MONEY MARKET. S I LODOX, Thursday. The Money Market has been without any Special feature, but has been much stronger. No change has been made in the Bank rate, which remains at 3 per cent. Not much has been dona to-day. Money was not too plentiful, and rates were firmer than those praviousy quoted. Short loans can be had at 2 to 2b po,' cent., and three months bills are discounted at 2g per cent. Paris Cheque Exchange is 25,2721. Berlin shorts, 20'45. The Bank of England return shows that money is less plentiful, and that the Bank is gradually securing a firmer hold over the outside market. There is a decrease in other deposits of £ 2,297.899. with aa increase iu public denosita of £ 1,956,745. Reserve hs* arained £ 139,924, bullion bavins? increased £ 345,059, a:id note circulation £ 205,135, whilst rhs 'proportion to liabilities has increased from 46'28 to 47*26 per cent. The Stock Exchange business has been much quieter. There has been some excitement, and a disposition to realise has been apparent. Move- ments in prices have been somewhat irregular, but the markets as a whole cannot be described as weak. New Consols closed at 93 13-16 to 58 15-16 for de- livery, and 93 15-16 to 99 1-16 for account; Old I 3 per Cent.. 100 to lGO-g Reduced 3 per Ceut., 3 per Cent., 100 to lGO-g Reduced 3 per Ceut., 10CJ to 101i New per Cunt. (Childers'), 99 to 100 New 2g cer Cent., 95a to 864 Local Loan Scock, 103 to 104. In Foreign Bonds realizations have weakened prices to some extent, but have not led to any preat change. A slight fall is noticed in Egyptian. Russian, Spanish, and Greeks were hardly so good, but the reaction is in no case important. Central anÖ: South American issues were quiet. Egyptian fell 3 16; õo, Daira, i Greek 1881 and 1384, & Hungarian 1381, 3 Peruvian 1870, a 1872,1 16 Portuguese, Å; Russian 1373,2 Spanish,7-16; Turkish, Group 3. à; do. Group 4, 1-16; Uruguay, 5 per Cent., j do. 6 per Cent., H and Costa Risca, A and B, Argentine 1881 aud Treasury rose 1 do. Interna! Gold Loau; 2 Brazilian 1883, 1: dc. 1886 and 13?9, Buenos Ayres 1882, 1886, and 1883, 1. A firm market prevailed for heavy English Railways, notably North-Western and North- Eastern, buying being based on a, belief in an early division of otdiuary stocks. Southern Deferred were ratner weak at times on realisations, but closed steadier, otherwise very little appeared to be passing. The result of the past week's I working- on 17 principal lines of England and Scotland is an increased traffic of £ 59;508, goods showing a gain of £ 32,894, and iias^engers of £ 26,614. Huli and Barnsiey fell i North British Ordinary, i; and ditto Preference, g. CaIe" ilonian rose i; Great Western, I Chatham Preference, i N,)rtli-Westerr, !i Midland, k; South-Eastern A, 3 Lancashire and Yorkshire, Brighton Preference, 1; Sneilieid Preference, 1. Shropshire Union, b and Taft Vale, 4. I A quiet business was doing in Indian Railways, without any special change. South Indian fell. I The Grand Trunk Market opened quiet, but steady, although traffic was hardly so good as last ) teek, the actual increase being £ 7,218. The jlose was weak. Canadian Pacific Shares were a ihade better. Grand Trunk Ordinary fell 5 do. First and Second Preference, i do. Third Preference, g do. Guaranteed, J. Canadian Pacific Shares rose i, Mexican (Vera Cruz) Railways were again atrong on speculative purchases. Nitrate Issues were firmer. Mexican rose i; do. First Prefer. ence, í do. Second Preference, js Lombard, a, There was again a quiet market for American Railways, with some irregularity in speculations. Pacific issues are being quietly absorbed, but there is too much uncertainty respecting the future to stimulate speculation, although the general opinion unquestionably is that an important advance is promised in she near future. Chicago I and Milwaukee fell i; Denver Preference, i Lake Shore, £ New York Centra., g and New York Ontario, iI, Erie Shares rose k; Penn- sylvania Shares, i; Wabash Ordinary.Prefareace, and General, 1. Banks.-An¡.;lo.Egyp iao rose i; Bank of 4 British Columbia, 5 Bank of British North America, 1; London Joint Stock, 5. Imperial Ottoman fell 1-16; Kong aud Shanghai, 2. G..s.-European rose g do. New, 5. Insurance.-Royal I nsurance rose 3. Telegraphs.—Eastern Extension rose i Cuba, 4; Eastern Preference, i; Globe Preference, J. Tramways.—Sheffield rose 3. Waterworks.—Tar;*paca fell £ Miscellaneous.—Rciyal Mail tell 1. Aliioprp 4g per Cent. Debenture rcse 1 East and We-L I India Docks 4 per Glent. Debenture, 1 Catalina Warehouse and Mole Company of Buenos Ayres 5 per Cent. Debenture, 1^ India Rubber, Gutta Perch.1, and Teie.^rapu Works,$• National Safe Deposit, j; Santa Luisa Nitrate, i Taltal, i; Intern ational Fiaaacial Land, i; Safe Deposit, Santa Luisa Nitrate, i Taltal, k; Intern ational Fiaaacial Land, i; Union Discount of London, i; Railway De- benture Trust 5 perr Cenc. Danpature, 2; Railway Investment Deferred, Nerbudda Coal and Iron, g, Alumin mm A declined i. Sia Pablo Nitrate declined >'j SAH Union, j. Mines.—Cape Copper rjse 1.16, to 5 316 Don Pedro 5 16, to 1-5 Mason and Barry 1-16, to a 8 13-16 Mosma u 2s to 143 Mysore Gold J, to 5 7 16 do. Gold Field* 1-16, to 1 9-16; Onta 1-16, to 2?; Rio Tintoi, to 207-16; St Augustine Is,to 12*; Tha.-sia 1-16, to 5|. Cailao Bis fell 1«, to IQH; 9 Copiapo 116, to 3i; Colombian Hydraulic 3-16, to lj Iqmtjue Suver to 2 pm. Libiola g, to 4i; Nairwqu.a j, to 3 Nundydroog 1-16, to 1| j Pa hang Corporation g, to 6 Sicilian Copper Is to 6s Tetuan Is 61, ~o 15s Oa Beers A, to "A xd New Jagersrontem i, to 15i Lon- don and Orange Free State P]xplora:ion uou and Orange Free State P]xplora:ion Company t, to 5i; Imperials 1.16, to 916 Orientals J, to 21 Pigg's Peak 1-16, to l Horo Exploration CompaDy 3 16, to If Aurora i. to H Baistjes i, to 3; Bixley ii, to lj Black Rtsef à, to la Bothas 3-16, to 1 1-16 Central tiing,a,-L,te, 3 16 City and Suburoan 4, to 12 Crown Reef §, to 10 xd De Villiers 2, to 66 Durban Roouepoort k, to 8f Evelyns 5, to l/erreiras 1, to 25 Golu Fields of South Atriop k, to 3 15-16; Golden Kopje g. i to 3-i Henry Nourse 3, to 10 Johanuesourg Pioneer 1, to 11: ( ^jubilp»i ;t, to 85 Jumpers 2, to 171 xci King Solomon's A, to 1; Lauglaagtes 3-16, to 4 7-16 x all; Mainreef 1, to 3<k; Moss J. tij 5-j Salisbury 2, to 34 xd Simmer and Jacis to 103 Spes Bona 3, to 4j Stanhope §, to 7 United Langlaagte tc 2|; VVemmers to 14|; Wolhuters to 4^ aud Griqualand West advanced t, to 6.. Indian Exchanges are quoted :-Bank bills, 60 day,, Is 4id; 30 days, Is 4 7.1M: demand, b d. Private bills, 60 days, 1-1 4 1-161 3U days, Is 4 3-161 demand, Is 4 5-16d. Rupee Piper 4 per Cent., 66J to 6ój; do. 4 per Cent., 70s to 701. The total amount of bills and cheques which passed through the bankers'clearmg-house curing I •he week ended February 6th was £ 162,735,000, against £ 119,407,000 iast year. Under r.'ie style of the Ketchau (Pahang) Cor- po ation, Limited, a company has been formed to acquire be very valuable mining and other rights granted by concession direct from H,H. the Sultan vi Pahang over the entire district of Kat- chan, mtheScate of Paiiang,ou the eastern side of the Malay Peninsula to exploit, develope, and work the mines and minerals under the property to take on lease, grant, or licence any other properties in the State of Pahang, and to carry on the business of planting, and to farm, improve, and cultivate the surface of the lands of the ^orp'.rntion from time to time. The capital is £150,000, in 150,000 shares of J31 each. A perusal of tae prospectus will show tuat the corporation has exceedingly bright prospects before it. [KEUTES'S TELEGRAMS. J PARIS, Thursday.—The Bourse was quiet, and inchued to easier prices. Rentes receded from 7i j to 15c both for money and account. BERLIN, Thursday.—There was less business doing on to-day's Bourse, ind gales to realise profits preponderated. VIENNA, Thursday. There was not much animation on to-day's Stock Market, and home funds remained unchanged. PARIS. Thursday.—The Bank of France has reduced its rate of discount from to 3 Der cent. CALCUTTA, Tbtirsday.-The B.,ni, of Bengal has increased the minimum rate of discount trom 10 to 11 per cent. DAILY STOCK AND SHARE LIST. Supplied by Messrs THACKERAY & CO., Stock a.nd Share Brokers, 3, Dock Chambers, Cardiff RAILWAYS. Paid Prices 10 Barry Dock and Railway 10 14 14A Stock Great Western 100 155 156- „ London and North Western ..100 ..Ico 181 „ Midland 100 ..144 145 10 Rbondda and Swansea Bay 10 i Wi Stock Rbymney .100 ..199 201 10 Do New 10 19 go Stock Severn and Wye 100 ..5 u Stock T-aff Vale. 100 „ 270 272 10 do Xew 4 18j Wl PREFERENTIAL. 10 Barry Dock and Ry. First Pref. 10 12t 10 Do 2nd do 4 5,i 6i Stock, Brecon&Mer 1st Pre t'.lobl ..100 ..121 123 Stock Do 2ndPret. 1362 ..100 ..108 110 Stock, Cambrian, No 1,4p.c 100 38 39 Do No 2, 4 p.c 100 191 20i „ Great Western Consol 5 p.c. 100 ..156 158 10 Pembroke & Tenby, 5 p.c, 1864 10 7 7j 10 Rhondda & Swansea liay 5 p.c 10 llir 19ixint Stock Rhymney 5 per cent, (sua.) ..100 ..136 133 Do. 6 per cent, 1&61. 100 212 217 f „ Do. 5 per cent. 1861. 100 134 135 Do. 5 per cent, 1864. 100 ..134 135 „ Jk>. 6 per cent, 1864 —100 ..160 16J ] Bo. 6 per eent. 1867 100 .JJ3 13O l)o. 3 per cent, 1673 .100 ,.i31 133 Tftflf Vale No. 1 100 ..273 277 Do. *4 per cent 100 ..121 123 M Do. b per cent.100 ..143 145 Do 6 per cenc 100 ..167 170 „ Do. 4 per cent 100 ..115 117 GUARANTEED AND LEASED 50 Aberdare, 10 per cent 50 ..137 139 Stock, Dase Valiev, 5 p. c.100 ..139 141 „ Great Western, b p. c. guar.100 ..155 157xd — J.lantrissanc & Tatt' Vale, 5p.c. 100 ..139 141 LlanoUy Ry. and Dk. Ordy.100..164 loo „ Penarth Harbour, Dock, and Ry 100 "150 155 » Som.&Dorset(BathExtension)100 ..105 107 10 Treferi.a; Valley Railway 10 10A 11 RAILWAY AND OTHER DEBENTURES Bonds Barry Dock & Rly 4i o. c.100 ..110 113 Do. 4 p. c 100 ..110 111 Stock Brecon A Merthyr A 4 p. c 100 113 115i Do. B 4 p. c 100 ..108* lOTJi Slock Bute Dock 4 p. c 130 ..liO In Cambrian A 4 p. c 1C0 ,I15j lA6i Do. K 4 p. c 100 ..112j mi- Great Western 5 do ICO ..15S ?.61 Midland 4 per ceut 100 131 133 Mid-Wales A 4i per cent 100 ..112 115 Milford Dock A oper cent 100 ..94 96 „ -Rhymii,y 4 tlitto 100 ..119 121 I Somerset and Dorset, No. I ..100 ..141 143 „ Tatt Vale p.c 100 ..12/. 125 BANKS 20 Bristol West o! England, Lim. 7 j.. M7 171 xnew 30 do Allorments 0 2* 2 100 County of Gloucester, Lnn.25 56 30 Liin. 2j. 2;J; 2'. xd Glamoi'gansliire, Ld., Pie: 2, 2 £ 3 xd 1C i/oadon and Provincial. Lhn. 5 17- 18 sd 33 National Bank ofWales, Lim 10' 12* 12Jxall 30 do New £ 2 prem. <fc a 74 7| 76 National Provincial, Lim ? 44 60 National Provincial, Lim. 12 50 51 40 North and South Wales, Lim 10 33 £ 33J 20 South Wales Union. Limited 7 9* 10:1(1 I GAS. 10 Aberuare 10 13 14 Stock Cardiff A 10 per cent 100 ..203 212 Do. B 3 per cent 100 ..164 168 Do. C 7 per cent .1X1 ..144 148 Stock Do. Cas D 5 per cent 100 ..104 105 10 Llvnvi Vailey 10 9 10 Stock Newport A 10 per cent..100 ..202 205 „ Do. n 7., per cent.100 ..152 155 20 Do. C 7 per cent. 100 .142 145 25 Swansea Tj petr cent.. 25 27 39 25 do 7 per cent. 25 35 3b GAS AND WATER. 10 Barry and Cadoxton 5 4 4,1: 10 Bridgend 10 10. ioi J Poniyuool (Max. 10 o. c.) .100 ..1C5 110 12 Do. do. 12 17 18 >f 10 Y 3tnd A 10 131 19* WATERWORKS. ¡' 25 Bristol 2b 56* 57* 10 Do. 20 44 44!Í 10 Neath A 10 16} 17!- 10 Pontypridd 10 13 15 xd Stock Pontypridd 5 per ct. Pref .100 ..112 114 xd MISCELLANEOUS. 20 Alexandra Dock & Railway.. 20 17 17* Stock Ditto 4 p.c. Pref. 100 „103 104" 1 Bland ct Co., Ltd. 1 i 1 10 Bl. and So Wales Waggon 3 5 5* 50 Bute Dry Dock 50 35 37 Stock Cardiff Corporation 3, p.c.100 .108 109 ) Cardiff it Penarth Tramways & Si 4 50 Cardiff Junction Dry Dock 40 lb IS 25 Cardiff Workmen Cottage 23 31 33 10 Cardiff and Swansea Colliery 10 ll; 12 50 Central Dry Dock. 50 35 40 23 Ebbw Vale 20 52 5. 7 Ulo'ster l{y. &; W;t;on L(!. A 7 5i bi 5 Great Western Coilierv B b 7i 7j b Do. New B 32- 5* bi b Do. A Preference 5 8,1 8t ICO D'\ i; Debentures.. ICO _100 105 10 W. Hancock & Co., Ltd. 10 15| lbj 10 Do b p.c. Pref. 10 „ 112 lli Stock Do 4* p.c. Deb. StocklOO _102 103 20 Hill's Dry Dock 13 91 9 10 Alilftir(i I)oc,z 10 li 50 Mount Stuart Dry Dock 40 42 44 Do B 20 21 21 52¿. Nantygio and Blaina Pref 64. ó.5,t 63J 5 Newport Tramways 5. 5* 6 Do Water £ 10 Annuities 26,t 26j 10 Do Abtrcarn Colliery.. 10 8 8* 10 Do b p.c. Participating.. 10 10 10i: 50 Penarth Shipbuilding 50 39 40 50 Do 35 29 31 I 10 Provincial Tramways 10 8 8 10 Do 6 per ciiit Pret*erence 10 10 10* b Rhymney Iron 5 1 lk 3 Do New 4 £ i 4 100 Do 5 per ceut. Debenture ..100 81 86 50 Spiller & Co., Cardiff, Ltd 45 62 64 50 SwansaDry Dock 25 2* 3* Stock D" Corporation 3 p.c.JOO ..108 109 Do Harbour 4 p.c. Stock.. ,_100 98 100 10 Do Tramway 10 » 2 2i 17 South Wales Colliery A 17 1* 2 I 5 Do Io. 10 per cent. B 3 3 32 Bank rate 3 per cent. fixed 31th January. THERE ARE SELLERS OF 100 Morgan Gold Mining Shares, :£1 fully paid, at 10a 30 John Bland Shares, at 18s 7 Mountstuart Dry Dock A Shares 25 Hancock Preference Shares, at ill 30 Tatf Vale Railway New shares £2;)0 Barry Dock; pc. Debenture Bond 20 Rhondda A Swansea Bay Railway Shares £32 Newport Water Annuities 10 Alexandra Cock & R .ilway £ 20 Shares ICQ Rujmiiey Iron Old Shares £ 151 Brecon & ".lerthyr Ry. Deb. Stock, at 109A 5 Bute Dry Dock Shares, at 36 7 Swansea Gas 7* p.c. Shares, at 37 50 Cardiff and Penarth Tramway Shares 2 Cymmrodorion ss Shares, B50 fully paid;, at 31 THERE ARE BUYERS OF 10 South Wales Union Bank Shares, at 9iex div, 50 Provincial Tramway Shares 21000 Bute Dock Deben:ure Stock 25 Abi-rdare Gas Shares, at 14 100 Rhymney Iron New Shares 30 Hanc -ck Ordinary Shares, at Ib £ 1000 Taff Vale Railway Stock 11 London & Provincial Bmk Shares, at 17i.xd P5 Barry Dock & Railway Shares 50 Great Western Colliery A Shares 50 Glamorgan Bank Preference Shares 2o Barry & Cudoxton Gas ana Water Shares, at 4-¡ 50 Barry 2nd Preference Shares, at £6 Is 3d 30 Cardiff and Swansea Colliery Shares &c., &c. Allotments of Bristol & West of England Bank New Shares Negociated. THACKERAY AND CO., CARDIFF, STOCK-BKOKERS. 1059

E. T. LYDDON & COMPANY, STOCK & SHARE BROKERS, POWELL-PLACE, BUTE DOCKS, CAJRDIFF. ON SALE- 1010 Rhymney Iron Old Shares Br-con & Merthyr Ordinary Stock a Hengoed Gas Bo Shares 2b Neath Water li Shares 30 Cardiff and Penarth Tramway Shares, at £ 3 18s 9d 100 South Wales Colliery A Shares Biynmawr t Abertillery Gas & Water Shares 30 Barry Dock & Ry. 2nd Preference Shares, at6Y1. WANTED. 50 Cardiff and Penarth Tramway Shares, at -23 17s 6d 'faff Vale Preference No. 1 £ 500 Taff Vale Stock 50 Do. New Shares £1000 Rhymney Railway Ordinary Stock 20 Barry Second Preference Shares 2 BarryOrdinarv- Shares Great Western Coilierv Shares Newport A bercan Ordinary Shares 20 London and Provincial Bank Shares Swansea Tramway Shares 70 Barry Dock & Railway First Preference, 121 Barry rdinnry Shares Great Western Colliery Debentures 10 Bure Dry Dock Shares b Spillers & Co. Shares, at 61 Cardiff, Penarth, & Barry S10 Shares S, P. WILLS, STOCKBROKER, SWANSEA Talezraphic Address, \VOL". Swansea.") 1069 E. J. EVANS & SIMS, STOCK & SHARE BROKERS, 52, ST. -IIARY-s rEzET, CARDIFF. 1067 BU VERS. National Bank of Wales shares South Wales Union Bank Shares B500 Cardiff Gas A, B, C, or D Stock 100 Glamorganshire Bank Ord. Shares 50 do do Pref. do SKLLERS. 4 Hancock & Co. Preference Shares f,arry t Cad xton Gas & Water Shares Provincial Trams 6 p. c. Pref. Shares 1 £ 100 Share in ss Kaia 16 Bristol Brewery Preference Shares, at 151 ARTHUR STUCLEY T. LUCAS, STOCK & SHARE BROKER. SWANSEA, 1092 GEO. THOMAS, STOCKBROKER, VIENNA CHAMBERS, BUTE DOCKS, JARDIFF BUYERS. 1072 Mountstuart Dry Dock A Shares, at 43 23 Barry Ordinary Shares Hancock's Preferences, at IH 10 Bute Dry Dock Shares, at 35 20, Hancock s Ordinary Shares, at 151 Newport Abercarn Colliery Shares, at 8 SELLERS. Hancock's Preferences Newport Workmen's Cottaae Co. Shares—offers wanted Thompson and Shackell Debentures, paying bp.c. Barry & Cadoxton Gas ct Water Shares 1 ShirM in S c. Siint Don it=—offers wanted FLEMING S. & J. G. THOMAS, STOCKBROKERS. EXCHANGE, CABDTFF. (Telegraphic Address, Fleming, Cardiff.") ON SALE- 1083 National Pank of Wales Shares, at 12l 16 Bristol & West of Eng Bank New Shares, at 52s 6d 10 Newport Abercarn 6 p.c. Prefereuce 50 Provincial Trams b outh Wales Engineering Go's Shs., at SlOper Share Waterlow Bros. & Lay ton shares Rhymney Iron New and Old 10 Rhondda 4 Swansea Bay Railway Preference Barry and Cadoxton Gas & Water, at 4. WANTED 25 Hancock's Ordinary, at 15 40 Hancock Preference, at 11J 20 Taff Vale New National Bank of Wales Shares Barry Ordinary and Preference) South Wales Colliery Shares 9 Alexandra Dock Ordinary Shares Mountstuart A Shares London and Provincial Banks Newport Abercarn Ordinary THOS. F. PEARSON, STOCKBROKER. 4, DOCK CHAMBERS. BUTE DOCKS, CARDIFF. Telegraph Address, "Gedge," Cardiff. SELLERS —6 Hancock Ordinary 30 Hancock Preference Uskslde 0 p.c. Preference Newport Water Corporation Annuities Barry Dock Ordinary 1 Share ss Gwentland Cardiff A Newport Patent Fuel Shares 22 Cardiff A West of Eng. Steamship Shs. Cardiff & Socth Waies Wagon Co..s:Sbts. 1 Share s L. E. Charlewood Barry & Cadoxton Gas & Water Shares 3 Shares ss St. Donats BUYERS.- 10 Hancock Ordinary I £300 Bairy 4% Debenture National Bank of Wales, at 121 Cardiff Gas Stock Barry Dock <& Railway 1st Preference: Barry Dock Ordinary Mountstuart Dry Deck A Shares 1 Share ss Gwentland Cardiff & Swansea Colliery Shares, at 25s 20 Severn and Wye Ordinary Shares Bute Dry Ducks I. iPARSONS AND ROBJENT STOCKBROKERS, W ESTGATE Br ILDINGS, NSJWORT. FOR SALE. £ 250 Golden Vallsy Ry. 5 p.c. 1st Deb.—-offer flADted t 21 Bristol Bank New Shares, at 52s ód 10 South Wales Colliery A Shares &0 Rhymney Iron Ord. Shares, at 23s I 20 Llaneliv Iron Shipping Co. Shares—o$er weSad 220 Central-Wales Deferred £ 5 Shares £ }GOO Brecon A Merthyr Pref. 1864, at 40 p.c. _1000 Newport Corp. Annuities, to pay about 3J D c WANTED. bO Bristol and West of England Bank New Shs., at 5Ca estern Coliierv.'B Shares hyraney Iron New Shares 100J Brecon & Merthyr 1862 Pref., at 109 Newport Abercarn Coal Ordinary WaJfcs Deterred Shaies, at 10s iiO-00 Brecon & Merthyr B Debenture, at 1073 FINING LIST—Shares for Sale, 100 La Luz 200 Tetuan 100 Odta. 50 Viola 150 L ^>nl eria £ 11 100Uisbons; 20 Mysore 30 Ooregum 100 -Mae Reefs 120 Balkis bO Alturas. J. W. COURTIS & COMPANY, STOCK & SHARE BSOJCERS, ST. JOHN'S CHAMBERS, CARDIFF. 4341 ■■■ — 1-

Detailed Lists, Results and Guides
I- RAILWAY TRAFFIC RETURNS FOR THE PAST WEEK. 1859. 1888 In De. I South Eastern 32468.. 307&6. 1712 London Brighton, andS.C. 34993.. 32139." 2854 1 ¡ Brecon and Merthyr 1685.. 1591. 94 Metropolitan District 7263.. 7063.. 200. ,Nlitlla,li(i 7992 lthymney 3^06.. 3634.. 272 Gambrian 3533.. 3497.. 3fc C -)9.. 57597.. Great Eastern 60609.. 57597.. 3012 J Metropolitan 12764.. 12252.. 612 aid Yorkshire.. 73954.. 70911.. 3043 London & South-Western 50061.. 47323.. 2758 Great Western.. 3340 Pembroke and Tenby 500 457.. 43 ) London & North Western.. 131406.. 182298 9108 1 i London, Chatham, Jfc Dover 20731.. 19278.. 1453 Taff Vale and Penarth Rail. 17431.. 16?02.. 529

TREGERTHEN DUNN AND CO. (Telegraphic Address, TREDUNN, CARDIFP), STEAMSHIP SHARE BRCKERS AND AUG. TIONEERS, MERCHANTS' EXCHANGE, DOCKS, CARDIFF. ON SALE- 1 £328 Share Eureka ss Co., Ld. -offers I E, CO do Kate Thomas do IOOIEIDSbare.s ( £ 9 paid) in the United Kingdom as Co., M. BUYERS. Bala, W. J. Radcliffe, Walter Thomas, Morels, Gardepee, Collivaud, Gibbs & Lees', True Briton, Saxon Briton, Cory oc Son. RsstonaaeL MONTHLY SALES BY AUCTION HELD. NEXT 7th MARCH, 1889. 3059

Detailed Lists, Results and Guides
LATEST MARKETS. CORN. BIRMINGHAM, Thursday.—At to-day's market there was a fair supply of English wheat, which realised last week's prices rather more doing in foreign at the extreme prices of last week. Grinding barley, 3d to 6d per qr. cheaper. Beans, maize, and oats unchanged. BRISTOL, Thursday.—English wh 'at in unsatisfactory condition, and prices unaltered. Foreign firm, at last week's quotations, "arley in improved demand, and in some cases a trifle less money was accepted. Maize was scarce on the spot, at fully late prices. Oats meet a slow trade, at 3d per qr cheaper. CATTLE. BIRMINGHAM, Thursday. -Beef, 6d to 7d, few at 7:id mutton, 7d to 9jd veal, 6d to 8d per lb. Bacon pigs, 8s 6d to 9s sows, 7s 3d to 7s 6d porkets, 9s 6d to 10s per score. LONDON. Thursday.—Extremely dull sale tor beasts, and a clearance is very doubtful. Sheep very slnw. Ewgs scarce and dear. Calves very scarce. Pigs dull. lilch cows, Elb to £27 each. Bpef, 2s 4d to 4s 8d mutton, 3s 4d to 6s 2d; veal, 3s S i to 5s 3d; pork, 2s 6d to 4s per 8 lbs. Beasts, 350 sheep, 1,400; calves. 40 pigs, 30. No foreign. BRISTOL, Thursday.—Large supply of beef. and a dull trade. Best descriptions, 60s per cwt.; and others 54s to 06s. There was a short supply of sheep—very choice wethers, 9^d secondary, 8Ad per lb. ewe3 less money. Four hundred store cattle—quiet sale, but all sold. Four hundred pigs from Ireland-bacon pigs, 9s; porkers, 9s6d per score. DEAD MEAT. LONDON. TharsCiay,Ilotierate supplies and trade very slow at the following prices :-Beef, 2s 8d to 4s prime Scotch ditto, 4s to 4s 4d mutton, 2s 8d to 5s ód veal, 3s to 5s 4d iarge pork, 3s to 3s lOd; small ditto, 35 lad to 4s 2d per 8 lbs. 'FISH GRIMSBY,Thursday.— Great demand,moderate supply, GRIMSBY, demand,moderate supply, tremend' us prices. Plaice, 34s to 42s level, 31s lemons, 50s to 60s; soles, 2C0s to 230s; dabs, 12s to 18s codlings, 14s to 20s haddocks, 8 to 12s; round, 16s to 24s whitches, 40>1 to 50s per box; turbot, 18.. to 23s congers, 4s to 6s ling, 10s dead, 4s to 7s cod, 6s to 12s; skare, 4s to 7s dead, 38 to ó. each; hake, 60s to 100s dead cod, 100s to 160s per score; halibut, 8; to 10s; dead 6{ to 8s perttone. PRODUCE. LONDON, Thursday.—sugar—fairly steady business done in retined market at about yesterday's prices. Foreign goods fairly steady. Beetroot, quiet, and rather lower-Februarv, 1,9 10Ad March, do., less i per cent; April, 14s. Cane sugars steady, and moderately good inquiry for grocery sorts at about Tuesday's" rates. Coffee sold at fully steady prices, but not quotably dearer Ri> futures, February, 73s 3d March, 73s 9d April, 74s 3d; May, 74s 9d June, 75s; July, 75s 6d; August, 76s; September, 76s 6d October, 77s. Tea-hin:), steady Kaisows, 5d to 5d Moning's, d to 4d; Indian and Ceylon realised fairly yesterday's rares. Rice firm-cargo Necranskie sold 6d to 10;ld February and March open charter Cotton market ?teady. Jute the, Tallow Y.C., 38s 6d spot. Turpentine, 34s 9d. Best American petroleum, 6d Russian, hid spot. LIVERPOOL, Thursday.uga.r market was steady. Febl uary, sellers, 13s 10d. Coffee, cocoa, rice, and linseed unchanged. Castor oil, 55.16d. Palm oil, nothing doing. Palm kernels, 2,000 bags by auction, £ 9 12s 6d to £ 11 2s 6d. Tallow quiet anil unchanged. Petroleum partialiy easier—American, 6id to 6U1; Russian unchanged. Turpentine strong and 6d dearer, 35s 6d. Nitrate quiet and unchanged. BUTTER. CORK, Thursday.—Seconds, 120s mediums. 113s thirds, 110s fourths, 96s. Kegs Thirds, 107s fourths, 91s. Mild-cured tirkins-Fine, 134s mild, 115s. In market, 65 tirkins. SUGAR. GLASGOW, Thursday.—There is a good demand, and large business done at full prices to 3d advance. The ofti ial report states :-Strong market, and very large business done at prices showing 3d to 6d advance since Saturday. HAY AND STRAW. LmmON, Thursday.—Good supplies, and trade slow, without material alteration in prices. Old hay, llos to 126s; new do 40s to 1003; old clover, 120s to 144a new do., 36s to 110s; old straw, 423 to 48s new do., 305 to 42s per load. WOOL. BRADFORD, Thursday.—All good staple English wools maintain their value, and both merino and cross- bred descriptions are also quite firm, being maintained by the animation at London sales. Firmness, however, is not the result of an improved demand; buyers everywhere operate with caution, and transactions are but limited. Spinners are employed chiefly on old contracts, and complain that new orders are scanty. S. me spinners are beginning to curtail the production. Piece trade good. LONDON, Thursday.—14,7I5 bales brought forward this afternoon, comprising 7,154 New south Wales, 2 692 Queensland, 3,247 Victorian, 95 New Zea and, 37 rasmaman, 526 South Australian, 764 Cape, and 200 Natal. The market remains generally firm, especially for all grades of cross-bred produce, METALS. LONDON. Thur-iday.- Copper auction no business done £ 77 15s nearest price cash; three months nominally £ 70. Tin weak—Strairs, £ 96 15s taken for ca-ibl £ 97 10s nearest price three months. Spelter, £ 17 _17s 6d. Spanish lead, £ 12 17s 6d sellers; English, £]3 to S13 bs. Scotch pig iron-buyers, 41s 5d cash. Closing report -Copper dull and un certain—Sellers, £17 15s cash buyers, £ 77 10s, noth- ing done; three months nominally E70 to B72 Tin depressed and lower; Straits, £ 3610s and £96 cash ciosjcg sellers at latter; three months nominally, £97, English closing sellers at latter; three months nominally £97. English ingots, 199 10s. Spelter, £ 17 17s óel. Spanish :Ieati-sollers, B12 17s 6d English, S15 to S13 bs. Quicksilver at Rothschilds, £ 8. GLASGOW, Thursday.—Maricet again easier, and good business done at 4Ls 5d. 41s 4id, and 418 5d cash 41s 7d and 41s 7d one moith buyers, 4ls 4,d cash; 44s 6,:cl one month sellers near. Middles- brough buy-i-s,- 34s ld cash 34s 2d one mouth; I sellers lil more. Hematite dona at 44s 6 1 cash 44s 8'i and 44s 9d one month buyers, 44s 5d cash; 44s 8d one month sellers, Id dearer.

Detailed Lists, Results and Guides
SOUTH WALES TIDE TABLE. CARDIFF* SWANSEA.t NEWPORT! Feb — Mor. Evn. Hgt. Mor. Evn. Hgt. Mor. Evn. Hgt. 4 M 9 4910 6 33 11 8 56 9 15 30 3 i 0 210 1934 3 5 T 10 2210 40 hi 0 9 33 9 50 23 710 3510 5332 0 6 W 10 5411 9 29 1010 6102427 011 711,230 3 7 T 11 251.3 21 7 10 4111 125 711 3811 b6 23 0 8 F 0.626 711 2111 4524 6 0 19127 2 9 S 0 33 1 825 9 — 0 16 24 3 0 46: 1 21/26 5 10 S 1 47 2 30 21 10 0 bZ 1 32 21 12 Oj 2 43125 4 11 M 3 15 3 56j26 4 2 17 2 58 24 6 3 S8j 4 9|^5 5 -RoathBasin tPrince of Waies Dk. iAlexandra. Dk.

CARDIFF EXCHANGE. BUTE DOCKS, THURSDAY. There was a good average attendance on 'Change to-day, and the demand for steam coal was again brisk, current quotations ruling very firm. There was also a good business done in house coal at yesterday's quotations. The pitwood market was quiet. Welsh cokes wore again in good request, and a similar remark applies to bituminous small coal and patent fuel. In our local freight market to-day chartering for steam has been moderately active, and an average amount of business, more especially for the higher Mediterranean ports, has been effected. Rates for this direction were, if anything, a shade firmer, but there was no material alteration in Bay ports, Spanish, and Gibraltar freights. West Indian rates were quiet, and Baltic steady. Outward quotations to the East rema;n unchanged. The following comprise the latest opprations Bombay, 19 (Recta); Genoa, ll, 400 delivery, option SaVona, lis, 400 delivery (Arrow); Seville, 8^9d, clean terms of charter (Troutbeck); Alexandria, 10s 9i (Trent) Marseilles, llffcs (Saxon Briton); Tunis, 12s; Malta, 9* 4d; Havre, 5s; Constantinople, 10 31 (Norah) Tunis, 12j coal, 12s 91 fuel (Muncaster); Sebastopol, 10s, free dispatch and free bunkers (Woodhorn); Genoa, lis 4id, 500 delivery (Susan). Sail.—The market continues in an active condition, with good demand for fairly forward tonnage. Rates for the River Plate and Brazils close firm, aud the same remark applies to Cape, West Indian, and South American freights. Baltic rates are steady. Coasting quiet. Medi- terranean quotations remain unchanged. Ore.—Rates from Bilbao continue steady, especially for discharging ports in the Bristol Channel. From Carthagena, Benisaf, and Huelva there was a moderately good inquiry, particularly for prompt tonnage to load for the East and West coasts of the United Kingdom, PomaroD, Ergasteria, and other Mediterranean quotations remain unaltered.

WRECKS AND CASUALTIES, f SPECIAL TELEGRAMS FROM LLOYD'S AGENTS. I The Fargo Bay will discharge all explosives at Cowes and oe towed to Southampton on Friday. The steamer Gazelle, in leaving Llanelly for Dieppe, grounded, and will probably remain some fllw days. The steamer Albania damaged her propeller in enter- ing Tyne Dock. A Halifax telegram states that it is repored that the British steamer Esme, in ballast, is ashore near Barrington, a total loss. Crow saved. The schooner Ebenezer, of and from Shoreham, for the North, has been assisted into Harwich leaky, and with loss of sails. Agreement £60. A Lisbon telegram states that the Alsatia, for Birkenhead, has put back leaky. The steamer Bid, when leaving Shields, collided with the pierhead, damaging her starboard bow. She will lighten for repairs. The British steamer Southwick 4nd the tug Tour- ville collided off Havre. The former is uninjured, but tiie latter is damaged sevprely. The pilot boat Elsie (80) is ashore at Breaksea. Point and likely to become a total wreck, All the crew are saved. The lighter Vixen, of Glasgow, with about 40 tons of cargo aboard was picked up off Copelands on Thursday morning and towed into Ayr. The British steamer Esme is totally wrecked on the Salvage Rocks, near Cape Negro. The crew were saved. The steamer Morning Star, which stranded off Arbroath, has been floated and is making a little wit er. She jettisoned about 50 tons of her cargo of rock salt. I FROM OUR OWN KEPORTKK. I The steamship General Roberts, of Cardiff, Captain Bennett, which left Bilbao on the 211.1 inst., with a cargo of iron ore, bound for Cardiff, whilst in the Bay ot Biscay, encountered a hurricane, with tha result that one of her boats was carried away and two others seriously damaged. The chief mate had some of his ribs broken. When the weather moderated th ? vessel proceeded on her voyage and arrived in the DJck on Thursday morning's tide. Oil Thursday the Cardiff pilot boat No. 80 (Elsi) went ashi ire on Breaksea. It is expected, should the weather continue favourable, that she will get off and proceed for Cardiff on Friday. SWANSEA BAY SIGNAL STATION. MUMBLES LIGHTHOUSE, Thursday.—Wind NE, strong. Weather, strong squalls. Sea rough. Passed _fc'o.s<steamers Ellington, of Newcastle Solway King, of Whitehaven; Matlock. of Widdlesbrough Gassendi and Mineola, of Liverpool; barque Comadre. of Liver- pool. Passed West-schooner-3 Lanisley and Uganda. of Penzance Spray and Glynn, of Wexford brigantine Gratitude, of Rochester steamers Derwent. of Work- ington Galvanic, of Belfast; Stahleck, of Bremen. LIZARD SIGNAL STATION. THE LIZARD, Thursday.—Wind N, strong, to NE, moderate. Weather squally to fine. Sea moderate. Passed East—Cambaln, of Swansea: Alfred Ray, of Portsmouth; Hayie, of Llanelly; Blanche and Patriot, of Plymouth Agnes, of Bideford, steamers Biscaye, of La Rochelle; Sandsend, of London Skerry- vore, of Glasgow. Passed West—steamers Larpool and Rosella, of Whitby, both from Dunkerque Vesta, of Shoreham, from Rouen; Clan Line steamer Clan MacArthur, from London, for Glasgow Thunder, of London, for Swansea Kampokus, of Cork, MOVEMENTS OF LOCAL VESSELS. Cleddy passed Gibraltar for Soezzia 7th Sapphire arvd Rangoon from Zanzibar 7th Lord Derby passed" Malta for Hamburg 6th A Strong arvd Carthagena from Savona bth Portugalete arvd Gibraltar 7th Longueil arvd Odessa from Port Said 6th Penarth left Sebastopol for Gibraltar for orders 6tb Gwentland left Odessa for Bayonne 6th Tredegar arvd Madeira from Cardiff 6th Brittany arvd Bilbao from Newport 7th Golden Grove arvd oil Larne 6th Caedmon aryd Bilbao from Cadiz 6th liosslyn left Port Taibot for Cardiff 7th Radyr left Sables for Bilbao 7th Raglan arvd Vigo, coaled, and proceeded for Palermo 7th Radnor left Bilbao for Cad z 7th Escurial left Genoa for Carloforte 7th Kitig Ermyn arvd St Nazaire from Cardiff 7th Eari of Rosebery left Bilbao for Car,liff Earl of Chester left Garston for Cardiff 7th Quickstep expected to leave London for Cardiff 8th St Fagaus left Genoa for Carthagena Mardy left Newport for Bilbao 7th Camargo left Birkenhead for Cardiff 7tb

Detailed Lists, Results and Guides
CARDIFF—ARRIVALS. ROATH DOCK, Feb 6.—LangJale. 1,966, Dnblin, bal- last. General Roberts s-i, S06, Bilbao, iron ore. Lesseps ss, 1.120. Liverpool, light. ROATH DOCK, Jan 7.—St Vincent ss, 78. Kimross, 1,399. EAST BUTE DOCK, Feb 6.—Gironde ss, 440, Bor- deaux, pitwcod. Rhine Sf, 685, London, light. Saire ss, 1182, London, general (not to be landed). EAST BUTG DOCK, Feb 7.—Bellver ss, 672, Havre, ballast. Raone Godard ss, 650. Velardi ss, 630. C. Frimchette, 638. WEST BUTE DOCK, Feb t).-Creaion ss, 292, St Brieux. light. Yarra, E8. Betty Russel, 146. WEST BUTE DOCK. Feb. 7.—Enitna Ives, 191, Dublin, ballast. Gorg Jane Ann, 164. Albert, 241, Youghal, pitwood. Charles ana Ellen, 145. Vixen, 64, Kilkeel, potatoes. PENAJITH DOCli, Feb 6.—Madura ss, London, light Everest ss, Cardiff, li»ht, PENARTH DOCK, Feb 7.—Swainby ss, Cardiff, light. Sacrobosco ss, Windsor Slip, light. Elpis ss, Belfast, light. Iolo Morgan wg S3, Garston, light. Gemini as, London, light. Hayburn ss, Glasgow, gas coal. Blackcock tug, Dunkerque, light. Cavour, Greenock, balia. t. SAILINGS. ROATII DOCK, Feb 6.—Everest ss, Douglas, Penarth. ROATH DOCK, Feb 7.—Iron Acton ss, Wilcox, Malta. Crusader, Hutchison, Capetown. Westergate ss, Tin- uale, Port Said. EAST BUTE DOCK, Feb 6.—Saint Joseph ss, Frivet, Trieste. Vectis ss, Taylor, Portsmouth. Medway ss, Fry, Glasgow. ss. Sterry. Havre. KAST BUTE DOCK, Feb Mula ss, Wheatley, St Naz tire. Chas Mitchell ss, Last, Bilbao. Amy Dora s, Thompson, Havatiaah. Southgate ss, Pandel, Cape de Verds. WEST BUTE DOCK, Feb 6.—Dnndela ss, Long, Bar. celona. Cape Cook ss, Child, Dublin. Florence ss, Cameron, Belfast. Orpheus ss, Newberry. Liverpool. WEST BUTE DOCK, Feb 1,-Dasnwood. Smith, Charlestown. Jebn Evans, Evans, Portmidoc. Brod- rene, Olsen, Lisbon. Geo D FLillertdii, Jeffries, New. port. Brenton, Vincent, Charlestown. Esther, Iddan, Newport. Solent ss. Coombs, Devonport,. R G D, Carbines, Newlyn. Perseverance, Dandy, Par, Union, G1 mgern, Nice. Victoria, Bunt, Plymouth. Derby, Uoode, Bristol. ..PENARTH DOCK, Feb b,-)Iarie. Sheult, Singapore. Medway ss, Botching, London. Russia, Thompson, Zanzibar. PENARTH DOCK. Feb 7. Astresea ss, Nicholls, Singapore. St Mark ss. Smith, Odessa. Bramble ss, Hutchinson, Gridiron. Winston ss, Jones, Marseilles. Everest, Hibbert, Rio Janeiro. ENTERED OUTW ARDS- Feb 7. Bordeaux, Gironde ss, B, 461, Hooper & Campbell Odessa, Octa ss, B, 1104, Carrick, Crone <& Co Leghorn, Rhine ss, B, 683, Oliver, Anning Bros Denia, Gustav Bitter ss, E, 351, Fisher, Renwick & Co Port Said, Everest ss, B, 1097. Gough, Murrell & Son Constantinople, Duchess ss, B, 920, Murrell & Son Barcelona, Nigel ss, B, 829, simond, P Rowe & Sons Roscoff, Gorey Lass, B, 44. Kent, Morel Bros & Co St M do, Allonby ss, B, 838, arre, L & II Gueret Port Said, Nefanza ss, B, 1215, Allen, Hall Bros Gibraltar, Jersey ss, E, 1022, Gowan, Morel Bros & Co St Nazaire, K.=k ss, B, 446, Burgher, Powley, Thomas Port Stid, Sc,,ts Greys ss, B, 11'75, Hogan,Christie & Co St Naz lire, Dowlais ss, B, 747, Blainpied, Morel Bros Rio Janeiro, Crane ss, B, 1208. Robinson, Morel Bros Madras, Bertie ss, B, 1083, Lindsay, Graeie & Co Leghorn, Wally ss, B, lo37, Lindsay, Gracie & Co Port Said, Lady Lycett ss, B, 1198, Cay. Hall & Co Rosario, Vanguard, B, 332, Evans, Evan Jones <fc Co Genoa or Savona, Livonia ss, Ger, 1087. Ropner A Co Suluu, Andriana Stephanos s., Grk, 1C67, J E Stangala. Singapore, Losseps sa, Nivy, 1123, Worms, Josse & Co Buenos Ayres, II Caeces-tore, Iy. 351, A Castellano St Nazaire, Raoul Godatd ss, F. 500, E Bteaeon Bordeaux, Commandant Franchetti SS. F, 641, Per. thins. Worms, Josse & Co tJLEARD-Feb 7. Capetown, Monksea.ton ss, B, 3 00 coal Bombay, st Fillans ss, B, 4300 coal, 100 coke Cape de Verds. Dora ss, B, 30CO coal Cauiz. Speedwell ss, B, 1170 coal Huelva, St Helier ss, B, 13e0 coal Port Said, Saltram ss, B 22bO co:tl Port Said, Piymothian ss, B, 2000 coal Teneriffe, Ross ss. B. 1550 co-il Brindisi, Racine ss, B, 2000 cola 1 St Nazaire, Dowlais ss. B, 1500 coal Algiers, Tin o ss. B, 1000 D fuel Gibraltar. Jersey ss, B, 2000 coal Odessa, Varna ss.-B, 1600 coal St M do, Allonby gs B. 1600 coal Roscotf, Gorev Lass, B, 65 coal Denia, Gustav Better ss, B, 550 coal Marseilles, Winston ss, B, IJO coal Zanzibar, Russia, Nwy. 2600 Frey Bentos, Dorothy, Nwy, 610 coal Colombo..Fravanel ss, Nwy, 1S50 coal Buenos Ayres, Anne Elizabeth, Nwy, 570 coal St Nazaire, Raoul Godard ss, F. 1000 coal Buenos Ayres, Yolonte di Dio. Iy, 1234 coal IWPOR IS—Feb 7. Youghal, Albert, pitwood, Teilefsen. Wills & Co Kilkeel, Vixen, potatoes, R Kuglana Bordeaux, Gironde s?, pitwood, Simkin Bros London, Zaire ss. general, not to be landed Bilbao, General Roberts ss, iron ore. Crawshay Bros Glasgow, Hayburn ."S, gas coal

Detailed Lists, Results and Guides
S W ANSEA-ARRIV ALS. NORTH DOCK, Feb 6,—Lalande ss, 679, Ronen, light. Telegram, 9i), Barrowvpi eh. I SOUTH D CK, F«bf6a— Anne Christian, 69, Wicklow, manure. >h;iinrock ss, 316, St Malo, light. Senator ss, 572, Bordeaux, pitwood. Tees Packet, 49, Carmar- then, light. PRINCE OF WALKS DOCK. Feb 6,-Ctirlew 88= 103, Duddon, pig iron. Rhiwderin ss, 737, Bilbao, iron ore. SAILINGS. NORTH DOCK, Feb 6,-Plantagenet ss, Cogley, Liver- pool. PRINCE OF WALES DOCK, Feb 6.-f,akdale ss, Kirk- wood, Galveston. Sestos ss, James, St Nazaire. Lough I Fisher sa. Bannister, Newry. Harriet ss, Byrne. Port Talbot, Collier S3, Jackson. Bristol, I ENTERED OUTWARDS—Feb 7. Tucacas via. Cardiff, Edgar. B, 435, H Bath 6c, Son St .Ial". Shamrock ss, B, 316, Nicholson, Lennard Capetown, Glanrafon, B, 472, Bevan, Richardson & Co Dieppe, Senator ss, B, 373, Graham, G Taylor Morlaix, Foi, F, 83, Le Guellec, Jeffreys < £ Co Copenhagen, Corfitz Beck Frus ss. Swe, 345, Khysell, Burgess & Co CLEARED-Fdb 7. Guernsey, Englisil Girl. B, 236 coal Morlaix, Le Foi, F, 100 coai, 40 p fuel. 5 coke Genoa, Magnolia ss, B, 900 400coal St Malo, Shamrock ss, B, 800 coal Dieppe, Georgetta-ss, F, 510 coal and sundries Guernsey, Fo B, 200 coal Kouen. BanchoryU B. 630 eoal Pontrieux, Caroline Victoire, F, 140 coal Galveston, Oakdale ss, B, stores CLEARED—Feb 7. Bilbao, Rhiwderin ss, 1420 iron ore, Swansea Hema.tite Iron Co 8 copper ore, Bath & Son Bordeaux, Senator ss, 530 loads pitwood, E W Cook Palomares, Gassendi ss, 500 argentiferous ore (matte), I Vivian & Sons Barrow, Telegram, 168 pitch, order Wicklow, Anne Chrissi.111, 130 'tianure. Margrave & Co Dudnon. Curlew ss, 203 pig iron, W Williams & Co Bristol, Collier ss, itndrie-, Bristol, Rio Formoso ss, sundrias Burrow, Ellington ss, 800 pig iron, J Watson & Co Kilkeel, Ariel. 70 potatoes, Allen & Co vVorkington. Matlock Sf;, 370 pis iron, Birchgrove Co KXPOUfS COASTWISE—Feb 7. Guernsey, Fox, 200 coal, Evans & Bevan Londonderry. Curlew ss, 390 coal, W G Fey (t Co Guernsey, English Girl, 230 coal, Evans & Bevao Padstow, Collier as, sundries Bristol, Rio Formoso as, sundries NEWPORT-ARRIV ALS. ALEXANDRA DOCK, Feb 7.—Kingdom s", 1414, Hull, light. Calanas ss, 1024, London, light. Mary, 52. Bristol, light. Thos Coats ss, 698, Bordeaux, pitwood and onions Trewidden ss, 8i4, Antwerp, light, Capri ss, 888, Hamburg, light. Zichy ss, 1216, Rouen, light. Avis ss, 752, Rotterdam, liijht. OLD DOCK, Feb 7.—Ed C Jewett, 880. Liverpool, light. Capt Parry ss, 2j7. Cork, light. Capt McClure ss. 304, Dublin, light. RIVER. Feb 7,-Gwendoline, 32, Car. tIr, light. Wave, 63, Gloucester, flour. Mary Louisa, 3,), Bristol, light. Blue Grit. 62, Bristol, light. Orpheus ss, 18?, Cardiff, general. Mary Lander, 36, Watchet, liaht, Reliance, 33, Gloucester, light. Srneaton Tower ss, 902, Bilbao, iron ore. Corrwg ss, 570, Bilbao, iron ore, Star of Hope, 90, Bristol, light. Philanthropist, 76, Bristol, light. Alpha ss, S8. Cardiff, light. Margaret Ann, 76, Bristol, light. Alpha, 5o, Barnstaple, light. Gleaner, S9, Cork, light Ellen and Eliza, 15, Chepstow, light. Prudenca, 35. Portishead, l'glit. Upupa ss, 565, Cork, general. Priory, 31, Bristol, general. Marv Jane, 39, Bristol. light. SAILINGS. ALEXANDRA DOCK, Feb 7,-Lady Havelock ss, Tcmm, Portland. Blythwoode ss, Gibson, Charente. Ulles- water as. Forrest, Oporto. Raleigh ss, Jones, Malta. OLD DOCK, Feb 7,-Gadcee SiI, Sinnott, Lisbon. Jenny I Peterson, Cork. RIVEK;* Feb 7.James, Jenkins, Milford. Empire, Mitchell, Barnstaple. SwifE, Day, Bideford. Fanny, Ellis, Plymouth. Bessie Gould, Chugg. Barnstaple. Betsey, Gregory, Bideford. Thomas and Elizabeth, Hawken, Padstow. Flora, HaJe, Highbridge. Ella. Sayer, Turnbull, Palermo. Twee Gezusters, Cook, Bristol. Cardiff Castle, Bell, Bristol. Tavy, Mountjoy, Plymouth. Moderator ss. Williams, Bristol. Ethel ss, Miles, Bristol. John, Roberts, Weston. Regina, Browning, Bristol. Upupa ss, Lyne, Cork via Cardiff. Margaret Alice, Callam, Milford. ENTERED OUTWARDS-Feb 7. Rosario, Tangier as, B, 1221, J Proctor Eetes Venice. Zichy as, Aus, 1216, Nvire, R Gething jun Gibraltar, Capri ss, Ger, 868, Edwards. Robertson Bilbao, Countess Evelyne ss, B, 863, Moses & Co Bilbao, Ancient Briton ss, B, 691. Gibbs, Moses & Co Las Palinas, Kingdom ss, B, 1413, Roberts, Stephen?, Mawson & Goss Smyrna, Trewidden ss, B. 824, Watt?, Ward A Co Genoa and Savona, Calanas ss, B, 1024, Henderson, Watts, Ward A Co CLEARED—Feb 7. Bilbao. Mardy ss, B, 845 coal Maranham, Fremgang, Nwy, 596 coal Hio Janeiro. Hercules, US, 2020 coal Gibraltar, Capri s, Ger, 1500 coal Zante, Lesbos ss, Grk, 1480 coal IMPJRTS—Feb 7.' Bilbao, Corrwg ss, 1CO iron ore. Blaenavon Co Bordeaux, Thos Coats ss, 990 loads pitwood, Newport Pitwood Co 20J has onions. A McMahon Bilbao. Smeaton Tower ss, 1750 iron ore, Blaenavon Co Dundalk, Warrel 2840 cwts oats Wilks & Co Gloucester, Wave, flour Cardiff, Orpheus ss, general, Gilchrist & Co Cork, Upupa ss, general, J Maddock Bristol, Priory, general EXPORTS COASTWISE—Feb 7. Stroud, Reliance, 66 coal, Master Padstow, Teazer, 82 coal Bristol, Mary Jane, 100 coal, Beynon & Co Carnarvon, Gwendoline, b5 coal Padstow. Heather Belle, 26 coal, J Thompson Barnstaple, Bessie Golu l, 93 coal, Diamond Llantwit Barnstaple, Pilot, 42 coal. Diamond Llautwit Co Bristol, Margaret Ann, 130 coal Bristul' Mary Louisa, 54 coal Porti -head,.Prudencs, 59 coal, J M Akers Highbridge, Taranaki, i)5 coal, J M Akers Watchet, Aibert, 74 coal, J M Akers Barnstaple.^Fanny, 76 coal, H Evans Bristol, Flower of the Severn, 120 coal, Rennie, Wilkin- son & Co Bideford, Humility, 64 coal, James & Emanuel Watchet, Mary Lander, 60 coal, W Hocking Milford, Margaret and Alice, 70 coal, Clapp & Co Bristol, Wye, 90 coal Cowes, Ahnuth Catherina, 165 coal, Bndd & Co Calstock, Fides, 120 coal, Budd & Co Dublin. Capt McClure s, 575 coal, J F Thomas & Co Cork, Capt Parry ss. 590 coal, J F Thomas & Co PORTHCAWL. ARRIVALS, Feb 7.-Veranica as. Ha.yle, light. ChrY- solite, Penzance, ballast. SAILINGS, Fab b.-Dolphin, Porlock, 27 coal. Vero. I nica SJ, fiayle, 820 coal.

REDUCED RATE FOK SMALL PREPAID ADVERTISEMENTS. 10 Words SIXPENCE. Three Times NINEPENCE. Six Times ONE SHILLING. "WORDS THRKJFI SIX WOFTXJS. ONCE. TIMES. TIMES. 20 Words 0 6 0 9 1 0 30 Words 0 9 1 0 1 6 40 Words 1 0 1 6 2 3 50 Words 1 3 2 6 3 9 60 Words 1 6 3 0 4 6 The charges apply only to the classes ot advertise- ment specified below, and are strictly confined to those which are ordered for CONSECUTIVE insertion, and PAID I FOR PREVIOUS TO INSERTION: if either of these con- ditions is not complied with the advertisement charged by the Business scale: APARTMENTS WANTED HOUSES V/ANTED APARTMK.TIS TO LET HOUSES TO BE SOLD ARTICLES LOST. MISCELLANEOUS WANTS ARSICLES FOUND MISCELLANEOUS SALES BUSINESSES FOR DISPOSAL PARTNERSHIPS WANTED BUSINESSES WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED HOUSES TO LET SITUATIONS VACANT, Advertisements of the above class inserted in the "SOUTH WALES DAILY NEWS," the "CARDIFF TIMES," and SOUTH WALES ECHO," at the following rates Six times in Si* times Daily News, Six times times once in WORDS. SouthWales andO^ceYn ^^ami"1"' Daily News. ^Xes. £ Echo. s. d. s. d. s. d. 20 Words 1 0 16 2 6 30 Words 1 6 2 3 3 9 40 Words 2 3 3 3 5 6 50 Words 3 9 0 8 9 60 Words 46 6 0 10 6 erSnttaI. PERCY is most earnestly entreated to communicate immediately with M. J. H. T- oTlY LONELY DARLING —You are not angry with poor Peggy don't forget me be true,love. Never adieu.—Maggie. 976 jEntritttatual. IF YOU ARE MARRIED, or contemplate taking this important step, wo can send you valuable information which you ought to kuow. Send your address, and we will send catalogue and pamphlet tree-Address H. G. Kerr, Mostyn-road, Merton, Surrey. 529 JACK (fair), a^ed 26, and Fred (dark), aged 23, friends, in good position, are desirous of corres- ponding with two young ladies from 19 to 22 • must be domesticated, loving, and musical photos exchanged. -Address Jack or Fred, Daily News," Cardiff. 953 ATRIMONY.—Orphan Lady (aged 20), with £ 360 a year and more to come, desires to in irry gentleman of education and position.—Address Nora Langley, "Advertiser" Office, Bristol. 19 ATRIMONY—A~gentleman (31) Would "like"to meet with a lady with means, with a view to above send photo if possible.—A. IL, bl, Chandos- sireet, Covent-garden. London. 733 rjWE MATRIMONIAL POST and Fashionable n_ Marriage Advertiser circulates in the interests of all grades of society, is guaranteed the only reliable, honourable, and trustworthy channel for matrimonial engagements price, 3d in envelope, 4id.—Address Editor, 9, Nicholas-street. Bristol. 455 3980 13628 TO 1HE Matrimonial Herald and Fashionable Marriage I Gazette is the original and only recognised medium for high-class introductions, and represents the largest and most successful Matrimonial Agency in the world. N.B.—The public are cautioned against imitations. Price 3d (under cover 4d). All commuiiica- tions should be addressed to EDITOR, 40, LAMB'S CONDUIT-STREET. LONDON. W.C. 3755 iiUMral. APPRENTICE. — Wanted, a respectable, well- educated Youth in a mixed Chemist's business premium moderate no heavy trade, or Sunday duty. —Apply Mr R. H. Treweeks, Chemist and Stationer, Pembroke. 978 MEDICAL EXAMINERS wantect for Life Assur- m a.nce Office, extending business in the provinces. This can be made a lucrative appointment would not interfere with present professional duties; advertiser can procure local appointments.—For terms apply by letter to F. C. A., 10, Lynette-avenue, Clapham Com- mon, London, S.W. 4372 W A.N TED, an Apprentice to the Drug Trade.— Apply Gwilym Evans and James, Wholesale and Retail Chemists, Llanelly. 4288 Jilusiral. AN ENGAGEMENT required as Music Governess in a private school.—Address E. 877, Echo Office, Cardiff. 877 Ra id MRS ARTHUR ANGLE, Violinist and Pianist; concerts or instruction.—Address Thompson and Shackell, or 19, Richmond-crescent, Cardiff. 772 MUSIC MADE EASY.A marvellous easy .1'. method for all to play Piano, Harruouium Is, free.—Rev Wm. Hughes, Blackmill, Bridgend. 834 IOLIN.-A thoroughly good and well toned V Instrument, in case 25s, worth treble,-P. R 3, Clifton-street, Cardiff. 852 ■\ V' ANTED, Lady Pianist; good home; no v*. children.—Apply Air John Lluyd, SC. ,„es, Neath- -905 WANTED, American Organ or Harmonium, suitable for a medium size chapel. Good tone, and must be in perfect condition.— Full part cui trs, with lowest selling price, to Thomas Havard, Penclawdd, Swansea. 900 1 ft5'- —Violin, Case, and Bow; full size.— JLVJ \9 G wynne Brader, 17, Heathfield-street, Swansea. 1 CS s*D.—Good tone Violin, Case, Bow, and JLtr O Tutor.—Gwynne Brader, Swansea. ~| S.—Very good tone Violin, case and bow, d& ■- A tutor and strings.—G Wynne H. Brader, 17, Heathfield-s reet, Swansea. is.—French Harmonium, in perfect order TC 1 stop in rosewood case very cheap.— Gwynn H. Brader, Swansea. < /*S.—New 6 stop Walnut Harmonium band- otvl 1) some case worth £ 10 10s.— Gwynne H. Brader, Swansea. <.1 "J /"S.—Walnut full-compass Pianoforte, AO in perfect order; a bargain cost 40 guineas.—Gwynne H. Brader, Swansea. 841 (gftiintttonaL ARTICLED PUPIL wanted; great advantages offered.—Apply Mrs Nichols, South Wales School for Girls, Summerfield Hali, Maesycwmmer, Cardiff. 4268 WANTED, immediately, for Blaengarw Schools, a female ex-P.T. must have been trained in mixed or girls' department; salary, £ 35.—Apply, with full particulars, to N. Llewellyn, Pontycymmer. via ]Brid-end. 4320 Ikmesitr ^rruants- AS HOUSEKEEPEfR, by respectable, domesti- cated, middle-aged person fully experienced small salary comfortable home,—Gwladys, Daily News Office, Caidiff. 946 (GENERAL SERVANT wanted immediately, 18 to JT 20 years of age used to house of business preferred,—Apply Mrs Herbert, Penygraig. HOUSEKEEPER, by an experienced person, to a sin gle gentleman or widower with one or two children or Nurse and Companion to invalid lady cheerful, thoroughly domesticated, good manager and needlewoman highe-t references. —Miss Fortescut,, 8, Jubilee-terrace, Warminster, Wilts. 764 mRUSTWORTHY Girl, good character, as General I Servant in family of three, required by Feb. 11th. Plain cook.-92, North-road. Bristol. 798 WAN l'ED, good General Servant, able to do plain cooking also Girl (about 15) as Nurse must be fond of children good characters indispensable.— Apply 13, George-street, Swansea. 27 WANTED at once, a thoroughly experienced General Servant.; two in family.—17, Windsor- place, Cardiff. 968 WANTED, Situation as Nurse good needle- woman good reference.—Apply Jones, Cameron Arms Hotel, Swansea. 995 Wr ANTED, at once, sorong General Servant; must be a good milker.—Apply to Mrs Burge, 39, Gelli-road, Ton, Pentre. 997 WANTED, a good plain Cook.—Mrs Hibbert, 39, Park-place, Cardiff. 945 ANTED, a respectable, experienced Nursemaid, v v —Apply personally 5 to 7 o'clock 9, LlanbJeddian Gardens, Cardiff. 957 WANTED, General Servant; must be able to cook well, and have good reference.—Apply 7, Kymin- terrace, Penarth. 859 WANTED, good General Servant good character indisp-nsable.—Apply 6, Despenser.gardens, Riverside, Cardiff. 947 WANTED, a General Servant, thoroughly under- stands plain cooking for house of business.— Apply Morris and Co., Drapers, Merthyr. 943 WANTED, strong, clean Girl as General Servant; able to wash reference required.—8, Fitzalan- place, Cardiff, from three to seven. 933 Y,"IT" ANTED, a Housemaid age about 24.—Apply to »v Mrs Barnes, 4, Croft, rlenby. 904 \J~ANTED, General Servant, able to wash, iron, v v and steady; only three in family.—Apply, with full particulars, Jenkins, Grocer, &c., Blaengarw, near Bridgend. 919 WANTED, a good Generil Servant none but W experienced, and able to cook, need apply; references required.—Wine and Spirit Vaults, 27, Castle-street, Swansea. 897 "VTTANTED, a good General Servant in small v v family must bs an early riser, and able to wash.—Apply Moran, Echo Office, Cardiff. 810 Wf ANTED, immediately, a thoroughly good v ? Housemaid must be an early riser.—Mrs Reed, Trevarno, Cathedral-road, Cardiff. 894 WANTED, good General Servant.—Apply 39, Richmond-road, Roath, Cardiff. 8?3 WANTED, at once, several good Cooks, Generals, Housemaids.—Apply Mrs Nelson's Registry, 71, Stow-hill, Newport, M. n. 4329 WANTED. General Servant, able to wash and iron small family; good wages to suitable girl.—Williams, Grocer, Wharf-road, Maindee, New- port, Mon. 4327 WANTED, a General Servant; a good character indispensable.—Apply Wellciose, Penylan, Cardiff, between 12 and one o'clock 839 Cardiff, between 12 and one o'clock 839 WANTED, in a small family, a strong, active, and experienced General Servant; must under- stand cooking not under 23 years of age boy kept and assistance given; no washing —Apply any day after 6 o'clock at 38, Park-place, Cardiff. 447—3927 WANTED, JGenaral Servant must have good references.—Apply 56, Richmond-road, Car- diff. 811 WANTED, immediately, a good General Servant early riser good character.—Apply Ingiedene, Upper Castle-road, Cardiff 799 WANTED, Plain Cook or General Servant in small T family good references required.—Apply Mrs Merchant, Plas-y-Dderwen. Pontypridd. 771 W ANTED, Situations in Newport by good ol-iin ▼ cook and house parlourmaid highest refer- ences wages, £ 16 and S14.-L.L., E.C., Liberty Wells, Somerset, 4300 WANTED, a sood General Servant.—Apply at once, Leeds House, Treharris. 752 WANTED m a small family, a strong Girl as General Servant; good character required; wages 10s per month.—Apply Mrs Tilley, Ivy House, Cowbridge. 755 YOPNG LADY desires a Situation as Mother's Help or Nurse domestieated accustomed to children. -A., 29, Lily-street, Roath, Cardiff. 924 THE Insertion of several Advertisements is delayed because the references given are to Post-offices, to initials, or fictitious names. Post- masters are not allowed to deliver letters so addressed. Situations ^TARAIXT Tt-lp AliCERS. -Wanted, Apprentice Boy (15) to assist JO in bakehouse and deliver.—Apply to A. Jervis, 10, Park-street, Minehead 862 OOT TRADE.-NV ante(L Rounders and Finisher BOOT TRADE.—Wanted, Rounders and Finisher none but good, steady workmen need apply constant employment.—Poynton and Co., Limited, Cardiff. 851 BOXER for Tin Plates wanted at once state age, experience, and wages required near Cardiff.— Metal, Daily News Office, Cardiff. 910 € COLLIERS wanted for opening out new workings j must be used to the long-wall system.—Apply Manager, Meiros Colliery, Llanharran, near Llan- trissant. 3844 (COMPOSITOR, clean, quick, willing, seeks re, j engagement salary £ 1 news or jobbing ex- ce lent references.-17, Prospect road, Abergavenny.794 HAULIER wanted must be well used to horses, and fair scholar from country preferred.— Apply Arthur Daniel, Troedyrhiew. 3 ADIES Wanting employment can easily earn 15s B J by Automatic Knitting Machine cash or hire purchase work supplied.—Address S. W. Co., 67, Southwark-strbet, London. Agents wanted. 880 "]VS ILLMEN*.— Full and constant work for steady lva men can be had at Yspittv Works Loughor, R.S.O. 881 MEN, YOUTHS, Boys, all classes requiring any employment, write Situation Guide, List of Testimonials, and Advertiser," free many hundreds suited.—Tanner and Co. (Box 54), 112, Newington Causeway, London. Men late Army, Navy, or Merchant Service also write. 732 MOULDERS are requested to keep away from -31 Cardiff, as a Dispute is pending. 813 OPEN TO ALL.— £ 2 to £ 10 per week easily earned without interfering with present occupations. This advertisement is genuine.—For particulars see "Trade, Finance, and Recreation," of all newsvendors and railway bookstalls, Id., or post free, lid.—35, Mark- lane, London, E.C. 101 2731 T^AILORS.—Wanted at once a Young Man as *]L' General Hand.—Apply to David Harries, Tailor and Draper, Brynamman, R.S.O 934 T I^IMEK fSEPER wanted for town contract; must be sharp, and willing to make himself generally useful.-Apply personally, with references, Charles Shepherd and Son, Limited, Contractors, Crofte-street, Roath, Cardiff. 883 mo BAKERS' HAULIERS —Wanted, at once, §L intelligent, trustworthy, Young Man to deliver bread and take charge of horses good references indispensable.—Apply William Thomas and Company, Abercarn. rpo PRINTERS.—A good Jobbing Hand wanted at f. once.—J. Archibald Grier, Stationers' Hall, Mountain Ash. ;0 PRINTERS.—Wanted, practical Machinist, ac. customed to Harrild's "Bremner," and Otto gas engine till time at case.—Apply Gazette Office, Treorky. 743 rpo WOODCUTTERS.—Wanted at once. Four good X Woodcutters.—Apply John and James Herbert, Crumlin, Mon. 869 WANTED, good steady Man. accustomed to T T horses, as auction room Porter must be strictly sob r wages, £1 per week.—Apply immedi- ately, personal.application preferred, William Morgan, Auctioneer, Pontypridd. 973 WANTED, Vest and Trousers Hands.—-Farmer and Company, Castle-road, Cardiff. 935 WANTED, Railway Wagon Repairer for out- station (Pembrey).—Apply J. Heald and Com- pany, Swansea. 960 WANTED, a General Saddler, used to cart and coll'ery harness a good collar hand.—Apply Evans and Bevan, Neath. 911 WANTED, a strong Youth as Apprentice to the Pork Butchering. — Apply A. Williamson, Oxford-street, Swansea. 887 WANTED, on 20th March next, good Haircutter v 7 and Shaver tall; age 18; indoors; good home; no Sunday work.-Apply (height, reference, photo) Mrs Owen, 28, Church-street, Festiniog. t86 WANTED, a good Moulder, used to jobbing work. —Williams, Wellington Foundry, Swansea. 818 WAN l'ED, Boy (16) to Sell Milk one from the country—Breconshire, Carmarthenshire—pre- ferred all found, with weekly wages.—Apply G. Thomas, 145, Wood-road, Pontypridd. 781 WANTED, a strong and steady Man as haulier; constant woik to a cood mau.—Apply Thomas Thomas, Llest Farm, Garw Valley. 849 W ANTED, a respectable Youth, about 1b, as Apprentice t > the Hairdressing Business small premium.—Apply Stewart, hairdresser, George- street, Newport, Mon. 753 fH^HE Insertion f several Advertisements is X delayed because the references given are to Post-offices, to initials, or fictitious names. Post- masters are not allowed to deliver letters so addressed. jr»0 WEEKLY and upwards can be easily and honestly realised by persons of either sex, withont hindrance to present occupation.—For par- ticulars >111(1 sample, enclose addressed envelope to Evans, Watts, and Company (P 137). Merchants, Bir- mingha'n.—This is genuine. 637 I¡ap Assistants, ,t. ADVERTISER, 12 years in Grocery and Provision trade, 2j years in a merchant's office in Sydney,' is open to an Engagement as Manager, or any place of trust; undeniable references.—Address W. James. 15, Askew-crescent, Uxbridge- road, Shepherd's Bush, London, W. 692 APPRENTICE. — Wanted, sharp Boy for the Drapery good opportunity to learn the trade.— Apply Morgan and Co.; Emporium, Pentre, Ponty- pridd. 744 IRAPERY.-Wanted, smart,active Junior( Welsh) 8 ) state age, salary and reference, to ,J. 1\1. Edwards, Dowlais, 95 I IRAPER.Y.-IVanted, a Young Man as Junior; good wiudow dresser state last two situations. —Apply Hughes and Co Llanelly. 925 | ARAPERY.—Wanted, a sharp Youth as Improver I f state particulars.—Arthur Miles, 2, Bute-street, Cardiff. 786 DRAPERY and Outfltting.-Well-educated Youth DRAPERY and Outfitting.— Well-educated Youth as apprentice also Improver.—Apply, full par- ticulars, Pugh and Co., Builth Welis. 729 4 ROCERS.—Wanted, a sharp, strong Improver for VJT above to be generally useful.—W. Llewellyn, Merchant, Tredegar. 762 d 1 ROCERY.— Wanted, Junior or good Improver, V3T accustomed to provisions; abstainer preferred. —Apply Grocer, 966, Daily News Office, Cardiff. 966 GROCERY.—Wanted a Young Man to drive out and assist in shop.—Apply to J. Isaac, Brynmawr. 937 'I ROCERY.-Wanted, a thoroughly experienced H Junior for above one with a slight knowledge of drapery preferred good character indispensable.— D. Lewis, Garndiffaith, Pontypool. 872 ROCERY.-Situation Wanted as Junior; five JC years' experience; excellent references; moderate salary.—W., "South Wales Daily News" Office, Cardiff. IkS ("1 ROCERY and IRONMONGERY.—Vacancy for a 1f strong, active Youth as apprentice Welsh indispensable.Apply Josiah John, Supply Stores, Ammanford. 974 (> ROCERY and PROVISIONS.—Wanted, a Young .X Man to look after horse, deliver goods, and assist indoors also an Apprentice must be sober and of good chracter.-Apply, with full particulars, Johns. Tonypandy. 833 ROCEBS CARTER.—Wanted at once, a steady, JT strong, active, Young Man one accustomed to the work preferred.—Apply statin", age, wages, and reference to John Daniel, Abersychan. 11 MANAGER, or Otherwise.—Good Provision Hand disengaged knowledge of Grocery age 35.— X. 23, Muliiner-street, Smithuown-road, LiverpooL 888 jj ILLINER, stylish and good Saleswoman, to take Iv 8 own orders; manage millinery, mantle, ladies' and children's underclothing showrooms.-Pugh and Co., Builth. 730 ILLINERY.-D. s. Thomas, Bazaar, Ystrad, Rhondda Valley, will have a vacancy for an experienced Hand by 1st of March: give full par- ticulars: 793 FAWN BROKING.—Si tuation wanted by Young JB, Man at the end of this month; good references. —Addre.-s S. Grobstein. 86, High-street, Merthyr Tydfil. 955 ij EADY-MADE CLOTHING and BOOTS.— Wanted immediately, Man about 22 for a country trade.—Full particulars, by letter, to Clothier, South Wales Daily News Office, Newport. 4364 TO GROCERS.—Situation Wanted as Assistant 8 years' experience; satisfactory references.— Apply Thomas, Daily News Office. Merthyr TydfiL 22_ mo GROCERS.—Situation wanted as Branch A Manager 9 years' experience good references. —Address Manager, Daily News" Office, Merthyr Tydfil. 23 mO THE GROCERY TRADE.—Wanted immedi- X ateJy, a smart Lad as Improver to the above trade.—Apply L. Richards, Blaenavon. 890 'Vi :v ANTED, an Assistant as Improver in the Gro- cery to make himself generally useful and to drive out.—Apply Mr Thomas Jones, 29, Llewellyn- street, Pentre, Rhondda. 12 I WANTED immediately, good Junior Assistant, 1f quick, correct, and obliging.-John Watkins, Grocer, 122, Commercial-street, Newport. 16 WANTED, Young Lady as Mother's Help, and to assist in grocery business.—Verney and Co., Woodville-road, Cardiff. 926 WANTED, a cood Saleswoman for the Mantle department.—Apply William Thomas and Co., Drapers, Llanelly. 979 WANTED at once, good Junior.— Apply Roberts and Co., Grocers, Tonypandy. 917 WANTED immediately, strong, active Junior for VV the Grocery and Provision Trade.—Apply Judd, Commercial-road, Tredegar. Personal application. 902 WANTED, immediately, a smartTjunior for Provision counter must be well up.—Apply personally The South Wales Provision Stores, Barry. 505 mHE Insertion of several Advertisements is X delayed because the references given are to Post-offices, to initials, or fictitious names. Post- masters a.Te not allowed to deliver letters so addressed. (Klerks, jSlanagirs, &r. TIT ANTED, a Certificated Manager to a SteanTcoal TV Colliery,— Apply, with references, to A. B., care of W. Gascoyne Daiziel, Exchange-chambers, Cardiff 29 WANTED by Young Man (18) situation as Clerk two years' experience in tin-plate works office excellent references.—L. Morgan, Tintern. 933 \\TANTED, at a small Coiliery in Glamorgan, a T v Welsh speaking overmaii and Manager, with first-class certificate wages, 35s to 408 per week.— Apply No 3, South Wales Daily News," Swansea.898 WANTED, a Clerk, having knowledge of Welsh and shorthand, who has had not less than four years' experience of office work.—Apply, stating age and reference, and salary required, 65, High- street, Merthyr Tydvil also a Junior Clerk, who has had not less than two years' experience.—Apply as above. 899 WANTED, in a merchaut's office at Cardiff Docks, Youth to act as Bookkeeper knowledge of pitwood trade and shorthaud desirable.—Apply to Z 2, South Wales Daily News" Office. Cardiff. 719 Situations Mant&X ( TO AKERS AND CONFECTIONERS.—Young Man I X3 desires Situation in above, to assist generally; j good character.—Glover, 1, C*inmercial-street, Aber- dare. 816 BAKERS, Pastrycooks. -Young Man seeks situa- JL) tion at once, permanency first, single, where another is kept well up bread, smalls abstainer, good reference.—A. Southern, 36, Tresillian-terrace, near St. Mary-street, Cardiff. 951 IUTCHERS.-Young Man requires Situation as Improver cut up well, and serve all round: used to horses; good references; sober; Newport preferred.—Apply T. Nelmes, Broad-street, Blaen- avon, M on. 795 G" ARDENER, good single handed or where help is lkw given age 28 married well recommended.— Williams, Gardener, Llanhamlach, Brecon. 996 MASTER BUTCHERS.—Young Man seeks Situa- tion good second in slaughterhouse serve round good character disengaged.—Apply A, Roles, St. Michael's-lane, Bridport, Dorset. 874 TO BAKERS amf CONFECTIONERS —Wanted, Situation by practical workman in all branches good references. -Confectioner, 5. Water-st, Neath. 797 rpO TAILORS, Drapers, and Outfitters. -Required, X by an experienced Tailor's Cutter, an Engage ment; age 37; abstainer; first-class references; moderate salary Welsh and English.—Apply Tailor's Cutter, outh Wales Daily News" Office, Cardiff.975 WANTED, by a Young Man, aged 32 (married), situation as Storekeeper, or any position of trust; undeniable references upwards of 20 years' good character.—S., 3, St. Georges's-place, Tredegar. 9" WANTED, by a young man, a Situation as Groom and Coachman or Gardener understand vines and greenhouse good reference indoor or out.- Address 56. Ordell-street, East Moors, Cardiff. 18 WANTED, by Young Man. master's certificate, v v Situation of trust; long experience, steam well educated, sober, best testimonials.—P..I. Daily News," Cardiff. 827 WANTED a Situation as Groom or Helper in gentleman's stable, aged 20 -willing to be useful good references from last situation.-A. White, King's Weston, Bristol. 868 WANTED, situation as Groom-coachman drive single or pair age 24, single excellent re- ferences.—K. Whitcombe,Lynhales, Kington, Hereford- shire. 934 WANTED, Situation as Sugar Boiler, well up in hand and machine goods.—Apply R. B.. 15, Clive-ioad, Canton, Cardiff- 916 THE Insertion of several Advertisements is JL delayed because the references given are to Post-offices, to initials, or fictitious names. Post- masters are not allowed to deliver letters so addressed. gtndt5, fetbcllers, &t.. AGENTS wanted to form Benson's Clnbs for the supply of watches, clocks, jewellery, plate, cutlery, musical boxes, pianofortes, organs, har- moniums, opera and field glasses, travelling bags, d1c., &c. Terms very liberal.—Full particulars post free on application to J. W. Benson, the Originator of the Club System, 62 & 64, Ludgate Hill, London, E.C. 4174 AGENTS wanted by the London, Edinburgh, and Glasgow Assurance Company, for Llanelly and neighbourhood; good books to commence with on liberal terms, with salary.—Apply Mr Wm. Morgan, District Manager, Charles-terrace, Llanelly. 4385 A GENTS wanted goods in steady demand salary U. and commission.—Ireton and Co., 92. Grace- church-street, London. 393 AGENTS wanted £ 26 per quarter, paid weekly, splendid opening experience unnecessary specimens free.—Address Compo Works, Farnworth, Bolton. H- 873 AGENTS wanted to push Fine Durable Compound A- Machinery Oils amongst mills, ironworks, collieries, steamships, &c. sale large and increasing liberal commission.—Address J. B., care of Dewick and Bateman, 46, Bnrbicai), London, E,C. 791 AGENTS wanted for our Rubber Stamps sample selling at 6sJ 6d. free for 2s 6ii— Baker and Co., 34. Piilior(i -street, London. 778 AG 5CNTS wanted every where for "The Complete Bnsiness Register," a Tradesman Account Book salary aud commission.—Messrs H. Pampliilon, Congleton, Cheshire. 863 AGENTS WANTED, in all provincial towns, to solicit orders fur an articleof daily consumption, 5 per oent. commission.—Baxter and Company, 109. Milkwood-road, London, S E, Established 1863. 627 A GENTS wanted in every town and village through J\ out the United Kingdom terms most liberal- Apply to "J," Room 5. 1 and 2, Chiswell-street, London. 768 IFF, ASSURANCE OFFICE —The fie-organizing Agency Staff requires District Managers and Agents throughout United Kingdom new popular principles to be introduced; whole or part time, spscial terms to suitable applicants business men with connection may apply; state present engagement. —Address 421 M, at Horncastle's Cintral Advertise. ment Offices. 61. Cheapside, London, E.C. 4373 g )EARL "LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, it LIMITED.—Wanted, a Collector to work Chepstow to Portskewet splendid terms to one who can introduce btisiness.-Apply T. Lloyd, District Superintendent, Chepstow-roaa, Maindee. Newport, Mon. 4365 |3 EARL LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, tL LIMITED —Agents wanted at Llanelly good terms to energetic men.—Apply O. T. Owen, o, Upper Park-street, Llanelly. 842 WANTED a Young Man for Canvassing.—Apply T V No. 1, Queen-street Arcade, Cardiff. t32 ESLEYAN and GENERAL j ASSURANCE W SOCIETY (Bstablished 1841), Accumulated Funds exceed £ 200,000.—Agent Wanted at Llanelly book to commence.—Apply L. German. Neath, or T. Monger, Park Amos-terrace. Llanelly. 847 loiuuitgs, ^jiartmmte, &z. 1;11F if COMFORTABLE Lodgings for one or two respect- (_ able Young Meu.—Apply 2, Moira-terrace, Roatb, Cardiff. 884 OMFORTABLE Furnished Apartments to Let; C suitable for gentleman dining out.—5. Windsor- place, Cardiff. 7 RESPECTABLE Furnished Apartments for Gentle- R man or two friends terms very moderate.- Apply 42. Lower Cathedral-road Cardiff. 804 UNFURNISHED Apartments (two or more rooms) u to let, staid couple preferred.—Apply 19, Richards-terrace, Roath, Cardiff. 972 SAPPHIRE-STREET, Roath. Cardiff—Lodg- ings for respectable Young Man comfortable borne terms moderate. 806 Houses. &r., a n t WANTED to rent or purchase, a medium size Dwelling House within easy distance of Taff Vale Station, Queen-straet.—Address, with full par. ticulars, to N A.. Daily News, Cardiff. 819 W ANTED, in March. Detached House; Mon- mouthshire or Herefordshire five bedrooms, two sitting-rooms good garden, coachhouse, stable, orchard or small paddock desirabie,-Particulars R. Davis, Pyle, Bridgend. 809 WANTED to Rent, from March, a comfortable v w House (furnished or unfurnished), with Land; or a Small Farm, within easy reach of Cardiff.-Y. Z.. Daily News OfficetCardiff. 735 Jor ^afe—fjtnises, anù. &t. ADOXTON.-Sliop and House for Sale, or to Let, C close to Barry Dock,—J. Rowledge, 48, Ca-tle- road, Cardiff. 665 FOR SALE, a Freehold Dwelling-Housa at Ponty- pridd it contains drawing-room, dining-room, kitchen, scullery, large pantry, and other offices, and four good be rooms; a good -ized garden gas and water laid on commands one of the prettiest views in the district.—Apply to Messrs H. S. Davie.; and Morgan, Old Post-office Chambers, Pontypridd. 4293 OR Feiise, Shop, and Bakehouse, at 7 Pentre. Uhondrl:, Valley.-Apply Thomas Jones. 67, Llewelyn-street, Pentre, near Poutypridd. 915 1?OIi SALE, No. 52. Henry-street, Marshes-road.— Apply G. Miintey, Alexandra Docks, Newport- upon-Usk. 4328 FOR SALE, 16, Dumfries-place, Cardiff; suit pro- fessional man.—Apply on the premises. 757 ISKIN-STREET. CATHAVS.—For ale, a very 1 desirable Residence"; two reception-rooms, five bedrooms, kitchen, scullery, bath room (hot and cold), two w.c.'s, two cellars, double bay windows, garden (front and back), una side entrance.—Morgan and Coles, Mill-lane, Caidiff. 817 ENARTH (14,Plymouth-road).-A Villa, containing P three sitting-rooms and five bedrooms, green. house, kitchens, and other conveniences, with good earden; now occupied by the owner. On view Mon- days, Wednesdays, and Saturdays. 738 W AN SEA.—House for Sale (private treaty), St. lO Helen's-avenue every convenience for family near trams.—Walters, 25, George-street, Swansea. 885 rjAO BE SOLD BY PRIVATE TREATY two H. Dwelling-house.s, Nos. 3, and 4, Bute-terrace, by Great Western Station, Llantrissant part of money may remain on mortgage.—Address 6. Fair View. terrace, Merthyr Tydfil. 954 mwo SHOPS for Sale in Main-street, Cadoxton.— X Apply R. Treharne Rees, House and Insurance Agent, Bank-chambers, Cadoxton. 796 Wa lie 3trt.m'Dust.5t Hinli, &r. ARDIFF.-Oakfi-ld-street, semi-detached Villa C large garden rent 240. early possession. —Apply C to Messrs Jenkins, Clark, and Teasdale, Cardiff. 1050 7B^XCEPYIONABLEAJ)V^TAGES.—CapitaTsites 1.J for small Villas or Cottages, close to Llandaff Station, near Melingriffitb Works, within three miles of Cardiff low ground rent. reduction in fees leases when joists fixed; advances half value lessor supplies stones free. Bricks at £1 Is per 1,000.—Apply Mr Westyr-Evans, Solicitor, Cardiff. 4311 IRWAIN.-Bellevue House to Let, with surgery, H or without, containing ten rooms gas and water laid. —Apply D. Richards, Hirwain. S9i LANDAFF -Attractive 8-roomed House and B J Offices immediate possession waterworks water electric bells good garden convenient 'bus and trains only £25 per annum, exclusive of taxes.- Cooper Penn, Llandaff, or St. Jobn's-square. Cardiff. 739 M ERTHYR-STREET,Cathays.-Housesm thorough repair, to respectable tenants, at 5s 6d per week. —Jenkins, Philharmonic Chambers, Cardiff. 1050 EAR NEATH.—To Let, Steam Coal, 200 acres, kl worked by level; 3-feet seam. Also Bituminous Colliery to Let, capable 100 tons per day; plant at valuation plans and particulars on personal applica- tion^—W'illiaui Paddison, Neath. 9S0 F,WPORT.-Land in LNew I)ock.street (corner 1\1 site), one minute from Town-hall and market, to Let on building lease, or premises would be erected to smb lessee.—Apply A. H. Oliver, Solicitor, Newport, Mon. 835 il,).ENARTH.-Villa, containing 11 rooms, to Let; II select neighbourhood.—Apply to Mr Thomas. 28, Windsor-road, Penarth. 986 a jiENAETH.—Furnished House on Beach to Let; ?■ _ninsrooms rent moderate.; early possession.— Jenkins, Clarke, and Teasdale, Philharmonic Cham- bers, Cardiff. 1050 yMALl, HOUSE, recently artistically furnished, to kO be Let, or owner would Sell furniture complete, —Apply T. A. Daily News Office, Cardiff. 880 rB 'vO LKT, House, No. 5, Gold-street, Roath, Cardiff. L —Apply George Baker. No. 48, Stow-hill, Newport. Key at No. 3. mo LET, the Garden Grounds, Hothouse, Green- X house, Stable, Coachhouse, and Outbuilding* attached to Troedyrhiw House.—Apply R. Lenis, 1, Castle-street, Merthyr. 914 TS^OLET, No, 38, Trafalgnr-te- race; two-stall sfable, I also a convenient workshop.—Apply T. P. Jones, Trafalgar-ter: ace, Swansea. 28 mo LET, House and Stable will suit cab proprie- -M- tor, horse dealer or haulier moderate rent.— Apply 161, Pearl-street, Roath, Cardiff. 913 TO LET, Beechfield House, Hengoed, and field JL attached near to Great Western, Rhymney, T?c'r?i-reco^ anc^ Merthyr Railway Stations.—Apply to LI. Etias, Bryn, Pontllanfraith, via Newport. Mon. 895 LET OR SOLD, seven-roomed Houses, X with every conven;ence five minutes* walk from town low rents, or sold clieap.-A,rply A. Notley, Brook-street, Cardiff. 8JS TO BE LET, from Lady Day next, Tynton Farm, JL comprising 348 acres, and within four miles of Neatb.-Apply to Mr Morgan Thomas, Union-place, Merthyr. 7% mO LEr (in March), Piercefield House, 122, New- t port-road, Roath; occupied 20 years by F. C. Webber, Esq., postmaster. Also good Business Premises at the Docks —Apply T. Hoult, 52, James- street, Docks, Cardiff. 850 YOUNG COUPLE (no children) would let part of house, unfurnished. — 51, Plantagenet-street (north end), Riverside, Canton, Cardiff. 766 LOFTUS-STREET, CANTON.—To Let, iive- roomed House large garden rent, 4s 6d weekly.—Apply 119, Queen-street, Cardiff. 820 igo -business ^pmniscs, &r. /"CARDIFF.—Offices in Charles-street, with every convenience in good position moderate rent,— Arply to Jenkins, Clarke, and Teasdale Cardiff. 1050 CARDIFF,-Exceptionat Premises; large Shop, C with fixtures modern fitted House; very busy thoroughfare moderate rent. -Jenkins, Philharmonic Chambers, Cardiff. > 1050 FIBST-CLASS SHOP, situated in St. Mary-street; F suitable for high-class tailor.-Secretary, 79, St. Mary-street, Cardiff. 967 4 "1 OOD FRONT SHOP and Premises in best part of VX Bute-street (near Board of Trade Offices) to be Let; conveniently arranged, with yard and stables at rear. Early possessiorl -Jenkins, Chrke, and Teas. dale, Sun Fire Office, Philharmonic-chambers, Cardiff 1050 f ARGE HOUSE and SHOP, 109, Clifton-street; i suitable Outfitters, Ironmongers, or Chemists.— .\pply Jenkins, Clarke, and Teasdale, Philharmonic. chambers. Cardiff. 1050 J A RGB STABLE, with loft and yard, could readily rt-J be converted to suit builder rent low.— Jenkins, Clarke, and Teasdale, Cardiff. 1050 i\ft ORRISTON (kVoodfield-street).-To jLet, with I immediate possession, a large and com rodious Shop double plate-glass front. suitable for a diaper best position.—Apply Mrs Edwards, 37, Martin-street, Mornsron. 756 OFFICES TO LET, 19. Duke-street.—Apply D. R. -Y Roberts, Caledonian Chambers, St, Mary-street, Cardiff, 4322 SHOP and HOUSE to Let, 44 and 48a, Broadway; rents low; most suitable premises for boot- maker or green,-roce z-. -Apply 47. Stuart-street, Docks, Cardiff. 808 rglHE JUNCTION HOrEL. Bargoed, near Cardiff, to Let by Tender four years'lease given from 16th_day of March, 1889.—For particulars apply E. Lewis, County Hotel, Ebbw Vale, Mon. 765 TO LET, an eligible site in the centre of the main street of Cardiff, to be let by tender for building purposes, on a long lease frontage about 110 feet, by a JL feet. Well suited for a first-class hotfel °r ? business purposes.-—For full particulars apply to Mr Peter Price, Architect and Surveyor, 21, High- street, Cardiff. 680 ~| BUTE-STREET (near the Hayes).—Business Premises to Let on lease; corner shop, 90ft deep, 25ft. wid, house, 10 rooms good yard, cellar and side entrance.—Apply 290, Bute-street, Cardiff.965 ihisxi^ssfis for Bbpflsal. AN OLD-ESTABLISHED Baking Business to Let ;a rare opportunity for an industrious man witb small capital can guarantee sufficient trade to be fully employed.-Apply Lombard House, Rhymney. 802 OUrcHER'S BUSINESS FOR SALE.—A Christian jH..w mxn has two desires to sell one very reason- able slaughterhouse, stable, and every convenience. Trade, £70 weekly, ready money.—G. E. 80, Southdown House, Willesden-green, London. 994 BUTCHER'S Business to be Disposed of; good shipping trade to be done.—Apply on the premises. 269. Bute-street, Cardiff. 932 > ^ONFECTIONERSluid BAKERs~business doing j a good trade in good position in the market town of Knighton, Radnorshire small premium for fixtures.—Mr Batchelor, Bucknell, Salop. 1 I70R DISPOSAL at once, well-established Manu- factoring Business no knowledge required. Price for plant, goodwill, horse, trap, &c., £ 250 refit noininal.-B. L., Advertispr Office, Bristol. 998 4 ROCl- RY BUSINESS to le: immediate posses^ s'°" death of proprietor cause of leaviDg. Ia in a good locality in Monmouthshire sinking opera- tions (steam coal) going on at present, also old collieries in full work stock very low,-Apply, in the first place, to Thomas, Iiitfod, Pontypridd. 948 NEWPORT (MON.).—Grocery and Provision Busi- ness for Disposal; main thoroughfare, neigh- bourhood of Docks; first-class opening for energetic man fixtures and stock (nearly all new) at valuation. —Apply P. D., "South Wales Daily News" Office, ewport.. 4350 4 k UTFITTING and DRAPERY Business to Let x F <s5th March best position in town; without stOok size shop 60ft by 18ft showroom 56ft by 18ft • double frontage, plate glass suitable for any busi- ness.—Evans, 232, High-street, Swansea. 840 WHOLESALE and Retail Business, well estab- lished leading thoroughfare extensive con- nection West of England, South Wales; splendid opportunity satisfactory reasons for leaving In. coming, £400; stock and book debts optional, or partnership ai ranged principals only.—Bowman, IN icholas-street, Bristol. 763 = JEadnnsry, tïaalz. &c. p E C K E T TAN D SON S RISTOL, HAVE THE LARGEST STOCK OF ? A. I EW J^OCOMOTIVE JgNGINES READY FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY. 1081 JpOBTABLE jgNGINKS, MORTiSR MILLS, SAW BENCHES. ENGINES, BOILERS. And all machinery. On SALE, HIRE, or PURCHASE HIRE On lowest terms and ready for delivery. F CHARLES jQ jpHlLLIPS NEWPORT, MON. Send for Phillips' Machinery Register, 5d. 109b mARTIN REECE AND COMPANY, MANUFACTURERS OF THE "LION" ADHESIVE, FIBROUS, NON. CONDUCING COMPOSITION, For Covering Marine, Locomotive, and Stationery Boilers, Steam Pipes, Cylinders, and all other Heated Surfaces. Further Particulars and References on application. "LION WORKS, 48, STRAND, SWANSEA. Two large Vertical Boilers covered with this Compo. sition can be seen at the South Wales Daily News" Printing Works, Cardiff. 3697 fJlO gTEAMSHIP Q W N E R S s Requiring New 1\1 AfllNB 13 0 1 L E R S Of the Highest Class and Power. Apply for Prices and Designs to G. K. STOTIIERT & CO., 3816 F,,XGINrFRS, BRISTOL. E70R SALE, two Steam Boilers, 30ft. long by 7ft, diameter, with fittings complete insured for 5bibs. pressure can be seen working until about the 16th instant, at the Ely Paper Works, Cardiff. 4273 07WR SALE, a first-class second-hand Vertical X? Engine, 8-inch cylinder, 12-inch stroke, 6-feet fly-wheel, with driving pulley, stone bed, and all com- plete to be sold cheap.—Apply South Wales Daily News" Office, Cardiff. 484—4105 | ANCASHIRE BOILER, 27ft. by 7ft., and 14 horse. 1 power Horizontal Engine. Sale, cheap.-Fielding and Platt, Gloucester. 4 OORTABLE ENGINES, 10 to 7 horse-p ower two C Semi-portables, 10 horse-power, Air Oompresser, 6in. Centrifagal Pumps, Sale or Purchase Hire, cheap. —Fielding and Piatt, Gloucester. 3 nlO-PRiNTR:3.-Cro IVn-Maèhine(Iai¡:S-patent) J. in working order, £ 12, bargain room wanted tor larger size-Fisher and Co., Broadmead, Bristol. —— 800 WANTED, Mortar Mill, about bft. pan good condition, cheap.—State price to Haliesy, Merthyr. 918 Horses, Wibe tntk, (tamps. VETERINARY SURGEONS.—Messrs Moir and Perry. Surgery 35, Charles-street, Cardiff. 4256 (CARRIAGES, TRAPSTCARTS. WHEELS, etc., for j every class of work. Apply and compare prices. }>est materials ana workmanship.—Williams, Steam Works, Aberdare, and branch, Porth, Rbondda. 3820 I ^ARTS, WAGONS, Trollies, Vans, Traps, and Car- Works, Aberdare, and branch, Porth, Rbondda. 3820 I ^ARTS, WAGONS, Trollies, Vans, Traps, and Car- riages manufactured by the Bristol Wagon Works Co. A gents for Cardiff and district, J. Hibbert and Sons, 10 & 11, Castle-st., Cardiff. Catalogues post free, 13611 3750 Co. A gents for Cardiff and district, J. Hibbert and Sons, 10 & 11, Castle-st., Cardiff. Catalogues post free, 13611 3750 OR SALE, fine Cow and Calf excellent milker in first-class condition. — Apply Penybaily, Loughor. 921 FOR SALE, dark brown cart Stallion rising four years a sure foal getter perfectly sound and quiet.—Apply D-H., DaUy News Office, Cardiff. 452 HANDSOME Sable Collie Bitch v.h.c. Swansea 1888 very affectionate no reasonable offer refused approval, o, Cradock-street, Swansea. 783 HARNESS (cheapest in Wales), new, strong, and stylish, brass or silver mounted, price £ 3 10s.— Apply Deakin, Herbalist, High-street. Swansea. 26 HEARSES, Funeral Carriaaes, Brakes, an(j Cabs, new and second-hand bargains on easy terms from £t>O.-Pbotographs, drawings, and terms, apply to John Marston and, Co" 21, Bradford-street, Birming- ham 737 SALK, Cob, 14 hands, with spring Trap and Harness, suit any business, £ 12 the lot; also light, active cart Mare; staunch worker, trial allowed, £ 12 — Apply 93, Chfton-strett, Roath, Cardiff. 830 ST. BERNARD^.—Grand Pups, 16 weeks, weighing 90 lbs sire, San Sebastian own brother. Baron Cardiff dam, Victoria (who collected for Infirmary Jubilee).—Mrs Stock, Westend, Maindee, Newport. 4347 ITSEFUL and good-looking Pony to be sold cheap J to immediate purchaser.—Apply Cooper Penn, Prince's Chambers, St. John-square, Cardiff. 790 WANTED to purchase, a Horse, about 15 hands must have good action; stand steam state price, age, and colour.—Apply 116, Newpart-road, Roath, Cardiff. 4278 WANTED, Retriever, or crossed breed Dog or W Bitch must be cheap.—Address W. Davies, 8, Bedlinoa, near Troedyrhiw. Giam., R.S.O. 969 VETERINARY SURGEONS—Messrs Moir and T Perry. Surgery 35, Charles-street, Cardiff. 4256 1ií!tlts, EMPTIES, &X. C1YCLF.S FOR 1889.—MORRIS BROTHERS would j bi glad to receive orders for the coming season at once if your machine wants overhauling send it to the Cambrian Cycle Works, Pontypridd, and we will store it free of charge until the season opens. Visitors to the Stanley show will find the renowned Cambrian on stand 161 All enquiries for lists And estimates to be addressed to Pontypridd. 4099 flimlfrg, pig&nts, &r. CANARIES.—A few good Yorkshire Canaries for Sale, from prize birds.—Apply to D. McLellan, 5, Station-road, Bridgend. 9 Magons anfc Q[.ollittu requisites. BUTE SPRING WORKS, East Moors, Cardiff. All kinds of railway wagon, carrie,and locomotive bearing and buffing springs made to order and with despatch. The proprietors are also the sole makers of Mitchell's unbreakable steel buffers for wagons and locomotives, and Heald's patent spring steel drawbar cradle, applicable to the existing 5hort draw bars. Repairs done promptly and at low rates. 2608 FOR SALE, 32 end-tip Baliast Waggons, in good Jt' condition.—Applylsaac Llewellin, Contractor, Old Dock, Newport, Mon. 4345 RAILS.—Steel and Iron, cheap, all Sections from 10 to 90 lbs per yard,with Chairs, Fishplates, Spikes, Bolt, Nuts, and Nails to match when required, also Switches, Crossings, Lever Boxes, and Turntables. Sleepers of steel, iron, or wood. Steel Springs for railway wagons and carriages- Heald's Patent Steel Draw Bar Cradles for connecting draw bars. Mitchell s } Patent Buffers. Corrugated Buffing and Bearing Springs. Allen's Steam Striker. Sano, clean and sharp, suitable for locomotives, filter-beds, builders, etc. Aberthaw Limestone,-Apply to the Bute Works Supply Co., 129, Bute Docks, Cardiff. 3022 UAILWAY WAGONS tor Hire or Sale, Cash or Oli deferred payments.—The Midland Railway Car- riage and Wagon Company, Limited, Midland Works, Birmingham. 1082 Jor Jisle. "iitiscdlancoiis. j £ gTOTHERT & CO. ENGINEERS, BOILER MAKERS, AND SHIP BUILDERS, B R I S T 0 L Have for Sale :— ENGINE.—New Horizontal Compound Condensing Tandem Engine, 25 horse power nominal, cylinders"112 in. and 22in. diam., by 24in. stroke, automatic expan. sion gear, teak lagging. ENGINES.—A pair of direct-acting. Inverted Cylin- der, High-pressure Engines, lOin. diam. by 14in. stroke, solid gun metal pumps. BARGE.—A strongly-built, open. Wooden Lighter (quite new), carrying 225 tons on 7ft. draft; dimen- sions, 82ift. x 20ift. x Sift. BOILER.—New Patent Vertical Multitubular Steel Boiler, 5ft. diameter x lift, high with smoke box, funnel, spring safety valve, and mountings complete. SCREW STEAMER, "Newport," 140 tons regis. ter, 249 tons gross 162ft. long x 19ft. beam x 8ft. deep; 50 n.h.p. a good sea boat; would make splendid pas- senger steamer. 1560 A IR PIPES for Sale, 650 yards 24-inch-diameter xV only in use short time. May be seen on pit bank. Price about half cost.—Address Caerphilly Coal Co., Caerphilly. 578 JjAIREWOOD chopped by patent machinery. Is 8d 1 per sack. 103 bundles. 2s soft block. Is 2d cwt oak chumps, Is cwt. delivered free. —Andrews and Baby, Cardiff. 3438 FOR SALE, £400 Appropriation. B160 repaid, £4Ó 6' subscriptions; offers wanted.—S. W., "South Wales Daily News." Cardiff. 889 HAY.—One small rick of prime Hay for sale.—For St further particulars apply to Mrs Williams, Greengrocer, Fleur-de-lis, via Cardiff. 993 HAY.—About 25 tons of Prime Meadow Hay for JLTL sale excellent quality.—Apply to Mr Lewis Hopkins, 10, Queeu-street, Cardiff. 3387 ILK for Sale. 80 to 100 gallons daily for twelve m. months from Lady Day, by rail—Davis, Leigh Farm, Pensford, Bristol. 845 AK, ASIlTand ELM PLANKING, KeUoes7stocks~ Cart Shafts, and all wheelwrights' requisites in timber. Enquiries solicited. PONSFORD BROS., Clarence Wharf Saw Mills, 2050 Newport, Mon. |3ATENT FUEL, made from honse co-il (230 blocks to ton), lis at works or by load, 138 br1 ton de- livered.—Crown Works, Old Sea Lock, Cardiff. 2144 SECOND-HAND a Show Cases, Tea. Bins, Canisters, Show Drums. Bowls, Tea Scales, Counter Scales. Weighing Machines and Weights, Hand Carts, Trucks, Butter Dishes, Box- wood Knives and Beaters, Provision Knives, Stee s, and every requisite for Grocers and Provision Merchants, at lowest prices for cash.—Address BRISTOL SECOND- HANl) STORES, 22, Temple-street, Bristol. 1274 ST. CATHERINE."—Fine Copy of RAphaeVs Picture in National Gallery, £ 15 15S. Fine Silver Jubilee Medal in Case, with Royal Arms, issued by Government, £3.-Ncwton, Watchmaker, Clifton. BristoL 935 ^TRONG TEA CHESTS for Sale fabout 100~tobe disposed of cheap.—Apply Garrett Bros 171, Commercial-street, Newport. 4284 Jlxsrdiattiflus Utants. WANTED, Offers of Oak, Ash, and Elm Timber, Y V standing or felled.—Send price and particulars to Ponsford Bros., Clarence Whart Steam Saw Mills, Newport, Mon. 977 WANTED, Shares in First Starr-Bowkett Society. tV —Zeta, South Wales Daily News," Cardiff.857 \!6:" ANTED, 10 tons of Bridge Rails. 221 bs per yard, v v —Send particulars to Diamond Llaiitwit Coal Company, Limited. Newport, Mon. 4247 WANTED, Ladies who can knit, do embroidery, T T crewels, &c., to send their name and address to the Providence Mills Spinning Co., Bradford, when they will receive gratis, post free, a splendid set of patterns of Wools and Silks, and particulars showing the great saving (Jd in the shilling, in some cases more) by dealing direct with the spinners. Mention this paper. 1173 £Híscellal1:eaUS. FURNISH on our New Hire System. Houses or Jj' Apartments completely furnished on a new sys- telIl, adopted solely by us, whereby all publicity, exposure, a.nd enquiries usually mads by other com- panies are dispensed with. We have an immense stock ot Household Furniture of cheap and superior quality. All goods sold on the Hire System at ready- money prices. We make no extra charge for credit and all goods sent home in a private van free of charge. No stamp or agreement charges made no bill of sale; everything private Arrangements completed without delay, and, Deing manufacturers, we guarantee quality, and will undertake to supply furniture, etc. at 10 per cent, less than any price-list issued by any firm in Cardiff Eleven showrooms. Call and inspect our immense stock, and compare prices before purchasing elsewhere. We will supply So worth for 2s 6d weekly £10 worth, 43 weekly; B15 worth for 58 weekly £20 worth, 6s weekly, and so on in proportion. Special terms for larger quantities. Please note the Address SOUTH WALES FURNISHING COMPANY, 31, Castle-st. (opposite the Castle), C!,if!783-:llÓ-23 ASTROLOGY.—What is bofore you ? Send date of birth, stamped addressed envelope, and postal order Is, to J. Wilson, Wilton-road, London S.W. 558 BEST LAMP OIL, wholesale, or delivered in small quantities. Lamps, glasses, and wicks,- Apply to George Jeffries, Wellington-street, Canton, Cardiff = 943 BUTTER CHURNS.—Patent Sexagon," awarded prize medal London Dairy Show Oct. Illustrated Lists.—R. Williams and Sons, Manufactuie s.Hay. 479 OWELL'S Paragon Fire Lighter. Howell s Paragon B.JL Fire Lighter.—Sold by all respectable Grocers 989 T^TERVOUS DEBILITY. -Gratis, a Medical Work showing sufferers how they may be cured with- out the aid of Quacks. Free on receipt of a postage stamp.—Address Secretary, Institute of Anatomy, Birmingham. 75 TOBACCONISTS Commencing, write- to-llayfor X Illusd. Guide, post free.—Tobacconists' Outfitting Co.. 11, Beech-sr., London, E.C. H. Myers, Manager. 344 WH A T IS" BEFORE -yO-tn-Send date ofbirtb T stamped envelope, and six stamps, C. Gordon, 97, Buckingham Palace-road, London. 850 1 A A/\A HANDBILLS, 74 by 5,10s 6d 1,000 X" Cards, Memorandums, or Billheads, 4s, unequalled.—Fisher and Co.. Broadmead. Bristol. 591 JEottey. A/4 A £ 1,000, £ 850, £ 500, £ 400, £ 250. The above amounts ready for approved securities.—Jenkins, Clarke. and Teasdale. Sun Fire Office, Cardiff. 1050 Q1 tJAA to Invest in one or more sums on good cV XjO"" Freehold or Leasehold Security 4^ per cent.—Apply Offices, Newport, Mon. 17 OK TO £ 1,000 ADVANCED to Profession^Gentle^ men, Tradesmen, Mechanics, and Householders generally, upon note of hand, furniture, stock, or other security. Re-payable to suit borrowers' convenience. BILLS DISCOUNTED. NO FEES. Borrowers are warned against advertisers who pro- fess to lend at 5 per cent. per annum on note of hand. Bona fide lenders cannot advance at such rates. We candidly admit we cannot. Such alluring advertise- ments are but traps to obtain fees try them, but don't pay fees. Our customers can rely that no unfair advantage will be taken of them. Ascertain our terms, and then (decide whether to borrow or nob. All Com- munications strictly private. WM. USHER & CO. (Limited), 14, PICTON- PLACE, SWANSEA. BRANCH OFFICE —ALBERT HALL CHAMBERS, STOW-HILL. NEWPORT. 3103 -n_- WANTED, £100 at seven per cent. £225 security. v* No money lenders need apply.—T.V., "Daily News," Cardiff. 892 ESTABLISHED 81 YEARS.—Advances made Upon Tradesmen's stocks, silver, plate, jewelleiy, furniture, pianos, and every description of portable property strictest privacy observed low rates of interest.—Full particulars A. Chillcott and Co., Great George-street, Park-street. BristoL N.B.—Cash per return of post on goods consigned for loan. 4072 LOANS.— £ 5 to £ 500 immediately advanced to respectable Householders (male or female) upon their own security, in town or country. No inquiry fees. Distance no object.-Apply personally or by letter to Mr Lewis, 16, Lower Station-terrace, Cardiff. Hours 10 to 4. 6vlll6 JMPORTANT TO BORROWERS. MONEY LENT PRIVATELY. A gentleman wishing to invest f ash is open to receive applications from people requiring same Advances can be had on the NOTE or HAND ALONE of any rqpoJlsible person (either male or female), in Town or Country, at 5 per cent, in sums from £ 10 to £ 1,000, and which can be repaid either monthly or quartsrly, or arrangements mide to suit) the borrower, or, if desired, the amount lent can remain at interest ALL PROPOSALS STRICTLY PRIVATE. Address or apply to— Mr A. EDWARDS, Lyneham House, Wealdstone, R.S.O. 3486 Middlesex. IVfONEY LENT PRIVATELY AT A FEW ill HOURS' NOTICE. A Gentleman having a large amouRfc of Capital is willing to grant advances, upon note ef hand alone, for any term not exceeding 15 years, rrom S15 to Clergymen, Farmers, Hotel Proprietors, Lodging-house Keepers, Tradesmen, or to any responsible Person, Male or Female, in Town or Country. Without loan office formalities or bill of sale. Distance no object, and so long as the interest is paid the capital can remain. No genuine application re- fused. All communications are treated strictly private. —Apply to the actual Lender, H. Harrison, Esq., 87, York-road, Westminster Bridge-road, London. 1115 ONEY LENT ON NOTE OF HAND AT SHORT NOTICE, BY A PRIVATE GENTLEMAN, From S10 to £1,000, at 5 per cent. Why apply to Professional Money Lenders, so-called Companies or Banks, when any responsible applicant can obtain an advance Privately without Sureties and the usual formalities of a Loan Office ? For the Benefit of Borroicerg I am prepared to grant advances from one to ten years in any part of England or Wales, to male or female (distance no object), and if desired the interest cau be paid quarterly, or half-yearly, or as may be arranged, therefore the applicant gets the full benefit of cash advanced.—Apply in confidence to the I actual lender, H. HUNTER, Esq. Gloucester House. 220, Ctopbam-road, Londou, 2852 "• ■—— :—"—■— 1 MONEY ADVANCED PRIVATELY, and without -l. publicity, from S5 to £500. to respectable house. holders and others, without delay or loan office routine; letters or p-.vsonal calls treated in strict) confidence, or will attend personally at any address upon receipt of letter.—Apply Mr Owen Powell, 5, Wood-road, Pontypridd. 2311 MONEY LENT WITHOUT BILL OF SALE.-A 1'-1. private gentleman is desirous of making advauces upon promissory note alone. at 5 per cent. interest, to male or female, without sureties, and strictly private, for any term not exceeding 10 years.- Apply for prospectus and scale of repayments to G. H. Shove, Esq.. 21. John-st.. Adelphi, London. W.C. (Wj{ A Ready to be Advanced on good V?V/Freehold or Leasehold Property, is sums of £100 to £10.000 also on good personal secu* rity, reversions, annuities, Ac., Ac.—Messrs Hem Financial Agents, 72. St. Mary-street, Cardiff. 1049 MONEY LENT WITHOUT DELAY.-A privat gentleman is prepared to i.end JS500 to any responsible persons (111 town or country) who are willing to pay a fair rate of interest for an immediate advance, entirely noon their own security, repayable by easy payments, or at fixed time not exceeding 5 years.—State requirements (in strict con- fidence) to CAPITALIST. 215. Regent-street. London, W., which will receive prompt attention. 3094 £ 10MMERCIAL ^D VANCE |> ANK^ 1 a QUAY-STREET (off St. Marv-street, opposite Church-street), CARDIFF. MONEY LENT to respectable Householders. 01 their own security, tewn or country. S3 to Fasy repayments no fees or any other expenses charged.— Apply for full particulars to 840—1101 JOHN J. LEWIS. TFSTABLISHKD 50 YEARS HE CARDIFF & COUNTY ADVANCE BANK having at their disposal a LARGE CAPITAL, wish to INVEST same PRIVATELY with responsible Tradesmen, Cab Proprietor Farmers, Cowkcepers, Market Gardeners, Fruit Growers,Carmen.Contractors'. Wheelwiiguts, lilacksmiths. Coal Merchants. TLIT and Straw Dealers, and others, on their own security Our special business is with the above and we do the largest business with Agriculturists. The Bank can satisfy clients that they are doing business with are .peetable timi, business being done with hundreds of clients in several different comities. DISTANCE NO OBJECT. Applications personally, or by letter, to S. THOMPSON. Manager. 9, CAROLINE-STREET. 1141 CARDIFF. HOUSEHOLDERS FARMERS, PUBLICANS, JH. BUILDERS. Cowkeepers a.nd others can obtain cash advances at moderate charges and easy repayments without delay "r putuleity. on their own security, and without any loan ofhee routine, by applying personaLlvor by letter tc Mr G. U. ALLSOPP.' 22, Trinity-street, Cardiff. Distance uo object. Special attention to country applicants. >' 265 Note the address 22. Trinity-street, Cardiff. 414/ MON^y.ADVANCF,D PRIVATELY and without Publicity.— £ 5 to £ o00 lent to respectable house** holders, without delay or loan office routine. Letter* holders. without delay or loan office routine. Letter* or personal caJls treated in S TRIC T OONFIDENCK .f or witl attend personally at any address upon receipa of letter.—Mr B. B. LESTER, 15. Bridge-street, Newport (a private house). noo I MPORTANT NOTICK-If you want money, sentf t t stamp for Prospectus before borrowing elsewhere. —Mr Pike, 43, Salisbury-road, Cardiff. 13M8 3818* MONEY LENT ON NOTE"OF HAND ALUN. .IT.I.. IN SUMS FROM £20 TO £4,000 THE NATIONAL MERCANTILE BANK, BACK HALL. BALDWIN-STREET. BRISTOL The Directors of this well-known, old-established Bank are prepared to offer exceptional advantages to all respectable and trustworthy persons who are in > need of temporary assistance. Cash is advanced at a Day's Notice, in any part of Town or country, without sureties, repayable by easy instalments or in one sura, anù on BORROWER'S WRI TTEN PROMISE TO RE PAY. A special feature of this Bank is that. a large and competent staff being employed, who attend promptly to all applications, borrowers residing at any distanc* from Bristol may receive advances as speedily as thougl. the office were located in their own town. The advances made during the past few years exceed HALF A M I L L I O N STERLING. Among the advantages offered by the Bank, the following deserve artention THE DESPATCH WITH WHICH LOANS ARB I COMPLETED. r THE SIMPLICITY OF THE PROMISSORY NOTB TO BE SIGNED. THE LOW RATE OF INTEREST CHARGED. THE WRITTEN GUARANTEE OK STRICTEST S PRIVACY f THE SYSTEM OF SMALL REPAYMENTS EX- rENDWG OVER A PERIOD OF TIME CON VEMENT TO THE BORROWER THE ABSENCE OF ALL LAW COSTS AND FEES, N.B.—No Bills of Sale are taken, and the transac- tions are not published in any newspaper or gazette. MORTGAGE DEPARTMENT. Advances also made 011 mortgage or deposit Of rleeds of property, shares, scrip, policies, and reversions at 5 PER CENT INTEREST. » For further particu ars apply, stating amount required to 3835 Mr T. C. MILBURN, General Manager. SOUTH WALES Financial Corporation (Limited)— | Cash Advances made upon good Approved Secu- M rities; re-payable hy instahllellts or otherwi¡¡e.- r' Philharmonic Chambers, Cardiff. John Jenkins. A.C. A. f Secretary. 1050 I MONEY —IF YOU WANT- AN ADVANCE OT,I$ JLvJt CASH, from S20 to apply to the IMPERIAL DEPOSIT BANK. 18. ADAM-STREET, STRAND, LONDON, for a Prospectus, which will shew you at a glance the exact amount you will have W repay. The transaction is STRICTLY PRIVATE. the only security required hy the Bank being the BORROWER'S OWN NOTE OF HAND. J Advances am made throughout tbf UTiito;' VM to all, and distance is no objection. W 3795 C. J. KN1GHTLKY. Manager. Ti Host aitft LOST. Cap of a Wheel, Wednesday morning last, JLJ between Salisbury road and Moors. Finder will be rewarded returning it Broadway. Cardiff. 961 %orhit0. SPORTSMEN requiring Guns or Cartridges should Buy only from Practical Men. T. Page Wood a.nd Co.. 21, Castle-street, Cardiff, are the only bonll. fide Gunmakers in South Wales. Haimnerles# and Hammered Guns built to order. 3238 REPAIRS.—(runs. Rifles, Revolvers, &c.. Repaired on the premises by Practical Workmen.—T. Page Wood and Co.. Practical Gunmakers, 21. Oastle-stree; 1 Cardiff. 3238 PIGEON SHOOTING.—Our Special Cartridge, 123 6d per 100. —T. Page Wood and Co.. 21, Castle-street, Cardiff. 3238 OTLbl^'S iS'i AUOll. Sola in 10. ficsure Boxes. kJ Sold in 51b Packets. (Stiff's starch. Tn B"" QTIFF'S STARCH. M.S'S.mS. For Coilars STIFF'S STARCH. For Wristbands. U For Shirt Fronts I STIFF'S STARCH. JZ 1 A \0 ¡;or CaDS. Q TIFF'S STARCH. For Lace8' KD For Linen. gTIFFS STARCH. OTIFF'S STARCH. Note the Caution Label Note the Caution Label O TIFF'S STARCH. Observe the Trade Marie • j KJ Sold by Grocers. _1 A \0 RSTABLlSH.&:D 1818. Q TIFFS STARCH.. f Cj'OTF'S STARCH. oo„ KJ 13515 2300 A WONDERFUL MEDICINE. BEECHAM'S PILLS Are universally admitted to be worth a GUINEA a BOX for bilious a.nd nervous disorders,such as wind and pain in the stomach, sick headache, giddiness, fullnes and swellin after meals, dizziness and drowsiness, cold chills, flushings of heat, loss of appetite, shortness of breath, costiveness, scurvy, and blotches on the skin, disturbed sleep, friphtful dreams, and all nervous d. trembling sensations. Ac. The first dose will give relief in twenty mmutes. Every sufferer is earnestly invited to try one box of these Pills, and they will be acknowledged to be WORTH A GUINEA A BOX. For Females of all ages these Pills are invaluable, as a. few doses of them carry off all humours, and bring about all that is required. No female should be with- out them. There no medicine to be found equal tc Beecham's Pills for removing any obstruction or lrregi*" larity of the system. If taken according to the direc* tions given with each box, they will soon restore females of all ages to sound and robust health. This has been proved by thousands who have tried them, and found the benefits which are ensured by their use. For a weak stomach, impaired digestion, and all disorders of the Liver, they act like GIC, and a few doses will be found to work wonàers npon tbe most; important organs in the human machine. They strengthen the whole muscnlarsystem,restore the long- lost complexion, bring back the keen euge of appetite, and arouse into action, with the ROSE-BUD ofhealtb, the wholephysicaf energy of the human frame. These are FACT:) testified continually by members of all classes of society, and one of the best guarantees to the Nervous and Debilitated is Beecbam's Pills have the largest sale of any patent medicine in the world. Prepared only, and Sold Wholesale and Retail, by the Proprietor, THOMAS BEECHAM. St Helen's, Lancashire, in Boxes Is lid and 2s 9d each. Sold by all Drujtgists and Patent Medicine Dealers everywhere. N.B.—Full directions are given with each box. 4164 I TMPORTANT. -One Box 01 Horton's 1. X. L. J- Pills are uaranteed to cure ail private cases and comJ plications of the urinary organs, whether acquired or otherwise. Also Gravel and Pains in the Back. Sent POSt free for 4s by Proprietor, G. D. Honon, V M.P.S (from, he Generai Hospital), Astoii-road, « Birmingham. Agents Cardiff-A. Hagon, Chemist, .39. f Bridge-st. Swansea—Lloyd Chemist, Oxford-career, NewDort-Youn. Chemist, High-street. N.B.-Hav8 ILQVPR NFIFCN known () ,"f),it I.P" ;t.¿ iee. 3788 BROU'S INJECTION. — HYGIENIC, INFALLIBLE, and PRESERVATIVE. Cure* promptly, without additional means, all recent or chronic discharges of the urinary organs. Price 4s 6d per bottle. Paris J. Fere (successor to Brou), macien, 102, Rue Richelieu; London: Wilcox and Co., 239, Oxford-street, W., who will forward it free by Parcels Post to any part of the United Kingdom oa receipt of P 0.0 and all Chemisis. 4253 13642 ONE BOX OF CLARKE'S B 41 PILLS is warranted to cure all discharges from tbe Urinary Organs in either sex (acquired or constitutional). Gravel, and Pains in the Back. Guaranteed free froil Mercury. Sold in Boxes. 4s 6d each, by all Chemist" and Patent Medioine Vendors throughout the Woria; or sent to any address for sixty stamps by the Makers. The Lincoln and Midland Counties Diug Comoany, Lincoln. JOO.) WHO IS YOUR BILLPOSTER at T V Aberdare ? MICHAEL PAINE, Billposter, Distributor, and Advertising Agent, 25* Cardiff-street# Aberdare, rents the principal posting-stations in Aberdare and <ügtrict. Contracts quarterly or yearly. Good accommodation for tta.,eller3. Also agent for Guion and Co. Mail Steamer. 3 0 l MANHOOD RESTORED. — Remed, \| fwe. A victim of youthful imprudence, c.aMft4 H ing Premature Decay, Nervous Debility, Leet Ma"* I hood, Ac., has discovered a Simple self-cure, which h. I will send free to his fellow sufferers.—AS-lress f. Fox 1, York-street. Souibwark, London, S.1\iï I" Printed and Published by the Proprietors, VA VIP f DUNCAN & SONS, at their Steam Priatssg WorK*« I 82and 83, St Mary-street and Westgate-street, in the I town of Cardiff, in the county of (rl^'uoriua, I