
T. J" AND ONc; rl. to thai k their pfttft.nx or *h< ir very lih- rat at tn.. BArtl *ND WEST (T FNTI- \ND SHOW [IKLP IN CAKL IFF, And beg to inform thPID that tiny hHve Selected from the Show a veiy Large Asnortirem of kCWERS AND KEAPKHS. HOBRK RAKES, &AL\IAKEKB, PITCH FÜhKS. STEAM ENGINES AND BUILERIS, GAS ENGINES, CIRCULAR SAW BENCHES, GRIST AND CRUSHING MILLS, GRINDING MILLS, PLOUGHS, HARKOWS, CHAFF. CUTTERS, &c., &c., ALL GO r UP FOR SHOW. A Larft Stock of SECOND-BAND ENGINES AND BOILERS VERY CHEAP. T. LEMON & SONS, ENGINEERING WORKS, The Hayes, Cardiff. South Wales Umbrella Manufactory. Walking Sticks, Travelling Bags, Trunks, ^9^ Umbrellas re-covered wilm X SILK, WREP, AND ALPACCA. Couatiy orders per rail or post receive prompt attention. 43, CARDIFF. HEATH & SONS, CARDIFF, Pianoforte, Organ, and Harmonium DEALERS. &c. THREE YEARS' SYSTEM, FROM 14s. MONTHLY. pIANOFORTES BY B ROADWOOD, COLLARD, ERARD' :2*■■■■■ K IRKAIAN, B RINSMEAD, Ac rpHOMPSON AND GHACKELL, SOLE AGENTS FOR THE BRINSMEAD PIANO& AND Eb1 jj, Y ORGANS, CARDIFF Queen's Buildings. SWAMSKA 97 and 98, Oxford-street. KzwpOM.iH & 112, Commercial-street. MIRTHIR 1 IK, High-street. TsNBr Tredegar House. GLOOCISTER 146, Weatgate-street. THREE YEARS' SYSTEM. APVANTAGES 1. EvcxY IMBTBOMXXT GIMRAMTEJDD.—None but best qu Jiiy instruments will stand the teat of the Threw Years' System; tud T. aud b., therefore. carefully exclude all of inferior make from their Stock. 2. Low. or PBIOR.—Thompson and ehaoKel: beio^ the largest, bnyets, and only makers, in South Halts, are enabled t\1 sell cheaper than any other fiin in the Principality. 8. Goon loDK AM) TOUCH—The most csrflu attrittiou in I iiid to steurii.g a pleusii g tone anu even) CM f touch, which is so impi<rtt»ni an element in tayit g the fuuudauon ot a good musical euuoa- Hub. 4. I li MIS I ATE Possession —All instruments try supi lied Qirtctly the hi si monthly or qnarterie payment i- made; aid they oltimaltllv become the pioperty vftbe hirer withuui Inrther trouble it the monthly insialmeuts are regularly p-oiid. Futther Partioulars, with Handsome Drawings and Photographs, sent tree by post on application. ORGANS AND HARMONIUMS. ON SIMILAR TERMS. N.D.-If you want a good PIANO at a Moderate Price, go to one of Thompson and fchackell'fl Establishments. AGENTS WANTED IN EVERY TOWN AND VILLAGE UNREPRESENTED. W. ILL. VAUGHAN A CO STEAM DYEING AND SCOURING WORKS, LLANDAFF SOAD, CARDIFF. Brand, rfstablishmmts: ] CARDIFF. OOMM FRCT AL*8TREET, N EWPOBT. IlIGH STEEBT, MEBTBYR. LOWER GOAT FTREET, BWANSBA* ijgpl fo Jionddii MR. J. H. THOMAS. TAJLwR & DRAPER, IHANNAH ST:, PORTH. iM 7'ROUBLE IL r TO FIX io P. R Sixpence spent in them save t The most delicious" Banc* to th« v YORKSHIRE RELISH Enrichee Hot JoinU, 8tews, Chop*, Fua, «e. "With Soup it is eharram*. Blenda admirably with all O'*™ UtkM Cold Meat a Luxury. Stakes the plainest viaDdi palatable. The daintiest dishes more aelicioua. A gTeat addition to Cheese. Ererv dish is improved bv its aoditio*. Epicure* pronounce it tbe Beat Saues. Beware of Colourable Imitations. Sold Everywhere in 6d., Is. & 2a Bottles. GOODALL, BACKHOUSE & Co., LEEDS. FOR INN EXCELLENT AND FOR |UU PALATABLE HOUSEHOLD RECIPES Write to GOODALL, BACKHOUSEf Co., LEEDS, Enclorinfr a penny stamp for pofrt*sc, when you will be pre- sented with a valuable book of 100 page*, hound in cloth, and fully illustrated, en lied "GOOD THLKO8." MADE, SAID, AND DOKB FOB EVERY HOME AND HOUSEFLOUD. leaw SMMNM tkm jyr, I DAVID CULE, I CROCER AND PROVISION DEALER AND GENERAL DRAPER, MILL STREET, PONTYPRIDD. Prime Welsh Butters, and best home cured Bacon always in stock. Millinery, Dress & Mantle Making by Exeprienced Hands done on the Premises. Tailoring in all its Branches by practical and thorough experienced hands. AGENT FOB MESSES. CURTIS & HARVEY'S CELEBRATED BLASTING POWDIB ESTABLISHED 1876. THE PROGRESSIVE INVESTMENT AND BUILDING SOCIETY. CEJIZMZITJEID) CAPITAL: JMOO,000, in 20,000 Shares of J5 each. OHIEF OFUCE: 42, LOMBARD STREET, LONDON, B.O. Branch Office for South Wales: QUEEN'S BUILDINGS, AitiWL'UUi, bmtrict Ayents: MESSRS. LLOYD & DAVIE8 SHARE DEPARTMENT. Only 92 10a per Share will be called up in the that instance, payable 10s on Application, 10. on Allotment, and 30s by three consecutive Monthly Instalments of 1u8 each. ^Shareholders may, however, at any time, pay up all, or any of their tibares in full. The Dividend for I860 and 1881 was 6 per cent. Investing Department. The 1883 Fund is now open. The inonmly 6ubllCdvLtuU" are 2/6 and 5/. Interest of five per cent on all Subscriptions of £1 and n'( wards. Bonuses uf 22 10/ and i5 auded to Certificates paid up within five yea a. Each 5/ Certificate on which three m nths Subscriptions have been paid will be eligible for ih. Ballot, *nuui'it< the holder, if drawn, to £ 100 tree of interest for 20 yellrB, or a bona. of £ 30 i. stead of the tri e advance. Certificates on whict. 2/6 is paid will when drawn, have .£60 aàYauCl, or .£15 Bonus. < £ T 1HB MXT DUA" ING will b, on FKIDAY, At RIL 27, 1883. Deposit Branch. DicPOttTS are received of 6/ and upwaidt., withdrawable on abort notioe. Interest is paid half- yearly at the rate of 4 per cent for the first year, stud 6 per cent for subsequent years. Advances. Advances, from Onf Month to 20 vears, me made on Freehold and Leasehold Property, Stock* harte, Life Policies, and other realizable Securities. CURRENT ACCOUNTS. The Company supplies Cheque Books and opens Current Accounts with it* Members and others. Interest is allowed at 2i per cent. per annum on minimum monthly balances of J620 and upwards. The Company will undertake the collection of Cheques, Dividend Warrant- Ac. for its customers without charge. Prospectuses, Sfe., on application to the Secretary, or to ths following Agents: Mr. Wm. Owen, 33, Morgan-street, Pontypridd Mr. J. Thomas, Reading-room, Treorky, and Mr D. Davies, Bute-street, Treorky. B. SHAKESPEARE, MAKAQIHO DIRECTOR. CHEAP LINES. Fine Flour 35/- per sack, and 2/6 per score, Very good, do, .32/6 to 2/4 II Crush Sugar 3d per lb. A Good Strong Congou Tea 1/2 „ A Tea of Strength and admirable quality.116" Fine Mild American Cheese 6d Good >» 4d and 5d „ Prime New Bacon 6d „ Choice Mild Breakfast do. 7d „ ONLY AT Z. The Tea Exchange, Pontypridd, AND Forest Terrace, Treforest. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. PURITY! PURITY!! PURITY J. C O O MB E S Takes this opportunity to thank his numerous customers for their past favours, and to inform them that he has commenced Manufacturing all kinds of Sweets made of Boiled Sugar, Under his own supervision, and can thus guarantee them genuine and pure at prices which will compare favourably with other makers at a distance. CAKE DBPABTMB.1TT. Our Cake is made of the very best material, and has aways given satisfaction and secured repeated orders. Good Currant Cake at 4d. per lb. I Excellent at 8d. per lb. Very Good at 6d. per lb. Seed Cake 5d. to 8d per lb. Estimates given for quantities for Tea Parties, Children's Treats, Chapel Anniversaries, Pic-nics, &c. Orders executed at Short Notice. Address: J. COOMBES, 2, Market Street, Pontypridd. T THE Pictorial World ACCOUNTANTS REPORT. U I hereby certify that I have examined the books of THE PICTORIAL WORLD, and find that the Number of Copies printed of the Issue bearing date September 2nd, 1882, amounted to U I also certify that the Number of Copies printed of the Issue bearing date October 21st, 1882, amounted to 49,095. 101,493. • Signed) H. NEWSON SMITH, 37, Walbrook, London, B.C., Chartered Accounia November l«l, 1882." "Novemhør 18t, 1882." I NOTE.—The Proprietors need hardly say that the above Sales show a result unprecedented in the annals of Illustrated Journalism. It is worthy of notice that the weight of the Paper used In the issue of October 21st, 1882, exceeded 25 TONS. T X PICTORIAL WORLD, 6D. x WITH COLOURED PLATE, 17 INCHES BY 21. SUITABLE FOR FRAMING. THE BEST ILLUSTRATED WEEKLY. Of ALL HEWSAGENX8j AND AT ALL .RAILWAY AOOS8ZALLI. 29 & 30, ■ flMUMKF- SPRING 1883, #•*»" ■HIIIIW mmm » «■- In again thanking you for past favours, we beg to intimate that Our Arrangements for the Ensuing Season -A-IR/IE NOW COMPLETE, And feel confidence in again seeking the favour of your Patronage, from the fact that for VARIETY, STYLE, APPEARANCE, and DURABILITY, COMBINED WITH ECONOMY, Our Stock is, we think, in advance ot any previous Season. i That in the Conduct of our Business, we have undoubtedly supplied a want felt by the Cash Buyers throughout South Wales, and that our System of Business Gives General Satisfaction, t t Is evident, from the rapid increase in our yearly Re urns, and in the repeated testimony of so many of our Customers who give us their hearty and undivided support, From long experience and the position we occupy in the Markets AS THE LARGEST BUYERS OF CLOTHINC IN WALES, OR THE WEST OF ENGLAND, We are enabled to place before you GOODS of EXCEPTIONALLY GOOD VALUE in every Department. :r: Our System of Business (to which we feel sure we owe our success) is to serve our Customers Honestly by MARKING EVERY ARTICLE IN PLAIN FIGURES AT THE LOWEBT POSSIBLE PRICE, makiug no abatement and returning the money for any article purchased and not approved of, and by strictly adhering in every detail in both Buying and Selling to Cash Transactions. -'{.. -=- In Soliciting the favour of your esteemed commands, we beg to offer you our best services, and to state that nothing shall be wantng on our part to merit your patronage. We are, Sir, Yours very faithfully, The Cardiff Clothiers." THE VERY MR. jDR FLENGLISH UVERfiQ IN THE WORLD FOR CM U IN THREE SIZES. cup USUAL PRICE PRICE (b a '!S E!S i5 8 h !I Direct from the Manufacturers, At Lea. than the Wholesale Prlea OVER ONE HUNDRED SOLD EVERY WEEt DAY. RUT AIL PRICE. C O M P A On Pun. £ 5 5s. Gent's English Silver Leverfor £ 3 O. £ § 6s- Gent's Enfflish \2*' £ 6 0s. Gwnfs En*li» £ £ & of £ 14 10*. Oenff English gold l £ T«r 0«. fig ft stiver1 isilis & £ 30 Os- Gold EnKli9h 0hronorraph,*18 18a. A IS sss SSFE £ riTHCB OF THS ABOVE 8ent safe by return to an* and Printed Instruction*- Illustrated Pamphlet. H2 STEWART DAWSON & CO., MANU^»EBS, LIVERPOOL. COLOtfTAti BMSCI— 79, OOULBURN ST., STDNKT, AUSTRALIA. I. GRIFFITH, CENERAL IRONMONGER, TAFF STREET, PONTYPRIDD. TO BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS. I. G. Begs to announce that he has just received a consignment of best Yorkshire Blue GRINDSTONES, from 12 inches to 42 inches diameter. Your inspection will oblige. fLLLEN! ALLEN! ALLBN! The very wan I aw lookiag ft* is solm a4 iht < "MERlCAlT TIXPLI 07 BlALT& 2, MAHKKT.ST., ABWTPABB. • C T gaml A.E .>lrte»6 >.».HJK1 Uevbaliat. »l«et*tea» M4 y.r iu«(i«rii> Wales, mh» has ,i:ou#»nfV nri.u«'r» the Welsh Hills, fcj** aM •ufftrii from L Ter, Stowftch, Oonivl-1 to send for It.i8 LIVER PARCEL PATENT, A POSITIVE CURE, feat free for St. 3d. aad 4s. 6d. to. United Kinglow. Why sofferf A core Is certain. Thoosaede have teen reseaed by his treatment from »■ «srljr grave. Aridres*,—'American Temple of Health, I, IIarWt Street, Abecdere. BRANCH—BUTE STBBBT. TEEOBKT. Atteac-aae* evesy Friday. I MR. E. H. DAVIES, AUCTIONEER & ACCOUNTANT, BAGLAN CHAMBERS, IFIEILTTIE^IE, PONTYPRIDD. MR. W. MORGAN, Auctioneer & Accountant, Secretary Starr Bowkett" Sociaty, CHURCH STREET CHAMBERS, PONTYPRIDD. AND AT CLADSTONE CHAMBERS, (Opposite Porth Hotel), PORTH. ithe LLANHARAN COFFEE TAVERN, BY DAVID MORGAN, Coedymeibion, Tonypandy, Is a handy, well-fitted house, where Tea and Coffee and other refreshments may be obtained at the nsnal charges. DINNERS TO ORDER, GOOD BEDS, STAB LUG, And all the convenience of a temperance hestelry., I*? 0 soa- -x BILLIAED BALLS, CLOTIri LHALKa, tUtb, TIPS, bod al other Billiard B^qaisites at HbXNIG BROS., Ivory Works, 11, High Street, tondon, W.C. old Bails adjusted or exchanged, and Tables H8-¡ enshioned and kte-covertd. Price Lists Cloth and Cushion Rubber Samples Post Free. Established! 1862. SYMINGTON'S WORLDWIDE ADADQ REPUTATION MnMDO } DANDELION, FRENCH and PATENT COFFEES W. SYMINGTON &. Co., Established, Bouuden Steam Mills. { „f f>u MARKET HARBOROUGH. y™rt! "118 E SIB ED Y D D Yl Y R, JI TNMHUTZYOTMtT O aasasr jt epoeldtae kjl J Iwjddjn 199ft, GAN PARCH. JOSHUA THOMAS; T> »wr JB «m! si i/hoiMi gaa B. DATIES, ZML-T.FMJH. VOHTTPBlDr 1\' HI a. Y i 8fed ran Y11 awr yn barod. Nid oeei ond dwy ran arall cyn gorphen y llyfr. yna byddwn yn ail ddyfod allan a'r gwaitb o'r dechreu. Pawb sydd am orphen y llyfr nen am dano yn gyfrol, i roddi gwybodaetb uniougyrchol i'r dosbarthwyr neu ddanfor at y cyhoeddwr. ÐovI. and Magazine of every description Bonnri on the premises at the Pentypridd Chronicle" office, 13 and 24. Mill-street, Pontypridd. Ali orders throagh Post for Printing and Binding promptly attended to. Made of LONG STAPLE SELECTED ELAS TIC WCCLS SPEARMAN'S ROYAL DEVONSHIRE SERGE hI hJl Ct.uttr. «.«. Xew Fni;rj' a v •-? garment v'ithout ^ualtfni for 'in^ *• inchtin^ »tu«l 'A VMI'. wili i.ot hurt 't. Wh.-Ii-s lik»* aua brutfbea like cloth. im for C-biUlrv.ti's ami Young Lvda*' Vrts* lit Navy Ulm\ U, for Liidit s* wear at 1M. CU. ftu*! 1'. dJ. the vard for UeJitleiurn s w^tr at Ù. 11". and 6t. 9d. tht- yard fot wear at 2s. 1W. and 3s. 1M. t-lw yard. Patterns free. Any 1. ur. Car rlave Vid on all parcH;* 'If wid Xd) all station* in England nud Wales; also to K lirUnr?}j ■•■rev. Dublin, Belfast, Cork, and Waterford. SPEARMAN and SPEARMAN, Plymouth. Me ether addnai «e ageacy vbataosvst. oR 0 B/Nur ON "J" NEURALCIC A SAFE, SPEEDY; k iJOIwiL^ ft CERTAIN OURE. IJLlliljUUKi I tMthMba; moianr nitabto lor fKnalM. Price l>. M. Mr | i?" J** ot EOBINSOK k Co., I CkwriMs. StSMlha»lS V.MlM alt Cbuaisu. I ■ flk I I ML ■ J TMs Family WasJi without the mlmry of a 8teamt/ I 1^1 n I M\ I mJ House, PleaMuit in UN. Cannot injurs the most 1 ■ W 111 delicate fubrie, Saves Time, Ifoney, Labour, Fuel. 4d per Ib COLD WATER SOAP SOLD isv YWHIRR ZZYVSICAUT-IfAnOlo.THE MAGIC CLEANSER J GEORGE GALE, GENERAL SMITH, RHONDDA ROAD, PONTTPEID1 Locks, Guns, Bells, &c., Repaired. Ranges with Hot and Cold Water Fitted 'U, and Repaired. ORDERS PROMPTLY EXECUTED. EVAN THOMAS AND CO., 14 & 15, HIGH STREET, CARDIFF. Annual Winter Sale OF z DRAPERY! OUTFITTING This Day (Friday) AND FOLLOWING DAYS. GH-JON DENTIST Perfection in -1 Pe3 Painless Dentistry TeethRuyplietlbaveob- ta;i.f-.4all theLi^.cst medals. Tlie Surge<»ti-Denti#i to t^e Jones" Your 8\Ht"Jj is the | 1 af |UH Tlie Surge<»ti-Denti#i to t^e Jones" Your is the | 1 af |UH perf^'jtioti of pairiess denti*- 1 teelk are the best, ft V Phillip I jamess POXiTYPttlDD ASO HsioSiiitA TALLEI 3il) rooster and Town Crier, TfiL .KY. tENTS ALL THE PRINCIPAL rosTine «l"A-iiO.SS iN i'UNIiPKIUD AND RP. ,j;DA GALLEY. Morse Mid Trap kept for Mrs. Pixinnjorfe mi hire. **ranch: 6, f hnrcVi-streft, ^'ntyprid v.