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RICHARD JONES, I BUILDER, CONTRAC TOR, AND GENERAL FUNERAL UNDERTAKER. -to; .i • Rbsloksce BLODWEN TttLIirA, BRYNFORD ROAD, HOLYWELL. TfrptSEBS EgJABLISClKNSa AND WeRamow HOLY WE L L—€J BOSS ROAD YARB; BfcGIBM^PEN^RE BtflLBING YARD. SPECIAL tfUTIOB. Funepais eoBapletely ffcuaiislied and personally superintended. Vaulte and Brick Ggdves neatly built. Coffins of all descriptions promptly supplied. Wreaths, Shades, Tablets, Grosses, &c., in stock. Plans, Specifications and Estimates prepared for all kinds of Buildings, including Drains and Sanitary matters generally. -:0: JOBBING WORK PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. -:0 All orders at BagiHt will be immediately ATTENDED to by MB. A BTHUB JONES, Gadlys Road Farm, ■Bagilit. DA VIES AND Co. | BEG TO ANNOUNCE THAT TSB VS&f BTOO? CfB BEG TO ANNOUNCE THAT TSB NJSMy STOCR CfB ART PUBLICATIONS IN BOOKLETS, LEAFLETS, AND CHILDREN'S TOY BOORa NEWEST GAMES AND NO VEL TIES. I PRETTILY BOUND BOOKS AT ALL PBIOIS, SUITABLE FOR NEW YEAR'S PRESENTS AND SUNDAY SCHOOL REWARDS. A elioicil BKLKCnOH 011 Sunday School Illuminated Reward Card*. STOCK OF NI0E1Y BOUND PRAYERS AND HYMNS. HANDSOME Pocket and Presentation Bible-s. MEW gOOKSI NEW gOOKSII CONDENSED CATALOGUE 01 NEW BOOKS NOW IN STOCK AT TIEf "OBSERVER" OFFICE, HOLIWSLL At 3s. 6d. Ia the Rooky Mountains Cruden's Concordance At 26. 6d. Adventuroua Boat Voyages Aiming Higher Arabian Nights Debtor and Creditor Helen's Babiea HabitB and Gharaetqnriities at Animate King of the Conjurors Lorime* Littlegood Little Me Bounoer Making Haste to be Rich Manse Gaiden Military Heroes of England Martin RatOer True to the Last The Country of the Dwarfs The Study of the Bible The Story of the Peninsular Wa. Three Years in a Man Trap Robinson Crnsoe Rising in the World Shakespeare Prince Charlie Parlour Pastimes Will Adams Miltoo's Poetical Works Living for Appearanoes Take my Advice At 2 s. Notable Workers in Humble Life Archie Digby Lo,-t in tho Wilds of Canada Seed Time and Harvest Defoe's Journal of the PlaguoJ Sootids Poetical Works Confessions of a Horse Dealer Pilgr,im,s Projfress Anecdotes of Birds, &o. Dr. Liwliagstore David Copperfield Dombey and Son Fifteen Months Among Kaffirs Heroes of the Battlefield^' Kenilwort-h Last Days of Pomrei1 Mr Midshipman Easy The Cure of Buigson Retribution X200 Reward Robin son Crnioa Ministering Angel 0 iver Twwt Three Boots 1s. 6d. Sir Walter Raleigh Breakers Ahead Geological Gossip Golden Treasury Etching Words for the Weary 1s. Ge)rdie Stuart No Gains Without Pains Tom Cringle's Log Bewitched Lamp Caught at Last REMARKABLE BARGAINSII A large Stodr df beautifully bound SfAIDARD WORKS and HOTELS, AT Hid. each, ORDINARY SELLING £ BICE,$s. 0d. And numerous other Books tb select from. COLOURED TOY BOOKS. SUNDAY SCHOOL REWARDS, &a., &c., at The "OBSERVER" OFFICE, HOLYWELL. 1\¡- 0 NEY LEN T PRIVATELY by the MO N EY LENT PRIVATELY by the 1 CHARING-CROSS BANK (Registered 8, BEDFORD-STREET, CHARING CROSS LONDON. Established, 1870. Assets £ 512,475 18 2 Liabilities 209,475 18 2 Capital avd R,-serve 4303,000 0 0 Advances made upon approved Promissory Note as follows:- Advance £ 2-5—12 montblyrepaymenti? of £ 2 5 11 44 50 1. « 4 11 L 100 9 3 4 Larger amounhthe samdnptoportieD. LOANS of £30 to £:2,000 granted at a few hour's noticein town or country, male or female, on mortgage of iurniture, trade and farm stock,plans, crops, &c., without removal, and to assist persont into business; also on deeds, policies, and reversions, at 6 per cent. for one month to 14 years. Distance no object. Easy repayments Strictly private. Call or write. NOTICE.—Before applying elsewhere ask any tfolicitor, Auctioneer, &c., in England or Wales knowing this Bank, and you will at once find o it you aretreating with an old establishe4 (1870) safe and bona fide Bank. Having large capital we do business cheaper than others. No good loan evar refused. TWO-AND-A-HALF PER CENT. INTEREST allowed on the minimum monthly balances of CUR- RENT ACCOUNTS when not drawn below £ .'H) Deposits of j610 and upwards received at 3 pir cent. per annum payable at 14 days' notice, Subjeetto 3 montbenotic eof withdrawal ;C4 per ceiit 6 5 14 « 12 6" Interest paid quarterly free from Income Ta;, Depositors have no liability whatew, and aire amply scoured. Prospectus free. A. WILLIAMS, Manage "FOR THE BLOOD IS THE LIFE." F THE MISCHIEF IS IN THE BLOOD I KNOW OF A CERTAIN CURE, c LARKEYS BLOOD MIXTURE, TIlE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER A ND RESTORER. JProngoch :(slOP, Llechryd, Cardiganshire, March 10,1895. (kntlemen,-I write to thank yon for the grea benefit I received through taking Clarke's Bloo() Mutture. I had ■uffea-ed for ovsr eighteen months ftom uloorfbted vjses on my leg', and was unable U walk about the house without crutches. During th<> above period I had been treated by doctors, and had tried all sorts of remedies, but none did mt any good. At the latter end of last year I van recommended to consult a noted person for suQi, maladies in Glamorganshire; I went there and re- mained under his care for several weeks, but had to return home despondent, without having derived any benefit. A day or two after I returned home, Mr Jones, our police officer, called, and asked how I was, and I told htm my experience in Glamorgan. shire. He replied If the mischief is in the blood I know a certain cure, Clarke's Blood Mixture.' After further conversation I made up my mind to give it a trial, and shall never forget the day. In le*s than si* weqks, and before I finished taking th6 second bo,tt!e, I was perfectly cured, and never felt better in'my life. Evea since I have been able to attend to my household duties without the slightest gifticulty whatever,—Yours truly, 61 Airit THOMAS." 4. Green11eld-atreet, Govan, Glasgow, Jan. S, 1897 Dear Sin,—1 feel in duty bound to add m) testimonial in favour of Clarke's world-famed Blood Mixture. I have suffered for three years and six months with a dreadful sore on my upper lip and chin. I was forced to go to the Skin Hospital, in Elm Bank-street; they did not do any good to it. Then I tried most of all the principal institutions in Glasgow, and lastly the Skin and Cancer Institu- tion in St. Vincent-street, and paid one pound before receiving any advice, and the advice waf that he was afraid I would lose my upper lip I received treatment in this institution for one month, and received no benefit Than he told me he would have to take the lip off, but I would not consent, and of which I am a proud man tu-day After this I went to the Western Infirmary, and was under a clever skin specialist I received treatment for 13 weeks, and received a little benefit, and came out and commenced wejeking again at my occupation, but I soon gat as bad as ever I then commenced with -Clarke's World-famed Blood Mixture,' and after taking five bottles was completely cured. But I still continued taking the Mixture till I had taken thirteen bottles You can make use of my name in any way you please.—Yours truly, WILLIAM PATEESOW. THOUSANDS OF TESTIMONIALS For cleansing and clearing the blood from all impurities CLA LAKE'S BLOOD MIXTURE cannot be too highly recommended For Scorfula, Scurvy, Eczema, Bad Legs, Skin and Blood Diseases, Pimples, and Sores of all kinds its effects are marvellous. As this mixture is pleasant to the taste and war- ranted free from anything injurious to the most delicate constitution of either sex, from infancy to old age, the Proprietors solicit sufferers to give it a trial to test its value. IMPORTANT NOTICE TO ALL.—Cleanse the vitiated blood whenever you find its impurities bursting through the skin in pimples, eruptions, and sores cleanse it when you find it obstructed and sluggish in the veins; cleanse it when it is foul—your feelings will tell you when. Keep your blood pare, and the health of be system will follow. Sold in bottles, 2s 9d each, by all Chemists and Patent Medioine Vendors throughout the world, or sent to any address on receipt of 33 stamps, by the Proprietors, THE LINCOLN and MIDLAND COUNTIEB DRUG COMPANY, LINCOLN, CLARKE'S WOBID- BLOOD MIXTURE. SAICBX> CLARKE'S WOBID- BLOOD MIXTURE. FAMKD CLARKE'S WORLD- BLOOD MIXTURE. FA1CBD WHEN you ASK for CLARKE'S BLOOD MIXTURE, don't be put off with something else. Many retailers stock substitutes for all artioles in large demand, and pay their assistants a oom- aiesion on the sale of these imitations. This explains why different articles from the one Bsked for are ao frequently pat before purchasers. M^7"ElIi6RATI0N, ( ili,. t ¡pj I ¡ n Jt. :i; ALL 1HOSK WHO DKSIBtt UIFtfujlATlU.V ABOUT TJie of Canada, tl»e es, Rim British i »»h;7h FieJdsIn Ontario I* KOTrI IMS**1?!. SH°U1-B WRITK TO pkt^gT?, WHJCT ABK SKN?- pK^Et Corporation of the Oity of Manchester. IMPORTANT TO FARMERS & GARDENERS. CONCENTRATED MANURE Made from Slaughter-House and Market Refuse, BLOOD, BONES, FISH, &c., It contains 4! to 5 per cent, of Ammonia, 10 to 12 per cent, Bone Phosphate and Potash Salts and is the best and cheapest manure in the Market. Delivered in bags, carriage paid, in 2 and 4 Ton lots within 100 miles, at P,3 Per Ton. Speoial prices for smaller quantities, and for delivery over 100 miles. This Manure is suitable for all Farm Crops and or the growth of Fruit and Flowers. Samples, Testimonials and full particulars, may be obtained from — R. D. CALLISON, Indoor and Estates' Superintendent, Cleansing Department, Town Hall, Manchester. Or to— MB, BOLD ALDRED, Stamford-road, Altrinoham. NORTH WALES AND SHROPSHIRE BILLPOSTING COMPANY. Owners:— The Wrexham District Advertising and Billposting Co., Ltd.) HEAD OFFICES :— 24, CHESTER STREET, WREXHAM. BEANOHBS HOLYWELL, BUCKLEY AND ELLESMERE Proprietors of best and moat prominent Private Stations in Holywell Distriot. Orders, Posters and Handbills, should be eont to E. P. LYONS, Billposter, Holywell. This Company have carried out the largest Billposting Contracts last year ever given in North Wales. GRIFFITH JONES, BILL POSTER AND TOWN GRIER, UPPER SUMMER HILL, HOLYWELL The best Posting Stations in the District. All orders promptly and thoroughly carried out. JOHN JAMES HUGHES, BOOT AND SHOEMAKER, HIGH STREET, HOLYWELL, BEGS to announcethat hehas8ucceededtothe buainessao long'oarried on by his late Father, John Hughes, at the above premises, and trusts that by prompt attention and moderate oharges, combined with good workmanship, to merit a continuance of publicsupport. THE HOME-MADE DEPARTMENT Willoontinue to be a specialfeature of he business and great care will be exercised to ensure the best materials only being used. STRONG BOOTS The best and cheapest Home-made BootiBin the Market. WOMEN AND MEN'S BOOTS AND SHOES OF HVEBYDBSOBIPTION KEPT IN STOOE. 70UTHS AND CIELILDRENISBOOTS AND SLIPPER OF BVERY VARIETY OBDBBS PBOMPTLY ATTBNDBD TO. Repairs neatly executed A. SCHWARZ, CLOCK AND WATOH MAKER, VVKTTFORD STREET, HOI YWELL BEGS to announce that after the ENLARGE MENT OF HIS PREMISES, he has been enable cl to, re atlyi noreaiae hitook. ALL KINDS OF JEWELLER KEPI IN STOCK Clocks and Watchesof alllescrtpitonstnhand HANDSOME-SELECTION OF ELBOTRO-PLATED ARTICLES REPAIRSi?ROMPTLY EXECUTED ON THE PREMISES. A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT Oip"m Guinea Gold Wedding and Keeper Rmgs. A present given with each ring bought. A privateroomto select in. DEALER IN LOOKING CLASSES AND BAROMETERS SPECTACLES AND EYE GLASSES in great variety. WORTH A GUINEA A BOX. W ?9 tM oils FOR ALL BILIOUS & NERVOUS DISO RDER SUCH AS SICK HEADACHE. WEAK STOMACH IMPAIRED DIGESTION- CONSTIPATION. LIVER COMPLAINT AND FEMALE AILMENTS. LARGEST SALE IN THE WORLD. Beecham's Couph Pills, For COUGHS ASTHMA, and a OHEST AFFECTIONS. In Boxes, gid., Is. lid., and 2s, 9d.eacb Beecham's Tooth Paste, EFFICACIOUS, ECONOMICAL, CLEANSES THE TEETH, PERFUMES the BREATH In Collapsible Tubes, Is. each. Prpared only by the Proprietor, THOMAS BEECHAM, St. Helens, Lancashire SOLD BY AH DBTJCKJISTS AND PATENT MEDIOINB DEAIEBS EVEBYWHEBE. 1 L L -I F m QUICKLY CORRECT ALL IRREGULARITIES, BEMOVB ALL OBSTRUCTIONS, and relieve the distressing symptoms to prevalent with the sex. Boxes, 1/1 & 2, 9 (contains three t times the quantity), of all Chemists. Sent anywhere t I on receipt of 15 or 84 stamps, by E. T. TOWWS 1I j Manufacturers, Drydcn St., Nottingham. "i ) Knrars nf Imitations, imjurioia and uorthUu. SECOND ANNUAL 9 1 E B E N E Z E R I I EISTEDDFOD WILL Bill HELD AT BAGILLT, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER HTH, 1897. LIST OF SUBJECTS. BRASS BAND CONTESTS, (Under North Wales Brass Band Association Rules) I.-For the best rendering of Gems of Vict-riai Melodies" (Rouni). First prize-19 Guineas. Consisting of L5 5s. Od. in cash, and a B flat Cornet, Excelsior Clasi A Quality, No. 2 Model, Triple Silver Plated, Engraved, and with Gold Points, fitted complete in hands jme Brown Leather Case, lined with plush value, f,14 14s. Cd. and a Silver Medal for the Bandmaster, presented by Messrs Boosey and Co., 296, Regent St., Loudon, W. 2nd prize, E4; 3rd prize, d61. All Bands to unite to play" Aberystwith" (as published by Round), oonduotei by tha Adjudioator previous to his adjudication. 2.—For the te-t played March "Dictator" (Round), on the day of the Eisteddfod. Prize, JE1 Is. 3.—Mixed Choir Contest (not to exceed 30 in number). Test piece—" Enaid cu, mao dyfroedd o6rion," (Iealaw). Prize, JE3, and a handsome Electro Silver Prize Cup, 10 iaohes high. (Presented by Messrs Crane and Sons, Liverpool). 4.—Juvenile Choir Contest Min. 24, Max. 30. Prize d62 2s., and a set of Silver mounted Carvers for* the Conductor. 5.-String Qaartett, Mozart in D Miaor." Prize, Carrcdus' Violin and Bow in case, value £10 10s. (Presented by Messrs Haynes and Co., Limited). 6.—Euphonium Solo— The Challenge (Round) Prize, A handsome Gold Medal. (Presented by Messrs Joseph Highaoi, Limited, Manchester). List of Subjects will be sent on receipt of Id stamp by the Seoiotaries D. R. JONBS, The Poplirs, Bagillt. HUGH JONES, New Brighton, Bagillt. THE THREE LEADING MAGAZINES THE CENTUKY MAGAZINE For JULY, 1897. Illcstrated. Pti:e Is. 4d. CONTBIQTS Garrick and his wife." Frontispiece. Engraved by T. Cole from the painting by Hogaltb.-William Hogarth. Old English Masters. Cole's new series. John C. Van Dyke; with three engravings by T. Colo of paintiugs by Hogarth.—At Twilight. Wm. Carman Rofcorts.—Hugh Wynne, Free Quaker, IX. S. Weir Mitchell; with a pioture by Howard Pyle. —Play in London. Elizabeth Robins Pennell; with pictures by Jos. Pennell. -Campaigning with Grant. Winter Campaigns. Horaoe Porter with a picture by B. West Clinedinst.—The Human Legacy. Priscilla Leonard.—After Big Game in Afrioa aud Icdia. 1, My first tlaphants 2, My first rhinoceros 3, Hunting with an Indian Prince. H. W. Seton- Karr; with a picture by W. H. Drake, and from photographs.-Hunting the Jaguar in Venezuela. William Willard Howard with pictures by Harry Feun and M. Trautsohold.—Sports in the seventeenth century. W. A. Bailiie-Grohman; with six re- productions of old pictures.—&o. ST. NICHOLAS FOR JULY, 1897. Prioe, Is. Illustrated. Contents:— Frontispieoe. The Meeting with Marquis de Lafayette Drawn by 0. Relyea.—How Grand- mother met the Marquis do Lafayette. Illustrated by C. Relyea. Ella Sherman Partridge-The Laat of. the Drums. Illustrated by G. Varian. Con Marrast Perkins, U.S.M.O.—Picture. "The Fourth in Eaglaville." Drawn by John Bennett.-Maater Skylark. Chapters XXVII, XXVIII, XXIX. Illustrated by R. B. Birch, John Beunett.-The Chesapeake Mill. Illustrated by Harry Fenn. W. Abbott.—Honting for Shells, Illust. by Albertine Randall Wbeelan from photographs furnished by the author-Lost his Pooket-koife. Facsimile of a letter written by Geo. Washington.—An Anecdote of Lincoln. Illustrated by W. A. Rogers. Mary Lillian Herr-—The Little Drummer of the Woods. Illustrated by Ernest Seton Thompson. Frank M. Chapman.—The Last Three Soldiers. Chapter XVI. Illuetratei by B. West Clinedinst. Wm. Henry Shelton.—Girlhood Days of England's Queen. Illustrated. James Oaesidy, &o., &o.. MACMILLAN'S MAGAZINE. JULY, 1897. Prico, Is. Contents:- The House by the Howff; by W. L. Watson. Conclusion.-The Lesser Elizabethan Lyrists; by Stephen Gwynn.—Slavery in West Central Afrioa Major Mookle r -Ferry man. -The Zuologioal Gardens at Amsterdam by C. J. Cornish.—The Haunted Schooner; by Hugh Clifford.-The Song of the Moor; by John Buchat).-The Problem of the Kangaroo by Edward E. Morris (Professor of Modern Languages and Literature in the University of Melbourne).—A Chapter of Aooidents; by Mrs Fraser. Chapters IX.—XI. NORTH WALES ANDJJACK THE SAME DAY. The Cheapest and leaet tedious Sea Trips out of Liverpool, BEST AND QUICKEST ROUTE TO HOLYWELL, St. Winefride's Well, PANTASAPH, PRESTATYN AND RHYL. THE FAST PADDLE SALOON STEAMER ZFL^thstg- FA.raON, SINGLE FARES: I RETURN FARBB Deck is. ed. Available for day of issue only Bridge 2s. 6d Deck 2s- Tickets not transferable. Bridge 3s. Children under 12 half-fare. Will sail from the Prince's Landing Stage and Mostyn (weather and other oiroumstanoes per- mitting) as under:— LIVERPOOL TO MOSTYN AND BACK THE SAME DAY. Average passage 1 hour and 46 minutes. Giving passengers two to three hours ashore, in one of the prettiest spots in North Wales. e'" LONG DAY TRIPS ABOUT TEN HOURS ^8 Southport every Sunday at 3 p.m. Return fare la. 6d. Refreshments on Board at Moderate Charges. For further particulars apply Telephone No. 2334 FLYING FALCON STEAMSHIP Co., Liu., 27, Water-street, Liverpool. LADIESI LADIES REQUIRING ASSISTANCE and RELIEF i -L< all FEMALE AILMENTS. IRREGULARITIES; SUPPRESSIONS, and OBSTRUCTIONS can obtain the most valuable information whereby difficulties are over- come, no matter how Obstinate or Long-Standing. THIS EXTRAORDINARY MEDICINE has met with immense success in TIIO-U SANDS OF OASES after all others have failed. Read these extracts from Testimonials :— MBXBORO' Dear Madam,—Kindly send me a bottle of your medicine and pills. I have tried them before; on cne occasion they put me RIFFHT with FOUR DOSES AFTER SIXTEEN WEEKS, ana another time ONE DOSE DID ME GOOD,—Mrs L.T N BWCASTLE-OX-TYNB Dear Madam,—My case was a very obstinate one of EIGHTEEN WEEKS, but with perseverence and your good advice I am happy to say I got relief.—Mrs M..T. YORK. Dear Mrs Dasmail,-I received the medicine and pills .safely. The last I had proved effectual after FIVE MONTHS' OTIPRESSIOS AKD ANXIETY.—Mrs A-B, The above, and Thousands of similar Testimonials guaranteed Genuine UNDER A PENALTY OF £1,000. Abandon not hope; here you will And a Genuine SPECIALITY and CURE. Failure impossible. Send stamped addressed envelope for particulars. A, DASMAIL, Cvs 1 887, Langdtde nouse, Walthamstow, London, Sale by Mr. William Freeman. TO PARTIES FURNISHING AND OTHERS. MR. WM. "FREEMAN Hai raceived instructions to SELL BY PUBLIC AUCTION, ON WEDNESDAY, THE 21st OF JULY, 1897, AT THE ASSEMBLY HALL, HOLYWELL, Whither tiny will b3 removed for convenience of sale, A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF EXCELLENT HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE AND OTHER EFFECTS, COMPRISING: Two cottage pianofortes, in walnut, a drawing-room suite, in figured repp, set of S'X mahogany framed ohairs with loose Beits, in hair, gent's lounging and armed chairs, mahogany sideboard with cupboard and drawers, mahogany telescope dining table with three inserting leaves, oval walnut drawing-room tabla on carved pil'ar, and other oooasional tables, in mahogany, oik, &o., sofas and oouoh, large oil-paintings and other pictures, ohimney- mirror, dressing glasses, birch and other ohests-of-drawers, dressing tables and wah- etands, biroh half-tester and iron bedsteads, five feather beds, palliasses, hair mattrass, wardrobes, night oommodea, bedroom ohairs, towel rails, fenders, fire-irons, eight-day clock with brass face, kitchen dresser, deal table, cupboards, tin and brown ware, and other miscellaneous outside effecti, wbioh may be viewed on morning of sale. SALE TO COMMENCE AT 1-30 P.M. PROMPT. Auotion Offioe: Perthyterfyn Cottage, Holywell. BRYN FORD CHURCH. THE ANNIVERSARY SERVICES WILL BE HELD AS FOLLOWS: — SUNDAY, 11TH JULY, 1897, At 10 a.m. WELSR SER VICE PBEACHHB THE RECTOR. 3 p.m. .-—ENGLISH SERVICE PREACHER-THB REV. E. M. RODERICK, M.A., Vioar of Mold, and Chaplain to the Bishop of St. Asiph, 6.30p.m. WELSH SEE VICE; PREACHBR-THE REV. R. OWEN, B.A., VICAR OF BAGILLT. MONDAY, 12TH JULY, At 7.30 p.m.—WELSH SER VICE: PBBACJHBB-THE REV. R. JENNINGS, M.A., VICAR OF GLYN OEIRIOG. Collootions at all the Servioes in aid of the National School. THE ANNUAL TEA PARTY WILL BB HaLD AT BRYNFORD SCHOOL, ON WEDNESDAY, THE 14TH OF JULY, 1897. Tea on the Tables at Four p.m. A Band will be in attendance. Danoing, Games, &c., will be held in the REOTOBY FIELD. TICKETS ONE SHILLING EACH. HOLYWELL UNION AND HOLYWELL RURAL DISTRICT COUNCIL. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all persons having Claims against the Guardians of this Union and the Rural District Council, are requested to send in their Accounts to me, the undersigned at the Board Room at the Workhouse, not later than ELEVEN o'clook a.m. on TUESDAY, the 6th day of JULY, 1897. and to attend there personally, or by their authorised Agents, on SATUBDAY, the 10th day of JULY, 1897) between the hours of Ten and One, to receive the amounts due to them. Any bills not sent in on the above date will be held over for a period of THREE MONTHS. By Order P. HARDING ROBERTS, Clerk. Board Room, June 29th, 1897. READING & RECREATION ROOMS, HALKYN, TO BUILDERS. PERSONS willing to TENDER for the above New Buildings, can see the Plans and obtain Quantities at the Office of the Architeote-Mesers Douglas and Fordham, 6, Abbey Square, Chester, on and after MONDAY, 5th JULY, 1897. Tenders endorsed "Tender for Reading Rooms, &o., Halkyn," to be sent, not later than 10 a.m., on MONDAY, 12th JULY, to the Clerk to tho Parish Oonnoil, Halkyn. The lowest or any Tender not neoessarily aooepted. Spring Bank, Halkyn. ST. WINEFRIDE'S BOARDING SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES WELL STREET, HOLYWELL. COURSE-English; Frenoh; German; Drawing; C Painting; Dancing; Calisthenics; Musio (Vocal and Instrumental); plain and fanoy Needlework. The Convent is under the Royal Academy for Ex- ams in Masio, &c. WEEKLY BOABDEBS BEOBIVED. A SELECT DAY SCHOOL for YOUNG LADIES is now OPEN at ST. WINEFRIDE'S CONVENT, Well Street. Only a limited number eoeived.-For Terms, apply to the SUPEBIOBESS. CONNAH'S QUAY. GOOD WIRE-CUT BUILDING BRICKS ALSO, PRESS BRICKS. APPLY TO JAMES PRINCE, BRICK WORKS, QONNAH'S QUAY. TO FARMERS AND OTHERS. DO yon require your Corn ground ? Send it to FLINT MILL. The work can be done qaiokly and well. ALFRED MAYERS, 8, MILFORD STREET MOLD. BILL POSTER AND DELIVERER HOLYWELL ROSE FESTIVAL AUGUST BANK HOLIDAY, 1897. ENORMOUS ATTRACTIONS! INTERESTING NOVELTIES! UNIQUE CONTESTS I The arrangements for this popular Festival are now being male. Fall particulars will shortly be announced. THOS. C. GRIFFITHS, Secretary. WILLIAM FREEMAN, Treasurer. FLINTSHIRE DISPENSARY. THE COMMITTEE gratefully aokaowledge the .L receipt of the following financial aid: NEW BUBSCBIBEBS, £ s. d. Mrs Michell, River Bank. I 1 0 Captain J. B. Feilding, Upper Downing.. 1 1 Dr J. Owen Jones, Bodowen 1 1 0 Rev W. A. Monis, Heathfitld House 110 Captain Joseph Pulford, 1 1 o Mrs Gould, Ferndale 1 1 0 SUNDAY COLLECTIONS. Holywell Parish Churoh g 17 3 Holywell English Prdebyterian Church.. 110 Rehoboth Chapel, Holywell. 1 9 g Wcileyan Chapel, Lloc. 0 7 1 Methodiet Chapel, Gwespyr 0 3 6 Gorsedd Churoh 110 Methodist Cbapel, Llanerchymor 0 10 0 Methodist Chapel, Carmel 0 9 3 Holy Trinity Church, Greenfield 110 Zion Chapel, Goloh 0 5 g Indepcadent Clnpel, Rhesycae. 0 13 4 St. Mary's Catholic Churoh, Flint. 0 7 0 SPECIAL JUBILEE FUND. FOB TIIE IJIPBOVEMENT AND EXTENSION OF THE DISPBNSABY. Mr Edwin Jones, Brixton. 550 Mrs Hughes-Jones, Brynford 2 2 0 Captain J. B. Feilding, Upper Downing 2 2 0 Mr T. Griffiths, Caubn Elouse 2 2 0 The Hon. Misses Mostyn, London 200 Mr John Jones, Wern Mil, Ysaeifiogi,2 0 0 Captain James, Ddol 110 Mrs Fishwiok, Stratford House.. 1 I 0 Captain Joseph Pulford I 10 Mrs Lambart, High-street. 1 1 0 Miis White, High-street I 1 10 Miss Jones, Farfield, Connah's Quay, 1 0 0 Miss Marian Donnell 1 0 0 Mr David Williams, D 'yfrdwy Villa 0 10 6 Mr R. G. Pears, Feathers Inn 0 10 6 Mr R. W. Stagg, Brynford Cottage. 0 5 0 Further donations are earnestly solicitsd. Books of Rules and Recommendations can be obtained at the INSTITUTION, or of the undersigned. THOS. THOMAS, SECBETABY, Holywell, June 30th, 1897. THE QUEEN'S DIAMOND JUBILEE HOLYWELL AND GREENFIELD CELEBRATION. Already advertised. t £ 106 14 0 FURTHER SUBSCRIPTIONS. £ s. d. Mrs Parry, Infant Sohools, Holywell 0 2 6 Mr J. E. Jones, Troaymaes. 0 2 6 Mr John Jones, Trosymao3. 0 2 0 A Friend, I 0 1 0 A Friend. 0 0 6 Total to date, £ 107 2 6 S. L. REVIS, Honorary Treasurer, North and South Wales Bank Holywell. ROÐBBT THOHAS, Honorary Secretary, Bryn Offa, Holywell. THE Queen's Diamond Jubilee. BRYNFORD. AT a PUBLIC MEETING held at the NATIONAL SCHOOL, BBYNFOBD, on the 26th day of APRIL, "It was unanimously agreed that a Stained Glass Window be plaoed in the Church, in Memory of the late Rector, the Rev David Jones, he having faithfully served the Parish of Brynford for over 43 years." Subscriptions will be thankfully received by W. JONES, Brynford Rectory, Holywell; and E. B. MABBDEN, National Provincial Bank, Holywell, Hon. Treasurers. £ a. d. Amount already announoed. 22 0 0 Mr Walter Garner, Holywell. 110 Rov Griffith Jones, Mostyn.. 0 10 6 Mr Robert Thomas Hughes, Pwllolai. 0 6 0 HOD. Secretary:— RICHARD JONES, Sohool House, Brynford, Holywell. Denbighshire & Flintshire AGRICULTURAL I SOCIETY'S SHOW WILL BB HELD AT m A A 'S? ST. ASAPH, ON FRIDAY, THE 30th OF JULY, 1897. Prize Lists now ready, and can be had from the SECBETABY, THOMAS WELSBY, SPBINGFIELD, 19, Rivim ST., RHYL. NOTE—Entries close July 8tb, or with Extra Fees, July 15th. WANTED—a well-educated, gentlemanly Youth as al;TTIOE TO CHEMIST AND DRUGGisi', t. o t bns passed prelim. preferred. Small premium 1c' J. — JOHN PBINCE, Dispensing Chemist, Connah's Quay. WANTED, for the summer months, a strn^v man as GROOM and COACHMAN and ko fill up his spare time in the garden or otherwise, wages, 21s. a week. Honesty and sobriety essential. —Apply, "X," Observer Office, Holywell. rpo LET,—PEIMROSE COTTAGE, Holway, Holy- X well.—Apply MBS. JONES, Talaore Arms, Holywell. TO L E T—1,MONA HOUSE," GBBKNFIELD— Containing drawing and dining rooms, kitoben, back kitchen, good cellar and four bedrooms, together with out-houses and good garden.Apply to Mrs DYKINS, Pendre, Holywell. rpo BE LET, with immediate possession, a large I YARD, oooupying a good central position m Holywell, admirably adapted for the business of a ooal dealer or general merolant. -Apply, THOMAS HUGHES j oiner and builder, Holywell. BE LET—A BEERHOUSE, ID Bagil't .also a fully-Iiceused PUBLICHOUfeE, in -A I)P"Y t K-xst'cvton BeevbSI C9, W.