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THOMSON'S Glove-fitting Long-Waisted CORSETS. 11 PERFECTION Sold by all Drapers. 0116 iIilUOn PairSlo!'6nUa117 E 8/6 F 616. G 5'0 Black Is. extra. .SHflr *lL„. Approved by the whole polite ifcfcili A G&STi. -world TWELVE FIRST MEDALS. plv yon. write direct to 112, Fore Street, London, giving /n,' size and enclosing P.O. 0., and •/• I j i jflw"' the Corset will at once be sent you. nese world-renowned Corsets have a reputation of 30 ars* standing. Present sales larger than ever. The Popular Corset for the Million (No. 34(4), all colours, 6d. W. S, THOMSON & CO., Limited, Manufacturers, Fore Street London, E.C. Made in Lengths, 13, 14. and 15-inch. A large stock of these GOOD VALUE Corsets alwavs on land at EDWARD HUGHES', Trade Hall, WELSHPOOL J. ROBERTS, TOBACCONIST, 23, TERRACE RD., ABERYSTWYTH, (LATE MARY STREET), If you want good FOREIGN or BRITISH CIGARS or CIGARETTES GO TO ROBERTS. [f you require any FANCY TOBACCO GO TO ROBERTS, If you want a GOOD PIPE or WALKING STICK GO TO ROBERTS. GO TO ROBERTS FOR ANY SPECIALITY. If you want the MONTGOMERY COUNTY TIMES GO TO ROBERTS. ? I ç 'J';?' I 4J': 4t J. HUTCHINGS, NATURALISTS & GUN MAKERS. 9, BRIDGE STREET, ABERYSTWYTH. THE ABERYSTWYTH AND DISTRICT BILL pOSTING COMPANY Members of the UNITED BILLPOSTERS' ASSOCIATION. MANAGING DIRECTOR: HERR PAREEZER. Office, The Pareezer Hall, Portland St. billpcTsting In Aberystwyth and District on most reasonable terms. SEND FOR PRICE LIST. Bill Distribution amongst Hotels, Shops, House-to- House, and in the Streets. HORSE AND TRAP KEPT FOR COUNTRY WORK. The only Billposters with Private Boards in the district, which includes Devil's Bridge, Borth, Taly- bont, and Llanwristed. MANAGER, MR. T. ROBERTS. ESTABLISHED 1857. Messrs. MURPHY & ROWLEY, SURGEON DENTISTS, CORNER OF TERRACE ROAD AND CORPORATION STREET, ABERYSTWYTH. Postal Address- 54, TERRACE ROAD, ABERYSTWYTH. Mr ROWLEY visits-MACHYNLLETH-The First and Third. Wednesday in each month. At- tendance from 2 to 5 o'clock at Mrs. J. Hughes's, Dovey View. TOWYN—The Second and Fourth Friday in each month, from 2 to 5 o'clock, at Mrs. Jones's 43, High Street, near the Railway Station. Messrs. M. & R. are at ABERYSTWYTH MONDAYS, TUESDAYS, and THURSDAYS. CONSULTATIONS FREE. ESTABLISHED 1851. BIRKBECK BANK Southampton Buildings, Chancery Lane, London. TWO and A HALF per CENT. INTEREST al- lowed on DEPOSITS, repayable on demand TWO per CENT. on CURRENT ACCOUNTS on minimum monthly balance, when not drawn below 9100. STOCK, SHARES and ANNUITIES purchased sold. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. For the encouragement of Thrift the Bank re- serves small sums on deposit, and allows Interest Monthly on each completed Xl. BIRKBECK BUILDING SOCIETY. HOW TO PURCHASE A HOUSE FOR TWO GUINEAS PER MONTH. BIRKBECK FREEHOLD LAND SOCIETY. HOW TO PURCHASE A PLOT OF LAND FOR FIVE SHILLING PER MONTH. The BIRKBECK ALMANACK, with full parti- ulars, can be obtained post free on application to FRANCIS RAVENSCOFT, Manager. 1. & G LLOYD, COACH BUILDERS, Alfred Place, ABERYSTWYTH. CARRIAGES MADE TO ORDER ON THE SHORTEST NOTICE. REPAIRS PROMPTLY EXECUTED. JOHN LLOYD, ABERYSTWYTH TOWN CRIER AND BILL POSTER. ALL Orders for Bill Posting and Distribution of Handbills are attended to with promptitude. COUNTRY WORK UNDERTAKEN. 18, SKTNNER STREET, ABERYSTWYTH. JUDICIOUS ADVERTISING creates many a new business, enlarges many an old business, and seeures success in every properly managed business; and advertising in the COUNTY TIMES is certainly the surest way of obtaining this result in this district. The Queen has conferred the dignity of a peerage upon Sir Hercules Robinson, Governor of Cape Colony and High Commissioner to South Africa. CAMBRIAN RAILWAYS.—Approximate return of traffic receipts, for the week ending July 5th, 1896. Miles open, 250. Passengers, parcels, horses, carriages, dogs, and mails, £ 3,310; mer- chandise, minerals, and live stock, £ 1,856; total for the week, £ 5,166 aggregate from commence- ment of half-year, £ 3,237. Actual traffic receipts for the corresponding week last year: Miles open, 237. Passengers, parcels, &c., £ 2,763 merchandise, minerals, &c., £ 1,635 total for the week, £ 4,398; aggregate from commencement of half-year, £ 2 990. Increase for the week, passengers, parcels £ 547; increase, merchandise, minerals, &c., £ 221- total increase for the week, £ 768; aggregate increase from commencement of half-year, £ 247. •










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