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CARMARTHENSHIRE EDUCATION CUMRiiTTEE SCHOOL CHILDREN SWAMPED. A meeting of the Carmarthemhire Education Corn nutter was hetd at the County O&ces on Thurs- day in last wee.k, Mr. John Lloyd. Penybank (chair- man) prestding. There were also preaent Mrs. (Ur.) Lloyd, Lt-inehy; Mrs. Gwynne-Hughes, Tregeyb; the Revs. J. H. Jones, Llange.ndeuoo; J. H. Rees, Rurry Port; W. Daviea, LianeUy; T. Johns, Capet Ats. and Professor Jones. Carmarthen: and Messrs. B Humphreys, Felinfoel; Dd. Evans, Manordaf; J. Johns, -varepithyli; J. H. ThomM, Hndy: John Bevan, Hansadwrn: Da.vid Dn-VMa, Rhyblid; H. Eva.ns. P?ncc?r;?H. Jones?Thomas, Hanfynydd? John Lewis, MeinM. HaU; W. ?. Jotifs, Tirydad, and Cot. Mom", Ammanford; together wHh t? cterk (Mr. J. W. Nicholas), the Education trpasui-er (Mr. Pcu-rcc), and the county architect (Mr. W. Vjn- c?nt M?rg&n)? A HARD CASE. Some discussion a.ro&e over the case of Miss Piun- ter, who was the lieadteacher at the Haadilo Pupil Teachers' Centre, but who was now, owing to tho discontinuance of the centre, out of employment, who a-sked that some post. be found for her. The Chairman asked whether the Committee, had not reeotnmfnded the managers to retain the ser- oi theso Tbo Cicrk did not think so. Mr. W. N. Jones thought it a very hard case. If they could not retain her services he thought that possibly she might- be given any vacancy that oc- curred in the neighbourhood. She had been uuder the otd School Board, and under the Education Authority in the elementary sch<x)ts. She. had served them for the best part of her liIe. It was an* exceptional ease and something ought to be done .for her. The Chairman was of tho ot'inion that they Imd decided to recommend that ihee tearhers be re- tained. It waA dona- ia Carma.rtLen. a he did not see wiiy it shouM not be done in Ltandilo. They must be very over-staffed at LIahdUo if they could afford &t do alvay wrth Miss Pointer's services. Professor .tones agreed that it was a very hard case, but thought that if they asked the managers to IkCep Mias Painter on they would turn round and ask the committee to contribute something towards her salary, as they had not got the money. The matter was left in the hands of the Clerk. GARNANT SCHOOL SITE. With regard to the sn.< for a. new school at Gar- nant. for winch a p!ot of land had been offered by Lord Dynevor, the Clerk said that he had written to the Board of Education a.-king for their approval of the site. He had since heard from Mr. Bishop, solicitor, L!andilo, Lord Dymwor's as'ent, that the site was being re-considered. that Lord Dynevor offered another plot of a square acre. which he (Mr. .Bishop) understood the Committee would prefer. The Clerk had said nothing about a square acr< -QUARTER-BACH .ROAD COMPLAINT. A letter was received asking the Committee, to make a contribution towards having the road )ead- ing from (Jefnybrain to Quarter-bach Council School put right. The road was in a very bad state, and the ctuiciren had to go to school through water and ankle-deep in mud, which was very injurious to their health. The' inhabitants of the. district, had <o)Iected J620 towards the cost of improving the road, and the COlllmittee were to hlp. The Chait'tnan said that the road also ied to som<' furms, and the farmers ought to pav. the .U,an(ii!o I)Iitri-i District Council ought to take the. matter up. Co!. Morris thought It was th duty of the Edu- cation COlDmittP-f" to put the approach riirhr. The farmers had :)o nioney to spare, they simply lived -from hand to mouth. He proposed that the Com- mittee contribute somethings towards the costs. If t,ht,y saw the piace they would not object, to open their hearts ami contribute I!aug-hwrl. The- è: 'ha,Írman. said that where tho road led to many farms they could comnel the local authority to take it over. Mr. Evans, Rrith.h-. said that it was not. so. The Parish Council had ro put it in order before the Rura! District Council would take it over. He pro- posal that 1)<>, put on ti-,6 Parish Council to do the work. The Chairman—We spend Education monev on that kind of thing. Ir, is for th<- Di.trict Coun- cd to do it. Col. Morris said that, by the time the- Parish Council took the matter up the. children wouJd be swamped. If they waited for the. Parish Council to <lo its duty they would have to wait a very ionp- timf. PURCHASE op EXTRA LAND RECOM MENDED. Th nuildin? ('Illmitt"'e rep<-<rt<-d diat tlwr(' wss Dalf-an-acre of ground a.djüinmg' the pla,yg;round of School which wouid bf verv valuable in tho future in case the school needed to .be extended, and they had no hesitation in recom- the purcha-sc. of uie. L:Lnd. Tho:, managers. however. thought it doubtful wtll'th,r I r. wa.s d'si)- aMo to buy the !an<! as they had M<jr much funds. The matter was referral to the. eommith. tile Clerk Co see. what could b'? ckne. A QUESTION OF DRAINAf.E. Co!. Morris asked wha? rrRD,,rf had b' e:j. mad'' with the. playground at the Ammajiford S(.lt<.xj). The wero pr.s-in! that. fhould bo done. Th.- Clerk said that he h&J written to t..e Sur- veyor and C'erk of rho AmmMiford t.rb..n Districc Conned, \\110 had replied they werf* ro requisi- tion the Education Cornmitt? tc <ic' th? work. He had tol<! thc:n that t.h" Education Committ? wouid not consent to pay th.. whol(' ajnount..Ls the trreat<-)- part of th<- water did not currw from tiw<'school premises. If the .Zr-.at,-r {)er: of thA watr came- from the. piaypround. :he, would iiave. x. pay the hihf'r proportion of th, cost aad vice. \Krs:i. Ttte. District Council admitted that .T, por- tion of tho water was ordinary ¿UlUo;t'c water uud did not come from the' sch,4;. The District Coundl 'tfus<'d ii-i contr'.bnie anv- thing- and were g-oing to take. stt.p" to requisition the hduca-tion to do tbo whole, or not. C<.t. Morr;.s s?..id that aU that was wanted was to '!ram tij., I)k._grotlud.}¡x-h .iuld b4, do;x. quite "tdepfndent of the t rb&n Dt.stj-!tt. CourKi!. Fhf? !natt<?- was left. in t?M* haTtd? <i' th<- C!<'rk. <?n tha re<o!nm(-nd5Uon r? the C<nnmitt?' :?p- -ndr On tha re<o!nm(-nd5Uon iÝ. the p- po:nre<i In the matter, it w;.s d..<ci(i<.J to t..¡I, the !?cessary st<.ps to-??r-k r-??tdinc- a. ne. sc'.<.ol M APPOfNTMENT OF TEACHERS. fo))owin:r appOilJt:1H.nt", w,,n, Hrynamman Council Sch<x'l (Inf,4jit C(.rt!6ed .ts-tstanr nlitrt. JS75 p, if 1rairwd: i:70 if untra.ii.ed—'Prisci)! Jones Post Omce. PantvlhfilJn; whi)< J-vetvn 20. }<1",J¡::u<lrd, who was I ?.so r<?o!Timende<). f.?r th.- p?L. was appoii:T<-({ to iycroes Couf!ty Sch.?.I. whftt. there wa.s a vacancv <uis<'d by th<- Jon" for Bnn. H?<)..bi.. Church r,f En?nd Sch?-): L<?c..rt)- 6cate<l ?.tant: sa?y. i.? ?.r annum-Edith At-D.e rru?hes, rrurovean. Amm?nt?'? ..u-wav Council S<-h<.?: Cnc?rTin.?t.-d .t?.st.tr.t; At-D.e rrurovean. Amma.nf()r..i. ..u-wav Council 'a.ry. £45 ;)er ;.nm:m-Tu.k." Wiilian.s. (;ol,.rddafl, tctona-road. LLimeHv. B-c<-hfa Couno) 'Supp!<m.nt;trv teacher: .a!nry. £30 [>fOr Ili AtM: Rose .\)tt..tt.r(> Mas att rhe \)of interest,



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-.-.-CRIB Y N



------IT'ffiJIBLE. FnOD. IX…
