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Lciiiion, SATURDAY, MARCH 4. Accounts from Bayonne this morning positively state that the Spanish have granted the French a free trade to the Havamiabj which is supposed to hara been the object of the late Privy Coun- cil held by our Government. Private letters from Smyrna of the 15th January state, that the greatest vigilance was still used by the Tuikish soldiery there, as rumours were afloat that the Greeks would make another attempt at coup de main cn that, city. No outrages had been committed by the Turks on the Greeks or Franks at bmyrna, but this tranquillity was chiefly ascribed to the vigilance of the Pacha, who shaking off the natural indolence of the Turkish ha. bit, had patrolled the streets with his guards, and repressed every attempt to anarchise the place. The rabble of Smyrna are however stated to express great in- dignation at the late attempt of the Greeks, and many of the higher orders ascribed it to the incapacity of the au- thorities of Smyrna, as well as of the Ot- toman Government at Constantinople. It gives us pleasure in reading over the debates of Friday night, that the House of Commons are at length beginning to consider the propriety of selling the ma- terials of the old palaces and with the proceeds, together with a grant of public money, to build the King a palace fit for the King of England to hold his Court in. We hope whenever such is resolved on, that the Palace will be built on a high commanding ground, instead of being placed in such a swampy situation as Carlton House and Buckingham Palace. No wonder that the King should have been so afflicted with the rheumatic gout, when he has resided for so many years in Carlton House, which we hear is in a very decayed state, owing to the marshy na- ture of the gardens behind it. The Gen- tlemen who seemed most to dislike the contemplated meosure, were Lord Milton and Mr. Bright. We put it, therefore, to Gentlemen, whether it be not better to expend a million in building a magnificent palace on Primrose or Hampstead-hill, than in spending 1,000 millions in giving the Neapolitans, the Genoese, the Spa- niards, '(or the Greeks, Major Cartwright's constitutions. The one measure we are of opinion would draw foreigners to this country, but the other might increase the increased emigration at present going on. Some of the taxes which the Chancellor of the Exchequer proposes to repeal, seem to threaten as much opposition as if the question related to the imposition, and not to the removal of a burden. The alarm of the Silk weavers appears from the petition in Thursday night's debate and in the Leeds Intelligencer of Thurs- day, we find a series of resolutions, adopted by the persons engaged in the woollen trade, indicative of the most se- rious apprehensions, from the proposed repeal, of the export duty on long wool. Were the matter to be considered only with regard to the general question of the freedom of trade, or even with regard to that injury to particular interests embarked in the silk and woollen trades, which must follow every alteration of system however beneficial,-the remonstrances of the silk weavers and wool dealers might not carry much weight. But the ques- tion is in truth one rather of manner than of substance, and it is one therefore in which the opinions of those practically concerned, are entitled to the utmost at- tention. The Chancellor of the Exchequer, in the debate upon Mr. Hobhonse's motion, said with great truth and felicity. H We cannot do every thing at once; and if we could, and should exercise the power, we would throw every thing into con- fusion." It were well, perhaps, if the llight Honourable Gentleman vvould carry this principle into his proposed arrange- ments for the benefit of the Silk and Wool Trades. For example, were he, instead of taking off the duty on raw silks, and the prohibition against manufactured silks at the same time, 10 give the fir,! measure a few year's precedence, in the course of which the British manufacturer might es- tablish his superiority upon a firm foun- dation, file modification of the Wool! Duties might proceed with the same de- liberation aiiii as there is no reason for precipitancy alleged in either case, there seems to he no reasonable ground for re- fnsino so much concession to the teirs of ';> the parties, even though those fears should prove groundless. The communic:-tions with France and a. relating to South America ha f • I been represented to Parliament They comprise a memorandum of a conference held on the'6th of last October between I' the Prince de Poiignac and Àlr. Canning —a letter of the 30th of December from | Sir \Y.A'Court, ,ith its enclosures—and a letter of the 30th of January from Mr. Canning to Sir William. On the part of France, the most im- portant feature of the conference is. ;i precise declaration that the French Go vernment abjured, in any case, any de- sign of acting against the Colonies by force of arms. She also formally disclaims ai»y desire to appropriate any part of them to herself; and regards as hopeless, the idea of reducing Spanish America to the state of its former relation to Spain. On the part of Spain, an earnest de- sire is expressed that all the Allies would agree to a conference at Paris, to devise means of adjusting the affairs of South America; and King Ferdinand declares his willingness to consider of the altera- tions which events have produced in his American Provinces, and of the relations which during the disorders have been formed with commercial nations. On the part of England, it is declared, as a matter of opinion, that the recog. nition of such of the new States as have established de facto their separate politi- cal existence, rannot be much longer de- layed/the British Government has no desire to anticipate Spain in that recog- nition but even before mamj months elapse, the desire of leaving the prece- dency to the latter may be overborne by considerations of a more comprehensive nature. Any attempt by foreigners to subdue any part of South America, or any pre- tence on the part of Spain herself to re- vive her old restrictions upon the trade of that Continent, shall, it is said, be fol- lowed by an instant recognition. Should Spain determine on recognising any of the new States, Great Britain would willingly afford its countenance to a re- cognition on that basis. She asks no ex- clusive privilege of trade for herself, but merely a free trade for all, allowing Spain herself to preserve superior commercial advantages. After these explicit decla- rations, a conference with the other Allied Powers on the subject appears useless, and is, therefore, decliued by his Ma- jesty. A discussion took place Wednesday night in the House of Commons, on the subject of taxes, which may be considered of some importance, on account of a con- cession which the Chancellor of the Kx- chequer made to the voice of public opinion, by consenting to make a reduc- tion to the amount of B200,000 in the charges on Law proceedings. It may be recollected that, at the time when those taxes were imposed, one principal argu- ment which the then Chancellor of the Exchequer advanced in favour of them, was, that they would tend in some de- gree to prevent litigation. Whether he was sincere in that declaration or not, it is evident that the present Chancellor of the Exchequer professes to entertain a different opinion; for Wednesday night he observed that the prevention of liti- gation was not so much a good, as the denial of justice war, an evil. That a con- siderable reduction of taxes ought to taka place, and that such reduction would tend greatly to relieve the people from the pressure under which they have Neen long suffering, is a proposition generally ad- mitted on both sides of the House I)ut a great difference of opinion prevails as to the particular kind of taxes that ought to ba taken off. Some Hon. Members say that the Leather Tax is the most oppres- sive, and that of course it should he re- pealed before all others some cry out against the tax on malt, and others against those on windows. Among the latter is Mr. Ilobhouse, who brought forward his promised motion Wednesday evening it was on this occasion that the Chancel- lor of the Exchequer, while he resisted the proposition, informed the House that it was his intention to reduce the revenue heretofore derived from the stamns on legal proceedings in Great Britain an i Ireland, to the amount of that one half of this sum should be made good by certaiu savings intended to take place in the expenses of collection, and the other half by a revenue nii-i.t; out 0f the Crown lands, which had hiti»,-rto diverted to other purposes. This an- nouncement of the Slight Hon. Gentle- man was loudly cheered in most parts oi the House: and there are many persons I who will coasider it as an important 10 the country.
