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Switzerland. March 3.—The Duke of Cavelio has sent proposals, dated from Berne, Feb. 20, addressed immediately to the Governors of the Cantons, for the raising of Swiss Slegiments for the service Z, of the kingdom of Naples. The pay offered in this plan is even better than that paid by the Netherlands, add after 20 year's service every one will receive the half of his pay after 25 years, two- tliirds and after 30 years, the whole as pension for life. The subalterns and privates receive a sabre and uniform, and those who obtain leave of absence or re- tire with their pension, are to he con- veyed by sea, free of expense, to Genoa. In case of being dismissed before the ex- piration of the 10 years, for which the convention is proposed, it is provided that officers and soldiers, besides a pay- ment in money, snail have half-pay for life Each regiment to consist of two battalions, and I 1 17 men. Other advan- tages are added, but great as they are ac- knowledged to be, the Cantons of Zurich, Argovia, St. Julien, and Vaud, have de- clared it impossible to enter into any en- gagements Bucharest, Feb. 17.—Private letters from Constantinople of the 3d, which have come with dispatches to one of the foreign Consuls, announce that the Em- peror of Persia has ratified the peace with the Porte. Great preparations were making by the Porte against the insur- gents. The i'ieis-Kffendi, though not recovered, was out of danger. The Sultan nod visited him during his illness, and presented him with a valuable snuff-box A Hatti-scheriff is sent with two Ca- pidgi-Baschis to the new Seraskier, ap- i pointed against the Greeks; it is supposed to fetch the head of the Pacha ofScutari. We understand that one of the Aus- trian Messengers, who lately reached this country, was the bearer of a circular from the Cabinet of Vienna, stating, that the Members of the Holy Alliance are pre- pared to recognize the independence of Greece, provided that its future Govern- ment shall be Monarchial. The answer of our Goverument is said to have been, that the most proper mode would he, to acknowledge the independence first, and that then it would be time enough to dis- cuss the form of Government, most cot genial to the interests and happiness of the Greeks. We trust the above report may be confirmed, and shall be glad to hail the decision of Ministers, as another concession to the spirit of the age, which does them so much credit. Paris, March 9.—The documents placed on the table of the House of Com- I mons, and which we inserted yesterday, I have not furnished any thing new to the I public. It is already two years since an I Act passed, by which England opened I her ports to all the flags of the Spanish I Colonies; and which she wished before I to treat for the independence of these I Colonies, at the Congress of Aix-la-Cha- I pelle, and renewed this proposition at the I Congress of Vienna. I Mr. Canning, at the commencement of I the present Session of Parliament, an- I nounced formally, that England was dis- I posed to acknowledge the Independence I of Spanish America, if the information I which he expected from the English I Agents should appear to him to leave no I further doubt with regard to the Mother' I Country. But it now appeals, that the I question was judged, before the publica- I tion of these documents. H We observe, with pleasure, that the H French diplomatic documents arc ex- H pressed with a great deal of dignity, pru- H dence, aud reserve; they leave to France H the facility and the right of acting con- H formably to good faith—!o the politics H of .Europe-to the rights of Spain—and to the interests of France herself. Above H all, these notes are of a tone the most pa- cific and amicable, and exhibit but one desire for the receprocal continuation of a general peace, Letters received from Malta state, that Admiral Neale, commanding the British squadron in that port, lias received orders from his Government to go and sever; y chastise the Regency of Algiers, on a count or several acts of the Dcy, comrni ted contrary to the Treaty of Peace Hl 1816.



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