF HOREUOUND AND COLTSFOOT. Sold In LV.tles, 9,(L. Is. ljd., and WHOI.KSALE AGENTS. WOOLKY. tm Market-street, Manchester. W S. GANDY, l(I, Stamford-street, Ashton. JOHN HARROW, MUltown, Glossop. WHOLESALE DISTRICT AGENTS. P. P. KERNICK, Wholesale Druggist, CARDIFF. KI (.HARD PKUST, Chemist, Splotlands, ^CARDIFF Kktaii. AUKMT. M. H. DEAN, 208, Bute-street, CARDIFF. __n- Sold by all Chemists. 6305 d COCKLE'S ANTIBELIOUS P¡LL8. V/ THE SAVBK FAMILY APERIENT, 18 Bosee at II. lfel, tI. 811. 8d., ..d 11& COCICT 8 ANTIBELIOUS PILLS \j These POla consist of a careful aad peculiar ait- n=tun of iM hot and mild" Mt?Me spaimtk with Pon MtBMt of MM aawm of the aimmuil& 'nMywiUbefonnd a mMt ""U Mm<dy foe de- ru mmmt of do dhroxbvo NW for to &din eFtheU?cMdbeweb wh10ti JIÕ4- tbe" UAW" of MUoM Mtd UTM com" TW spoodt fremove the and feverish dmo Of the allaoy 'spasms, correct the mmrMd condition S as lhw and rg £ s subewrisnt lodbodim td..?hMt? MeMtiM?bU<.M?MUt? &ttO*. .titatioa of7 mMW other im which, by tile stitation by of dmdalids ia tbe Mood, mast ?Epb, affect the .œiob of tbe MdiMy? U, )? KmotiBg MM PM*'ctt?cf W"6a ditccmfMt, they rodm the enMgi« both bof od t tanamin& Todwnv!hln,?kmco :rhitw glhly a= .f the table, thm piOa ?dN M<Uy <MeM. ^^wifaig no pgn taltbwr actioo, unless tbey meet ?thM unuma quantity of &aid bLU and add hisda fn the etMMeh aad bow- To EnMpetM oa tbdr arrival in India or CMM 8M MeMMMededeet pMeerrttiTe against the <tM dtwrdan peoWW to tropic? cUamtee. Their eeet??j?ifcemMBed with the tfld-4 MU-tion to dW, i.?N If omwnod foud to mao" #A once, by their initsom over no secretions, that congestive and unhealthy condition of the liver which is so often the earliest antecedent of febrile aad constitutional disturbance. It must be understood that these pills are not recommended as containing any new or dangerously active ingredients; on tbe contrary, tbey are characterised by a remarkable of combination, aDd whatever merit they maj be loaad to possess depends as much u tile selection of pure drugs, and the unusual labour and atteatioa bestowed upon thstr subsequent prepara- tion, as upon the acknowledged peculiarity of tbeir com- position. Tbey are not recommended as a panacea, aor are they adapted to all complaiats; but as a mild aal efficacious aperient and toaie in the various tonw* Indigestion it will not, perhaps, be an exaggeration to state that they have been resorted to uader sll systems of diet, changes of climate, or atmospheric alterations, with an extraordinary degree of incases for 74 year*. This celebrated family sperient. may be had throughout the United Kingdom in boxes at IL I Wi, II. Id., 4s. feL. and lis., as well as in India, China, New Zealand, aad the Australiaa colonies. COCKLE'S ANTIBILIOUS PILLS, THE OLDEST PATENT IOWIOINB, In Boxes at Is. ljd., U. 9d., 4s. Bd., and lis. COCKLE'S ANTIBILIOUS PILLS. V/ la use 74 yews for I. INDIGESTION. In Boxes at Is. ljd., 2s. 9«L, 4s. <d., aad lis. COCKLE'S ANTIBILIOUS PILLS. V In use 74 years for BILIOUS AFFECTIONS. In Boxes at IL lfel, SL 811.. 4s. 8d., and Us. COCKLE'S ANTIBILIOUS PILLS. \J In use 74 years for LIVER COMPLAINTS. In Boxes at la. ljd., 2s. 9d., 4s. Od., and 11*. MtSd AYE'S WOBBDZM't PILLS. For *PB? 01 W "'??*" jWtO?M. DEU.?PmMhMW? ONSOM 0 OW kd rmwy for the MM '? P"'?' «?"?- '? "adw dw doda MSAc?ottheb)?od.<hei??''?Mj(Bh?? rendwSu &be ftad&aM» to aScwuequSityrStoSg aad h3etStthSt ?ht f thetheeMeMo*t. o :rrDe ;¡:¡;¡:= hMdMde 01 mumdiwbftisoi?0. ads hundred of tsodm bm ea<My. Oû d B)My. the twoM<wht< htM hMt '??"* "B???.N?O*?''? jobs Kaye, BIq.-Dør ak-my w& he?beot suffering from a very sore leg tor alnsleeayeoja. Baring %aline aho me 098" some of wbom p" ber ow up u bopokm "fteed to nearly a Adebm I ad mom of KW? Wom eU'n PiHii6 #Ad oba do abod UL ww* d Obw do was oompkt* mnd No ban quite ttMM. It b do ØICI8'" ?''<" kq,dt,o = nslgbboudsood. t)teateoo<mM<ttMnet Wbo"M I can. 46 persoa I bear oomplaWMg. ) TOM Baow* ??.??SS'.?. 'j-?? Tbe Agent a Bean following case i— Seat. 4,1868. jwm sidxg* of lmwpk tM? SMWttL =Bond severely from bumn palm in ew dMBeBMyofbMtthiBt. acenVU00 al 9* be ksd so Ism work for many WookL ni mu take Roe's Woraw's PmiL Bob" be OM box I* wo ?ad work md b om bealthy maa. &. says bo wm um be .?'S???&S&Md?.K °sSd by IM Oboadde md GOW Vsdm b POW Medldaes, at Is. ljd.. U. 9d.. and 4s. «L psr bon. ftOOld rpo RUPTURED PERSONS. The ORTHONBMIC TRUSS b No bwA and am" Tram in uand eaMMy MpMetMt fM both The eW s? wanugoo of do OBTBONDIC 'mCSS ?U?t.S.?wStht. tt. 'ffe? ^adapUhttlty tctUthemovMMnttef tIIe. I"" esaft SMSpdMt.eh?.M?M and it Is exhuadi dnrtbSMdmMketytomto???MpMf. Khtht<mh TrMt thM gi?M thetMt&g powM- in tn <UM?ecM<MtM< man=. BtcemmMded??httd?SmM? sis W. Ferguson, BMt., Sir & Tbmpw% BuL, Mi W josm, wr W. GaU. BUL Single Truss — 'L and UB. nomMeTnm IIL Md B? SiM of the body round MM Mpt only meMM M' quired. Sent po&?e fNt oa r4odp W skw,ps or Po.. ottice Or&r, pay" to J- LooL Pit-t T*7u and Swo bArommA 61, BonmiewsWAt h)t?? ?MDtNG, RUKN V Ci. AND B??T!tf Bnm iMtrmMntt fM the Tnaaeù «< DttemttiM 01 Spin% Chad, aad Limba, aDd e; 01 SPPUA- Ior 'w»m. Jut pab fA 0UI&It md!lkut,.?;?=Mt 7AMUSM" Mtt WORTH A^ GUINEA A BOX BBKOBAM'S .ILLI B aN MMI%W by MMMtado worth abmq Gem? A Box. for BWou aad NMWMDttMdMt, amb M Wiads aad PWR tA We Mma* Sick Bade OiddineM. FatzMO Mtd Sw?UiM; Mtet m? tDcih?e, MM MA Dmwdaem C4U CUMI, FhMMtW <" Hart, Loss of ASboftom Of Bre" coaive- MM. &-m, =on Oft Dh?Mbed a«? ,.tful aDd all Nw"u and T?mblft Sw atiocs, ft The bd does will gn MW b loss" niinum. This is no fiction, for tbey have done It In ttaoasaads of cases. Evenr safferer Is earnestly larited to try one box of theee Pllla, and tbey will be acknowledged to be WORTH A GUINEA A BOX. FM fenwo 0<Mt ? th<M Mf an iawgu" u A ewdoM* of Um oNn <? all '?'?"?'JS? aU o..d briD& about aU AM is req^J&sA?. No female IbHId be *Itbout umm 'I'beN 7;W medicine to be fouad to equal BEECHAMtl PDLM for I'8IDOri8Æ oWnu:tioDl or a.1arWe8 of &be Ip tem. iTtaken according to &be %:&l:aUw., ^Iven = Mchb<M.theywiNM.BM<tMt?«mMM of in AM wan aad robust booft „ „ 10=. w. cllnllloa, all ob orders of the Liver, tbey act like •TtlOIC/' aada £ few? doew wW be to M to iro*  mora to,. portam organ oh,- IUddDe. '1'b8J"  lexion brftb,Of c.t=n'o?C:i.:C S?Stttem 0# do h=- hem -on PjScTS" -i-d'-i? bthad- an ofS?. Md?.fMMb..tgM? Kw. WMtSf DebWWed ? PUAS bm uw IOWA ale of An! Pate? Kedicim is woft ?? BMCHAMW MAGM OOUGB HLM. a" foria 94own-L Mttm? dgkw tnbM?MM.??MM.f ht? MtMMg.Md?B. in bmof Mdto :1004 Wboodo& tk, PMN %7.0W ttvauo&  ShoStdteSd. ?<<TX?whh?? dw "tiong of nØ. Let 0' perMa ?Tt OeMh ?tM?Mdth<mo?vM<ateeM)h?t<Mit<t)ES! Uwe be moved. CAUTIOrt.-The public are requested toaotloe tbal the words Beecbau s PUls, 8L BAW -we" 00 (10. vernment stamp affixed to each box of tho pHls; If net on they are a forgery. Prepared only, and add wholesale and retail, by llM proprietor, T. Beecham, Chemist, St. Helen's, Lanca- shire, inhoxee at 1.. ltd. and 2s. 91 eedL Seat poet free from the proprietor for 16 or 86 ntsmps nil directions are given with each box. Sold by all Drug, gists and Patent Medicine Dealers in Wales. 6202 d THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER.- J. THOMPSONS BURDOCK PILLS pnrify the foulent Moro, and relieve every Disease of Stomach, Lh. r. and Kidneys. Pure Blood gives Heeltl). Thou. sarto have loetn cured by tho re wonderful Pills, whose d >i"-i f < n!fj not l>e reached l?y any other medicine St '< i?.-t-. 'h U>« at 1&. I'd., rm" '« ;;<j ——