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ABERYSTWYTH. (Continued from page' fJ.) TOUTING.—At the Town Hall on Wednesday morning before Messrs John Morgan and John Lewis. Lewis Jones, cab oriver, was charged with ton tiny for passengers on Saturday, and was fined 2s 6d including costs. TABLK.—The first tide will occur to-day at 8 10 a.m. and the second at 8 25 p.m. Tm: LIBRARY.—During the week ending Wed- nesday evening 429 books were issued from the Library. There is a run on the new books. FAIR.—Thirty-eight truck loads of stock left here bv trniii on Monday night, but notwithstanding this fact the fair was small. Prices for cattle averaged from £ 5 to £ 10, and a few horses reached £30. LADY BATHERS.—A young lady who was bathing in front of the machines on Tuesday morning swam out too far and got tired. Her cries for assistance attracted the attention of Ted Worthington, -.vho took a boat and assisted her to land. JjiiLNKaXXiiss. At the Police Court on Mondav before [!' T. Griffiths (mayor), and Mr John Mor- r- gan, John Manley, a Birmingham man, was charged with being drunk and disorderly in the town on the previous Saturday.—P.C. Owen proved the case, and the defendant was fined 2s 6d including costs. TRI P TO LAMPETER.—On Wednesday the annual excursion in connection with St. Michael's Church Sunday Schools was run to Lampeter. The scholars were accompanied by Archdeacon Prothero, Mr Thomas Griffiths (mayor) and others. About 700 left with an early train and an enjoyable dav was spent. EXCURSION" TO NEWTOWN:—On Tuesday the annual excursion in connection with the St. Paul's Wesleyan Sunday School was run to Newtown. The day was beautifully fine and warm, and a large number left the town at an early hour. The ex- cursionists were allowed to inspect the mills and warehouses of Messrs Pryce-Jones and Co., and were delighted with their visit to the Leeds of Wales." OBJTI ARY. The funeral took place on Tuesday morning, and was largely attended, of Mr John Morris, partner in the firm of Messrs Jones and Morris, enamelled since manufacturers. Mr Morris was born at Shipton-on-Stour, and died on Satur- day evening at the age of 49. He leaves a widow and five children, with whom much sympathy is felt in their sad bereavement. BOATING ACCIDET-To take a canoe out with- out ballast is a risky business as was found out bv Mr R. Jones and Mr J. Bennison, who, accompanied by a friend, took out a canoe on Monday in the Bay and were upset. Mr Jones informs us that there was no danger attached to the accident as they were all swimmers. Ted Worthington was first to their assistance in a boat. CAUGHT IN A GALE.—On Saturday a stiff gale blew across the Bay and the sea ran high. Far out in the Bay a small boat could be seen fighting her way for the harbour. The sea3 washed over her stern now and again, and her passage was watched with anxiety. With every sail set she -bent to the wind and made the harbour safely. She turned out ro be the fishing dandy Albatross. THE ROBBEKY AT MR. DOUGHTON'S.—The man named William Sadler, who was arrested some days back on a charge of stealing a cash-box from Councillor R. Doughton's containing over t20 was found guilty at Cardigan Quarter Sessions on Thursday week and sent to prison for six months with hard labour. Sadler confessed that the box was hidden in a field in Penparke, where it was afterwards found with the keys and papers intact. DESTRUCTION OF K I TE s.-Cardigan shire is said to be the only county in the United Kingdom where the kite lives, and it is also stated by gentlemen well acquainted with the county that there are not more than three pairs in the whole of Cardigan- shire. A recently published magazine calls atten- tion to the fact that at an auctioneer's sale a superb nest and two eggs of kite with photo of nest in situation taken last April in Mid-Wales, data given," was offered for sale. It is asserted on excellent authority that this nest was taken away from the banks of the Towev, just where it divides Cardigan a,nd Brecon. Every precaution was tak-n to guard tne nest from the piowler, and the general opiniou is that it was taken away at night or on a Sunday. A strong appeal is made to the County Councils to prevent as much as possible any further destruction of this rare bird. SALE OF ROYAL FURNITURE.—Mr. J. E. James, auctioneer, offered for sale at the assembly rooms, on Wednesday afternoon, the furniture and orna- ments used in the decoration of the reception rooms at the college, on the occasion of the recent visit of the Royal party to the town. The furni- ture bad been arranged to show to the best advan- tage, and it is just possible that a certain portion of the large number present were attracted by the desire to view the magnificent furniture to be put up under the hammer. Certainly many of the pieces were beyond reach of ordinary householders, and Mr. James decided to treat privately for these lots. Many handsome pieces of furniture found their way into the houses of gentlemen living in the town and neighbourhood, and fair prices were I realised. t kHE ^HANXEL ELEET.—The ships that are to f. ~e Part in the forthcoming naval manoeuvres at were mobilised at Chatham, Devonport, and Portsmouth, on Wednesday, will be made up of two -orces of 48 and 33 war ships respectively, and .not include the torpedo boats. All ,S lPs excepting the torpedo Glotilla were afternoornermeunanThathSp1ith1ead Wed"eS(lay, L t^ie battleships, cruisers, and mi"htest a^6 0n r^e seas they form the famous flyinc It11 Ic may include the will be irresistible.^ TTP place off the Irish coa*t for believing that th?5 A >- 18 eV.ery reason use of for the reason that the ga:n Wl11 be.made by the heavy m VfttheshlPs are inconvenienced Admiral Kerr^RTH^ TRAFFIC .IA THE CHANIIEL was particularly pleased toT* lusLrecent visit> afforded ample room for lscover t'iat the Bay the battleships. If the fWf6 move:nents of visitors will have Z <■ the Bay the ships of the smartest oationV^^be Z'rT" LOCAL LAW CASE IX THE LOXDOX COURTS DR. HARRIES AND IIBSSKS. BoURXE & In the High Court of Justice, Chancery Division, before Mr. Justice Roner, a case was heard on Thursday, in which Thomas -0n physician and surgeon, Marine Terraof wyth, and former mayor of the town bronJhT' action against Messrs. Bourne and Gram ln ,an engineers, London, and Jessie Grant, wicW ifA?1 T. Grant, in the following circumstances •—n • the years 1893 and 189 and the early part of^RQif Messrs. Bourne and Grant were engaged in num ous enterprizes in relation to the development and improvement Aberystwyth. The carrying out of those enterprizes was mainly entrusted by the Firm to Mr. Thomas Barnet Grant, a partner, who died in January 1895, leaving, as alleged by the plaintiff, his widow as his sole legal representative. The plaintiff, as the statement of claim says, is a resident of Aberystwyth, and in several of the enter- prizes acted as agent for or in co-operation with the Firm. Among the enterprizes was one having for its object the acquisition of and laying out as a pleasure garden of Blaendolau Farm, near Aberyst- wyth,and another having for its object the acquisi- tion and development of the Pier at Aberystwyth. It was in relation to these two enterprizes that the action was brought. In April, 1894, negociations took place between Dr. Harries and lr. Grant on behalf of that Firm as to the acquisition of Blaen- dolau, which consists of about thirty-three 4cres. In the result, plaintiff alleged that it was verbally agreed between him and Mr. Grant that he (Dr. Harries) should purchase the farm on behalf of the Firm on the most advantageous terms he could obtain, and that he should, as remuneration for such services, retain for his own benefit and free of cost the farm situate on Blaendolau with about' six acres immediately adjoining. fit pursuance of that agreement Dr. Harries entered into a contract for the purchase of Blaendolau at Z2,350, which price was agreed to by the Firm. Shortly after the date of the contract of purchase Messrs Bourne and Grant informed Dr Harries that on future considera- tions they were desirous of acquiring the whole farm and accordingly, in December, 1894, it was agreed verbally between Dr Harries and Mr Grant, on behalf of the Firm, that they shoif'd purchase at £ 500 the portion of the farm he retained fur his own benelir. By indenture of the 19th June, 1895, the whole of Blaendolau was conveyed to Dr Horries and the 12,350 was paid by him to the seller at the request and and on behalf of Messrs Bourne and Grant. Shortly after the date of agreement in December, 1894, the Firm entered into po?e««sio:i of the whole of the farm and acted as absolute owners, bu: nevertheless have refused to carry out the December, 1894, agreement, and have also refused to pay Dr Harris the 12,350. In the month of July, 1895, the firm paid zE2,,350, but it was arranged, without prejudice to any question, that the sum should he treated for the time being as a loan by the Firm to Dr Harries, who deposited with the Firm, by way of security for repayment if necessary, the title deeds of Blaendolau. With re- ference to Aberystwyth P;er, it was further said in plaintiff's statement of claim, that in 1893 the Pier was owned by a limited company, known as the Aberystwyth Marine Pier Co., Limited, with a nominal capital of £ 5,000 divided into 1,009 shares of £ 5 each, and Messrs Bourne and Grant were desirous of purchasing the whole of the outstanding shares of the Marine Company. Negociations accordingly took place oetween Dr Harries, the plaintiff, and Mr i rant, on behalf of the Firm, and towards the end of September, 1893, it was verbally agreed between them that Dr Harries shoul purchase and assist in the purchase of the outstanding shares for the 1 irm on the best terms he could arrange, the Firm from time to time providing cash for the pur- pose. It was, the plaintiff alleged, further agreed that in respect of each share purchased by or on behalf of the Firm for a less sum than F,5 the plaintiff should be paid by the Firm by way of remuneration one half the difference between JE5 and the price actually paid for the purchase of such shares. In pursuance of that agreement Dr. Harries purchased, and assisted in the purchase, and caused to be trans- ferred to the Firm between September, 1893, and April, 1895, 300 shares at a total price of X820 10s. He therefore claimed to be entitled to be paid at I least E340 or, one-half the difference between £ 320 10s. and £ 1,500, no part of which C340 had been paid him. Plaintiff therefore claimed specific performance of the Bla,endolau agreement; a declaration that he purchased the residue of Blaendolau as agent to the Firm and payment of £ 340 with interest. For the defence, the state- ment said it was untrue that it was agreed that Dr. Harries should retain for his own benefit Blaendolau farmhouse and six acres. No such arrangement was ever, in fact, entered into, nor was any such ever asserted by Dr. Hairies until after ir. Grant's death. It was also denied that a contract was entered into in pursuance of the agreement. It was likewise untrue that the Firm informed Dr. Harries that they were desirous of acquiring the whole of Blaendolau or that they agreed to pay him 1500 for the house and six acres. No such agreement was entered into or asserted until after Mr. Grant's death. It was, again, un- true that, after the date of the alleged agreement, tie Firm entered into possession of the "whole of Blaendolau and acted as absolute owners. The Firm, in fact, took possession of the whole of the farm prior to August, 1894, under an arrangement with the tenant. It was i true that the Firm had refused to pay the £ 2,350, the amount expen- ded in the purchase of the farm. But for plain- tif, s claims the money would long since have been paid. It was also denied that Dr. Harries was to get half the difference between X5 and the price actually paid for each pier share, or that he was entitled to £340. It was said that the agreement to that effect was not asserted until after lr. Grant's death. Ail sums payable to the plaintiff, it was further stated on defendant's behalf, in respect of every agency at any time undertaken by him on be- half of the Firm or any member of it were fully paid long prior to the commencement of the action.- Mr Eve, Q.C., and Mr Mark 1. Romer (instructed by Messrs Cheston and c >ns, London, for whom Mr Hugh Hughes acted i^ally), appeared for the plaintiff, and Mr Jelf, Q.C., and Mr Charles Church (instructed by Messrs Challoner, Hanley, Stafford- shire, for whom Mr A. J. Hughes acted locals) for the defendants.—Dr Harries was examined and cross-examined at great length. He said he had received E375 in respect of the Electric Lighting of Aberystwyth, and gC300 in respect of Constitution Hill. He made no written agreements with the late Mr Grant as to the Blaendolau purchase and Pier shares, but trusted to him as a gentleman. He was nresent at the Phagocyte dinner and heard Mr Grant sayl that the money that had passed between them was simply to cover out of pocket expenses and that he (Dr Harries) was acting for the benefit of the town and in hope of getting his reward with the good wishes of his fellow citizens, and that he certaiuly would get nothing more. He heard Mr Grant make that speech and though he knew it was false he did not contradict it. He did not wish to interrupt Mr Grant, and Mr Grant did not wish his financial arrangements disclosed.— Councillor Hopkins and Mr Webster spoke to having having heard Mr Grant say that Dr Harries was to have shares as claimed. At this stage the Court adjourned for half-an-hour. On resuming Councillor Hopkins detailed a conversation between Mr Grant and himself, and caused much meriment by not knowing whether he was at dinner or not, particu- larly when it transpired that he had made a speech there.—The Judge pointed out in the hearing that though Mr Grant said Dr Harries would not benefit to a single penny there was evidence of considerable sums having been paid. A lengthy legal argument followed, in which the Judge intimated that a writ- ten agreement was necessary for Blaendolau claim, and that Dr Harries would have a better chance of claiming as a trustee, but his Lordship seemed inclined to give a verdict for the Pier Commission. The Court adjourned. Mr Justice Piomer yesterday gave judmeat in this action upon the contract between the plaintiff and Mr Grant. With reference to the Pit-r shares, there would be judgment for the plaintiff for JE540. With regard to the purchase of the Blaindolau Farm, he considered there was an agreement be- tween the plaintiff and Mr Grant, and he would allow them to purchase plaintiff's portion of the farm for JE500. He gave 14 days to consider the question, and if they elected to purchase, the order would be for plaintiff to execute the necessary conveyance of the whole, and should defendant not elect to purchase, conveyance of the farm excluding that belonging to plaintiff. No order as to costs.





















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