I HORNER'S THI ROY THE SILENT, Bv S. WATSON. CA uno!\ NO 30. DONALD McDOUG ALL'S The immense popu. BE V ENl*h. larity of HORNER'S By J. J. YLLIS. PEN.N'Y !,TORIEs' ha, No 31. brought a number of FREDA'S PERIL, feeble imitations into "fl J) By M. E. L. the fi»ld. Purchasers | No. 32. should see that they DUDLEY CARLTON'S get HORNER'S, as WIFE (The S vuel t* other kinds are often Throunh Weal and substituted. Wee," fShortly.] By FANNIE EDEN. Ask any Bookseller for thnn. STORIES. 3,250,000 Xos. 1 tv 31 READY issued 4111 LONDO W. B. HORNER i SON, 27 Paternoster-sq. I W LEAR, Royal Arcade. Cardiff.


V ALLSOPP & SONS, y^v v BASS & CO., r, V>V N.-F .V -T • M »nd others v of the finest X BURTON PRICKS. ^5*K ALES Per Pe- y^)\ KUderkin Firkin. N? ^S&l> 18s 9s A rfX 21a 10a 6d N& 24a 129 Q And upwards 1C30

s. SPECIAL NOTICE. SOUTH WALES INDIA RUBBER CO., ■* R MANUFACTURERS OF X LEATREP, & COTTON X 0>X MAIN DRIVING V: X BELTS. PRTrw IIST X */>XLEATHER HOSE- &C « PRICE LIST rj-Aiso all kinds of i and all Information India Rubber r\ Goods for me- on application. V NT chanical Durpose, SOUTH WALES "Ir etc. X ^VX W INDIA RUBBER CO. 32, WEST BUTE-STREET, DOCKS, CARDIFF.

Shipping #tatos. J O N DTTN TO CARDIFF, FEBRUARY 5TH. CARDIFF TO LONDON, CARDIFF TO SWANSEA, FEBRUARY 8TH. ROTTERDAM TO CARDIFF DIRECT S.S. "WOODLANDS," Loading 12th inst. For Freight and Particulars, apply to ROBERT JOHNSTON AND CO., CARDIFF. 2800 "WRATERFORD and CORK, and the t* whole of the SOUTH of IRELAND, per Fast ■pains on the GREAT WESTERN RAILWAY, and Powerful Steamships, via Miford Haven. The Water- *ord Steamers run daily. The Cork Steamers leave Milford Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays, and jgtiirn Mondays, Wednesdays, a.nd Fridays. 3737 ASKSR nAKDI'FF, SWANSEA, /tf^h +AND NEWPORT TO BELFAST AND GLASGOW. FIRST.CLASS STEAMERS Are intended to Sail with Goods and Passengers its follows:— -.CARDIFF TO GLASGOW via Swansea and Belfast EVERY MONDAY p.m. tide. I .SWANSEA TO GLASGOW via Belfast EVERY WEDNESDAY Evening. NEWPORT TO GLASGOW via Swansea and Belfast ••VERY ALTERNATE TUESDAY p.m. tide. Above route offers a fa.voura.ble opportunity for blakmg a pleasant trip to Ireland or Scotland. Passen- gers will find the cabin accommodation superior, and S?ring Summer Months, in addition to regular stewards, a Stewardess is carried. Fares—Belfast: Cabin, 1756< Steerage, 10s; Glas- fÖs: Cabin, 20s; Steerage, 12s 6d. Soldiers or Sailors, Os. Returns—Fare and a Half, available for two months. Further particulars from M. Jones and Brother, Swansea R. Burton and Son, Newport; or 014 E. TAYLOR and CO., Cardiff. CARDIFF AND BORDEAUX V7 The CARDIFF STEAMSHII COMPANY'S FIRST-CLASS SCREW 1'ifri «»•— STEAMERS will sail as follows:— JJORDOGNE„ Bordeaux for Cardiff „ „ .Jan. 31 ( "IRONDE. „ ..Cardiff for Bordeaux Jan. 25 (With roods and passengers. For Rates of freight, <tc., apply to Messrs Jno. Whit- 1 nam and Sons, Agents, 2, Rue Lafayette, Bordeaux; and at the Offices of the Company, ol. Mount stu&rt- Iquare, Carditi. 1071 481 HOOPER. CAMPBELL A CO.. Managers. MYT "OEGULAR SERVICE of /zzffrf-rp. -JlVI first class powerful STEAMERS between LIVERPOOL, CARDIFF, and r DUBLIN. Cheapest and most Direct Route. The DUBLIN GENERAL STEAM SHIP ING COMPANY have appointed THE as. CAPTAIN COOK, 350 Tons, or other suitable Steamer, To SAIL (accidents excepted) From DUBLIN.. On FRIDAY, „ LIVERPOOL .On SATURDAY; „ CARDIFF to DUBLIN and LIVERPOOL On MONDAY. For Rates and further particulars apply to M. Murphy jun., 96, North Wall, Dublin R. J. Swyny, *en wick-court, Liverpool; or to M. J. BEGG AND CO., -!036 DOCKS, CARDIFF. /Lsfyr M E It L O A N LINE. £ 5rfch yii. UNTIED STATES MAIL 4BBfeS!&STEAMER«. L1VRRPOOLTO PHILA. DELPHIA EVERY WEDNESDAY. Pasiengers and goods landed at Philadelphia 011 the "harf of the Pennsylvania Railroad. The shortest and route to the West. .For further particulars apply to RICHARDSON, "PENCE, & CO., 19 and 22, Water-street, Liverpool. C. J. CUDLIPP, Cattle road, Cardiff JONES liaos. and Co., lSute Docks, Cardiff, and at Dock- Itreet, Newport; S. J. DAYIE3, 9, Edward-place Cardiff; TILNEY and Co., Abertillery; J. MORGAN, OSI. Office Pontypool J. THOMAS, Tredegar W. H. AUSTIN, Neath-road, Laivdore; A. DAYIES, 21, Meckan-street, Pontlottyn I'LIZABETH DAVIS, 52, Pontmorlais, Merthyr AUSTIM & Sii.cocKS, Swansea JAMES RORERTS, South Wales Emigration Office, Pontypridd; A. H. THOMAS, Church-street, Blaina; 'J jtod W. H. HITCHINQS, Agent, Aberkenfig. 1016 INMAN LINE ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS. INMAN A INTERNATIONAL STEAMSHIP CO., LTD. i-IVEBPOOL to NEW YORK every WEDNESDAY. Calling at Queenstown every Thursday. Apply to RICHARDSON, SPENCE, A CO., Water-street, Liverpool; or to S. J. Davies, 9, Edward's-place, Queen-st, Cardiff; T. C. Howe and Co., v steamship Brokers, Cardiff; C. J. Cuulipp, Castle-road, Cardiff; Wm. Edwards, Hill Side House. Caerphilly; C- H. Perkins, 17, Somerset-place, Swansea J. Mor- Kan, 9, St. George-street, Swansea; Austin & Silo Swansea; T. H. Austin, Neath-road, Landore; » L. Bowen, Lawrence-street, Llanelly Josiah Davies, ) \Ureat Western House, Llanelly H. Lewis, Old Market- Wreet, Neath J. Roberts. Pontypridd. 3863 X! CARDIFF PASSENGER, FREIGHT, EiilGitt^TXON OFFICE. Bookings at Lowest Rates by the following and other *irat-class Steamship Lines I New York, Philadelphia, Boston. {From Liverpool, by magnifi- cent Steamer City of Itome. Every Four Weeks, and from Glasgow Every Thursday. •» j From Liverpool, Every Satur- on — ( day, by A faska, A rizona, Ac. Orient" Australia, via Suez Canal. "Union" South Africa <fe the Gold Fields ftoyal Mail West Indies, Brazils, &c. New Zealand Shipg. Co New Zealand and Tasmania. S Egypt, Holy Land, India, Anchor' ■? ^aiur, Italy. ( All interior points in U.S. and Jfew York, Lake Erie, j Canada. Through rat3s AWestern Railroad J quoted via New York or V Boston. ( All interior points in U.S. and Jfew York, Lake Erie, j Canada. Through rat AWestern Railroad J quoted via New York or V Boston. For Full Particulars apply to the Agents, HENDERSON BROTHERS, 1167 20, Mount Stuart-square, Cardiff. ¡ -_u_- I- ^TLICKETS for AMERICA, CANADA, i-t X AUSTRALIA, BUENOS AYRES. or the CAPE, by any Line, can be had of Mr S. J. Davies, 9, Edward- I place, near T.V.R Satiton, Cardiff; No other address. j Authorised agent for P. and O. Co insurant. ACCIDENTS ALL THE YEAR ROUND. PROVIDE AGAINST THEM BY POLICY OF THE < RAILWAY PASSENGERS* ASSURANCE COMPANY. HON. EVELYN ASHLEi, CHAIRMAN. Annual Income. £248.000 Invested Capital and Reserve COMPENSATION PAID FOR 126,000 ACCIDENTS £ 2 500 000. MODERATE PREMIUMS—FAVOURABLE CONDITIONS—NEW CONCESSIONS. West-end Office:—8, Grand Hotel Buildings, W.C. BEAD OFFICE: 64, CORNHILL, LONDON, E.C. WILLIAM J. VIAN, Secretary. I Agents Mr W. E. BRADSHAW, G. W. Railway Messrs TREGERTHEN DUNN & CO., Merchants' Exchange, Cardiff. 4195 13227 DIRECT FROM THE MILL KNITTING WORSTEDS & KNITTED HOSIERY AT MILL PRICES. A CARDIFF BRANCH OF THE GREENOCK WORSTED MILL YARN STORES HAS BEEN OPENED BY THE SPINNERS AT 26, HIGH-STREET ARCADE. Branches or Agents in every Town in Scotland and England. Agents wanted in the smaller Towns in Wales.—Apply FLEMING. REID 4 CO., 153 13565 GREENOCK. 2932 IO NERVOUS SUFFERERS. Just Published, a gratuitous Edition of a New and Valuable Medical Work, entitled, HOW TO ENSURE HEALTH. Or, the CONFIDENTIAL FRIEND," By J. A. BARNES. M.D. (U.S.) This book should be read by everyone, young or old, Hurried or sinsle. It teaches HOW TO AVOID DISEASE, HOW TO REGAIN HEALTH, HEALTH A SOCIAL SCIENCE t>EIN<* a TREATISE on the LAWS GOVERNING JLS LIFE, and the CAUSES, SYMPTOMS, and TREATMENT of all diseases depending on exhaustion of nervous vitality, such as nervous debility, mental and physical depression, palpitation of the rt, Boiaes in the head and ears, indecision, impaired sight and memory, indigestion, prostration, lassitude, ae- Pression of spirits, loss of energy and appetite, pains in the back and limbs, timidity, self-distrust, dizziness love of solitude, groundless fears, and many other ail- ttents which, if neglected, bring the sufferers to an early death. Together with Hints on Chronic Bhen. Gout, Neuralgia, Epilepsy, Hysteria, and all diseases of the nervous and alimentary system. The Appendix to this valuable work contains many Useful PRESCRIPTIONS for the alleviation of suffer- ing and the cure of minor disorders, with full instruc- tions for their preparation and use. Contains also some friendly advice on Hygiene, or THE WAY TO PRESERVE HEALTH Illustrated by numerous testimonials from grateful Patients who have been restored to health througu the author's instrumentality. Sent post free for 2 stamps; or by letter post, 3 a_ps.. Also a descriptive pamphlet on the functions and disorders peculiar to the female sex, by the same author, entitled. THE FEMALE'S FRIEND and ADVISER, which JL will be sent to any address on BEClSiP OF STAMPED ENVELOPE. Address J. A. BARNES, M.D. U.S.), 48, Lonsdale square, Barnsbury, London, N. IMPORTANT TO INVALIDS. CONSULTATION BY LETTER FREE. 4LL WHO NEED ADVICE ON MATTERS OF HEALTH,if unable to have a personal interview Id at once send full particulars of the case by enclosing stamped envelope for reply; this :.u.¡ receive immediate answer, with advice and full lructions how to obtain a perfect cure Hundreds o lives have been saved ana health fully restored bv COrreapondence only. Address J. A. BARNES. M.D. (U.S.), 48, Lonsdale- square Barnsbury. London. N 1003 SWANSEA OFFICE OF THE 'SOUTH WALES DAILY NEWS," No. 2, COLLEGE-STREET. .All orders from NEWSAGENTS will receive prompt and be executed upon the same terms as Chief Office. ice "DAILY NEWS" delivered to subscribers rnovniiiK in any part of the town. VKRTIsiiJiENTS received up to Seven o'clock T) A insertion in the next morning's issne of the MEWS aIel by faction. AUCTION APPOINTMENTS. Messrs ALEXANDER, DANIEL. SELFE; & CO. Machinery and Tools, at Bristol.Feb. 12,13, 14 & 15 Messrs J. G. MADDOX A CO. Household Furniture, at Cardiff Feb. 8 Safes, at Rooms.Feb. 16 Mr W. BRADLEY. Honsehold Furniture, at Cardiff Feb. 8 Messrs H. S. DAVIES and MORGAN. Two Dwelling-houses and Prem Res, at Hafod..Feb. 11 Messrs ELLIS MORRIS, SUTHERLAND and CO Maenclochog Railway, at London Feb. 20 Slate Quarries and a Farm, at London Feb. 20 Mr JOHN FRANCIS. Freehold Property, at Carmarthen Feb. 19 Mr T. E. GEORGE. Larch Plantation & Coppice Wood, at Talybont.Feb. 14 Messrs GOTTWALIZ & BOWRING. Household Furniture, tfcc at Cardiff Feb. 8 70 Horses, at Exchange, Cardiff .Feb. 9 Spring Bulbs, at Cardiff Feb. 9 Circus Property, &c" at Cardiff .Feb 27 Furniture, at Cardiff Feb. — Messrs W. and S. HERN. Household Furniture, at Cardiff .Feb. 12 Messrs H. HILL and CO. Furniture, Ac., at Swansea Feb. 8 Messrs JENKINS, CLARKE & TEASDALE. Semi-detached Residence, at Penarth Eeb. 22 Mr JOHN DANIEL JONES. Milch Cows, Ac., at Cardiff Eeb. 27 & 18 Messrs D. & H. JONES. Household Furniture, &c Feb. 8 Messrs KENNARD A CO. Household Furniture, at Cardiff Feb. 8 Messrs JOHN M. LKEDER and SON Household Furniture and Effects, at Swansea..Feb. 12 Freehold Residence, at Swansea Feb. 19 Messrs STEPHENSON and ALEXANDER Fat Stock, at Penmark.Feb. 11 Store Stock, at Penmark Feb, 11 Milling Trade Effects, Ac., at Cardiff ..Feb. 12 Dwelling-houses, at Cardiff .Feb. 13 Premises, Ac., at Cardiff ..Feb. 14 IronwoI k, at Cardiff —Feb. 23 Tin-Plate Works, at Caerleon — ..Feb. 23 Messrs STRAKER & SON. Limestone Quarry, Ac., at Abergavenny Feb. 12 Messrs JOHN THOMAS A MORGAN. Prize Fowls, at Pontypridd Feb. 14 Mr CHARLES P. WHITELEY. Steel and Iron Works, etc., at London Feb. 13 Mr J. H. WINGFIELD. Freehold Properties, at Pontypool —Feb. 20 Mr JOHN YOUNG. Lands and Propeity, at Newport, Mon.Fgb^jO SALE OF FAT SrOCK AT PENMARK. ON MONDAY, THE 11TH FEBRUARY NEXT. MESSRS STEPHENSON and ALEX- ANDER will SELL by AUCTION, at Penmark, on MONDAY, the lltli ot Februaiy next, 200 VERY PRIME SHEEP AND 25 FAT CATTLE. Sale at 12.30 punctually^ 4183 SALE OF STORF: STOCK AT PENMARK. ON MONDAY, THE 11TH FEBRUARY NEXT. MESSRS STEPHENSON & ALEX- ANDER are instructed to SELL by AUCTION, without reserve, at Penmark, as above, immediately after the Sale of the Fat Stock, the following very excellent STORE STOCK :— 2 Capital Milking Cows close to Calving, 1 Heifer in Calf, 4 Two-year-old Steers, 1 Two-year-oJd Heifer, and 2 Yearling Calves. 4356_ _SALE OF VAF.UABLE PROPERTY AT BUTE DOCKS, CARDIE F, OCCUPYING A VALUABLE CORNER SITE. MESSRS STEPHENSON and ALEX. ANDKR are instructed by Messrs Cory Bros. and Co. (Limited), who are building new offices, to SELL by AUCTION, at the ROYAL HOTEL, CARDIFF, On THURSDAY, the 14th of FEBRUARY 1889, at Three o'clock in the afternoon, the LARGE AND IMPORTANT PREMISES Now occupied by them as offices at the Docks at Cardiff, and commonly known as CORNER." The Premises are situate in one of the most con- venient positions at the Docks, having frontages into Bute-street and James-Street, and are admirably adapted for offices, or are readibly convertible into other business premises. Detailed Plans and Drawing of Buildings can be obtained, with Full Particulars and Conditions of Sale, upon Application to Messrs. Cory and White. Solicitors, Cardiff, or to tha Auctioneers, S, High-street, Cardiff. 3074 CAERLEON TIN-PLATE WORKS. CAERLEON, NEAR NEWPORT, MONMOUTHSHIRE. MESSRS STEPHENSON and ALEX- ANDER are instructed by the Proprietors to SELL by AUCTION, at the Park Hotel, Cardiff, on SATURDAY, the 23rd of February, 1889 (immediately atter the Sale of the Liynvi Works), these VALUABLE TIN-PLATE WORKS. The Works consist of Two Mills driven by water- power, One Mill driven by steam power, together with all the necessary buildings and appliances, with a capacity of TURNING OUT 65.000 BOXES OF FINISHED TIN PLATES PER ANNUM, There is also, in addition to the above, a Manager's Houte. with Stable, Coach-house, and other buildings, and two Overmen's Houses close to the Works. They are also connected by Sidings with the Great Western Railway's lines to Newport and Pontypool, and are situate at Caerleon, within three miles of the shipping port of Newport and It) miles of the shipping port of Cardiff. There is an abundant supply of water, and the Works are adapted in every respect for carrying on a large business, and are held upon lease for an un. expired term of about 96 years. Fuller particulars, with detailed list of the plant and machinery, will be furnished upon application to the Auctioneers, 5, High-street, Cardiff; or to Llwydartb Tin-plate Company, Maesteg, Glamorgan- shire. SALE THIS DAY. DUKE-STREET AUCTION ROOMS, CARDIFF. ON FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 8TH, 1889, Commencing at Two o'clock precisely. Sale of Capital HOUSEHOLD APPOINTMENTS, supplied by Bartholomew and Fletcher, the eminent London Cabinet Makers, and others, removed from The Mount, Dynas Powis also, Superior EFFECTS from 9, Windsor-terrace, Penarth, and from several other Residences in the Neighbourhood. MESSRS J. G. MADDOX and CO. are favonred with instructions to SELL by PUBLIC AUCTION, at their Rooms as above, the excellent HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE AND EFFECTS, Comprising:—Massive mahogany and oak dining- room suites, spring and hair stuffed and upholstered in morocco and crocodile leathers and sage-green velvet; superior walnut drawing-room suites, up- holstered in tapestries and plushes; 2 tull-com- pass pianofortes in walnut and rosewood cases, by Nutting, Addison and Co., and Oetzmann and Plumb, London; walnut overmantels with bevelled plates; walnut, ebonized, and satin wood cabinets for china and music; walnut marble top cheffionnier, five oak and mahogany secre- taire and other bookcases 7ft, 6L¡, and 4ft sideboarJs in mahogany, oak, and pollard oak, with lofty bevelled glass backs; six antique rosewood chairs, rosewood and walnut oval tables, circular library table with drawers, and lined with leather; telescope and screw-action dining table, opening to 6ft, 8ft, and 13ft; upright eight-day clock in oak and maboany case, MeTeraL pairs of curtains lined with silk and cord trimmings, mirrors and brackets in plush frames, girandoles. &c mahogany and walnut hall stands and chairs to match, massive iron and brass bedsteads with bedding complete, satin walnut bedroom suite complete, 8ft, 6ft, and 4ft Spanish mahogany, birch, and walnut wardrobes with plate-glass doors, pairs of ducbesse toilets to match, towel rails, toilet glasses, commodes, cane-seated chairs, carpets, fenders and irons, a Kents patent knife machine, Ac., and numerous other sundries. On view morning of sale. Offices, Sale-rooms, 25, Duke-street, Cardiff. 4270 DUKE-STREET AUCTION ROOMS, CARDIFF, On SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 16th, 1889, commencing at Three o'clock precisely. TO BAKERS, SOLICITORS. MERCHANTS, AND OTHERS (V/TESSRS J. G. MADDOX and CO. are JHnL instructed by the eminent firm of Messrs Davies and Horton, Beacon Safe Works, Sedgley, near Dudley, to SELL by AUCTION, at their Rooms, as above, 15 superior Wrought Iron and Steel. Fire and Burglar,Dull and Wedge Proof,Single and Double Door SAFES, Measuring from 20 to 48 inches also mahogany and oak pedestal desks, secretaire and other bookcases, coal vases, fire irons, Ac., Ac. On view Morning of Sale. Catalogues may be had on application at the Auctioneers' Offices, Sale-rooms, 25, Duke-street, Cardiff. 437b SALE THIS DAY Model Auction Mart, North-road, Cardiff. MR W. BRADLEY WIN SELL BY AUCTION, on FRIDAY, Feb. 8th, a large quantity of superior HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, removed from Mr Kew. of 1, Well-street, for con- venience of sale. Salp at 2 SALE THIS DAY. CHURCH-STREET SALEROOMS, CARDIFF. MESSRS KENNARD & CO. have been instructed to SELL by AUCTION, at the above Rooms, on FRIDAY NEXI", about 50 Lots of HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, removed for convenience of sale, including an excel- lent Pianoforte. The Sale will commence at Two o'clock. 941 HAFOD, NEAR PONTYPRIDD. MESSRS H. S. DAVIES and MORGAN are instructed by the Official Receiver in Bankruptcy to SELL by AUCTION, at the Farmers' Arms, Hafod, 011 MONDAY, the 11th February, 1889, at 7.30 p.m., all those TWO DWELLING'HOUSES AND PREMISES, Situate on the main road, Hafod, now let to William Williams and John Lewis at £1 Is per lunar month respectively. The premises are held under an underlease for the residue ol a term of 99 years from 1st May, 1857, at a yearly rent of £ 2. For further particulars apply to the Auclioneers,or to Mr W. R. DAVIES, Solicitor, 4291 Pontypridd. MUFFIN AND CRUMPET SEASON. TUNKS' IMPROVED GAS-HOT PLATES: SIZES-24in. by 18in., Price £1105; 36in. by 26iD. Price B2. Ready for Fixing. fJUNKS AND CO., MILL-LANE, CARDIFF. MBb 258 CARDIFF ADVERTISING, BILL- POSTING. AND CIRCULAR DISTRIBUTING COMPANY (LIMITED). OFFICES CASTLE CHAMBERS, 21, CASTLE-ST CARDIFF. SECRETABY FRANK H SIMPSON. Best Permanbnt Posting Stations in Cardiff and Neighbourhood Contractors 'or all descrp ions 01 Advertising Circular Distributing Ac, 99 Ml oraora promouy attended to' 1044 ale5 lm faction. __— — ——. SALE THIS DAY. FRIDAY, 8TH FEBRUARY. EXCELLENT SECOND HAND FURNITURE, IN CAPITAL CONDITION, REMOVED FROM ROA1H, SUPPLIED SOME YEARS AGO BY A NOTED FIRM OF CABINET MAKERS. By Order of the Owner, who is leaving for London. Also, HANDSOME SUPERIOR FURNITURE, by permission of the Official Receiver, ilso removed from ANDREWS' REPOSITORY, first-class Pianofortes, and a great variety of Miscellaneous Effects. MESSRS GOTTWALTZ & BOWRING will SELL by AUCTION, at their Sale Rooms, 11, High-street, Cardiff, on FRIDAY, February 8tb; at 11 o'clock punctually, A Large Assemblage of EXCELLENT HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, comprising the contents of 7PRIN CI PAT. BEDROOMS, including a WALNUT BKDROOM SUITE WITH 6FT. WARDROBE AND COMPLETE APPOINTMENTS and others in Virginian walnut, mahogany, ash, and walnut; MASSIVE DUCHESSi, TOILET TABLES, CAPITAL BRASS FRENCH BEDSTEADS, spring mattresses and feather beds, double and single toilet services, chests of drawers, wardrobes of various sizes, bedroom, stairs, and landing carpets, a SUPERB WALNUT INLAID DRAWING-ROOM SUITE, covered in tapestry and plush, WALNUT OVERMANTEL, occasional chairs and tables, an ARTISTIC WALNUT CABINET, corner cabinets, brackets, music cabinets, and numerous minor items en suite, a BOUDOIR SUITE, pair of gilt chairs, American and walnut cabinets, centre and occasional ta'oies, Davenport, ladies' work tables, overmantels, RICH IMARI WAR! SATSUMA and JAPANESE ORNAMENTS, WILTON PILE and AXMINSTER CARPETS, first-class COTTAGE PIANOFORTES, 6-stop AMERICAN ORGAN, by Jllasonand Hamlin a FIRST-CLASS SPANISH MAHOGANY DINING- ROOM SUITE covered in morocco, 6ft. SIDEBOARD with bevel mirror back, and 10ft. EXTENDING FltAME DINING TABLE to match, ITALIAN WALNUT LIBRARY SUITES in leather, with book cases, SIDEBOARD and TABLES TO MATCH, Chippendale book case and table, sideboards of various designs, 8ft. and 10ft. oa.k and mahogany dining tables, writing tables, WALNUT HALL SUITE, pier glasses, tapestry table covtjr, dinner services, MARBLE CLOCKS, bronze figures and ornaments, a FEW OIL PAINTINGS, ELECTRO-PLATED ARTICLES, cut table glass, kitchen effects, and miscellanies. Catalogues may be had of the Auctioneers. 4152 SALE TO-MORROW. LAST SALE OF THE SEASON. ON SATURDAY NEXT, Feb. 9th, at 3 o'clock, MESSRS GOTTWALTZ and BOWRING .1YL will SELL by AUCTION, at their Sale Rooms, 11, High-street, Cardiff, on SATURDAY, 9th February, at 3 o'clock, 150 LOTS OF SPRING BULBS, including JAPANESE LILIUMS of the most eminent sorts. Gladiolus, Hybrids, &c. Catalogues may be had of the Auctioneers. 4292 SALE TO-MORROW. HORSE EXCHANGE, CARDIFF. SATURDAY NEXT. FEBRUARY 9TH, 1889. MESSRS GOTTWALTZ & BOWRING will hold their NEXT STUD SALE OF 70 HORSES on the above date. Present entries include— A STUD of IRISH HUNTERS and HARNESS HORSES. FOUR HARNESS HORSES, the property of a Farmer in Carmarthenshire. Early entries respectfully solicited. 4085 THORNYCROFT, LORD-STREET, PENAHTH. MESSKS JENKINS, CLARKE, and TEASDALE have been instructed by Robert Sill, Esq., the owner, to SELL by AUCTION, at the Ship Hotel, Penarth, on FRIDAY, the 22nd day of February, at seven o'clock in the evening, all that con. venient semi-detached RESIDENCE in Lord-strefst, Penarth, known as Thornycroft. The House contains three reception and five bed. rooms, two kitchens, two cellars, and the usual offices, and is centrally situated for the trains, 'buses, or boats, either of which can be reached in about five minutes. There is a very large garden, about 250 feet long, as well as poultry house and runs. The property is held for the unexpired term of 99 years, at the low annual ground rent of £ 5. To view, apply to the owner on the premises, and for further particulars apply to the Auctioneers, Philhar- monic-chambers. Cardiff, or to Mr JAMES MORGAN, Solicitor. 39, St. Mary-street, Cardiff. February 7th, 1889. ] 4581 CLYDACH. BRECONSHIRE. VALUABLE LIMESTONE QUARRIES AND LIME KILNS FOR SALE. MESSRS STRAKER and SON will 1.1 OFFER for SALE by PUBLIC AUCTION, at the Greyhound Hotel, Abergavenny, on TUESDAY, the 12th day of February, 1689, at Three o'clock in the afternoon (subject to such conditions of sale as shall be then and there read), the CLYDACH LIMESTONE QUARRY", with the Limestone Taking from his Grace the Duke of Beaufort; also the two limekilns adjoining the quarry, together with the rolling stock, plant, and effects used in working the quarry and kilns, an in. ventory of which will be produced at the sale. For further particulars apply to the Auctioneer, at Abergavenny, or to Mr T. G. POWELL, 433.S Solicitor, tfrynmawr. SALE THIS EVENING. Queen-street Arcade Auction Rooms. MESSRS D. & H. JON h 8 will SELL BY AUCTION, on FRIDAY, Feb. 8th, a quantity of HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, PICTURES. &c., including a Pianoforte by Harland, in good condition. Commence at 6.30. Goods receifed up to 12 o'clock will be included in the Sale. 21 PONTYPOOL. THE GEORGE-ST REET IMPROVEMENT SCHEME. HIGHLY IMPORTANT AND ATTRACTIVE SALE OF FREEHOLD SHOP PROPERTIES. MR J. H. WINGFIELD will SELL by AUCTION, at the Crown Hotel, Pontypool, on WEDNESDAY, February 20th, 1889, at Three for Half-past Three o'clock in the Afternoon (subject to the plans and conditions of Sale Jow being issued, and which will be then and there produced), the following valuable FREEHOLD PROPERTIES LOT 1.—All that PIECE or PARCEL of LAND, with the portion of the Shops and Buildings erected thereon, situate in George-street, Ponty- pool, and recently (inter alia) in the occupation of Messrs George Rogers, shoemaker, Richard Lloyd, butcher, and others, containing by admeasurement 167 square yards (more or less), and numbered Lot 1, and coloured yellow in the aforesaid plan of the premises accompanying the said conditions of sale. LOT .-All that PIECE or PAIWIL of LAND, with the portion of the Shops and otber Buildins erected thereon, adjoining Lot l,and recently (inter alia,) in the occupation of Mr K. T. Williams, grocer, and subse. quently of Mr P. Eckersley and others, and containing by admeasurement 146 square yards (more or less), and numbered Lot 2, and coloured red in the said plan. LOT 3. -All that PIECE or PARCEL of LAND, with the portion of the Shops and Buildings erected thereon, adioinin the last-mentioned lot, and recently (inter alia) in the occupation of Messrs Woolff Gold. stein, Josiah Chapman, and others, containing 174 "quare yards (more or less), and numbered Lot 3, and coloured blue in the said plan. The above valuable Lots comprise the surplus portion of Properties which have recently been acqu red by the Pontypool Local Board for the purpose of widening and improving George-street, in Pontypool, and, being situate in the main thoroughfare, and in or near the centre of the town, they present to intending pur- chasers a rare opportunity, not likely soon to recur, of acquiring tirst-class sites for the erection of Shops or other commanding business premises, which, for some years past. have been most difficult to obtain in the Town of Pontypool. The value of these Properties has been very greatly enhanced through the enfranchise. ment of the same from Copyhold to Freehold tenure. Further particulars may be obtained upon applica- tion to Mr D. H. W. Powell, surveyor to the Pontypool Local Board; to the Auctioneer, Pontypool; or to MR HENRY BYTHWAY, 4385 Solicitor to the Pontypool Local Board. C. JEN KINS A N D S O N~! J ABERTHAW BLUE LIAS LIME. WORKS: BRIDGEND. Prices for Lump and Ground on Application. 3345 CROSBY'S BALSAMIC COUGH ELIXIR. CROSBY'S BALSAMIC COUGH ELIXIR. COUGH ELIXIR, FOR COUGHS. QROSBY'S COUGH ELIXIR, FOR COLDS. COUGH ELIXIR, FOR BRONCHITIS. QROSBY'S COUGH ELIXIR WORKS WONDERS QROSBY'S COUGH ELIXIR I IN CONSUMPTION. COUGH ELIXIR CURES ASTHMA. QROSBY'S COUGH ELIXIR CURES CHEST COMPLAINTSJ COUGH ELIXIR, FOR QUINSY QROSBY'S COUGH ELIXIR, FOR NIGHT SWEATS. QROSBY'S COUGH ELIXIR CURES WHOOPING COUGH, COUGH ELIXIR IS SAFE AND EFFICACIOUS CROSBY'S BALSAMIC COUGH ELIXIR Is sold in Bottles at Is. Is. 9d., 4s. 6d., and lis. each, by all Chemists and Patent Medicine Vendors, or direct from DR ROOKE, SCARBOROUGH, ENGLAND. alts bu jetton. 37 ST. HELENA CRESCENT SWANSEA. SALE OF WELL-KEPT HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. MESSRS JOHN M. LEEDER and SON has been instructed by F. Cressey, Esq., to SELL by AUCTION, at the above residence, on TUESDAY, February 12th, 1889. the whole of the MODKRy HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE and other EFFECTS, comprising walnut drawing-room suite in cretonne, brass fender and irons, black and gold bracket, pier Iass, large walnut oval 100, table, tapestry carpet, large wool mat. walnut whatnot. threa leather brackets, coal vase, oil paintings, a quantity of ornaments, dining-room suite in leather, Brussels car- pet, steel-rail fender, a^hpan, set of are irons, beehive chair, telescope dining tible, oak sideboard with plate- glass back, two duplex lamp, two pairs of engravings, Ac. The bedroom furniture consists of Brussels and Kidderminster carpets, mahogany gentleman's ward- robe with plate-glass door, mahogany pedestal duchesse stand and table, towel rail, commode, three chairs, brass half-tester bedstead, paliasse. wool mattresses, birch duchesse stand and table, bent-wood rocking chair, brass-rail bedstead, wool mattress, feather bed, bolster and pillows, pitchpine chest of drawers, maho- gany pedestal writing-table, mahogany balf circle washstand, several sets of ware, mahogany chest of drawers, iron bedsteads and bedding, &c., &c., together with the whole of the kitchen and culinary requi. sites, Ac. Goods may be viewed day prior to and morning of Sale. Sale to commence at Eleven o'clock in the forenoon. For Catalogues and further particulars, apply to the Auctioneers, Goat-street, Swansea. 4283 VALUABLE FREEHOLD RESIDENCE FOR SALE, SITUATE AT MOUNT PLEASANT, SWANSEA, MESSRS JOHN M. LEEDER and SON have been instructed by the Executors of the late Edward Hammett, Esq., to SELL by AUCTION (subject to such conditions as shall then and there be produced), at the wansea Auction Rooms, Goat- streec, Swansea, on TUESDAY, the 19th day of February, 1889, all that well-built FREEHOLD FAMILY RESIDENCE A PREMISES, known as The Kims, Mount Pleasant, Swansea, now in the occupation of Mrs L. M. Jcnes as yearly tenant. The house contains two kitchens, cellar and pantry on tbe ground fluor, large entrance hall, staircase and landing, three reception-rooms, tive bedrooms, bathand box rooms, W.C., kitchen, servants' staircase, scullery, larder, back entrance, and there is a large paved yard, wood and coal bouse. and outside w.c. A large sum has been expended on re-slating the roof, renewing the kitchen range, and inserting a hot and cold water apparatus to bath, &c. The above is pleasantly and healthily situated, has extensive views, and is within five minutes' walk of church and railway-station. The front entrance is surrounded by a flower garden, ornamented with trees and shrubs, In front of the house is a walled-in flower garden, a portion of which is held by lease for upwards of four- years, at a ground rent of 16s. The garden comprises a cennis-lawn.greenhouse, and arbour. There will also be included a plot of ground walled-in from the road, lying between the house and Mount Pleasant, a plan of which wili be produced at the time of sale. It is held by lease for uuwards of 44 years at au apportioned ground rent of 11s 6d. Sale to commence at Three o'clock in the Afternoon. For full particulars and conditions of Sals apply to Messrs Beer, Fry, and Plaut, Solicitors, IVmpla- street; or to the Auctioneers, Goat-street, Swansea. 4142 SALE THIS DAY. LONDON HOUSE AUCTION ROOMS, 10, CASTLE. STREET, SWANSEA. MESSRS H. HILL and CO. have been J3JL instructed to SELL by PUBLIC AUCTION at the above premises, on FRIDAY, February l8th, 1889, the following. FURNITURE, comprising mahogany sideboard with plate-glass back, dining-room suites, mahogany easy chairs in hair, drawing-room suite, walnut loo tables, pier glasses, fenders, fire brasses, mahogany and birch washstands and dressing-tables, wardrobes with plate-glass doors, dressing glasses, sets of ware, iron brass-rail bedstead, palliasse, millpuff and feather beds, spring mattress, commodes, Ac. Goods on view morning of sale. Sale to commence at Eleven o'clock in the forenoon. alts 1)11 ribaft (SDaatrari. To BE SOLD OR LET FOR A TERM, JL MILFRAEN COLLIERY, situate near WAEN. AVON STATION, on the London and North Western Railway (with which it is connected by a branch line), and lying within easy reach of the shipping ports of Newport and Cardiff. The seams comprised in the taking are the Horn, Bydelog, and Yard Veins, uuder an area of about b80 acres, which can be worked at very moderate royalties during an unexpired term of 30 years from 1st January. 1887. Milfraen Pit is sunk to the lowest measures. Drainage is effected at a low cost by means of a pump worked by the lessors. The surface arrangements comprise granaries, bay-room, chaff-house, machine-house, office, smiths', carpenters', and storekeepers' shops, together with the necessary screens and siding accommodations for a large output. Six workmens cottages near the pit will also be included in the taking. For particulars apply to JNO. WORTON, 3865 Blaenavon Works, Blaenavon, Mon. Urijal atirts.. "XT OTICE.—JEMIMA W ATKINS, _L1 WIDOW, DECEASED. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that all persons having any CLAIMS against the Estate of JEMIMA WATKINS, late of 86, Severn.road, Canton, Cardiff, in the County of Glamorgan, Widow, Deceased, who died on the 24th day (It JanuaTY last, are required to send in the particulars of their claims to the under- sinned on or before the 1st day of March next. Dated this 6th day of February, 1889. GRIFFITH AND LUIBE, Herbert Chambers, Cardiff, Solicitors for Peter Price, Executor of the will of the said Deceased. 4370 iUiMiraitoits. CARDIFF, SWANSEA, AND NEW- V_y PORT SHIPPING GAZETTE. Published every Monday Morning. Price 21s per annum, or by post 2os. The "CARDIFF, SWANSEA; AND NEWPORT SHIPPING contains a. complete record of the Shipping business of Cardiff, Swansea, Newport, Bristol, Neath, Briton Ferry, Burry Port, &c., and cir- culates among all the Merchants and Brokers of the Bristol Channel Ports, and generally throughout the various ports of the United Kingdom. It is tiled at Lloyd's, the Lombard, and most of the Chambers of Commerce, and is also sent to thelea.dinJ( Foreign Ports CHIEF OFFICES:—82 and 83, St. Mary-street, Cardiff. T^EAD "THE LAW OF POPULA- J-V/ TION,' by ANNIE BESANT.—A work designed to induce married people to limit their family within the means of subsistence,—Sent post free by W. H. Reynolds, Publisher, New Cross, London, S.E., on receipt of eight penny stamps. 593 To the Young men of England who suffer from Nervous Debility, Just Published, rtUHE CONFESSIONS AND EXPERI- JL ENCE OF AN INVALID, Designed as a Warning and a Caution to others sup- plying at the same time the means of SELF.CURE bV one who has cured himself, after undergoing the usual amount of Madical Imposition and Quackery. Single Copies may be had (post free) by sending a stamped addressed envelope to the author, ARTHUR DIXON, Esq., HouNSLQW, near LONDON. 3432—13595 ILLINGS' ENAMELLED LETTERS FOR SHOP SIGNS AND ADVERTISING PURPOSES. MOST BRILLIANT INVENTED. SOLE AGENTS THE BUILDING TRADES SUPPLY STORES, MILL-LANE, CARDIFF. 444 SEND FOR LIST. 3906 The Mightiest MEDICINE IN THE WORLD. DR. JJ^OOKE'S gOLAR ELIXIR, NOW SOLD in BOTTLES at 2s 9d EACH. Larger sizes :—4s 6d and lis each. DR; ROOKE'S ORIENTAL PILLS. RECOMMENDED BY SIR HENRY HALFORD, M.D DR, ROOKE'S ORIENTAL PILLS. FOR THE CURE OF INDIGESTION. DR. ROOKE'S ORIENTAL PILLS ARE WORTH THEIR WEIGHT IN GOLD. ROOKE'S ORIENTAL PILLS Are sold throughout the world in boxes at Is lid and 4. 6d each, or may be bad direct from DR. ROOK E, 1035 SCARBOROUGH, ENGLAND. IJnUIxc Cnmpaities, The LIST will OPEN for APPLICATIONS TO- MORROW (SATURDAY), the 9th instant, and CLOSE on or before MONDAY, the 11th instant, for both London and Country. rfYHE KETCHAU (PAHANG) COR- X PORATION, LIMITED. Incorporated under the Companies' Acts, 1862 to 1886. CAPITAL, £ 150,000, in 160,000 SHARES of £ 1 EACH, of which £lOO,OCO, or two-thirds, are offered for Public Subscription, to comply with the rules of the London Stock Exchange. Payable—2s on Application, 3s on Allotment, and the balance One Month after Allotment. DIFvECTORS. General C. A. BARWELL, C.B., late Chief Commis- sioner of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands. ALEXANDER FOWLER, Esq., Director of the Orita Gold Minei, Limited. W. McKEAND, Esq., Chairman Wheal Bassett Mining Company. ALFRED THOMPSON, Esq. (Messrs Thompson, Ritchie, and Co.), Conuaught Mansions, Victoria- street. S.W. BANKERS-THK HONG KONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION, 31, Lombard-street, E.C. SOLICITOR—W. F. TARN, Esq., 16, Philpot-lane, E.C. BROKERS—J. YELLOLY WATSON, jun., Esq., b, Copthall Buildings, E.C. AUDITORS—Messrs DUNCAN BRYCE and CO., Chartered Accountants, 41, Coleman-street, E.C. SECRETARY AND OFFICES. E. B. WOODFORD, Eq. 10, Moofgate-street, E.C. PROSPECTUS. The Ketchau (Pahang) Corporation, Limited, has bean fonned to acquire the very taluable minin and other rights granted by Concession direct from H.H. the Sultan of Pahang over the entire district of Ketchau, in the State of Pahang, on the eastern side of the Malay Peninsula to exploit, develope, and work the mines and minerals upon the property to teke on lease, grant, or license any other properties in the State of Pahang, and to carry on the business of planting, and to farm, improve, and cultivate the surface of the lands of the Corporation from time to time, and further to sell, lease, or otherwie dispose of portions of the property to other companies or in- dividuals. The Concession is for 55 years, and is in favour of Syed Junied bin Omar al-Junied and Syed Mahomed bin Ahmed al-Sagoff, both of Singapore. The rights which it grants extend over an area of about 200 square miles, and the estate i8 bounded 011 two sides by rivers, one of which (the Pahang river, which is the principal river of the Malay Peninsula) is navigable from its mouth by steamers, so that the district is in water communication with any port in the world, and particularly is easily accessible from Singapore. The estate is stated to contain numerous and extensive lodes of gold. silver and tin' The surface of the property consists of rich agricul- tural land, capable of growing tea, coffee, tapioca, tobacco, rattan, and other tropical products. Almost the whole of the estate is covered with timber, much of which is available for mining, building and fuel purposes in fact, the supplies in this respect may be considered unlimited. The Concessicn grants the use of aU rivers and streams within the districts of Ketchau and its neigl1. bourhood,and all other waters ofTivers and streams,for the'purposes of the said minin operations,free from all taxes or charges, and also the right to use all the wood for fuel, and all timber, stone, and clay earth required for building, completing, and main- taining the works of the Company. The whole is subject to a royalty of 10 per cent. upon the produce, payable to the Sultan of Pahang. The climate of the country is stated to be suitable for Europeans (similar, in fact. to that of Singapore). The mineral resources of Pahang are as yet only in the commencement of proper development. In almost every part cf the State, and particularly in the districts I adjoining Ketchau. gold and tin have been found to exist. Mr Skinner, in "The Eastern Geography," says:—"The chief importance of Pahang lies in its mineral wealth, its reputation for old and tin com. bined being unrivalled, both for the metals' widespread yield, their quantity, and their fineness." Upon the Ketchau property gold mining has been carried on for some 600 years, the work having been done chiefly by the Chinese and Siamese. Some of the old workings are 400 feet deep by 300 feet long and 400 feet wide, proving the great depth of the lodes on the property. The goid-bearmg reefs cross the country from north-east to south-west, the lodes being well defined and yielding up to 2 ozs. of gold to the ton. The ore is easily treated, so that the working should not cost more than 10s per ton of quartz crushed and estimating the produce of the quartz at only an average of half an ounce to the ton, a 30.stamp mill would produce a net revenue to the Company for working the gold alone of £22,500 per annum, or about 15 per cent. upon the capital of the Company. Alluvial gold is also met with over a great portion of the estate, which could be worked on tribute by the natives at considerable additional profit to the Company. In addition to the gold, however, the deposits of tin existing upon the property should be worked on tribute, anù it is estimated that from this source and the cultivation of the surface lands, including the sale of wood, rattan, Ac., a large annual profir income would be made. The tin is stated to exist both in lode and stream, and the latter ean be separatea with very simple appliances constructed on the spot, and it is believed that such quantities of this are immediately available that a considerable income is derivable from this source at once. The Pahang river, which communicates with the property, is also well suited for trading purposes, and there are a great many small Chinese boats on the liver living by trade, profits being made by buying gold, tin, Ac. All the materials fLnd produce ot the property can be readily transported by water at a cheap rate. An important feature is that as the river runs throughout the whole length of the Concession, it will save the cost of constructing main roads upon the property, and not only so, but it provides water-power sufficient to enable the Company to run almost any number of stamps which can be erected for treating the mineral produce. The property is reported on by Captai l Skewis, of Brentor, Devon (the expert who originally reported upon the property of the Pahang Corporation, Limited), and by Messrs Henderson and Stuart, Consulting Engineers. Captain Skewis, in his report, says :—" A variety of lodes of tin, silver, gold, and other minerals pass through the Concession, and a very considerable number of alluvial deposits of the same minerals, which thet natives work at considerable profit, are to be found on the estate. I congratulate you on having secured a property ot such magnitude a.nd great va.lue," Messrs Henderson and Stuart in their report say :— You have a large and valuable estate m a new country, with a watercourse throughout its entire length, with old workings scattered through the estate, and with a large and successful estate near you. It is Huitable for planting, and has abundance of valuable timber, and by nrospecting the gold and tin and opening up the ancient workings, there is certain to be a substantial return for the money care- fully invested, besides a large increase in the value of the estate, which is large enough to be resold itl por. tions at a great profit to your Company." Chinese, Javanese, and Malay labour can be obtained in abundance. Wages vary from 6 dols. to 10 dols. a month. The price to be paid for the property is BIOO.OOO. payable as to the whole amount thereof in Shares, or by the soleoptioll of the Directors of the Company, in cash or partly in cash and partly in Shares. The Vendor, who is the promoter, will pay all expenses down to allotment. The following contracts have been entered into, viz.:—Contract dated 22nd January, 1889, and made between Junied bin Omar al-Junied and Syed Mahomed bin Ahuied al-Sagoff of the olle pan andJoseph Cum- ming Bates of the other part. Contract dated 28th January,1889, and made between Joseph Cumming Bates of the- one part, and William Richard May (as trustee for the Company) of the other part. These contracts, or copies of them, together with a copy of a translation of the Concession, the Memorandum and Articles of Association, Captain Skewis* report, Messrs Henderson and Stuart's report, and a. plan of the property, can be seen at the office of the Solicitor of the Com- pany. It is believed that no other contracts, within section 38 of the Companies' Act, 18t8, exist, but in order to avoid any question upon this point sub- scribers shall be deemed to waive all right to any further notice of contract, and applications for shares will be received only on this condition. The statements in this prospectus are entirely takon from documents, reports, and plans submitted to the directors, a.nd open to the inspection of any intending applicant for shares. Applications for shares should be made on the form acc5mpanying the prospectus, to be for- warded to the Company's bankers or to the brokers, accompanied by a remittance for the amount of the deposit. Prospecuses and forms of application may be obtained from the 'Com- pany's bankers, brokers, solicitor, or secretaiy. ¿¿>ndon,]th February, 1889. EAGLESBUSH COLLIERY COM- JLJ PANY, LIMITED, NEATH, GLAMORGAN- SHIRg. CAPITAL, IN £1 SHARES. The Directors of the Eaglesbush Colliery Company, Limited, wish to bring under the notice of capitalists, lare and small, this valuable undertaking, and invite application for Shares. Prospectus and information may be obtained of the Secretary, Matthew Whittington, Post-office Chambers, Neath and of the Glamorganshire Banking Company at all its branches, SHARE LIST will be CLOSED on SATURDAY, FEBRUARY the 16th, 1889. 4303 E P P S S GRATEFUL AND COMFORTING. (BREAKFAST) Cocoa. MADE SIMPLY WITH BOILING WATER OR MILK. 13641-487-4115 G. A. STONE & CO., COMPLETE FUNERAL FURNISHERS EVERY REQUISITE FOR FUNERALS OF ALL CLASSES. Proprietors of Cars, Hearses, Shellibiers, superb Flemish Horses, Coaches, Broug hams, and every necessary equipment for Funerals. PRICE LIST ON APPLICATION. ——— 1108 10, 11, & 12, WORKING STREET, CARDIFF. THE GREAT BLOOD PURXFIELI THOMPSON'S BURDOCK PILLS over- -t. comethe worst forms of diseases, ana the foulest state of theblood, stomach liver, and kidneys they go tot he core of every aisease, where no other medicines have power to reach. The GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER cares the foilowin complaints :-Indieation. or wind In the tO or' bowels giddiness in the head, dimness of sight weak or sore eyes, lossoi memory, palpitation of the heart, liver and bilious obstructions, asthma, or tightness in the chest rheumatics, lumbago, piles, gravel, pains in the back, scurvy, bad legs bad breast, sore throat, sore beads and sores or all descriptions, ourns, wounds, or white swellings, scrofula, or king's evil, gatherings tmnours or cancers, pimples or blotches on the face and body, swelled feet or legs, scabs and itch, erysipelas jaundice, and dropsy, and fevers of all kinds In boxes a.t ld and 2s 3d each, soid by most Chemists, or from the Burciocit Pill Manuiactory, I Oxford-street. Swansea, lOC fittblic £ latias> "VTOTICE TO TRADESMEN.—I, OWEN -L* DAVIES, 5, Greenfield, Pontlottyn, HEREBY GIVE NOTICE that from and after this date I WILL NOT HOLD MYSELF RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DEBT whatsoever contracted by my Wife, JANE DAVIES, This 8th day of February, 1889.—OWEN DAVIFS, Timberman.—Witness, JOHN EVANS. 992 MR F. ATKINSTMUS. BAC., OXON., will be PREPARED to RECEIVE his PUPILS studying the PIANOFORTE, SINGING, HARHJONY, and the ORGAN, &c" on and after TUESDAY;* Dec. 15t h, and to remind them and others that the THEO- RETICAL EXAMINATION (R.A,M.) will TAKE PLACE on SATURDAY, February 9th. 3595 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the JL.NI PARTNERSHIP lately subsisting between WILLIAM WILLIAMS, the late DAVID WILLIAMS, and EBENEZER HUGHES, carrying on business as Drapers under the style or firm of WILLIAMS a.nd HUGHES," at Llwvnpia. in the County of Glamorgan, has been DISSOLVED BY MUTUAL CONSENT as and from the 1st day of February, ]889. All debts due to and owing by the late firm will be received and paid by the said Ebenezer Hughes, who will in future carry on the said business in his own name. Dated this 7th day of February, 1889. WILLIAM WILLIAMS. EBENEZER HUGHES. Witness- W. R. DAVIES, Solicitor, Pontypridd. 4383 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that 1M OBJECTIONS to the AMENDED BYELAWS about to be submitted for the approval of er Majesty in Council by the CARDIFF PILOTAGE BOARD, whereof notice was given on the 24th day of January last, and which said Bye- awsmay be seen at the Office of the said Pilotage Beard, Bute Docks, Cardiff, may be sent to the undersigned at the Offices of the Board, on or before SATURDAY, the 9th day of March, 1889, not the 7th day of February, as stated in the previous notice. Dated this 8th day of Februarv, 1889. THOMAS EVANS, 4578 Clerk to the Board. CARDIFF BUILDING SOCIETY. —— NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the TWENTY- THIRD ANNUAL MEETING of the Shareholders of the Cardiff Building Society will be held in the Society's Office, No. 21, High-streei, Cardiff, on Friday, the 22nd of February, 1889, at 7.30 o'clock p.m. By order, PETER PRICE, 4376 Secretary. PENARTH HARBOUR, DOC AND JL RAILWAY. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the SIXTY. SIXTH ORDINARY GENERAL HALF-YEARLY MEETING of the Proprietors of the Fenarth Harbour, Dock. and Railway will be heldat the ROYAL HOTEL, Ca: diff, on SATURDAY, the 2ird day of February, 1889, at 12 o'clock noon, for the transaction of the Ordinary Business of the Cnmnany G. H. W. WINDSOR CLIVE, Chairman. The TRANSFER BOOKS of the Company will be CLOSED from the 9th day of FEBRUARY, 1889, until after the said Half-yearly General Meeting. JOHN E. BACON. Secretary. Cardiff, 7th February, 1889. 4380 CARDIFF GAS-LIGHT AND COKE COMPANY. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the One Hundred and Fourth Half-Yearly or ORDINARY MEETING of the Proprietors of this Company will be held in the Board-room at the Company's Offices, Bute-terrace, Cardiff, on WEDNESDAY, tue 20th day of EEBRUARY instant, at One o'clock p.m.. for the transaction of the General Business of the Company. The Transfer Books will be closed on and after the 13th day of February instant, and will not be re-opened until after the said Meeting, By Order, GEORGE CLARRY, Secretary. Cardiff, 1st February, 1839. 4244 OGMORE GAS AND WATER CO., \-7 LIMITED. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the next GENERAL MEETING of the above Company will be held at the NANTYMOEL HOTEL. NANTYMOEL, on WEDNESDAY, February <i0th, 1889, at 1 p.m., when the Accounts for the half-year will be submitted for consideration. And Notice is also civen that the Transfer Books of the Compmy will be closed from the 17th to the 20th day oj February instant, both inclusive. Dated this 6th day of February, 1889. 4353 GEORGE ADAMS, Secretary. JJHYMNEY R A I L W A Y. .L\J NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the NEXT HALF-YEARLY ORDINARY MEETING of the ltHYMNEY RAILWAY COMPANY will be held at the Park Hotel, Queen-street, Cardiff, on FRIDAY, the 22nd day of February, 1889, at a Quarter to One o'clock in the Afternoon, for the traasaction of the general business cf the Company, and also for the purpose of authorising the conversion or consolidation into General Ordinary Stock of the Company of such of the 4.660 E10 Oruinary Shares of the Company, created l$r»h August, 188 7. as shall at the date of the said meeting have been fully paid up, such Capital Stock to it) divided amoug the holders of -3uch Shares according «o their respective interests therein. TTXTICe IS ALSO HEREBY GIVEN that, pursuant- to Standing Orders of both Houses of Parlia- ment. upon the conclusion of thf above-mentioned Orciinary Meetin2:, an Extraordinary Meeting of the Shareholders of the Company will be held at the same place, when a Bill to be introduced into Parliament, lDtituled "A Bill for ConsolHIJ,¡in the Preference Stocks and making other provisions as to the Stock and Share Capital of the Rhymney Railway Company, and for other purposes," will be submitted to tile pro" prietors then present either in person or by proxy for tueir approval. The transfer books of the Company will be closed from the 9th to the 22nd day of February, 1889, both days inclusive. JOHN BOYLE, Chairman. W. FAIRLAilB, Secretary. Cardiff, 28th January, 1889. 4194 HE PROPOSED GOMER AND -z CHRISTMAS EVANS MONUMENTS. At a PRELIMINARY MEETING held at BETHESDA SCHOOLROOM, SWANSEA, on the 22nd ultimo, it was unanimously resolved to make an APPEAL to the PUBLIC for the sum of S500 to erect suitable Monuments to perpetuate the memory of Gomer and <'hristmas Evans. Subscriptions are very respectfully solicited, and subscribers desiring heir donations appropriated towards the Gomer or the Christmas Evans monuments shall on their intimation have their wishes faithfully complied with. 'J he names of Individuals, Churches, Sunday School Classes, &c., 2s 6d and UDwar ts will be duly entered in a registrar kept for reference at the Bethesda. Baptist Church, Swansea. (Signed) On behalf of the meeting, Rev K EDMUNDS. Betliesua, Swansea, Chairman EDWARD ROBERTS, Esq, Picton-place, Swansea, Treasurer E. J. THOMAS, 3, Portia terrace, Swansea, Secretary. The appeal is heartily approved of and supported by the Rev ,T. Rowlands, D.D., Llanelly, Chairman of the Welsh Baptist Union, and the lfev W, Morris, Treorky, Secretary of the Welsh Bantist Union, Swansea, January 31, 1889. 42:4 PONTYPRIDD AND RHONDDA J- VALLEYS DOG AND POULTRY SHOW. PRESIDENT His HONOUR JUDGE GWILYM WILLIAMS. THE SECOND ANNUAL EXHIBITION OF DOGS AND POULTRY Will be held at the TOWN-HALL & MARKET-HALL. PONTypftmP, ON THURSDAY, FEBRUARY HTH, 18T9. 32 CLASSES for DOGS A 35 CLASSES for POULTRY. to 1, 2s 6d 1 to 6, Is; 6 to 9, 6d. 4290 IlARRY DOCK AND RAILWAYS. On and after FEBRUARY 8th, 1889, Trains will be run as under, in connection with those of the TAFF VALE and GREAT WESTERNI COMPANIES, between BARRY AND CARDIFF. UP TRAINS |^FCY ■a. m a. m. p. m. ip.rn jp.m p.m p.m. BARRY dep.!8 55!10 4512 Kll 49'3 39'5 216 59 BARHY DOCK 3 59 10 4b 12 18;1 53|3 43.S 25 7 3 CADOXTON 9 2|l0 52 12 21:1 56:3 46 5 2Sj7 6 DINAS POWIS „ 9 6'10 5612 25,2 0 3 30 5 32)7 10 COGAN arr. 9 13'11 312 32:2 5 3 57 5 3917 17 = ^PVBTHD'E.(T.V.)dep9 20,11 14 12 39 2 12 4 4 5 46)7 24 H GRANGET'JT (T.V.) „ 9 24111 18 12 43 2 16 4 8 5 507 28 | J CAROIFF an" 9 28jn 22 12 47 2 20 4 125 54 7 34 street,(T.V.) „ 9 3311 27 12 52 2 25 4 17 5 59 7 39 £ ^CARDIFFDKS(T.V),, 9 4011 57 2 32 j6 17 .Sat DOWN TRAINS. &.m &. m. p, m p.:m p,m p,m .m. g (CRDIFF DKS(T. V)dep jlO 13 12 53 6 017 28 H CARWFFglQiJeen g 4j1(J 4S j 5 2 30 4 25 6 10j7 50 CARDIFFIG.W.)' 9 lljlO 48 1 8 2 33 4 28 6 1317 53 5 GRANQET'N- (T.V.) 9 20ll0 54 1 14 2 39 4 34 6 20J7 59 ^P'N'RTH D'k (T.V. )arr 9 26 10 58 1 18 2 43 4 38 6 24J8 3 CoGAif dep 9 31 11 8 1 23 2 48 4 43 6 29J8 8 DINAS Powis „ 9 35 11 12 1 27 2 52 4 47|6 33|8 12 CADOXTON 9 40 U 17 1 31 2 57 4 £ 2 6 3858 17 BAKKY DOCK „ 9 4311 20 1 34 3 0 4 55 6 4118 20 BAHRY arr. 9 47 11 23 1 39 3 4 4 59(6 45>8 24 ALL TRAINS ARE 1ST, 2ND, AND 3RD CLASS. NO SUNDAY TRAINS. R. EVANS, GENERAL MANAGER. Cardiff, February, 188j. 4335 fetiters anti Contracts. ONTYPRIDD FREE PUBLIC -L LIBRARY. Owing to an unforeseen delay in procuring the title to the site, tenders received last April are abandoned, but the COMMITTEE are NOW in a POSITION to RECEIVE new TENDERS. Builders desiring to submit same are requested to communicate with the Architects. Messrs Potts, Lulman, and Hennings, of 1, Furnival's Inn, London, B.C., from whom particulars can be obtained. 4559 W. J. POWELL, Hon. Secretary. Very Agreeable to Take. A LAXATIVE & REFRESHING FRUIT LOZENGE, FOR TAMAR CONSTIPATION, -L HEMORRHOIDS, BILE, INDIEN HEADACHE, LOSS of APPETITE, „TT T ,.XT GASTRIC and /N RILLON INTESTINAL \JT TROUBLES. Box 2i 6d, stamps included. Sold by all Chemists and Druggists. 4254 E. GRILLON, 69, Queen.street, Cheapside, London. TOWLE'S PENNYROYAL and STEEL JL PILLS FOR FEMALES quickly correct all irregu IIoritiesan,d relieve the distressing symptoms so prevalent with the sex. Boxes, Is and 2s 9d, of all chemists Sent anywhere for 15 or 34 stamps, by The Lincoln and Midland Counties Dru? Co. Lincoln.—Beware of Ii«irs>?.iriw 1013 (Kottiiiu (Eontini ODlections. 1 QLAMORGAN COUNTY COUNCIL. TO THE ELECTORS OF MOUNTAIN ASH, PEN- RHIWCEIBER, YNYSYBWL, ROBERT.TOWN, CLIVETOWN, AND NAVIGATION. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN,— Your Representative, Mr Gwilym Jones, having been raised to the position of Alderman, a vacancy has occurred in your Division, and at the request of many electors I beg to offer myself as a candidate. I fully appreciate the importance of the step I am taking, and having been connected with various public bodies for a long period of my liie, I feel qualified te fulfil the duties of a County Councillor. The experience I have gained as a member of many public boards, and the training I have had in large commercial undertakings, could be usefully applied in working out tbe problem of self-government contem- plated by the Act. The decision rests with you, and should you think me worthy of your support and confidence, and return me as your representative, you may rely on my serving you with zeal and integrity. I am, Ladies and Gentlemen, Your obedient Servant, WILLIAM JONES. Navigation House, Aberdare Junction, February 4ib, 1889. LAMORGAN COUNTY COUNCIL, \jr 1839. TO THE ELECTORS OF THE COWBRIDGE AND LLANTWIT-MAJOR DIVISION. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN,— Mr Ress, the Mayor of Cowbridge, having been made an Alderman, a vacancy occurs in the representation of the above Division. At the request of several of the electors, and as the selected candidate of the Liberal Associations of the district, I offer myself to represent you in the Council as a Liberal and Tenant Farmer Candidate. Should you do me the honour to elect me, it will be my endeavour to serve you faithfully. I am, yours obediently. REES THOMAS. Boverton-place, Feb. 4th, 1889. 4351 To THE ELECTORS OF THE JL CAERPHILLY DIVISION. DEAR FRIENDS,— I will do myself the pleasure 'of seeing and addressing you in a few days, when a letter that will delight you will be re id from my friends and solicitors, Messrs Walter H. Morgan and Rhys, refuting the unfounded and dastardly slander that my enemies have been busily circulating among you. I pity the slanderers, for this ugly cat will be let out of the bag when we meet. I am, dear friends, Yours very troJy, DAVID MORGAN. Yew Tree House. Taft's Well. 43fcl COUNTY _COUNCIL. TO THE ELECTORS OF LOUGHOR AND PENDERRY. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, In compliance with the pressing wishes of a deputation of the ratepayers of this division, I beg to place my services at your disposal tc fill the vacant seat at the County Council, and if elected, yout best interests shall have my constant care. I am. Ladies and Gentlemen, Yours faithfully, E. RICE DANIEL. Cwmfelin Tinplate Works. Swansea, 2nd February. 1889. 4295 JnbU, appointments. J>ENTYRCH SCHOOL BOARD. WANT FD. on the 1st May next, a CERTIFICATED MISTRESS for the Pentvrch Works (Infant) School at Gwaelod-y-Garth. A knowledge of Welsh desirable. Salary, :t:50. Applications to be sent to the under- signed (from whom forms may be had) by the 27thinst. R. Y. EVAS. Clerk to the Board. Guildhall-chambers, St, Maiy-sireet, Cardiff, 7th February, 1889. 4379 J' (Education. CARDIFF. JOSEPH PARRY, Mus. Doc. (CANTAB), LECTURER IN MUSIC AT THE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE, CARDIFF, AND MR D. MENDELSSOHN PARRY. PRIVATE LESSONS in VOICE CULTURE and SINGING, PIANOFORTE, ORGAN, and COMPOSITION, at BEETHOVEN CHAMBERS. 2 NEWPORT-ROAD (Just opposite the College), And at their private residence, CARTREF, 23, PLYMOUTH-ROAD, PENARTH. Prospectus on application. COLLEGE CLASSES. — Harmony: Mondays at 2, 7; Tuesdays at 2.30. Musical Form, for pianists and vocalists Thu>>days at 2.30. Theory and sight singing, for all choir members: Mondiys at 8. Colle8 Philharmonic Society: Tuesdays at 8. THE LENT TERM COMMENCES ON MONDAY, JANUARY the IItTH, 1889. 13226 1134 PENARTH. PREPARATORY SCHOOL for BOYS, JL. HASLAND HOUSE, PENARTH, will HE. OPEN (D.V.) Jan. 22nd, 1869. Prospectus on applica- tion to Mr JOSEPH LUGG. 878 COWBRIDGE. GREAT HOUSE SCHOOL FOR GIRLS. PRINCIPALS Mrs and the Misses CULVERWELL. Thorough preparation for Cambridge, Oxford, Royal Academy of Music, and Trinity College examinations Special attention is given to comfort, refinement, and physical well. being. Terms moderate Fees from entrance. 1024 MAESYCWMMEK, THE SOUTH WALES SCHOOL FOR JL GIRLS, SUMMERFIELD HALL, MAESYCWMMER, CARDIFF. PRINCIPAL—Mrs NICHOLLS, F.E.I.S., F.S.Sc. Gold and Silver Medallist. (Under distinguished patronage, aud in union with Trinity College, London, the Society of Science. Arts, and Letters, London), and the Royal College of Music. The last three years 600 certificates, over 400 dis- tinctions, and 350 special certificates have been gained from Trinity College, Royal Academy. Couege of Pre- ceptors, Science and Art (London), and the Universities of Oxford, Cambridge, anù Edinburgh also prizes from Trinity Coll6j!;e anù Science and Art (London). A bronze medal from the International Exhibition (Science and Art) for painting, silver medal for music, and a bronze medal from the London College of Music, and 48 certificates of merit for drawing, painting (oil and water colour), and various kinds of needlework. The girls have passed in as many as 12 subjects, in- cluding German, French, mathematics, drawing, paint- ing, music, book-keeping, geometry, perspective, Botany, Acoustics, literature, and everything useful. The Examiners (Londoni said:—"The work done by this school is exceedingly good and creditable to the Principal." "Arithmetic Excellent," "Scripture Excellent." £100 per annum is given in Scholarsuips, and £10;) to S180 in prizes. Hundreds of testimonials from parents and pupils in all parts of the world. Fees for boarders, including tuition, prizes, scholarships and prepa.ra.tionfor any University Exami- nation the guineas. Day pupils, one guinea. One of the best schools in the country."—Vide Press. 13650 4282 NEATH. VTEATH.—PROPRIETARY SCHOOL. Higher Education.—Application for terms, &c" to Archdeacon of Llandaff, or Headmaster. Neath. 1118 CARMARTHEN. QUEEN ELIZABETH GRAMMAR SCHOOL. CARMARTHEN. FOUNDED 1576. HEAD MASTER-J. J. LLOYD WILLIAMS, MA., Oxford. MATHEMATICS—E. H. HENSLEY, M.A., Cambridge, Bell Univ. Scholar and 12th Wrangler. SCIENCE—J. F. HARI IN, B.A., Cambridge, 2nd Class Science Tripov, with other efficient Masters. j Preparation for all Public Examinations. Two large Boarding Houses under Head Master's Charge. Next Term begins FRIDAY. JANUARY 11th, 1889. Successes in year 1888 :-£50 Classical Exhibition, Oxford; £ 50 Open Science chola.rship, Cambridge first-class London :\latricu1atioD, two higher Oxford and Cambridge certi6cittes; two distinctions do. History and Chemistry, four lower do.; 13 first classes, 53 first and second classes May examination Science and Art, South Kensington passes in Preliminary Law and Medicine, do. for National Provincial Bank, Matricula- tion Trinity College. Dublin, and Lampeter. N. B.—In last lower certificate examination a boy from this school obtained highest number of first classes among Welsh candidates. Apply Head Master. 1953 CLIFTON, BRISTOL. I^LROFTON HOUSE SCHOOL, CLIFTON, Vy BRISTOL.—Large premises, close to Downs. Lofty rooms and dormitories. Very successful in preparing pupils for all examinations Especial care for those destined for commercial life. Excellent results at Locals." Three scholarships (classical, mathematical, medical) gained this year. Science and other lectures during Winter terms.—Head Master —Charles E. Cooper, A.C.P., F.R.G.S. 849 BLANCHWORTH POULTRY FARM JD CO., DURSLEY, GLOUCESTERSHIRE. SPECIAL OFFER OF PURE-BRED POULTRY, DURING THIS MONTH ONLY. Cockerels and Pullets at prices ranging from 5s to 7s bd and 1GB 6d each, according to age. Clearing out Surplus Stock in order to introduce fresh blood. ( All orders booked strictly in rotation, Our sole Term* Cash with order. 3939 financial. KINGSBURY & CO., JgTOCK and SHARE DEALERS, CORNHILL, LONDON, E.C. TOCK EXCHANGE SPECULATION M with limited liability. RISK LIMITED to amount deposited aa cover. PROFITS unlimited, -i WITH 1 PER CENT. COVER. £5 CONTROLS B500 STOCK. £1,000" £20" £2,000" £50" £5,000" £10,000" With no further liability whatever. TELEGRAMS free if desired. THE BEST and soundest information on JL all classes of Stock and Shares obtained and advised by circular, tor which apply at once. OUR LATEST tip is buy GRAND TRUNKS. THE TIMES are good for Speculators. JL MARKETS RISING. EVERYBODY MAKING MONEY. KINSBURY ancTcO.'S SPECIAL MINING DEPARTMENT. CORRESPONDENCE INVITED from holders and purchasers of every description of MINING SHARES, particularly SOUTH AFRICAN GOLD MINES. tk9 THE LEADING feature of the day. FEMENSE FORTUNES have been and JL are still being made in these Shares. WRITE AT ONCE for our recommendations. WE ARE in direct communication with the original discoverers of the leadin South African GOLD MINES. KINGSBURY and CO., JL\. STOCK AND SHARE DEALERS, A 1 CORNHILL, LONDON, E.C. 'tfcX, 4298 iinílàíng Societies. THE PRINCIPALITY PERMANENT j. INVESTMENT JgUILDING SOCIETY. THE BEST MEDIUM FOR LOANS ON PROPERTIES. Moderate law charges. No procuration fees. Easy repayments. Large share in Society's profits. Facility for redemption. The Offices, 28, St. Mary-street, Cardiff, are OPEN DAILY FOR BUSINESS. W. SANDERS, MANAGING SECRETARY. AGENTS.—Mr E. THOMAS, 43. York-place, Newport. MrD. H. EDMUNDS, 4. Maughan-st., Penarth. Mr J. A. DAVIES, Ida-place, Ebbw Vale. 1023 7422 (JOUTH WALES MERCANTILE O BUILDING SOCIETY, Philharmonic Chambers, CardifL-The Directors are prepared to make Advances on Leasehold and Freehold Securities. Interest reduced half per cent. on Old and New Advances.— John Jen- kins, A.C.A.. Secretary. 1045 THE MERTHYR AND DOWLAIS JL BUILDING SOCIETY. — Offices, Glebeland House, Merthyr TydfiL-Established 1872. Incorporated 1874.—Liberal Adva.nces (£100 to £ 10,000).—Easy Re- payments in 3 to 17 years. Favourable Redemption Terms-Utmost Secrecy—Loans on Buildings in pro- gress—No Management Charges. DISTRICT AGENTS :— Cardiff and Penarth, Mr J. Holloway, 12, Queen's Chambers Cardiff; Cadoxton and Barry, Mr Lewis Lewis, Qaarrella-s.reet, Cadox- ton; Abertillery and District, Mr W. B. Harrison, Abertillery; Newport and District, Mr H. A. Goodman, Architect, Newport; Swansea, Mr H. C. Higman, 101. Oxford-stuet, Swansea Pontypridd and Rhondda, Mr H. Porcher, Pontypridd; Carmarthenshire, Mr Isaac Phillips, Burry Port, R.S.O; Tredegar and Ebbvo Vale, Mr J. D. Thomas. Aeron Villa, Rhymney. 1058 Mr PETER WILLIAMS. Secretary. Ossnirsions. Q.REAT WESTERN RAILWAY. FAST EXPRESS TRAINS are run DAILY (Sundays excepted) in conjunction with the London and North Western Railway,via the SHREWSBURY and HERE- FORD LINE between CARDIFF and LIVERPOOL, MANCHESTER, CHESTER, CARLISLE, GLASGOW, EDINBURGH, and the NORTH of ENGLAND and SCOTLAND generally, leavirg CARDIFF at 9.2a a.m.. 3.55, and 7.15 p.m, By trains connecting with this service to and from LLANELLY, SWANSEA. NEATH, BRIDGEND, CHELTENHAM, GLOUCESTER, and other stations, the time occupied between SOUTH WALES and tbe NORTH is MATERIALLY REDUCED. THROUGH CARRIAGES run from CARDIFF, and THROUGH FARES are in operation between all principal stations. 4240 BY. LAMBERT, General Manager. fjotcls. ^yyHERE SHALL WE DINE ? AT THE JpHILHARMONIC RESTAURANT, I ST. MARY-STREET, CARDIFF, Which is now the Best Managed Restaurant in the Principality. The Comforts of RESIDENTS AND VISITORS DINING FROM HOME Will in future be Carefully Studied, and the Coffee. room Menu presents an Elaborate Variety, combined with Strict Economy. TABLE D'HOTE FROM ONE TO THREE DAILY. RechcTche Cuisine for MASONIC BANQUETS, DINNERS, SUPPERS, AC. 3998 GEO. CHAMBERLAIN, Manager, REGENNA CASTLE HOTEL, ST. IVES, CORNWALL, stands in its own grounds of nearly 100 acres, overlooking the Bay. The mean temperature of St. Ives in winter is only four degrees less tWtn Rome. Frosts are rare, and mow almost unknown, Board, lodging, and attendance on moderate terms during the winter and certain other months.- Address Manager. 4242 DINNERS, ?D.—BRISTOL.—WOOD'S, 21 and 22, Broaameaa. Plain Tea, 3d; or Breakfast, Meat and Bread, 4d. Good Beds, Is and 1;< bd. 1258 E X H I BIT ION. R J. HEATH AND gONS Have been awarded the ONLY SILVER MEDAL FOR pIANO FORTES. TBE HIGHEST AWARD TO ANY FIRM IN MONMOUTHSHIRE OR WALES. R. J. REA TH AND SONS, 51, QUEEN. STREET, CARDIFF. R. J. H. & Sons have just been appointed Sole Agents in this district for the celebrated Pianos by Steinway & Sons, New York 9431 lOób-S CHAS. MOIR, M.R.C.V.S, JNO. L. PERRY, M.R.C V.S. SURGERY:-35, CHARLKS ST., CARDIFF. 13645 4255 rjlEETH TEETH TEETH JL —— PriM Medal London, 3862. Gold Medal, Paris, 1867 « MR K E ALL, SURGEON DENTIST 131 Years' Experience; 1.1 Years in Swansea) 199, HIGH STREET, SWANSEA (Just below the Great Western Railway Sta.tion- Begs to intimate that he can produce a perfectly fitting Set of Teeth in one clear day. The very but workman- ship guaranteed. Painless Dentistry by Gas. Partial Sets from 5s per Tooth Upper or Lower Sets from Two Guineas. KEALL'S TONIC AND NEURALGIC MIXTURE, Sure and Speedy Cure for Neuralgia, Tic Ooloreur Rheums, Toothache, and all Nervous Pains. Is lid and 2s 9d per Bottle. Through any Chemist Monday, Cardiff; Garrett, Bros., Newport; J. G. Isaac 14e(la.te Hayman I, eath: E.C. Evans. Cardigan- 1038 "VTEATH AND DISTRICT ADVER- _L1 TISING, BILL-POSTING, and CIRCULAR DISTRIBUTING COMPANY. Office: 13, Cattle. street, Neath. Best permanent posting-stations in Town and neighbourhood. Contractors for all des- I criptions of advertising, circular distributing, &C. Orders promptly attended to. All parcels to be dis tiuctly addressed to T. Harry Hawkins. Neath. 1094 Bi LLPOSTIST GINC A R D I F F. GLAMORGAN BILLPOSTING COMPANY, LTMITED, b3, ST-MARY-STREET (comer of Wood- street), CARDIFF. First-clam stations, efficient posters, immediate attention to all orders.—ARTHUR GIL- BERT, Manager. 3868 public J.mu5cntents. I CARDIFF. FJLHEATRE ROYAL. LESSEE AND MANAGER. Mr EDWARD FLETCHER ACTING Makaoer Mr JOHN SHKRIDAN LAST TWO NIGHTS OF THE BEAUTIFUL AND EMINENT ACTRESS, JY/J I S S ^LLEYN, AND THE FAMOUS ALLEY N-BERNARD CLASSIC DRAMA AND COMEDY COMPANY. TO-NIGHT. FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 8TH. Shakespeare's Most Merry Comedy. THE rjlAMING OF THE ^HREW, Christopher Sly MR CHARLES BERNARD Katharine, the Shrew Miss ALLEYN SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 9TH. ROMEO AND JULIET. ROMEO AND JULIET. Monday next, February 11th, Mr Fred Wrights Celebrated Comnany in the Great Surrey Drama, FALSE LIGHTS. Box Plan at Thompson Shackell's, Limited. GRAND THEATRE AND OPERA HOUSE, WESTGATE-STREET, CARDIFF THE GRANDEST THEATRE IN WALES. LIGHTED ENTIRELY BY ELECTRICITY. LESSEES Messrs E. A W. JOHN. GREAT AND GLORIOUS SUCCESS OF THE PANTOMIME. D ICE HITTIKGTON. Acknowledged by London Managers and Press to be THE BEST AND FUNNIEST PANTOMIME IN THE PROVINCES. SCREAMS OF LAUGHTER AND CONTINUOUS ROUNDS OF APPLAUSE From the Rise to the Fall of the Cartain. NOT ONE DULL MOMENT 1 TEEMS WITH FUN AND FROLIC The Voice of the Public has increed the patronaee beyond anything ever known in Wales. The following brillia.nt array of Talented Artistes appear nightly :— Misses ADA and ADDIE BLANCHE, Miss LUCY WESTON, Miss NELLIE JUNGARD. Miss JESSIE GERALD. Miss ST. JOHN, Miss DOLLIE HUNTLEY, MERRY LITTLE ROSIK and Madame CLARI, Mr E. W. COLEMAN, Mr JNO. OWEN. Mr WILFRED BAILEY, Mr STEvVART McRAE, Mr ARTHUR PHILLIPS. M: FRED AUSTIN, Mr FRED HERBERT, Mr L. LKFTON, THE ETHARIAN TROUPE and 40 LONDON BALLET LADIES. THE MAGNIFICENT SCENERY BY ME CHAS. WOOD. BY SPECIAL REQUEST A LAST MORNING PERFORMANCE WILL TAKE PLACE TO-MORROW, SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 9th, 1889, OF THE GRAND PANTOMIME, DICK WHITTINGTON. TO-NIGHT, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 8TH, 1889. GRAND FASHIONABLE NIGHT, Under distinguished Patronage, for the BENEFIT OF MR WILLIAM JOHN (LESSEE AND MANAGER) Special Attractions for this Night only.-See Bills. TUESDAY, 12th FEBRUARY, SPECIAL NIGHT. FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE MISSES ADA AND ADDIE BLANCHE (DICK AND ALICE). SPECIAL LATE TRAINS. Doors open at 6,30; Performance at 7 o'clock. Box Plan at Thompson and Shackell's (Limited). Telephone No. 511. AYLEURE'S CIRCUS, WESTGATE- JL STREET. TO-NIGHT. TO-NIGHT. JOSEPH D A R BY, CHAMPION JUMPER OF THE WORLD, CHALLENGES THE WORLD FOR £ 1,COO TO-NIGHT. FRIDAY, FEB. 8th, And TO-MORROW, SATURDAY, at 7.30 p m. Prices of Admission ;— os, 2s, Is, and 6d. Half-price tQ ail parts at Nine o'clock. GRAND ILLUMINATED DAY PERFORMANCES EVERY SATURDAY AT 2.30. 3245 COLONIAL HALL, HOPE-STREET, J BOTTOM OF ST. MARY-STREET. MR THOMPSON WILL LECTURE TO-NIGHT TO MEN ONLY; SUBJECT:— "MAN AND HIS SEXUAL RELATIONS." Admission od, bd, Is. Doors open at 7.30; commence at8. Lecture To-mnrrow Niht on "oS WE ETHEARTS. HOW TO CHOOSE AND UNDERSTAND THEM." Heads examined and advice on health daily from 11 705- T) A R K H A L L, CARDIFF. ORG AN ^RECITAL BY MR. E. H. LEMARE, F.C.O., R.A.M., ORGANIST at the PARISH CHURCH, SHEFFIELD, TO-NIGHT, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 8th, 1889. PROGRAMME —PART 1. 1. Overture Oberon Weber. 2. Gavotte in A Flat L'Estrange. 3. Toccata and Fugue in C Major, with Pedal Solo Bach. 4 f a. A dao in B) 6th S h W do '( b, Fín..Je in G; ymp ony I r. Interval of Five Minutes. FART 2. 5. Vorspiel "Parsifal" Wagner. 6. Concert Fantasia on Pleyel's German Hymn E. H. Lemare. 7. Priere et Berceuse Guilmant. 8. Overture Semiramide "R08ini. Admission-Balcony, h; Body of Hall. 6d. Doors open 7.30. To commence at 8. 4297 SATURDAY POPULAR CONCERTS. PARK HALL. Given by the CARDIFF CHORAL UNION TO-MORROW, FEB. 9TH, 1889. A.RTISTES—- Miss HANNAH JONEs, Gold Medalist R.A.M.. London. Miss MABEL KNOX Mr R. W. EVANS, and Mr J. ALLGOOD. ACCOMPANIST Madame CLARA N. DAVIES CONDUCTOR .Mr JACOB DAVIES. Admission, 3d, 6d, and Is. Doois open at 7 cClm. mence 7.3o 4577 POOTBALL. JG NGL AND T. SCOTLAND. IMMENSE PICTURE OF ABOVE MATCH, Played sit RAEBURN-PLACE, EDINBURGH, 1886, NOW ON VIEW, AT TOMLIN'S ART GALLERY, 4, DUKE-STREET, CARDIFF. FOR A FEW DAYS. 4332 SWANSEA. ^LBERT-HALL, SWANSEA. Under thf Patronage of Sir H. BUSEY VIVIAN, Bart., M.P., LADY VIVIAN, and W. GRAHAM VIVIAN, Esq. GRAND EVENING CONCERT, THURSD Y, FEBRUARY 14TH, 1889. SOPRANO—Miss CARLOTTA ELLIOT. CONTRALTO—Mis- CURRAN. TENOR—Mr HENRY PIERCY. BASS—Mr DAVID HUGHES. INSTRUMENTALISTS HERR anti FKAU CURT SCHULZ. ACCOMPANSST—Mr W. F. HULLEY. For further particulars see bills. Tickets to be had of Mr GWYNNE BRADER. Swansea. RRIHE CARDIFF AND SOUTH WALES X MANURE COMPANY, LIMITED. —WA UN TREODA WORKS. LLANDAFF.—The above Com- pany, having purchased the businesses of Messrs Gash and Sons at Cardiff and Treforest, and of Mr Gibbs at Merthyr are prepared to remove live and d'ad horses, &c within a radius of 12 miles of either of the places named, Telegrams and orders promptly attended to. Fuli value given. The only licensed slaughterers in the districts. 3007 E. GIBBS. Manager. HAYMAN*S BALSAM of HOREHOUND Relieves Couph in ten minutes. HAYMAN'S BALSAM of HOREHOUND The most certain and speedy Remedy. HAYMAN'S BALSAM ot HOREHOUND For Coughs and Colds. jLl For Coughs and Colds. HAYMAN'S BALSAM of HOREHOUND JLJL For all disorders of the Lungs RELIEVES COUGH In TEN MINUTES Invaluable in the Nursery HAYMAN'S BALSAM of HOREHOUND Jt.JL The most successful preparation HAYMAN'S BALSAM of HOREHOUND JH. Ever offered to the public. HAYMAN'S BALSAM of HOREHOUND Prepared only by A. Hayruan A Co. (late of Neath), HAYMAN'S BALSAM of HOREHOUND 15, Albemarle st., St. John's-square, London, E.C. Sold by all Chemists. Price, Is-, lid, 2s 9d 4s 6d, 1022 IN VALID MEN WHO ARE NERVOUS JL AND DEPRESSED, without joy for the present or hop for the future, and whose paa: is It regret, should .tend 3 stamps for the MAGIC MIRROR, and address. The SECRETARY, Fitzalut-scu-are, Sheffield EstablisLv.'d 1830. 3311—1176 I ffcmsiness Ài)i)resstS. Q H U E C H 0 R G A N S. rjpHOMPSON AND gHACKELL JL to (LIMITED), QUEEN'S QRGAN FACTORY, CARDIFF. PKICE LIST:— No.1. pRICE £60. 156 Pipes. No.2. pRICE £90. 22 Pipea No.3. pRICE £120. 298Pipee No.4. pRICE £135. 390 Pipes. JJO. 5. pRICE £200. 454 Pipes. ESTIMATES (1¡VES FOR LARGER ORGANS UP TO £1,000. Specifications, Designs, a.nd Estimates furnished fat all descriptions of Church, Hall or Chamber Organ*. Also for Re-building, Additions, and Repairs. THE BEST MATERIALS ONLY bSBD. Organs Tuned and Kept in Order by Contract in ut part of South Wales THOMPSON and SHACKELL (Limited) have hat the honour of attending tu the Organs at Llandaff Cathedral, the Park-hali. Cardiff, &c., Ac., and have a staff of workmen of great experience, capable of atten- icg to any Organ, however ntricate the mechanism. 1047 THE CITY OF LONDON TEA COM. JL PANY Supply choice Teas direct from importer. CITY OF LONDON TEA COMPANY Keep all kinds of Teaiii stock except commoc Tea CITY OF LONDON TEA COMPANY Guarantee reoluced cost and increasea sati80 faction. CITY OF LONDON TEA COMPANY Do business for only, CITY OF LONDON TEA COMPANY Have no agents, bad debts, or unnecessary expenses. FLLTY OF LONDON TEA COMPANY Supply 6 pounds of Tea and upwards. CITY OF LONDON TEA COMPANY Deliver b pounds of Tea (free) to any aadren by post CITY OF LONDON TEA COMPANY Dehver 12,bs., 141bs.. or 20ibs. in a canistei free by rail. CITY OF LONDON TEA COMPANY Supply oriinalleaJed chests of the follow ing weights:—Mbs., tOlbs,, 601bs., 801bs.. lOOlbs. CITY OF LONDON TEA COMPANY Sell beautiful Tea at 2s a pound. Sell choice Indian at 2s a ound, 8811 fragrant Kaisow at 2s a pound. Sell delicious Ceylon at 2s a pound. I^ITY OF LONDON TEA COMPANY Sell Kaisow and Dai jeeling at Is XOd a pound. CITY OF LONDON TEA COMPANY Sell rich, fragrant Saryune Congou at ls8d pound. CITY OF LONDON TEA COMPANY Sell good, wholesome, pleasant Congou at Is 4d and 18 bd CITY OF LONDON TEA COMPANY Sell Assam Teas at Is 6d and Is 8d of cre&t stregth and pungent flavour. CITY OF LONDON TL^A COMPANY Sell Assam Tea Dust of intense flavour and strength a.t Is bd a pound CITY OF LONDON TEA COMPANY 'I Will post their list and descriptive circular free CITY OF LONDON TEA COMPANY NEW BA:5IGHALL-STREJJ;I, LONDON, E.C. Established 1861. MANAGER >-WILLIAM HUGHES. 435b PEPPER'S QUININE AND IRON -t- TONIC Strengthens the Nerves and Muscula. System. PEPPER'S QUININE AND IRON TONIC Animates the Spirits and Mental Faculties. PEPPER'S QUININE AND IRON JL TONIC Promotes Appetite and Improves Diges tion. PEPPER'S QUININE AND IRON JL TONIC thorougllly Recrllits the General Health, and induces a proper healthy cunditlOn 0:' the Nervous and Physical Forces. GREAT BODILY STRENGTH.— JC PEPPER'S QUININE and IRON TONIC.— By enriching the biood, giving firmness to the tissues, and strengtheuing toe muscular system, WeaJi:lle8S disappears, appetite returns, fatigue ceases, anu re- crwted health results. GREAT NERVE STRENGTH.— VJT PEPPER'S QUININE and IRON TONIC braces up the weakened nerves, increases strength of p0r.ies the nerve centres. GREAT MENTAL STRENGTH.— PEPPER'S QUININE and IRON TONIC, by its supporting influence on the body and nerves, repairs the ravages caused by over-taxing the brain power, and so gives really great mental strength. It costs about lid each dose. GREAT DIGESTIVE STRENGTH^. PEPPER'S QUININE and IRON" T JNiC uro. motes appetite, strengthens the stomach, sioppiu* sinking sensations, removes indigestion, heartburn, palpita ion, cures dyspepsia, con&ututiouai debilitv, restorin3ealth, strengt and tmerg) HALF-CROWN EOTTLES of PEP- -M-JL PER £ > QUININE and IRON TOXIC a-re sold, bringing it in reach of all. Next siae, 3.: doaes 4s bù. Insist 011 having Pepper's Tonic. No other i. or any use. SULPHOLINE LOTION clears the SKIN SPOTS, BLKMISHES, BLOTCHES, REDNK>.s, ROLGHN ESS, DI>COi ORATIOVfs UNSIGHTLY OBJECTIONAE1.1; APPEARANCES UNCOMFORTABLE SKIN Dlsi IGUR EM EN 'T>, Eutireiy fade awav. _n- SULPHOLINE LOTION makes the SKIN HEALTHY, SOFl, BEAUTIFUL TRANSPARENT SMOOTH Sl'PPLii. SULPHOLINE.—For the COMPLEXION SOFTENS and PRESERVES. GIVES a HEALTHY SUIif ACE. COUNTERACTS EFFECT of WEATHEB EMBELLISHED and IMPROVE^ Bottles, 2s 'a. >>tld everyw::t re. CFULPHOLINE—The "best SKI N LOTION KJ BEAUTIFULLY FllAGi;AN! COOLING and REFRESHING. A most DESIRABLE APPLICATION. ABSOLI J ELY PURE and HaUMLESQ 1iotd s-.iis 9d ftold everywhere 1002 1U U T C d I N S O N' S piANGFORTE "Y^TARE HOUSE I CLARENCE PLACE, NEWPORT. FIRST TO REDUCE THE PRICE OF TUNING IN SOUTH WALES. SINGLE TUNINGS. Newport and Cardiff 3S 6a Country 4s od PIANOFORTES. HARMONIUMS, AMERICAN ORGANS, FROM its bD PER MONTH. Every Instrument Warranted for Ten Years. We have great pleasure in recommending Hutchinson's of 2\ tWplJrt aM Competent Pianoforte Tuners and Repairers 3127 JOHN BKLNSMEAD SONS JJILL-POSTING AT NEWPORT, J. DB RRRS. 180 COMMERCIAL-ROAD. NEWPOlir BILL-POSTER and DELIVERER ;c- TOWN and I COUNTRY Rents ail the principal Hoardiiur- I N- v 'or drc Won,- execuool1 ltn Q,,¡ iyOfc