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----'--.--_..---EPITOME OF…


EPITOME OF NEW& The King has accepted the presidency of the Royal Agricultural Society for the year 1911, when the show will be held at Norwich. The Rev. T. P. Metliuea, nephew of the flrst Lord Methuen, died at Bath, aged ninety-fire I years. Attached to a tombstone in a Haricsden I undertaker's shop is a card which reads: "You may telephone from here." I By falling from a derrick, George Watt, an able seaman of the cruiser Theseus, was drowned in Portsmouth Harbour. Three men—George Lee, Robert Baker, and Alfred Russell—were scorched and burned by an explosion, believed to be due to gas, in a dis-used pit in a taxicab yard in York-road. Mr. Balfour, who has been staying at Whit- tingehame, 1 id a visit to North Berwick and enjoyed a round of golf. Prince Maurice of Battenberg has joined the Royal. Military College as a cadet. The new porch to the famous Romsey Abbey has been dedicated by the Bishop of Win- chester. "if people would only pay their rLei,,7 debts I would not have been here," said a West End bookmaker in the Bankruptcy Court. Recommendations for the establishment of a cookerv school for boys at the West minster Technical Institute have been adopted by the L.C.C. Education Committee. A policeman who gave evidence in a Bel- grad (-ui-L explain^ d that he whs really a de- tective, but Tad dressed as a policeman in order to ",roid recognition." Mr. Jus-ice DwH, at the Dublin Commission, 1" Ji'eu M.. y 'i-u-ui:aa'.j', domestic servant, to three years' penal servitude for stealing •A'l? Ls. The Rev. C. B. Kicholl, the Welsh Rugby In- terval i v; er tvpr^in of the Welsh team, lu'" been appointed headmaster of King's School, Gianti:a.i;j. A Ivom-ui briek, bear*# a Latin inn-'i:on., wliich wns dug up on the Cavendish -"stale fit CLapham Common, has been presented to the Clapham Public Library. The ritreets of N\r<,sttrii!tst-er were stated at an inquest to have Ixvn the home for the past two years of Sv.-san Thompson, who was found dying from exposure. The ijhw", of Mr. Pete Curran, who was de- feated in the Jarrow election, has become serious, and he has been admitted to the London Hospital, where he has undergone an operation. A total of 48,027 lives Save been saved by the lifeboats of the Roval National Lifeboat Insti- tution, or by special exertions for which the institution has granted awards, since it was founded in 1824. The following advertisement appears in a Belgrade newspaper: "Automobile, in good condition, is offered at nominal price. May be seen any day in the trench on left side of Topchider-road, some steps from the old well." An out-of-work engineer in North London has set up a small steam boiler on a costor- monger's Darrow and invites the smoking public to submit their pipes to him for a thorough cleansing by steam injection, one penny being charged. The King and Queen have seen "The Dollar Princess at Daly's Theatre. I Serious landslips have been caused on the Leas at Folkestone by the heavy rains and frost. One hundred and fifty-five thousand shillings have now been subscribed to the Million Shil- ling Fund of the Anti-Socialict Union. Andrew Johnston, who was found dead on the highway at Crook, Durham, is believed to have succumbed to the severe weather. I A Receiver has beer appointed in New Jersey for the Mexican National Packing Company. i The liabilities, including stock, amount to seven million pounds. The first performance of the second Brighton musical festivel has taken place in the Dome, Saint-Saens' "Samson and Delilah" being the principal item. Mr. Charles Frohman and Mr. Bourchier will produce Mr. W. Somerset Maugham's new play, "The Tenth Man," at the Globe Theatre on Saturday, February 26. During manoeuvres in the roadstead at Dun- kirk, the French destroyer Bscopette > as struck in the stern by a torpedo and was taken into harbour in a damaged condition. Mr. G. S. Baker, of the Admiralty, has been appointed superintendent of the National Ex- perimental Tank by the executive committee of the National Physical Laboratory. The house of Captain Faulkner, at Campden- hill square, Kensington, was entered while member* of the household were on the first floor, and a quantity of plate was stolen from the dining-room. Louis L. Levy, who was sentenced to eighteen months' imprisonment at Manchester, drove up to a local post office in a taxicab, presented a revolyer at the woman in charge, ransacked the kill, and then disappeared in the cab. At a meeting of the Parliamentary Com- mittee of the Trade Union Congress, held in London, Mr. J. B. Williams, of the Musicians' Union, was appointed to succeed Mr. Richard Bell, who has received an appointment in con- nection with the Labour Exchanges. Dr. Guthrie", the coroner, expressed surprise at a Hackney inquest that Scotland Yard had sent an unqualited inspector to examine a motor-omnibus which had killed a boy, and the jury expressed the opinion that fully qualified engineers should be appointed carriage inspec- tors. The body of a well-dressed man, about fifty years of age, has been washed ashore on the Dover beach. The executors of the late Lady Campbell Clarke have contributed A250 to the Printers' Pension Corporation. Struck by a huge wave on the steamer Zelos in the Channel, Seaman Larsson was fatally in- jured and died at Dover. The Portuguese Ambassador to the Vatican, Senhor. Martin. d' Antall, has died in Rome at th« age of ain«ty-one years. A mar iced decrease in drankeaiMHH was re- ported at the Preston Brewster SeaiioM, the cases being 335 less than during the previous year. The dead body of a young Barnet lady named Violet West, aged twenty-four, has been found on the railway line near Potters Bar Station, where she lived. Whilst clipping a cable at the Sutton Col- liery, Notts, Willis Folkestone, aged twenty- four, an electrician, received the full force of the current and was instantly killed. Mr. Haselhihn, aged fifty, head draughtsman at the firm of Vickers, Sons, and Maxim, Erith, and one of the firm's oldest servants, dropped dead in his office lately.

----+..-.--OUR LONDON LETTER.…