jUL, MILITARY > AND y AL TAILOR. y/ O •> y/ iaak^r. V O Y X-V S, y \v^y/ OiiSiorn House XSt^/ STREET' vi\V CARuIIT. %<y — Awardsd the Diploma of Merit in Soieace and Art of Cutting. ci'lil


I "c* *•> f JJ (?:■'{% .9 if$ 's'y £ >J/ 45EBC^ FEEKCHA-M'S PILLS, Vir on Ii a Guinea a Bex. BKECHAM'S PILLS, For BULOUS Attacks. BEECHAM'S PILVS. For Nervous Disorclers- REECKAM'S PILLS, For Indigestion in all its (ami. BtECHAM'S PILLS, For Wind and Pain in the SfcMtacl^. BEECHAMS PILLS, For Sick Headache. BEECHAAL'S PILLS, Have nared the Lives of Wo*mnd*. BEECHAM'S PILLS, For Giddiness. BEECH AM'S PILLS, For Fullness and Swelliags «*Ur Mea«. BEECHAli'S PILLS, Are Worth a Guinea a BOX- BEECHAM'S PILLS, A wonderful medicine for Females of ages. BEECKAM'S PILLS, Are adapted for old Jind yo*«g. BEECH AM'S PILLS, For Dizziness and Drowniaed-. BEECHAM S PILLS, For Colds, Chilis, Flushing^ « aM-t. BEECHAAFS PILLS, Will restore the rosc-Ud of he*Ut o aK trho use them. IWECBAIRS PILLS, For Costiveness and Scurry. J*&ECHAU"S PILLS, For Blotches on the Skia M:ECHAM"S PILLS, For Disturbed Sleep amd Fretful Dteaxw. BEECKAM'S PILLS, Are the Best Medicine far Female Com, plaints. BEECHAM'S PILLS, The First Dose gives Relief i. Twenty Minuies. BEECHAM S PILLS, Are the Finest Medicine in tie VUild BEECHAM'S PILLS, Have the large^Sule of any pateat Medi cine in the world. BEECKAM'S PILLS and BFFCH\M'8 TOOTH PASTE, Cleanses lift teeth arO perfume, the btfU. BKEOHAM'S TOOTH PASTE. In Collapsible Tubes, Is ea.clt. BERJCHAM'S TOOTH PASTE. Is efficacious and economical. MECHAM-S TOOTH PASTS, Will recommend itself. BKECHAM'S TOOTH PAM. Sold Everywhere. Prepared by the Propriety THOMAS BKECHAM. „ME ST. HELEN'S, LAX CASH IKE. PEFFE c-r EYESIGHT i. a blessing, but once £ prived of many pleasures 0 neglect. ferfect beC°'n^ NatHre's ed, therefore be wue m Um • cities will not be averted by vrishmg ing otherwise. „)er).ence Professor Scott's Forty ^'persons who is proof of th^ gpectaclef, selected k»~ fany y^*h\c guidance of OCUIIBUC without tao in. Tlriioa tea or twenty know lodge, Iwv- ld be. This behove years ^eaker the u#e of Spectacles IjtpTi'r • you did not make •* pre"eXd therefore'you should not be y^r e^' an b;a nature g^e. 7™' a«fcwned ct n8 will sympath- A* kinds of thoa afford to regard ise with yonj ant c0nt«mpt. There «*ers witU unCr500 ,1'illering defects in th€ *te ™ny ;;efore be caution whom yon human eye. T Joue rearing tin- coMult' ^IcTobtamed from non-profes- ^jcopev Spe<- neraiiy fcaTe no know- ftional sellers, wno d_i^ of tb« h«m»n ledge of the vror.< second.^and Spec- eye. Cheap, lhev gradually and tacles are ivntante, Eye.sight permanently CCOTM>my on. Pro- i9 a bad thting t° cuUrteonsly and without feaaor Sco.t wUi. also valn. charge J0U^, l0n' advice U'rcc). •' ppjCES. 1 tn„ 6ll, Gold, from 15s 6d p« ^r°V1Tt pru(V< to buy the best one can fair", Vn .assets may at first appear to *ff0TU t: purpose, but they eventually T* J «« "orr"w ;,t tha • 4 onomy. juc-ge^ .;p fees are charged. p ofessor 8co 11. uC LIST OPTICIAN. 1 .t.1 qvj £ t.tl0 .I"" rca rr (> Cardan (o ),d, the Casrlc"). -•sad, addressed enVvi^v-: i«. i". vaepost, las Lviinph'.et on 0ISiV sjcAiis paper. 11 iL' JOHN MASON & CO J Ii ;-J. 7 rr .nn Wc.rk-, I wmm RQj^D, CARDIFF Makers of every description of Sun-Blinds. h Self-acting Spring Hollers for Shop Fronts a Speciality. Builders, Architects and the Trade supplied at Special Prices. Estimates Free on Application. Correspondence will receive prompt attention n Qlass. GJnsR. Glass, Glasfc.j The Largest Stotk of Glasa of alLD^scripaons in the District. Coarae—15oz.and 21oz. ,Os. pe- Putty, 8/- Cwf. .ti:CLEAR4I>TCE7SALE OP J"'ji"1IANGING& «oVvLots, &a, .■'■>*»!¥» -W. & -ON, PAINTER? DECORA fURS AND GLASS BENDERS 11, QUEEN STREET, CARDIFF. -V .4- -rtWi— :-J £ —■ /• ALL TRADES SHOULD USE BENTLEY'S IMPEKI SUABLE SIGN BEUAUSE When trade is bad they Improve it, When tr&de is good they still increase it. 1 By giving a Bold Advertisement. i They are worth Double any other kind because They axe readable by night as well as day, so They a. give a continuous Advertisement. The cost of them is repaid under a. year, But the signs are Imperishable so t': They are an EveriastiafT Advertisement. And tr Style, Brilliancy in Co'our, Efficiency as an Advertisement, together with the Cost thv are unequalled. For some things are warranted to last a life time. Bentley's Advertrements last for ever, and can be seen at any of Singer's otamishments, Samm els, of Xanchester, and Branches, and Oliver's Boot Stores everywhere. Agents wanted in towns ani village in South Wales. BENTLEY. J. Sign Maker, CARDIFF I J- yy— F r 11" Georges Pile ana Gravel Pills. MARVELLO JS REMEDY. WHAT WILL IT ra? IT IS MC'RE 1 WHAT WILL IT DO WHAT WILL IT DO ? WHAT WILT TT DC? WHAT WILi JC; WHAT V/It-I* II vOi WHAT WILL fj; no WHAT JJJ-J ln Tii SStf DC" VV§tT WILL IT DO? ^SAT WILL IT DOT WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL 11 DO? WHA1 WILL IT DO? WHA r WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL 11 DO? WHAT WILL IT DO WHAT WILL iT DO? WHAT Will TT DO? WHAT WILT- JT Do? WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT W LL i I DO' WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WU.t. IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL ir DO? WHAT WILL IX DO ? WHAT W LL {J- DO? WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT D J ? WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL II- DO? WHAT WI' L IT VO< WHAT WH L TT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO WHAT W LL IT DO WHAT WILL IT DO WHAT WILL IT DO WHAI WILL IT DO • S-HA • Wl,,L IT DO? WjjA'j WILL II D WHA" wir.l. IT l>0? WH4T WILL IT DO! WHAT 111 WHAT Wtl^' IT WHAT 'WILL IT DO? WHAT WiLLM' DO? WHAT WILJ. !'•' DO? WHAT WILaj IT J>p ? WHAT WILi. J DO? WHAT WEI IT [ WHIT WILL l ;0? WHa'1' WILL 11 WHaT WIIL IT LOJ WHAT WILL 11 DO WHAT WILL IT DO WHAT WILL i WHA'I WILij i • WHAT WILL I 1 WHAT WrILL, L J C Vv'KAT Yvll L II OO WHAt Wl' L IT J>0 ,J THAN GOLD TO ME,—TTf SAVED MY LIFE.' If you suffer Pain n the HarK and Loins, or bei-wefn the Shoulders, thi3 remedy will effectually remove them. If you are troubled with Irritation of the Bladdt r, Suppression and Retention of the water. Stone or Gravel, the Only Safe & effectual Remedy ever offered to the World S GEOEOK'S PILE & GBAVEL PILLS. If the water is High Coloured, Thick, and depoeitiug much pediment, lose no Jiimc, procure a box of GEORGE'S PILLS, yon If your Kianey and Li-sr are slat-pah and out of order, this Jfe™eniy W1"^5ntl> Stimnlati- these important organs, open a* their Clogged Passages, and promote the —- TfUv?nd ot^er J "^i^'e3tion, Biliousness, and Consti- you1" ••r in f P" If you *ro'n >ny Bo.vel Disorder such as Piles, Const- pation, r^aulen-e, Colic, you have a Kemedy you can always relv upon. If u suffot from PA^jPITATION, and are afraid that yon HJJABT is ftfT-aoted, yoa will ilnd these Pills an EFFICACIOUR liKMKDy If yod suffer from HEADACHE and GIDDINESS, Georgp 8 Pills wiH remold these Panis sooner than any othef b known Medicine. If you have PAIN AFTER BATHING and feel DROWSY A LISTLEbS, one dose of George's Pills will act like a charm. If youi FOOD TURNS SOUK and rises into the mouth, a few dosef of thts Remedy will make your troubles a thing of the past. If you fee NE VOUS, EXCITABLE, and Low SPIRITED a perfect AntiJo- w ill be found in George's Pills. If you ha »e a DISAGREEABLE TASTE in the mouth, a Single Dost of George's Pile and Gravel fills at bed time clean the tongae before the dawn of another day. IF SLEEP fails to give you REST, try George's Pills. They willl make yoar bed eaby, sleep refreshing, and Revive your b trench. If you feel unfit for EXERTION "VEAE, and LIMP, thi. Remedy will restore pour Energy and "ength, and will | Labour and Exercise the Enjoyment 01 L.. If you are troubled with NAUSEA au,- 'OMITING at thd thought of eating, a box of -ge's Pills will ,ke your meat and drink both SAVOORY and PLEASANT If your BLOOD in impure, it will keep open al' the important outlets of the body an thuj give free exit to all CKoss HuuoRs. and no more BL 0 IMPURITIES will be seen burs ing through the Skin in PIMPLEc CLOTcHES, ^CRES, and BlIl LS. In thouBands of case tit ban rerno^ >d from the Blood, root and branch, lvHEUMA 1IC .riOORBO -I -Mr.OP.OFULCUS Taints that lias defied all othsr Remedies If you have a tendency to DH ..ICAL SWELUNGS. this liemc-4:' by its action upon the honeys and Skin, will bring Belief. 11 you have DIFFICULTY of BREATHING, this Remedy will piovea t'riond to you in the h Jtir of need. It will change your coiscaui ailing to freedom from pain. I It will change the sallow complexion to .,hc h)oom of health. It will change your sickliness to vigour; your languor to activity and vour general aebihtv to arauosa of sinew and muscle. It is APEUIENT, and therefore will remove CONSTIPA- .U,()\. It iHANTIBH-IOUS, aud will therefore correct a.. irregularities of the livar. it is DIURE ITC, and will, chere- !'ore''iet:p o;en the water fges. It is TONIC, and will, tberoforv, give tone and vigour to the Digestive Organs. it 18 1!LU-jI) PUlUFi'lNG and NEliVE-STRENUTliENINC it is ALL YOU WANT. h-sb Vv otkl-i' enowned Pills are old Everywhere in Coxes at V^-i ench. J Nat. Tel.—Cardiff, G26 Penarth, 101. Estd. I860. Telegraics FRED MORGAN & CO., Mill Lane, Cardiff and Glebe Street, Penarth. u MANrFACTURERS OF I Tent, Marquees, Flags, .Tarpaulins (FOR SALE OVIRE). AWNINGS FOR WEDFINGP, ETC., FRE( TED ON THE SdOUTEST NCU'-K. 1 fJORbE AND CART C- VEKS, ki, K-MJKEIF, SACKS, ROPE, RUBBE. AND OiLKIN GOOl'S, &c. SADDLERS AND HARNESS MAKERS. Sun-Biinds of Every Description. \ø. t H ALT! For just a moment whilst Berattaml Compeuy (Limited), The Cardiff Fumisihers, re- miiid you that tteir 61st Great Annual Stock-taking SaJe of Furndtm*. Gsxt* Ciothfl, Pianofortes, wte., etc., ctMnDm^pces^s— wnoie of the Tast stocks of the rarioti* for One Month Only, to such an extent as must effect dearMmeB! ATTENTION! is particularly directed to the fact tiat this i s a Genuine Sale. The inlraihitants of South Wales and Monmouthshire are parfectly aware thai it is imperative for m to take stock K about the tAoee dtMcIi financial year, and that, to enable us to do this, our various Aow- roomfl must be to a. re^y great extent clear ed; and. hence, it becomes Be<e<s Bary to make grett redijictions in ptraces in all departments- I n/l G H r FACE! I To the folloTflng prioes for convincing pro <^f of reductions :—Magnificent SiTkDntwitg. room Suited reduced from sixteen to twelve y £ uineas; TwelTe-gniniea Saddle-bag Suite to Nine Guineas; Eight Guinea Leather ClotJl Suites to ES l'fs 6d; Bedroom Suites from Three Guineas; Everlasting Iron Bedst^tdis from 32s 6d. to 22s 6d Pianofortes, Organs, I Bedding, Carpets, et< etc., all reduce in eimilaf proportion. In fact, the reductions are so great that this will, undtouhtycDy, turn out to be the largest sale we iiave ever held. QUICK M AUG H! I Then to secure the reliable goods of the old- ef tablished firm—Bevan and Company-witk- 1 I cut a, single excepticn the hurgest. best, and cheapest House Furnishers. Bedding, Cfcrpftt, I and Musio Wajrfiousemjen in the Principality. Delivery free throughout Walea and bordtr I ot-unties. Large illusttrated catalogues Gratis and Post Free on Application, j IMMENSE SELECTIONS! > I LARGEST STOCKS! < f » I I j SMALLEST PRICEjf V -— /■/ IAUGE CATALOGUES GRATIS. DELIVERY 6F ALL S FREE. I r ..t' I < All Competition Defited I i Ile i BEVAN and COMPANY, T.rurapn THE CAUUIFF FURNISHSRS," Carpet and Music Warehousemen, 21, Duke Street, and 97, St. Mary Street, CARDIFF ALSO AT SWANSEA, NEWPORT, AND PONTYPOOL. THE (JHfi0^IcLi £ WANT ORDER FORM. Small prepaid advertisements of tbtt "Waated" Class are inserted in "The Chronicle at the following rates. 20 WORDS | | 6D. THKEE Insertions ls- 28 WORDS, j' — 9d. 3 Ins., ls. 6d. ————— 36 WORDS, ls. 3 Ins., 44 WORDS, | Is. 3d. '3 Ins., 2a. Cd.j" j i I Write Plainly. Only One Word in Each Space. Initials or Number Count as One Word Fill in the above form and forward, together with P.O. or halfpenny stamps to cover cost to Advertisement Manager, "THE CHRONICLE" OFFICE, I I :12) TAFF STREET POXTYPHIM i PROTHEROv A Butter Cheesp JpMmi s, Bacon Eggs -q- Aq a&sv s-ted to kold a foremost place amongst th^ — 3* Are universal-aei. That these should be of good quality is accordingly articles non. If you wish to be on your gu«^d against getting goods of an inferior quality, PROTHERO'S is the to. Strictly Choice Butter only I t'll- per lb 1 2 GUARANTEED TO PLEAS1 Really Choice Mild 7d. per lb Canadian Cheese NOTHING EQUAL IN TOWN Delicious Mild Breakfast Bacon 7d. per lb I' A TREAT Welsh Eggs (Fresh Daily) 16 for 1/- CANNOT BE BEATEN I FROTH ERO, ¡ TaflF Street, PONTYPRIDD I KNTOW THE COST FIRST Don't be misled by catchy advertisements, but when you think of having ARTIFICIAL TEETH DROP A LlNB TO TEMPLAR MA.LINS, 107, WOODVILLE-ROAD, CARDIFF, FOR A pEFINITE TABLE OF PRICES. A Booklet giving in a complete and concise manner, and without humbug, the prices inclusive of everything for all qualities rAngiag from isf One Guinea per Set. Every case is euarant^d to give entire satisfaction, and references can be given to upwards of 50U patients already supplied in and aroaud Cardiff iwh extracted painless y under the influeaoe of Nitrous oxide gas, and Artificial Teeth 1(X 0{ any make soundly repaired in a few hears. 0 WRITE TO-DAY TO- TEM r i. A R M AL INS, M.P.S., 107, WOODYILLB ROAD, CARDIFF. 5594 ':rw- •fv The I iiiiton Cycle Fitted with i8 »Trejox Tyres* WePtwcod Plated Rims. Any height frame, any gear, ai r hnndl^^ -Felt Grips Linton special Fork Crown, with Nickel-plated Rims SpSk<.s tipples, Front For k Ends, Lamj and Pump. All Accessories given iree. Guaranteed for 12 months. L- Price, JE10 10s. Nett Cash, or 22s Monthly for 12 Months. Send for List of Cycles, Accessories, and Repair Charges. A Standard List Price for all. THE LINTON COMPANY. Cycle, ryre, and Accessory Manufacturers, U8, WOODVILLE KOAD, CATHAY8, CAilDlpjp, Speciality.-Your Cycle re-enamelled (stoved) and nickel plated. including plat ing h*8 and re-building wheels with new spokes. Price, £ 1 lis. •ash. c40 THF CENTRAL t.. UMBELLA U M B'- r\NUF ACTORY, 7, MOHAN'S (NEW) AR- C)E, CARDIFF. C.A ;-< &Yr f. A Grand Selection of Umbrellas and liking Sticks f-0 a FRESMTS. ,3 Umbrellas fis-coered from 2 Q RepuM or ZLg &J. kt., pa: 4. i C." k.Ucliwij' •