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BUSINESS OF PARLIAMENT. THE House of Commons was occupied during nearly the whole of its sitting' on Monday with a complaint, made by Air. Abercromby, against the Lord Chancellor for having in certain observations made by him in the Court of Chancery, charged I the lion. Member, by unequivocal description, with having stated ari utter falsehood" in the debate on Wednesday last. Air. Abercromby explained that he had never made the statements imputed to him by one Jour- nal, and one Journal only, which appeared to have furnished the grounds for this coarse attack. He concluded by a motion to call Mi". Farquhar- son, a short-hand writer, to the bar, to prove the use of the offensive words by the Lord Chan- cellor. Mr. Brougham, Mr. Scarlett, Mr. J. Williams, ,yi Mr. Tieniey, Sir J. Mackintosh, &c. &c. support- ed the motion, which was opposed (chiefiyon the plea that consideration was due to the excited feelings of Lord Eldon) by Messrs. Canning,Peel, Wynn, and the Attorney and Solicitor Generals, and ultimately rejected by a majority of 151 to 102.. Tuesday night in the House of Lords some con- 0 versation took place between Lords King, Dam- Icy and Liverpool, respecting-the forrnoLhearing appeals, and the state of Ireland, but without leading to any specific result upon either subject. In the House of Commons on Tuesday night, JIt-. ffirme moved for a return of the committals, by Magistrates, to the various prisons of London, Middlesex, and Surrey, for the last three years, distinguishing the names of the Magistrates by whom tfiey were made. Mr. II. Sumner objected to the invidious expo- sure of the names of the county Magistrates, which this motion, if granted i must occasion.— He saw, however, no objection to the motion as it affected the stipendiary Magistrates of the metropolis. Mr. Alaberly, Mr. Demncm, Sir R. Heron, and some other members supported the motion. The Attorney General suggested, that in the first -instance, the County Magistrate might be omitted, to be forthcoming', however, should the House think it necessary upon a view of the re- turns, to proceed further in the matter. Mr. Peel concurred in the prudence of this ar- rangement, which he had, ne said, before pro- posed to Mr. Hume. The returns were at length ordered, modified according to the Attorney General's suggestion. Mr. Hobhouse then brought forward his motion "lit for a repeal of the Window Tax. After replying at considerable length, to most of the general to- pics of the Chancellor of the. Exchequer, he pro- ceeded to detail the multiplied oppressions and evils of the Assessed Taxes generally, and espe- cially of that tax, the repeal of which was the particular object of his motion. These oppres- sions and evils he described with great truth and effect. He spoke with some disrespect of the Sinking Fund, but explained, that without in- fringing upon it, the Window Tax might be re- pealed by continuing the Silk and Wool duties, and some other of those which the Chancellor of the Exchequer proposed to repeal. He bore testimony, however, to the general soundness of the Right lion. Gentleman's views. Mr. Maberly supported the motion. He de- precated the preservation of a Sinking- PaM, at an annual expence of five millions and argued that public credit would be better sustained by the sale of the Land Tax, according, .to the de- tailed plan which he liad glyen last year. By adopting this measure the' Sinking (fund might,, lie said, be relinquished, and the whole body of assessed taxes swept away; he objected to the continuance of both, a Malt and a Beer duty, if the latter were given up, and a proportionate in- crease made upon the former; the expence of col- lecting the repealed branch < £ 20,900 per annum, would be saved. The Chancellor of the Exchequer defended the selection he had made of Taxes to be reduced.- He denied that Air. Maberly's proposition, for a scale of the Land Tax, promised so certain and favourable a result as to authorise him to reduce the Assessed Taxes in contemplation of its suc- cess. He maintained the utility of a Sinking- Fund, which, though it might be dispensed with by a people assured of everlasting peace, was absolutely necessary to a nation subject to the calamity of war. He professed great pleasure in stating, that in addition to the Taxes which, on a former evening he had proposed to give up, he was now able to offer a surrender of all the Taxes upon law proceedings. Mr. J. Smith expressed flrrtft-h gratification at the last communication, but objected to the grant of,-tSO,(K)O for building Churches andrepaning Windsor Castle. Lord Althorp ridiculed the Sinking Fund; and Air. Baring defended it at some length. lHr. W. Smith, and Lord Alilton spoke in favour of the motion, as did Mr. Hume, who proposed a reduction of the military establishment to meet the necessary reduction of taxation. On a division the nuihbers were—For the mo- tion SI, against it 1,5,5. The proceedings in Parliament on Thursday night were miscellaneous and brief; but some of the short discussions were highly Interesting. In the House of Lords the Earl of Liverpool in reply to an observation by the Marquis of Lansdowne, acknowledged that he had been in er- ror in denying that considerable qualifies of coarse linen were exported, from the South of Ireland. In consequence af discovering this er- ror, lie said, it had been determined by Ministers to proceed as slowly in taking the bounty from coarse linens as from line. The most interesting subject which came under discussion inlhe House of'Coinmons was, a peti- tion from the silk weavers*: of Covehtf^ plaining that the Chancellor of the Exchequer's proposition of admitting foench silks was likel v to destroy their trade. The petitioners claimed the protection of the Legislature, on the ground that while the corn laws remained in force and while they had to support so much a greater 0 r weight of taxation than any other European ma- nufacturers, they could not contend upon equal terms with the silk weavers of France. In pre- senting the petition, lUr. Ellice observed as a re- markable coincidence, that while the master ma- nufacturers were preparing it, the working weav- ers were assembling, to strike for higher wages. Robertson defended the proposition of the Chancellor of the Exchequer, as greatly beneficial to the parties who are how remonstrating against it. Sir Robert Heron then moved for leave to bring in a Bill for the continuance of offices, notwith- standing a demise of the Crown. After the motion had given rise to a lively conversation between Air. Canning, Air. Ilun.c, Mr, Brougham, &c. the Hon. Bart. withdrew it. --0--








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