TRADE DIRECTOR S". CARMARTHEN AND DISTRICT. Auctioneers .'John Francis and Son, The Mount, Spilman Street, Carmarthen. — J. Howell Thomas and Son, St. Marj Street, Oar* martben. Chemist & Optician I). King Morgan, St. Peter's Pharmacy, 25, King Street, Carmarthen. Ooal Merchant ffi. Bland Davies, Coal and Lime Merchant, Blue Street, and 8, Quay Street, Carmarthen. Ironmonger -flirt. W. Phillips, Wholesale and Retail Furnishing Ironmonger, 4 and 5, Dark Gate, Carmarthen. Printers & Publishers Irs. JOURNAL Company, Ltd., Old Post Office, King Street, Carmarthen. LLANDOVERY. Boot and Shoe Manufacturers fit Style, Quality and Price are the best Salesmen in the World. Se them at Jenkins and Sone, Boot Manufacturers, Llandovery and llap-lilo. CONSTITUTION BALLS IIAHArA For Grease, Swelled HORSES Throats, Disordered Liver, Broken Wind, Influenza, Loss of Appetite, &c.. &c. CATTLE For Hide-bound, Star- I.A t II r ing Coat, Hove or VIA ) < LL Blown Distemper, Sur- feit, Conditioning, Preserving Health, Scouring in Calves. &c. V LI 11 P For Rot or Fluke, and O'ILIBI for keeping in Health, Assisting to get into Condition, Scouring in Lambs, &c. Prepared upwards of 50 years by the late FRANCIS CDPISS, M.R.C.V.S., Diss, NORFOLK. Sold in packets is. 9d. and 3s. 6d. each, 7 small packets 10s. 6d., or 7 large 21s. by Chemists and Medi- cine Vendors, or from FRANCIS CUPISS, Limited, The Wilderness, DISS, on receipt of amount. The Carmarthen Bill-posting Company, 15, Bridge Street, Carmarthen BILLPOSTING and Advertising in all its JD Branches throughout the Counties cf Carmar- then, Pembroke, and Cardigan. r CASH ACCOMMODATION JS10 to £1,000. £10 5s J330 repay £33 15s. \£20 repay £22 10s. B50 repay £56 5s. These terms quoted are for short periods. Loans for 3, 6, 9, and 12 months can be arranged and interest charged proportionately. Call or write to the well-known inancier-WOOLFE JACKSON, 11, Bowen Terrace, Brecon. (121p BRISTOL HOUSE, CARMARTHEN. M. & LTHOMAS BAKERS, GRt, JERS, CONFECTIONERS, &c. BEFRESHMENTS READY AT ALL TIMES. HOME-MADE BREAD, CAKE and PASTRY. Parties catered for. Prices Moderate. ((71 B41 PILLS an warranted in either sex. all acquired or con- stitutional Dischi.Tges from the Urinary Organs, Gravel, and Pains in tht back. Free from Mercury. Established upwards of 40 years. In boxes 4s. 6d. of aU Chemists and >\it<mt Medicine Vendors throughout the World, or sent lor stamps by the makers, The Lincoln and Midland Couofi Drug Company, Lincoln. t t t FLEA, MOTH< M t K H t & BUG t Tins 14 346&1 | When 1 | on tbc Sick-list! a man's usefulness and enjoyment f of life are about nil. He feels w i perhaps a burden to himself and a A A trouble to others. The cheerful- ness natural to him is sadly over- T f cast by the depression caused by r 0 continual indisposition. The sun 0 of Good Health lies behind a black cloud, and before the warm rays ▼ r can again rejoice him, that cloud r 0 must be dispersed. If such is 0 your experience you should r can again rejoice him, that cloud r 0 must be dispersed. If such is 0 your experience you should Take f steps to ensure an immediate § 0 return of health and strength. 4 This means that you should put J f your digestive organs in perfect f m order—cleanse the liver-regulate 6 0 the bowels and kidneys—purify 4 the blood—tone up the nervous f system. To effect this thoroughly ¥ m and completely you should put 0 0 yourself through a course of that A medicine which has proved of T such exceptional value in so many r cases-namely m '1 Beccbams PJ* Scld in boxes, l/lj (56 pills) ft 2/9 (168 pil's). f TO SUFFERERS FROM Skin & Blood Diseases For cleansing the blood of all impurities from whatever cause arising-, there is no other medicine just as good as Clarke's Blood Mixture—that's why in so many cases of Eczema, Scrofula, Scurvy, Bad Legs, Abscesses, Ulcers, Tumours, Boils, Pimples, Blotches, Sores and Eruptions, Piles, Glandular Swellings, Blood Poison, Rheuma- tism, Gout, &C., it has effected truly remarkable cures where all other treatments have failed." Clarke's Blood Mixture has over j 46 years' reputation, and the proprietors solicit t all sufferers to give it a trial to test its value. A pTH j | HAS CURED THOUSAMBt. | I WILL CURE YOU. I i; COMPLETE HOUSE *s FURNISHERS, CABINET MAKERS, UPHOL- £ STERERS,IRONMON- /qfy Kitchen GERS, GLASS Furniture, AND CHINA Bedroom MERCHANTS. /Dining and Drawing Room Suites, Overmantels Bedsteads & Bedding Carpets, Rugs, Lino- leums> an(l Floorcloths, rlh f Dinner and Tea Sets, /OS Toilet Ware. £ ? ALL AT LOWEST PRICES /v THE JOURNAL' (Established 1810). The Oldest & Leading Paper Published in the Western Counties of Wales. The Recognised Advertising Medium for all zn Government, Parliamentary, Company Bank, County, Official, Legal, and Auction Au- nouncements. Printing in all its Branches DO YOU RECEIVE ANY LETTERS IF SO, PILOT FILES, RADIANT FILES, AND RAPID BINDERS, I Are indispensable to order and neatness. The Cheapest and Handiest Files on the Market. PRICES PILOT FILES from is. RADIANT FILES from Is. tiel. RAPID BINDERS, newest design, from 2wl., m or 2s. Oil. per dozen. If you require a FOUNTAIN PEN, try "THE PILOT SELF-FILLING." It is a gem. Hundreds sold weekly. Price, only 5s. zn with gold nib, irridium tipped. Call and see any of the above, and our list of Specialities in Stationers Sundries. "JOURNAL" CO., LIMITED, S, KING STREET, CARMARTHEN. EVERYTHING FOR 0 SHOOTING: (TUNS Hammerless Guns, Anson & Deeley action, steel barrels, richly engraved £ 6 11 0 Do., do., with extension rib, and best finish throughout £ 8 10 0 Ejectors, latest. pattern X10 10 0 Harrington & Richardson's single barrel hammer guns, choke bore 22/6 Do. double barrel, left choke 32/6 English-made B.L. Guns, steel barrels, left choke, warranted. 50 CARTRIDGES: PER 100 Eley Smokeless 6/10 Boiiax 7/10 Pi-iniax 9 Schultze, E.G., or Diamond smokeless, loaded iu gastight English cases 8,6 Pegamoid cases loaded with any smokeless powder 10 6 Best brass cases do. 1 V- Onr output of' Cartridges ej;ce?ds .?í,OOO ppr "yt Jc. This ensures fr rsh toadiwf. Cartridge Bags, Game Bags, Gun Cases, Rods, Shooting Boots, Hats, Suits, and Everything required by the shoot- ing man. REPAIRS OF ALL KINDS BY COMPETENT WORKMEN. BEN. EVANS & CO., LTD., SWANSEA. I E FO Lk D S The Universal Remedy for Acidity of the Stomach. Headache, Heartburn, Indigestion, Sour Eructations^ Bilious Affections, The Cure for Gout, Rheumatic Gout and Gravel. Safest and most Effective Aperient for Beguka-I Use. k a I A.- — /wgga fetoflDINNEFORDS f^^MACNESl^ t. r MAG?4EStA I NATHANIEL THOMAS, FAMILY BUTCHER. 13a, KING STREET (Next door to the Probate Offices), C-A-IR/IMT-A-E/THIElsr PRUDENT LADIES Will save their Hair combings and send them to J. HODGES HAIR WORKER, TENBY, Who will make them up into Tails, etc., and return them, post free, from la. per oz. The cheapest house in Wales for all kinds of Hair Work and Theatrical Goods. Send for price list. (48 — —' AUSTRALIA by ORIENT LINE Carrv-nig Hi, I-RFV1AN 1 I ADELAiUt. MtLUoUR L. bR15bAM.. calling at GIBRALTAR, MARSE.i LLS. NAPLES. IKJKT SAID. CüUhlflO. ThrcMgb Tick" in New Zealand & T.,m"ia Ormuz.6465 Aug. 19. Aug.25 Aug. 27 Orontcs (tw. sc.). 9023 Sep. 2 Sep. 8 Sep. 10 Orsova (tw. sc.).12036 Sept 16 Sept 22 Sept 24 Otrolnto (tw. SC.) 12124 Sept. 30 Oct. 6 Oct. 8 Managers-F. GREEN & Co. and ANDERSON, ANDERSON & Co. Head Offices, Fenchurch Avenue, London. For Passage apply to the latter firm at 5, Fenchurch Avenue, E.C., or to West- end Branch Office ,28, Cookspur Street, S.W.; or J. VAUGHAN EVANS, 6, Cowell Sr., Llanellr. SOUTH & EAST AFRICA Royal Mail Route Union-Castle Line LONDON and SOUTHAMPTON. To Cape Colony, Natal, Delagoa Bay, Beir&, East Africa, and Mauritius, calfing at Madeira, Canary Islands. Ascension, St. Helena, and Lobito Bay. Weekly Sailings. Superior Accommodation. Monthly Direct Bast African Service to and from United Kingdom and Continent. For Rates of Passage Money, and all further in- formation, apply to the Managers- DONALD CURRIE & Co., LONDON. Or Local Agenta. Money THE OLD-ESTABLISHED PROVINCIAL UNION BANK continues to LEND immense sums daily, fro m£10 to £5,000 on "Note of Hand alone" or other security. No office inquiry charges whatever. Moderate interest. Easy instalments. Special rate for short periods. Largest and most honourably conducted business in the Kingdom. Thousands of our regular customers have expressed their entire satisfaction in repeated transactions with us. A gentleman from Bank will wait upon you at once with Cash. Call, or write (in confidence) to Managw— STANLEY DOWDING, 1, Queen Square, London. DRINK ROYA INVIGORATING, REFRESHING. I Carmarthen County Schools THE GRAMMAR SCHOOL. Headmaster-E. S. ALLEN, M.A. (Cantab). COUNTY GIRLS' SCHOOL. Headmistress-MISS B. A. HOLME, M.A. Late Open Scholar of Girton College, Cambridge. Fe-es-Ll 9s. per term (inclusive; 3 terms in the year). Reduction for two or more members of the same family. The next term begins Thursday, September 15. The Headmistress (at the Girls' School) and the Headmaster (at the Boys' School) will be pleased to -see the parents of new pupils on Saturday, Septem- ber 10th, from 11 to 1, and on Wednesday, Septem- ber 14th, from 2 to 5. Boarders can be received at both Schools. HIGH SCHOOL FOR GIRLS, CARMARTHEN. President of the Council: THE LORD BISHOP OF ST. DAVID'S. Lady Principal: MISS A. F. CLARKE, B.A., London University. THE School give an Excellent Education on -t. very Moderate Terme. Admirable accommodation for Boarders. Pupils prepared for LONDON MATRICULA- TION an other Public Examinations. Boys as well as girls can be received in the Pre- paratory Class and the KINDERGARTON DE. PARTMENT. For full particulars, apply to the Lady Principal. Next term begins Thursday, September 22nd. Boarders return Wednesday, September 21st. LLAXYBYTHER GRAMMAR SpHOOL. MR. S. STEPHENS, B.A., Inter. B.Sc., Lon- don, prepares Pupils for all Examinations. Numerous Successes. Next term besrlns September 19th. (189p -t.- THE COUNTY (DUAL) SCHOOL. LLAN- DOVERY. THIS SCHOOL will henceforth be open to Boys as well as Girls. Head Mistress: MISS M. E. PRICE, B.A., London. There will be a staff of well qualified Masters and Mistresses. The next term will hegin on WEDNESDAY, September 21st, 1910. Vee.El 10s. (including Stationery) per term. Reduction for two or iiiore members of the Fame family. (Signed) D. SAUNDERS THOMAS. Clerk to the Local Managers. August 5rh, 1910. (367 LLANDYSSUL INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL. Headmaster: WM. LEWIS. M.A. (late Foundation I Scholar and Prizeman, Queen's College. Cam- hridg-t" Wrangler 1890). Tuition Fee— £ 4 4s. per annum. Boarding Fee>—27 per annum. Excellent accommodation for Boarders in Head- master's House, and in Hostel specially built for the purpose close to the School. The situation is beautiful and healthy. Next Term begins September 19th. For Prospectus apply to the Headmaster 0, the Clerk (199p COLSTONS SCHOOL. Stupleton, BRISTOL.— Staff of 11 Masters, including 8 Graduates Healthy situation; spacious gardens tud plajing lields; chemical and physical laboratories. car- penter's shop, swimming bath. mi mature, rifle rangp. E5,000 now being spent on additional build- ings. Tuition, board, books, stationary and cloth- ing, £37 per annum. But. for the endowment the cost to parents would be £56.-For illus. prospectus, appiy to Anthony Finn. M.A.. LL.D.. Headmaster. f TO ADVERTISERS l The following is our scale of pre-payment for ad- vertisementa of the U Wanted" class. Remittwi* should be made by POSTAL ORDER and accom- pany the order. Stamps will NOT be accepted. No. of One Three Six Words, Insertion. Insertions. Insertions- 20 1 0 2 3 3 6 28 1 6 3 6 t. 6 36 1 9 4 0 5 6 44 2 6 4 6 6 6 The London Offices of "THE JOURNAL" are at 28, SHOE LANE, E.C. WANTED. WANTED Two Smaxt Lads to sell the JOURNAL. TV Apply, JOUBNAL Office. WANTED, 20 to 25 Gallons of Pure W Cooled Milk, delivered in Swansea; 12 months contract.—Write H. Palmer (Dairyman), Vivian Road, Sketty, Swansea. (174p WANTED a Strong Youth as an Apprentice CT Improver.—Apply, Jenkins. Cabinet-make", Llanybyther. (178p LLANDYSSUL INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL. WANTED immediately handy man to devote W whole time as Caretaker. Salary, B52 per annum. Applv. with two recent testimonials, tc the Clerk. a96P CTT_\XTED Smart Chambermaid Waitress: re- W ferenee required.—Castle Hotel, Llandovery. (371 WANTED—a Governess Car. in good order — W Applv, Car, JOURNAL Office, Carmarthen. 1372 WANTED Young Girl ijust leaving School) as Apprentice to t.he Confectionery and To- bacco business.—Apply personally, Johns, Dorothy Cafe. Carmarthen. 203p WANTED a Small House, containing 2 Recep- VT tion Roomb and a Study, 3 good Bedrooms, and all modern conveniences; good servant^ accom- modation: Coach House. Stabling for 3 Horses, near "a Railway Station. aid where some good fish- ing may be obtained; mu-t not lay low.—Apply L. The Club, Carmarthen. :368 WANTED to rent a House near centre o: town. W State- full particulars to Pugh. Ivy Bus-; Hotel, Carmarthen. (202p WANTED a Farm 10 to 30 Acres anywhere W near some Colliery. Full particular? ( David Davies, 49, East-street, Pontypridd. :201p WANTED immediately an experienced Shoe- W ing and General Smith; state wages.—D. J. Evans, 2, Station-road. Tonyrefail. ;200p TO CARPENTERS. CABINET-MAKERS. JL BLACKSMITHS, WHEELWRIGHTS, &c.- Two very handy boys, each with three years' ex- perience in Joiners and Mechanics Shops. Joiner would suit Cabinetmaker or Whlwright; Mechanic would suit Blacksmith or Plumber and Painter. Have also boys trained as Tailors and Shoemakers.—Apply. Governor, Barnes Home, Heaton Mersey. (18:¡:- BLACKSMITH—Wanted Improver; Good Shoer. Apply to T\"i!liam Isaac, R.S.S., Ef&ii Wen Fo-ge, Forestfach. near Swansea. 204p TO LBT TO LET, from 25th March next, the Reeidene* JL known as "THE PLAS," Llanstephan, witk or without land.—Apply to Messrs. J. HoweU Thomas and Son, Estate Agents. Carmarthen. (81 TO LET, Unfurnished, on March 25th, 191C. JL Cwmcoedwig Houtee, three miles south of Aberystwyth and half-a-mile from Llanfarian (G.W.R.)" Station; it stands high, facing south, ua ornamental grounds and has a walled kitchen garden, with glass house; the yard contains two stables, coach-house and cottage for coachman; water supply abundant and good; two small fields (65 acres) are generally let with the house.—Apply to Morris Davies, Ffosrhydgaled. Llanfarian, Aberystwyth. (170 I7t OR SALE by private treaty—Leasehold business premises, CAMBRIAN STORES, Silian. Lampeter, close to Light Railway and on Lampeter main road to A be ray r on; okl established 'oac-ou curing and general provision trade; 9 rooms, caring and drying iwrrf, stable t iggcries, etc.; evhensive garden.—Particulars Frank LJoyd, Solicitor. Lam- j)Cur. )86p C OEDMORE HALL. m 0 LET. COEDMORE HALL," about one JL mile from the Town of Lampeter. Substan- tially built new house, double detached, consisting of 13 rooms, with outbuildings complefe, and about. 5 acres of land. or more if required. Splendid fishing rights in the River Tivy. Possession may be had on the 29th September next.—Apply to D. Evans, Cilgell, Lampeter. ;183p LLANDYSSUL.—TO BE LET or SOLD. JU GLANYWERN, with Coach-house and Stable, now in t.he occupation of Dr. A. T. Evan* Possession September 29th.—Apply to Griffith Davies. Albion. Llandygsul. í191r FOR SALB. FOR SALE, small thatched Cottage, dilapidated, and good garden, with or without a field of one' acre; excellent site for a house; two miles from Llandilo. The purchase-money may remain a" mortgage on the property if house 1£. rebuilt. Lease will be granted, if preferred.—Apply, Rev. N. Thomas. Rbosmaen House, Llandilo. (173p FOR SALE Scrap Album, size 18 inches by 12 JD inches. 150 leaves (300 pages); strongly bound1 leather back. cloth sides, and lettered on back in gold. "Scrap Book"; price 15s. cash; a Bargain — JOURNAL Co., Ltd., Carmarthen. "VTR HAUL—FOR SALE.—Offers Invited.— I Bound Vols. 1836 to 40, 45, 60. 62, 63, 66, :.0 to 77: unbound complete, 44, 56, 58 64 65, 78, 3C to 88. 90 to 94, 99 to 04; also 22 years incomplete, and few odd numbers; List sent.—H. Jenkias Davies. Dyffryiibern. Tanygroes, R.S.O.. Cardigan- shire. (205p TO FARMERS AND OTHERS. If! OR Special Quotations in Corn Flour, Barley Meal, Bran, Seeds, etc., apply on SaturdAv and Fair Days of JOHN DAVIES, Auctioneer and Merchant (of Alltwalis), at his Office, 11, John Street, Carmarthen. Attenda-10 to 3 o'clock. (29788 FOR the best, cheapest, and most np-to-d&;« -f Letter Files, apply to JOURNAL Co., Ltd., Carmarthen. To THOSE ABOUT TO MARRY.-Before JL selecting your Wedding Cards. Wedding-cake Boxes, etc., please call and inspect our Latest De- signs. They will be sure to please you.—JDUBNAL Co., Ltd.. Carmarthen. let loose Papers and Correspondence worry you. Bind them in a patent RAPID BINDER. Price, 3d. each, or 2s. 6d. a dozen.— JOURNAL Co., Ltd., Carmarthen. HAVE you a Fountain Pen? If not, try the '"Pilot]' Self-filling Fountain Pen. Price, 5a. only; cash with order.—JOURNAL Co.. Ltd. FOR SALE by Private Treatv. the Freehold JP Residence. No. 13. UNION STREET, Car- marthen, with Stable, Coach-house, etc., and an excellent Garden, now in the occupation of Profesor Jone?.—Apply to Messrs. J. Howell Thomas and 30n. Estate Agents, Carmarthen. (287 "1 (kl A TYRES.—No Advance. Covers. At/A"™ 39 each. Air Tubes, with valves. 2 6. guaranteed. Also Dunlop. Palmer, Clincher Tyres: Wheels. Frames, etc.: Makers' Prices. List Free. —W. A. Gorton, Manufacturer, Wolverhamp- ton. (145p TRUST FUlJds-£4,500, £5ûC. £ 250—immediately available for Mortgage Securities.—Apply F. E. Tunbridge, Auctioneer, Swansea. (194p A NY Person or Persons found trespassing in .J..i-J.. pursuit of Game on Pantyporthman and Cwmtvwvll Farms will be prosecuted.—Bv Order. (195p BUILDERS desirous of Tendering for proposed JO Alterations to Old Vicarage. Abergwili, please send their "names to Mr. David Griffiths rhomas, 36, Glan Road, Aberdare. (192p STRAYED from Carmarthen Slaughter-hou-e. 2 Oxen, 1 poll, 1 horned. Scissors mark >•1 right hip. Anyone giving information to G. J. Lewis, or Nathaniel Thomas, butchers, King-st., « in be rewarded. (373