THE JOURNAL, AUGUST 5. 1910 TRADE DIRECTOR f. CARMARTHEN AND DISTRICT. Auctioneers John Francis and Son, The Mount, Spilman Street, Carmarthen. J. Howell Thomas and Son, St. Mary Street, ubt- marthen. Chemist & Optician D. King Morgan, St. Peter's Pharmaoy, 25, King Street, Carmarthen. Coal Merchant T. Bland Davies, Coal and Lime Merchant, Blue Street, and 8, Quay Street, Carmarthen. Ironmonger tin. W. Phillips, Wholesale and Retail Furnishing Ironmonger, 4 and 5, Dark Gate, Carmarthen. Printers & Publishers JFHI JOTJBNAi Company, Ltd., Old Poet Office, King Street, Carmarthen. LLANDOVERY. Boot and Shoe Manufacturers fit Style, Quality and Price are the best Salesmen in the World. Se them at Jenkins and Sons, Boot Manufacturers, Llandovery and I lan-?l1o. CUPISS' CONSTITUTION BALLS ■ innnrn For Grease, Swelled KlllnKrA Legs, Cracked Heels, nUilOLO Coughs. Colds, Sore Throats, Disordered Liver, Broken Wind, Influenza, Loss of Appetite, &c.. &c. « III ■■ For Hide-bound, Star- lIA I I I r in§ Coat, Hove or Vn I 1 L.L. Blown Distemper, Sur- feit, Conditioning, Preserving Health, Scouring in Calves, &c. Q jj £ t M For Rot or Fluke, and for keeping in Health, Assisting to get into Condition, Scouring in Lambs, &c. Prepared upwards of 50 years by the late FRAXCIS COPISS, M.R.C.V.S., Diss, NORFOLK. Sold in packets is. gd. and 3s. 6d. each, 7 small packets 10s. 6d., or 7 large 21S. by Chemists and Medi- cine Vendors, or from FRANCIS CUPISS, Limited, The Wilderness, DISS, on receipt of amount. The Carmarthen Bill-posting Company, 15, Bridge Street, Carmarthen BILLPOSTING and Advertising in all its JD Branches throughout the Counties -f Carmar- then, Pembroke, and Cardigan. 'CASH ACCOMMODATION B10 to £ 1,000. -210 repay J311 5s £ 30 repay £ 33 15s. tB20 repay £ 22 10s JB50 repay JB56 5s. These terms quoted are for short periods. Loans for 3, 6, 9, and 12 months can be arranged and interest charged proportionately. Call or write to the well-known Financier-WOOLFE JACKSON, 11, Bowen Terrace,* Brecon. (121p BRISTOL HOUSE, CARMARTHEN. M. & L. THOMAS BAKERS, GROCERS, CONFECTIONERS, fee. REFRESHMENTS READY AT ALL TIMES. HOME-MADE BREAD, CAKE and PASTRY. Parties catered for. Prices Moderate. ((72 CLARKE'S B4I PILLS am warranted to cure. in either sex, all acquired or con- stitutional Discharges from the Urinary Organs, Gravel, and Pains in the liack. Free from Mercury. Established upwards of 40 years. In boxes 4s. 6d. each,. of all Chemists and Patent Medicine Vendors throughout the World, or sent tor sixty stamps by the makers, The Lincoln and Midland Counties Drug Company, Lincoln. A FLEA, MOTH, H K E t t BEETLE & BUG N When 1 | on tbe Sick-list a man's usefulness and enjoyment r of life are about nil. He feels f § perhaps a burden to himself and a A trouble to others. The cheerful- T ness natural to him is sadly over- w cast by the depression caused by r J continual indisposition. The sun 4 of Good Health lies behind a black T cloud, and before the warm rays r can again rejoice him, that cloud # 0 must be dispersed. If such is 4 your experience you should Take # steps to ensure an immediate f A return of health and strength. A This means that you should put your digestive organs in perfect f § order—cleanse the liver-regulate w A the bowels and kidneys-purify 4 the blood—tone up the nervous f system. To effect this thoroughly f 1 and completely you should put f 4 yourself through a course of that 4 medicine which has proved of J t such exceptional value in so many r m cases—namely m Bcecbams Pills A Sold in boxes, I/l £ (56 pills) fa 2/9 (168 pil'r.). TO SUFFERERS FROM S Skin & Blood Diseases For cleansiug the blood of all impurities, from whatever cause arising, there is no other d liiedicine just as good as Clarke's Blood Mixture-that's why in so many cases of Eczema, Scrofula, Scurvy, Bad Legs, Abscesses, Ulcers, Tumours, Boils, Pimples, Blotches, Sores and Eruptions, Piles, Glandular Swellings, Blood Poison, Rheuma- tism, Gout, &c., it has effected truly remarkable cures where all other treatments have failed. Clarke's Blood Mixture has over 45 years' reputation, and the proprietors- solicit all sufferers to give it a trial to test its value. B I o d IX ture- € HAS CURED THOUSANDS. 1 I WILL CURE YOU J rar^i—~—-1 ,1 n Agricultural Implements and Foundry Stores, Paxton House, 15, Priory Street, Carmarthen. BE JONES FORMERLY MANAGER OF T. JONES & SONS, Priory Foundry Begs to inform Farmers and others, that he has a Large Stock of Machinery and Castings at the above address, including Thrashing Machines, Horse Gears, Oil Engines, n 0 Chaff and Turnip Cutters, Winnowing Machines, Plough Casting and Fittings, including Coulter Wheels, Malleable Coulter and Wheel Clips, Side Plates, Bolts, Pulleys, Shafting and Plummer Blocks, Brass Bearings, Field Rollers, Curd Mills, Chain Harrows. n Sole Agent for the Royal First Prize Corbett Corn Mills, also the Celebrated FROST & WOOD Co.'s 0 Mowers, Reapers, and Binders, etc fTomb and Villa Railings and !0 Gates. **$%%&&& A Large Stock of Pig Troughs at Reasonable Prices. The Plough Castings consist of ,j 1 Penllwynraca's Casting with ..7^-rrr: >'»'• Steel and Cast Iron Plough j'-f Boards also Dyffryn with Cast and Steel Plough Boards, Double Tom with Steel Boards. r ii>nr ot<m^ OF — Hospital for Threshing and — A LARGE STUCK Winnowing Machines, HorseQAST STEEL CHAFF and Gears, Chaff and Turnip Cut-TURNIP CUTTER KNIVES, ters, Mowing and Reapingto fit the Leading Makers Machines. Machines, always on hand. Steel and Cast Iron Plough Boards; also Dyffryn with Cast 1, and Steel Plough Boards, Double Tom with Steel Boards. r ii>nr ot<m^ OF — Hospital for Threshing and — A LARGE STUCK Winnowing Machines, HorseQAST STEEL CHAFF and Gears, Chaff and Turnip Cut-TURNIP CUTTER KNIVES, ters, Mowing and Reapingto fit the Leading Makers Machines. Machines, always on hand. OLD MACHINERY BOUGHT AND SOLD COMPLETE HOUSE *s FURNISHERS, CABINET /$. MAKERS, UPHOL- STERERSJRONMON- Kltchen GEES, GLASS §S/ S-ITTTXTA /ATY Bedroom AND CHINA /jfcJ < MERCHANTS. /& S £ /O ^rawin§ Room Ovenilkiitels /A <4^ Bedsteads Bedding /JSf /v //•— <"9 Carpets, Rugs, Lino- leums, and Floorcloths, /Dinner and Tea Sets, /& Toilet Ware. ALL AT LOWEST PRICES DO YOU RECEIVE ANY LETTERS? IF SO, PILOT FILES, RADIANT FILES, AND RAPID BINDERS, Are indispensable to order and neatness. The Cheapest and Handiest Files on the Market. PRICES — PI LOT FILES from is. RADIANT FILES from Js. fid. RAPID BINDERS, newest design, from 2d., or 2s. fid. per dozen. If yon require a FOUNTAIN PEN, try THE PILOT SELF-FILLING." It is a gem. Hundreds sold weekly. Price, only ;)8. with gold nib, irridiuin tipped." Call and see any of the above, and our list of Specialities in Stationers Sundries. "JOURNAL" CO., LIMITED, K, KING STREET, CARMARTHEN. Holiday Hint. We respectfully ask you to bear in mind that we have a specially or- ganised Post Order Department, which will give every attention to any orders you may send us whilst you are away from home. Customers are requested to quote Home address in all cases. BEN. EVANS & CO. LIMITED, SWANSEA. The Physician'# 111 I k l v l B 1 4 Cure for Gout, MB W k ■ M ^J Rheumatic Gout and Gravel. The Universal Remedy lor Acidity cf the Stomach, Hoadache, Heartburn, Indigestion, Ealest ana most Bour Eructations,. Bilious Affections. iLnecti\e Aperien* NATHANIEL THOMAS, FAMILY BUTCHER, 13a, KING STREET (Next door to the Probate Offices), C-A-K'M-A-E'TS: lEIT PRUDENT LADIES Win save their Hair combings and eend them to J. HODGES HAIR WORKER, TENBY, Who will make them up into Tails, etc., and return them, post free, from Is. per oz.. The cheapest house in Wales for all kinds 01 Hair Work and Theatrical Goods. Send for price list. (48 C- AUSTRALIA MELBOURNE. Kw SYDNEY and DJ BRISBANE. ADIFNT GIBRALTAR. 1 MARSEILLES. NAPLES. PORT T INC SAID. COLOMBO. 1.1 |NI\ Throust Ticlce!! to W",M New Zealand & Tasmania. Osterlcy (tw. sc.).12129. Aug. 5 Aug. 11 Aug 13 Ormuz .6465 Aug. 19. Aug.25 Aug. 27 Orontes (tw. sc.). 9023 Sep. 2 Sep. 8 Sep. 10 Orpva (tw. sc.).12036 Sept 16 Sept 22 Sept 24 Managers—F. GREEN & Co. and ANDERSON. ANDERSON & Co. Head Offices, Fenchurch Avenue, London, Tor Passage apply to the latter firm at 5, Fenchurch Avenue, E.C., or to West- end Branch Office ,28, Cockspur Street, S.W.; or J. VAUGHAN EVANS, 6, Cowell .<r„ Llanellv. SOUTH & EAST AFRICA Royal Mail Route Union-Castle Line LONDON and SOUTHAMPTON. To Cape Colony, Natal, Delagoa Bay, Beira, East Africa, and Mauritius, calling at Madeira, Canary Islands. Ascension, St. Helena, and Lobito Bay. Weekly Sailings. Superior Accommodation. Monthly Direct East African Service to and from United Kingdom and Continent. For Rates of Passage Money, and all further in- formation, apply to the Managers— DONALD CURRIE & Co., LONDON. Or Local Agents. Money THE OLD-ESTABLISHED PROVINCIAL UNION BANK continues to LEND immense sums daily, fro m£10 to £5,000 on "Note of Hand alone" or other security. No office inquiry charges whatever. Moderate interest. Easy instalments. Special rate for short periods. Largest and most honourably conducted business in the Kingdom. Thousands of our regular customers have expressed their entire Eatisfaction in repeated transactions with as. A gentleman from Bank will wait upon you at once with Cash. Call, or write (in confidence) to Manager— STANLEY DOWDING, 1, Queen Square, London. DRINK ROYA INVIGORATING, REFRESHING. Carmarthen County Schools THE GRAMMAR SCHOOL. Headinaster-E. S. ALLEN, M.A. (Cantab). COUNTY GIRLS' SCHOOL. Headmistress-MISS B. A. HOLME, M.A. Late Open Scholar of Girton College, Cambridge. Fees-;Cl 9s. per term (inclusive; 3 terms in the year). Reduction for two or more members of the same family. The next term begins Thursday, September 15. The Headmistress (at, the Girls' School) and the Headmaster (at the Boys' School) will be pleased to see the parents of new pupils on Saturday, Septem- ber 10th, from 11 to 1, and on Wednesday, Septem- ber 14th, from 2 to 5. Boarders can be received at both Schools. HIGH SCHOOL FOR GIRLS, CARMARTHEN. President of the Council: THE LORD BISHOP OF ST. DAVID'S. Lady Principal: MISS A. F. CLARKE, B.A., London University. THE School give an Excellent Education on very Moderate Terms. Admirable accommodation for Boarders. Pupils prepared for LONDON MATRICULA- TlON an other Public Examinations. Boys as well as girls can be received in the Pre- paratory" Class and the KINDERGARTON DE- PARTMENT. For full particulars, apply to the Lady Principal. Next term begins Thursday, September 22nd. Boarders return Wr-dnesday, September 21st. LLANYBYTHER GRAMMAR SpHOOL. MR. S. STEPHENS. B.A.. Inter. B.Sc., Lon- don. prepare^ Pupils for all Examinations. Numerous Successes. Next term begins September 19th. (189p ACCIDENTS-OF ALL KIÑDS SICKNESS. EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY, BURGLARY AND FIDELITY GUARANTEE RISKS. Insured against by the RAILWAY PASSENGERS ASSURANCE Co. Capital (fullv subscribed), £ 1,000,000. Claims paid £ 5,760,000. Paid up £ 200,000- 64, CORNHILL, LONDON. A. VIAN, Secretary. Agent-F. LAXGFOHD, G.W.R., Haverfordwest. „ C. S. READ, Llanelly. Agents required in unrepresented Districts. 14-16 H.P. DARRACQ CAR FOR SALE. —— LATEST 1910 MODEL. Hood, Screen, Lamps, and all Accessories. £ 195—A BARGAIN GIBBON BROOKS, Motor Works, OFF NORTH MORGAN ST., COWBRIDGE ROAD, CARDIFF. TO ADVERTISERS The following is our scale of pre-pavment for ad- vertisements of the Wanted » class.* Remittal Ehould be made by POSTAL ORDER and ftccou- pany the order. Stamps will NOT be accepted. ir T^°f r 0ne Three Six °Pn Insertion. Insertions. Insertion*. i } 2 23 3 6 •• 16 — 3 6 4 6 ?? 19 4 0 56 44 2 6 4 6 6 6 28ISH0E°1Sl^Cg.cOf "THE J°PBNAL" WANTED. W&NTED Two Snaart Lads to seD tbe'joulLNAL. 1" Apply, JOURNAL Office. W AN$d Mat months eontr^t-Write H. Palmer (D^ma^ Vivian Road, Sketty, Swansea. (174p T CARPENTERS, CABINET-M \KER^ J BLACKSMITHS, WHEELWRIGHTS, &c.- Two verv handy boys, each with three vears' ex- perience in Joiners and Mechanics Shops. Joiner °ud suit, Cabinetmaker or Wheelwright: Mechanic ou d suit Blacksmith or Plumber and Painter Have, also boys trained as Tailors and Shoemakers.-Applv' Governor. Barnes Home, Heaton Mersey. (ISlp WAM?DpUp't0;date Ralli Car ^rt Cob h!L. "»i1oar,,culars to Miss Tbom*s- W7 -\NTED e Stron? Youth as an Apprentice cr tT Ir»P*>ver.Apply, Jenkins- Cabinet-maker. Llanybyther. {1?8p T W0 Timber-Cutters Wanted at once — Applv J. ^imon Evans, Derwydd, Conwil Elfed. (17Sp LLANDYSSUL INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL. W AXTE,D immediately handy man to devote whole time as Caretaker. Salarv. £ 52 per S'teClerk Wlth tW° reC6Dt testimorJia]s. to the Clerk, (196p W A:N7?D' n^eful for Stables and Garden: T* a wcek and found.—B. 37 JOLRXAI. Office. Carmarthen. fjcy TO LET- T 0 ,LET' fronj 25th March next, the Residenc* TaHE PLAS," Llan.tephan. ViS Thnma j iand. — Apply to Messrs. J. HoweJ Thomas and Son. Estate Agenta. Carmarthen. (81 T 0 rLET» CnfurnLshed, on March 25th, 1B1C J- Cwmcoedwig Houfee, three miles south of 'GW!R|ytt.a half-a-mile from Llanfarian -R.) Staton: it stands high, facing south in ornament*1 grounds and has a walled kitchen garden, with glass house; the yard contains two stable*! coach-house and cottage for coachman; water supbsf abundant and good; two small fields (6i acres) are generally Jet with the house.-Applv to MorS Davies, FfosrhydgaJed, Lianfarian, Aberystwyth (17C OR SALE by private treaty-Leasehold busine^ j preimie?> "CAMBRIAN STORES." Silian Lampeter close to Light Railway and on Lampeter main road to Aberayron: old established bacon curing and general provision trade; 9 rooms, curing and drying rooms, stables, piggeries, etc.: extensive garden. Particulars Frank Lloyd. Solicitor. Lam- ^rer- (186p T°Sf- Turnished^ for a few months, that ■" \ITT r ifi vir ^'Slr? ue -v Residence, known as CarairthTn r J°^st°Z"' ,within ^alf-a-mile of T TTmvoP t>T full particulars, apply to Messrs. J■ Howeh Thomas and Son, Estate Agents, Carmar- rhen. (286 T< OEDMORE HALL LET- "COEDMORE HALL/' about one r .ni., from rhe Town of Lampeter. Substan- tially bink new house, double detached, consisting s l rirri°T' W1,th ou'buildln?s complete, and about b acres of land, or more if required. Splendid t )Z, "S I "ft' ?iTCr Ti^' irav XP«rmfcpr r"i,-Applvc L ■tuTOm.'v0 SOID. e L ■tuTOm.'v0 SOID. "■ ^LAM \VER. with Coach-house and •_tabie, now in tiie occupation of Dr. A. T Evan= D^?eS'105ir^ptTmbP' ™xh-A^y to Griffith Albin;, !-j¡p"i;u1. t: {.19:¡-. JP 10 September ne-rt the compact Holdibg known as DANYC 4.PEL Llanegwad. conveniently situated on side of road' fvnrda mlies ,fr™n Dryslwyu Station, to Llan- jnydd. comprising^ 12 acres good Pasture Land, aim ouse and Buildings in good condition.—Apply Davies. Abersannan. Golden Grove. (177p FOR SALE. P 0R ^LE. small thatched Cottage, dilapidated, J- and good garden, with or witnout a field of one acre; excellent site for a house; two miles l»om Liandilo. Tlie purcnase-monev may remain as mortgage on the property if house 'is rebuilt. Lease will be granteu. if preferred.-Apply, Rev. N. 1 nomas, Rnosmaen Housr% Liandilo. (173p TO FARMERS AND OTHERS. Xjl OR Special Quotations in Corn Flour, Barley Meal, Bran, >eeds, etc.. apply on Saturday and Fair Days of JOHN DAVIES, Auctioneer and Merchant (of Alitwalis), at his Office, 11, John Street Carmarthen. Attendance—10 to 3 o'clock. (29788 FOR the best, cheapest, and most up-to-dat* Letter Filee, apply t0 JOURNAL Co., Ltd Carmarthen. 0 THOSE ABOUT TO MARRY.-Before selecting your Wedding Cards, Boxes, etc., please call and inspect our Latest De* signs. lliev will be sure to please you. -J Z)rR' A L Co., Ltd., Carmartheo. 1 \0N T let loose Papers and Correspondent* crx-nTTT?rrTr> ^°U' thern in 8 Patent RAPID BINDER Price 3d. each, or 2s. 6d. a dozen.- JOUBNAL Co., Ltd., Carmarthen. AVE vou a Fountain Pen? If not, try the Self-nihng Fountain Pen. Prioe, 5iu only; cash w;th order,— JOUEXAL Co., Ltd. FOR s.^le by^ Private Treaty, the Freehold Residence No. 13. UNION STREET, Car- marthen, with Stable, Coach-house, etc., and an excellent Garden, now in the occupation of Profesor Jones.-Applv to -NI-essr-. J. Howe11 Thomas and Son, Estate Agents. Carmarrben. (287 "1 TIR.ES.-No Advance. Covers, each. Air Tubes, with valves. AO, guaranteed. Also Dunlop. Palmer, Clincher lyres: Wheels. Frames, etc.: Makers' Prices. List Free.-W. A. Gorton, Manufacturer, Wolverham-v TON- (14GP FOR. SALE—English Setter Pups; 14 weeks cid pure bred; parents registered; very promis- ing.—Lawrence. Lampeter House. Narberth. f3 £ Q LOST, from Dolaugleision. Liandilo, 14th June, 191C, one Sheep, two Lambs, white faced, short tails. Finder will be rewarded. (352 NOTICE. ANY Person or Persons having claims against the Estate of the late Rev. E. A. Davies, vicar, Cwmamman, are nereby requested to commu- nicate with Miss Davies, Vicarage, Garnant. (344 TRUST Funds- £ 4.50C, £ 3.000, £ 2.000. £ 50C, £ 250—immediately available for Mortgage "eciir F. E. Tunbridge. Auctioneer, Swranaea- (194p (Universit y of Birmingham. FACULTY OF MEDICINE, Associated with the General and Queen's Hospitals for Clinical Teaching. SCHOOL OF DENTISTRY, In conjunction with the Birmingham Dental Hospital. Twji WIXTKK SESSION OPEXS OCTOBER 3rd, 191C. The University grants Degrees in Medicine, Sur- srery, and Public HeHlth. and a Diploma in Public Health; also Degrees and a Diploma in Demal Surgery. I hf Courses of Instruction are arranged to meet- the requirements of other Universities and Licensing Bodies. for Prospectus and further information apply to GILBERT BARLING, M.S,c., F.R.C.S., 354) Dean. W. S. MORRIS, -WHOLESALE GROC EE — CORX, FLOWER & SEED MERCHANT, National Telephone, 5G. Send for Price Lift, fele^rams, i'Morris, Merchant, Carnamhen.'i