:=.n' LLANBEDIl SLATE QUARRY. TO BE LET, WITH IMMEDIATE POSSESSION, For further particulars, aitd to Ire^L for the same, apnly-to Mr. JOSEPH HIGGS, Aberartro Cottage, Llanbedr, ■'Merionethshire, or to Mr. DAVID JONES, Auctioneer Madoc. NORTH WALES. IN THE PICTURESQUE VALE OF LLANIUVST, DEN- BIGHSIIIRE, To be Let, Furnished, And entered upon from the lsf of March next, ,■ fipHE mueb-admired Mr '^inn House, Garden, I an<! Pleasure Grounds of PL AS MaDOC, in thorough iir and combining* every requisite for a "Gentleman's Family Residence. -Land not exceeding 3U Acres may be also let therewith together with the the Shooting over the Estate consisting* of about 360 Acres. For particulars as to t.-rnia, &c., application may be made to the HousEKHEPi-K, at Plas Madoc; to H. R. FRANCIS, Esq., Hurley House, Marlow or to Messrs. HeGHES aud ROBERTS, Solicitors, Bangor. TO Tn"n K E E P E ft S TO P. In the flourishing market town of Holywell, North Wales, JjnilAT eligibly situate- and well-accustomed JL Family and Commercial Hotel, Posting and Mar- ket House, known us the KI N(;'S HEAD HOTEL. This Hotel has been recently rebuilt and enlarged, and is now made complete with every requisite tor car- rying on all extensive business, including Baths, Bowl- ing Green, wiii Biiliard Room, extensive Stabling, Loose Boxes, Lcek-up Coach-housco, Osiler's Cottage, &c. &c. # There is a 1st), on the adjoining pre mises, a Smith's Forge, occupied by a first-™re Shoeing Smitlu A few Acres of fine Pasture Laud, may also be had, it required. To an active couple with capital, And thoroughly acquainted with [he Innkeeping business, this is an op- portunity which seldom occurs; and as the present tenant is desirous of retiring from Innkeeping, imme- diate possession nuiv be had on favourable terms. Apply to Mr. BATE, Kelaiertod, Gobtyn, Flintshire. Eafbour of Aberystwyth. JVOT[CE IS HEREBY GIVEN, I THAT the RATES a;,d DUTIES m-ide payable under and l>y virtue of a certain Act of Parliament, passed in the Sixth Year ot the Reign of His late Majesty, King William the lourth, intituled, An Act to Alter and Amend all Act passed in the Twentieth Year of His late Majesty King George the Ilnrd, intitu]ed, "Au Act for repairing, enlarging, and pre- serving the Harbour of Aberystwyth, in the county of Cardigan,will be Lef, T" -• Auctioss, At the TOWN HALL, in the town of Aberystwyth aforesaid, onTuESUAY, the 1st of FEBRUARY, 1848, between the hours of 11 and 12 in the Forenoon, for such term the Trustees then present shall determine, as to commence on the 1st day of March next, which Rates and Duties were Let for the Last Year, for the sum of 1,2001. By order of the Trustees, JOHN HUGHES, Clerk. December 8lh, 1347. To be Sold by Private Contract, At GLAN CONWAY, in the parish of LLAXRWST, ad- joining the Shrewsbury and Holyhead Road, and 'nny be curried off the Fremiti's, T HIT EE II AY RICKS, well harvested in 1845 and 6, of the following dimensions:— 1st Hayrick, Length 58 feet; Breadth, 13 feet 6 inches; Height to the Eaves, 14 feet 9 inches. 2nd Hayrick, Length 28 feet; Breadth 14 feet 3 inches Height to the Ea,-es, 12 feet 9 inches. 3rd Hayrick, Length 6,1 feet; Breadtii, 12 feet; Height to the Eaves 11 feet 6 inches. 29th January, 1848. ,4 SALES BY MR. LLOYD. MR. LLOYD Has been favoured with instructions from R. J. Sisson, Esq., Solicitor to the Assignees of Mr, John Evans, Grocer and Farmer, Rhyddian, '0 SE X. BV jfeTTCriON, On the premised-in CASTLE STREET, RHYDLAND, on MOXDAtff-fhe 31st di; of JANUARY, t848, puflct^- ally at 'Eleven o'clock", mil E, Neat and LV ful HOUSEHOLD FUR NT-. X TtJKE, FARMING STOCK; SWEDISH TtJR., NIP-S, HAY'and CORN: embracing capital eight 0 days Clock, in oak case handsome polishtSl oak Dres- ser, \yitli Shelves and Cupboards several sets Of oak and; other Chairs; two-leaved, oak. round and other Tables neat Sofa, mahogany circular Tables, hair- eeated mahogany Chairs, Telescope, four-post and Tent Bedsteads, in scarlet J^orten and Chintz Furniture; Fi athtj Beds, Bolsters, and Pillows; substantial'oak Chest-of-Drawers, and ditto Linen Chest, with drawers Dressing Tables, Washstands and Ware, Dressing Glasses, See. &c. THE FARMING STOCK Includes 2 young in-calf Milch Cows, '2 fatteninn- Bar- ren Cows, pair of very beautiful yearling short-horn Heifer Calves useful Bay Cart Horse capital Bay a Hack, seven-years-old; 4 strong Store Pigs; light useful Gig, small liti'ht Pony Cart, capital broad-wheel Cart, Water Cart. Iron Plough, Wheelbarrow part of a Stark of prime Hay, Rick of Black Oats, and upwards of Twenty Tons of well-rrown sound Swedish Turnips, in Lots to suit purchasers. Ruthin, January 17th. 1848. SALE Of Shop Goods and Furniture, AT ST. ASAPH. TO BE SOLD SV AUCTION, BY Mr. LLOYD, On the Premises in HIGH STREET, ST ASAPH, on TUESDAY, the 1st of FEBKUARY, 1848, at eleven o'clock in the Forenoon-, mHE Entire HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE X and SHOP GOODS, the property of Mr. John Roberts, Druggist, (hitherto arried on in the name of Edward Roberts) under a distress for r nt and arrears of rent; comprising Bedsteads, Feather Beds, Tables, Chairs, Crockery, &c. &c.; very nt-ataikti complete set of mahogany Shop Counters, N est-or-Dmwers, and Shelves j Tim-ture, Powder, Store, and Shew Bottles; Ointment and other Jars; an assortment of Fish Sauces, Pickles, Perfumery, Toys, Cutlery; and an infinity of every Drug', Medicine and Culinary Condiments; to- gether with Paints, Oils, Colours, &c., all of which will be Sold without reserve. N.B. The attention of Families and Country Shop- keepers is particularly requested—every Article being1 in fresh and capital condition. SALE BY MR DAVID JONES. MERIONETHSHIRE. IMPORTANT SALE OF MACHINERY, &c., AT LLANBEDR SLATE QUARRY, Being the Property of the Honourable E. M. Lloyd Mostyn. To be Sold by Auction, BY MR. DAVID JONES, On TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 1st, 1848, and the following day if necessary at LLANBEDR SLATE QUARRY, A LL those Capital QUARRY INSTRUMENTS, -TA_ Consisting of new and in excellent condition, Sawing- and Plaining Machines; Railway Trucks, Bar- rows a good sized water Wheel and Troughs; Iron Cars of all kinds; Steel and Castings; Smith and Quarry Tools of all descriptions, &c.; several lots of Flags and Slates with other articles too numerous to tpecify in an advertisement. Also the same day at TYDDYNPANDu-Two Stacks of well harvested Hay lot of Straw; Horse Gearmg; Gig Harness Cart and Frame with all kinds ot Im- plements of Husbandry, See., &c. The Sale to commence at 11 o'clock in the Forenoon. The above will be sold without reserve in Loti to suit purchasers, and may be viewed any day previous to the Sale on application to Mr. JOSBPH IJIGal, Aber- artro Cottage, Llanbedr. t". >■ FLINTSHIRE. To be Sold by Auction, Oil or about the 20th day of MARCH next, at such place as will be hereafter notified, in Two or more Lots, (unless previously disposed of by Private Con- tract of which due Notice will be given). ALL that Freehold Messuage or Tenement and Premises, being a Public House, at CaeYwys, com- monly known and distinguished by the name of PIC- CADILLY INN. n And all those Four Pieces, Closes, or Parcels of Land therewith, held and called or known by. theseveral names of TIll-Y-GLEGG, COED CAEJt, PRYS1E, PEN-Y-FFORDD FAIR, and G ARDD-Y-FAtR, con- taining in the whole about Seven Statute Acres, more or less, • • And also, all these Two Fields, Closes or Parcels of Land, commonly called CAE EITHIN, containing about Seven Statute Acres, more or less. The above Property is situate at Caerwys, in the Couuty of Flint, and entirely surrounded by the Pro- perty of the Honourable Ed.vard Mostyn Lloyd Mostyn. For further particulars, apply to THOMAS WARING, Esquire, Solicitor, 4, White Lion Court, Curnhill, Lol-idon. .Jo. IMPORTANT SALE OF F R E E 11 0 L I.) P i O P ERTY IN ANGLESEY. MONA HOUSE AND ESTATE, &c. To be Sold by Auction, At the BULL'S HEAD INN, in the Town of LLAN- oil THURSDAY. the 3rd day of FEBRUARY, 18-IB, at I o'clock in the afternoon, in the foilowing- or such other Lots as shall be mentioned at the time of sale, subject to such conditions as shall be then and there produced, unless disposed of in the mean- time by Private Co -tract, of which due notice will be given, Lor 1. ALL that Messuage, Tenement, and Lands, called MONA, otherwise CAEA MON and HENDRE, situate in the parish of Cerrig Ceinwen, in the County of Angles:y, containing 130 acres or thereabouts, of Arable, Pasture, and Meadow Land, in the highest state of cultivation, now in the occupation of Mr. Na- thaniel Atkinson, fis tenant from year to year. LOT 2.—All that Messuag-e, Tenement, and Lands called TRERHYS, situate in the Parish of Bodedern, in the County of Anglesey, now in the occupation of Mr. Michael Parry, as tenant from year to year, con- taining 161 acres or thereabouts. LOT 3.—All that .Messuage, Tenement, and Lands, called BR YIN LLYN (formerly part of Trerhys) situ- ate in the said Parish of Bodedern, containing 50 acres or thereabouts (exclusive of 25A. 3R. 2<3P. of Llywenan Lake, by which it is bounded on the south-easterly side), now in the occupation ot the said Michael Parry, as tenant from year to year. Y, Lot one is situated within about 3 mile" of the Market Town of Llangefni; 4 miles from the intended Bodorgan Station on the Chester and Holyhead Railway, to which there is an excellent road 9 from the Menai Bridge, and 12 from the improving and important Town of Holyhead. The House was most substantially and commodiously built for a first-rate Hotel, soma years since, by the Commissioners for improving the com- munication between London and Dublin, but so con- structed as to be readily converted into a most desirable priva te residence. There are 6 spacious and lofty i-ooiiip on the grsund-floor, and 2 good Kitchens, Pan- try, Wash-house, Brewhouse, See. &c., with 4 cellars underneath and 13 airy and roomy Bedrooms. There are b excellent Stables with Coach-houses and Offices, in a spacious yard. Also, Farm Buildings and conve- niences of every description adjoining, and singularly wdl arranged. The Garden is very extensive, particu- larly well walled, and completely stockt-d with choice fruit treti»: The Plantations and grounds, which are judiciously laid out, are in a most. thriving condition. The great Holyhead post road passes witliin a most con- venient distance of the house, running for about half a mile through the Farm, which lies in a ring fence. The tithe rent charge and parochial rates are exceedingly mo- derate in this parish. There are also in this lot, four groups of Cottages.on the great Holyhead road, a con- venient distance from Mona House, biilt for Farm Labourers and Workmen, containing 17 Substantial aud Comfortable Dwellings, with Gardens attached 3 0f which groups are ii Lease, 6 vears only being unexpired. Lots Two and Three are most desirable Farms, con- sisting of rich arable and pasture land, in a high state of cultivation, lying compactly together in a ring boun- dary, distant about G niitea from the town of Holyhead, half a mile of Bodedern, and about 4 from the intended valley station of the Chester and Holyhead Railway. The respective Tenants will direct a person to shew j. the property, Vnd furfher. pattteafars may be obtained by application to Mr. 0, OWEN,1 Solicitor* Beaumaris, .pr to Mr. J. R." HASLASi', Menai Bridge,. with whom plans of the Estate m-e left for inspection. SALE BY MR. DAVID LEWIS. ABERYSTWYTH. IMPORTANT SALE OF FREEHOLD AND LEASEHOLD PROPERTY. MR DAVID LEWIS, AUCTIONEER. Has been favoured with instructions to dispose of by PUBLIC AUCTION, On TUESDAY, the 1st day of FEBRUARY, 1848 at the GOGERDDAN.ARMS HOTEL, in the Town of ABER- YSTWYTH, between the hours of 4 and b in the Eve- ning, and subject to such conditions as shall be then and there produced. The following lots of valuable and desirable property, belonging to Mr. John Jones, who is leaving the Town. LOT 1. A LL that commodious and well-arranged LODG- A. ING HOUSE, with the Garden and Premises thereunto attached, known as PICION HOUS and situate at No. 43, on the Marine Terrace, now in the oc- cupation of Miss Watkins, at the annual Rent of 501. and consists of a large Kitchen, Housekeeper s Room, Pantry, back Kitchen ahd Scullery, with two Bed-rooms over; Coalhouse and other Offices in the area; one laro'e Parlour in front ;a Bedroom in the back, and a spacious Hall on the ground floor; one large Drawing- Room, one small Drawing Room, and one best Bed- room on the first floor; three superior Bedrooms on the second Hoor and three very excellent Bedrooms on the attic it has a Water-closet and other conveni- ences. The above Premises are delightfully situated on the Marine Terrace, in the above much frequented and fa- shionable watering place, and commands a magnificent view of the Bay of Cardigan. ,The whole are held under a lease g-ranted by the cor- poration of Aberystwyth, for a term of which 60 years are unexpired and free of ground rent. LOT 2.—AU that compact HOUSE and PREMISES, situate at No. 12, Church Street, and consists of a Par- lour one Drawing-room; small Drawing-room; five good Bed-rooms; two Bed-rooms in the attic front and back Kitchen and other conveniences, adjoining which there is a large Workshop Stable Shed, &c.; with a capital Yard. Together with THREE COTTAGES, in Vulcan-court, now in the occupation of Mr. William Jones, and others, at the annual rent of l4i. 10*. Also the GROUND RENT of the Independent Chapel amounting to 21. per annum. The whole are held under a lease granted by Colonel Powell, M.P., for a term of which 31 years are unex- pired. Subject to a ground rent of 31. a year. The above lot is well deserving the attention of capi- talists and will be found an eligible in%,es! men r. LOT 3.—All that excellent HOUSE and PREMISES situate at No. 13, Church Street, and comprises a hand. some Shew Room one large Drawing-room one small ditto; four good Bed-iooms three Bed-rooms in thE Attic; front and back Kitchen; Pantry, &c. with t Garden adjoining. This lot is held under the same lease, and fortbe saml term as lot 2, and will be sold free of ground rent. LOT 4.—A COTTAGE situate in Vulcan-place, nov in the occupation of Mrs. Davies, widow, at the annua rent of 61. TO SS SDLD, FREE OF GROUND RENT. LOT 5.-All that FREEHOLD HOUSE and PRE M ISES, situate on the corner of Princess-street, ant High-street, and contains a good Shop Kitchen; FAN try; Dining-room; six Bed-rooms; spacious Cellar Yard and other conveniences. LOT 6.—A FREEHOLD COTTAGE, (ADJOINING th< above), situate at No. 43, High-street, now in the! oc cupation of Mr, John Davies, at the yearly rent of 61. For further particulars apply Mr. JOHN JONES 12,|Church-street, or Mr. DAVID LEWIS, Auctioneei j 22, Marine-terrace, Aberystwyth. :X- TIIIN S A VI NG S' BAN K. •'vv ———————-—-—— • • PRESIDENT. SIR WATKIN WILLIAMS WYNN, BARONET. I v VICE PRESIDENTS. THE RIGHT REVEREND THE LORD BISHOP OF BANGOR. THE RIGHT HONORABLE LORD BAGOT. & THE RIGHT HONORABLE LORD KENYON. Æ5 ■■ F. R. WEST, ESQUIRE, M.P. -i— TRUSTEES. JOSEPH ABLETT, ESQUIRE, if; } y u THE VENERABLE ARCHDEACON HBWC0ME. RICHARD MILES WYNNE, ESQUIRE. faOMAS DOWNWARD, ESQUIRE. -t"' GENERAL STATEMENT OF THE ACCOUNTS FOR TH £ YEAR ENDING NOVEMBL^ 20 th, 1«'47. X s. d. To balance due on 20th November, 1846, including Interest, aa.per last return 20,392 2 9 To Sums received of Depositors within the year ending November 20th, 1847 4,354 11 8 To Interest received on Government Re- ceipts within the year ending N ovember 20 th. 1847 659 11 3 £ 25,406 5 8 ± s. d, I By Cash re-paid Depositors from Novem- ber 20th, 1847 3,573 7 4 By Secretary's Salary, &c 6 0 0 By Rent and Taxes 10 0 0 By Printing and Stationery By Postages J By Banker's Commission 1 la O By Advertising 2 15 0 By Miscellaneous, 5 0 6 TOTAL AMOUNT OF CASif. Government Debentures. • £ 21,245 17 4 Surplus Fund 172 16 9 Cashinthehandaofths Treasurer 330 19 II 21,749 14 0 £ "25,'i06 5 8 ROBERT JONES, Treasurer. I Balance of Cash brough forward. £ 2i ,749 14 0 iVo. of Depositors. £ 8. d. 468 W! ose respective Balances on November 20tli, 1847, (including Interest) did not exceed 20/. each 2,976 16 0j 220 Ditto ditto, above 20/. and not exceeding 50/. each 6,774 4 9 71 Ditto ditto, above 50/. and not exceeding 100/. each 4,746 16 8 24 Ditto ditto, above 100/. and not exceeding 150/. each 2,783 3 2 4 Ditto ditto, above 150/. and not exceeding 2oiJ/. each. 690 1 0 2 Ditto Jit to, exceeding 451 o 10 789 Total number of Depositors 18,422 5 5^ 1 Charitable Society ° ° 19 Friendly Societies 3,053 12 1 ¡ 809 Total number of Accounts. 21,480 19 2! Add Surplus Fund 172 16 9 -———————— 21,653 15 lli Surplus accrued in the year ending November 20th, 1847, and 7 reserved to meet current expenses £ 95 11 0^ THOMAS DOWNWARD. WILLIAM JONES. JOHN MADOCKS, Actuary. A STATEMENT of the INCOME and EXPENDITURE 0$the MERCHANT SEAMEN'S FUND at the PORT of PWLLHELI (including Port Madoc), for the: year '847, under the Act 4 and 5 William 4, e. 52. PWLLHELI. INCOME. EXPENDITURE. £ s. d. £ s. d. To Balance from 1846 149 9 5 Paid Pensioners 240 6 8 Duties received 337 3 9 Temporary Relief 82 3 5 Charges of Management. 26 19 3 Balance 128 3 10 f486 13 2 £ 4P6 13 2 PORT BSADOC. £ d. £ 8, d, To Duties received 1:25 5 0 Paid Balanee due to Secretary from 1846 9 6 0 Pensioners 74 6 0 Temporary fielief 8 9 0 Charges of Management 8 13 6 I-ernent Balance. 31 10 6 £ 125 5 0 fl-25 5 0 SUMMARY. £ s. d. £ s. d. To Balance from 1846 146 3 5 Paid Pensioners. 323 12 8 Duties receinJ 462 8 9 Temporary Relief 9012 5 Charg-esof Management 35 12 9 Balance 159 14 4 J.. f609 12 9 £ 609 12 9 Pwllheli, 25th January, 1348. R. ELLIS, Secretary. HAMILTON AND DAVIES. ■ THE TEA MARKET, NO. I, RANELAGII STREET, LIVERPOOL, DECEMBER 1, 1847. • & £ DUC?XOH IN -.A. THE supply of Bla»k Tea this year is much larger, and the qualities superior to former years this, in conjunction with the continued scarcity of money, has caused the first cost of Tea to be lower than ever known-.—therefore, we are now enabled to make an IMPORTANT REDUCTION in our Prices to Families, who may be supplied, for Nett Cash Payments, by our appointed Agents in various parts of the United King- dom, at our LIVERPOOL PRICES, viz." BLACK TEAS. 8. d. Strong Black-leaf Congou 3 8 Choice Congou, strong and full-fla- votjred 4 4 The finest P^koe-flavoured Tea 5 0 The Black Teas can be had mixed with Green, if required, at the above prices. GREEN TEAS. s. d. Fine Hyson Twankay 4 0 Fine Young Hyson. 5 0 Choicest Ouchain 6 0 The finest Gunpowder 7 0 The Tea is secured in Tin Foil, and put up in Packages of 2 oz., t lb., to 3 lbs. weight, and small con- Chests, tainrag 12 and 14 lbs. Upon Chests from 30 to 80 lbs., the customary overweight allowed of 1 to 2 lbs. each. COFFEES. d. Good Costa Rica I 4 Fine East India—picked quality. I 8 The Choicest Mocha or Jamaica 2 0 The Coffee is secured in Tin Foil, and put up in packages of 5 lb., J lb and 1 lb, Weight, Ground or in the Berry. LIST OF AGENTS IN WALES. Aberystwyth, Jas. Cox, Stationer. Abergele, S. Hughes, Draper. Hugh Hughes, Stationer. Aieryavenny, J. Watkins, Confectioner. Bangor, O. Owens, Tailor and Draper. Bethesda, Hugh Jones, Tea Dealer. Beulah, Woorling and Son, Tea Dealers. Beaumaris, Mrs. Pritchard, Confectioner. Beddgelert, John Roberts, Grocer. Brecon, sam]> Humpage, Stationer. Builth, David Williams, Draper. Carmarthen, Evan Jones, Draper. Carnarvon, R. Owen & Co., Drapers. Chepstow, Thos. Howell, Confectioner. Clwt y Bont, E. E. Thomas, Tea Dealer. Denbight Foulkes, Draper. Dou>lnis, Edwards, Tea Dealer. ^ru?"°d, Stephen Jones, Tea Dealer. „ Jones and Co., Drapers. •Way, Wm. Harris, Stationer. 1J,}jerforduiest, Thos. Williams, Druggist. "°lUhead, E. Edwards, Draper. ~tan9efni, J. Donne, Tea Pealer. Y .atlyollen, John Evans, Draper. I y a*dulat, John Hughes, Draper. X/ianerchymedd, O..Prythereh, Postmaster. 1 y anelidan, C. Pr*ei Tea Dealer. Yja»fair, Wm. Catkins, Draper. j Menai Bridge, Morris Williams, Draper. ■Merthyr Tydtsil, Wm. Wilkins, Stationer. r F*NNMVUT/I, R. Y. Waugh, Stationer. I Neath, John Thomas, Tea Dealer. iu>estry, Edwd. Davies, Confectioner. Pembroke Dock, Wm. Dawkins, Draper. 'ngarnisiag, R. Owen, Tea Dealer. P°r< Madoc, Pritchard & Son, Drapers, j g y Medre, Geo. Bradley, Confectioner. tMtnsea, James Adams, Confectioner. Tu.rgarth, Williams & Nicholas, Drapers. Tr,degar, J. Thomas, Bookseller. o Wrexham, John Beale, Druggist. Applications for the Commission to Sell the above Company's Tea and Coffee by one respectable party, 1, in each Town in the United Kingdom, wiU have the best attention. One Arent only is appointed in each town. ."1 DIRECT STEAM COMMUNICATION R- ■ .BETWEEN rtfeaai Bridge, Baisgor, Beaumaris, 9*ld Liverpool. TIIE C.ITJW°F DUBLTN COMPANY'S Splendid and Powerful New Iron Steam Ship, P R, I J* C or WALES, (Of 400 Tons Burthen, and 200 Horse power, w. H-.WAUREN, R. N., Commander, ( Buih e*pressjy for the Station,) Will commence h*.r Winter Sailings 011 SATURDAY, the 16th instant, a-id jg jnten(je<^ f0 lejive MENAI BRIDGE, on M^VDAYS and FRIDAY. at Nin^. o'clock in the jwotning and GEORGE'S PIER HEAD, LIVEKLOOL, on WEDNESDAYS and SATURDAYS, at Nine o'clock in the Morning. Coaches from Holyhead, Carnarvon, and Amlwch, wait the arrival- of tjle prj11(.e 0f Wales, to convey Passengers forwardj and return in the morning in time to proceed to LIverPool. The MEDINA HQW Plies between the Menai Bridge and Carnarvon, to forward Passengers and Goods. Further particulars may be had on application to Mr. E. W. TIMOTHY, or Messrs. R. and H. HUMPHREYS, Menai Bridge; Mr. ROBERT PRITCHARD, Post- master' Bangor; Mr. T. BYRNE, Post-master, Beall- maris; Mr. J-JONES, High-street, Carnarvon; or to Mr. J. K". ROXJNTHWAITE, at the Company's Offices, 24, Water-street, Liverpool. ;'1 FOR LIVERPOOL. WITH GOODS AND PASSENGERS. .I THE FIBST-CI.ASS PAST-SAILING IRON STEAMER o Do I 0 N, ONE HUNDRBD AND TWENTY HORSE POWER, WILL Sail as under during the month of FEBRUARY. I FROM LIVERPOOL. PRINCE'S PIER. February Wednesday 8 A.M. ',•«*» Wednesday 8 •• £ 6th Wednesday 8 *• 23rd Wednesday 8 FROM CARNARVON. February Friday 8 A.M. Friday 6 1?^ Friday 8 •• •• 25th Fridav 9 GOODS will be, received for PWLLHELI, PORT MADOC, FE8TINIOG, and LLANLLYFNI, See. See. Calling at BANGOR, BEAUMARIS, and MENAI BRIDGE, to land and receive Passengers. Goods received at South Side Clarence Dock Basin. For further particulars apply to JOSBPH SANDBR- gon and Co., 13, Water-street, Liverpool; WILLIAM TURIf.juU" Carnarvon. NORTH W"L1:;S XIAIS/WA'SR. GENERAL MEETING. ~VTOTICE is Hereby Given, that the next ordin- JLi nry or half-yearly General Meeting of the Share- holders of this Company, will be held at the Guildhall d Coffee. House, King Street, in the City of London, on Tuesday, the 22nd day of February next, at 12 o'clock at noon precisely, f0;- the Election of Directors, and the transaction of the ordinary business in pursu- ance of thj North \Ya]es Railway Act, i845, and of the other General Acts of Parliament relating to Railways And Notice is Hereby further Given, that an extra- ordinary Special Meeting of the Shareholders vill be held at the same time, and place for the purpose of sub- mitting to the proprietors for their consideration and approval the Draft Bill no* before parliament for disserving the North Wales Railwa}^ Company." By order, JOHN MARRINER, Secretary. Moorgate-street, London, 19th January, 1848. N.B. The transfer books of the Company will be closed from Monday the 7th, to Tuesday the 22nd day of February next, both inclusive. OF SENSISH. Parishes of Llar'jemieic and Gu-ytiierii. annexed to the Division of Uwc/niulas. A T the Genera! Quarter Sessions of the Peace of 1\_ our Sovereign Lady the Q :een. held at RUTIIIX, in and for the County of Denbigh, on Tuesday in the week next after the twenty-eighth day of December, to wit on the Fourth dnv of January, ii: the Eleventh Year of the Reiirn ot our Sovereign Lady Victoria, now Q:"fn of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, and so forth, and in the Year of our Lord One Vhoti«anil Eisrht Hundred and Forty Eight, before John Heaton, Esquire, and the Reverend Edward Thelwall, Clerk, and others their companions, Justices of our said Lad}' the Queen, assigned and *o forth. ORDERED, that the Parishes of Llangerniew and Gwytherin, in the County of Denbigh, be changed and (ii,ii,iiexed from the Division of Isnled, in Ie L Cpuntv of Denbigh, find annexed !•< the Division of Uwehdtilas, in the said County, and that the said Parishes of Lh:ngerniew and Gwyth' ."in shall, together with the sever:! Parishes and places forming the said Division of Uwehdulas, constitute one Division withiu which PETTY and SPECIAL SESSIONS shall hencefor- ward be holden. And it is further Ordered that this Order shall tske effect from the day of the making h.rfof. By the Court, JOSEPH PEEHS, Clerk of the Peace. G1BXJTJIK3 v AT CHESTER. GEORGE C ii I N'A S'S QTOCK of the above beinz now entire the-whole O of which is of the most genuine quality, and has been personally collected with the greatest care, places him in a position to execute orders on term. peculiarly advantageous, for the guidance of gentlemen who wish to avoid the trouble of gleaning from a voluminous cata- logue the entire wants of a garden, the following scale of prices is annexed, the greatest attention is given to the selections, and none but the most approved Veg-e- tables are supplied. Collect.cns of VogretabJe Seals, consistingr of an mple Supply of the, best Varle; ies, for a whole Year. No. 1. Sufficient for a Garden of three Acres, em- bracing '20 quaits of Peas, 1111). Onion, lb. Carrot, with other seeds in proportion Melons, Cucumbers, Herbs, &c. 4 Guineas. No. 2. All the Varieties in the above in smallar pro- portions, 3 Guineas. No. 3. Same assortment as No 1.; half the quantity, 2 Guineas. Yr). 4. A full supply for a Gentlemen's small Garden, including a succession of the best sorts, 1 Guinea. Derbyshire Kidney Potatoes, 6s. per Bushell; ex- cellent croppers. Early Foxes, do., quite sound, 6s. per Bushel. Early Kemps, valuable second sort, 5s. per Bushel. Scotch Pink Eye Potatoes, prime late kind, 5s. per Bushel. Jerusalem Artichokes, 5s. per Bushel. Large Archangel M its, 178, per ])0. The Pamphlet, recently published b}^ G. G., on the improvement of Grass Land, Cultivation ot Ruots, &c.; also Hints for Amatuer Gardeners, with a list of the best Vegetables and most successful mode of Growth, &.c. together with his new priced Catalogue of Seeds, will all be forwarded free by Post. (Mdert, tjfe&eduuf. ve,, I J-ree Sun- ■ gorft Cwwison, *• .» w.r- Seed Warehouse, 168 Eastgate'-StreeV, oppesite the Roy.-fl'Hdtel. Chester. ■ — januarv'23rd,1849i ■•-• ■' BAN COR AND 13E^WaRIS UN10N- Soboolmastcr Wanted. rpHE Board of Guardians V^U, at t!)eir meeting 1 at the UNION IIOUsE, -ON WJ:DN°AY, T\ E 91H day of FEBRUARY, 13id, proceifl t'1 b eet a CHO ;L- MASTE {, for the Union House School, Tiie Board having reconsidered the subject have been induced to increase the sala-v to 40/. per annum, with the usual rations, and to have was .ng, &c. done free in the House.. The officer will b-> required to perform all the duties pertaining to his office as prescribed by the Poor Law Commissioners' Consolidated °''tler July, 1847. The Guardians will require the oihcertobeayoung- man of active habits, and fully capable of teaching Reading, Writing, and Arithmetic; and also to have a competent knowledge of the limes of Navigation, to prepare any of the childreu inclined to be apprenticed intheseascience. Before any candidate is appointed he will have to un lergo strict examination as to his fitness and com- petency and none need apply but such as can produce uni'XCep ionnble character. Sealed tenders and testimonials to be forwSdedto me, under cover, on or-before TUESDAY, the 8tli FEB- RUARY, 1848 Candidates will be required to attend on the day of election, at U o'clock, morning. H. WILLIAMS, Clerk to the Union. Board Room, Bangor, 13th January, 1848. The extensive practice of Jl ■ Messrs. R. and L. Perry and ■1 Co., the continued demand for their work,,tntit)tid 4^ "SILENT FRIEND," (one hundred and twenty-five thousand copies of which have been sold,) and the extensive sale and high repute of their Medicines have induced some unprincipled persons to assume the name of Perry and closely imitate the title of the Work and names of the Medi- cines The Public is hereby cautioned that such per- sons are not in auv way connected with the firm of R. and L. Perry and Co. of London, who do not visit the Provinces, and are only to be consulted personally, or by letter, at their Establishment, 19, Benners-street, Oxford-street, London. Illustrated with 26 Anatomical Coloured Engravings 0n Steel, on PHYSICAL DISQUALIFICATIONS GENERATIVE INCAPACITY and IMPEDIMENTS to MAR- J. BIAGE, THE sit.sNT FRIEND, (A New Edition, enlarged to 196 pages price 2, 6d.) In order to ensure secrecy aad punctuality m deli- very the work will be »nt direit from the Establish- ment free to any part ef the kingdom, in a sealed en- "eloji,To °h. rLSpt of*- «•'» !«««« ««mps. mHE SILENT FRIEND is a Medical Work, I written in language devoid of professional techni- calitL, on the PHYSICAL DISQUALIFICATIONS affect- ing the generatire system in both sexes. It contains an elaborate and earefully-^writiten aceount of the ANA- TOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY OP THH ORGANS IN MAN which are directly and indirectly concerned in the function ef generation, (illustrated by coloured engrav- ings,) and the CAUSE* and COHSBQUBNCMS result- inn* from the baneful practice by which the VIGOUR inn* from the baneful practice by which the VIGOUR AND MAHLIUM? OF LIP. are enervated and de- stroyed, evem before nature laaa, fully established the powers and stamina AF the constitution. LocAL AND G*KB*AL »B»ILITY, B«*VOU» IRRITABILITY AND BICIT*MMNT, CONSUMPTION, INDIGBSTION OP THB MOST PBAKPUL AND 1XIACSTINO KIND, IMTBN8B MBTANCMOLT AHD DBPBBU8ION OP THB SPIBITA, ♦ AND PARTIAL OR COMPLETE EXTINCTION OF THE REPRODUCTIVE POWEUS, &c., are thus produced. In the SILENT FRIEND, the chapter devoted to the consideration of these dreadful complaints contains also an account of the means by which theN may be pre- vented and removed, so as to restore the sufferer to the full enjoyment of health and the functions of manhood. The consequences resulting from vtr.ertal contamina- tion are next pointed out, and the nature and cha- racter of gonorrhoea, gleet, stricture, una secondary symp- toms of every kind are clearly explained, with directions for cure. Titeir dangerous effects Oil the human eco- nomy are sufficiently dilated on, :lld a means is a/so indicated by which the recurrence of tl.CJC diseases in every inrtance be completely pr, ccnied. The v ork terminates with a chapter on the obligations of mar- riage, the physical impediments which tend to disqua-* liijr the cundidate for that holy statLS aud,.dte direc- ♦Wrm necessary for their rel!1!wuJ. The work Is illustrated by the detail of ofctiscs, and by 26 coi€rured engravings 011 steel, thus-rendering it what its name purports it to be, the true but silent friend to all suffering from the consequences of early error and vice, —a work v. hich may be consulted without exposure, and with every assuran.-e ef complete sue cess and benefit. 3y IV. &. L. ?VE", Consultlngr ScrgeoM. Published by the Authors, and sold Ly Strange, 21 Paternoster-row Haouay Co., 63, Oxford-street; Sanger, 151 Gordon, 146, Leadenhall- street; Lon- tlvll; Newton, lb and 19, Chunh-st eet, Liverpool; Rawie, Church-street, Liverpool; Ingram, Market- street, Man> liester; D. Campbell, 136, Argyle-sti-eet, Glasgow H-Lindsay, 11, Elms-row, Edinburgh: Powell, 10, Westmoreland-street, Dublin and by all booksellers and patent medicine venders in town and country. r Part the First—Of this work is dedicated to 'he con- sideration o the Anatomy an.i Physiology of the gene- rative functions. It embraces a succinct account of all the organs in man which are engaged in the important -■ function of the reproduction of-the species, and the "i mode in which fell-abuse operates to the injury of the L human frame, and the destruction of the special aud 3 vital powers. This is illustrated by six. coloured en- gravings. Part the Ss-couTreafs of th,j inn-mines ana uectiy •, of the system produced by over indulgence of the passions. The ex'sten.of nervous and sexuai debility and incapacity, with their accomparying train of symp- toms and disorders, are treated by the chain of con- necting* results to this cause. This section is illustrated J by three coloured engravings, which fully display the t effects of physical decay. Part the Third- Contains an accurate description of the diseases caused by infection, and by the n use of mercury primarj- and secondary symptoms, eruptions { of the skin, sore throat, inflammation of tiie eyes, disease of the bones, gonorrhoea, gleet, f'neture, & are i"ot, the ti,eat- shown to depend 011 this cause. Advice ior the tieat- ment of ail these diseases and their consequences is tendered in this siCtiou, which_it ,veu "P« cannot fail in effecting a cure. 5he Part is luu&trated bv seventeen coloured engravings.. part the Fourth-Treats of the Prevention of Disease bv a .simple application, by which tn" aaiiLcr of infec- tion is obviated. Its action is simple but sure. It acts widi the virus chemically, and destroys its power on the alia ('- system. This important part of the "ork should be read by every ^'oung Man entering into life. Part the Flftit-Treats of Marriage, its obligations and disqualifications. The causes which lead to hap- piness in the marriage state are dwelt upon, and those which are indicative of misery and domestic inquietude. The nature, origin, and treatment of physical disqualifi- cations are also described, and remedies for this state form an important consideration in this section of the work. The diffidence and distrust which are among the na- tural consequences of these affections, frequently prevent persons from applying for assistance until great, al- though not perhaps irremediaoie luiseiiiet has been inflicted oa the constitution and powers of life. It is to be hoped that the perusal of this work will teach such persons tl: injurious consequences of delay, and lead them at once to seek that advice and counsel, by which alone thev can be saved from the horrors of an existence protracted amidst long enduring wretched- ness, both of mind and body. < The CORDIAL BALM of SYRIACUM is expressly em pi o ved to renovate the impaired power- of life, when exhausted by the influence exerted by solitary indul- gence on the system. Its a*t'on is purely balsamic; its power in reinvigoratinar the frame in all cases of nervous and sexual debility, o stinate gleets, itnpo- tencv, barrenness, and debilities arising from venereal excesses, has been demonstrated by its unvarying success In thousands of cases. To those persons who are prevented entering the married state by the con- sequences of early errors, it is :nv-ibial»le. Price lis. p^r bottle, or four quantities in on,- ior <iis. The CONCENTRATED DETERSIVE ESSENCE, an anti-syphilitic remedy, for tHiri'yihg the systeni from venereal contamination, and is recommended for- "any of the varied forms of secondary symptoms, such as eruptions on the skin* blotches on tin1 lie-id^ face, enlargement o! the throat, tonsils, and uvu;a; eneri destruction of the nose, palate, See. Its action purely detersive.and its beneficial influence 0:1 the system is undeniable. Price I Is. and 33s. pc hot tie. Price lis. or fo'ur at lis. in one bottle for 5-3;. by wlii-h 11 j. are saved. The 51. cases of Syriacuiu or Con- centrated Detersive Essence, can only be hijd at 19, Berners Street. Oxford Street, London. Bv purchasing f 1-2 -,k -N ) one of these cas'js, there will be a saving of I' AND THE PATIENT IS ENTITLED TO RECEIVE AD- VICE WITHOUT A FEE. WHICH ADVANTAGE IS HOWEVER APPLICABLE ONLY TO THOSE WHO REMIT 51. FOR A PACKET. A minute detail of the case is necessary. PSERY's Purifying- Specific PIL!S, Price 2s. 9d., 4s. 6d., and Us. per Box. These Pills, each Box of which is accompanied with explicit directions, are well known throutrhout Europe to hi* the most certain and effectual remedy ever disco- } vered for gonorrhoea, both in its mild and aggravated forms. They immediately allay the inflammation by their sperifie influence on the urethra, and arrest the future progress of the disease. Gleets,strictures, irritations, and chronic inflamma- tion-of the bladder, p ains of the loins and kidneys, gravel, and other disorders of the urinary passages, in either sex, are speedily and permanently cured, without confinement or the least exposure. In all cases of consultation by letter, the usual fee of one pound must be forwarded, either by Post Office order, or otherwise. Patients are requested to be as minute as possible in the detail of their cases, noting especially the duration of the complaint, the mode of its commencing, its svmp* toms and progress, age, habits of living, and general occupation. Medicines can be forwarded to any part of the world 110 difficulty can occur, as they' wid be securely packed, and carefully protected from observa- tion. These Medicines are prepared only by Messrs. R. and L. Perry and Co., Surgeons, 19, Berners-street, Oxford- street, London and sold bv all Medicine Venders in To wn or Country. N.B. Country Medicine Vendors can be supplied by most of the Wholesale Patent Medicine Houses in Lon- don. Messrs. R. and L. Perry and Co., Surgeons, may be consulted as usual at 19, Berners Street. Oxford Street, London, (where may be had the Silent Friend) from It till 2, and 5 till 8 in the Evening, and on Sundays from 11 till 1. Sold by THOMAS A. ROBERTS, Chemist, Conway; JOHN BROWS, Chronicle Office, Bangor; ROBERT GRIFFITH, Chemist, High Street, Carnarvon; WIL- LIAM EDWAIDS, Chemist, Denbigh; H. G. HUGHES, Chemist Holyhead; JOHN BEALE, Chemist, High Street, Wrexham; E. WARD, Chemist, High Ssreet* Brecon; PHILIP PRICE, Post Office, Bridgend; H, WEBBER, Guardiaa Office, Cardiff; WALTER THO- MAS, Chemist, (opposite Ansrel,) Merthyr; J. W. WHITB, Chemist, Guildhall Square, Carmarthen W. WILLIAMS, Chemist, High Street, Cardigan: O. E. DAVIES, Chemist, Haverfordwest; JOSEPH POTTBt, Herald Office, Haverfordwest; R. C. TRiNWERIEss Chemist, Pembroke; THOMAS EVANS, Chemist, HigA Street, Swansea; JOHN MOORE, Chemist. Broad Street, New Tows; THOMAS STBFHBNS, Chemist, Higa Street, Mertbyr Tydril; FEBRIB ic SCORB, Druggists .JA j Uaien Street, Bristol; JOHN WATTOW, ChroaiA* Office, Shrewsbury; JAMES CHILLCOTT, BookseiUr —'I Braad Street, Leominster; DHAMK, Chemist, Brcs4 Street, Hereford; T. FARRAR, BeMwn Office, Mc* meuth; K.T. JBNKINS, Commercial Street, Newport and PnilXlPa, Chemist, High Street, Newport of all ofwhonl may be bad the SILBNT FRIEND.' -'<