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fljIOK Saie, 4 Coal Car is, H Business Carts, 3 Pleasurd J1 Traus. 3 Gigs. 1 Have Carl;, 20 Sets of New ana Second-hand Harness; cheap; room wanted.—Cross Inn, Canton, Cardiff. 49n Sale, a roomv Lnnciau. shafts, pole, and bar £25- Iildit Hale. Lnndau tone horse), with pole and bar,— rerroti. £ ,1 Oi. Sale, Oob-siz8 foiii-T.'iieci Dog Curt, fitted with 1 tirako. lamps, green cloth cushions i vory &iyllsh nd equal to new by Luca", London.—Ajpply Lewis, ioaclihi!iIcier, 2, Clare-street, Cvrdili. 1Y011 81C7 22n S-T.ii'. Second-hand Wagonette, witn P >'v. bar, JL' and shafts: painted dark croen. (iuo lined ii»hl, ren: in thorough good condition the pioperty of a gentleman.—Apply Lewis, 2, Coachbuilder, CJare-treet, Cardiff. W042 8108-283n Sale, Paraffin Oil Cart and xank. Vt. k only cost B £3, will sell cart and tank for £5.í)<.LVJd Lloyd, F Cemety.ro3.c1'('?I!Y'H n a- m 51 In F on Sale, Sci uare-lron ted Nrougham, fitted with pole JL' bar shafts; pain, ed green, hne line yellow.— Lewis, Carriage s Cardiff. 6937—102n ("*» AiXBO for Hale, cheap.—Apply 13, EJward-t rrace, T liedhnog, near 'i'reitarri-. -Qn f\ liKAT Bargain.—Genlleion n's iirv.-class Riding Of sartdle. complete with done: rein Ij-id'c, nickel bit and curb iot 15s, worth double c:i approval.—ti. Smith, Cireut Skyrrid Farm, iiear Ab.H'fcavenny. PCMn HAUNK-S. • Hanie*#. Harness.—30 Sets, jvli sizes and jLl jiriees; hand 11p2_m_tree. t 9Dn TkjjiWCraiik-axie Cart-, suit pom .Milk Truck, Vony Trap, cheap.— Harwood, PnrKniinmoor-rd., Cardiff n VfEW Stylish IJuUiher'i; C -ri. suit col> 14 hands, lined 1\ in gold. 3 springs alio I^iew Trolley, carry «• —Plummet*. Carriage .Builder, Newport. :d7:!n t. Fiat Cans.—Works, Moivaii-slroet. WAN'iltili, liecoud-hand Wagnn or Trolley ,'if oiicap and in good condition.—Write J 1 Cardiff. J3" At-JTED to Purchase. trap, s.iitahle for suit co!i 14 hands also ;;ood Set H»«ie& 607n Ii good condition no dealer*.—T 6fJ7, Lcho, ,| 0 Business and Pleasure Ti aps, all J*?? sizos a: 50 Sets Harness, new and second-iia.i> • +0 p urs Lamps, Saddles, and Bridies at J ■-Zln t4, Havelock-stre.-t, 'I'rniDrrancetoivn.N Horses nit2» 7i—7T~vr-a.2. sound, good A strong built Welwi cart, ai'diHari;e.8: worker, with ^p:endia c>}:~ 0[ disposal, work slack, lot £ 18 or soli separately ^ui{f°-side, Cardiff. 2?ln —ludcnholrDc^ 33, Ciare-stie^^ 1f 5 vears, suiuncli \v(»rJn»r, A thiciisefc « Tiu-ciirl. and liar; lot JGi6 or with souno Eavelcck-swees, off St. Mary, sell apart very cheap.—' ?2ln street, Cardiff. COoU working Cart Hor e, lt'> hands, A p?we '^iti, iiauiing Tip-cart, and Harness, wjuai -P- 7 «LSl|bthe loi or sell separately aHo sonud new. £ 15 _rt Mare, 16 hand; ti years .cheap; £ 12; ffurt WMU.' no work.—1. Green-street, off Canton lin^e. Cardiff. ^~Thie' £ set "pretty Cab. 13 hands. 6 years, warranted A s^jurid and quiet to ride and drive, bargain, £ 6; iil^ Jnnri Flat Co.rt, and Harness if required, chcap.— >Blacksunth Shop, Tavjstock street, oil Castie-i oad, Hoath, Cardiff- ]66" bonest gooii Pony, Flat Cart, and Harness, £ 7 30 bargain trial given.—83, Church-road, ISaroartl- o, Newport. X 19511 A" Choice of Six Ponies end Cobs, 5 to 7 ye'irs 12 to 15 hands, prices £ 5 to £ 11. suitable for grocert;, bakers, milkmen, or general tradesmen whero strength and speed are required: trial and war run: v given wiih <a'h; aiso their Traps, OMg, Spring Catt, i>nd Darner cheap. —Apply 83,Church-road,Mai»dee,Newoort. Trams Sound active iight-lefeged Cart Mare, hands, per A. tectly quiet and gool worker in every respect cheap, £14; owner must sell.—Apply Lewis, tO. Bedford street. Koaih, Cardiff. 16511 Stron i Cob, 14 hands, with Spring Cart and Har.iess, A. suitable for coalman or greengrocer, £ 13.—Apply io, Clifton-street, I'.cath, Cardiff. 86n A Bargain.—3 reliable Uarses and Vonies, 12 to 15 hpnds, guaranteed quiet in all harness and tree from vice Traps and Harness to suit same if refjaiiea. -42, Elm-street. 99n A Coulracloi's Horse, heavy, ound, willing, useful, 17 jCTL nds. 7_yars.124, Albany-road. 140n cffVE CarrMare,6 years." 16 hands, warranted staunch worker shafts or chams, price £13: al-o Tip Cart and Harness; Chf.ff Machine trial, AN excellent lU'ii'rr for disposal, peacock biow,i gelding, 16 hands, 7 years, up to been /regularly hunted the past 2 seasons sound and .in all kinds of harness; price £ %5JVC^ 21 Io\voi: nvrnev re»naining abroad.—Apply Mr Card, ^1, ^wci Jatliedral-road, Cardiff. *AK""honest pretty Cob,"M hanos, 6 ye^-1•; Ag.iin £ 8; can be seen working any Umi ■ Butcher, 17, Wood-street, Cardiff. BARG aIN Coal Turnout, active horse, 15 hands, 7 ssSSS^toi8^ci»«»a5- BAR(rAli\'S Acrivo Alui'e, 7 years 15 hands bouuc* staunch worker, with good Trohey ana Harness, oarrv 4cTt lot £ 25; also active Hor .e, 5 years. 16 hands, Knltab^e Hnv htavy work, £ 22, warranty given, trial SStoweiI.-&Z. BristoNstreet, oil Church-road. MamOec. N e wpori. — M ^HEAP Pony for Sale, good worker,_4. a bargahi.— (J Spicer, Leckwitb-road, Canton. Cardiil. -^jn d iHOiCE of 3 Ponies, 2 Flat Carts, and Harness, also 3 Cj Traps, sell cheap also Lnd?/'s Bicycle am. good black Retriever Uog, fit to show—Apply alter 1 p.in 12, Moraan-atreet. Xev/town. ( ardiff. ldn for Sale, 13.3. 6 yers; good action, quiet ride and j drive, and sound.—Fisher, Corn Mcrcnant, 1 euarth- road, CardiR. ;(1Il I.10K SaTei cheap, good useful Horse, suit baker or grGGngrocGJ* Waiters, d7» Caiifi6-roftd« wiyn "■ jYOK Sale. trooa Horse in double or single harness, Xj 15.2 havids also good Brake to carry ±9 PeoP'e, and pouble Harness.—Apply W. Ca.Uiays.ja 171 OK Sale, strong hard-working Pony, 13 Hands, cheap. J —Snook and Sonj, Albany road. zbJn FOP. Sale. Scotch Collie (Bitcb).—A pply 31, Turner- road, Canton. Cardiff. I- lnu snip-thickset Welsh Col). 6 years, warranted good ^worker with*'Business Cart, and Harness, in.sound good order lot £ 15 or sell apart; no dealers-16, Plan- taeenet-street, Riverside, Cardiff. 2illL. IlOlt Sale. good Milch Cow, 4 years old. with calf.— X Slocombe, Hendre Cottage, Llandaff. 191n TCXOIT Sale, a Bedlington Puppy Bitch, born January 1} 20th, 1SC0, by My Bov. from Mr Pearson's kennel' Matlock Bridge price 158,-(" Child, Siruet, Breeon. o 11 OR Sale, thick-set Cob, 15 hands, 6 years, warranted good worker, with Business Cart and Harness, price £16, or sell apart; also a Cob, cheap. £6,-Cr083 Inn. Canton, Cardiff. 1710R Sale cheap, Bay Mare. 14,2, fast, no vice.—Ca.pt. Hawkins, 13. Pembroke-terrace. 701n FOR Sale, Competent Hunter, 5 years old, staurch and qnie1i in 0.11 harness, been hunted wIth the Llangibby Hounds, pedigree given on application.— Write L 440, Echo, C- rdiff. ^0n HfiNEST sound Pony, new Flat Cart, and Harness lot £ 9.-14, Havelock-strect. Ternperancetown, t.'ardiff. 22111 if TONEST Cob, 6 years, 13 bauds, Business Cart, and H Harness, £ 13; or sell separately; very cheap.- Appiy 19. Albert-str et. Canton, Cardiff. 94to_ TT40NY. Fiat Cars, and Harness, good as ne\v, price £ 10 Jr also Pony, Trap, and Harness, suit tradesman, iio tudher use; no dealers need Frederick-street, Cardiff. 16n RECIPE.—2s Postal Order, how to make the wildest JH horse follow von like a pet when everybody ClEO tails to manage him.—Lewis. Herbalist, Abergwynf, fr.8.0. "ou-— SALE, BaTHorse and Bay Mare. 15.2 seen wor^ng. —Apply 90. Clive-street, Grangetown. JU"'1 ALi:, CobTn hands, 5 years, sound, quiet ridnand drive.—Dock Hotel, Broadway. 700n TRONti Cob for Sale, clieao good worker rare bar- gain.—Apply 83, Cornwall-road, Sa'tmead. 5:9n rtrcTUoaimer- -CoarTuriTo'"iI7strong built, active, good I workinc horse, splendid long cart, harness, scales, weights, and baskets complete lot £ 15 or sell apa' t Aoply 33. Ciare-street, Riverside, Carc-iu. _.n_ rn"n Tra'dpsmeii"Thickset Welsh Cob, souDd, 6 years, not.^y-APP'gcr. L 1^Gr«en^ree" ott_Canton Bridge. Cardiff, 22U, l oad. CantoiT. — Tinviie-'i. seil cheap: also rinWO I'oi.ics. Trap; 2,Adam- .1. Lady's Bicycle no iuithei use, 17n street, after 5 p.m. — "7 ANTED by instalments, a good W hands high, with Trap.and Harness to match.- IVrite G 132. Echo Offiee. Ca^difT. — Vx7ANTliI>7sii:art strong Pony, 4 to 6 years old; about W 13 hands bay preferred ^°°t action and free from vice, good manner.W.Ue^ s„.a- ing price, to A P22. V.cho Oftiee, Card iff. *Z2m niANTED, good strong Horse, not uuder ia hauils, from 4 to 6 years old; state pnce.-H. Eynon, Grocer. Mountaain Ash, — iOl1(ttl! 1Sirâs. ANY Quantity of Largo White Geese tor Sale.— Canton. — A N Quantltv of Somerset Pullets and Ducks for jnL Sale.—O'Neill, 3, Penypee'-rrad, Canton. IjjlOR Sale, a lot of good Laying Fowls.—Apply H. Bourne. Strawberry Gardens, Llandaff. 97.9n 12* KEY Parrot, red tail, warranted certain talker, 30s \TT month's free trial at my risk.—Restaurant Xorris- holme, Morecambe. fOn for tine blrdsT—- Sanders. 13a. Commgrcial-road. Newport. x?.21n ^uitiiturc "T^TTQuinTity Keco11d-hamf Furuiture or Tradtsrneirs A Surplus ytooks BOURIU for Cn^h best prices send £ tcardP;. businessc^«/%tPrtSTM £ 74, WoodviUe-roa(1* CaraiH, I urniture Dealer and Auc- tioneer. 387n jBimusttc Ariidss. wiehouw?St John's Church-square. Cardiff. 7138 li?n rjnHE Best Se^ij^r.^l^U^t'0,er,seSl^^y^Carr;age Jtât.olI Otigininif- rT,ee- «treetCanluf. purciiaser of H.fRS Hauser. oi.l-riu^ d children's Wardrobes; M Ladies. Ge^7l? Lrdevs punctually attended best prices gur-rarteed orae.» i L-6n KstHlilfshed 1889. — uiate attention. ——- -—- it }iviii«»e-streeti Cardiff, old MRS Gorman. 13 «\Vi1rit,e Buver. yurn-,ture. Dre-.a a -K Bootbs^[i&c T^dici wafted on by appoint.ment.596^ jjchttu.r! -—-—o.rat iroid-casetl keyless.non- a n*rcain.-■$A*- fni'v icwelled fcaontic? 303 A C ^ment.Daris, 6d; 10 years'warranty aPPjidci! 8_d48 St. John's-road. fisiiionablc pattern. 229 6d; approval Willi*1?*?* Brixton. London. .„"Jd renSfe seconds A Bargain.-Ge.nt'd 18 cau.ttg.L beauliful'y A chronograph s.op ^r.:Pv;erer '• ^qVinent — .ewelled movement; ccirrect t» V^.don.157 rantv sacrifice JOs 6d -ivaiworth^o- • — Layis, Pawnbroker, Rodney-roy'. gold Curb "7 Baigain,—Gent's real 1« nvrvai' A Albert, stamped and K^int^0s 6tl; another, heavier, Oouble Ali'frr,l.nrtti, LOE'IOP.J0J_ willingly.—l.'avis, Pawnbroker. eaceyl A Bar"iiin.—Lady's handsome lbct. ^°'1?-1ierl dial, wai A Geneva Wfttcli, beautifully enarnel {ore pay J^ted Yo yeU sacrifice lis 6d approva, Y69 rcent.-Davis. Pawnbroker. Walworth 1^11-— 4~Bar5ain—Elegant marquise irnned-Vt 16 pearls ana turquoise ;5?cl,v,n 76J ^ovg-D^is- 1'iwnbroker, Walwortb. Lo^o^'j^ 1 "Bajrcafa.-0"uri» Chain Bracelet, real 18°^%nrQC^ j\ rri'ti slumped, patl.oek and safety c.iairi, i« -J f>0. wV- saensoe 7s 6i; ditto, heavier, 10s 6d; V ADT'8 handsome 13 carat pold-cased Keyless WatchTfceautifiilly enamelled dial, 10 years va. rantv sacriljce 13s6d also Lady's Lontf Neck or W*tcn. S S IB carat rolled gold, stamp.d and R«M> e,°eat sacrifice, 10s6d anproval before V»«t- -liavlri. p.i.iv;>hraker. V.'f l.vorth, Lvndow X Lovely four-guinea 14c. Solid Go»i,D5 .Ij Wateli; never v^o.'ii; perfect timeiceener 32s 6d; approval vnliingl^.—Dean. Pawnerro^I Granvllle-i'oad, 'Shefiield. 1'iist r>t 1'argjtijis po^t S Ar-VS S.r.Iid IS-caratKoiled Gold Br.icelei.»" -81 c se, price 9s 6d, worth treble I approv r,Qm way, 24, All Sainls road, Lo:idon._}V. "«' I ^a-c^rra l'^afOoid"7KeV'f* j W,vor'U JLi c.\se, Albeit find Chain, ^7s W. wot- w approval.—lissliuOge,50,Kensingion place.lji'r'ooi T>EAL 18 carat, rollod gold /l°"~ Morocco ca^e it and guaranteed, exauis"pavment.-Da^ls. sacrifice 12s 6d; approval beioi^ p yc l'av/iil) rol'er Waiwort Lon-ion. -r;-r "VJ» ii'iirftlsfcony* C/ascio-ro-Ki.—* .CHEAPEST in ^'c^ton.TDiamond Riug. only 30s. O^iVaiT-ina^ked GO d Kj.*n^s_f.«m3s Pui'ditf."—I"1' CHLady^banSsomo long go! Chain, only 3 guineas -T-—: <«/• in Card'if.—inf^eistone, — CH^e/ior Electro-Plated 6-boU-le Cruoi, only 5^ lid. Cardiff.-FliKelstOJic. Castte-road, for CvT'^1 Knives. Forks, Spo_ons, by Baywoo^Sbefflejd. ^•Tri*pp«rtTln "cartiiiv.—Viigelstone, Cast-lc-r.iai' HaU^iarked^Lodies' Go'd i>ress Rings, from3s 6d._ (-nTi k"A PEST ^n^^Card ill'.—!• gclstone, CHSi.le-roa"d. for J bargains.1—Silver Watches, warranted, from 5s. >"S7i"K-viPESX in Cardiff.-Fiigelstone, Castle-road,— Cv Gent's 9ct. Hall-marked heavy Carb Albert, only 53s. >SuiSAPEST in Cardiff.— i'.igelsione, C»stlo*road.— V^Lac'y's handsome 18ct. Gold Watch, cost Hj, only 50s. /VHEAPEST in Castle-road, for- \j'Zi■■.dies' Silver Watches from (is Sd.Silver Alb3ir.s.3s6d. CitiEAPESX in Oaratff.—Fiigelsioue, Castle-ro.id, ior I bargains.—Gents' heavv Silver Curb Alberts, 5s. ("CHEAPEST in Cardiff.—j''iigel3tone, Castle-road.— jGeais' Gold Alberts from30s: Ladies'Gold Mberts,15s. J"1 iiEAl'iiST in Cirdiff.— I'iige.'stone, Castle-r ;ad.— X_^Lady's handsome Silver Watch, cost 45s. only 10s 6d. ("1hC\PES'L' in Cardiff.—Klh oisione, Castle-road, for j WatclieLady's Gold Watch and Albert, 50s. ("V- E\P1 ST in CavdilT.—i'liyelstone, Caftie-road — ^Nickel Clocks, Is 6<t; Alarms. Is 11.jd hundreds sold. /:1 KE'\l'J'.STin Cardiff.—I'ligelstone, Casiie-ioaa. for XJ bargains.-Ladies' Gold Bangles from 6.; 6,1- Castle-road.— V/Ladles' Gold Brooches from bs silv. r Brooches, Is. /Ylf'EAJ'liST'of all Advertisers, Fligelso^nc, Castle- V/'rcail.Kiigl 1 shLeversfrom 15s; Si'verl.i-vi.rs/roin d)s. Ii Cutki'i} /llllNA Set, Uockingtiaui. ftc.—Rawest Shapes and nJtl>ecorat:ons Best 'and Seconds; try '>ur Sample Crate. £ 3 China Sec >nds, white and gold, Is per doz.; Crates of Seconds and Lump China ready Packed m small and large crates also Seconds Sot and Rooking, ham Teapots. Succiaiittes ior 6Jd Bazaars. Illastrateli list free.—Boyai China Co.. Stafford-street. Longlon, Start 245n y 1H1K A and Earthen wai'3 Seconds, china cups, saucers, VJbowis, plates, jugs. Ao.. all gold decoration. Is Id per • Imlidsome toilet, dinner, tea, ami breakfast sets ia great variety hawkers'largo cheap crtte, oontaui- ing about 1,000 articles,42s 6d. Write iuf iree 'dustrated lists. See beginners'crate with free tea set. Aiwhu lluli, Kiug-st.reet Pottery. Longton. Staffs. jl_ V tli'J'LERY (steriiug silver ilal.-niKiKec. roounteui.— \J 11nsoiied 10-guinea Serviee. 25s cd; 12 iAtge. s:ua !'nn«s, Carvers, pnd Stsel, mas'.ivo ivory i,ndies, heavily silver-mounted: apywal. M'SS Diumtnond. 55. llii.ndl'orth-i'oad. .omloii, vv THS LECXKO-plate.—Ciruets, Jelly Dishes. Cake Bas-iets, ili Tea and Coffee Sets. Ac., Ac., in all the lali^t de. signs, at lowest possible pnees.iend direct to facturer for illustrated sheet. lul1-tr»d"vcPp ironmongers, ievvpllers. merchants, a!id geaeral dealer^. —C, F. Heckfoi^Ge^r,^st £ eet; Parade.JBirmhagham^ii MPOBTANT.—Table Knives, 5-guinea Set, 12 large. 12 small -Meat Carpers and Steel, with e ivory handles, accept 10s 0d approval free.-lWiss Caai ton. 31. Ciapliam-road, London. S.w Zll_ ILVElUplated A). quality Spoons ana f'or^' Sscrvice for 29sGd 12 each table,dessert spoons.forus a!?o teaspoons (GO pieces). aUver-plated ou moto si ei. 81 am M ad^ ma it e r's ^lwMal^: ^unsoiled. approva 3R.tttttbitží. iPtUKE for Pi'es —-Perfecs Cuie guaranteed in mo3i C stubborn cases post free '.is 3d. 4s 6d.-La T robe, Cnemlst, St. Michael's Hill, Bristci. 63"n C—UBE for Asthma.—No case should be given; up as in- J curable unci! this remedy hus been tried. A tual will convince the most sceptical of its undouo.ed effl cacy. Post free 3s.—Martyn Hughes, Pharmaceutical Chemist, St- David's. Pem. | ISisaoita ixut dDoUieru iitrjiusnfs. ?T001>"Sec0nih»nd Coal Waggons wrv.ited fw c^sh. or \3T replaced bv new ones.—Cardiff Rolling SvOt.k Co., East Moors, Cardiff. a4Jr_ EAILWAY Waggons"built for cash or deferred pay- ments materials and wornmansmp gu»^n«e«i. i<> now waggons In course of construction toft.W.o,. speci fication for prompt delivery inom^ Mills, Railway iontnir. Llaindloes^orthJVValf:s. 915j "b">A1LWAX WAGONS for Hire <« sale. Cash if l"i deferred payments.-The Midland railway Car riage and Wagon Company. Lunded. -didland vl.r.rk BirniincnaiiK iUaxijtneriL Cools, &t. h.pT; fcornisiinoiler ?2ft long by 5jft. diameter, with fire-bars, funner, a„d a!i mountings complete; New and Second-hand Vertical Bo! lers. 2 Portable Engines. 1 Scremns SUchine, 9 Pircu T.1' Saw iisnches, 28in. and uBiii. saws, 2 Sueani Hiimme's 3 Vertical Double-cylinder Engines, 5in. by 8i i with. "5k motion, 1 Chandler's High Spaed Engine 7 n 'bv9iD. cylinder,4 bars Staffordshire Iron, 16ft. oy Y,v xgin. 6 tons Swedish Bar Iron, assorted, 5 tons Round Bar Steel, 3 tons small Angle and Bar Iron, Second-hand Tanks. 1 Steam Sieenng Gear.-Apply to Barrett and Co., Engineers, Cardiff. LOr. Sale. Brazing Forge and Blowpipe, practically JO new. including vices.—Collins, Cycle Works. Nevilie-street. 960n j" OCOAlOXrVli Tank Knglncs new; 14in. by 20In.; j 4.wheel and 6-wheel: eql1al to main line engir.es. —Avon sir; e Engine Co.. iSCOND-haiid Silent Sausage ?Ir1.chine wanteil.— i3 ttead particulars to V 270, Eeho Office, Cardiff. 27Qn ANTED." .-niall Vertieal Boiicir and Engine, about W 271, Echo, Cardiff. 27ln «; AN TED, Second-hand Silent Sausage Machine and Y? Filler: Gardiner's preferred.—Denning. Meteor- stieet. Cardiff. 919n QHABLBU Jy jpHILLIPS ENGINEER, IRONFOUNDER, MACHINERY MERCHANT, &c.. NEWPORT, ThION. Some of my Specialities ENGINES and BOH.ERS of Every Description. MACHINE TOOLS ami all Engineers'. Collieries, and Ironworks requirements. LOCOMOTIVES,PORTABLE ENGINES, and ail FJnds of MACHINERY LET on HIRE or PURCHASE-HIRE on Favourable Terms. ELECTRICAL PLANT and FITTINGS of EVE MY DESCRIPTION Agent for KIRCHNER AND CO.. WOOD WORKING MACHINERY. 1174 parting. fire, as new, in It seae take 55s would be cheap a £ 5 3pt¡rovf>.I.- l; 22, Echo' Cardiff^ 22n_ 4STAVPED. IC-hore Double. Breeciiloader Gun, good condition, cheap-—A 964, Echo Oiflee, CardiiT.264n Jfor -^lisceUaitfiouB, A Lovely Set of Baby's Loug Clothes, embroidered; A unused; SO articles; 21s; approval.—Mrs Mai, Chase. Nottingham. b2n ABK Linen, complete set, everything necessary, never used cost over £ 3. take 30s approval,—P 20. e Cllrt- 2011 ARGAINT—Choice Rose Trees for Sale, after 5 p.m.— 43, Beda-road, Canton. 272n C- "SaclIfEO W^ERS, Bd doz.; Parsnips, 3s 3d cwt. j Carrots. 2s cwt., on rail; splendid stuff; bags 2d,- erat;.s 2s extra, returnable.—Johns, 31, Avon-street, Evesham. 796n >TlDEif.-150 Hds. Prime Devonsliire Cider for Sale by Si also few tons Cooking Apples.-Cbas. Pitts, Garlandhayes Barton, Cullompton, Devon. 12811 COUNTERS (4 ioJSfU, Living Van, Benches. Stoves Ladders, Trucks, Wheels, Showcases, obeds, Garden t ran.1 s, &c.—Bial:J, Cathays, Car^if.. n TiTUCGANT Sable Mink Necklet, with bushy Russian Ihi i8ils, alFo handsome sable Mink Muff, matching; perfectly new together 12s Ed. worth 4 guineas great rCai r, ¥ ^np rnvftl.—Beatrice^ 1.C la phum-ror d.London .n ffTilELD Race, or Marine Glasses, 8 powcriul binocular F achromst c lenses, 25 mile range, iitted eyeshades wonderfully clear, in leather sling case handsome 4 guinea pair, quite uew. for 9s 6d approval willingly. Davis, 6, Grafton-square, Clapnam Common. London, n UjilELD Marine, or Race Glass, 25 miles range astro- Fnomicallenses, solid'leatheroaw scos^Ma un- fioiled accept 7s 9o approval fiee.—Miss P., Pool s. 25, Bonverie-street^E.C. —. HH ritc'r riVss Tailor has two sujierior Serge Suits left T?on hand • Jacket shape. 34 chest, 31 leg inside, also 38 ^iest" 32 leg i take 25s each! worth 55s each.- O 19, Echo. Cardiff. sale Pitclipine Logs, i- und Soft-, lei.'gths, lOin. Fto 12 in. square, and Spruce Battens in 4ft. lengths, -s- v 2in.; only used once—Prices quoted on'^pphcatlon to James Allan, Contractor, wWviile- road, Cardiff. 'sTTvpSale'the Contents and Utensils of a lodging- -house'; the House to Let if required.-Apply 1,0, King-street- Bry nmaivr. d — rr'i—ut Greenhouse Heating Apparatus, I\o. 3oft-of "• Pi%r .u'iv 51. <'npway^^d. canron. io:[;r:e.S¡Z9 Ha,lillta.n(_j, YOWI House. :¡'oJs. — 0Tmnstliew. will sell to immediate I.« Hn^i1 Itav for —Apply HAV.-M tons lrl,licl„[r! 20011 Price, Stores, —_ — — —1rw soifndHt clover, II Je meadow i!iJO.-EV'I\DS, RM'\<;i' — — 0*at(^, Xi.^c TiiON Hurdles, ContinuOPj.tal paliaadine and 1 <luards, Kenisf.l ntuhng, Ornwoeuwr^ CR,ementgt Entrance Gates, Y>'ire Netting. Wweut City Iron 'u7isl\fs. and Ufneral Iron Wort. Jo oOVenirrient Works, Birmingham, Contractoi 'o County Co'.ii- and the principal Railway Coiur6l;,Cb' j0 ells &c. —.—— Wh„,Bul:eri°" quality; never worn; very cile'Vsl!11'" ^ithyn^ad. Fallowfleld, Jlanchester. ^ksrSatinsT Brocades, or Wveto Pew- 1W vi'^pe pieces, is 6d small. 60 prints Libertv Av"?nd,e Kemr.ants and Plcces li fact or V Materials), 23 6(1 carriage paJ<l 31, CI— 81'&l'kbOkOÐY ef..url1-'1d,-Iiove, 31, CI— SAchireh"^°>w'" £ TP^d^ ^Tr,T^r- -~e2t to 13arriieks. O Lady oWerskrIa?niy £ S 15S| imP0;'tant ^ar';a^rr lp-ngtli.fashioual.iE vf/,K^ea,ski" Jacket, thl'ee-qoaiter ate casu £ 6 10a i'"ed, perfectly new. Ciapham-i-oaa. I o'ndon. RPProvftl.—Dorothy^a. S^wiles^notm^thlaC?1'^ n O Marina Glass, very oip^ Bhiocular. Field, Itact'. lenses, 30 miles ran^a K1" 8 Powerful achromatic Gd approval.—Eavis, PawnbrSv^ sacrlflco 16s "r .r I( i".nt.s:G"6ntle';I\V.Oth.J,r\O! '< coats, rerge. vicunas, an,i /S.en ? Suits nndOver- never worn, 25s cashoriustalirSm atcjt patterns, chased state re<iuiretnens,vii^ ■ Wardrobas pur* Dorset-square, N.W. ")bon. 16, New-street, t"j*0.000ft. Dunnage Boards, Seantiir,™ "t Cog\vood, Grain Bags ami Mats ol' ^f^wood, and and Sons, Kn stand West Docks,Caiir s,~S,laP- 6>lf 6d.—OeuWemeu, for this i^Toewe" la9n /W Black Coat and Vest in Herge or Vi'l 0 a sl'leridid with silk and beautifully made; ve-T„V"ua» Pitched Patterns and particulars post free.—l,rice 35s. Rradfocci. e Woollen Co., I ^Iliscsilanenus. — "T^SXROLOGY.—All important eveirts"itrilftTf; — A marriage, partner described, childr'nf tourneys, legacies, planet. Ac.; send birth i w 5'38' envelope.—Cole, 30, Che.^S' 12 'i.l.ce,Brighton• Sussas. s f K OL OV1Y. E vc ry ImporLmt event ii 'your <-u",r .except death) plainly foretold by Lady Abtrolt. J-v„ hTrtii date. V. stamp?, stamped cnvelope.-CeH? 5^' r''irvt-itrcet, Brighton. Strictly private. Immedu'to :.fniW 5,<ln Phrenol ogy.—M adaoae Proctor, eer«l "P hiotcd prao«tion?r,-17, Y'haitoivstreet, Cardiff J its mess JUtasass. .V0i 1OIIS /-lilillCnilS *E ? of Childreno Whooping Cough, Measles, Coughs, Colds, and Chest Complaints, c:= í-) /f.Ÿ<I?! r:WB:! -'=-7.<¥f.i ,i(tr ;¿, ,¡ SI ■ mdk 'S CV iiA r 1 Misirt0 H i V 1 "f!l I •;i> 1 if I "'i p /I I Mr) I I f I p 1 OLIVE AND ERNEST BRADFiELD. I (From a Pliotograi h.) rteginalci House, 4, Marlborough Terrace, Queen's Road, Buckiand, Portsmouth, February 18th, 1899. Dear Sirs,—We cannot speak too bighly of your Scott's Emulsion. My children having whooping cough very bad indeed the beginning of last year, I was advised to uss Scott's Emulsion. We got a large bottle, and by the time they had taken it we could see a great im- provement, and after taking three more bottles the cough was gone. The beginning of last November the children had the measles. I again used Scott's Emulsion, and I am pleased to say that, thanks to the Emulsion, they are to-day well and hearty. If at any time they should be suffering from a cough or cold we should always give them Scott's Emulsion, for we think it is the finest preparation for coughs or chest complaints, and we strongly recommend it to any- one we know. It is most pleasant to the taste, and our children, ark for it. We are forwarding you photographs of our two children, Olive four years and te-a months, and Ernest three years and six months. Yours truly, (Signed) 33. W. BRADFIELD. > It ctu hardly be expscted that children will 1;8" maladies, and Scott's EmnlRion strikes at always lie free from the maladies common to this root by aiding diction ;mrt enriehin the growth and yet it ie not too mnch to say that v'i'h. lhe Dfopertiea of food that make Lh i. aid 01 S«.'» cliildren «re spared many phases of illness that otherwise form of cod-liver oil. It is /!} idplss thev would be subjected <o. Growth makes the nw«et to the taste, and does greatest demand upon food, aud it is largely not in any way tax digestion. fX&f ^4k because the ays'.em is no" able to derive sufficient It combines the hypophos- £ fjOjffiflP nourishment thut children lose vitality and are phites of lime aud soda and M co»',eqnontly a-proy to illness giyceri»'e in proportions not ^-nnP Scott's Branlsion has many U3es in the house- found in any other remedy, k Y>l\ bold. It is a specific for conghs, colds, bron- and the only way yon CRn K //1 chitis, and all similar ail", ctions of throu^ and Cierive all of the benefits pos- J j J Iripirr.-j. In fact, it is the bast specific which c*n be fible to derive from these re- "vf pit employed for these ailment-, becanse it not only medial agents is to in»ist upon relieves the loc-U ffections, but brings to the purchasing only the genuine ^S^p>>25» ayutem the resistive power which is necessary to Scoit's on, which ma.y TRADE MARK. mak« a care permanent. bo distinguished by our trade mark on the Bnt there are more setions phases of wasting wrapper of every bottle. in children, ior which Scott's Emulsion is alao You can obtain a sample of Scott's Emulsion specially adapted. These are snch diseases as by sending thr- epence m stamps to Scott and rrckets and uiara.srous, and a tendency to con- Bowne, Limited, 95, Great Saffron-bill, London, anmption. Malnutrition is at tha root of all E.C., and mentioning this paper. 8997 — —■ — DRUNKENNESS Cured —This can ha done with or without patient's knowledge. Sendftne a stamp ana I will teli TOU how. (Send no Jnoney.)-Addresli Mrs W. N. (Room e). 195- Oxford-stree;. London, W. 6957 M_ A'J'RIMOISY.—Photograph future husband or wife. with position. Is 6d one year's events, Is 6d; 5 years', 3s 6d life chart, Vs 6d sex. birth time.—Prof. Lisle. Meikstiam, AVilt3. 15Tci VlTMsuiTer. when >ou can obtain free advice and V V usce-slul treatment from the Institute of Heath (J.C.Moray and Co.), 10,Feathers lone Buildings.London ? iS A. X H E It E A X 3 IS K ;i FEATHERS FOR BEDS. Why buy common shoddy Wool Beds when you can get Best ENGLISH EEA.THER3 at 6d per lb •arriage paid ? Warranted dry and sweet. Feather Beds made to order. Send for samples and price list to }I HAND1 AND CO 1HATJIEH MERCHANTS, iSMT WELSHPOOL NORTH WALES. H40 f $it8«Uiuw0us WCants. O' LD Artificial Teeth Houuhi; best price3 si ven; money sent return post; it price not accented teetli returned.—W. Pearse. MJ-ovham-rtl.Holloway.London.n HARE.S and lieVien.ureu wanlod that arc, uu uiclcd, but dividend paving quick purchaser if enc-ap no commission required being the actual buy ei .-W rtto, lovvest price, to Buyer, at Shelley's, ^8. Graceciurch- street. B.C. 17S7 ANTED to Purchase, good Second-hand Marine > Y Chronometer; price must be low.—Wrue, stating lowest nrlce, maker's name', and number, to !• 3J6, Daily News, Cardiff. ;)?6n ANTED, tiinrt person to Adopt healthy ISab.v i-oy, age 8 months; no piemium.—T i'8, Daily Newa, Carol IT. T ANT]ID, clc-ti, Emptv Apple and tlour RarreR— V V Cardiff Alkali Comnany, Limited, t a-di«- l -.n ^loncn. ADVANCES granted promptly and privately to Re- sponsible persons and to thos-i who are entitled to irouc" or property at the death of relative., in.ej.estj from 4 per cent, per annum prompt attention Kiver. to aU applications.—Mr Parch, 15, Dover-street, Piccadilly, London. JTioR Loan,, on Note of Hand. Easy Repayments, 1.1.: Try the Finance Company. Ltd., 149. Ponarth-road. Cardiff. Herbert Rimer, Manager, n O RTG AGE S.—S. Hern and Pert wee, St. Mary-stveot Cardiff, Mortgage and Insurance Brokers, hav« numerous sums immediately available for i'rocholfls I^aseh olds. Reversion a. and Life Interests. 1019 ERSONS Josirotis of PtireltmE;in, or Mortgaging P Houses" or other Properties muy borrow three- fourths of the actual Talue at 4 to 5 per cent.—Write in- vestor, Echo. Cardiff. I41l-460n "r>2SO,UUO to j .end by the Provincial llnlou u»nitiii sums 3Cj of £ 10 to £ 500, on Note of Hand alone, or on auy seaurlty. at a few hours' notlco to all classes in sny part of the country; repayable byoasy instalments; with and without sureties; no delay. This old-estau- lished Bavik floes the largest business! in the.kingdom.- Write or call upon tU« Manager. Mr Stanley Dowdlng. 1 Queen-square, or Messrs Wilkinson and Working-street. Cardiff. 635 938■> "?»I0 to £ l-i,0U7) I.en I, Privately without bo^Osmeu oc 3u sureties of any kind to »H responsible parsons on note of hand alone, and at very reasonable interest. No loan offlce fees or formalities and no^preliminary oharces whatever. Strictest privacy observed,swa honest «rd straightforward dealings guaranteed. Listance no ob eet. Repayments arranged to suit borrowers con. venieiice Jjitcnding borrowers should vvtHeoi. call at oucSre applying « lsewhere; tI.IJd.mny r.ly on imlllEl; diate nttantlou to their rea'V'nieats fiC-n 3;!90 ^,yk^oad.Montpolh>r.Bvi^ol 1A O N l'l X i* Ii O M I1 '-i- — NO iVl To responsible persons I am prepared to advance from £ 10 to £ o,080 P"!?0'1 j hand alone. No bondsmen or security varices also made npon J? arn!jre' without j.iuoval. Ail cwiindeiices strotlyresy.cU^ Would vs.if, on customer lf ie<intred and jnaKS ft-'ivRnce immediately. Call or write to ,¡va lice immediately. Call or write to MR J. NO't'LKT. Ttoctp.dalo House, 10. Zrtlftnd-roaa. Bristol. I mHK CHARING- CROSH BANK i^ _1G7° i 2»,Bedford-street, Charin-cro6s I^don->v- Assets, £ 512,475. Liabilities £ 209,475. 3ietHerve, /J303,090 Loans of fibO to £ 5,000 made on any class of security. 2J per cent.interest al lowed on cun cn t acconnt^ JJeposits of £ 10 and upsvarusrace;ved as uuoen 5*,t per ann subject to 3 months'notice of withdrawal S*/o I, •« 7Special terms for lonser periods. Interested qnar tieXbe Terminable deposit bonds pay nearly 9 per cent.. »nd area safe investment. Wgrite or call for Prospectu^ WILrJAMS Manager 1t.IONY PBOVmiX AND PRlVATHLY aod'»tt^*sx l. 'fJ<mliS I [lilt 'f,f.)NI)ON AND WRTSTOI. MRRC^NVWi' y,TlVMTEl» Iliuløtel'l under ComLsoulen Aot*. '«W'M )WI RAT DWIK-«'1-Vi01i't', '91 uum mmti ?iro Note of Timid or on Life Insnrance 1 olloics. «o iireehoid and I.easeboia 'H0 l0nK ui every desariptlon. Written guar interest Is pftlrt* NoH'll^otk hfla*v ratcfJ of Miteoas to privacy given U reattlred. ,1*9»»»" r«efi Interest charged. Forms, givlog all carHoulavs, KM. htMan ger. 3338 417n "TMPOKT A.NT to THOSEWHOSUFF^R-t J. Boston's I.X.TJ. PLUS FECK., complications. Also gravel and the' P?ost free lor 4s from Cr. D. Korfcon, M-P-S- ;■«" General Hospital), ifcioo-road >jorMi, bttw Ay witsCardiff—K. Mnmford, Chemise, We-cor_ sU:ecc, SoiofclancLs. and Casfele-roi- ci, Wills, Chemist. Swansea—Lloyd, ChemisUOX'- street. Ilewport young. Chemist, High-strG"1 Pontypritid—Oliver Davies. Chemist :iiBlcfsteecfc._KJB ~Hna never been known to fail, ett-or-. siaTOT'- *• rTeass namA napcr; — «« r?ow, TAT.KTNG ABOUT F E A T H E R T) ED S. -a' DID YOU EVER HEAR OF SAM TAYLOR ?" Here's a man who has spent a lifetime in handling Feather Beds, and what he doesn't know about them really isn't worth kuowiDg, Well, read what he offers as a specimen of what he can do in this line. Ho offers- A Full-sized 6ft. 6iu. by 4ft. 6io. Feather Bed (picked, purified, downy FOR feathers), with Bolster aud 2 Pillcws g to match, complete, weighing 60!bs. the lot (ticluog of pure Barnsley linen, waxed inside). As good"M bed as any ONIJY. one need wish to lay on. Packed and delivered c&rr. fres within 10 miles for 24s. WBAT COULD BE BETTER OR CHEAPER. Over 200 of these beds sold within the last few months to delighted customers. Sand for one at once. Money returned in fall if satisfac- tion not given. Bcdi despatched same day as order received from London Warehouse or direct from Cardiff. Samples of Feathers and Ticking, with Illustrated Price Lists, sent free on application. SAM TAYLOR knows tho goods cannot be miitchpu at the price in the whole realm. HE SIMPLY DEFIES COMPETITION. He de- pends upon testimonials and Repeat Orders to make this advertisement pay. Send for Catalogue Honsehold Farnitnre. A perfect Eye Opener! Why ? Because Sam TayloÙJia the only shop in Cirdift who sells for cash and does no Hire System, No bad debls. No paying for people who never pay at all. No Limited Company. One shilling in the £ allowed off all goods. All goods delivered free any distance by van or rail. NOTE THE ADDRESS b2. SAM TAYLOR, CANTON BEDDING WAREHOUSE, 46 & 48 COWBRIDGUE-ROAD, ^JARDIFF, CANTON TRAMS PASS TEIEJDOOR. 1317 LONG WREN TOU ASK FOR TONIC T PTMS TONIC LUNG (VVBRIDGE'S TONIC r'nrvi TIUNCt TONIC LUN§ A £ JP, £ £ nis YOU GET IT TONIC LUNG TONIC f'UNG IT NEVER FAILS TONIC r £ ?S? Kstablished 25 Years. TONIC ijUjrla TONIC i'HSS" ^V33 TOU A COUGH ? TONIC r A DOSE WILL KELIEVE IT. TONIC LUr!G TONIC „HAVF, YCD A OOLD? 'J'ONIO LUNG A DOSE AT BEDTIME WILL TONIC LUNG REMOVE IT. TONIC LIJNG TONIC kUNU Try it also for TONIC WHOOPING COUGH. TONIC LUNG for ASTHMA, for BRONCHITIS, TONIC LU>.G for TONIC LUNG INELUENZA. TONIC LUNG- -—— TONIC L JNG I have much pleasure in testify- TONIC LUNG ing to tho effect of your Lung TONIC LUNG Tonic. I have taken it for years TONIC LUMG and always found it a certain cure TONIC LUNG for coughs. I have recommended TONIC rJUNG it to many people, and they tell me TONIC LUNG it has done them more good thuu TONIC LUNG auy other cough medicine they TONIC LUNG have takel1.DAVID LEK, Bnru- 'i.'ONlC LUNG ham, Essex. 1.110NIC LUNG I cannot refrain from sending TONIC LUNG yon a line of testimony to the good TONIC LUNG 1 have received from your Lung TONIC LUNG Tonic. For some years I had suf- TONIC ,LUNG fered with a most awful couffli. TONIC LUNG- You; Tonic has effected a 'j'ONIC LUNG perfect ojire."—LOUISE DANOE, TONIC "LUNG Bath-strer.-t. Poplar. TONIC LUNG ——— TONIC LUNG Prepared by W. T. OWBRIDGE, TONIC .LUNG Chemist, Hull. Sold everywhere, in TONIC i LUNG Bottles, at lilld. 2s Sd, 4;;fcd. and "e fc MfNG Hs. 13711 ilCS TONIC lATH AND 1)1STRICTiJILL POSTING COM PA N V—Late T. WaU. Offices;—A SSBMBLY-KOOMS, NRATH nager :-J. W ROBINSON. Lepseesrvad ViroprietOES of'the besi.Poattng StaXioHS, 111 N""i, XI50

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"'d.______d____-' ! "JUSTIUE"…


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-__---_-----------BARRY RATEPAYERS…




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