BootS NEATLY BOUND AT THE Chronicle" Steam Printing Office, I AT MODERATE CMAftGKS. »

T: J ^UON AND s ONS Btg to thank their patrons or their very liberal support at tne ftte BATH *ND WEST OFENGLAND SHOW HELD j N (IN CARDIFF, And beg to inform them that they have Selected from the Show a very Large Assortment of hCW I.R& AND REAPERS. HORSE BAKES, HAIMAKERS, PITCHFORKS,: STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS, GAS ENGINES, 1 CIRCULAR SAW BENCHES, GRIST AND CRUSHING MILLS, GRINDING MILLS, PLOUGHS, HARROWS, CHAFF- CUTTERS, &c., &c., ALL GOT UP FOR SHOW. I A Large Stock of I SECOND-HAND ENGINES AND BOILERS VERY CHEAP. T. LEMON & SONS, ¡ ENGINEERING WORKS, The Hayes, Cardiff. South Wales Umbrella Manufactory. Walking Sticks, Travelling Bags, Trunks, >^T^IJMBR ellas re-covered vriTH X SILK, WREP, AND ALPACCA. Counntry orders per rail or post receive prompt attention. 34, \RCAIXE, CARDIFF. | JdEATir & SOIS8, CARDIFF, Pianoforte, Organ, and Harmonium DEALERS, &c. rriHBEE ^EAHS' yYSTKM, FROM 14s. MONTHLY. plANOFORTES fit llROADWOOD, COLLARD, El RA RD, JG-IRKMAN, JJRINSMEAD, Ac. fJlHOMPSON AND SHACKELL, SOLE AGENTS FOR THE BRIN SMEAD PIANOS AND ESTEY ORGANS, CARDIFF Queen's Buildings. SWANSEA .97 and 98, Oxford-street. NIWPOUT HI & 11,2, Commercial-street. MBRTHTR High-street. TBUBY Tredegar House. GLOCCBSTBR 146, Westgate-street. THREE YEAHS' ST AP^AkJt'AG^S":— 1,EY £ JlT iMTHUraX ttiuA RA.STRK rv—Qn^bnt best quality instruments vrill stand the test of the Three Yeara' System; and T. and S., therefore, carefully exclude all of interior make from their Stock. 2. LOWHEBS OF PBICB.—Thompson and Shaokeil being the largest buyers, and only makers, in Snuth Walts, areeoabled to-atII c>«-aj>er ihan any other firm in the Principality. < 8. Goon TONS iKD TOUCH T—The most cnrefu attention is I aid to securing tpteaaing tone and eveni.ess cf touch, which is HO important an element in layii.g the foundation of a good musical ediica- 9 tion. i ■ LA, 4. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION —^All -inStrnitents ary supplied directly the -first monthly or quarterie payment is made wid they ultimately become"the property of the hirer without further trouble if the monthly instalments.are regularly pnid, Furtber Particulars, "with Handsome Drawings and Photograjhs, sent trta by post on application. ORGANS AND LJARMONIUMS JL-i.- < ON SIMILAR TERMS: I N.B.—If yon want a good PJANO at a Moderate Price, go to one of Thompson and fchacluil's Establishments. ^AGENTS WANTED- IN1. EVERY TOWN AND VILLAGE UNREPRESENTED. ,0- W. E. VAUGHAN C° ;} 0;8. f eTEAM DYEING AND SCOURING WORKS, LLANDAPF jlOAD, CARDIFF. Brand, SstabUshmmts: OROCKHEJRBTOWN, ] CARDIFF. COMMERCIAL 'STREET, NEWPORT. SWANSEA. Aggpt to Rhondda i MR J. II. THOMAS, I TAILOR & DRAPER, IHANNAH S^.PORTH. NO TROUBLE TO FIX I nIrnD DO NOTBUY VILE IMITATIONS Sixpence tpent in them saves 10s.. VORKSHIRE RELISH I The most delicious Sauce to theWorW. I Enriches Hot Joints, 8tew», Chops, Fuh, *c. • -.arfT ?* With 8onp it is charming.. vr; ?* Blends admirably withaU GraYMS. Makes Cold Meat a Luxury. Makes the plainest Viandu palatable. I The daintiest dishes more deliciotia. A great addition to Cheeee. Every dish is improved by >* Epicures pronounce it the Best Sauce. Beware of Colourable Imitation*. Bold Everywhere in 6d., Is. & 2s. Bottles. GOOD ALL. BACKHOUSE & Co., LEEDS. FOR 100 -r EXCELLENT AND PALATABLE HOUSEHOLD RECIPES Write to GOOD ALL, BÁOJrHOUSE fOo" LEEDS, Bnoloaihe a penny stamp for postage, when you will be pre- sented with a valuable book of 100 pages, bound m doth, and fully illustrated, called ««GOOD THINGS," MADE, BATO, AMD DOME YOB EVEKY HOME AND HOUSEHOLD. (Mf DAVID CULE, I GROCER AND PROVISION DEALER f .i\i" 1 r *■ > v 9. i.e T AND GENERAL DRAPER, twit t.Cid'Oi' iMwiynrtoMWiuH. »M1'_ j" MILL STREET, PONTYPRIDD. Prime Welsh Butters, and best home cured Bacon always in stock. Millinery, Dress & Mantle Making by Exeprienced Hands done on the Premises. ¡ n Tailoring in all its Branches by practical and thorough experienced hands. AGENT FOR MESSRS. CURTIS & HARVEY'S CELEBRATED BLASTING POWI)ER "i- ESTABLISHED IB76. THE PROGRESSIVE INVESTMENT AND BUILDING SOCIETY. (LIMITED) CAPITAL: JEMO,008, in 20,000 Shares of 15 each. CHIEF OFI'ICE: 42, LOMBARD STREET, LONDON, E.G. Branch Office for South Wales: QUEEN'S BUILDINGS iVVi Wl'Oic'i, District Agents: MESSES. LLOYD & DAVIES SHARE DEPARTMENT. Only £ 2 10s per Share will be called up in the fiiet instance, payable 10s on Application, 10s on AH 4. a i1Tr rh,.«o pniisecntive Month y InBtalments of 10s each. fehareholders may, Allotment and 30s by thiee conse^tiv y Dividend for 1880.and 1881 was 6 however, at any time, pay up all, or any oi tneir ouaioo per cent. Iavesting Department. T1 „ Tho nu.ntiilv bubsciiptions !.rn 2/6 and 5/. Interest of five per cent The 1883 Iun • is now opt„ u ards; Bonuses of £ 2 10/ ami £ 5 added tc Ceriihcat. s paid up °hhi fi" 1P F°rl *,1 Certificate on which three months Subscriptions have been paid will ^e with n five yea,s. Each 5 •^l™Xlder, if drawn, io £ i00 free of interest tor 20 year>, or a bo.mi *? ^a.u° fr^B advante Certificates on which 2/6 is paid will, when drawn, have £ 50 of £ 30 i,.stead of the tree advH1^ ihB iNtXT DRAWING will bo on FKIDAY, APRIL 27, 1883. ftavance, or Jtlo Bonus.. • isw li-1 Deposit Branch. DEPOSITS are received of 5/ and upwards, withdrawable on short notice. Interest is paid half- yearly at the rate of 4 per cent. for the first year, and -5 per cent for subsequent years. Advances. Advances, from One Month to 20 years, are made on Freehold and Leasehold Property, Stocks Shares, Life Policies, and other realizable Securities. CURRENT ACCOUNTS. The Company supplies Cheque Books and opens Current Accounts with it* Members and others Interest fs allowed at 2 £ per cent, per annum on minimum monthly balanos of £ 20 and upwards. ThS Company Jffl undertake the collection of Cheques, Dividend Warrant- Ac. for its customers without^charge^ appHcation to the Secretary, or to the following Agents: Mr. Wm. Owen, 33, Morgan-street, Pontypridd Mr. J. Thomas, Reading-room, Treorky, and Mr D. Davies, Bute-street, Treorky. SHAKESPEARE, MANAGING DIRECTOR. OHBAf lilNES. •• ••• '•••••• 35/-per saci, and 2/6 per score, Very good, dQ, — 32/6 •' 2/4" :"Crnsfi Sugar, .wv•••••• 3d per lb- A Good StrongCongoti Tea^ VA » A Tea of Strength and admirable quality r—-1/6 „ Fine Mild American Cheese 6d H Good » 4dand5d „ Prime New Bacon 6d Choice Mild Breakfast do. t. • • • • • • — 7d „ ONLY AT L' The Tea Exchange, Pontypridd, '°; AND &. f' '• Forest Terrace, Treforest. t I, "— ,v';i llflfc T .J'" ,c," ..WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. PURITY PURITY II PURITY "j:> COOMBE S Takes this opportunity to thank his numerous customers for their past favours, and to inform them that he has commenced iSianufacturinn all kinds- of Sweets made of Boiled Sugar, Under his own supervision, and can thus guarantee them genuine and pure at prices which will compare favourably with other,makers at a distance. o A_ "KZ E" "D IB IK/ T IMI IB NT. Our Cake is made of the very best material, and has aways given satisfaction and secured repeated orders. Good Currant Cake at 4d. per lb. Very Good at 6d. per lb, < I Excellent at 8d. per lb. | Seed Cake 5d. to 8d per lb. Estimate given for quantities for Tea Parties, Children's Treats, Chapel Anniversary, Pic-nic8, < £ c. Orders executed, at Short Notice. Address J. COOMBES, 2, Market Street, Pontypridd. ¡ Pictorial World ACCOUNTANT'S REPORT* "I hereby certify that I have examined the books of THE PICTORIAL WOULD, and find that the Number of Copies printed of the Issue beaming date September 2nd, 1882, amounted to •$? i » "I also certify that the Number of Copies printed of the Issue bearing date October, 21stf 1882, amounted to .i 49,095. 101,493. .Signed) "H. NEWSON SMITH, .Signed) "H. NEWSON SMITH, ■> Chart** AmmU* November 1st, 1882." NOTE—The Proprietors need hardly say that the above Sales show a result unprecedented in the annals ofUlustrated Journalism. It is worthy of notice that the weight of the Paper used in the issue of October 21st, 1882, exceeded 25 TONS. th PICTORIAL WORLD, 6d' WITH COLOURED PLATE, 17 INCHES BY 21. SUITABLE FQR FRAMING. THE BEST ILLUSTRATED WEEKLY. OF ALL NEWSAGENTS, AND AT ALL BAILWAY BOOKSTALLS. 29 & so. ?f. w-y .t, f!AR5iFF- SPRING. 1883. ] -—' .——,— n,, ——————- „ -———— r SIR- In again thanking you for past favours, we beg to intimate that õC 'J< Our Arrangements for the Ensuing Season .ARiE NO-W COMPLETE, And feel confidence in again seeking the favour of your Patronage, from the fact that for VARIETY, STYLE, APPEARANCE, and DURABILITY, COMBINED WITH ECONOMY, Our Stock is, we think, in advance oi any previous Season. That in the Conduct of our Business, we have undoubtedly supplied a want felt by the Cash Buyers throughout South Wales, and that our System of BuiaMi Gives General Satisfaction L Is evident, from the rapid increase in our yearly Re urns, and in die repeated testimony of so many ef our Customers wno give as their hearty and 1I.8dindei rapport* From long experience and the position we occupy in the Markett AS THE LARGEST BUYERS OF CLOTHING IN WALES, OR THE WEST OF ENGLAND, We are enabled to place before you GOODS of EXCEPTIONALLY GOOD VALUE in every Department. Our System of Business (to which we feel sure we owe our success) is to serve our Customers Honestly by MARKING EYIKT ARTICLI IH PLAIY FIOUKIS AT TVI Lowifff POSSIBLE PRICE, making no abatement and returning the money for any article purchased and not approved of, and by strictly adhering in*every in both Baying < and Selling to Cash Transactions. In Soliciting the favour of your esteemed commands, we beg to offer you our best services, and to state that nothing shall be wantng on our part to merit your patronage. We are, Sir, Yours very faithfully, I.& GO.PART, The Cardiff Clothiers." THE VEWY BEST jpR R. ENGLISH LtVERTQ oUVlV/S. IN THE WORLD FOR oUU IN THRE E SIZ ES. OUR USUAL PRICE PRICE IJ Ic Direct from the Manufacturers, At Less than the Wholesale Price. OVER ONE HUNDRED SOLD EVERY WEEK DAY. RKTAiii PRICK. COMPARE OTOPMCB. en Sq. Gent's English Silver Lever for £ 3 Os £ 6 6s- Gent's English Hun tingLever, ^8 IOe. £ 6 6s- Gent's English PaircaseLever, £ 3 12*. f S 5s Lady's English Silver Lever, £ 3 Os. f 14 IDs Gen?s English Gold Lever for £ 9 O*. £ 10 lol' Lady> En|li«h Gold Lever for £ 6 10a pia ifjq Silver Ensrlish Chfonojrraph^ £ & lOs* £ 30 OS So" iSSi.i.0h~no^raDh.f18 18.. £ 2 10s. Gent's Defiance £ ,l fom £ 3 108- Gent's Defiance H ung do. *,l U £ m. ftd. £ 2 10s. Lady;sDefiance £ 3 \cZ' £ 5 10s-Lady's Defiance Gold watcn, lOs. EITHER OF THE ABOVE 8ent safe by return to any Pal^> Guarantee, Key, and Printed Instructions. Send order or write for Illustrated Pamphlet, H2 pages containing full par- ticulars and hundreds of recently received Wonderful Testimonials. Post free for Two Stamps. Address- STEWART DAWSON & CO., WAT H MANUFACTURERS, LIVERPOOL. COLONIAL BRAlfCB- 79, GOULBURN ST., SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA. I. GRIFFITH, CENERAL IRONMONCER, TAFF STREET, PONTYPHTDD. TO BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS. 1. G. Begs to announce that he has just received « a consignment of best Yorkshire Blue GRINDSTONES, from 12 inches to 42 inches diameter. Your inspection will oblige. ALLEN! ALLEN! ALLEN! The very man I am looking for is still at the AMERICAN TEMPLE OF HEALTH, 2, MARKET.ST, ABERDARE. [Established 23 years.] The oldest Medical Herbalist, Electrician and Water Reader in Wales, who has cured so many thousands around the Welsh Hills, invites all suffering from Liver, Stomach, and Blood Complaints, to send for his LIVER PARCEL PATENT, A POSITIVE CURE, Sent free for 2s. 9d. and 4&. 6d. to any part of the United Kingdom. Why suffer ? A cure is certain. Thousands have been rescued by his treatment from an early grave. Address,—American Temple of Health, 2, :Market: Street, Aberdare. BBANCH-94, BUTE STREET, TREORKY, Attendance every Friday. MR. E. EL DAYIES, AUCTIONEER & ACCOUNTANT, BAGLAN CHAMBERS, IFIEIfcTTIR/IE], PONTYPRIDD. ■ MR. W. MORGAN, j Auctioneer & Accountant, Secretary Starr Bowkett" Society, CHURCH STREET CHAMBERS, PONTYPRIDD. AND AT CLADSTONE CHAMBERS, j (Opposite Porth Hotel), POBTH. "BANES Y BEDYDDWYR," TH MHLITH T GYlIBY I 0 amssr yr apostelkn fcyd y Swydflje UII. GAN PAECH. JOSHUA THOMAS T. awt yn <M! of gykoaddl pa B. DAVIES, HEOL-Y-FELIB, PONTYFBEDI Pdn cinwdwiwog. Y 18fed ran yn awr yn barod. Nid oes, ond dwy ran arall cyn gorphen y llyfr,1 yna byddwn yn ail ddyfod allan a'r gwaith o'r dechreu. Pawb sydd am orpben y llyfr| neu am dano yn gyfrol, i roddi gwybodaeth unioDgyrchul i'r dosbarthwyr neu ddanfon at y cyboeddwr. Boolts aud Magazines of every description Bound on the premises at the Pontypridd Chronicle oBcp, 23 and 24, Mill-street, Pontypridd. All orders through Post for Printing and Binding promptly attended to. BELLE VUE "BU)t TITO BIBO" HOTEL & DINING ROOMS, &c. (Opposite tke Bailway Station and the Now Post Office), taBTSTN. ORDINARY DAILY, 1/6. TEA, COFFEE, AND WARM MILK. PUBLIC BATHS. First-Class BEDROOMS. Importer of Foreign Wines ft Spirits. ÅLES AND STOUT. CIGAE MBBCHAKT. The Trade supplied with bottles. HORSES AND CARRIAGES ON mu. [Proprietor, HDlBY WILLIAMS. Whatever RefreahnMntt the public deaires it finds here in the proper place for Kefreehmernta, a licensed and taxed Public-kouae. V v^BILLIABB BALLS, CLOTH, CHALKS, CUfcS, TIP8, and all QyvO ( other Billiard Beqaisites at HEN NIG BROS., Irory Works, High Street, Loodoa, W.C. >4 log ?<, Old Bails adjusted or exchanged, and Tables oashiened and Re-COTered. Prioe Lists. Cleth and Cushion Robber Samples Post Free. Established 1862. SYMINGTON'S WORLD WIDE REPUTATION ARABS DANDELION, FRENOH and PATENT COFFEES W- gYKXNGTOH & Co., i S»tqk/isHec Boivden Steam 'Mills, j • MARKET HARBOROITGH. flftv yean I Uade of LONG STAPLE SELECTED ELASTIC WCGLS •>np o nil B a3iA l" »" Ka»hi«n»We Tolourr «nd ii Uji ?i D M B Bl'V N* t'RnffT lWliKRJ. M»kr» » J™ ijr r Hntclnll O without l»inK 11MIT7. '»• H AAlfll Yfcchtlnp MMl *«nr. wat* KIIV A I will not5inrt w- llkr SIW I ML auui UnuhM 11U doth. Specif m«k. for Children's uxi TM»I DEVONSHIRE u. 1ft. »nd St. M. tb« yard tw Boy» ornpr >t 2.. in. and ■».1W. th. yard StRGt r '"wurdata all rt*tion» In bifland *nd to Edinburffl. Dublin, BeMMt. Cork, and Wat^rford. SPEARMAK and SPEARMAN, Plymouth. lie etbar addnai or agency vbateosvB. R 0 BIIV%P 0 N 1kr ■ ™ ■ AB ■ ■ V Ala Al Ik I 9 ■ if a ■ II wB A SAFE, SPEEDrT | lil Mlli lM AOEHTAIII CUBE.lfal»J^^i^Jj Padeetlf hantaa, ^IIISj i«n iwali^ ttTSuutJ aM >nliai. IuuSMt leBef, M onac mtrrm turn m I i tovOuMiM; ■>—tally ralUUa to* lamalaa. Pitoe la. M. Mr I J I' hox, three tor 4a. It, pw» tw, ot HOBIKSO* I J g ffli—iif. SUiiH)i_«,».W-M*atdl Ohaniata. 1 to SINCLAIR'S Tht Family Wash without tAte nfwy of a sbamp Hell. PlmMMt In use. ftnnothymmgkxwd Mioatt fabric. 8au*s Tim*, Sswy, Lnkomr, futl. ,un 4d per lb. cold WATER SOAP 1, SOLD EVERYWHERE. REFUSE ALL IMITATIOHS. THE MAGIC CLEANSER EYlITBOIiS AND CO., 14 A 15, EIQ3 STBUT, CARDIFF. Annual Winter Sale OF DRAPERYS OUTFITTING This Day (Friday) ANB FOLLOWING DAYS. ri XP, T I u H 1 ■ I K ■ ML SURGEONDENTIST in ¡, .t::r'===:: 1 The &M Qu- wft'" tel II" 8, H. T- 'fou QÚ8III II tM ..rfM6oa fft ,d- j LONDON. 'AMPHLET POST FREE. L esi»T o|i Aflpaassy 1 PHILLIP R. JAJ4E.S POICTXFBIDD AND BHONODA YALL. 3iU Poster and Town Crier, TBEOttKY, ALL TBI PRINCIPAL rooms WATlONa IN PONTYPRIDD Aigjl R11 ON DO A. T ALLEY. Man* md Tr*f bqri /sr km*, Picmofort* 1m lire. Brtsdi Office: 6, enn cfc-strert, rftftty,rid". t