EDUCATION IW WALES Just Published, Price Sixpence, A FREE Translation into Welsh, with Annotations by the Author. A LETTER ADDRESSED TO II. VAUCHANJOMNSON, Esq., one other Majesty's Commissioners for Enquiring into the State of Education ill the Principality of Walt s. BY OWEN OWEN ROBERTS. A ddysger i fab Dduwsul Efzei gwybydd Dduwilun. HEN DDIAREB. "Rhad Duw ar Addysg a Rhyddid." Orders addressed to the printer, J. REES, Carnarvon, Wi'l be attended to. Pwllheli, W. RorerTS; Conway, V. BRIDGK; Bungor, D HUJXPHUEY*; Holyhead, J. UAVIKS, Holywell, P. M. EVANS; Lftfnrtre*, J- JOneS%- BANGOR. AND BEAUMARIS UNION. Scbr !m .:st*r Waited. -)f will, at II)eir TI1E Board .if (luariluins wilt, at their rrieetinrr, at the Umov HOUSE, on WEDNESDAY, the 9;11 day of FEBRUARY. 18t8, proceed to Elect a SCHO-L- MASTEi!, for the Union House School. The Board having- reconsidered the subject liav" been induce;! to increase the naht-y to 4SM. per annum, with the usual rations, and to have washing, &C. done free in the House. The officer will b- required to perform all the duti-s ptr'aiuing' to his office as prescribed hv The Poor Law Commissioners' Consolidated Order of 24th July, 1847. The Guardians will require the officer to be a young man of active habits, and fully capable of teaching Reading, Writiivj', alii Arithmetic; and also to have a Competent knowledge of ihe Rules ot Navigation, to prepare any of the children inclined to be* apprentic. d in the sea science. Before any candidate is appointed he will have to undergo strict examination as to his fitness and com- petency and none need apply but such as can produce um-xcepionable character. Sealed tenders and testimonials to be forwE;dedto me, under cover, on or before TUESDAY, the 8th FEB- RUARY, 1848 Candidates will he required to attend oil the day of election, at 11 o'c!o-k, moruitig. II WILLIAMS, Clerk to the Union. Board Room, Bangor, 1 th January, 1843. Fortir.i3r.1l.aen ami ICaatliwyuant Tvust. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, rphat the (i EN F.RAL ANNUM. of the Trustees of the Turnpike Roads, under an Act passed in the Fifth Year o) the He' 11 < f his late Majesty King George the Fourth, intituled An Act for Amend- in 'j' and Improving the i-?oad from Porthdynllaen to or near Cel'l;v-rhwydur, Ilnd from Tan-y-g')'¡(i! ill tbe I Parish of B.idvean, to Pwllheli, and from thence to Llunystymdwy, and from Cerrig-y-rhwydur ufoivsiiid, to or near Capel Cerrig, and lor making a Road from Pwllheli afo esuid toPeuhviiJu, in the pari.-h of Llan- ,I] it) tli(, C,)Illltv the TOWN HAIL. in "the Town of PWLLHELI, in the I •aid County of Carnarvon, 011 WEDNESDAY, the 2Rth day of J ANU A RY instant, at 1J o'clock at noon, tor the purpose of ,e*nmining, audit'nir, and settling the AcT counts of the Treasurer, Surveyors, and other jJersons I employed in the receipt ai-d expenditure ot any of the I to the sititl I transacting' such other matters and thing's in the busi- -¡ ness of the Trust its shall then occur. Dated this 12th day ofJunuary, Ib48. GRIFFITH JONES, Clel k to the Trustee*. Notice to Creditors and Debtors. I TIIE undersi rned, as the Attorney for and 011 behalf of the Assignees b'.v'ifter named, do hereby five you Notice, that EDWARD WILLIAMS, the younger, of CLWVD-STKKBT, in the toxvu of RUTIIIN, in the county of Denbigh, Turner and Cabinet- maker, halb by an Indenture ot Assignment, bearing date the 19tli day of JANUARY, 1848,conveyed and as- signed all his real and per.-onal Estate and Effects what- soever and wheresoever nnto Jotiv ROBERTS, of the EA fiLEs INN, in the town of RUTHIN aforesaid. Inn- keeper, and HDWAfD WILLIAMS, ihe elder, of GEI.LT- FOR,in the parish of Ll.AN(i AN H AFAL, in the said county of D<^lii £ h*Tii.).<ivrv)w»iii trust, forjjif eyiuil bene lit-of such'of tile Creditors of the sa-jli.. Ed\«ji^J^r'iiftams, the >ho shall execrte'fl'ie said^jiaeilttife of As- signment within rwp_ii\onHis truro, tk« ^tbnveoj^ .31 id Indentur* of Assuiwment wi^Iuly. excejui^d. bjM1 ie. said Edward \J*illia.:ns.f the. yuun^rr,Joliu Rp-. be ts, and the sai kJvhcnrd Wjdi^.m.s,, tl«tj ^lder, on the day of the date thereof, in the presence of, and attested by DavHl Smart, Solicitor, Ruthin. and Thomas Ro- berts, of Graig", in the Parish of Llandcgls, in the said cou-ity of Denbigh, Fanner; and that tlípsak! Inden- ture of Assignment now lies a.t the office of the said D avid Stuart, at Record-street, in therein of Ruthin aforesaid, for the inspection, perusal, and execution of the several Creditors of :trhe said Edward Williams, the younger. And NOTICE IS HEREBY FURTHER GIVEN, That all Persons indebted to the Estate of the said Edward Williams, file are required forthwith to pay tlie amount of their respective Debts to the said David Stuart, at his office, in Record-street, Ruthin aforesaid, otherwise proceedings will be commenced against them without any further Notice, DAVID S .IART, Solicitor to the said Assignees. Record-street, Ruthin, 20rh Jan. 1848. Harbour of Aberystwyth. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAT the ItATES and DUTIES mVile payable under and by virtue of a certain Act of .Parliament, pass* d in the Sixth Year of the Reign ot His late iJaje^ty, Kii g William the Fourth, intituled, "An Act to Alter and Amend an Act passed in the Twentieth Year of His late Majesty King' George the Third," inti'tiled, An Act for repairing-, enlarging', and pre- serving the Harbour of Aberystwyth, in the county of Cardigan," will be Let by Auction, At the TOWN HALL, in the town -of Alwrystwyth ^foresaid, on TUESDAY, the Istt of FEBkuAny, 1848, "'between the hours of J and 12 iti the Forenoon, for Such term the Trustees then present shall determine, as to commence on the 1st day of March next, which Rates and Duties were Let for the Lust Year, for the sum of 1,2001. By order of the Trustees, JOHN HUGHES, Clerk. December 8th, 1847. Turnpike Tolls to be Let. NOTICE IS HERERY GIVEN, THAT ths TOI.I.S arising at (he ToM Gates un- dermentioned situate in the Fourth District of Hoads, in the County of Montgomery, will be Let by Auction, for one Year, from the 12th day of MAY next, to the best Bidder, at the TOWN HALL, in MACHYNLLETH, in the said County, on WEDNESDAY, ihe 23rd day of February next, at the hour of 12 o'clock at Noon, in the manner directed by the Act passed in the third year the Reign ot his late Majesty King? Peorge the Fourth, for regulating Turnpike Roads, which Tolls produced the last vear the sums set opposite them re- spectively, above the expences of collecting them, and 1Pdlbe put up at these sums, viz £ d. Frudd Gates « 2 Dovey Bridev Gate 9 Maenw-wyn Gate 2 Llidfan Gate 25^ Tvn v Rhos Gate 9 Trip Gate 25 0 0 TalerddiK" Gates 81 0 0 Abercegir Gate 9 0 0 Whoever happens to be the best Bidder must at the k •e time prive security with sufficient sureties to the f *at>s>action of the Trustees of the said Roads for the I SSalTd'^ Bffree(^ a* such time as they > DAVID MORGAN, Jamwrj 15th, 1848. Clerk to the TruatOes. SALE BY MR. DAVID J )\ES. MERIONETHSHIRE. IMPORTANT SALE OF MACHINERY, &c, AT E, LLAXBEDR SLATE QUARRY, Being' the Property of the IIo lonrable E. M. L'oyd Mo-tyn. To be 5,):õ by Auction, BY MR. DAVII) JONES, On TUESDAY, FKBRUAI Y !st, It:48, and the following day i! neivs>ury ar.«ji),t SL VI'K QtJAititY, ALL those Capital ^UARItY.INSTitU M KNTS, of new and in excellent condition, Sawing-an i Plaining' Macbiti' s; Railway 'rucks, Rar- IOWS a u-ood sized water Wheel and Troughs; Iron Cars of, all kinds; Steel and Cas ing's; Smith and Quarry Tools of all descriptions, &c. several lots of Flag-* and Slate* with other articles too numerous to specify in all advertisement. ANo riie same day at TYDnYNP Sr*fks of well harvested Ff-iy b.r oi'Straw Gearinir Giy Harness C :vt and Frame witif&U kinds oflm- p'euients of Husbandry, &e., &c. The Sale to commence at I Iiii the Forenoon. The above will be sold without reserve in Lots to suit purchasers, and may be viewed anv d iv to tl", S.iie oti apolienriu'i to Mr. JOSEPH IFIGGS, AIHT- ariro Cottage, Llanbedr. SALE BY MR..1 \MF.S WILLIAMS. TO GENTLEM Ev, FARMERS, (PUZIEBS, S, AND OTHERS. IMPORTANT AND EXTENSIVE SALE OF LIVE AND DEAD STOCK. At HOLLCT'VIY FA'M Y\]1]). si.tiaie within a mile of ilo.y wi.'il, in tlie County of Flint. Mr. JAMES WILLIAMS Respectfully announces that lie is honoured with instruc- tions, from Thomas Harrison, Esq., who has let the fann, to submit to Sa!e ty Public auction, On the abfK-e p"emises, 011 TUESDAY and WEDNES- DAY, the loth an 1 1 Ht11 days of FEBRUARY, ,848, commencing- each day at ) i for lio'oock precisely, THE wl cle of his truly valuable STOCK o, Fat Bnl'rx'ks and Cows, well-bred Bolls, Milch Cows, and Young' Cattle, Far Wethers and Southdown Ewes, Berkshire and Neapolitan Sows, Noble Teams of Horses, Brown Carriage Horse, Hack Mare, and Clever Pony, srn ill Pony 'iiaeton, an as- semblage (f Modem Faruiine- Impleaitnts, prime Ag-ri- culrurul Produce, &c. &c. level' f*at fou i- y(,a r old WMsh bullocks, two fat cows, t^o excellent siiorr hern inctilf cows, two two year oal heiiers. I wo two year old bullocks, three yp:Jl:lij'g' ¡"ifer calves, one fin" two year oid sle rr h.rn bad; 1 1 Vi elsli wethers, 2!) fat Anndes.'y dit'c, three pure bred Southdown tups, it) ditto fat wethers, 2 i ditto yo ni ewes, 14 ditto old ditto; seven handsome a; le <anoht horses ni.d mare;; hrown carri-mv horse, coin- ire^'four years old, tiunds Jaiirli: caid al hack tmre, a fenerai'iy useful Pony; nure br..d B. rkshire so .v with (■•ven p'(fs. iim jf Ne politan so.v; parr a s'ack of very prime j(! y of l»4o v"o th {about 40 ton<: f ill stick of very super or .lit 0 0'' 'H47 (:>b >• t "<0 oti -) ditto of clo- ver (ilhoui HO toil-) ahaut I' K ions o!Swedish turnips, in lots a ip:an i:y of pin e eye p'-rnto 's. ditto; four ex- cen"1I t t'01.ld \Iot-1 carte, with ),IOt yuSatt,. &• cijiniiii te one 4'. in. ditto difiO; S 0 cli Cut; Bristol harvest c.trt. by S arton liquid m'nure cart nutn oits 0 hijhly fi d cai t. I and ploujfhiujf g -ars donkey 01 t, and ovar- C m dete; one C o-lii is' io(I 1 rioil crushers, new h >V nia!<in> rea-'o'lie I \celle t harnl t r istiiny aid wiunowing" inachiinw, by Daves; p itet t and other straw eu iei>; turn:, d di, ur 1 p >!icer, h javy 1 MHI roller and il-;jiiiiiiL, ditto ditto four sets oi new and superiorly aiade harrows; live iron (Scotch) ploujrhs, complete horse ha vest take; lapre rick covet", with p.des, ropes, |mlle\8, &e. hay cratch (or iac!. ) with zi ;c 100', supported 011 iron tVamin<f powerful beams and scales, with weights; a quantity of useful cart timber; new sacks, ropes, and tar- paulino-; scrap, wroae'lit, and ens ion; rakes. pikeK, Hilda variety of other us f ,1 t >. a and implements* fohe who'e of which effects !)re in. the fit est possible \vill be nilty described "1h*'Catao;vues, to ■b^liad fen d^vs prior'to tl?e sale^ori the pr^tniseitr (iif'| j\JV. Rdwartl' Edwir is, the tarnT'lwililf, \vlio will shew itaV' sttM k) "Of M'l* Oeorye Hutiles, af the'Osbce.'Sifith- •aehvyil õi'fthi: Auctioneer, at hi^ Office, 6r H»lyweii.- v •" ■>. V IMPORTANT SALE OF F 51 E E U O l > ,f T O P R R T Y J.. IN ANGLESEY. MQNA HOUSE AND ESTATE, &c. To be Sold by Auc ion, At the BULL'S HEAD INN. in fhe Town of LLAN- GEFNI, on TnunsDAY. the Jrdi.ayot FEBRUARY, J8Ü" at I o'clof'k in the :JltpI'lIoon..1I\ tlw following' or such other Lota as SIKIII he nieutioitfd at tlie time of sah', subject to such conditions as shall be then and there produced, unless disnoscd of in the mean- time by Private Co tract, of which due notice will be pi veil, LOT 1. ALL that Messuage, TetiemPiit, and 1 .arirls, ottlled MONA, otherwFse CAEA MON and IIENDRE, A MONA, otherwFse CAEA MONand IIENDRE, situate in the parish of Cerrie- (Jeinwen, in the County of Anirleste-y, containiiiir 190 acres or thereabouts, of j* Arab e, Pasture, and Meadow Land, in the hio']lest state of c dtivtition, now in the occupation of Mr. Na- thaniel Atkinson, as tenant from year to year. LOT 2.—All that Messuage, Tenement, and Lands called TRERHYS, situate in the Paris of Bodedern, i'ti the Coniit v of" AnL,-Iese v, ii(,iv iii the oe(,iip;i,ioti of Mr. Michael Parrv, as tenant from year to year, con- taining- 161 acres or thereabouts. Lor 3.—All that Messuaue, Tenement, and Lmds, called BRYiNLLYN (formerly part of Trerhys) situ- ate in the said Parish of Bodedern, containing1 50 acres or thereabouts (exclusive of 25A. 3R. 2OP. of Llyweiiau Lake, by which it is bounded on the''south-eiwtlMy side), now. in the occupation of the said Michael Parry, as tenant from year to year. 1 Lot one is situated within about 3 miles of the Market Town of Llaiiirefni; 4 miles from the intendedBotfornan Station on the Chester and Holyhead Railway, to which there is an xcellent road 9 from the Menai Bridge, and 12 from the improving and important Town of Holyhead. The House was most substantially and cominodiously built tor a first-rate Hotel, sotns years since, by the Commissioners for improving- the com- munication between London and Dublin, but so con- 10 structed as to be readily converted into a most desirable private residence. There are 6 spacious and lofty room" on the srr«un 1-floor, and 2 good Kitchens, Pan- try, Washrhouse, Brewhouse, &c. &c. with 4 cellars underneath; and 13 airy and roomy Bedrooms. There are 6 excellent Stables with Coach-houses and Offices, in a spacious yard. Also, Farm B iilding8 and conve- niences of every description adjoining, and singularly well arrang-ed. The Garden is very extensive, particu- larly well walled, and completely stocked with choice fruit trees The Plantations and grounds, which are jurtunously laid out, are in a most thriving condition. The great Holyhead post road passes within a most con- venient distance of the house, rnnning- tor about half a mile throug-h the Farm. which lies in a ring- fence. The titne rentcharKe and parochial rates are exceedingly mo- derate in this parish. There are also in this lot, four groups ofCottag-et on the great Holyhead road, a con- vement distance from Mona House, brilt for Farm labourers and Workmen, containing 17 Substantial S'VJ. e^. ble Dwellings, with Gardens attached; unexpired ?rouP8 are Lease, 6 years only being •^nW Two und Three are most desirable Farms, con- nfr-tiit; t-r a.rH^le and pasture land, in a high state /?.«/ '°»' compactly together in a ring boun- > mil from the town of Holyhead, balfa mile, ° BOdpdern, and about 4 from the intended valley station of the Chester and Holyhead Railway. TherMpective direct a person to shew U J[urther particulars msy be obtained by application to Mr. °. OWKN, Solicitor, Benunsaris, t. "ot A8r'AI*. Menai Bridge, with whom j plans of th« Estate are l«ft for inspectkm. An Apprentice Waited 'J^O a Chemist and I)riirraist, in one of the most JL important Market Towns in North Wales. He must be a eil-educuted yout.'i of 14 to 15 years of age. Pi emiuin required. For further particulars ap;>ly to Mr. P. M. EVANS, Stationer, &c., High-street, liolywell. Swed) Turnips. FROV 30 to 50 To is :o bedflivereJ in RUTHIN, at One Pound per Ton. Apply to Mr. WILLIAM JONES, Reco.d-street, Ru- thin. CrNNUIME V €r"-3 7131,3 SilEBS, AT CHESTER. ¡ GEORGE CHIVAS'S STOCK of the above lieirur n .w entire tlie who!e oi which is of the most iretiuine quality, and has been Personally collected with the greatest tare, places him in a piisition to execute orders 011 terms peculiarly advantageous, for the g uidance of ei ntleuien who wish to avoid the trouble of gleaning from a voluminous cata- logue the mtiie wants of a garden, the following scale of prices is annexed, the greatest attention is ,riveii to the selections, and none but the most approved Vege- tables are supplied. Colleot.c.iis f Vegetable SeeSs, consisting: of an Purple Supply of the best Va.rie.ies, for a. whole l £ e r. No. 1. Sufficient for a Garden of three Acres, pm- bracing 20 quat ts of Peas, 1^ lb. Onion, 11 16. Carrot, 2 2 with other seeds in proportion Melons, Cucumbers, Herbs, &c. 4 Guineas. No. 2. All the Varieties in the above in smal!ar pro- portions, 3 Guineas. No. 3. Same assortment as No 1.; half the quantity, 2 Guineas No 4. A full supply for a Gentlemen's small Garden, including' a succession of tile best sorts, 1 Guinea. Derbyshire Kidney Potatoes, 6s. per Bushell; ex- cellent croppf rs. Eirly Foxes, do., quite sound, (Is. per Bushel. Early Kemps, valuable second sort, 5s. per Bushel. Scotch Pink Eye Pom.oes, prime late kind, 5s. per Bushel. Jerusalem Artichokes, 5s. pfjr Bushel. Large Archangel Mats, 17.s. per Dr. Tiie Pamphlet, recently published hy G. G., on the iii.proveni, nt of (irass Land, Cultivation of Roots, &c.; also Hints for A ftatucr Gardeners, with a list of the best Vegetables and most successful mode of Growth, &c. tcgetber with his new priced Catalogue of Seeds, will all be forwarded free by Post. Ortleix, exceeding Tiro Pounds, delivered free at Ban- j gor, ('<. rnai vi.n, tyc. Seed Warehouse, 108 Eastgate Street, opposite the Royal Hot, I. Chester. January 23rd, lb48. G L 0 V E It AND DINN, (LATE JACKSON'S,) CEZ-BNATMD YsTTjS W BKS, 93, CHURCH STREET, LIVERPOOL, STAM) uonvalled for the minnet in which the following1 articles are Cle.,iit,d. -,itid Finished. India and British Shawls cleaned, the most fugitive colours preserved entirely. Silk Velvets dyed any colour, and the pile finished equal ro new. Silk, Satin, and Crape Dresses, Crape Shawls, Lace Veils, Blond Lace, French Merinoand other Stuffs, Silk and Worsted Damask, Moreen and Cnintz Furni- ture, &c. The above splendid Establishment having now been in opera.ion these twenty years, the proprietors can with couti 1. nee recommend their styteofwork to the p"hlk trr-ffrMwtlly. ad tliev IlIIq, no hesitation in saying', I that they have invariably yiveu satisfaction to those parties who have been pleased to favour them with their commands, to whom they embrace this opportu- nity 0" returning' their sincere acknowledgments. Goods and Parcels forwarded by the following Agents (free of carriage,) and all orders executed in Ten Days at most: Mr. EDWARDS, Tea Dealer Carnarvon. Mr. BYRNE. Post Master, Beaumaris. Mr. JOIIV PARRY, N<-w London House, Bang-or. Mr LLOYI) JONES, Draper, Denbigh. Mrs. EVANS, Market-street, Ruthin Books oi Patterns and List of Prices at the Agents HAMILTON AND DAVIES. -p -*■ '*• Til F, TEA ^1ARKFT, 4 NO: 1, RANELAGII STLREUT. LIVERPOOL, D^C^MBER. 1, 1647. I v 't. BEDVaTION IN TEA. Til F. supply of nhiak Tea th's year isfalich larger,; T and tlte qualities superior to 'brtn. r years.; this, in conjunctii'n wi'h the continued scareity.°f money, lias '111, • caused the jirst cost of Tea to IIf liJ'I'er than ever known therefore, we are now enabled to make an •IMPORTANT REDUCTION in our Prices to Families, who may he supplied, for Nett ("'ash payments, by our appointed.Atrents in various parts of the United King- dom, at our LIVERPOOL PRICES, viz. BLACK TEAS. s. d. Strong- Black-leaf Cougou 3 8 Choice Congou, strong- aud full-fla- voured 4 4 The finest P. koe-flavoured Tea. 5 0 The Black Teas can be had mixed with Green, if required, at the above prices. GREEN TEAS. s. d. Fine Hyson Twankay 4 0 Fine Youn r Hyson 50 Choicest Ouabain 6 Q The finest Gunpowder 7 0 The Tea is secured in Tin Foil, and put up in packages of 2 oz., 4 lb f() 3 lbs. weight, and small con- Chests, tainitisr 12 and It lbs. Upon Chests from 30 to 80 lbs., the customary overweight allowed of I to 2 lbs. each. COFFEES. d. Good Costa Rica 1 4 Fine East India-picked quality 1 8 The Choicest .Mocha or Jamaica." 2 0 The Coflee is secured in Tin Foil, and put up in packages of J lb., lb and 1 lb, weight, Ground or in the Berry- LIST OF AGENTS IN WALES. Å herystw,lJth, Ja, Cox, Stationer. Aberi:ele, S HUlr!,e", Draper. Amlwch, Hugh Hughes, Stationer. Aberyavennp, J. Watkins, Confectioner. Hangar, O Owens, Tailor and Draper. Bethes(lo. Jo,ie-, Tell Benlah, Wooding and Son, Tea Dealers. Benumarii, Mrs. Pritchard, Confectioner. Brddgelert, John Roberft, Grocer. Brecon, Saml. Humpage, Stationer. Builth, David Will anis, Draper. I Carmarthen, Evan Jones, Draper. Carnarvon, R. Owen & Co., Drapers. Chepst()w. Thos. Howeil, Confectioner. Clwt fl Ront, E. E. Thomas, Tea Dealer. lienbigh, Robt. Foulkes, Draper. Dotel,lis, M. Edwards, Tea Dealer. JSrrwuod, Stephen Jones, Tea Dealer. Festiniog, Jones and Co., Drapers. Hay, Wm. Harris, Stationer. Haverfordwest, Thos Williams, Druggist. Holyhend, E. Edwards, Draper. Llangefni, J Donne, Tea Dealer. Llangollen, John Evans, Draper. Ltandulas, John Hue-lies, Draper. Llanerchymedd, 0. Prvtherch, Postmaster. Llanelidan, C. Price. tea Dealer. Llunfair, Wm. Watkins. Draper. Alenai Bridge, Morris Williams, Draper. Merthyr Tydvil, Win. Wilkins, Stationer. Monmouth, R. Y Waucrh, Stationer. Neath, John Thomas, Tea Dealer. Oswestry, Edwd. Davies, Confectioner. Pembroke Dock, Wm. Dawkins, Draper. Penyimisiog, R. Owen, Tea Dealer. Port Madoc, Pritchard & Son, Drapers. Rhos y Medre, Geo. Bradley, Confectioner. Swansea, James Adams. Confec ioner. Talgarth, Williams & Nicholas, Drapers. Tredegar, J. Thomas, Bookseller. Wrexham, John Bt-ale, Druggist. Applications for the Commission to Sell the above Company's Tea and Coffee by one respectable party, in each Town in the United Kingdom, will hav. the beat attention. On* Agent onlj is appointed in each town. COUNTY OF SSNBIQH. j Parishes of Ll(in><erniew an i Gwythenn annexed to the Division of Uwc/alulus. A T the General Q iarter Sessions of the Peace of ■ xTL our Sovereign Lady the Q ieen, held ;it RUTHIN, in awl for the County of Denbigh, on Tuesday in the week next after the twenty-eighth day of December, to wit 011 the Fourth day of January, in the Year of the Reien of our Sovereign La l v Victoria, no .v j Queen of the United KiiiLrdotn of Gn at Britain and Ireland, an l so forth, and in the Year of our Lord One j Thousand Eiuht Hundred and Forty Eight, before John Heaton, Esquire, and the 11 wren 1 Edward Thehval!, 1 Clerk, and others their companion*. Justices of our said Lady the Queen, assigned and so forth. Obdjjred,. that the Parishes of Llan^t-rnie'v .and I Svrytherin, in the Couuty of. Denbigh, be cli." disannexed from the Division of Isaled, in lue County of Dfiibitrb, anil annexe to the Division o'- Uwclidiilas, in the said County, and that tlie said Parishes of Llanirerniew and G'vvtberio shall, together with the several Parishes and places forrunnr the s "i 1 vision of Uwchdulas. constitute one Division within which PETTY and SPECIAL Sessions shall hencefor- ward be liolden. And it is further Ordered that this Order shall take effect from the day of the making hereof. By the Court, JOSEPH PE ERS, Clerk of the Peare. CUPISS'S COMSTITUil^N KOJtSS BALLS. mi) Sportsmen, A^rieulturis'.s, Postmasters and all _L Proprtefors of Horses, these Balls are particularly recommended in till cases of swelled leg's, cracked heels, loss of appetite, and vital energy; for Coughs, Col N, Fever, or Inflammation, they are the best Medicine that can be exhibited, moreover their operation, though effec- tual, is so mild, that they require no alteration of di t, and if p-iveri with a brail mash on Sa'n-day night, will not interfere with the ensuing- week's regular w^rk. NEAT CATTLE. The Constitution Balls are strongly recommended bv many highly respectable gentlerfieii, (see Testimonials) for Cows and Oxen as a most valuable rne.iicine in cases of Hove or Blown. Scouring on tinning' out to grass, or from bad food, Gargate, Hide Bound, Lo-s of Appetite, Srariiig Coat, I)ist. mper, Epidemic, or Influ- enza. Bullocks fat much by occasionally giving a Ball. PREPARED ONLY BY FRANCIS CUPIDS, M R. V. C. Author of tile" Prize Essay oil the Dist ase of the L ver 01 the Horse," i)is. Noi-)Ik; and sold by all res- pectable Medicine Vend, is in Town and Country, in six Balls each, 3*. <>< per packet, with a wrap- Tier giving full directions for the use of the Balis, and treatment of the Horse whilst taking- the n. Also a Pamphlet of Testimonials from many gentlemen who have used the Bails in various Complaints. Any veiitleniiii using the Balls may consult the Proprietor g-ratuitously, either personally or by letter, post-paid. # M ^—v V > ,7\^ -) -'j ■ :'T f JTublic Kotice. ON or ahou' :1>« 2nd Week in Api::r., 1 Nevv Fenr Horse Cot;<*h called the Horse Cot;<*h called the D E ;• I A C E Will commence running dailv betwen CA RX A RVOX and MENAI BRIDGE, in dir.-et Communication with the Fast and Pow. rful Steamers Prince of WnUs. and Cambria, thus bringing Carnarvon and Liverpool within five hours and a half. A Coach through LLANBERIS AND BEDDGELERT, Twice a Week. PORT MADOC, Once a Wei k. L H E L I, v jS5,ti-«?e«it»mf8']je.ri.:W^t,k' All ulthlhe'S fea niers. IIAMERIND ('<)., 't' • Proprietors. THREE TIMES A FORTNIGHT. Carnarvon and Liverpool Direct, WITH GOODS AND PASSENGERS. I THE FIRST-CIASS PAST-SAILING IIWX STEAMER N O R. I 0 1:1, 0NE HtNbRED AND TWENTY HOUSE POWER, WlELiWil as under during the month Of J4>'VAKY. r FRO M LIVERPOOL. SEACOMBE SLIP. 25th Tuestlay 8 AM. 44 3lst Monday 8 FROM CARNARVON. 44 28th Friday 6 Calling at BANGOR, BEAUMARIS, and MENAI BRIDGE, to land and receive Passengers. GOODS will be received for PVVLLH ELI, PORT MADOC, FESTINIOG, and LLANLLYFNI, &c. &c. at the Clarence Dock Basin, South Side. For further particulars apply to JosEPH SANDER- SON and Co., 13, Water-street, Liverpool; WILLIAM TuRSER, ju 11., Caruarvon. fcarnarvon, 1st Jan., 18-18. DIRECT STEAVI COMMUNICATION BETWEEN Menai Bridge, Bangor, Beaumaris, and Liverpool. < r THE CITY OF nuiiLiN COMPANY'S Splendid and Powerful New Iron Steam Ship, FRDICE OF WALES, (Of 400 Tons Biirtilell, and 200 Horse power, W. H WARREN, R.N., Commander, ( Built expressly for the Station,) Will commence her Winter Sailing's on SATURDAY, the 16th instant, allel is intended to leave MENAI BRIDGE, 011 MONDAYS and FRIDAYS, at Nina o'clock in the Morning; and GEORGE'S PIER HEAD, LIVERPOOL, on WEDNESDAYS and SATURDAYS, at Nine o'clock in the Morning. Coaches from Holyhead, Carnarvon, and Amlwcli, wait the arrival of the Prince of Wales, to convey Passengers forward, alld return in the morning in time to proceed to ]Uverpo()]- The MEDINA pow Plies lietween the Menai Bridge and Carnarvon, to forward Passengers and Goods. Further particular rnay lie had on application to Mr. E. W. TiNOTTlY or Messrs. R aw) H. HUMPHREYS, Menai Bridge; Mr* ROBERT PRITCHARD, Post- master Bangor; Jdr, T. NTRNH, Post-master, Beau- tnarie Mr. J High-street, C«rnBTron or to Mr. J. K. ROUZ#IHWATTE, at the Uooipan; Offices, 14, Wat«Mtr*at, Lå\'t'rpool. ivOItS.-SS W&LES Ilii.ILv»rAV. GENERAL MEETING. "VTOTICF. is 1 iere' y (iiven, (iiat the next ordtn- 1> ary or i.alf-yctirly General Meeting- of the Share- holders o tui.s Coinoanv, will be held at tlie Guildhall Coffee House. King Street, in the City of London, oti Tuesday, iiJc. 22tid day of February next, at I- o'clock ai noori precisely, for the Election of Directors, and the trit u; ilie ordinary business in pursu- ance of th? Aor h Wales lioiiway Act, lti45, and of tlie other Gcnerjl Act- 01 Parliament relating to Railways A'id -Notice is lleivby f'urtiier Given, that an extra- ordinary Speci-il Mtetisiii' ot' tlie Shareholders will be held at iiie time, «;:d place for the purpose of sub- mitting to the proprietors for their consideration and approval the Draft' Fri now before parliament "for dissaving the North Wales Ruiiway Con pany." By ordfr; JOHN MA'»UIN :b .street,-Lulfu.hi, Lticj-JacvaWV 1948. N n, books of ihe Company will be closed fVoui Ivlou l iy rbe 7.1:, to Tuesday the 22nd day o! February nejet, l.oth inclusive. s S? e:-i ra Corir=nuE> cation BKTW i. K N RHYL. RHYDLANi), Sr ASAPH, DENBIGH, RUi'HIN. ABIIRGEL", C-ONWAY, LLANRWST, LLANS ViNTFRAlD, LLAX1AIR, LLISf'AEN. MO:if DKD. P. LLANGERX EW, COLWYN, NORTH WALl-S AND LIVERPOOL The Powerful and Fast-Sailing' Steam- r iz 12 It C U I. S3 S," Caaur-ander. Cap*. C. C. DUNCAN, WRI L Sail LIOTN TIIE SF.AI'OMUK SLIP, LI VE!{- POOL, and from illlYL puncfiiit'ly as under:— From IJvtT; ool, 1S4 B. JAXUAHi. 22 Saturday 2 past 7 Morning- Tiiesdav do 9 do. 27 Thursday. o«. 1') (;o. 2", S.uurday ■ do. 12 Afteruoon FEBRUARY. 1 T eelay 4 Afternoon 3 T:lll;'s:iay t» M oruing 5 S .1 i' 1 -1 v 7 do. 8 Tuesday 9 do. 1) Thursday 2 past 10 do. 12 Saturday 12 !Vo< n 15 Taes lay 4 Afternoon 17 i'iiurs niy. 6 Morning 19 Saturday 7 i!o. 22 Ta.-s i;i\ j past 8 do. 24 T nirsday iio. 9 do. 2>'i S-ttnrday II do- 29 Tuesday 2 Afternoon MARCH. 2 Thursday 4 Afternoon 4 Saturday 6 Morning 7 Tuesd;.v ■ B do. M Tnursi'ay. past 9 do. 11 Saturday 11 do. 14 Tuesday i past 2 Afternoon 16 Tliurs.niy do. 4 do. 18 Saturday 6 Morning 21 Tuesday A past 7 do. 23 Tiitirs iay do. 8 dj. V5 Satur.lay do. 9 do. 2B Tuesday 12 Noon 30 Tlmrsiay 3 Atternoon From hy), JANUARY. -1 ^To-i Ttiy. i past 12 Afternoon 2ri Wednesday do. 1 do. 2iJ Friday. 3 do. 31 Muiday past 6 Morning FEBRUARY. 2 Wednesday 8 Morning 4 Fr da v J past 9 do. 7 Mon iay do. 11 duo 9 We ines lay 1 Atternoon 11 Friday 3 dr. 14 Monday j past f> Mornin"- 16' Wednesday 8 ro. r 18 Friday ] past 9 do. 21 Monday do. 11 do. 2-3 Wednesday-. do. 12 Afternooq. 25 Friday eto,1" > -v f'•yft Alondtiy AV. 4-. s J t MARCH. v. 1 WTedri*jsda3r.. ■ • 7 Mcrnhig -3 .t 8 tier (iHtoiy. ^.jv. u.o ,J 0 -df. '8 \V e-i nesriay. 12 Noon 1 10 Fri lav .3 past 1 Afternoon 13 NI, iiday- 4 do. 15 Wed es ;av.i •••••••••• 7 Morning 17 Frid v. a past 8 do. iO M nd' do 10 do. 22 W dn sday do. 11 24 Fr a. do. 12 do. 27 Mai.lay. do. 2 do. 29 \V. d-;es :ay> 5 Morning 31 Friday 7 do. Coac-es an] Cars ply daily in couiiinction with this Pocket, I etween the Foryd and St. Asaph, Denbigh, Ru- tijit, Me., an.1 1,1 tween Aber»ele, Couwuy', Llanrwsi, so that Passengers may confide in having cheap and regular conveyance from the Packet to "any part of North Uali s, and the saaie conveyances will return to meet ti.e Packet with Passengers punctually at the hour of Sailine-. A Coach starts from Denbi h to Rbyl daily, through Tre'nant, St. Asaph, and Rhydland, returns to D»n- biti'h daily from and to Ruthin Three times a week. FARES: —Cabin, d. Deck, C,O,ls will he received by T. DAVEY, at the New Wall, 2, Pier Head, every MONDAY and FRIDAY, for the above Places; from RIIYL,011 MONDAYS and FRI- DAYS only. For further particulars apply to Mr. HUGHES, Bee Abergele; Mr. OWSXS. Harp, Aber<rele; EDWARD ROBERTS, Packet Hotel, Forvd; WM. WILLIAMS Hawk and Buckle, Denbigh ;'D. MADDOCK, Pa.-ket House, 4, Redeross-street RICHARD JONES, Milk- ho tse-yard, Reileross-street Mr. R. BLACKBDRV, 31, Water-street, or Mr. T. STEVENSON, 20, Kent-street, Liverpool NOTICE—To prevent mistakes, parties are re- qu. **ed to dirert their (ioods for the He,-c,,I.FR. stea -nei-, which wiii J)e fully antf'regularly forwarded. Nortf» .itidjwuStvaiwPacket Office, 3i, Water-street, Liverpool. N.It —No Connexion with the Simwdon. The extensive practice of Messrs. R. and L. Perry and Co.. the con inued demand tor their work, entirled the "SILENT FRIEND," (one hundred and twenty-five thousand copies of which have beeu sold,) atld the extensive sale and high repute of their Medicines have induced some unprincipl d persons to assume the name of Perry and closely imitate the title of the Work and natnes of the Medi- cines. The Public is hereby cautioned that such per- sons are not in any way connected with the firm of R. aud L. Perrv an-T'Co. of London, who do not visit the Provinces, aud are only to be consulted personally, or by letter, at their Establishment, 19, Benners-street, 1 Oxford-street, London. Illustrated with 26 Anatomical Coloured Engravings on Steel, fin PHYSICAL DISQUALIFICATIONS GENERATIVE INCAPACITY, and IMPEDIMENTS to MAR- RIAGE, TKS BIbKffT FRIEND, (A New Edition, enlarged to 196 pages, price 28 6d ) In order to ensure secrecy, and punctuality in deli- very. the work will lie sent direct from the Establish- ment, free to any part of the kingdom, in a sealed en- velope, on the receipt ot 3s. 6d. in postage stamps milK SILENT FRIEND ls a Medical Work, 1 written in language devoid of professional techni- calities, on the PHYSICAL DISQUALIFICATIONS affect- ing the generative system in both sexes. It cuntains an elaborate and carefully-written account of the ANA- TOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY OF THE ORGANS IN MAN which are directly and indirectly concerned in the function of generation, (illustrated by coloured engrav- ings,) and the CAUSES and CONSBQURSCBS result- ing from the baneful practice by which the VIGOUR AND MANLINESS OF LIFE are enervated and (le- stroyed, even before nature has fully Established the powers and stamina of the constitution. LoCAl. AND GBNBRAL DRIILITY, NKRYOUS IRRITABILITY AND BXCITRMBHT, CONSUMPTION, INDIGRSTION OP THB MOtT FEARFUL AND BXHAUSTINti KIND, INTKN&B MtbANCHOLT AND DBPKB3SIQM OF TUB SPIRITS, AXD PARTIAL OR COMPLETE EXTINCTION OF THE RI,PRO')!.CTI\'E POWERS, &C.. are thus produced. In the SILENT FRIEND, th ch :>ter devoted to the eonai.ieraiion of these dreaJluJ comphiuts l'ol,t;tins also un account oi the means by al-h ell iU?y may be pre- vented and removed, so as to restore tll. sufferer to the tub enjoyment of heuitli and the fnuc I ns of manhood. The consequences resulting from venereal contamina- tion are next pointed out, and ihe nature and cha- racter of ,9",wrdw:a, gleet, strict .re, a-gi *t cf:>ttiury symp- toms <f every kind are clearly explained, with ditt-cituos I for cure. Th-ir dangerous effects oil tlie human eco- nomy are sufficiently dilated 011, aJld a m uns ij also iu ltc(lfed by u iiich the recuirence of the e ai.e.s naay in erery instance be completely prtV' ,.red. The work terminates wi.1I a chapter 011 t,.('o1.];c:¡¡tiolUJ of mar- riage, the physical iinpe9iin< ills *'h). h teud to disijna- lity the candidate for that !Jol." ,,¡a,t', aid the direc- tions ne^essarj' fer their xjjpo}* Tiie wort is ill isirate or ofcases, and by 2o coloatvd engruvingis$e tnns what its uatiie p. po'r;s it be, tile tru« I friend to all jstnei nig- from the (9:t,qllt>u('e" o!' enrly e ror ami vice,—a work v ht- h m ty he eo lsylted without ) exposuft', aud with every5 assurance otr co.upiete sue cess aud lJellt"5t. By a &. X. P 2R.IVY, Consulting Snrgeans. Pahlis'ued by tue Authors, and sold by S range, 21 Patei uos!er-row Ha J nay & Co., t»3, Oxiord-street; danger, 15:j, Oxiord-street; Gordon, I4ri, Leadenhall- *treet: S;arie 2J, 1 itchuorne-street. II iyui irKef, Lon- don; Newton, i(i aid 19, Chureb-stieet, Liverjiool C; Rawie, Church-street, Liverpool; Ingram, .Maiiiet- street, Man hester; D. Cauijilieli, 13t>, ArgvU-street, Glasgow li. Lindsay, 11, Lin s-row, Edinburgh Powell, 1 W estii.orelaud-sireet, Kublin and by all 1 o iksellers and patent medicine vendeis in town and country. Pari the First—Of this wo k is dedicated to he con- sideration o the Anatomy ani Physioii gy of the gene- rative functions It embraces a succinct acc. ulr of all the organs in man whien are engiged in the important function of tue reproduction ur the s K-eies, and the moù", in which self-abuse operates to the injury of the human frame, and the desti uctio 1 o! the special and vit it powers. Tiiis is illustrated by six coloured en- gravings. t'art the Second—Treats of the infirmities and decay of the system produced by ole. iauuigence of the passions. Tue existence of nervo is and s. xual debility and inca; acity, with their aecom. a y ng train of syrnp- 10 us an t unorders, are trea ed by th chain of con- 1 ect .ig res'il; to this cause. Tnis s c ion is illustrated by three coe iir d t-n; ravings, wiiich fully display the etf'C.s of phv» ca decay. I P,irttlie T t r i Cou ains an accurate description of tiie diseases caused by in ection, and by the abuse of mercury primary and s condarv sym itoms. eruptions of the sKiil, or,, th oat, inflammation of toe eyes, disease of tiie bones, gouoriocea, gleet, stricture, A:e., are shown to depe> d on tnis cause. Alvice for the treat- ment of a 1 th se diseases an their consequences is t-n lered h tin- section, which i duly followed up, C,IlJH,)t fail ¡II t'fiee,j"g' a curt', 'J be Part is illustrated In: ';1-elltt""ll,lrnred engravings. Part the Fou t4 -Tr a s of the Preven'ion o* Di< as2 by a simple application, by which tile d t tiger of in lec- tion i" obviated. Its action i" simnle but sure. It acts with the virus chemically, and destroys its 1 ower oil the system. This important part o tue Work should be ret-d by every Yo'uujr Man entering into 11 te Pari ths Fifth — Treats of Marrage. its obligations aud disqual.-fi> afroRs. The causes wh ch lead to hap- piness in the ni1,rr¡;I! state are dwelt upon, and those which a e indicative of misery and ioniestie inquietude. Tue nati r origin, un 1 treatment of physical disqualifi- cations ;u-e als-> d Siu'iie-d, and remedies for this state hr:" all illlpurtant consideration in this section of the work. Tiie diffidence an 1 which are among the na- tura] cotis-quences of these 1 fleet inn", prevent p,r,.ou" l'roni applying for assistance un'il great, al- though\1p,; irn ine H tie m:s,.i.i..t has been inflicted 011 the constitution and powers of lite. It is to lie boned that the perusal of this work will teach such persons t w injurious consequences of delay, and lead them at once to seek that advice and counsel, by which a one they c:in be saved I'.ini the horrors of an exis ence protraeted amidst long enduring wretched" ness, both of m:.nd and body. Tie- CORDIAL BALM of SYRTACUM is expressly employed to renovate ilii- impaired powers of life when exhausted by the ir.flutnce exerted by soli'ar-y in lul- gence 0:1 ihe svifeui. Its action is pure y balsamic; its power in iviir igoratiug the fr une in all cases of nervous and sexual debility. O stinate gleets, iuipo- tency t barr^iijafi-is,^1 1 debilities iati««*»vf'om veui-real e«tWfs9t-S,/ h-is_ ije(^i- dernonstrated.fejr- *iii\t«fy ing suf^ss in tboi^sjjjs of .cuses. To-t^i.-ise 4i'efsoTi.^ who rfre ^"rt-nreif enterji^ ii»V married sta-&>"by tli^ con- ic seipjericeS of tyifty^^fJ-^rs, jt is nvulu:it>}e. 'Price lis. *p -r W'tle, or fiiur quantities in one for 33s.- f ThftCp^CENFRATED DETERSIVE ESSENCE, an .a.V\y-syp'dlnie reui^ily. for nurityiii >• tiie sy>tern froiuXeuereal fowja aination, ami is r com nendef for any ofjhe varied fju-tasOf secondary syin]itoms", such as eruption-, on the skio^ oil the held and face, -i itn-ii it enlargement ot the' throat, tonsils, and uvula; tlireat- ened _destructi.on.of ihe nose, palate, S:e. Irs action is purely detersive, and its lieneficial influence on the system is undeniable. Price lis. and 33s. per battle. Price lis. or four at II*. in one bottle for 3J. by whi.'b J -t«. are saved. • -.The •"»/. cases of Svriacum or C> n- centrated^ Detersive Essence, can only he had at 19, Berners istreet Oxfor-,1 Street, Loudon. By purchasing one of these cases, t;iVre j) ] he a sa 1 i ng ot" W. I"? AND TH.E PATIENT IS ENTITLED TO RECEIVE AD- VICE WITHOUT A FEE WHICH A!) VAN E IS HOWEVER APPLICABLE I-) LY TO THOSE WHO REMIT 51. FOR A PACKET. A minute detail of the case is necessaiy. PEnUVs Purifying Specific PILLS, Price 2s. 94 1 6.1., and llf. per Box. These Pills, each B >v of which is accompanied with explicit directions, ar"t» well kn iwn throughout E-irope to It" the most certain-a id effectual remedv ever ilisco- vered for gonorrhoea, b-ith in its mild and aggravated tonus They immediately all-ay the inflammation by tlleir specific influence on the urethra, and arrest the future progress of the disease. Gb'ets, strietures, irritations, and chronic inflamma- tions o! tie bladder, pains of the loin- and kidneys, gravel, alld other disorders of the urinary passages, in either sex, are st> e.lily an 1 pei manently cured, without confinement or tlie least exposure. In a1! *aseiS-f»f'»t>ns«ltation bv letter, the usual fee of one poppd must be forwarded, either by Post Office order, or,otherwise. Patients are. requested to be as minute as possible in the detail o* their cases, noting especially the duration of the co nplnint, the mode «f its commencing, its symp- toijift an-i progress, age, hahits of living, and general occupation. Medicines can be forwarded to any part of the world no difficulty can Of'cur. as they wiil b. securely packed, and carefully protected from observa- tion. These Medicines are prepared only by Messrs. R. and L. Perrv and Co..SurfeoT)s, i 9, Berners-street, Oxford- street, Ponton: and sold by ail Medicine Venders ia Town or Country. N B. Country Medicine Vendors can1)e supplied by most of the Wholesale Patent Me licine Houses in Lon- don. Messrs. R. and L. Perry and Co., Surgeons, may be consulted as usual at 19, Berners Street, Oxford Street, London, (where may be had the Silent Friend) from 11 till and 5 till 8 in the Evening, and on Sundays from II till I, Sold by THOMAS A. ROBERTS, Chemist, Cfnvay; JOHN BROWN, Chronicle Office, Bangor; ROBERT GRIFFITH, Chemist, High Street, Carnarvon; WIL- LIAM EDWARDS. Chemist. Denbigh; H. G. Ku«tiEs, _u F Chemist Holyhead; JOHN BEALB, Chemist, High Street, Wrexham; E. WARD, Chemist, High Ss eet. Brecon PHILIP PRICE, P<Mt Office, Brulgvnd H, WEBBER, Guardian offire, Carditr; V\ ALTER THO- MAS. Chemist, (opposite Angel,) Merthyr; J. W. WTHITE, Chemist, Guildhall Square, Carmarthen W. WILLIAM*. Chemist, High Street, Cardigan; O. E. D win*, Chemist, Haverfordwest; JOSEPH POTTBS, Herald Office, Haverfordwest; R. C. 'I'KBWEEI*, Chemist, Pembroke; TJ^MAS EVAXS. Chemist, Higa Street, Swansea: JOHK MOORB. Cht'mist, Broad Streek New Town; Chemist, Hig^ Street, Merthyr Tvdvil; FERRIS & SCOR., Druggist* Union Strwt, Bnita; JOHN WATTON, ChroniX* Office, Stirswsbury JAKES CHILLCOTT, Br4wd Street, Leoroiiwter DRAPBR, Chemist, Brce4 Street, Here'ord; T. FAR*AK, Bescn Office, » E.V. JKNXIKI, Commercial STREET^ Newpoil PHILLIP*, Chemist, HijrhStr^t, of SLL of wb#-n may be kutct the 4 SILKNT 1auMB' Q