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I i i iBusiittsss THIS WEEK. THE CAYIDIFF TIMES AND THE SOUTH WALES W EKKLY NEWS OF SATURDAY, DECEMBER ltrax WiLL »K ACCOMPANIED BY A T ARGE ILLUSTRATED SHEET A L M A N A C FOR 1 8 i) O {beautiful [\f printed in colours, on good toned paper). i.chich will be GIVEN A I.' with each C(111) oil the Paper. I'he Ala-.a-,toc ii om of fhe Largest Sheet J Almanacs published in this VIstrict ivhiia for fulness of Local Information and completeness of detail, it is Superior to any other Local Almanac. l'h. contents comjirise CALENDAR I,on 1G90, <scn»Ai..ing a large number of Dates oY important Local Incidents, Colliery Explosions, ami 'special Even;s. %"HE TIIH: TABLK VOR CARDIFF, SVYAXSKA, AND NEWPoftT, Showing the Times of High-water at each Port, Morning and Kvenin. and the llei;;h.. of Tide. A FULL AND COMPLETE IAST OF FAIRS In Sou h Wales ami West of England, viz BRECON SHIRK GLAMMlflAN"-HI. P-E. CAK1H6ANS1! IKE. M°N>l0Av-v-mi'o v" CAH MAR I H I-INSHIRE. L'ELUILLOHT^IIR. IJ.ST OK INCENSE DUITKS. ID-ST OF INCENSE DUITKS. LIST OF MEMBE RS, OFFICIALS OF TOWN COUNCILS, LOCAL & SCHOOL uOAftD.S Thrr.vihout South Wales ami the West of England. POST OFFICE RATES AND STAMP DUTIES. Tlir, South Wales ami the West of England. POST OFFICE RATES AND STAMP DUTIES. P.t Office Savings Bank. PHASES OF TIIF, MOON, &c Ac., &C. Price of Taper, %clth Almanac, 14. Post Free l ^d., to any Fart of the United Xing- dom; or fut- 2d. to any of the Colonies, the United States, and Continent. Agents' orders, to prevent dtsafypo'mlffi'&nt, s/iould be sent to the Chief Office, Cardiff, as earlg as possible. I j THE CHRISTMAS NUMBER OF THE CARDIFF TIMES AND SOUTH WALES WEEKLY NEWS WILL BE I.-SUE1) SATURDAY, DECEMBER 21sT, AND WILL CONTAIN SPECIAL CHRISTMAS LITERATURE, INCLUDING THE MURDERER 3 CONFESSION, by B. L. FARJEON. Author of No. 11Q, Great Porter- uare, Chiistmaa Angel," &e, ONE CHRISTMAS EVE; A Local Story, by ELIZABETH M. MOON (Leslie Gilroy), Author of J)o-:othy, Paul Mennessy's Daughter, It Professor stuarV &c. TILU, MAID OF CKVN YDVA An English. s Version of the beantiftil Welsh Love suviy, by 1-raxk FRKELAND, Autiior of Ti ial and Triumph, New Refuge, &e. CHRIS TMAS GAMES, or How to Erijoy our I Chriia mas Holiday. I:AD UtHEti ILLUSTRATED CHRISTMAS LITERATURE. ORDER EARLY. ^HE CARDIFF TIMES AND SOUTH WALES WEEKLY NEWS, SATURDAY, DEC. 21. PRICE ONE PENNY. ..ø.- FURNITURE ESTABLISHED OVER. CARPETS FUttNII UUE THUEKQUAKTEMCEN- CARPETS FURNITCIIK TL-iiy. CAiipi'vrs l<UI:'iH(Jr.¡" CARPETS i-'UiiiNlJ UKE x>'PTCTTn CARPETS Fl'UNlTURE GOOD, AKriS»TIO CAR PETS ^UHNITl.liE AnD CAUP/j'I'S tURN ITU :IK .v-vuiivc-in, CARPETS FtltNU URE I >. EA. 1. i'MVK CARPETS (URN (TURK CAKJPETS UKXi 1 IjK ki v pp ili n i wr lin v Cf'l.iPKTkj KURM'Uj'RE LbFURr, VOL BU* CAltl>y:^ KURNITURK i' U 1:. I CARPETS yUl'NJTUltE oil CARPETS FURNITURE CARPETS, CARPETS l<'WH:Il¿W'; CARPETS FURNITUUE DO .^1VIL TO CARPETS n; KNITUUE VI-511 CARPKI'S f UiINITURE L AVEKTON CARPETS Fl.'KNlTUR E fl J CARPETS EUKN1 lL'il., ANI) CARPETS FURNITURE CARPETS FURMTURE 0., CARPETS Fl'KNlTUKE vJARPE IS il.'itiSntR^p i» INK''1 \T \TTPPQ CARPETS UKNITURE^ Ab 1XM^ A1AKJ,RS, CARPETS t U KNIT (IRE UPHOLSTEKEK.S, CARPETS 1 liilNi'TOtK HOUSE FURMSUERS, FfSEESJ MARV-LE-PoiiT-ST CARPETS t<UHNnUt{g AND CARPETS tUlCNHURE BRIDGE-STREET CARPETS l'URMIU,K CARPETS HiRNTTUitE liRIrfTOL. C AHPETs I'UUNIIURK —- CARPETS FCRNiiURE THEIR SHOWROOMS CARPETS (.) ii-S A 1 UhVPT' ONI It1 Afiii,! CAlvPElS f LKNi l UiCE OVhK ONh AGUE CARPETS MfKNiTUKE IJH j"jAi 1-OiT, CARPETS I'CHNi URE COiNTAIN CARPETS J. 'CM t UJ'E THE LARGEST, BEST, CARPETS I C1 CM 1 L" R E and CARPE Ts jURNtTURK CHEAPEST STOCK CARPETS rURNIl'URE IN THK, CARPETS I r ul ItE WEST OF ENGLAND. CARPETS o2a'7 XV IE ^7rAUGtIAN AND CO., ^TEAM-PUWKli DYEIS. FRENCH OLE A Is ERtf, &c., LLAN UAFF-KOAD, CAKDIFS. BUA.NCH ESTABLISHMENTS I 32, QUEKN -STREET, l CARDIFF 243. liUTE-s'.KEET, 11, WINDSOR-ROAD, PiNAI'.Til. 53, COMMKRCiAl^S'J'KEKT, NEWPORT. BS. HIGH-STREET, MERTHYR. 27, CASTLK-STRKKT, SWANSEA Parcels Recj;»eti ami Korwai-.ie'l Rc^uUirly to the Pye-work.i by the foliowins District Ajrents :— Aber.tvoii Miss Morgau, T,,tn,,itiell -place Aberctare Mrs Eschle, Coni»erci;U-place Aberkeutis: .Mr W. H. Hitching, Grocer Xbercarn Mr D. Jones, Anchor House Brecon Mrs WoUon, Lion-strftet Bri(i;end .Mr ^Voodiviirii, Grocer. Adare-treec Blaenavuii ..Mr J. Harris, Lomicn House Uriton Ferry Mr D. L. -Joues. VillierM-stveet ;'owbri<ige Miss Griffiths, Fancy I4eposit»ry Urilhihstown ..Mr It. Peich, Posi-oliice. Ll.tndilo Mr J. 1-ockyer, Co-anty Press Maeste^ Mr '1. Dalies, CTnicer, Ca.stle-street MonntViii*A»h..D. R. Davies, (K.-aple ot Fashion Neyiand Mers BiiWiecomOe, London House Nantywoei .Mr E. D.tvui, Cambn ui House Pembroke Dock, M. S. (;,lie, 10. Diuriond-street Porthcawi >lr li. Thouias, Great Western Hou-e Pontyfhidd Mr J. Roberts, Post-office Penrluwceiber Mr D. It. Davies. Dray, r Porlh Mr J. H. T/iouia.s, Cloth Hall Pentre! • •Mr J. Uilcbiass. 12a, Hi^h-street St. i>avid s" Mr W. Lewis, tailor, Cros -square T re forest Ir G;lJl>on, Tailor,88, W ootl-roacl Ireliarris *M:- 118 wi., Lomion House. Jonby 'I'lie'l'bimble, Tuior-sq J." Mr JOIK>'S, Grocer. Bridjje-stree'; P:irce)» aVn'ounrio" t', tiVd .¡ihin.¡ sent three, to works will be returaod c;uriJ.^e paid one way. iiade Sooks and price lists seno tree on application. \yr A UGH AN AND CO, 11 y E R s, iRE CEl.KBBATED FOit CI.OTHKS and DRESS Ji.EANiNG by JtENClF PROtNiSs, producing per- manent coltiuif, a superior tinisli, :fi(H .It e (ha. ^yooLs "^yooLy • j NOW OPEN, £ > EN DLEST ON j ILL TORES, 4, DUKE-STIIKET. I.AROKST SEIIKGilo-x OF WOOLS, ART NSSDLEWORK, AND FANCY GOODS JS CARDIFF. ——— 9413 NEWEST DESIGNS. TNVIltd MKN WHO ARE NEKVOTTS AND fl, DF.PRKSSED without joy for the i.-ie.nc or hop.. lor the future, iUi t whose p>st is a rearer,, should send 3 stamps for tll" MAGIC MIRItOR, altt1 address W1LBINSON AND Co.. *1, Fitz- I~NVALID MEN. dlaii-oti-hfttii ld. jR. W (Toa Jjilf for ^iasstUtaiion. /TAKDIFF LIT KUAR Y SOCIETY.— WPUHLIC LECTURE TO-NIGHT (TUESDAY), bi th., Itev M. W. MOGGRIDGE, on Spenser," tJw Ltc ur-1 hall, Y.M.C.A.. St. M;iy street, Cardiff. jfl a-ueub«r>). Is Chair taken at 7.iIó p.m. r ^ttsiiwss :l\blrussts. B. Evans AND COMPANY HAVE NOW ON SHOW A MAGNIFICENT STOCK OF ELIABLE JJ1URS, CONSISTING OF SEALSKIN JACKETS, PALETOTSfANDMANTLES FUR LINED CLOAKS, FUR CAPES, COLLARETTES, BFLviRAVIAS, BOAS, MUFF." AND TRIMMINGS, "i> EAL SEALSKIN JACKETS, 8^ to 35 *T\> Guineas. g > EAL SEALSKIN MANTLES and JLV pALETol'S, 18 to 4! guineas. snUit-LINKD CIRCULAR CLOAKS, JJ 14/9 to 5 Guineas. jjilUR-LINED RUSSIAN CLOAKS, 35s J5 to 8. KHii>eas. |j^U;; CAPES in Black and Brown, 2s lid Jl? to 10/9. ?.jl< R CAPES in Opossum and Musquash, JL' 8/3 u. 21-. r 3^1 UR CAPES in Seal, Mink, and Beaver, JL 16/9 to 4 guineas. SjlUR CAPES in Sable, Sable Tail, and Marten Tnil. Prices, 50/- to 12 guineas, •jj 1 UiI COLLARETTES in Black and _fl- Bvov: n. 2/6 to 8/9. SJIUR COLLiiET:ES in V/olverine, -9» L'tAJiia, «nd Opossum, fa/11 to 13/ g,i'LR COLL A RETT; S in Isabella Bear, -I-' Skunlc, Biue Fox, and Sable. COI.LA11KTTE. "The Doris" -9- perfect fltiin £ in heaver, Mouflon, and Seal, 39/6. FUll C 'LLVRETTE. "Belgravia" ..1..1 (Jons; fronts) in Sable, Sable Tail, Beaver, Renr, Skunk, and Blue Fox. Prices from 21/- to 16 guineas. "I^UR BOAS in Brown and Black, 1/9 to J-' 10/9. FUR HOAS in Squirrel Tail and Fox, -a-' 6/9 to 23/6. iff LR BOAS in Sable, Blue Fox, Beaver, -1L' Bear an<! Mink in all qualities. MUFFS (newest shapes), 2/6 to 65/. MANDSuME SEAL BAG MUFFS, JLJL 18/9 each. 5.f UR CUFFS, Gauntlets, Necklets, and L Coilars, in Beaver, Otter, Set!, Sable, Skunk, LYLt, Mu ,qua>h, itc. UR rjiRiMMIN GS. r.L.kCK, BROWN, GREY, AND WHITE RABBIT, tlJII to 2 9 per y,ird. BLACK AND BROWN OPOSSUM, 9/d, l/0i. l/o, 1/11, 2/6 to 9/9 per yard. BLACK. liKOWN AND NATURAL RACCOON, 2/11, 3/9, 4/6, b/6, 6/9 to 1:/6 ner yard. SILVER FOX AND LYNX, 1/ei, 1/3. 1/6, 1/11 to 7/6 per yard. CREAM, GREY AND FAWN MOUFLON, 2/6, 2/11, 3/6, o/ll to 7/6 per yard. BEAK AND BEAVER TRIMMING, 3/6, 3/11, 4/il, 5/9. 6/9 to 25/. per yard. K G, 5/11, 6/9, 3/6, 9/11 t0 21 per yard. A large assortment of Mink, Sable, Otter, Astrachan, Squirrel. Chinchilla, Musquash and Blue Fox Trimmings. Perambulator Rugs in Goat, Opossuoc, Fox. Wolverine, Mouflon, &c. CARRIAGE RUGS IN WOLF, LYNX, FOX, &c. Temple-street, Swansea. 10 6 TAlNiOLEUM "The Greatest Successof Modern Times for lte- q TAIN OLEUM ture^"2 W°r" i^U'" Staining Floors and Wain- UTAINOLEUM scoting, anclBeautifi'in- O Every tiling. UTAINOLEUM PXoct;'mat be applied VJTAINOLEUM hf.me'uat'e'l'y 'vith'^a kJ superb jrloss. U TAINOLEUM SoW pverywhere, in 6d & ^rniTMnTUTTif 19 botdes and means, y TAINOLEUM lialf-pint, Is 3d; pint, 'J 2.s quart, 3s 9(1; iiaif ^TAINOLEUM gallon, 7s; & gallon, i&. GT A IN OLEUM "DMAN. LJT AINOLEUM C'.mbrian Coior Works, K3 Bristol. 8461 33 o Y L E (]°m THE OLD-ESTABLISHED jgOOT jpEOPLE, CARDIFF. AUTUMN AND WINTER. TUB STAFFORD! Al BRAND OF BOOTS TUB STAFFORD! Al BRAND OF BOOTS Are High-cl iss Ladies' smart, stylish Boots, an<l art always as near perfection as possible to imagine. Price 103611, 13s tod Ib3 éJ, d'i 6d, 20s. WIDE-FITTING BOOTS AND SHOES OF ALL SORTS. A Splellllíd STOCK at Moderate Prices: 5s 6d, 6s llil 7s lid, 8s 11(1, 10s 6d, and 13;; 6d. THE PORTLAND BOOTS FOR LADIES AND GIRLS. Are Fashionable, Dmoabi". Cheap, and Comfortable. Made ill Lace, Button, and Ei-istic-sirte. Price- ia(i je, 4s 5s lid, 7s fid, 8s 10s 6d, 12., 6d. J'lce and Button. Ar.iilo-Fiench Shape Price- q; 6d, 53 6d, 1)3 6d, 7s 6d, 8, 6a, 11):1 (xi, HARD WEAR CHOOr. BOOTS. Made with the weil-known plugged soles, almost ever- lastinz wear Price—2s lid, 3-i od, 33 ild, 40.; ilti, 6s 6d, Us 6t1,10s od. These special brands of boots can only be ob- tained troni us. and we holtl ourselves responsible for the good wear of each pair. BOYLE AND CO., 12, Church-street, 2. St. Mary-street, 2, High-street, 1, Bute-street ( £ l;iytS Bridge), 1U, Chuvcu-streefc, G, Cuittiii IIouss- <tr6wt. 13897 Wholesale Warehouse, Woiuanby-atreet, Cardiff. 8327 ELECTRIC LIGHTIING! J. C. HOWELL, ELECTRIC LIGHT ENGINE KR, LLANELLY. Contractor for the SappJy and Fitting-rip of ELECTRIC UGHr APPARATUS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Sole Agent for South Wales for CROMFION & CO., LJM. LONDON AND CHELMSFORD. ■ • Incandescent and Arc Light Installation's for Collieries, Factors, Ships, Houses, lkc. ESTIMATES ON APPLICATION. Contracts taken for TransmissioM of Power to a Distance. Telegrams—" ELECTRIC, LLANELLY. 1169 "FOR THK BLOOD IS THE LIFE.' QLARKE'S -Ni RORLD-FAMFD ri Jill, LOOD MIXTURE. THE GREAT BLOOD; -B- jpCRIFIER and RESTORER. SJIOR CLEANSING and CLEARING the JL1 BLOOD from ALL IMPURITIES, it cannot be I too lnjliiy leconiineiided. For Scrofula, Scurvy, Eczeraa, Skin and Blood I fill kinds it is a never-failing ami periuiutent Cere. 16 Cures. Old Soros. Cures Sores 011 the Neck Cnres Sore j,egs. Cures Biacklieaii or Pimples on the Face Cures Scurvy. Cures ( :cers. Cures Hiooll and Skin D.seases. Cure; Glandular Swelling. tMeavs the Blood from ail impure Matter, Kroui whatever ca,He ;td:,inr: Ah Cli'-s Mixture w plea»utt to the taste, and war- ranted free from anyihins injurious to the iiiost delicate constitution of either sex, the Proprietors soiteic sufferers to cive it do trial to test its value. Chester, March 5, £ 33. I suffered from rheumatic paiua in my arms and legs for over live years. I also had a bruised shinboue, through which I could rest for oniy a few m;iiutes at a time. Ail sorts of remedies were app' ed, hut none did :tuy good for 11101" than a few days. I was recoiii- mended to try Clarke's Blood Mixture, which I did, and on taking the first bottle I f,ilt rdief, I was told that eleven bothies would effect a r)"riec. cure IonYI tcp,,k nine bottle.-i aiiii a haif, which cost me 2s 6(i per I h.)Uiu. It is now ten months since, and I have not felt th ieast p^in—in fact, I aia perfect in my walk, and am in as good heilth as ever I was in my life. "Moreover, I told two friends of mine who were laid up with rheumat.e pains of my cure, and they triall your Clarke's Blood Mixture. They are tailors by trade, and in seven (tays they were at work a';ain, and they ''Æ\.y it cannot be too highly praiaed.—Hoping I am not i.'itructinK, I remain, yuur; sincerely, G. IIOWAIliU, Sergeant, Depot Cheshire Regiment, Chester." Sold in botics, 2s 9d and 11" each. By all CHEM- ISTS and PATENT MEDICINE VENDORS through out the world, or sent for 33 or 13^ stamps by tha LINCOLN AND MIDLAND COUNTIES DRUG (;0 Lincoln. TRADE MARK, BLOOD MIXTURE." Ask for C!>ARKE\S BLOOD MIXTURE, and do not he pemauiUid to take an imitation. llYJ5 -I J-MLL-POSTIN(, AT :;EWPORT, MON. DE REUS, ItiO COMMERCIAL-ROAD, NEWPORT BILL-POSTER and DELIVERER for TOWN and ';UN"Ti'.Y Rents ail the urimipal Hoardings in Newi,or idn. Won- MvecHr.wd'wirii "«st>atcu 1C09 Dttsingss 1\.bbresst: ROGERS' AK ALES AND JpORTERS (la 4i Gallon Casks and upwards). BREWERY, BRISTOL. CARDIFF STORES WORKING-STREET. NEWPORT STORES COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS. CHEPSTOW STORES .BEAUFORT-SQUARE. Applications for Purchasing Apjsncies in South Wales to be addressed to J. B. MADDOCKS, PENARTH. No extra charge fcr Ales and Porters supplied in 11& 1396') GallonCasks. 8715 GOLDg', AND SILVERSMITHS' G COMPANY, KEGENT-STREET, LONDON, yyiDDDING PRESENTS. j^IRTHDAY PRESENTS. 4-.v COMPLIMENTARY PRESENTS^ j PRESENTATION PLATE. UPPLIED DIRECT to the PUBLIC by J the MANUFACTURERS. WAVING PURCHASERS from 25 to 50 kJ ;er cent. The Company s Showrooms contain a magnificent assortment of Diamoivi Ornaments, Jewellery, Silver Plate, VV atches, &c., &c., of novel and original designs not to be .-bta.tnc.l elsewhere. All artisles are marked in plain tigures for Cash without discount. -Visitorsto London are invited to inspect, whefcbet desirous ot purchasing or not. Ti:e Goldsimths and Silversmiths' Comoany have be»n awarded 7 Gold Medals, the Cross of the Legioii of Honour, and the only Gold Medal Pktris Exhibition. ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE POST FREE. ..ri OLDSHTIIS' AND SILVERS!\HTHS' U COMPANY, 1 1 °> REGENT-STREET, LONDON, _a.-a.iW, w. E916 Fon rr r. A P N E L L A N D ri A N E S C HP.I'TH ,S,- ¡ ANNOUNCEMENTS. I 9?41 rrLETH-—^°nip!ote Set One Guinea .T°ot'5, 2s bd. Five years' warranty. Re- r^nn^.lep.aJrsV,&c- Painiens Dentistry, Gas, &c- O MAN and Co., I Old Dock-street, Nev. pf irt, and 5j_qneon.i. Cavdiff. im L i'n^ QAVENDISH HOUSE COMPANY. GREAT CHRISTMAS^BAZAAR, Compnsm¡:: an inllnn-e asortment of Toys, Dolls, MUt-ibfp 7n 'V, e3 o £ a11 ki,Kls- anfl at ali prices, w u I >t forTc;1»ristmiis presents. PArrrNt!l-J,N THK FlJ.RNrSH.\NG DE- Art.icr^ r.f nf i>f Useful, and Decorative D1 TA1T r i^'i1 t °*Vro?tvv.efor Chil-tHi■« -ifts. P4VV\Tn cu KIsrs ON APPLICATION'. 1>79 CAVL^DJbilHoU' SE, CH ia,TEN HAM. ROSS LEY S 0 TT 0 ms ENGINE -}f O 28,000 l:iDSB' lto V^' LI'TK VDES and in ALLTOWN. mSv8'"6'' Deferred Payment System. CJROSSLEY 15K0S-' J^IMITED OPENSHAW, 1IA.NCHESTEK.

Family Notices
















[No title]