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| The Difference | | Is In Food. I s Two persons often start out and do the same things. There seems l|| Ij to be no advantage in clothing or care; still, one takes a frightful cold I§| s and the other comes out as well as ever. The strain has been the same p 1 on both systems. Why does the one nearly die; while the other has no p si difficulty whatever ? j= 1 Of course you know why. One has great vitality and the other has jj| J very little. And this vast differencs is in a large measure only the jg I amount and k;d of food each is assimilating. S I often write that Scott's Emulsion prevents taking cold, but I must = admit that this is perhaps misleading. The truth is, Scott's Emulsion = giv body resistive power, vitality, energy—call it what you please. g It enriches the blood, promotes the making of healthy flesh, maintains E the normal heat, and in these and many other ways makes the body g its own protection against disease. | I would not advise carelessness, but there is less danger if Scott's | Emulsion is taken. For Scott's Emulsion is cod-liver oil rendered | J|{ palatable and ready for absorption, combined with | Hypo phosphites. Nobody disputes the value of this Jj 1 Jl splendid combination, and anybody can take it. Scott's | J§3 Emuhion is cod-liver oil adapted to the most sensitive 1 r What a comfort it is to feel reasonably safe! il| SCOTT & BOWNE (LTD.), LONDON, £ C ALL CHEMISTS. 1 :ill; ¡{::¡;¡;;¡¡;; !¡!lj:j\;¡¡,dIïM: '1';1: :itLIL <foi,l, ill II:I:! !'JiJllIll!j¡ 1111:1111: !.1 Iii II GOLD MEDALS, 1884-86. Used in the Royal Nurseries. THE BEST FOOD A% MR FOR INFANTS. SAVORY & MOORE, mm. In Tins, Is., 2s., 5s. and 10s. each. Obtainable everywhere. DINNEFORDS MAGNESIA The best remedy for Acidity of the Stomach, Heartburn, Headache, Gout and Indigestion; and the safest Aperient for delicate Constitutions, Ladies, Children, and Infants. SOLD THROUGHOUT THE WORLD. TmrYwTFE^^ # then guard against it and all J J its after effects by using |t 9 COD LIVER OIL EMULSION Sample, post tr«• 011 application, from Nelfin0s Emulsion Co., Ltd., Peckham, London. m POLISHING-A PLEASURE ^^T#STEPHEHS3rS I^HITUBE J SOLD BY CHEMISTS, GfLocrRs & IRONMONGERS. Sole Proprietors, STEPHENSON BROS., Bradford- WORTH A GUINEA A BOX. a.EECHAb!1 JOB ALL Bilious and Nervous Disorders, SUCH AS SICK HEADACHE, CONSTIPATION, WEAK STOMACH, IMPAIRED DIGESTION, DISORDERED LIVER, & FEMALE AILMENTS ANNUAL SALE SIX MILLION BOXES. In Boxes, 91d., Is. lid., and 2s. 9d. each, with fall directions. The Is. lid. box contains b6 pills. PREPARED ONLY BY THE PROPRIETOR THOS. BEECHAM, St. Helens, Lane. FINNYROYAL TOWLE's &- 5TEEL PILLS raft rF M A L C: f,. QUICKLY CORnCT ALL rRBBGULABlTlM, BXKOVB AU. QUICKLY OOBUOT ALL rRBBGULABlTlM, BXKOVB AZX OBSTETJCTIOSS, and rtlieve the dUtreuing tymptomt to prevalent with the tex. Boxes, 1/1$4 2, 9 (oon tains three times the quantity), of all Chemists. Sent anywhere on receipt of 15 or 84 stamps, by E. T. TO WIiE & Co., Manufacturers, Dryden St., Nottingham. T>vaT«_pJ_ JmitatiOM1iigwvnt_wnAjwrW»m:_ • FOB THE BLOOD IS THE LIFE.' IF THE MISCHIEF IS IN THE BLOOD IT KNOW OF A CERTAIN CURE, c LARKE'S BLOOD MIXTURE, THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER A ND RESTORER. Prongoch Issop, Lleohryd, Cardiganshire, March 16, 1896. Gentlemen,—I write to thank you for the great benefit I received through taking Clarke's Blood Mixture. I had suffered for over eighteen months from ulcerated sores on my leg, and was unable to walk about the house without crutches. During the above period I had been treated by doctors, and had tried all sorts of remedies, but none did me any good. At the latter end of last year I was recommended to consult a noted person for such maladies in Glamorganshire; I went there and re- mained under his care for several weeks, but had to return home despondent, without having derived an) benefit. A day or two after I returned home, Mr. Jones, our police officer, called, and asked how I was, and I told him nt, experience in Glamorgan- shire. He replied I If the mischief is in the blood I know a certain cure, Clarke's Blood Mixture.' After further conversation I made up my mind to give it a trial, nnd shall never forget the day. In less than six weeks, and before I finished taking the second bottle, I was perfectly cared, and never felt better in my life. Ever since I have been able to atteud to my household duties without the slightest difficulty whatever, -YourF; Truly, AliN THOMAS.' THOUSANDS OF TESTIMONIALS. For cleansing and clearing the blood from all impurities CLARKE'S BLOOD MIXTURE cannot be too highly recommended. For sicrofulu, Scurvy, Eienaa, Bad Legs. Skin and Blood Deceases, Pimples. aud Sores of-.all kinds its effects are marvellous. As this mixture is pleasant to tie taste and war- ranted free from anything injurious to the most delicate constitution of either sex. from infancy to old age, the Proprietors solicit sufferers to give it a trial to test its value. IMPORTANT ADVICE TO ALL- Cleanse the vitiated blood whenever you find its impurities bursting through the skin in pimples, eruptions, and sores cleanse it when you find it obstructed and sluggish in the veius; cleanse it when it is foul-your feelings will tell you when. Keep your blood pure, and the health of the system will follow. Sold in bottles, 2a. 9d. each, by all Chemists and Patent Medicine Vendors throughout the world, or sent to any address on receipt of 33 stamps, by the Proprietors, THE LINCOLN and MIDLAND C OUNTI 68 DRUG COMPANY, LINCOLN. CLARKE'S WORLD- BLOOD MIXTURE. FAMED CLARKE'S WORLD- BLOOD MIXTURE. FAMED CLARKE'S WORLD- BLOOD MIXTURE. c FAMED WHEN you ASK for CL 4RKE'S BLOOD MIXTURE, don't be put off with something else. Many retailers stock substitutes for all articles in large demand, and pay their assistants a commission on the sale of these imitations. This explains why different articles from the one asked for are so frequently put before purchasers. 2 Â BOON TO WEAK MEN. An originally scientific means of Curing Nervous Debility and its Various Physical and Nervous Ail- ments without the use of Nauseous Stomach Medicines. The Method is easy and Sure, and a Permanent and Effective Cure is ensured ir all cases of Weakness in Young and Old Men. A fully Explanatory Pamy nle sent sealed, Post Free. Address—J. MURRAY, 7 Southampton Bow, High ¡ Holborn, London, W.C.



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