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THE CRAIG-Y-DON I BOARDING ESTABLISHMENT (TEMPERANCE). LLANDUDNO. On Sea Front. Accommodation for 16D Visitors. Terms Moderate. Open all the Year Round. Apply—Misses Middleton av Wood is now under new manage- ment. LUNCHEONS. TEAS, Bootled Beer aqd Stout. WINES AND SPIRITS APARTMENTS. T. P. ROBEITTS, Proprietor. LLANDUDNO WEST. FREEHOLD BUILDING PLOTS FOR SALE IN THE ABOVE CHARMING SITUATION. With option of Buying by Deferred Payments in 35 year at £ 34 per cent. interest. The Sewage is laid on the most approved methods, no charge for making roads Sid walks only to be laid by purchasers. FOR PARTICULARS APPLY TO MESSRS. SMITHS, GORE & CO., SURVEYORS, 10, Little College Street. Westminster Abbey, S.W. ELSINORE, PRIVATE HOTEL and BOARDING RESIDENCE, St. George's Crescent, Centcing^enL^rade LLANDUDN O. ) Mrs. BAXTER, Under the Management of the Proprietors > Terms Moderate. j 1 he MlSSeS ELLIS. Terms Moderate. The Misses ELLIS. FOR PREVENTION OJ r It is an admitted fact that prevention is better than cure, and in no sense is it more true than in regard to bodily health. What may at first be but a slight ailment may, if 8 allowed to go unchecked, develop into a real danger-only to be removed at the expense of | BEECHAM'S PILLS will quickly go to the root of the trouble and prevent serious Allness: FOR CURE j If you find yourself suffering from a disordered condition of the Liver, Stomach, Kidneys, I or Bowels, Beecham's Pills may be relied upon with the greatest confidence, not only to ■ trive immediate relief, but to effect a permanent cure. This medicine acts successfully in J cases where more pretentious means often utterly fail. It strengthens all the vital organs, particularly those of nutrition, secretion, and excretion, and many even who regard them- selves as confirmed invalids might regain all their health and happiness if they would only TAKE C;MAM L PILLS. J C \J Sold everywhere in boxes, price I II! (56 plIls) c.t 2/9 (168 pills) 0 IND, COOPE & CO. LTD. BREWERS, &G« BURTON-ON-TRRNT & ROMFORD. O le Wholesale and Family Wine and Spirit Merchants. DEPOTS- I, MOSTYN STREET, LLANDUDNO. STATION ROAD, COLWYN BAY. BRIDGE STREET, CARNARVON. GWALIA STORES, LLANFAIRFECHAN. OLD TOWN HALL STORES, RHYL. HEAD OFFICES (North Wales Agency)- No. i, MOSTYN S-1 REET, LLANDUDNO. o CRAIG*™ HbSM. Finest "CRYSTAL Ice supplied in quantities cf cwt and upwards. Prices on application. All"orders promptly and efficiently executed. Telephone No. 73. W. HEASMAN, District Manager. I





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