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WESLEYAN METHODIST CONFERENCE. HOME RE-UNION At a meeting of the Conference, held at Bristol, on Thursday, of last week, the Rev. Dr. Stephenson presented the report of the committee appointed to take into consideration the letter of the Archbishop of Canterbury on the subject of Home Re-union." It was decided that the follow- ing letter should be addressed to the Archbishop:- "My Lord Archbisbop, Your letters on the subject of Home Re-union,' addressed to the Rev. Joseph Bush, who was president of the Wesleyan Methodist Conference of 1S88, have been laid before the conference. I regret that, owing to some doubt as to your grace's wish respecting the first letter, this answer has been delayed. The conference has received your letter with the rospect due to your grace and to the venerable body of bishops at whose instance this communication, -vitb others similar to it, was set forth. The con- ference cordially joins with you in praying for the unity of the Church of Christ: that thus may be fulfilled the prayer of the Blessed Saviour Himself, 'that they all may be one, as Thou, Father, art in Me and I in Thee, that the." also may be one in Us.' It appears to the conference that very much might be done by all the Christian communions to promote that unity of spirit without which corporate unity is impossible, and, if possible, would be of little worth. By frankly acknowledging the Christian character of the members of the several Churches, by recognising cordially and practically the statute and work of their ministers, and by abstaining from anything in public teaching and in our private ministries which would injure the influence or destroy the fruit of godly labour beyond our own communions, we might approach much nearer that state of heart and mind on which the Divine Head of the Holy Church Universal would, doubtless, look with approval. In your grace's efforts and those of your right reverend brethren to produce this happier state of feeling the conference would very heartily desire to co-operate, for it is the traditional policy of Methodism to be in its relation to the other Christian Churches, 'The friend of all, the enemy of r.one.' The conference, while deploring needless division, and still more a schismatical spirit, is of opinion that the true unity of the Church of Christ does not necessarily require the corporate union of the several Churches or their acceptance of any one form of polity and govern- ment. And, whilst fully recognising the spirit which animated the committee on re-union appointed by the bishops, the conference is of opinion that the articles presented as a basis for possible re-union (especially the fourth, which relates to the historical episcopate) do not, in the absence of further information and more exact definition, provide a practical ground for the dis- cussion of the subject.—I have the honour to be, my Lord Archbishop, your grace's faithful servailt and brother in Christ, W. F. MOULTON, President of the Wesleyan Methodist Conference."





