NORTH WALES. ) IN THE PICTURESQUE VALE OF LLAN/TWST, DEN- BIGHSLLIRE, To be Let, Furnished, And entered upon from the lot of March next, TIIE much admired Mansion House, Garden, and Pleasure Grounds of PLAS MADOC, in thorough repair and combining every requisite for a Gentleman's Family Residence. Land not exceeding 30 Acres may be also let therewith; tog-ether with the the Shooting1 over the Estate consisting of about 360 Acres. 0 For particulars as to terms, &c., application may be made to the HOUSEKEEPER, at Plas Madoc; to H. R. FRANCIS, Esq.»Harley House, Marlow; or to Messrs. HUGHES and ROBERTS, Solicitors, Bangoc. To be Sold by Auction, At the CROWN HOTEL, PWLLHELI, on WEDNESDAY, the 19th day of JANUARY, 1848, at 5 o'clock i-it the Afternoon, ALL those Two Messuages or Dwelling-houses, called PEN-Y-MAES, tog-ether with the Out- buildings, Garden, and Appurtenances, situate in the town of Pwllheli, and late the property and in the oc- cupation of Mrs. Ann Owen, Lime-burner, deceased. This Property, being- in grood repair, and most eli- gibly situated near the Castle Mart, in the suburb of the town, close to the embankment, and having- an ex- tensile harbour and sea view, renders it peculiarly worthy the attention of master mariners, or any lady or gentleman desirous of having a snug- Cottage Resi- dence, situate in a healthy and quiet spot within the environs of the town. For further information apply to Mr. J. H. WIL- LIAMS, Goetref, near Pwllheli; or to Mr. W. ROBERTS, County Court Office, Pwllheli. SALE BY MR. R. W. JOHNSON. IMPORTANT SALE OF AYRSHIRE & SHORT-HORNED COWS AT WORTHENBURY. Mr. R. W. JOHNSON, Has the pleasure to announce that he has received instructions from Mr. Gregory, who is declining- the Dairy, to Sell by Auction, On MONDAY, jthe 24th day of JANUARY, 1848, at Twelve o'clock, HIS Superior Stock of Twenty-four DAIRY COWS. The Auctioneer can confidently recommend the above, being- all young', healthy, and early note—selected with great care, and will be Sold without the slightest reser- vation. SALE BY MR. DAVID JONES. MERIONETHSHIRE. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, BY MR. DAVID JONES, On MONDAY, the 17th day of JANUARY, 1848, at the VICTORIA INN, Llanbedr, in one Lot, ALL those Capital QUARRY INSTRUMENTS consisting- of new and in excellent condition Sawing1 -and Plaining Machines Railway Trucks Barrows a good sized Water Wheel; Iron Bars of all kinds; Steel and Castings; Smith and Quarry Tools of all descriptions, &c. A large lot of Flags and Slate with other articles too numerous to specify. Also the same day, at TYDDYN-PANDY, 2 Stacks of good harvested Hay; lot of Straw; Horse Gearing; Gig Harness; Cart and Frame; wiih all kinds of Im- plements of Husbandry, &c., &e. The Sale to Commence at 3 o'clock in the Afternoon. N.B.-The above may be viewed any day previous to the Sale, on application to Mr. JOSEPH HIGGS, Aber- -artro Cottage, Llanbedr. LLANBEDR SLATE QUARRY. To be Let, WITH IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. For further particulars and to treat for the same, -apply to Mr. JOSEPH HIGGS, Aberartro Cottage, Llanbedr, or to Mr. DAVID JONES, Auctioneer, Tre' Madoc. SALE BY MR. JONES, GRAIG. EXTENSIVE SALE AT NANTCLWYD PARK, IN THE Parish of Llanelidan, near Ruthin, in the County of Denbigh. Mr. JONES, GRAIG, Has received instructions from Mr. Flint, who is de- clining Farming, to SEZiZi BY AUCTION, Without any reservation, on the premises at NANT- CLWYD PARK, adjoining- the Turnpike Road leading from Ruthin to Corwen, on WEDNESDAY, THURS- DAY, and FRIDAY, the 19th, 20th, and 21st days of JANUARY, 1848, each day at 11 for 12 o'clock punctually, Til E unrivalled and Extensive Stock of Thirty-one in-calf short-horned and cross-bred MILCH COWS and HEIFERS, all of early note; highly-bred and va- luable Durham Bull, two-yeara-old pure-bred short- horn Bull, one-yt'ar-old, which gained the prize awarded by the Denbighshire and Flintshire Agricultu- ral Society, in October last; 13 beautiful Yearling Heifers 2 very prime two-years-old Bullocks 2 in- pig- Sows, 4 store Pio's, 3 powerful Cart Horses, and I in-foal Cart Mare, with their Gearing, I Grey Hack Mare, 15 hands high, and I Brown ditto, 15!, 1 Bay 2 Cob, steady in harness, I promising Yearling Filly, and 1 Ditto, by Alcohol. THE HAY, CORN, &c. About 130 Tons of prime Hay, in 4 Stacks; 2 large Stacks of Wheat, 2 ditto of Barley, I ditto of Cats; 3 larRv Stack Frames, with Freestone Pillars and Caps and about 3 Acres of Turnips. Also, the entire FARMING IMPLEMENTS, con- sisting of a remarkably fresh and well-built broad- wheel Waggon, with iron arms, harvest gearing, and side-boards complete one 4 inches and a half ditto; one 3 inches ditto, 1 pair of broad Cart Wheels, with Axle and Shaft; 1 broad-wheel Cart, with iron arms; 3 Ditto bolted I Ditto 4 and a half inches, with iron arms; 3 Iron Ploughs, and 2 wooden Ditto 3 pairs of Wooden Harrows, and 1 Iron Ditto, in 3 divisions ,mot-iron Land Roller, in 3 divisions; I patent iron Scarifier; universal D. P. Plough capital four-horse power Thrashing Machine, and one Peg Drum (by Salmon); Turnip Slicer, patent Ditto (by Gardner); one patent 4-knife Straw Cutter (by Cartwright, Shrewsbury); two 1-knife Straw Engines, Kibbling Mill, Winnowing Machine, 3 Barley Peeling-Irons, 1 patent Scales and Weights (by W. C. Day, Birming- ham); Iron Beam for Scales, patent Weig'hing Drawers, for 3 cwt.; Truck, 30 Corn Sacks, in lots, Corn Trier, Sowing Hopper, 2 Peck Measures, 2 Wheelbarrows, Cucumber Frame, and Garden Tools, portable cast-iron Pig Trough, stone Ditto, Timber Crane, JVn(i jTon Blocks, Joiner's Bench, 3 Sheep Troughs, 2 Ditto Hay Racks on wheels; one large Meal Chest, Heel Rakes, Stable Buckets, Ladders, Stable Lanthorns, about 50 Cow Ties, Sieves, Riddles, and an infinity of other Im- plements, &e.; al o, a neat Gig, with patent Axles, and Harness complete. The Auctioneer feels pleasure in soliciting the atten- tion of his friends and the public to the above pure-bred and choice Stock of Cattle, which is very superior, being carefully selected by the owner, and well merits the attention of Farmers and Breeders. The whole of the Crops to be carried off the premises. Three Months' Credit will be given for sums of 10/. and upwards, upon purchasers immediately^ entering into Promissory Notes with approved Sureties. Discount will be allowed for ri ady cash at the rate of Five per Cent. Nantclwyd Park is distant from Ruthin 4 miles, from Corwen 7 miles, from -Gwyddel wern 4 miles; and within a short distance of the Leyland Arms, in the vil- lage of Llanelidan, where every accommodation can be afforded. Refreshment will be served each day at half-past Ten o'clock precisely. Graig Cottage, 23rd Dec;, 1847. I SALES BY MR. DAVID LEWIS. HAFOD.-CARDIGANSHIRE. OLD W I N E S. Mr. DAVID LEWIS, HAS BEEN FAVOURED WITH INSTRUCTIONS TO DISPOSE OF BTT PUBLIC AUvrXON, At the ASSEMBLY ROOMS, ABERYSTWYTH, on THURSDAY, the iOth day of JANUARY, 1848, at the hour of 12 at Noon precisely, and where they will be removed for the convenience of sale, UPWARDS of ONE HUNDRED DOZEN U of CHOICE WINES, consisting of Sherry and Madeira, late the property of Col. Johnes, and which must be cleared from the Hafod Cellars, in consequence of the extensive alterations now in progress. -ITlie. above will be put up in lots to suit the accommo- dation of purchasers. Four months credit may be had on fill sums above Five Pounds, on approved security. ABERYSTWYTH. IMPORTANT SALE OF FREEHOLD AND LEASEHOLD PROPERTY. MR. DAVID LEWIS, AUCTIONEER, Has been favoured with instructions to dispose of by PUBLIC AUCTION, On TUESDAY, the It day of FEBRUARY, 1848, at the GOGEKDDAN ARMS HOTEL, in the Town of ABER- YSTWYTH, between the hours of 4 and 6 in the Evening-, and subject to such conditions as shall be then and there produced. The following lots of valuable and desirable property, belonging to Mr. John Jones, who is leaving the Town. LOT 1. ALL that commodious and well-arranged LODG- ING HOUSE, with the Garden and Premises thereunto attached, known as PICTON HOUSE, and situate at No. 43, on the Marine Terrace, now in the occupation of Miss Watkins, at the annual Rent of 50/. and consists of a large Kitchen, Housekeeper's Room, Pantry, back Kitchen and Scullery, with two Bed-rooms over Coalhouse and other Offices in the area; one large Parlour in front; a Bedroom in the back, and a spacious Hall on the ground floor; one large Drawing Room, one small Drawing Room, and one best Bed-room on the first floor; three superior Bed-rooms on the second floor; and three very excel- lent Bed-rooms on the attic; it has a Water-closet and other conveniences. # The above Premises are delightfully situated on the Marine Terrace, in the above much frequented and fa- shionable wateiing place, and commands a magnificent vie^of the Bay of Cardigan. The whole are held under a lease granted by the cor- poration of Aberystwyth, for a term of which 60 years are unexpired and free of g'round rent. LOT 2.—All that compact HOUSE and PREMISES, situate at No. 12, Church Street, and consists of a Par- lour one Drawing-room small Drawing-room five good Bed-rooms two Bed-rooms in the attic; front and back Kitchen and other conveniences, adjoinino- which there is a large Workshop Stable; Shed, &c." with a capital Yard. Together with THREE COTTAGES, in Vulcan- court, now in the occupation of Mr, William Jones and others, at the annual rent of ;41. 10s. Also the GROUND RENT of the Independent Chapel amounting to 21. per annum. The whole are held under a lease granted by Colonel Powell, M.P., for a term of which 35 years are unex- pired. Subject to a ground rent of3l. a year. The above lot is well deserving' the attention of capi- talists and will be found an eligible investment. LOT 3.—All that excellent HOUSE and PREMISES situate at No. 13, Church-street, and comprises a hand- some Shew Room one large Drawing-room one small ditto four good Bed-rooms; three Bad-rooms in. the Attic; front and back Kitchen; Pantry, &c.; with a Garden adjoining. J This lot is held under the same lease, and for the same term as lot 2 and will be sold free of ground rent. LOT 4.—A COTTAGE situate in Vulcan-place, now in the occupation of Mrs. Davies, widow, at tlu- annual rent of 61. TO BE SOLD, FREE OF GROUND RENT. LOT 5.-All that FREEHOLD HOUSE and PRE- MISES, situate on the corner of Princess-street, and High-street, and contains a good Shop; Kitchen; Pantry Dining-room; six Bed-rooms spacious Cellar; Yard and other conveniences. LOT 6.-A FREEHOLD COTTAGE, (adjoining the above), situate at No. 43, High-street, now in the occupation of Mr. John Davies, at the yearly rent of 6l. Os. Od. T For further particulars apply to Mr. JOHN JONES, 12, Church-street, or Mr. DAVID LEWIS, Auctioneer, 22, Marine-terrace, Aberystwyth. IMPORTANT SALE OF FREEHOLD PROPERTY IN ANGLESEY. MONA HOUSE AND ESTATE, &c. To be Sold by Auction, At the BULL'S HEAD INN, in the Town of LLAN- GEFNI, on THURSDAY, the 3rd day of FEBRUARY, 1848, at 1 o'clock in the afternoon, m the following- or such other Lots as shall be mentioned at the time of sale, subject to such conditions as shall be then and there produced, unless disposed or in the mean- time by Private Co-tract, of which due notice will be given, LOT 1. ALL that Messuage, Tenement, and Lands called MONA, otherwise CAEA MON and HENDRE} situate in the parish of Cerrig Ceinwen, in the County of Anglesey, containing 190 acres or theieabouts, of Arable, Pasture, and Meadow Land, in the big-best state of cultivation, now in the occupation of Mr. Na- thaniel Atkinson, as tenant from year to year. LOT 2.—All that Messuage, Tenement, and Lands called TRERHYS, situate in the Parish of Bodedern, in the County of Anglesey, now in the occupation of Mr. Michael Parry, as tenant from year to year, con- taining- 161 acres or thereabouts. LOT 3.—-All that Messuage, Tenement, and Lands, called BRYJS LLYN (formerly part of Trerhys) situ- ate in the said Parish of Bodedern, containing 50 acres or thereabouts (exclusive of 25A. 3R. 25P. of Llywenan Lake, by which it is bounded on the south-easterly side), now in the occupation of the said Michael Parry, as tenant from year to year. Lot one is situated within about 3 miles of the Market Town of Llangefni; 4 miles from the intended Bodorgau Station on the Chester and Holyhead Railway, to which there is an excellent road 9 from the Menai Bridg'e, and 12 from the improving and important Town of Holyhead. The House was most substantially and coinmodiously built for a first-rate Hotel, some years since, by the Commissioners for lymproving the com- munication between London and Dublin, but so con- structed as to be readily converted into a most desirable private residence. There are 6 spacious and lofty roomp on the ertund-floor, and 2 good Kitchens, Pan- try, Wash-house, Brewhouse, &c. &c., with 4 cellars underneath and 13 airy and roomy Bedrooms. There are 6 excellent Stables with Coach-houses and Offices, in a spacious yard. Also, Farm Buildings and conve- niences of every description adjoining, and singularly well arranged. The Garden is very extensive, particu- larly well walled, and completely stocked with c.ioice fruit trees. The Plantations and grounds, which are judiciously laid out, are in a most thriving condition. The great Holyhead post road passes within a most con- vttnient distance of the house, running for about half a mile through the Farm, which lies in a ring fence. 1 tie tithe rent charge and parochial rates are exceedingly mo- derate in this parish. There are also in this lot, lour groups of Cottag-es on the great Holyhead road, a con- venient distance from Mona House, built for Farm j^irers anc^ Workmen, containing 17 Substantia and Comfortable Dwellings, with Gardens attached.; 3 of which groups are ia Lease, 6 vears only being unexpired. Lots Two and Three are most desirable Farms, con- sisting- of rich arable and pasture land, in a high state of cultivation, lying compactly together in a ring boun- dary, distant about 6 miles from the town of Holyhead, half a mile of Bodedern, and about 4 from the intended valley station of the Chester and Holyhead Railway. The respective Tenants will direct a person to shew the property, and further particulars may be obtained by application to Mr. O. OWEN, Solicitor, Beaumaris, or to Mr. J. R. HASLAM, Menai Bridge, with whom plans of the Estate are left for inspection. NEWSPAPER FOR THE FARMING AND CARDENINC INTEREST TO ALL WHO HAVE GARDENS OR FARMS. January I, will be published, price Sixpence, free by Post, each Volume complete in itself Enlarged to Twenty-four Polio Pages, THE FIRST NUMBER FOR 1848 OF THE GARDENERS' CHRONICLE I AND AGRICULTURAL GAZETTE; A WEEKLY RECORD OF RURAL ECONOMY AND GENERAL NEWS. • THE HORTICULTURAL PART EDITED BY PROFESSOR LINDLEY. [IF, FARMING PART (UNDER THE EDITORSHIP OF A PRACTICAL FARMER) L TREATS OF- Th s P ractice of agriculture Agricultural Science Animal and Vegetable Physiology Improvements ill Implements described by Woodcuts whenever requisite Better Modes of Husbandry Results of well-conducted Experi- mental Farming Growth and Rotation of Crops Stock Drainage Irrigation Foresting Roadmaking Farm Buildings Labourers Agricultural Publications, &c., &c. In short, whatever affects the beneficial employment of capital in land. Reports are regularly given of the English, Scotch, and Irish Agricultural Societies and Farmers Clubs London Market Prices of Corn, Hay, Catile, Seeds, Hops, Potatoes, Wool, &c., and the Weekly Averages. As REGARDS THE GARDENING PART (under the Editorship of Dr. Lindley), the principle is to make it a weekly record of everything that bears upon Horticulture, Floriculture, Arboriculture, or Garden Botany, and such Natural History as has a relation to Gardening, with Notices and Criticisms of all Works on such subjects. Connected with this part are WEEKLY CALENDARS OF GGARDENIN OPERATIONS, Given in detail, and adapted to the objects of persons in every station of life so lhat the Cottager, with a few rods of ground before his door, the Amateur who has only a Greenhouse, and the Manager of extensive Gar- dens, are alike informed of the routine of Operations which the varying seasons render necessary. It more- dens, are alike informed of the routine of Operations which the varying seasons render necessary. It more- over contains Reports of Horticultural Exhibitions and Proceed ings -Notices of Novelties and Improvements in fact, every thing that can tend to advance the Profession, benefit the condition of the Workman, or conduce to the pleasure of his Employer Woodcuts are given whenever the matter treated of requires that mode of illustration. REPLIES TO QUESTIONS connected with the object of the Paper are also furnished weekly. Lastly, that description of DOMESTIC AND POLITICAL NEWS is introduced which is usually found in a Weekly Newspaper. It is uiinecessai-v 'to dwell on this head further than to say, that the Proprietors do not range themselves under the banners of any Party; their earnest endeavours are to make "THE GARDENERS' CHRONICLE AND AGRICULTURAL GAZETTE' a full and comprehensive Record of Facts only—a Newspaper in the true sense of tlie.woi-d-leavin, the Reader to form his own opinions; their object being the elucidation of the laws of Nature, not of Man. The Reader is thus furnished, in addition to the peculiar features of the Journal, with such information concerning the events of the day, as supersedes the necessity of his providing him- self with any other Weekly Paper. 0 11 A PROSPECTUS, WITH LIST OF CONTRIBUTORS, May be had on application, or by letter, at the Office, 5, Upper Wellington Street, Covent Garden, London. Parties intending to conmance with the New Volume had better give their Orders at once to any News Vender Notice is Hereby Given. THAT a Separate Building named BETHEL, situated in the Parish of Llanddeiniolen, in the County of Carnarvon, in the District of Carnarvon, being a Building certified according' to Law, as a place of Religious Worship, was on the Eighteenth day of November, 1847, duly Registered for solemnizing Mar- riages therein, pursuant to the Act 6th and 7th Wm. IV, c. 85. Witness my hand this 12th day ot January, 1848. JOHN THOMAS, Superintendent Registrar. Notice is Hereby Given, THAT a separate Building named BETHEL, si- tuated at ABERYSTWYTH, in the parish ofLlan- badarnfawr, in the county of Cardigan, in the District of Aberystwyth, being a building Certified according to Law as a place of Religious Worship, was on the fourth day of JANUARY, one thousand eight- hundred and forty eight, duly Registered for Solemnizing MAR- RIAGES therein, pursuant to the Act of 6 and 7 Wil- liam 4, cap. 85. Witness my hand this 8th day of January, one thou- sand eight hundred and forty eight. HUGH HUGHES, Superintendent Registrar. Porthdynllaen and Nanthwynant Trust. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That the GENERAL ANNUAL MEETING of the Trustees of the Turnpike Roads, under an Act passed in the Fifth Year of the Reign of his late Majesty King George the Fourth, intituled An Act for Amend- ing and Improving the Road from Porthdynllaen to or near Cerrig-y-rhwydur, and from Tan-y-graig, in the Parish of Bodvean, to Pwllheli, and from thence to Llanystymdwy, and from Cerrig-y-rhwydur aforesaid, to or near Capel Cerrig, and for making a Road from Pwllheli aforesaid to Penrhyndu, in the parish of Llan- engan, all in the County of Carnarvon," will be held at the TOWN HALL, in the Town of PWLLHELI, in the said County of Carnarvon, on WEDNESDAY, the 26th day of JANUARY instant, at 12 o'clock at noon, for the purpose of examining, auditing', and settling the Ac- counts of the Treasurer, Surveyors, and other persons employed in the receipt and expenditure of any of the Monies belonging to the said Roads, and generally of transacting such other matters and things in the busi- ness of the Trust as shall then occur. Dated this 12th day of January, 1848. GRIFFITH JONES, Clerk to the Trustees. COUNTY Or DENBIGH. Parishes of Llangerniew and Gwytherin annexed to the Division of Uwchdulas. AT the General Quarter Sessions of the Peace of our Sovereign Lady the Queen, held at RUTHIN, in and for the County of Denbigh, on Tuesday in the week next after the twenty-eighth day of December, to wit on the Fourth day of January, in the Eleventh Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lady Victoria, riow Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, and so forth, and in the Year of our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and Forty Eight, before John Heaton, Esquire, and the Reverend Edward Thelwall, Clerk, and others their companions, Justices of our said Lady the Queen, assigned and so forth. ORDERED, that the Parishes of Llangerniew and Gwytherin, in the County of Denbigh, be changed and uisannexed from the Division of Isaled, in the said County of Denbigh, and annexed to the Division of Uwchdulas, in the said County, and that the said Parishes of Llangerniew and Gwytherin shall, together With the several Parishes and places forming the said Division of Uwchdulas, constitute one Division within which PETTY and SPECIAL SESSIONS shall hencefor- ward be holden. And it is further Ordered that this Order shall take effect from the day of the making hereof. By the Court, JOSEPH PEERS, Clerk of the Peace. North and South Wales Bank. PREFERENCE SHARES. THE DIRECTORS are now ready to receive J- Applications from parties desirous of becoming Holders of the PREFERENCE SHARES now in course of issue by the Bank. nese Shares are for 10/. each, and are payable by piif lnstalments of 21, 10*. each, on 24th inst., 24tn t £ U!CU' anfl 24th May, respectively. nf tv?° entitle the Holder to Preferential Interest ne rate of Seven per Cent, per Annum. anr.r having Deposits of Money in the Bank, may the Sha*10'1 ^ePos*ts Payment of the Instalments on f he Interest upon the New Shares will commence I "e "ay of payment of each Instalment: but the «du«mc!?ent8' at the option of parties, may be paid in A form of Application is annexed. By order of the Directors, GEORGE RAE, Liverpool, 22nd Dec., 1847. General Manager. To the Director, of the North and South Wales Bank, Liverpool. have to request that you will allot Q Preference Shares in the Stock of the nd South Wales Bank now in course of issue U mJern?8 *'le Resolutions passed at the Extra- ber^ 1847 Proprietors held on 22nd Decem- Name —————-———— Address Date — NATIONAL Loan rnnd Life Assurance Society, 20, Cornhill, London. Capital, 500,OOOI.-Empowered by Act of Parliament. THIS Institution embraces important and substan- i- tial advantages with respect to Life Assurances and Deferred Annuities. The Assured has, on all occasions, the power to borrow, without expense or forfeiture of the Policy, two-thirds of the premiums paid, (see table ;) also, the option of selectiii., benefits, and the conversion of his interests to meet other con- veniencies or necessity. Assurances for terms of years on the lowest possible rat?s. DIVISION OF PROFITS. The increasing prosperity of the Society has enabled the Directors, at the annual meeting held on the 12th Ila to A, 1847, to declare a Fifth BONUS, varying from 35 to 85 per cent. on the premiums paid on each Policy effected on the Profit Scale. EXAMPLES. Perma- Sam the •'p«i "eI Bonus in nent re-J Assured bo T c| •§ a.3 addition Bonus induction of may ij a to Sum Cash. Annual Borrow £ « Auured. Prems. 'OtiPnlicy. £ £ s. d. I £ ». d. £ s. d £ t. d.| £ s. d. f 1S37 243 9 3 112 8 5 18 4 6^91 8 10 I i 18 :8 218 4 8 99 8 10 1513544501 74 1 1839 192 1 10 80 9 3 13 4 0 395 11 1 00 1000 1 1810 143 5 10 6<j 8 4 9 19 1|346 2 5 1841 138 14 2 til IT 6\ 0 9 2 296 13 3 l1 1842 111 6 8 49 10 0! 7 10 4 247 4 0 The Annual Report, with tables of rates, &c., may be had at the Office, or any of its branches in the country or, on application, will he forwarded post free. F. FERGUSON CAMROUX, Sec. AGENTS. LIVERPOOL.—James Irvine, Esq., 4, Cook-street, first door out of Castle-street. MANCHESTER.—Messrs. Duffield and Loftliouse, and W hitworth, 12, Princess-street. CARNARVON-ilr. John Thomas, Vaynol House; Wol. Roberts, Esq., Medical Referee. ON AND DAVIES. THE TEA MARKET, NO. RANELAGH STREET, LIVERPOOL, DECEMBER 1, 1847. I1T, IN TEA. The supply of Blaek Tea this year is much larger, j. and the qualities superior to former years this, in conju"ctl°n ^V1,h the continued scarcity of money, has caused the nrst cost of Tea to be lower than ever known .— ner^foi-e, we are now enabled to make an UIPORTANT REDUCTION in our Prices to Families, who way be supplied, tor Nett Cash Payments, by our appointed Ag-ents in various parts of the United Iving- dom, at our LIVERPOOL PRICES, viz. BLACK TEAS. s. d. Stiong Black-leaf Congou 3 8 Choice Congou, strong and full-fla-. voured 44 The filleat Pekoe-flavoured Tea 5 0 The "lack Teas can be had mixed with Green, if required, at the above prices. GREEN TEAS. s. d. Fine Ilyson Twankay 4 0 Fine Young Hj^son 5 0 choicest Oucliaiii 6 0 The finest Gunpowder 7 0 The lea is secured in Tin Foil, and put up in package8 ot 2 oz., lb to 3 lbs. weight, and small con- Chests, tammg- 12 and 14 lbs. Upon Chests from 30 to 80 Ibs., the customary overweight allowed of 1 to 2 lbs. each. COFFEES. s. d. Good Costa Rica. ] 4 Fine East India-picked quality. 1 8 The Choicest Mocha or Jamaica. 2 0 The Coftee is secured in Tin Foil, and put up in packages of j lb., lIb, and 1 lb, weight, Ground or in the Berry. LIST OF AGENTS IN WALES. Aberystwyth, Jas. Cox, Stationer. Abenjele, S. Hug-bes, Draper. A mlwch, Hugh Hughes, Stationer. Abergavenny, J. Watkins, Confectioner. Bangor, O. Owens, Tailor and Draper. Bethesda, Hug'h Jones, Tea Dealer. Beulah, Wooding and Son, Tea Dealers. Beaumaris, Mrs. Pritchard, Confectioner. Beddgelert, John Roberts, Grocer. Brecon, Sarnl. Humpage, Stationer. Builth, David Williams, Draper. Carmarthen, Evan Jones, Diaper. Carnarvon, R. Owen & Co., Drapers. Chepstow, Thos. Howell, Confectioner. Clwt y Bont E. E. Thomas, Tea Dealer. Denbigh, Robt. Foulkes, Draper. Dowlais, M. Edwards, Tea Dealer. Errwood, Stephen Joi-e-s, Tea Dealer. Festtniog, Jones and Co., Drapers. Hay, Wm. Harris, Stationer. Haverfordwest Tlioa. Williams, Druggist. Holyhead, E. Edward*, Draper Llangefni, J Donne, Tea Dealer. Llangollen, John Evans, DraDer Llandulas, John Hughes, Draper. Llumercliymedd, 0. Prytliereh, Postmaster. Llaneltdan C. Price, Tea Dealer. Llanfair, Wm. Watkins, Draper Jterun Bridge Morris Williams, Draper. Merihyr Tydvd, Wm. Wilkins, Stationer. Monmouth R Y. WaU £ rh, Stationer. beath John Thomas, Tea Dealer. Oswestry, Edwd. Davies, Confectioner. Pembroke Dock, W m. Dawkins, Draper. Pengarnutog, R. Owen, Tea De'iW Port Madoc, p"tchard & Son, Drapers. Rhos y Medre, Geo Bradley, Confectioner. Swansea, James Adams, Confectioner Taiga,-th, Willittms & Nicholas, Drapers. Tredegar, J. Thomas, Bookseller. Wrexham, John Rt ale, Druggist Applicationsfor the Commission to Sell the above Company s Tea and Coffee by 0ne respectable party, in each Town m the United Kingdom, will havV the best attention. One Agent only is appointed in each town. EDUCATION ZM WAXiSS. Just Published, Price Sixpence, A FREE Translation into Welsh, with Annotations £ *■ by the Author. A LETTER ADDRESSED TO H. VAUGHAN JOHNSON, Esq., one or her Majesty's Commissioners for Enquiring into the State of Education in the Principality of Wales. BY OWEN OWEN ROBERTS. A ddysger i fab Dduwsul Ef a'i gwybydd Dduwllun. HEX DDIAREB. Rhad Duw ar Addysg a Rhyddid." Orders addressed to the printer, J. REES, Carnarvon, will be attended to. Pwllheli, W. ROBBRTS Conway, W. BRIDGE; Bangor, D. HUMPHREYS; Holyhead, J. DAVIES, Ilolyktll, P. M. Ev ANS Llanrwst, J. JONES. Menai Srfdg-e, Bangor, Beaumaris and Liverpool. I The Powerful and Fast-Sniling Iron Steamer CAMBRIA, Captain JOHN HUNTER, T1TILL leave LIVERPOOL, until further notice, TV 011 TUESDAYS and FRIDAYS, at Ten, Morning, and will leave the NIENAI BRIDGE on THURSDAYS and SATURDAYS, at Nine, Morning. At Meimi Bridg-e apply to Mr.ROBERT HUMPHREYS, jun.; at Liverpool, to PRICE and CASE, 16, Exchange Buildings. Aftfr SATURDAY, the 22d inst., the CAMBRIA will LAY UP to REFIT. Due notice will be given when she is ready to resume her station. DIRECT STEAM COMMUNICATION BETWEEN Menai Bridge, Bangor, Beaumaris, and Liverpool. I ,1 THE CITY OF DUBLIN COIMPANY'S Splendid and Powerful New Iron Steam Ship, PRINCE OF WALES, (Of 400 Tons Burthen, and 200 Horse power, W. H. WARREN, R.N., Commander, ( Built expressly for the Station,) Will commence her Winter Sailings on SATURDAY, the 16th instant, and is intended to leave MENAI BRIDGE, on MONDAYS and FRIDAYS, at Nina o'clock in the Morning; and GEORGE'S PIER HEAD, LIVERPOOL, on WEDNESDAYS and SATURDAYS, at Nine o'clock in the Morning. Coaches from Holyhead, Carnarvon, and Amlwch, wait the arrival of the Prince of Wales, to convey Passengers forward, and return in the morning in time to proceed to Liverpool. The MEDINA now Plies between the Menni Bridge and Carnarvon, to forward Passengers and Goods. Further parriculars may be had on application to Mr. E. W. TIMOTHY, or Messrs. R. and H. HUMPHREYS, Menai Bridge; Mr. ROBERT PRITCHARD, Post- master' Bangor; Mr. T. BYRNE, Post-master, Beau- maris; Mr. J. JONE,3, High-street, Carnarvon or to Mr. J. K. ROUNTHWAITE, at the Company's Offices, 24, Water-street, Liverpool. THREE TIMES A FORTNIGHT. Carnarvon aDd Liverpool Direct, WITH GOODS AND PASSENGERS. i I- -i I THE FIRST-CLASS FAST-SAIMNO IRON STEAMER ORION, ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY HORSE POWER, WILL Sail as under during the month of JANUARY. FROM LIVERPOOL. SEACOMBE SLIP. January 3rd Thursday .WW 8 A"M" 11th WW- Tuesday 8 17fh Monday 8 20 h Thursday 8 2^rh 'W.. Tuesday 8 •. IS » « FROM CARNARVON. T Tuesday 7 January 4th F).idll/ 8 « 14 h WW 6 « 8 th Tuesday 7 S Friday 8 « 21st Friday 6 28th Calling at BANGOR, BEAUMARIS, and MENAI BRIDGE, to land and receive Passengers. GOODS will be received for PWLLHELI, PORT MADOC FESTINIOG, and LLANLLYFNI, &c. &c. at the Clarence Dock Basin, South Side. For further particulars apply to JOSEPH SANDER- SON and Co., 13, Water-street, Liverpool; WILLIAM TURNER, jun., Carnarvon. Carnarvon, 1st Jan., 1848. VI The extensive practice of f MT 1? Jj B 1*1 1 I Messrs. R. and L. Perry and Co., the continued demand for their work, entitled the "SILENT FRIEND," (one hundred and twenty-five thousand copies of which have been sold,) and the extensive sale and high repute of their Medicines have induced some unprincipled persons to assume the name of Perry and closely imitate the title of the Work and names of the Medi- cines. The Public is hereby cautioned that such per- sons are not in any way connected with the firm of R. and L. Perry and Co. of London, who do not visit the Provinces, and are only to be consulted personally, or by letter, at their Establishment, 19, Benners-street, Oxford-street, London. Illustrated with 26 Anatomical Coloured Engravings on Steel, on PHYSICAL DISQUALIFICATIONS GENERATIVE INCAPACITY, and IMPEDIMENTS to MAR- RIAGE, THE SIIiBNT friend, (A New Edition, enlarged to 196 pages, price 28. 6d ) In order to ensure secrecy, and punctuality in deli- verv. the work will be sent direct from the Establish- ment, free to any part of the kingdom, in a sealed en- velope, on the receipt of 3*. 6d. in postage stamps. THE SILENT FRIEND is a Medical Work, written in language devoid of professional techni- calities, on the PHYSICAL DISQUALIFICATIONS uffeet- ing the generative system in both sexes. It contains an elaborate and carefully-written account of the AN A- TOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY OF THE ORGANS IN MAN which are directly and indirectly concerned in the function of generation, (illustrated by coloured engrav- ings,) and the CAUSES and CONSEQUENCES result- ing" from the baneful practice by which the VIGOU R AND MANLINESS OF LIFE are enervated and de- stroyed, even before nature has fully established the powers and stamina of the constitution. LOCAL AND GKNBRAL DEBILITY, NERVOUS IRRITABILITY AND EXCITEMENT, CONSUMPTION, INDIGESTION OF THE MOST FEARFUL AND EXHAUSTING KIND, INTENSE MELANCHOLY AND DEPRESSION OF Tilit 8PIBWS, I AXD PARTIAL OR COMPLETE EXTINCTION OF THE REPRODUCTIVE POWERS, &c., are thus produced. In the SILENT FRIEND, the chapter devoted to the consideration of these dreadful complaints contains also un account of the means by which they may be pre- vented and removed, so as to restore the sufferer to the full enjoyment of health and the functions of manhood. The consequences resulting from venereal contamina- tion are next pointed out, and the nature and cha- racter of gonorrha-a, gleet, stricture, and secondary symp- tou s if every kind are clearly explained, with directions tor cure. Their dangerous effects on the human eco- nomy are sufficiently dilated on, and a means is also indicated by which the recutrence of these dise nes may in every instance be completely prevented. The work terminates with a chapter on the obligations of mar- riage, the physical impediments whii-h tend to disqua. lity the candidate for that holy slate, and the direc- tions necessary for their removal. The work is illustrated by the detail of ofcases, and by 26 coloured engravings 011 s 1 *1, thus rendering it what iu uaine purports it to Le, the true but silent friend to all suffering from the consequences of early error and vice,—a work which may be consulted without exposure, and with every assurance of complete sue cess and benefit. By IL & L. PER R. Y, Consulting Surgeons. Published by the Authors, and sold by Strange, 21 Paternoster-row H a may & Co., 63, Oxford-street; Sanger, 150, Oxt'ord-street; Gordon, 1-46, Leadenhall- street; Starie 2 >, Titcliborn -street, Hay market, Lon- don; Newton, 16 a.d 19, Cuurch-street, Liverpool; Rawle, Church-street, Liverpool; Ingram, Market- street, Manchester; D. Campbell, IJti, Argyle-street, Glasgow; R. Lindsay, II, Elms-row, Edinburgh: Powell. 10, Westmoreiand-street, Dublin and by all I OjkseiLrs and patent medicine venders in town and country. Part the First-Of this work is dedicated to he con- sideration o the Anatomy aul Physiol, gy of the gene- rative functions. It embraces a succinct aec<uat of all :he organs in man which are eng.iged in the important function of the reproduction or the species, and the mode in which selt-abuse operatt s to the injury of the human frame, and the destiuctioa of the special and vital powers. This is illustrated by six coloured en- gravings. Part the Second—Treats of the infirmities and decay of the system produiel by over indulgence of the passions. The existence of De, VOIS and sexual debility and incapacity, with their accompanying train of symp- toms and disorders, are treated by the chain of con- necting results to this cause. This section is illustrated bv three coloured engravings, which fully display the eif, c,-s of phvs;cal decay. Part the Tltir i-Contains an accurate description of the diseases caused by inlectiou, and by the abuse of mercury primary and s condary symptoms, eruptions of the skin, sore thn at, inflammation of the eyes, disease of the bones, gonorrlicei, gr eet, stricture, are shown to depend on this cause. Advice for the treat- ment of all diseases and their consequences is tendered it this section, which i duly followed up, cannot fail in effecting a cure. The Part is illustrated by seventeen coloured engraving's. Part the FOil th —Treats of the Prevention ofdis, aS3 by a simple application, by which tne danger of infec- tion is obviat. d. Its action is simple but sure. It acts with the virus chemically, and destroys its power on the svstem. This important part ot the" crk should be read by every Young Man entering into life. Pari the Fifth—Treats of Marriage, its obligations and disqllalifi, ations. The causes which lead to hap- piness in the marriage state are dwelt upon, and those which are indicative of misery and domestic inquietude. The llatlr', origin, an,1 treatment of physical disqualifi- cations are also described, and remedies for this state form an important consideration in this section of the work. The diffidence and which are among- the na- tural consequences of these affections, frequently prevent persons from applying for assistance until great, al- though not perhaps irremediable mischief has been inflicted 011 the constitution and powers of life. I t is to be hoped that the perusal of this work will teach such persons the injurious consequences of delay, and lead them at once to seek that advice and counsel, by which alone they can be saved from the horrors of an existence protracted amidst long1 enduring wretched- ness, both of mind and body. The CORDIAL BALM of SYRIACUM is expressly employed to renovate the impaired powers of life. when exhausted by the influence exerted by solitary indul- gence oil the system. Its action is purely balsamic; its power in reinviijoratinsr the frume in all cases of nervous and sexual debility, obstinate gleets, impo- tency, barrenness, and debilities arising- from venereal excesses, has been demonstrated by its unvarying success in thousands of cases. To those persons who are prevented entering the married state by the con- sequences of early errors, it is invaluable. Price lie. p r bottle, or four quantities in one for 33s. The CONCENTRATED DETERSIVE ESSENCE, an anti-syphilitic remedy, for purify ins" the system from venereal contamination, and is recommended for any of the varied forms of secondary-symptoms, such as eruptions on the skin, blotches on the head and face, enlargement ol the throat, tonsils, and uvula; threat- ened destruction of the nose, palate, See. Its action is purely detersive, and its beneficial influence on the system is undeniable. Price I Is. and 33s. per bottle. Price I Is. or four at I Is. in one bottle for 33s. by whieh I Is. are saved. The 51. cases of Svriacum or Con- centrated Detersive Essence, can only be had at .19. Berners Street. Oxford Street, London. By purchasing one of these cases, there will be a saving of II. 12., AND THE PATIENT IS ENTITLED TO RECEIVE AD- VICE WITHOUT A FEE, WHICH ADVANTAGE IS HOWEVER APPLICABLE ONLY TO THOSE WHO REMIT 51. FOR A PACKET. A minute detail of the case is necessaiy. PERRVs Purifying Specific PILLS, Price 2s. gd., 48, 6d., and 11,. per Box. These Pills, each Box of which is accompanied with explicit directions, are well known throughout Europe to be the most certain and effectual remedy ever disco- vered for gonorrhoea, both in its mild and aggravated forms. Tliev immediately allay the inflammation by their specific influence on the urethra, and arrest the future progress of the disease. Gleets, strictures, irritations, and chronic inflamma- tions of the bladder, p-iins of the loin- and kidneys, gravel, and other disorders of the urinary passages, in either sex, are speedily and permanently cured, without confinement or the least exposure. In all cases of consultation by letter, the usual fee of one pound must be forwarded, either by Post Oflice order, or otherwise. Patients are requested to be -is minute as possible in the detail ot their cases, noting especially the duration of the complaint, the mode of its commencing, its symp- toms and progress, age, habits of living, and general occupation. Medicines can be forwarded to any part of the world no difficulty can occur, as they will be securely packed, and carefully protected from observa- tion. These Medicines are prepared only by Messrs. R. and L. Perry and Co., Surgeons, 19, Berners-street, Oxford- street, London and sold by all Medicine Venders ia Town or Country. N.B. Country Medicine Vendors can be supJied by most of the Wholesale Patent Medicine Houses in Lon- don. Messrs. R. and L. Perry and Co., Street consulted as usual at l9' B,er^r Silent Friend ) from if and on Sundays froM Sold by THOMAS A. B^gorf' JOHN BROWN, Chronicle 0» Carn!lrVon; Wil- GRIFFITH, Chemist Hign £ BJO.H H. G.HUGHES, LIA* Edwards, GhemisND Chemist, High Chemist Holyhead; JOHN chpinist> Hio-h Ssreet. Street, Wrexham: E. w offic^ Bridsrt,nd H Brecon; PHI LIP.PR1^' CARDIFF; WALTER THO- WEBBER, Guardian Antrel,) Merthyr; J. W. MAS. Chemist, (oppo j Carmarthen; W. WHITE, Chemist, C!,rdiffan. Q E> WILLIAMS, Che H.;verf £ rdwest; JOSEPH POTTER, DA\ IEf, Che jjaVerfordwest; R. C. TREWEEKS, Herald Ofcce, THOMAS EVANS, Chemist, Higt ^hemwt,Pe j MOORE, Chemist,Broad Street, vre Town T«OMAS STEPHENS Chemist, High c.eW ♦ MM-thvr Tvdvil; FERRIS & SCORE, Druggists union street, Bristol; JOHN WATTON, Chrtnid.. rtSiJv Shrewsbury; JAMES CHILLCOTT, BookselUr Street, Leominster DRAPER, Chemist, Bread Street Hereford; T. FARRAR, Beacon Office, month'; E.V. JENKINS, Commercial Street, Newport and Phillips- Chemist, High Street, Newport ot all of whom may be had the 'SILENT FRIEND.'