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Xi. U.C.W. Advanced Dairy…


Xi. U.C.W. Advanced Dairy School. This summer's term is drawing to its close, and before Miss Darrell and her students leave us I am anxious to say something about the admirable work now being done in this Dairy School by the bead teacher, and Miss Ellis, Mies Thomas and Miss Davies. ffVn b^c-oment of the older portion of the college buildings contains several bright., airy, and cool rooms which are fitted up for the purposes of the dairy and cookery instruction regularly given there in the months of August and September. The 41 students this term are;farmers' daughters, 17 from Carmarthensbire, 15 from Cardiganshire. 4 u-oui I'e-iibrokeshire, o iV.ro Rreconshire, and 2 from Merionethshire—just the very young women for whose advancement in the arts of dairying and cookery the various county' councils give the scholarships, which enable the pupils to avail themselves of this tuition, The object of this summer school is to enable our future dairymaids and mistresses to improve themselves, aud to improve their output. The very best methods of butter and cheese making are taught in the practical classes here during term time. It is satisfactory to state that the girls arc most interested in their studies, and open to learn all that can be taught them. They have their rooms in the town, and derive no small advantage in the m.õtli: uf other girls, 111.. formation of friend- ships and the refining influences which accrue from auch a gathering of young people having one interest in common. The subjects taught are hard cheese--Caerpbily, Cheddar, and Stilton; soft fancy cheese—Coulom- nier, Gervais, Pont l'Evque, and Double Cream; separating, milk testing, and butter making. _0-- The cookery course embraces scullery work, roasting, boiling, baking and stewing various ways of cooking cold meat; soups sick-room cookery; various puddings and cakes; and differ- ent methods of cooking fish and vegetables. The milk. about 50 gallons daily—is supplied by four farms in Cardiganshire and Carmarthenshire, and the table which records its quality shows a re- markable regularity. Samples are taken daily and analyzed by the pupils to show the percentage of butter fat,. which tells with no hesitating voice that the milk sup- plied is of the best quality. The tester used is the 'Geroer,' with sulphuric aci(i and Amyl-alcohol. Neatness and cleanliness are to be seen in every- thing, in fact nothing is more striking than the thoroughness which is so characteristic a feature in all arrangements. Some of the note books in which the girls enter their details of every day's work are models of their kind for accuracy and close observation, and must be of great future advantage to their owners when used in the re- mote fastnesses of many a mountain dairy, when the living voice and practical demonstration of the teachers are no longer ava ilable. The pupils are divided into four sections, and the four teachers are all working at the same time. With an interval for dinner the day's work lasts from 9 a.m. to about 6 p.m., and even then the pupils seem as if like Oliver Twist, they ask for more. This is the first year of the cookery classes, which are held in a delightfully bright large room fitted up as an ordinary kitchen with coal and j?as stoves, and cupboards containing all necessary culinary aiLicles, pots and pans. Everything made in the kitchen is sold, the buy- •urs coming hugely from the pupils themselves, and the proceeds go to the school funds. All the tempting and dainty dishes, which formed so annetisinir a department in the recent exhibition of Welsh Industries were made in the cookery school the days of the exhibition. The butter making is taught in all its latest im- proved methods, the pupils doing everything them- selves, from the hurning to the packing of the finished article in its dainty grease proof paper. It is here, perhaps, that one sees the great ad- vance which has taken place from the dairying of -even twenty years ago, when T remember how a ■woman famed fur and wide for her butter, never entered her spotless dairy without first leaving her clogs at the door, and who took her pats wrapped in cabbage leaves and muslin to market, carrying the broad open basket on her head with her Welsh hat on the top of all. The old barrel churn, so difficult to clean, has largely given place to the modern cud over end churn which allows every part to be well and thoroughly scalded after use, and is able to make the butter far sooner than its predecessor. Scalding and cleaning of all vessels form a very prominent, feature in the school, Miss Darrell rightly insisting on perfect cleanliness in all de- partment."—that cleanliness which is so absolutely Necessary if the high standard aimed at in her lessons is to be attained by her students. Nor is the commercial side of the butter and cheese industry omitted; pupils have to make themselves conversant with the rise and fall of Market, prices, and all that is necessary to bring Producer and consumer together. All butter and cheese made in the school finds sale, in fact, it often happens that the de- mand is far g-reater than the supply, and that no stock is available to meet the bespoke orders, to say nothing of the casual buyers. The School gets many visitors, mainly those who aro practically interested in its welfare and in the Progress of the pupils. Amon 1- ¡w vf. W o m^ which force them- selves upon the notice of a visitor are the way in Which cream separators are coming- to the front, and modern improvements gradually hut surely ^scrtin" t.hcmsolves. It is no idle life, I can assure my readers, which led here by teachers and pupils during their terin time. The day is a very active one indeed ftnu) start to finish, and method in everything Tigris supreme. VHILIP SYDNEY.


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