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L AM BE RT'S FAMILY AND COMMERCIAL HOTEL, HIGH STREET, HOLYWELL. :0:- WHOLESALE WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANT. .0: POSTING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. :0:- HEARSE AND MOURNING CARRIAGES AT REASONABLE RATES. -:0:- OMNIBUSES-MEET ALL TRAINS. -:o London and North-Western Railway Parcels Agent. ESTABLISHED "LAST JUBILEE" 1887. -%0:- JAMES JONES, TEA AND COFFEE SALESMAN, PROVISION MERCHANT, PLAIN AND FANCY BREAD BAKER AND CONFECTIONER, CROSS SHOP, FLINT, AND THE STORES, BAGILLT, HAS OPENED A BRANCH AT THE MARKET HALL, HOLYWELL, WITH A OHOIOE SELECTION OF HIGH GLASS GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. We quota a few of our Speoial Lines:— Tea, good liquor, @ Is. to la. 4d. per lb. Ditto, speoial blends, @ Is 6j, and is. 8d. Ditto, finest blend of Indian and Ceylon Teas, Is. 10d., and 2s. per lb. Tate's finest Lamp Sagar, 2d. per lb. Sparkling Lump Sugar, 2 The for 3id. Crystal Sugar, 2 lbs for 2Jd. 21b Jars Hartley's Damson Jam, 6d. Marmalade, óid. Good Damson Jam, 4id, and 5d. Uood Salmon, bit. and bd per tin urown 15ralla, ia. OUR PROVISIONS ARE CAREFULLY SELECTED — AND OF THE BEST QUALITY. Splendid Chease at 6d. per lb. Finest Rose Kiel Batter, In. per lb. Irish Creamery lOd. par lb. Guaranteed Pure, at 9d. per lb. Lard (rest brand) 2d. per lb. Smoked and Pale Baoon, (Col ling wood's pea fed), splendid quality, from 6d. per lb. Gorgonaola Cheese, loa. per lb. Oumberland Oat Baoon, best brands, 4d., ód., 6d. per lb. Hams, best quality (about 121bs weight), id. per lb. Shoulders ditto, 4d. per lb, Good Margarine, 4d. aad 5d. Best Margarine, 6d. per lb. THESE ARE RECORD PRICES. CALL AT THE MARKET HALL, AND COMPARE OUR PRICE AND QUALITY, AND JUDGE FOR YOURSELVES. GOOD HOUSEHOLD BREAD, ONE PENNY PER LB. OUR PIES AND CONFECTIONERY ARE MADE FROM THE BF /T INGREDIENTS. -'0' CASH PRICES. NO CREDIT GIVEN. CASH PRICES. SPEOIAL QUOTATIONS FOR LARGE QUANTITIES. OURE ILj -i" I I! Is the most reliable remedy for BAD LEGS, SORES, ULCERS, and OLD WOUNDS. For Colds, Coughs, Sore Throats, Bronchitis, Gout, Rheumatism, Glandular Swellings, Contracted and Stiff Joints, and all Skin Diseases it has no equal. Manufactured only at 78, New Oxford Street, London, And Sold by all Medicine Vendor's throughout the World. Iff.B,-Advice Gratis, at the above address, daily, between the hours of 11 and 4, or by letter. ENGLISH-THE BESTS BElSffll'8 ww Gu u CC, t ••• Vuiue. 1 BENSON''S BBI ^OI'S English Levev Keyless English LeveV "UNGATE" WATCH BANK WATCH. IN USE AUJ THE WORLD OVER. Jewellery Rent froo OD receipt of reference. Illustrated Book Post Free. OLD WATCHES AND JEWELLERY TAKEN IN All Goods Not will be Exchanged. f and most Durable London PLATE ever sold. with 13 Rubies, Chrono- T>rnnf tFivf n Lftrge Barrel, and Damp and Dust Proof Ring Ban a. Price £ 5 5s Keeps better time taan, and is doublo tho Strength and Value >f, airM^ S <5s Watch made. In Sterling Silver Oases, with Strong Crystal Glas*. Made in °ao Price, £ 5 6s.No. 1, Gentlemen & Youths illustrated); No. 2, Workhv/ Men; No. 3, liailway Men and 5iin;.r,. Na j_a,li;,s In massive T8eJ?' .wi,il OrvM-il Glass Gentlemen's size, '-s- ^ady s size, £ !0 io3. A good Knockabout Watch for rough wear &t a low pricc. Best London made, Three-Quarter Plate English Lover, Larse, Chronometer Balance, Jewelled in Rubies, Strong Keyless Action. An Exact Timekeeper, and better value than any Keyless Watch spld for BiO. Prior1 J55, in Extra Sirongth, Sterling Silver, Crystal Glass C:.s^. BENf¡(;lP3 ENGAGEMENT RINGS, in Half- Hoop, Marquise, Gip.ey and all other designs, net Driili.ints. Rubies, Emeralds, Pearls, Sap- Hhir. C't,ah:- Tiircnoinu. I'fci' i(. or in nlain crold. ALL WATCHES JEY/ELLERY sent p'sf, free, and at my risk, to all parts of the World A on receipt of rraft^Casl^ or P.O.O payable at G.PO. SEND FOR n'l, ^WATOHIIS from £ Q 2s. to I CLOCKS, CHAINS, ENGAGE: \l •• 1 V- lit free on m¥ XRtf T. •" ICHMAKER and JEWELLER TO w V •» w- THE QUEEN and ROYAL FAMILY, t c; 4. JMIK-JL., o .4ØI 'And 80, ROVAL E;: > J BOND STREET, W., LONDON. WATCM, «tc CtU:JS App• agert 03 invited. Easy system, no risk, KING'S HEAD HOTEL, ROL Y-WELL. -:0:- THE LEADING FAMILY & COMMERCIAL HOTEL, HAS BEEN RE-FURNISHED AND TARIFF REVISED. W -:o: ■■■ ■ HEADQUARTERS OF THE CYCLIST'S UNION. :o: 1 ■■ THE HOTEL OMNIBUS MEETS THE TRAIN3 AT HOLYWELL STATION MANCHESTER FIRE ASbURAN CJE^ COMPANY. EsTABLMBBD, 1824' CAPITAL, £ 9,000,000. T. BARHAM FOSTER, ESQ., CHAIBMAN: 0. W. FURBRIDGE, ESGm DBPUT* OHAIEKAN I JBIEF oppicis- 98, KING STREET, MANCHESTER J. B. MOFFATT, MANAGHB AND SHCRBTAny. BEANOH OFFIOE- MANOHBSTBB OHAXBEBS, 28, REGENT STBEBT, WBBXHAU. M. PENNANT JONES, RBSIDBNT SBOBBTABY THE COMPANY transacts Fire Business only and all Resoaroes and Funds are available for Fire Claims. Surveys are made and tates quoted for all desorip tions of risks free of charge. Application for Agenoies are invited. Uniform ivtth the People's Edition of assell's Illus- ti-ated History of Eitglaitl, A peopic -,a Edition, IN WEEKLY NUMBERS, price 6d., each containing 96 Quarto Pages, Old and New London (INCLUDING "Greater London"), Revised and brought up to (late. TO BE COMPLETED IN 50 Weekly Parts at 6d. j Part 1, price 6d., includes a Large COLOURED MAP OF LONDON, which alone is worth more than the price charged for the Number. TIllS magnificent work, containing nearly 5.000 QUARTO PAGES and over 1,000 ILLUSTRATIONS, is now being placed within reach of the public for less than half the price for which it has hitherto been obtainable. The Map given away with Part 1 has been brought up to u; j present date as far as practic- able (scale, four inches to the mile), and shows clearly the Squares, and Gardens, Streets. Railway Stations, Tramways and Omnibus Routes, Parks, Public Buildings, Churches and Chapels, Board Schools, Theatres, County and Police Courts, Boundaries and Postal Districts, etc of the Metro- l' polis. ==-==:= 1 Important Notice. A POPULAU EDITION oi the Celebrated Work, entitled & '3 9 T Hi: Familiar Wild Flowers, F. E. HULME, F.L.S., F.S.A., i Will be published in illoi-i tl: III Parts at I Of. Falt 1 ready Feb. 25. (To be completed in 21 Parts.) I. This Work, hitherto issued in 100 Parts at 6d., will now be obtainable in 21 Parts, or one-fifth of its former cost. 2. 'l hc Piates are being specially repro- duced for this Edition. 3. There will be 10 Seaul ful Coloured Pi ate sand 40 Pages 01 Text in every Part. 0 IE V Bl Of THE IMMENSE DEM ;;S issue, orders should at once Le registered fur J>ART I at the Booksellers', to ensure securing a copy on the day of publication. P. oV, ectuses, giving full particulars, may be had at the Booksellers', or post free from the Publishers. THOMAS LLOYD, (LATH P. LLOYD & SON), ESTABLISHED, 1838, Painter, Plumber, Gas Fitter, Bell Hanger, Glaziert Paper Hanger, Hot and Cold Water Engtneet. Electric Bells Fixed and Repaired. Shower Baths and Sprays Fixed and Repaired. CAST IRON LANDER OF EVERY DESCRIPTION OILS, PAINTS AND OOLORS OF TBB BBBT DESCRIPTION ALWAYS ILISPT. Estimates given for all kinds of Work, and Ordeu promptly executed on the shortest notice EVERY VARIETY OF GLASS KEPT IN STOCK. THE LARGEST STOCK OF BRASS WORK &FITTING ALWA ON HAND PICTURES FRAMED AND MOUNTED. HIGH STREET, HOLYWELL, N..W A GOOD MISSION ia that which has for its object a desire to afford relief to those suffering from NERVOUS TROUBLE8, EXHAUSTION, DRAUTT, LIVER OB KIDNEY AINONCV^ 1 And all complaints of a weakening natore. I have been restored to health, after many years' suffering:, and will now gladly send the prescription which cored me free to any sufferer forwarding an addressed envelope. I send it with every confidence, knowing its virtue. v* Name this wiper. ADDRESS — W. H. BROWN, 14 CHXSHAM ROAD, BRIGHTON, SUSSKX. •s Magazin MONTHLY, 6D,[ The* Quiver. 112 Pages, MONTHLY, 64 Cassell's Magazine. MONTHLY, 6d. Little Folks. MONTHLY, 8. 4d. The Magazine of Art, WEEKLY, ld.; MONTHLY, 6d.' Cassell's Saturday Journal. WEEKLY, Id.; MONTHLY, 6d. CHUMS: The Paper for Boys. WEEKLY, Id.; MONTHLY, 6d. j WORK: for all Mechanics. t WEEKLY, ld.; MONTHLY, 6d. Building World. JUST COMMENCED, Monthly, price 6d. BISHOP ELLICOTT'S I Bible ¡ Commentary for English Readers. Embracing the OLD and NEW TESTAMENTS. (To be completed in 86 Parts.) This work has been written by some of the most eminent Biblical scholars, under the supervision of the Bishop of Gloucester and Bristol. New Serials. MONTHLY, 7d. The Church of England: A History for the People. By the Vtry Rev. H. D. M. SPENCE, D.D., Dean of Gloucester. Profusely Illustrated. MONTHLY, 6d. Cassell's Dor6 Gallery. Containing 250 of the finest Drawings of GUSTAVE DoizA. MONTHLY, 5d. Cassell's Illustrated Bunyan. With 200 Original Illustrations. MONTHLY, Ga. Cassell's Family Lawyer. By A BAR- RI3TEK-AT,LAW. MONTHLY, "d. Electricity in the Service of Man. With upwards of 950 lilustnitions. WF.kki.Y, (Ul, Cassell's Technical Educator. Each Part contni: s 9") of lext and Illustrations. C'assell s Cln-ssified Catalogue, containing parti.v.lars of upwards of ONE THOUSAND VOLUMES J)IIIJII-.l.S:d i;y Messrs. CASSEI.L & COMPANY, rangine in price from c Threepence to Fifty Guineas, >,11 be sent on request, post free, to any addess.0 CAS$ £ LL & COMPANY, LIMITED, Ludgate Hill, LVADIMT r GARNER AND SON, HOLYWELL. ( ST. WINEFRIDE'S WELSH FLANNEL IN WHITE, CREAM, SCARLET, NATURAL AND CORAL. :o: ■ PRICES FROM 5tD. TO 2s. PER YARD. :0: For Charitable and Household purposes. -:0:- PATTERNS POST FREE ON APPLICATION. RAGGETT'S NOURISHING STOUT GEORGE RAGGETT AND SONS, LONDON. -:0: This Stout is recommended by the majority of the Medical Profession throughout the inngdom, as well as by many Oontinental Physioians, as the finest procurable, and its supply to Her Majesty the Queen ie in itself eminent testimony of its quality. -:0:- RAGGETT'S NOURISHING STOUT AS SUPPLIED TO HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN. Its reputation has been maintained by a due regard to Quality, which is considered of greater benefit to the consumer than the use of inferior goods at a less cost. -:0:- IMITATION OF TRADE TITLE. The Publio are cautioned that the word NOURISHING is being used on the Labels of cheap Bottled Beers of very low quality. .« fraud that is intended, it is absolutely neoeasary to see that th* POSTAGE STAMP"—TRADE MARK, in red, appears upon every Label, as well as the signature. :0:- Extract from a letter from the Purveyors to Her Majesty the Queen, Balmoral. "Her Majesty the Queen wishes for RAOOBTT'S NOURISHING STOUT may we ask you to tend as a Case by Steamer leaving London for Aberdeen on Wednesday next." .0:- Sole Consignees and Bottling Agents for FLINTSHIRE AND DENBIGHSHIRE- BIRD AND SON, WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANTS, PANTASAPH, Near HOLYWELL. N.W. :0:- Raggatt's Nourishing Stout and Golden Hop Pale Ale. HALF-TINTS 2a. 6d. Pim idozim. -:0:- N.B.—Deliveries by Carl within 6 miles, and Carriage of 6 dozen Case, paid by Rati E A.DE'B (I OUT & jgHEUMATIO pILLS, SUfTBEED AGONY FOR THIRTY YKARB, E ADE'S pILLS. 30, Randal Street, Bridge Road Battersea, 8.W., TRADE'S pILLS. January 27th, 1892. Dear Sir,—I feel it my duty EADE'S 1JILLS. to write and give you great praise for introducing such a valuable medicine as your Gout Pills. Having SUFFERED UNTOLD AGONY FOR 80 YEARS. I can truly say I have never had anything to relive my pain so quickly as your Pills. I used to lay in bed for tw or three months at a time, but now I not only got relie GOUT in a few hours but am able t work in less than a week; M DHEUMATISM. comp'aint is the worst of a Gouts, called Chalk Gout.— O OUT Yours truly W .LITTLE JOHN.' RHEUMATISM. "Mr. G.Eade." Fj ADE"S QOUT & RHEUMATIC pILLS Prepared only bv George Eade 72,Goswell-road London, E,C. Soldby all Chemititisin Bottles,l s. lid. and 2s. 9d. E ADE'S GOUT & Pt IELEUMATIC pILLS THE BEST MEDICINE FOR BILE. THE BEST MEDICINE FOR WIND, THE BEST MEDICINE FOR INDIGESTION. IS E ADE"9 A NTIBILIOUS pILLS. f IThey quicklyremovethe irritation and feverishstate o the STOMACH, correct the morbid condition of the LIVER, relieve the system of allimpurities, which, by eirculatizg in the blood, injuriously affect the action of the KIDNEYS, and byremovingthe cauaesof so much discomfort,restore he vital energies of body and mind. E ADE'S ^NTIBILIOUS pILLS. gSold by all Chemists, in Boxes, in, lid. and 2s. 9d., or mailed free on receipt of remittance by GEORGE EADE 72, GOSWELI. ROAD, LONDON, E.C. E ADE'S A NTIBILIOUS pILLS. MONEY £5 to £1,000 MONEY A RETIRED GENTLEMEN having a LARGE A SUM OF MONEY at bis disposal is willing to dvance the same AT LESS INTEREST THAN ANY LOAN OFFICE IN ENGLAND to all espeotable Householderi, Tradespeople and other?, Diaetanoe no object. No Fees. No Bondsmen. Special Inducements to Farmers. All Transactions strictly private. Terms to suit everybody. Apply and be oonvinoed, or write to- W; WHITE, 2t North Terraoe, Newtown, I lUlIL, HIGH STREET (Opposite the Kings Head Botel), HOLYWELL. ESTABLISHED, 1866. W OWEN (Successor to D. Williams), FAMILY BVTCHER MEAT (Prime Quality only), FRESH DAILY. A LARGE STOCK OF HOME-CURED HAMS AND BACOIF IN GRAND CONDITION. All Orders receiveprompt and careful attention SUMAIRFAST-SUPPEIL, E P P S S GRATEFUL—COMFORTING. COCOA BOILING WATER OR MILX. STEICTLT I ANTSTJJ £ FBOM £ 5TO £ 10C0 I STEIOTI.* PEIVATB J ADVAHOBD OH EXORP- I Puviii ADVAN0B8. I TIONALLY EASY TBEICB. | ADTAKOM. M Rs. D. BEHBMAH, 16, OITY ROAD, CHESTER, HAYING a Large Amount Uninvested Ml Capital is wishful to Lend eame in sums of P,5 to Z1000 to any RespeoUble Person (Male or Female) on their own NOTE OF HAND, without delay, law ooste, or any impertiuetl titlquiriel at interest highly beneficial to Borrower, and on Deeds. FROM 5 PER CENT. INTEREST. This advertisement being from a strictly private source, haMinal borrowers arerequested not to apply. No good application is ever refused, and distance no object, a gentleman being sent direct from the oØloe o carry out all advances. Apply in confidence to he Actual Lender, MRS. D. BEHRMAN, 16, Cirr ROAB, Oauxsa L(licat to Royalty Theatre).