glVIL, GLERIOM. MiLlTARV ✓ 7') NAVAL T.ULOK. /\CL — Livery and Haait A^s. Maker, \f/ S$/ Custom House ScS&S- STRBET' vC\V CARiJlFF. w/ Awarded the Diploma of Merit in Science and Art of Catting. c319


I ,41 JHeecioM's' I 'i1 ¡:it <0/ s BEECHAM'S PILLS. Worth a Guinea a BEECHAM'S PILLS, For Bilious Attacks. BEECHAM'S PILLS, For Nervous Disorders. 1 BEECHAM'S PILLS, For Indigestion in all its for-S. BEECHAM'S PILU;, For Wind and Pain ia tke Sto»ac». BEECHAM'S FILLS, For Sick Headache. BKECHAM'S PILLS, Hare saved the Live* ei Tk»»e»ftds. BEECHAM'S PILLS, For Giddiness. BEECHAM'S PILLS, For Fullness and Sw'01liar alter MMM- BEECHAM'S PILLS, Are Worth a Guinea a B« BEECHAM'S PILLS, A wonderful mediant for Females of ages. M'.ECHAM'S PILLS, Are adapted for old .and yelang- BEECHAM'S PILLS, For Dizziness and Drowsiness. BE:ECHAM'S PILLS, For Colds, Chills, Flushings, of Hwt. BEECHAM'S PILLS, Will restore the rosebud of health 'Q who use them. BKECHAM'S PILLS, For Costiveness and Scurry. BEECHAM'S PILLS, For Blotches on the Skim. BEECHAM'S PILLS, For Disturbed Sleep and Frightful Dream.. BEECHAM'S PILLS, Are the Best Medicin. fsr Female Com- plaints. BEECHAM'S PILLS, The First Doao gives Relief »» Twenty Minutes. BEECHAM'S PILLS, w Are the Finest Medicine m tie World BEECHAM'S PILLS, Have the largest Sale of any pateat Medi oiné in the world. BEECHAM'S PILLS and BEECHAM'S TOOTH PASTE, Cleanses the teeth and perfumed breati. IWBOIIL,F, TOOTH PASTE In Collapsible Tubes, Is ewk- BEECHAM'S TOOTH Is efficacious and economical. BEECHAM'S TOOTH PASTE, 1 Will recommend itself. BEECHAM'S TOOTH PASTE, Sold Everywhere. Prepared by the Proprietor, THOMAS BEECHAM. vnARHI.BE ST. HELEN S, LANOASHlti^- PERFEOT EYESIGHT u blessing, tat once £ £ tricot" wo~ ■< -■ aities will not be averted by wismng ine otherwise. Pyofeseor Scot*. Fort, W^ is proof Of this fact, tu Elected t„Ti fot many Tears used spectacle Z inraluable »f «*-« knewledge, hantheir Tision ten or twenty weaker than it should ke. This ueno ^TTorft pa*. oS the » «f Spectacles ■« pretext »«• f ,f jt "HA ud tiered ,o« -ta«M J* aAamed of what nature has pre. yo«- £ R kinds of thoughtful pe^on. wUl its with you, and you can affordJ» regard «*ers with unconcern or contempt Th«» ara as many as 2,500 differing defects m the human eye. Therefore b. ewtUa. whom you oonaalt. Much injury i» done by wearmf { proper Speckles obtained from non-prof«- £ £ sellers, who generally ledg» of the wonderful delicacy J9 Cheap, common, and second-hand Spec 4es are irritants, and they permanently impair tie rision. J 8 k iTa bad thing t. practise economy on. *ro I itm0C Scott will, courteously and^ttomt okarge, test your vision, and also give ,tl6lo advice (Free). PRICES. From Is to 10s 6d; Gold, from 15s 6d per aait. It is prudent to buy the best one can !f«d; cheap glasses may at first appear to pmr the purpose, but they | «hd wearers cau* for serrow at tb* *11 4 fidged economy. No fees are charged. Visit *• Professor Scott. OCULIST OPTICIAN*, 37 Castle Arcade, Cardilf (Opposite the Castle). X. nd stamped, addressed envelope k .-e. t' > ceive, free by post, Ms pamphlet 1^. Name this p;ipcr- f- •J- JOHN MASON & CO, Crown Blind Works, j WYVERNE ROP, CARDIFF Makers of every description of Sun-Blinds. I Self-acting Spring Kollers for Shop Fronts a Speciality. Builders, Architects and the Trade supplied at Special Prices. Estimates Free on Application. Correspondence will receive prompt attention I Glass. Glass. Glass. Glass. The Largest Stock of Glass of all Descriptions in the District. Coarse—15oz. and 21oz. 50s. per Case. Putty, 8/- per Cwt. Cask Free. CLEARANCE SALE OF PAPERHANGINGS Job Lots, tc., at Less than Cost. W. DAVIS & SON, PAINTERS, DECORATORS AND GLASS BENDERS 11, QUEEN STREET, CARDIFF. ALL TRADES SHOULD USE BENTLEY'S IMPERISHABLE SIGN BECAUSE When trade is bad tkey Improve it, Wfcea tntdt is good they still incrvuM it. By giving a. Bold Advertisement. TItey are worth Double any other kind because They are readable by night as well as day; so They a give a continuous Advertisement. The cost of them is repaid under a. year. But the signs are Imperishable so They are an Everiastine Advertisement. And for Style, Brilliancy in Colour, Efficiency as an Advertisement, together with the Coat they are unequalled. For some things are warranted to last a life time. Bentley's Advertisements last for ever, and can be seen at any of Singer's wetaMithmento, Sam*- e18, of Manchester, and Branches, and Oliver's Boot Stores everywhere. Agents wanted in towns and villages in South Wales. BENTLEY, Sign Maker, CARDIFF Georges Pile and Gravel Pills. MARVELLOUS REMEDY. WHAT WILL IT LO ? IT IS MORE THAN GOLD TO ME,—IT SAVED MY LIFE.' WHAT WILL IT DO WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO ? WHAT WILL IT DO WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILI TT DO? WHAT WILJ, IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WiLL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO ? WHAT WILL IT DO ? WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO t WHAT WILL TT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO WHAT WiLL IT DO WHAT WILL IT DO WfeAT WILL IT DO Sii'C WILL IT DO ? WHA. WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WTLL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WH-L II T)OJ WHAT WILL IT. DO? WHAT WlLI» IT I*C? WHAT WiLL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL TT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO WHAT WILL II DO? WHAT WILL IT DO ? WHAT WILL IT DO WHAT WILL IT DO ? WHAT WILL T DOt WHA1 WILL T u P WHAT WILL I > |> I WHAT WILL 1^ LCi? WHAT WILL IT DO? WHAT WILL IT DO ? If yon Buffer Pain n the Bank and Loins, or between the Shoulders, thi3 remedy will effectually remove them. If you are troubled with Irritation of the Bladder, Suppression and Retention of the water, Stone or Gravel, the Only Safa & effectual Remedy ever offered to the World s GEORGE'S PILE & GBAVEL PILLS. If the water is High Coloured, Thick, and depositing much Sediment, loso no time, procure a box of GEORGE'S FILX.H, you will soon be Right again. If your Kidney nnd Liver are sluggish and out of order, this 119 Remedy will gently Stimulate these important organs, open up their Clogged Passages, and promote the secretion of healthy Bileand other Vital Fluid. If you are a martyr to Indigestion, Biliousness, and Consti- pation you have a Sure Remedy in George's Pills. If you Buffer from any Bowel Disorder such as Piles, Const- pation, Flatulence, Colic, you have a Remedy you can always rely upon. If you Buffer from PALPITATION, and are afraid that you HKABT is affected, you will find these Pills an EFFICACIOUS REMBDy If you suffer from HEADACHE and GIDDINESS, George I Pills will remove these Panis sooner than any other known Medicine. If you have PAIN AFTER BATHING and feel DROWSY & LISTLEttS, one dose of George's Pills will act like a charm. If your FOOD TURNS SOUR and rises into the mouth, a few doses of thtB Remedy will make your troubles a thing of the past. If you fee NE VOUS, EXCITABLE, and Low SPIRITED a perfect AntiJck w ill be found in George's Pills. If yuu have a DISAGREEABLE TASTE in the mouth, a Single Dose of George's Pile and Gravel Pills at bed time clean the tongue before the dawn of another day. IF SLEEP fails to give you REST, try Georgia Pills. They willl make your bed eabY. sleep refreshing, and Revive your Strength. If you feel unfit for EXERTION rvEAK, and LIMP, this Remedy will restore pour Energy and "ength, and will Labour and Exercise the Enjoyment 01 L. If you are troubled with NAUSEA anu JOMITING at thd thought of eating, a box of urge's Pills will MUKE your meat and drink both SAVOURT and PLEASANT If your BLOOD is impure, it will keep open aF the important outlets of tho body an thun give free exit to all GROSS HUMOUS, *»nd no more BL* .0 LtlTURlTlES will be seen bursting through the Skin in PIMPLES BLOTCHES, öCRES, and BOILS. In thousands of case fit has remold from the Blood, root and branch, RHEUMATIC .SCORBO IT J, SCROFULOUS Taints that has defied all other Remedies if you have a tendency to DR coXCAL SWELLtNGS, this Kemc-1:' by its action upon the Kidneya and Skin, will bring Relief. If you have DIFFICULTY of BREATHING, this Remedy will pro\ea friend to you in the h ar of need. It will change your constant ailing to freedom from pain. It will change the sallow complexion to viilC bloom of health. It will change your sickliness to vigour; your languor to activity and your general debilitv to firmness of sinew and muscle. It is APERIENT, and therefore will remove CONSTIPA- TION. It is ANTIBILIOUS, and will therefore correct all irregularities of the liver. It is DIURETIC, and will, there- fore, keep open the water passages. It is TONIC, and will, therofore, give tone and vigour to the Digestive Organs. It is BLOOD PURIFYING and NKRVE-STKENGTHENINS it is therefore ALL YOU WANT. Lhese W odd-renowned Pills are cold Everywhere in Boxes at 1/4 & 2/9 each. Nat. Tel.-Cardiff, 326 Penarth, 101. Estd. 1860. Telegrams: Tarpaulins, Cardiff. FRED MORGAN & CO., Mill Lane, Cardiff and Glebe Street, Penarth. MANUFACTURERS OF rent, Marquees, Flags, Tarpaulins (FOR SALE OR HIRE). AWNINGS FOR WEDDINGS, ETC., ERECTED ON THE SHORTEST NOTICE. BORSE AND CART COVERS, PICK-SBEETS, SACKS, ROPE, RUBBER AND OIL-KIN GOODS, &c. SADDLERS AND HARNESS MAKERS. Sun-Blinds of Every Description. HALT! For just a moment whilst Beran and Company (Limited), The Cardiff Furnishers, re- mind you that tfceir 51st Great Annual Stock-taking Sale of Furniture, Carpets, Floor- CSothfi, Pianofortes, m., etc., commences on Saturday, March 16th, and Will Continue for One Month Only, during which period the whole of the vast sttocka of the various branches will be reduced to such an extent as must effect clearancoml ATTENTION! is particularly directed to the fact tJaat this i s a Genuine Sale. The inhabitants of South Wales and Monmouthshire are perfectly aw are that it is imperative for m to take stock about the close of each financial year, and that, to enaible 1UI to do this, our various eIJow- roams must be to a very great extent dear ed; and. hence, it becomes absolutely neces- sary to make greiti reductions in prices in all departments. RIGHT FACE! To the following prices for convincing proof of (reductions: •—Magnifioent (Silk Drawing- soon Suites reduced from sixteen to twelve guineas; TweJve-guinett Saddle-bag Suite to Nine Guineas; Eight Guinea. Leather Cloth Suites to £5 17s 6d; Bedroom Suites from Three Guineas; Everlasting Iron Bedsteads from 328 6d. to 22a 6d; Pianofortes, Organs, Bedidang, Carpets, etc., etc., all reduced in similar proportion. In fact, the reductions are so great that this will, undoulbtedly, torn out to be the largest sale we have erer hold- QUICK MARCH! Then to secure the reliable goode of the old- established firm-Bevan and Company—^riik- cut a single exception the largest, best, and cheapest House Furnishenj, Bedding, Orftt,, and Music Warehousemen in the Principality. Delivery free throughout Wales and horde- co-untiea. Large illustrated catalogues Gratis and Post Free on Application. <3? I IMMENSE SELECTIONS! LARGEST STOCKS 1 SMALLEST PRICES! LARGE CATALOGUES GRATIS. DELIVERY OF ALL GOODS FREE. All Competition Defied! BGYAN and COMPANY, LIMITED. THE CARDIFF FURNISHERS," Carpet and Music Warehousemen, 21, Duke Street, and 97, St. Mary Street, CARDIFF ALSO AT SWANSEA, NEWPORT, AND PONTYPOOL. THE CHBMM'r' WANT ORDER FORM. Small prepaid advertisements of the "Wanted" Class are inserted in "The Chronicle at the following rates. 20 WORDS I 6D. THREE Insertions Is. • 28 WORDS, ——— ——— 9d.; .j. 3 Ins., Is. 6d. | 36 WORDS, ———— Is. 3 Ins., 44 WORDS, Is. 3d. 3 Ins., 2s. 6d. write Plainly. Only One Word in Each Space. Initials or Number Coant as One Word. I Fill in the above form and forward, together with P.O. or halfpenny stamps to cover cost to Advertisement Manager, "THE CHRONICLED OFFICE, 22, TAFF STREET PONTYPKIDD I PROTHERO'S IT) 4. Butter Cheese Bacon E ,M.Q Eggs Are universally admitted to hold a foremost place amongst the necessary articles of our diet. That these should be of good quality is accordingly a line qua non. If you wish to be on your guard against getting goods of an inferior quality, PROTHERO'S is the place to go to. Strictly Choice Butter < only 1/- per lb GUARANTEED TO PLEASE Really Choice Mild 61d. per lb Canadian Cheese NOTHING EQUAL IN TOWN Delicious Mild Breakfast Bacon 7d. per lb I A TREAT Welsh Eggs (Fresh Daily) 16 for 1 CANNOT BE BEATEN PEOTHERO, Taff Street, PONTYPRIDD KNOW THE COST FIRST Don't be misled by catchy advertisements, but when you think of having ARTIFICIAL TEETH, DROP A LINE TO TEMPLAR MA.LINS, 107, WOODVITXE-ROAD, CARDIFF, FOR A DEFINITE TABLE OF PRICES. A Booklet giving in a complete and concise manner, and without humbug, the prices inclusive of everything for all qualities ranging from fir One Guinea per Set. Every caM is guaranteed to give entire satisfaction, and references can be given to upwards of 500 patients already supplied in and around Cardiff. Teeth extracted painlessly under the influence of Nitrous oxide gas, and Artificial Teeth of any make soundly repaired in a few heurs. WRITE TO-DAY TO- TEMPLAR MAL IN S, M.P.S., 107, WOODVILLE ROAD, CARDIFF. 5594 The Linton Cycle Fitted with AB Velox Tyres, Westwcod Plated Rims. Any height frame, any gear, any handle-bar. Felt Grips Linton special Fork Crown, with Nickel-plated Rims, Spokes, Nipples, Front Fork Ends, Lamp, Bell and Pump. All Accessories given free. Guaranteed for 12 months. Prioe, JB10 10s. Nett Cash, or 22s Monthly for 12 Months. Send for List of Cycles, Accessories, and Repair Charges. A Standard List Price for all. THE LINTON COMPANY. Cycle, Tyre, and Accessory Manufacturers, (118, WOODVILLE ROAD, CATIIAYS, CARDIFF. Specialitv.-Your Cycle re-enamelled (stoved) and nickel-plated, including plafc ing bubs and re-buildag wheels with new spekes. Price, £1 15s. cash. 040 THE CENTRAL UMBRELLA MANUFACTORY, 7, MORGAN'S (NEW) AR- CADE, CARDIFF. I I 10 t i, t 'A ,w IFF. R A Grand Selection of Umbrellas and Walking Sticks FOR PRESENTS. Umbrellas Re-covered from | aye. Uep-sirB or Re-covering lent per par .:ell!(,gt receive prompt attention. 23M