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a. LEGAL NOTICES. i IETeI^DA^^LIWRRIS Widow De- R ceased. Pursuant to the 17171^11^1 22nd^H*ft 23rcl Victoria Chap. 35 mtituled An further amend the Law of Prope y relievo Trustees." nvrOTIOE IS HEREBY GIVEt;1 to I (IN Creditors and other PeTO"^of„ L f^hoda otaimsor >" lll« p"Ti,'h 2r £ &S Sfd £ deceased ("who died on -the 25th day of Deoemoeir 1907 and whose Will was duly rf>ved » 'Jo District Probate Registry at St. cjurt. Probate Division of His Majesty s High Court- of Jwrtioo on the 20th day ot February 1908 by Sir Foster Hugh Egerton Cunliffe 'J™ Hugh OoHbet Vinoemfr Solicitor the two Exocou tors therein named) am hereby required to-eMd -xri^^«c|T £ t ScSffit of which they shall have had notice will not be table for the a3?ete of the taid de- ceased or any part thereof so distributed to any JSESS ?r piJws «f wlmee claim or demands they shall not tlien have had notice. Dated this 4th day of March 1908. OARER, VINCENT and 00. Bangor Solicitors to the said Executors. j^E^WlLLIAM "cOOPi^. DECEASED- Pursuant to the Act of .22n^ 23rd Vic. Cap. 35, intituled:— An Act bo 1 fur their amend the Law otf Property, arid to relievo Trustees." IVTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that ail T> Creditors and other persons having any Claims: or Demands against the Estate of Wil- liarn Cooper, formerly of Cavendish Villa, Open- shiaw, in lite City of Manchester, but late of IMIM wood, Colwyn Bay, in the County of Demlbigh, Cotton Dowbier, deceased (who died on the Third day of January, 1908, and whose wm wa.s proved in the Principal Registry of the P,robta,to Division of His Majesty s High Court, of Juistioe, on the Twenty-fifth day of February, 1908, by Annie Cooper, the Executrix therein na,moo), are herehy required to send the particulars, in writing, oif their Claims end De- mands to the undersigned, o.n or before the Thirtieth day of March, 1908, after which date the said Executrix will proceed too distribute the Assets of the said deceased amongst the persons entitled thereto, having regard only to the Claims and Demands of which she shall then have had) Notice, and she will not be liable for the Assete of the said deceased, or any pclrt thereof, &0 distributed, to any person or pereons of whoso Claims or Demands she shall not. th-en faanre load. Notice. Dated tin's 3rd day of March, 1908. JOHN CLAYTON, SoON, and WILSON, 1, IVarrington-sti-vot, Ashton-unde r-Ly;ne, 20375p Solicitors for the said Executrix. milE BANKRUPTCY A^TS, 1883 and 1890. IN THE COUNTY COURT OF CARNAR- VON SHIRE, HOIiDEiN AT BANGOR. In Bankruptcy. No. 50 of 1907. Ilo THOMAS WILLIAMS, of EDERN HOUSE, G REEN FIELD-ROA D, COL- WYN BAY, in the COUNTY of DEN- BIGH, BUILDER. I, CHARLES ABRAHAM PHILLIPS, of Davos Ilomee, Conway-road, Colwvn Bay, aforesaid, HEREBY GIVE NOTICE, that I have Wen duly appointed and certified by the Board of Trade as Trustee of the Estate of the elbove-naaned Bankrupt. All persons) having in their possession any of the effects of the Bankrupt must deliver them to tne, and all Dcfbtg diue to the Bantkrlupt mllf/t be paid to me. Creditors who have not yet proved their Debts must forward their proofs of Debts to me. (Signature of Trustee), CHAS. A. PHILLIPS. Dated 28th February, 1908. 20376p IN THE HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE, KING'S BENCH DIVISION, BA'NGOR DISTRICT REGISTRY. TO JOHN WILLIAMS of 3 Mona Villa Wading-street Llanrvvst in the County o|f Donbigh Farmer. rfAKE NOTICE that a Writ of Summons A has been iseued against you in the above Registry by Thomas Owen Evans of Glamrhyd tear Llanrwst aforesaid for the sum of j652 53 XOd for money lenlt and interest and an Order has. bcen. made that the publication of this notioc* &hall be deemed to be good and sufficient service of the Writ upon you. Dated this 5th dav of March, 1908. A. LLOYD GRIFFITH, Llamrwst, Solicitor for the said Thomas Owen Evans. JOHN WILLIAMS Deceased1 Bron Heulog, Pensarn, Llangwstenin, PA LIJ Persons having any Olaima or Demands against the Estate of the above named are requested to send pa-rticulara thereof to us the undersigned on behalf of the Executors. ■Dated this 2nd day of March 1908. CHAMBERLAIN and JOHNSON, Solicitors, Llandudno. a I. PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENTS. If you would be graceful, learn to Skate." III PPODROME, LLANDUDNO. Entirely Re-constructed at a Coat of C3,000. C, t, CRAWFORD General Manager. HIGH-CLASS ROLLER SKATING. MILITARY BAND OF TWENTY-FIVE. ¡.! FREE TUITION. AFTERNOON TEAS. PRIVATE GARAGE. Twenty-five Thousand feet of SKATING SURFACE. Au entirely New Floor of Hard Maple from Amcrica is being laid. The Sftraucl Winalow Steel Ball Bearing Skates arc used exclusively. The Hippodrome will be under the same management as the Tournament Hall. Liverpool, where Skating has bo- come the most captivating pastime ever known there. The following from the Liverpool Daily Post and Mercury 1 of Dec. 26th last shows the popularity to which Skating has grown in that city:—" At each of the two sessions—afternoon and evening—for which the magistrate* granted a special licence. there was yes- terday a large assemblage of skaters and spectators in the Tournament Hall, Edge Lane. As was of ooursc to be ex- pected, the utmost decorum prevailed, and there was no scene in the slightest de- gree out of consonance with the serenity and Quiet a.<)ociated with the nniinmtrir •bwrrviM ef Christmas Day in Liverpool On all hands it .114 oonw-I.-A that the concession by the magisterial bench irM wail juuifled and cordially appreciated." GRAND OPENING— SATURDAY, MARCH 21St. II- Th- "Pioneer" is r.cognised as one of the too* popular papers in .he Principality. Jtetaidia medium for advertise* SALES' BY AUCTION Mr. F, A. Dew, AUCTIONEER. SURVEYOR, VALUER, AND LAND AGENT, OOLWYN BAY and OONWAY. Telephone Noo. :-COL\VYN BAY, 211 -OONWAY, 2x3. Established 1889. QALES and VALUATIONS of Landed. EB- I K-5 tates, Freehold and Leasehold Bus mesa Premises, House Property, Building Land, HowID. Live and Dead Farming Stock, House- hold Furniture. Pictures, Books and Plate. HOUSES TO LET, Furnished and Un- furnished. Information given of Houses, Building Es- tates, Farms, Country Residences, and Business Premises for Sale or to Let in all parts of North Wales. FIRE, LIFE, and GENERAL INSURANCE AGENTS. Tho Offices occupy the most prominent and central positions in Colwyn Bay and Conway, thus affording unequalled publicity to all Auc- tion Announcements. p SALE THIS DAY (FRIDAY). FRIDAY, 6th of MARCH, 1908. COLWYN BAY. NORTH WALES. MR F. A. DEW is favoured with instructions to SELL BY AUCTION on the above date, at tlhe IMPERIAL HOTEL, COL- WYN BAY, at Sevan p.m. precisely, sub- ject to certain conditions of Sale to be than and there pnaducad and rcqd, all those Two FREE- HOLD SEMI DETACHED DWELLtNG- HOUSES, known aa "CHELTENHAM HOUSE" and "HAZEL TOWERS," RIIIW-ROAD, COLWYN BAY, aforesaid. Full particulars in due course or in the mean- time of Mcrnrs, BARTLEY, BIRD and CO., Solicitors, 17, Sweeting-street, Liverpool; of Mesas TRAVIS and SHELDON, Solicitors, Stourbridge; or of the Auctioneer, Colwyn Bay and Conway. THURSDAY, 12th MARCH, 1908. "PEN SILVA." RHIW-ROAD, COLWYN BAY. MR F. A. DEW is favoured with instructions from Mrs Stray, who is giving up House- keeping, to SELL BY AUCTION, on the above premises, tho excellent HOUSEHOLD APPOINTMENTS, many important items, amongst whioh have been quite recently purchased new, and the whole of whioh aro in first-claes condition. Further particulars in due ooureo. 20154p FRIDAY, 13th MARCH, 1908. CLAYTON HOUSE, GRBEJNFIELD-EGAD, COLWYN PAY. F. A. DBW is insftruoi'At by Wii-. Ifi Haime, who is leaving tiie iidghWuxhood, to SELL BY AUCTION, the FIO UiSEHOLD APPOTNTMEMTg, in the allwve Reaidcnee. Sale at 1.30 p.m. prompt. On view Morning of Sale. 23392p E TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY, 17th And fSth MARCH, 1908. THE LIMES. MOSTYN-ROAD, COLWYN BAY. MR F. A. DEW is instructed by Mr Owen, who is giving up the Rcsidenoe, to SELL BY AUCTION the whole of the very useful and vaduable HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, embracing the content* of four Reception-rooms, seven Bedrooms, and the usual Domestic Officea Further particulars in descriptive Catalogues to be obtained of the Auctioneer ten days prior to the Sale. THURSDAY. 19th MARCH, 1903. HOLMFIELD, THE MORFA, CONWAY. MR F. A. DEW is instructed by George Moulton, Esq., who is leaving the neigh- bourhood, to SELL BY AUCTION, on the Pre- mises as above, a small quantity of VERY SUPERIOR HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, including Two extremely well-made and. valuable Bedroom Suites, and other Household Appoint- ments. Further particulars in due course. 20057p FRIDA Y, the 20ih MARCH, 1908. "TAN-Y-COED," VICTORIA PARK, COLWYN BAY. MIR F. A. DEW ia favoured with instructions from John Spencer, Eeq., who has left the neiglilboonrhood, to SELL BY AUCmON, the whole of the HOUSEHOLD APPOINTMENTS, which incltude several Satin Walnut Bedroom Suites, Dining-.rexnm Suite and Sideboard, Dnaw- in-g-TOam Aippointmea.ts, Axminater, Bnussele and other Carpets, a.nd a small but valuable collection of Orlpaintinfg's and Water Cofour Dr,mwitige, by Phillip Rein,gale R.A., Bieat Code, R.A.; and other's.. Sale at One p.m. prompt.. Ott View Morning of Sale. 20392p AT AN EARLY DATE. BRONDYFFRYNA MOCHDRE. MR F. A. DEW is instructed by Mrs Homer, who is giving up the House, to SELL BY AUCTION the HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE in the abovč Residence. Further particular in due oourae. 20155p ON THE NORTH WALES COAST. VALUABLE FREEHOLD BUILDING ESTATE, isitua-te at RHOS-ON-SEA, Nea.r COLWYN BAY. MR F. A. DEW will SELL BY AUCTION, at an &ARLY DATE, at the RIIOS ABBEY HOITSL, RHOS-ON-SEA, all that FREEHOLD BUILDING ESTATE, containing 3 acrce 3 roods 36 perohes, known as "BRYNHYFRYD," which will be divided into 16 or more convenient Building Plots. Further particulars of tho Auctioneer, Llew- elyn Chambers, Colwyn Ba.y, and Castle-street, Conway; or from Messrs Hall, Son, and Haw- kins, Northern Assurance Buildings, Albert- square, Manchester. p Telegrams: Haslam, Auotioneer, Rbyl. Nat. Tel. 3y4. C. Wesley Haslam, AUCTIONEER. SURVEYOR. LAND AND ESTATE AGENT. HOTEL AND GENERAL VALUER. SALES BY AUCTION of Landed Estates, Properties, Farming Stocks, Household Furniture, etc. VALUATIONS for Probate. Mortgage, Hotel, Trade Stocks, etc. CERTIFIED BAILIFF to le tv Distraints, ap- pointed by His Honour Judge Moss. Rents Collected and Estates managed. REGISTER kept of Properties for Sale or to Let. Prompt personal attention given to all matters entrusted. Business transacted in jtny District. [ Note Address .—TOWN HALL, RHYL. SALES BY AUCTION J Messrs. Wm Dew & Son, AUCTIONEERS, BANGOR and LLANDUDNO VALE OF CONWAY. MESSRS WM. DEW AND SON will OFFER JM for SALE by PUBLIC AUCTION at the Town Hall, Conway, on FRIDAY, April 24th, at 2 o'olock, that choice Property known aa "BRYN-AIYNEN," situate at Lianssa-ztraM* Gltan Conway, and comprising 68a. 2r. Sp., as divided into lots. For further partioulars, apply to the Auction- eers, at Bangor and Llandudno; to Messrs Parry Jones, Francis, and Davies, Solicitors, Denbigh; or to D. Mao. Niooll, Esq., Derwas, Abergele. Mr Geo. N. Dixon, LIVERPOOL. R I-I Y L. BY ORDER OF THE EXECUTORS OF THE LATE MR THOMAS JON-EB. MR GEO. N. DIXON will SELL BY AUCTION, an TUESDAY, 'the lOah of MARCH, at Eleven o'clock prompt., an the Pr-e- jnises, "RUSiSELL HOUSE," RUSSELL-ROAD, RHYL, the HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, camprieing Spanieih Malhogany PedcsTal Side, board, Malho^anjy Dining-room Suite upholstered in velvet. Dining TaMe, Reading Stand, simall Ohefloniere, French Clock and Bronzes, Brutasels Ca.rpct, Oil Panjntimgs by ReJfe a-nd others, sun- d'ny items of Drawing-room Furniture, light Oak Library Furniture, W.ritimg Talble, four Claire and Couch ujplholstered in blue velvet, ootatgon Table, Three-tier Oantterbuny, Bookoa^, Fender and Fire Irons, Axmineter and Bruasels Carpets, Iframod Engraving's and ChromoB, Mahogany Bedstead, excedlant Wardrolbc a r;d pair of Black and Brass Bedsteads, Hair Mattresses, Featlher Beds, BTamkete, Bed and Talble Linen, sundry Painted Furniture, Glass, China, Gairden Roliler, Green's patent Lawn Mower, Gardener s Toofc, and sundry ueeful Kitchen Utem&ii^ On View, Monday, the 9tih Mareh, from Eleven a.m. to Six p.m., i,hcn Catalog lies may be ohtaiiiC-d; or from the Auctioneer, 89, Hanover- sbrecit, Livenpool. Telephone 1629 Central. Frank Lloyd & Sons, WREXHAM. 65 GUINEAS PRIZES^ luoo HORSES- NORTH WALES REPOSITORY, WREXHAM. GREAT MARCH HORSE SALES. FRANK LLOYD and SONS invite ENTRIES for March 17 th.—HUNTERS and HARNESS HORSES. Ma,rch 18th.-HACKNEYS, SHOW HORSES, CQBg Md PONIES, » :"tii.ro]. TOWN and LIGHT LURRY HORSES. March 20th.-SHIRES and YOUNG HORSES. Entries close SATURDAY, MARCH 7th. 20062p PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENTS. LLANDUDNO MUSICAL EISTEDDFOD. GOOD FRIDAY, 1903. VOCAL aiid INSTRUMENTx\I, (COMPETI- TIONS. Splendid Prizes. List of Subjects sent free on receipt off stamp. J. RITSON (Scc.rc.Uvy), Priwe's Theatre, Llandudno. PRESTATYN EISTEDDFOD. I WIIIT-MONDAY, JUNE 8th, 1908. MALE VOICE & MIXED CHOIR COMPETITIONS, &c BRASS BAND CONTEST. For particulars, see LIST OF SUBJECTS, now ready. PRICE id. POST, ild. 2 R. HUGHES, Station House, j-Secrelaresi E. TRBVOR ROBERTS, Linden Walks, J NEWMARKET CHAIR EISTEDDFOD. BANK HOLIDAY, AUGUST, 3rd, 1908. Music Adjudicator: W. M. ROBERTS, Wrexham. MIXED CHOIR COMPETITION, not under 30 in number, "Bydd meltio gofio y cyfamod" (Isalaw). Prize £ 10. MALE VOICE COMPETITION, not under 30 in number, "The Morning Stars" (Dr. Prothcroe). Prize £10. MIXED CHOIR, from 18 to 25 in number, "SEREN UNIG" (Isalaw). Prize £ 5. Full list of subjectis post free lid to be had from the Secretary, ED. HUGHES JONES. Llan Cottage, Newmarke-t, 20132p Rhuddl&n, R.S.O. EISTEDDFOD GADEIRIOL GLANAU'R ALED. CYNHELIR Y.N LLAN6ANNAN, AWST 3ydd, 1908. PRYDDEST, "Y Pain." Gwobr, CadaLr JT Ddefrw Grerfiedig, gworth 2p 10s. Traiethawd, "Haneu Plwyf Llansannan." Gwobr, 2p 6s. k;oiia-ut Cymyag, "Efa a ddaw" (Tom Pnoe). Gwobr, lOp, yn mghyxla baton i'r arweinydd. OORAU MEIBION, CORAU PLANT, UNAWDAU, DEUAWDAU, Etc. Rhagieni, Ie yr un; trwy y Llytnyrdy, lie; i'w cael gan yr Yagrifenydfdiotn., Ysgrifenydd LJenyddol, R. WYNNE JONES, Llarmnnan. Yogtifeny-dd Cerdidorol, T. Z. ROBERTS, 20194p LUwisojuian. ROT ALI National Eisteddfod of Wales AT LLANGOLLEN, SEPT. 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 1908. List of Subjects ready, post free 7!d. Entries close June 1st, 1908. E. D. JONES, General Secretary, LlaagoIIen. 19899 SALES BY AUCTION Blackwall, Hayes & Co., LLANRWST and LLANDUDNO JUNCTION. Auctioneer* and Valuers, Live Stock Sales* men, House and Estate Agents. Nat. Telephone 17. SALES held periodically on Horsea, Carriages, Harness, eto. Entry Forms and CcaditiQns on application. Sales by Auction and Valuations of Landed Estates, House Property, Live and Dead Farpa- ing Stock, Household Furniture, etc. Houses to Let, Furnished or Unfurnished. Agents for Fire and Life, Personal Accident, and Employers' Liability Insurance. 10182p C A E R G R A I G, LLAN-RWST. TUESDAY, MARCH 17th, 1903. NEXT SALE of DAIRY and STORE CATTLE, FAT <800 STORE SHEEP and LAMBS, COUPLES (Ewes and Larribg), etc. Sale at 12.30. Usual Credit. L LAN G E It N I E W, MONDAY, MARCH 30th, 1908. NEXT SALE of FAT and STORE CATTLE, SHEEP end LAMBS, COUPLES, Etc. SaJJo at 12.30 o'clock. ERSKINE HOTEL YARD. CONWAY. WEDNESDAY, APRIL Srdi, 1908. TVTEXT PERIODICAL SALE of HORSES, n CARRIAGES, ajxd HARNESS. Further tcmtirias iimtetd. SaJie at 12.30 o'clock. PRELIMINARY NOTICE. DURING THE MONTH OF APRIL NEXT. COUNTY OF CARNARVON. IN THE PARISH OF PENMACHNO SALE OF THE HAFODWRWYD] ESTATE. "JV/fESSRS BLACKW ALL. HAYES aaid CO. .i-T.A lhave bcefii inst mated to OFFER FOR SALE BY PUBLIC AUCTION, duriing tlhe Month of APRIL NEXT. SeveraJ Valuable FREEHOLD FARMS and ACCOMMODATION LAND, TENEMENTS ttnd, DWELLING.* HOUSES, ateo a FULLY LICENSED FREE HOUSE and PREMISES, counprieiag the above well-known Btaite. Pia^hioulairts, PQajnis a.nd Conditiow, of sate amc in oouireo elf paepafflation, but in tiho meanrtime j further imformatiori may be obtemned of Mesars f C,-iLl JJdlwa«iSi aim; Jfericitova, I"!oaiibiigh, w- I of the Amatacaieetrs, at Mr. John Pritchard, BANGOR, NORTH WALES. .NEAR LLANRWST. IN THE LOVELY VALLEY OF THE CONWAY. SALE OF A CHARMING SMALL FREE- HOLD RESIDENTIAL ESTATE. MR JOHN.PRITCHARD is instructed by the Representatives of the late Mrs Norris, to SELL BY PUBLIC AUCTION, at the EAGLES HOTEL, LLANRWST, on WEDNES- DAY, the 11th day of MARCH, 1908, at 2 p.m., the delightfully-situated Residence, GORPI4WYSFA, in the Township of Trer Dre, distant about three quarter of a. mile from Llanrwst, stand- ing on the brow of a hill, protected from the east winds, and commanding uninterrupted views over many miles of beautiful country, to- gether with upwards of 13 acres of Ornamental Grounds, Gardens, Lawns, and old Pasture Land, with undulating surface, nicely timbered and. partly bounded by a small stream. The Residence, of modern design, is approached by a Carriage Drive past a well-built oommodious Lodge, and has the following aocoimmcaation: -Front, and Side Entrances, 2 good Entertain- ing and 8 Bed and Dressing-rooms, Attic, Store- room, Linen-room, 2 W.C.'s, Butler's Pantry, commodious Domestic Offiocs, Conservatory, Coach-house with Lofts above, Stabling, Ship- pon with 2 Lofte, Laundry with Loft above, Dairy, etc.. There is a good supply of water. Fishing and Golf within easy distance. Plans, Particulars, and Views of the Property are' in course of preparation, and may be ob- tained of the Auctioneer, Bangor, or Messrs Carter, Vincent and Co., Solicitors, Bangor and Carnarvon. GORPHWYSFA, NEAR LLANRWST. Important and attractive SALE of the Modern a.nd Antique HOUSEHOLD FURNI- TURE, in 2 Entertaining-rooms and 8 Bed1- rooffr, and Dofmesbic Offices.; about 220 Ounces of Silver, Plate Cheats, superior Plated Goods, Cutlery, Dinner and Dessert Services, Glass, China., Ormamental Items, Oil-paintings, Water-colour Drawings, Engravings, Bed and and Talble Linen, valuable Manftel and Grand- father's CI)ocka, several Pieces of Old Oak, Pair of Giit Consdle Taibles, Seani-grand Piano- forte by Broad-wood, Books, am-all Cellar of Win-as, including 12 Bottles of 1847 Port, an excellen,t light-running Brougham by Perry, Bristol (equal to new), Harness, Saddlery, pa!rt Staok of Ha.y, etc., which, in pu.rsua.nce cf in- Btruotions from the Executors of the late Mrs Noma, will be SOLD BY PUBLIC AUC- TION by MR JOHN PRITCHARD, on tho Premises, distamt about j of a nriile from the Rail- way Station, on THURSDAY and FRIDAY, MARCH 12th and 13th, 1908, at 11 a.m. to the minute, as the Lots are numerous. On vieiw March lltth, from 12 o'aiock (n-cori) to 3 p.m. Ciatafloguest of the Auctioneer, .Rodhjfryd, Bangor.. Messrs David Roberts & Son, OQRWEN AND DENBIGH. BEITWS-Y-COED. MI5SSRS DAVID ROBTfRTS and SON have been iniatoactedi to OFFfER for SAIiK by PUBLIC AUCTION, at the GLANABER HOTEL. BETTW.S-Y-CXIED, on FRIDAY; MAROH 20th. 1908. at TWO o'clock in the after- noon (subject to (lorwlit ionB of itihen to be produced), 411 that d-osira/bk> LEASEHOLD PROPERTY, known as "TAN-Y-BRYN," sibuate elqze to Bebtw^y-Coed-, in the occupa- tion of Mr J. Morris Jones, builder, etc. The property comprises eroobed Dvvei'ling-hou'W, containing Sittinog-.room, three Bedrocms, Kitahen, Panitry, and Ceiiaria^e • threes tall StaiblLng with Loft aJbovo, Carriage iShed, and Offices, together with Land, igetiher oawtai'niiing alwut 1000 ssquare ya;rd,% all entalosed by g'ood stone wails. There is aiooetfc to the River UagwJ, and afeo t.ho priviiege of using tihe stireaan for a water, wheal to diiiive imehinery. The Lease is for a term of 99 years, from May 1st- 1889, euibject to a ground rent of £ 4 4s per aniauim. Immediate poaseaaton can be luad; For further particulars, c:piply .to the Auetiotn- eers, Corwem and Oentbig-h; to Ll. Hugih Jones, Fq., Official Receiver, Crypt Chambers, Ches- ter; or to R. Guthxio Jomes, 1150q.. Swlicitar, Dot- ea. J SALES BY AUCTION Robert and Rogers Jones, LLANRWST and OOLWYN BAY. Nat. Tel 15. Nat. Tel. 89. AUCTIONEERS, VALUERS, HOUSE AND ESTATE AGENTS. Established 1853. UNDERT AKE Sales of Landed and Build- %-) ing Estates, Freehold and Leasehold House Property, Live and Dead Farming Stock, Household Furniture, etc. VALUATIONS for Tenant Right, Probate and Mortgage Purposes. INVENTORIES carefully prepared and ex- amined. RENTS COLLECTED. Life and Fire Insuraaos Agents for the Lead, ing Offices. Offices: TY'N-Y-FYNWFINT, LLANRWST, and PENRHYN ROAD (Opposite G.P.O.), COL. WYN BAY. 15294p LIST OF FORTHCOMING SALES. MONDAY, MARCH 9th, 1908. rpALYCAFN MART PERIODICAL SALE of 90 Fat Bullocks, Hcifcro, Cows, and Bulk. 30 Calving Cows and Heifers. 500 Fat Wethers and Ewes. 63 Oroqgjbred Couples (Ewes and Laanihs), 10 Fa.t Porkeira. Two Sows an the eve of farrowing;. Strong Bay Carriage Mare, aged, 15-3 handis liagh. •Sale at 12.30 o'clock. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 11th, 1908. BODNANT, WYNNSTAY-ROAD. COLWYN BAY. lVrESSRS ROBERT and ROGERS JONES irl- are instructed to SELL BY PUBLIC AUOTION the whole of the Antique and Modem HOUSEHOLD APPOINTMENTS and other Effects, injaludtirag tihe contents of Three Enter, taining-rooms, Hall, Staircases, Nino Bedbhaim- bers, Kitchen and other Domestic Offices. The property of Mitis WiHia<ms (who is going abroad). Sale at Twelve o'clock noon. Catailoiguies oan be had on application at the above Retsadonice or to t'he Auctioneeira. MONDAY, MARCH l&th, 1903. "TRIG FA," LAWSa- ROAD, OOLWYN BAY. MESSRS ROBERT and ROGERS JONES 1.1. a.re instructed to SELL BY PUBLIC AUCTION at the aibove itamod place on the aforesaid date. tho whole cf the HOUSEHOLD APPOINTMENTS and OTHER EFFECTS, Sale at Twelve o'clock n-con. 20393p THURSDAY, MARCH 19th, 1908. SUNNYSIDE, GREENFIELD-ROAD, COLWYN BAY. MESSRS ROBERT AND ROCPW,, JONES are instructed to SELL BY PUBLIC AUCTION at the aibove nanned place on the aforesaiid diatc. tho whole -of the HOUSEiHOLD FURNITURE and EFFECTS. Sale at One o'clock. 20153p COLWYN BAY AUCTION ROOMS, (Late Polytechnic), COLWYN BAY. P. Wilson-Jones & Morgan, Auctioneers, Valuers and Estate Agents, UNDERTAKE SALES BY AUCTION AND VALUATIONS of Landed and Building Estates, Business and Residential Properties, Live and Dead Farming Stock, Household Furni- ture, etc., etc. SALES OF FURNITURE are held periodically in above Rooms, Inventories carefully prepared. Experienced Hotel Valuers, Certificated Bailiffs, Rents Collected. HOUSES TO LET. Furnished and Un- furnished. LIFE, FIRE, ACCIDENTAL and GENERAL INSURANCE AGENTS. Telegrams: Wilson-Jones, Colwyn Bay. Nat. Tel.: 4y3. 15150p COLWYN BAY AUCTION ROOMS MONDAY NEXT, MARCH 9th, 1908. TVTESSRS WILSON-JONES and MORGAN will SELL bv AUCTION, as atwve .i USEFUL HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE and EFFECTS. -FF Sale to commence at 1.30 o'clock. MONFA. HAWARDEN-ROAD, COLWYN BAY. MONDAY, MARCH 16th, 1908. MESSRS WILSON-JONES end, MORGAN have bean instructed t>y Mias Grer, to SELL by AUCTION, tihe whole of the Valuable and Useful FURNISHINGS of Entrance Hall, three Emterbaininy and eight Be-dT<)cntz, Kit- ehen, etc. Sale to ccrnmc-rjce at 1.30 o'clock. On view Saturdiay previous and morning of Sale. Offices: Colwyn Bay Auction Rooans. ESSRS WiLSOtN-JONES and MORGAN have other Sales arranged, and would be greatly obliged if those about to make arrange- ments for the disposal of Furniture, etc., will communicate with them as early as possible. 19936p Mr George Perkins, (With 20 Years' Local Experience). Late Messrs Booth and Sandy, AUCTIONEER, VALUER, HOUSE AND ESTATE AGENT, 16, STATION-ROAD, COLWYN BAY, and at RHYL and ABERGELE. SALES and Valuations of Landed Estates, Freehold and Leasehold Property, Hotels, Building Land, Live and Dead Farming Stock' Household Furniture, etc. Valuations for Probate, Mortgage, Hotel, Trade, Stocks, eto. Fire Lots, Assessor. Agent for the principal Insurance Offices. Mortgages negotiated. Inventories prepared and examined. Prompt attention given to all matters with IMMEDIATE SETTLEMENTS. 19834p ABER HOTEL. ABER, Near BANGOR. 11 25th, 1908. M!Rr £ EORGE PERKINS will conduct an IMPORTANT SALE of FARM STOCK FAT and STORiE PICS, HORSElS, and Migicelkjueioais Jatiecta, on the above Date and Premises, and parties desirous of entering Cattle or Surplus Stock can do 00 hy applying to the Auctioneer early, so that due publicity can be given to in- tending purchasers. The afeovo Holel adjoins Aber Rail-way bbation, on the main line df the Chester a.nd Holyhead Railway, with a good service of trains, and affardu a grand opportunity for buyer and seller. Entries respectfully solicited. For further particulars see future announce- ments, or apply to the Auotioneer, at his Offices, Rhyil, Abergele, and Colwyn Bay. 20394p LATE ADVERTISEMENTS. WAIN TED, Mctrth 17 th, experienced Wait- ress, for private family.—Cefn-v-Mvnacih, Rhos. 20378p USEFUL HELP Wamted, country; fend of children; no eervantt kept. — Taylor, Tan-yr-Alk, Moehdire. 20320p PHAETON, carry six inside; Bar and Pole; £ 8.—Pererhos House, Colwyn Bay. 20377p ANTED, a General, for a small private family; able to do a. little Plain- Cooking. —Peel, WoodihaEW'oad, Colwyn Bay. 20379p MILLINERY, Apprentice Wanted,, live in, and willing to assist in house.—Address, V. H., "Pioneer" Offices, Colwyn Bay. 20380p "VST"ANTED Lodging for respectable Young ▼ Woman and Childi, Colwyn Bay or near; ema-li Bod'roofm, 2s 6d, i»r week; would help per- son takimg in washing.—Address, Y. C., "Pio- neer" Offices, Colwyn Bay. 20353p SITUATION Wanted, aa experienced House- maid; private family; eou»ntry preferred. —Addrea^ V. B., "Pioneer'" Offices, Colwyn Bay. 203525) GARDENER Wanted, Gwydyr Hotel, Bet- twsycoed, single man, to live in. p WANTED, to Rent, in North Wales, a email Farm, of aibout 20 Acr-,v,Slei-id full parti- culars to Arthur Bishop, Highgate, Tym-y-Coed, Llandudno. 20351p HOUSEMAID-WAlTRESiS Wanted, a«e ahout 20 to 25.-Apply, stating wages .re- quired and references, to Mrs Gamiin, FJa- tiTian, 20354p OR SALE~by Private Treaty, Coftta.go, with Bakehcuse. Pig-gcry, W.C., two Sheds, good Garden; Frecvhold. — Apply, Rowlands, Wern, Llanddoget, Llanrwat. 20355p AKER, Improver, Wanted, at once, to assist in Shop and help to deliver orders, live in; state salary irequired..—Apply, E. and L. Wvnne, Gr-ooexsj Newmarket, Rhuddlvn. 20 V. 2p OOK GENER AL, experienced Housetn .i id c kept; £ 18.—Mte fSheldon. 8, South Parade, Ljiandiudno. ANDlN CXDLWYN~BAY (I>andonaid-r>ad), for erection <xf small Houees or Villas.— Jam eg F Taylor, Solicitor, 71, Ix)ird-street, Liverpool. J 20369P TX)R. SALE, one" Ckar-ajbanc, in very good J? condition, to carry 20 pereons; also one Baronohe, in very good condition.— Apply, P. Davies, Coach Builder, Bettw^ycoc-d. 20372p YOUNG LADY, tail, seeks post as Under- X- Barnnaid, willmg to learn. — Adidiresss, V. D. "Pioneer" Offices, Colwyn Bay. 20356P HERE Do you want an appo^nit ment ? Sanitary Inspeet>or, Lady Health Visitor; success certain; JE100 to £ 350; postal course les- 60;no3 new cwramencing far Liverpool exmn. Jl to all; fee 25a—(Mushene, Samitary ExsKjrt;, SunderlAixt. • 202&Pp WANTED, for two Ua<kos, ex.perien:»ed. General, whi is good Plain Cook; age from 25; good wages; goodi rafftrences required.— Apply, eiaitiiiig wages and k-x-pe;ri,-rc-c. to Atim Pierce Lhvvn-on, WvnnstaT-road, Old Colwyn. 20359p GENERA!/ SERVANT Wanted, able to do Plain Oookinig, for small private family.— Armly, Mrs Wood, West View, C^fn-road, CbH- Wyn.* 20360p WORKING-BARMAID Wanted-, bi-iinguist; state experiernoe.—Ywle Hotel, Glan Con- way. 20362p STAOK of well-harvested Hay, about. 10 tons; 1906.—Burgdss, Ghn Conway. 20363p NVaiiitcd,, froan nine to one, for two children; Old Colwyn; from 25th Maro'h.—Address, V. E., "Pkxneea" Offices, (klwyin Baiy\ 20364p COMFORTABLE Apartments, perniancnt. or othcriwitje, con-veniienceR.—Hughes, Hope- side, Prince's Drive, Colwj-n Bay. 20355p SITUATION, House-Pa rloummidi, Dcganiwy, or Llandudno.—Rdberts, 7, Broad-street, liland'udno Junction. 2031Op VTKT'ANT'ED, Generais,, for private and' bu»i- i! ness houses.—16, Ba.y View-road, Colwyn Bay. 2036&p MAR.RIED LADIES r Inf orma tion and c< Ad- 1'.1. vice of Priceless Value (tree). Senid stanaped enve'lope. Please mention this paper.— Mrs Lawrence, St. Elmo, Egreimomt, Liver,poo1. 00361Q) 'ENEiRiAL, hameiy place; 6s a week; Kit- \J c'heramaid-i, Under-Houacimaiids. —16, Bay View-road. C' .hvyr; Bay. 20367p DISENGAGED, good Cooks, Housemaid^, Nureias, Parlouranaids, Useful Helps.—16. Ba.y View-road, Colwyn Bay. 20358p i^lOR SALE, black ^>b, 14 ha«ds, rising five years, warranted perfectly saund; also a splendid (matched pair, 15 hands 1; perfed: man- ners a.nd thoroughly reliable in every way; a really cheap pair.—F. Arundale, Colwyn Bay. 20357p SEED POTATOES, Daimeny Beauty, direct from Scotland, last- year, have prodiuoed over 20 tona per acre, exceSJent oaaars, noted- for its disea-e resifciting qualkies. Few tons to spare.—Apply, Hy. Nickaon, Croeaau, Talycafji. 20342p WANTED one Unfurnished Room near Col- wyn Bay, Fawn House, or (near Sea; per- manency. — Mrs Johnson, 9, Hawarden-roiad, CV>l:wy.n Bay. 20344p BLOUSE AND; DRESS NOVELTIES, silda, Shantunrca, Zephyrs,, Linens, Stripes and Checks, Tweeds, Cheviots, Cashmeres, Al- pacas, 4|d yard, carriage paid; Patterns free.— Drees Warehouse, Darlington. 2033Sp mo BE LET or SOLD all tha t Grc,er'g Shop, A DwellkjignHouse and Premwes, with good Oven, situate in Station-street, Pensarn, Aber- g,e,lt,For particulars apply to Mrs Williams, Maesteg, Pengairn. p LLANBiEDR LODGE FARM, Near Talyoa fn. J-J —Pure White Leghorn Eggs, 7tJ 6d per Bittinig. 2034lp TO LET, House and Shop, Uandudno Junc- tion.—J. Moody, Town Hall, LAandtudkio. Lli^VNDUDNO.—Wanttocf, FumliSSi-ed or Un- furnished, Detached House, not far from Pier, in June, for three or twelve months, or longer; two or tlhree Entertaminig-rooims, five or six Bedrooms, emaH Yard or Garden at baok; oajreifui temamte; no young children; eta^e re.nt-. —MM A. Fruiatrfum, Denwciiit. House, Hathotr- sajgeb Sheffiel-d. R SALE, few goodi Ore&t Ca naries; pairs JT matched for bI'ICng.-Edl-mondS "Flo- ville," Colwyn Bay. 20581p COOK and ed.—Apply to Mrs Bas-tock, Plas Euryn, Colwyn Bay. COLWYN BAY.—Rossdyn, Nantyglyn -roa d. — Convenient House, pleasa-nitly situated, five Bedrooms, Bath (h. and c.), good Garden; rent £ 32.—Apply ,_Lyndene. 20382p COAL BUSINESS for Sale; also Horse, Lurry, SoaJc-s.—Addlws, V. J., "Pioneer" Offlce, Colwyn Bay. 20384p TTVJR SAI/E, GontkcnaJi's Bicycle, sn gor>d J- condition; free-wheel. — Adtdreas, V. M., "Pioneer" Offico, Colwyn Bay. 20385p DRESciMAKING.—Apprentices awl Improv- ers Wanted, at orsee. Apply, Mias S. Jones, Pryiwr Villa, Rhiwiroad, Cciwyn Bay. 20387p SITUATION Wanted, as House-Parlourmaid, m a gentleman's family; good rclereneo.- Address, V. N., "Pioneer" Officer, Colwyn Bay. 20390p ICOOK and HousennaidLWakresfe seeks Sitrua- 'J tionø, private. Address V. 0.. "Pio- neeir" Offices, Oohvyn Bay, 2oulp /^JOLWY N RAY.—Apartments or Board R-ft* in well Fisriiiahed1 Home.—Cannel* X^annench-rcad, Colwyn Bay. 20396p T ^ADJI^S' small Gold Keyless Watch, 35s; snmll iGold Cameo Brooch, 10s; la>ng& White 1 Quiet. Bed Cover, lCte; Squirrel. Muff an<l Throwerer, 35s set; Jet Necklet, 7s 6d, Bar- igpairis. 4A, Great G<x>r^-c-31roe'tt JUvcxpool. 20398p jk ii Aseastaat ^Matron in School or College; "f?~ Housekeeping, Needle%vork, Nurse, Minor Ailments. Disengaiged Eastar. — "V.P. 'Pioneer" Oiffces, Colwyn Bay. 20397p W AJNTED »res]>e>atia!ble Young General; pri- Rhy' houte one child.—Apply, Amwyifa* I? ^ear Town Hall, good nxudera Doufale-Fronted Shop Fittingls, Minransi, Meotrno Light; suit Chemi.sft, Confeotioi*er,: Dairy, any But-ineas; large, conrvenient House; aoufbls rent with visitor^.—125, Welling ton-road^' 20395P R SALE one new Light Ganoe-s'hape<| Landau, rubber tyred, oompIete with pode, bar, friia'fts, etc.; also new Ralli and GrovemeaS O&ra, rubber and iron tyred'; new and second, hand Dog Carts; new Butcher's Shandry; Sprisg Oartg and Floats of every description; light an<t heavy Lorries. Moderate prices. Apply, J. Roberts and Son, Coaohbuilders, Llandudno. p l^VDl R-IN-HAN D Tourists' Coach (second- ba.ndl for Sale; perfect condition, equal to new, our own build, carries 22 passengers j also Waggonette, to oa.rry eight, pole, bar, shafts, etc.. good conditionr will be sold cheap. —Ajjuply, J. Roberts anid Son, Cœ.c;h Llancksdno. p FTX) LdE/T. 1, Carri-ntg'tonjteirrace, LlaiiTwat; A cc>n-3:3ting tiwo En teirtain in g rooms, five Bedrooms, Bathroom (hot anct cold), Electrio and Gas F and all 1.atœt conyenienccai Iimmcdiaite pos&c«sion, Apply, Jones, Haup, Llanirwat. p SMALL Furnisheci C/otta.ge Wanted for a fews months*, frcm 21at March, in Oolwyn Bay. State rent moderate.—"Y.R. ''Pionear" Office, Colwyn Bay. 2039ap AT TYWYN^ DEGANWY, 7NORTI1 WALES.—Select Aipartments, suit genrry, within two miles Llandudno: near Golf Linte, Boating, Fishinig, Sea-bathing, and ail beautiful Show places df North Wales. On public road, where Tourist Coaches and Motor Char-a-banra pars consbanitiy; or this pretty Villa would bo Let to respectable tenants, aix imcurwths or i<.nger, fully funnished. House is well and oorrnfortAOly furnished, freshly papered and paiitted through- out,, has full erapply of gas, hok- and ooldj vater, aiid ooawmands beautiful views cf mountains, sea, river, and Conway Castle; 61 til ate between two Railway Srfcations, within five minutes' walk of Shops, Ohuircih, Doctor. Post Offioee.—Addre^Sg V. G., care -of "Pioneer" Offices, Colwyn Hay. J 20375p sli EDS. \TEGETABLE and FIjOWKR SEEDS of the BEST1 QUALITY* at MODERATE I'RIOFiS. E V A N o" WEN* Seed'tsman, BRIDGE STREET, LLANRWST. RELIGIOUS SERVICES. LLYSFAEN PARISH CHURCH. ENGLISH SERVICES. MORNING 11-15 a.m. f Seats Free, COLD IN THE HEAD, NASAL CATARRH and INFLUENZA, SPEEDILY CURED By Inhalation of NORWEGIAN PINE DROPS. NORWEGIAN PIXE DROPS should bo naoj on the first appearance of a Cold—it will Stoft it at onoc I IN BOTTLES, Is ld Size for 1014.- Tost Free, lljd. Sole Agent: H. ROGERS JONES, M.P.S., DISPENSING CASH CHEMIST, LLANDUDNO JUNCTION. .1 Seed Potatoes. Seed Potatoes. Seed. Potatoes. # J Large Consignment direct from Ho Ila n d. PAUL KRUGER S," VERY HEAVY CROPPERS, £ 5 i os. per Ton. CARRIAGE PAID to any Railway Station within Twenty Miles. NEWMANSeCo., LLANDUDNO. j SPRING SHOW OIR New Millineryx^^> All Orders promptly A- and carefully y\ execr «ssi 0F high-CLAS3 /Wisry Fancy Goods. ^/larlborongli Bouse, Conway Rd., COLWYN BAY. a OH L.. ———===— UNEQUALLED FOR QUALITY and PBICE. Rowland & Co., WYNNSTAY CHAMBERS, COLWYN BAY TEi XP aonic Oil vm-

