
T J AND SONS Bfg to thank their par,runs or their very liberal support at tne at* BATH AND WEST OFENGLAND SHOW HELD I IN CARDIFF, I And beg to inform them that they have Selected from the Show a very Large Assortment of MOWERS AND REAPERS. HORSE BAKES, BaI AKEKSS, PITCH TORKS, STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS, GAS ENGINES, CIRCULAR SAW BENCHES, GRIST AND CRUSHING MILLS, GRINDING MILLS, PLOUGHS, HARROWS, CHAFF- CUTTERS, &c., &c., ALL GOT UP FOR SHOW. A Large Stock of SECOND-HAND ENGINES AND BOILERS 1 VERY CHEAP. T. LEMON & SONs; ENGINEERING WORKS, The Hayes, Cardiff. South Wales UmMh Manufactory. Walking Sticks, Travelling Bags, Trunks, &c- S&s Umbrellas re-covered WITH X SILK, WREP, AND ALPACCA. Counntry orders per rail or post receive prompt attention. 48, YfiiSS" CARDIFF. HEATH & SOflS, CARDIFF, Pianoforte, Organ, and Harmonium DEALERS, &C. fpHREE SYSTEM, FROM 14s. MONTHLY. pIANOFORTES BY BROADWOOD, v COLLARD, ERARD, KIRKMAN, JJRINSMEAD, &c. rpHOMPSON AND JgHACKELL, SOLE AGENTS FOR THE BRINSMEAD PIANOS AND ESTEY ORGANS, CARDIFF Queen's Buildings. SWANSEA 97 and 98, Oxford-street. NEWPORT.111 & 112, Commercial-street. MERTHYR US, High-street. TENBY. Tredegar House. GLOUCBSTER 146, Westgate-street. THREE YEARS' SYSTEM. ADVANTAGES 1. EVERY INSTRUMENT GUARANTEED.—Nonebnt best quality instruments will stand the test of the Three Years' System; and T. and S., therefore, carefully exclude all of inferior make from their Stock. 2. LOWNESS OF PRICE.—Thompson and Shackell being the largest buyers, and cniy makers, in South Wales, are enabled to sell cheaper than any otheT firm in the Principality. 8. GOOD TONK-AND TOUCH—The most carefu attention is paid to securing a pleasing tone and evenness of touch, which is so important an element in layii.g the foundation of a good musical educa. tion. 4. IMMEDIATE POSSBSSION —All instruments ary supplied directly the first monthly or quarterle payment is made and they ultimately become the property of the hirer without further trouble if tho monthly instalments are regularly pnid. Further Particulars, with Handsome Drawings and Photographs, sent free by post on application. ORGANS AND HARMONIUMS ON SIMILAR TERMS. N.B.—If you want a good PIANO at a Moderate Price, go to one of Thompson and Shackell's Establishments. AGENTS WANTED IN EVERY TOWN AND VILLAGE UNREPRESENTED. "A- W. E. VAUtiHAN CU STEAM DTtElNG AND SCOURING WORKS, LLANDAFF BOAD, CARDIFF. Brand Sstablishments: CROCKHERBTOWN, ) CARDIFF. BUTE STREET, I «_ COMMERCIAL STREET, NEWPORT. HIGH 8TEEET, MERTHYR LOWER GOAT STREET, SWANSEA. Agent fo Rhondda t MR. J. H. THOMAS, TAILOR & DRAPER, HANNAH ST., PORTH. :.i. no TROUBLE I »J 0 ¥ finm 00 NOT fJ [IV lisaapir TO FIX I >lv11J WILE MUSTI0PS 111ifiii kj nfAU brAi I wi E^CIJfl B 31W Sixpence spent in them saves Os. ORKSHIRE RELISH N The most delicious Sauce in the World. Enriches Hot Joints, Stews, Chops, Fish, &c. With Soup it is charming. Blends admirably with all QtaTies. Makes Cold Meat a Luxury. Makes the plainest Viands palatable. The daintiest dishes more delicious. A great addition to Cheese. Every dish is improved by its addition. Epicures pronounce it the Best Sauce. Beware of Colourable Imitations. Sold Everywhere in 6d., Is. & 2s. Bottles. GOODALL, BACKHOUSE & Co., LEEDS. FOR INN EXCELLENT^AND FOR IUU PALATABLE HOUSEHOLD RECIPES Write to GOODALL, BACKHOUSE# Co., LEEDS, Enclosing a penny stamp for postage, when you will be pre- sented with a valuable book of 100 paces, bound in eloth, and fully illustrated, called "GOOD THINGS," MADE, SAID, AND DONB FOR EVERY HOME AND HOUSEHOLD. fUmtt nwtin Ihit piptr. — DAVID CULE, I GROCER AND PROVISION DEALER AND GENERAL DRAPER, MILL STREET, PONTYPRIDD. Prime Welsh Butters, and best home cured Bacon always in stock. Millinery, Dress & Mantle Making by Exeprienced Hands done on the Premises. Tailoring in all its Branches by practical and thorough experienced hands. AGENT FOR MESSRS. OURTI; & HARVEY'S CELEBRATED BLASTING POWDER ESTABLISHED I8"76. THE PROGRESSIVE INVESTMENT AND BUILDING SOCIETY. (LIMITED) CAPITAI; 1100,000, in 20,000 Shares of 15 each. CHIEF OFl'IOE: 42, LOMBARD STREET, LONDON, E.G. Branch Office for South Wales: QTJEEN'S BUILDINGS, NE WL'OUT, District Agents: MESSRS. LLOYD DAVIES SHARE DEPARTMENT. Only £2 10s per Share will be called up in the first instance, payable 10s on Application, 10s on Allotment, and 30s by three consecutive. Monthly Instalments of 10s each. Shareholders may, however, at any time, pay up all, or any of their Shares in full. The Dividend for 1880 and 1881 was 6 per cent. Investing Department. The 1883 Fund is now open. The monthly Subscriptions are 2/6 and 5/. Interest of five per cent on all Subscriptions of dEl and upwards. Bonuses of dE2 10/ and £5 added to Certificates paid up within five yea: s. Each 5/Certificate on which three months Subscriptions have been paid will be eligible for the Ballot, entitling the holder, if drawn, to gloo free of interest for 20 years, or a bonus c>f £30 iLstead of the free advance. Certificates on which 2/6 is paid will, when drawn, have X50 advance, or E15 Bonus. THE iNfcXT DRAWING will be on FRIDAY, APRIL 27, 1883. Deposit Branch. DEPOSITS are received of 5/ and upwards, withdrawable on short notice. Interest is paid half- yearly at the rate of 4 per cent. for the first year, and 6 per cent for subsequent years. Advances. Advances, from One Month to 20 years, are made on Freehold and Leasehold Property, Stocks Shares, Life Policies, and other realizable Securities. CURRENT ACCOUNTS. The Company supplies Cheque Books and opens Current Accounts with itf Members and others. Interest is allowed at 2t per cent. per annum on minimum monthly balances of jB20 and npwards. The Company will undertake the collection of Cheques, Dividend Warrant" &e. for its customers without charge. Prospectuses, fyc., on application to the Secretary, or to the following Agents: Mr. Win. Owen, 33, Morgan-street, Pontypridd Mr. J. Thomas, Reading-room, Treorky, and Mr D. Davies, Bute-street, Treorhj. B. SHAKESPEARE, MANAGING DIRECTOR. BP V With 17 inches by 21. AM Coloured Plate, Suitable for Framing. Wr SIXPENCE. THE BEST ILLUSTRATED WEEKLY. OF ALL neUJ$AGGnT$. AND AT ALL RAILWAY BOOKSTALLS. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. PURITY! PURITY PURITY J. CO o MB E S Takes this opportunity to thank his numerous customers for their past favours, and to inform them that he has commenced Manufacturing all kinds of Sweets made of Boiled Sugar, Under his own supervision, and can thus guarantee them genuine and pure at prices which will compare favourably with other makers at a distance. CAKE ID IE IP-A. IR/ T IMI IE 2sT T. Our Cake is made of the very best material, and has aways given satisfaction and secured repeated orders. Good Currant Cake at 4-d. per lb. Excellent at 8d. per lb. Very Good at 6d. per lb. | Seed Cake 5d. to 8d per lb. Estimates given for quantities for Tea Parties, Children's Treats, Chapel Anniversaries, Pic-nics, &e. Orders executed at Short Notice. Address: J. COOMBES, 2, Market Street, Pontypridd. ¡.v"I" is HKNBS Y BEDYDD WYR," yø MHLITH T OYIIBY 0 amwr yr ipottoUon hyd j iwyddyn 179S, GAN Y PABCIt JOSHUA THOMAS. Ya awr yn cael ei gykoeddi gan B. DAVIES, HEOL-Y FELIN, PONTYPRIDD PHo (,hwo'cheiniog. Y 1 Bfed ran yn awr yn barod. Nirl oes ond dwy ran arall cyn gorphen y llyfr, yna byddwn yn ail ddyfod allan a'r gwaith o'r dechreu. Pawb sydd am orphen y llyfr neu am dano yn gyfrol, i roddi gwybodaetb uniongyrchol i'r dosbarthwyr neu ddanfon at y cyhoeddwr. Ba"K! and Magazines of every description Bound on the premises at, the Pentypridd Chronicle office, 23 and 24, Mill-street, Pontypridd. All order* through Post for Printing and Bindin- promptly attended to. fr'or'c of LONG STAPLE SELECTED ELASTIC WOOL8 rr% ,v Fashioimbln Colours nml in i £ i..} (i jU;W New i'aney lJeiiKB*. M«kes u warm '■ i j > 1 < 1 i >d i '■ i4 U zarnifnt without lieinp; lu'aYy. 111- V'J itisi, .»« w ua[jr^ fm Ladies' Dresses nrirt /or jx a Yioliting and Soa-sidc wear. Sen w:.f»r 'i i rI I will not hurt- it. Washes like tUiuiel 36 Vi 2 ML ail I brushes like cloth. Special iiinke for Children's and Young Ladies' BI B11 n Urfsrea in Navy Blue,In.:>{d. theyi'rd; I Vi" SB Irw M IHI* ^or Ijfldiea' wear at 1«. 6d. and !». lid. the yard; for Oentlemen's wear at it. lid. and 6f. 9d. the yard for Boy«' f" ft C wear at 'it. lid. and 3«. ll<f. the yard. f1 M h ■ Patterns free. Any length cut. Car- UbilWfa ri.iL'f' paid on all parcels of 2On. and ,i« to (ill stations In England aud Wales; also to Edinburgh, ;'o\v, DuMiri, Belfast, Cork. and Waterfoul. SPEARMAN and SPEARMAN, Plymouth. No other address or agency whatweva. w*1/§WM k *jMwWk jfl A SAFE, SPEEDYT ■ f 91 M 4| it] & CERTAIN CURE. ■ Perfectly harmless, speedily care neuralgia, tic-dolonreoz, I and headache. Immediate relief, »t tfnee removes face or I toothache: specially suitable for females. Price Is. 9d. per I bra, three (or 4s. free, of ROBINSON I Chemista. 8tj»athai», B W_ »od ai 9ll Ohemiste. 1 29 A 30, 'H'M'V ?THEHT' ¡ WINTER 1882, ( SIB, In again thanking you for past favours, we beg to intimate that Our Arrangements for the Ensuing Season -A-MM IsTOW COMPLETE, And feel confidence in again seeking the favour of your Patronage, from the fact that for VARIETY, STYLE, APPEARANCE, and DURABILITY, COMBINED WITH ECONOMY, Our Stock is, we think, in advance ot any previous Season. That in the Conduct of our Business, we have undoubtedly supplied a want felt by the Cash Buyers throughout South Wales, and that our System of Business Gives General Satisfaction Is evident, from the rapid increase in our yearly Returns, and in the repeated testimony of so many of our Customers wno give us their hearty and undivided support, < From long experience and the position we occupy in the Markets 9 AS THE LARGEST BUYERS OF CLOTHING IN WALES, OR THE WEST OF ENGLAND, We are enabled to place before you GOODS of EXCEPTIONALLY GOOD VALUE in every Department. Our System of Business (to which we feel sure we owe our success) is to serve our Customers Honestly by MARKING ETERY ARTICLE IN PLAIN FIGURES AT TBE LoWBBT POSSIBLE PRICE, making no abatement and returning the money for any article purchased and not approved of, and by strictly adhering in every detail in both Buying and Selling to Cash Transactions. In Soliciting the favour of your esteemed commands, we beg to offer you our best services, and to state that nothing shall be wantng on our part to merit your patronage. "7 We are, Sir, r,> Yours very faithfully, t '> .A8aa8 & Gc).¿.T i The Cardiff Clothiers." THE VERY BtTST rR It ENGLISH LEVER T Q JJ\J I l/S. IN THE WORLD FOR flU U IN THREE SIZES. ,OUR USUAL PRI E f. 3 LS Direct from the Manufacturers, At Less than the Wholesale Price. OVER ONE HUNDRED SOLD EVERY WEEK DAY. RRTAIL PRICK. COMPARE OUR PRIOR. £ 5 5s- Gent's English Silver Lever for £ 3 OB £ 8 6s- Gent's English Hunting Lever, £ 3 10A. £ 6 6s- GENT'S English PaircaseLever, £ 3 12s. £ 5 5S. Lady's English Silver Lever, £ 3 OS. £ 14 10s. Gent's English Gold Lever for £ 9 Os. £ 10 10a- TOADY'S English Gold Lever tor £ 8 10S. £ 10 10s. Silver English Chronosrraph, £ 6 10s. C30 Os. Gold English Chronograph, £ 18 18s. X2 10s. Gent's Defiance Silver Watch, Al 6s. £ 3 IDs. Gent's Defiance H ting do. £ 1 12«. 0D. £ 2 10s- Lady's Defiance Silver Watch, £ 1 6s. £ 5 10s- Lady'sDefianoe Gold watch, £ 3 10s. EITHER OF THE ABOVE Sent safe by return to any part, wren Guarantee, Key, and Printed Instructions. Send order or write for Illustrated Pamphlet, 112 pages, containing full par- ticulars and hundreds of recently received Wonderful Testimonials. Post free for Two Stamps. Address- STEWART DAWSON & CO., WATCH MANUFACTURERS, LIVERPOOL. COLONIAL BKA*CH— 79, GOULBURN ST., SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA. I. GRIFFITH, GENERAL IRONMONCER, TAFF STREET, PONTYPRIDD. TO BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS. 1. G. Begs to announce, that he has just received a consignment of best Yorkshire Blue GRINDSTONES, from 12 inches to 42 inches diameter. Your inspection will oblige. LLEN! ALLEN! ALLBll The very man I am lookiag fur is still at the f-MEXICAN TIKPLI OP BULT& 2, MA RKET-ST., A BlftDAftg. « [Established 28 years.3 the oldest }i«dioal Herbalist, Eletttnoai ad Vater Reader in Wales, who has cored so mftMR iboueande around the Wiflsh Hills, UlviMe «S Bufferirt? from Liver, EKomaob, a»d wlood CornriVi'ntB, to stud for his LIVER PARCEL PATENT, A POSITIVE CURB, Pent free for 2s. 9J. aad it. 6d. to any paft of the In OU,. United Kingdom. WIlY suffer? A cure is certain. Tbonsaods havs been rescued by his treatment from an oew)y graf*. K<1dres«,—American Temple of ilonith, 2, Marbef Street, Aberdarc. BRANCH—94, BUTE STBBKT, TREORILY. Atteudauoe svery rridvy. r -J- MR. E. H. DAVIES, AUCTIONEER & ACCOUNTANT, BAGLAN CHAMBERS, PONTYPRIDD. MR. W. MORGAN, Auctioneer & Accountant, Secretary Starr Bowkett" Society, CHURCH STREET CHAMBERS, IFOUSTTYZPIEfclEIDIO, AND AT GLADSTONE CHAMBERS, (Opposite Porlh Hotel), PORTE. GOMER THOMAS, Saddler & Harness Maker, MILL STREET, PONTYPRIDD. G.T. has always in stook a good assortment of Riding Saddles and Bridles, Gig and Cart Harness, Waterproof Aprons, Rugs, and all stable requisites at as low a price as any House in the trade. The Best, Cheapest, and Largest Stock of Leather Leggings in town. I "V ✓EILLIAED BALLS, CLOTH. CHALKS, CUES, TIPS, and al«: other Billiard Requisites at CHALKS, CUES, TIPS, and al«: other Billiard Requisites at HENNIG BEOS., Ivory Works,! QP High Street, London, W.C.j Old Bails adjusted or exchanged, and Tables Be-j cushioned and Re-covered. Pnoe Lists. Cloth and Cushion Rubber Samples Post Free. Established: 1862. SYMINGTON'SI WORLDWIDE AOAOQ REPUTATION MRHUW DANDELION, FRENCH and PA TENT i COFFEES W. SYMINGTON & Co., ) Estabhshr Bowden Steam Mills. ( £ °u<?r MARKET TfARROROTJGH fiftu YM.r., CHEAP LINES. Fine Flour 35/- per sack, and 2/6 per score, Very good, do, .32/6 „ 2/4 Crush Sugar 3d per lb. A Good Strong Congou Tea 1/2 A Tea of Strength and admirable quality 1/6 ,» Fine Mild American Cheese 6d » Good » 4d and 5d » Prime New Bacon 6d Choice Mild Breakfast do. 7d „ ONLY AT ,@ 6 Z@ aO.BaO The Tea Exchange, Pontypridd, AND Forest Terrace, Treforest. | Ik I I M I J The Family Wa$h without th* mltwy »fa8t§amy I 1^1 I II Xa I House. Pleasant in uh. Cannot injurs the mtt I I « fc** • i I deli cut* fab rie, Sauss Tims, Labour, Fuel. 1 j 4-d. per lb. OOLD WATER SOAP SOLD ZVERYWHM. AiuiSiiTHE MAGIC CLEANSER -I-'1! ■ A- GEOhGE GALE, GENERAL SMITH, RHONDDA ROAD, PONTYPRIDD Looks, Guns, Bells, &c., Repaired. Ranges with Hot and Cold Water Fitted Up and Repaired. ORDERS PROMPTLY EXECUTED. EYAN THOMAS AND CO., 14 & 15, HIGH STEEET, CARDIFF. -J. Annual Winter Sale OF z DRAPERyg OUTFITrING This Day (Friday) AND FOLLOWING DAYS. GHJDNE -SURG I)ENTIST Perfection tn -I Painless Dentistry Tt* Twth «aypUkl h*T« ok- W9 tR[i ssel tejoadtilttwhlrbwtiMteii. Th« NlgMll'I>Mirt to tbf kMBIMlMlIU ^flliii! QI»HII writes to Mr. O H. faPJiFi I ■ 0JI InyA 11IUI iowi:-4,ToBr >rMta Ii UM lllliVJirilGI^AlllH ptrfoetioft of piifiini dwitit- IH ftsjl trv, »n4 th» tMthwwth. bwt, 11 wfwt, ua4 IDOÁ *1111. wfwt, sod mo* Ufa-like." PAMPHLET POST FREL ■LL M|T|TTH i^Qjar on Annatss. k I "II11 H PlilbLIP ii. J i .VI i, N rONTTPRXDD AN f) HduXDuA VALLi-, i 3ill Poster and Town Crier, TREOHKT. ttNTS ALL THE PRINCIPAL P08TUTC STATIONS IN PONTYPRIDD ANip BHONDDA TALLEY. r and Tretf kfpt for hin. Pianoforte on hire. Branch Office: 6,jChnrch-street, Pontyprid,l.