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JOURNAL, MARBH 11. 1910 TRADE DIRECTOR f. CARMARTHEN AND DISTRICT Auctioneers Ida Francis wid Son, The Mount, Bpilrn an-street, Carmarthen. Howell Thomas and Son, St. Mary-etreet, Oar- marthen Chemist & Optician It King Morgan, St. Peter's Pharmacy, 25, King Street, Carmarthen. Coal Merchant «. Bland Davies, Coal and Lime Merohant, Blue- Itreet, and 8, Quay-street, Carmarthen. Ironmonger fd W. Phillips, Wholesale and Retail Furnishing Ironmonger 4 and 5, Dark-gate, Carmarthen. Printe 's & Publishers laD JOURNAL Company, Ltd., Old Post Office, King Itreet, Carmarthen. LLANDOVERY. Boot and Shce Manufacturers Style Quality and Price are the best Salesmen ba the World. See them at Jenkme and Bona, Boot Manufacturers, Llandovery and Liandilo. CUPISS'S CONSTITUTION BALLS. UflOQjpQ For Grease, Swelled Legs, I lUltULU Trucked Heels, Coughs, Colds, Ion Throats, Disordered Liver, Broken Wind, lafueiiu, Loss of Appetite, &o., &o. CATTLE For Hide-bound, Staring Coat, Vfl I t !»*- Hove or Blown, Distemper, ■pidemio, Surfeit, Conditioning, Preserving Health, laonring in Calves, &0- \ULtP For Rotor Fluke ,and for keeping in UllLLr Health, laaiating to get into Condition, Soouring in Lambi, la. Prepared upwards of 50 years by the i&t. RANCIS CUPISS. M.R.C.V S. DISS, NORFOLK. Bold in packets 1/9 and 3/6 each, 7 small packet* 11/6, or 7 large 21s.. by Chemists and Medicine Candors, or from FRANCIS CUPPISS, Limited., t'à. Wilderness, DISS, on receipt of amount. (461 CLARKE'S 841 PILLS ere warranted to cure. in either sex, all acquired or con- etitutional Discharges from the Uriaary Organs, Gravel, and Pains in the back. Free from Mercury. Established upwards cf 40 years. In bcxes 4s. öd. all Chemists and Patent Medicine Vendors throughout the World, OT eent tor sixty stamps by the makers, The Lincoln "110::1 Midland Counties Drug: Company, Lincoln. j i j.i'j.iiiXiiuiu TAKE HEATINGS LOZENGES Tins J To-days Outlook This 13 an express!ot1 often used in con r nection with rational or political af;¡ÏI"s; but it may very well V-* applied to a € f matter having a snore pcr-.T.nl bell ring. J What is your outlook Irom the point oi J health? Is it hopeful, or is it dark and doubtful? Does your life on the whole f seem likely to prove a success? The f y anav/sr to these questions largely de- f pends upon the sttite of your Heclth. M X The root oi depression and despair Ie more N often found in our bodily condition than f in our worldly circumstance*. Tba | well man is always t > Hopeful This Is easy to understand. If your f digestive and secretive organs have beA M allowed to become deranged you will £ look very literally with a jaundiced eye upon all your surroundings. Take a dose j of Beecham's Pills and note the differ* r ence. Your health will 6peedily rise to J f Its normal level. The Stomach, BoweJs, C y Liver, and Kidneys will at once begin J V to resume their perfect functions. The V f drab of life will became rose-coloured, f X difficulties will vanish, obstacles will X disappear. Your activity will increase, J your mental vigour will revive, your whoie out-look will Improve, for all of which > Thanks to > BEEQIAMS PILLS. j V Prepared only by (F Tbomas Beecham, St. Helens, Lancashire. f Sold everywhere in boxes, C ( price (Sf, pills) & 2/9 (163 pills). I r TO SUFFERERS FROM Skin & Biood Diseases For cleansing the blood oi all impurities, from whatever cause arising, there is no other medicine just as good as Clarke's Blood Mixture—iliats why in so many cases of Eczema, Scrofula, Scurvy, Bad Xiegs, Abscesses, Ulcers. Tumours. Boils, Pimples, Blotches, Sores and Eruptions, Piles, Glandular Swellings, Blood Poison. Rheuma- tism, Gout, &C., it has effected truly remarkable cures where all othi-r treatments have failed. Clarke's Blood Mixture has oyer 45 years'reputation, and the proprietors J HAS CURED THOUSANDS. | 1 WILL CURE YOU.J Sou by all ChemÎsts411d Stores. 2/9 ferbott/e- jtU Agricultural Implements and Foundry Stores, Paxton House, 15, Priory Street, Carmarthen. BXilff JOlffXSS FORMERLY MANAGER OF T. JONES & SONS, Priory Foundry Begs to inform Farmers and others, that he has a Large Stock of Machinery and Castings at the above address, including Thrashing Machines, Horse Gears, Oil Engines, Chaff and Turnip Cutters, Winnowing Machines, Plough Casting and Fittings, including 0 n 1!5 0 Coulter Wheels, Malleable Coulter and Wheel Clips, Side Plates, Bolts, Pulleys, Shafting and Plummer Blocks, Brass Bearings, Field Rollers, Curd Mills, Chain Harrows. Sole Agent for the Royal First Prize Corbett Corn Mills, also the Celebrated FROST & WOOD Co.'s Mowers, Reapers, and Binders, etc — A LARGE STOCK OF — j. CAST STEEL CHAFF and TURNIP CUTTER1 J" KNIFES, to fit the Leading Makers' Machines, always on hand. J|JG|GI|^W TOMB AND VILLA RAILINGS AND GATES. A STOC^ THE PLOUGH CONSIST OF CASTING WITH STEEL and CAST IRON PLOUGH BOARDS; ALSO DYFFRYN, WITH CAST AND STEEL PLOUGH BOARDS, DOUBLE TOM witb STEEL BOARDS. HOSPITAL FOR THRASHING and T-LT-'V GEARS,VVIICHAFF^ and TURNIP GUTTERS, MOWING and REAP. ING MACHINES. OLD MACHINERY BOUGHT AND SOLD CALF REARING ? WITH and WITHOUT MILK. I B a I With Milk. I THORLEY'S FOOD I FOR REARING CALVES, I Before Calf Meals and Milk substitutes ■ were thought of, the sine qua non for rear- B ing Calves was Tliorley's Food mixed with | Milk, and there are still scores of Farmers I who use this valuable Condiment for that B purpose. Where there is plenty of milk B available and Calves are fed from the pail fl it will be found that successful Calf rearing B can be carried on under that principle and B good healthy Calves reared. 1 FIFTY YEARS AGO B THORLEY'S FOOD was extensively used B for rearing Calves, it being recognised as fl a PREVENTIVE OF SCOUR and M other diseases. An efficient. aid in rearing H STRONG HEALTHY CALVES and bring- ■ ing them to early maturity. fl TO-DAY fl THORLEY'S FOOD is just as efficacious B and nothing will bring on your Calves so B successfully and rapidly as B Thorley's Food B Case containing 112 Packets 7/6 fl Carriage paid. WITHOUT MILK. .1 '—#—: THORLEY'S Perfectly Cooked CALF MEAL. LACTIFER Is a perfect Milk substitute. AN EFFICIENT CALF MEAL. A perfect diet. Easily digested. The best Milk substitute on the Market. Easily prepared. Requires no boiling. Nutritious. Satisfying. Cwt. bag 20/. Carriage paid. I OF CORN MERCHANTS, GROCERS, CHEMISTS, ETC., IN ALL PARTS. B Name of nearest Agent sent on application. B Send for Free Pamphlet, "Hints on Calf Rearing," to "Calf." fl JOSEPH THQRLEY. Ltd., KINGS CROSS, LONDON I IT SAVES YOUR MONEY! COLDENlLEECE" MARGARINE, Which is so much like BEST BUTTER, that experts have been unable. to distinguish between them, costs only Is. per lb. With 2 lb. overweight given away with every lb., or I lb. do. with every 2 lb. Goldden Fleece' Margarine can only be obtained from Members of the local Grocers' Association. ASK YOUR GROCER ABOUT IT. SPRING 1910. NEW DRESS FABRICS AT BEN. EVANS' >• Amongst the many Beautiful Materials which we are showing, 11 1 we particularly invite attention to the following :— The "Nimrod" Cheviot Suiting. 0 Splendid Wearing, in twelve newest fashionable QQ Vfl shades, 48 inches wide, exceptional value at I U« The Rajah Range. » of new feilk-efiecfc Dress Material, 43 inches Qi 111 n Vfl' wide, in all new colourings. An exclusive line Z6.ll2y. lU. "Nunella," a New Fabric. for Blouses, Children's Underwear, &c. A v dainty all wool material, 44 ins. wide, made in cream only. Xunella is guaranteed by the makers to be Unshrinkable, anv garment shrinking in the wash will be I |/r| replaced |S. O2D. YU Patterns of above free on request. Ben. Evans & Co., Ltd. Swansea. — The Cure for Gout, Rheumatic and Gravel. The Univo!y.i Remedy for Acidity of the Stomach. Headache, Heartburn, Indigestion, Safest and most Sour EructuUon^. Bilious Affections. ilffective Aperient for MAGNESIA A NATHANIEL THOMAS, FAMILY BUTCHER, 13a, KING STREET (Next door to the Probate Offioet), Money THE OLD-ESTABLISHED PROVINCIAL JL UNION Bank continues to LEND immense inma daily, from £ 10 to 95,000 on "Note of Hand ,108e" or other security. No office inquiry charges ffhatever. Moderate interest. Easy instalments. Special rate for short periods. Largest and moet aoncurably conducted business in the Kingdom. rhoasands of our regular oustomers have expressed their entire satisfaction in repeated transactions with us. A gentleman from Bank will wait upon you at wee with Cash. Call, or write (in confidence) to I it. Dager, STANLEY DOWDING, 1, Queen Square. ACCIDENTS OF ALL KINDS. SICKNESS, EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY. iUEGLARLY AND FIDELITY GUARANTIES RIbKS. 7- Insured against by the RAILWAY PASSENGERS ASSURANCE Co. Capital (fully subscribed), £1,000,000. Claims paid £ 5,700,000.. 64. CORNHILL, LONDON. H. VIVIAN, Secretary. &Cent-F. LAN-GFORD, G.W.R., Haverfordwest, C. S. READ, Llanelly. Agents required in unrepresented Districts. I D. R. H. PRICE, G. & L., R.A M-, ADJUDICATOR. Teacher of Singing and Theory. Pupils prepared for Examinations and Eisteddfods. THE BRIAIIS, LATIMKK HOAD, LLAXDILO. PRUDENT LADIES Will save their Hair combings and send them to J. HODGES HAIR WORKER, TENBY, Who will make them up into Tails, etc., and return them, post free, from Is. per oz. The cheapest house in Wales for all kinds of Hair Work and Theatrical Goods. Seud for price list. (48 CASH ACCOMMODATION £ 10 to £1000 INTEREST 2/6 IN THE £ FOR AGREED PERIOD. W. JACKSON, 28p) 11, BOWEN TERRACE, BRECON. BRISTOL HOUSE, CARMARTHEN. I M. & L. THOMAS I BAKERS, GROCERS, CONFECTIONERS, &c. REFRESHMENTS READY AT ALL TIMES. r I HOME-MADE BREAD. CAKE and PASTRY. Parties catered for. Prices Moderate. ((72 The Carmarthen Bill-posting t Company, 15, Bridge Street, Carmarthen 1 BILLPOSTING and Advertising in ail it* | Branches throughout the Counties of Oar-1 aiarthen. Pembroke, and Cardigan. GAS ENGINES, OIL ENGINES, SUCTION GAS PLANTS, NEW AND SECOND-HAND ENGINES IN I STOCK AT CARDIFF. CASH OR DEFERRED PAYMENTS. CROSSLEY BROS.. LTD., 37, WESTGATE STREET, CARDIFF. (26 I AUSTRALIA by ORIENT i LINE. Carrying Hi Majesty's Mails to FREMANTLE, ADELAIDE, MELBOURNE, SYDNEY and BRISBANE, at GIBRALTAR. MARSEILLES, NAPLES. PORT SAID, COLOMBO. Through Tickets to New Zealand & Aufrtraiia Orvieto (tw. sc.) 12x24.Mar. 18 Mar 24. Mai. 26 Ophir (tw. sc.) 6814 .Apl. 1 A pi. 7 Apl. 9 Osterley (tw. sc) .12129.Apl. i=;Apl. 21 Apl 23 Ormuz (tw. sc.) 6455.PI. 29 Miti-. 5 Mar. 7 MlAmnn";L,GREKN & Co. and ANDERSON, ANDERSON & Co. Head Offices, Fenohnroh Avenue, London. For Passage apply to the latter firm at 5, Fenchnrch Avenne, E.C., or to Weat- end Branch Office, 28, Cockspur Street, S.W.; or J. VAUGHAN EVANS. 6. CoweU St.. Llanelly. SOUTH & EAST AFRICA Royal Mail Route. Union-Castle Line. LONDON and SOUTHAMPTON. To Cape Colony, Natal, Delagoa Bay, Beira, East African Ports, and Mauritius, calling at Madeira, Las Palmas, Teneriffe, Ascension, St. Helena, ^and Lobito Bay. Weekly Sailings, Fast Passages, Superior Accom- I modation. Beat route. Monthly Direct East African Service to and from United Kingdom and Continent. For Rates of Passage Money, and all further in- formation, apply to the Managers— DONALD CURRIE & Co.. LONDON. Or Local Agents. Carmarthen County Schools THE GRAMMAR SCHOOL. Headmaster: E. S. ALLEN, M.A. (CLatab). COUNTY GIRLS' SCHOOL. Headmistress: MIs. B. A. HOLME, MA Late ODeD Scholar of GirtOD Oollesre. r,mbr;d- The Headmistress (at the Girls' School) and the Headmaster (at the Boys' School) will be pleased to see the parents of new pupils o nSaturday, January 15th, from 11 to 1, and on Monday, January 17th, from 2.30 to 4.30. Fees-21 8s. per term (3 terms in the year). Re- duction for two or more members of the iw family. Boarders can be received at the Grammar School HIGH SCHOOL FOR GIRLS, CARMARTHEN. President of the Connoil: THE LORD BISHOP OF ST. DAVID'S. Lady Principal r Miss A F. CLARK, B.A., London Univervity. THE School gives excellent education ot -m. very moderate terma. Admirable accommodation for Boarders. Pupils prepared for LONDON MATRICULA nON and other Publio Examinations. Boys as well as girls can be received in the P-,e paratory Class and the KINDERGARTEN Da PARTMENT. For full particulars, apply to the Lady Principal. LYNDON HIGH SCHOOL FOR GIRLS, LAMPETER, Will RE-OPEN JANUARY 18th, 1910. Half Term, March 1st. English, Arithmetic, Book-keeping, Shorthand, Drawing, Needlework, Cookery (and French by Mademoiselle Tissier) thoroughly taught. Tuition Fee, £1 10s. per term. Private Classes arranged for French, Painting Dancing. 3p) MISS EDITH FRANCIS, Head Mistresa STRA\ ED ro North Lodge, Golden Grove, a light brown little dog, of the pug type, with collar and lock without name. If not claimed within a week will be sold to defray expenses.—Apply, Mrs. Jones. (53p WANTED. DRAPERY.-Wanted immediately smart respectable Youths as Apprentices ani provers for General Drapery.—Apply. John Ha Nott Square, Carmarthen. (4 WANTED, strong country General; clean, ohIic VT ing; plain cooking; wash, Church. Another kept. Good references.—Mrs. Lewis, Llwvncelyu, IJandovery. (47p ENERAL Servant Wanted; Welsh preferred.— Apply, giving references, stating wages re- quired, Morgan, Poet Office, Ystradgynlais, Swansea alley. (51p WANTED, (3stler, used to Farm Work as well; must be reliable, with good references; state wages.—Apply, Lake, Advertising Agent, Ystradgynlais. (64p YVT ANTED Seoond-hand Circular Saw Bench, ▼ ▼ with or without Saw: 3 fe>ei saw; state price.—Jones, Halfway, Llandovery. (65p A-NTED.-Good Plain Cook.—Apply with r" references to Mrs. Barker, Oaklands, near Carmarthen. (114 WANTED Good General Servant: age about ▼ T 25. Apply, giving reference and wages re- quired.—T. Thomas, Miners' Arms. Ystradgvnlais. (62p WANTED, good General Servant: age, 26 to 28 years preferred; state reference; good waores; comfortable home; no children to look after. -Apply.. J. Parry Jones, Castle Inn, Ammanford. (68p WANTED, Barmaid for Ralwav Refreshment Room, Lampeter; age, 20—22. No exneri- ence necessary. References required. -Apply, Mrs. Owen. (118 TO LET TO LET. March 25th next, ROMAN VTTJ A Pensarn most healthfulfv-sitnated rent £ 14, tenant paying rateq.-Apply. Richards, Southfield, Long Acre Road, Carmarthen. (5131p TO LET, from 25th March next, the Residence known a« "THE PLAS," Llansterhan. with or without land.—Apply to Messrs. j. Howell Thomas and Son, Estate Agents, Carmarthen. (81 IONDON, 13 Miles.—Dairy Farm TO LET: 103 _J scros old pasture land (3 arabkO. comfort- able small house, capital buildings; rent, £ 124: mjroinu'. £ 1,200. to include tenant risrht, 49 cows, bar-, imnlements. and DrofitaWe da;rv bu^'noss.— R'Ihr, Cooke, and Standen. 4, Quex Road, Kilbnrn, (43p T « ,ET-'lie ^jrd^inn^cT^ o* 7 ],cenc;od: "ocd tabling; possession Satn March next.-Apply, Buckley's Brewerv. Ltd., Carmarthen. (83 rr 0 LET. th, RAILWAY TAVERN. Lammas « .street. rr, rmR rthrn fullv licensed; good nos,t,on_: j-kjttJe allov: r,rly possession.-Anolr, Bur.loy s Bvov.'ory. Ltd.. Carmarthen. (84^ nn O T ET. ROSFWOOD VILLA. LAUGHARNE. O i8)nt old House: nioturesque historic town: <"• iar"y>ni<r country: good soeiotv: cpz,- distance of ^pndme Sands. 3 R^Cppt;0n Room? Drawing-room. 7 Bedrooms. Box room. Garden.— Apnly. Mn<=<-ott. L^'i?h.ar>ie, Carmarthen. (52p HorSE TO LET, No. 6. Ayennp. Parmarthen: h.t and cold water bath.—Apply. Bradbury Jonrs, King Street. Carmarthen. (90 FARM, about 21 A ero=. with compact Dw^lling- hoTi^p and Out-buildings. clov> to I.landvssu! Town. Possession from 25th MaiT-h.— Apply. Tvsc-u] Caetlc, Llandyssul. (89 FOR SALE. Th<> Freehold Frpe-lir-ensed Public House. '"BT NCH OF GRAPE5. NewcastJe- Eir.lyn. Good convenient -Apply. Jones, "Bunch c-f Graiies." Newcastle-EmlyR. (92 -z 1 *>/J PR TORY PTRERT. rT^MARTHEN. t' FOR SALE. Freehold Dwelling-house tosrethev with th« two Tottno-es. Yi.rd. rd large I Garden at the rear: suitable for or-nversicn into business premie. — Apnlv T Lewis. Acrent 89. Elm-street. Roath Cardiff. (66)1 t FOR SALE ¡ Tb FARMERS AND OTHERS. "Ijl OR Special Quotations in Corn Flour. Barley X Meal. Bran. Seeds, etc.. apply on Saturday and AIr Days or JOHN DAVILS, Auctioneer and Merchant (of Alltwalis), at his office, 11. John ¡ Street. Carmarthen. Attendance 10 to 3 o'clock. (29788 SEED GRAIN. \\T HITE .Scotch Oats, Garton's Abundance. Tar- v ta-rians, Ceirch-du-bach, Barley. Spring Wheat, Vetches, Seed Potatoes, Grass and Clover Seeds, Nitrate of Soda, Superphosphate, etc., etc. W. S. MORRIS, Corn Merchant, 36p) 25. Bridge Street, Carmarthen. TI. GRIFFITHS, Council School. Llanddau- « sant. Llangadock. caji spare a few sittings of eags from bis noted layers of White Wyandottes. Buff Orpingtons. Black Minorcas. and Houdans. The above birds are from the best laying ,traim; 3/6 per dozen eggs. Unfertiles replaced once. (54p AND Mule FOR RALE. by Knowle^. Houghton -t-$- and Co.. in first-class condition: 220 spindles. 2k pitch.—Davies. Dolbantau, Llanfihangel-ar-Arth. (55p LLANGADOCK RACES. Easter Monday. March 28. 10 About .£100 i Prizes. CHIEF EVENTS. Trotting of 20 sovs. (ill saddle). Galloping Flat, 32 sovs. (open). Trotting in Harness, £ 20 and Cup. Hurdle of < £ 10 (open). I., Full particulars alld list apply— SS] Mr. J. G. HARRIES, Llangadock LLANDOVERY. BRASS BAND CONTEST, CHORAL, TIMBERINC QUOIT COMPETITIONS AND CARNIVAL. Whit-Monday, May 16, 1910 Brass Baud Contest—Three Classes. Male Yoice Party Competition, "Cros-uig the Plain" 1st Prize. £ 25: 2nd do., L5. Mixed Choirs. "Y Blodeuyn Olaf"—Prize. £10. Children s Choral Competition "The Stream and the Flower" -Prize, E5. Programmes, with full particulars, mav r-e ob- tained of the Hon. Sec., M. H. -N-leliols, Old Bank Housf, Llandovery. (91 CARMARTHENSHIRE HINT CITE. THE ANNUAL ANNUAL HUNT BALL Will lie Held at THE ASSEMBLY ROOMS, CARMARTHEN, ox TlICRSDA Y, the 31st day of MARCH 191C. Applications for Tickets (price 15s. each), ro be made to the Hon. Hecs- G. E. S. PRO J HEROE BEYNON, Trewern, Whitland. JOHN FRANCIS. Carmarthen. LOST on Black Mountain, February 26th. 1910, Black Sheep, freshly marked previous day. Finder apply to Win. Morgan, Penvcae Brvn- amtnan- (63p L0,ST% a,t, Llandilo, on Monday, February 28th, a Sable and Whit-e Collie Dog. Answers to the name of "Don." Detainer prosecuted. _noma, Hope, Llaiidilo. (67p